DIAMONDS OF THE SKY Inside Canada's GA Powerhouse - COPA

Page created by Leslie Reese
DIAMONDS OF THE SKY Inside Canada's GA Powerhouse - COPA
The Journal of the Canadian Owners and Pilots Association
                                                                            FEBRUARY 2021

           More than

         Classified Ads

Inside Canada’s GA Powerhouse

                                                            TRAFFIC NOTIFICATION SYSTEMS
                                                            NARROWING THE GAP OF PILOT SKILLS

                                                              TOTAL COST OF OWNERSHIP
                                                             EVALUATING YOUR NEXT AIRCRAFT

                                                                  FLIGHT SIMULATION
                                                              DESKTOP HELP OR HINDERANCE
DIAMONDS OF THE SKY Inside Canada's GA Powerhouse - COPA
JUNE 24-27
     JUIN, 2021

         Register today:   Inscrivez-vous maintenant:
DIAMONDS OF THE SKY Inside Canada's GA Powerhouse - COPA

                                                                                                  4 PRESIDENT’S CORNER
                                                                                                  MEET YOUR COPA NATIONAL TEAM

                                                                                                  6 NEWSLINE
                                                                                                  ALGHABRA AND BOHN, NEW VOICES FOR
                                                                                                  CANADIAN AVIATION

  24                                                                                              9 INCIDENTS & ACCIDENTS
                                                                                                  NOSE WHEEL STRIKE, DAMAGED WIRING,
                                                                                                  POWER LOSS, AND ELT SAFETY EVENTS

FEATURES                                                                                          12 CONTROL COLUMN
                                                                                                  A YEAR OF PROMISE, HOW PILOTS CAN
                                                                                                  HELP SUPPORT CANADIAN AVIATION
Scott McFadzean discusses GA advances at Diamond Aircraft Industries Inc.
                                                                                                  14 PLANE TECH
                                                                                                  TRAFFIC NOTIFICATION SYSTEMS
                                                                                                  NARROW THE SKILLS GAP
From fixed to variable costs, how to better evaluate your next aircraft purchase                  16 AVIATION INSURANCE
                                                                                                  UNDERSTANDING HOW THE HARD
                                                                                                  MARKET IS IMPACTING AVIATION
How MFS 2020 and VR impacted the pursuit of a Private Pilot Licence                               34 DISPATCHES
                                                                                                  BUILDING A LIFELONG PASSION, MY
                                                                                                  JOURNEY TO THE FLIGHT DECK
ON THE COVER: After receiving EASA Type Certification in September 2020, Dia-
mond Aircraft expects the new DA50 RG to earn approval from Transport Canada
by late-2021, shortly after the aircraft itself begins production at the company’s
all-important facility in London, Ontario. (Photo: Diamond Aircraft)

                                                                                                                 Clark Morawetz

                                                            COPA BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                    READER SERVICE                                                                        Jonathan Beauchesne, Treasurer
         Print and digital subscription inquires                                                    514-585-3959,
               or changes, please contact                          B.C. & Yukon
      Jay Doshi, Audience Development Manager                   Warwick Patterson
                     Tel: (416) 510-5124                                                                         Mathieu Delorme
                    Fax: (416) 510-6875                                                              514-248-5379,
         Mail: 111 Gordon Baker Rd., Suite 400,                      Kate Klassen
                   Toronto, ON M2H 3R1                 604-366-8211,
                                                                                                         Bill Mahoney, Eastern Vice-Chair
                      EDITOR                                                                        709-685-6885,
                                                                  Alberta & N.W.T.
                   Jon Robinson
                                                               Henry Vos, Treasurer                                                                 Newfoundland and Labrador
                   647-448-6188                         780-835-1992,
                                                                                                               Bill Mahoney, Chair
              CONTRIBUTING WRITERS                       Ken Zachkewich, Western Vice-Chair
     Belinda Bryce, Peter Campbell, Allison Couch,   780-623-0673,
            Steven Garner, Phil Lightstone,                                                                          Maritimes
                   Anna Rusinowski                                                                                  Brian Pinsent
                  MEDIA DESIGNER                                   Candace Pardo
                    Alison Keba                         306-621-7181.
                                                                                                                Debbie Brekelmans
     DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SALES                                                         902-499-7941,
                                                               Manitoba & Nunavut
                     Mena Miu
                            Jim Bell, Secretary
                   416-510-6749                         204-293-5402,
                                                                                                        Christine Gervais, CEO and President
            ACCOUNT CO-ORDINATOR                                                                      613-236-4901,
                                                                  Northern Ontario
                  Barb Vowles
                                                                    Lloyd Richards
                  416-510-5103                         705-267-7111,
                                                                                                      Canadian Owners and Pilots Association
                                                                                                           75 Albert Street, Suite 903,
          GROUP PUBLISHER/VP SALES                              Southern Ontario
                 Martin McAnulty                                                                               Ottawa, ON K1P 5E7
                                                                   Kevin Elwood
     PUBLICATION MAIL AGREEMENT #40065710                                                               613-236-4901 |
       COPA Flight is published under contract             Doug Ronan, Eastern Vice-Chair
                                                                                                         Find us on Facebook and Instagram
         to COPA by Annex Business Media               705-327-4730,
                                                                                                        @copanational           #allforflight

                                                                                                     COPA FLIGHT | FEBRUARY 2021 3
DIAMONDS OF THE SKY Inside Canada's GA Powerhouse - COPA

                                           The best part of Angela’s job,         DA. Sharon’s primary responsibilities
                                        according to her, is getting to know      will include building new programs
                                        the members, whether on the phone         and evolving existing COPA initiatives.
                                        while renewing a membership or in         Additionally, Sharon is a part-time
                                        person at a COPA event.                   instructor in the post-graduate Brand
                                           Angela’s background is in customer     Management program at Algonquin
                                        service and she believes in being kind    College, is a woodworking enthusiast,
                                        and honest with everyone all while as-    and would like to add PPL contender
                                        sisting you with your requests. From      to her list of hobbies in the coming
                                        having no aviation experience, she        year!
                                        has learned a lot about this industry
                                        in her time with COPA and a Private
                                        Pilot License is quite possibly in her    “Peter has extensive RPAS
Please meet the amazing team that       future.
keeps COPA’s engine running and                                                   experience as a RCAF
propeller spinning. The contribution                   Meet Peter Campbell        RPAS/UAV pilot, serving
of these devoted individuals, who                      Peter joined COPA in
work tirelessly on advancing and                       mid-October last year as   missions in Kandahar... his
promoting COPA’s various initiatives,                  our Director, External     experience is inspiring.
undoubtedly influence the success of                   Relations. Peter comes
our beloved association.                with a wealth of experience that
                                        spans more than 50 years covering
              Meet Tanya Storing        General Aviation (GA) and the military                 Meet Carolina Izaguirre-
              Tanya is COPA’s Manager   (RCAF helicopter and jet pilot).                       Campos
              of Finance and Member       Prior to joining COPA, Peter’s GA                    Carolina is COPA’s
              Benefits and has been     experience extended over 10 years                      newest team member
              with COPA for 20 years.   as a flight instructor at the Ottawa                   and joins us as our
This is was devotion looks like!        Flying Club and as its CFI in the two     Communications Coordinator.
  Tanya began her career with COPA      years preceding his COPA arrival.            Carolina was born in Caracas,
as our Membership and Database            In addition, Peter has extensive        Venezuela, and came to Canada over
Administrator. Many members will        RPAS experience as a RCAF RPAS/           15 years ago to study English and
recognize her as the person behind      UAV pilot, serving missions in Kanda-     Psychology at Carleton University in
the registration desk at the annual     har. Peter is humble but his experi-      Ottawa. After 10 years in the field of
COPA Conventions since 2001.            ence is inspiring and I’m certain that    psychology, she decided to start a
  She has worn many hats over her       he’d be more than willing to share a      new adventure at Algonquin College,
20 years at COPA and now she to         few good stories over a pint or two.      where she completed a two-year
manages COPA’s day to day financials                                              Public Relations program. Carolina is
and facilitates the procurement of                   Meet Sharon Cheung           cheerful, energetic and full of refresh-
member benefits. She enjoys spend-                   Sharon Cheung joined us      ing innovative ideas. She spends her
ing her personal time at her cottage                 at the start of the New      free time volunteering within the Latin
on the Ottawa river surrounded by                    Year as the Director,        Community and at women shelters in
her family.                                          National Programs. She       the Ottawa area. Her favorite quote
                                        brings with her extensive experience      is “Your dreams can come true once
             Meet Angela Storing        in stakeholder relations and engage-      you’ve crossed the fear line”.
            Angela is COPA’s            ment.                                        As you can see, your COPA team is
            Administrative and             Sharon previously managed nation-      comprised of remarkable individuals
            Membership Coordinator.     al stakeholder relations files relating   who look forward to advancing, pro-
            She ha been the friendly    to RSC NOTAM, RPAS, space-based           moting and preserving our Canadian
voice behind every call you make to     ADS-B, CFPS, aeronautical studies,        freedom to fly, both for you and with
COPA National since 2018.               and airspace changes at NAV CANA-         you.

DIAMONDS OF THE SKY Inside Canada's GA Powerhouse - COPA

Faites connaissance de cet équipe ex-        faut être gentil et honnête avec tout le    NOTAM du SRC, le RPAS, l’ADS-B
traordinaire qui fait tourner le moteur      monde tout en vous aidant à répon-          satellitaires, le CFPS, les études
et l’hélice de la COPA. La contribu-         dre à vos demandes. N’ayant aucune          aéronautiques et les changements de
tion de ces personnes dévouées, qui          expérience de l’aviation, elle a beau-      l’espace aérien à NAV CANADA. Les
travaillent sans relâche à l’avance-         coup appris sur ce domaine au cours         principales responsabilités de Sharon
ment et à la promotion des diverses          de son passage à la COPA et il est fort     consisteront à élaborer de nouveaux
initiatives de la COPA, influence sans       probable qu’elle obtienne une licence       programmes et à faire évoluer les
aucun doute le succès de notre chère         de pilote privé dans l’avenir proche!       initiatives existantes de la COPA. De
association.                                                                             plus, Sharon est instructrice à temps
                                                            Rencontrez Peter             partiel dans le programme de gestion
               Rencontrez Tanya                             Campbell. Peter nous a       de la marque au Collège Algonquin,
               Storing. Tanya est la                        rejoint à la mi-octobre de   elle est une passionnée de menuiserie
               gestionnaire des finances                    l’année dernière en tant     et aimerait ajouter une licence de
               et des avantages aux                         que directeur des            pilote privé à sa liste de passe-temps
               membres de la COPA.           relations extérieures. Peter vient avec     dans l’année à venir !
Elle est à l’emploi de la COPA depuis        une riche expérience de plus de 50
20 ans. Voilà à quoi ressemble la            ans dans l’aviation générale (GA) et                       Rencontrez Carolina
dévotion !                                   militaire (pilote d’hélicoptère et de jet                  Izaguirre-Campos.
   Tanya a commencé sa carrière avec         de l’ARC).                                                 Carolina est le nouveau
la COPA en tant qu’administratrice des          Avant de rejoindre à nous, l’expéri-                    membre de l’équipe de la
adhésions et de la base de données.          ence de Peter dans le domaine de                           COPA et se joint à nous
De nombreux membres se souvi-                l’aviation générale s’étendait sur plus     en tant que coordinatrice des commu-
endront d’elle comme la personne             de dix ans en tant qu’instructeur de        nications.
derrière le bureau d’inscription aux         vol au Ottawa Flying Club, dont il a           Carolina est née à Caracas, au
congrès annuels de la COPA depuis            été l’instructeur de vol en chef (CFI)      Venezuela, et est venue au Canada il
2001. Elle a porté plusieurs chapeaux        au cours des deux années précédant          y a plus de quinze ans pour étudier
au cours de ses 20 ans avec la COPA          son arrivée. De plus, Peter a une           l’anglais et la psychologie à l’université
et maintenant elle gère les finances         grande expérience du SATP en tant           de Carleton, à Ottawa. Après dix ans
quotidiennes et facilite l’obtention des     que pilote de SATP(UAV) de l’ARC,           dans le domaine de la psychologie,
avantages aux membres. Elle aime             servant des missions à Kandahar.            elle a décidé de se lancer dans une
passer son temps personnel à son             Peter est humble mais son expérience        nouvelle aventure au Collège Algon-
chalet sur la rivière des Outaouais,         est inspirante et je suis certaine qu’il    quin, où elle a suivi un programme de
entourée de sa famille.                      serait plus que disposé à partager          relations publiques de deux ans. Caro-
                                             quelques bonnes histoires tout en           lina est joyeuse, énergétique et pleine
               Rencontrez Angela             prenant petit coup!                         d’idées novatrices et rafraîchissantes.
               Storing. Angela est la                                                    Elle passe son temps libre à faire du
               coordinatrice administra-                   Rencontrez Sharon             bénévolat au sein de la communauté
               tive et des adhésions. Elle                 Cheung. Sharon Cheung         latine et dans les refuges pour femmes
               est la voix amicale                         nous a rejoint au début       de la région d’Ottawa. Sa citation
derrière chaque appel que vous faites                      de la nouvelle année en       préférée est “vos rêves peuvent de-
au bureau national, et ce depuis 2018.                     tant que directrice des       venir réalité une fois que vous avez
  La meilleure partie de son travail,        programmes nationaux. Elle nous             franchi la ligne de la peur”.
selon elle, est d’apprendre à connaître      apporte sa grande expérience des               Comme vous pouvez le constater,
les membres, que ce soit au téléphone        relations et de l’engagement des            votre équipe COPA est composée de
lors du renouvellement d’une adhésion        parties prenantes.                          personnes remarquables qui se réjou-
ou en personne lors d’un événement             Auparavant, Sharon a géré les             issent de faire progresser, de promou-
de la COPA. Angela a une formation en        dossiers nationaux de relations avec        voir et de préserver la liberté de voler
service à la clientèle et elle croit qu’il   les parties prenantes concernant les        au Canada, pour vous et avec vous.

                                                                                             COPA FLIGHT | FEBRUARY 2021 5
DIAMONDS OF THE SKY Inside Canada's GA Powerhouse - COPA

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau          of Foreign Affairs (Consular                            nounced the appointment
on January 12 announced a range of              Affairs) and to the Minister                            of Raymond Bohn as Presi-
cabinet moves, including the appoint-           of International Trade Diver-                           dent and CEO, effective Feb.
ment of Omar Alghabra as the new                sification, before becoming                             1, 2021, succeeding Neil Wil-
federal minister of transport. Alghabra         Parliamentary Secretary to                              son who announced his re-
succeeds Marc Garneau, who remains              the Prime Minister (Public                              tirement in Oct. 2019.
in the federal cabinet as minister of           Service Renewal) and to the                                Bohn originally joined
foreign affairs. The cabinet shuffle was        Deputy Prime Minister and                               NAV CANADA in February
largely initiated by the cabinet depar-         Minister of Intergovernmental                           2000 and currently serves
ture of Navdeep Bains, minister of in-          Affairs in 2019.                                        as Vice President and Chief
novation, science and industry, who                A mechanical engineer by                             Human Resources Officer. In
                                                                                 Omar Alghabra,
announced his decision to not to run in         trade, Alghabra holds a Mas-     Minister of Transport. this role, he is also respon-
the next election.                              ter of Business Administration                          sible for strategic oversight
   Alghabra was first elected as the            and was a Distinguished Visiting Fellow of the company’s stakeholder relations
Member of Parliament for Mississauga            with the Faculty of Engineering and Ar- program, customer service and organi-
Centre in 2015, and also served as the          chitectural Science at Ryerson Universi- zational communications including em-
Member of Parliament for Mississauga            ty. He has worked in various roles with ployee and corporate communications,
Erindale from 2006 to 2008. The Gov-            General Electric Canada, Enbala Power, government and public affairs, media
ernment of Canada notes he served as            and the Ontario Energy Board.               relations and translation/terminology
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister            NAV CANADA on December 29 an- services.

                                                                                                                                           TOP PHOTO: GOVERNMENT OF CANADA, BOTTOM PHOTO: RICHARD LAWRENCE PHOTOGRAPHY, NAV CANADA
Le 12 janvier, le premier ministre ca-          Ingénieur en mécanique de                               en fonction le 1er février 2021.
nadien Justin Trudeau a annoncé un              formation, M. Alghabra est                                M. Bohn s’est joint à NAV
remaniement ministériel impliquant              titulaire d’une maîtrise en ad-                         CANADA en février 2000,
notamment la nomination d’Omar Al-              ministration des affaires, et il a                      et il occupe actuellement
ghabra au poste de ministre fédéral             été professeur invité émérite                           le poste de vice-président
des Transports – succédant à Marc Gar-          de la Faculté des sciences de                           et chef des ressources hu-
neau, nouveau ministre des Affaires             l’ingénierie et de l’architec-                          maines. À ce titre, il est
étrangères.                                     ture de l’Université Ryerson. Il                        également responsable de
   Ce remaniement ministériel découle           a occupé divers postes chez                             la supervision stratégique
en grande partie de l’annonce du départ         General Electric Canada, En-                            du programme de relations
du cabinet de Navdeep Bains, ministre           bala Power et la Commission                             avec les parties prenantes,
de l’Innovation, des Sciences et de l’In-       de l’énergie de l’Ontario.         Raymond Bohn en      du service à la clientèle et
dustrie, lequel a signifié ne pas avoir l’in-       Le 29 décembre, NAV            voie de devenir PDG des communications organ-
                                                                                   de NAV Canada le 1er
tention de se présenter aux prochaines          CANADA a annoncé la nom-           février 2021.        isationnelles, y compris les
élections.                                      ination de Raymond Bohn                                 communications avec les
   M. Alghabra a été élu pour la première       au poste de président et                                employés et l’entreprise, les
fois député de Mississauga-Centre en            chef de la direction, succédant à Neil affaires gouvernementales et publiques,
2015, et a également été député de              Wilson qui avait annoncé sa retraite en les relations avec les médias et les ser-
Mississauga Erindale de 2006 à 2008.            octobre 2019. Le nouveau PDG entrera vices de traduction/terminologie.

DIAMONDS OF THE SKY Inside Canada's GA Powerhouse - COPA
STORE                      FOR THE LOVE
            BOUTIQUE                      OF FLIGHT
  COMMANDES DE PLUS DE 150$                  DU CIEL

DIAMONDS OF THE SKY Inside Canada's GA Powerhouse - COPA

The Nanaimo Airport Commission on          capital plan will help Nanai-                         fees, parking fees and leases,
December 21 introduced a $28.8 million     mo Airport and our region                             with all net income reinvest-
infrastructure capital plan it is under-   recover from the impact of                            ed in infrastructure improve-
taking to help fuel the Central Island’s   the pandemic while ensur-                             ments. Government grants
economic recovery. The commission          ing the airport continues to                          have helped fund capital proj-
states this investment over the next       meet the needs of leisure                             ects, such as the new Airport
five years will enhance Nanaimo Air-       and business travellers for                           Terminal Building.
port’s (YCD) infrastructure to provide     the next generation.”                                    A statement from YCD ex-
additional route development options,         The Nanaimo Airport Com-                           plains the COVID-19 pandem-
including Toronto, Edmonton, Kelowna       mission adopted the 2021-          Dave Devana,       ic presented the airport with
and seasonal sun destinations.             2025 Financial Plan in late        President and CEO, the most-difficult financial
                                                                              Nanaimo Airport.
   “We’re proactively embracing our        2020, focusing on a budget                            challenges in its history. An
leadership role as a key economic driv-    that is based on a slow pan-                          estimated 181,072 passen-
er for the region,” said Dave Devana,      demic recovery with passenger traffic re- gers will travel through its gates in 2020,
President and CEO, Nanaimo Airport.        turning to 2019 levels by 2024. The com- down an estimated 63 per cent from the
“Our investments will create jobs and      mission, which operates as a non-profit record 491,499 in 2019. As a result, the
opportunities with multiple economic       corporation, notes no tax dollars are airport forecasts a $1.4 million loss in
spin-offs that touch all corners of the    being used to fund airport operations. 2020 compared to a $3.75 million sur-
region we serve. Our new infrastructure    It generates revenue through passenger plus in 2019.

Le 21 décembre, la Commission              aux besoins des voyageurs d’affaires et       Piper Aircraft received type certi-
de l’aéroport de Nanaimo (YCD) a           d’agrément pour la prochaine généra-          fication from the Federal Aviation
présenté un plan d’investissement          tion », a déclaré Dave Devana, chef de        Administration for its Pilot 100
quinquennal de 28,8 millions de            la direction de l’aéroport de Nanaimo.        trainer aircraft, which was intro-
dollars visant à améliorer les infra-         La Commission de l’aéroport de             duced at Sun-n-Fun in 2019. Launch
structures et contribuer à la reprise      Nanaimo a adopté le plan basé sur une         customer American Flyers is sched-
économique de l’île de Vancouver.          lente reprise postpandémie avec un            uled to take delivery of eight 100i
   La commission déclare que cet inves-    trafic de passagers revenant au niveau        aircraft by the end of 2020.
tissement vise aussi à ouvrir la porte à   de 2019 d’ici 2024. La Commission, qui           The Pilot 100i is an IFR-certified ver-
d’autres options de destinations com-      est exploitée comme un organisme              sion of the Pilot 100 equipped for VFR
me Toronto, Edmonton, Kelowna et des       à but non lucratif, souligne qu’aucun         flying. The new trainer aircraft family
destinations soleil saisonnières.          dollar des contribuables ne sert à fi-        is a derivative of the Piper PA-28 line,
   « Nos investissements créeront des      nancer les activités aéroportuaires. Ses      which first reached the market back in
emplois et des occasions générant de       revenus proviennent des redevances            the 1960s as the Cherokee.
                                                                                                                                      PHOTO: NANAIMO AIRPORT, FACEBOOK

multiples retombées économiques,           des passagers, des frais de stationne-           The company states the new Pilot
lesquelles toucheront toutes les ré-       ment et des baux. Tous les revenus nets       100i rounds out its portfolio of train-
gions que nous desservons. Notre nou-      sont réinvestis dans l’amélioration des       ing aircraft, which also includes the
veau plan d’immobilisations en infra-      infrastructures. Les subventions gou-         Archer TX, Archer DX, Arrow and
structure aidera l’aéroport de Nanaimo     vernementales ont toutefois aidé à fi-        Seminole. The Pilot 100i, priced un-
et notre région à se remettre de l’im-     nancer des projets d’immobilisations,         der US$300,000, features the Garmin
pact de la pandémie tout en veillant à     comme le nouveau terminal de l’aéro-          G3X and 180 hp Lycoming IO-360-
ce que l’aéroport continue de répondre     port.                                         B4A engine, which offers 128 ktas.

DIAMONDS OF THE SKY Inside Canada's GA Powerhouse - COPA

These reports are taken in part from                moved. The aircraft sustained substan-     strong Richardson, MB (CYWG) to Flin
Transport Canada’s CADORS website.                  tial damage to the nose landing gear,      Flon, MB (CYFO) rejected its take-off
                                                    cockpit, undercarriage and fuselage.       due to an indication. UPDATE from Air-
ONTARIO REGION                                                                                 worthiness: The aircraft, a Missinippi
TSB Report #A20O0099: An ama-                       An aircraft with a 1200 code entered       Air-Care Beech B200 (MA02), rejected
teur-built Glass Goose was initiating a             the Kitchener/Waterloo, ON (CYKF)          its take-off due to a right-hand (R/H)
local flight from Pembroke, ON (CYTA)               zone, 5NM east of CYKF at 2100ft, with-    torque indication that became erratic
with 1 pilot onboard. While on the take-            out establishing contact or getting a      upon application of take-off power. The
off roll on Runway 35, the aircraft nosed           clearance. UPDATE: Addition of aircraft    pilot contacted maintenance, and Mis-
up quicker and at a higher angle of at-             registration. Narrative updated to read    sinippi aircraft maintenance engineers
tack than expected. The pilot applied a             as follows: A Flight 6IX Incorporated      (AMEs) went to CYWG to inspected the
forward pressure on the control stick to            Cessna 172P (C-FWAZ), with a 1200          aircraft. AMEs found damaged wiring
compensate, resulting in a nose down                code, entered the CYKF) zone, 5NM east     on a wire bundle that passes through
attitude. The nose wheel struck the run-            of CYKF at 2100ft, without establishing    a bulkhead on the engine mount. The
way and the aircraft began to porpoise.             contact or getting a clearance. Shortly    wiring was repaired, engine runs were
On the third runway contact, the aircraft           thereafter, contact was established.       completed, and the torque indication
slid off the runway onto the grass sur-                                                        checked as serviceable.
face. Emergency services deployed to                PRAIRIES REGION
the accident site and the airport closed            A Missinippi Air-Care Beech B200           PACIFIC REGION
Runway 35 until all the debris were re-             (MA02) from Winnipeg/James Arm-            TSB Report #A20P0094: C-FMQG, a

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                                                                                                    COPA FLIGHT | FEBRUARY 2021 9
  COPA_uAvionics_February21_CSA.indd 1                                                                                      2021-01-18 10:09 AM
DIAMONDS OF THE SKY Inside Canada's GA Powerhouse - COPA

privately operated Cessna 206 aircraft,       performed a go-around. Following the          ce que tous les débris aient été enlevés.
was conducting a flight from Anahim           go-around, the aircraft deviated to the       Le train avant, le poste de pilotage, le
Lake, BC (CAJ4) to Bella Coola, BC            left and banked to the right, despite the     train d’atterrissage et le fuselage ont été
(CYBD) with a sole pilot on board. While      maximum deflection of the right rudder.       très endommagés. Le pilote n’a été que
the aircraft was flying at approximately      The right wing touched the ground and         légèrement blessé.
2000 feet ASL, over the Dean Channel,         the aircraft came to rest in the ditch on
the engine (Teledyne Continental TSIO-        the north side of the runway. The occu-       Un aéronef avec un code 1200 est en-
520-C) experienced a complete power           pants, who were not injured, were able        tré dans la zone Kitchener/Waterloo
loss. The aircraft was ditched into the       to extricate themselves from the aircraft.    (CYKF), ON, à 5 NM à l’est de CYKF à
channel near the mouth of the Dean Riv-       A fuel leak occurred following a frac-        2100 pieds, sans établir de contact ni
er. Upon entry into the water, the aircraft   tured fuel tank, but no fire occurred. The    obtenir d’autorisation. Peu de temps
began to sink and the pilot quickly exit-     emergency locator transmitter activated       après, le contact a été établi. MISE À
ed. The pilot was wearing a manual infla-     on impact and transmitted the distress        JOUR : AOR 270801-V3 : Ajout de l’im-
tion PFD, which they inflated upon exit       signal. Firefighters were deployed to the     matriculation de l’aéronef. Exposé des
from the aircraft. The aircraft then sank     scene of the accident.                        faits mis à jour comme suit : Un Cessna
below the water surface while the pilot,                                                    172P (C-FWAZ), exploité par Flight 6IX
wearing their PFD, swam to the shore          RÉGION DE L’ONTARIO                           Incorporated, affichant un code 1200,
line, where they were able to summon          Rapport du BST no A20O0099 : Un               est entré dans la zone de Kitchener/
assistance from a nearby cabin. The pilot     Glass Goose, de construction amateur,         Waterloo (CYKF), ON, à 5 NM à l’est de
sustained minor injuries. An ELT signal       s’apprêtait à effectuer un vol local depuis   CYKF à 21 00 pi, sans établir de contact
was not received.                             Pembroke (CYTA), ON, avec 1 pilote à          ni obtenir d’autorisation. Peu après, le
                                              bord. Lors de la course au décollage          contact a été établi.
QUEBEC REGION                                 piste 35, l’aéronef s’est cabré plus vite
TSB Report #A20Q0103: C-GXHW, a               et à un angle d’incidence plus prononcé       RÉGION DU PRAIRIES
privately operated Cirrus SR22, was on a      que prévu. Le pilote a exercé une pres-       Un Beech B200, exploité par Missinippi
night flight under visual flight rules from   sion avant sur le manche de commande          Air-Care (MA02), de Winnipeg/James
Du Rocher-Percé (Pabok), QC (CTG3) to         pour compenser, ce qui a entraîné une         Armstrong Richardson (CYWG), MB,
Quebec/Neuville, QC (CNV9) with the           altitude de piqué. La roue avant a heu-       à Flin Flon (CYFO), MB, a interrompu
pilot and 2 passengers on board. The air-     rté la piste et l’aéronef a commencé à        son décollage en raison d’une indica-
craft made an approach for landing on         marsouiner. Lors du troisième contact         tion. Aucune urgence déclarée. Aucune
Runway 06. Following touchdown, the           avec la piste, l’aéronef a dérapé vers la     assistance requise. MISE À JOUR de
aircraft rebounded and the pilot expe-        partie gazonnée. Les services d’urgence       Navigabilité : Un inspecteur de la sécu-
rienced instability in the aircraft. Deem-    se sont rendus sur les lieux de l’accident    rité de l’aviation civile (ISAC) a étudié
ing it best to take-off again, the pilot      et l’aéroport a fermé la piste 35 jusqu’à     de près l’incident. L’aéronef, un Beech

                                                                       Flight Training | Aircraft Maintenance
                                                                       Charters | Aerial Tours | Aerial Survey
                                                                            With two Ontario locations:
                                                                 Parry Sound 705.378.0981 | Hamilton 905.679.5577

  COPA_NEAR_NORTH_Dec20_CSA.indd 1                                                                                   2020-10-19 12:25 PM
B200 (MA02), exploité par Missinippi          côté nord de la piste. Les occupants, in-                        diobalise de repérage d’urgence s’est
Air-Care, a interrompu son décollage en       demnes, ont pu s’extirper de l’aéronef.                          déclenchée lors de l’impact et a trans-
raison d’une indication de couple à droi-     Une fuite de carburant s’est produite en                         mis le signal de détresse. Des pompiers
te qui est devenue erratique lors de l’ap-    raison d’une fracture du réservoir, mais                         ont été dépêchés sur les lieux de l’acci-
plication de la puissance de décollage.       aucun incendie ne s’est déclaré. La ra-                          dent.
Le pilote a communiqué avec la main-
tenance et des techniciens d’entretien
d’aéronefs (TEA) de Missinippi se sont
rendus à James Armstrong Richardson                COPA Members, your VIP
(CYWG), MB, pour inspecter l’aéronef.              Aviation Insurance Program
Les TEA ont trouvé un câblage endom-
magé sur un faisceau de câbles qui tra-
                                                   is ready for takeoff.
verse une cloison sur le support moteur.
Le câblage a été réparé; le moteur a été
                                                   Membres COPA, votre
mis en marche et l’indication de couple            programme d’assurance
a été vérifiée comme étant en bon état.            aviation VIP est prêt
RÉGION DU PACIFIQUE                                à décoller.
Le moteur d’un Cessna TU206C
(C-FMQG) de Down to Earth Enter-
prises, volant depuis d’Anahim Lake, en
Colombie-Britannique (CAJ4), et vers
Anahim Lake, en Colombie-Britannique
(CAJ4), a cessé de tourner vers 1700Z,
et le pilote a amerri dans le chenal Dean,
situé juste au sud de l’embouchure de
la rivière Dean, à environ 1,5 NM au sud-
sud-est de l’aérodrome abandonné de
Kimsquit. Le pilote était seul à bord et
n’a pas été blessé.                                Preferred Rates.                                             Tarifs préférentiels.
                                                   Comprehensive Coverage                                       Couverture complète pour
Rapport du BST no A20Q0103 : un Cir-
                                                   for COPA Members!                                            les membres de la COPA!
rus SR22 (C-GXHW), exploité en privé,
                                                                                 For more information/Pour plus d’information
effectuait un vol de nuit selon les règles
                                                                                    please call/appelez 1-855-VIP-COPA,
de vol à vue du Rocher-Percé (Pabok)                                          email us at/courriel
(CTG3), QC, à Québec/Neuville (CNV9),                                           or visit/visitez nous
QC, avec le pilote et 2 passagers à bord.
L’aéronef a effectué une approche en               AIG Insurance Company of Canada is the licensed              La Compagnie d’assurance AIG du Canada est le souscripteur
                                                   underwriter of AIG property casualty insurance products      autorisé des produits d’assurance dommages au Canada. La
vue d’un atterrissage sur la piste 06.             in Canada. Coverage may not be available in all              présente protection pourrait ne pas être disponible dans toutes
Après le toucher des roues, l’aéronef              provinces and territories and is subject to actual policy    les provinces et tous les territoires et est assujettie aux termes
                                                   language. Non-insurance products and services may            et aux conditions de la police en vigueur. Les produits et les
a rebondi et le pilote a ressenti une in-          be provided by independent third parties. © American         services de nature autre que l’assurance pourraient être fournis
                                                   International Group, Inc. All rights reserved.               par des tierces parties indépendantes. © American International
stabilité de l’aéronef. Jugeant qu’il était                                                                     Group, Inc. Tous droits réservés.
préférable de redécoller, il a remis les
gaz. À la suite de la remise des gaz,
l’aéronef a dévié vers la gauche et s’est
incliné vers la droite malgré la deflex-
ion maximale du palonnier de droite.                      Coverage proudly administered by The Magnes Group Inc. and underwritten by AIG Insurance Company of Canada.
L’aile droite a touché le sol et l’aéronef                  Couverture administrée fièrement par The Magnes Group Inc. et souscrite par AIG Insurance Company of Canada.

a terminé sa course dans le fossé du

                                       COPA_CAS-CPL_Feb21_MLD.indd 1                                                                                                     2021-01-14 10:32 AM

         Discount Avionics
                                                              A YEAR OF
               •                         •        •

                                                               HOW GA PILOTS CAN STRENGTHEN THE
                         PRICE ION
                                                               CANADIAN AVIATION COMMUNITY
                    BEST      ICAT
                   ELT C OTH NEW
                      FOR B MODELS
                     + OLD

                 Sale     Ser ice
             e air tatio for all ead et
             actor      t ori ed ealer for
            Tec i o ic d trie T
                da t r aro d ti e o
              T certificatio                                        Nate Couchman and Jason Kot stand in front of a Piper Pacer on skis after landing in
                                                                    an Ontario farm field.
             rte    a ad oi ter

               eri i        C S        ter
              T                                                            he snow was holding back           we will likely experience another year
             re c          li   er ice                                     in early January in South-         fraught with challenges as the world
                                                                           ern Ontario, providing us          navigates through a changing politi-
                                                                           with back-to-back flying           cal and economic climate with relation
                                                                           days. While we wait for the        to the Covid-19 pandemic. What does
                     S S                     ST               lakes to freeze over, and the official ski      that mean for GA pilots in Canada?
                                   T          S               flying season to begin, my friend Nate             For many, it means rethinking those
                              SS                              Couchman decided to get some prac-              flights down south and maybe explor-
               S         SS                                   tice flights in on his Piper Pacer and          ing closer to home. Although many of
                                                              landed at our family farm. With the             our favourite fly-ins take place in the
                                                              aircraft on approach into our snowy             United States, this is a great opportuni-
                                                              backfield, my fiancé playing hockey             ty to strengthen our Canadian aviation
                   CONV Box 3635                              on the frozen pond, and snowmobilers            roots and reach out to pilots in other
                                                              racing through the neighbouring trails          neighbouring communities.
             Cochrane Ontario                                 I couldn’t help but think to myself, “It           In this month’s article, I’m going
                                                              doesn’t get more Canadian than this.”           to focus on ways we, as members of
              Canada P0L1C0                                      We are so fortunate to live in this in-      COPA, can become more involved in
            Office: 877-878-8363                              credible country and to be members              Canadian aviation and fill this year with
             Cell: 705-272-9179                               of this unique and adventurous flying           new experiences and interactions. Let’s
                            community. Despite our highest hopes            all make an effort to fly to those out
                                                              for the New Year, the reality is that           of the way places, join the local flight

                                                               12 COPA FLIGHT | FEBRUARY 2021
OPA_DISCOUNT_AVIONICS_Jan21_MLD.indd 1        2020-12-16 10:49 AM
To  advance, promote
                                                                                              To advance, promote and
                                                                                               and preserve
                                                                                              preserve            the
                                                                                                        the Canadian
                                                                                                   freedom  to fly.
                                                                                                 freedom to fly.
                                                                                           As a COPA member you’ll enjoy
                                                                                           the many benefits that we offer,
                                                                                           As  a COPA
                                                                                           including     member
                                                                                                     but not          you’ll
                                                                                                             limited to:
                                                Nate Couchman with his Piper Pacer,
clubs for their monthly BBQs in the
                                                a special family aircraft he took over
                                                                                           enjoy the many benefits
summer months, and be present in                from his father                            that  we offer,
                                                                                             • Group  insuranceincluding
an age where most people have lost
                                                                                                            life, dental,
                                                                                               accidental death, emergency
   It’s important that we put all our        tacular idea of hosting “Brown Bag
                                                                                           • Group
                                                                                               medical, insurance
                                                                                                          home and auto,
hearts and passion into this communi-        Fly Outs” – a socially distanced picnic
ty, so that we create better experiences     fly-out series. Keep up to date via their
                                                                                               UAV          for aviation, life,
for ourselves and generations to come.       website for this             dental, accidental
                                                                                             • Car and   hotel          death,
                                                                                             • 5%  discount
                                                                                            emergency medical, with VIA Railhome
   The Covid-19 pandemic has made it         year’s upcoming events.
difficult to interact in person during
                                                                                             • Monthly
                                                                                            and   auto,issues
                                                                                                            UAVof COPA Flight
                                                Their focus on flying to under-used
                                                                                             • Website Members-only section
lockdowns and through the winter             airports is important and something           • Car   and hotel discounts
                                                                                               which includes free guides,
months. Taking part in virtual meetings      we should make an effort to do as GA          • 5%   discount with VIA Rail
is a great way to stay connected and         pilots. Many airports are struggling              updated articles, and
                                                                                           • Monthly       issues of
                                                                                               community events
to meet pilots whom you may not have         right now and a really great way to
                                                                                            COPA     Flight
                                                                                             • A BMO MasterCard; whenever
run into otherwise.                          support them is by purchasing fuel and
   Flight 26, based out of Kitchener,        showing the municipalities that they
                                                                                           • Website
                                                                                               you makemembers-only
                                                                                                            a purchase, a
Ontario, holds a monthly pilot deci-         are being used.                                section
                                                                                               payment which
                                                                                                          is made includes
                                                                                                                     to COPA
sion-making meeting which is cur-               It is my personal commitment to             guides,
                                                                                               from BMO updated        articles,
                                                                                                             Bank of Montreal
rently being held over zoom. Cardinal        take part in more fly-ins, especially the      and   community           events
                                                                                               at no additional cost to you
Aviation has an excellent podcast that       ones that are a little out of the way, or a   • Discounts
                                                                                             • Discounts on   onother
talks about dozens of different aviation     little inconvenient to reach; and to drag      aviation     publications
                                                                                               publications    including Wings,
related topics and speaks to Canadian        out every aviator I know while I’m at it.      including
                                                                                                               Canadian Aviator,
aviators about their experiences. The        I want to immerse myself in Canadian              and  Air  Maintenance
                                                                                            Helicopters, and
COPA website is a great resource for         flying culture, listen to stories and learn     • Attending    our convention to
upcoming events; and Instagram and           from the wealth of knowledge that
                                                                                            Air  Maintenance
                                                                                               network and engage with
Facebook will also showcase different        each of you possess.                              fellow aviators
things coming up in the future.                 Please feel free to contact me and let          Join Now and
   If you’ve never been to the COPA
National Fly-in, it’s a great year to con-
                                             me know about any upcoming events
                                             at your home field, or places you’d re-
                                                                                             Support Canadian
                                                                                             Join now and support aviation
sider joining in on the fun. This year’s     ally like to fly to, that maybe you hav-        General      Aviation!
                                                                                                   in Canada today!
event is taking place in St. Jean, Que-      en’t before. I’ll do my absolute best to
bec, June 24 through to the 27. St. Jean     attend as many aviation related events            Canadian    Owners
                                                                                               Canadian Owners    andand
is a beautiful city located on the north-    and document the impact they have on                 Pilots Association
ern tip of Lake Champlain and flying         our community.                                  7575
                                                                                                  AlbertStreet,   Suite
                                                                                                         Street, Suite   903
through the Laurentians enroute would           I’ll be sure to keep you updated this          Ottawa,
                                                                                                  Ottawa, ON   K1P5E7
                                                                                                          ON K1P      5E7
be such a treat. Check out recent is-        year with upcoming events and cool                   T:T:613-236-4901
sues of COPA Flight for more details.        places to fly to in my newsletter. If    
   Last summer, the BC General Avia-         you’re interested be sure to subscribe     
tion Association (BCGA) had a spec-

                                                COPA FLIGHT | FEBRUARY 2021 13


One of the benefits of ADS-B (IN) to                                                     of the NemoScouts are used in flight-
General Aviation is traffic and weath-                                                   school aircraft.
er notification. Currently, there is no                                                     NemoScout is a small portable device
Canadian ADS-B mandate for GA and                                                        that creates a mesh network between
no ADS-B 978 MHz infrastructure (also                                                    other NemoScout-equipped aircraft and
known as UAT). UAT is a ground-based                                                     Nemo base stations, typically located
system used in the U.S. for traffic and                                                  at airports. NemoScout, about the size
weather data. There are other traffic                                                    of a matchbox, integrates a flight data
alerting systems like BFG’s Skywatch                                                     recorder, altimeter, AHRS, GPS, LiPo
and Garmin’s active traffic, but they are                                                battery, Bluetooth, an ISED/FCC license
installed in a small percentage of air-                                                  free radio and microSD data card. Ne-
craft and are exceptionally expensive.                                                   moScout aircraft to aircraft radio data
   Before the days of portable GPS, tab-                                                 network extends the tracking coverage
lets and Electronic Flight Bags (EFB),                                                   of each equipped aircraft.
collision avoidance was based upon see                                                      NemoScout’s airborne range for colli-
and be seen and radio communications.                                                    sion avoidance monitoring is up to 12 nm
These are all elements of good airman-                                                   (forward), six nm (rearward) and 50 nm
ship and pilot skills, but technology can                                                to a Nemo base station (2,800’ or great-
help narrow the gap of the “other guys”.                                                 er altitude). The currently deployed base
   NewAce Corp. of Mississauga, Ontar-                                                   station network provides a tracking cov-
io, founded by Stephan Edelman and                                                       erage area over 100,000 km2.
Jeroen van Beukering, has been working         The NemoScout aircraft to aircraft           Included in the kit is the NemoScout
on a traffic alerting system. Edelman is       radio data network extends the tracking   transponder, suction cup, charging cable,
                                               coverage of each equipped aircraft.
a pilot with an engineering background,                                                  audio Y cable, swivel adhesive mount, 8
who during flight training narrowly es-                                                  GB microSD card and retails for an intro-
caped a mid-air collision in the circuit.   ADS-B, Flarm/OGN (glider), limited           ductory price of US$199 plus shipping
That experience prompted him to devel-      mode-C and NemoScout traffic data us-        and taxes. NemoScout’s App supports
op the Nemo system, focusing on colli-      ing a consolidated ground station.           iPhone/iPad and Android smart devic-
sion avoidance for flight schools.             NemoScout data is stored in the cloud     es. The audio Y cable allows a standard
   From a traffic perspective, the solu-    and advises flight-school staff of any       headset to be integrated into the Ne-
tion is comprised of three parts: A         near misses. Edelman explains, “Based        moScout for delivery of verbal collision
Nemo base station, which can also pro-      upon eight deployed airports, the data       alerts.
vide weather (see my Plane Tech article     is showing one near miss every 10 days.”        NemoScout       provides     situational
in the August 2020 COPA Flight edi-         Nemo base stations are now installed at      awareness for aircraft in the circuit, in
tion); NemoScout portable device; and       nine airports in Ontario: Arthur (CPC3);     cruise and in a flight-training area. It
optionally NemoScout App installed on       Brampton (CNC3); Brantford (CYFD);           provides the pilot with traffic avoid-
the pilot’s smart device. The Nemo sys-     Burlington (CZBA); Grimsby (CNZ8);           ance visual and aural alerts of other Ne-
tem has the capability to broadcast up      Guelph Airpark (CNC4); Kitchener/Wa-         moScout and ADS-B, Flarm/OGN tran-
to the minute weather information from      terloo; Lubitz Field (CLB2); Parry Sound     sponder equipped aircraft. Included in
a variety of weather sources. Edelman’s     (CNK4); and St. Thomas (CYQS) – with         the App is an obstacle database which
goal is to deliver to airborne aircraft     more on the horizon. To date, the bulk       will provide visual and audio alerts for

most manmade obstacles in excess of             NemoScout provides
200’ AGL. Dennis Simo, CFI, Spectrum            the pilot with traffic
                                                avoidance visual
Airways, reports, “NemoScout aug-               and aural alerts of
ments mark one eyeballs and position            other ADS-B, Flarm/
reports for full situational awareness.”        OGN transponder
                                                equipped aircraft.
   Most flight schools using the Nemo
system have installed large LCD moni-
tors in their dispatch area, displaying
NemoScout-equipped aircraft on a map.
From a customer service perspective,
student pilots can see their assigned
aircraft returning to the airport, help-
ing to manage their time expectations.
Operationally, the system provides
flight schools with more efficiencies as
instructors monitor the solo progress
of their students. Telephone calls from
Flight Service Stations for aircraft over
due on flight plans are quickly dealt with
thanks to the real-time tracking that the
Nemo system delivers. With flight data          NemoScout utilizes BLE to commu-           NemoScout is compatible with
recorded to the Nemo Cloud, flights          nicate with a mobile device or tablet      CloudAhoy, a flight analysis and debrief-
causing noise complaints can be re-          creating a peer-to-peer connection. To     ing tool used by many flight schools and
viewed and the real data woven into the      deal with multi end point connectivity     instructors. CloudAhoy, when combined
conversation with the neighbour.             (MEPC), Edelman created the NemoG-         with stored AHRS data, is an invaluable
   The NemoScout App includes a mov-         DL90 USB dongle which allows multiple      tool during the post-flight ground brief-
ing map, traffic page and AHRS driven        mobile devices to connect to a single      ing with students.
six pack. The App has an emergency           NemoScout.                                    Fundamental to every flight is a suc-
mode, which when activated, signals             This has a number of practical bene-    cessful departure and landing. See and
other NemoScout-equipped aircraft            fits: many smart devices can connect to    be seen is a critical component, but with
operating within range to track, store       the NemoScout; converts NemoScout          so much going on in the cockpit, a mo-
and periodically announce the position       data to GDL90 format, allowing EFBs        mentary distraction could lead to a mid-
of your aircraft, in real time. This ap-     like ForeFlight or Garmin Pilot to use     air collision. Innovators like NewAce pro-
proach helps reduce the sense of isola-      NemoScout’s WAAS GPS, traffic and          vide cost effective tools to keep pilots
tion for a pilot during the course of an     weather service; the size of a USB mem-    safe. Checkout the PlaneTalk podcasts
emergency, allowing other pilots and         ory stick; and no configuration required   with Stephan Edelman on Apple, Google,
instructors to help.                         (plug and play).                           Spotify and at

                                                                                           COPA FLIGHT | FEBRUARY 2021 15
  COPA_LAKE_COUNTRY_Dec20_CSA.indd 1                                                                             2020-10-19 10:59 AM


                he year 2021 has one im-         valed back country heli skiing, Canada is      hard market, including increased premi-
                portant job – to be better       a utopia for tourists looking for that once    ums, reduced limits, higher deductibles,
                than 2020. As I write this ar-   in a life-time outdoor adventure and re-       or other changes and restrictions.
                ticle, we’re almost half way     lying on air travel to get there. According       Arguably, the hard market started to
                through January and the          to Stats Canada, travelers from U.S. and       see as slow recovery in early 2020, but
   proverbial “light at the end of the tun-      other foreign countries was down 95.3          this has since been stalled by the ongo-
   nel” provided by the anticipated vac-                                                         ing impact of COVID-19. Insurers have
   cine rollout, seems to have dimmed in                                                         given back sizeable premiums over the
   most parts of Canada as COVID-19 daily                                                        past 10 months, despite ongoing losses.
                                                 What started around 36
   cases hit record levels.                                                                      Regrettably, and to make matters worse,
      As the world is struggling to navigate     months ago in the aviation                      we are facing yet another lockdown in
   the financial and emotional fallout of                                                        several parts of Canada. Despite this, it
                                                 sector, the hard market is
   a worldwide pandemic, the insurance                                                           was reassuring to hear from one Under-
   market continues to undergo its own           being felt in most lines of                     writer that “it’s vitally important that as
   challenges with shrinking capacity, in-                                                       an industry, we find the right balance
   creased premiums, non-renewals, limited                                                       between sustainability of the insurance
   appetite for new business and extremely                                                       marketplace and sustainability of our
   cautious underwriting. In the insurance                                                       clients’ businesses”. Similarly, it is im-
   industry, we call this a “hard market”.       per cent in Sept. 2020 compared to Sept.       perative that the industry strike the right
      What started around 36 months ago          2019. Equally impacted are several char-       balance between the need to improve
   in the aviation sector, the hard market is    ter operators whose businesses have all        loss performance and the affordability
   being felt in most lines of insurance. In     but been halted due to the closure of the      of insurance for private aircraft owners,
   simple terms, it occurs when losses out-      U.S./Canadian border, and the 14-day           including COPA Members.
   pace, or are suspected to outpace, insur-     mandatory quarantine for any Canadian             At Magnes, we recognize that if the in-
   ance premiums. This is certainly the case     returning from abroad. In some cases,          surance market continues at this pace for
   in aviation. Other areas that are experi-     these operators are projecting revenue         another two years, it could well result in
   encing similar symptoms include: Prop-        declines of 50 to 75 per cent.                 our customers reducing their insurance
   erty Insurance, Directors and Officers Li-       FBO and airport revenues are also           spend through self-insurance or other
   ability and Cyber Liability, among others.    markedly off compared to prior years           risk management methods or worse,
      Last month I had the opportunity to        as they struggle to deal with a signifi-       selling their aircraft. We are in daily com-
   speak to Underwriters from three differ-      cant reduction in traffic and fuel output;     munication with Insurers to ensure we
   ent Canadian aviation insurers. I asked       caterers, cargo handlers, and other sup-       are finding ways to manage the losses
   each to crystal ball the remaining dura-      pliers to the industry have been forced        and keep insurance affordable. In pursuit
   tion of the hard market. Based on their       to lay off employees; and there’s been         of this shared goal, we applaud COPA’s
   responses, ranging from 18 months to          a general slowdown of many peripheral          efforts, and any Canadian pilot for that
   five years, it remains unclear. What is       businesses serving aviation.                   matter, in their initiative to improve the
   clear, however, is that this hard market,        On a positive note, despite initial shut-   safety and proficiency of flying, thereby
   combined with COVID-19, is extremely          downs in the spring, most flying schools       improving loss performance by reducing
   taxing for our Canadian aviation clients.     across the nation bounced back to full         the risk of accidents.
      Bloomberg reported that total reve-        capacity with the appropriate measures            The Magnes Group is the endorsed
   nues for our nation’s largest airline de-     in place to protect their employees and        broker for COPA’s VIP Insurance program.
   clined 86 per cent from third quarter         clients from the virus. Private aircraft       For more information please contact our
   of 2019 to 2020. COVID-19 has had the         owners continued to fly domestically           toll-free number at 1855-VIP-COPA (1-
   same crushing impact on general avia-         throughout most of 2020. Notwithstand-         855-847-2672) or email us at vipcopa@
   tion. From remote fly-in fishing to unri-     ing, neither is immune to the impacts of a Stay safe.



            a résolution incontournable         totaux de la plus grande compagnie aéri-     importantes au cours des dix derniers
            de 2021 : surpasser 2020 ! Au       enne de notre pays ont diminué de 86 %       mois, malgré des pertes continues. Mal-
            moment où j’écris cet article,      du troisième trimestre 2019 à 2020. Les      heureusement, et pour aggraver les cho-
            nous sommes presque à la            revenus des exploitants de services aéro-    ses, nous sommes confrontés à un autre
            moitié du mois de janvier, et la    nautiques et les aéroports s’avèrent aussi   confinement dans plusieurs régions du
proverbiale « lumière au bout du tunnel         nettement inférieurs à ceux des années       Canada. Malgré cela, il était rassurant
» anticipée par le déploiement du vaccin        précédentes, alors qu’ils doivent com-       d’entendre un souscripteur dire « qu’il est
semble avoir perdu de l’intensité dans          poser avec une réduction considérable        d’une importance vitale en tant qu’indus-
la plupart des régions du Canada, alors         du trafic et de l’approvisionnement en       trie de trouver le juste équilibre entre la
que les cas quotidiens de COVID-19 at-          carburant.                                   durabilité du marché de l’assurance et la
teignent des sommets records.                      Sur une note positive, malgré les         durabilité des activités de nos clients ».
   Et Tandis que le monde a du mal à            premières fermetures au printemps, la        De même, il est impératif que l’industrie
gérer les retombées financières et émo-         plupart des écoles de pilotage du pays       trouve le juste équilibre entre la nécessité
tionnelles d’une pandémie n’épargnant           ont retrouvé leur pleine capacité, en ap-    d’améliorer les pertes de performance et
aucune région du globe, le marché de            pliquant les mesures sanitaires prescrites   l’accessibilité de l’assurance pour les pro-
l’assurance continue de faire face à ses        pour protéger leurs employés et leurs        priétaires d’aéronefs privés, y compris les
propres défis d’affaiblissement des ca-         clients contre le virus. De même, les pro-   membres de la COPA.
pacités, d’augmentation des primes, de          priétaires d’avions privés ont continué de       Chez Magnes, nous sommes d’avis
non-renouvellement, d’attrait limité pour       voler au pays pendant la majeure part-       que si le marché de l’assurance continue
les nouvelles affaires et de souscription       ie de 2020. Néanmoins, ni l’un ni l’autre    à ce rythme pendant encore deux ans,
extrêmement prudente. Nous, dans le             n’est à l’abri des impacts d’un marché       cela pourrait bien conduire nos clients
secteur de l’assurance, appelons cette          difficile, se traduisant notamment par       à réduire leurs dépenses d’assurance en
situation un « marché difficile ».              des primes accrues, des limites réduites,    se tournant vers l’autoassurance ou vers
   Ce marché difficile – qui a commencé         des franchises plus élevées ou d’autres      d’autres méthodes de gestion du risque
il y a environ 36 mois dans le secteur de                                                     ou, pire encore, à vendre leurs avions.
l’aviation – se fait maintenant sentir dans                                                   Nous sommes en communication quo-
la plupart des types d’assurance. En ter-       Ce marché difficile –                         tidienne avec les assureurs pour trouver
mes simples, cela se produit lorsque les                                                      des moyens de gérer les pertes et garder
pertes dépassent ou sont soupçonnées            qui a commencé il y a                         l’assurance abordable. Dans la poursuite
dépasser les primes d’assurance. C’est          environ 36 mois dans le                       de cet objectif commun, nous saluons les
certainement le cas de l’aviation. Le mois                                                    efforts de la COPA en tant que regroupe-
dernier, j’ai eu l’occasion de parler aux so-   secteur de l’aviation – se                    ment et de tout pilote canadien en tant
uscripteurs de trois assureurs canadiens        fait maintenant sentir                        qu’individu dans leur initiative visant à
oeuvrant dans le secteur de l’aviation.                                                       améliorer la sécurité et les compétences
J’ai demandé à chacun de lire leur boule        dans la plupart des types                     de pilotage, améliorant du même coup
de cristal pour estimer la fin des temps        d’assurance.                                  les pertes de performance en réduisant
difficiles. Leurs réponses – variant de 18                                                    les risques d’accident.
mois à 5 ans – m’ont laissé perplexe. Ce                                                         Groupe Magnes est le courtier approu-
qui est très clair cependant, c’est que le      changements et restrictions.                 vé du programme d’assurance aviation
marché difficile, combiné aux aléas de             On peut soutenir que le marché diffi-     VIP de la COPA. Pour plus d’informations,
la COVID19, a constitué un cocktail ex-         cile a commencé à s’adoucir au début de      veuillez communiquer sans frais au 1 855
trêmement éprouvant pour nos clients            2020, mais les impacts de la COVID-19        VIP-COPA (1 855 847-2672) ou nous en-
de l’aviation canadienne.                       sont venus miner tout espoir de progrès.     voyer un courriel à vipcopa@magnesavi-
   Bloomberg a rapporté que les revenus         Les assureurs ont remboursé des primes Soyez prudent !

                                                                                                COPA FLIGHT | FEBRUARY 2021 17
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