Digital cultural heritage: FUTURE VISIONS, a landscape perspective' International Conference Report - Built Heritage

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Digital cultural heritage: FUTURE VISIONS, a landscape perspective' International Conference Report - Built Heritage
Landorf Built Heritage      (2020) 4:7
                                                                                                                                                Built Heritage

 BOOK, CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION REVIEW                                                                                                              Open Access

‘digital cultural heritage: FUTURE VISIONS, a
landscape perspective’ International
Conference Report
Chris Landorf

Introduction                                                                            Shanghai, however, the aim was to explore the application
The third ‘digital cultural heritage: FUTURE VISIONS’                                   of digital technologies at a landscape rather than an arte-
conference was jointly convened by the School of Archi-                                 fact or building scale. The specific challenge of cultural
tecture at the University of Queensland and the College                                 landscapes being the need to capture not only their phys-
of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP) at Tongji                                     ical, but also intangible heritage attributes, such as oral
University, who also hosted the event at its Siping Road                                traditions, social practices and craftwork, and to capture
campus in Shanghai, China, between 23rd and 24th No-                                    those attributes across cultural, spatial and temporal
vember 2019. The conference convenors Professor Feng                                    dimensions.
Han and Dr. Chen Yang from Tongji University, who                                         The conference attracted 42 academic presenters and
conduct pioneering cultural heritage landscape research                                 around 160 registered delegates from 10 countries and
and conservation in China, and Dr. Kelly Greenop and                                    regions, including Australia, Canada, China, Italy, New
Associate Professor Chris Landorf from The University                                   Zealand, Switzerland, the UK, Japan, Singapore and the
of Queensland, who research the innovative application                                  USA. The presentations in Shanghai not only showcased
of digital technologies to the sustainable management of                                the application of digital technologies for archiving and
cultural heritage, were ably supported by CAUP volun-                                   conservation work, some also invited debate about the
teers and peer reviewers.                                                               theoretical challenges of such technologies for cultural
  The conference was co-organised by ICOMOS-IFLA                                        landscapes. If there was one criticism, it was that too
International Scientific Committee on Cultural Land-                                    many technically descriptive projects were presented ra-
scapes (ISCCL), and supported by two leading research in-                               ther than papers that tackled the more critical questions
stitutions, the UNESCO World Heritage Institute of                                      that the conference aimed to address, such as how can
Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region                               digital technologies contribute beyond the level of repre-
(Shanghai) (The WHITR-AP, Shanghai) and the UNESCO                                      sentation to debate about the relationship between the
International Centre on Space Technologies for Natural                                  cultural past, present and future; what is it that we cap-
and Cultural Heritage (HIST), and two other ICOMOS                                      ture, commodify and experience using digital technolo-
Scientific Committees, the International Scientific Com-                                gies and why; how should dynamic cultural landscapes
mittee on Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural                                   be interpreted, negotiated and represented and for
Heritage Studies (ICIP), and the International Committee                                whom; when should cultural landscapes be protected for
for Documentation of Cultural Heritage (CIPA).                                          future generations; and how can they best be valued and
  Like its two predecessors, the 2019 Shanghai conference                               managed sustainably in the present. Despite this criti-
sought to explore the application and impact of digital                                 cism, the conference represented a refreshing encounter
technologies, such as three-dimensional laser scanning,                                 between technical application and theoretical debate,
virtual environments and interactive multimedia, to the                                 and facilitated a welcome East-West exchange between
conservation and management of cultural heritage. In                                    students, academics and practitioners.

School of Architecture, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, St Lucia, QLD
4072, Australia

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Digital cultural heritage: FUTURE VISIONS, a landscape perspective' International Conference Report - Built Heritage
Landorf Built Heritage   (2020) 4:7                                                                              Page 2 of 5

Overview of the conference series                             was followed by the Convention for the Safeguarding the
‘digital cultural heritage: FUTURE VISIONS’ has evolved       Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2003b, and the Recom-
from an initial conference convened in April 2017 by          mendation on the Historic Urban Landscape in 2011
Kelly Greenop and Chris Landorf in Brisbane, Australia        (Bandarin and van Oers 2012). The latter two UNESCO
(Greenop and Landorf 2018), followed in September             instruments were primarily a response to concerns about
2017 by a symposium held in London in association with        a world-wide loss of the cultural capital that provides
University College London’s Bartlett Real Estate Institute    communities with a unique sense of identity and con-
(Greenop and Landorf 2019). In April 2018, Greenop            tinuity. Cultural landscapes are ‘living’ environments that
and Landorf chaired a session on Digitising Architec-         present unique preservation, presentation and sustain-
tural Heritage at the annual Society of Architectural His-    ability issues associated with their dynamic spatial, tem-
torians conference in St Paul.                                poral and intangible heritage qualities. Like digital
  The convenors rely on the dedication of colleagues          heritage, the concept can also be criticised, in this case,
and the support of their respective institutions to organ-    for a failure to articulate the evolutionary nature of cul-
ise and manage each event. This has served the series         tural heritage and what that means for the management
well thus far, generating a succession of innovative pro-     of values over space, time and cultures. The result is that
grams and varied locations within an informal format.         the concept remains essentially preservation-driven and
The vitality of the series is maintained through the en-      lacking the descriptive precision necessary to position
thusiasm of the convenors, the diversity of participants      cultural landscapes within mainstream planning and de-
and the specifics of each location. The diverse mix of        velopment frameworks. This year’s conference, therefore,
participants, small scale and informality make the ‘digital   aimed to examine how digital technologies were being
cultural heritage: FUTURE VISIONS’ conferences colle-         applied to the dynamic qualities of cultural heritage at a
gial and productive venues for sharing and testing re-        landscape scale.
search in this exciting field. The conference aims to            The six conference sub-themes were: (1) digital cultural
become a multi-disciplinary biennial event attracting         heritage recording and analysis; (2) digital cultural heritage
current and emerging academics, practitioners and             monitoring and management; (3) digital conservation of
government representatives with a passion for digital         intangible cultural heritage; (4) heritage assessment and
cultural heritage theory and practice.                        restoration with innovative technologies; (5) cultural heri-
                                                              tage interpretation and knowledge dissemination; and (6)
digital cultural heritage: FUTURE VISIONS, a                  innovative data application and heritage conservation. The
landscape perspective                                         themes were flexible enough to capture a range of innova-
The 2019 conference theme, ‘digital cultural heritage:        tive technical projects and provocative theoretical exami-
FUTURE VISIONS, a landscape perspective’, sought to           nations. The former experimenting with the use of digital
examine the connections between two fields of research        technologies to record, analyse and manage heritage, and
currently located at the margins of an expanding under-       the latter exploring how digital technologies can contrib-
standing of what constitutes heritage. The first field is     ute to debate about the relationship between the cultural
acknowledged in the 2003a UNESCO Charter on the               and natural past, present and future. The themes were
Preservation of Digital Heritage. Primarily a response to     also subtle enough in scope to maintain a coherent thread
the concerns of institutions appointed to maintain re-        within each session.
positories of public knowledge, the Charter acknowl-
edges the opportunities presented by digital technologies     Venues and events
to broaden access to historic resources and recognises        The conference delivered a stimulating two-day program
the risks posed by technological obsolescence (de Luse-       that included four keynote speakers, 34 peer-reviewed
net 2007). However, it presents too narrow a view of          and four invited papers across six sessions, a 10-member
what is a rapidly evolving digital environment. It also       roundtable forum and a walking tour along Shanghai’s
fails to emphasise the need for value judgements about        historic riverfront. Two keynotes were delivered each
what is preserved. This year’s conference, therefore,         morning of the conference in Tongji University’s Bell
aimed to not only explore the diversity of digital cultural   Hall (Fig. 1). Four organisations were also invited to
heritage technologies and their various applications, but     showcase their work in an exhibition of contemporary
to also question what should be preserved and why.            digital cultural heritage research and practice. The ex-
  Cultural landscapes, the second field of research exam-     hibition was mounted in the Bell Hall lobby under four
ined at the conference, were first adopted as a distinct      themes: (1) Digital cultural landscape conservation and
category of World Heritage in 1992 and defined as sites       practices provided by the Innovation Team of Cultural
that are ‘illustrative of the evolution of human society      Landscape Conservation of the Department of Land-
and settlement over time’ (Mitchell et al. 2009, 20). This    scape Architecture, CAUP of Tongji University; (2)
Landorf Built Heritage      (2020) 4:7                                                                                              Page 3 of 5

Innovative Digital Cultural Heritage Survey Technolo-
gies provided by Shanghai Tongfan Tech Co., Ltd.; (3)
Virtual Reality Technologies in Cultural Heritage pro-
vided by Beijing Beijianda Tech Co., Ltd.; and (4) Digital
Fabrication Technologies and Cultural Heritage Restor-
ation provided by Tongji Architectural Design (Gorup)
Co., Ltd (Fig. 2). Three parallel paper presentation ses-
sions were followed by a further three parallel sessions
in the afternoon of the first day in the College of Archi-
tecture and Urban Planning’s Building D. The confer-
ence concluded on the afternoon of the second day with
a three-hour walking tour along the Yangpu Waterfront,
a revitalised former industrial precinct.
                                                                        Fig. 2 Conference delegates testing virtual reality using headsets in
Keynote speakers                                                        the Bell Hall lobby, 23rd November 2019 (Source: Hai Bai)
Professor Deren Li, Academician of the Chinese Acad-
emy of Science and the Chinese Academy of Engineer-                    exchange and heritage diplomacy. Focussing on China as
ing, and a respected expert in spatial information                     an emerging Digital Civilisation, Winter examined the
technology from Wuhan University, presented the first                  close relationship between diplomacy and regional devel-
keynote address titled ‘Method and Application of                      opment, and the expanding opportunities for digital Silk
Digital Preserving for Cultural Heritage—From Magao                    Road heritage projects as a result.
Grottoes to Chi Lin Nunnery’. Referring to his digital                    The third keynote was presented by Dr. Tom Brigden of
mapping and virtual reality work at the Magao Grottoes                 Purcell, a UK-based architecture, master planning and heri-
and Chi Lin Nunnery, Li provided illustrations of various              tage consultancy practice. Titled ‘Digital Tools for Heritage
digital techniques, from drones and terrestrial laser scan-            Management and Construction’, Brigden’s address exam-
ners to electronic theodolites and stereo cameras. He                  ined the use of digital technologies in the delivery of two sig-
also showed how digital technologies could provide                     nificant heritage projects: the refurbishment of Elizabeth
highly accurate data to enhance both the protection of                 Tower at the Palace of Westminster, London, and the digital
significant cultural heritage places and the creation of               recording of Grytviken Whaling Station, South Georgia. The
immersive visualisations for visitor interpretation.                   former showing how digital mapping and analysis, com-
   The second keynote, ‘The Digital Silk Roads: Heritage               bined with software development, could be used to support
across Borders’, was delivered by Professor Tim Winter                 traditional building restoration techniques and management
of the University of Western Australia. Drawing on his                 practices. The latter revealing how digital technologies could
recent publication, Geocultural Power: China’s Quest to                be used to record a complex, remote and abandoned indus-
Revive the Silk Roads for the Twenty-First Century,                    trial heritage landscape. While highlighting the use of digital
Winter eloquently framed China’s Belt and Road Initia-                 technologies at varying scales and for different purposes,
tive as geopolitical ambition housed within a carefully                questions were also raised about the need for historical ana-
curated narrative of inter-continental trade, cultural                 lysis and narrative to accompany what might otherwise be
                                                                       viewed as a set of seductive digital images.
                                                                          The final keynote, ‘Harnessing Digital Workflows for
                                                                       the Understanding, Promotion and Participation in the
                                                                       Conservation of Heritage Sites by Meeting both Ethical
                                                                       and Technical Challenges’, was from Associate Professor
                                                                       Mario Santana of Carleton University, Canada. Using ex-
                                                                       amples drawn from his work at a variety of historic sites,
                                                                       he argued for the unique capacity of digital technologies
                                                                       to provide quick insights into the damage caused by nat-
                                                                       ural disasters and human conflicts, present information
                                                                       through virtual and augmented reality, and assess struc-
                                                                       tural behaviour through performance simulation. He
                                                                       concluded with several challenges for the field, including
                                                                       authenticating provenance, maintaining sustainable data
 Fig. 1 Conference opening ceremony in Bell Hall, Tongji University,   quality, ethics and policy in digital cultural heritage, and
 23rd November 2019 (Source: Hai Bai)                                  the threat of digital colonialism.
Landorf Built Heritage   (2020) 4:7                                                                            Page 4 of 5

Concurrent sessions and roundtable panel                      contributed to the field of cultural heritage and what the
discussion                                                    aspirations should be for the future. There was agree-
The closing ceremony provided an opportunity for each         ment that digital technologies improved precision for
sub-theme chair to summarise their respective session.        the recording, interpretation and management of cul-
From Session 1, Digital Cultural Heritage Recording and       tural heritage, but there was a need to decrease the
Analysis, Professor Qingping Zhang reported on six pa-        cost, develop capacity, manage obsolescence and re-
pers that showcased the capacity of digital mapping           duce inequality through access to technology. Final
techniques to enhance documentation and interpretation        comments bought us back again to the conference
at varying scales. Professor Fulong Chen summarised           aims and the need to question what digital technolo-
three key issues from the six papers presented in Session     gies are doing to conserve heritage values.
2, on monitoring and management. These were to
understand heritage (1) as an evolving practice born
across rather than created at a single point in time; (2)     Closing summary
as an inseparable combination of intangible and tangible      The 2019 conference sought to explore conceptual im-
characteristics; and (3) as a commitment to preserving        plications and emerging challenges at the nexus between
knowledge for all humanity. In Session 3, Professor           new technologies and the evolving concept of cultural
Jianzhong Jia chaired seven papers on the digital conser-     landscapes. The theme demanded intellectually agile in-
vation of intangible cultural heritage that highlighted the   terpretations that linked conventional, project-based de-
difficulty of conserving intangible cultural heritage and     scriptions with theoretical questions about what is
the need for digital research methods to be expanded ac-      captured and why, rather than practical issues around
cordingly. In Session 4 on heritage assessment and res-       how. While the program was dominated by case-based
toration, Professor Yuning Cheng synthesised two              technologically descriptive projects, conference partici-
common issues from the seven papers presented. Firstly,       pants were party to keynote addresses, a roundtable dis-
the need for greater interpretive decision-making trans-      cussion and motivating sessions that touched on this
parency, and secondly, the risk of technological obsoles-     challenging theme with imaginative insight and support-
cence. From Session 5, Dr. Yan He described seven             ive collegiality. Ultimately, if five key implications for
papers that explored aspects of digital cultural heritage     digital cultural heritage research and practice were to be
interpretation and dissemination ranging from alterna-        distilled from the conference, they would include future
tive approaches to public participation to surveys of         opportunities for:
emerging technologies. In Session 6 Associate Professor
Hongjun Zhou chaired six papers on innovative data ap-          Greater synthesis between tangible and intangible
plication and heritage conservation that focused on ap-            heritage;
proaches to valuing and protecting non-human and                  Stronger integration of scalar and systemic thinking;
intangible cultural heritage.                                     More extensive global capacity building;
   The concluding event on the first day of the conference        Improved precision in values assessment;
was a roundtable forum involving Fulong Chen, Yan He,             Enhanced predictive modelling for tourism and
Mario Santana, Yuning Cheng, Feng Han, Tim Winter,                 climate change management.
Patricia O’Donnell, Simone Ricca, Cari Goetcheus and
Tom Bridgen, and chaired by Kelly Greenop who                   In conclusion, the conference can best be sum-
prompted debate around four themes. With reference to         marised as a benchmark for digital cultural landscape
what needed more discussion, panellists reflected on non-     research. While the conference showcased impressive
human heritage and the need to consider digital technol-      applications of digital technologies for archiving and
ogy beyond three-dimensional scanning. In relation to         conservation work, it also highlighted a lack of more
what the concept of landscape could bring to digital cul-     critical questioning about the contribution that digital
tural heritage, issues of scale and linkages between sys-     technologies can make to debates about the relation-
tems, boundaries and buffer zones and, closer to the          ship between the cultural past, present and future.
conference aims, deeper reflection on what is recorded        Future conferences should aim to examine what it is
and why were raised. Alternative views were heard in re-      that we capture, commodify and experience using
sponse to involvement in advocacy with some suggesting        digital technologies and why and, perhaps more im-
benchmarking and interpretation already contributed in        portantly, how dynamic cultural landscapes should be
this area, while others argued that more could be done,       interpreted, negotiated, represented and valued, and
citing a lack of predictive modelling for tourism and cli-    for whom. Planning is currently underway for a future
mate change as areas of concern. The panel concluded          conference in 2021 on the theme of digital cultural
with reflections on what digital technologies currently       heritage and the urban environment.
Landorf Built Heritage           (2020) 4:7                                          Page 5 of 5

The author wishes to thank The University of Queensland and Tongji
University for their generous support, and the Built Heritage editorial team
and anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments.

Authors’ contributions
The conference report was written by the author with support from two
anonymous reviewers and the Built Heritage editorial team. The author read
and approved the final manuscript prior to publishing.

The author’s attendance at the conference was supported by The University
of Queensland and Tongji University.

Availability of data and materials
Not applicable.

Competing interests
The author was one of the Conference co-convenors.

Received: 9 December 2019 Accepted: 31 January 2020

Bandarin, Francesco, and Ron van Oers. 2012. The Historic Urban Landscape:
    Managing Heritage in an Urban Century. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell.
De Lusenet, Yola. 2007. “Tending the Garden or Harvesting the Fields: Digital
    Preservation and the UNESCO Charter on the Preservation of the Digital
    Heritage.” Library Trends 56 (1): 164–182.
Greenop, Kelly, and Chris Landorf. 2018. Proceedings of Digital Cultural Heritage:
    FUTURE VISIONS. St Lucia: Architecture Theory Criticism History Research
    Centre, The University of Queensland.
Greenop, Kelly, and Chris Landorf. 2019. Proceedings of Digital Cultural Heritage:
    FUTURE VISIONS London Symposium. St Lucia: Architecture Theory Criticism
    History Research Centre, The University of Queensland.
Mitchell, Nora, Mechtild Rossler, and Pierre-Marie Tricaud, eds. 2009. World
    Heritage Cultural Landscapes: A Handbook for Conservation and Management.
    Paris: World Heritage Centre.
UNESCO. 2003a. Charter on the Preservation of Digital Heritage. Accessed 20 Dec
UNESCO. 2003b. Convention for the Safeguarding the Intangible Cultural Heritage.
    Accessed 2 Feb 2020.
UNESCO. 2011. Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape. Accessed 10
    Jan 2019.

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