Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL) Through Kahoot: A Learner-Centric Approach in Nursing Education - Systematic Review

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International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research
                                                                                       Vol.7; Issue: 3; July-Sept. 2022
Review Article                                                                                        ISSN: 2455-7587

    Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL) Through
    Kahoot: A Learner-Centric Approach in Nursing
             Education - Systematic Review
                      Mini Simon M1, Nisha C K2, Tripti K Srivastava3
          Department of Health Profession Education, Dutta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur
                     Department of Psychiatry Nursing, St Johns College of Nursing, Bangalore,
          Dept of Health Profession Education, Dutta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur, India.
                                        Corresponding Author: Mini Simon M


ABSTRACT                                                   outcomes; hence a narrative synthesis is
Introduction: The teaching-learning activities             Results: A total of 10 research articles
in nursing have changed tremendously in the                published in peer-reviewed journals were
post-COVID-19 situation around the world. The              included in this study. Three synthesized
learning style of Z generation students demands            findings were generated from the categories:
a technologically sound and sprightly chosen               (i) Kahoot is implemented as a teaching and
method of evaluation. Digital Game-based                   assessment tool in nursing. (ii) Acknowledging
learning is one of the components of the                   as a source of motivation for learners. (iii)
Learning Management System which figures a                 Encourages the learners to reflect on their
great level of student motivation and                      strengths and weakness as an "assessment for
participation in interactive learning which                learning tool". (iv)     Through digital-based
incorporates different teaching styles. Kahoot!            games students understand complex concepts,
Is a Game-Based Learning platform used to                  promote critical thinking, and acquire decision-
review students' knowledge, for formative                  making skills. However, there is one study that
assessment, or as a break from traditional                 shows no significant effect in the interventional
classroom activities?                                      group.
Objective: To explore the teaching and learning            Conclusion: Kahoot assists to create a dynamic
experiences of nursing students using the                  learning environment and enhances the long-
Kahoot!.app.                                               term retention of information. Gaming makes a
Methodology: A comprehensive search of                     positive impact on the teaching/learning
MEDLINE, EMBASE, Web of Knowledge,                         process.     The nursing curriculum can be
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials,            fortified with a robust method of learner-centric
PsycINFO, and CINAHL from 2013 to April                    methods like digital-based gamification-Kahoot,
2022 was conducted. Qualitative and                        to cater to the learning needs of digital natives
quantitative studies, Randomized controlled                of present nursing students.
trials (RCTs), and systematic reviews in the
English language were only included in the                 Keywords: [Learner-centric Approach, Kahoot,
search. The reviewer searched, screened,                   Digital Game-Based Learning, Gamification,
assessed study quality, and extracted data.                Nursing Education, formative assessment,
Literature search strategies and article retrieval         Assessment for Learning]
was guided by -Preferred Reporting Items for
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis                       INTRODUCTION
(PRISMA). Meta-analysis was not considered                 The advancements in technology have
valid due to the heterogeneity of identified               enabled the health professionals to extract
populations, interventions, comparisons, and
                                                           the maximum benefit of it and helped the

                 International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research (                           14
                                     Vol.7; Issue: 3; July-September 2022
Mini Simon M Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL) Through Kahoot: A Learner-Centric Approach in
Nursing Education -Systematic Review

world education scenario to introduce                                MATERIALS & METHODS
change in health care, especially in post                            Design: A systematic review of quantitative
COVID Era. Teaching-learning activities                              and qualitative studies was carried out.
are an integral part of professional nursing                         Search methods: A comprehensive search of
courses. The teaching methods and                                    MEDLINE, EMBASE, Web of Knowledge,
evaluation methods emphasised the learning                           Cochrane Central Register of Controlled
styles of students and enhance the outcome                           Trials, PsycINFO, and CINAHL from 2013
of education. The learning styles of students                        to April 2022 was conducted. Qualitative
have changed in the 21st century and the                             and quantitative studies, Randomized
nursing educators are incisive about the                             controlled trials (RCTs), and systematic
learning style of Z-generation students. As a                        reviews in the English language were only
learner-centric approach brings out timely                           included in the search. The reviewers
and constructive feedback to students about                          searched, screened, assessed study quality,
their learning process, Digital Game-Based                           and abstracted the data.
Learning is one of the strategies that can be
adopted in nursing education. Gamification                           Inclusion criteria
promotes the nursing instructors to use                              • Randomized Control Trials (RCTs), pre-
technology and gaming aptly to stimulate                                test/post-test design, and systematic
the interest of students in the subject.[1] The                         reviews included in the search.
educational games are molded by self-                                • Focused on teaching-learning activities
determination theory and social cognitive                               related to nursing.
theory. [2] Critical thinking and decision-
making skills are promoted through game-                             Exclusion criteria
based learning which prepares the students                           • Reports of computer-based individual
to be competitive and efficient in their                                learning.
profession.[3]                                                       • Studies related to Post Graduate
Kahoot is a fun-based e-learning platform                               education/ Registered Nurses (RN).
that enables health education professionals                          • Studies other than the English language.
to teach their students dynamically and
effectively.[4] Through Kahoot, individuals                          Literature search strategies and article
can distinguish their learning process                               retrieval was guided by -Preferred
through peer-to-peer interaction and also                            Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
constructive feedback from the facilitator[5].                       and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA). Meta-
It facilitates continual learning, and can be                        analysis was not deemed appropriate due to
used as a tool for "assessment for                                   the     heterogeneity      of     populations,
learning".[6]                                                        interventions, comparisons, and outcomes,
The review aims to investigate the learning                          and a narrative synthesis is presented.
experience of nursing students through
                                Table.1 SUMMARY OF SYNTHESIS OF ACCEPTED ARTICLES   Title of article                           Type of study&        Findings                                       Reference
1       Impact of educational games on academic    Prospective, Quasi-   - Kahoot! Promotes knowledge acquisition       Castro MJ
        outcomes of students in the Degree in      Experimental,         and comprehension.                             (2019)
        Nursing                                    Spain                 It also promotes teacher-student interaction
Mini Simon M Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL) Through Kahoot: A Learner-Centric Approach in
Nursing Education -Systematic Review

4     The     first-year    nursing    students'   Observational cross-     -66.19%students found Kahoot! easy to use,       Coveney K
      evaluation of Kahoot! to facilitate          sectional study,         helpful for learning especially concerning       (2022)
      learning and testing knowledge.              Ireland and Italy        formative assessment
5     The effects of web-based education and       the              semi-    The Kahoot! group had significantly higher      Öz
      Kahoot usage in the evaluation of the        experimental study,      mean scores in knowledge scores and skill        GÖ(2021)
      knowledge       and    skills   regarding    Turkey                   performance for intramuscular injection.
      intramuscular injection among nursing
6     Using the " a Game to Enhance       Prospective, Quasi-      Independent t-test showed that the Kahoot!       Jane     M.
      Undergraduate       Nursing      Students'   Experimental,            group had higher test scores. ( t=2.90, df= 97   Kurz (2017)
      Learning                                     Philadelphia.            p=.005) (2- tailed) than the control group.
7     Digital Game-Based Learning: A               Formative evaluation     Kahoot is a digital tool that allows formative   Solís   de
      Didactic Experience in the Pre-Degree        of 4000 nursing          evaluations, Fostering the teaching-learning     Ovando,
      Nursing Career                               students, Chile          process, increasing the participation and        (2018)
                                                                            motivation of students during their training
8     Instructional Gaming: Using Kahoot! for      Cross-sectional          Students (100%) communicated that the            Indra. H
      Review                                       study, USA               Kahoot! the review was fun, interactive, and     (2020)
                                                                            kept them engaged in the classroom.
                                                                            Kahoot! have the potential to innovate,
                                                                            accelerate, enrich and deepen skills, and
                                                                            motivate and engage students.
9     Feasibility of Kahoot! As a real-time        Pre-test/post-test       Kahoot provides an excellent learning            Neureiter D
      assessment                                   design,                  environment and keeps the students self-         (2020)
      Tool in pathology classroom teaching         Austria                  motivated including introverts.
10    To assess students' perception of Kahoot!    Qualitative research     Students (90%) accepted that Kahoot helped       Ali MF,
      is an innovative learning tool in            -face to face verbal     them to comprehend and retain knowledge          (2021)
      pathology- a qualitative study               feedback,

                   International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research (                                             16
                                       Vol.7; Issue: 3; July-September 2022
Mini Simon M Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL) Through Kahoot: A Learner-Centric Approach in
  Nursing Education -Systematic Review

    RESULT                                             and [7] socialization among students leads to
    There were 10 articles available that studied      strengthening professional socialization
    the effectiveness of Digital Game-Based            which indirectly promotes professional
    Learning (DGBL)through kahoot. There               value acquisition.
    were seven studies were conducted as quasi iii. Encourages the learners to reflect on
    experimental study (n=7) and two cross-                 their strengths and weakness as an
    sectional study(n=2). There was a                       "assessment for learning tool".
    qualitative study on the perception of              A stress-free environment is available for
    students on kahoot. The studies were from          learners     with      the   components       of
    Austria(n=1), Spain (n=1), Turkey(n=2),            edutainment. The faculty can interact with
    Philadelphia (n=3), Karachi(n=1), Chile            the students and facilitate teacher feedback.
    (n=1), Italy(n=1), none of the studies are         The formative assessment enables the
    from India. the reviewers identified that one      faculty as well as the learners through
    study each in 2022,2019,2017 whereas three         tutorials, problem-based learning activities,
    studies in 2021, two studies in 2020 &2018         etc. [6]
    were published.                                iv.      Digital Games enable learners to
                                                            understand         complex       concepts,
    DISCUSSION                                              promote critical thinking, and acquire
    Research question: Does the digital game -              decision-making skills.
    Kahoot enhance teaching-learning activities        In Kahoot, the learners can be actively
    among undergraduate nursing students?              involved in the teaching sessions, and
    Out of 10 identified articles, 9 reported that     clarify their doubts then and there. Based on
    Kahoot is effective in teaching-learning           the complexity of the question and the level
    activities.                                        of students, questions and time for response
                                                       can be altered by the faculty [4,6,16]. The
    The main findings are discussed below:             nursing students need to apply their
                                                       problem-solving skills and critical thinking
 i.     Kahoot is implemented as a teaching            skill acquired through this Digital Game-
        and assessment tool in nursing.                Based Learning is a pivotal role to enhance
     A teacher-made assessment is possible by          professionalism in their clinical practice.[11]
    careful preparation of the quiz, polls, and        Nursing is rooted in pragmatism and skill-
    multiple-choice questions. It provides an          like administration of Intra Muscular
    opportunity to reinforce the learning. Unlike      (IM)injection. Through the review of the
    other teaching methods, Kahoot would               responses of learners and constructive
    enable the learners to give immediate              feedback[13,14,16,17] from peer groups and the
    feedback and promote learning. This tool           faculty, Kahoot is also promising a chance
    enables the students to comprehend and             to develop skills that are essential to an
    retain the knowledge, and develop an               efficient professional nurse. [17]
    interest in the subjects [5][8].
ii.     Kahoot brings motivation for                   CONCLUSION
        learners.                                      The review reveals that there is a paucity of
    The sessions are planned in such a way that        research available on digital game-based
    students get scores immediately and their          learning through Kahoot. Available research
    names are displayed on the board                   articles show that this strategy is effective in
    motivating them to go to the further task.         nursing education. The researchers need to
    The group activities and active participation      focus on the effectiveness of this approach
    with peer groups [4,6] make the students           as multiple cohort studies with control and
    enjoy "learning with joy with the support of       experimental groups. The qualitative studies
    audio-visual stimuli." This competitiveness        on the same will provide the effects of

                 International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research (                17
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Mini Simon M Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL) Through Kahoot: A Learner-Centric Approach in
Nursing Education -Systematic Review

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               International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research (                18
                                   Vol.7; Issue: 3; July-September 2022
Mini Simon M Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL) Through Kahoot: A Learner-Centric Approach in
Nursing Education -Systematic Review

    Research Conference 2020: Transforming            How to cite this article: Mini Simon M, Nisha
    Nursing Education Through Evidence                C K, Tripti K Srivastava. Digital game-based
    Generation       and      Translation;2020        learning (DGBL) through Kahoot: a learner-
    Washington, DC, USA. Available from               centric approach in nursing education -                systematic review. International Journal of
                                                      Science & Healthcare Research. 2022; 7(3):
                                                      14-19. DOI: 


               International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research (                19
                                   Vol.7; Issue: 3; July-September 2022
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