STRATEGIC PLAN 2021-2025 - DRAFT-OCTOBER 2021 - Staunton City Schools

Page created by Pedro Larson
STRATEGIC PLAN 2021-2025 - DRAFT-OCTOBER 2021 - Staunton City Schools
               DRAFT-OCTOBER 2021
STRATEGIC PLAN 2021-2025 - DRAFT-OCTOBER 2021 - Staunton City Schools

I am excited to share with you
Staunton City Schools’ strategic plan to
guide our work over the next four
years. The business of educating and
supporting our youth couldn’t be more
urgent as we confront unparalleled
Hundreds of you shared your ideas during our
strategic planning process, describing what you
see as priorities for Staunton City Schools in the
coming years. In our needs assessment survey,              Dr. Garett Smith
more than 300 students, teachers, staff and           Staunton City Schools
community partners asked us to focus on a few              Superintendent
key areas:

   providing a high-quality education and
   academic supports for students of all abilities;
   helping students rebound from the challenges
   of the pandemic; and
   cultivating an inclusive, diverse, and healthy
   learning community.

We've combined your feedback with our
knowledge of the needs of our learning
community and created a long-term plan that
addresses each of those areas and more.

With all of the adults in our community working
together in the best interest of our students, we
cannot be defeated. We appreciate your support of
our students, staff, the community and each other.
STRATEGIC PLAN 2021-2025 - DRAFT-OCTOBER 2021 - Staunton City Schools
SCS students will be upstanding
 Our Vision        citizens, innovative thinkers, and
                   creative problem solvers who
                   inspire others through their

                   We empower each student to
 Our Mission       excel by investing in an inclusive,
                   innovative, and healthy learning

A Healthy Learning Community
                                 The strategic plan
In order for our students,
                                 reflects Staunton City
teachers, and staff to do
                                 Schools' ongoing
their best, we know that a
                                 investment in the
healthy culture must exist
                                 overall well-being of
in our schools.
                                 students and their
                                 families, teachers,
                                 staff, and the
                                 Staunton community.

                                        Staunton City Schools
                                      2021-2025 Strategic Plan
STRATEGIC PLAN 2021-2025 - DRAFT-OCTOBER 2021 - Staunton City Schools
Our Core Values
We believe:
                                When adults get smarter, so do our
High-quality teachers and
                                students. Our teachers must be proficient,
staff are our No. 1 asset.      caring, observant, and engaging to help
                                students succeed.

All people in our learning      We cultivate a culture of anti-
community must be               discrimination and inclusion in our
treated with respect.

Good stewardship of             We must use entrusted resources wisely
community resources is          and strategically for the benefit of our
                                entire community.

Achievement is more than        We prepare and challenge students to be
a high test score.              upstanding, productive citizens in the
                                classroom and beyond.

Learning must be relevant       We encourage students to be creative,
and inspire student             critical thinkers engaged in the learning

Communication and               Robust partnerships with families and
collaboration are critical to   community groups are the foundation of
                                a strong learning community.
our success.

A healthy learning              Our students and staff deserve to learn
community is diverse,           and work in an environment that
                                embraces differences, encourages
innovative, and nurturing.
                                creativity, and provides the resources that
                                protect and promote their social,
                                emotional, mental, and physical well-
                                                        Staunton City Schools
                                                      2021-2025 Strategic Plan
STRATEGIC PLAN 2021-2025 - DRAFT-OCTOBER 2021 - Staunton City Schools
Achievementt & Well--being

Provide a high-quality education that supports
student growth and achievement, innovation,  on,
and the overall well-being of our entire learning

   Strategy 1                                  Strategy 2
   Maintain and develop educational            Expand career pathways and
   practices that help every child in          partnerships that allow students to
   SCS read on grade level by second           make authentic career connections,
   grade.                                      explore diverse career options, and
                                               prepare for life after school.
   ‫ خ‬Continue and expand an ongoing
      cycle of observation and feedback        A. Expand business partnerships to
      within schools.                             allow for diverse work-based
    ‫ خ‬Join the Comprehensive                      experiences across career
      Instructional Program consortium            pathways.
      of 43 school divisions in Virginia to    B. Develop a whole-school and/or
      analyze student SOL data and work           vertical progression that supports
      collaboratively to improve                  career development.
      academic outcomes for students.
   !‫ خ‬Provide strong instructional
      coachǞȁǐmodel that allows               Strategy 3
      ongoing professional learning and        Preserve and increase practices and
      support for staff.                       programs that promote wellness
   (‫ خ‬Utilize research-based instructional     and safety for the entire learning
      practices as a basis for instructional   community.
                                               ‫ خ‬Provide free breakfast, lunch and
   0‫ خ‬Seek federal and state distinctions         snacks to all ²!²students year-
      for elementary, middle and high             round.
      schools to promote high academic
      achievement and secure school             ‫ خ‬Provide a healthy environment in
      accreditations.                             all school facilities through

                                                                  Staunton City Schools
                                                                2021-2025 Strategic Plan
STRATEGIC PLAN 2021-2025 - DRAFT-OCTOBER 2021 - Staunton City Schools
necessary health mitigation
   strategies and facility upgrades.
                                          Measures of Success
C. Review and update the Crisis           We’ll monitor the
                                          following key data points
   Management Plan and school
                                          to track achievement
   safety procedures as needed to         and well-being:
   maintain the protection and well-
   being of students and staff.              x   Number of
                                                 students reading
D. Practice emergency procedures at              at PALS‫ؤؤ‬
   each school for the safety and well-          benchmark in
   being of our learning community.              Grade 2
                                             x   Our on-time
E. Develop and host a division-wide              graduation rate
   Kindness Challenge to encourage           x   Our dropout rate
   empathy and respect among                 x   Number of
                                                 students earning Advanced diplomas
   students and the community.
                                             x   Number of students earning a
F. Develop and host a Wellness                   passing grade or growth results on
   Challenge to support the mental               SOL tests (E,M,H)‫ؤؤ‬
                                             x   Number of students earning one or
   and physical well-being of staff
                                                 more SOL pass advanced (E,M,H)
   and boost morale.                         x   Number of students with no out-of-
G. Foster collaboration and                      school suspensions (E,M,H)
                                             x   Number of students attending more
   understanding among leadership                than 90% (E,M,H)
   through central office and                x   College and Career Readiness Index
   administrator strategic retreats.             (Work-based learning experiences,
                                                 CTE completers, AP/ DE enrollment)


                                                                  Staunton City Schools
                                                                2021-2025 Strategic Plan
STRATEGIC PLAN 2021-2025 - DRAFT-OCTOBER 2021 - Staunton City Schools
        e & Equitable
                    e Learning
                             g Environmentt

Promote a culture of respect in which students and staff of diverse
backgrounds are represented, heard, valued, and nurtured.

                                               quarterly update meetings with
  Strategy 1                                   equity officers.
  Continuously grow practices and
                                            D. Develop an equity toolkit to serve
  programs that promote equity for
                                               as a resource guide for educators
  the entire learning community.
                                               on diversity, equity and inclusion
  ‫ خ‬Establish equity officers at the          topics.
     central office level to evaluate       E. Utilize Equity First Funds to
     school policies and procedures as         promote equity initiatives.
     they relate to equity, report onɈǘƵ
                                            F. Fundraise for the Equity First Fund
     progress of equity initiatives, and
                                               to continue funding for student
     meet quarterly with school equity
                                               fees, tutoring, technology support
     teams to help advance curriculum
                                               for families in need, and staff
     and programs and address
                                               professional development.
                                            G. Maintain and expand technology
    ‫ خ‬Provide periodic reports to the
                                               offerings for SCS families to ensure
      school board on SCS equity
                                               all students have modern
                                               technology access.
  !‫ خ‬Increase support for school equity
                                            H. Expand technology offerings for
     teams through professional
                                               staff and teachers to ensure all
     development, including diversity,
                                               staff have access to modern
     equity and inclusion trainings,
                                               technology tools.
     continuing education, and
                                            I. Grow our Alternative to
                                               Suspension Program to address
                                               student discipline through
                                               restorative justice.
                                            J. Incorporate restorative justice
                                               practices in school settings to
                                               create just and equitable learning
                                               environments, build and maintain
                                               healthy relationships, and
                                               transform conflict.
                                                                Staunton City Schools
                                                              2021-2025 Strategic Plan
STRATEGIC PLAN 2021-2025 - DRAFT-OCTOBER 2021 - Staunton City Schools
K. Establish a cadre of SCS employees           ȯƵȲǞȌƮǞƧƊǶǶɯ with the
   to participate in a comprehensive            superintendent.
   restorative justice training
                                            B. Continue quarterly meetings
                                               between the superintendent
L. Provide individual and school-level         and the Staunton Teacher
   mental health and relationship-             Advisory Council.
   building support for students and
                                            C. Conduct an annual staff survey
   staff through the social-emotional
                                               to determine level of
   learning coordinator.
                                               satisfaction with school climate
M. Expand preschool sections to                including diversity, equity and
   eventually match the number of              inclusion.
   Kindergarten sections.
N. Conduct an annual student survey
   to determine level of satisfaction    Measures of Success
   with school climate, including
   diversity, equity and inclusion.      We’ll monitor the
                                         following key data
                                         points ƊȁȁɐƊǶǶɯto
Strategy 2                               safeguard an inclusive
Cultivate student leadership to          and equitable learning
strengthen a positive culture in         environment:
their schools.                              x   Level of
                                                satisfaction with
A. Provide Upstander (anti-bias, anti-          SCS learning
   bullying) training for staff and             environment
   students at all grade levels                 (gathered
   through VCIC partnership.                    through surveys)
                                            x   yumber
B. Develop an Upstander incentive               of equity
   program that rewards anti-bias,              trainings
   anti-bullying behavior.                      attended by staff
                                            x   yumber of equity trainingsattended
                                                by students
Strategy 3                                  x   Jift income for Equity First Fund
                                            x   yumber of students helpedthrough
Maintain avenues of direct                      Equity First Fund
communication with all SCS                  x   yumber of funded equityinitiatives/
employee groups and seek their                  programs
feedback.                                   x   yumber of free computerdevices,
                                                hotspots, meals and snacks
   A. Establish a support staff                 distributed to students and families
      advisory group to meet

                                                               Staunton City Schools
                                                             2021-2025 Strategic Plan
STRATEGIC PLAN 2021-2025 - DRAFT-OCTOBER 2021 - Staunton City Schools
Stafff Expertise

Attract, retain, and champion a highly skilled
                                        killed and
diverse workforce.

   Strategy 1                               Strategy 2
                                            Recruit and
   Provide professional development
                                            retain a diverse
   opportunities that increase staff
                                            population of
   expertise and support successful
   outcomes for students.
                                            A. Create a
   A. Use data and direct feedback to
                                               pipeline of
      determine staff professional
      development needs.
   B. Continue and expand SCS                  through a
      University program as a                  grow-your-
      professional development tool for        own teaching program for
      teachers and staff.                      students, with a focus on
   C. Host annual diversity, equity and        developing teachers who reflect
      inclusion training for all staff.        the diversity of our learning
   D. Host customized diversity, equity
      and inclusion training for school     B. Develop a grow-your-own program
      equity teams and SCS equity              for staff to become teachers and
      officers.                                administrators, with a focus on
                                               developing staff who reflect the
   E. Encourage collaboration among            diversity of our learning
      staff through professional learning      community.
      communities focused on
      producing successful academic         C. Develop a succession plan in
      results for students.                    preparation for impending
                                               retirements of veteran central
                                               office and school staff.
                                            D. Host SCS recruitment fairs for
                                               educators and other professional
                                               staff, with a focus on recruiting
                                               talented people who reflect the
                                               diversity of our learning

                                                                 Staunton City Schools
                                                               2021-2025 Strategic Plan
STRATEGIC PLAN 2021-2025 - DRAFT-OCTOBER 2021 - Staunton City Schools
E. Maintain outreach to HBCUs and
   other colleges and universities to      Measures of Success
   recruit teachers and staff of diverse
   races and ethnicities.                  We’ll monitor the
                                           following key data
                                           points to build staff
Strategy 3                                 expertise:
                                              x   Annual number
Strengthen our compensation
                                                  of professional
package to be competitive in the                  development
region and recruit and retain a                   trainings offered
skilled and diverse staff.                        to staff
                                              x   Annual number
A. Provide childcare for staff.                   of courses
B. Seek funding from city council                 attended and
                                                  hours logged in
   annually for progressively
                                                  SCS University
   competitive salaries and pay raises
                                              x   Diversity of staff compared to
   for educators and professional                 diversity of students (percentages)
C. Explore the advantages and
   disadvantages of moving to a
   biweekly pay schedule for staff.

                                                                     Staunton City Schools
                                                                   2021-2025 Strategic Plan
            e Relationships

Cultivate collaborative and trusting relationships with students, families, and
the community.

                                            D. Conduct an annual budget survey
   Strategy 1                                  to receive community input on
   Maintain good stewardship of the            budget priorities.
   community resources entrusted to
                                            Strategy 2
                                            Advance services, programs and
   A. Continue partnership with city        organizations that enhance student
      officials to secure a consolidated    and family experiences in SCS,
      operations facility in a cost-        strengthen communication, and
      effective and strategic manner.       provide a sense of belonging.
   B. Continue to invest in school
      infrastructure as needed to           A. Develop parent partnerships that
      maintain strong and safe facilities      advance their involvement in
      and services.                            learning and social emotional
                                               development for students.
   C. Mobilize public support for school
      funding through storytelling on       B. Seek student and family input
      social and news media platforms,         through surveys, focus groups, and
      community service projects and           school-based organizations.
      campaigns, school tours, and          C. Redesign the SCS family of
      presentations to local civic             websites to serve as an improved
      organizations.                           communication tool between the
                                               school division and all of its
                                            D. Create a mentoring program that
                                               places students with a trusted, go-
                                               to adult in their school for
                                               academic and emotional support.
                                            E. Help connect students to
                                               extracurricular activities through
                                               athletics, the arts, and academic
                                               clubs to enrich their overall school
                                                                Staunton City Schools
                                                              2021-2025 Strategic Plan
Strategy 3
                                        Measures of Success
Build partnerships with community
members and organizations that
                                       We’ll monitor the
enrich the overall educational,        following key data
social, emotional, mental, and         points to build
physical well-being of students and    collaborative, trusting
staff.                                 relationships:
                                          x   Total number of
‫ خ‬Grow the UVA-VDOE mental                  students
   health partnership to increase            partnered with
   ƊƧƧƵȺȺɈȌmental health                   mentors
   professionals and resources ǏȌȲ        x   Total number of
   SCS.                                       targeted
                                              partnerships with
 ‫ خ‬Seek collaborative relationships          community
   with local, federal and state             organizations
   elected officials and community       x   Percentage of students participating
   influencers through ongoing,              in extracurricular activities in middle
   strategic conversations about             and high schools
   significant school issues and

                                                              Staunton City Schools
                                                            2021-2025 Strategic Plan
Making a difference in the future, one student at a time.

                        116 W. Beverley St.
                        Staunton, VA 24401
                        Phone: 540.332.3920
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