Digital Strategy 2019-2021 - Sedgemoor District Council

Digital Strategy 2019-2021 - Sedgemoor District Council
Digital Strategy
Digital Strategy 2019-2021 - Sedgemoor District Council
There is a growing expectation from those that use public services in Sedgemoor that they can access
such services any time of the day or night using the digital device they are holding at the time, whether
that’s a phone, tablet or laptop. This digital strategy is about Sedgemoor delivering on that desire and
creating opportunities for all citizens to access our services more conveniently and efficiently.

Sedgemoor has an excellent track record of developing technology to better serve our customers and
delivering value for money. There are now opportunities for councils to be the first to redesign public
services around the customer experience, enabled by personal mobile digital technology. This strategy
will help deliver the building blocks for this ambition, allowing Sedgemoor citizens to grasp these digital

We now have a clear direction and plan to improve services to local taxpayers by making as many
transactions as possible available as self-service. This strategy also commits Sedgemoor to leaving no
customer behind so that however they wish to access services: digitally, over the phone or in person, they
will receive the same excellent service.

            Councillor Lance Duddridge
            Portfolio Holder for Customer Access and Digital Delivery
Digital Strategy 2019-2021 - Sedgemoor District Council
In 2017, 90% of households and individuals in                       73% of adults access the internet ‘on the go’ using
Great Britain had internet access*                                  a mobile phone or smartphone*

                                                                                     DO IT ONLINE

60% of us have looked online for information on                     59% have completed government processes
public services**                                                   online**

                                                *ONS: Internet access – households and individuals, Great Britain: 2017
                                                               **OFCOM, Adults Media Use and Attitudes Report, 2017                                                                            2
Digital Strategy 2019-2021 - Sedgemoor District Council
About the strategy
Sedgemoor District Council has adopted its Corporate Strategy, with the strapline ‘Creating Opportunity’,
and this sets out the vision and priorities for the Council under three themes:
• Customers and efficiency
• Growth and Infrastructure
• Housing, Health and Wellbeing

The Digital Strategy will underpin these areas of focus and will help to ensure that the Council’s overall
priorities are delivered and our values are upheld.

The Digital Strategy is divided into four sections:
• Our Digital vision
• Our Digital Ambition
• Digital Themes
• Digital Action Plans




                                                                 Digital vision

       Teamwork                                               Digital ambition


                                                                 Action plans
Digital Strategy 2019-2021 - Sedgemoor District Council
Our digital vision
Our Digital Strategy describes how we will use modern tools and technologies to enable digital opportunity and
fundamentally change how the council operates in serving both its internal and external customers. We call this our
‘Platform Approach’.

In every aspect of society, digital transformation is taking place. Over the last 20 years, we have seen the development
of the internet; initially used on computers but now used increasingly on mobile and many other connected devices.
In recent years, social media has come to the fore and we will utilise this new channel as part of our transformation
strategy. We will put the customer first by ensuring all channels of communication are quick and effective.

In comparison to some other local authorities embarking on transformation, Sedgemoor has good levels of
performance and efficiency and we are therefore in a strong starting position. As a provider of in-house systems we
understand how to deliver customer focused services. We are committed to improving our self-service offer, building
efficient end-to-end digital processes built around our customer’s needs. The key to transformed processes, is the
data and how it is managed and organised. We will use our approach to build a new suite of systems that will deliver
opportunities to customers through a common platform, with a key set of capabilities.

                                               What is digital?

                                               Digital can be best defined as using information technology (such
                                               as computers, tablets, smartphones) to connect people with
                                               information. Using digital technology allows organisations to
                                               transform the way services are provided to all our customers.                                                                             4
Digital Strategy 2019-2021 - Sedgemoor District Council
The digital opportunity
            The technologies that we use in our personal and
                                                                      The financial opportunity
            business life are rapidly evolving. We will need to
            keep pace with expectations from our customers
            and staff, by continually reviewing the digital
                                                                      The Government itself has estimated that
            capabilities, supported by our platform approach.
                                                                      local councils across the country could
                                                                      save up to £5bn by adopting better use of
            The council needs to reduce the cost of services
                                                                      digital technologies.*
            while improving service quality, remaining
            relevant to the many customers who use digital
                                                                      There are many examples of how councils
            services every day, while also ensuring that it
                                                                      have innovated and used technology to
            meets the demands of all the customers it serves.
                                                                      improve service and reduce cost, from
                                                                      waste collection to income collection –
            Three key areas will provide opportunities to
                                                                      digital can make a real difference.
            achieve this:

             Website                         Digital infrastructure                      Social media

Our Website will be transactional        Digital technologies allow the         Social media has changed the way
with an emphasis on easy access,         redesign of services around the        in which we can communicate
self-service, up-to-date and relevant    customer. The ability to deliver       and engage; it has opened up
information - fully mobile enabled.      many transactional services            access and provides us with a
We have around 28,000 visitors           electronically - whether paying,       wealth of opportunities to develop
(235,000 page views) to our website      applying or reporting - can be done    relationships and connections in the
every month. Our aim is to continue      at a lower cost and offers choice      community. Our aim is to develop
to improve our website to ensure         to our customers. We will invest       and expand our use of social media
that the content is up to date,          in digital technologies to support     to listen, learn and deliver better
relevant and succinct.                   better customer service.               services and to allow our customers
                                                                                to communicate and transact with
                                                                                us through this medium if they so
Digital Strategy 2019-2021 - Sedgemoor District Council
Listening to our customers
Most people who live, work or visit Sedgemoor use a service provided by the Council. We need to engage with our
customers, so they can help shape the delivery of services and digital solutions offered to reflect their requirements.

The Council is committed to creating a Customer Panel so we are able to engage and consult with our customers. We
will consult on the provision of a new digital reception, for those that need or want to access our services face to face.
We will also maximise self-service opportunities for those that want to transact with the Council at any time of the

Customer insight
Services collect data on customer demand and requirements. We will analyse this data to gain a better insight into
customer needs. We can see what information people access through our website, what people are looking for (when
using a search engine) or if they are a new user or someone who regularly contacts the Council.
Using customer information and intelligence will allow us to commission better services and support continuous
improvement in service delivery. This information will be used in the delivery of this strategy and will help the
development of future new services.

Customer journey: user story
Overleaf shows an example user story, demonstrating how a customer currently transacts with the Council and how
the customer experience will be improved as a result of the digital changes we are making.                                                                                6
Digital Strategy 2019-2021 - Sedgemoor District Council
Digital Customer Service
Providing user friendly 24-7 digital access to services will enable customers to be empowered to make
choices about the services they want and transact when it is most convenient for them.

For example: Customer A has had a new mattress delivered at the weekend and would like the old one

                                                                             Customer goes
                                                                             to SDC website
                                                                             at the weekend

Current process                                  SWP collects
                                                waste on agreed
                                                                                                     Website provides
                                                     date                                            details of service

                                                                                                                                   Customer needs
                                                                                                                                    to request and
                                                                                                                                   pay by phone in
                                                                                                                                     office hours
                      Advisor sends
                      details to SWP

                                                                                                              On Monday
                                                                                                             customer calls
                                                                                                              during lunch

   Completes                     Advisor:
                                                             Customer                                                   Advisor asks for
                                                              decides                                                  customer’s name
                                                          alternative date                                               and address
                Offers receipt       customer                                                     Advisor provides
                 via e-mail            case                              Advisor informs             details of
                                      number                                                         collection
                                                                          that collection
                                                                         not possible this

Digital process:                                                    Customer goes
                                                                    to SDC website
                                                                    at the weekend

                                             SWP collects                                      Logs onto her
                                            waste on agreed                                     ‘My account’
                                                 date                                             facility

                             Collection details                                                           Clicks on the link
                              automatically                                                               to the bulky item
                               sent to SWP                                                                collection service

                                  receives                                                                 All information is
                             acknowledgement                                                                    provided
                              & case number

                                                                                               Customer fills out
                                            Clicks to submit                                  simple form - name                Available
                                                  form                                          & contact details                dates
                                                                                               already populated
                                                                   Customer makes
                                                                    payment and
                                                                    chooses to be
                                                                    sent a receipt
Digital Strategy 2019-2021 - Sedgemoor District Council
Delivering excellent customer service
The council will join-up customer contact using digital
                                                                 A ‘digital platform’ approach
technology to improve customer service and reduce cost. The
council will:
• Invest in Sedgemoor Digital to enable them to resolve          To underpin our transformation, the
  day-to-day customer transactions at the first point of         Council has defined a set of capabilities,
  contact, where possible.                                       which will be used collectively to form a
• Move to a ‘digital platform’ approach with fully integrated    digital platform. Our digital platform will:
  front and back offices.                                        • provide a single source of information.
• Endeavour to integrate with other partners.                    • be available for everyone in the Council
• Promote self-service, with easier customer contact to            to use.
  help our customers and businesses access improved online       • be GDPR compliant.
• Ensure that no customer will be left behind by continuing      Through its phased deployment, the
  to deliver services via post, telephone and face to face.      Platform will enable us to deliver
                                                                 outcomes such as:
                                                                 • support easy access to our services
                                                                 • provide self-service access to online
Self-service                                                       services, via popular devices
                                                                 • automate processes, reducing the need
By using digital technology, the customer can self-serve (e.g.
                                                                   for human intervention where possible
make an application, payment or request a service) directly
from their computer, smartphone or tablet. The request can       • share common sets of key information,
be processed automatically with confirmation provided back         such as people, property, assets
to the customer. This is an improved service for the Customer,     amongst our services
and a more cost-effective way to provide services.               • provide tools for managers to design
                                                                   and build innovative services
                                                                 • re-invent many of our back-office
                                                                   systems, reducing the need for
                                                                 • identify common activities and tasks
                                                                   that can be defined within the platform
                                                                   and re-used
                                                                 • share services, data and capacity with
                                                                   public sector partners and more widely
                                                                 • prioritise service delivery                                                                           8
Digital Strategy 2019-2021 - Sedgemoor District Council
Our digital ambition
            Our Digital Strategy puts residents, customers and businesses at the heart of everything we do. We have
            developed eight clear ambitions to support our digital vision.

 1. A new platform opportunity                                      2. The Council working differently

Using modern platforms, we will reduce costs and                   We will use digital technology to make the
improve service quality for everyone.                              Council more efficient and ensure it is sustainable
                                                                   in the future.

 3. Everyone included                                               4. Working together joined up

We will work hard to make sure no one is ‘digitally                We are committed to and will work with other
excluded’. We will design our services to be                       organisations and technology partners to join up
accessible using modern technology regardless of                   services and make them easier to use.
age, disability or ethnicity
5. Improve health, wellbeing and
    generate economic growth                      6. Engaging young people

Investing in modern technology can help create   We know that most young people want access
jobs and stimulate economic growth. We will      to services and information electronically. We
ensure that we support opportunities which       are committed to ensuring the Council remains
increase technology investment in Sedgemoor.     relevant to all.

 7. Better informed, better connected             8. Digital democracy

We believe that our customers can make better    We want to use technology to enhance and
choices if they have the right information. We   support democracy and community engagement
will ensure we provide timely and accurate       through easier communication/social media and
information.                                     potentially electronic voting.

How people find us online today
            Currently the vast majority of our customers find us online by searching for us using a search engine
            such as Google. Although social networking has increased significantly in recent years, only 2% of our
            customers report that they are able to find information about us in this way.

                        Searching the internet                                                       63.3%

               Going directly to the website                              26%

                   Links from other websites                 8.2%

                                  Social media        2.3%

                                        E-mail        0%

                                                 0%        10%      20%   30%    40%    50%    60%     70%    80%

               The Office for National Statistics reports that social networking use rose from 45% in 2011 to 66% in
               2017, and that social networking use is increasingly prevalent across all age ranges.

Sedgemoor District Council will ensure accessibility through the growing area of social media and ensure all digital
services our easy to use and mobile device friendly.




With 46.5% of our users using mobile devices,                                   The Office for National Statistics reports that in
customers are accessing our website from                                        2017, 73% of adults in the UK access the internet
everywhere they go, not just from home or office                                ‘on the go’ using a smart device and that only
based computers.                                                                10% of households do not have internet access at
                                                       2017                                                      227,588
Sedgemoor is seeing an increase
in visitors through our website. We
plan to make best use of customer                      2016                                                      223,268

engagement through increased
automated transactions that can be                     2015                                                  209,518
completed quickly, whilst keeping them
informed.                                              2014                                            192,172

                                                       2013                                        180,981

                                                              0   50,000   100,000     150,000     200,000         250,000

Internet activities by age group, 2017, GB

    Reading online news, newspapers
                       or magazines

      Social networking e.g. Facebook
                             or Twitter

                     Internet banking

    Telephoning or making video calls
       over the internet via a webcam

    Uploading content created by you
            to a website to be shared

                                          0%           20%         40%          60%              80%              100%

                                               16-24      25-34   35-44     45-54        55-64         65+

                                                                                      Source: Office for National Statistics

All age groups are using modern digital technology in their day-to-day lives, from reading newspapers and chatting
to friends, to communicating with organisations such as utility suppliers, banks and the local council.                                                                                  12
Time of day








                                                                                     66% of our customers visit
   0%                                                                                during core hours. 34% of our
                                                                                     customers visit outside of core


Activity by day of the week

1. Wednesday                                                       18.32%

2. Tuesday                                                        18.04%

3. Thursday                                                     17.06%

4. Monday                                                   16.87%

5. Friday                                              14.73%

6. Sunday                          7.61%

7. Saturday                       7.37%

Sedgemoor District Council sees opportunity to provide self-serve functionality to the increasing number of customer
wishing to conduct business with them out of hours. This will bring benefit to the customer as well as the Council.
Digital themes
Our digital vision and ambition identifies ‘what’ the Council intends to deliver. To turn the strategy into reality, a set of
three Digital Themes and associated Action Plans have been developed. These are ‘how’ the strategy will be delivered
and how we will improve the delivery of services, using digital technologies, as well as enabling communities to use
modern technology.

                            ital e                      Digital                             D
                        i g
                      D tur                                                              Cap igita
                             c                        Processes                        & T abili l
                      Stru ulture                    & Standards                          ech    t
                                                                                              nol ies
                       &C                                                                        ogy

                        We will support our staff and partners to embrace digital ways of working, by providing training
     Structure          and tools to bring about a digital culture. We will work with partners to address digital exclusion
     & Culture          to improve the take up of digital services.

                        We will review how each type of customer request is processed; making best use of the digital
       Digital          platform to enable customers to serve themselves, automate where we can, cut out waste,
    & Standards
                        and reuse standard features. We will listen to customer feedback to continually improve digital

                        Sedgemoor as a Platform will mean that the capabilities we create are available to all staff in the
    Capabilities        Council. The platform will be configurable and adaptable to the needs of customers and services
   & Technology
                        and will allow more efficient delivery. It will hold data in a secure (GDPR compliant) way whilst
                        allowing data to be easily shared where service requirement or legal pathway permits.                                                                                  14
Sedgemoor’s Customer Access Programme & Transforming
the Council
What is the Customer Access Programme?

Sedgemoor District Council has adopted a ‘Digital First’ approach to Customer Access transformation and
through our Customer Access Programme. We have committed to making transactions available on-line,
ensuring no customer is left behind.

Customer Access will develop our new Council wide digital platform, which will not only be a customer
relationship management (CRM) system, but will also be utilised by all areas of the Council in their service
delivery. The Platform will allow documents, data and processes to be managed centrally.

Why are we transforming?

•   To constantly improve the experience for all our customers as technology advances.
•   To design and build services on a shared platform.
•   To hold a single repository for key customer, process and workflow information.
•   To drive greater efficiency within the Council through the use of smarter tools.
•   To direct work to self-service solutions and Sedgemoor Digital.
•   To improve decision making on the use of Council resources.
•   To collaborate seamlessly with partners and other agencies who serve in our communities.

Principles for Transformation

The Council’s overriding principle is to create digital opportunities through ‘Digital by Choice,’ where
customers can access our services online, through any device, at any time of day. At the same time, we
pledge to leave no customer behind.

So what will be different?
1 Sedgemoor the Council and Place will have a digital culture. This means we will have:
  - A trained, skilled and digital workforce;
  - An understanding of and make better use of data;
  - Customer insight;
  - A digital District;
2 A bigger role for Customer Services. All first time customer access to services (face to face, telephone,
  e-mail/web/letter) is handled by our call centre Sedgemoor Digital (SD):
  - Contacts are logged and linked to a case
  - Paper and Post is scanned, and distributed electronically based on the associated case;
  - Customer calls to named staff are handled by appointment using a booking facility;
3 Casework Preparation is handled by SD where possible:
  - Validation that a customer has submitted all necessary information;
  - Cases that don’t need a judgement from a ‘service’ are fulfilled;
4 Customer can serve themselves where possible:
  - Through logging in to a ‘My Account’ facility which shows all their dealings with the council;
  - Services that require reporting, ordering, payments, bookings, are completed online;
5 Performance information is automatically and consistently collected:
  - Service Dashboards give an at a glance view of caseloads, stages, and outcomes;
  - Individual Cases requiring prioritisation are highlighted;
6 Customers provide Information once:
  - Data is re-used from other services and trusted organisations, rather than ask the customer for it again;
  - Customers are given the option to consent to having data re-used across many services;
7 Everyone will use the platform to support their work:
  - The right Information is available for each task, while protecting customer privacy;
  - Some decisions, updates, and outputs can be automated;
  - Tools to collaborate with colleagues

The new system will be GDPR compliant i.e. staff will have access to all, but no more information, than they need to do
their job.

A Digital Council: workforce and workspace
In order to deliver our Digital Strategy face to face with customers, we will need to remodel and rethink our reception
area so customers can interact with new digital technologies.

We will provide alternatives for those who are unable to contact us digitally or by phone, to ensure no one is left

Our reception area includes our main offices and community hubs which
we use for face to face contact with our customers.

We will look to:
•     Create a reception environment that enables and promotes self-serve
      to customers.
•     Provide face-to-face assisted access to online services to help
      customers help themselves.
•     Explore new and innovative ways of providing a front facing service.
•     Explore the use of community hubs and other locations for assisted
•     Develop a digital workplace to support our digital workforce.                                                                          16
Cyber security
Cyber Security is a critical function supporting
the current and future offering of the council’s
digital services. The cyber threat to the
Council is growing and continues to grow at
a very rapid pace. Cyber Security must not be
underestimated and in line with the principles
outlined in the Government’s National Cyber
Security Strategy 2016-2021 the Council will
continue to protect customer information
from cyber-attacks and threats.

With the range of internet-connected devices
increasing daily, the risk of a Cyber Security
incident also increases. However, to reduce the
security risk to both our customers and stakeholders the Council continues to invest and manage cyber-
security by carrying out the following:
•   Communicating with our staff when new threats appear and what action is required
•   Carrying out a range of Information Security Audits and Health Checks with our specialised partners
•   Taking a complete view of cyber security risk across the entire organisation
•   Continuing to invest and improve security technology linked to industry risks/trends
•   Managing any security incidents by following council policy supplemented with advice from the
    National Cyber Security Centre

Although Cyber security will continue to be a challenge, by providing secure defences the council will
continue to reduce the threat to customer information and deter any would-be attackers.
The Digital Strategy forms an important part of the wider Customer Access Programme, for which the Council has
established a robust governance approach based on best practice delivery of large complex programmes.

Reporting for the programme is through a dedicated Customer Access Programme Board, reporting to the Strategic
Leadership Team, the Executive, Full Council and Scrutiny Committees as appropriate.

                                                                     Full Council


                                                                 Strategic Leadership

                                                                   Customer Access                         Customer Access
                                                                  Programme Board                           Steering Group

    Holder for

                        Customer                                                                                                  CAP
                         Access                                                         stream
                                                                                         leads                                 Coordinator
                       Programme                                                                            Steering
  Programme               Board                      Assistant

                 Assistant               Chief                                                                              CAP
                 Director                Digital                                                                         Programme
                 Finance                 Officer                                                                          Manager                                                                                                18
Action plans
           Action plan one: Digital Processes and Standards                               Processes
                                                                                         & Standards

 Work stream                          Task                            When             Who

Communications Establish Customer Panel – 100 members Nov 2019                       • Head of
			                                                                              Customer Service

People & Change Build a detailed resourcing plan June 2019                           • Strategic
			                                                                               People Manager

Customer Focus      Complete reception refurbishment specification Dec 2019          • Head of
                    after customer consultation		                                Customer Service

Customer Focus Launch Sedgemoor Digital Dec 2019                                     • Head of
			                                                                              Customer Service

Process Re-design   Publish report evaluating outcomes of         Aug 2019       • Customer Contact
                    Anti-Social Behaviour Pilot to inform changes		                 Co-ordinator
                    to the Process Design Manual

Process Re-design Load ‘As- is’ Northgate and web forms to Engage July 2019 • Customer Contact

Process Re-design   Support initial 12 SDC services to redesign their May 2021   • Customer Contact
                    business processes and deploy these on to the		                 Co-ordinator
                    Firmstep platform, increasing end-to end digital
                    processes for customers

Process Re-design   Re-design business process with Non Domestic   July 2021     • Customer Contact
                    Rates, Council Tax and Benefits Team to inform		                Co-ordinator
                    the design of the replacement Revs and Bens

Strategic Develop a Digital Commercialisation Protocol Oct 2020 • Chief Information
                                                                • Strategic Director
Action plan two: Digital Structure and Culture                                                 Structure
                                                                                               & Culture

 Work stream                              Task                           When               Who

Communications Set up Staff drop-in sessions for CAP advice Aug 2019                     • Head of
			                                                                                  Customer Service
                                                                                        • Strategic
			                                                                                  People Manager

Communications Launch Sedgemoor Digital Nov 2019                                         • Head of
			                                                                                  Customer Service

Communications Publish Customer Charter Aug 2019                                         • Head of
			                                                                                  Customer Service

People & Change Develop an approach to New Ways of Working July 2019 • Strategic People
                                                                          • Head of
			                                                                  Customer Service

People & Change Develop an approach to managing transition of        July 2019           • Strategic
			                                                                                   People Manager
                staff into new roles and manage exits as appropriate                         • SLT

Customer Focus           Develop a Customer Service training programme Sept 2019         • Head of
                         for the Customer Service Team		                             Customer Service

Customer Focus           Establish with our customer a set of Customer Aug 2019          • Head of
                         Service KPI’s		                                             Customer Service

Customer Focus Complete Customer Strategy Oct 2019                                       • Head of
			                                                                                  Customer Service

Customer Focus Publish a Digital Inclusion Strategy Oct 2019                             • Head of
			                                                                                  Customer Service

Building Refurb Set up refurbishment Working Group July 2019                       • Property Management
			                                                                                  & Income Generation
			                                                                                      Team Leader

Building Refurb Agree scope for refurbishment of reception Sept 2019               • Property Management
			                                                                                  & Income Generation
			                                                                                      Team Leader

Building Refurb Launch new reception with self-serve area Aug 2020                 • Property Management
			                                                                                  & Income Generation
			                                                                                      Team Leader

                                                                                       continued over                                                                    20
Strategic           Publish 1st version of the Process Design Manual   July 2019      • Chief Information
                    following a trial with Anti-Social Behaviour pilot		                     Officer

Strategic           Develop a Digital Collaboration Approach with key Oct 2019        • Chief Information
                    partners in Sedgemoor and present to SLT 		                              Officer

Strategic           Establish a Sedgemoor Digital Partnership Board April 2020        • Chief Information
                    and hold first meeting		                                                 Officer

Action plan three: Digital capabilities and technology                                         Capabilities
                                                                                              & Technology

   Work stream                         Task                                When              Who

People & Change      Collate skills data and carry out digital skills gap Sept 2019       • Strategic
                     analysis required for CAP		                                       People Manager

Technology           Establish resources for Firmstep and inhouse June 2019                 • Head of
                     software Products		                                              Information Systems

Technology           Enable and configure Firmstep Platform Live, Test   Dec 2019           • Head of
                     and Develop with core integrations enabled (Go Live)		           Information Systems

Technology           Enable Firmstep reporting and Offline forms Jan 2020                   • Head of
                     capability		                                                     Information Systems

Technology Non Domestic Rates build/release go live Sept 2020                               • Head of
			                                                                                   Information Systems

Technology Council Tax Build/release go live July 2021                                      • Head of
			                                                                                   Information Systems

Technology Housing Benefits build/release go live July 2021                                 • Head of
			                                                                                   Information Systems

Strategic            Develop a corporate approach to Social Media and Aug 2019        • Chief Information
                     present to SLT 		                                                       Officer
                                                                                           • Head of
			                                                                                    Customer Service
The Digital strategy 2019-2021 ensures:
•     An ambitious and clear direction of travel for digital services in Sedgemoor
•     An agile approach to ensure an ever evolving, dynamic technology environment
•     A secure and safe Information Technology environment
•     The Council is inclusive, with services easily accessible for all
•     A clear action plan which enables the delivery of the Digital Strategy
•     A framework for supporting the development of digital communities
•     A direction of travel to share with partners and the community
•     Opportunities to do things better and provide digital services fit for the future

Contact us
You can find out more about what we do, the services we provide and how to access them on our website

You can e-mail us at:

Our office opening hours are: Monday to Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm

During these hours you can call us on: 0300 303 7800 or visit us at:
Sedgemoor District Council
Bridgwater House
King Square
TA6 3AR                                                                22
You can also read