Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017-2021 - Family ...

Page created by Louise Robinson
Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017-2021 - Family ...
Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017-2021 - Family ...
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                                   Document Purpose                                                                       Contents
                                   The Canterbury-Bankstown Council Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017-2021            4    Message from the Administrator and Interim General Manager
                                   outlines Council’s commitment to improving opportunities for people with               5    Definitions
                                   disability of all ages to access the full range of services and activities available
                                   in the community.                                                                      6    Focus Areas

                                   The Action Plan is identified as an Action under the Community Strategic Plan          7    Acronyms
                                   – Canterbury-Bankstown Vision 2023, (People, particularly strategies 1.1.1, 1.2.1,     8    The Benefits of Inclusion
                                   1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.3.4, ), and the Delivery Program (People).                             9    Strategic Context
                                                                                                                          10   Policy Context
                                   Document Identification
                                                                                                                          12   Community Profile
                                   Disability Inclusion Action Plan, 2017-2021
                                                                                                                          13   The Planning Process
                                   Acknowledgement of Country                                                             15   What we did
                                   The City of Canterbury Bankstown would like to show our respect and                    16   Survey and Consultation Outcomes
                                   acknowledge the Aboriginal Traditional Custodians of the Land, The Daruk and
                                                                                                                          18   How we will Foster Positive Attitudes and Behaviours
                                   Eora People, and pay our respects to their Elders past, present and future.
                                                                                                                          20   How we will Create Liveable Communities
                                                                                                                          22   How we will Increase Opportunities for Employment
                                   cbcity.nsw.gov.au                                                                      23   How we will Improve our Systems and Processes
                                                                                                                          24   Monitoring, Evaluation and Ongoing Consultation,
                                                                                                                               Risk Management and Funding the Plan
                                                                                                                          25   The Plan
Disability Inclusion Action Plan

                                                                                                                                                                                            Disability Inclusion Action Plan
Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017-2021 - Family ...
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                                   Message                                                                               Definitions
                                   from the
                                   Administrator                                                                         Inclusion

                                   and Interim
                                                                                                                         Inclusion is the process whereby every person (irrespective of age, disability,
                                                                                                                         gender, religion, sexual preference or ethnicity) who wishes to can access and

                                   General                                   Richard Colley         Matthew Stewart
                                                                                                                         participate fully in all aspects of an activity or service in the same way as any
                                                                                                                         other member of the community.

                                   Manager                                   Administrator          Interim
                                                                                                    General Manager      Disability
                                                                                                                         The definition of disability applied in this document includes both definitions
                                   The City of Canterbury Bankstown is delighted to present its Disability               provided by the Disability Inclusion Act (NSW) 2014 and the Disability
                                   Inclusion Action Plan.                                                                Discrimination Act (Commonwealth) 1992.
                                   In Australia today more than 4 million people have some form of disability.           The Disability Inclusion Act (NSW) 2014 defines disability as including a:
                                   That’s 1 in 5 people. They are our sons and daughters, our parents and                long-term physical, psychiatric, intellectual or sensory impairment that, in
                                   grandparents, and our friends and neighbours, and we must do all we can to            interaction with various barriers, may hinder the person’s full and effective
                                   empower them in all aspects of their lives.                                           participation in the community on an equal basis with others.
                                   And yet, the reality is that far too often, our society has failed to recognise       The Disability Discrimination Act (Commonwealth) 1992 defines disability as:
                                   people’s specific needs and this has, tragically, resulted in a debilitating
                                                                                                                         • The total or partial loss of the person’s body or mental functions;
                                   feeling of isolation and marginalisation.
                                                                                                                         • The total or partial loss of a part of the body;
                                   We simply cannot accept the continued existence of barriers, whether
                                   physical or social, that prevent people living with disability to fully integrate     • The presence in the body of organisms causing disease or illness;
                                   into our society.                                                                     • The malfunction, malformation or disfigurement of a part of the
                                   This Plan, therefore, is a reminder that we should all be able to live our lives as     person’s body; and
                                   engaged, productive, and full participants in our community. It promises equal        • A disorder or malfunction that results in the person learning
Disability Inclusion Action Plan

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Disability Inclusion Action Plan
                                   access, fairness, and reflects Council’s commitment to promote positive                 differently from a person without the disorder or malfunction.
                                   change for every resident and visitor, including those living with disability.
                                   In celebrating this important milestone, let us reflect on the courage and
                                   dedication of all who made this achievement possible, and renew our
                                   commitment to inclusion and opportunity for all.
6                                                                                                                                                                               7

                                   Focus Areas                                                                     Acronyms
                                   The NSW Government has identified four focus areas where significant            ADA    Anti- Discrimination Act
                                   barriers to access and inclusion will be addressed. These are:                  CALD   Culturally and/or Linguistically Diverse
                                   Attitudes and Behaviours - attitudes and behaviour of community towards         CSP    Community Strategic Plan Canterbury-Bankstown 2023
                                   people with disability which may result in limiting access to employment and/
                                                                                                                   DDA    Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Commonwealth)
                                   or opportunities to contribute to social, economic and cultural life.
                                                                                                                   DIAP   Disability Inclusion Action Plan
                                   Liveable Communities - covers areas such as universal housing design,
                                   access to transport, community recreation, council policies and social          LGA    Local Government Area
                                   engagement.                                                                     NDIS   National Disability Insurance Scheme
                                   Employment - increasing the employment rates of people with disability.         NGO    Non-Government Organisation
                                   Systems and Processes - improving the systems and processes that enable
                                   people to access services and supports they need in the community.
                                   Examples include providing information in a range of
                                   formats, or making processes such as registration
                                   (for a service) or complaints simpler.
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                                                                                                                                                                               Disability Inclusion Action Plan
8                                                                                                                                                                                                          9

                                   The Benefits of Inclusion                                                        Strategic Context
                                   Most people will experience some form of disability in their lifetime. If our    The City of Canterbury Bankstown will be developing a Community Strategic
                                   attitudes are inclusive, our environment accessible, our workforce diverse and   Plan (CSP), based on extensive community consultation that will set out the
                                   our processes user friendly; everyone benefits.                                  broad long term (10 year) objectives of the community.
                                                                                                                    In order to put this broad plan into action, the Council has a Delivery Program
                                                                                                                    spanning four years and Operational Plans spanning one year. Progress is
                                                                                                                    reported by operational performance measures and is reviewed at least every
                                                                                                                    six months.
                                                                                                                    The diagram on the next page shows how the DIAP relates to other key
                                                                                                                    polices/ plans within the Council structure.

                                                                                                                                                       10+ Years

                                                                                                                                                        Disability                      	Long Term
                                                                                                                                                        Inclusion                          Financial
                                                                                                                                                       Action Plan                         Planning
                                                                                                                                                         4 Years                        	 Workforce
                                                                                                                                                        Delivery                           Planning
                                                                                                                               Community                Program
                                                                                                                               Engagement               4 Years
Disability Inclusion Action Plan

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Disability Inclusion Action Plan
                                                                                                                                                          Plan                         Perpetual
                                                                                                                                                         1 Year                        Monitoring and

10                                                                                                                                                                                                  11

                                   Policy Context
                                   People with disability have the same rights to choose how they live their lives,
                                   to access opportunities, and to enjoy the benefits of living and working in
                                   our society as all residents do. In recent years, there have been significant
                                   changes to law and policy in Australia aimed at ensuring the rights of persons
                                   with disabilities are upheld and protected. A core principle throughout is to
                                   consult with people with disability and to build strategies around what is of
                                   most importance.
                                   The Disability Inclusion Act 2014 (NSW) provides the legislative framework to
                                   guide state and local government disability inclusion and access planning. The
                                   Act supports people with disabilities to access:
                                   • The same human rights as other members of the community and that
                                     governments and communities have a responsibility to facilitate the
                                     exercise of those rights;
                                   • Independent, social and economic inclusion within the community; and
                                   • Choice and control in the pursuit of their goals, the planning and delivery of
                                                                                                                      Source: Disability Inclusion Action
                                     their supports and services.                                                     Planning Guidelines Local Government
                                   Canterbury-Bankstown Council is required to link the DIAP to the NSW
                                   Government Inclusion Action Plan specifically addressing the four focus            Other legislation which has relevance to the delivery
                                   areas:                                                                             includes:
                                   • Fostering positive attitudes and behaviours;                                     • Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA)
                                   • Creating liveable communities;                                                   • Commonwealth Disability (Access to remises- Buildings) Standards 2010
                                   • Supporting access to meaningful employment; and                                  • NSW Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (ADA)
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                                                                                                                                                                                                Disability Inclusion Action Plan
                                   • Improving access to mainstream services through better systems and 		            • Local Government Act 1993 and Local Government (General)
                                     processes.                                                                         Regulation 2005
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                                   Community Profile                                 The Planning Process
                                   Total Population 350,983                          1. Council commitment
                                                                                     Canterbury-Bankstown Council committed to developing a Disability Inclusion
                                   Population of people who need                     Action Plan in 2016.
                                   assistance: 18,520
                                   Which is 5.28% of the population                  2. Internal processes
                                   (Source: id. Community)                           All levels of management were informed of the plan, and within Council,
                                   4.72% of the Canterbury-Bankstown population      managers were asked to provide feedback on what currently supports
                                   have a profound or severe disability              inclusion, areas for improvement and make suggestions on strategies and
                                                                                     actions in the plan.
                                   8.44% of people living in Canterbury- Bankstown
                                   over 15 years of age receive unpaid assistance
                                                                                     3. Established a reference group
                                   Of the people who need assistance…                A reference group made up of previous access committee members was
                                                                                     established to contribute their feedback to the plan.
                                   69.05% need income support
                                   13.58% have a carer                               4. Community surveys
                                   6.13% attend day services                         Three survey formats were distributed across Canterbury-Bankstown,
                                   8.02% receive home maintenance and                including adult and touth, child and family and easy read.
                                   modifications                                     The surveys were open for approximately six weeks and were available at
                                   (Source: Social Health Atlas of Australia)        libraries, community centres, Council Administration and online. Surveys
                                                                                     were also sent to individuals, available at major events and delivered to local
                                   We have an ageing population...                   schools. A combined total of 111 surveys were completed; adult survey total 50,
                                   9.97% are 60 and over                             child and family total 30 and easy read total 31.
Disability Inclusion Action Plan

                                                                                                                                                                       Disability Inclusion Action Plan
                                   We speak 128 languages...                         5. Community consultations
                                   Arabic                                            Community consultations were held throughout February, with ten sessions
                                   English                                           held across Canterbury-Bankstown. Additional sessions were held for specific
                                   Greek                                             culturally and linguistically diverse groups, and two sessions were open to
                                   Mandarin                                          disability service providers.
                                   (Source: id. Community)
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                                                                                                                      What we did
                                   6. Strategies and actions                                                          Development of the Plan                Community
                                   Draft strategies and actions were developed by Council staff based on              The Disability Inclusion Action Plan   consultations
                                   feedback from the consultations and surveys.                                       2017-2021 (DIAP) has been developed
                                                                                                                      with extensive consultation
                                                                                                                                                             CALD specific
                                   7. Exhibition                                                                      with people with disability, their
                                                                                                                      supporters, services and others.
                                   The draft plan was placed on public exhibition so that the community could
                                   provide feedback on the plan.                                                      Where ever possible, the suggestions
                                                                                                                      provided by people with disability     Disability service
                                                                                                                      to increase inclusion have been        provider consultation
                                   8. Launch
                                                                                                                      incorporated directly into the plan.
                                   The final version of the plan was launched and sent to the Disability Council of   Other strategies require Council
                                   NSW.                                                                               to work in partnership with other      One on one sessions
                                                                                                                      agencies or levels of government.      as requested
                                                                                                                      Consultation strategies used to
                                                                                                                      gather the input of people with
                                                                                                                      disability included:                   Advertisments in
                                                                                                                      • Input by Canterbury-Bankstown
                                                                                                                                                             local newspapers
                                                                                                                        Council reference group
                                                                                                                      • An adult/ youth and children/        Emails to
                                                                                                                        families paper based and online      distribution lists
                                                                                                                      • A paper based easy read survey
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                                                                                                                                                                                     Disability Inclusion Action Plan
                                                                                                                      • Community consultations              Media release
16                                                                                                                                                                                                      17

                                   Survey and Consultation
                                   Attitudes and Behaviours                                                          Employment
                                   What the Community Told Us                                                        What the Community Told Us
                                   • Our staff need to be trained in communicating effectively with people with      • Council should create more opportunities for employment of people with
                                     different types of disability;                                                    disability;
                                   • Council needs to create accessible documents;                                   • Advertising needs to be more widely available;
                                   • Parents would like greater awareness of the specific needs of children who      • People would like to apply for jobs using different formats and;
                                     are on the autism spectrum;                                                     • Council needs to actively encourage people with disability to apply for jobs.
                                   • You would like Council to help the community understand the challenges
                                     people with disability experience;                                              Systems and Processes
                                   • You appreciated the friendliness of many business owners and;                   What the Community Told Us
                                   • You would like to work with businesses to promote inclusion.                    • Council website needs to be easy to use and navigate;
                                                                                                                     • Information and forms need to be available in alternative formats where
                                   Liveable Communities                                                                appropriate;
                                   What the Community Told Us                                                        • Community consultation processes need to be inclusive of people with
                                   • There needs to be improved access to Council buildings;                           disability and;
                                   • Council should provide more adult change tables in public toilets;              • Council needs to have easy processes for finding and providing
                                   • We need improved paths and ramps and surface indicators;
                                   • Accessible parking needs to be wide enough, well located and monitored
Disability Inclusion Action Plan

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Disability Inclusion Action Plan
                                   • Council needs to provide more seating and shade;
                                   • Events needs to be planned with consideration of diverse needs;
                                   • Local clubs, playgrounds and sports need to be more inclusive and
                                   • There needs to be more information about features of open spaces;
                                   • There needs to be more inclusive activities at libraries and art centres; and
                                   • Service desks at Council buildings.
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                                   How we will Foster Positive                                                           How we will
                                   Attitudes and Behaviours                                                              Create Liveable
                                   Ensure the Customer Experience is Inclusive
                                   • Council will ensure its buildings have accessible features;
                                                                                                                         Upgrade our Buildings and
                                   • Council staff will undertake inclusion and disability awareness training; and       Footpaths
                                   • Council will offer training to staff in alternative forms of communication.         • Council will prioritise work on access
                                                                                                                           issues in our buildings;
                                   Increase Awareness of Disability within Council
                                                                                                                         • Council will maintain its hearing loop
                                   • Council staff will undertake disability awareness training at induction;              systems in our buildings;
                                   • Council will host an open forum to discuss diversity and inclusion; and             • Council will consult with people with
                                   • Council will provide an inclusion guide to all staff.                                 disability at the design stage;
                                                                                                                         • Council will audit foot paths at key
                                   Increase Awareness of Disability Within the Community                                   destinations; and
                                   • Council will deliver disability specific community initiatives;                     • Council will prioritise work where access issues exist.
                                   • Council will update its accessible business guide; and
                                   • Council will deliver safety awareness sessions for people with disability.
                                                                                                                         Ensure our Parks are Inclusive
                                                                                                                         • Council will audit and prioritise work where access issues exist;
                                   Ensure People with Disability can Participate                                         • Council will increase the number of Changing Places amenities;
                                   • Council programs actively encourage people with disability to attend;               • Council will work with local organisations to provide a sensory garden; and
                                   • Council will ensure promotional material represents a diverse group of              • Councill will publicise features of open spaces.
                                     people; and
Disability Inclusion Action Plan

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Disability Inclusion Action Plan
                                   • Council will offer training to library, leisure and aquatic and arts centre staff   Improve our Parking, Bus Stops and Shelters
                                     on delivering inclusive programs for children with disability.                      • Council will audit and prioritise key destinations for upgrade;
                                                                                                                         • Council will install directional and hazard surface
                                                                                                                           indicators at bus shelters; and
                                                                                                                         • Council will audit and upgrade our accessible
                                                                                                                           parking bays.
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                                   How we will Create Liveable                                                      How we will Create Liveable
                                   Communities                                                                      Communities
                                   Make our Events Inclusive and Accessible                                         Provide Flexible Council Services
                                   • Council will provide accessible parking at major events;                       • Council will implement “access and equity” services for residents; and
                                   • Council will provide event information on accessibility features;              • Council will provide alternative formats and services for rubbish collection.
                                   • Council will ensure continuous paths in, around and out of the venue;
                                                                                                                    Increase Awareness of Accessible Facilities and Venues
                                   • Council will provide accessible toilets at major events;
                                                                                                                    • Review and provide signage at key destinations; and
                                   • Council will ensure there is adequate shade and rest spaces; and
                                                                                                                    • Council will produce and publicise a mobility map.
                                   • Council will offer interpreters and translators at major events as required.

                                   Improve Accessibility at Leisure and Aquatic Centres
                                   • Council will provide hoists at all pools;
                                   • Council will increase the number of adult changing facilities;
                                   • Council will increase ramp access in pools; and
                                   • Council will provide signage promoting access features.

                                   Design Accesssible Programs at Libraries and Art Centres
                                   • Council will introduce accessible activities and programs;
                                   • Council will provide audio books
                                     at all libraries; and
Disability Inclusion Action Plan

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Disability Inclusion Action Plan
                                   • Council will provide resources
                                     and offer inclusion and disability
                                     awareness training to volunteers.
22                                                                                                                                                                                                 23

                                   How we will Increase                                                               How we will Improve our
                                   Opportunities for Employment                                                       Systems and Processes
                                   Increase the Employment Rate of People with Disability at                          Update processes to Reflect Universal Design Princicples
                                   Council                                                                            • Council will update the Development Application form to require a
                                   • Council will actively encourage people with disability to apply for positions;     mandatory access report with all commercial building applications.
                                   • Council will offer student placements; and
                                                                                                                      Provide Information in a Range of Formats
                                   • Council will undertake department reviews to identify opportunities for
                                     improved flexibility.                                                            • Council will develop a policy for requesting alternate formats; and
                                                                                                                      • Council will inform staff of procedures regarding requesting accessible
                                   Making our Job Application Process Easier                                            documents.
                                   • Council will undertake a review of the current recruitment process;
                                                                                                                      Ensure Online Content is Easy to Use
                                   • Council will provide staff with training on diversity and inclusion in
                                     recruitment;                                                                     • Council will ask for regular feedback;

                                   • Councill will provide “conscious bias” training to supervisors; and              • Council will have a dedicated access page listing access features; and

                                   • Council will offer alternate application formats.                                • Council will provide audio, visual and other community languages.

                                   Encourage Businesses                                                               Include People with Disability in Safety Discussions
                                   to Recruit People with                                                             • Council will consult people with disability regarding safety issues; and
                                   Disability                                                                         • Council will review Council evacuation procedures and amend to reflect
                                   • Council will partner with                                                          access needs.
                                     disability employment
                                     servcies to offer                                                                Improve Access to Council
Disability Inclusion Action Plan

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Disability Inclusion Action Plan
                                     education initiatives to                                                         Systems and Processes
                                     local businesses.                                                                • Council will regularly review
                                                                                                                        processes used by the public; and
                                                                                                                      • Council will ask for regular
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                                   Monitoring, Evaluation and
                                   Ongoing Consultation
                                   The Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017-2021 (DIAP) sits within the Delivery
                                   Program, and will be linked to the forthcoming CSP, spanning all areas of that
                                   Specific actions identified in the DIAP will be incorporated into the Delivery
                                   Program and Operational Plans, and key outcomes for the DIAP will be

                                                                                                                     The Plan
                                   collected along with other measures.
                                   An important addition to the DIAP is that progress will be monitored by way of
                                   consultation with people with disability.

                                   Funding the plan
                                   Council is already implementing many of the services, processes and
                                   procedures which make Canterbury-Bankstown inclusive and accessible
                                   for people with disability. However, where upgrades and maintenance need
                                   to occur, these will be considered in the annual budgets, and may require
                                   external funding.

                                   Risk Management
                                   Council acknowledges its legal responsibility to operating under the Disability
                                   Discrimination Act.
                                   All activities undertaken by Canterbury-Bankstown Council as a result of
                                   the implementation of the Disability Inclusion Action Plan will undergo
Disability Inclusion Action Plan

                                                                                                                                Disability Inclusion Action Plan
                                   risk assessments where applicable to ensure risks are identified, controls
                                   implemented, and to provide appropriate strategies.
Disability Inclusion Action Plan                                                                                                             26

                                          FOCUS AREA 1: ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIOURS
    Community Outcome 1: People of all ages with disability experience positive attitudes and behaviours from our staff, and feel
                         confident that their Council promotes and encourages these in the broader community
STRATEGY 1: Ensure the customer service experience reflects inclusive practices
         ACTION                                OUTCOME                                 RESPONSIBLE                TIMEFRAME
Customer Service centres    Hearing loops are available and functional in all Information Services         Year 2
have accessible features    Customer Service Centres
                                                                              Customer Service
                            Captions are provided on all screens in the
                            Customer Service Centres

Provide counters at              Counter is modified to ensure wheelchair and         Works and Projects                Ongoing
wheelchair accessible            scooter accessibility
height                                                                                Building- maintenance

Customer service staff           Training provided annually                           Community and Cultural Services   Ongoing
undertake inclusion and
disability awareness             Staff feedback indicates increased awareness
training for phone and in        and understanding of communicating with
person enquiries                 people with diverse needs
Provide staff training           Alternative communication course is offered          Human Resources                   Year 1
opportunities in alternative     twice per year
forms of communication
                              Staff are equipped with a diverse communication
                              skill set
STRATEGY 2: Increase awareness of disability within Council
           ACTION                                 OUTCOME                                    RESPONSIBLE                         TIMEFRAME
Provide disability and        Staff register is maintained to record attendance       Human Resources                   Year 1
inclusion awareness
training for all new staff as Resources and refresher training provided to
part of Induction             existing staff

                                 Staff feedback indicates an increased
                                 understanding of disability related issues

Facilitate an annual open        Number of staff attended                             Human Resources                   Year 2
forum discussion on a
number of diversity and          Incorporated in the Balanced Agenda program
inclusion topics for all staff
to identify perceptions,         Staff feedback indicates increased awareness of
barriers and opportunities       diversity and inclusion in the workplace
to inclusion

Provide an inclusion guide   Guide is developed and distributed                       Community and Cultural Services   Year 2
to all staff
STRATEGY 3: Increase awareness of disability within the community
             ACTION                             OUTCOME                                     RESPONSIBLE                          TIMEFRAME
Deliver community            5 sessions delivered per year                            Community and Cultural Services   Year 1
education initiatives in
partnership with local       Community feedback indicates a greater
disability organisations     awareness of disability related issues and
promoting awareness of       inclusion
various types of disability,
including mental illness.

Update the former Missed         Guide is distributed to local businesses in          Community and Cultural Services   Year 2
Business guide                   Canterbury Bankstown

Deliver a child focused          Annual campaign increases community                  Children’s Services               Year 1
campaign promoting               awareness of inclusion of children with disability

Regular meetings between         Communication from Council includes images           Communications                    Year 1
communications and               which promote inclusion and diversity
community development
team to discuss increasing       Council publications include images of people
visibility of people with        with disability and articles educate about
disability in                    disability awareness
communications content

Disability Inclusion Action Plan
Disability Inclusion Action Plan                                                                                                         28

Deliver safety education        5 sessions per year held in collaboration with       Community and Cultural Services   Year 1
sessions which include          local emergency services
information on issues
experienced by people with      People with disability have a forum to address
disability                      safety related concerns

STRATEGY 4: Actively engage people with disability for participation in Council activities
           ACTION                                 OUTCOME                                RESPONSIBLE                         TIMEFRAME
Council run programs          Increased number of people with disability        Community and Cultural Services        Ongoing
include provisions for        attending programs across Council
people with disability
Provide training to key staff Staff are trained in autism awareness             Leisure and Recreation                 Year 2
in libraries, aquatic centres
and art centres to enable     Staff feedback indicates increased awareness of Children’s Services
children and young people     how to deliver autism friendly programs
with autism to be included                                                      Community and Cultural Services
in services and programs
Deliver community             Activities are planned in consideration of people Community Engagement and               Ongoing
engagement activities that    with specific barriers to access                  Events
cater for the needs of
people with disability
Expand and promote the        All leisure and aquatic centres operate with the  Leisure and Recreation                 Year 1
companion card system for companion card
leisure and aquatic centres
across the LGA                Increased access to leisure and aquatic centres
                              for people with disability

                                            FOCUS AREA 2: LIVEABLE COMMUNITIES
Community Outcome 2: People with disability find it easier to access community buildings, places, and activities in the Canterbury-
                                              Bankstown Local Government Area.
STRATEGY 1: Progressively upgrade council owned assets to reflect Universal Design principles

          ACTION                                 OUTCOME                                      RESPONSIBLE                   TIMEFRAME
Where financially viable,       Improved access to council owned buildings           Property and Investment           Ongoing
implement the priority
access improvements to                                                               Buildings
existing buildings identified
against Access to Premise                                                            Works and Projects
(2010) Standards, BCA and
                                                                                     City Plan

Undertake a holistic            Audits reflect consideration of various aspects of   City Design                       Ongoing
approach when auditing the      universal design involving stakeholders as
accessibility of new and        appropriate                                          City Plan
existing works taking into
consideration various                                                                Works and Projects
infrastructural elements in
the surrounding                                                                      Sustainable Future
Compliance against              Design Risk Assessment is updated to include         City Design                       Year 1
Access to Premise (2010)        section related to confirmation of Access to
Standards, BCA and DDA          Premises (2010) Standards, BCA and DDA               Works and Projects
is met at each stage of         compliance
project design and
Maintenance audits of           Annual audit and maintenance register records        Information Services              Ongoing
hearing loops in libraries,
community centres and
senior citizen centres

Consultation with internal      New buildings or assets which are due to be          City Plan                         Ongoing
stakeholders ensure             upgraded take into account the needs of people
universal design and            with disability and where needed, people with        City Design
inclusive principles are        disability are consulted

Disability Inclusion Action Plan
Disability Inclusion Action Plan                                                                                                       30

applied during the planning                                                        Works and Projects
and design of projects


STRATEGY 2: Progressively expand council footpath network
           ACTION                                OUTCOME                                   RESPONSIBLE                    TIMEFRAME
Prioritise key destinations Progressive increase in number of footpaths            Works and Projects                Ongoing
that require new footpaths  linking key facilities and service locations
and undertake work to                                                              City Plan
increase accessibility      Compliance with DDA

Audit and prioritise key         Annual increase in the number of kerb ramps       Works and Projects                Ongoing
destinations that require        which meet AS 1428.1-2009 compliance
upgraded or new kerb                                                               City Plan
ramps and undertake work
STRATEGY 3: Ensure open spaces are inclusive and accessible
           ACTION                          OUTCOME                                          RESPONSIBLE                    TIMEFRAME
Prioritise works for     Upgrades and modifications are made on all                Parks                             Year 2
accessible park and      new development or re-development to
outdoor furniture at all Australian Standards and in line with DDA                 City Design
Council facilities       requirements
                                                                                   Buildings (trades)

                                                                                   Works and Projects
Where financially viable,        People with disability have increased access to   City Design                       Year 2
provide additional               Changing Places facilities across the LGA
“Changing Places”                                                                  Buildings
amenities at key public
buildings                                                                          Parks

                                                                                   Works and Projects

                                                                                   Property and Investment

                                                                                   Leisure and Recreation
Identify opportunities for the   Two sensory gardens exist in Canterbury           Parks                             Year 4
provision of sensory             Bankstown
gardens in key locations.                                                          City Design
                                 Consultation has occurred with the community to
Work in partnership with         determine most suitable location and              Community and Cultural Services
local organisations when         maintenance
these opportunities arise.
Establish a continuous           Annual increase in the number of continuous       Parks                             Ongoing
accessible thoroughfare          pedestrian links between access points
from point of transport to                                                         City Design
parks and sportsgrounds,
e.g. from bus stop to                                                              Roads
football club
                                                                                   Works and Projects

Prepare park designs that        All new parks are complaint with AS 1428.1-       Parks                             Ongoing
comply with AS 1428 –            2009
Design for Access and                                                              City Design
                                                                                   Works and Projects

Provide accessible park          Compliant paths and ramps link path to            Parks                             Ongoing
furniture with links between     accessible furniture
paths and walkways to all                                                          Roads
new and upgraded parks
                                                                                   Works and Projects

Consider both spatial and        Risk assessments determine that play spaces       Parks                             Ongoing
physical barriers to ensure      are safe
safety in designated play                                                          City Design
Review park signage to           Parks signs comply with BCA                       Parks                             Year 2
ensure that they comply                                                                                              Ongoing

Disability Inclusion Action Plan
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with BCA requirements and Park signs are accessible for people with vision       Buildings (trades)
to consider opportunities for impairment
Braille inclusion
STRATEGY 4: Improved access to parking, bus stops and shelters
           ACTION                                 OUTCOME                                RESPONSIBLE                   TIMEFRAME
Develop a list of priorities  Council bus stops, shelters and parking bays are   Works and Projects               Ongoing
for improvements and          accessible in line with Access to Premise
upgrades in regards to        standards (refer to standard) and in line with     Roads
access                        DDA requirements
                                                                                 City Design

Install directional and        Annual increase in the number of bus shelters     Works and Projects               Year 3
hazard tactile ground          across the LGA which are accessible and
surface indicators to bus      compliant with DDA requirements                   Safety and Risk
shelters LGA wide
Accessible parking is          Annual reduction in the number of complaints by Regulatory Services                Ongoing
monitored by Ranger            people with disability regarding illegal use of
Services to ensure             accessible parking bays
appropriate use of the
STRATEGY 5: Increased signage and alternative formats of signage in Canterbury Bankstown
          ACTION                                  OUTCOME                               RESPONSIBLE                     TIMEFRAME
Review, prioritise and install City Operations undertake review, DAC           City Design                        Year 3
signage and tactile ground     consultant reviews for priority and provides
surface indicators at key      recommendations                                 Works and Projects
                                                                               Safety and Risk
                               Review of work is undertaken and recorded to
                               ensure correct installation                     Roads
STRATEGY 6: Council events are inclusive and accessible
          ACTION                                  OUTCOME                               RESPONSIBLE                    TIMEFRAME
Council events offer           Business case/ event proposal stipulates        Engagement and Events              Ongoing
adequate number of             number of accessible parking bays to be
accessible parking bays        provided based on anticipated attendance
and pick up/ drop off

Promotion of events include    Promotional material indicates accessible                                          Year 1
information on accessibility   features                                          Engagement and Events

                               Information sheet developed for internal and
                               externally run events regarding access features
                               of venues
Events have continuous         Business case/ event proposal identifies access   Engagement and Events            Ongoing
paths of travel in, around     to, from and within the venue, including issues
and out of the venue           regarding surface, gradient and lighting
Accessible toilet facilities   Business case/ event proposal stipulates         Community Engagement and          Ongoing
are provided at major          number of accessible facilities to be provided   Events
events                         based on anticipated attendance
Events offer designated        Major events provide viewing, rest and shaded    Community Engagement and          Ongoing
viewing, rest and shade        areas that are accessible to people with         Events
spaces                         disability
Interpreters, translators or   People with diverse communication needs are      Community Engagement and          Ongoing
bilingual workers are made     able to participate in major events              Events
available at major events
as appropriate
STRATEGY 7: Ensure Leisure and Aquatic Centres are accessible
           ACTION                                  OUTCOME                               RESPONSIBLE                    TIMEFRAME
The development of the       Leisure and Aquatics Strategy takes into           Leisure and Recreation            Year 1
new Leisure and Aquatics     consideration the needs of people with a range
Strategy is inclusive,       of disabilities, including provisions for physical
accessible and considers     access, amenities and facilities
the needs of all the
community including people
with a disability.
Signage is installed at      Signage is prominent, clear and includes visual    Leisure and Recreation            Year 1
leisure centre entrances     images and accessible to people with vision
detailing access features    impairment                                         Community and Cultural Services
STRATEGY 8: Libraries and art centres offer a variety of programs and services to cater to diverse needs
           ACTION                                  OUTCOME                               RESPONSIBLE                    TIMEFRAME
Progressively increase the   Information on accessible features, inclusive      Community and Cultural Services   Year 1
accessibility and inclusion  programs and services are published on Council

Disability Inclusion Action Plan
Disability Inclusion Action Plan                                                                                                       34

of libraries and art centres   website

                               Increased number of workshops for people with
                               disability and/ or that provide adjustments for
                               people with disability to attend
Increased selection of         Annual increase in the number of audio books        Community and Cultural Services   Ongoing
audio books are available      available at all libraries
at all Canterbury-
Bankstown Libraries
Volunteers are provided     All volunteers receive a resource pack                 Community and Cultural Services   Year 1
inclusion and disability
awareness resources and
invited to attend induction
STRATEGY 9: Waste amenities and services are accessible
           ACTION                               OUTCOME                                     RESPONSIBLE                   TIMEFRAME
Consider accessibility      All bins are upgraded as per work schedule             City Design                       Ongoing
needs with the roll out of
new street and park litter  Bankstown City Council Waste Avoidance and
bins                        Recovery Strategic Plan
Consider accessibility      New developments assessed in line with                 Sustainable Future                Ongoing
needs with the              relevant DCP
development of waste and                                                           Waste Operations
recycling contracts and     Register of details kept
                            Annual reduction in the number of complaints

Consider accessibility         Publications use plain English and visual           Sustainable Future                Ongoing
needs with the                 representations and are available on the
development of education       website
resources for waste and
recycling services and
Offer additional household     On resident request with supporting evidence        Waste Operations                  Ongoing
waste or recycling services    from Doctor
to households that require
additional bin capacity for

medical needs (fees may        Register of details kept
                               Regular renewal process
Promote free drop off          Current information available on website            Communications                    Ongoing
locations for safe disposal
of sharps                                                                          Sustainable Future
STRATEGY 10: Increased awareness of accessible facilities and venues
           ACTION                              OUTCOME                                      RESPONSIBLE                    TIMEFRAME
Produce and publicise a     Map is made available via website and in               Information Services              Year 1
Mobility Map which          alternative formats and distributed at major
identifies accessible       events                                                 Buildings
amenities, facilities and
sites across the LGA                                                               Parks


                                                                                   Leisure and Recreation

                                                                                   Community and Cultural Services

                                                                                   Safety and Risk
Ensure the long term plans     Long term plans and strategies incorporate          City Design                       Ongoing
and strategies for the City    provisions for people with disability and reflect
consider and respond to        universal design principles                         Development
the needs of the wider
Community including                                                                City Planning
people with disability.
                                                                                   Corporate Services

Disability Inclusion Action Plan
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             Community Outcome 3: People with disability have greater access to employment opportunities with Council

STRATEGY 1: Increase the employment rate of people with disability within Canterbury Bankstown Council
          ACTION                             OUTCOME                             RESPONSIBLE                                  TIMEFRAME
Advertising of all roles    Increased number of people with disability    Human Resources                               Year 1
includes the statement      employed by council
“people with disability are
encouraged to apply”

Offer five student              Human Resources consult with Access Team on           Human Resources                   Year 2
placement opportunities         identifying placement opportunities across
annually                        council departments                                   Community and Cultural Services

Ongoing department              Issues identified are followed up by appropriate      Human resources                   Ongoing
reviews are conducted in        officer
collaboration with                                                                    Community and Cultural Services
Department Manager and
Access and Inclusion team
to identity opportunities for   Refer to Flexible Work Practices Policy and EEO
increased flexibility with
regard to location, hours,
working conditions and
additional support.

STRATEGY 2: Ensure application process is accessible and inclusive of people with disability
         ACTION                             OUTCOME                              RESPONSIBLE                                  TIMEFRAME
Review of job application Provisions are made to ensure processes       Human Resources                                 Year 1
methods and recruitment   consider the needs of people with disability
processes is conducted                                                  Community and Cultural Services

Provide mandatory annual                                                              Human Resources                   Year 2
training on Diversity and       Human Resources schedules supervisors for
Inclusion to supervisors        sessions                                              Corporate Development
regarding recruitment and
selection processes             Register is maintained recording attendance

Provide “conscious bias”        Human Resources schedules all supervisors for         Human Resources                   Year 2
training annually for           sessions
supervisors                                                                           Corporate Development

                                Register is maintained recording attendance
Offer alternative formats for   A variety of job application formats are offered to   Human Resources                   Year 2
job applications                potential applicants

STRATEGY 3: Encourage local businesses and organisations to recruit people with disability
          ACTION                              OUTCOME                               RESPONSIBLE                               TIMEFRAME
Partner with disability     Deliver 5 education initiatives annually to local Community and Cultural Services           Year 1
employment services to      businesses
deliver education for local

Disability Inclusion Action Plan
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                                            FOCUS AREA 4: SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES
      Community Outcome 4: People with disability find it easier to independently access the services and processes of Council

STRATEGY 1: Revise the development application process in relation to Access
          ACTION                               OUTCOME                           RESPONSIBLE                             TIMEFRAME
Update application process Application form includes mandatory          Development                                Year 1
to include mandatory       specifications for undertaking Access Report
inclusion of accredited                                                 City Planning
Access Report with all
commercial development     City planning undertake access reviews of
applications               development applications

STRATEGY 2: Provide council information in a range of formats that provides best practice accessibility to services and support for
people with disability
           ACTION                              OUTCOME                                RESPONSIBLE                  TIMEFRAME
Council documents and       People with disability can request information in Corporate Development          Year 1
information are provided in alternative formats and are presented with
accessible and alternative  options to better meet their communication
formats upon request        needs
Policy is developed for     Policy is developed and implemented across the Corporate Development             Year 1
requesting documents in     organisation
alternate formats
Provide guidance to staff   Staff are informed and can provide the            Corporate Development          Year 1
on requests for accessible  community with accessible content

STRATEGY 3: Continuously improve the accessibility of Council’s online content
         ACTION                             OUTCOME                                 RESPONSIBLE                          TIMEFRAME
Provide opportunities for Website includes a feedback page which is        Communications                          Year 1
feedback from community   regularly viewed by Information Technology
                          Feedback box is available at both Administration Information Services
                          Centres and regularly monitored

Council web pages have a      Page is reviewed and updated bi-yearly              Communications         Year 1
page of Accessibility and
Inclusion in Canterbury
Bankstown (inclusive and                                                          Information Services
accessible activities,
accessible toilets, parking
Provide audio on council’s    Accessibility of council’s website against WCAG     Communications         Year 4
website to be compliant       2.0 AA
with WCAG 2.0 AA.                                                                 Information Services

General information on      Number of languages available                      Communications            Year 2
accessible features in
Canterbury- Bankstown is    Number of images/ visual representations
provided using images or                                                       Information Services
community languages
additional to English
STRATEGY 4: People with disability provide regular feedback regarding safety issues
           ACTION                              OUTCOME                                  RESPONSIBLE           TIMEFRAME
Identify key reference      Reference groups, advisory bodies or planned       Governance                Ongoing
groups, focus groups or     focus groups require specific representation by
advisory bodies that        people with disability (including wheelchair users Safety and Risk
provide input to Pedestrian and persons who are vision impaired or blind)
Access and Mobility Plan;
Traffic Safety; Emergency
Evacuation Plans and        Terms of reference for committees responsible
Council Building            for the development for Flood/ Emergency
refurbishment plans, in     Evacuation plans include issues relating to
order to ensure adequate    evacuation of people with disability
representation of people
with disability
Review council evacuation   Evacuation procedures are reviewed,                Safety and Risk           Ongoing
procedures to ensure        addressing the needs of people with disability
people with disability are
specifically considered in  People with disability contribute directly to
procedures                  Emergency Evacuation Plans
STRATEGY 5: Progressively improve access to council services and processes
           ACTION                              OUTCOME                                  RESPONSIBLE           TIMEFRAME
Review procedures (such     Number of procedures relating to accessing         Governance                Ongoing
as making a complaint,      Council services reviewed for the purpose of
registering a pet etc.) to  improving accessibility                            Regulatory Services
ensure improved access

Request regular feedback      A record of consultation with people with           Governance             Year 2
from people with disability   disability when reviewing processes affecting the
regarding processes           public

Disability Inclusion Action Plan
Bankstown Customer Service Centre
Upper Ground Floor, Civic Tower,
66-72 Rickard Road, Bankstown NSW 2200
Campsie Customer Service Centre
137 Beamish Street, Campsie NSW 2194
Telephone: (02) 9707 9000
Fax: (02) 9707 9700
Visit cbcity.nsw.gov.au

©Canterbury-Bankstown Council 2017. No part of this document may be reproduced without
the permission of Canterbury-Bankstown Council. For permission and/or further information,
contact (02) 9707 9000.
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