INTRODUCING PLANET 21|2016-2020 - Our Corporate Responsibility Program April 12, 2016

Page created by Rodney Sherman
INTRODUCING PLANET 21|2016-2020 - Our Corporate Responsibility Program April 12, 2016
Our Corporate Responsibility Program
April 12, 2016
INTRODUCING PLANET 21|2016-2020 - Our Corporate Responsibility Program April 12, 2016
Planet 21: same program, higher aims

                             Planet 21 has generated an extremely enthusiastic response
                             among our teams around the world. Looking at 2020, we are
                             banking on innovation and accountability to create wealth
                             sustainably and curb our negative impacts. Our vision: Drive the
                             change towards Positive Hospitality, wherever we are.

                                                                                 SÉBASTIEN BAZIN
                                                                                       APRIL 2016

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           Before starting a new

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Very positive results with Planet 21|2011-2015

                                                                 objectives achieved

                                                                 million trees
                                                                 planted since 2009

                                                                 Water -9%
                                                                 Energy -
                                                                 CO2 -6,2%

                                                                 AccorHotels in
                                                                  6 responsible indexes

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INTRODUCING PLANET 21|2016-2020 - Our Corporate Responsibility Program April 12, 2016
What’s new in 2016?
           OUR ENVIRONMENTAL                                                    OUR SOCIO ECONOMIC
                                                                                                                                                          OUR CUSTOMERS STUDY*
           FOOTPRINT                                                            FOOTPRINT

• Challenge #1: water & energy                               • 880,000 jobs supported across the                                             • CSR alone is not yet a criterion of choice
                                                               world                                                                           but strong customer sensitivity
• To anticipate: scarcity of resources
  (water, raw materials)                                     • €22.4 bn contribution to global GDP                                           • For 60% of customers, «living a local
                                                                                                                                               experience» = local food
• Strong impact of F&B:                                      • Strong local impact: 80% of the
                                                               wealth created stays in the country                                           • Top 3 elements of proof in a hotel:
      • 88% biodiversity footprint                                                                                                             Renewable energies, Waste sorting,
      • 40% water footprint                                                                                                                    Plants & trees

                                                                                                                                                           WORKSHOP STUDENTS
           BENCHMARK                                                           REGULATIONS
                                                                                                                                                              EH Lausanne

• Growing structuring of CSR                                  •     Broader responsibility of companies                                                Top 3 CSR expectations
  initiatives                                                                                                                                        for PLANET 21 | 2016-2020:
                                                              •     Growing pressure on energy and
• Stronger communication around the                                carbon challenges                                                                          WOMEN
  CSR policy                                                                                                                                          LOCAL empowerment
                                                              •     More demanding requirements                                                  people, food           shared
• «Marketed» CSR programs                                          from rating agencies (demand for                                                                     VALUES
  (Starwood: Hotel of the Future, Make                             CSR business case)
  A Green Choice)
AccorHotels - Introducing Planet 21 - April 2016
                                                   * Online questionnaire reaching 7913 customer respondents – 8 countries – November 2015
INTRODUCING PLANET 21|2016-2020 - Our Corporate Responsibility Program April 12, 2016
Our new responsibility framework

                                                       ETHICAL & CSR CHARTER
                                                           Code of Conduct

                                     COMPLIANCE                              COMMITMENTS
                                                   =                                 =
                     Business ethics, labor law,                        Values, corporate social and
                   human rights, data privacy, etc.                     environmental responsibility
                                                                              with Planet 21,
                                                                           Solidarity AccorHotels

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           Looking at 2020

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A new and bolder vision of our responsibility

                                                                   We innovate and create new
                                                               1   standards in our industry

                                                    DRIVE THE CHANGE
                                               TOWARDS POSITIVE HOSPITALITY
                                                    WHEREVER WE ARE                      We act to reduce the
                                                                                     2   impact of our activities and
                               Here and everywhere                                       create value, widely shared
                with our employees, our guests, our 3
          partners and within our local communities

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A program structured around
                                    4 strategic focus areas and 2 priorities…

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…key commitments for each one…

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…and a detailed roadmap to 2020

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In hotels

     Charter 21 is becoming                                   The benefits for hotels

    “Planet 21 In Action”                                     Planet 21 In Action enables hotels to make progress and
                                                              take sustainable development to the next level

    With new initiatives and higher standards:                FLEXIBILITY
                                                              Hotels choose the actions they want to implement
    16 mandatory actions to achieve Bronze level              (beyond Bronze)
    A choice of actions for hotels to pick and mix and         VISIBILITY
    earn points to achieve Silver, Gold and Platinum levels    Each hotel’s level is displayed on
                                                               (starting at Bronze)

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The complete version

                                                                       Planet 21 In Action:                                                                                                will be released
                                                                                                                                                                                          on April 19, 2016

                                                                      A new roadmap for hotels

          PEOPLE                              GUESTS                           PARTNERS                      COMMUNITIES                                  F&B                      BUILDINGS
                                                                     16 mandatory actions to achieve Bronze level
 Appoint a Planet 21 manager       By default, reuse sheets for                                        Participate in the "Plant for     Ban the use of overfished      Measure and analyse water
 Train staff on respecting the      stays longer than one night                                          the Planet" program                species                         and energy consumption on a
  values and ethical rules of       Offer eco-friendly amenities                                        Roll out the “Watch” child                                         monthly basis. Act in the
  the Group                          (soap, shower gels, shampoo)                                         protection program                                                 event of discrepancies.
 Train staff on eco-friendly       Display key Planet 21                                                                                                                  Comply with water flow
  behaviours specific to their       messages                                                                                                                                standards for all showers,
  jobs                              Use eco-certified cleaning                                                                                                              taps and toilets
                                     products                                                                                                                               Ensure that all waste water is
                                                                                                                                                                            Use energy-efficient light
                                                                                                                                                                            Sort your hazardous waste
                                                                                                                                                                             and have it processed in
                                                                                                                                                                             appropriate waste streams
                                                                                                                                                                            Sort and recycle at least 2
                                                                                                                                                                             types of waste: paper, glass,
                                                                                                                                                                             cardboard or plastic
                                   A choice of 60 actions for hotels to pick and mix and earn points to upgrade their level
                                                       Silver (min. 40 pts)              Gold (min. 80 pts)                Platinum (min. 110 pts)
 Institute a staff committee on    Roll out the "Meeting 21"         Follow the 'Ethics and CSR       Support a local association (3    Roll out a program to fight    Receive an external
  “Health, Safety and Well-          offer (4 pts)                      checklist' for purchases made     pts)                               food waste (4 pts)              environmental certification
  Being” (4 pts)                    Publicize the hotel's PLANET       directly by the hotel (4 pts)    Donate products being phased      Install an urban vegetable      (2 pts)
 Implement collective               21 actions on social networks     (…)                               out for reuse or recycling (3      garden (4 pts)                 Have a renewable energy
  planning for work schedules        (1 pt)                                                               pts)                              (…)                             generation system (4 pts)
  (3pts)                            (…)                                                                 (…)                                                               (…)
 (…)

           Showing what we
           are doing

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Sharing our beliefs

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Tangible proof that we are honoring our commitments
  • The AccorHotels brand will now endorse the
    Group’s CSR commitments
  • Planet 21 is the name of the program; it
    helps to enhance the brand and its

  • A simple, effective and instantly
    recognizable visual system
  • It highlights proof, i.e. reasons to believe

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In guests’ rooms

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At reception


                                                                         This hotel has reached GOLD level in
                                                                     sustainable development program Planet 21
                                                                           and acts for Positive Hospitality

                                                          (*) display of Planet 21 In Action level starting 2017

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And on

                               2017                Featured on starting with Bronze

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           The next steps

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A step-by-step rollout

           11                                             12                                    19              ~21                     2016
          April                                          April                                 April            April                    …

Pre-launch                         Launch                        Launch                  Kick off           Planet 21
                                                                                                                                       Hotels come
communication                      In-house and                  Press                   Planet 21          Day                         on-board
                                   general public                                        In Action

Presentation:                     Presentation and               Group press             Planet 21          Hotels and head    Awareness
Country CoDir                     activation of in-              conference with         In Action          offices            and roll out of
                                  house social media             S. Bazin, A. Balson,    launch in hotels   mobilization       in-hotel
Planet 21 champions                                              A. Nahai, J. Ozinga,
                                  (employees), public                                    (7 languages)      around Planet 21   communication
Communication                     media (customers,              A. Herrmann
correspondents                    etc.) and corporate
                                                                 + Country press
                                                                 conferences in

                             / /

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Useful tools to help you roll out the program

                                                                                      Available on
                                                               AccorLive WW / Sustainable Development :
                                                         •   Planet 21 presentation
                                                         •   8 video interviews (S.Bazin, A.Balson, J.Ozinga…)
                                                         •   Generic video clip
                                                         •   Planet 21 flash presentation (leaflet)
                                                         •   Q&A
                                                         •   Visual identity
                                                         •   In-hotel communication collaterals
                                                         •   Planet 21 In Action
                                                         •   Useful contacts
                                                         •   And:

                                                             Social and economic   Environmental
                                                                                                     Customer survey
                                                             footprint             footprint

                                                         •   (…)

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