Diversity of Polyketide Synthase (PKS) Genes in Metagenomic Community of Freshwater Sponge Lubomirskia baicalensis

Page created by Donna Warner
ISSN 00268933, Molecular Biology, 2012, Vol. 46, No. 6, pp. 790–795. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2012.
Original Russian Text © O.V. Kaluzhnaya, N.V. Kulakova, V.B. Itskovich, 2012, published in Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, 2012, Vol. 46, No. 6, pp. 887–893.

UDC 577.151.645

      Diversity of Polyketide Synthase (PKS) Genes in Metagenomic
        Community of Freshwater Sponge Lubomirskia baicalensis
                                       O. V. Kaluzhnaya, N. V. Kulakova, and V. B. Itskovich
                      Limnological Institute, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk 664033;
                                                       email: xsun77@rambler.ru
                                                   Received March 26, 2012; in final form, April 19, 2012

         Abstract—The screening of metagenomic DNA of the microbial community associated with the Baikalian
         sponge Lubomirskia baicalensis was performed in order to investigate the presence of polyketide synthase
         (PKS) genes. PKS enzyme systems take part in the synthesis of a great number of biologically active sub
         stances. The cloning and sequencing of amplified products of the ketosynthase domain section of the PKS
         gene cluster revealed 15 fragments of PKS genes with amino acid sequences differing from each other by 35–
         65%. A BLASTX analysis showed that all of these sequences belong to KS domains identified in various
         groups of microorganisms, i.e., Alpha, Beta, and Deltaproteobacteria; Verrucomicrobia; Cyanobacteria;
         and Chlorophyta. Some sequences were related to genes that participate in the biosynthesis of curacin A
         (CurI, CurJ), stigmatellin (StiC, StiG), nostophycin (NpnB), and cryptophycin (CrpB). The homology of the
         found sequences with those of the EMBL database lies in the range of 50–82%, which indicates that the
         freshwater sponge community contains genes that encode new, not yet studied polyketide substances of
         potential biotechnological significance.
         DOI: 10.1134/S002689331206009X
         Keywords: polyketide synthase (PKS) genes, Lubomirskia baicalensis, community of microorganisms,
         metagenomic DNA, phylogenetic analysis

                    INTRODUCTION                                                        epothilone), immune suppressors (cyclosporin and
    Natural microbial communities constitute an                                         rapamycin), and many others [13]. Polyketides are
important resource of novel antibiotics and other bio                                  synthesized by multienzyme complexes, i.e.,
logically active metabolites. Currently, approximately                                  polyketide synthases (PKS). This is a large family of
50000 different biologically active molecules of                                        multifunctional proteins that use acyl coenzyme A
microbial origin are known [1]. However, only a small                                   monomers as their substrate [14]. Depending on the
portion of all microbial species (0.1–1%) can be cul                                   protein structure and the catalytic mechanisms, three
tured [2]. For this reason, nonculturable microorgan                                   PKS types are recognized. Type I PKSs, which are also
isms must be the most promising potential source of                                     called modular PKSs, contain several functional
novel compounds of pharmaceutical and biotechno                                        domains that participate in the stepwise polyketide
logical importance. Symbiotic communities, in par                                      synthesis. Each module is responsible for one cycle of
ticular sponge communities (phylum Porifera) have                                       chain elongation. Type II PKSs are complexes of sev
long been extensively investigated in this respect [3–                                  eral mono or bifunctional enzymes that act in an iter
9]. As sessile filter feeders, sponges form a close asso                               ative manner [2]. In these systems, each catalytic
ciation with a wide range of different microorganisms,                                  domain is located in a separate protein; type II PKSs
such as archaea, heterotrophic bacteria, cyanobacte                                    are usually involved in the synthesis of bacterial aro
ria, algae, dinoflagellates, and fungi [10–12]. Bacteria                                matic antibiotics. Type III PKSs are homodimeric
constitute up to 40% of the biomass of some marine                                      enzymes responsible for the diversity of flavinoids and
sponges; they are currently classified in 25 different                                  differ from the first two types in that they utilize malo
phyla [13].                                                                             nyl coenzyme A as their substrate [15, 16].
    A considerable amount of structurally diverse sec                                      The biosynthesis of secondary metabolites often
ondary metabolites are polyketides. The number of                                       involves the combined activity of a PKS system and
polyketides of pharmaceutical importance includes                                       structurally similar nonribosomal peptidase system
antibiotics (e.g., gramicidin, erythromycin, and tetra                                 (NRPS). The number and order of modules in the
cycline), anticancer agents (bleomycin and                                              resulting hybrid NRPS–PKS complexes determines
 Abbreviations: PKS, polyketide synthase; KS, ketosynthase
                                                                                        the structural diversity of resulting peptide or
 domain; NRPS, nonribosomal peptidase system; BAC, biologi                             polyketide products, and numerous variants of mod
 cally active compound.                                                                 ule combinations determine the diversity of metabo

DIVERSITY OF POLYKETIDE SYNTHASE (PKS) GENES                                            791

lites and their biological activity [17]. Actinobacteria,     PKS gene fragments obtained were deposited in the
proteobacteria, and cyanobacteria usually contain             GenBank database with accession numbers JQ771596
type I enzymes [18]. Each module of a PKS I system            to JQ771610.
comprises at least three domains: ketosynthase (КS),
acyltransferase (AT), and acyl carrier protein (AСР).
Since the sequences of PKS modules correspond to                         RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
gene clusters in microbial genomes, the ability of                Polyketide synthases are involved in the biosynthe
microbial communities and individual strains to pro          sis of a large number of biologically active microbial
duce biologically active compounds (BACs) can be              metabolites. To search for PKS genes in the noncul
analyzed by PCR. Although the biotechnological                turable microbial community of the freshwater sponge
potential of the marine sponge microorganisms have            L. baicalensis, we used degenerate primers specifically
been extensively studied, little is known in this respect     annealing to conserved regions of the ketosynthase
concerning freshwater sponges. However, it is known           domain of PKS [16]. Amplification products of
that bacterial strains obtained from unusual and              approximately 700 bp were cloned, and inserts were
poorly studied communities often turn out to be a rich        sequenced for 85 randomly selected clones. Nucle
source of novel BACs [19].                                    otide sequences showing less than 97% homology were
    We have previously shown that the microbial com          considered to be unique. Altogether, 15 different
munity associated with the endemic Baikalian sponge           amplicons with 35–65% homology to each other were
Lubomirskia baicalensis is highly diverse and includes        identified, all of which belonged to type I modular
microbial groups, such as Actinobacteria, α and              PKSs. A BLASTX search was performed to find the
βproteobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, Cyanobacteria,             closest known homologues and determine the level of
Bacteroidetes, and Nitrospirae [20]. Since many               homology of the amino acid sequence (table). The
marine species of these groups are known producers of         newly obtained sequences showed 50–82% homology
bioactive metabolites, it is reasonable to search and         to those published previously; for most of them (10 out
comparatively analyze PKS genes in the community of           of 15 sequences), the homology level was below 70%.
an endemic Baikalian sponge.                                  This suggests that the genomes of microorganisms
    This study is the first to investigate the diversity of   associated with the Baikalian sponge contain new, still
PKS genes in the metagenomic community of fresh              undescribed PKS genes. A phylogenetic analysis was
water sponge L. baicalensis.                                  performed to classify the identified sequences by
                                                              enzyme groups. For this purpose, type I modular PKS
                                                              sequences with the highest homology to the new KS
                 EXPERIMENTAL                                 gene domains were retrieved from the EMBL data
   Sponge specimens were collected at a depth of              base. PKS I of the filamentous fungus Gibberella mon
15 m during field research in the neighborhood of             iformis was used as an outgroup.
Listvyanka (southwestern coast of Lake Baikal) in                 It was found that KS domain sequences of the
February 2009. Specimens were placed in 70% ethanol           microbial community of L. baicalensis can be grouped
and stored at 4°C. Total DNA was isolated using a             with known PKSs of the bacterial phyla Proteobacte
RiboSorb kit (Russia) as recommended by the manu             ria (the classes of α, β, and δProteobacteria), Ver
facturer. Fragments of KS domains of PKS genes were           rucomicrobia, Cyanobacteria, and Acidobacteria, as
amplified using degenerate oligonucleotide primers            well as with those of green algae of the order Chloro
DKF (5'GTGCCGGTNCCRTGNGYYTC3') and                          phyta (figure).
DKR (5'GCGATGGAYCCNCARCARYG3') [16].                            A phylogenetic analysis showed that 6 of the 15 clones
The PCR protocol included activation at 95°С for              (1aKSLb, 1cKSLb, 1fKSLb, 2aKSLb, 2bKSLb,
5 min, 35 cycles of denaturation at 95°С for 45 s,            3dKSLb, and 5bKSLb) formed a separate cluster
primer annealing at 62°С for 60 s, and elongation at          together with the sequences of hybrid NRPS/PKS
72°С for 90 s; and final elongation for 10 min at 72°С.       complexes. It is known that, due to their combined
PCR products were cloned in a pTZ57R/T vector                 activity, NRPS/PKS hybrid systems perform the bio
(Fermentas) and used to transform chemically com             synthesis of a number of bioactive compounds, includ
petent E. coli XL1BL cells. Sequences of recombinant          ing those of industrial importance (such as rifampicin,
clones that carry an insert of the expected size              myxothiazol, curacin, jamaicamide, and others [14]).
(approximately 700 bp) were determined using a CEQ            In agreement with this notion, among sequences that
8800 automated sequencer (Beckman Coulter Inc.,               are phylogenetically close to the new KS domains, the
United States). The sequences were aligned and their          tree included the genes of stigmatellin (StiC and StiG),
homology was evaluated using the ClustalW module of           curacin (CurI and CurJ), nostophycin (NpnB), and
BioEdit 7.0 software package [21]. A comparison with          cryptophycin (CrpB) (figure). Clones of this cluster
the available data was performed using the BLASTX             had 53–65% homology of the amino acid sequence; in
program at the NCBI site [22]. Phylogenetic tree was          the tree, they clusterized with genes derived from spe
constructed by neighborjoining method (NJ) using             cies of different bacterial phyla (figure). This wide
Mega 4 software [23]. Nucleotide sequences of the             range of homology possibly indicates the functional

   MOLECULAR BIOLOGY           Vol. 46   No. 6    2012
792                                           KALUZHNAYA et al.

Homology of KS sequences studied to known PKS genes
                                                                   BLAST results
 Sequence (GenBank Acc. No.)
                                          Closest homologues (GenBank Acc. No.)                     Homology, %
1aKSLb (JQ771596)               Volvox carteri (XP_002951836)                                          50
1cKSLb (JQ771597)               Scytonema hofmanni PCC7110 (AAW55365)                                  74
1dKSLb (JQ771598)               Methylobacterium extorquens DSM 13060 (EHP84300)                       66
1fKSLb (JQ771599)               uncultured bacteria from East China Sea (ABG20983)                     82
2aKSLb (JQ771600)               Chlorella variabilis (EFN51779)                                        64
2bKSLb (JQ771601)               Pleurocapsa sp. PCC 7319 (AAW55384)                                    66
2nKSLb (JQ771602)               Myxococcus fulvus HW1 (YP_004664823)                                  68
3bKSLb (JQ771603)               Synechococcus sp. CC9311 (YP_729393)                                   78
3dKSLb (JQ771604)               Chondromyces crocatus (CAQ18829)                                       67
3hKSLb (JQ771605)               Azoarcus sp. KH32C (BAL22601)                                          76
4aKSLb (JQ771606)               Synechococcus sp. CC9311 (YP_729393)                                   77
4gKSLb (JQ771607)               uncultured bacterium, soil sample (ADD65251)                           64
5bKSLb (JQ771608)               Opitutus terrae PB901 (YP_001818846)                                  66
5cKSLb (JQ771609)               Granulicella mallensis MP5ACTX8 (YP_005058602)                         67
5dKSLb (JQ771610)               Haliangium ochraceum DSM 14365 (YP_003265646)                          61

diversity of BACs synthesized with help of the newly       [14, 28, 29]. Thus, bacteria of the order Myxobacteri
detected genes. For sequences retrieved from Gen          ales are the most widely used antibiotic producers after
Bank, the highest levels of homology to novel              Actinobacteria and fungi [28]. On the other hand,
sequences ranged from 61 to 82% (table).                   cyanobacteria, which are members of symbiotic com
     With a high bootstrap support, the 1cKSLb            munities of both marine and freshwater sponges
sequence was joined to a KS domain from the freshwa       [20, 30, 31], are a rich source of different toxins [16].
ter cyanobacterium Scytonema hofmanni PCC 7110                 1aKSLb and 2aKSLb clones belonged to the
and the stigmatellin gene sequence (StiC, electron         same cluster as KS domains of eukaryotic green algae
transport inhibitor) of the soil myxobacterium Stigma     Volvox carteri and Chlorella variabilis (order Chloro
tella aurantiaca [24]. This group also included the bio
                                                           phyta); their homology to each other was only 48%. At
synthesis genes of known cyanobacterial metabolites,
including curacin (an antitumor toxin, CurI, Lyngbya       the same time, the sequence of 1aKSLb had 50%
majuscule) [25], nostophycin (a cytotoxin) [26], and       homology to the KS domain of Volvox carteri, while
cryptophycin (a tubulindepolymerizing agent) [27].        2aKSLb had 64% homology to the respective
The closest homologue of 5bKSLb was a sequence            sequence of Chlorella variabilis (table). Interestingly,
from the Opitutus terrae strain PB901 of the phylum       this group also included a KS domain sequence from a
Verrucomicrobia. Clone 2bKSLb was grouped with            nonculturable symbiont of the marine sponge Disco
KS domains from cyanobacteria Nostoc punctiforme           dermia dissolute. It was previously shown that a num
PCC 73102, Pleurocapsa sp. PCC 7319, and Microcys         ber of microbial species associated with this sponge are
tis aeruginosa NPCD1, as well as with the CurJ gene of    a potential source of different natural compounds with
curacin biosynthesis from Lyngbya majuscula; clone         cytotoxic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and
5dKSLb was grouped with a myxobacterium                   other bioactive properties [32]. Handa et al. demon
Haliangium ochraceum DSM 14365; clone 1fKSLb              strated the presence of green algae, predominantly
was grouped with a nonculturable soil bacterium,           Chlorella species, in communities of Baikalian
while 3dKSLb was grouped with δProteobacteria            sponges [33]. They also pointed out that the large
Chondromyces crocatus and Stigmatella aurantiaca.          number of Baikalian freshwater sponges symbiotic
Thus, this cluster predominantly contained sequences       with chlorophyllcontaining microorganisms indi
from different Cyanobacteria species, as well as from      cates their importance for the primary product accu
species of the order Myxobacteriales (class δProteo      mulation in the lake ecosystem [33]. Green algae are
bacteria of the phylum Proteobacteria). These bacte       also fairly common in communities of marine sponges
rial groups have long been extensively studied due to      [7, 34], where they are usually present in the outer
their high potential as bioactive metabolite producers     layer of the sponge body [35]. Apparently, in freshwa

                                                                 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY        Vol. 46     No. 6   2012
DIVERSITY OF POLYKETIDE SYNTHASE (PKS) GENES                                                                   793

                                                       Scytonema hofmanni PCC 7110, AAW55365 [Cyano]
                           73 79                            StiC Stigmatella aurantiaca, CAD19087 [DeltaP]
                                                       Curl Lyngbya majuscula, AAT70107 [Cyano]
                              67                     NpnB Nostoc sp. 152, AEU11006 [Cyano]
                                  65                       CrpB Nostoc sp. ATCC 53789, AMB21570 [Cyano]
                             50                             5bKSLb
                                                          Opitutus terrae PB901, YP_001818846 [Verruco]
                                                            CurJ Lyngbya majuscula, AAT70105 [Cyano]
                                                                Pleurocapsa sp. PCC 7319, AAW55384 [Cyano]
                                       88                                                                                       hybrid
                                                          Nostoc punctiforme PCC, YP_001865644 [Cyano]
                                        50                      Microcystis aeruginosa, ACF24471 [Cyano]                        complexes
                                                  uncultured bacterium (mangrove soil), ACC99569
                                89                            Haliangium ochraceum DSM 14365, YP_00326564 [DeltaP]
                                                Chondromyces crocatus Cmc5, CAQ18829 [DeltaP]
                        71                          StiG Stigmatella aurantiaca Sg a15, CAD19091 [DeltaP]
                                                           Nodularia harveyana, AAX44144 [Cyano]
                  44         94            100            1fKSLb
                                                           uncultured bacterium (East China Sea, cost soil), ABG20983
                                                 74                                        1aKSLb
                                           100                                   Volvox carteri XP_00295183 [Chloroph]
               60                                                                                                                     PKS I
                                                                   100                       2aKSLb
                                                                                              Chlorella variabilis NC64A, EFN51779    Chlorophyta
                                                      uncultured bacterial symbiont of sponge Discodermia dissoluta, A
                 58                     Myxococcus fulvus HW1, YP_004664823 [DeltaP]
                   42                              5cKSLb
                                               Granulicella mallensis MP5ACTX8, AEU37572 [Acido]
         52     54                          Haliangium tepidum, BAG69128 [DeltaP]
                                         91            3bKSLb
                                   100                    4aKSLb
                54                                      Synechococcus sp. CC9311, YP_729393 [Cyano]
      71                           100              Stanieria sp. PCC 7302, AAW55404[Cyano]                       PKS I
            63                                         Pleurocapsa  sp. PCC  7319, AAW55408     [Cyano]           Cyanobacteria
                                   uncultured bacteria of rhizosphere soil, ADD65273
                  80                        Scytonema hofmanni PCC 7110, AAW55402[Cyano]
              91                          uncultured bacterium of rhizosphere soil, ADD65251
                   78                                       Verrucomicrobium spinosum DSM 4136, ZP_02927635 [Verruco]
                           100                            1dKSLb
                                             100          WcbR, RkpAlike Methylobacterium extorquens, EHP84300 [AlphaP]
                                                              Sorangium cellulosum, ABD17673 [DeltaP]
        92                                       3hKSLb
                                             Azoarcus sp. KH32C, BAL22601 [BetaP]                                                 wcbR genes
                            62             uncultured bacterium of rhizosphere soil, ADD65280                                      of Proteobacteria
           67                  79              WcbR Nitrosomonas europaea ATCC 19718, NP_841435 [BetaP]
                                             uncultured marine sponge symbiont, AAX62315
            55        100                   WcbR Ralstonia sp. 5_7_47FAA, ZP_07677262 [BetaP]
                                           Burkholderia sp. H160, ZP_03267586 [BetaP]
                                                            Gibberella moniliformis, PKS I, AAR92209 [Fungi]

   Phylogenetic tree constructed by neighborjoining (NJ) based on fragments of PKS amino acid sequences of the bacterial com
   munity of L. baicalensis (240 amino acids). Sequences obtained in this study are designated with filled circles; accession numbers
   are given for previously published sequences. Numbers at the tree nodes are bootstrap support values. Evolutionary distance scale
   corresponds to five substitutions per 100 bp.

ter communities, eukaryotic microorganisms can also                        tic is that it also includes WcbR genes, which are
be a source of bioactive substances.                                       involved in the formation of a bacterial capsule [36].
    With a high level of support, the tree contains a                      All sequences of this group represent different classes
clade including sequences 1dKSLb and 3hKSLb,                             of the phylum Proteobacteria (figure). For instance,
which have 52% similarity; an important characteris                       the closest homologue of the 1dKSLb sequence is a

   MOLECULAR BIOLOGY                 Vol. 46     No. 6      2012
794                                          KALUZHNAYA et al.

KS domain from Methylobacterium extorquens, a             ter and marine communities, as well as thermal spring
methylotroph of the class αProteobacteria (66% sim      and soil microbial communities; there are also known
ilarity). This group also contains a sequence from Sor   endosymbionts of nematodes and protozoa [43].
angium cellulosum, which belongs to the class δproteo       The results of our work show that the microbial
bacteria (order Myxococcales) and is used as a producer   community of the freshwater sponge L. baicalensis
of epothilones, which are anticancer compounds [37].      contains numerous PKS genes that belong to microor
Clone 3hKSLb belonged to a group of related              ganisms of different systematic groups. It should be
sequences that also included KS domains from              noted that many strains that are identified as carrying
βroteobacteria, as well from a nonculturable soil bac   homologous genes and used in the phylogenetic anal
terium and a nonculturable sponge symbiont. At the        ysis are actually collection strains whose genomes have
level of the amino acid sequence, the highest degree of   been sequenced and published. At the same time, a
similarity (76%) was with the KS domain from a soil       number of phylogenetically close PKS sequences
bacterium Azoarcus sp. KH32C. Species of this genus       belong to bacteria that produce bioactive metabolites
are known as nitrogenfixing plant endosymbionts, as      of industrial significance. However, the level of homol
well as bacteria that degrade different aromatic com     ogy to known sequences not high enough to imply that
pounds [38]. We previously showed the presence of α      similar metabolites were synthesized in the commu
and βProteobacteria in the nonculturable microbial       nity of the Baikalian sponge. On the other hand, this
community of L. baicalensis by an analysis of the 16S     may suggest that the metagenomic community of
rRNA gene diversity; moreover, the bacteria of these      L. baicalensis contains new PKS genes that belong to
two classes made up 35% of the total community [20].      still undescribed microorganisms, as well as that the
Our previous study did not detect any species of the      sponge community can produce still unknown biolog
class δproteobacteria; however, the results of this      ically active compounds. Our data show the prospects
work suggest that they are probably present in the        of further investigations that search for novel bioactive
freshwater sponge community.                              compounds in bacterial communities of freshwater
    3bKSLb and 4aKSLb clones were joined in a tree      sponges.
with PKS sequences from different strains of cyano
bacteria (figure). The highest level of KS sequence                     ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
homology was observed between these two clones
(84%), as well as between them and Synechococcus sp.         The study was supported by the Russian Founda
CC9311 (78 and 77%, respectively) (table). Species of     tion for Basic Research (project no. 110400323) and
the genus Synechococcus dominate in the pikoplank        the Lavrent’ev Foundation of the Siberian Branch of
ton of Lake Baikal [39]; they are also present in the     the Russian Academy of Sciences (grant no. 6).
metagenomic community of L. baicalensis [20] and,
therefore, the detection of PKS genes that belong to                         REFERENCES
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   MOLECULAR BIOLOGY            Vol. 46   No. 6    2012
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