Page created by Melvin Cummings
pure fun
Your Membership opens the door to a world of fun
and inspired destinations, where you’ll play, explore
and create timeless memories with your friends and
family. The fun begins the moment you start planning
your first vacation…

pure value
Discover the true value of your
Membership. Your Points let you
take advantage of everything from
quick getaways to cruises to extended
vacations. The way you travel will never
be the same…

pure flexibility
Each time you travel, you’ll select
where you want to vacation, when
you want to go and which room size
fits your travel needs. Planning your
vacations has never been this easy or
this much fun…

congratulations &
    welcome to the
    divi vacation club!
    By joining this elite Club, you’ve shown your commitment
    to valuable vacation and family time. Congratulations on
    the years of fun and adventure ahead of you.

    You now have access to top resort destinations in the
    Caribbean and around the world. We’re happy to tell you
    that these beautiful settings will be the backdrop of your
    vacations for years to come. You’ll also enjoy the versatility
    and convenience that your Membership provides, allowing
    you to plan and vacation with ease.

    Welcome to the better way to travel. You will create
    timeless memories with the Divi Vacation Club. You’ll
    share those memories with the people who matter most to
    you. And it all begins today.

    Your adventure truly starts here.

let’s jump in!
Your Divi Vacation Club Membership Guide
The following pages will guide you through making the most of
your Membership, explaining the benefits and opportunities that
your purchase affords you. We’ll cover:

1. Membership Basics - page 10
Everything you need to know about Pure Points

2. Divi Club Destinations - page 28
Resort information and useful Points Charts

3. Club Loyalty Benefits - page 51
Enjoy elite club services, recognition and amenities

4. Divi Exchange Network - page 62
How to travel the world with ease

5. Helpful Information - page 70
Membership guarantees, terms to know and more

   Remember: you can always find the most complete and
   up-to-date Divi Vacation Club information at
   www.divivacationclub.com. To access this information,
   simply log in to our exclusive Member Site with your
   contract number and create a username and password
   for future logins. From there, you can explore everything
   about your Membership.

   If you have any questions at all, please call our team
   of Vacation Specialists at 1-888-GO1-DIVI (461-
   3484) (Toll-free) or 1-305-925-3063 (International).
   Vacation Specialists are currently available seven days a
   week - Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.,
   Saturday and Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (ET). You
   can also email your questions or requests to our team any
   time at divi@clubreservations.com.

let’s start with some membership basics...

              where will your adventure take you?
membership basics

what are pure points?
P   ure Points are your currency in
    the Divi Vacation Club – you use
your Points to book your travel. Pure
                                         only the Points you need. This is
                                         determined based on the time of
                                         year, the destination, the size of
Points are the starting point for your   accommodations you desire and the
vacation fun.                            length of your stay.

Pure Points are issued annually          Best of all, you can never have
during the term of your Club             too many or too few Pure Points!
Membership, and are used to              You will always have the ability to
make reservations at participating       purchase more Points, bank Points
destinations.                            for the coming year or borrow or rent
                                         Points for this year’s travel.
Each time you travel, you will use

                                                                    * Members with biennial usage are issued
                                                                    Points every other year during the term
                                                                    of their Club Membership.

                                                                    For more about borrowing, banking &
                                                                    renting Points, please see pages 22-23.

how many points does it take?
     There are so many ways to use your Pure Points, and not just on a single vacation! Let’s explore some examples
     of how you might travel over a three-year period using a budget of 100,000 Pure Points.

                                                            YEAR ONE
                                  You have 100,000 Pure Points from your current Use Year.
         Take a romantic trip for two to the         Take a road trip and visit fun Orlando,     Get away for Thanksgiving week and visit
            Caribbean and enjoy Aruba                        Florida with the family                       family in Minnesota

        Take advantage of airline deals and stay     Exchange your points for a three-night     Exchange your points for an entire week of
      seven nights (Tues-Tues) in High Season*        (Sun-Tues) stay during Peak Season*        quality family time in Shoulder Season*

      Enjoy a one-bedroom Penthouse suite at        Spread out in a two-bedroom unit at an      Enjoy comfortable studio accommodations
         Divi Village Golf & Beach Resort                   Elite Quality Resort**                    in a Premier Quality Resort**

              42,000 Pure Points                            32,700 Pure Points                          24,000 Pure Points

     • You use 98,700 Pure Points to travel in Year One
     • You will BANK 1,300 Pure Points toward travel in your next Use Year

                                                           YEAR TWO
      You have 1,300 Pure Points carried over from your previous Use Year, plus 100,000 Pure Points from
         your current Use Year. That adds up to 101,300 total Pure Points available for use in Year Two.

            Visit the beautiful Hawaiian Islands for a very special          The Caribbean is calling… so you’re heading back to visit
                                tropical vacation                                                   St. Maarten

          Exchange your Points and enjoy two seven-night stays in              Enjoy seven nights in Mid-Season* in a room with a
                  two great resorts during High Season*                     spectacular ocean view and feast on amazing French cuisine

         Relax in a one-bedroom unit in an Elite Quality and Select              Stay at Divi Little Bay Beach Resort in a spacious
                             Quality Resort**                                                    one-bedroom suite

                          80,000 Pure Points                                                   37,000 Pure Points

     • You use 117,000 Pure Points to travel in Year Two
     • You BORROW+ 15,700 Pure Points from your next Use Year to complete your travel

membership basics

                                                   YEAR THREE
  You've borrowed 15,700 Pure Points from your previous Use Year, and receive 100,000 Pure Points
     from your current Use Year. You will have a total of 84,300 Pure Points to use in Year Three.
  You’re excited to dive, snorkel     Get away to the city that           Escape to the mountains                  Visit Atlantic City for more
  and soak up the winter sun on       never sleeps: Las Vegas             of Colorado for a family                 fun and excitement closer to
             Bonaire                                                             adventure                                    home

   Enjoy a seven-night stay in      Exchange your Points for an          Exchange your Points for a                 Exchange your Points for a
         Peak Season*               exciting three nights (Sun-         seven-night stay in Shoulder              seven-night stay and enjoy the
                                    Mon) of casino play and fun                   Season*                         ocean views, booking your stay
                                               shows                                                                 only 21 days in advance

 Relax in a spacious, oceanfront    Enjoy a one-bedroom unit at       Relax in a one-bedroom unit at              Stay in a one-bedroom studio
 studio at Divi Flamingo Beach      an Affiliate Quality Resort**        a Select Quality Resort**                at an Affiliate Quality Resort**
        Resort & Casino

    33,000 Pure Points                9,900 Pure Points                   34,000 Pure Points                          9,500 Pure Points

• You use 86,400 Pure Points to travel in Year Three
• You decide to RENT 2,100 Pure Points to complete your travel in Year Three

* Travel dates are divided into seasons based on travel demand. Review the Divi Club Destinations Points Charts on pages 26-48,
or visit www.divivacationclub.com for more details. All exchange requests are based on availability.

** Interval International identifies resorts as Interval International Elite®, Interval International Premier®, Interval
International Select® or Interval International Affiliate® Resorts based on the resort quality and amenities provided. Consult your
Interval International Resort Directory or visit www.intervalworld.com for more details.

+When you borrow Pure Points or make a reservation more than 365 days prior to check-in, you will be allowed to pre-pay Annual
Club Dues and Club Operating Fees at the time of reservation, or you may choose to wait until annual invoices are issued (typically
in October). If you choose to wait, please make certain that all payments due are made prior to the year-end, past-due date to avoid
cancellation of the reservation.

Planning a Pure Points vacation is easy! When you’re ready to reserve your vacation, you can book directly
online at www.divivacationclub.com or call 1-888-GO1-DIVI (461-3484). Our helpful Vacation Specialists will
do the rest.

                                                       For more information on exchanging through the Divi Exchange Network, please see pages 62-69   13
learning to read a points chart
                                                    Let’s say you want to travel     the vacation will require. For this
                                                      to Divi Village Golf           example, let’s say you want to travel
                                                          & Beach Resort             during your children’s summer
                                                            this year with your      break, and week 30 works well with
                                                              children. You          your family’s schedule. This time of
                                                               want to have          year is in the High Season, so you
                                                                 plenty of space,    will use 68,000 Pure Points to take
                                                                  so a two-          this vacation.
                                                                  bedroom suite
                                                                   at Divi Village   Planning your Pure Points vacation
                                                                   is perfect for    is easy with our Points Charts.
                                                                   you!              Points Charts for all Divi Club
                                                                                     Destinations can be found on pages
                                                                  Now you need       28-50, as well as online at
                                                                 to decide when      www.divivacationclub.com. As
                                                               you want to           always, if you need any assistance
                                                              travel, so you use     planning your vacation or
                                                            the resort’s Points      determining Points values, please
                                                           Chart to determine        call our team of Vacation Specialists
                                                         how many Pure Points        at 1-888-GO1-DIVI (461-3484).


     *These Points values are based on a seven-night stay.

membership basics

how to access club information
The most complete and up-to-date Club information can be accessed any time through an exclusive Member Site
at www.divivacationclub.com by clicking “Login.” When logging in for the first time, you will be asked to create
a personal login ID and password. From there, you can explore everything about your Membership.
Always log in to this Member Site before making any online Club transactions.

to set up your member site login ID and password, follow these steps:
•   To Register – Go to www.divivacationclub.com and click “Login.” Click “Register Today” to be directed to
    the registration page. Enter your Divi Vacation Club contract number and the name of the contract owner
    or eligible user. Enter your first name, last name, address, telephone number and email address. Enter a
    password. Re-enter the password in the “Verify Password” field. If you would like to receive email offers
    and Club news, click “Yes.” For “Account Type,” click on Divi Vacation Club Member. Click the “Submit”

•   To Log In – Go to www.divivacationclub.com and click “Login.” Enter your established email and
    password. For “Account Type,” please click on Divi Vacation Club Member. Click “Login.”

•   Forgot or Lost Your Password? – Click on “Reset Password.” Enter your established email and contract
    number. For “Account Type,” click on Divi Vacation Club Member and “Reset Password.”

•   Need Help? Contact our Member Relations Department at memberrelations@divivacationclub.com.

membership basic fast facts
•   Be sure to establish your login ID and password to the www.divivacationclub.com Member Site right away.
    Keep this information in a safe place. You will need to have your member information, including your
    contract number, to establish identity.
•   Only Members in good standing may make transactions, so make sure all of your fees are paid and up-to-
•   If you have questions or need assistance, contact a Vacation Specialist at divi@clubreservations.com or call
    1-888-GO1-DIVI (461-3484).

membership basics

           making a reservation using pure points
Your Pure Points are issued annually during the term of your Club Membership. They are your currency for booking reservations in
the Divi Vacation Club. The Use Year for all Members begins January 1 and ends December 31. During this 12-month period, you
may reserve accommodations at any participating Divi Club Destination, or use the Divi Exchange Network to make reservations at a
variety of worldwide destinations. To make a reservation at a Divi Club Destination, follow the instructions on page 20 or visit

     pure points reservation booking windows for divi vacation club destinations

For seven-night minimum reservations:
Book a seven-night minimum stay at any Club Destination up to 480 days - one day prior to reservation check-in, depending on your
level of Club Loyalty Benefits.
For partial or nightly stay reservations:
Book a partial or nightly stay at any Club Destination from 120 days - one day prior to reservation check-in.
When making a reservation less than 365 days prior to check-in:
Only members in good standing may make reservations, so please make sure all of your fees are paid before you try to book a
When making a reservation more than 365 days prior to check-in:
You will be allowed to pre-pay Annual Club Dues and Club Operating Fees at the time of reservation, or you may choose to wait until
annual invoices are issued (typically in October). If you choose to wait, please make certain that all payments due are made prior to the
year-end, past-due date to avoid cancellation of the reservation.
Reservation booking windows vary depending on your level of Club Loyalty Benefits and type of Membership.

pure points prime

                            making a reservation using pure points prime
                     When reserving your fixed week, please keep the following reservation windows in mind:

     home week priority period (HWPP):
     391-480 days prior to check-in: President’s Elite members may
     reserve their fixed unit week and/or confirm a 7-night minimum
     reservation at any Divi Club Destination.
     360-390 days prior to check-in: Platinum, Gold and Silver
     members may reserve their fixed unit week and/or confirm a
     7-night minimum reservation at any Divi Club Destination.

     The Home Week Priority period ends for all members at 360 days prior
     to check-in. All unconfirmed fixed unit week inventory will be released
     to the Club for use by other Divi Vacation Club members.

     club reservation priority period:
     121-360 days prior to check-in: Divi Vacation Club members
     may book a reservation for a minimum of 7-nights at any
     available Divi Club Destination.
     1-120 days prior to check in: Divi Vacation Club members may
     book a reservation for 6-nights or less at any available Divi Club

     making your fixed week reservation                                fixed week fast facts
                                                                       • If you do not make your fixed week reservation at least 360 days in advance of your
     To make your fixed week reservation within your                   fixed week check-in date, your fixed week will be converted to Pure Points.

     Home Week Priority Period, simply go online to                    • You may also convert your fixed week to Pure Points more than 360 days in advance
     www.divivacationclub.com or call 1-888-GO1-DIVI                   of your check-in date by calling a Vacation Specialist.

     (461-3484) and let our Vacation Specialists take it               • Once your fixed week is converted to Pure Points, you will have the ability to borrow,
                                                                       bank and transfer those Points. Please see pages 20-25 for more information.
     from there.
                                                                       • When making a reservation less than 365 days prior to check-in, please make sure
                                                                       all of your fees are paid before you try to book a reservation.
     Reservation booking windows vary depending on your level of
                                                                       • When making a reservation more than 365 days prior to check-in. You will be
     Club Loyalty Benefits and type of Membership.                     allowed to pre-pay Annual Club Dues and Club Operating Fees at the time of
                                                                       reservation, or you may choose to wait until annual invoices are issued (typically in
                                                                       October). If you choose to wait, please make certain that all payments due are made
     Please see page 77 in your Club Membership Guide for the          prior to the year-end, past-due date to avoid cancellation of the reservation.
     reservation cancellation policy.
membership basics

to make a pure points
     reservation at any participating
       divi club destination, simply
            follow these steps!

membership basics

reservations fast facts:
•   The sooner you can book a reservation, the
    better, so make sure you are familiar with your
    reservation booking window. For details, see the
    chart on page 19.

•   Your reservation will be confirmed via email, so
    make sure we have your current email address on

•   Please see page 71 for information on reservation

•   If you do not check in on the first day of a
    reservation for any reason, you must notify the
    resort you are traveling to, or risk cancellation of
    your reservation without restoration of Points.

•   Points penalties and fees may be applied to
    cancellations. For details, see the chart on page 77.

•   Only Members in good standing may make
    reservations, so if you make a reservation less than
    365 days prior to check-in, please make sure all of
    your fees are paid before you book a reservation.

•   When you borrow Pure Points or make a
    reservation more than 365 days prior to check-
    in, you will be allowed to pre-pay Annual Club
    Dues and Club Operating Fees at the time of
    reservation, or you may choose to wait until
    annual invoices are issued (typically in October).
    If you choose to wait, please make certain that
    all payments due are made prior to the year-
    end, past-due date to avoid cancellation of the

banking pure points
     Even if you can’t take your yearly vacation, your Points won’t go to waste! You can bank all or a portion of your
     unused Pure Points to travel in the next calendar year, which allows you to put leftover Points toward an even
     better vacation next year.

                                              banking fast facts:
     •   It’s easy to bank your Pure Points by calling a Vacation     If you miss your Points banking deadline, any remaining
         Specialist at 1-888-GO1-DIVI (461-3484).                     Points can be used to make reservations at a Divi Club
                                                                      Destination for travel within the current Use Year, or to
     The deadlines for banking your Pure Points vary based            make reservations through the Divi Exchange Network
     on your level of Membership. Banking deadlines are as            for travel in the next Use Year.
                                                                      •    Once banked, Points cannot be un-banked.
           •   If you are a Silver Club Member, you may bank
               100% of your Points 120 days prior to the Use          •    Banked Points must be used during the next calendar
               Year end date and 75% of your Points 90 days                year.
               prior to the Use Year end date.
                                                                      •    Like Annual Members, if you are a Biennial Member,
           •   If you are a Gold Club Member, you may bank                 your banked Points will go into the next calendar year.
               100% of your Points 90 days prior to the Use Year           Therefore, these banked Points may only be used for
               end date and 75% of your Points 60 days prior to            travel outside of your normal Use Year.
               the Use Year end date.
                                                                      •    If you are a Biennial Member, you must call a
           •   If you are a Platinum or President’s Elite                  Vacation Specialist to bank your Points.
               Club Member, you may bank 100% of your
               Points 60 days prior to the Use Year end date and      •    Only Members in good standing may bank Points.
               75% of your Points 30 days prior to the Use Year            Please make sure all of your fees are paid before you
               end date.                                                   try to bank your Points.

                                       2017                         2018                      2019

                                       2017                         2018                      2019

membership basics

                                     borrowing pure points
Want to plan a longer stay? Book a larger suite and invite more friends to share the fun? Celebrate a special
occasion with a luxurious getaway? You can! If you find that the vacation you’re planning requires more Pure
Points than you currently own, you have the option to borrow all or a portion of your Points from the next Use
Year to fulfill your vacation dreams.

                                     borrowing fast facts:
•   You can borrow Pure Points by calling a Vacation            •   Only Members in good standing may make
    Specialist at 1-888-GO1-DIVI (461-3484).                        reservations, so if you make a reservation less than
                                                                    365 days prior to check-in, please make sure all of
•   You must use all of your Points from the current year           your fees are paid before you try to book a reservation.
    before borrowing from your next Use Year.
                                                                •   When you borrow Pure Points or make a reservation
•   Points can only be borrowed to complete a reservation.          more than 365 days prior to check-in, you will be
    You may borrow up to 100% of your next Use Year’s               allowed to pre-pay Annual Club Dues and Club
    Points.                                                         Operating Fees at the time of reservation, or you
                                                                    may choose to wait until annual invoices are issued
•   If you cancel your reservation, your borrowed Points            (typically in October). If you choose to wait, please
    will go back into the year they were taken from.                make certain that all payments due are made prior to
                                                                    the year-end, past-due date to avoid cancellation of
•   If you are a Biennial Member, you may borrow Points             the reservation.
    to reserve travel outside of your Use Year by calling a
    Vacation Specialist.

                             2017                       2018                      2019

                             2017                        2018                     2019

renting pure points
     Need more Points for this year’s getaway? You have the option to rent additional Pure Points
     to complete your vacation reservation, allowing you to enhance your vacation without borrowing
     from next year’s Points balance.

                                        renting fast facts:
     •   You can rent Pure Points by calling a Vacation Specialist or by logging in to the Member Site at
         1-888-GO1-DIVI (461-3484)

     •   The cost of renting Pure Points is $.04 per Point. You may rent as many Pure Points as you
         need to complete your transaction up to your annual allotment.

     Rented Points are non-refundable. If you need to cancel a reservation made with rented Points, these
     Points will remain in your account until their expiration date and may be used toward a new reservation
     during that time. Expiration dates are as follows:

            •   Rental Points that are retained after being cancelled by a Silver or Gold Club Member will
                expire 300 days after the date of purchase.

            •   Rental Points that are retained after being cancelled by a Platinum Club Member will
                expire 390 days after the date of purchase.

            •   Rental Points that are retained after being cancelled by a President’s Elite Club Member
                will expire 480 days after the date of purchase.

     •   If you are a Biennial Member, you may rent Points to reserve travel outside of your Use Year by
         calling a Vacation Specialist.

     •   Only Members in good standing may make a reservation, so if you make a reservation less than 365
         days prior to check-in, please make sure all of your fees are paid
         before you try to book a reservation and rent points.

     •   When you rent Pure Points to complete a reservation more                  Need some assistance?
         than 365 days prior to check-in, you will be allowed to pre-pay          We’re always here to help!
         Annual Club Dues and Club Operating Fees at the time of
                                                                                  Call 1-888-GO1-DIVI (461-
         reservation, or you may choose to wait until annual invoices are        3484) with any questions about
         issued (typically in October). If you choose to wait, please make        banking, borrowing or renting
         certain that all payments due are made prior to the year-end,                  your Pure Points.
         past-due date to avoid cancellation of the reservation.

membership basics

membership basics

                               transferring pure points
If you have family or close friends who are Members in the Divi Vacation Club and you have extra Pure
Points, you may want to transfer your extra Points into their account to expand their vacation opportunities.
Transferring Points is an easy way to help these Members create more fun memories, or even join you on your

transferring fast facts:
•   You may transfer your Points to another Divi Vacation Club Member once a year.

•   All Points transferred are subject to a transfer fee.

•   Only Members in good standing may transfer Points, so make sure all of your fees are paid before you call a
    Vacation Specialist.

                               divi’s “send a friend” program
Our “Send a Friend” Program lets you give the gift of a stay at a Divi Club Destination to your friends and
family members. All you need to do is make a reservation in their name at the Divi Club Destination of their
choice using your Pure Points, then send them on their way!

                                                             “send a friend” fast facts:
                                                             •   To make a reservation for a family member or
                                                                 friend using your Pure Points, make sure you specify
            To transfer Points or use the                        who will be coming in your place. Only the person
             “Send a Friend” Program,
            please call a Vacation Specialist
                                                                 whose name is on the reservation may check in.
              at 1-888-GO1-DIVI (461-
               3484). These transactions                     •   The “Send a Friend” Program may be subject to a
              cannot be done online. The                         fee.
              “Send a Friend” Program is
             subject to change and is for a
                   limited time only.
                                                             •   Only Members in good standing may participate in
                                                                 this program, so make sure all of your fees are paid
                                                                 in full before you try to book a reservation.

                             *The “Send a Friend” Program is subject to change or termination.

let’s explore the divi club destinations...

divi club destinations

                                                      the caribbean is calling...

The Divi Vacation Club was created with a      them to establish rights to a variety of
clear mission in mind. Its founders wanted     accommodations at some of the finest
to design a Club for vacationers who have      resorts in the Caribbean.
a true love for the Caribbean and enjoy
returning to these islands year after year.    The following section features the choices
At the same time, they were inspired by        available to you as Divi Club Destinations.
today’s modern travelers, who seek to create   These destinations form the core vacation
a lifetime of memories with the flexibility    opportunities for you as a Club Member,
to visit exciting new destinations.            as you can travel to these destinations
                                               directly through the Divi Vacation Club
To accomplish these goals, the Club visited    without exchanging your Pure Points.
the islands of Aruba, Barbados, Bonaire        We invite you to explore all of these
and St. Maarten and secured continuing         destinations and see where your Caribbean
room commitments from select resorts           adventures will take you!
within the Divi Resorts Group, allowing

divi club destinations

Aruba is the place to see and be seen in the Caribbean.
From its famous white, sandy beaches to its vibrant,
cosmopolitan nightlife, Aruba has something for everyone.
Stay at one of the island’s Divi Club Destinations, each
of which offers its own unique experience, whether you’re
looking for a peaceful retreat or a fun-filled family vacation.

Spend your days lying on the beach, shopping at the famous
Palm Beach Plaza or exploring the island’s natural beauty
at Arikok National Park. Aruba offers plenty of family-
friendly attractions, like the Butterfly Farm and tours of
the historic gold mines, as well as fun activities for adults,
like experiencing the lively nightclubs and gaming at Divi’s
Alhambra Casino. This Dutch-inspired tropical paradise
will offer you a new and exciting adventure each time you

For more information about Aruba and its attractions, visit

your club destination                           divi aruba phoenix beach resort • www.diviphoenix.com

     • 2 Outdoor Freshwater Swimming Pools
     • Poolside & Beachside Swim-Up Bar
     • Children’s Pool
     • Outdoor Whirlpool & Hot Tub
     • Poolside Chaise Lounges & Cabanas
     • Beach Palapas, Umbrellas, Chairs & Towels
     • Beachside Dining at pureocean & purebeach Restaurants
     • Happy Hour & Manager’s Specials
     • puredeli Bakery & Cafe
     • Fitness Center with Updated Strength Training Equipment
     • Full-Service Spa*
                                                                                Club access to the Divi Aruba
     • Beach Volleyball Court                                                   Phoenix Beach Resort includes
     • Complimentary Treasures of the Caribbean Kids’ Club                      various accommodation sizes,
     • BBQ Grills
     • Lighted Tennis & Basketball Court
                                                                                from studios to three-bedroom
     • Non-Motorized Water Sports including Kayaks & Snorkeling Gear*           penthouse suites. All suites
     • Bike Rental*                                                             are beachfront and offer fully
     • Gift Shop & Minimart*
     • Complimentary Parking
                                                                                equipped kitchens, spacious living
     • Wedding, Meeting & Event Space & Planners*                               areas and private balconies or
     • 24-Hour Security                                                         patios with sweeping ocean views.
     • Activities Coordinator, Tour Desk & ATM in Lobby
     • Hertz™ Car Rental*
     • Complimentary Wi-Fi                                                      This destination is rated as an Interval
     • Multilingual Staff (English, Spanish & Dutch)                            International Premier® Resort.
     *Indicates items available at additional cost

divi club destinations

points chart

your club destination                           divi village golf & beach resort • www.divivillage.com

     •   4 Freshwater Swimming Pools
     •   Poolside Swim-Up Bar
     •   Children’s Pool
     •   Lively Beachside Bars*
     •   Poolside Dining at Seabreeze Restaurant & Sports Bar and Infinity Grill
     •   Golf Course View Dining at Windows on Aruba and Mulligan’s Golf
         Café, Bar & Restaurant
     •   Deluxe Nine-Hole Golf Course with Pro Shop & Golf Training Facility*
         Beach Palapas, Umbrellas, Chairs & Towels
         Beach Volleyball Court
     •   Fitness Center with Updated Strength Training Equipment
     •   Full-Service Spa*
                                                                                   Club access to the Divi Village Golf
     •   Rock Climbing Wall on the Beach*                                          & Beach Resort includes suites that
     •   Complimentary Treasures of the Caribbean Kids’ Club
     •   Water Sports Center: Kayaks, Snorkeling Gear, Rafts, Sunfish & Personal   are a short walk from the beach and
         Watercraft*                                                               a nine-hole golf course. The resort
     •   Lighted Tennis Courts & Tennis Instruction*
     •   BBQ Grills                                                                features various accommodation
     •   Bicycle Rental*
     •   Hertz™ Car Rental*
                                                                                   sizes from studios to three-bedroom
     •   Gift Shop & Minimart*                                                     suites and golf villas along The Links
     •   Complimentary Shuttle Transportation to Alhambra Casino
     •   Complimentary Parking                                                     at Divi Aruba golf course, with
     •   ATM & Currency Exchange                                                   all accommodations offering fully
     •   Wedding, Meeting & Event Space & Planners*
     •   24-Hour Security                                                          equipped kitchens, spacious living
     •   Activities Coordinator & Tour Desk
                                                                                   areas and private balconies or patios
     •   Complimentary Wi-Fi
     •   Multilingual Staff (English, Spanish & Dutch)                             with ocean, pool, garden or golf course
     *Indicates items available at additional cost
                                                                                   This destination is rated as an Interval
                                                                                   International Premier® Resort.
divi club destinations

points chart

your club destination                           divi dutch village beach resort • www.dividutch.com

     •   3 Freshwater Swimming Pools
     •   Poolside Lunches & Snacks at the Tiki Tiki Café
     •   Poolside Chaise Lounges & Cabanas
     •   Beach Volleyball Court
     •   Beach Palapas, Umbrellas, Chairs & Towels
     •   Nearby Restaurants at Divi Village Golf & Beach Resort: Windows on
         Aruba, Mulligan’s Golf Café, Bar & Restaurant, Seabreeze Restaurant &

         Sports Bar, Infinity Grill
         Complimentary Shuttle Transportation to Divi Village Golf & Beach Resort   accommodations
     •   Nearby ATM & Currency Exchange
     •   Rock Climbing Wall on the Beach*
     •   Fitness Center with Updated Strength Training Equipment                    Club access to the Divi Dutch Village
     •   Complimentary Treasures of the Caribbean Kids’ Club
     •   Bicycle Rental*                                                            Beach Resort includes suites in a tropical
     •   Nearby Water Sports Center: Kayaks, Snorkeling Gear, Rafts, Sunfish &
         Personal Watercraft*
                                                                                    garden setting, just steps away from
     •   Nearby Lighted Tennis Courts                                               the beach. The resort features various
     •   Nearby Lively Beachside Bars*
     •   Nearby Full-Service Spa*                                                   accommodation sizes from studios to
     •   Nearby Deluxe Nine-Hole Golf Course with Pro Shop & Golf Training
         Facility*                                                                  three-bedroom suites, offering fully
     •   Nearby Hertz™ Car Rental*
     •   Complimentary Parking                                                      equipped kitchens, spacious living areas
     •   Nearby Wedding, Meeting & Event Space & Planners*
     •   24-Hour Security                                                           and private balconies or patios with ocean,
     •   Activities Coordinator & Tour Desk
     •   Complimentary Wi-Fi                                                        pool or garden views.
     •   Multilingual Staff (English, Spanish & Dutch)

     *Indicates items available at additional cost                                  This destination is rated as an Interval
                                                                                    International Affiliate® Resort.
divi club destinations

points chart

     Experience the unique flavor of Barbados when you vacation at Divi Southwinds
     Beach Resort. From stunning beaches to perfectly landscaped golf courses, from
     entertaining festivals to delectable dining – you’re sure to find plenty to love about
     this lively island. Take in the British influence of the Barbados culture while you
     watch a game of cricket or polo and enjoy high tea in the afternoon. It’s no wonder
     this was one of James Bond’s favorite Caribbean destinations!

     Activity options are endless on Barbados, and one of the most popular attractions is
     located just outside the resort. The St. Lawrence Gap is a walkable neighborhood
     stretching along the southern coast of Barbados, with delicious restaurants, fun
     beach activities, local shopping for unique souvenirs and an exciting nightlife scene.
     Outside of “The Gap,” you will find plenty of other activities, including surfing,
     hiking, scuba diving and some of the best charter fishing in the Caribbean.

     For more information about Barbados and its attractions, visit

divi club destinations

your club destination         divi southwinds beach resort • www.divisouthwinds.com

      • 3 Freshwater Swimming Pools (One Features a
        Swim-Up Bar)
      • pureocean Beachfront Restaurant & Bar
      • Poolside Chaise Lounges & Cabanas
      • Beach Chairs & Towels
      • Fitness Center
      • Children’s Playground                                 accommodations
      • Day Spa & Beauty Salon*
      • Lighted Tennis Courts                                 Club access to Divi Southwinds Beach
      • Complimentary Treasures of the Caribbean Kids’ Club
                                                              Resort includes suites with views of
      • Nine-Hole Professional Miniature Golf
      • Non-Motorized Water Sports Available*                 the ocean or tropical gardens. Deluxe
      • Nearby Lively Beachside Restaurants & Bars*           oceanfront one-bedroom suites are
      • Car Rental*                                           available along Dover Beach, in addition
      • Complimentary Parking                                 to one- and two-bedroom suites
      • Wedding, Meeting & Event Space & Planners*
                                                              surrounding the sparkling freshwater pool.
      • 24-Hour Security
      • Activities Coordinator & Tour Desk                    All suites offer fully equipped kitchens,
      • Complimentary Wi-Fi                                   spacious living areas and private patios or
      • Multilingual Staff                                    balconies.
      *Indicates items available at additional cost

                                                              This destination is rated as an Interval
                                                              International Select® Resort.
divi club destinations

points chart

divi club destinations

For an unforgettable vacation experience, visit the naturally beautiful island of Bonaire. Known
for its world-class scuba diving and snorkeling locales, this is the perfect destination for
adventure-seekers. Enjoy exploring the waters right along the resort’s shoreline when you stay at
the modern, colorful and fun Divi Flamingo Beach Resort.

Bonaire is a nature-lover’s paradise, with protected ecosystems and an untouched tropical
environment. Activities on the island go beyond just scuba and snorkeling, with plenty to see and
do for the whole family. Visit attractions like the Donkey Sanctuary and Washington Slagbaai
National Park. Go on a Cadushy Cactus Liquor Distillery Tour or on one of the island’s Bigfoot
Tours. You and your family will love the adventures you find on Bonaire!

For more information about Bonaire and its attractions, visit www.diviresorts.com/bonaire.htm.

your club destination                           divi flamingo beach resort & casino • www.diviflamingo.com

     • PADI 5-Star Resort Dive Center with 5 Dive Boats
     • Piers with Direct Water Access to Boat Diving and 24-Hour
       Shore Diving/Snorkeling
     • Dive Gift Shop
     • International Scuba School
     • 2 Freshwater Pools
     • Divi Flamingo Casino*
     • 2 Oceanfront Restaurants & Bars                                          accommodations
     • Poolside Chaise Lounges & Cabanas
     • Beach Chairs, Palapas, Umbrellas & Towels                                Club access to Divi Flamingo
     • Sundeck with Cabanas
                                                                                Beach Resort includes studio
     • Fitness Center
     • Shuffleboard
                                                                                acommodations that are just steps
     • Life-Size Chess Board                                                    from the ocean. Rooms feature
     • Complimentary Treasures of the Caribbean Kids’ Club                      views of a sparkling freshwater
     • Full-Service Day Spa & Beauty Salon
     • Complimentary Parking
                                                                                pool and offer fully equipped
     • Hertz™ Car Rental*                                                       galley kitchens, private balconies
     • ATM & Currency Exchange                                                  or patios.
     • Wedding, Meeting & Event Space & Planners*
     • 24-Hour Security
     • Activities Coordinator & Tour Desk
                                                                                This destination is rated as an Interval
     • Complimentary Wi-Fi                                                      International Select® Resort.
     • Multilingual Staff (English, Spanish & Dutch)
     *Indicates items available at additional cost

divi club destinations

points chart

st. maarten
     On this half-French, half-Dutch island,
     visitors to St. Maarten often feel like they are
     exploring two countries at once. A vacation
     to this unique island paradise is truly an
     escape from daily life, with beautiful beaches,
     crystal-clear waters, world-renowned
     culinary establishments and fabulous high-
     end shopping. Nestled on its own private
     peninsula, Divi Little Bay Beach Resort
     offers one of the most stunning settings on
     the island.

     Visitors to St. Maarten can experience the
     unique cultural fusion that makes this island
     unlike any other. The resort is located on the
     Dutch side but is only a short distance from
     the French side, making it an ideal location
     for vacationers. Some of the island’s best
     attractions include the French-inspired city
     of Marigot, the Seaside Nature Park and the
     Loterie Farm.

     For more information on St. Maarten and its
     attractions, visit

divi club destinations

your club destination                           divi little bay beach resort • www.divilittlebay.com

     •   3 Freshwater Swimming Pools
     •   3 Beachside Restaurants & Bars
     •   Outdoor Whirlpool & Hot Tub
     •   Boat Dock with Local Island Tours*
     •   Deli with Coffee & Internet Café
     •   Poolside Chaise Lounges & Cabanas
         Beach Umbrellas, Chairs & Towels
         Fitness Center with Updated Strength Training Equipment                  accommodations
     •   Grocery Mart*
     •   Full-Service Spa*                                                        Club access to Divi Little Bay Beach
     •   Water Sports Center: Windsurfing, Scuba Diving, Snorkeling,
         Jet Skis/Waverunners, Fishing, Boogie Boards & Kayaks*
                                                                                  Resort offers oceanfront suites, each
     •   Complimentary Treasures of the Caribbean Kids’ Club                      with stunning scenery and large private
     •   Lighted Tennis Court
                                                                                  balconies or patios. The resort features
     •   Life-Size Chess Board
     •   Beach Volleyball                                                         various accommodation sizes from
     •   Specialty Shops for Gifts, Jewelry & Crafts*                             studios to two-bedroom suites. All are
     •   Thrifty™ Car Rental*
                                                                                  just steps away from the sand, offering
     •   Complimentary Parking
     •   ATM & Currency Exchange                                                  fully equipped kitchens, spacious living
     •   Wedding, Meeting & Event Space & Planners*                               areas and sweeping ocean views. There are
     •   24-Hour Security
     •   Activities Coordinator & Tour Desk                                       also casita suites tucked into the hillside,
     •   Complimentary Wi-Fi                                                      surrounded by tropical gardens.
     •   Multilingual Staff (English, Dutch & French)

     *Indicates items available at additional cost                                This destination is rated as an Interval
                                                                                  International Premier® Resort.
divi club destinations

points chart

club loyalty benefits

club loyalty benefits

     T    o enhance the value of your Divi Vacation
          Club Membership, your Membership will
     include Club Loyalty Benefits*, our way to reward
                                                         GOT A QUESTION ABOUT YOUR CLUB
                                                         LOYALTY BENEFITS?
     you just for being a Club Member! Our Club          email us at memberrelations@divivacationclub.com
     Loyalty Benefits program offers you additional
     Membership savings by discounting many of the
     vacation services and amenities you enjoy each      THE LEVEL OF CLUB LOYALTY BENEFITS
     time you travel. We provide Club Loyalty Benefits   you will receive depends on how many annual Pure Points
     for all levels of Divi Vacation Club Membership,    you purchased:
     so no matter how many Pure Points you purchase,
     you’ll enjoy the advantage of this elite benefits   •   silver membership          – through 64,999 Pure Points
                                                         •   gold membership          – 65,000 through 99,999 Pure Points
     CLUB LOYALTY BENEFITS DELIVER                       •   platinum membership             – 100,000 through 299,999 Pure Points
                                                         •   president’s elite membership              – 300,000+ Pure Points
     1   Club Services

     2   Club Recognition

     3   Club Amenities                                  *Services and amenities are subject to change without notice for items of comparable value.

club loyalty benefits

club services
O    ur Club Services Benefits* help you save money each time you take advantage of your Membership’s
     pure flexibility. From reduced fees to special discounts, you’ll be able to do even more with your Pure
Points without additional costs.

• Extended Reservation Windows for Booking As Far Out As 16 Months in Advance
• Pure Points Banking Window Extended Up to 60 Days Prior to the Use Year End Date
• Up to 40% Discount on Best Available Room Rate for Rental Reservations at Divi Club Destinations
• Bonus Time
• Savings on Club Transaction Fees
• Discounted Borrowing and Banking Fees
• Extended Cancellation Grace Periods
• Savings on Guest Certificates
• Complimentary Annual Interval International Platinum Membership
• Dedicated Pre-Arrival Divi Vacation Club Concierge

*Availability and savings of Club Services Benefits differ by Membership level. Please refer to the Benefits-at-a-
Glance Chart to confirm which benefits you will receive.

club recognition
     A   s an elite Member of the Divi Vacation Club, you’ll always be treated like a VIP. Our Club Recognition
         Benefits* ensure that you feel like a priority from the moment you set foot on any of our Divi Club

     • Complimentary In-Room Arrival Gift
     • Up to 35% Discount on All-Inclusive Meal Plan
     • Elite Wi-Fi with Speeds of Up to 10 MBPS
     • Personal Vacation iPad for Use While at the Resort
     • Early Check-In
     • VIP Check-In
     • Access to Premier Island Events
     • Personal Welcome Letter from the President
     • Personal Dinner with Resort Manager**
     • Daily Housekeeping Services
     • Upgraded Bathroom Amenities

     *Availability and savings of Club Recognition Benefits differ by Membership level. Please refer to the Benefits-at-a-
     Glance Chart to confirm which benefits you will receive.

     **First time you travel to a Divi Club Destination using your Membership.

club loyalty benefits

club amenities
D    ivi Club Destinations offer some of the most
     fantastic on-site amenities for guests to enjoy, and
as a Divi Vacation Club Member, you’ll get access to
exclusive savings on these through our Club Amenities
• Preferred Reservations and Seating at All On-Site
  Resort Restaurants
• Preferred Tee Times at The Links at Divi Aruba
  Golf Course
• Up to 30% Discount on Golf Equipment Rentals
• Up to 30% Discount on Golf and Tennis Lessons
• Up to 30% Discount at The Links Pro Shop
• Up to 30% Discount on Food and Beverage at Divi
  Club Destinations
• Up to 20% Discount on Food and Beverage at Fusion
  Restaurant, Aruba
• Up to 20% Discount at Select Island Retail Stores
• Up to 30% Discount on Car Rentals
• Up to 30% Discount on Spa Services
• Up to 15% Discount on Non-Motorized
• Free Local Newspaper
• Up to 5x Instant Credit (free slot play) at Divi Club
  Destination Casinos
• Discounts on Services for Meetings, Weddings and
  Special Events
• Up to 35% Discounts on Diving at Divi Flamingo
  Beach Resort & Casino
• Complimentary Nitrox Tanks for Dives at Divi
  Flamingo Beach Resort & Casino

*Availability and savings of Club Amenities Benefits differ
by Membership level. Please refer to the Benefits-at-a-Glance
Chart to confirm which benefits you will receive.

silver club membership level - through 64,999 pure points

        club services                     club recognition           club amenities
           reservation window of up to                                  up to 10% discount on food
                                              20% discount on all-
           240 days (approximately 8                                    and beverage at Divi Club
                                              inclusive meal plan
           months)                                                      Destinations

           Points banking deadline of
           120 days prior to Use Year                                   up to 20% discount at select
           end date for 100% of Points,                                 island retail stores
           90 days for 75% of Points

           20% discount on rental                                       up to 10% discount on car
           reservations at Divi Club                                    rentals at Divi Little Bay
           Destinations                                                 Beach Resort

          $49/$69 additional club                                       up to 10% discount at select
          transaction fees                                              Divi Club Destination Spas

                                                                        up to 5% discount on
          $49 borrowing and banking                                     non-motorized watersports
          fees                                                          at Divi Little Bay Beach

          48-hour cancellation grace
                                                                        complimentary local
          period from reservation
          booking date

                                                                        2x instant credit (free slot
                                                                        play) at participating casinos
                                                                        (must be a Player's Club
                                                                        Member to receive benefit)

                                                                        discount on meeting and
                                                                        wedding services

                                                                        up to 20% discount on
                                                                        diving at Divi Dive Bonaire

club loyalty benefits

gold club membership level - 65,000 through 99,999 pure points

   club services                  club recognition                         club amenities
     reservation window of up                                up to 20% discount on golf    up to 15% discount on
                                      30% discount on all-
     to 300 days (approximately                              equipment rentals at The      car rentals at Divi Club
                                      inclusive meal plan
     10 months)                                              Links at Divi Aruba           Destinations

     Points banking deadline
     of 90 days prior to Use                                 up to 15% discount on golf    up to 15% discount
     Year end date for 100% of        20% off daily
                                                             and tennis lessons at The     at select Divi Club
     Points, 60 days for 75% of       housekeeping
                                                             Links at Divi Aruba           Destination Spas

      30% discount on rental                                 up to 15% discount on         up to 10% discount on
      reservations at Divi Club                              select merchandise at The     non-motorized watersports
      Destinations                                           Pro Shop at The Links at      at Divi Little Bay Beach
                                                             Divi Aruba                    Resort

                                                             up to 15% discount on
      bonus time included                                                                  complimentary local
                                                             food and beverage at Divi
                                                             Club Destinations

                                                                                           3x instant credit (free
                                                             up to 10% discount on
                                                                                           slot play) at participating
     $49/$69 additional club                                 food and beverage at
                                                                                           casinos (must be a Player's
     transaction fees                                        Fusion Restaurant at The
                                                                                           Club Member to receive
                                                             Shops at Alhambra

     $39 borrowing and                                       up to 20% discount at         discount on meeting and
     banking fees                                            select island retail stores   wedding services

     14-day cancellation grace                                                             up to 25% discount
     period from reservation                                                               on diving at Divi Dive
     booking date                                                                          Bonaire

     50% off Guest Certificates

platinum club membership level - 100,000 through 299,999 pure points

        club services                   club recognition                                 club amenities
           reservation window of up                                        preferred reservations        up to 20% discount on
           to 390 days (approximately       in-room arrival gift           and seating at on-site        car rentals at Divi Club
           13 months)                                                      restaurants                   Destinations

           Points banking deadline
           of 60 days prior to Use                                                                       up to 20% discount
                                            35% discount on all-           preferred golf tee times at
           Year end date for 100% of                                                                     at select Divi Club
                                            inclusive meal plan            The Links at Divi Aruba
           Points, 30 days for 75% of                                                                    Destination Spas

           35% discount on rental                                          complimentary golf            up to 10% discount on
                                            elite Wi-Fi, up to 10                                        non-motorized watersports
           reservations at Divi Club                                       equipment rentals at The
                                            MBPS                                                         at Divi Little Bay Beach
           Destinations                                                    Links at Divi Aruba

                                                                           up to 20% discount on golf
                                                                                                         complimentary local
           bonus time included              3 p.m. early check-in          and tennis lessons at The
                                                                           Links at Divi Aruba

                                                                           up to 20% discount on         4x instant credit (free
           $39/$59 additional club          complimentary VIP              select merchandise at The     slot play) at participating
           transaction fees                 check-in                       Pro Shop at The Links at      casinos (must be a Player's
                                                                           Divi Aruba                    Club Member to receive

                                                                           up to 20% discount on
           no borrowing and banking         40% off daily                                                discount on meeting and
                                                                           food and beverage at Divi
           fees                             housekeeping                                                 wedding services
                                                                           Club Destinations

                                                                           up to 15% discount on
           30-day cancellation grace                                                                     up to 30% discount
                                            upgraded bathroom              food and beverage at
           period from reservation                                                                       on diving at Divi Dive
                                            amenities                      Fusion Restaurant at The
           booking date                                                                                  Bonaire
                                                                           Shops at Alhambra

                                            invitation to select premier                                 complimentary nitrox
           1 complimentary Guest                                           up to 20% discount at
                                            island events, based on                                      tank diving at Divi Dive
           Certificate per year                                            select island retail stores
                                            availability                                                 Bonaire

           complimentary annual
           Interval International
           Platinum Membership

club loyalty benefits

president’s elite membership level - 300,000+ pure points

   club services                  club recognition                                  club amenities
     reservation window of up                                        preferred reservations           up to 30% discount on
     to 480 days (approximately       in-room arrival gift           and seating at on-site           car rentals at Divi Club
     16 months)                                                      restaurants                      Destinations

     Points banking deadline
     of 60 days prior to Use                                                                          up to 30% discount
                                      35% discount on all-           preferred golf tee times at
     Year end date for 100% of                                                                        at select Divi Club
                                      inclusive meal plan            The Links at Divi Aruba
     Points, 30 days for 75% of                                                                       Destination Spas

      40% discount on rental                                          complimentary golf              up to 15% discount on
                                      elite Wi-Fi, up to 10
      reservations at Divi Club                                       equipment rentals at The        non-motorized watersports
      Destinations                                                    Links at Divi Aruba             at Little Bay Beach Resort

                                                                     up to 30% discount on golf
                                                                                                      complimentary local
     bonus time included              2 p.m. early check-in          and tennis lessons at The
                                                                     Links at Divi Aruba

                                                                      up to 30% discount on           5x instant credit (free
     no additional club               complimentary VIP               select merchandise at The       slot play) at participating
     transaction fees                 check-in                        Pro Shop at The Links at        casinos (must be a Player's
                                                                      Divi Aruba                      Club Member to receive

                                      invitation to select premier    up to 30% discount on           up to 35% discount
     no borrowing and banking
                                      island events, based on         food and beverage at Divi       on diving at Divi Dive
                                      availability                    Club Destinations               Bonaire

                                                                      up to 20% discount on
     90-day cancellation grace
                                      personal welcome letter         food and beverage at            discount on meeting and
     period from reservation
                                      from Divi’s President           Fusion Restaurant at The        wedding services
     booking date
                                                                      Shops at Alhambra

                                                                                                      complimentary nitrox
     2 complimentary Guest            personal dinner with a          up to 20% discount at
                                                                                                      tank diving at Divi Dive
     Certificates per year            Divi Resort Manager*            select island retail stores

      complimentary annual
                                      complimentary daily
      Interval International
      Platinum Membership

     dedicated pre-arrival            upgraded bathroom
     concierge                        amenities

                                      personal vacation iPad for
                                      use while at resort
                                                                                *First time you travel to a Divi Vacation
                                                                                Club Destination using your Membership.


     Please be sure to take your Loyalty Benefits Card with you when you travel to a Divi Club Destination
     to receive your benefits.
     1. Reservations windows vary depending on your level of club membership and type of program. 2. Cannot be combined with any promotion.
     3. Not available at Divi Aruba Phoenix Beach Resort. 4. Links at Divi Aruba only. 5. At Divi Club Destinations only, where available. Car rental
     discounts may vary by resort location. Discount off rental fee and mileage only. 6. Spa discounts may vary by resort location. 7. Available at Aqua
     Mania at Little Bay Beach Resort only. 8. At select Divi Club Destinations only. 9. Alhambra Casino, Aruba only. To receive benefits, members must
     belong to Casino Players Club. Includes free slot play for all levels. 10. Divi Club Destinations on Aruba & St. Maarten only. 11. Divi Flamingo Beach
     Resort & Casino only. *Services & amenities are subject to change without notice for items of comparable value.

club loyalty benefits

club loyalty benefits

I  n addition to more accommodation choices,
   travel flexibility and Club Loyalty Benefits,
your Divi Vacation Club Membership
includes access to the Divi Exchange
Network, which lets you exchange your Pure
Points to visit worldwide destinations. The
Divi Exchange Network gives you access to
hundreds of resorts in over 80 countries and
lets you book Getaways, cruises and so much

travel the world with the divi exchange network...

divi exchange network

welcome to the divi exchange network
Divi Vacation Club Members can travel the world through the Divi Exchange Network, a premier
exchange service that lets you use your Pure Points to book travel to hundreds of worldwide destinations.
With this program, the Divi Vacation Club partners with third-party exchange companies, currently
Interval International and the Interval Exchange Network*, to provide a bundle of great benefits for
Members to enjoy. The following section describes some of the benefits available to you through various
Interval International programs.

1                                         2                                          3
    You can exchange your Pure              You’ll get access to                            You’ll be able to share the
    Points through Interval                 substantial discounts on                        fun of the Divi Vacation
    International to book vacations         experiences like shopping,                      Club with family and
to hundreds of resorts worldwide, hotels, entertainment, dining and                  friends by purchasing Guest
choosing any season, room type      travel.                                          Certificates.
and length of stay.

4                                         5                                          6
       You can purchase                          If you need to change your                 You’ll gain access to
       Getaways® for bonus                       travel plans, you can switch               Interval’s online exchange
       vacations throughout the                  destinations, resorts and                  community, which
year – plus, you’ll save $25 to $50       dates through E-Plus®, a program           lets you connect with other
on each Getaway®, depending on            that allows you to retrade your            Members for vacation tips, resort
your level of Membership.                 reservations up to three times for         recommendations and more. You’ll
                                          one low fee.                               also get a printed Resort Directory,
                                                                                     included with this Membership
                                                                                     Guide, for easy vacation planning.

Please note: Some of the benefits outlined above are only available with an Interval Platinum® membership, which is
complimentary during the first year of Membership in the Divi Vacation Club. Check your Interval International materials or
log into www.intervalworld.com for a complete list of benefits. To confirm or upgrade your exchange membership level with
Interval International, please call 1-888-GO1-DIVI (461-3484). All exchange requests are based on availability.

*While it is anticipated that Interval International will provide the Divi Exchange Network benefits under an ongoing
contractual relationship, there is no assurance that the agreement between the Divi Vacation Club and Interval
International will continue for any particular length of time.

what are my exchange values?

                               TDI refers to Interval International’s Travel Demand Index.
         The above values represent Interval International exchange values and are subject to change at any time.

     Ready to start exchanging? Go to www.divivacationclub.com or www.intervalworld.com to
     exchange online or call 1-888-GO1-DIVI (461-3484) and ask for the Divi Exchange Network.

divi exchange network

Traveling beyond the Divi Club Destinations in the
Caribbean is easy. Just a few simple steps will have you
on your way to discovering exciting new experiences
and locations around the world through our current
exchange partner, Interval International.

Select a resort destination from the Interval International
Resort Directory, or review the experiences and exchange
options included with your Membership, online at
www.divivacationclub.com or www.intervalworld.com.

Determine how many Pure Points you will need to exchange
to book the vacation you have selected. The amount
of Points you will need depends on the season resort,
accommodation site, length of stay or experience you select.

When planning to exchange to another resort destination
online at www.intervalworld.com, you can enter your
preferred destination, season and travel party size to find out
how many Points your trip will require and to view all of the
options available to you.

You can make your reservations online at
www.divivacationclub.com or www.intervalworld.com,
or by calling 1-888-GO1-DIVI (461-3484) to speak to a
Vacation Specialist.

Once your Points exchange is confirmed, you’re ready to
travel the world and enjoy amazing experiences!

You can also read