Do nursing textbooks accurately describe pulse oximetry? An audit of current literature

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Do nursing textbooks accurately describe pulse oximetry? An audit of current literature

Do nursing textbooks accurately
describe pulse oximetry?
An audit of current literature
Malcolm Elliott and Roz Williamson

                                                                                              Little research attention has been given to the neglect of
                                                                                          vital signs assessment and interpretation (Rose and Clarke,
 Background: The assessment of a patient’s vital signs is a critical nursing              2010). Possible reasons may include perceived lack of time
 task. Despite this, research has found that many nurses have a poor                      or education, staffing levels, and nurses’ reliance on intuition
 understanding of pulse oximetry. Aim: As undergraduate students rely heavily             (Hogan, 2006; Odell et al, 2009; Philip et al, 2013). In one
 on textbooks as an educational resource, an audit was conducted of nursing               study of 614 general ward nurses, attitudes towards vital signs
 texts to determine the quality of pulse oximetry descriptions. Method: The               monitoring were influenced by nurses’ qualifications and years
 audit was guided by questions based on the findings of research examining                of clinical experience (Mok et al, 2015). Of concern is that
 nurses’ understanding of pulse oximetry. Two researchers used these                      these nurses had limited understanding of the key indicators of
 questions to appraise textbook content. Findings: A convenience sample of                clinical deterioration and were also unaware of their knowledge
 32 contemporary nursing textbooks was appraised. Text descriptions of pulse              deficits (Mok et al, 2015).
 oximetry varied from brief to more extensive, with the content ranging from                  Peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2), one of the key vital
 superficial to detailed. Conclusion: Superficial, inconsistent or misleading             signs, is measured via a pulse oximeter. It provides an estimate
 information within basic nursing textbooks may be one factor associated                  of arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2). Oxygen saturation reflects
 with nurses’ knowledge deficits about pulse oximetry. Academics and                      the ratio between the oxygen content of haemoglobin and
 nurse educators should appraise core content of textbooks carefully before               the potential oxygen-carrying capacity of haemoglobin (Van
 recommending textbooks to nursing students.                                              Leeuwin and Bladh, 2015). A pulse oximeter calculates SpO2
                                                                                          by shining light of two wavelengths through a tissue bed
 Key words: Pulse oximetry ■ Audit ■ Nursing literature ■ Nurse education                 and comparing the light absorbance of oxyhaemoglobin and
                                                                                          deoxyhaemoglobin (Sebald, 1997). This technology has been

                                                                                          widely available in clinical practice since the early 1980s and
                                he accurate assessment and interpretation of vital        is used to inform patient care and improve outcomes (Milner
                                signs is essential for detecting clinical deterioration   and Mathews, 2012). As a form of patient monitoring, pulse
                                (Turkington et al, 2014). These vital signs include       oximetry has many benefits: it is continuous, non-invasive, gives
                                blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate, temperature      early warning of hypoxic events, and is superior to clinical
                                and oxygen saturation. Despite their importance,          judgement (Dolenska, 2006). A recent systematic review
                   however, the clinical assessment of these signs is frequently          therefore found that pulse oximetry significantly reduced the
                   neglected even though most deterioration is detectable in              extent of perioperative hypoxaemia and enabled the detection
                   the hours before a serious adverse event (Ludikhuize et al,            and treatment of hypoxaemia and respiratory-related events
                   2012). The failure to thoroughly assess vital signs may explain        (Pederson et al, 2014).
                   why many nurses are often unaware that their patients are                  Despite the clinical benefits of pulse oximetry use,
                   deteriorating and why nurses tend to call for assistance relatively    significant deficits in clinicians’ (doctors, nurses and allied
                   late in a crisis (Genardi et al, 2008; De Meester et al, 2013).        health professionals) understanding of pulse oximetry have
                                                                                          been identified (Elliott et al, 2006). Knowledge deficits were
                                                                                          related to the principles of pulse oximetry, what a pulse oximeter
                    Malcolm Elliott, Senior Lecturer, Monash Nursing and Midwifery,       measures and is used for, factors influencing the accuracy of
                    Monash University, Melbourne, Australia,
                                                                                          oximeter readings, and the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve.
                                                                                                                                                                         © 2020 MA Healthcare Ltd

                                                                                          Experienced and inexperienced clinicians demonstrated limited
                    Roz Williamson, Lecturer, Monash Nursing and Midwifery,               understanding of pulse oximetry and many reported limited
                    Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
                                                                                          or no training in its use (Elliott et al, 2006). Of concern is that
                    Accepted for publication: January 2020                                similar findings have been demonstrated in more recent research,
                                                                                          suggesting that the understanding of pulse oximetry has not

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                           improved over time (Çelik, 2014 et al 2014; Milutinovic et al,        ■■   How is oxygen saturation defined?
                           2016). It has therefore been recommended that research focuses        ■■   What information is provided about what an oximeter is
                           on the characteristics of undergraduate or pre-registration                used for?
                           nursing education and how different models of theoretical and         ■■   Does the text include a description of the oxyhaemoglobin
                           clinical education influence the transfer of oximetry knowledge            dissociation curve?
                           to clinical practice (Seeley et al, 2015).                            ■■   Does the text include information about factors affecting
                               Graduating nursing students represent the workforce of the             the accuracy of readings?
                           immediate future.Their clinical knowledge and skills after recent
                           years of intense study should demonstrate the ability to safely       Results
                           deliver high-quality nursing care. Despite this, an Australian        Thirty-two contemporary textbooks on fundamentals of
                           study of more than 300 novice nurses identified significant           nursing or clinical nursing skills were identified for an audit
                           knowledge deficits about pulse oximetry (Seeley et al, 2015).         of content relating to pulse oximetry (see Table 1).Textbooks
                           Less than half of these nurses knew that oxygen saturation is         with no pulse oximetry content listed in the index were
                           not an indicator of adequate ventilation and most incorrectly         discarded.The descriptions of pulse oximetry in the audited
                           thought that pulse oximetry is used for the rapid detection of        texts varied from brief to more extensive, with the content
                           tissue hypoxia (Seeley et al, 2015).                                  ranging from superficial to detailed. There was considerable
                                                                                                 variation in the descriptions and in the amount of text
                           Aim                                                                   dedicated to pulse oximetry. Nursing skills texts tended
                           The factors contributing to graduate nurses’ pulse oximetry           to have briefer descriptions of relevant theory (such as of
                           knowledge deficits are not clear but inadequate education may         the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve) than theoretically
                           be an associated factor. It has been suggested that the origin        focused books.
                           of these knowledge deficits can be identified in deficiencies
                           in undergraduate curricula (Kiekkas et al, 2013). Because             What does a pulse oximeter measure?
                           undergraduate students rely heavily on textbooks as a key             Based on international guidelines, the expected answer to this
                           resource for their learning and professional development, an          question is peripheral oxygen saturation of haemoglobin in
                           audit was conducted of basic nursing texts to determine the           arterial blood (World Health Organization (WHO), 2011; Pretto
                           quality of pulse oximetry descriptions.The purpose of the audit       et al, 2014). All texts provided an answer to this question with
                           was to determine whether these texts are a reliable resource for      some common themes. Most commonly, a pulse oximeter was
                           understanding and using pulse oximetry in the clinical setting.       said to measure ‘O2 saturation’; many texts also emphasised
                                                                                                 arterial blood. However, some texts that mentioned O 2
                           Method                                                                saturation did not provide a definition of this. Another common
                           In order to identify relevant textbooks a search was conducted of     answer to this question was merely ‘SpO2’, as was ‘SaO2’. A
                           the websites of key publishers of nursing texts (Cengage, Elsevier,   more superficial answer to this question in two texts was ‘the
                           FA Davis, Lippincott, Pearson, Sage), Google Books, Book              amount of O2 in the blood’.
                           Depository and Amazon.The search focused on fundamentals
                           of nursing or clinical nursing skills textbooks.Texts on clinical     How does an oximeter work?
                           specialties such as critical care nursing were excluded because       Oxygen saturation is estimated by ‘measuring the transmission
                           they are targeted at experienced nurses who therefore have a          of light through a pulsatile vascular tissue bed’ (Al-Shaikh and
                           level of assumed knowledge. To ensure the search identified           Stacey, 2019:154). The expected answer to how an oximeter
                           contemporary textbooks available to nursing students, it was          works should refer to a pulse oximeter containing two light-
                           limited to texts published from 2013 onwards. Once relevant           emitting diodes (red and infrared) and a photodetector (Aston
                           texts were identified, hard copies were requested via inter-library   et al, 2014). Just over half the reviewed texts provided a relevant
                           loan or from the publisher. Where possible, the most current          description. These descriptions typically stated that a probe
                           edition of texts was reviewed.                                        emits two light wavelengths that are absorbed by oxygenated
                               The index of texts was scanned to identify content on             and deoxygenated blood (DeLaune et al, 2016). One quarter
                           pulse oximetry, oxygen saturation and the oxyhaemoglobin              of the texts provided no information about how an oximeter
                           dissociation curve.The relevant text section was then audited for     works; the remainder provided a brief description only.
                           key content using guiding questions.The questions reflected the
                           findings of research highlighting clinicians’ poor understanding      How is SpO2 defined?
                           of pulse oximetry (for example, Çelik et al, 2014; Seeley et          According to the British Thoracic Society, SpO2 is the arterial
                           al, 2015; Milutinovic et al, 2016). These studies identified          oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry (O’Driscoll et
                           knowledge deficits regarding what a pulse oximeter measures           al, 2017). Despite this concise definition, there was considerable
© 2020 MA Healthcare Ltd

                           and is used for, factors influencing the accuracy of readings, and    variation in definitions of SpO2.The most common, found in
                           the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve. Six questions guided           one third of texts, was simply ‘O2 saturation’ but, again, many
                           the audit:                                                            did not define what O2 saturation actually is. The second
                           ■■ How does the text describe what a pulse oximeter measures?         most common definition, which was in one quarter of texts
                           ■■ Is a description of how an oximeter works included?                and the most accurate, referred to the percentage or ratio of

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Table 1. Audited texts
                  What does a pulse        Includes        How is SpO2              What is pulse oximetry            Includes          List of factors     Other
                  oximeter measure?        description     defined?                 used for?                         description       affecting the
                                           of how an                                                                  of oxy-Hb         accuracy of
                                           oximeter                                                                   dissociation      readings?
                                           works?                                                                     curve?

Burton et al      O2 saturation of         Yes             Pulse saturation         Not described                     No                Yes
(2019)            capillary blood

Cooper and        Arterial O2              No              Not defined              Not described                     No                No
Gosnell (2019)    saturation (SaO2)

Potter et al      O2 saturation, an        Yes             Peripheral capillary     The indirect measurement          No                Yes
(2019)            estimate of the                          O2 saturation; the       of O2 saturation
                  amount of O2 in the                      % of oxygenated Hb
                  blood                                    compared with the
                                                           total amount of Hb

Taylor et al      Arterial                 No              Not defined              Monitoring patients receiving     No                Yes
(2019)            oxyhaemoglobin                                                    O2 therapy, monitoring
                  saturation of arterial                                            those at risk of hypoxia, and
                  blood                                                             postoperative patients

Tollefson and     O2 saturation in         No              A comparison             To identify deterioration         No                Yes
Hillman (2019)    peripheral arterial                      between the amount       in physiologic function…
                  blood flow (Urden et                     of O2 being carried      allowing the person to
                  al, 2017)                                by Hb and the            receive rapid treatment
                                                           amount of O2 it can      and avoid associated
                                                           carry (Lizarondo,        complications (Khanh-Dao
                                                           2016)                    Le, 2016; Urden et al,

Vaughan and       O2 level in the blood    No              O2 level in the blood    Part of the respiratory           No                Yes
Keogh (2019)      (SpO2)                                                            evaluation when the patient
                                                                                    is at risk for or actually
                                                                                    experiencing respiratory

Berman et al      Arterial blood O2        Yes             Not defined              Detecting hypoxia before          Brief comment     Yes
(2018)            saturation (SaO2)                                                 clinical symptoms develop

Delves-Yates et   SpO2                     No              Not defined              Measuring O2 levels               No                Yes
al (2018)

Lynn (2018)       O2 saturation of         Yes             A ratio between O2       Monitoring patients               No                Yes
                  arterial blood                           content of the Hb        receiving O2 therapy, titrating
                                                           and the potential O2     O2 therapy, monitoring
                                                           carrying capacity of     those at risk of hypoxia
                                                           Hb (Van Leeuwin and      or hypoventilation, and
                                                           Bladh, 2015)             postoperative patients

Treas et al       O2 saturation (an        Brief           Pulse saturation, a      Monitoring oxygenation            No                Yes                 States that because it is
(2018)            indication of the O2     description     good estimate of                                                                                 ‘simple to perform’ the task
                  being carried by Hb                      arterial O2 saturation                                                                           can be delegated to a lesser
                  in the blood)                            (SaO2)                                                                                           qualified though trained nurse

Williams          Arterial O2              Yes             Pulse O2 saturation      Tracking changes in arterial      No                Yes                 States: ‘Pulse oximetry
(2018)            saturation                               level and the % of       O2 saturation                                                           is a reliable indicator of
                                                           Hb that is bound                                                                                 oxygenation’
                                                           with O2

Berman et al      Arterial blood O2        Yes             Not clearly defined      Detecting hypoxaemia              No                Yes
(2017)            saturation (SaO2)                                                 before clinical signs and
                  displayed as SpO2                                                 symptoms develop

Bloomfield et     The % of O2              Yes             The ratio of             For short- and long-term          No                Yes                 States that O2 saturation
al (2017)         saturation                               oxyhaemoglobin to        monitoring of oxygenation                                               ‘tells … the extent to which the
                                                           deoxyhaemoglobin                                                                                 Hb molecule is bound to O2’
                                                           (Jubran, 2015)

Craven et al      Gas exchange in the      Brief comment   Arterial O2 saturation   Approximating oxygenation         No                Yes                 States that oximetry does not
                                                                                                                                                                                                © 2020 MA Healthcare Ltd

(2017)            circulatory system                                                or the patient’s need for O2                                            assess the quality and efficacy
                                                                                                                                                            of ventilation

Crisp et al       Arterial oxygenation;    Yes             Peripheral O2            Non-invasive measurement          No                Yes                 Notes that oximetry is not a
(2017)            the % of Hb bound                        saturation               of arterial oxygenation                                                 replacement for assessment of
                  with O2 in the                                                                                                                            respirations
                  arteries (SaO2)

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                            Table 1 (continued). Audited texts
                                              What does a pulse       Includes        How is SpO2              What is pulse oximetry           Includes           List of factors    Other
                                              oximeter measure?       description     defined?                 used for?                        description        affecting the
                                                                      of how an                                                                 of oxy-Hb          accuracy of
                                                                      oximeter                                                                  dissociation       readings?
                                                                      works?                                                                    curve?

                            Hill et al        O2 saturation           No              O2 saturation; the       Monitoring people receiving     No                 Yes                States: ‘Pulse oximetry
                            (2017)            (SpO2): an estimate                     % of Hb that is          O2 therapy, those at risk of                                          is a reliable indicator of
                                              of arterial oxygen                      saturated with O2        hypoxaemia, and those with                                            oxygenation’
                                              saturation (SaO2)                                                respiratory conditions

                            Hogan (2017)      O2 saturation (SaO2)    No              Not defined              No comment                      No                 No

                            Koutoukidis et    Pulse O2 saturation     Yes             The extent to which      Estimating arterial O2          Yes                Yes                Encourages the user to ask
                            al (2017)         (SpO2)                                  Hb is loaded with O2     saturation                                                            whether they are educated,
                                                                                                                                                                                     authorised and competent

                            Rosdahl and       O2 saturation of        Yes             Not clearly defined      Used during the admission       No                 Yes
                            Kowalski          functional Hb in the                                             process or when a patient is
                            (2017)            blood                                                            receiving supplemental O2

                            Smith et al       Arterial O2             Yes             Hb O2 saturation         Cost and time efficient         No                 Yes
                            (2017)            saturation (SaO2)                       (SpO2)                   monitoring of arterial oxygen
                                                                                                               saturation (SaO2)

                            Timby (2017)      O2 saturation of        Yes             O2 saturation            For monitoring the O2           Yes                Yes
                                              blood                                   obtained by pulse        saturation

                            DeLaune et al     Arterial O2             Yes             Peripheral O2            To measure SpO2, which is       Yes                Yes
                            (2016)            saturation                              saturation               a reliable estimate of SaO2

                            Moore and         O2 saturation or O2     Yes             Peripheral O2            Monitoring conditions           No                 Yes                Provides detailed description of
                            Cunningham        status of the patient                   saturation               affecting respiratory status,                                         ventilation and respiration
                            (2016)                                                                             monitoring for potential
                                                                                                               hypoxaemia, evaluating
                                                                                                               effectiveness of O2 therapy
                                                                                                               and weaning respiratory

                            Shaw et al        Pulse rate and O2       No              Not defined              Rapid identification of         No                 Brief
                            (2016)            saturation                                                       the client becoming more

                            Delves-Yates      Peripheral arterial     Yes             The levels of            To detect hypoxia, giving a                        Yes                Emphasises that good O2
                            (2015)            blood O2 saturation                     peripheral arterial O2   non-invasive indication of a                                          levels do not provide evidence
                                                                                      obtained via a pulse     patient’s cardiorespiratory                                           of ability to expire CO2
                                                                                      oximeter                 status

                            Dougherty and     O2 saturation from      Yes             The amount of Hb         Monitoring for hypoxaemia       Yes                Yes
                            Lister (2015)     Hb in arterial blood                    saturation in the
                                                                                      tissue capillaries

                            Taylor (2015)     Arterial O2             Yes             Arterial saturation      To determine how well the       No                 Yes                Inconsistent use of SaO2 and
                                              saturation (SaO2)                                                lungs are delivering O2 to                                            SpO2
                                                                                                               the blood

                            Baillie (2014)    How saturated           Brief comment   O2 saturation of Hb      Acute and chronic illness,      No                 Yes
                                              with O2 are the Hb                      in arterial blood        investigations and surgery,
                                              molecules                                                        and respiratory and
                                                                                                               circulatory problems

                            Dempsey et al     O2 saturation           No              The % of Hb that is      Monitoring people receiving     No                 Yes
                            (2014)            (SpO2), an estimate                     saturated with O2        O2 therapy and people at
                                              of SaO2                                                          risk of hypoxaemia

                            Perry et al       Arterial blood O2       Brief comment   The % to which Hb is     For patients with unstable      No                 Yes                Includes delegation
                            (2014)            saturation                              filled with O2           O2 status or are at risk of                                           considerations
                                                                                                               impaired gas exchange

                            Boyd (2013)       O2 saturation           Brief comment   O2 saturation            To determine if the O2          No                 Yes                States O2 saturation is
© 2020 MA Healthcare Ltd

                                                                                                               saturation is within the                                              measured with a pulse
                                                                                                               acceptable range                                                      oximeter after training and
                                                                                                                                                                                     assessment in its use

                            Brooker and       Arterial O2             Brief comment   The % of saturated       Indication of the amount of     No                 Brief comment
                            Waugh (2013)      saturation                              Hb in arterial blood     O2 in peripheral blood

                            Key: Hb=haemoglobin; CO2=carbon dioxide; O2=oxygen; OxyHb=oxyhaemoglobin; SaO2=oxygen saturation in arterial blood; SpO2=peripheral oxygen saturation measured by a pulse oximeter

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                                                                                                    Other comments
 KEY POINTS                                                                                         Some texts indicated that pulse oximetry monitoring can
 ■■   Pulse oximetry is used to measure one of the key vital signs                                  be delegated to less qualified staff, but that such a decision
                                                                                                    to do so must be carefully considered. Two texts stated that
 ■■   Research has shown that nurses’ understanding of pulse oximetry is poor
                                                                                                    pulse oximetry is a reliable indicator of oxygenation. One text
 ■■   An audit found considerable variation in core textbook descriptions of                        emphasised that oximetry does not assess the quality and efficacy
      pulse oximetry                                                                                of ventilation.Another noted that oximetry is not a replacement
 ■■   Inadequate textbook descriptions of pulse oximetry might contribute to                        for assessment of respirations.
      nurses’ poor understanding of this technology
                                                                                                    This audit examined pulse oximetry descriptions in current
                       oxygenated haemoglobin compared with the total amount                        nursing textbooks. Considerable variation was found in
                       of haemoglobin. Less common definitions included: the                        the accuracy of these descriptions; some were very basic or
                       percentage of haemoglobin saturated with O2, pulse saturation,               simplistic and inaccurate. Although the audit was based on a
                       or the O2 level in the blood. Nearly 20% of texts provided                   convenience sample of textbooks, the findings are a concern
                       no definition of SpO2.                                                       given the variation in quality of descriptions. The findings are
                                                                                                    not surprising, though, given the considerable gaps that have
                       What is a pulse oximeter used for?                                           been found in clinicians’ understanding of pulse oximetry and
                       There was variety in the descriptions of what an oximeter is                 that many report receiving little or no education about oximetry
                       used for.The most common answers, found in 65% of texts, were                use (Mok et al, 2015; Milutinovic et al, 2016).
                       either for monitoring O2 saturation, patients receiving O2 therapy,              Understanding the principles behind oximetry and the
                       or patients at risk of hypoxia. Less common answers were for                 significance of SpO2 readings has an impact on interpretation
                       monitoring oxygenation, postoperative patients, cardiorespiratory            of measurements that may affect the provision of high-quality
                       status, patients at risk of respiratory distress, detecting deterioration,   care (Pretto et al, 2014).The British Thoracic Society therefore
                       and weaning patients from respiratory support. Simplistic                    recommends that all staff who use oximeters be trained in their
                       descriptions included monitoring patients with unstable O2 status            use and be aware of the limitations of oximetry (O’Driscoll
                       and monitoring how well the lungs are delivering O2.Two texts                et al, 2017). However, the British Thoracic Society does not
                       did not indicate what an oximeter is used for.                               give specific recommendations about what oximetry training
                                                                                                    should include. The WHO pulse oximetry training manual
                       Oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve                                            (2011) covers the physiology of oxygen transport, knowing the
                       To make sense of how oxygen gets into the tissues, an                        pulse oximeter (for example, what it measures, what the alarms
                       understanding is needed of the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation                   indicate), and how oxygen desaturation occurs.
                       curve (Hatfield, 2014).                                                          Some of the reviewed texts stated that assessment of SpO2 can
                         The majority of textbooks audited (80%) did not explain                    be delegated to less qualified staff. This is a concern, given the
                       nor refer to the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve at all. Only              theoretical understanding needed to perform this task correctly.
                       16% of the textbooks provided an explanation of the curve and                Although these texts advised that any person using a pulse
                       4% made a brief comment.                                                     oximeter must be qualified to do so, they did not indicate how
                                                                                                    a clinician can become qualified.
                       Factors affecting the accuracy of oximetry readings                              Nursing clinical skills texts tended to focus mostly on the
                       Most texts (87%) included a list of factors or commented                     clinical use of pulse oximetry and gave less attention to relevant
                       on factors affecting the accuracy of pulse oximetry readings.                theory, such as the diminished accuracy of oximetry in patients
                       Examples of these included carboxyhaemoglobin, low perfusion                 with poor peripheral perfusion (O’Driscoll et al, 2017).This may
                       states and nail polish. Of the remainder, half made only a brief             simply reflect the nature or focus of these texts, their limited
                       comment on these factors or none at all.                                     scope, or even word limits allocated by publishers. However, it
                                                                                                    raises a question about what these texts are trying to achieve.
                                                                                                    If these texts do not recommend further reading on the topic,
                                                                                                    the novice nurse or undergraduate student may be left ignorant
 CPD reflective questions                                                                           of relevant theory and incorrectly assume they understand all
                                                                                                    important principles about oximetry use. This is a trap for the
 ■■ Reflect on your knowledge of pulse oximetry and that of your team's                             novice, given that a pulse oximeter appears to be easy use;
       knowledge                                                                                    simplistic text descriptions may contribute to graduate nurses
                                                                                                    incorrectly thinking that they are competent in this skill.
                                                                                                                                                                                   © 2020 MA Healthcare Ltd

 ■■ Are you confident that you know what a pulse oximeter measures?
                                                                                                        Few, if any, of the audited texts cited international oximetry
 ■■ What is SpO2? What does it reflect?
                                                                                                    guidelines such as those of the British Thoracic Society, the
 ■■ Think about how a pulse oximeter should be used to guide                                        Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand, and the WHO
       clinical practice                                                                            (WHO, 2011; Pretto et al, 2014; O’Driscoll et al, 2017).This may
                                                                                                    reflect the limited research conducted by the authors writing the

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                           textbook content. It could also be that measuring oxygenation         these knowledge deficits. Academics and nurse educators
                           saturation is incorrectly assumed to be a simple procedure            should appraise core content of textbooks carefully before
                           (Milutinovic et al, 2016). Perhaps the greatest limitation of         recommending textbooks to nursing students. If gaps are
                           pulse oximetry is its deceptive ease of use, which obscures           identified in key learning material, additional educational
                           the complexity of the critical analysis needed to interpret the       resources should be provided. BJN
                           oximeter readings (Seeley et al, 2015).
                              Costanzo (2009) found that success in an undergraduate             Declaration of interest: none
                           nursing programme is determined by having the skills to transfer
                           textbook concepts into clinical situations and examinations.          Al-Shaikh B, Stacey S. Essentials of anaesthetic equipment. 5th edn. Edinburgh:
                                                                                                     Churchill Livingstone; 2019
                           Knowledge gaps about pulse oximetry principles cannot                 Aston D, Rivers A, Dharmadasa A. Equipment in anaesthesia and critical care:
                           simply be filled through experience ( et al, 2013). This is               a complete guide for the FRCA. Banbury: Scion; 2014
                                                                                                 Baillie L. Developing practical nursing skills. 4th edn. Boca Raton (FL): CRC
                           evident in studies highlighting the oximetry knowledge gaps               Press; 2014
                           of experienced clinicians (Çelik, et al, 2014; Fouzas et al, 2010).   Berman A, Snyder S, Levett-Jones T, Burton T, Harvey N. Skills in clinical
                           Unsurprisingly, some clinicians reported receiving inadequate             nursing. Melbourne: Pearson; 2017
                                                                                                 Berman A, Snyder S, Levett-Jones T et al. Kozier and Erb’s fundamentals of
                           education in the use of pulse oximetry (Faponle and Erhabor,              nursing: concepts, process and practice. 4th Australian edn. Melbourne:
                           2002; Çelik et al, 2014). It is therefore essential that textbook         Pearson; 2018
                                                                                                 Bloomfield J, Pegram A, Wilson R et al. Clinical nursing skills: an Australian
                           descriptions, particularly those aimed at undergraduate students,         perspective. Sydney: Cambridge University Press; 2017
                           are accurate and comprehensive.According to the WHO (2011),           Boyd C. Clinical skills for nurses: student survival skills. Chichester:
                           pulse oximetry is effective only if the user understands how              Wiley; 2013
                                                                                                 Brooker C, Waugh A. Foundations of nursing practice: fundamentals of holistic
                           the technology works. If oximetry is not explained adequately             care. 2nd edn. Edinburgh: Mosby/Elsevier; 2013
                           in the textbooks, nursing students may be left with knowledge         Burton M, Smith D, May Ludwig LJ. Fundamentals of nursing care: concepts,
                                                                                                     connections and skills. 3rd edn. Philadelphia (PA): FA Davis; 2019
                           deficits and thus not be competent at assessing this vital sign.      Çelik S, Gürbüz Z, Ekren S, Ak Z, Çelik O. Knowledge of pulse oximetry of
                              Although there were differences in the quality of pulse                intensive care nurses and emergency nurses. Connect: World Crit Care
                           oximetry descriptions in the audited texts, it cannot be                  Nurs. 2014;9(3):61–62
                                                                                                 Cooper K, Gosnell K. Foundations and adult health nursing. 8th edn. St Louis
                           concluded that this is the sole cause of knowledge deficits.              (MO): Elsevier; 2019
                           However, the varying quality of the descriptions may be one           Costanzo R. The function and use of the textbook in an undergraduate
                                                                                                     nursing program. Doctoral dissertation. Indiana (PA): Indiana University of
                           factor associated with nurses’ poor understanding. Many factors           Pennsylvania; 2009
                           influence the learning outcomes of undergraduate students and         Craven R, Hirnle C, Henshaw CM. Fundamentals of nursing: human health
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