Doctor Who and the Thal Warriors

Page created by Linda Steele
Doctor Who and the Thal Warriors
Doctor Who and the Thal Warriors
                                      by HappyToast via

After doodling and posting a “Dalek Warrior” on B3ta I started pondering its origin and accidentally came
up with a story that would re-introduce Davros in to the current Dr Who and return him to his role that I
grew up with in the 70s and 80s as ruler of the Daleks. This is that story.....

NB – this isn't an attempt at a proper script, I'm not a scriptwriter, or a writer for that matter. So apologies if
it really is all over the place. It's a mish-mash of dialogue and descriptions which makes sense to me, but
that's probably because I'm filling in blanks all the way through it.
Doctor Who and the Thal Warriors
Episode 1
Open with a murky and polluted looking planet, a gleaming spaceship flies in to view and heads
down toward the planet surface.
Cut to ground level, a scrubby landscape below inky clouds with barely any light poking through.
Farmers working the land stop and look up as the craft breaks through the clouds and lands.
The farmers crowd toward the craft, we see them properly, they are tired and ill looking, possibly
mutated, coughing as they walk, sick from working in a polluted world
A door opens in the ships hull and a ramp extends. Out steps a tall, gleaming, angelic looking robot.
The farmers gasp, unsure whether to run or bow down.
“You are Thal, last of the people of Skaro” it calmly yet sternly states “Your lives are at great risk, I
bring you salvation”
                                            Title Sequence
The Tardis appears on a cliff top
The Doctor and Amy step out, mid conversation, laughing and suddenly react to the choking
Amy “I thought you said it was lovely here!"
Doctor “It is, it was, it should be!"
They rush back in to the Tardis, the Doctor frantically checks the computer.
Doctor “Spiridon check, date check, a beautiful world inhabited by the remaining Thal, technology
minimal, ecofriendly farming, but this pollution is from centuries of abuse?!"
Amy “You've got your we must investigate face on, you said we'd have a holiday, besides we can't
go out in that"
Doctor “You're right Amy"
The Tardis door opens to reveal the Doctor and Amy in biohazard suits (vaguely scary looking and
obscured - light up faces etc)
Cut to - The angelic robot is explaining the polluted state of the planet to the Thal Elders, placing
the blame squarely on their shoulders. “But we’re simple farmers how can this be our doing” the
robot explains that their generators, power converters, sewage systems and so forth are grossly
inefficient (general disbelief from the Elders) and that continuing to exist in this way will lead to
many more deaths and eventual extinction. The robot offers a solution, he can fix the machinery and
provide plans for more efficient versions, which given time, will reverse the problem and the planet
will recover. “But that is a greatness of time you do not have” (cue coughing) “So what can we do,
we can’t just hide inside our temple and wait, we need to work the land” The robot again offers the
solution. It can provide protection in the form of enviro suits, that will allow them to continue their
work outdoors, and provide for their families inside.
Thal “But why are you doing this? who are you?”
Robot “I am the creation of one of your greatest minds, I am here to protect his home and his
Cut to - The Doctor is on his hands and knees analysing the soil, Amy looks bored “no no no, this
isn’t right, alien pollutants, accelerated degradation, it’s almost like someone is poisoning the place”
he appears baffled
Cut to interior of the Thal settlement (like a sandstone palace/castle/corridors etc) - The elders have
Doctor Who and the Thal Warriors
called a meeting to discuss the situation with everybody, “it is our own doing” “lives are being
lost”, “Men must leave to be treated” “the robot offers our salvation”. General murmers of worry
but agreement.
The evening sun pokes through the clouds as the men line up to board the robots ship. As dusk falls
the ship lifts off in to the sky with all the men on board.
Cut - Nightfall, The Doctor and Amy arrive at the Thal settlement, the Doctor bangs on the door,
after a minute it is opened, the Doctor's glowing face and rubbersuit scares the female doorman.
The Doctor and Amy are led to the remaining female Elders where the Doctor introduces them.
Before she even says hello Amy’s curiosity gets the better of her and she asks “where are the men?"
The Elders give a quick explanation
The Doctor doesn’t like it, but doesn’t want to worry the Elders, he calls the Tardis and once on
board scans, analyses, tracks the men/ship/mothership high above them, and then spots the
“landfillers". Hanging in space in a convoy approaching the planet from the opposite side are giant
rubbish truck looking spaceships. The nearest one to the planet is literally pouring its load in to the
planets atmosphere (cg shot) which comes down in to the sea/thousands of miles away.
The Doctor needs to know more, wants to know what the game is, why the men are being lied to on
so many levels. “Amy, we’re going after those men"
Establishing shot of the mothership with the robot’s craft docked
The Tardis appears on the mothership. the Doctor and Amy sneak out
Doctor “right I’ll talk to the computer and see what’s going on, you find those men and bring them
back here"
The Doctor puzzles over the data streaming across the screen, he can’t work it out, there’s nothing
about landfillers, so who is doing it, what are they up to? Why Spiridon? Why the Thal? The
computer starts replying to his mutterings with cheeky comments and clues (stuff the hardcore fans
can piece together)
Amy finds an area which is clearly for processing the men. Behind glass she sees a kind of
conveyor belt system that the men are being taken through showers, injections, body scans, etc Kind
of like the gleaming white Clone factory in Star Wars.
The Doctor continues conversing with computer, panicking, who are you? what are you doing?
(flashes of the outfits the Thal will be given and more clues on screens)
Amy, panicking, banging on the glass, the men are being led through more and more scary looking
things, she finally finds a way in and heads for a big imposing looking door...
(simultaneous, jumps) Full reveal, c/u Doctor’s face “DAVROS!” (laughter from behind him)
(simultaneous, jumps) Amy reaches door, out steps terrifying Thal warrior “DOCTOR!!!"
                                              END EP 1
Doctor Who and the Thal Warriors
Episode 2
Amy is on the floor, the Thal warrior stomps forward but suddenly stops.
The Doctor confronts Davros "what are you doing? What have you done to these men?"
Davros "exactly what you have learnt, I have given them enviro suits to protect them"
Dr "But but but, you lied, you said they'd done this to their planet when it is clearly being dumped
Davros "you assume the worst of me Doctor, this planet is as close to a home as I have, these
people were my people, I have seen the light, come to my senses, I am doing what I and my
assistant can (gleaming robot steps in), I lied because it was simpler, getting them to accept help to
fix their problem was easier than explaining the politics involved"
The Doctor can't believe it
Cut - The Warriors are marching back to the robot’s spaceship to return to the planet, v/o Davros
describes the suits. “aren’t they marvellous, I’ve turned my knowledge of weaponry to perfecting
these enviro suits, everything is taken care of for the wearer, filtering systems, medication, even
feeding can be automated over great lengths of time"
Amy returns (flinches at sight of Davros)
Doctor “Its all ok Amy, it's what they said.”
Amy “But what about the landfillers, what gives them the right to do dump their rubbish on another
planet? on someone else’s home?"
Davros “Someone sold them out, I'm not a politician Doctor and I have no power, I can't interfere. I
have tried, but it all came to nothing, so I turned my attention to preserving the Thal until a
resolution could be achieved"
Cut - The Thal are back on planet, looking from the windows the women are shocked by their
appearance, but happy to see them back and working.
The Doctor and Amy go back to the Tardis to investigate Landfillers and see if they can intervene.
Davros smiles and flicks a switch on his console, enabling signalling devices strapped to the
landfillers (cg zoom on landfiller signal starting), he turns to the robot “everything is proceeding as
Cut - Dalek HQ, Dalek reports an old signature/signal has been received from xxx system, the
signal can only be Davros, “finally HE - WILL - BE....... - EXTERMINATED!!!”
The Daleks mobilise their fleet, following the trail of landfillers, straight to Thal
A camera on a Landfiller feeds a signal to Davros, he watches the Daleks approach on multiple
The Doctor is closing in on the source of landfill, finds something, must confront Davros, charges
off as..
The Dalek fleet pour from a landfiller in to atmosphere
Doctor, stood in doorway – “What?!"
Davros – “You gullible fool, The Daleks were mine, I’ll teach them to turn on me”
Doctor “This is all a façade, You’re settling a score?! You’re using these people.... again!... in your
own petty squabbles, why don’t you ever learn?”
Doctor Who and the Thal Warriors
Davros “The Daleks dared turn on me, I will show them how they are irrelevant, it has always been
my superior intellect and battle-plans that led them to victory, with my superior army they will be
Doctor “What army, Davros what have you done?
Davros “they're not just environment suits Doctor, (cut to Thal “switching on”) they’re my latest
designs in battlefield technology, (Thal pick up weapons) my commands are fed directly to their
brain, (Thal start running) their pain thresholds are manipulated, (heading for Daleks) they'll keep
fighting until they can't go on (Doctor, Amy and Davros watching the battle) their armour is
impervious to Dalek weaponry (Thal takes a glancing shot), and as you can see, their mobility is
quite superior (Thal dodges, jumps, clambers and hacks the crap out of a Dalek's head."

(Cue some gorgeous battle cinematics - hard, fast and quick camera cuts with lots of shake.
Maximum use of identical props/costumes attacking each other from different angles. Ideal example
is Clone Troopers shooting through a dust storm as seen in the Star Wars Episode 2 trailers.)
Doctor Who and the Thal Warriors
Doctor watches battle in tears, time clearly passing, bodies mount, Amy suddenly sees Daleks
approaching the settlement, and the women and children!
Amy grabs the Doctor, they run for the Tardis
Davros sees them run “You can’t stop the war Doctor, it’s planned to the tiniest detail, my new
slaves will do my bidding and the Daleks will not stop trying until they have killed everyone, they
never learn, trying and trying until they are all dead”
Amy, shaking the Doctor “Doctor we can still save the families”
Doctor comes to a bit, determination returns to his face
Tardis goes back to settlement, Daleks close, Dr and Amy run gathering all the women and children
in to the Tardis. Daleks break down doors. “GO GO GO!" (women and children screaming and
crying, wanting their husbands/brothers/fathers), just as the Daleks reach the Tardis it flies off.
In the contrasting quiet and calm of the Tardis the doctor plans their next move.
Amy “what’s the plan, how do we stop this?”
Doctor, pressing buttons and setting a course “we don’t”
Amy “What?!”
Doctor “It’s too late, it’s started so it must finish”
Amy “But those men, the fathers and husbands”
Doctor “please........” (a look of failure and anger and sadness in his eyes)
        “....There will always be wars Amy, so many wars, so many people lost that I couldn’t save.
I couldn’t stop the Mongels, the Barbarians, or the Nazis. Other planets and other races are no
different, war continues”
The Tardis appears in a wide open field, stunning blue skies, vegetation and calm all around them.
The doctor steps out of the Tardis continuing the resigned conversation.
Amy “so that’s it, you have to sit and watch it happen?”
Doctor “I just have to wait for them to evolve. They will learn, and then they will stop.....”
        “....They just need time”
Camera pans to see the Thal settlement behind them, old and delapidated, laser burns on the walls
and lots of overgrown vines. We are clearly on the same planet years in to the future after the war.
The women and children start walking toward their home as the Doctor and Amy walk back in.
Amy “how far forward did we go? what happened, who “won”?”
Doctor “200 years.” (looking at Tardis screens that are updating) “and Davros was wrong”
Amy “He lost?”
Doctor “No, he was wrong about the Daleks, his soldiers decimated them, but they didn’t fight to
the end, they surrendered. They learnt they could be defeated but that there was another option”
Amy “and Davros took pity?!”
Doctor “no, he accepted their surrender. In exchange for a life time of servitude”
The Tardis disappears with a final reveal of a chilling monument to Dalek and Thal warriors united
under Davros’ rule.
                                                THE END
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