Don't Miss the Summer Exchange to Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

Page created by Adrian Jennings
Don't Miss the Summer Exchange to Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
A Publication of The Friendship Force of Lincoln
Number 121                   Lincoln, Nebraska            February 2011

      Don’t Miss the Summer Exchange
       to Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
             Join us Sunday, February 27th at 2 PM
                 for an informational discussion
             at Gere Library, 2400 South 56th Street
Don't Miss the Summer Exchange to Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

Message from the President

by Gaylord Becker - President

                                  participation in Open World.            My wish for the year
                                  In March, the club hosted         is that all members will be
                                  “Nebraska: The Good Life”         involved in club activities,
                                  Exchange which featured view-     whether travel overseas or in
                                  ing of the Sandhill Cranes, a     the US on exchanges, hosting
                                  stop at Ashfall, a visit to the   guests that visit us, or the ac-
                                  Carson Museum in Norfolk,         tivities that the club sponsors
                                  and an overnight at Calamus       throughout the year. Board
                                  Outfitters. The month of May      meetings are the first Thursday
                                  was a busy one. There was         of the month a 7 PM at First
                                  the Midwestern Presidents         Lutheran Church. Everyone is

        s I begin a 2nd year as   Conference hosted by North-       welcome to attend.
        president, I want to      ern Illinois where the themed-
        thank everyone who        exchange “Life on the Mis-
helped make my first year a       sissippi” was created. Larry
productive and successful one.    Kluck led a Global exchange
I look forward to another         to Friesland, Netherlands and
great year in 2011.               Richard Spencer led a National
      New board members for       Exchange to Southern Italy.
2011 are: Nancy Comer (Vice-      The Annual Meeting was in
President, Scholarship Chair-     August with nearly 100 in         Don’t Miss
man, Exchange Coordinator         attendance. In September,         Game Night

and Trainer); Julie Albrecht      the club greeted Open World                 ark you calendar.
(Secretary); Kathryn Neyens       visitors from Tajikistan and                GAME NIGHT, Fri-
(Historian); Carolyn Kitterer     ambassadors from Tokyo, Ja-                 day April 8, 7 PM at
(International Organization       pan in a joint welcoming party    Lifequest Conference Room at
Liaison); Milt Bayer (Breakfast   making it truly an interna-       Tabitha 4720 Randolph. Enter
& Conversation); Diane Con-       tional event. October saw an      through the east or south
ley ( LEO), Richard Spencer       outbound to Connecticut with      doors. Parking is available on
(Webpage). To all going off       some ambassadors traveling to     the southeast and north sides
the board, a very special thank   the International Friendship      of the building. Enjoy an easy,
you for your dedication and       Force Conference in Wash-         relaxing Friday evening with
hard work.                        ington D.C. Also in October       good friends and a variety of
                                  ambassadors spent a wonderful     table games. Coffee, tea, soft
Looking Back: Highlights          week in beautiful Filobobos,      drinks, and popcorn are pro-
From 2010                         Mexico with Pat King as ED.       vided.
    In February, there was        2011 also looks to be a busy           Please reserve by April
a anniversary celebration at      year of travel and hosting as     1 by calling Jeanne Zwiebel
The Country Club of Lincoln       the Calender of Events below      at 489-1247 or emailing
honoring 10 years of FFL’s        reveals.                
Don't Miss the Summer Exchange to Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

Information Session on Outbound
Exchange to Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

by Bridget Disney - Exchange Director
                                                                        farm laborers. This accounts
                                                                        for a strong Japanese cultural
                                                                        presence today, a fine example
                                                                        being the impressive Nikka
                                                                        Yuko Japanese Garden, a sym-
                                                                        bol for amends now made, the
                                                                        garden’s name means Japanese
                                                                        and Canadian friendship.
                                                                             Several years ago The FF
                                                                        of Greater Denver’s Exchange
                                                                        to Lethbridge included pot-
                                                                        lucks, picnics, and small group
                                                                        dinners, an Amazing Race
                                                                        covering 100 miles with clues
                                                                        to stimulate competition, and
                                                                        a visit to Head-Smashed-In
                                                                        Buffalo Jump Interpretive
The beautiful Nikka Yuko Gardens in Lethbridge, Alberta await you.      Center that documents the
                                                                        buffalo hunting culture of

      earn more about an excit-    rich history can be explored         aboriginal people of the North
      ing exchange opportunity     at Fort Whoop-up and the Sir         American Plains for nearly
      July 18 - 25, 2011 with      Alexander Galt Museum. Fort          6000 years. We expect to have
our neighbors to the north, Le-    Whoop-up was the first and           some unique experiences on
thbridge, Alberta. The infor-      largest whisky trading post          this summer Exchange.
mational session will include      in the region. Established in             The information session
discussion of travel options,      1869 by American merchants,          will be held at 2pm Sunday,
a possible stop-over exchange      the fort’s illicit trade in “fire-   February 27th in Lincoln at
in Montana, and an add-on          water” for buffalo robes, furs       Gere Library (Room 2), 2400
trip to the beautiful Canadian     and other articles spurred           South 56th Street The library
Rockies. Lethbridge’s most         the arrival of the North West        phone number is 441-8560.
magnificent characteristic is      Mounted Police in 1874. At           The contact is Exchange Direc-
its coulees - a network of large   the Galt Museum, visitors will       tor, Bridget Disney, 402-691-
rolling hills that were formed     find interesting displays of         0084 (Omaha) or 402-980-
by glacial spill water over ten    early settler life in the region     6671 (cell) or by email bridget.
thousand years ago. Crossing       as well as historical artifacts. Hope to
the coulees and the city’s water   During World War II, Japa-           see you there!!!
soure, the Oldman River, is        nese Canadians were forcibly
the world’s largest High Level     relocated from the west coast
Bridge, an impressive struc-       to the Lethbridge area where
ture at 314 feet. The area’s       they were made to work as
Don't Miss the Summer Exchange to Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

Lincoln to Host Regional Friendship Force Conference
April 14-16

by Lee Rockwell, FFI Midwest Regional Coordinator

                                   Force International President,     ship Force. A photo exhibition
                                   George Brown, will attend and      will be held to highlight vari-
                                   present a report on the state of   ous exchanges, and a workshop
                                   FFI, share some of the exciting    session on photography is
                                   activities occurring in clubs      scheduled.
                                   throughout the world, and                Social activities will in-
                                   address challenges facing all      clude a wine and heavy hors
                                   Friendship Force clubs.            d’oeuvre reception on April
                                        A major conference theme      14, the opening night of the
                                   will be the continued devel-       conference. A Nebraska-style

          embers from the          opment of theme-based ex-          barbeque will be held at Park-
          thirteen Friendship      changes. The Midwest Region        ers’ Steak House near Ashland
          Force clubs in the       has developed a prototype          on April 15. Participants will
Midwest region will gather in      theme-based exchange which         have an opportunity to don
Nebraska April 14-16 for the       will be offered Fall, 2011, and    their jeans, boots and cowboy
biennial regional conference.      focus on the importance of         hats for a good-ole Western
FFL will host the conference of    the Mississippi River to the       hoedown complete with line
approximately 100.                 nation. Four clubs located         dancing and country music.
     The meeting will be held      on the Mississippi River are       The closing conference dinner
at the Carol Joy Holling Con-      developing this exchange           will be at Carol Joy Holling
ference Center near Ashland.       which will explore issues such     on April 16 and will include
Located in the Platte River        as the ecology of the river, the   a wine reception and special
bluffs, the facility is a modern   economic impact of the river       entertainment.
conference center, easily acces-   and the river as a venue for             Lincoln club members
sible to Lincoln and Eastern       recreation. This exchange will     are also invited to participate
Nebraska Friendship Force          be presented to the conference     in a pre-conference “theme”
members.                           and form the basis for one of      exchange into the Nebraska
     The conference theme is       the planning sessions. Each        Sandhills April 12-14. Many
EXPLORING NEW OPPOR-               club will designate a team of      FF club members from the
TUNITIES, operating under          6-8 members who will lead the      Midwest Region have joined
the banner of WELCOME TO           development of themed ex-          us for the “Magic Friendship
COWBOY COUNTRY USA.                changes of their own.              Bus” excursion into the Sand-
     Conference sessions                Other conference issues       hills for the annual Crane
are scheduled that celebrate       will relate to strategic plan-     migration. We are using that
creative programs offered          ning, sharing best practices,      experience to offer a mini-
by member clubs as well as         attracting younger members,        theme exchange, The Magic
sessions that examine the          promotional strategies, co-        Friendship Bus into Nebraska’s
challenges facing clubs in         operative efforts with other       Cowboy Country, to serve as a
maintaining and recruiting         organizations, and the benefits    prototype for the theme-based
new members. Friendship            of social media to the Friend-     exchanges to be developed
Don't Miss the Summer Exchange to Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

during the conference. The           the economic issues facing to-     several of the social activi-
tour group will experience the       day’s ranching business. We’ll     ties. Sign-up on the enclosed
prehistoric life of the West as      even toss in a taste of bison      reservation form included in
they visit Ashfall Fossil Beds,      and a genuine cowboy poet.         this newsletter and mail the
then travel to Calamus Outfit-       Space is being held on this        reservation to Bob Wagner,
ters for a two-night stay on a       trip for two members from          P.O. Box 22702, Lincoln, NE
working ranch to experience          each Midwest club. A limited       68542 by March 25.
day-to-day ranch life. Early         number of seats will also be             The thirteen participating
morning excursions will take         reserved for Lincoln members       clubs are: Chicago, Northern
participants into range land         who will help host our region’s    Illinois, Cedar Rapids/Iowa
to observe the prairie chicken       guests. Beyond that, reserva-      City, Central Iowa (Ames),
mating dance. Early settle-          tions will be accepted on a        Des Moines, Quad Cit-
ment of the west will be ex-         first-come, first-served basis.    ies, Minnesota-Twin Cities,
perienced with a visit to Fort             Lincoln club members are     Missouri-St. Louis, Eastern
Hartsuff and other activities        encouraged to participate in       Nebraska, Lincoln, Greater
will bring us face-to-face with      the entire conference, or select   Milwaukee, and Madison.

Midwest Region Friendship Force Conference FFL Member Registration
Carol Joy Holling Conference Center, Ashland, NE
Name(s)_______________________________________________ Phone number_________________

Return this reservation by March 25th, along with check made payable to Friendship Force of Lin-
coln to: Bob Wagner, PO Box 22702, Lincoln, NE 68542
Midwest Region Conference Events                           Cost          Attending               Total

April 12-14 Pre-Conference Magic Friendship Bus
   Inside Nebraska’s Cow Country                           $280         ____________    x_____________

Supplemental cost for motel room in
   Burwell for single occupancy 2 nights                   $60          ____________    x_____________

April 14-16 Midwest Regional Conference
   Full participation (no housing, no breakfast)           $115         ____________    x_____________

Social Event Participation Only:
   April 14 Welcome Reception, 6:30 PM                     $13          ____________    x_____________

   April 15 Luncheon 12:00                                 $13          ____________    x_____________

   April 15 Dinner – Parkers’ Steak House 6:30 PM          $24          ____________    x_____________

   April 16 Luncheon 12:00                                 $13          ____________    x_____________

   April 16 Closing Dinner & Entertainment 6:30 PM         $24          ____________    x_____________

                                                                                   _ OTAL   __________

Azerbaijan: Friendly & Fascinating
by Robert & Sara Friedman                                               in Friendship Force. Most
                                                                        spoke of exchanges they have
                                     across a vast area from Eastern    hosted or exchanges they have
                                     Europe and the Mediterranean       been on. Sara Friedman shared
                                     to Siberia and Western China.      information on FFL’s efforts to
                                          Western tourists are rare     recruit new members, the new
                                     in Azerbaijan, and, thus rarely    mentoring program, and FFL’s
                                     accosted on the streets to buy     connection with Open World.

          zerbaijan is an oil-rich   things. The people are friendly    After Baku, there were visits to
          country in Central         and it is safe to walk alone. On   Shaki, Lankaran, and Masalli.,
          Asia. Previously a         city buses, children and young     all old cities and stops along
Soviet Republic, it won its          adults offer their seat. Some      the Silk Road trade route.
independence in 1992. It is          try their English on you. While    The Baku President, Vice-
bordered on the North by Rus-        few speak English, it is pos-      President, and Secretary, all of
sia and Georgia; to the West by      sible to have a meaningful con-    whom spoke English, traveled
Armenia; to the South by Iran        versation with sign language       with the group.
and on the East by the vast          and a good sense of humor.               The city of Shaki dates
Caspian Sea.                              Ambassadors visited           back to the Late Bronze Age
      On August 30th we              a natural history museum,          and was once famous as the
joined the Cedar Rapids - Iowa       with exhibits labeled in both      center of silkworm breeding.
City club for a two-week visit.      the native language (Azeri)        We walked the market where
In additional to twelve from         and English. They toured the       vendors and locals wanted to
the U.S., thirteen joined the        15-century Shirvanshahs’ Pal-      know where we were from. We
exchange from Germany, one           ace, one of the pearls of Azer-    were permitted to take their
each from Canada, Australia,         baijan’s architecture, located     photos and many offered us a
and England.                         in the Inner City that has         taste of the local foods.
      We arrived in the capital      preserved much of its 12th-              In Lankaran we toured
city of Baku. The Baku club          century defensive walls. The       a museum that had been
is five years old and is still a     group visited the Fire Temple      the home of a military hero,
work in progress. Things were        built atop a now-exhausted         Khan’s palace and the Carpet
unorganized at times, but this       natural gas field, which once      Museum Gift Shop. An hour
was offset by the friendly and       caused fires to spontaneously      was spent at the Caspian Sea
helpful attitude of the mem-         burn as the gas emerged from       because one of the ambassa-
bers and the people that we          seven natural surface vents.       dors from Germany wanted
met on the street.                   Today, the fires are fed by gas    to take a swim. She borrowed
      All the host families had      piped from Baku, and are only      Sara bathing suit. Isn’t friend-
at least one member (adult           turned on for the benefit of       ship wonderful?
or child) that spoke English.        visitors. Another site was the           In Masalli the parents of
Some of the members are              Oil Producing Terminal in          the club’s president prepared
English teachers. The native         Sangachal where ambassadors        a traditional dinner for us.
language is Azeri, which is one      learned about oil production.      We also toured several facto-
of the Turkic languages that          The last day of the Baku          ries – one that made furniture
constitute a language family of      home stay, ambassadors and         and one that made bricks. The
at least thirty five languages,      members of the Baku club got       group also stopped at a can-
spoken by Turkic peoples             together to share experiences      ning factory where pickles

Azerbaijan continued

were being processed.
     Our farewell party was         Celebrate World                     Membership News
held at an outdoor restaurant       Friendship Day                      By Mary Bryant,
on the shore of the Caspian                                             Membership Co-Chair

Sea, and the main course was               riendship Force of

fresh Sturgeon. Early next                 Lincoln will recognize                 s of January 20, FFL
morning we set out for what                World Friendship Day                   has 119 memberships
was to be a very long day of        on Sunday, March 13th from                    paid for 2011. This in-
flying.                             4 to 6 PM at The Ferguson           cludes 49 Family and 70 Indi-
                                    House 700 South 16th Street         vidual Memberships for a total
Quad Cities                         Come hear representatives of        of 168 persons. This is 77%
Exchange                            area organizations share how        of the total 2010 membership

          eet new friends and       they are involved with inter-       of 154. The club would like to
          visit interesting stops   national students, visitors         finalize the 2011 Membership
          on an exchange to the     from foreign countries, and         Directory; if you have not re-
Quad Cities (Davenport-Rock         refugees. Listen when foreign       newed, we’d appreciate if you
Island-Bettendorf-Moline) in        students and visitors share how     would do so.
Iowa and Illinois May 1 - 4         the community can help them              The club welcomes the re-
with planned stops at sites         adjust to their new surround-       turn of Sue Reiber of Gibbon,
along the way.                      ings. Learn how you can make        Nebraska. Congratulations to
     Highlights include the         a difference in lives for foreign   Ben and Marilyn Vrana. Mari-
world headquarters of John          visitors while they study and       lyn became one of our newest
Deere, Mississippi River Arse-      work in our community. Hors         members when she and Ben,
nal Island, Colonel Davenport       d’oeuvres and drinks will be        a member since 2003, were
home, Figgie Art Museum,            served. While there is no           married last fall. They reside
Black Hawk State Park and           charge, we are asking members       in Columbus, Nebraska. Our
lunch and dinner cruise on the      to bring an hors d’oeuvre, and,     newest members are Barbara
Mississippi. If interested, call    if they wish, a bottle of wine.     and John MacKichan and
Gaylord Becker at 489-8218               There is parking to the        Robert Pribil.
or gaylordjbecker@hotmail.          side and back of the Fergu-              Let me know of anyone
com.                                son House, and there is also        who might be interested in
                                    parking on the street. Guests       FFL. New members are vital
                                    are welcome, and we encour-         to our continued success.
                                    age members to invite their              The Vision of Friendship
                                    international friends. Jeanne       Force International continues
                                    Zwiebel will take reservations      to be that each individual can
                                    for the event. You may email        make a contribution to global
                           or          goodwill and overcome differ-
                                    phone 489-1247. Please make         ences among people and na-
                                    your reservation by March 1st.      tions. Friendship Force chang-
                                                                        es the way we see the world
                                                                        by connecting the world, one
                                                                        friend at a time.


2011 Social Activities, Exchanges & Hostings
World Friendship Day Celebration - The Ferguson House.............................................................. March 13

Game Night at Tabitha...............................................................................................................................................April 8

Regional FF Conference - Lee Rockwell .................................................................................................April 14-17

Outbound Quad Cities - (TBA) ........................................................................................................................May1-4

Outbound Ukraine - Kay Rockwell ......................................................................................................... May 11-20

Outbound Lethridge, Canada - Bridget Disney.................................................................................. July 18-25

Annual Meeting ............................................................................................................................................. August (TBA)

International FF Conference - Hamburg, Germany .................................................................. August 26-30

Life on the Mississippi - Lee Rockwell .........................................................................................September TBA

Inbound Northern CO (Ft Collins) - Barb Ridder ......................................................................October 10-16

Breakfast and Conversation
(2nd Saturday of each month 8:30 AM at The Pantry, 2548 South 48th Street)
Let’s Eat Out (LEO)

       ating out is a fun way to visit with members and prospective members and taste exotic dishes
       of other countries offered by Lincoln’s fine ethnic restaurants. Reservations need to be made
       by the Friday of the preceding week. Call Diane Conley at 402-489-3472 and leave your
reservation on the answering machine or e-mail her at As this is a busi-
ness address, please use for reservations only.

Upcoming LEOs
Join us at 5:30 PM for social; ordering begins at 6:00 with individual checks for your convenience.

Tuesday, March 15 - Irish for St. Patrick’s Day at the Tam O’Shanter Lounge & Steakhouse, 105 S
25th St. (South side of 25th & O)

Thursday, May 19 – Japanese at Shogun 3700 S 9th St. (near the grain elevators). See if the chef can
catch an egg in his hat or you can catch a flying shrimp.

Tuesday, June 21- Greek at the Parthenon Restaurant 5500 S 56th St (Edgewood Shopping Center)

Friday, July 22 – American burger & fries at Randy’s Grill & Chill 4947 Holdrege (48th & Hold-
rege, parking in back)

Tuesday, September 20 – East Indian cuisine at The Oven, 4101 Pioneer Woods Dr. (Shopping Cen-
ter at 70th & Pioneer)

Back to Morocco
by Laurie-Ann Scott, National Exchange Director
                                    Morocco. Of course our main       Saying good bye to your host
                                    focus is always making friends    families you will drive to Fes,
                                    and there will be ample op-       the spiritual capital of Mo-
                                    portunity as we will have a       rocco. The medina here is
                                    number of chances to connect      amazing and you will spend a
                                    with local people in addition     day visiting it as well as mak-
                                    to a two night home hosting       ing connections with another
                                    experience in Azrou.              Friendship Force group.
                                         The exchange, which                The experience concludes
                                    includes five or six World        with visits to Roman ruins at
                                    Heritage Sites, begins in         Volubilis, seeing Meknes, an-
                                    Casablanca and then proceeds      other imperial city, and Rabat,

         id you miss the last op-   to intoxicating Marrakech.        the capital city of Morocco. In
         portunity? Could you       Next, everyone experiences “A     Sale, near Rabat, we will have
         picture yourself riding    Day in the Life of a Berber”      a discussion with young people
across the dunes on your camel      where you choose from going       about Islam and the west and
and spending a night under          with the donkey to the well to    how stereotypes interfere with
the stars? Were you enthralled      collect water, baking bread or    human relations.
with the reports of the Lincoln     making the national dish, tag-          Think Humphrey Bogart
ambassadors who came back           ine. After a tea ceremony in      and Ingrid Bergman as the trip
raving about their experience       the afternoon, you will enjoy     ends with dinner at Rick’s Cafe
in an exotic country with           a walking tour of the Berber      in Casablanca, with the movie
friendly people?                    village. Then you drive over      playing in the lounge, and the
     Well, you can have anoth-      the High Atlas Mountains and      piano player just may be play-
er chance! September 22-Oc-         tour one of the world’s most      ing “As Time Goes By.”
tober 6, 2011 are the dates and     magnificent Kasbahs, Ait Ben-           Contact Laurie Ann Scott
the cost will be $1950 plus air.    haddou, and spend the night       ( (402)
Lincoln is pioneering a new         in a Moroccan Riad (courtyard     488-1915) ASAP for complete
kind of partnership exchange.       hotel). Continuing along the      itinerary and applications as
This will be a joint venture        road of 1000 kasbahs, you         this exchange will be adver-
with First Plymouth Church.         will walk through the colossal    tised internationally in March.
The goal will be to experience      Todra Gorges. The next night      People should be reasonably
a moderate Muslim country           will be the Sahara Desert visit   fit to consider this exchange.
and get to know the people.         via camel, and then an oppor-     A number of workshops are
Did you know there are about        tunity to meet with a fledgling   planned to share about the lan-
2.3 billion Christians in the       Friendship Force in Erfoud.       guage, the culture, and what to
world and 1.6 billion Mus-               Next you begin the ascent    expect.
lims? There is no hidden            over the Middle Atlas Moun-
agenda to proselytize Christi-      tains to Azrou where a Berber
anity during this exchange but      feast of whole lamb is on the
we will be focused on learning      schedule as well as visiting
more about the more toler-          a rural village, a school, and
ant type of Islam practiced in      meeting with a Muslim leader.

Discover a New Way to Travel
Please share this article with acquaintances whom you think
would enjoy Friendship Force.

                                                                     during cultural workshops.
                                                                     Get to know your hosts and
                                                                     become a part of the family
                                                                     and their community as an
                                                                     insider and personal guest,
                                                                     not as a tourist. Wander the
                                                                     neighborhoods, visit historic
                                                                     sites, and share in everyday
                                                                     activities. Return home with
                                                                     a deeper understanding of an-
                                                                     other culture and new friend-
                                                                     ships that will last a lifetime!
                                                                           One Friendship Force
                                                                     exchange will permanently
                                                                     change the way you read and
                                                                     watch the news. Distant
                                                                     places are no longer vague dots
                                                                     on the map. They are now the

       hrough the powerful tool Here are     home of your new friends.
       of home hospitality the     a few examples:                         Not ready for internation-
       Friendship Force intro-                                       al travel, we also visit and host
duces people at the personal       • Experience the richness of      clubs within the United States.
level. Living under one roof         Asian culture in a Japanese           Annual dues: $30 for In-
for 5 to 7 days, sharing meals,      home                            dividual Membership - $40 for
exchanging ideas, people be-       • Explore Lethbridge, Alber-      a Family Membership. Friend-
come friends.                        ta, Canada - Fort Whoop-        ship Force International is a
      Staying in a private home      up & buffalo hunting            nonprofit global network of
and sharing the routines of        • “Environmentally Friend-        300 clubs in 60 countries led
daily life changes you from a        ly” – Eco-Exchange to           by local volunteers.
tourist to a temporary resident      Costa Rica!                           To receive information
as you gain a profound under-      • Ride a camel across the         about The Friendship Force of
standing of another culture.         dunes & spend a night un-       Lincoln, visit www.friendship-
      Traveling the Friendship       der the stars in Morocco or contact a
Force way gets you off the                                           Membership Co-Chair:
tourist track and straight into         Travel to your destination
real life. Join an exchange that   independently or with a small     Mary Bryant, 488-7781 or
originates in your hometown        group led by a volunteer leader
or select from a wide range of     called an Exchange Director.      OR
opportunities on our interna-      Learn about the customs and       Joanna Rogers, 484-8678 or
tional website – www.the-          history of the host country

2011 Board of Directors
                          President: Gaylord Becker, 489-8218;
                    Vice President: Nancy Comer, 488-9209;
                           Secretary Julie Albrecht, 464-2702;
                          Treasurer: Dorina Worthy: 419-0909;
          Membership Co-Chairs: Mary Bryant, 488-7781;
                                      Joanna Rogers, 484-8678;
                        Newsletter: Jim Ecklund, 486-4120;
                            Website Richard Spencer, 488-6930;
                    Merchandising Mary Lou Reeves, 464-1803;
                                      Amy Birky, 489-2024;
         Breakfast & Conversation Milt Bayer, 486-1415;
                           Historian Kathryn Neyens, 890-0077;
                          Activities: Jeanne Zwiebel, 489-1247;
                Let’s Eat Out (LEO) Diane Conley, 489-3472;
       International Organization
              Liaison Coordinator Carolyn Kitterer, 308-224-5208;
            Exchange Coordinator Pat King, 489-3695;
              Scholarship (Chair): Nancy Comer, 488-9209;
                           Publicity: John Comer, 488-9209;
                     Past President: John Comer, 488-9209;
             FFI Midwest Regional
                       Coordinator Lee Rockwell; 484-5431;
                FFI Representative Laurie Ann Scott, 484-1915;
              Exchange Directors: Kay Rockwell - Ukraine (Outbound) - May
                                      TBA - Quad Cities - (Outbound) - May
                                      Bridget Disney - Lethbridge, Canada (Outbound) - July
                                      Barb Ridder - Northern Colorado (Inbound) - October

             Activities Assistants:   Dorene Casey, Nancy Comer, Helen Griffin, Sue Imig,
                                      & Barb Ridder


            The Friendship Force of Lincoln                              Non-Profit Org.
            PO Box 30334                                                 U.S. Postage Paid
            Lincoln, Nebraska 68503                                       Permit No. 642
                                                                            Lincoln, NE

2011 Renewal or New Member - The Friendship Force of Lincoln
Mail to: Friendship Force, PO Box 30334, Lincoln, NE 68503. Make check payable
to: “The Friendship Force of Lincoln.”

Date_____________________ New_____ Renewal _____ Name Badge $9.00_______
Name(s) _______________________________________________________________________________
Name Badge Name(s) Please Print_________________________________________________________
Street Address__________________________________________________________________________
City ________________________________________ ___State ________________Zip_______________
Home Phone Number _ _________________________________________________________________

CATEGORY: ❏ Individual-$30 ❏ Family-$40 ❏ Patron-$50 ❏ Benefactor-$75 ❏ Sponsor-$100
❏ Replacement Name Badge @$9.00

Total Amount Enclosed: ________________________

NOTE: New members each receive a complimentary name badge; replacement name badges
cost $9.00 each.
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