Dr. Liza H. Gold, MD: AAPL Post-COVID: Behind the Mask

Page created by Brian Higgins
Dr. Liza H. Gold, MD: AAPL Post-COVID: Behind the Mask
Winter 2022 • Vol. 47, No. 1

2021 AAPL Presidential Address                                                     create year-round virtual AAPL pro-
                                                                                   gramming, including a new non-CME
Dr. Liza H. Gold, MD: AAPL Post-COVID:                                             format, a town hall, that we hoped
                                                                                   would stimulate member interest and
Behind the Mask                                                                    participation. Dr. Gold then appoint-
Britta K. Ostermeyer, MD, MBA, DFAPA                                               ed Dr. Charles Scott to be the inaugu-
                                                                                   ral Program Director of Virtual AAPL
                                          AAPL meetings usually take years         (VAAPL), first as a volunteer and now
                                          of planning, AAPL’s 2020 and 2021        confirmed as a formal position. This
                                          meetings had to be “converted” into      placed AAPL in a position to host a
                                          virtual Zoom meetings in very little     number of exceptional educational
                                          time. For many AAPL members, the         programs.
                                          fall Annual Meeting represents their        Dr. Gold remarked that VAAPL’s
                                          social and educational highlight of      attendee evaluations have been
                                          the year. Not meeting in person had      “extremely positive,” and VAAPL
                                          its impact on collegial membership       was able to generate approximately
                                          networking. While AAPL had been          $45,000 in revenue. However, the re-
                                          losing members prior to COVID, the       cording of these programs and issuing
                                          pandemic accelerated membership          of CME certificates poses challenges
                                          decline: in October 2016, AAPL had       yet to be solved. Dr. Gold also em-
                                          2,074 members. In October 2019, just     phasized that AAPL lacks policies and
                                          before the pandemic, membership had      infrastructure to manage recorded and
                                          declined to 1,890, a loss of almost      stored educational content.
                                          10%. In October 2020, AAPL had              Clearly, AAPL needs to create and
                                          1,728 members, a loss of just over       manage an online learning program
                                          17% from the 2016 high. Dr. Gold         as soon as possible. To that end, Dr.
                                          expressed concern that membership        Gold appointed the Virtual AAPL
   Dr. Liza H. Gold, AAPL’s 47th          loss was unlikely to be reversed         Task Force II, chaired by Dr. David
President, was introduced by her long-    without in-person annual meetings. Of    Burrow, Chair of the Technology
standing, close friend and colleague,     note, a significant amount of AAPL’s     Committee, and Dr. Anne Hanson,
Dr. Carmel Heinsohn, MD. Dr. Gold         operating income dissipated with no      Co-chair of the Education Commit-
acknowledged and thanked many             in-person meetings. Dr. Gold stated      tee. While the first VAAPL task force
AAPL members and AAPL leadership          that nothing was business-as-usual,      selected the platform used for the
for their contributions, including Dr.    past experience did not suggest a path   2020 and 2021 meetings, this new
Renée Sorrentino, AAPL’s Program          forward, and everyone was reeling        committee was tasked with develop-
Chair for the 2021 annual meeting.        from the impact of COVID on their        ing an RFP for soliciting proposals
   Dr. Gold struggled with the idea of    own lives. However, AAPL rose to the     from technology companies for an
delivering the traditional Presidential   challenge and organized a successful,    online learning management system.
AAPL Address because it has been          online 2020 annual meeting. In ad-       VAAPL Task Force II completed its
anything but a typical presidential       dition, the American Board of Psy-       mission, and AAPL Council voted
year. Dr. Gold’s term was heavily         chiatry and Neurology (ABPN) gave        unanimously to approve a three-year
branded by the impact of COVID.           AAPL a $100,000 educational grant        contract with a company which AAPL
She acknowledged that many AAPL           in 2020 and again in 2021, which sub-    will be “onboarding” at the end of
members and/or their family members       stantially helped AAPL fiscally plan     2021. Dr. Gold explained that AAPL’s
had fallen ill with COVID or had lost     during these challenging times.          next steps should be to create an
loved ones. Therefore, she decided           Dr. Gold stated that if AAPL was      online infrastructure system for live
to present an insightful review of        to survive the pandemic as well as       streaming and a library of on-demand
AAPL’s accomplishments and chal-          prosper post-COVID, then AAPL had        educational recordings.
lenges under COVID and discussed          to make a number of changes. First of       Importantly, Dr. Gold stressed that
how AAPL can and should position          all, we had to make major CME pro-       the development of an informative,
itself in the post-COVID era.             gram changes. Dr. Gold worked with       communicative, and interactive
   Dr. Gold explained that while major    Executive Director Jackie Coleman to
                                                                                                 (continued on page 27)

   American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Newsletter                                                  Winter 2022 • 1
Dr. Liza H. Gold, MD: AAPL Post-COVID: Behind the Mask
American                      AAPL ANNUAL AWARDS
                  Academy of
                  and the Law
 Joseph R. Simpson, MD, PhD

 Associate Editors
 Philip J. Candilis, MD
 Ryan C. W. Hall, MD
 Stephen P. Herman, MD
 Neil S. Kaye, MD
 Britta K. Ostermeyer, MD, MBA
 Karen B. Rosenbaum, MD
 Renée M. Sorrentino, MD
 Joel Watts, MD

 AAPL Photographer
 Eugene Lee, MD

 Former Editors
 Susan Hatters Friedman, MD (2016-2018)
 Charles Dike, MD, MPH (2008-2016)
 Victoria Harris, MD, MPH (2003-2008)
 Michael A. Norko, MD (1996-2003)
 Robert Miller, MD PhD (1994-1996)
 Alan R. Felthous, MD (1988-1993)
 Robert M. Wettstein, MD (1983-1988)
 Phillip J. Resnick, MD (1979-1983)
                                                Top row, left to right: Jeffrey L. Metzner, MD; Patricia R. Recupero, MD, JD; Donna Vanderpool, JD
 Loren H. Roth, MD, MPH (1976-1979)             Bottom row, left to right: Annette L. Hanson, MD; Reena Kapoor, MD; Anne B. McBride, MD
 Susan Hatters Friedman, MD
 President-elect                                                   SEYMOUR POLLACK AWARD 2021
 James Knoll, MD
 Vice President
                                                                      Patricia R. Recupero, MD, JD
 Karen Rosenbaum, MD
 Vice President
 Britta Ostermeyer, MD
 Secretary                                                              GOLDEN AAPL AWARD 2021
 Trent Holmberg, MD                                                       Jeffrey L. Metzner, MD
 Stuart Anfang, MD
 Immediate Past President
 Liza Gold, MD                                                              RED AAPL AWARD 2021
 The AAPL Newsletter is published by                                         Annette L. Hanson, MD
 AAPL, One Regency Drive, PO Box
 30, Bloomfield, CT 06002. Opinions
 expressed in bylined articles and columns                                    Reena Kapoor, MD
 in the Newsletter are solely those of the
 authors and do not necessarily represent
 the official position of AAPL or
 Newsletter editors.
  Manu­scripts are invited for publication in
                                                                             AMICUS AWARD 2021
 the Newsletter. They should be sub­mitted                                   Donna Vanderpool, JD
 to the editor via email to NewsletterEdi-
  The Newsletter is published in
 Winter (deadline for submission is
 November 15), Spring (deadline
                                                      BEST TEACHER IN A FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM 2021
 March 1), and Fall (deadline July 1).                            Anne B. McBride, MD

2 • Winter 2022                                                                 American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Newsletter
Dr. Liza H. Gold, MD: AAPL Post-COVID: Behind the Mask
“The Times, They Are A-Changin’”                                                         this, we need to consider how AAPL
                                                                                         continues to be our professional home
Susan Hatters Friedman, MD
                                                                                         as we respond to contemporary chal-
                         When Bob             work by many AAPL members and              lenges. Finally, this Task Force is also
                      Dylan wrote             leaders, as well as Dr. Jeff Janofsky,     considering how we might increase
                      his folk anthem         Executive Director Jackie Cole-            the profile of AAPL membership, and
                      more than half a        man, and AAPL staff. Through this          the importance of our ethical rules
                      century ago, the        we’ve been able to use technology to       and practice guidelines—to non-mem-
                      lyrics referred to      increase collaboration and connection      bers in the field of psychiatry, other
                      the Civil Rights        with members throughout the year in        medical sub-specialties, other forensic
                      Movement. When          addition to annually at our October        sciences, and the legal field.
                      I first heard           meeting. Dr. Charles Scott, at the helm       Grammy-winning Cleveland
Dylan’s harmonica and warbling voice          of Virtual AAPL, has been helping us       native Tracy Chapman was born in
in 1988, in front of our family TV            navigate this course.                      1964, the year “The Times, They Are
watching The Wonder Years, it was                This is a time of much change in        A-Changin’” was released. She does
a throwback to a generation before,           our society and in organizations. The      an excellent cover of the song. She
along with songs by Joan Baez, the            Presidential Task Forces that I’ve         wrote in her iconic “Fast Car” that
Byrds, and Joni Mitchell. I pulled out        appointed for this year are already        “we gotta’ make a decision, leave
my parents’ old records, stacked them         hard at work. Again, I’m not a Bob         tonight or live and die this way.” This
on the turntable, and played them for         Dylan scholar (I’m one generation off      line has stuck with me for decades.
days.                                         in each direction, more a scholar of       There reaches a point where we need
   Bob Dylan was awarded the Nobel            either Duke Ellington or Robert Smith      to do something, or we have decided
Prize for Literature in 2016, “for            and The Cure, depending on the day).       that we are not.
having created new poetic expressions         But our windows have been shaking,            Another Presidential Task Force will
within the great American song tradi-         and our walls rattling.                    focus on the topic of Understanding
tion.” I am not a Bob Dylan scholar,             AAPL has been my professional           Disparities in Evaluations and Ad-
but as we reflect on where we are to-         home for two decades, and one of my        dressing our Biases in Forensic Prac-
day in 2022 (and when there is a Won-         goals for the upcoming year is for us      tice. Drs. Sandy Simpson and Gary
der Years reboot), “The Times, They           to re-invigorate AAPL membership in        Chaimowitz are the co-chairs for this
Are A-Changin’” might well again be           these complex times. Dr. Beesh Jain is     Task Force. They are rigorously con-
an anthem. Building on all that has           chairing the Task Force for Member-        sidering the literature about race, cul-
come before, we find ourselves in a           ship Engagement, Recruitment, and          ture, and poverty increasing the risk
unique place in time with technology          Retention (MERR). This Task Force          of becoming involved in, and staying
and the pandemic. Yet there are still         is charged with making recommen-           involved with, the criminal justice
inherent biases within the justice sys-       dations about recruiting and retaining     system. As forensic psychiatrists,
tem in which we practice.                     new and diverse members, including         we practice in this space daily. Bob
   My theme for the 2022 AAPL                 U.S., Canadian, and international          Dylan’s anthem reminds us “Don’t
Annual Meeting is “The Whole Truth:           forensic psychiatrists. This is with       criticize what [we] can’t understand.”
Recognizing Culture and Gender in             the recognition that our field is broad,   We need to make further strides to
Forensic Psychiatry.” Culture and gen-        including academia, various sub-spe-       understand, at this crossroads. Being
der, and their intersection, is critical in   cialties, correctional psychiatry, fo-     mindful that AAPL is an educational
all of our work. International perspec-       rensic hospitalist services, community     organization rather than an advoca-
tives have much to teach us too. As           forensics, court psychiatry, and private   cy organization, the Task Force is
forensic psychiatrists, we need to be         practice. This will be accomplished by     considering how these issues manifest
thoughtful about how we work in this          leveraging the experience of early ca-     in our day-to-day practice as forensic
space now and in the future. Many of          reer, midcareer, and long-term AAPL        psychiatrists—our tools, our methods.
us AAPL members have been writing             members, with the experiences of the       But the hypnotic song is about hope
and teaching about culture, gender,           Membership committee, Forensic             for the future, “as the present now
and inequities for years, but I want          Training of Residents committee, and       will later be past.” We must consider
to encourage all of us to think along         Early Career Psychiatry committee.         the ethical implications on our work
these lines during this AAPL year.               Virtual AAPL should help us to all      of this evidence, and figure out how
   We know our “old road is rapidly           feel more connected to our home or-        to understand these impacts and our
agin’.” During the COVID-19 pan-              ganization in these challenging times.     personal biases (be they related to
demic, AAPL has had to rapidly shift          The MERR Task Force will also make         socio-economic status, race, gender,
from in-person to online-only meet-           recommendations regarding how to           culture, ethnicity, religion, migration,
ings, under the leadership of Drs. Will       make AAPL more valuable to mem-            or sexual identity) impact our profes-
Newman and Liza Gold, with hard               bers (and potential members). To do        sional roles now and into the future.
                                                                                                        (continued on page 27)

   American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Newsletter                                                         Winter 2022 • 3
Best Practices for Forensic Psychiatric                                                   continuing threat to society; or
                                                                                        • Any other facts which the jury or
Participation in Death Penalty Cases                                                      the court specifically sets forth in
Jeffrey S. Janofsky, MD                                                                   writing that it finds as mitigating
                                                                                          circumstances in the case.
                        The Ameri-         this was also rejected by the Supreme
                      can Psychiatric      Court as unconstitutional.                 In contrast, the Texas death penalty
                      Association’s           Other states adopted specific sen-      scheme requires the jury to determine:
                      (APA) Committee      tencing standards to guide discretion         • Whether there is a probability
                      on Judicial Action   and adopted procedures to ensure                that the defendant would commit
                      (CJA) reviews        those standards were enforced. This             criminal acts of violence that
                      amicus briefs        was held constitutional in Gregg v.             would constitute a continuing
                      written by other     Georgia (2). State legislatures decide          threat to society;
                      organizations to     which homicides should warrant the            • Whether, taking into consider-
decide whether APA should sign on to       death penalty, but must provide a               ation all of the evidence, includ-
the brief and perhaps suggest modifi-      meaningful basis for distinguishing             ing the circumstances of the
cations. As AAPL’s Medical Director        the few cases in which the death                offense, the defendant’s character
I represent AAPL’s interest as a mem-      penalty is imposed from the many                and background, and the personal
ber of CJA. CJA recently reviewed          cases in which it is not. Sentencers            moral culpability of the defen-
two death penalty petitions for certio-    must then be allowed to consider any            dant, there is a sufficient miti-
rari to the US Supreme Court (USSC)        available evidence which might con-             gating circumstance or circum-
that were brought to our attention by      vince them that the defendant should            stances to warrant that a sentence
the American Psychological Associa-        not be put to death, no matter how              of life imprisonment rather than
tion (ApA). For various reasons, CJA       severe the offense or reprehensible             a death sentence be imposed
decided not to sign on to the ApA’s        the defendant’s past. (3, 4) States have        (Added by Texas legislature after
amicus brief. However, during the          discretion in their capital sentencing          Penry v. Lynaugh). (5)
deliberation of one of the cases, it       schemes, but individualization of sen-        Capital defendants under both
became clear that a psychologist hired     tencing selection is mandatory.            schemes could benefit from psychi-
by the defense did not follow best            At least two capital sentencing         atric evaluation to look at potential
practices for psychological evalua-        schemes had been found constitution-       mitigating circumstances. The Texas
tion. This led to a discussion in CJA      al by the USSC. In one scheme (for         scheme always requires an assessment
regarding a recurring theme: poor          example Maryland’s former process)         of future dangerousness as an aggra-
performance by mental health evalua-       aggravating circumstances are based        vating circumstance.
tors, including psychiatrists, in many     entirely on the severity of the crime         Under a separate series of cases the
of the death penalty cases we review.      charged (for example the defendant         USSC has held that it is unconstitu-
Furthermore, neither AAPL nor APA          committed more than one offense of         tional under the Eighth Amendment to
has ever proposed best practices for       murder in the first degree arising out     execute persons with Developmental
psychiatric forensic evaluation in         of the same incident). Only if the jury    Disability. (6-8) Although this issue
death penalty cases. I was tasked by       finds beyond a reasonable doubt that       is primarily the realm of psycholo-
CJA to bring this to AAPL Council’s        an aggravator is present does the jury     gists, forensic psychiatrists may also
attention.                                 proceed to mitigating circumstances.       have a role in those assessments.
   As a reminder for those AAPL            These statutory mitigators include            The use of the insanity defense in
members who do not do work in              many factors where forensic psychiat-      capital cases is also unusually prob-
capital punishment cases, in 1972 in       ric evaluation and testimony might be      lematic. A failed insanity defense in a
Furman v. Georgia (1) the Supreme          useful including:                          trial’s guilt/innocence phase might be
Court held that the then-existing death       • The murder was committed while        perceived as an aggravating circum-
penalty framework in the US was                 the capacity of the defendant         stance by a capital jury in the sentenc-
unconstitutional, finding that death            to appreciate the criminality of      ing phase. (9)
sentences had been imposed on only              his conduct or to conform his            AAPL had signed on to four capital
a small minority of death-eligible              conduct to the requirements of        case amicus briefs to date:
defendants without any guidelines or            law was substantially impaired           • Petition for certiorari to the USSC
standards, and that this represented            as a result of mental incapacity,          in Moore I (7) (with the Consti-
cruel and unusual punishment under              mental disorder or emotional               tution Project and The Southern
the Eighth Amendment. Some states               disturbance; or                            Center for Human Rights)
then attempted to overcome this prob-         • It is unlikely that the defendant        • USSC case-in-chief in Moore I
lem by making the death penalty man-            will engage in further criminal            (7) (with APA, ApA and others)
datory in a specified class of case, but        activity that would constitute a         • Ex parte Bobby James Moore

                                                                                                     (continued on page 27)

4 • Winter 2022                                                       American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Newsletter
How Do Forensic Psychiatrists                                                          and all the other specifically forensic
                                                                                       topics covered in fellowship. The
Add Value?                                                                             ability, acquired through practice, to
Joseph R. Simpson, MD, PhD                                                             think clearly about the medicolegal
                                                                                       question being asked, and avoid being
                         Years ago, I had   as maintaining open communication,         led off-track by extraneous factors,
                      the privilege of      such as timely notification when more      can definitely separate a forensical-
                      being interviewed     time is needed to complete a report, so    ly-trained psychiatrist from one who
                      for a National        the retaining party isn’t surprised by     is not, particularly in cases with more
                      Public Radio          a last-minute request for an exten-        gray areas, ambiguities, and complex-
                      broadcast. The        sion. Attorneys and judges do not like     ities.
                      topic was firearms    surprises in the course of their work         Readers who have been out of train-
                      and mental illness,   day! Another example is thoroughly         ing for a while can undoubtedly think
                      and I was invited     reviewing reports for typographical        of many other examples of how a
on because I had published some ar-         and other errors (such as forgetting to    forensic psychiatrist adds value. Cases
ticles on mental health firearms laws.      change a name or case number when          where you changed your opinion in
Although I spoke with the interviewer       using text from a previous report).        the process of writing up your report,
for about 20 minutes, in the piece that     This may seem mundane, even pica-          or where it seemed like things were
aired, they only used one statement         yune, but a report with multiple errors    going in a bad direction until you got
from me, which was about the fact           undermines the confidence of the re-       to the heart of the issue and helped
that people who have serious mental         cipient that the author spent adequate     the trier-of-fact understand the true
illness are not, statistically speaking,    time and reached sound conclusions,        picture. I hope that reading this brief
substantially more violent than those       as opposed to rushing through, trying      column stimulates you to think about
who do not have such a diagnosis.           to make a quick buck. When learning        what you bring to the table, and may-
This was something that did not             a musical instrument, a sport, or a sec-   be helps you a bit in your approach to
require expertise in firearms laws, or      ond language, most people wish they        teaching if you work with trainees as
even in forensic psychiatry – most          could skip all the boring, repetitive      they build up their own “storehouse of
psychiatrists could have and probably       stuff and go straight to the exciting      value” to use in their chosen profes-
would have said the same.                   parts. But neglect of fundamentals         sion.
   In addition to being a good lesson       because they are considered boring or         Finally, how does one maintain
about the vagaries of the media, the        trivial generally ends badly. This is as   one’s knowledge and skills? The
experience got me thinking about            true in forensic psychiatry as in other    journey of learning certainly does not
what it is that forensic psychiatrists      pursuits.                                  end after fellowship. AAPL should
have to offer by virtue of their train-        Forensic training and experience        be an essential resource for every
ing in fellowship or their experiences      also hone our ability to keep an open      forensic psychiatrist. Attend AAPL
in the field. In other words, if we         mind and search for data to confirm        meetings and courses (in person and
stipulate a certain level of common         or disprove our working hypotheses         now online) when feasible, and read
knowledge and skills among psychi-          about a case. A diligent forensic psy-     the Journal and Newsletter. That is
atrists as a group, what is the added       chiatrist does not draw conclusions        a solid strategy for making yourself
value, to use a business term, of hiring    prematurely, and changes her formu-        an asset to those who will use your
a forensic psychiatrist, instead of an      lation when new data are obtained. I       services.
otherwise well-trained psychiatrist         once evaluated a criminal defendant
who doesn’t have the forensic back-         who had written letters to the FBI and
ground? While the answer may seem           the US President regarding a local,
self-evident, it might be helpful to        personal grievance. This sounds like             SAVE THE DATE
pause and reflect on the question from      behavior driven by delusions, but
time to time. Naturally, each of us         there was no psychosis present. My
wants to do a high-quality job for the      report explained why the defendant
                                                                                               AAPL 2022
party, court, or agency that engages        was competent to stand trial, avoiding          53 Annual Meeting

our services. How do we do that? And        a trip to the state hospital for resto-
how do we help others learn to do it?       ration, and also the psychological
   Of course this is a huge subject.        motives for his actions, assisting his          October 27-30, 2022
I will just offer what I hope will be       public defender in securing a proba-
a little food for thought. Forensic         tionary sentence for charges that could
psychiatrists should add value through      have carried prison time.                            Sheraton,
their understanding of the funda-              Of course, there is great value in             New Orleans, LA
mental mechanics of medicolegal             understanding legal standards, case
work. This includes such elements           law, principles of risk assessment,

   American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Newsletter                                                      Winter 2022 • 5
Ask the Experts                                                                     which I might testify at any level of
                                                                                    the case. I was also asked to provide
Neil S. Kaye, MD, DLFAPA                                                            copies of any testimony in any and
Graham Glancy, MB, ChB, FRC Psych, FRCP (C)                                         every case in which I have ever had
                                                                                    any role and a copy of every article
  Neil S. Kaye and Graham Glancy          photographs, charts, reports, inter and   or publication I have ever authored,
will answer questions from members        intra-office communications, record-      co-authored, or reviewed. Of course,
related to practical issues in the real   ings, contracts, agreements, invoices,    a full accounting of any research into
world of Forensic Psychiatry. Please      bills and any other forms or preserved    the topic of the case was expected
send questions to nskaye@aol.com.         information in my possession, custo-      and copies of all articles and materi-
  This information is advisory only,      dy or control and/or in the possession,   als I read regardless of their influence
for educational purposes. The authors     custody, or control of my agents,         on my opinions.
claim no legal expertise and should       servants, employees, attorneys, or           Finally, I was asked to produce
not be held responsible for any action    any person acting on my behalf, or        copies of anything that I might use
taken in response to this educational     of which I have knowledge, whether        at trial including but not limited to:
advice. Readers should always con-        or not in my possession, custody or       diagrams, models, photographs, vid-
sult their attorneys for legal advice.    control.                                  eos, drawings, images, films, scans,
                                             The documents I was “required          X-rays, electronic media, and en-
Q: I need some advice on how to           to produce” included but were not         largements of any page or portion of
respond to lengthy detailed discov-       limited to: all documents I reviewed;     any record or reference material that
ery requests and do I really need to      all documents to which I might, did,      may form any part of the basis of any
provide drafts of my reports?             will, or would refer to in writing a      of my opinions or be used in any way
                                          report or formulating an opinion,         to proffer testimony or to explain any
                      A. Kaye:            or might rely on at any deposition        opinion to the trier of fact.
                        A great com-      or testimony; all medical records            Clearly, this was overreaching!
                      pound question!     associated with the examinee or any       After catching my breath, I called the
                      Discovery is a      other person involved in any way          retaining lawyer and expressed my
                      pre-trial proce-    with the case; all correspondence         dismay at being asked to provide a
                      dure in which       and all electronic correspondence         copy/proof of everything I have ever
                      each party can      including that between me and any         read in my nearly 40 years of medical
                      obtain evidence     lawyer, expert, treater, family mem-      education and life-long learning. The
                      from the other      ber, or party involved in the case; any   patient lawyer, donning her hat as
party or parties by means of “discov-     notes, memoranda, or other materials      councilor-at-law, calmed me down,
ery” devices such as interrogatories,     related in any way to the case; any       and explained that the rules in the
requests for documents, requests for      documents produced by anyone else         state in which the case was calen-
admissions, and deposition. In Law,       about any person/party involved           dared did not allow for such an “over-
“discovery” is the exchange of legal      or potentially directly/indirectly or     ly broad” request and clarified what
information and known facts of a          peripherally in the case; any and all     actually needed to be produced: my
case. Think of discovery as obtaining     work product generated by me with         notes (if I had any), my report, and, if
and disclosing the evidence and posi-     any potential relevance to the case;      I had them, any references on which
tion of each side of a case so that all   all invoices related to work in the       I relied for this specific case. She
parties involved can decide what their    case; all notes taken while evaluating    further clarified that only if the case
best options are before deciding to       the litigant or anyone else evaluated     was to go forward to trial would we
move forward toward trial or negoti-      for any reason; a copy of any tests       be discussing courtroom exhibits.
ate an early settlement.                  administered including test booklets         So, what must an expert typically
   Over the last 35 years, the de-        and answer sheets with raw scores;        provide as part of discovery and how
tailed requests for records and work      all engagement agreements; a listing      is this best done? Certainly, expect
product have become longer and            of all forensic cases in which I have     that a copy of any written correspon-
more complex. In a recent case, I was     had any involvement at any level in       dence, electronic correspondence (if
asked to provide: the original or any     the last five years, including but not    available) and report(s) issued will be
copy of a writing or other form of        limited to the names of the parties,      discovered as are any test results for
record-preserving system including        the lawyers with a designation of who     tests you ordered or conducted. If you
without limitation, anything, either      hired me, the judge, court, and case      keep billing records for a case these
typed, printed, handwritten, visually     citation, a summary of my opinion         will generally be discoverable but not
reproduced, electronically generated      and the results of the case; and a copy   everyone keeps these records once a
including computer files, records,        of any/all articles, journals, texts,     bill is paid.
lists, papers, notes, memoranda,          treatises, writing, that forms any           If you relied on or cite specific ar-
correspondence, e-mails, schedules,       portion of the basis of any opinion to
                                                                                                     (continued on page 7)

6 • Winter 2022                                                     American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Newsletter
Ask the Experts                            Kaye has pointed out, lawyers try          everybody else in court, but not for
continued from page 6                      to intimidate and bully us, and one        your opinion.
                                           of the ways of doing this is to make          In a recent case, I made what some
ticles, books, and references you can      unreasonable requests. As Dr. Kaye         may consider a rookie mistake. I was
be asked to provide copies, although I     points out, generally speaking, the        entering the second day of virtual
usually don’t and tell the lawyer that     retaining lawyer can deal with these       cross-examination on a difficult case,
the other side can obtain these public     issues and save us from unnecessary        which split the cross-examination
materials at their time and expense        burdens.                                   into one day in December, followed
and that I won’t, so long as I provide        Nevertheless, it is incumbent upon      by one day in January, followed by
the correct citations. Testing answers     us to retain all of our records in a       one day in February. In order to keep
are fair game, but many test ques-         psycholegal case. This may include         track of where I thought counsel
tions or booklets are proprietary and      any handwritten or typed records of        was going, I made some handwrit-
many courts have upheld the right          interviews with an evaluee or other        ten notes at the end of the first day
of the expert and testing company to       interested parties. It may also in-        and had them in front of me ready
not provide the actual questions or        clude copies of billing documents or       for the next day. The perspicacious
scoring algorithms. I do not generally     invoices. The issue of draft reports       counsel noticed me shuffling pieces
provide a copy of everything I have        is an interesting one. Whether or not      of paper and asked me what was in
reviewed as it all came from retaining     draft reports have to be produced is       front of me. Under oath, I had to tell
counsel so they have it and they can       dependent upon the rules or precedent      him the situation and of course he
share it with the other side. I also       in each particular jurisdiction. As Dr.    demanded to see the notes. Since I
think it’s important NOT to give dis-      Kaye points out, many of us in this        was testifying virtually from home, I
covery materials directly to the other     day and age add incrementally to a         had to scan the notes and send them
side (such as duces tecum materials at     report in a computer file as various       to the parties and wait for him to
depositions). I almost always give my      sources of information come into           cross-examine me. The notes were to
materials to the lawyer who retained       our possession. For instance, when a       remind me of the crucial points that
me, for transmittal to the other side as   collateral source contacted me, I may      I wanted to hammer home-including
appropriate, allowing them to remove       add a section on that interview. The       the unreliability of the history given
items they believe aren’t discover-        issue really is whether the retaining      by the evaluee, the tendency of the
able.                                      lawyer has influenced you to change        evaluee to control information, and
   As for “draft” reports, there are       your report. Hopefully you can be          the fact that these issues supported
substantial differences from state to      convincing about this issue. It might      my contention that he suffered from
state regarding these being discov-        be possible to get ahead of this and       psychopathy and antisocial person-
erable. Therefore, you need to know        assure the parties that of course you      ality traits. I was, rather cynically,
what are the rules or precedents.          would never change your opinion due        duly cross-examined about this, but I
Today, many of us don’t have drafts        to pressure from the retaining lawyer,     believe that it only strengthened my
as we create an initial document in        but you did add to the report as infor-    position in the end, because I was
word-processing software and simply        mation came in as we have discussed        able to repeat these points yet again.
continuously edit until it is finalized.   above. If you have changed the             There is, nevertheless, a lesson to be
                                           report, it is not unreasonable again to    learned from this: if you’re going to
                    A. Glancy:             explain that yes, you did make some        be a forensic psychiatrist, you have to
                      Hamlet contem-       changes because the lawyer pointed         learn to suffer the slings and arrows
                    plates the pain and    out some of the dates or facts were        of outrageous lawyers and to ensure
                    unfairness of life:    mistaken or not in evidence and so         that you do not let it get to you and
                    “To be or not to       you removed or changed certain             throw you off your stride.
                    be? Whether tis        points. If this is the case you would of
                    nobler in the mind     course have some record to jog your        Take Home Points:
                    to suffer the slings   memory of what changes were made,             The rules of discovery are deter-
and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or       and you would have to expect some          mined by each state and codified.
to take arms against a sea of troubles,    questions about this in deposition.        Like many things in forensic psychia-
And by opposing end them.” (1)             It may also be helpful to ensure that      try, it is critical to know the rules spe-
  One of the facets of a career in         you retain any billing documents or        cific to the jurisdiction. It is appropri-
forensic psychiatry is that there are      invoices, which are often raised either    ate to ask the retaining lawyer about
times when we must endure the slings       in depositions or at trial, generally      discovery rules applicable to the case
and arrows of the various parties of       with the inference that you would          and we advise so doing.
the legal system. To a certain extent      say anything considering the amount
we are in the hands of lawyers in the      that you have been paid. You will          Reference:
system and we have to accept that          of course try to make the point that       (1) Shakespeare W. Hamlet. Act 3, scene 1
this is the case. Sometimes, as Dr.        you are paid for your time, just like

   American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Newsletter                                                        Winter 2022 • 7
Addressing Sexual Violence and                                                       toms of forgetting, unawareness, not
                                                                                     telling; depression; anxiety; shame;
Gender Discrimination: Moving from                                                   PTSD, dissociation; physical illness;
                                                                                     hallucinations; self-harm; problematic
Institutional Betrayal to Institutional                                              substance use; and revictimization.
Courage: Jennifer J. Freyd, PhD                                                      Dr. Freyd also found that women/girls
                                                                                     are at higher risk than men/boys of
Karen B. Rosenbaum, MD                                                               betrayal exposure.
                                                                                        Dr. Freyd then asked the question,
                         The Friday       by cheating and betrayal. She said         can institutions betray? And if so, is
                      October 22, 2021    that when empowered, people have           it harmful and is there institution-
                      virtual lunch-      exquisite sensitivity to cheating and      al betrayal blindness? She defined
                      time speaker for    betrayal.                                  institutional betrayal as institutions
                      the 52nd AAPL          Regarding Betrayal Trauma theory,       harming those dependent on the in-
                      conference was      humans are profoundly dependent on         stitution which includes the failure to
                      Dr. Jennifer        others. The attachment system pro-         prevent or respond supportively and
                      Freyd, a Profes-    tects the dependent person. The baby       creating an environment in which the
                      sor Emerita of      has a “job” which is to engage love        experience was more likely to occur.
Psychology, University of Oregon; an      and to be loveable. The child rewards      Dr. Freyd and her colleague Dr. Smith
Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry and       the engaged parents with eye contact,      developed the Institutional Betrayal
Behavioral Sciences in the School         cooing and hugs. The attachment            Questionnaire. (3) They found that
of Medicine at Stanford University;       system is biological. With varying         institutional betrayal exacerbates
and the Founder and President of the      degrees, dependence and attachment         trauma symptoms including anxiety,
Center for Institutional Courage. (1)     continue throughout life including in      dissociation, sexual problems, and
Dr. Freyd is an expert in memory and      school, in the workplace, and toward       sexual-abuse related symptoms.
trauma and is also the editor of the      one’s country.                                Dr. Freyd and colleagues also found
Journal of Trauma and Dissociation.          The question becomes: What hap-         that institutional betrayal exposure
She is the author of Betrayal Trauma:     pens when the caregiver is also the        and then staying in the institution
The Logic of Forgetting Childhood         betrayer, and what does the depen-         is also associated with dissociative
Abuse. She developed and published        dent person do when betrayed? The          symptoms (unawareness, forgetting)
her theories of institutional betrayal    dependent person cannot afford to feel     even when controlling for the betrayal
and DARVO, which stands for Deny,         betrayed by the person or institution      trauma exposure. She explained that
Attack, Reverse Victim and Offend-        the person is dependent on and so          institutional betrayal is also associat-
er. This is a common psychological        there is a conflict. This conflict can     ed with racism and homophobia and
strategy employed by those accused        lead to “betrayal blindness.” Un-          that it is costly for the institutions
of abuse. The abuser claims that he       awareness and forgetting are some-         perpetrating the betrayal. People
or she or the institution is the actual   times an adaptive response to betray-      disengage from the system, it leads to
victim in the situation, attempting to    al. The dependent person cannot see        illness, absenteeism and high rates of
reverse the reality for the victim and    something right in front of their eyes     turn-over. There is a loss of potential
the offender.                             that is apparent to others. In the short   talent. There is internal rot, corrup-
   Dr. Freyd began her talk discuss-      run, this ability helps with survival      tion, and eventual collapse. There is
ing Betrayal Trauma and Betrayal          but there is a long-term cost.             also a reputational cost. Not trusting
Blindness, using the example of Frank        Dr. Freyd explained that Betrayal       institutions has risks for democracy
Fitzpatrick, who after nearly thirty      Trauma theory suggests that there are      and society as a whole.
years uncovered memories of having        two primary dimensions of traumatic           The harm of institutional betrayal is
been molested by Reverend R. Porter.      events. She showed a graph where so-       both pragmatic and psychological. An
A New York Times article from July        cial betrayal (low to high) was on the     example of pragmatic is: There is lead
21, 1992 used this and other cases to     Y axis and terror/fear-inducing (low       in the water when the government
illustrate the controversy surrounding    to high) was on the X axis. Examples       says there is no lead in the water.
uncovered childhood memories. (2)         given that were high in social betray-     But institutional betrayal also hurts
Dr. Freyd proposed that the reasons       al and high in terror/fear-inducing        feelings. Dr. Freyd’s solution is to
individuals forget or are unaware of      were: sadistic abuse by a caregiver        make institutions more trustworthy as
past abuse is due to betrayal trau-       and the Holocaust. Dr. Freyd asked         people cannot help being vulnerable
ma. She asked that we consider our        if rates and symptoms of forgetting        and loving institutions. It goes back
sensitivity to betrayal. The ability      depended on these dimensions. She          to the attachment system discussed
to evaluate trustworthiness is highly     explained that twenty-plus years of        earlier. An example given was that
important to our survival. We depend      research has shown that high betrayal      after a rape allegation in March of
on social contracts and we are harmed     is associated with increases in symp-
                                                                                                      (continued on page 9)

8 • Winter 2022                                                      American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Newsletter
Freyd Lunch                                   9. Use the organization to address
                                                  the societal problem
                                                                                             What is the
continued from page 8
                                              10. Comment on on-going resourc-               NCCHC?
2014 at the University of Oregon, the             es to 1-9                                  Joseph Penn, MD, CCHP, FAPA
university had prioritized its athletic
                                               In the Question and Answer session,           AAPL Representative to the Na-
reputation over students’ safety and
let the basketball team (including the      Dr. Freyd explained that the more                tional Commission on Correctional
accused members) compete in March           prestigious the institution, the more            Health Care (NCCHC)
Madness. The students pushed the            potential it has to commit institutional
university to make changes and apol-        betrayal, including responding poorly               The NCCHC provides voluntary
ogize and a survey showed that the          to a whistle-blower or accusation.               accreditation and technical assistance
changes helped.                             There was a question about medical               to jails, prisons, juvenile, and opioid
   Dr. Freyd also showed that there         errors and Dr. Freyd explained that              treatment programs within correc-
is an association between COVID             research has demonstrated that when              tional facilities in the United States.
risk and risk for sexual harassment         institutions show courage vs. betrayal           I serve as the AAPL representative
at universities. COVID risk practices       it is better for patient outcome. She            to the NCCHC Board of Directors, a
were associated with misogyny and           explained that apologies are very                multidisciplinary group composed of
gender/based violence and harassment        powerful. People are afraid of law-              over 30 different professional member
more than with personality disorders        suits, so they do not apologize, but             organizations [this includes the AMA,
or rule-breaking behaviors.                 they are more likely to have to deal             both APAs (psychiatrists and psychol-
   Dr. Freyd discussed the problem          with a lawsuit if an apology has not             ogists), ABA (bar association), ADA
with reporting, and how without             occurred. When asked how to get an               (dentists) to name a few].
reporting it is difficult to stop assault   institution that has harmed through                 The NCCHC jail, prison, juvenile,
and harassment. Victims often do not        betrayal to apologize, Dr. Freyd                 mental health, and opioid treatment
report: reporting is risky, due to poten-   suggested that the survivor draft the            standards are reviewed and updated
tial harmful responses such as blam-        apology on behalf of the institution.            every 3-5 years. The juvenile and
ing, invalidating, and punishing. Her       The very act of drafting the apology             mental health standards are now
research on DARVO helps illustrate          can bring a kind of psychological re-            up for revision/review. I have been
this. Deny: “it never happened;” At-        lief; also, often the institution does not       invited to serve on both work group
tack: “you’re a liar;” Reverse Victim       know where to begin, and a draft can             revisions. I recently chaired the juve-
and Offender: “I’m the real victim.”        give them something to work with.                nile standards work group and look
(4) Regarding mandatory reporting,          An apology that is carefully worded              forward to the mental health standards
the research suggests that taking away      and meets the need of the victim for             revisions, anticipated to begin in the
control of disclosure of information        acknowledgment without putting the               Spring 2022. I chaired the NCCHC
is harmful to survivors of sexual           institution at terrifying legal risks can        Board until the Fall 2021 meeting,
violence. Dr. Freyd suggested that a        be very powerful.                                and am now serving as the immediate
better policy is survivor-directed.                                                          past chair.
   Dr. Freyd discussed institutional        References:                                         NCCHC holds three conferences
courage and ten steps to promote            (1) Center for Institutional Courage. https://   per year, the spring and fall confer-
institutional courage:                      www.institutionalcourage.org/                    ences and a summer conference with
                                            (2) Goleman D. Childhood Trauma: Memo-           a mental health focus. NCCHC also
  1. Comply with laws and go be-            ry or Invention? The New York Times, July        oversees the peer-reviewed Journal of
     yond mere compliance, beware           21, 1992. Available at: https://www.nytimes.     Correctional Health Care, the nation’s
     risk management mindset                com/1992/07/21/science/childhood-trau-           only professional journal dedicated to
  2. Educate institutional communi-         ma-memory-or-invention.html. Accessed            scholarly inquiry in this field.
     ty (especially leadership)             November 11, 2021
                                                                                                NCCHC has a certified correctional
                                            (3) Smith CP, Freyd JJ. Dangerous Safe
  3. Respond well to victim disclo-                                                          health program (CCHP) program for
                                            Havens: Institutional Betrayal Exacerbates
     sures (and create a trauma-in-         Sexual Trauma. Journal of Traumatic Stress.      individuals who have demonstrated
     formed reporting policy)               2013; 26: 119-124.                               mastery of national standards via a
  4. Bear witness, be accountable,          (4) Harsey SJ, Zurbiggen EL, Freyd JJ. Per-      written examination. The CCHP-MH
     apologize                              petrator Responses to Victim Confrontation:      (Certified Correctional Health Profes-
  5. Cherish the truth-tellers              DARVO and Victim Self-Blame. Journal of          sional-Mental Health) is an oppor-
  6. Conduct scientifically sound           Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma. 2017;         tunity for correctional and forensic
     anonymous surveys                      26(6): 644-663.                                  psychiatrists, psychologists, and other
  7. Regularly engage in self-study                                                          qualified mental health professional
  8. Be transparent about data and                                                           staff to pursue this additional certifi-
     policy                                                                                  cation.
                                                                                                For more information, go to www.

   American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Newsletter                                                             Winter 2022 • 9
Taking the BITE out of Disinformation                                                 scandal, with 72% of the country
                                                                                      reporting that they trusted news
and Cult Effects in the Time of COVID                                                 sources. (8) At that time, again, the
Karen B. Rosenbaum MD; Susan Hatters Friedman, MD; Ryan Hall, MD;                     majority of the population felt that
                                                                                      media were reporting the news fully,
and Cathleen Cerny-Suelzer, MD                                                        accurately, and fairly. In contrast, the
Media and Public Relations Committee                                                  most recent numbers in the Gallup
                                                                                      Poll for 2021 show that only 36% of
   This panel discussion was present-     for which there is intense commit-          Americans view the media in such
ed at the 2021 Annual Meeting. Dr.        ment, and which is shared by others in      a manner. This is the second lowest,
Rosenbaum presented an overview           the person’s subcultural group. Pierre      with the lowest being 32% in 2016.
of the problem of disinformation          (4). discussed “delusion-like beliefs”      However, the news media has consis-
and how it can lead to indoctrination     which only superficially resemble           tently been below a 50% rating in the
into cults which can come in many         delusions, such as conspiracy theories.     Gallup Polls since roughly 2005. This
forms including multi-level marketing     The “Incel” subculture was discussed        is concerning because this suggests
(MLM) scams or pyramid schemes,           as an example, and recommendations          that over the past sixteen years, more
exemplified by the recent example of      were made, including that evaluators        Americans distrust the news media
the clothing MLM LuLaRoe, docu-           become familiar with both the beliefs       than trust them, which suggests that
mented in the Amazon Prime four-part      and the lingo of the subculture as well     there may be an entire generation
series LulaRich. (1). She explained       as considering whether the evaluee          of individuals who are raised with
how disinformation is different from      has any non-delusional symptoms             this view and perspective. This new
misinformation (false information)        of a psychotic disorder. (5). Finally,      reality will make it harder to provide
because it is purposely meant to fool     Pierre (6) suggested that in identifying    or identify trusted news sources and
or deceive the receiver of the false      delusions, the evaluator consider the       makes it more difficult to dispel myths
information. She went through several     evidence or explanation given for the       or conspiracy theories. Similar trends
examples of ways in which disinfor-       belief, whether the belief is self-refer-   have been found in other democracies
mation has led to cult involvement.       ential, and whether there is overlap.       as well. (9)
The belief that a group has the an-         Dr. Hall discussed the current               Dr. Cerny-Suelzer explained why
swers to someone’s underlying issues      state of journalism. In his view, of        it is necessary to provide our trainees
can be compelling to a vulnerable         significant concern is the fact that        with guidelines for evaluating what
person, which was the initial premise     confidence in news journalism has           they read in print and online so they
of NXIVM led by Keith Raniere, who        been decreasing over the last 20 years.     can separate fact from fiction and help
was called “Vanguard” by his fol-         Although there may be a greater             their patients do the same. Forensic
lowers and was recently sentenced to      divergence in trust based on political      psychiatrists do not have the luxury
120 years in prison for sex trafficking   parties, the overall trends for members     of burying our heads in the sand and
and racketeering, among other federal     of both major parties have been a de-       hoping that this “infodemic” resolves
crimes. (2)                               crease. Per the Pew Research Center         without our active participation in
   Next, Dr. Hatters Friedman dis-        2020 data, only 39% of the United           combating disinformation. The World
cussed disentangling false beliefs        States’ population have a fair amount       Health Organization has a list of tips
from psychotic delusions. In review-      to a great deal of confidence that jour-    for spotting fake news that provide a
ing the history of the concept of         nalists will act in the best interest of    useful framework for learners at any
delusions, it was noted that histori-     the public. (7) Although this is down       level. (10). Going beyond provocative
cally, as reality was constructed by      some from 2018, it may represent            headlines and self-assessing for bias
the insider group, indigenous people      aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic            are key. Resisting oversimplification
were believed to have false beliefs.      (In 2018 41% felt a fair amount of          and doing additional background
By 1980 in the DSM-III, delusions         confidence, 15% a great deal). The          research are also helpful recommen-
were considered mainly as an individ-     overall trend has been downward for         dations. (11). These guidelines can be
ual belief due to incorrect inferences    many years. Part of this decrease may       used in psychiatric training journal
about reality. In contrast, Wernicke      also be related to views of journalistic    clubs and applied to information from
first described an ‘overvalued idea’ in   ethics, with a majority of US adults        popular media sources.
1892 and viewed them as ego-synton-       identifying that journalists have either       Forensic psychiatrists also need
ic and of lessened intensity. Over-       low or very low ethical standards.          to give trainees guidance for patient
valued ideas are not usually accepted       According to the Gallup Poll report-      interactions. The use of open-end-
by other members of the culture or        ed on October 7, 2021, the highest          ed questions should be encouraged.
sub-culture. Rahman and colleagues        percentage of trust and confidence          Trainees need to ask about early life
(3) described “extreme overvalued         in “mass media such as newspapers,          experiences, trauma and important re-
beliefs” as beliefs which may be am-      television, and radio” occurred in          lationships. It is important to provide
plified and more dominant over time,      1976 at the height of the Watergate
                                                                                                     (continued on page 11)

10 • Winter 2022                                                      American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Newsletter
Taking the BITE                              References:
                                             (1) LulaRich Official Trailer. YouTube,
                                                                                               Public Safety and
continued from page 10
                                             available at: https://www.youtube.com/
residents and fellows with instruction
on how they can help their patients
                                             (2) Hong N, Piccoli S. Keith Raniere, Lead-
                                             er of Nxivm Sex Cult, Is Sentenced to 120
                                                                                               What is the end
with decision-making skills including
sharing how to evaluate information
                                             Years in Prison. New York Times, October
                                             27, 2020. Available at: https://www.nytimes.
they are presented with.                     com/2020/10/27/nyregion/nxivm-cult-keith-         Stephanie Maya Lopez, MD
   As forensic evaluators, identifying       raniere-sentenced.html                            Forensic Hospital Services
fake news and gathering full histories       (3) Rahman T, Zheng L, Meloy JR. DSM-5            Committee
are crucial skills, but it is also crucial   Cultural and Personality Assessment of Ex-
to understand the forces responsible         treme Overvalued Beliefs. Aggression and             In Oregon, the detention period for
for the false narratives. Malignant          Violent Behavior. 2021; Jan:101552.               competency restoration is three years
narcissists exercising undue influence       (4) Pierre JM. Forensic psychiatry versus the     or the maximum potential sentence
                                             varieties of delusion-like belief. The Journal    for each alleged crime, whichever
over unwitting victims do exist, and
                                             of the American Academy of Psychiatry and
some of us may end up evaluating                                                               is shorter. If a defendant is found to
                                             the Law. 2020; 48: 327-334.
them or their victims. Dr. Steven Has-       (5) Tastenhoye C, Ross N, Dupre J, Bodnar         be incompetent to stand trial and not
san’s BITE model provides a helpful          T, Friedman SH. Involuntary Celibates and         restorable (IST/NR) at or before the
framework for this effort.                   Forensic Psychiatry. The Journal of the           end of this period, all charges must be
   Dr. Hassan, discussant, began by          American Academy of Psychiatry and the            dismissed with or without prejudice
acknowledging that we do NOT live            Law. in press.                                    and the defendant released. While
in a “post-truth world.” He discussed        (6) Pierre JM. Conspiracy theory or delu-         civil commitment proceedings can be
the model he developed to explain            sion? 3 questions to tell them apart. Current     pursued, the bar is high and requires
authoritarian control, the ‘BITE             Psychiatry. 2021; 20(9):44-60.                    a finding of dangerousness “in the
model,’ for behavioral, informational,       (7) Gottfried J, Walker M, Mitchell A.            near future,” a standard that has been
                                             Americans are more negative in their broad-       interpreted by appellate courts to be
thought, and emotional control. (12).        er views of journalists than they are toward
He explained that someone exerting           COVID-19 coverage. Pew Research Center,
                                                                                               dangerousness that is both high and
this control is exercising undue influ-      May 8, 2020. Available at: https://www.           imminent. (1)
ence and mind control. He explained          pewresearch.org/journalism/2020/05/08/               As the census at Oregon State
that being influenced can happen to          americans-are-more-negative-in-their-broad-       Hospital (OSH) swelled with defen-
anyone who is in a vulnerable place,         er-views-of-journalists-than-they-are-to-         dants committed for trial competency
and he used his own story about when         ward-covid-19-coverage/                           restoration, some of whom were
he was young and three smiling wom-          (8) Brenan M. Americans’ Trust in Media           charged with dangerous crimes that
en approached him after he had been          Dips to Second Lowest on Record Gallup,           outraged the public, there was concern
“dumped” by his girlfriend, and he           October 7, 2021. Available at: https://news.      that dangerous defendants would be
                                             gallup.com/poll/355526/americans-trust-me-        released into the community without
subsequently joined the “Moonies,”
believing Sun Myung Moon was the                                                               treatment and supervision. In response
                                             (9) Kellner P. The BBC is not alone in losing
messiah.                                     public trust. The Guardian, November 13,
                                                                                               to this concern, Oregon Senate Bill
   Dr. Hassan explained that in the          2012. Available at: https://www.theguardian.      426 was introduced in the state leg-
21st century, of the four means of           com/commentisfree/2012/nov/13/bbc-not-            islature in 2013. A public letter from
control, informational control is the        alone-losing-public-trust                         the City Manager’s Office in Eugene,
most important to consider. In recent        (10) World Health Organization. Let’s flatten     Oregon explains the rationale:
years there have been widespread             the infodemic curve. Available at: https://
lying, withholding or manipulation of        www.who.int/news-room/spotlight/let-s-flat-           As recent events have under-
information, propaganda, and using           ten-the-infodemic-curve                               scored, Oregon’s justice system
information against one another. Dr.         (11) Berntsen M. Is It Fact or Is It Fake? 10         needs work in this area, particu-
                                             Tips for Navigating Online Media. Available           larly with respect to dangerous
Hassan discussed how he created              at: https://extension.psu.edu/is-it-fact-or-is-
a three-step intervention called the                                                               or homicidal offenders who
                                             it-fake-10-tips-for-navigating-online-media           are released from custody after
Strategic Interactive Approach (SIA)         (12) The BITE Model of Authoritarian
where he helped create a network of                                                                being found “unable to aid and
                                             Control: Undue Influence, Thought Reform,
trained individuals (family, friends,        Brainwashing, Mind Control, Trafficking
                                                                                                   assist” in their own defense...
ex-cult members, media, clergy, and          and the Law. PhD Dissertation, 2020. Avail-           SB 421 and SB 426 are an
therapists) to orchestrate a step-by-        able at: https://freedomofmind.com/wp-con-            attempt to improve Oregon’s
step, ethical influence program to           tent/uploads/2021/01/Dr-Hassan-Disserta-              statutory interface between the
empower an individual or set of indi-        tion-Published.pdf                                    criminal justice system and
viduals to think for themselves.                                                                   dangerous offenders who are
                                                                                                   mentally ill. (2)

                                                                                                              (continued on page 12)

   American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Newsletter                                                             Winter 2022 • 11
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