Driving Unconventional Growth through the Industrial Internet of Things

Driving Unconventional Growth through the Industrial Internet of Things
Driving Unconventional Growth
through the Industrial Internet
of Things
Driving Unconventional Growth through the Industrial Internet of Things
The Industrial Internet of Things has been heralded primarily as a way to improve
operational efficiency. But in today’s environment, companies can also benefit greatly
by seeing it as a tool for finding growth in unexpected opportunities.

In the future, successful companies will use
the Industrial Internet of Things to capture
new growth through three approaches:
boost revenues by increasing production
and creating new hybrid business models,
exploit intelligent technologies to fuel
innovation, and transform their workforce.

By Paul Daugherty, Prith Banerjee, Walid Negm and Allan E. Alter

Driving Unconventional Growth through the Industrial Internet of Things
Driving Unconventional Growth through the Industrial Internet of Things
Daimler, with its Car2Go service, has taken
                                                                                                 its business beyond simply building cars to
                                                                                                 renting them almost as easily as buying milk
The Michelin Group uses sensors inside                                                           at the corner convenience store.
tires combined with analytics to coach
truck fleet drivers on how to save fuel.          Taleris (a General Electric-Accenture joint
                                                  venture) deploys analytics to help airlines
                                                  minimize disruptions from mechanical
                                                  failures and weather delays.

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is a     Predictive maintenance of assets is one        using this approach to predict onshore and
major trend with significant implications         such area of focus, saving up to 12 percent    offshore oil pump failures to help minimize
for the global economy. It spans industries       over scheduled repairs, reducing overall       lost production. Executives at Apache claim
representing 62 percent of gross domestic         maintenance costs up to 30 percent and         that if the global oil industry improved
product (GDP) among G20 nations,                  eliminating breakdowns up to 70 percent.4      pump performance by even 1 percent, it
according to Oxford Economics,1 including         For example, Thames Water, the largest         would increase oil production by half a
manufacturing, mining, agriculture, oil           provider of water and wastewater services      million barrels a day and earn the industry
and gas, and utilities. It also encompasses       in the UK, is using sensors, analytics and     an additional $19 billion a year.6 Or take
companies that depend on durable                  real-time data to help the utility company     a mining operation, where the ability to
physical goods to conduct business, such          anticipate equipment failures and respond      quickly conduct an assay of the ore when a
as organizations that operate hospitals,          more quickly to critical situations, such as   drill bit unexpectedly hits hard rock enables
warehouses and ports or that offer                leaks or adverse weather events.5              miners to resume work in a fraction of the
transportation, logistics and healthcare                                                         time required before.7
services.                                         However, there is more to the story.
                                                  Although companies are viewing and             For now, at the dawn of the IIoT,
Not surprisingly, the IIoT’s potential            beginning to leverage the IIoT as an           manufacturers are going after the low-
payoff is enormous. The most conservative         operational efficiency strategy, it also       hanging fruit by improving the maintenance
independent estimates place spending              offers rich potential for those that make      and repair services they already offer. But
on the IIoT worldwide at $20 billion in           equipment and products to introduce new        some trailblazer companies are forging
2012, with spending expected to reach             digital products and services, generating      ahead with unconventional ways to use
$500 billion by 2020. More optimistic             entirely new sources of revenue to improve     the IIoT to provide value to customers,
predictions of the value created by the IIoT      both the top and bottom lines. Separately      including CLAAS KGaA mbH, General
range as high as $15 trillion of global GDP       for owners and operators of equipment,         Electric, Michelin, Virtual Radiologic Corp.
by 2030.2                                         such as companies in a process industry,       and ZF Friedrichshafen AG.
                                                  there is a real opportunity for increased
Operational efficiency is one of the key          revenues. The easy win is to avoid             While these companies represent inspiring
attractions of the IIoT, and early adopters are   downtime and plant and facility shutdowns,     examples, it is important to recognize that
focused on these benefits. By introducing         thereby increasing production throughput.      the IIoT offers radically new ways to make
automation and more flexible production           For example, a petrochemical producer can      and think about products and to operate
techniques, for instance, manufacturers           rely on predictive maintenance to avoid        assets and facilities. Many companies
could boost their productivity by as much as      unnecessary shutdowns and keep products        are just now beginning to make the
30 percent.3                                      flowing. Apache Corporation, an oil and        transition, and it may not be easy for some
                                                  gas exploration and production company, is     industrial, transportation and service-sector

Driving Unconventional Growth through the Industrial Internet of Things
executives to capitalize on the opportunity     growth play and a defensive maneuver for        These companies are
to sell new digital offerings. However,         today’s manufacturers, energy producers
those that hesitate could be quickly            and service providers. If incumbents do not
                                                                                                identifying new growth
outmaneuvered by existing competitors and       identify and exploit these opportunities,       opportunities by adding digital
new entrants. (See “Will your products be       new entrants and startups will begin to         services and innovations
intelligent by 2020?”)                          influence and capture their customers.
                                                                                                to their product mix. Their
In fact, once industries become digital, they   So how can executives at industrial             executives see the vast
also become digitally contestable, meaning      companies exploit the revenue-generating        potential of the IIoT: the
companies from outside the traditional          opportunities of the IIoT? Accenture’s
industry confines can enter and compete         research on IIoT uses cases and current         universe of intelligent
more easily. Think of Google’s moves into       thinking, along with our conversations          industrial products,
driverless automobiles, which are likely        with clients and subject matter experts,        processes and services that
to disrupt multiple industries, including       suggests that executives must meet three
car insurance and government licensing.         imperatives: boost revenues by increasing
                                                                                                communicate with each other
Another example is Apple’s HealthKit. The       production and creating hybrid business         and with people over a global
platform, which enables health and fitness      models, fuel innovation with intelligent        network.
applications to work together, brings the       technologies, and transform the workforce
company into a healthcare data ecosystem        for the IIoT. In addition, we outline seven
now occupied by caregivers, insurers and        steps to help companies move forward
pharmaceuticals.8                               quickly and confidently to harness the IIoT’s
To succeed in digitally contestable
industries with the IIoT, executives will
need to formulate new business models
and go-to-market strategies at the macro
level, rethink their core business and
operations, and introduce intelligence
into products, services, processes and
more. They will also have to open up their
manufacturing operations, production
facilities and product designs to new
information technologies. The IIoT is both a

Boost revenues by increasing production
and creating hybrid business models
As stated in the 2014 Accenture Technology           Asset owners and operators will spend on             Digital services—offerings that combine
Vision, “Every business is a digital business,”      these digital services to help them increase         information, transactional and professional
the digital-physical blur is turning industrial      their production and efficiency. They will           services—will lie at the heart of these shifts.
companies into customer service companies.9          also invest in their own novel solutions to          Some companies are already converting
Manufacturing, energy and other industrial           improve the performance of existing assets           products into product-service hybrids, which
executives tell Accenture that new services,         and processes as well as collaboration across        we define as connected, intelligent physical
competitors and ways of operating their              the supply chain—whether the business is             goods capable of producing data for use in
businesses will transform their industries.10        chemicals, mining, energy or agriculture.            digital services.

Figure 1: How companies are finding opportunity through the Industrial Internet of Things
The IIoT presents companies with opportunities to upgrade and offer new services, improve products, and enter new markets. Consider how General
Electric, Michelin and CLAAS are going to market with product-service hybrids by adding digital services (shaded boxes) to their pre-digital products
(solid boxes). But even companies that do not sell products, such as Virtual Radiologic, can take advantage of opportunities to expand into digital

 General Electric                                                     Information
General Electric’s aircraft engine maintenance
business, born out of its jet engine business,
is now moving to preventive maintenance and         Commercial                             Scheduled                 Preventive               Aircraft fleet
                                                                       Equipment          maintenance               maintenance               optimization
expanding into aircraft fleet optimization.            offering
                                                                        Services          (GE Aviation)        (Taleris joint venture)   (Taleris joint venture)

                                                                                           Jet engines              Jet engines
                                                                        Products          (GE Aviation)            (GE Aviation)

                                                                                           Pre-digital                Digital                New market
                                                                                          product line             product line               segment

                                                                                                             Go-to-market approach

 Michelin                                                             Information
                                                                                                                 Fuel consumption
                                                                                                                 reduction service
Michelin is helping truck fleet managers reduce                         Services                                (Michelin solutions)
fuel consumption and costs and allowing them
to pay for tires on a kilometers-driven basis.      Commercial
                                                                       Equipment                                 Tires as a service
                                                       offering                                                 (Michelin solutions)

                                                                                              Tires              Tires with sensors
                                                                        Products            (Michelin)               (Michelin)

                                                                                           Pre-digital                Digital                New market
                                                                                          product line             product line               segment

                                                                                                             Go-to-market approach

                                                                                            Machine             Remote diagnostics        Partner in ag info
                                                        Product        Equipment       automation services                               service marketplace
                                                                                                                 and optimization
                                                      or Service        Services            (CLAAS)              services (CLAAS)           (365FarmNet)
These hybrids will be the primary vehicle             These product-service   hybrids should go well company’s  Fuel consumption
                                                                                                                      product by capturing the data it
                                                                        Information                             reduction service
to tap into this opportunity. They enable             beyond incrementalServices
                                                                            improvements, such as        creates, as Virtual
                                                                                                               (Michelin        Radiologic does with its
companies to create hybrid business models,           feature changes; they must address unmet           analytics service.
combining product sales and leasing with              customer
                                                       Commercialneeds or solve critical business                Tires as a service
recurring income streams from digital                      offering
                                                      problems with breakthrough
                                                                          Services solutions. (See             (Michelin solutions)
services. These digital services will also enable     Figure 1.) However, these product-service
firms in resource-extracting and process              hybrids need not be first to the market.11Tires           Tires with sensors
industries to make better decisions, enjoy            Nor must the serviceProducts
                                                                             provider be the (Michelin)
                                                                                              same                   (Michelin)
better visibility along the value chain and           company as the product manufacturer:
improve productivity in other ways.                                                          Pre-digital
                                                      a service provider can hybridize another                        Digital              New market
                                                                                             product line            product line                segment

                                                                                                                Go-to-market approach

 CLAAS                                                                  Information
Farmers can operate CLAAS equipment on
autopilot, receive advice on how to improve crop                                               Machine             Remote diagnostics      Partner in ag info
flow and minimize grain losses, or automatically          Product        Equipment        automation services                             service marketplace
                                                                                                                    and optimization
optimize equipment performance. The company             or Service        Services             (CLAAS)              services (CLAAS)         (365FarmNet)
is now partnering with other organizations to
provide information services to growers via a                                                    Farm               Farm equipment
marketplace called 365FarmNet.                                            Products            equipment               with sensors
                                                                                               (CLAAS)                  (CLAAS)

                                                                                              Pre-digital               Digital                 New market
                                                                                             product line            product line                segment

                                                                                                                Go-to-market approach

 Virtual Radiologic                                                     Information            Radiology
                                                                                                                                analytics and
                                                                          Services           interpretation         SaaS        benchmarking
vRad began life as an X-ray interpretation                                                       (vRad)            (vRad)          (vRad)
service. It has since expanded into the IT services
business, offering software services business and
                                                           Product       Equipment
more recently an analytics service.
                                                         or Service       Services


                                                                                               Pre-digital                 Digital                New market
                                                                                              product line              product line               segment

                                                                                                                 Go-to-market approach


  Information services sell data and insights or manage a market that                Equipment services sell product operations and optimization services
  sells data.                                                                        or sell the product using an as-a-service or for-performance payment
  Source: Company websites.
Success as a purveyor of hybrid product-          Daimler AG is pursuing another approach        preference for a product. But services are
services will not come easily. Companies          to increase value for customers: a flexible,   also an entry point for competitors to get
must compete and collaborate with players         convenient pay-per-use model for city          between your company and its customers.
from different industries, all attempting         dwellers needing cars. Car2Go customers        Think about it: A company does not have
to find a competitive edge with digital           use an app to find the car that is parked      to be a radiology equipment maker to offer
technology.12 To create new value and             nearest to them. They open the door            X-ray analysis services. And if the service
foster growth, Accenture recommends               with a membership card, drive to their         becomes especially valuable to customers, it
the following.                                    destination, and simply park the car on        can end up being more important than the
                                                  the street and lock it up. Car2Go competes     product itself. The company that offers the
Think unconventionally about                      with conventional taxis, cab alternatives      service can then influence product buying
customer value                                    like Uber and hourly car rental services.      decisions.
                                                  However, Car2Go differentiates itself on
Of course, selling services requires a            price and convenience—both of which            This is why being the most valuable
different business and operating model            are key customer values. Customers             information provider—the source of
from selling products. But which model?           can choose to pay by the mile, the             external information that customers rely on
Look for models that create value for             hour or the day. The rates are lower           the most to run their business—is so critical.
customers as well as your company in              than for taxis, and there is no need to        However, the old adage that you cannot
unconventional ways.                              reserve, return or order a car; the cars       go it alone applies here. Finding the right
                                                  can be parked and found anywhere.14            business partners is critical to launching
Another approach is to combine high tech                                                         product-service hybrids, as few companies
to identify savings opportunities with a high     Other potential models include adding          have all the skills and technologies
touch approach to gaining them. Michelin          optional services and features, offering       necessary within their company. For
solutions built an ecosystem of experts to        customization (using software and modules      instance, when it comes to the agricultural
deliver its new EFFIFUEL™ service. The service    to create equipment that meets specific        information business, the battle to become
uses high tech and high touch to reduce           customer preferences), and creating            the trusted source of decision support for
fuel costs in truck fleets. Sensors inside        new marketplaces.15 Take 365FarmNet, a         farmers is being waged now. Companies
vehicles collect data on fuel consumption,        consortium whose members include Allianz       such as DuPont and Dow Chemical are
tire pressure, temperature, speed and             SE, Bayer AG, and farm-equipment makers        forming partnerships to develop and supply
location. This data is then transmitted to a      CLAAS KGaA mbH and AMAZONEN-WERKE              precision agriculture solutions to growers.
cloud service of a Michelin solutions partner,    H. Dreyer GmbH. The consortium has             Those alliances are challenging Monsanto
and that’s where the human touch begins.          established a marketplace for agricultural     Co. Recently, to bolster its FieldScripts
Michelin solutions fuel experts analyze the       information where growers can buy GPS,         seed-planting service, Monsanto acquired
data and make recommendations to the fleet        diagnostic, crop, fertilizer and other         weather information provider Climate
manager and Michelin solutions instructors        data from any consortium member;               Corporation and Precision Planting, which
train drivers in how to use less diesel fuel      download it to their computers and farm        provides tools and information to boost
when driving. Result: truck fleet managers        equipment; and use it to take action, such     crop yields.17
can save 2 liters of fuel for every 100           as drawing up crop plans for the coming
kilometers driven. Michelin has become more       planting seasons.16 In this way, CLAAS and     Share more equipment data
than a tire manufacturer—with the launch          AMAZONEN-WERKE are treating their              with partners
of the Michelin solutions business, it’s also a   products as platforms, enabling third
fuel savings partner.                             parties to create information services that    The product-service hybrid concept also
                                                  are used with their equipment.                 applies to asset owners and operators. Any
As a partner to truck fleet managers,                                                            piece of equipment becomes a productivity-
Michelin maintains a human touch with this
                                                  Be the most valuable                           enhancing hybrid if it generates data and
service. This product-service hybrid includes                                                    the operator puts that data to work as
driver training, and the recommendations          information provider
                                                                                                 a digital service within its supply chain.
come from Michelin experts rather than a          Sell products and your customers interact      However, companies are often wary of
web service. EFFIFUEL clients also have the       with you only when they want to fix or         sharing information about their operations
option of paying for tires on a per-kilometer-    prevent problems. Sell services and you gain   with their closest partners, even if it
driven basis—an example of selling a product      multiple opportunities to create customer      hurts productivity. Of course, executives
as a service.13 This innovative service is a      touch points, build trust and establish        need to be careful about how they share
prime example of thinking differently about       customer loyalty. For manufacturers,           valuable information. But the IIoT can give
revenue opportunities.                            information services can increase customer     companies much greater control over their
                                                                                                 supply chain and their processes than ever

before. Take the oil industry: oil exploration   alternative for releasing innovative             speaking with clients about their industrial
and production companies rarely share            products: they can experiment with               cooling needs, executives identified an even
drilling plans and detailed operational data     developing and offering new services. By         larger opportunity: providing continuous
with oil field service companies. This slows     doing so, they can see how customers             temperature monitoring services for
down production by delaying the movement         use information-based features and gain          produce during transport.19
of equipment onto drilling sites. But if         insights into their needs. And as enterprises
oil producers share planning, forecasting,       start offering cloud-based IIoT services, they   Whether disrupting their industry with
equipment health, field service and work         can quickly test features to uncover the         new business models, R&D or information
schedules, they can dramatically increase        capabilities customers find most valuable        services, most companies will need outside
production. The rising tide of data can float    and continue to offer the ones customers         partners to create and market breakthrough
all boats.                                       like best. Over time, as companies better        product-service hybrids. Few companies
                                                 understand customers’ needs, they can            will have all the business skills required
Treat services as R&D for                        use what they have learned from selling          to launch them, since these skills are not
                                                                                                  part of their current core business model.
products                                         services to build a well-targeted generation
                                                                                                  The precision agriculture alliances and
                                                 of products designed for the IIoT.
Which new features will asset owners                                                              Accenture’s IIoT joint ventures—including
and operators want? What will industrial         Some companies are taking their first steps      the Taleris aircraft fleet optimization
products do in the future, and what              on this path to innovation. Ford Motor           partnership with General Electric (see “Case
will they look like? Only time will reveal       Company has adopted a crowdsourcing              study: Taleris”) and the Omnetric smart grid
answers to these questions. This presents        approach: its OpenXC open software               joint venture with Siemens—are examples
challenges for some industrial sectors. For      and hardware development platform                of alliances between companies with
instance, heavy equipment makers risk            enables anyone to create experimental            complementary knowledge and experience
offering new products before the market          applications and accessories such as a           that are using their combined strengths
is ready to accept them, because such            nighttime collision warning application.18       to launch new services and attract new
products have relatively small customer          Such exploration can also point the way          customers.
bases and take years to wear out and             to new business opportunities. The climate
justify replacing—unlike short-lived,            technology unit of an industrial equipment
inexpensive consumer technology.                 manufacturer is another case in point. The
                                                 unit’s management discovered that sensors
As many large technology companies               in its refrigeration compressors provided
have found, providers of product-service         a stream of potentially useful data. After
hybrids now have a faster and less costly

Case study: Taleris
Delays and cancellations cost commercial passenger and cargo             Taleris uses sensors to monitor aircraft parts, components
airlines in the US over $11 billion a year in maintenance costs,         and systems “from tip to tail.” It employs analytics to identify
crew wages, logistical costs and lost customers.45 Taleris, a joint      anomalies in engineering systems and their overall health, to
venture between Accenture and GE Aviation that was founded in            analyze the root cause of anomalies, and to determine when
2012, cannot change the weather that often causes those delays           units need replacement or repair. By knowing when maintenance
and cancellations. But it can eliminate avoidable maintenance            is needed across a fleet, Taleris turns unscheduled maintenance
costs, increase aircraft availability and minimize disruptions before    and periodic maintenance into optimally scheduled maintenance.
they occur.                                                              Airlines can schedule the best time and location for maintenance,
                                                                         as well as arrange for aircraft to cover routes for any that are
Taleris, which has more than 30 airline clients around the world,        grounded. The service thus minimizes the disruption and cost of
is an intelligent airline fleet optimization service. The service        maintenance work by reducing aircraft downtime, streamlining
diagnoses and predicts aircraft maintenance issues before they           spare-parts logistics, and arranging for backup aircraft and crew.
occur, whether or not the equipment was manufactured by GE.
The service combines GE’s advanced prognostics technologies,             When service is disrupted owing to weather or other issues, Taleris
developed over 20 years in military and civil applications, with         is designed to bring the best economic outcome. It considers cost
Accenture’s planning optimization and recovery technologies.             drivers such as fuel costs as well as factors of crew availability and
                                                                         passenger inconvenience.46
Exploit intelligent technologies to fuel
breakthrough innovations
Innovation is critical to developing and        By deploying these capabilities, companies     separate worlds of information technology
delivering differentiated new product-          can weave together previously unavailable,     (IT) and operational technology (OT). (See
service hybrids that drive growth. To reap      or inaccessible, enterprise and machine-       “Connecting IT and OT.”) Today’s patchwork
the full benefits of the IIoT, companies will   generated data to create new monetization      of separately evolved, vendor-specific and
need to excel at exploiting three technology    opportunities.                                 proprietary infrastructure will be replaced,
capabilities: sensor-driven computing,                                                         over time, with interoperable platforms.
industrial analytics and intelligent machine    Sensors, analytics and intelligent machine     This patchwork creates a hurdle today, so
applications. (See Figure 2.)                   applications, and the in-house or third-       it will be necessary to modernize and bring
                                                party-sourced IIoT platform that will bind     together both operational and information
                                                them together, will supplant the now           technology in support of a new generation
                                                                                               of intelligent equipment in the future.

Figure 2: Three Industrial Internet of Things capabilities to master

           Information Technology

                                  Intelligent Machine                                          Operational Efficiency
                                                                                               New Services and
          Governance                                                 Convergence
                                  Industrial Analytics                                         Pricing Options
                                     Sensor-Driven                                             Unconventional Growth

           Operations Technology

Will your products be intelligent by 2020?
It is hard enough defining human intelligence, let alone agreeing      In the near future, intelligent products will:
on what makes a physical product intelligent. In the 1970s, bar
codes were state-of-the-art when it came to product intelligence.      • Initiate tasks and communicate with other equipment.
Today, machine intelligence derives from a large array of sensors      • Tailor their user interfaces, recommendations and
and real-time decision-making software. Luxury cars are loaded           movements to meet customer preferences.
with as many as a hundred microprocessor-based electronic              • Strengthen their features—and thus the benefits they
control units and around 100 million lines of software. Yet we are       provide customers—through software improvements.
still just beginning the journey.44
                                                                       • Learn how to lower their operating costs.
                                                                       • Optimize their yield and productivity.
                                                                       • Prevent accidents and failures during operation.
10                                                                     • Take action in uncertain or adverse conditions.
Sensor-driven computing                           to dealers, enabling them to anticipate                set their preferences and understand
                                                  problems, proactively schedule maintenance             and manage their energy consumption.
Sensors give objects the power of                 and help customers manage their fleets more            If these intelligent thermostats are
perception—into conditions such as                efficiently.26 Caterpillar says its dealers in total   integrated with electric utilities through
temperature, pressure, voltage, motion,           can capture anywhere from $9 billion to $18            demand-response applications by the
chemistry and usage. Sensor-driven computing      billion in revenue each year should they move          likes of C3 Energy or Opower, utilities
converts perception into insights (using the      customers from “fix when fail” to predictive           can create incentives for consumers to
industrial analytics described below) that        maintenance along with other actions.                  reduce consumption during peak hours.
operators and systems can act on. As with         Caterpillar benefits by lowering its warranty          This will help maintain the stability
most technology advancements, sensors             fulfillment costs and boosting sales of new            of the electric grid while encouraging
are swiftly becoming smaller, cheaper and         machines as well as parts and services.27              consumption at times of low demand.29
more sophisticated. In fact, Spansion Inc.
has begun making sensors that do not              Healthcare companies are also finding                  Applications can also serve as the media for
use batteries.20 These characteristics make       opportunities to offer analytics services.             machine-to-machine interactions. Volvo’s
sensors an exponential technology, promising      Take Virtual Radiologic Corp. (vRad), a                CareTrack, for example, generates reports
repeated doublings in improvement in price        tele-radiology services company. vRad has              that help fleet managers track wear and
and performance over short intervals of time.21   collected data from more than 22 million               tear on the vehicles.30
For example, in 2007 the average cost of an       X-ray, MRI and tomography readings and
                                                  patient studies. Now it has launched an                And consider SAP’s pilot with BMW’s
accelerometer sensor was $3; in 2014, the
                                                  analytics service that benchmarks radiology            connected vehicles. SAP sees cars as conduits
average is 54 cents.22 By 2020, component
                                                  equipment utilization and results.                     for information services. Cars can receive
costs will have come down to the point that
                                                                                                         offers from merchants as they drive nearby
connectivity will become a standard feature,
                                                  Besides improving staff scheduling,                    or receive information about available
even for processors costing less than $1.23
                                                  providers can discover whether radiologists            parking spots.31 Taking the connected vehicles
In addition, new ways to collect sensor           are over- or under-utilizing advanced                  concept further, we envision a scenario where
data, low-power devices and algorithms            imaging equipment. They can then shift                 drivers will no longer pay at the gas pumps
that interpret raw signals are opening up         the use of expensive MRI equipment to                  and gasoline retailers will no longer have to
product innovation. ZF Friedrichshafen AG’s       situations where it is likely to result in             pay credit card fees. The gas pump would
TraXon PreVision GPS product, for instance,       positive, and therefore revenue-producing,             recognize the car and know how many liters
extends the life of truck transmissions           diagnoses.28 vRad is an example of the                 or gallons of gas were put in the tank. At the
and reduces fuel consumption. It collects         kind of information service that product               end of the month, the consumer would get a
data about drivers’ behavior, adds                manufacturers may want to offer on their               bill from the gasoline retailer.
topographical data to its analysis and            own or through a partner.
                                                                                                         Furthermore, scenarios like these need not
“tells” a vehicle’s transmission computers
when to shift gears.24                            Intelligent machine                                    be limited to equipment; anything can be
                                                                                                         made into an intelligent machine. Roads
                                                  applications                                           can be embedded with sensors that gather
Industrial analytics
                                                  Soon, manufacturers will no longer build               data on traffic and with materials that
Industrial analytics turns data from sensors      machines that have only mechanical                     recharge electric vehicles while being driven.
and other sources into actionable insights.       functions—they will now include                        Recognizing the latter opportunity, Qualcomm
For example, GE’s latest locomotive has           intelligence. The applications that come               has begun licensing an electric vehicle
250 sensors that measure 150,000 data             with machines will be the vehicle for                  recharging product to automakers for testing.32
points per minute.25 The end user—whether         generating new revenue streams out
                                                                                                         As these examples show, connected products
it is a machine enmeshed in a process or          of these product-service hybrids. And
                                                                                                         and software offer exciting new prospects
an individual—can use these analytics to          technology advances are making it easier
                                                                                                         for industrial companies. And technology
interpret the massive streams of incoming         to integrate physical devices and their
                                                                                                         advances are making it easier to integrate
data from the locomotive’s sensors, along         accompanying software with third-
                                                                                                         physical devices and their accompanying
with information and operational systems,         party services. For example, product and
                                                                                                         software with third-party services. For
to drive real-time decision making and to         application lifecycle management tools, by
                                                                                                         example, new product lifecycle management
anticipate events.                                addressing integration issues and ensuring
                                                                                                         tools address integration issues, ensure
                                                  cross-domain collaboration, help developers
In another example, Caterpillar has started                                                              cross-domain R&D collaboration and allow
                                                  build innovative applications.
using industrial analytics to help its dealers                                                           developers to build innovative applications.33
succeed. The company harnesses and                Take connected products like the Nest
analyzes data from its machines, engines and      thermostat, which ships with a user-
services and transmits the resulting insights     friendly interface that lets consumers
Paths to the Industrial                         For now, the capabilities of the first IIoT   Several consortia of technology and
                                                platforms are anchored in the three           industrial companies have emerged,
Internet of Things platforms
                                                technology families discussed above:          jockeying to set the standards for
Reaping optimal value from intelligent                                                        interoperability and ecosystem participation.
                                                • Sensor-driven Computing: OSIsoft            The IIoT Consortium (IIC) is working on
technologies requires a robust technical
                                                  provides real-time data management          connecting and integrating machines with
architecture and infrastructure. IIoT
                                                  for manufacturers, utilities and mining.    people, processes and data via a common
platforms will be critical to the success
                                                  The company is building a platform for      architecture and interoperable mindset. The
of manufacturers and service providers.
                                                  collecting sensor data and controlling      Open Interconnect Consortia and the AllSeen
These companies need the IIoT platforms
                                                  processes to help customers improve         Alliance are two recently launched open
to develop product-service hybrids, enable
                                                  yield, conserve energy or resolve batch     source Internet of Things consortia.37
the development of applications by third
                                                  production issues.34
parties, provide APIs for sharing data
                                                                                              IIoT platforms are still in the early stages of
and control the channel for delivering          • Industrial Analytics: GE Software offers    maturity. Executives will have to carefully
services to their customers. Asset owners         its own IIoT platform called Predix for     choose and manage their platforms, explore
and operators will use these platforms to         its lucrative predictive maintenance        the technical challenges, expect gaps in
operate equipment and applications, to            business. The platform provides             information sharing and interoperability,
deliver and analyze data, to link and control     industrial analytics to help customers      and work with their company’s closest
processes, and to connect with other              avoid equipment downtime, optimize          partners to bridge them.
companies in their ecosystems.                    profits and manage risks.35
At this time, IIoT platforms are still          • Intelligent Machine Applications:
emerging, and none has achieved                   PTC, with its acquisition of ThingWorx
dominance in an industry sector. Open             and Axeda, has built its IIoT platform
architecture advocates are just starting to       to rapidly develop and run innovative
develop shared, nonproprietary platforms          applications for connected products.36
and approaches. It’s also possible that
asset owners and operators will not only be
consumers of platforms but will also seek to
operate platforms of their own making.

Fostering confidence in the Industrial Internet of Things
What can possibly go wrong when manufacturing                          • Identify and inventory the vast number of sensors, devices and
plants, equipment or remote facilities are                               equipment that are on the network. (An electric utility grid
interconnected and online?                                               might have millions of devices and sensors.)

Plenty—including disruptions to operations, sabotage and loss          • Detect and remediate counterfeit or compromised software
of life from broken infrastructure, cyber attacks and data theft         and hardware.
by criminals, foreign governments and disgruntled employees.
                                                                       • Safeguard the integrity of information and systems so that
Recently, an oil rig’s control systems were reportedly hacked when
                                                                         unauthorized access is detected and data that falls into
saboteurs were able to tilt the rig’s platform, while another rig
                                                                         the wrong hands is not corrupted and reintroduced into
became so riddled with computer malware that it took weeks for
                                                                         critical processes.
the operator to make it seaworthy again.47
                                                                       • Control and monitor network connections to ensure that only
Given these security threats and other considerations (see Figure
                                                                         appropriate ones exist between sensitive industrial equipment.
3), it is clear that the IIoT must be underpinned by a well-thought-
out cyber-physical security architecture. Executives can support       • Build in fail-safe mechanisms to make sure that compromised
this goal by augmenting their current risk management practices          IT systems that run industrial-control systems cause no physical
with the following actions:                                              harm to people and property or other severe consequences.

• Apply noninvasive techniques to patch remote assets, and use         • Understand adversaries’ motivations, and adapt risk mitigation
  industrial control and automation systems that cannot be easily        strategies to the main danger, such as one-time theft of records,
  shut down.                                                             sabotage or ongoing espionage.

• Manage obsolete and legacy operating systems, hosts and
  devices that have limited or no security built into them.

Figure 3: Challenges to the defense and resilience of the Industrial Internet of Things
Companies, policy makers, customers and other stakeholders will have to work together to mitigate the risks of intelligent equipment
connected to networks.

              Organization Structure
                                                                                                   Human Health and Safety
          Regulatory Compliance
                                                                                                       Long Lifecycle of Systems
                                                      Industrial Internet of
              Lack of Documentation                   Things Security Issues
                                                                                                   Outdated or Nonexistent Policy
                                                       and Considerations                            and Access Management
                  Vendor Lock-in
                                                                                                      Need for Continuous Operation

      System Change Request Lag Time

Transform the workforce for IIoT
The IIoT will open up new workforce            We foresee other kinds of jobs surfacing        At Rio Tinto’s operations center in Perth,
needs as it creates redundancy in others.      in the UAV industry as well. Companies          Australia, skilled equipment operators sit in
Yes, it will computerize certain tasks and     that need UAVs to inspect pipelines and         a remote command center and work with
workflow, in particular, repetitive jobs       facilities will most likely wish to outsource   data analysts and engineers to orchestrate
that have so far resisted automation. To       these tasks to service providers. Those         the actions of huge drills, excavators,
capture the bigger opportunities presented     companies will need people who can design       earth movers and dump trucks. Operators
by the IIoT, companies will especially need    how the UAVs will operate and develop           share common screen views of the mine
to look for skills in data science, software   the applications that control, monitor and      and its environs and carry out their work
development, hardware engineering,             inventory the equipment; technicians to         in response to changing conditions like
testing, operations, marketing and sales.      ensure connectivity between UAVs and the        weather, truck breakdowns or major
Moreover, they will need this expanded         network and to integrate drone data into        equipment moves. Analysts, using data
talent base to handle three critical           the company’s systems; and dispatchers          generated by sensing equipment in mines
activities:                                    and field service agents to repair or replace   around the world, make recommendations
                                               parts or to investigate when a UAV spots        to operators in the center about how to
Creating the new                               broken equipment or intruders.                  perform their jobs. The center has already
Industrial Internet of                                                                         demonstrated impressive results: increased
Things service sector                          Supporting users of industrial                  efficiency and reliability, decreased
                                               products and services                           variability, and better identification of
Offering product-service hybrids will                                                          performance issues.42
require a workforce to create, support and     Companies offering IIoT tools will strive to
                                               make them convenient and simple to use.         Advances in robot technology will further
sell them. Such employees will include
                                               Think of advances in wearable technology        change how people do their work. Today’s
product managers, software developers
                                               such as Google Glass and user interfaces as     robots are generally used to perform
to create and test new information
                                               found in Metaio GmbH’s augmented reality        hazardous, highly repetitive and unpleasant
services, hardware designers to develop
                                               software, which combines mobility and           tasks. Many robots will continue serving in
the products, data scientists to create and
                                               industrial information.41 But there will be     these ways. However, a new breed of robots
interpret analytics, and user interface and
                                               times when putting intelligent equipment        is being designed to team up with people
experience designers.38 Downstream, sales
                                               and services to work requires technical         and work safely with them. For example, a
managers and marketers will be needed to
                                               know-how. Companies will need process           robot could modulate its physical behavior
position and sell the new offerings, within
                                               engineers to integrate these services           to avoid causing injuries or learn tasks
product and service providers and across
sales channels. Take Predix, GE Software’s     into their operations and to find ways to       without the need for programming. The ABB
platform for the IIoT. As of this writing,     improve worker and customer productivity.       Dual Arm concept robot (formerly known
                                               Data science and quantitative analysis skills   as FRIDA, for “Friendly Robot for Industrial
GE Software has openings for software,
                                               will also be critical for those working with    Dual-Arm”) can learn a worker’s preferred
hardware and analytics engineers; test and
                                               incoming data.                                  way to carry out a certain task and then
documentation, cloud, and infrastructure
                                                                                               adapt its movements to help complete the
engineers; mobile software developers and
software architects; software and services     Mastering new ways                              task in that way. Rethink Robotics’ Baxter
                                               of working                                      not only interacts with humans but also
support; product training; and talent
                                                                                               learns from them. If Baxter is shown a step
acquisition.39 New categories of services
                                               Users of the IIoT products and services will    in a specific task, the robot can figure out
will emerge because of the IIoT. Skycatch,
                                               not only find new work to do; they will also    how to perform the remaining steps in
a manufacturer of unmanned aerial
                                               have to do work differently. Think about        the task. These robots are well suited to
vehicles (UAVs), currently has openings
                                               equipment operators: their jobs take on         working with people, doing basic, repetitive
for embedded software engineers, mobile
                                               more sophistication and skill when they         tasks supervised by workers.43
engineers with Apple iOS skills and field
                                               move from driving equipment in the field to
operations engineers.40
                                               operating UAVs and robotic equipment from
                                               a hub and service center.

Connecting IT and OT
The Industrial Internet of Things brings together two separate   These worlds will become one. However, the merger will take
technology families:                                             time because the technologies are owned by different business
                                                                 functions, operate under different technical standards and are
1. Enterprise IT for resource planning, customer relationship    served by different vendors.
   management and decision support systems.

2. Operations technology that monitors and controls field
   equipment, manufacturing and production processes.

           Today’s realities                                                Tomorrow’s vision

       Software, sensors and controls running today’s                  Sensors, communications and other operational
       facilities and equipment are outdated and difficult to          technologies are working together with
       upgrade. Companies cannot readily incorporate new               information technologies, most likely meshing in
       features and improvements.                                      the cloud.

       Limited integration between internal systems                    Standard, fast software development techniques
       (managerial apps, plant data sources) and external              are used to create intelligent industrial products.
       partners creates data silos.
                                                                       A common data model and sensing and control
       Aging operating systems and vulnerable operational              architecture that supports the flow of insights
       technologies pose security risks because they cannot            and action throughout an organization and its
       be easily retired or replaced.                                  ecosystem of partners.

       Limited embedded computing or intelligence control              The IIoT infrastructure is trustworthy and resilient
       at the device, product or plant level.                          to inevitable compromise.

Seven steps for moving forward
Offering product-service hybrids, exploiting intelligent technologies and transforming the
workforce will require up-front preparation. Executives can get ready by taking these steps:

     1     Think boldly about value.

Begin piloting a variety of new services
                                                                                               3       Start now to design and
                                                                                                       develop your platform.
that benefit key stakeholders: customers,
original equipment manufacturers (OEMs)                                                   Investigate the pros and cons of new
and dealers. Ask, “What product-service                                                   technologies. Develop the architecture
hybrids beyond remote monitoring and                                                      and frameworks that will accommodate
predictive asset maintenance resonate                                                     sensor networks, industrial analytics
with our customers and our customers’                                                     and an ecosystem of intelligent machine
customers? What product, service and                                                      applications. Ask, “How will the
value can we deliver to clients? How                                                      architecture be designed: open or closed
prepared are we to accelerate our move                                                    to outside developers, customers and third
toward a services-and-solutions business                                                  parties such as telecommunications firms
model? How do we develop and add the                                                      and solution providers? What Industrial
talent we need to be successful?”                2        Think about tomorrow’s          Internet platform will help us deliver and
                                                          partner ecosystem.              successfully operate these new services
                                                                                          across multiple channels?”
                                            Companies will work with partners and
                                            suppliers to create and deliver services as
                                            well as reach potential new customers.
                                            Think of the partnering taking place
                                            between farm equipment, fertilizer
                                            and seed companies, weather services,
                                            and the suppliers needed to provide IT,
                                            telecom, sensors, analytics, and other
                                            products and services. Ask, “Which
                                            companies are also trying to reach my
                                            customers and my customers’ customers?
                                            What other products and services will
                                            talk to ours, and who will make, operate
                                            and service them? What capabilities
                                            and information does my company have
                                            that they need? How can we use this
                                            ecosystem to extend the reach and scope
                                            of our products and services through the
                                            Industrial Internet of Things?”

5        Sell your sales channel
                                                              on promoting new
                                                              digital products and
                                                Assess whether your company’s sales or
                                                dealer network has the right incentives and
                                                training to support your growth strategy.
                                                Ask, “How can we convince our dealers that
     4        Closely study the                 they will benefit from selling services as well
              financials.                       as products? Where might channel conflict
                                                erupt when services can be sold directly
Consider all the financial angles in advance.   online, and how should we manage such
Ask, “What financial models should we use       conflict?” Your marketing and your customer
to evaluate return on investment? How
do we manage the costs of transitioning
                                                support and service operations need to be
                                                prepared for the sales push as well.                   6        Clarify legal rights,
from a product to a product-service mix?                                                                        obligations and secure
How will different adoption scenarios                                                                           access to information
affect our costs, pricing and margins? What                                                                     about your installed
revenues will be cannibalized as we move                                                                        base.
to services?”
                                                                                                  Consider what data governance and
                                                                                                  protections you must establish to deliver
                                                                                                  new digital services. Ask, “Who has
                                                     7        Put people at the                   permission to use data generated by a
                                                                                                  given piece of machinery—our company
                                                              center of executing
                                                                                                  or the owner of the equipment? How can
                                                              your strategy.                      we persuade owners to give us access?
                                                Think about how to augment your                   How do local laws affect what data is
                                                workforce with smart machines. Ask, “How          considered sensitive or protected in different
                                                can we provide data so that experts and           countries where we operate?” See “Fostering
                                                nonexperts alike can easily work with it?         confidence in the Industrial Internet of
                                                How can we raise worker productivity and          Things” (Page 13).
                                                empower people with the new Industrial
                                                Internet of Things’ technologies? What are
                                                the skills that are needed to run innovative
                                                businesses, and with whom do we partner
                                                to obtain that talent?”

The Industrial Internet of Things is bringing new growth opportunities to companies that prepare
themselves now. It is still early; there are technology challenges and important hurdles to
overcome, particularly in connectivity and security. Not all products can or need to be connected
and intelligent right away. But amid the new, an old truth remains: business customers need
products and services that create more value for them than those on offer today. The emerging
Industrial Internet will unleash new energy into the world of industrial products and services. To
be a viable stakeholder as well as partner in the digitally contestable future—and thus generate
new revenues—companies will need to make the necessary changes. The time to push is now.


     Paul Daugherty is Accenture’s chief
     technology officer and also leads Accenture’s
     Technology Innovation & Ecosystem groups.
     He is based in New York City.

     Email paul.r.daugherty@accenture.com
     Follow him on Twitter: @pauldaugh.

     Prith Banerjee is the managing director
     of Global Technology Research &
     Development at Accenture. He is based in
     San Francisco.

     Email prithviraj.banerjee@accenture.com
     Follow him on Twitter: @prithbanerjee.

     Walid Negm is a global R&D director with
     Accenture Technology Labs and leads
     Accenture’s Industrial Internet Strategic
     Innovation Initiative. He is based in
     Arlington, Virginia.

     Email walid.negm@accenture.com
     Follow him on Twitter: @walidnegm.

     Allan E. Alter is a senior research fellow
     at the Accenture Institute for High
     Performance. He is based in Boston.

     Email allan.e.alter@accenture.com
     Follow him on Twitter: @allanealter.

     The authors wish to thank the following
     for their contributions: Edy Liongosari,
     Dev Shyam and Dadong Wan of Accenture
     Technology Labs; Jeanne G. Harris, David
     Light and Vikram Dalal of the Accenture
     Institute for High Performance; Laurie
     A. Henneborn and Karen E. Swanson of
     Accenture Research; Mark P. McDonald of
     Accenture Strategy; Frank Riemensperger of
     Accenture Germany; Eric Schaeffer, Ralf Russ
     and Juha Turunen of Accenture Products;
     and Omar Abbosh and Michael Grady of
     Accenture Resources.


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