Drones - Open Learning Campus

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Drones - Open Learning Campus
Drones - Open Learning Campus
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                                                                                                                     KEY INSIGHT                    EXAMPLES

                                                                                                                                                    Companies now use drones for mapping
                                                                                                                     Drones have seen               and inspections in agriculture, mining,
                                                                                                                     unprecedented market           and construction. Drones inspect dan-
                                                                                                                                                    gerous and hard-to-reach places such as
                                                                                                                     growth and rapid
                                                                                                                                                    chemical weapons plants and erupting
                                                                                                                     adoption across various        volcanoes. The emergence of COVID-19
                                                                                                                     industries, thanks to          and racial injustice protests accelerat-
                                                                                                                                                    ed the already-fast adoption of drone
                                                                                                                     lower costs, easier            technology. Last year, UPS, CVS, and
                                                                                                                     manufacturing, and             drone tech company Matternet launched
                                                                                                                     their effectiveness in         a drone delivery pilot program that al-
                                                                                                                                                    lowed Florida residents to shelter in place
                                                                                                                     a wide range of use            and receive medical deliveries including
                                                                                                                     cases.                         documents and blood samples. Contro-
                                                                                                                                                    versially, government and citizen drones
                                                                                                                                                    also tracked protesters and police during
                                                                                                                                                    widespread marches for social justice,
                                                                                                                                                    and monitored social distancing amid the
                                                                                                                                                    pandemic in places including New York,
                                                                                                                                                    Paris, Mumbai, and China.
The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of drones.

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Drones continued

                                                                                                  DISRUPTIVE IMPACT                           a constellation of AI-powered cameras,      EMERGING PLAYERS

                                                                                                  The use of drones allows us to work         biometric recognition systems, airborne     • Zipline
                                                                                                  outside the limitations of the human        unmanned vehicles, lidar, and mobile
                                                                                                                                                                                          • Anduril
                                                                                                  body in a very cost-effective way. We’ll    phone monitoring systems, to create
                                                                                                  likely see a wave of mergers and acqui-     a “smart wall” that conducts detailed       • Terra Drone
                                                                                                  sitions among flight service providers,     surveillance, primarily for use at the      • Hemav
                                                                                                  hardware startups, drone and aircraft       Texas-Mexico border. The bill stalled
                                                                                                                                                                                          • Matternet
                                                                                                  manufacturers, asset and flight path        in committee, but in the wake of recent
                                                                                                  management software makers, and data        public unrest, there’s renewed interest—
                                                                                                  processing platforms. The growing           and now, better technology—to make
                                                                                                  sector may give rise to a new “drones-as-   the proposal a reality.
                                                                                                  a-service” business model akin to the car
                                                                                                  and scooter sharing industry, delivering
                                                                                                  access to drones without the interven-
                                                                                                  tion of specially trained experts. We’ll
                                                                                                  also see more government uses, includ-
                                                                                                  ing identifying terrorists and monitoring
                                                                                                  immigration. In 2017, U.S. Rep. Will
                                                                                                  Hurd (R-Texas) proposed the Secure
                                                                                                  Miles with All Resources and Technolo-
                                                                                                  gy (SMART) Act, which would employ
Agricultural drones can manage crop health from the air.

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Drone Swarms
                                                                                                         KEY INSIGHT                EXAMPLES                                    Civilian applications include dazzling
                                                                                                                                    The U.S. Army is developing a Cluster       light shows and dynamic aerial artwork.
                                                                                                         Drone swarms, or fleets    UAS Smart Munition for Missile Deploy-      Disney and Intel are creating a new type
                                                                                                                                                                                of light show that uses 300 drones with
                                                                                                         of networked drones        ment that would allow a swarm of small
                                                                                                                                    drones to fan out and destroy vehicles      multicolored lights that fly in unison at
                                                                                                         capable of coordinated     with “explosively formed penetrators,”      Disney World.
                                                                                                         operations and com-        or EFPs. The U.S. Navy Office of Naval
                                                                                                         munication, are being      Research intends to launch a swarm of
                                                                                                                                    Coyote drones, made by U.S. military
                                                                                                         developed for military
                                                                                                                                    contractor Raytheon, for intelligence,
                                                                                                         operations, surveil-       reconnaissance, and potentially weapon-
                                                                                                         lance, and other com-      ry. Turkey has deployed Kargu tactical
                                                                                                         plex functions without     kamikaze drones on the Syrian border
                                                                                                                                    via remote pilots. In October, China
                                                                                                         human interaction. In a    conducted a test launch of 48 “suicide”
                                                                                                         drone swarm, the col-      drones from a truck and helicopter. This
                                                                                                         lective functionality of   follows a number of other larger swarm-
                                                                                                                                    drone experiments by the country in
                                                                                                         the overall network be-    2017. The U.S. Army plans to build an
                                                                                                         comes more important       autonomous charging system that swarm
                                                                                                         than each individual       drones could fly to for charging before
                                                                                                                                    redeployment. The Army is also working
300 unmanned drones performed aerial formations and light shows during the rehearsal for Singapore
National Day Parade in 2017.
                                                                                                         drone, and the group of    on a giant recharging drone called the
                                                                                                         drones can “learn” and     Joint Tactical Aerial Resupply Vehicle,
                                                                                                         adapt synergistically.     which is also intended to serve swarms.

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Drones Swarms continued

                                                                                                                          DISRUPTIVE IMPACT                             EMERGING PLAYERS

                                                                                                                          Swarms of drones would allow a single         • U.S. Navy Office of Naval Research
                                                                                                                          delivery truck to service a full neigh-       • U.K. Defence Science and Technology
                                                                                                                          borhood or multiple drones to work              Laboratory
                                                                                                                          together in the manner of a school of
                                                                                                                          fish. Ideally, future swarms will use what    • China Electronics Technology Group
                                                                                                                          Nora Ayanian, a roboticist at University
                                                                                                                          of Southern California, calls “leveraging
                                                                                                                          diversity in the control policy,” in which
                                                                                                                          each drone is programmed slightly dif-
                                                                                                                          ferently so that the one best suited to the
                                                                                                                          task teaches the rest of the swarm how
                                                                                                                          to act. This could make drones more
                                                                                                                          robust in unstructured and uncertain en-
                                                                                                                          vironments, such as in disaster response,
                                                                                                                          environmental monitoring, and military

Drone swarms fan out to automatically amd work as a team to accomplish goals.

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Drone Fleets
                                                     KEY INSIGHT                            EXAMPLES                                    DISRUPTIVE IMPACT                            EMERGING PLAYERS

                                                                                            The pandemic accelerated drone-delivery     Amazon has also filed patents for inter-     • Amazon
                                                     Fleets of drones                       certification approvals, as many con-       esting drone-fleet logistics, including a    • Google’s Wing
                                                     operating as air                       sumers avoided brick-and-mortar stores.     gigantic beehive-like structure, where
                                                                                            Amazon received U.S. Federal Aviation       drones would dock and receive packages,      • UPS
                                                     carriers will begin
                                                                                            Administration clearance last year to be-   and a laundry chute system attached to       • FedEx
                                                     making package                         gin making commercial deliveries under      houses where packages would drop safe-       • Walgreens
                                                     deliveries soon.                       a trial program. Amazon joined UPS and      ly and tumble down to customers.
                                                                                                                                                                                     • CVS
                                                                                            Google as companies certified to make
                                                                                            autonomous deliveries. Google’s Wing,
                                                                                            partnering with Walgreens and FedEx,
                                                                                            began its tests last year. UPS now flies
                                                                                            medical supplies between buildings on a
                                                                                            Raleigh, N.C., hospital campus.

Amazon’s patent for a multilevel urban hive.

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Cognitive Active Safety Features
                                                       KEY INSIGHT                            EXAMPLES                                    DISRUPTIVE IMPACT                            EMERGING PLAYERS

                                                                                              Netradyne makes AI-powered dash             Vehicle manufacturers will continue to       • Netradyne
                                                       Car manufacturers,                     cameras that monitor real-time road         implement and tout active safety features    • Driveri
                                                       seeking to meet                        conditions to reduce accidents. Compa-      to attract safety-minded consumers, with
                                                                                              nies can use the technology inside fleet    software representing the next wave of       • Comma.ai
                                                       consumer preferences,
                                                                                              vehicles to monitor driving behavior        advances. Car manufacturer develop-          • Tesla
                                                       are quickly adopting                   and teach commercial drivers how to         ment cycles, historically occurring over a
                                                       proactive safety                       be safer and more efficient drivers.        10 year span, will accelerate as platforms
                                                                                              Comma.ai created Openpilot, an open-        become increasingly software-driven.
                                                       functions that also                    source software driver assistance system
                                                       provide the building                   that uses a $1,200 camera and develop-
                                                       blocks for full                        ment kit that allows people to trans-
                                                                                              form their cars so they steer, accelerate
                                                       autonomous driving.                    and brake automatically, as with Tesla’s
                                                                                              Autopilot. Comma.ai works with a
                                                                                              large variety of car models and man-
                                                                                              ufacturers via a customized Android
                                                                                              cell phone mounted to the windshield
                                                                                              and connected to the vehicle’s existing
                                                                                              adaptive cruise control hardware.

Increasingly advanced safety features are laying the
foundation for autonomous vehicles.

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Autonomous Last Mile Delivery
                                                         KEY INSIGHT                            EXAMPLES                                   DISRUPTIVE IMPACT                            EMERGING PLAYERS

                                                                                                Nuro, a startup founded by former          A study from the World Economic              • Nuro
                                                         Autonomous delivery                    Google engineers, is developing auton-     Forum found that rising demand in            • Refraction AI
                                                         is becoming more                       omous vehicles for last-mile deliveries,   e-commerce will lead to a 36% increase
                                                                                                including take-out, groceries, laundry,    in delivery vehicles in the largest 100      • Cenntro Automotive Group
                                                         common, driven in
                                                                                                and packages. JD.com has autonomously      global cities by 2030, and last-mile         • Arrival
                                                         part by an increased                   delivered more than 13,000 packages,       delivery will spike 78%. The first widely    • Rivian
                                                         desire for contactless                 traveling 6,900 kilometers in lockdown     deployed autonomous vehicles likely
                                                                                                environments. Cenntro Automotive           won’t be transporting humans but rather
                                                         interactions brought                   Group’s CityPorter electric vehicle will   familiar goods—like pizza. These sorts of
                                                         about by the                           soon make urban deliveries, while Gen-     autonomous deliveries will continue to
                                                         pandemic. Delivery is                  eral Motors launched a new last-mile       gain momentum as a reliable, data-rich,
                                                                                                delivery business called BrightDrop.       and cost-effective solution for last-mile
                                                         an ideal testing and                                                              transportation with the potential to
                                                         development ground                                                                improve customer experiences. These
                                                                                                                                           relatively low-stakes deliveries will
                                                         for autonomous                                                                    socialize autonomous technology in
                                                         vehicles, as the hurdles                                                          everyday society, easing the transition to
                                                         for safely transporting                                                           autonomous vehicle systems for trans-
                                                                                                                                           porting people.
                                                         food are lower than
Starship Technologies uses robots to deliver food        those for safely
and drinks to George Mason University students.
                                                         transporting humans.

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Air Lanes
                                                        KEY INSIGHT                            EXAMPLES                                       DISRUPTIVE IMPACT                             EMERGING PLAYERS

                                                                                               The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration       Regulators have an opportunity to pre-        • U.S. Federal Aviation Administration
                                                        The proliferation of                   has updated its Part 135 certification pro-    empt congestion, ensure safety, manage        • International Civil Aviation
                                                        drones will lead to more               cess for package deliveries by drone and is    community perception, ensure privacy            Organization
                                                                                               creating new regulation for air safety and     and learn from road and air travel if they
                                                        aviation guidelines, in-                                                                                                            • European Union Aviation
                                                                                               industry guidelines. UPS Flight Forward        proactively create aerial infrastructure
                                                        cluding “air lanes” that               was the first to receive a Standard Part 135   along with key stakeholders. Cities and         Safety Agency
                                                        will guide low-flying air-             air carrier certificate to operate a drone     states will then need to develop regulation   • Civil Aviation Administration of China
                                                                                               aircraft in 2019. The FAA is now working       to ensure interoperability of drone lanes.
                                                        craft, both piloted and                with industry as well as state, local, and
                                                                                                                                                                                            • South African Civil Aviation Authority

                                                        autonomous. Where                      tribal governments to inform future rules                                                    • Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore

                                                        and when these new                     and regulations.
                                                                                               The FAA’s new BEYOND program will
                                                        aircraft can operate will              develop and scale drone delivery opera-
                                                        significantly impact the               tions, establishing rules for infrastructure
                                                        built and natural envi-                inspection and public operations. The
                                                                                               program will also gather data and commu-
                                                        ronment, and managing                  nity feedback on the social and economic
                                                        the number of flying                   benefits of drones. Vodafone and Ericsson
                                                                                               will work together to prove how safe
                                                        drones will be important
                                                                                               flight path corridors can be created within
Proactive planning can help avoid an aerial overload.   to ensure safety and                   existing cellular network coverage. Using
Image credit: Flightradar24.
                                                        noise pollution.                       network traffic data ensures that autono-
                                                                                               mous drones avoid areas of poor network
                                                                                               coverage to guarantee connectivity from
                                                                                               departure to destination.
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Flying Taxis
                                                     KEY INSIGHT                            EXAMPLES                                       DISRUPTIVE IMPACT                           EMERGING PLAYERS

                                                                                            In 2021, Cadillac introduced a vertical        Most designs use electric engines that      • European Organisation for the Safety
                                                     Compact, unmanned                      take-off and landing (eVTOL) personal          allow for vertical landing and takeoff        of Air Navigation
                                                     electric aircraft                      air taxi. It’s General Motors’ first foray     in urban spaces, enable short- to me-       • New Zealand government
                                                                                            into the increasingly crowded aerial           dium-distance trips, and rely on both
                                                     have moved beyond                                                                                                                 • EHang
                                                                                            mobility space. Hyundai, Aston Martin,         piloted and autonomous formats. NASA
                                                     the concept stage,                     and other carmakers announced plans            Ames Research Center and the U.S.
                                                     and now a flurry of                    to build their own eVTOL aircraft. But         Federal Aviation Administration are
                                                                                            there have been setbacks: A fire inside a      currently working to create regulations
                                                     prototype tests at                     hangar destroyed a prototype by Ger-           for safety and air traffic control. The
                                                     companies worldwide                    many-based Lilium; Boeing’s Aurora             result could be hundreds of thousands
                                                     could open the door                    Flight Sciences prototype crashed; and         of delivery drones and air taxis flying
                                                                                            Kitty Hawk’s one-person vehicle, Flyer,        in urban and suburban airspace, open-
General Motors debuted its concept eVTOL in 2021.
                                                     for autonomous air                     suffered fires involving batteries, electric   ing up a new medium of travel for the
                                                     travel services to take                motors, and wiring.                            mainstream passenger and impacting
                                                                                                                                           transit design, congestion, and travel
                                                     individuals and small                                                                 times. The high rate of crashes in the
                                                     groups short distances.                                                               helicopter travel industry, including
                                                                                                                                           the high-profile fatal crash of Kobe and
                                                                                                                                           Gianna Bryant and seven other people in
                                                                                                                                           2020, highlights the need for increased
                                                                                                                                           safety in this burgeoning area.

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Follow-Me Autonomously
                                                      KEY INSIGHT                            EXAMPLES                                     DISRUPTIVE IMPACT                             EMERGING PLAYERS

                                                                                             Many photo- and video-enabled con-           The ability to automatically avoid crash-     • DJI
                                                      “Follow-me”                            sumer drones available today have “fol-      es and reroute around obstacles greatly       • Skydio
                                                      functionality, whereby                 low-me” and crash-avoidance function-        increases a drone’s safety and versatility.
                                                                                             ality, enabling semi-autonomous flight,      Autonomous conflict avoidance and             • Yuneec
                                                      a drone is able to
                                                                                             where a subject is kept in the frame of      follow-me functionality reduce stress
                                                      detect and pursue a                    the camera without the need for a des-       and sensory demand on the remote pilot,
                                                      moving subject, has                    ignated pilot. This is ideal for capturing   making indoor flight easier and expand-
                                                                                             solo activities like skiing, surfing, and    ing the range of circumstances in which
                                                      burst onto the scene                   dance. Most of these drones rely on GPS      drones can be safely operated.
                                                      in personal drones                     transmitter technology or recognition
                                                      for photography and                    software, such as DJI ActiveTrack.

                                                      videography, but it has
                                                      potential applications
                                                      in a range of settings
                                                      and situations.

Follow-me functionality allows drone operators to
capture the moment without worrying about piloting.

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Inspection Drones
                                                        KEY INSIGHT                            EXAMPLES                                  DISRUPTIVE IMPACT                             EMERGING PLAYERS

                                                                                               Drone inspections are being performed     Increasingly frequent extreme weather         • Carnegie Mellon University
                                                        As natural disasters                   in almost every industry that requires    events will further strain infrastructure.    • Neurala
                                                        and extreme weather                    visual inspections, in the aftermath of   As civil aviation authorities grant new
                                                                                               a weather event or as part of routine     certifications to allow flights beyond        • Optelos
                                                        events become more
                                                                                               maintenance. Drones can capture visual    the visual line of sight, drones will gain    • PowerVision Robots
                                                        common, drones                         data more safely than humans can—         access to remote gas pipelines, power
                                                        will help with the                     and AI systems process those data in      lines, and other areas that are often only
                                                                                               real time. Carnegie Mellon University     reachable by dangerous backroads.
                                                        rapid inspection and                   researchers are developing an AI system
                                                        interpretation of                      that will review amateur drone footage
                                                        critical infrastructure.               of damage from 2020’s Hurricane Laura
                                                                                               so that it can perform rapid damage
                                                                                               assessments in the future. The system
                                                                                               would automatically identify buildings
                                                                                               and offer preliminary damage assess-
                                                                                               ments, increasing situational awareness
                                                                                               and significantly reducing cost and
                                                                                               human labor.

Drones can inspect infrastructure in places that are
too dangerous for humans.

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Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
                                                       KEY INSIGHT                            EXAMPLES                                         DISRUPTIVE IMPACT                            EMERGING PLAYERS
                                                                                              The U.S. Navy first developed underwa-           Underwater drones are changing the           • Blueye Robotics
                                                       Drones aren’t just                     ter drones, and such devices were used to        business dynamics of marine construc-        • Geneinno
                                                       for air and land.                      discover the wreck of the Titanic in 1985.       tion, potentially increasing underwater
                                                                                              Modern drones are far more advanced.             land usage. The potential of improved        • Youcan Robot
                                                       Underwater drones                      Today’s autonomous underwater vehicles           underwater surface mapping could also        • Notilo Plus
                                                       have been around                       are used to disable mines; to explore for
                                                                                                                                               cut the costs of laying the transatlantic
                                                                                              oil and gas drilling; to inspect nets; to feed
                                                       since the 1950s,                       and stock fisheries; and to reduce costs for     cables that serve as the backbone of the
                                                                                              monitoring, building, and maintaining            internet, enabling increased competition
                                                       but in recent years                                                                     and connectivity. Military autonomous
                                                                                              underwater assets. General Dynamics’
                                                       the technology has                     Bluefin-21 drone is known for its 2014           underwater vehicles could be used in
                                                       improved dramatically                  search for the wreckage from Malaysia            both offensive and defensive capacities
                                                                                              Airlines Flight 370. Boeing’s Echo Voyag-        including intelligence, network infra-
                                                       due to better batteries,               er is the largest autonomous underwater          structure, port security, and more.
                                                       low-light high-                        vehicle, weighing 100,000 pounds, and
                                                                                              it can also go the deepest. Boeing and
                                                       definition cameras,                    Huntington Ingalls Industries are now
                                                       and lighter control                    developing the Orca drone submarine,
                                                                                              designed for military combat, surveil-
                                                       boxes and sensors.                     lance, and minesweeping. Lockheed
Autonomous vehicles could significantly help to
                                                                                              Martin’s Marlin can create 3D models of
maintain and inspect underwater structures.
                                                                                              its surrounding environment in real time.
                                                                                              The navies of France, Japan, Russia, and
                                                                                              China, meanwhile, are developing their
                                                                                              own underwater technologies. Under-
                                                                                              water drones have even become popular
                                                                                              among consumer hobbyists and can be
53                                                                                            purchased online for $500 to $3,000.
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