MV speech advances 36 entries to state - Maquoketa Valley

Page created by Helen Erickson
MV speech advances 36 entries to state - Maquoketa Valley
Issue 22
                                                             March 10, 2021

                                        A publication by the students of Maquoketa Valley High School

 MV speech advances 36 entries to state
          The Maquoketa Valley Contest          Ashtyn Porter (Poetry), Brock Trenkamp
Speech Team held their district individual      (After Dinner Speaking and Radio News
events contest Feb. 27 in-person. The Wild-     Announcing), Anna Deutmeyer (After
cats finished the day with 36 division I rat-   Dinner Speaking), Preston Roling (Radio
ings and 11 division II ratings.                News Announcing), Carissa Sabers (Story-
          Those students earning a I rat-       telling), and Kylie Chesnut (Storytelling).
ing and advancing to state include Ab-                    The students who received divi-
bie Sheehy (Prose), Erin Knipper (Prose),       sion I ratings will perform tomorrow for
McKenna Thompson (Public Address and            three judges for state contest. MV is host-
Reviewing), Amanda Mohr (Reviewing),            ing that again. Students from Jesup will
Amaya Hunt (Reviewing), Paige Pan-              also be participating in the contest.
osh (Spontaneous Speaking and Acting),                    Students earning a division II
George Livingston (Spontaneous Speak-           rating include Lily Huber (Poetry), Saige         Class of the week
ing), Logan Johnson (Spontaneous Speak-         Hunt (Poetry), Emma Ritz (After Dinner
ing and Radio News Announcing), Molly           Speaking), Kaitlyn Nolan (Storytelling),         Ag Construction & Technology
Anderegg (Solo Musical Theatre and Act-         Paige Winter (Prose), George Livingston
ing), Andrew Kloser (Public Address and         (Prose), Emma Beitz (Spontaneous Speak-
Storytelling), Allie Dunn (Public Address       ing), Keziah Ambundo (Solo Musical The-
and Expository Address), Carlie Lewin           atre), Emilee Supple (Literary Program),
(Original Oratory), Kaela Clemen (Original      Matthew Brehm (Literary Program), and
Oratory and Poetry), Kendra Hillers (Origi-     Carlie Lewin (Literary Program).
nal Oratory), Emma Beitz (Improvisation),          Above right: Mr. DeVore offers advice
Noah DeVore (Improvisation and Acting),            to George Livingston during his prac-
Keziah Ambundo (Improvisation), Mad-                        tice for spontaneous speaking.
eline Gellersen (Expository Address), Liz
McDowell (Expository Address and Act-
ing), Josie Teymer (Expository Address),
                                                                                                         The Ag Construction & Technol-
Groups take part in service projects                                                            ogy class built this table to assist the speech
                                                                                                program with its need for a judge’s table.
                                                                                                The students took an inventory of the shop,
                                                                                                determined the best materials to build the
                                                                                                desk with, and began the design process.
                                                                                                After some trial and error, the students
                                                                                                were able to construct a desk with a swing-
                                                                                                ing top on hinges. The project in total took
                                                                                                two class periods.
                                                                                                         All of our construction classes
                                                                                                have been taking on some projects for the
                                                                                                school, including new storage shelves for
                                                                                                the athletic storage room, as well as plat-
                                                                                                forms for both the High School and Middle
                                                                                                School Gym to broadcast basketball games
                                                                                                this season.
                                                                                                         If anybody ever has a project they
NHS members, like Adrienne                      FFA members collected 542 items                 need done, contact Mr. Edwards or any-
Freiburger, wrote letters to hos-               of food during the FFA Week                     body taking a construction class so they can
pice patients.                                  challenge.                                      make it happen!
MV speech advances 36 entries to state - Maquoketa Valley
Runner-up trophy finds its home in Delhi                                                           All-Conference Basketball
                                                                                                             First Team
                                                                                                           Andrew Holtz
                                                                                                            Ella Imler*
                                                                                                           Taya Tucker*
                                                                                                     Emerson Whittenbaugh*
                                                                                                           Second Team
                                                                                                            Avery Holtz
                                                                                                       Honorable Mention
                                                                                                          A.J. Ambundo
                                                                                                         Kennedy Rausch
                                                                                                          Carissa Sabers
                                                                                                   Player of the Year: Ella Imler
                                                                                                 Coach of the Year: Coach Moenck

by Tara Goedken                                 Tucker with four rebounds each. Tucker led             Academic All-State
          The journey to state has been an      in steals with three followed by Chesnut
incredible one for the players, the coaches,    with two steals. Tucker led in assists with
                                                                                                           Ella Imler
the families, and the fans, and when that       four followed by Chesnut with three assists           Emerson Whittenbaugh
journey ended with a runner-up trophy,          and Imler with two assists.
pride filled Wells Fargo Arena.                           In the Semifinals the Wildcats         Iowa Girls Coaches Association
          The Wildcats started their state      played against Nodaway Valley on Friday.                1st team: Ella Imler
tournament trip on Tuesday night against        The Wildcats won with a score of 47-45.
Rock Valley. The Wildcats come on top           The Wildcats were able to score 26 points
                                                                                                 2nd team: Emerson Whittenbaugh
with a 51-35 win.The Wildcats were down         in the first half and 21 points in the second          3rd team: Taya Tucker
at halftime with a score of 20-21. The Wild-    half.                                            District Coach of the Year: Coach
cats were able to score 31 points in the sec-             The senior trio led on offense.                     Moenck
ond half of the game.                           Whittenbaugh had 19 points followed by
          Ella Imler led on offense with        Imler and Tucker with nine points each.
20 points. Emerson Whittenbaugh had 12          Carissa Sabers added six points.
                                                                                                          IPSWA All-State
points and Taya Tucker had 10 points.                     Tucker led in rebounds with six        First team: Ella Imler & Emerson
          On defense, Kylie Chesnut led in      rebounds followed by Chestnut and Whit-                     Whittenbaugh
rebounds with 10 followed by Imler and          tenbaugh with three rebounds each. Imler             Second team: Taya Tucker
                                                and Tucker each had three steals. Whitten-
                                                baugh led in assists with three followed by
                                                Chesnut and Tucker with two assists. Imler
                                                                                                   State All-Tournament Team
                                                and Kennedy Rausch each added one as-                        Ella Imler
                                                sist.                                                      Taya Tucker
                                                          On Saturday the Wildcats played       Interesting Basketball Conference Stats
                                                against Dike-New Hartford in the 2A State                for the 2020-21 Season
                                                Championship game. The Wildcats fell to         MV Girls
                                                the Wolverines comeback with a score of         Record: 14-0
                                                42-47. The Wildcats were able to score 25       Field goals made: 250
                                                points in the first half and added 17 points    Field goal percentage: 41.5%
                                                in the second half of the game.                 Free throws made: 154
                                                          On offense, Tucker led with 14        Free throw percentage: 65.5%
                                                points followed by Imler with 11 points and     Average rebounds/game: 27.6
                                                Chesnut with nine points.
                                                          Tucker led in rebounds with 11        MV Boys
                                                rebounds followed by Whittenbaugh with          Record: 7-7
                                                eight rebounds. Tucker had three steals and     Field goals made: 239
                                                Rausch had one steal. All three seniors had     Field goal percentage: 39.1%
                                                two assists.                                    Free throws made: 94
                                                          The Lady Wildcats ended their in-     (Avery Holtz made 25/26 for 96.2%)
Carissa Sabers Ds up at State. (photos          credible basketball season as the Class 2A      Free throw percentage: 70.2%
by Lesa Parmely)                                State Runner Up with a record of 25-1.          Average rebounds/game: 24.4
MV speech advances 36 entries to state - Maquoketa Valley
Coach Arnold embarks on a softball journey
compiled by Leah Ries                                       The state changed the rules for
What is your past experience with                 how many contact days we can have with
coaching softball? I have a lot of coaching       players for hitting which I think is a good
experience. (32) total seasons coaching a         thing. It puts everyone under the same rule
variety of sports but softball isn’t one at the   and we have the flexibility to get some
top of the list. I have coached Varsity Base-     work in before May hits. We will start our
ball before and played at a high level my-        hitting sessions in April. The Monday May
self but this will be my first official season    3rd is the first official day of practice and
coaching softball. I am lucky to have good        with the crazy schedule May is with track/
assistants and also have a lot of personal        golf meets, conference meets and dis-
connections to fellow coaches who have            trict meets along with graduation, awards
coached softball for a long time that are         nights and other things, we will get about
helping me with the transition. The game          5 practices with the entire team present at
of softball and baseball have a lot in com-       the same time. Everyone else is in a similar
mon but at the same time, they are differ-        situation so we will work through it and be
ent games. Approach at the plate, defensive       ready to go Monday May 24th for our first
situations, substitutions, they all have their    game against North Linn.
unique twist which are fun and also a new
challenge to take on. One thing I pride my-       What are your goals for the team this
self on is when people doubt what I can do,       year? We will play hard, play smart, com-        sons coaching a girls sport and (3) seasons
I tend to thrive in those situations. There       pete and have fun while doing it. Summer         coaching a boys sport over the (14) total
will always be doubters and I welcome the         sports are great because you have a lot          years that I have coached. The dynamics of
challenge. Is it May 3rd yet?                     of things going on but as long as you can        coaching girls is different than boys and I
                                                  focus on softball for a couple hours a day       enjoy that. After a while you can see too
What do you have planned for the pre-             when you are present, you can enjoy what         much of one another and it is good to have
season? We already have pitchers/catchers         you are doing and have success. Nothing          a change both for the kids and the coaches.
that have gotten into things on their own         better than having success and it also being               We have a lot of hard working
and started preparing for the season. Thurs-      fun through the process.                         girls who show up, allow you to coach
day February 18th is our first Pitching/                                                           them and then take that coaching and try to
Catching session in Earlville that Coach          What are you most looking forward to             apply it to the skill or task you are working
Anderegg will be running that is open to all      this upcoming season? I have coached             with them on. Seeing progress from Day 1
8th-12th grade pitchers and catchers. Start-      a girls sport for (6) of my (32) total seasons   to the end of the season is the most enjoy-
ing Monday March 8th I will be offering           coaching football, basketball, baseball,         able. Whether that be from the best player
the same opportunity on Monday mornings           track and golf. The top 6 most enjoyable         on the team or the person who has never
before school.                                    seasons I have had coaching were (3) sea-        played the game before. The full range of

  Instrumentalists take the floor                                                                  abilities is fun to coach and see them get
                                                                                                   better throughout the year and throughout
                                                                                                   their career.
                                                                                                             We will have (4) Seniors this up-
                                                                                                   coming season, Taya Tucker, Payton Bea-
                                                                                                   man, Krista Ries and Abbie Sheehy. We
                                                                                                   will look to those girls to lead the right way
                                                                                                   and finish off their Wildcat softball career
                                                                                                   the right way. Have success and have fun
                                                                                                   through the process.

                                                                                                   What is the most rewarding part about
                                                                                                   being a coach? The interactions with
                                                                                                   the players is the best part. I also look for-
                                                                                                   ward to my daughter Sadey (9) who will
                                                                                                   be around the team a lot and be able to see
                                                                                                   what a good group of girls who work hard
                                                                                                   and work as a team can achieve. I was able
                                                                                                   to see that growing up as a coach’s son and
Mrs. Fisher and Mr. Ford led the 5-12 bands in their annual Parade of Bands con-                   I want that for her.
cert Tuesday night. The concert bands performed as well as the jazz band. The jazz
band, above, performed a chart for the student body before school Tuesday.
MV speech advances 36 entries to state - Maquoketa Valley
Name: Kaela Clemen                             Fine Artists of the Week                       In the future, I will be much more confi-
What event                                                                                    dent and comfortable when I have to talk
                                               allows us to connect with one another.
are you in for                                                                                to larger groups of people.
                                               What other event would you like to try
                                               and why? I think I would really love to
Poetry and Origi-                                                                             Name: McKenna Thompson
                                               be in Acting, or Public Address. I like
nal Oratory                                                                                   What event are you in for speech?
                                               truly taking on a new character, which
What do you                                                                                   I am in reviewing
                                               I think you can easily embody through
enjoy most                                                                                    and public address
                                               Acting. Public Address would just be cool
about individual                                                                              What do you
                                               because I wouldn’t have to write my own
speech? Having                                                                                enjoy most
                                               speech ;)
fun with my po-                                                                               about individual
                                               How will speech help you in the future?
etry piece and re-                                                                            speech?
                                               Obviously, it will help majorly with com-
ally bringing each                                                                            I like getting to
                                               munication skills, but I think it aids a lot
mood and emotion out in my piece. Also                                                        send people a
                                               in your personal confidence.
seeing my progress through my Original                                                        message with my
Oratory piece grow.                                                                           speeches or enter-
                                               Name: Andrew Kloser
What have you learned through this                                                            taining them.
                                               What event
event? That I am capable of memorizing                                                        What have you
                                               are you in for
and giving a speech like in Original Ora-                                                     learned through this event? I’ve learned
tory in front of people a group of people                                                     that I love public speaking and want to
                                               Public address and
even though it makes me nervous.                                                              incorporate it into my future job
What other event would you like to try                                                        What other event would you like to
                                               What do you
and why? Public Address because I have                                                        try and why? I would like to try original
                                               enjoy most
watched other public addresses and even                                                       oratory
                                               about individual
though it is harder to memorize a speech                                                      How will speech help you in the future?
                                               speech? The pres-
that is written by someone else, there are                                                    I will learn how to speak in front of oth-
                                               sure of it all being
so many options like Ted talks or speeches                                                    ers as well as inspire or persuade them.
                                               on you, no one
pulled from court cases. I think it would
be really fun to do.                                                                          Name: Josie Teymer
                                               What have you
How will speech help you in the future?                                                       What event
                                               learned through this event? I’ve learned
Being confident when talking in-front of                                                      are you in for
                                               what it takes to stand up in front of people
groups of people, and it helps to build                                                       speech? I am in
                                               and speak confidently. It’s not easy
confidence and conversation skills.                                                           expository speech.
                                               What other event would you like to try
                                                                                              What do you
                                               and why? Acting, I’ve never done it and it
Name: Amaya Hunt                                                                              enjoy most
                                               sounds fun.
What event                                                                                    about individual
                                               How will speech help you in the future?
are you in for                                                                                speech? I enjoy
                                               It will help me in school and after school
speech? I am in                                                                               teaching people
Reviewing with                                                                                about my topic
Mrs. DeVore.                                                                                  and watching
                                               Name: Kylie Chesnut
What do you                                                                                   other people’s
                                               What event
enjoy most                                                                                    performances.
                                               are you in for
about individual                                                                              What have you learned through this
                                               speech? Storytell-
speech? It’s odd,                                                                             event? I have learned how to memorize
but I like the feel-                                                                          something in a short amount of time.
                                               What do you
ing of knowing                                                                                What other event would you like to try
                                               enjoy most
that I have every-                                                                            and why? After watching a few other
                                               about individual
one’s attention; I                                                                            categories I think that I would like to try
                                               speech? Being
like knowing that all eyes in the room are                                                    storytelling.
                                               able to spend more
on me. I enjoy the challenge of making                                                        How will speech help you in the future?
                                               time with friends
people feel a certain way, or getting them                                                    This will help me in the future to give
                                               and having fun
to look at a certain aspect of life in a new                                                  presentations at work.
                                               with our events.
way, or with a better appreciation. I love                                                         Congratulations to Smooth
                                               What have you learned through this
the freedom that comes with it- you can
                                               event? Going all out with the characters        Harmony on being selected to the
take a speech and do whatever you want
with it... it’s really a blank slate.
                                               makes it a lot more fun.                        Iowa Vocal Jazz Championships
                                               What other event would you like to try            for the 15th consecutive year!
What have you learned through this
                                               and why? I think I would try Acting, but
event? I’ve learned that one of the big-                                                      Class 1A/2A will compete on Mon-
                                               Storytelling is for sure my favorite!
gest & strongest tools in life are emotions.
                                               How will speech help you in the future?          day, March 29th at Valley High
It’s what really makes us human and what                                                          School in West Des Moines.
MV speech advances 36 entries to state - Maquoketa Valley
Best Buds
  The Lunch Ladies (Karlene Sellner,
     Rose Tumey, Bonnie Nurre,
      Patty Wilson, Laura Begle)
by Amaya Hunt

How long have you been working at
lunch here in the high school?
Karlene: 15 years
Rose: 7 years.
Bonnie: I actually started in 1997- I helped
the cooks when they needed it. In 2009, I
started working every day.
Patty: 16 years- this is year 17.
Laura: 3 years.
                                               If you weren’t involved with the MV             anyone that could use them. Covid slowed
In your time spent here at MV, what is         community, what would you absolutely            us down this year, but we are ready to
the best memory you’ve created?                love to do with your life?                      hand out shoes!
Karlene: My time with the gals in the          Karlene: I would spend more time with
kitchens, and with the entire MV staff in      my family & grandkids; I would also             What’s one piece of advice you’d love to
general :)                                     spend more time helping out at Camp             give to the students in the high school?
Bonnie: In Halloween of 2020, I dressed        Courageous’ garage sales, as they are           Karlene: Make the best of your high
up as Mary Sanderson from the movie            focused on helping kids.                        school years. Make sure it’s fun and en-
Hocus Pocus. I would tell people, “I smell     Patty: Travel- there’s such a great, wide       joyable! It goes by so fast.
children.” :)                                  world out there to be seen & experienced.       Bonnie: Find a job that you love & enjoy
Patty: We’ve created so many, but I’d have                                                     doing, and you will never have to work a
to say that most recent was dressing up        What is your favorite time of the school        day in your life.
with Laura & Bonnie as the Sanderson           year, and why?                                  Patty: Get involved! I feel everybody
Sisters from Hocus Pocus last Halloween.       Karlene:I really love Summer. But in            at MV has a talent to share or explore.
The elementary kids especially loved it!       general, I really like the warmer months        Music, arts, speech, sports, technology…
Laura: I loved dressing up as the Sand-        (spring, summer & fall) when I can be out-      you will find like-minded friends, and find
erson Sisters for Halloween and walking        side camping, and working in my flower          things you love (or don’t love ;). Explore!
around the school!                             beds.                                           Laura: Always be kind. And make sure to
                                               Rose: I like spring- it’s close to the end of   help out wherever you can!
What do you love most about coming             the school year, and brings summer!
to work in the morning and seeing your         Bonnie: Even though most of us aren’t           If you could have one meal cooked for
co-workers?                                    excited about the beginning of the school       you, what would it be?
Karlene: I love when everyone is laugh-        year, I am. Everywhere you look, it’s           Karlene: Any meal that I don’t have to
ing and having a good time -- things go        clean! The floors shine, windows sparkle,       prepare for myself :)
so well. I really enjoy hearing what they      the hallways, bulletin boards, desks….          Rose: Lasagna, breadsticks, a garden salad
did last night or what they did over the       They’re all clean and look awesome!             & cheesecake!
weekend before.                                Patty: This is a tough question, because        Bonnie: Chicken tetrazzini & peas.
Rose: I like the camaraderie that comes        Christmas has always been my favorite.          Patty: Seafood & steaks. But I love chefs
with working alongside my co-workers.          But, I really love homecoming because the       who have specialty sauces to enhance
Bonnie: Seeing my co-workers’ smiling          students are having fun and showing so          meals.
faces :)                                       much school spirit! :)
Patty: Life is so busy; it is sometimes        Laura: Spring- I just like the changing of      And as always… in 10 or 15 years,
hard to make time to spend time with           the seasons.                                    where do you hope to be in life?
friends. When Covid hit, it made it that                                                       Karlene: I hope that I’ll be kicking back,
much harder. So, coming to work every          What’s one piece of information about           relaxing and enjoying life…. and retire-
day, I get to see Bonnie, my dear friend;      yourself that most students wouldn’t            ment ;)
Laura, who always makes me laugh; Rose,        know?                                           Bonnie: I want to be healthy and enjoying
a trusted friend & neighbor; Lisa, whom I      Karlene: I am more of a quiet person.           time with my family.
love to spend time with; and Pam, who is       Patty: I started the MV Shoebox. Shoes          Patty: In 10 years, I hope to be retired with
so humble & thoughtful.                        are free for athletes of all ages; I believe    my husband. I hope that we go hiking,
Laura: Seeing my co-workers; I really          every child should be able to play a sport,     fishing, camping, and travel to see my
enjoy working with Patty, Rose, Bonnie,        or at least try it. Shoes are donated, and      children wherever life takes them.
Pam and Lisa.                                  then I clean them and hand them out to
MV speech advances 36 entries to state - Maquoketa Valley
Hall Smarts                                  MV TEL-ALL Quoted
                                            compiled by Paige Panosh
by Cadence Freiburger
                                                                                         by Matthew Brehm
         In celebration
                                            Almost  150,000        college students
                                            develop an alcohol-related health problem               Prepare for
of Maquoketa Val-                           each year.                                   whatever may lie ahead
ley’s Girls’ Basketball                                             —Ohio University     because it’s impossible
making it to state, I
                                                                                         to know for sure where
thought it might be fun
                                                                                         the future will go.
to ask some of MV’s
                                                                                         This week’s quote is,
high schoolers (includ-
                                                                                         “Sweat more during
ing three of our *girls’
                                            by Matthew Brehm                             peace; bleed less during war.” - Sun Tzu.
basketball players) some trivia questions
                                                                                                    In Boy Scouts, there is one motto
about the Women’s National Basketball
                                            This week’s cutie                            we try to keep in the forefront of our
Association (WNBA).
                                            lives    in    Delhi.                        minds: “Be prepared.” Simple though it
                                            He’s in basketball,                          is, it’s a motto we could all stand to live
1. Who was the first president of the
                                            track, cross country,                        by. On a surface level, you might think of
WNBA league?
                                            speech, and jazz. He                         carrying a first aid kit, knowing how to
*Emerson Whittenbaugh: idk
                                            is a junior and loves                        build a shelter, etc. These are all valuable
*Erin Knipper: Val Ackerman
                                            to waterski and play                         skills to possess, but when we broaden the
Lily Huber: Pam Beesley
                                            basketball in the                            scope, we can apply it to being well-edu-
*Isabel Imler: Val Ackerman
                                            summer.                                      cated, being mindful of human behavior,
Answer: Val Ackerman
                                                                                         and being willing to work hard when times
                                            Last week’s Cutie was Madeline Gellersen.    get tough.
2. What year was the WNBA formed?
                                                                                                    Sun Tzu became a military strate-
*Emerson: 1995
                                                                                         gist for China in the year 512 B.C., writing
*Erin: 1998
                                                                                         his famous book, The Art of War, about 12
Lily: 1976
                                                                                         years later. His primary strategy was not to
*Isabel: 1990s
                                                                                         use force, but rather to collapse a powerful
Answer: 1996
                                            What would you put on your dream             government from the inside out. With this
                                                                                         bit of context, perhaps he meant in this
3. Who scored the first point in WNBA        sandwich if you could use any in-
                                                                                         quote that time would be best spent study-
history?                                     gredients you wanted to make it?            ing opponents before facing them.
*Emerson: Lesa Leslie                       by Paige Winter
                                                                                                    Whether we’d like to admit it or
*Erin: Margo Dydek, from Utah               Amaya Hunt: chicken, bacon, ranch
                                                                                         not, we all give in to unproductive tempta-
Lily: Livia                                 Mr. Dunlap: turkey, bacon, and mayo
                                                                                         tion at times. That’s just part of the human
*Isabel: Sheryl Swoopes                     Amanda Mohr: turkey, cheese, lettuce,
                                                                                         condition. However, the best work always
Answer: Penny Toler                         and ranch
                                                                                         happens when we allow ourselves time
                                            Ashtyn Porter: pepperoni, lettuce, cheese,
                                                                                         to complete something well rather than
4. Which team was the first WNBA team       and ranch
                                                                                         procrastinate. By sweating during peace,
to visit the White House?                   Jackson Hunter: roast beef and provolone,
                                                                                         we bleed less during war. By working hard
*Emerson: LA Sparks                         like a French dip
                                                                                         while we aren’t under high pressure, we
*Erin: Washington Senators                  Keziah Ambundo: A BLT but add pickles
                                                                                         won’t be as stressed when time runs out.
Lily: Houston Ballers                       and mayo
                                                                                                    To me, the “war” in this quote
*Isabel: Houston Comets                     Mr. Arnold: roast beef, mayo, lettuce,
                                                                                         sounds like a test. The more dedication
                                            tomato, colby jack cheese, and Famous
                                                                                         you put into preparing for that test ahead
                                            Dave’s Hot Spicy Pickles, and toasted
                                                                                         of time, the better equipped you will be
Comedy Corner                               bread
                                                                                         to pass it. The test of life requires work.
—compiled by Paige Panosh                   Mr. O: ham, turkey, bacon, lettuce,
                                                                                         Don’t give up a battle before it is in
                                            tomato, banana peppers, jalapenos, black
                                                                                         progress; instead, be proactive. Be ready
What do pre-teen ducks hate?                olives, pickles, and honey mustard
                                                                                         for whatever is thrown at you because it’s
        Voice quacks                        Saige Hunt: just ham and cheese
                                                                                         better to overestimate the future than to
Why do rappers need umbrellas?              Leah Ries: chicken, bacon, lettuce, and
                                                                                         underestimate it.
        Fo’drizzle                          spinach
How do you find Will Smith in the snow?     Kendra Hillers: ham, potatoes chips, let-
        Look for the fresh prints.          tuce, tomato, and pickles
What’s the difference between ignorance     Cy Huber: turkey
and apathy?                                 Nolan Ries: peanut butter and jelly, —
        I don’t know, and I don’t care.     you can’t get better than that
MV speech advances 36 entries to state - Maquoketa Valley MV speech advances 36 entries to state - Maquoketa Valley MV speech advances 36 entries to state - Maquoketa Valley MV speech advances 36 entries to state - Maquoketa Valley
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