DUTCH - NON-Nederlands Letterenfonds

Page created by Tracy Lewis
DUTCH - NON-Nederlands Letterenfonds
Dutch Foundation

    for Literature

    Spring 2021        DUTCH

DUTCH - NON-Nederlands Letterenfonds

       In this brochure, the Dutch Foundation for Literature is pleased
    to present well-written and much talked about non-fiction titles
    recently published in the Netherlands. More than ever, it has become
    clear that the world does not stop at national borders: the corona­
    virus, climate change, international conflicts affect us all, and we
    are kept abreast of global developments through traditional and new
    media. The Dutch non-fiction that we present here responds to this.
    The books are by Dutch authors, but all are international in terms of
    subject matter and approach: it is non-fiction from the Netherlands,
    but certainly not only of importance to the Netherlands.

       For example, internationally-renowned virologist Jaap Goudsmit
    sheds light on the background of the COVID-19 pandemic; historian
    Beatrice de Graaf explains what motivates terrorists worldwide;
    and Daniël Verlaan exposes how cross-border internet crime works.
    But Dutch non-fiction authors also write about the kind of personal
    issues that keep us awake at night: a devastating feeling of guilt
    (Jannah Loontjens), loneliness (Marjan Slob), or simply insomnia
    (Bregje Hofstede). Authors writing about their identity inevitably
    bring the global dimensions of the post-colonial Netherlands into
    the picture: Raoul de Jong writes about Suriname, Jan Brokken about
    Indonesia. And then there is the infectious, naive wanderlust of The
    Globetrotters, who set off in 1911 to make the world a better place.

       The Dutch Foundation for Literature is keen to provide a platform
    for this global exchange. Now that COVID-19 has glued everyone to
    their screens and the usual conversations at bookfairs in Frankfurt,
    London and elsewhere are impossible, we are running a monthly
    Editors’ Hour, in which international non-fiction publishers are
    invited to take a seat around a virtual table to discuss recent acquisi-
    tions and publishing developments. No titles are pitched – although
    this is not forbidden – but conversations are held on how today’s
    world is affecting the book trade. Together with my colleague
    Michele Hutchison, we cordially invite interested editors to attend
    one of the following meetings. Please drop us a line at:

DUTCH - NON-Nederlands Letterenfonds
Raoul                               Jaguarman                                              An inspirational journey into the heart
                                    — My Father, His Father                                of Suriname
de Jong                             and Other Heroes of

                                      Raoul de Jong, the son of a Dutch mother             with leading Surinamese writers, thinkers and                ‘If there is one book
                                    and a Surinamese father, has never met his             resistance heroes, he discovers how the jaguar’s           you really need to read
                                    father until he receives an email just before          power was essential for the country, and comes to          this year, it is Jaguar-
                                    his twenty-eighth birthday asking to meet.             understand how much everyone can learn from it.            man: to learn something
                                    Intriguingly his father tells him about a family          This is a personal, idiosyncratic book written          essential about uncom-
                                    curse. ‘Please, son, leave it alone,’ his father       like an adventure novel, with room for magic and           fortable truths, to “keep
                                    urges him, but this is enough for the curious          mystery and a hope-filled conclusion. It is also           thinking for yourself,
                                    writer to do exactly the opposite. One of his          a beautiful ode to the land of his father. De Jong         even when no one else
                                    ancestors, a medicine man, could transform             himself says, ‘I didn’t intend my book to be “white        does” and to embrace
                                    himself into a jaguar and, gripped by this mys-        homework”, you could read it like that, but you            your inner beauty.’
                                    tery, Raoul decides to investigate in Suriname.        would also be selling it short. You don’t have to            Tzum
                                                                                           have Surinamese roots or be the great-grandson
                                       Raoul’s account of his quest is composed of ten     of a plantation owner to take away something                 ‘Jaguarman is a
                                    letters to his mysterious ancestor, the Jaguarman.     from the history of Suriname.’                             surprisingly rich book.
                                    To get in touch with him and his other ancestors,                                                                 De Jong pulls you into
                                    Raoul completes a seven-day ritual upon the                                                                       the story, which is full
                                    advice of Winti priestess, Miss Elly Purperhart.                                                                  of offshoots and leaps
                                    The central questions for the Jaguarman are as                                                                    in time and thought.’
                                    follows, ‘My father said you could turn yourself                                                                    NRC Handelsblad
                                    into the strongest, and some say, the cruellest
   Dutch title                      animal in the South American rainforest, the king
Jaguarman. Mijn vader, zijn vader   of the Amazon, the jaguar. How did you do that?
en andere Surinaamse helden         Who were you? Where did you come from? How
   Year of publication              did you get your strength? And why, according to
2020                                my father, should I leave those powers alone?’
   Page count                          As a reader, you follow this investigation of the                            Raoul de Jong (b. 1984)
256                                 Jaguarman’s powers, and if you let yourself be                                  travelled through West Africa
   Publisher                        carried away, you fall under his spell – no matter                              for four months at the age of
De Bezige Bij                       how rationally you begin this book. Along with                                  nineteen, survived New York
                                    the main character, you learn about the tumul-                                  for four months with fifty dol-
   Rights                                                                                                           lars in his pocket and walked
Marijke Nagtegaal                   tuous past of the Surinamese people. The history                                from Rotterdam to Marseille.
m.nagtegaal@debezigebij.nl          of the former Dutch colony is one of oppression                                 He has published six novels,
Uta Matten                          and slavery, but those who search also find a great                             including De grootsheid van
u.matten@debezigebij.nl             deal of hope and vitality. Raoul is living proof:                               het al (The Vastness of the
   Illustrations                    his ancestors somehow managed to survive.                                       Universe, 2013) and Dagboek
B&W drawings                                                                                                        van een adolescent (Diary of
                                    During this quest, in which he acquaints himself                                an Adolescent, 2018).
                                                                                                                                                        Photo (© Stephan Vanfleteren)
                                      Dutch Non-Fiction Spring 2021                 2        3
DUTCH - NON-Nederlands Letterenfonds
Bas von                                 After The Annex                                         The first comprehensive study of
                                        — Anne Frank and the                                    its kind, on the tragic camp fates of
Benda-                                  Nazi Death Camps                                        Anne Frank and each of her seven
Beckmann                                                                                        companions in hiding

                                          When Anne Frank’s father, Otto, returned                 While many records are still missing, and in                   ‘Everyone should read
                                        to Amsterdam from Auschwitz, he sought                  many cases were actively destroyed by the Nazis,                this unbearable book,
                                        to uncover what had happened to his wife                Von Beckmann makes use of countless eye-                        though you actually
                                        and two daughters, the Van Pels family and              witness accounts from people who had been in                    would never recommend
                                        dentist Fritz Pfeffer – the seven companions            the same camps at the same time in order to paint               it to anyone.’
                                        with whom he had spent two years in hiding              a picture of the conditions they would have been                   Trouw
                                        before their arrest by the Gestapo. He awaited          subjected to. Such a process is not without its
                                        their return at the train station each day,             historiographical challenges, which the author                    ‘Suspenseful is not
                                        photographs of them in hand. Tragically,                addresses, just as he makes new discoveries about               exactly the right word. It
                                        after piecing together the stories of the few           their individual fates and interactions in the                  feels inappropriate for
                                        eyewitnesses he found, he would be forced               camps. Von Benda-Beckmann also situates these                   a story about the Holo-
                                        to conclude that he alone had survived the              experiences within a larger historical context and              caust. But what do you
                                        Nazi death camps. Seventy-five years later,             the Nazis’ developing approach to the systematic                call a book that you find
                                        After the Annex takes up Otto Frank’s project           extermination of European Jewish people.                        harder and harder to put
                                        and carefully reconstructs each of their camp              This is a heart-wrenching and detailed his-                  down, because you want
                                        experiences in the final days of the Holocaust.         torical account, written in a highly readable and               to know what happens
                                                                                                evocative style. The many photographs of docu-                  next?’
                                           On the last page of what might be the best-          ments and details that have been included help                    NRC Handelsblad
                                        known war story in all of Western history, Anne         bring this disturbing chapter of history to life,
                                        Frank and the seven protagonists of her diary           taking us the closest yet to the tragedy of these
   Dutch title                          joined the faceless mass of Holocaust victims           eight individuals.
Na het Achterhuis. Anne Frank en de     whose individual fates, experiences and memories
andere onderduikers in de kampen        remain largely unknown. In this first systematic
  Year of publication                   and comprehensive historical account of its kind,
2020                                    author Bas von Benda-Beckmann turns to the
   Page count                           wide array of sources available to historians today     After the Annex was pub-       Previous books include
416                                     to restore to each their individuality. Starting with   lished in collaboration with   The Velser Affair, which was
   Sample translation                   their lives before the war, he retraces their jour-     the Anne Frank Foundation,     shortlisted for the Libris
Available                               ney from their detainment in Amsterdam to Dutch         where Bas von Benda-Beck-      History Prize, and The
                                        transit camp Westerbork, at which point their           mann (b. 1976) currently       Oranje­hotel, which garnered
   Publisher                                                                                    works as a historian. He       equally high praise. This lat-
Querido                                 paths diverge as they are deported and transferred      received his PhD from the      est work builds on previous
Martijn Prins                           between Auschwitz-Birkenau, Bergen-Belsen,              University of Amsterdam,       historical research by Erika
m.prins@singeluitgeverijen.nl           Mauthausen, Raguhn, Melk and Neuengamme.                where he wrote his disser-     Prins, Esther Göbel, Gertjan
   Rights sold                          He meticulously reconstructs their experiences of       tation about the German        Broek and Teresien da Silva.
                                        forced labour, factory work, disease, hunger, vio-      historiography of the Allied
Catalan, Galician, Castilian, French,
                                                                                                bombings during the Sec-
German, Portuguese, Russia              lence, freezing temperatures and death marches.         ond World War.
                                                                                                                                                                  Photo (© Lionne Hietberg)
                                          Dutch Non-Fiction Spring 2021                  4        5
DUTCH - NON-Nederlands Letterenfonds
Bregje                            Getting To Sleep                                       A beautifully-written essay that shifts
                                  — How an Insomniac                                     the problem of sleeplessness beyond
Hofstede                          Reclaimed the Night                                    the sleeper

                                     Most animal species do not suffer from              and smoothly weaves world literature through                   On The Rediscovery of the Body:
                                  insomnia. Only animals living in captivity are         her own candid reflections. As in her memoir on
                                  known to develop sleeping problems. Horses             burnout, she concludes that we cannot separate                   ‘No tips here, no
                                  in cramped stables, for example, sway all              physical complaints from the demands, social                   catharsis, but her book
                                  night and hardly sleep. Yet one in ten people          pressure and tensions caused by the world around               encourages reflection
                                  suffer from chronic insomnia – are our cages           us. Herbal tea and better curtains may help, but               on mental and physical
                                  too small? Bregje Hofstede, a certified insom-         the real solution lies in how we deal with our                 health and the interac-
                                  niac herself, looks at the root causes of poor         emotions.                                                      tion between the two.’
                                  sleep in the hope of understanding why she                Hofstede’s own search for tranquillity ends                   Trouw
                                  has such trouble with it.                              with a radical decision: she moves from the city to
                                                                                         a mountainous region in the French countryside.
                                     ‘Sleep was once a god: Morpheus, god of dreams.     ‘If lifestyle tips don’t work, don’t change your               On her novel Drift:
                                  In paintings, he is a handsome winged young man        lifestyle, change your life,’ she concludes, noting
                                  who takes the sleeper in his arms.’ While sleep may    that though she has made this decision for herself,              ‘With Drift, Bregje
                                  be a universal part of life, it remains surprisingly   she doesn’t want to impose it on others.                       Hofstede proves that she
                                  mysterious. We do not really know what it is,                                                                         belongs to the new wave
                                  why we do it, how it works or why exactly it goes                                                                     of Great Dutch writers.’
                                  wrong. What are the fault lines running through                                                                         De Wereld Draait Door
                                  our nights?                                                                                                              book panel (TV)
                                     In this literary essay, Bregje Hofstede examines
  Dutch title                     the function of sleep, why we fail at it and how
Slaap vatten. Hoe een slapeloze   much we are responsible for our own sleepless-
de nacht terugwon                 ness or not. Along the way, she addresses the
  Year of publication             place dreams have in our lives, why our moods are
2021                              so dependent on sleep and what a sleep-friendly
  Page count                      environment might look like. After trying the          Bregje Hofstede (b. 1988)      she examines her own
140                               usual treatments like melatonin, blue light and        is a writer and journalist,    burnout. For De Correspon-
  Sample translation
                                  exercise, she concludes that insomnia is actually a    whose debut novel The          dent, she regularly writes on
                                  wake-up call that something greater must change.       Sky Above Paris received       the topic of New Feminism.
Available                                                                                excellent reviews and was      The English translation of
                                     This is a personal handbook for the bad sleeper,
  Rights                                                                                 translated into German         Hofstede’s autobiograph-
                                  positioned somewhere between popular science           and Danish. She followed       ical essay Mountain was
Das Mag
Stella Rieck                      and memoir, written in a confessional literary         this with Drift, which was     published as a chapbook
rieck@cossee.com                  style. Bregje Hofstede is a master at combining        nominated for the Libris       in 2020 by Strangers Press
  Rights sold                     different genres: she gives us access to the inti-     Literature Prize and also      and explores love and child-
                                  macy of her inner world, refers to thinkers, sleep     published in German. Her       hood, nostalgia and hope.
Germany                                                                                  next book was The Redis-
                                  psychologists and psychiatrists, philosophers,         covery of the Body, in which
                                                                                                                                                           Photo (© Natalie Hill)
                                    Dutch Non-Fiction Spring 2021                 6        7
DUTCH - NON-Nederlands Letterenfonds
Daniël                        I Know Your Password                                  True stories from the dark side
                                                                                    of the web

                                 Picture this: you buy something on eBay            their own kind of threat, Verlaan also infiltrated a         ‘I Know Your Password
                              and not long afterwards your bank account             large-scale paedophile network on the dark web             reads like a journalistic
                              is plundered. Or your smart thermostat is             and shares findings that came unsettlingly close           thriller.’
                              hijacked and your house heated to 37˚C until          to home. In a chapter on revenge porn, it becomes            De Volkskrant
                              you transfer bitcoins to the hackers. You buy         clear how devastating these types of criminal
                              a surveillance camera to keep an eye on your          actions can be, and Joëlle and Nova tell how their         ‘A true page-turner.’
                              dog and it suddenly says ‘Suck my dick’. The          lives have been turned upside down by threats,                NRC Handelsblad
                              internet is a world of opportunities but we           extortion and stalking.
                              often forget that these opportunities are open           Each chapter concludes with useful tips against           ‘Read this book and
                              to criminals and stalkers too.                        digital vulnerability. Readers will abandon their          take Verlaan’s advice to
                                                                                    naïve belief that they have nothing to hide after          heart. Hackers will hate
                                 Daniël Verlaan, a young investigative journalist   reading this book. You may have nothing to hide,           you for it.’
                              specialized in new technology, has written an         but you do have something to lose. In this age               8Weekly
                              eye-opening and frank, story-driven account           of Covid-19, when most of our life is conducted
                              of the hidden dangers of the digital world. He        through our laptops and smartphones, and online
                              explains how hackers look for weaknesses in           scams are more common than ever, this book has
                              website and database security, what the dark web      been on the bestseller lists for weeks.
                              is, why you should be concerned about data leaks,
                              phishing, ransomware and spyware, and – most
                              importantly – what you can do about it.
  Dutch title                    Verlaan went undercover and surfed the dark
Ik weet je wachtwoord         web. He interviewed hackers, cyber criminals and
  Year of publication         victims of revenge porn. He talked to a teenager
2020                          who brought down entire banking systems and
  Page count
                              found out how a small arthouse cinema could
                              take computers hostage on a large scale. Unsus-                                 Daniël Verlaan (b. 1989) is
                              pecting targets as well as perpetrators of clever,                              a tech journalist for the TV
  Sold copies
                              malicious and international hacks each have their                               channel RTL Nieuws where
30,000                                                                                                        he reports on technology
                              say. Surprisingly, some amazingly well-executed
  Sample translation
                              online scams turn out to be little more than the                                and researches the dark
Available                                                                                                     side of the internet. In 2019,
                              bored experiments of insecure adolescent boys.                                  he received two journalism
  Publisher                      These are disturbing, sometimes terrifying                                   prizes for his work: De Tegel
Das Mag                       stories that will make you think again about how                                for journalistic talent, and
  Rights                      you use your computer and your smart phone.                                     De Loep, the prestigious
Cossee International Agency   While DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service),                                     prize for the best investiga-
Stella Rieck                                                                                                  tive journalism.
                              international cyberattacks and phishing pose
                                                                                                                                                 Photo (© Bart Koetsier)
                                Dutch Non-Fiction Spring 2021                 8       9
DUTCH - NON-Nederlands Letterenfonds
Wim                                The Globetrotters                                    Idealist revolutionaries in sandals
                                   — A League of Idealists

                                      On 16 July 1911, three friends dressed in         ethnic tensions in the Austro-Hungarian Empire,                ‘A story that seems
                                   velvet suits and leather sandals set out from        and takes in the remains of the Ottoman Empire               too crazy to be true, but
                                   Amsterdam to walk around the world. They             and colonialism in the Middle East.                          nevertheless is. […] It is a
                                   were pacificists, vegetarians, teetotallers,            In addition to retracing their steps, Willems             breath-taking journey.’
                                   socialists, but – above all – working-class boys     attempts to uncover the source of their vision                 NRC Handelsblad
                                   set on escaping their lot in life. Without much      — especially in a time when only the elite could
                                   money or preparation, yet buoyed by their            expect to travel. He also speaks with their living            ‘A small monument to
                                   optimism and idealism, they would make it to         descendants in the Netherlands, Israel and Aus-              bygone ideals.’
                                   the Middle East before their journey was cut         tralia to sketch the very different lives the group            Het Parool
                                   short by the First World War. Nearly a century       led after their journey. None of them escaped the
                                   later, a chest of their diaries, letters and         sweeping political movements of the twentieth                  ‘This book makes you
                                   drawings fell into historian Wim Willems’ lap,       century, with tragic consequences for one. Never-            reflect on hope, longing,
                                   sparking a new journey to reconstruct their          theless, their mission lives on today in their family        dreaming and utopia.’
                                   footsteps and motivations, their later lives         members spread around the globe.                               De Groene
                                   and evolution of their ideals.                          This is an extraordinary history, one as enter-             Amsterdammer
                                                                                        taining as it is poignant, and an ode to youthful
                                      To earn money, the three friends sold portrait    idealism that will capture readers’ hearts. It also
                                   cards and reported on their travels for small        includes a selection of delightful photographs and
                                   newspapers. They slept beneath the stars, or in      drawings made underway.
                                   haystacks, traversed snowy mountains barefoot;
  Dutch title                      they were ‘hippies avant la lettre’, and their
De Wereldwandelaars. Een verbond   unusual fame quickly spread as they walked
van idealisten                     through Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary,
  Year of publication              Romania, and from Constantinople to Palestine.
2020                               After eight months, Marie Zwarts, the girlfriend
  Page count                       of one of the three, would join the group.           Wim Willems (b. 1951) is         praised biography of Indo
384                                   Eventually spanning years, it was not a journey   emeritus professor of Social     writer and intellectual
  Sample translation               free of setbacks and fights, and Willems describes   History at the University of     Tjalie Robinson.
                                   their many encounters and impressions, as well as    Leiden. As an avid walker
                                   the surprising places their optimism and fervent     who also grew up in a
  Publisher                                                                             working-class family where
                                   belief in goodwill took them. Their message of       studying was not a given,
                                   pacifism and socialist unity, however, contrasted    he felt a strong bond with
                                   sharply with the world around them. With the         the three globetrotters and
Martijn Prins
                                   help of diary entries and letters home, Willems      their inspired endeavour to
                                   resurrects a Europe on the brink of dizzying         lead a different life. Willems
Jolijn Spooren
                                                                                        is the author of, among
j.spooren@singeluitgeverijen.nl    bloodshed, as the young group navigates the          other titles, the highly
                                                                                                                                                       Photo (© Arrash Nikkhah)
                                     Dutch Non-Fiction Spring 2021               10       11
DUTCH - NON-Nederlands Letterenfonds
Beatrice                               Radical Redemption                                     On terrorism and the search for
                                       — What Terrorists                                      meaning – a human portrait
de Graaf                               Believe In

                                          Jihadist terrorism is often dismissed as            narrative. But there is also a task for wider soci-          On Theatre of Fear:
                                       a problem of ‘Islam’ or as a consequence of            ety. Terrorism preys on the fears of its victims,
                                       discrimination. Others conclude that terror-           both those of people directly affected by it and               ‘Beatrice de Graaf
                                       ists are mentally disturbed. While these might         in the imagination of the society at large. How              works in a very intelli-
                                       be easy answers, they do little to reflect the         can we put that fear of the terrorist’s search for           gent and surprising way
                                       process of radicalisation. Terrorism expert            radical redemption in proportion?                            and comes up with inter-
                                       Beatrice de Graaf examines the individual                 Radical Redemption combines testimony, his-               esting and extremely
                                       lives behind acts of violent extremism to              tory, psychology, politics and theology to identify          topical insights. Her
                                       throw light on the connection between a                and unpack a vital aspect of the most recent wave            work is a relief in a time
                                       terrorist’s beliefs and their actions.                 of violent extremism.                                        in which everyone seems
                                                                                                                                                           to already have their
                                          Upon recording the life stories of almost thirty                                                                 opinion ready.’
                                       convicted terrorists – mainly Dutch jihadists but                                                                     8Weekly
                                       also non-Western terrorists and Western right-
                                       wing extremists – De Graaf discovers a broad
                                       narrative of individuals searching for radical                                                                      On Dangerous Women:
                                       meaning. In their frustration and rage at their
                                       individual lives, they came to believe that radical                                                                   ‘The great thing about
                                       personal redemption could be achieved through                                                                       these portraits is that
                                       violence. They found a higher purpose in a view                                                                     they are all worthwhile,
  Dutch title
                                       of the world that cast them as the centre in the                                                                    carefully documented
Radicale verlossing. Wat terroristen
                                       battle between good and evil. How did these men                                                                     and averse to clichés or
                                       acquire this belief and where did it lead them?                                                                     pre-established stances.’
  Year of publication
                                       What happened when that desired redemption                                                                             de Volkskrant
                                       never came?
  Page count
                                          That these often-harrowing life stories usually     Beatrice de Graaf (b. 1976)   on terrorism and has pub-
304                                    end in disillusionment does not seem to have           is a professor of History     lished, among other titles,
  Full English translation             lessened extremism’s heroic draw, particularly for     of International Relations    Dangerous Women, Theatre
Available                              disaffected young people. De Graaf ends by calling     and Global Governance         of Fear, Terrorists on Trial
  Publisher                            for more research to explore ways of reducing ter-     at Utrecht University. She    and The Balancers. In 2018
                                                                                              researches the history of     her oeuvre was awarded
Prometheus                             rorism’s appeal and identifying better alternatives    terrorism, war and violence   the Netherlands’ highest
  Rights                               for those who turn to it in search of meaning. One     and is particularly inter-    scientific distinction: the
Marisca van der Mark                   crucial requirement is that religious or ideological   ested in the fight against    Stevin Award.
foreignrights@pbo.nl                   communities clearly distance themselves from           them. She was a fellow
                                       individuals who believe that violence is a means       at Cambridge University,
                                                                                              regularly makes public
                                       of redemption. There needs to be a counter-            appearances as an expert
                                                                                                                                                             Photo (© David van Dam)
                                         Dutch Non-Fiction Spring 2021                 12       13
DUTCH - NON-Nederlands Letterenfonds
Frank     The Cosmic Comedy                                                                ‘The Discovery of Heaven but in real life.
                                                                                            Stunning.’ – Radio 1

                                     Strange phenomena in the sky are the most             ter’s satellite moons. Westerman visits the villa in              ‘A dizzying story about
                                  popular omens of all time: the passage of                Tuscany where Galileo spent seven years impris-                 the connection between
                                  comets, eclipses of the sun and moon, mete-              oned for his views. He also talks to contemporary               heaven and hell.’
                                  orite hits and stars that suddenly light up.             Milanese astronomer Guiseppe Gavazzi and looks                     Het Parool
                                  The end must be nigh. Cosmology represents               back on Christianity’s conflict with astronomy.
                                  humankind’s ultimate reaching for the stars,                In poetic prose, Frank Westerman takes the                     ‘A lyrical account with
                                  whether with a telescope or a rocket. The                reader on a grand tour through time, taking in                  a rich theme handled
                                  Cosmic Comedy lifts off with the question why            our tilting image of the heavens, with or without               by Westerman with
                                  navigate the universe? Are we compensating               god. Westerman comes to the conclusion that                     verve, weaving together
                                  for a lack? Emptiness? What do we expect to              stargazing, driven by wonder, has changed our                   reportage, childhood
                                  find on the moon or on Mars that we don’t                view of the heavens, while space travel, driven by              memories, essay, histor-
                                  have on Earth?                                           rivalry, has changed our view of the Earth. From                ical treatise and philo-
                                                                                           Copernicus, Huygens and Schiaparelli to Yuri                    sophical reflection […]
                                     The Cosmic Comedy is a philosophical medita-          Gagarin and the first female robot in space, The                a wonderful book about
                                  tion on the longing for a better world – beyond          Cosmic Comedy is science non-fiction at its most                man, the cosmos and the
                                  the Earth’s atmosphere. Our journey revolves             mind-blowing.                                                   desire to reach further
                                  around Westerman’s own axis, Westerbork in                                                                               than seems possible.’
                                  the Dutch province of Drenthe where he grew                                                                                NRC Handelsblad
                                  up. There the observatory with its world-class
                                  telescope Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope
  Dutch title                     (WSRT), brainchild of pioneer Jan Oort, scans the
De kosmische komedie              sky with its majestic satellite dishes. On the site of
  Year of publication             the former Nazi transit camp. Nowhere is heaven
2021                              so close to hell.
  Page count                         Beyond Westerbork, the author takes the reader
284                               to Franeker planetarium, the oldest working plan-        Frank Westerman (b. 1964)       Horse (2010), Choke Valley
                                  etarium in the world. There in 1774, Eise Eisinga,       studied Tropical Cultivation    (2013) and A Word A Word
  Sample translation
                                  a wool-comber by trade, built a model of the solar       at Wageningen University. In    (2016). His work, which has
                                  system in his living room to reassure people that a      1987 he spent a year in the     received numerous awards,
                                  doomsday prediction that the planets would spiral        Peruvian Andes, research-       has been widely translated.
Querido Fosfor                                                                             ing the irrigation methods      His previous book, We, Hom-
                                  out of their orbits to be burned up by the sun           of Aymara Indians. Wester-      inids, has been translated
  Rights                          could not be true.                                       man is the author of many       into French, German, Italian,
Martijn Prins                        We also travel to Italy, where three centuries        bestsellers: The Republic       Polish, Spanish and English
Jolijn Spooren
                                  after Dante, Galileo Galilei, the father of observa-     of Grain (1999), Engineers      so far.
                                  tional astronomy, shifted Earth from the centre of       of the Soul (2002), El Negro
                                                                                           and Me (2004), Ararat (2007),
                                  the universe for good when he discovered Jupi-           Brother Mendel’s Perfect
                                                                                                                                                             Photo (© Lionne Hietberg)
                                    Dutch Non-Fiction Spring 2021                   14       15
DUTCH - NON-Nederlands Letterenfonds
Renata                       Diary From                                              A rare and detailed Holocaust
                             Bergen-Belsen                                           testimony, comparable with
Laqueur                      — March 1944 -                                          Last Stop Auschwitz
Introduction, afterword
and editing by
                             April 1945
Saskia Goldschmidt

                                At the age of twenty-four, Renata Laqueur               Before the English and Canadians arrive in April             ‘She describes the
                             and her husband Paul Goldschmidt, two                   1945, she and Paul are packed, along with 2,500               misery of the camp
                             Jewish members of the Dutch resistance, are             other emaciated and dying prisoners, into a train             starkly – but also with
                             arrested and, after a short internment in tran-         and shipped through devastated Germany. The                   sensitivity. […] The suf-
                             sit camp Westerbork, deported to concentra-             nightmarish journey will last two weeks, until they           fering described here is
                             tion camp Bergen-Belsen in Germany. Though              are finally liberated by the Russians, near the village       the suffering of a million
                             it is strictly forbidden, Laqueur manages to            of Tröbitz, where she records her journey and                 people. A peacefully
                             record her camp experience in four notebooks            catches typhus while volunteering in a field hos-             written book.’
                             and, shortly after the couple’s liberation,             pital. Once back in the Netherlands, she types out              Nederlands Dagblad
                             write up her remaining notes in detail. More            her diary as a national war document, reliving the
                             than a story of survival, Diary from Bergen-            monstrous, dream-like world she passed through.                 ‘A very moving book,
                             Belsen is the surreal portrait of a sensitive              For this new edition, Paul’s daughter, Saskia              that is what Diary from
                             and intelligent young woman attempting to               Goldschmidt, a Dutch author, has provided an                  Bergen-Belsen is. […]
                             transcend her harrowing reality, made all the           invaluable introduction, afterword and notes                  Although the author has
                             more powerful by her emotional restraint and            that detail Renata’s life before and after the diary,         tried to avoid emotion,
                             ruthless pen.                                           the fate of her and Paul’s marriage, and Renata’s             the facts are so charged
                                                                                     struggle with trauma and guilt. Returning to the              and sobering that the
                                 After four months at Westerbork, Renata             original notebooks at the Bergen-Belsen memorial              reader nevertheless
                             begins her diary with the train journey to Ger-         archive, Goldschmidt has also included, for the first         finds themselves closely
                             many, where she and her husband must soon               time, an intimate final portion of the diary which            involved.’
   Dutch title
                             battle disease and starvation, violence and humil-      candidly addresses the pain and rage that Renata,                Limburgs Dagblad
Dagboek uit Bergen-Belsen.
Maart 1944-april 1945        iation. She lucidly notes down her reactions and        like so many other camp survivors, attempted to
                             depicts the camp’s deteriorating conditions, the        suppress throughout her life.
   Year of publication
                             absurd quality of their isolated existence as well as
                             the tragedy of her prime years senselessly wasted
   Page count
                             there. All the while, memories and thoughts of art      Renata Laqueur (1919 -2011)    for the literary merit of
                             and music, the physical act of writing, provide a       was born in what is now        concentration camp diaries.
   Sample translation        source of emotional strength. She does everything       Brzeg, Poland and grew up      Previous editions of her
Available                    to care for Paul, who is dangerously close to           in Amsterdam. Her father       diary have been translated
   Publisher                 death; however, by December 1944, Renata is too         was a Prussian professor       into German and Welsh.
                                                                                     and among the first scien-
Meulenhoff                   physically weak herself to continue writing. In         tists to isolate the hormone   Saskia Goldschmidt
   Rights                    the overcrowded camp, death takes on terrifying         testosterone. After the war,   (b. 1954) is the author of
Sebes & Bisseling            proportions: the crematorium is overwhelmed,            she moved to New York City,    Mandatory Happiness:
Paul Sebes                   piles of corpses fill the camp.                         where she remarried and        Portrait of a Family and The
sebes@sebes.nl                                                                       completed a PhD in Com-        Hormone Factory. She cur-
   Rights sold
                                                                                     parative Literary Studies at   rently lives in Amsterdam.
                                                                                     New York University, arguing

                               Dutch Non-Fiction Spring 2021                  16       17                 Classic
Sandra                       Erasmus The Maverick                                   Erasmus’ life and thought
                             — A Biography                                          – the definitive biography
Langereis                                                                           of a European icon

                                Erasmus (1469 -1536) was a humanist, an             that he demonstrated that the Latin Bible was                      ‘There were biogra-
                             icon of critical thought and tolerance. Nev-           the result of centuries of sloppy translation and                phies about Erasmus
                             ertheless, he has always been a controversial          copying.                                                         already, but those were
                             figure. In his study of the Bible, he assumed             Although Erasmus is still seen as a critical                  more like sketches. Not
                             that the scriptures were man-made. Through             thinker and an advocate for tolerance, we can only               one is as detailed and
                             philological research, he showed how the               understand him within his day and age. This is                   well-written as Erasmus
                             ‘Holy Writ’ had developed over the course of           why Langereis closely examines the contemporary                  The Maverick.’
                             centuries. That enraged both conservative              historical, cultural and religious developments.                   Vrij Nederland
                             clergymen and Martin Luther. Langereis                 She delves into medieval theology, the Bible’s
                             presents Erasmus as a modern thinker, who              evolution over a thousand years, the practice of                   ‘In her monumental
                             sought to make those who read the Bible more           copying manuscripts in monasteries, the rise of                  biography, Sandra
                             rational and intelligent.                              universities and the printing press, the rise of the             Langereis paints not
                                                                                    book market, the rediscovery of classics and the                 only a clear picture of
                                In this monumental biography, Sandra                development of vernaculars, the reform move-                     Erasmus’ achievements
                             Langereis – historian and specialist in the            ment within the church, financial flows and the                  and ill manners, but
                             16th-century world of letters – makes use of a         dangers travellers had to face.                                  also offers an imposing
                             wealth of archival material. Erasmus’ published           All of this is written in a narrative, accessible             cultural history of
                             correspondence alone consists of more than             style, without pomposity or endless citations.                   Europe during the
                             3,000 letters. She paints a detailed portrait of       Langereis’ biography of Erasmus is not only the                  Renaissance.’
  Dutch title                Erasmus, which clearly shows his merits and            new, definitive biography of one of Europe’s                       Historisch Nieuwsblad
Erasmus: dwarsdenker.        those aspects of his personality that were less        greatest intellectuals, it is also an attractive,
Een biografie                admirable. But if Erasmus had only been ambi-          informative cultural history beyond compare.
  Year of publication        tious and arrogant, then people would not have
2021                         written about him for over five centuries.
  Page count                    Erasmus was building on a humanist tradition
752                          in which the recovery of classical antiquity’s         Sandra Langereis (b. 1967)      She considers this biography
                             literary and philosophical legacy was central.         is a historian of science and   of Erasmus, in which he is
                             But because the printing press made a definitive       culture and a biographer.       portrayed as a rational and
De Bezige Bij                                                                       Her previous biography,         tolerant man, as ‘relevant for
                             breakthrough, he became the first best-selling
                             author and could reach an enormous audience.           The Wordsmith, about            people today’.
Marijke Nagtegaal                                                                   the 16th-century printer
                             Through Erasmus’ work, the educated middle             and publisher Christoffel
Uta Matten                   classes learned to write and speak a supple and        Plantijn, was nominated for
u.matten@debezigebij.nl      natural Latin. With In Praise of Folly, he initiated   the Libris History Prize and
                             the attack on the money-grubbing and belligerent       chosen as best biography
                             popes as well as other abuses within the church.       and best history book of
                                                                                    2014 by the newspapers de
                             His most important achievement, however, was           Volkskrant and Trouw.
                                                                                                                                                       Photo (© Geert Snoeijer)
                               Dutch Non-Fiction Spring 2021                  18       19                 Biography
Margriet                                 The Delightfulness of                                   Rudi                                   Is There Any Life
                                         Thought — The Lives of                                                                         Stranger Than Mine?
van der                                  Tatiana Afanassjewa and                                 Wester                                 — Jef Last 1898 -1972
Heijden                                  Paul Ehrenfest

                                         A double biography that                                                                        ‘A captivating book about a
                                         foregrounds science as an                                                                      life-long search for love and
                                         ongoing conversation                                                                           justice.’ – Trouw

                                            Particle physicist and science journalist                                                      Writer, poet, painter, journalist, translator,
                                         Margriet van der Heijden describes the lives of                                                compelling speaker: Jef Last doesn’t fit any box.
                                         the Jewish physicist Paul Ehrenfest (1880 -1933)                                               He roamed the globe, fought in the Spanish Civil
                                         and his wife, Russian mathematician Tatyana                                                    War and was a brave resistance fighter. All his
                                         Afanassjewa (1876 -1964). Their story is also                                                  life he was a romantic, passionate about freedom
                                         that of the lightning development of physics at                                                and justice, ever championing the underdog. A
                                         the start of the 20th-century, when quantum                                                    cultural bridge-builder between East and West,
                                         mechanics and the theory of relativity were                                                    with his reflections on Chinese philosophy
                                         developed.                                                                                     and translations of great Japanese writers, he
                                             The two meet as students in Göttingen. In                                                  counted André Gide and Willy Brandt among his
                                         1912, Paul becomes a professor in Leiden, and                                                  friends. He evolved from an ardent socialist into
  Dutch title                                                                                      Dutch title
                                         their house becomes a lively salon for famous                                                  a humanist, with a stopover as a communist. He
Denken is verrukkelijk. De levens van                                                            Bestaat er een raarder leven dan het
Tatiana Afanassjewa and Paul Ehrenfest
                                         scientists. During WW1 and the turbulent times          mijne? Jef Last 1898 - 1972
                                                                                                                                        was capricious and sometimes difficult, but had
                                         that follow, the couple lead the way with progres-                                             strong principles and was true to his conscience.
  Year of publication                                                                              Year of publication
                                         sive ideas about pacifism and gender equality.                                                 He was a mirror of his time but also ahead of his
2021                                                                                             2021
                                            In 1926, Tatyana leaves for Moscow, disap-                                                  time, as his biographer notes.
  Page count                                                                                       Page count
                                         pointed. As a female scientist, she was kept in the                                               Jef Last was a man who constantly asked
432                                      wings. Without Tatyana, Paul becomes unhinged,          500                                    questions and wouldn’t accept second-hand
  Publisher                              and despairs the Nazism of Hitler’s Germany.              Publisher                            knowledge. The son of a well-to-do family, he
Prometheus                               He writes farewell letters and kills himself, after     Prometheus                             was driven by an intense aversion to bourgeois
  Rights                                 first killing their youngest son Wassik, a boy with       Rights                               ethics, preferring instead to be a worker among
Marisca van der Mark                     Down’s syndrome.                                        Marisca van der Mark                   workers. Along with Joris Ivens, he was a pioneer
foreignrights@pbo.nl                        Paul did not make any major discoveries, but         foreignrights@pbo.nl                   in avant-garde film. Last was quick to see the
                                         the role he played was perhaps just as important.                                              dangers of fascism, battled against colonialism
                                         He connected ideas, brought scientists together,                                               after World War II, and fought for homosexuality
                                         and posed critical questions to colleagues such                                                to be acknowledged. Rudi Wester has written a
  ‘A double biography                    as Einstein, Bohr, Schrödinger. This is a social          ‘A very readable and                 compelling biography of this restless globetrotter.
that reads like a novel.’                history of Europe, seen through the eyes of             affectionate biography.’
  De Nederlandse                         outsiders: a Jewish boy and a Russian Orthodox            Biografie Portaal
  Boekengids                             girl, whose lives were lived in a fascinating circle.

                                           Biography                                       20      21                                     Biography
                                                                                                                  NEW & NOTEWORTHY

                            Master storyteller                                                                  A subtle, philosophical
                            Jan Brokken dives into                                                              exploration of the fear of
                            his personal history                                                                other people’s judgement

                            Jan Brokken                                                                         Jannah Loontjens
                            The Gardens of Buitenzorg                                                           Guilty
                                                                                                                — An Exploration of
                                                                                                                My Conscience
  Page count                   Long before Jan Brokken (b. 1949) was born, his       Page count                    Poet, essayist, novelist and philosopher
224                         parents lived in Indonesia, a Dutch colony at the      240                          Jannah Loontjens, mother of two young children,
  Publisher                 time. Brokken never knew much about this part of         Publisher                  decides not to celebrate Christmas with her
Atlas Contact               his parents’ past. He only ever knew his mother as     Podium                       mother this year. Afterwards she feels enor-
  Rights                    a pastor’s wife in a traditional village in Holland.     Rights                     mously burdened: how should she tell her? And
Hayo Deinum                 After his parents’ death, his aunt hands him the       Cossee Literary Agency       where do those stubborn, everlasting feelings of
hdeinum@atlascontact.nl     letters and photographs that her sister Olga had       Stella Rieck                 guilt (about her lover, her children, that one glass
  Copies sold               sent her from abroad. In tender, sensitive and         rieck@cossee.com             of wine too many, her own body – the list goes
15,000                      tentative fashion, Brokken searches these letters                                   on) actually come from?
                            for the woman who, during her life, had always                                         She decides to explore, with the help of
                            remained a stranger to him. Who was she before                                      philosophers, writers and theologians, her own
  ‘Brokken brings every     becoming his mother? What inspired her, what did          ‘Aside from all of the    conscience, analysing those damned pangs of
sentence to life. The       she think about?                                       philosophical and psycho-    guilt to their core, fearlessly peeling them back.
Gardens of Buitenzorg is       Olga turns out to be much more liberated            logical theorising, Guilty   She examines those moments in her past when
vintage non-fiction by an   and idealistic than he remembers. She enjoyed          is above all a confession    she has felt unnecessarily guilty and when it
internationally esteemed    learning foreign languages, had in-depth               about what went wrong in     truly has been a matter of guilt.
craftsman.’                 discussions with intellectuals and connected, by       the writer’s past.’             In the end, she comes to the realisation that
  De Standaard              giving sewing lessons, with the women around              Tzum                      feelings of guilt arise from a fear of others’
                            her. Brokken, who has a number of wonderful                                         judgement. ‘My guilt often appears to be a mask,
  ‘Jan Brokken travels      books about music to his name, interweaves his           ‘Inspired and literary,    behind which fear lurks, fear of other people’s
through history and         journey with the life story of Lithuanian composer     Loontjens takes the path     judgement. Fear that makes me feign that
comes home.’                Leopold Godowsky, who fell under the spell of          to self-reconciliation.’     everything is fine. This pseudo-contentment
  Dagblad van het Noorden   Indonesian gamelan music.                                NRC Handelsblad            obstructs the path to honesty, and tenderness.’

                              Dutch Non-Fiction Spring 2021                 22       23
NEW & NOTEWORTHY                                                                   NEW & NOTEWORTHY

                         Observations about the                                                             Loneliness is a human
                         coronavirus crisis by a                                                            talent, even if it does not
                         professor with a can-do                                                            make you happier

                         Jaap Goudsmit                                                                      Marjan Slob
                         Free From Corona                                                                   The Empty Sky
                         — The Start of a New Era                                                           — On Loneliness

  Page count                Virologist and epidemiologist Jaap Goudsmit,         Page count                     Loneliness is the dark side of the powerful
224                      professor at the Harvard School of Public Health      224                          human ability to imagine other, better worlds.
  Publisher              and scientific director of the Human Vaccines           Publisher                  After all, when you are lonely, you are suffering
Pluim                    Project, describes the facts and fictions among       Ambo Anthos                  from what is not there, and you can picture
  Rights                 all the stories about the virus, infections and         Rights                     it. Seen in this way, loneliness is inseperably
Evi Hoste                vaccination. He explains how the SARS-CoV-2           Orli Naamani                 intertwined with important human attributes:
ehoste@pluim.nl          virus mutates, possibly becomes more dangerous,       onaamani@amboanthos.nl       self-reflection and imagination. It is a terrible
                         why it mainly affects the elderly, how it compares                                 feeling, but also reveals your possibilities. At
                         to other viruses and what vaccines there are –                                     the same time, the price paid for experiencing
                         always with an eye for the names of researchers                                    loneliness is that you are painfully aware of what
                         who matter, but also for scientific controversies                                  is missing from your current life.
                         and uncertainties.                                                                     Marjan Slob dives into the phenomenon
                            Goudsmit ends with a rather hopeful picture of                                  of loneliness, entering into dialogues with
                         the future. We are, he says, now globally capable                                  philosophers such as Blaise Pascal, Daniel
                         of handling pandemics: of identifying the cause,        ‘A scintillating and       Dennett and Simone de Beauvoir. She finds, in
                         making tests, testing vaccines and making those       quirky book about            literature, music and film, images that bring the
                         available. This is the start of a new era, in which   loneliness, surprisingly     concept of loneliness into focus. David Bowie
  ‘A book that looks     we must establish that the virus is here to stay      multidimensional in          plays an important role throughout her story: his
forward, despite the     and will keep coming back with new variants. And      scope. Supplely and          transformations offer a helpful example of how
unmistakable problems,   in which we must commit to changing our life-         attractively written.’       to deal with the given of human loneliness with
to the future with       style, vaccinating ourselves again each year and        Jury report for the        elegance and self-awareness. The Empty Sky is a
optimism.’               building a testing society.                             shortlist Best Spiritual   consoling, agile ode to loneliness, written with a
  Het Parool                                                                     Book of 2021               light, supple pen.

                           Dutch Non-Fiction Spring 2021               24        25
RECENT                                                                                      A selection of recently published translations from the Dutch.

                                                                                          For more information please go to our online database of translations:

Sanne Blauw                 Anton de Kom                      Geert Mak                   Annet Mooij                    Ivo van Vulpen                  Corien van Zweden
The Number Bias:            Wir Sklaven von                   Store forventninger.        Das Jahrhundert der            How to Find a Higgs             Cycki. Czuła biografia
How Numbers Lead and        Suriname                          På sporet av den            Gisèle. Mythos und             Boson: And Other Big            piersi
Mislead Us                                                    europeiske drømmen.         Wirklichkeit einer             Mysteries in the World
                                                              Europa 2000-2020            Künstlerin                     of the Very Small

  Dutch title                 Dutch title                       Dutch title                 Dutch title                     Dutch title                    Dutch title
Het bestverkochte boek      Wij slaven van Suriname           Grote verwachtingen         De eeuw van Gisèle.            De melodie van de               Borsten. De levensloop
ooit (met deze titel)         Published in                      Published in              Mythe en werkelijkheid         natuur. De zoektocht            van een intiem
                                                                                          van een kunstenares            naar de bouwstenen van          lichaamsdeel
  Published in              German by Transit (2021)          Norwegian by Cappelen
                                                                                                                         het heelal
English by Sceptre (2020)     Translated by                   Damm (2020)                   Published in                                                   Published in
                                                                                          German by Büchergilde             Published in                 Polish by Mova (2020)
  Translated by             Birgit Erdmann                      Translated by
                                                                                          Gutenberg (2020)               English by Yale University
Suzanne Heukensfeldt                                          Eve-Marie Lund                                                                               Translated by
                              Other translations                                                                         Press (2020)
Jansen                                                                                      Translated by                                                Olga Niziolek
                            English (Polity)                    Other translations
                                                                                          Gerd Busse                        Translated by
  Other translations                                          Bosnian (Buybook),                                                                           Other translations
                                                                                                                         David McKay
Arabic (Arab Scientific                                       Danish (Epilog), English                                                                   Finnish (WSOY)
Publishers), Complex                                          (Harvill Secker), French                                      Other translations
Chinese (Business                                             (Gallimard), German                                        Croatian (TIM press)
Today), Czech (Host),                                         (Siedler), Greek
German (DVA), Greek                                           (Metaichmio), Italian
(Alexandria), Italian                                         (Fazi), Korean (Okdang
(Garzanti), Japanese                                          Books)
(Sunmark Publishing),
Korean (Gilbut
Publishing), Polish
(Znak), Portuguese
(Bertrand), Russian

                                      Dutch Non-Fiction Spring 2021                  26     27                              Recent translations
Dutch Non-Fiction is distributed to international editors and
publishers. Please contact non fiction specialist Mireille Berman
via m.berman@letterenfonds.nl if you would like to be added to our
mailing list or if you wish to know more about our grants, suitable
translators or about the books that we mentioned.

   Nederlands Letterenfonds                Editors
Postbus / PO Box 16588                  Mireille Berman, Dick Broer,
NL – 1001 RB Amsterdam                  Andy Brown, Haico Kaashoek,
                                        Rob Hartmans, Michele Hutchison
t +31 (0)20 520 73 00
www.letterenfonds.nl                       Translation and copy
                                        Michele Hutchison, Haico Kaashoek
The Dutch Foundation for Literature        Non-fiction advisors
supports writers, translators and
literary festivals, and promotes        Nynke van Verschuer, Maya Shamir,
Dutch literature abroad. Translation    Bertram Mourits, Regine Dugardyn,
grants are available to foreign         Jan Steinz, Michele Hutchison
publishers to reduce the economic
risks of translating as-yet unknown        Cover photo
authors. The subsidy covers up to       Jiri Büller
70% of the translation costs, with
recognized classics qualifying for up      Printing
to 100%.
                                        Jos Morree Fine Books /
                                        Wilco Art Books
For more information, please
see www.letterenfonds.nl/en/
                                        Philip Stroomberg

                                        This brochure is printed on
                                        FSC-certified paper.

                                           Dutch Non-Fiction Spring 2021    28
Anesthetist photographed by Jiri Büller

                                              on the COVID-19 ward. The portrait was
                                              awarded the 2020 Silver Camera prize.
                                              in April 2020, following her night shift
  Raoul de Jong
Jaguarman 2
 Bas von Benda-Beckmann
After The Annex 4
 Bregje Hofstede
Getting To Sleep 6
  Daniël Verlaan
I Know Your Password       8
 Wim Willems
The Globetrotters    10
 Beatrice de Graaf
Radical Redemption        12
 Frank Westerman
The Cosmic Comedy 14
 Renata Laqueur
Diary From Bergen-Belsen            16
  Sandra Langereis
Erasmus The Maverick           18
 Margriet van der Heijden
The Delightfulness Of Thought            20
  Rudi Wester
Is There Any Life Stranger Than Mine? 21
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