Earth Materials in Our Lives - Earth Materials in Our Lives - EARTH SCIENCE WEEK

Page created by Sandra Carroll
Earth Materials in Our Lives - Earth Materials in Our Lives - EARTH SCIENCE WEEK
Earth Materials in Our Lives
Earth Science ActivityMaterials       in Our
                      Calendar, 2020-2021        Lives
                                          School Year

           EARTH SCIENCE WEEK              

       Earth Science Week 2020 • American Geosciences Institute •
Earth Materials in Our Lives - Earth Materials in Our Lives - EARTH SCIENCE WEEK
Geoscience All Around
W     here can you find Earth materials? In every part of your life. Raw materials are essential to
      food, clothing, medicine, buildings, employment, manufacturing, industry, transportation,
energy, recycling, and more.

That’s why Earth Science Week 2020 focuses on the theme “Earth Materials in Our Lives,” raising
awareness of the many ways that raw materials impact humans — and the ways human activity
impacts these materials — in the 21st century. The celebration engages young people and others
in exploring this theme through learning resources and activities.

Help promote understanding of humans’ complex interactions with the Earth materials of our
geosphere (earth), hydrosphere (water), atmosphere (air), and biosphere (living things). Visit the
Earth Science Week website ( Check out new links to educational materials
and information. Engage young people and others in the vital role they can play in Earth science.

And keep learning about the geosciences throughout the school year. Use this calendar, which
features education resources, important geoscience dates, and exciting academic activities.
Connect with geoscience learning all year long!
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Earth Materials in Our Lives - Earth Materials in Our Lives - EARTH SCIENCE WEEK
Earth Science Week Is for You
     T     his year, you’re invited to join the tens of millions of participants in all 50 states
           and nations worldwide who are celebrating Earth Science Week. Now in its
     23rd year, this exciting event has grown steadily in momentum and participation
     since the American Geosciences Institute held the first Earth Science Week in 1998.

     Every year, people in schools, workplaces,                           Whether you are a faculty member, student,     
     civic centers, and elsewhere celebrate                              parent, geoscientist, or ordinary citizen, you can
     Earth Science Week to help build public                             play a leading role in Earth Science Week. On        How can you get involved? Explore
     understanding and appreciation of the Earth                         the event’s website at,         the Earth Science Week website at
     sciences, promote recognition of the value                          you’ll find ideas and tips for planning activities You’ll find
     of Earth science research, and encourage                            at your school or workplace, along with              a host of tools designed to make
     stewardship of the planet. Earth Science                            contact information for geoscience resources         your event experience easy, fun,
     Week serves the geoscience community by:                            in your area where you can work with local           and rewarding!
                                                                         geoscientists to plan activities.
     •   giving students new opportunities to                                                                                 On the website, you’ll see a list of tips
         discover the Earth sciences,                                    In addition, this calendar features a variety of     to help you share your Earth science
     •   highlighting the contributions made by                          exciting activities that you can conduct — in        knowledge with young people, lead
         the geosciences to society,                                     the schoolyard, at home, or elsewhere in the         an excursion, or attend an event in
                                                                         community — to explore the theme “Earth              your area: A planning checklist, tips
     •   publicizing the message that Earth                              Materials in Our Lives.” This year’s theme           for fundraising, recommendations for
         science is all around us,                                       focuses on the many ways that raw materials          working with the news media, ideas
                                                                         impact humans, and vice versa, today.                for events, educational activities,
     •   encouraging responsible stewardship of                                                                               ways to get official recognition,
         the planet through an understanding of                          Let us know how you are planning                     downloadable logos and images,
         Earth processes,                                                to celebrate! Send us an email at                    kit ordering information, a map of
                                                                Celebrate Earth               potential partners and activities near
     •   providing a forum where geoscientists can                       Science Week: October 11–17, 2020!                   you, and much more.
         share their knowledge and enthusiasm
         about the Earth and how it works, and                                                                                To stay up-to-date on the latest
                                                                         CHECK THE DATE                                       developments and upcoming
     •   making learning about Earth science fun!                        Please independently confirm the dates of            activities, subscribe to the Earth
                                                                         any geoscience events in which you plan to           Science Week Update electronic
     Top to bottom: Artwork by 2019 ESW Contest finalist Ares Bandebo-   participate. Due to the COVID-19, some events
     Cambra; Winning photo in the 2019 ESW Contest by Tonya Boone.;      scheduled before the printing of this calendar
                                                                                                                              newsletter at
     Participants in the 2019 USGS Take Your Kids to Work Day, credit:
                                                                         may have been rescheduled or reformatted as          Check it out!
     AGI, background by NPS; Participants in the 2019 National Fossil
     Day at the Grand Canyon, credit: AGI, background by NPS.            “virtual meetings” since that time.
Earth Materials in Our Lives - Earth Materials in Our Lives - EARTH SCIENCE WEEK
August 2020

Nature’s Water Filter
GRADES 6-8                                              oil is a filter that helps maintain a clean       over the gravel/floatie mixture. Observe.             purple, so the blue dye was pulled out
                                                        environment and safe drinking water.              Discuss:                                              by the soil. Why?
MATERIALS                                                                                                 • Did the floaties end up in the bottom           6 Opposite charges attract and like charges
• 4 3-oz clear solo cups                          When rain falls on a soil surface, or when                cup? Why, or why not?                             repel. The smallest soil particles are clay,
• 4 5-oz clear solo cups (with                    contaminated water is introduced to a soil              • What is this type of filtration?                  which have a negative charge. If the red
  3–5 small holes in the                          surface, it infiltrates into the soil. As water     2   Ready to explore chemical filtration?               dye goes through the soil, it must also
  bottom of each cup)                             moves downward, the soil acts as a natural              Create three more cups — one with fine              have a negative charge; the blue dye has a
• 4 funnels                                       water filter, removing harmful contaminants             sand, one with topsoil, and one with                positive charge which attracts and binds it
• Play sand                                       and delivering clean water to rivers, lakes, and        potting soil or crushed peat moss.                  to the clay (sorption). Discuss:
• Topsoil                                         underground water reservoirs called aquifers.       3   Mix 0.5 g grape drink powder into 1 liter           • As more of the drink mix is poured
• Planting mix or peat moss                                                                               of water.                                             through the soil, does the water in the
• Fine gravel                                     Two types of filtration occur during this           4   Slowly pour 50 ml grape drink into each of            bottom cup get progressively more
• Grape drink mix packet, e.g.,                   process — physical and chemical. Physical               the four cups. For each cup, observe and              purple? Why? The clay in the soil has
  Kool-Aid®                                       filtration happens when large particles are             record what happens:                                  reached its capacity to capture the
• “Floaties” such as leaves, tea                  physically prevented from traveling through             • What color is the grape drink that goes             positively charged blue ions.
  leaves, or grass clippings                      small soil pores and are therefore removed                into each cup?                                    • Did the water in the sand change color?
• Water                                           from water. Chemical filtration happens when            • What color is the water that collects in            Why or why not? Likely, it stayed purple,
• Pen and paper for recording                     contaminants dissolved in water are attracted             each of the bottom cups?                            which means that there is not any clay
                                                  and held to the soil itself. This process is            • Is the color of the water the same in the           in it to attract the blue dye. What about
                                                  called sorption.                                          three cups?                                         the gravel?
                                                                                                          • How much time does it take for water to
                                                  This activity demonstrates how soil acts as a             drain out of the top cup?                   Supplemental materials, videos,
                                                  physical and chemical filter for contaminants.      5   Set aside the bottom cups (keep the water     and worksheets are available
                                                                                                          in them). Pour the grape drink mix into       at
                                                  PROCEDURE                                               the gravel a second time and collect the
                                                  For the teacher: Before doing this activity,            water in a new cup. Repeat the process
                                                  visit and review             three times for the sand and six times for    NGSS CONNECTIONS
                                                  the set-up video. To set the stage for the              the soil, and collect the water in new cups   •     Science and Engineering Practices —
                                                  following activity, play the “Soils Clean and           each time. Observe and record:                      Analyzing and Interpreting Data
                                                  Capture Water” video for students.                      • Is the color different for the gravel cup   •     Disciplinary Core Ideas — Earth Materials
Source: Soil Science Society of                    1 Ready to explore physical filtration? Fill a           on the second try?                                and Systems
America. Adapted with permission.                     5-oz cup half-full of gravel. Add “floaties”        • What about for the sand and topsoil?        •     Cross-Cutting Concepts —
Credit for the lesson plan, activity, and video       to the top. Put the cup over the funnel.            • Has the water in one of the cups turned           Cause and Effect: Mechanism
belongs to Drs. Clay Robinson, Michelle
Blumer, and SSSA.                                     Slowly pour about 100 ml (3 oz) water                 red? Why? Blue and red dyes make                  and Explanation
Earth Materials in Our Lives - Earth Materials in Our Lives - EARTH SCIENCE WEEK
Sunday                               Monday                                 Tuesday                         Wednesday                              Thursday                              Friday                         Saturday

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Happy Birthday! 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Henry Darwin Rogers, American
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Structural Geologist, Contributed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         to the Theory of Mountain
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Building, Born 1808

2                                     3                                     4                                   5                                  6                                    7                                8

                                                                            Happy Birthday! 
                                                                            Johann Gottlob Lehmann,                                                                                                                      Did You Know? 
                                                                            German Geologist Noted              Happy Birthday!                                                                                         U.S. Space Shuttle Endeavour
                                                                            for Fundamental Work in             Neil Armstrong, American                                                                                 Astronaut Barbara Morgan the
                                                                            Stratigraphy, Published the First   Astronaut, the First Man to Walk                                                                         First Educator to Safely Reach
Friendship Day                                                              Geologic Profile, Born 1719         on the Moon, Born 1930                                                                                   Space, 2007

9                                     10                                    11                                  12                                 13                                   14                               15

                                                                                                                Did You Know? 
                                                                                                                The First Three Fossil Bones of                                         Happy Birthday! 
                                                                                                                “SUE” Tyrannosaurus rex Skeleton                                        Edward W. Gifford, American
                                                                                                                Discovered by Sue Hendrickson,                                          Self-Taught Anthropologist and
                                                                                                                1990                                                                    Archaeologist, Born 1887

16                                    17                                    18                                  19                                 20                                   21                               22

                                      Did You Know?                                                                                               Did You Know? 
                                      Hurricane Camille (Category 5)                                                                               Florissant Fossil Beds National
                                      Strikes Mississippi, Louisiana                                                                               Monument, Renowned for Insect
                                      and Virginia, 1969                                                                                           Fossils, Authorized 1969

23                                    24   Did You Know?                   25                                  26                                 27                                   28                               29
                                      Hurricane Andrew (Category 5)
                                      Hits Florida and Louisiana, 1992

                    Did You Know? 
                  U.S. Challenger
               Astronaut Guion                                              Did You Know?                                                         Did You Know? 
            Bluford Becomes First                                           Hurricane Katrina (Category 5)                                         Colonel Edwin Drake Drills
         Black Astronaut                                                    Strikes Florida, Later Louisiana,                                      First U.S. Oil Well in Titusville,
     in Space, 1983                                                         2005                                                                   Pennsylvania, 1859
                              30                                       31

                                                                                American Geosciences Institute |                                                                                    August 2020
Earth Materials in Our Lives - Earth Materials in Our Lives - EARTH SCIENCE WEEK
September 2020                                                                                                         Celebrate Minerals Day Next Month
                                                                                                                       Visit the Minerals Day website at
LEARNING ACTIVITY:                                                                                                     minerals-day to learn how you can tap educational resources to

Change Over Time
                                                                                                                       celebrate the first-ever Minerals Day during Earth Science Week
                                                                                                                       in October 2020!

GRADES 4-12                                 rom very early times, humans have used Earth materials around         PROCEDURE
                                            them to make the objects they needed. These objects included              1 Look around your home and make a list of common objects
MATERIALS                                   tools, weapons, figurines, vessels, ornaments and many others.              that are likely to have been around 70 or 80 years ago. (Think
• Paper and pen for recording          Resources for materials are either mined (minerals) or grown.                    about food containers and packaging, toys, tools, utensils, lights,
• Computer or cell phone with                                                                                           communication devices, etc.)
  internet connection                  In fact, these materials played such an important role in humans’ lives
• Pictures of objects from             that early archaeological periods were named for them. First there was         2 Ask an older person you know if he or she would be willing to talk
  different eras                       the Stone Age, followed by the Bronze Age, then the Iron Age. The                with you about how materials and objects have changed over
                                       discovery of fire enabled humans to combine metals to make stronger              time. You may be able to do this in person, on the telephone, in
                                       and more shapeable materials. As people discovered more about                    writing, or through an internet connection.
                                       the properties of metals and other materials, they were able to make
                                       objects that were more sophisticated and more versatile.                       3 Ask your interviewee about the decades in which he or she grew
                                                                                                                        up. Record when this time was. Then ask the interviewee about the
                                       These discoveries have continued in modern times. The materials                  materials that household objects are made from, both now and
                                       used to make objects in the 1940s and 1950s are, in many cases, very             in the past. What were the advantages in the older materials? The
                                       different from the materials used today to make the same objects.                disadvantages? How do these materials compare with what is used
                                       With a little research, you can find out how objects and their materials         to make the same objects now? Record this information.
                                       have changed over time.
                                                                                                                      4 Make a table showing how the materials have changed over your
                                                                                                                        interviewee’s lifetime. Use the internet to research both the old and
                                                                                                                        the new materials. Include this information in your table as well.

                                                                                                                      5 Review your findings. What new discoveries in materials have
                                                                                                                        changed the way objects are made? How do the advantages and
                                                                                                                        disadvantages of each type of material compare? What happens
                                                                                                                        to the materials used to make the objects when the object is
                                                                                                                        thrown away?

                                       The design of and materials used for
                                                                                                                  NGSS CONNECTIONS
                                       many common objects have changed                                           •     Science and Engineering Practices — Obtaining, Evaluating, and
Source: Adapted with permission by     over time.                                                                       Communicating Information
the Mineralogical Society of America
from AGI’s Investigating Earth
                                       Image credits: All Wikimedia Commons. Left
                                       to right: Wilson Wong; Tomasz Sienicki; FEMA/
                                                                                                                  •     Disciplinary Core Ideas — Earth’s Materials and Systems
Systems.                               Bill Koplitz                                                               •     Cross-Cutting Concepts — Structure and Function
Earth Materials in Our Lives - Earth Materials in Our Lives - EARTH SCIENCE WEEK
Sunday                      Monday                          Tuesday                         Wednesday                         Thursday                          Friday                         Saturday
                                                             1                                  2                              3                              4                                  5

                                                                                                Protect Your Groundwater Day
                                                                                                                                                              Sept. 4–7, 2020:
                                                                                                Did You Know?                                                Geoscience Event: 
                                                                                                Unnamed Hurricane                                             39th NABG Annual Technical
                                                                                                (Category 5)                                                  Conference, National Association
                                                                                                Batters Florida Keys, 1935                                    of Black Geoscientists

6                            7                               8                                  9                              10                             11                                 12

                                                                                                                               Happy Birthday!
                                                                                                                               Stephen Jay Gould,
                                                                                                                                U.S. Paleontologist and
                                                                                                                                Evolutionary Biologist,
                             Labor Day                                                                                          Born 1941                     Patriot Day

13                           14                              15                                 16                             17                             18                                 19

                                                                                                                                                              World Water Monitoring Day
                                                                                                                                                              Rosh Hashanah Begins
                                                             Sept. 15–20, 2020:
                                                             Geoscience Event: 
                                                             63rd AEG Annual Meeting,                                                                         Sept. 18–27, 2020:
Did You Know?                                               Association of Environmental       International Day for the                                     Geoscience Event: 
                                                                                                                               Citizenship Day
Hurricane Ike (Category 4)                                   & Engineering Geologists,          Preservation of the                                           Flagstaff Festival of Science,
Strikes Texas, 2008                                          Portland, Oregon                   Ozone Layer                    Constitution Day               Flagstaff, Arizona

20                           21                              22                                 23                             24                             25                                 26

                                                             Autumnal Equinox
                                                             Did You Know?                                                    Did You Know? 
                                                             Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park,                                  Hurricane Rita (Category 5)
                                                             Containing World’s Most Active                                    Batters Texas and Louisiana,
Rosh Hashanah Ends                                           Volcano, Established 1961                                         2005                                                              National Public Lands Day

27                           28                              29                                 30

                             Yom Kippur ends
                             Sept. 28– Oct. 1, 2020:
                             Geoscience Event: 
                             AAPG International Conference
                             and Exhibition, American
Yom Kippur begins            Association of Petroleum
(sundown)                    Geologists, Madrid, Spain

                                                                 American Geosciences Institute |                                                                    September 2020
Earth Materials in Our Lives - Earth Materials in Our Lives - EARTH SCIENCE WEEK
October 2020

Minerals Under Your Roof
GRADES 3-8                                id you know that many of the supplies                You Found a Pencil!
                                          in your classroom are made from Earth
MATERIALS                                 materials that are mined from solid                  A pencil contains three types of Earth
• Computer with                   Earth? What can you find that you think may have             materials: graphite, clay, and aluminum.
  internet access                 been mined?                                                                                                    Graphite-bearing schist.
                                                                                               Graphite: A “core” of the mineral graphite        Mark Carter/USGS

                                  This activity can be done in small teams as a contest        makes up the writing material of a pencil
                                  or with the whole class, depending on grade level.           and is surrounded by a tube of wood that
                                  In this activity, you will make a pile of items you          can be sharpened into a point. Graphite is
      I’M MADE FROM               think may have come from the solid Earth. You can            a very soft mineral that rubs off easily onto
     EARTH MATERIALS!             then use U.S. Geological Survey resources to trace           paper and is the crystalline form of carbon.
                                  the items back to their source within the Earth and          It occurs naturally in metamorphic rocks
                                  understand how they are formed.                              such as marble, schist, and gneiss.

                                  PROCEDURE                                                    Clays: Clay minerals (such as bentonite           A microscopic image of dickite
                                  1 Briefly discuss mining. How do people extract              or kaolin) are used in pencils to help the        clay particles.
  Pencil                            Earth materials from the solid Earth? What                 graphite stick together. Clay minerals are        Howard May/USGS
  Contains Earth Materials:         products are made from mined materials?                    composed of thin sheets of Al, Si, and O and
  graphite, clay, aluminum                                                                     form in the presence of water.
  Sources: graphite
                                  2 Look around the classroom. Make a pile of
  (metamorphic rocks), clay
  (sediments and sedimentary        objects you think might be made from mined                 Aluminum Ore (Bauxite): A small piece
  rocks), aluminum (aluminum        materials. For objects unsafe to lift, print out and       (ferrule) of aluminum metal is used at the
  ore aka bauxite, Al2O3)           affix copies of the “I’m made from” label at left.         end of a pencil to secure the eraser. Bauxite
  #madefromearthmaterials                                                                      is a heterogeneous (mixed) material made
                                  3 Visit online                    up of aluminum hydroxide minerals, plus
                                    for an answer key and to learn more about the              various types of silica, iron oxides, titanium,   Aluminum ore, also known as bauxite.
                                    mined materials that go into many classroom                aluminosilicate, and other impurities.            Scott Horvath/USGS

                                    objects. Consider, for example, an ordinary pencil.
                                    Explore each material’s pathway from Earth to
                                    final product through a group discussion, team         NGSS CONNECTIONS
                                    presentations, or with labeled artwork.                •   Science and Engineering Practices — Constructing Explanations and
                                                                                               Designing Solutions
Source: U.S. Geological Survey.   Learn additional information at            •   Disciplinary Core Ideas — Natural Resources
Adapted with permission.          scavengerhunt.                                           •   Cross-Cutting Concepts — Cause and Effect
Earth Materials in Our Lives - Earth Materials in Our Lives - EARTH SCIENCE WEEK
Sunday                            Monday                            Tuesday                       Wednesday                Thursday                                 Friday                        Saturday
                                                                                                                            1                                       2                              3

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Oct. 3–6, 2020:
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Geoscience Event: 
                                                                                                                                                                                                   AIPG National Conference,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   American Institute of Professional
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Geologists, Sacramento,

4                                  5                                 6                                7                     8                                       9                              10

                                   Oct. 5–7, 2020:
                                   Geoscience Event:                Happy Birthday! 
                                   SPE Annual Technical Conference   Nevil Maskelyne, English
                                   and Exhibition, Society of        Astronomer Noted for His
Oct. 4–10, 2020:                   Petroleum Engineers, Denver,      Contribution to the Science of

Earth Science Week
World Space Week                   Colorado                          Navigation, Born 1732

11                                 12                                13                               14                    15                                      16                             17
                                                                                                                            Geoscience for Everyone Day
                                                                                                                            Great ShakeOut earthquake drill
International EarthCache Day                                                                                                10:15 a.m. CST Learn more at
Oct. 11–16, 2020:
                                                                                                                                                                                                   International Archaeology Day
Geoscience Event:                                                                                                          Oct. 15–17, 2020: Geoscience Event: 
SEG International Exhibition and                                                                                            AISES National Conference,                                             Did You Know? 
90th Annual Meeting, Society                                                                                                American Indian Science and                                            San Francisco’s 1989 Earthquake
                                   Minerals Day                      Earth Observation Day
of Exploration Geophysicists,                                                                                               Engineering Society, Spokane,                                          (Estimated Magnitude 6.9) Rocks
Houston, Texas                     Columbus Day                      No Child Left Inside Day         National Fossil Day   Washington                              Geologic Map Day               Northern California, 1989

18                                 19                                20                               21                    22                                      23                             24

Oct. 18–21, 2020:                                                                                                           Oct. 22–24, 2020:
Geoscience Event:                                                                                                          Geoscience Event: 
GRC Annual Meeting & Expo,                                                                                                  SACNAS National Diversity in
Geothermal Resources Council,                                                                                               STEM Conference, Society for            Did You Know? 
Reno, Nevada                                                                                                                Advancement of Chicanos/                Fossil Butte National
                                                                                                                            Hispanics and Native Americans          Monument, Containing Nearly
Oct. 18–24, 2020:                                                                                                           in Science,                             Perfectly Preserved Fossils,
National Chemistry Week                                                                                                     Long Beach, California                  Established 1972

25                                 26                                27                               28                    29                                      30                             31

Oct. 25–28, 2020:                                                                                                           Oct. 29–31, 2020:
Geoscience Event:                                                                                                          Geoscience Event: 
GSA Annual Conference,                                                                                                      NSTA Area Conference, National
Geological Society of America,                                                                                              Science Teachers Association,
Montréal, Québec, Canada                                                                                                    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania                                               Halloween

                                                                         American Geosciences Institute |                                                                   October 2020
Earth Materials in Our Lives - Earth Materials in Our Lives - EARTH SCIENCE WEEK
November 2020

Carbon Travels
                                                                                                   Steam-powered locomotives
                                                                                                   burn coal to provide energy.

GRADES 5-12                              e find carbon everywhere on
                                         Earth — in trees, rocks, fossil fuels,
MATERIALS                                oceans, and even you! Carbon
•   Poster materials           doesn’t stay in one place, though. Scientists        • Group student’s ideas into the major
•   Class set of dice          study how carbon moves from one place to               global carbon pools.
•   Station instructions       another. This is the carbon cycle.
    and signs                                                                     2 Groups of students should prepare a
•   Carbon journey table       The Industrial Revolution, starting in               poster about one of the major global
•   Full teacher’s guide and   the 1700s, saw a move to large-scale                 carbon pools (e.g. atmosphere, soil),
    worksheets at              manufacturing and the use of new                     using information from the Carbon Cycle
    http://globecarboncycle.   technologies, such as steam power and                Adventure Story or other age-appropriate        electricity. This led to a huge increase in          resources.                                          5 Each student adds the path of his/her
                               burning of carbon-rich fossil fuels, releasing                                                             journey on the board: one diagram for
                               into the atmosphere carbon (in the form            3 Hand out copies of the Journey Table                  pre-1700, and one for post-1700.
                               of carbon dioxide) that had been buried              and a die to each student and tell them               • Each time a student moved from one
                               underground for millions of years. How did           the game will begin pre-1700 (before the                pool to another, they should draw
                               these human actions affect the carbon cycle?         Industrial Revolution). Model what to do                an arrow. If they remained in a pool
                                                                                    at a station and how to use the Journey                 until the next turn, they should circle
                               PROCEDURE                                            Table, emphasizing the importance of                    the pool.
                               (For Teacher)                                        including all results, even if they remain at         • Students begin to work independently
                                                                                    the same pool repeatedly.                               on completing “What’s Your Carbon
                               1 Tell students that you want to begin                                                                       Story” until all students’ data are
                                 teaching about carbon today, but you             4 Divide students so there is an equal                    displayed on the board.
                                 cannot seem to find it. Ask students if            number of students (if possible) at each              • Consider students’ data. What was
                                 anyone saw carbon today on their way               station to begin the activity.                          different before and after 1700? What
                                 into class.                                        • Students follow the instructions, move                do the differences reflect? Burning of
                                 • Record the ideas of where carbon is                around the room at their own pace                     fossil fuels and land use change?
                                   found on the board.                                and record results in their tables. After
                                 • Solicit additional ideas about the carbon          10 turns, they stand aside to show they       NGSS CONNECTIONS
                                   cycle. What is carbon? Where is it found?          are done.                                     •     Science and Engineering Practices —
                                   How does carbon move from one place              • Flip over the instructions to begin                 Developing and Using Models
                                   to another? What forms does it take?               the post-1700 simulation. Students            •     Disciplinary Core Ideas — Earth’s Systems
Source: NASA. Adapted            • Differentially highlight/circle the pools          complete another 10 turns under the           •     Cross-Cutting Concepts — Energy
with permission.                   and fluxes.                                        new conditions.                                     and Matter
Sunday                           Monday                        Tuesday            Wednesday                         Thursday                           Friday            Saturday
1                                 2                               3                   4                              5                                      6             7
                                                                                                                     Happy Birthday! 
                                                                                                                     Léon-Philippe Teisserenc de Bort,
                                                                                                                     French Meteorologist, Pioneer in
Daylight Saving Time Ends                                                                                            the Field of Aerology, Co-discoverer
                                                                                                                     of the Stratosphere, Born 1855
Happy Birthday! 
Alfred Wegener, German                                                                                               Did You Know? 
Meteorologist, Framer of                                                                                             Marie Curie’s Inaugural Lecture as                   Happy Birthday! 
Continental Drift Theory,                                                                                            the First Woman Lecturer at the                      Marie Curie, Polish Geochemist
Born 1880                                                                                                            Sorbonne, 1906                                       and Physicist, Born 1867

8                                 9                               10                  11                             12                                     13            14

Nov. 8–11, 2020:
Geoscience Event:                                                                                                                                                        Happy Birthday! 
ASA-CSSA-SSSA International                                                                                                                                               Charles Lyell, Scottish Geologist,
Annual Meeting, Phoenix,                                                                                                                                                  “Principles of Geology” Author,
Arizona                                                                               Veterans Day                                                                        Born 1797

15                                16   Happy Birthday! 
                                                                  17                  18                             19                                     20            21
                                  James W. Mitchell, American
                                  Chemist Advanced the Accuracy
                                  of Trace Element Analyses,
                                  Born 1943                                           GIS Day (Geographic
                                                                                      Information Systems) Day
                                  Nov. 16–20, 2020:                                                                  Nov. 19–21, 2020:
                                  Geoscience Event:                                  Happy Birthday!               Geoscience Event: 
                                  EU Raw Materials Week,                              Alan Shepard, American         NSTA Area Conference, National
Nov. 15–21, 2020:                 European Commission,                                Astronaut, First American in   Science Teachers Association,
Geography Awareness Week          Brussels, Belgium                                   Space, Born 1923               New Orleans, Louisiana

22                                23                              24                  25                             26                                     27            28

Happy Birthday! 
Guion “Guy” S. Bluford, Jr,
American Astronaut, First Black
Astronaut in Space, Born 1942                                                                                        Thanksgiving

29                                30

                                                                      American Geosciences Institute |                                        November 2020
December 2020

Soil, Sand, and Gravel
GRADES 5-12                                  arious types of sediments — what geoscientists call “surficial features” — lie above the           Water interacts differently with various types of
                                             bedrock in many places. The U.S. Geological Survey provides a map illustrating this                sediments.
MATERIALS                                    phenomenon at
For each student group:
• Computer with                      “Most daily human activities occur on or near      2 Discuss: What are areas with similar                6 Consider the sediment cups as models of
  internet connection                the Earth’s surface,” as the introduction to the     surficial features? Where are there surficial         surficial features. How might the different
• Three clear plastic cups           map states. “Homeowners, communities, and            features that seem to be related to                   surficial features affect the amount of
• Enough of each type of             governments can make improved decisions              features such as coastlines, mountains,               water (hydrosphere) available to plants
  sediment material — soil,          about hazard, resource, and environmental            or rivers? How might we model the                     (biosphere)? (In general, when water
  sand, and gravel — to fill a       issues, when they understand the nature of           interaction of rain, streams, and oceans              seeps into the sediments, it is available
  plastic cup roughly halfway        surficial materials and how they vary from           with various sediments?                               to plants.)
• Small container of water           place to place.”
  (about a half-gallon)                                                                 3 Within your group, fill three clear plastic         7 Now, return to the U.S. Geological Survey
• Measuring cup                      Using this map can help students see the             cups equally, about halfway, with a                   map online. What surficial features do you
• Pen and paper                      connections between those surficial features,        different type of sediment (soil, sand, and           see in your part of the country, near major
                                     which are generally part of the geosphere,           gravel). Describe the sediments in the                rivers, and along coastlines? Why do you
                                     and other Earth systems. The following               cups. How are they different?                         think these patters occur?
                                     activity shows how a visualization map of
                                     surficial features can be used to consider the     4 Fill a measuring cup with water. With a pen     EXTENSION
                                     interactions of the geosphere, hydrosphere,          and paper, record the amount of water in        For an activity relating to surficial features
                                     biosphere, and atmosphere.                           the measuring cup. Pour some into one of        that you can do in the school yard, go
                                                                                          the clear plastic cups, adding water until      to GLOBE at
                                     PROCEDURE                                            it is just above the level of the sediment.     documents/352961/41672784-81d0-4189-
                                     1 View the map and legend at https://pubs.           Record the amount of water now in the           81f4-280acaa3364d.
                              Notice that            measuring cup. Calculate the amount
                                       different colors represent different types         of water poured over sediment in the
                                       of surficial features (sediments). The map         clear plastic cup. Repeat this process for      NGSS CONNECTIONS
                                       colors indicate types of sediments that            each sediment.                                  •     Science and Engineering Practices —
                                       differ in size, material, textures, amount                                                               Engaging in Argument from Evidence
                                       of organic material, and so on. The              5 Discuss: For which type of sediment does        •     Disciplinary Core Ideas — Earth Materials
                                       map legend tells about various surficial           the most water go into the cup? (Typically,           and Systems
                                       feature materials.                                 larger sediments allow more water in.)          •     Cross-Cutting Concepts — Cause and
Source: America Geophysical Union.                                                        How can water go into the sediments? (It              Effect: Mechanism and Explanation
Adapted with permission.                                                                  seeps into spaces between particles.)
Sunday                            Monday                         Tuesday                         Wednesday                             Thursday                             Friday                    Saturday
                                                                  1                                  2                                   3                                4                            5

                                                                  Happy Birthday! 
                                                                  Clyde Wahrhaftig, American
                                                                  Geologist, Environmentalist, and   Did You Know? 
                                                                  Recipient of GSA’s Kirk Bryan      Aniakchak National Monument,
                                                                  Award for Geomorphology,           One of World’s Finest Examples of
                                                                  Born 1919                          Dry Caldera, Established 1980                                                                     World Soil Day

6                                  7                              8                                  9                                   10                               11                           12

                                                                                                                                          Hanukkah Begins
                                   Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day                                                                          (Sundown)
                                   Dec. 7–11, 2020:                                                                                      Dec.10–12, 2020:
                                   Geoscience Event:                                                                                    Geoscience Event: 
                                   AGU Fall Meeting, American                                                                            NSTA Area Conference, National
                                   Geophysical Union,                                                                                    Science Teachers Association,
                                   San Francisco, California                                                                             Phoenix, Arizona                 International Mountain Day

13                                 14                             15                                 16                                  17                               18                           19

                                                                                                     Did You Know?                      Happy Birthday! 
                                                                                                     First of Three Earthquakes in       Allan Cox, American
                                                                                                     New Madrid, Missouri (Estimated     Geophysicist, Paleomagnetism
                                                                                                     Magnitude 8.0), Causes              Specialist, and Author of Two
                                                                                                     Mississippi River to Change         Books on Plate Tectonics,
                                                                                                     Course, 1811                        Born 1926                        Hanukkah Ends

20                                 21                             22                                 23                                  24                               25                           26

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Dec. 26, 2020–Jan. 1, 2021:
Did You Know?                                                                                                                                                                                         Did You Know? 
Albert Michelson Receives the                                     Did You Know?                     Did You Know?                                                                                    Earthquake Off West Coast
Nobel Prize in Physics, Becoming                                  Pierre-Jules-César Janssen Flew    American Astronauts on Apollo 8                                                                   of Northern Sumatra
the First American to Win the                                     in a Balloon in Order to Study a   Become the First People to Orbit                                                                  (Magnitude 9.0), Sets Off Massive
Nobel Prize in a Science, 1907     Winter Solstice                Solar Eclipse, 1870                the Moon, 1968                                                       Christmas                    Tsunami, 2004

27                                 28                             29                                 30                                  31

                                                                                                                                         New Year’s Eve

                                                                      American Geosciences Institute |                                                                         December 2020
January 2021
                                                                                                                                          Aluminum                                                           Bismuth
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Incandescent Light Bulbs
LEARNING ACTIVITY:                                                                                                         Pencils

Mineral Matching                                                                                                                      Attribution: Unknown Author, CC BY 3.0                                            Attribution: Johnathan Zander, CC BY-SA 2.5

                                                                                                                                                   Fold Here                                                                        Fold Here
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Fold Here

GRADES 6-12                                  he comfort of our daily lives is          PROCEDURE                                            Aluminum                                                                           Bismuth
                                                                                                                              Cosmetics                                                                                        Table Salt
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Uses: Mixed with other metals to create alloys, which are used in                Uses: fireworks, ma

                                             built largely on our use of natural       1   Break into small groups of 2-4 students
                                                                                                                     Uses: packaging (e.g., cans, aluminum foil), automobiles,                          Uses: currency, electronics, building construction (pipes & wires),
                                                                                                                                                                                                   medicines for upset stomach (e.g., Pepto-Bismol), paints, fire                   metal mining; also u
                                                                                                                                                                                                   detectors,             machines
                                                                                                                                                                                                                and fire sprinkler systems.
                                                                                                                     machinery, jewelry                                                                 Mining/Extracting: The main copper-containing ores are cuprite,             Mining/Extracting:
                                                                                                                     Mining/Extracting: Metallic aluminum is found in a rock                       Mining/extracting: Bismuth is most often extracted as a byproduct                be mined: undergro

                                                                                                                                                                                                        bornite, malachite, azurite, and chalcopyrite. Copper is most

                                             resources. However, natural resources         and discuss: What are minerals, and where
                                                                                                                     called bauxite and is mined through open pit mining and                       of mining for other metals. Only Bolivia has a mine exclusively                  (injecting extremely
                                                                                                                                                                                                        commonly mined in open pit mines, but can also be mined
                                                                                                                     sometimes through underground mining. The major producers                     meant to extract bismuth. The major producers of bismuth are                     extraction and is rem
                                                                                                                                                                                                        underground. Major copper producers are Chile, China, Peru, and
                                                                                                                     of aluminum are Jamaica, Brazil, and Guinea (West Africa).                    China, Mexico and Bolivia.                                                       producers of sulfur
                                                                                                                                                                                                        the U.S. (Arizona, New Mexico, Montana, and Utah).
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Refining: Bismuth is heated and reacted with chlorine gas, which

• File of mineral cards to print,    that are often overlooked include Earth’s             can they be found? Write down your ideas
                                                                                                                     Refining: Bauxite is crushed, washed, and dried. It is then                        Refining:                                                                   Refining: Sulfur is r
                                                                                                                                                                                                   removes    otherCopper
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     metals ore
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   first crushed  and ground
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             but leaves      into a fine
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the bismuth       powder.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      intact.       is heated up to prod
                                                                                                                     heated and dissolved in a special solution which is filtered,                      Special liquid mixtures are used to separate the powder copper from
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Fun Facts: Bismuth subsalicylate is the compound used in Pepto-                  Fun Facts: The Kaw
                                                                                                                     leaving an aluminum mixture behind. Solid aluminum                                 the other minerals by “frothing” and then skimming the mixture. This
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Bismol. It works by reducing inflammation and decreasing the flow                due to the presence

  downloaded at                      mineral resources. The minerals contained in          and discuss with the class.
                                                                                                                     precipitates out of this mixture and is collected.                                 results in a copper concentrate, but it can be further refined by
                                                                                                                                                                                                   of fluids to the bowels. Bismuth alloys are also used in fire sprinkler          color. Pure sulfur ha
                                                                                                                     Fun Fact: In the 1800s, aluminum was more valuable than                            “roasting”, smelting, oxidation, and casting so that it can then be
                                                                                                                                                                                                   systems because bismuth melts at a low temperature. When the air                 produce the rotten e
                                                                                                                                                                                                        made into other copper products.
                                                                                                                     gold!                                                                         becomes hot during a fire, the bismuth plug in the water pipes melt              give skunks their fo
                                                                                                                                                                                                   andFun    Fact:  The  Statue of Liberty is made of 179,000 pounds of

  http://geologymuseum.              rocks are just as vital to make the things we     2   Think about and make a list of everyday
                                                                                                                                                                                                         release  the water.
                                                                                                                           Sources:;;                      Sources:;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Sources: g           need as are water and fossil fuel resources.          objects that might be made from minerals.
  mineralmatchingcards.pdf                                                             3   Obtain a packet of mineral cards from your
• Computer with internet             Our earliest human ancestors used minerals            teacher. Arrange them on a table with the
                                                                                                                               Currency                                                                                        Fireworks
  access, printer, and paper to      to shape tools out of stone. Ancient Egyptian,        cards of everyday items and products in
  print cards                        Greek, Roman, and Aztec societies also                one row, and the cards of the minerals in a
• Scissors                           used minerals in their everyday lives. Valued         second row.
• Glue, tape, or laminator to        for their unique properties, minerals help        4   Work together to match the everyday
  match the front and backs          humans achieve new advances in technology,            product with the mineral from which it is
  of cards                           build everything from cars to spaceships, and         made. Continue until you have matched
• Pencils and paper                  even help keep us healthy.                            all 20 sets of cards.                                                                     Card game by Geological Society of America, Rutgers Geology
                                                                                                                                 Cans                                                              Upset-Stomach
                                                                                                                                                                                     Museum and TERC.                   Medications
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Copper image: Johnathan     Zander,
                                                                                       5   Check your answers by flipping the                                                        CC BY-SA 2.5
                                     Look around the room. You are surrounded              mineral card over and reading through the
                                     by minerals that make up the bricks, tiles,           information to find the correct mineral use                                                9 Think about the teams that would need
                                     windowpanes, concrete, plumbing and                   illustrated on each card.                                                                    to work together to make these mining
                                     wiring running through the walls, and even        6   Read through the information provided on                                                     methods a success. Make a list of three to
                                     the walls themselves. In this activity you will       the cards and write down any additional                                                      four professionals (scientists, engineers,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Attribution: ParentingPatch, CC BY-SA 3.0

                                     examine some ways minerals are used in our            everyday objects or uses of minerals you                                                     etc.) who would work together to
                                     everyday lives.                                       missed in step 2.                                                                            accomplish this.
                                                                                       7   Look at your list and record answers to                                                   10 Finally, minerals are a nonrenewable
                                     NGSS CONNECTIONS                                      the following and discuss with others:                                                       resource, and their extraction has many
Source: Geological Society of        •   Science and Engineering Practices —               What mineral-based product surprised                                                         effects on local ecosystems. Write down
America. Adapted with permission.        Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating          you? Which one is the most important for                                                     three ways the environment would
Activity written by Lauren
                                         Information; Asking Questions and                 society, and why?                                                                            change, for better or worse, as a result of
Neitzke Adamo, Julia Criscione,
Ria Sarkar, and Carla McAuliffe in       Defining Problems                             8   The terms “open pit” and “underground                                                        mining operations. Discuss your ideas.
collaboration with the Geological    •   Disciplinary Core Ideas — Human Impacts           mining” are used to describe the methods
Society of America, the Rutgers          on Earth Systems; Natural Resources               of extracting minerals from the ground.                                                   For K-5 students: Do steps 1-5 only, then
Geology Museum (https:// and      •   Cross-Cutting Concepts — Structure and            Choose one of these methods and                                                           discuss natural resources and minerals with
TERC (            Function; Patterns                                research the process online.                                                              your teacher.
Sunday                               Monday                         Tuesday                        Wednesday           Thursday                               Friday                      Saturday
                                                                                                                                                             1                             2

                                                                                                                                                             New Year’s Day
                                                                                                                                                             Jan. 1–31, 2021:
                                                                                                                                                             Hawai’i Volcano Awareness

3                                     4                             5                                   6                7                                   8                             9

Did You Know?                                                                                                                                               Did You Know? 
Cleveland Abbe Becomes the                                                                                                                                   Voyageurs National Park,
Chief Scientist of the Newly                                                                                                                                 Featuring Some of North
Formed U.S. Weather Service,                                                                                                                                 America’s Oldest Rocks,
1871                                                                                                                                                         Established 1975

10                                    11                            12                                  13               14                                  15                            16

Jan. 10–14, 2021:
Geoscience Event:                                                  Did You Know?                                       Happy Birthday! 
AMS Annual Meeting, American                                        Earthquake (Magnitude 7.0)                           Arthur Holmes, British Geologist,
Meteorological Society, New                                         Strikes Capital of Haiti, Causing                    Pioneer of Radioactive Dating of
Orleans, Louisiana                                                  Nearly 300,000 Deaths, 2010                          Minerals, Born 1890

17                                    18                            19                                  20               21                                  22                            23

Happy Birthday! 
Benjamin Franklin, U.S. Scientist,
Pioneering Inventor and
Diplomat, Born 1706                                                                                                                                                                        Happy Birthday! 
                                                                                                                                                                                           Andrija Mohorovicic, Croatian
Did You Know?                                                                                                                                                                             Physicist, Seismologist and
Northridge Earthquake                                                                                                                                                                      Meteorologist, Namesake of
(Magnitude 6.7) Strikes Los                                                                                                                                                                Base of Earth’s Crust, the “Moho,”
Angeles Area, California, 1994        Martin Luther King, Jr. Day                                                                                                                          Born 1857

24                                    25                            26                                  27               28                                  29                            30

                                                                    Did You Know? 
                                                                    Earthquake (Magnitude 8.7–9.2)                                                           Happy Birthday! 
                                                                    Occurs Along the Cascadia                                                                Friedrich Mohs, German
                                                                    Subduction Zone and Causes a                                                             Geologist and Mineralogist,
                                                                    Tsunami on the Coast of Japan,                                                           Creator of Scale of Mineral
                                 31                                 1700                                                                                     Hardness, Born 1773

                                                                        American Geosciences Institute |                                                             January 2021
February 2021

Sifting Stones
GRADES 3-8                             very day the aggregate industry sifts                    A pile of randomly sized natural gravel and piles of the screened separate sized products,
                                       millions of tons of rock pieces to make                  each of which meets specifications for particular use in construction projects.
                                                                                                Images courtesy of the Ohio Aggregate and Industrial Minerals Association.
MATERIALS                              important and valuable construction
• 2 lb (1 L) crushed stone      materials from raw resources of crushed
  of random sizes smaller       stone or gravel. Engineers specify size ranges
  than 1.5 inch (38 mm) (can    of rock pieces to be used to make concrete,        2 Estimate the amount (weight or volume)
  be purchased from local       asphalt, and so on. We depend on concrete            of material retained on Screen A, then
  landscape/hardware store)     or asphalt for sidewalks, highways, and              estimate the amount retained by Screen B,
• Screen with 0.5 inch          basement floors and walls, among many                and then estimate the amount passing
  (12.7 mm) holes (Screen A)    other things — in fact, more than 20,000             through Screen B. Added together these
  and screen with 1/8 inch      pounds (10 tons) of size-specific aggregates         should add up to 100 percent.
  (3 mm) holes (Screen B)       are needed for every person per year in the
  (screens may be made using    United States!                                     3 Assume the material coarser than
  hardware cloth or purchased                                                        Screen A is worth $15/ton, the next
  or borrowed from a local      In this exercise you will sift (screen, as it is     smaller material is worth $10/ton, and
  ready-mix concrete or         known in the industry) randomly sized rocks          the dust worth $3/ton. What is the value                    A technician using a screen to sort rock particles.
                                                                                                                                                 Image courtesy of the Gilson Company.
  aggregate supplier)           into groups of specified size ranges. This           of 10 tons of material sized to each these
                                process not only allows the screened product         specifications? Using the estimated
                                to meet an engineer’s requirements for use,          percentages, which resulting pile is
                                but also increases the value of the material         most valuable?                                              Go to www.MineralsEducationCoalition.
                                over the value of the original, random-                                                                          org/esw for an accompanying video
                                sized material.                                    4 Discuss:                                                    and lesson plan and more detailed
                                                                                     • What size would you try to maximize for                   standards correlations.
                                PROCEDURE                                              production? Minimize?
                                1 Take the crushed stone and sift it using           • What factors affect the size of
                                  Screen A. This produces (on top) the                 the materials (such as geologic,                          NGSS CONNECTIONS
                                  clean, crushed stone that is used along              equipment, production)?                                   •    Science and Engineering Practices —
                                  with sand and Portland cement to make              • Where could the type of rock you used                          Planning and Carrying Out Investigations
                                  concrete pavement. Use Screen B to sift              be obtained in nature? Where have you                     •    Disciplinary Core Ideas — Earth and
                                  what fell through. What stays on Screen B            seen a mine or quarry?                                         Human Activity
Source: Minerals Education
Coalition. Adapted                is the “chips” used with sand and asphalt          • How would you design a machine to                         •    Crosscutting Concepts — Scale,
with permission.                  to make asphalt pavement.                            sort rock pieces by size?                                      Proportion and Quantity
Sunday                        Monday                         Tuesday                       Wednesday           Thursday                             Friday                          Saturday
                             1                               2                                 3                4                                 5                                 6

                                                                                                                                                  Did You Know? 
                                                                                                                                                  The First of Five Strong
                                                                                                                                                  Earthquakes (Magnitude 7.0)
                                                             Groundhog Day                                                                        Hit the Region of Calabria in
                                                                                                                                                  Southern Italy and Produce
                                                             World Wetlands Day                                                                   Significant Tsunamis, 1783

7                            8                               9                                 10               11                                12                                13

                                                                                                                International Day of Women
                                                                                                                and Girls in Science
Did You Know?                                                                                                                                    Happy Birthday! 
Earthquake (8.8 Magnitude)                                                                                      Did You Know?                    Charles Darwin,
Shakes Chile, Triggering a                                                                                      Death Valley National Park,       English Naturalist,
Tsunami that Hits Hawai’i,                                                                                      Lowest Below Sea Level in North   “The Origin of Species” Author,
2010                                                                                                            America, Proclaimed 1933          Born 1809

14                           15                              16                                17               18                                19                                20

                             Presidents Day
                                                                                                                                                                                    Did You Know? 
                             Happy Birthday!                                                                                                                                       John Glenn Becomes First
                             Galileo Galilei,                                                                                                                                       American to Orbit the Earth,
                             Italian Astronomer, Physicist                                                                                                                          Flying Aboard Spacecraft
Valentine’s Day              and Engineer, Born 1564                                           Ash Wednesday                                                                        Friendship 7, 1962

21                           22                              23                                24               25                                26                                27

                                                             Did You Know? 
                                                             Charles M. Hall, a Young U.S.                                                        Did You Know? 
                                                             Chemist, Invents an Inexpensive                                                      Grand Canyon National Park,
                                                             Method for Producing Aluminum                                                        Exhibiting Largest Section
Feb. 21–27, 2021:                                            by Separating It from Its                                                            of Geologic Time on Earth,
National Engineers Week                                      Bauxite Ore, 1886                                                                    Established 1919


                                                                 American Geosciences Institute |                                                            February 2021
March 2021

Modeling an Oil Reserve
GRADES 8-12                                  ince 1970, oil and natural gas have
                                             provided more than half of the energy
MATERIALS                                    used each year in the United States to                                                             • Probe gently through the sand. Look
• A cardboard box or other            produce electricity, heat, transportation fuels,                                                            at the skewer for evidence of “oil.” This
  opaque container with               and many everyday products from balloons                                                                    models the drilling process. Remember:
  cardboard lid                       to vitamins. Oil and natural gas are forms of                                                               Every centimeter of depth that you
• Sand                                petroleum, a word that literally means “oily                                                                drill costs $150,000. In addition, each
• Marker pens                         rock.” Petroleum is called a fossil fuel because                                                            time you move to a new spot to drill
• Clear plastic drinking straws       it is geologically very old and is found in the                                                             costs $75,000.
• Graph paper                         ground, like fossils.                                • Place a lid securely on the box and
• Small rock samples                                                                         fasten it with masking tape. Exchange              • Keep a record of how many centimeters
• Balloon with water                  Abundant oil and natural gas form only                 your model with another group.                       you drill and how many times you
• Food coloring                       where conditions in the Earth are just                                                                      move the skewer to a new spot, so
• Masking tape                        right. Doing this investigation will help you      2 With the other group’s box, you will                   you can calculate the total cost of your
• Bamboo kebab skewer                 understand how geoscientists identify and            model the method used by exploration                   exploration. Continue drilling until you
                                      explore petroleum-rich reserves.                     geologists in the field. You may not move              find “oil.”
                                                                                           the box, and you may not look inside it.
                                      PROCEDURE                                            Attach graph paper to the lid of the box.          4 What was the total cost of your
                                      1 In a small box or opaque container set             Tap on the box and listen for an area that           exploration? If you were to start over,
                                        up the model similar to the one shown              “sounds different.” Use the graph paper to           how would you change your exploration
                                        in the illustration. Place a small balloon         record the locations of areas that sound             procedure to save money? Compare your
                                        containing colored water (to represent             different and seem like likely candidates            results with the group that constructed
                                        oil) into the layers. Think carefully about        for oil exploration.                                 the model. Look at their map. Was the
                                        where to place your oil reserves in the                                                                 oil deposit where they said it should be?
                                        model. Putting it in the middle might be         3 Probe the box to search for “oil” (the water         What could you have done to make your
                                        too obvious, or placing it against the side        balloon) in the places you identified.               exploration more cost-effective?
                                        of the box might be too confusing!                 Mark off divisions of one centimeter on a
                                                                                           bamboo skewer, beginning at the bottom.        NGSS CONNECTIONS
                                         • Mark the sides of the box “North,”              Use the bamboo skewer to penetrate the         •     Science and Engineering Practices —
Source: Adapted with permission            “South,” “East,” and “West.” Make a map of      box lid at the location where you think the          Developing and Using Models
by the American Association                your model to show the location of the          oil may be located.                            •     Disciplinary Core Ideas —
of Petroleum Geologists from               water-balloon “oil reserve.”                                                                         Natural Resources
AGI’s Earth System Science in the
Community (EarthComm).                                                                                                                    •     Cross-Cutting Concepts — Systems and
Illustrations: AGI/Stuart Armstrong                                                                                                             System Models
Sunday                            Monday            Tuesday                   Wednesday                           Thursday              Friday                         Saturday
                                   1                 2                          3                                     4               5                                 6

                                                                                Did You Know? 
                                                                                United States Geological Survey
                                                                                Founded, 1879

7                                  8                 9                          10                                    11              12                                13

                                                                                                                                      Happy Birthday! 
                                                                                Happy Birthday!                                      Vladimir Vernadsky,
                                                                                John Playfair, Scottish                               Russian-Soviet Mineralogist and
                                                                                Mathematician, Physicist, and                         Geochemist Who Is Considered
                                                                                Geologist, Author of “Illustrations                   One of the Founders of
                                                                                of the Huttonian Theory of the                        Geochemistry, Biogeochemistry,
                                                                                Earth,” 1748                                          and Radiogeology, 1863

14                                 15                16                         17                                    18              19                                20
Daylight Saving Time Begins
Happy Birthday!                                                                                                                                                        Vernal Equinox
Albert Einstein, German-American
Physicist, Author of “Theory of                                                                                                                                         Happy Birthday! 
Relativity,” Born 1879                                                                                                                                                  Lucy Myers Wright Mitchell,
                                                                                                                                                                        Persian-American Self-Taught
March 14–20, 2021:                                                                                                                                                     Archaeologist Who Was One of
National Groundwater                                                                                                                                                    the First American Women in
Awareness Week                                                                  St. Patrick’s Day                                                                       the Field

21                                 22                23                         24                                    25              26                                27

                                                                                                                                                                        Passover Begins ( Sundown)
                                                                                                                                                                        Did You Know? 
                                                                                Happy Birthday!                                      Did You Know?                    Great Alaska Earthquake
                                                                                John Wesley Powell,                                   Earthquake (Magnitude 7.7) in     (Magnitude 9.2) Is
                                                                                U.S. Geologist and                                    Venezuela Causes a New Lake to    Second-Largest of 20th Century
                                                                                Anthropologist, Grand Canyon                          Form and the River Yurubí to be   and Largest Recorded in
                                   World Water Day   World Meteorological Day   Explorer, Born 1834                                   Dammed Up                         Northern Hemisphere, 1964

28                                 29                30                         31

                                                         American Geosciences Institute |                                                            March 2021
Photos of student
April 2021                                                                                             drifter designs.
                                                                                                       Kama Almasi


Engineering Biodegradable Drifters
GRADES 7-10                              rifter buoys, or drifters, are scientific   PROCEDURE
                                         equipment that collect data from the        1 Divide into small groups to build your
MATERIALS                                surface of a body of water. Drifters          drifter buoy, perhaps as shown in the
• Oranges, apples,             allow scientists to track currents, temperature,        photos above. Be creative, and decorate
  and potatoes                 salinity, and other factors as they float freely        your drifter with permanent markers.
• Twigs or bamboo skewers      and transmit information.                               The materials will ensure that your drifter
• Corn-based eating utensils                                                           floats, and that is what matters most.
• Wooden toothpicks            The National Oceanic and Atmospheric
• Dried seaweed, corn husks,   Administration (NOAA) has hundreds of                 2 Test your drifter buoy in a local creek,
  or other biodegradable       drifter buoys across the globe. These drifters          stream, or any naturally moving water.           NOAA Teacher at Sea Dieuwertje “DJ” Kast, ready
  sheets (e.g., cotton or      gather and share information and are                    Wear clothes you can get wet and closed-         to deploy a drifter buoy from the NOAA ship Henry
                                                                                                                                        B. Bigelow.
  bamboo) for flags or sails   powered by batteries in the round floating              toed shoes or waders. Bring measuring            NOAA/Teacher at Sea/Jerry Prezioso
• Permanent markers            body of the buoy. Attached to the floating              tape, stopwatches, and paper for data
• Long-handled net             body is a “drogue.” The canvas or nylon                 recording. You may want a long-handled               4 Back in the classroom, calculate group
• Stopwatches                  drogue, which looks like a tail towed behind            net to catch any drifters that escape.                 drifter speeds. You will start with your
• Pen and paper to use as      the buoy, can extend many meters below                                                                         distance (50 meters) divided by your
  a datasheet                  the surface of the water. It allows the buoy          3 Divide your group into two sub-groups.                 time in seconds to calculate the speed in
                               to be pulled by currents beneath the surface,           One sub-group will stand upstream at                   meters per second (m/s).
                               not just pushed by winds from above. NOAA               the drop-off location. The other will stand
                               mainly uses drifters in ocean waters, but they          50 meters downstream for pick-up.                You can then calculate time required for
                               can also be useful in freshwater.                       • Set up start and finish lines using strings.   drifters to travel over longer distances, such
                                                                                       • Drop-off teams stand in the center of          as to the entrance to the ocean. You can use
                               You can explore data from these buoys and                 the stream with their drifter. When all        this information to calculate how long it
                               apply to “adopt” one with the NOAA Adopt a                teams are ready, at the agreed-upon            would take a piece of debris from your local
                               Drifter Program. Visit to                signal, release drifters while pick-up         waterway to drift to the ocean.
                               learn more. In this activity, you will design and         teams start the stopwatches.
                               build a biodegradable drifter and calculate             • Pick-up teams grab the drifters as they        NGSS CONNECTIONS
                               the surface current speed of a small body                 float to the finish line and record time       •     Science and Engineering Practices —
                               of water.                                                 on a datasheet.                                      Developing and Using Models
                                                                                       • Then, have your groups move                    •     Disciplinary Core Ideas — Human Impacts
                                                                                         downstream and repeat the steps above                on Earth Systems
Source: National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration.                                                              to average data and predict overall            •     Cross-Cutting Concepts — Analyzing and
Adapted with permission.                                                                 stream velocity.                                     Interpreting Data
Sunday                         Monday                          Tuesday             Wednesday                              Thursday                              Friday                          Saturday
                                                                                                                            1                                 2                                   3

                                                                                                                            April Fool’s Day                  Did You Know? 
                                                                                                                                                              Earthquake (Magnitude 7.9) on
                                                                                                                            Did You Know?                    Hawai’i Island Caused a Landslide
                                                                                                                            Start of Midwest Flood of Upper   and Tsunami. The Aftershock
                                                                                                                            Mississippi River Basin That      Sequence for This Event has
                                                                                                                            Would Cover Nine Midwestern       Continued Up to the Present
                                                                                                                            and Great Plains States, 1993     day, 1868

4                               5                                 6                   7                                     8                                 9                                   10

                                                                                                                            April 8–11, 2021:
                                                                                      April 7–11, 2021:                     Geoscience Event: 
                                                                                      Geoscience Event:                    NSTA National Conference on
                                                                                      AAG Annual Meeting, American          Science Education, National
                                                                                      Association of Geographers,           Science Teachers Association,
Passover Ends                                                                         Seattle, Washington                   Chicago, Illinois

11                              12                                13                  14                                    15                                16                                  17

                                                                                                                                                              Happy Birthday! 
                                Did You Know?                                        Did You Know?                                                          Marie Maynard Daly, American
                                Arches National Park, World’s                         Start of Mount Eyjafjallajökull                                         Biochemist, the First Black
                                Highest Concentration of                              Eruption in Iceland, Grounding                                          American Woman in the U.S.
                                Natural Arches,                                       Flights Across Europe for                                               to Earn a Ph.D. in Chemistry,       April 17–25, 2021:
                                Established 1929                                      Almost a Week, 2010                                                     Born 1921                           National Park Week

18                              19                                20                  21                                    22                                23                                  24

                                Did You Know? 
Did You Know? 
                                Soviet Union Launches Salyut 1,
Great 1906 San Francisco
                                First Space Station, 1971
Earthquake (Estimated                                                                 Did You Know? 
Magnitude 7.8) Tears 270-Mile   April 19–23, 2021:                                    Start of Great Flood of Mississippi
Rift Along San Andreas Fault,   National Environmental                                River Valley That Would Inundate
1906                            Education Week (EE Week)                              27,000 Square Miles, 1927             Earth Day

25                              26                                27                  28                                    29                                30

                                                                                                                                                              Arbor Day

                                                                      American Geosciences Institute |                                                                           April 2021
May 2021

Ring of Fire
GRADES 6-9                                   plate boundary may be shown as a line on a map that defines the edge of a tectonic
                                             plate, usually indicating where one plate meets another. Plate boundaries are further
MATERIALS                                    divided by the direction that the two plates are moving relative to one another.
• Computer with internet
  access and printer               When plates are moving towards one another, the zone of contact is called a convergent
• Paper                            plate boundary. When plates are moving away from each other, it is called a divergent plate
• Colored pencils                  boundary. Plates sliding past each other horizontally do so at a transform plate boundary.

                                   In this activity, you’ll identify plate boundaries as well as continents, countries, and bodies of
                                   water to become familiar with an area known as the “Ring of Fire.” (For teachers: To explore
                                   further, download the Mount Rainier National Park “Sister Mountain Project” activity online

                                   PROCEDURE                                            3 Use various library and internet resources    The volcanoes of the Pacific Northwest are
                                   1 Discuss: The Pacific Rim is a                        such as atlases, encyclopedia, and plate      part of the Ring of Fire. Mount Rainier National
                                     conglomeration of Pacific Ocean border               tectonic maps to locate and label each        Park, Washington.
                                                                                                                                        Courtesy of NPS
                                     countries including Australia, Peru,                 item on the list with colored pencils.
                                     Argentina, China, Russia, Japan, Canada,
Students celebrate in the high       and the United States, each with its               4 Go online to the “Mapping the Ring of             6 Draw in the plate boundaries of the plates
cascades during a ranger program
at Mount Rainier National            own economic, geographic, political,                 Fire PowerPoint” (              located beneath the Pacific Ocean on your
Park, Washington.                    environmental and cultural backgrounds.              y9yxe7wy) to view a slideshow with                  “Pacific Rim Map.”
Courtesy of NPS                      The countries of the Pacific Rim have a              seismic maps of the Pacific Rim. During
                                     rich history of interconnected trade, travel         the slideshow, pause to sketch notes          To further explore this topic in the context
                                     and geologic processes known as the Ring             on your map when viewing the maps             of U.S. national parks, go online to Plate
                                     of Fire. How are the people living in the            of seismic data of the Pacific Northwest,     Tectonics & Our National Parks (www.nps.
                                     Pacific Rim interconnected and similar?              Southeast Asia, and the Pacific Rim.          gov/subjects/geology/plate-tectonics.htm).

                                   2 Print up your own “Pacific Rim Map” and            5 Also during the slideshow, pause to           NGSS CONNECTIONS
                                     “Mapping the Ring of Fire Handout”                   complete questions from the slideshow         •     Science and Engineering Practices —
                                     (                      on the “Mapping the Ring of Fire Student            Obtaining, Evaluating, and
                                     Practice your skills at reading a map                Worksheet” (                    Communicating Information
                                     and using latitude and longitude to                  y78oank4).                                    •     Disciplinary Core Ideas — Plate Tectonics
Source: National Park Service.       identify locations. Read the handout and                                                                 and Large-Scale System Interactions
Adapted with permission.             review instructions.                                                                               •     Cross-Cutting Concepts — Patterns
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