EDUCATIONAL FALL 2020 - Linn-Benton Community College

Page created by Rachel Chang
EDUCATIONAL FALL 2020 - Linn-Benton Community College
FALL 2020

We are excited to welcome our students back onto campus this fall, and are committed to keeping our entire community safe
while continuing our delivery of high-quality education.
To allow students the flexibility and safety they need during this time, the majority of courses will be held remotely, either
synchronously (at set times) or asynchronously (on their own schedules).
Most lecture-based classes will be held remotely, with a few hybrid or on-campus options available in some programs. As allowed
by local health authorities, the majority of the lab sections will be held on campus, with proper physical distancing and cleaning
protocols. Clinicals and practicums in healthcare will be offered at the clinical sites, and will follow each site’s protocols. Student
support services are available fall term and will be provided remotely.

Services to Students
+ Admission and Registration                                          + International Programs
  Open virtually M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.                                International Programs will offer remote
+ Advising Center                                                       advising for students.
  Open virtually, M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.                              + Learning Center
  and by appointment                                                    The Learning Center will be offering remote services
+ Business Office                                                       for Tutoring, the Math Help Desk and the Math Cafe,
  Open virtually M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Contact for                 the Writing Center, and Academic Coaching.
  case-by-case, in-person needs.                                      + Library
+ Campus Store                                                          Students, staff, and faculty may contact the Library to
  TBA                                                                   access materials and equipment. All Library services
                                                                        including research support, Student Help Desk
+ Center for Accessibility Services                                     services, and research databases will continue to be
  The Center for Accessibility Services (CFAR) will                     provided remotely.
  work with students remotely unless there are special
  circumstances with a student’s accommodations that                  + LiveChat
  require an in-person meeting.                                         8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m., daily. Limited hours
                                                                        on Saturday/Sunday.
+ Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Center
  EDI Center will offer all services remotely.                        + Roadrunner Resources
                                                                        (basic human needs assistance, emergency
+ Financial Aid                                                         funds, connection to community resources) Virtual
  Open virtually M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.                                appointments M-F, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
+ First Resort Student Help Center                                    + Student Assessment
  Open virtually from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.                                  Student Assessment will be open for in-person
+ Food Services - Commons and Courtyard Cafe                            Pearson Testing (such as the GED test) two times per
  Takeout only                                                          month in September and October. All test proctoring
                                                                        for LBCC classes will happen remotely.
+ High School Partnerships
  Open virtually, M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.                              + Student Leadership
                                                                        Open virtually M-F. Hours set by student officers - TBA
  — Zoom drop in meetings for Campus High School
    students/prospective students and parents.                        + Transcript Evaluation and Graduation Services
                                                                        Open virtually, M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
  — Trainings/Professional Development opportunities
    for partners via zoom and/or video recordings.                    + University Partnerships
                                                                        University Partnerships will offer remote
  — College Now virtual meetings and trainings with
                                                                        advising for students.
    partners and teachers.

     REMOTE 100% online, either Virtual (synchronous) or Online (asynchronous).
     IN-PERSON Face-to-face at a specified location within certain hours.
     TBD To be determined
Academic Programs and Disciplines

                                                   MAJORITY    MAJORITY   MAJORITY
   PROGRAM/DISCIPLINE                               REMOTE    IN-PERSON    HYBRID

 Adult Basic Skills
 Animal Technology
 Automotive Technology
 Business Administration
 Child and Family Studies
 Coding (Medical)
 Computed Tomography/Diagnostic Imaging
 Construction and Forestry Equipment Technology
 Criminal Justice
 Culinary Arts
 Dental Assistant
 Diagnostic Imaging/Computed Tomography
 Exercise and Sport Science
 Foreign Language
 General Science/Geosciences
 Heavy Equipment and Diesel Technology
 Human Development and Family Science
 Industrial Mechanics and Maintenance Technology
 Journalism and Mass Communication

    PROGRAM/DISCIPLINE                                      REMOTE            IN-PERSON            HYBRID

 Machine Tool
 Medical Assisting
 Network and System Administration
 Nondestructive Testing
 Occupational Therapy Assistant
 Social Sciences (Religious Studies, Sociology,
 Philosophy, and Political Science)
 Sleep Technology
 Surgical Technologist
 Visual Communication
 Welding and Fabrication


     REMOTE Courses taught 100% online, either Virtual (synchronous) or Online (asynchronous).
     IN-PERSON Courses offered entirely face-to-face, students attend at specified time and location.
     HYBRID Some course material is delivered remotely, students also attend class at a specified time and location.

Program Specifics
Advanced Manufacturing and Transportation Technology

+ All lectures will be held remotely, and labs will be
  held face-to-face. Labs will follow approved physical
  distancing and face-covering guidelines.

Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

+ Art: Art History classes, as well as painting and drawing   + History: All History classes will be remotely.
  classes, will be offered remotely. Classes that utilize     + Journalism: Journalism classes will be offered
  Adobe and the design lab will be offered in a hybrid          remotely with the exception of the Intro to Journalism
  format to enable students to use the lab once per             class, which will have a hybrid format, enabling
  week. Ceramics classes will be offered at the Benton          students to utilize the design lab once per week.
  Center campus, with physical distancing.
                                                              + Music: All music classes will be offered remotely with
+ Accounting: All Accounting classes will be                    the exception of Concert Choir and Group Piano. The
  offered remotely.                                             Music Department will ensure physical distancing
+ Anthropology: All Anthropology classes will be                and has special masks designed for concert singing.
  offered remotely.                                             The Choir will rehearse outdoors as weather permits.
+ Business and Economics: All Business and Economics          + Practical Business Management: All PBM classes
  classes will all be offered remotely.                         will be offered remotely with the exception of one
+ Child and Family Studies: All Child and Family Studies        section of Communication for Practical Business
  classes will be offered remotely with the exception of        which will be hybrid, meeting on campus once
  observation and practicums.                                   per week.

+ Criminal Justice: Four Criminal Justice classes,            + Psychology: Psychology classes will be offered
  including two night courses, will be offered on campus.       remotely with the exception of three sections
  The remainder will be offered remotely.                       available on campus.

+ Communication: Most Communication classes will be           + Social Science (including Sociology, Religion,
  offered remotely. We are offering a few sections each         Philosophy and Political Science): Social Science
  of COMM 111 and COMM 218 on Albany and Benton                 classes will be offered remotely.
  Center campuses. COMM 114 is offered remotely only.         + Spanish: All Spanish classes will be offered remotely.
+ Education: All Education classes will be offered            + Theater: Introduction to Theater classes will be
  remotely with the exception of observation                    offered remotely. A few Theater classes will meet
  and practicums.                                               on campus and by arrangement with the instructor,
+ English: All English classes will be offered remotely         with physical distancing. There will be no live
  with the exception of Film Studies at the Benton Center       performances this year and no Children’s Show.
  and Albany campus.                                          + Writing: Writing classes will be offered remotely, with
+ HDFS: All HDFS classes will be offered remotely               the exception of one section each of WR 115, ALP,
  with the exception of one section of Infant and Child         121, 123, and 227 available on campus.
  Development offered on campus and a hybrid format
  for practicum.


+ Dental: All lecture classes will be taught either virtually    + OTA: All lectures will be virtual with Zoom. Labs will
  with Zoom or online. Lab classes will be face-to-face            be held at respective statewide locations in-person
  with small lab class sizes.                                      following each site’s protocols. Fieldwork will be in-
+ Diagnostic Imaging/Computed Tomography: All lecture              person on site.
  classes will be taught either virtually with Zoom or           + Nursing Assistant: TBD
  online. Lab classes will be face-to-face with small lab        + Surgical Technology: TBD
  class sizes. Practicums will be in-person at clinical sites.
                                                                 + Phlebotomy: All lecture classes will be taught either
+ Medical Assisting: All lecture classes will be taught            virtually with Zoom or online. Lab classes will be
  either virtually with Zoom or online. There will be              face-to-face with small lab class sizes. Clinicals will be
  three second-year Medical Asst. lab classes that will            in-person at clinical sites.
  be hybrid with the lecture part virtually via Zoom and
  the lab portion meeting face-to-face with smaller              + Sleep Technology: All lecture classes will be taught
  lab class sizes.                                                 online. Lab classes will be face-to-face with small lab
                                                                   class sizes.
+ Coding: All classes will be taught either virtually with
  Zoom or online.
+ Nursing: All lectures will be virtual with Zoom. SIM
  and Skills labs will be face-to-face with clinical groups.
  Clinicals will be in person at clinical sites.

Science, Engineering and Math

+ Agriculture: Most classes in Agriculture will be taught        + Engineering: All Engineering classes will be
  remotely. The exception to this will be lab components           taught remotely.
  that involve interaction with animals.                         + Geoscience/General Science: All Geoscience/General
+ Biology: All 100-level Biology classes and labs will be          Science classes and labs will be taught remotely.
  taught remotely, with the exception of one section (BI         + Health: All CPR and First Aid classes will be taught
  103: Dynamic Plant, which has a face-to-face lab). For           face to face. Other health classes will either be taught
  200-level Biology classes, most will be taught online            remotely, or with a limited option to attend face-to-face.
  with face-to-face once weekly labs (BI 221, 231, 233,
  234). BI 232 will be taught remotely with remote labs.         + Mathematics: All Mathematics classes will be
                                                                   taught remotely.
+ Chemistry: All Chemistry classes and labs will be
  taught remotely, with the exception of CH 221, which           + PE: Activity based PE classes will be taught face-to-
  will have face-to-face labs.                                     face or hybrid (with online and face to face
                                                                   components). All sections of PE 231 will be taught
+ Computer Systems: All Computer Systems classes will              remotely with the exception of a few sections that have
  be taught remotely with the exception of CIS 151                 a limited option to attend face-to-face.
  which will have limited face-to-face sessions (currently
  planned for the end of the term).                              + Physics: All Physics classes and labs will be
                                                                   taught remotely.

Academic Foundations Division

+ Adult Basic Skills: All ABE, GED, and ELA classes
  offered fall term will be remote. All student support will
  be virtual, available M-F 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.
+ STEP Program: Open virtually, M-F 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. and
  by appointment.
 ­— For enrolled STEP students: Meetings will be held
    virtually, via Zoom or over the phone. Enrolled
    STEP students will be able to contact their Student
    Success Specialist via email, phone, text, and Zoom
    meetings (including drop-in Zoom office hours)
    during business hours. Through multiple avenues
    of contact, we aim to provide the same access
    to coaching, navigation, and support services as
    students would receive in an on-campus setting.
+ JOBS Program: Open virtually, M-F 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
  and by appointment.

Extended Learning
Open virtually from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

+ Community Education: 120 remote classes via Zoom,
  Google Meets, YouTube, and Facebook, including
  classes in Arts, Fitness, Foods, History, Language,
  Garden, and Health and Wellness. Questions can be
  directed to 541-917-4840.
+ Driver Education: 2 remote classes via Google Meets
  and Google Classroom. Questions can be directed to
  Melissa Richey at
+ Professional Development: 4 fall remote training
  classes, full and waitlisted, via Zoom. Questions can be
  directed to Terri Houde at
+ Small Business Development Center: 15 remote
  workshops and classes, including Going into Business,
  Foundations of Business, Small Business Management
  1 and 2, Quickbooks, and Real Estate. We are also
  always available for free remote advising.
  Questions can be directed to Anne Greene at

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