Ellesmere College Development Plan 2020-21

Page created by Daniel Thomas
College Development Plan 2020-21
     Author: Steph Beale
     Version: 1.2

                                                        Ellesmere College Development Plan 2020-21
Quality of Education
Q of E Priority 1 – To achieve high quality teaching across all teachers and all subjects.
Q of E Priority 2 – To improve whole school visual communication.
Q of E Priority 3 – To develop the humanities and Science curriculum (Understanding the world).
Q of E Priority 4 – To improve assessment data in PSHE (SMSC quality mark)
Behaviour and Attitudes
Behaviour and Attitudes Priority 1: Migrate EHCP targets to classroom monitor so as to bring a single assessment.
Behaviour and Attitudes Priority 2: Ensure attendance reaches 93%
Behaviour and Attitudes Priority 3: Improve the focus of EHCP and well-being time to ensure it links and improves EHCP outcomes with tracking linked to Classroom Monitor.
Behaviour and Attitudes Priority 4: Embed zones of regulation, continuing to improve pupils’ ability to use the framework to recognise and self-regulate emotional states
Personal Development
PD Priority 1: Develop a mental health action plan to positively impact student wellbeing and implement the LCFC mental health program
PD Priority 2: Timetable and increase club offer to include a wider range of options
PD Priority 3: Complete a successful application for SMSC quality and Healthy Schools
Leadership and Management
Leadership and Management priority 1: Improve parental engagement through parents contributing to assessment evidence for EHCP targets.
Leadership and Management priority 2: To build the capacity of middle leaders particularly through lesson obs ensuring a detailed knowledge of how their subject is taught across the school.
Leadership and Management priority 3: Promote a proactive governing body actively linked with senior and middle leaders to ensure a high level of challenge.
Leadership and Management priority 4: Continue to improve staff wellbeing through the development of a clear wellbeing strategy.
16-19 Study Programmes
Post 16 Priority 1 – To further develop work related learning, including work experience, Enterprise and supported internships and develop a Challenge Partners ‘Area of Excellence’ proposal in this area
linked to destination data.
Post 16 Priority 2 – To improve the quality of teaching and learning in post 16 to ensure all teaching is good or better and that attainment in Maths is improved and in line with English.
Post 16 Priority 3 – To continue to improve student wellbeing and positively impact attendance in Post-16.
Early Years
EYFS Priority 1: Pilot parental contributions to learning journeys which can then be duplicated with EHCP evidence. (L&M P1)
EYFS Priority 2: Establish a culture of visual communication, minimal language, symbols and Makaton in Acorns and Blossom, which will impact whole school.
EYFS Priority 3: Ensure the PSHE curriculum is improved and progress data is positively impacted.
College Development Plan 2020-21
Author: Steph Beale
Version: 1.2

 Quality of Education Priority 1: Achieve consistent high quality teaching across all            Lead: Ange Smith               Governor: Martin Bell
 teachers and all subjects.

      Rationale          We are so very nearly there and this is purely what students deserve.

   Intended impact       Progress data will show that teaching has improved.

                                   Hit a problem                   Not due to start yet                   On course                     Completed

      Outcome            Lead     Monitored                Actions                             Timeline                 Resources              Progress
 Progress data and        AS         SB     Any teacher not meeting teacher               Ongoing – identified   £150 for potential
 lesson observation                         standards through lesson                      at each lesson obs     external CPD
 data will be                               observations will be given an                 point.
 improved                                   individual CPD programme. Lead                (Oct/Jan/May)
 demonstrating an                           teachers will be involved with this.
 improved level of        AS         SB     Following lesson observations                 Nov
 teaching and                               weekly briefings will focus on areas          Feb
 learning.                                  for development.                              June
                          MB         SB     Whole school languages day.                   May 2020

 Quality of Education Priority 2: To improve whole school visual communication.                  Lead: Kirsten Davies           Governor: Martin Bell

      Rationale          The majority of students benefit from communication enhanced by visual systems (widgit and Makaton). This should be used as a
                         matter of course.
   Intended impact       A more inclusive curriculum for all students.

                                   Hit a problem                   Not due to start yet                   On course                     Completed
College Development Plan 2020-21
Author: Steph Beale
Version: 1.2

      Outcome          Lead    Monitored                Actions                     Timeline           Resources       Progress
 Communication will     KD        SB     A whole school communication plan     Oct 20
 be supported by                         to be written and implemented.
 visuals across the
 whole college.       AS/KD        SB     Publish classroom expectations (to   Sept 20
                                          include communication but also
                                          zones of regulation & qualities)
                        KD         SB     50 keywords to be published and      Sept 20
                                          practised for each phase.

                        AS         SB     Visual communication to be a focus   Oct
                                          of lesson observations.              Jan
                      RT/KD        AS     CPD for new staff in Makaton to      Sept 20 and     Internal cover.
                                          teach the 50 key signs for their     ongoing.
                                          phase as part of induction.
                        KD         AS     Continue weekly Makaton top-up       Ongoing
                                          sessions for whole staff.
                        KD         SB     Communication boards for outdoor     Aug 2020        External fundraising.
                                          play areas.
                        RT         SB     Update behaviour policy to include   Sept 20
                                          using Makaton to reduce language
                                          when managing challenging
College Development Plan 2020-21
Author: Steph Beale
Version: 1.2

 Quality of Education Priority 3: To develop the humanities and science curriculum             Lead: Ange Smith/Suni K     Governor: Martin Bell
 (Understanding the world)

      Rationale         Following ‘Deep Dive’ training from the Shaw Education Trust our ‘Understanding the World’ curriculum was identified as
                        needing some work. We are perhaps trying to include too much under one heading so coverage is patchy.
   Intended impact      Each area of Humanities and Science will have ample and discreet coverage which will have a positive impact on pupil progress
                        across these areas.
                                  Hit a problem                   Not due to start yet               On course                      Completed

      Outcome           Lead     Monitored                 Actions                         Timeline                 Resources              Progress
 Progress in Science     AS         SB     Create a 9th area of learning by          Sept 20
 will be improved.                         separating humanities
                                           (understanding the world) from
 Full coverage of the    SB        Govs    Recruit a lead teacher for Science.       Sept 20                 TLR2A £2796
 curriculum will be                           Create a 9th area of learning on the   Sept 20
 ensured.               AS/RT        SB       Ellesmere Steps for Science and
                                              rewrite the ‘understanding the
                                              world descriptors removing Science
                                              but ensuring history, geography and
                                              RE are well covered.

                         EW          AS       Update artwork and website for 8       Sept 20
                                              areas of learning (now 9).

                         SK          RT       Update planning for Understanding      From Sept 20 and
                                              the World removing Science.            ongoing.
College Development Plan 2020-21
Author: Steph Beale
Version: 1.2

                          New        RT       Write new plans for Science.              Ongoing

                        AS/RT        SB       Introduce Entry level/GCSE History.       Sept 20

                          AS         SB       Review progress data for                  Data points:
                                              Understanding the World/Science           Nov/March/June
                                              and intervene if necessary.

 Quality of Education Priority 4: To improve assessment data in PSHE and gain the SMSC      Lead: Ange Smith/Joe Webb Governor: Martin Bell
 quality mark
       Rationale        Progress data from 19-20 showed that students did not make as much progress in PSHE as other areas of learning. PSHE is so
                        important for our students and we therefore wish to ensure that progress is optimised in this area.
   Intended impact      Progress data for PSHE will be in line with Maths and English.

                                  Hit a problem                  Not due to start yet                   On course                  Completed

      Outcome            Lead     Monitored              Actions                             Timeline               Resources             Progress
 Progress data for        JW         RT     Review PSHE schemes of work.                Dec 20
 PSHE will be in line
 with the data for      MB/JW        SB       Review assembly programmes in             Dec 20
 Maths and English.                           light of SMSC/PSHE coverage.
                          AS         SB       SMSC training for all staff.              Oct 20
College Development Plan 2020-21
Author: Steph Beale
Version: 1.2

                         MB          SB      Create a map showing how SMSC is       April 21
                                             covered across the school
                                             curriculum and age groups.

                          JW         SB      Complete evidence and apply for        July 21
                                             SMSC Quality Mark
                        SB/JM      Govs      Allocate PSHE themes for notice        Aug 20
                                             boards (also include e-safety, Maths
                                             and English)
                                             Include notice board presentation
                                             rules in handbook.
                          AS         SB      Review progress data for PSHE at       Nov/March/June
                                             each data point.

                          AS         SB      Schedule PSHE CPD following each       Dec/April/July
                                             data point to pick up on any issues.

 Behaviour and Attitudes Priority 1: Migrate EHCP targets to classroom monitor so as to       Staff: Rebecca Tobitt         Governor: Vicki Gifford
 bring a single assessment.
      Rationale         Currently EHCPs are tracked and evidence on the ‘Evidence for Learning app.’ Academic progress is now tracked on Classroom
                        Monitor. We would like to streamline our processes so that all assessment is in one place.
   Intended impact      Progress will be better evidenced as teachers can tag evidence for academic and EHCP targets in the same place.
                                  Hit a problem                   Not due to start yet                 On course                    Completed

      Outcome            Lead    Monitored                  Actions                       Timeline                    Resources             Progress
College Development Plan 2020-21
Author: Steph Beale
Version: 1.2

 More robust &           RT          SB      Following successful pilot, transfer     Sept 20
 detailed tracking of                        all EHCP targets onto Classroom
 EHCP targets.                               Monitor.
                         RT          SB      Staff training on using CM to track      Sept 20                  Internal training
                                             classroom monitor.
                         SB         VG       Add to the calendar dates for            Aug 20
                                             updating EHCP evidence.
                         RT          SB      Monitor EHCP evidence after each         Feb 21
                                             date on the calendar. (Sample from       April 21
                                             each teacher)
                         RT          SB      Work with any teachers who are not       March 21
                                             uploading ample evidence to ensure       May 21
                                             this is in place.

 Behaviour and Attitudes Priority 2: Ensure attendance reaches 93%                              Staff: Rebecca Tobitt          Governor: Vicki Gifford
      Rationale         For the school year 19-20 we reached 92% attendance which was impacted by coronavirus. We were on track for achieving 93%
                        by the end of the year. I think this is a realistic target for 20-21

   Intended impact      Attendance will reach 93%

                                 Hit a problem                 Not due to start yet                     On course                      Completed

      Outcome           Lead    Monitored                  Actions                          Timeline                    Resources             Progress
 Attendance will         RT         SB       VP to maintain fortnightly meetings      July 21
 reach 93%                                   with APs and SSOs to review              Ongoing tracking
                                             attendance within phases.
College Development Plan 2020-21
Author: Steph Beale
Version: 1.2

                         RT          SB       If at the start of the year students’      Aug 20-Sept 20
                                              transport is not in place – organise a
                                              staff pick-up and drop-off service.
                         RT          SB       Maintain policy around fixed penalty       Ongoing
                                              notices for holidays.
                         RT          SB       Embed new processes for parental           Ongoing
                                              contact when attendance drops
                                              below set markers (95% and 93%)

 Behaviour and Attitudes Priority 3: Improve the focus of EHCP and well-being time to              Staff: Rebecca Tobitt         Governor: Vicki Gifford
 ensure it links and improves EHCP outcomes with tracking linked to Classroom Monitor.
      Rationale         EHCP targets need to be integral to the curriculum and students should have daily opportunities to work on their targets. This
                        should in turn provide higher levels of evidence for EHCP trackers.
   Intended impact      Evidence against EHCP targets will be much greater.

                                  Hit a problem                   Not due to start yet                      On course                    Completed

      Outcome           Lead     Monitored                 Actions                            Timeline                     Resources            Progress
                         SB        VG      Wellbeing/EHCP time to be included            Oct/Jan/May
                                           in lesson observation schedule.
                         RT         SB     Planning proforma to be provided to           Sept 20
                                           teachers for wellbeing/EHCP time.
                         SB        VG      Wellbeing/EHCP time planning                  Aug 20
                                           audits to be added to calendar.
                         RT         SB     APs to audit planning at set times            Nov 20
                                           throughout the year and deal with             Feb 21
                                           any issues arising.
College Development Plan 2020-21
Author: Steph Beale
Version: 1.2

 Behaviour and Attitudes Priority 4: Embed zones of regulation, continuing to improve            Staff:                     Governor: Vicki Gifford
 pupils’ ability to use the framework to recognise and self-regulate emotional states
       Rationale           Zones of Regulation were successfully introduced during the 19-20 academic year. We are keen to embed this initiative even
                           further to support students’ emotional regulation.
   Intended impact         ALL students will have an understanding of the colours and strategies to ‘get into the green.’
                                     Hit a problem                   Not due to start yet                  On course                 Completed

      Outcome            Lead    Monitored                Actions                           Timeline                 Resources               Progress
 All students have        AS        SB     Incorporate Zones of Regulation in         Sept 20
 an understanding                          Classroom Expectations document.
 of the colours and     KD/AS       SB     Opportunities for staff to share good      Sept 20
 some strategies to                        practice included in CPD calendar.
 self-regulate.           KD        SB     When referring to zones, colours           Nov 20
                                           should be supported by Makaton
                          SB       VG      All classrooms will have the zones         Sept 20
                          KD        SB     Through student council interview a        Feb 21
                                           range of students about the zones to
                                           gain a view of how well they are
                                           embedded across the college.
                        AS/KD       SB     Use findings from student voice to         March 21
                                           inform further staff training.
                          RT        SB      Incorporate Zones of Regulation in        Sept 20 - ongoing
                                           induction training for new staff.
College Development Plan 2020-21
Author: Steph Beale
Version: 1.2

 Personal Development Priority 1: Develop a mental health action plan to positively impact     Staff: Rebecca Tobitt         Governor: Vicki Gifford.
 student wellbeing and implement the LCFC mental health program.

      Rationale          Mental health is a priority. Our LCFC project was delayed in 19-20 due to funding and then Covid-19. When students return after
                        school closures ensuring good mental health will be even more important than before.
   Intended impact      At Ellesmere College there will be no stigma around mental health. ALL students will know who to talk to if they are feeling
                        down/stressed and know where to find support
                                  Hit a problem                    Not due to start yet                 On course                      Completed

      Outcome           Lead     Monitored                  Actions                          Timeline                  Resources             Progress
 A rigorous mental       RT         SB     Monitor planning and delivery of          Nov 20
 health and                                timetabled ‘wellbeing’ time to            Feb 21
 wellbeing plan                            ensure effective use of time.
 ensures all students    LO         SB     Carry out a pupil wellbeing survey.       Jan 21
 are well catered for    RT         SB     Use student voice (survey) to make        Feb 21
 in this area and ALL                      identified changes.
 students know          MW/AS       SB     Increase range of active after school     Oct 20
 where to turn to if                       clubs.
 they need support.      RT         SB     Embark on LCFC mental health first        Funding permitting
                                           aider project.
                         RT         SB     Timetable Mental Health first aiders      Sept 20
                                           for 20 minutes daily to work with
                                           identified students.
                         KMK        SB     Introduce an interventions catalogue      Sept 20
                                           so all staff are aware of the
College Development Plan 2020-21
Author: Steph Beale
Version: 1.2

                                                interventions available for students
                                                so they can refer appropriately.
                         RT             SB      Explore supervision for SSOs/DSLs      July 21
                                                for 21-22 financial year.

 Personal Development Priority 2: Increase club offer to include a wider range of options        Staff: Mark Botterill        Governor: Steve White

 Rationale              Club time was successfully introduced in 19-20. Student voice showed that students want more choice. We also wish to increase
                        the after-school club offer particularly around PE/Sport.

 Intended impact        Wider choice and student influenced options during club time and more active after school clubs.

                        Hit a problem                         Not due to start yet               On course                    Completed

 Outcome             Lead     Monitored Actions                                                          Timeline        Resources          Progress

                      MB           SB        Ensure clubs begin 2 weeks into the Autumn term with        Sept 20
                                             a wide range of options.

                      MB           SB        Club groups should be updated termly (3 x 10 week           Sept 20
                                             blocks) to allow students a wider range of activities       ongoing
                                             across the year.
                      MW           AS        Use primary sports premium/pupil premium to fund an         Oct 20          Pupil Premium
                                             after-school sports club for primary aged children.
                      MW           AS        Introduce a family active club one night per week after     Oct 20          External Funding
                                             school for children to take part with a family member.
                                             (funding already secured for resources)
College Development Plan 2020-21
Author: Steph Beale
Version: 1.2

                       MB          SB       Explore options to expand Youth Club to incorporate       Jan 21               Additional staffing
                                            KS3 students (maybe a separate night) starting with                            costs to be
                                            year 9 pupils.                                                                 considered.

 Personal Development Priority 3: Complete a successful application for SMSC and Healthy Staff: Rebecca Tobitt              Governor: Vicki Gifford
 Schools Quality Marks
 Rationale             At Ellesmere we prioritise students’ wider education such as staying healthy and social emotional and mental health. Having the
                       quality marks for SMSC and Healthy Schools will help up to ensure we are doing all we can in these areas for the benefit of pupils.

 Intended impact        We will achieve SMSC and Healthy Schools quality marks.

                        Hit a problem                        Not due to start yet              On course                        Completed

 Outcome               Lead      Monitored Actions                                    Timeline                 Resources                     Progress

 SMSC quality Mark     RT        SB            Review Healthy Schools application     Oct 20
 and Silver Healthy                            submitted by BK (April 20)
 Schools Award
                                               Resubmit with primary additions if

                       AS        SB            Reschedule SMSC quality mark           Aug 2020
                                               training – missed due to Covid 19

                       RT/MB     SB            Create SMSC Action plan.               Oct 2020
College Development Plan 2020-21
Author: Steph Beale
Version: 1.2

                        RT/MB     SB           Submit application for SMSC Quality        July 2021

 Leadership and Management Priority 1: Improve parental engagement through parents            Staff:                            Governor: Vicki Gifford
 contributing to assessment evidence for EHCP targets.
       Rationale        EHCPs are an incredibly important part of students’ education. A lot of the targets are related to social/emotional needs or
                        independence and can be evidenced through activities at home. It is important for school to work together with families to
                        achieve this.

   Intended impact       Evidence for EHCPs will be a shared responsibility between home and school. The importance of EHCPs will be raised with parents
                         and evidence will be much more rounded.

                                   Hit a problem                   Not due to start yet                    On course                    Completed

      Outcome            Lead     Monitored                  Actions                            Timeline               Resources               Progress
 Evidence for EHCPs       KD         SB     Pilot parental contribution to                Dec 20
 will be a shared                           assessment through EYFS learning
 responsibility                             journeys.
 between home and         RT         SB     2nd pilot specifically for EHCPs.             March 21
 school. The              RT         SB     Following a successful pilot, launch          June 21
 importance of                              the evidence gathering system with
 EHCPs will be raised                       parents.
 with parents and         RT         SB     Review process and make                       July 21
 evidence will be                           improvements where necessary.
 much more
College Development Plan 2020-21
Author: Steph Beale
Version: 1.2

 Leadership and Management Priority 2: To build the capacity of middle leaders                   Staff: Steph Beale/Ange       Governor: Martin Bell
 particularly through lesson observations ensuring a detailed knowledge of how their             Smith
 subject is taught across the school.
 Rationale                Following the deep dive training in Feb 2020 it was evident that our lead teachers need further support to be fully confident in
                          their subject across the age range and be ‘Ofsted ready’

 Intended impact         Lead teachers will have a full understanding of how their subject is taught across the age range and will know teachers’ strengths
                         and area for development and will use this knowledge to focus subject development and CPD.

                         Hit a problem                        Not due to start yet                On course                     Completed

 Outcome                Lead      Monitored Actions                                      Timeline               Resources                    Progress

 Lead teachers will       AS          SB        Audit lead teachers’ confidence          Nov 20
 have a full                                    regarding planning across the age
 understanding of                               ranges.
 how their subject is     AS          SB        Use audit to inform lead teacher         Jan 21
 taught across the                              CPD programme.
 age range and will     AS/RT         SB        Lead teachers to write subject           Oct 20
 know teachers’                                 development plans to enhance
 strengths and area                             provision in their subject area. These
 for development                                will need to be linked to budget
 and will use this                              expenditure.
 knowledge to focus
College Development Plan 2020-21
Author: Steph Beale
Version: 1.2

 subject                AS/RT         SB       SLT to agree subject development       Nov 20 - Ongoing
 development and                               plans with lead teachers and review
 CPD.                                          termly.

                            SB        Gov      All lead teachers to complete          Oct, Jan, May
                                               moderation lesson observations
                                               with SLT. (including feedback)

                            SB        Gov      Lead teachers to be part of lesson     Oct, Jan, May
                                               observation schedule. Across the
                                               year lead teachers must observe
                                               across all key-stages.

 Leadership and Management Priority 3: Promote a proactive governing body actively              Staff: Steph Beale            Governor: Steve White
 linked with senior and middle leaders to ensure a high level of challenge.
 Rationale               The governing body have a lot to offer. It is important for school leaders to be challenged. The changes proposed will increase
                         the level of critical challenge from the governing body.

 Intended impact        School leaders are held to account.

                        Hit a problem                         Not due to start yet             On course                    Completed

 Outcome               Lead      Monitored Actions                                    Timeline               Resources                   Progress

 School leaders are    SB        SW            Allocate link governors                Oct 20
 held to account
                       SB        SW            Assign each CDP priority to the        Oct 20
 and governors
                                               appropriate link governor.
 develop an in-
College Development Plan 2020-21
Author: Steph Beale
Version: 1.2

 depth knowledge      SB        SW           Arrange half termly meetings              Nov - ongoing
 of school process                           between link governors and school
 and school                                  leaders responsible for the priorities.
                      SB        SW           Arrange spring and summer term            March 21
                                             reviews of the CDP with wider group
                                                                                       June 21
                                             of governors.

 Leadership and Management Priority 4: Continue to improve staff wellbeing through the           Staff: Steph Beale         Governor: Vicki Gifford
 development of a clear wellbeing strategy.

 Rationale             A previous staff wellbeing survey and staff absence figures demonstrate that wellbeing is an issue. We already have a wellbeing
                       committee in place and have made various changes to have a positive impact. This year we wish to consolidate all the changes
                       made and measure the impact.

 Intended impact       Improved staff attendance. Improved wellbeing survey results.

                       Hit a problem                       Not due to start yet                  On course                  Completed

 Outcome              Lead      Monitored Actions                                      Timeline                 Resources               Progress

 Improved staff            LO        SB      Annual wellbeing survey.                  April annually.          £50.00
 wellbeing as
                           SB        VG      Create the Ellesmere Wellbeing            Aug 2020
 evidenced through
                                             Package to be shared with all staff.
 the wellbeing
College Development Plan 2020-21
Author: Steph Beale
Version: 1.2

 survey and staff         SB          VG        Review Wellbeing package through        Jan 21
 attendance.                                    Wellbeing committee

                          LO          SB        Monitor effect of wellbeing package     Dec 20 & ongoing
                                                on staff attendance.
                          LO          SB        Share staff attendance figures with     Jan 21

 EYFS Priority 1: Pilot parental contributions to learning journeys which can then be            Staff: Kirsten Davies          Governor: Sally D-D
 duplicated with EHCP evidence. (L&M P1)
 Rationale              It’s important for parents to fully engage with their child’s learning particularly at the early stages of development. Forging
                        close links with parents at this stage will help to maintain strong links as their children move up through the school.

 Intended impact        We will achieve a joined up approach to learning between home and school. Home learning will also be evidenced through
                        EYFS assessment.

                        Hit a problem                        Not due to start yet                On course                      Completed

 Outcome                       Lead        Monitored Actions                                              Timeline       Resources            Progress

 We will achieve a joined      KD          SB          Identify method for sharing evidence               Oct 20
 up approach to learning                               between home and school.
 between home and
                               KD          SB          Trial system.                                      Nov-Dec
 school. Home learning will
 also be evidenced through
 EYFS assessment.              KD          SB          Launch throughout EYFS                             Jan 21
College Development Plan 2020-21
Author: Steph Beale
Version: 1.2

                              KD         SB            Review and share with RT for EHCP evidence      Feb 21

 EYFS Priority 2: Establish a culture of visual communication, minimal language, symbols      Staff: Kirsten Davies          Governor: Sally D-D
 and Makaton in Acorns and Blossom, which will impact whole school.

 Rationale              The majority of the pupils who join us in Acorns have communication difficulties. Poor communication causes frustration and
                        challenging behaviour. Getting the communication system right will help students to settle and be happy in school.

 Intended impact        Happy and settled children in Acorns/Blossom.

                        Hit a problem                       Not due to start yet              On course                      Completed

 Outcome                      Lead       Monitored Actions                                             Timeline       Resources            Progress

 Total communication          KD/SB      SB            CPD for Acorns/Blossom staff as part of Aug     Aug 20
 systems in place in                                   inset. Clear expectations to be set for the
 Acorns/Blossom.                                       year.

                              KD         SB            ALL staff in Acorns/Blossom to use Makaton       Ongoing
                                                       for 50 keywords. (monitored through lesson

                              KD         SB            Visuals to be used for key instructions e.g     Sept 20
                                                       transitions/nappy change/playtime etc. All
                                                       staff to have visuals on lanyard.
College Development Plan 2020-21
Author: Steph Beale
Version: 1.2

                              KD          SB           Staff to get used to using minimal language.    Oct 20
                                                       Chatter should be reduced to repetition of
                                                       key words accompanied by signs.

                              KD/MB       SB           Parents of Acorns/Blossom to be invited into    Nov 20
                                                       school for a Makaton workshop to learn the
                                                       50 key signs.
                              JM          SB           Through workshop parents can request            Nov 20
                                                       symbols which would be useful at home.
                                                       These can be supplied (admin)
                              JM          SB           Tutorial of 50 key signs to be filmed and       Nov 20
                                                       shared with parents of Acorns/Blossoms

 EYFS Priority 3: Ensure the PSHE curriculum is improved and progress data is positively      Staff: Kirsten Davies         Governor: Sally D-D

 Rationale              Progress data for 19-20 showed that progress was not as good for PSHE as the other 7 areas of learning. At Ellesmere we feel
                        PSHE is as important as Maths and English so this needs to be rectified.

 Intended impact        Progress data for PSHE will be in line with Maths/English.

                        Hit a problem                        Not due to start yet             On course                     Completed

 Outcome                      Lead       Monitored Actions                                            Timeline        Resources           Progress

                              JW         RT            Review PSHE schemes of work.                   Dec 20
College Development Plan 2020-21
Author: Steph Beale
Version: 1.2

 Progress data for PSHE       MB/JW       SB            Review assembly programmes in light of         Dec 20
 will be in line with                                   SMSC/PSHE coverage.
                              SB          Govs          Ensure new PSHE lead is involved with          Oct/Jan/May
                                                        lesson observation of PSHE in EYFS.

                              AS          SB            PSHE training for EYFS staff.                  May 21

 16-19 Study Programmes Priority 1: To further develop work related learning, including        Staff: Sally Ann-Gough          Governor: Steve White
 work experience, Enterprise and supported internships and develop a Challenge Partners
 ‘Area of Excellence’ proposal in this area linked to destination data.
       Rationale          WRL is the central focus of our Post-16. We have made significant develops in this area already but further work is needed to get
                         to the point of excellence which I know we can reach.
   Intended impact       More enterprise opportunities, further work experience placements, internships and a wider range of destinations for leavers.
                                    Hit a problem                    Not due to start yet                On course                     Completed

           Outcome                 Lead     Monitored                     Actions                     Timeline             Resources            Progress
 More enterprise                    SG           SB       Expand Enterprise opportunities by      Jan 21
 opportunities, further work                              setting up a business with external
 experience placements,                                   customers.
 internships and a wider range      SG           SB       Embed the supported internships         July 21
 of destinations for leavers.                             alongside Connexions and ensure
                                                          these are completed successfully.
                                    SG           SB       Set up further supported internships    July 21
                                                          for the following year either through
                                                          connexions or independently.
College Development Plan 2020-21
Author: Steph Beale
Version: 1.2

                                       SG           SB     Document destination data from           Nov 20
                                                           Summer 2018 – 21 showing
                                                           expansion in destinations.
                                       SB        Govs      Seek support from Challenge Partners     Oct 20
                                                           Hub in the best format for submitting
                                                           an area of excellence.
                                       SG           SB     Write Challenge Partners proposal for    Feb 21
                                                           Area of Excellence.

 16-19 Study Programmes Priority 2: To improve the quality of teaching and learning in        Staff: Sally Gough          Governor: Steve White
 post 16 to ensure all teaching is good or better and that attainment in Maths is improved
 and in line with English.
 Rationale                  Quality of teaching report and Maths data demonstrates there are some areas of weakness within the sixth form. This needs
                           to be rectified.

 Intended impact            Quality of teaching will be consistently good or better. Maths progress data will be improved.

                        Hit a problem                          Not due to start yet             On course                    Completed

 Outcome                        Lead           Monitored Actions                                        Timeline       Resources         Progress

 Quality of teaching will       SG             AS           Ensure individual CPD programmes for        Dec 20
 be consistently good or                                    staff highlighted in 19-20 academic year
 better. Maths progress                                     are successfully carried out (delayed due
 data will be improved.                                     to Covid-19)
College Development Plan 2020-21
Author: Steph Beale
Version: 1.2

                            HC               SG         More regular checking of Maths folders –     Ongoing
                                                        from head of dept, not just when
                                                        external moderator is due. Timetable of

                            SB               Govs       Post 16 maths to be covered in each          Oct/Jan/May
                                                        round of lesson obs and any problems
                                                        picked up through further CPD

 16-19 Study Programmes Priority 3: To continue to improve student wellbeing and             Staff: Sally Gough              Governor: Steve White
 positively impact attendance in Post-16.

 Rationale             Attendance is lower in post-16 than the rest of the school. This is an issue which needs to be rectified. As with the rest of the
                       school wellbeing is also a key priority.

 Intended impact       Improved Post-16 attendance.

                       Hit a problem                       Not due to start yet              On course                       Completed

 Outcome                     Lead       Monitored Actions                                              Timeline     Resources               Progress

 Improved Post-16            RT         SB            Monitor planning and delivery of timetabled      Nov/Feb
 attendance.                                          ‘wellbeing’ time to ensure effective use of

                             LO         SB            Carry out a pupil wellbeing survey.              Jan 21
College Development Plan 2020-21
Author: Steph Beale
Version: 1.2

                             RT          SB          Use student voice (survey) to make identified   Feb 21

                             MW/AS       SB          Increase range of active after school clubs.    Jan 21

                             RT          SB          Embed new processes for parental contact        Ongoing
                                                     when attendance drops below set markers
                                                     (95% and 93%)

Priorities for 21-22

    •   Total Communication School.
    •   Develop Post-16 off-site and increase school NOR.
    •   Maintain attendance.
    •   Extend mental health first aider project.
    •   Develop Challenge Partners area of excellence.

Priorities for 22-23

    •   Extend Post-16 enterprise work and supported internships.
    •   Develop links with teaching schools for SEN.
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