Emerging Opportunities for the Application of Blockchain in the Agri-food Industry - Mischa Tripoli Josef Schmidhuber - FAO

August 2018 |   Agriculture

Emerging Opportunities for
the Application of Blockchain
in the Agri-food Industry

Mischa Tripoli
Josef Schmidhuber

                                Issue Paper
August 2018   l Agriculture

Emerging Opportunities for
the Application of Blockchain
in the Agri-food Industry

Mischa Tripoli
Economist, Trade and Markets Division, FAO

Josef Schmidhuber
Deputy Director, Trade and Markets Division, FAO

                                                   Issue Paper

     Published by
     Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
     International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD)
     International Environment House 2
     7 Chemin de Balexert, 1219 Geneva, Switzerland
     Tel: +41 22 917 8492					 Fax: +41 22 917 8093
     ictsd@ictsd.ch						www.ictsd.org
     Publisher and Chief Executive: 				                  Ricardo Meléndez-Ortiz
     Senior Programme Manager, Agriculture:		             Jonathan Hepburn

     Citation: Tripoli, M. & Schmidhuber, J. 2018. Emerging Opportunities for the Application of
     Blockchain in the Agri-food Industry. FAO and ICTSD: Rome and Geneva. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA
     3.0 IGO

     The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do
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     ISSN 1817-356X
     Copyright: © FAO,2018

     Some rights reserved. This work is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-
     NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 IGO licence (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO; https://creativecommons.


     The authors would like to acknowledge and thank Christopher Emsden of the Food and Agriculture
     Organization for his contributions to this publication. His input and intellectual curiosity have
     enriched this paper. Their appreciation is also extended to the ICTSD team as well as Heike
     Baumüller and Abhishek Sharma involved in the review of this paper.

     ICTSD is grateful for the generous support from its core donors including the UK Department for
     International Development (DFID); the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
     (SIDA); the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (Danida); and the Netherlands Directorate-
     General of Development Cooperation (DGIS).

     ICTSD welcomes feedback on this publication. This can be sent to Jonathan Hepburn
     (jhepburn@ictsd.ch) or to Fabrice Lehmann, ICTSD’s Executive Editor (flehmann@ictsd.ch). The
     paper’s co-author Mischa Tripoli (Mischa.Tripoli@fao.org) can also be contacted.
Agriculture        iii


ABBREVIATIONS                                                                       vi
LIST OF FIGURES                                                                     iv
FOREWORD		                                                                           v
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                                                   vi
1.   INTRODUCTION                                                                    1
2.   UNDERSTANDING DISTRIBUTED LEDGER TECHNOLOGIES                                   3
     IN THE FOOD AND AGRICULTURE SECTOR                                              6
     3.1   Current Trends in the Food and Agriculture Industry                       6
     3.2   Agricultural Supply Chains                                                7
     3.3   Land Registries                                                          16
     3.4   International Agreements Related to Agriculture                          17

     AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT                                                          18
     4.1   Enhancing Trade Facilitation and Food Security through Efficient
           Institutions, Traceability and Market Transparency                       18
     4.2   Strengthening Rural Development Outcomes for Inclusive Economic Growth 19

     5.1   Challenges and Risks for Distributed Ledger Technologies                 21
     5.2   The Way Forward for the Public Sector                                    23

6.   CONCLUSIONS                                                                    25
REFERENCES		                                                                        27

     B2B         business-to-business

     CCA         central competent authority

     DLT         distributed ledger technology

     FAO         Food and Agriculture Organization

     IoT         Internet of Things

     MSME        micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprise

     OTC         over-the-counter

     RFID        radio frequency identification

     SDG         Sustainable Development Goal

     SPS         sanitary and phytosanitary

     TRIPS       Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights

     UN          United Nations

     WFP         World Food Programme

     WSIS        World Summit for the Information Society

     WTO         World Trade Organization

     Figure 1:   Traditional centralised ledger and a distributed ledger

     Figure 2:   Agricultural supply chain on distributed ledger technology
Agriculture              v

Distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) have the potential to transform the global food system by
introducing important efficiency gains along value chains, and improving trust, transparency and
traceability. While large actors are likely to make fast and significant inroads in exploiting DLTs,
small farmers and processors also stand to reap significant benefits, provided the technology is made
accessible to them. This raises the question of how an enabling environment can be created for
smallholders to harness these new technologies, and, at a broader scale, for DLTs, so that these
contribute to improving the functioning of global food and agricultural markets.

This paper, by Mischa Tripoli and Josef Schmidhuber, seeks to make an initial contribution to the
emerging public debate on this issue by providing an overview of DLTs and their application in food
and agriculture, examining public policy implications for food security and rural development and
identifying some potential challenges, risks and the way forward.

Ricardo Meléndez-Ortiz				Boubaker Ben-Belhassen
Chief Executive, ICTSD				 Director, Trade and Markets Division, FAO


     Distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) and smart contracts provide a unique opportunity to bring
     greater efficiency, transparency and traceability to the exchange of value and information in
     the agriculture sector. This paper aims to facilitate a better understanding of the opportunities,
     benefits and applications of DLTs in agri-foods. It also identifies technical limits and possible
     institutional barriers to their adoption.

     By utilising digital records, cryptography and the disintermediation of transaction processing and
     data storage, DLTs can improve both agricultural supply chains and rural development interventions
     in a number of ways. First, the ability of the technology to trace a product’s provenance, carry
     detailed attributes for the product in each transaction and ensure its authenticity brings vast
     improvements in traceability with positive impact on food safety, quality and sustainability.
     Second, the disintermediation of transactions in agricultural supply chains and the use of smart
     contracts enable frictionless and real-time payments for agricultural financial services, which can
     reduce transaction costs, decrease risk for buyers and sellers and increase cash flow and working
     capital for farmers and sellers which is usually tied up in complex and paper-heavy settlement
     processes. More efficient supply chains and agricultural financial services lead to greater financial
     inclusion and stronger business development. Third, DLTs allow users to build digital identities with
     their recorded digital and physical assets. The vast amount of data generated from transactions in
     agricultural supply chains provides more accurate market information and data for supply chain
     actors and the public sector, which can be used to inform production and marketing decisions,
     prove a farmer’s track record to access credit and strengthen the enabling environment with
     better informed policies. Physical assets registered on the distributed ledger, such as land titles,
     can be used as collateral to access financing. DLTs are a secure, fast and immutable method to
     register land titles, providing greater legal clarity to land tenure systems.

     In addition, DLTs also have the potential to improve the implementation and monitoring of
     international agreements related to agriculture, such as World Trade Organization agreements
     and provisions relevant for agriculture, as well as the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. DLTs
     can bring greater transparency and accountability to compliance with such agreements.

     There are a number of technical, regulatory, institutional, infrastructure and capacity development-
     related challenges to be addressed before reaching maturity in order to ensure the scalability
     and accessibility of the technology. Scalability, interoperability and product authenticity through
     product-process links are important factors for widespread adoption of DLTs in agricultural supply
     chains. DLTs are not a panacea for the agriculture sector, but the technology provides great
     potential if the challenges for adoption can be overcome.

     As DLTs continue to develop, the international community has an important role to play in
     contributing to the creation of an enabling environment that ensures that the productivity gains
     generated from DLTs can be shared by all market participants, including smallholder farmers,
     processors as well as micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises. Governments together with
     intergovernmental organisations can lead this effort by contributing to technical dialogue on
     DLTs; providing policy guidance on the use of DLTs in agriculture through intergovernmental
     working groups and multi-stakeholder platforms; developing regulations and standards; enhancing
     public and private partnerships; and providing outreach to improve infrastructure and digital
     skills in rural areas. The technology has huge potential to address many of the challenges that
     disadvantaged market players face by allowing them to participate in integrated supply chains,
     in addition to improving rural development interventions and being an impetus to achieve the
     Sustainable Development Goals.
Agriculture                  1


All around the globe, regardless of the level of               enormous potential to enhance efficiency,
economic development, humans are constantly                    transparency and traceability across the global
transferring value. The transfer of value is a                 economy. DLTs can be programmed to record
fundamental human activity enabling people                     not just economic transactions, but also other
to trade goods and services, and accumulate                    types of information that is of value and
productive capital and savings for their well-                 importance to humankind, such as: birth and
being. In order to lower uncertainty during                    death certificates, marriage licenses, deeds
the exchange of value, institutions are used to                and titles of ownership, educational degrees or
ensure trust and mitigate risk between buyers                  anything else that can be represented in code
and sellers. The institutions that intermediate                (Tapscott and Tapscott 2016).
the exchange of value use centralised
electronic ledgers to track assets and store                   Throughout the global economy, governments,
data. Since those intermediaries often rely on                 private institutions and technology start-
manual inputs and may be vulnerable to fraud,                  ups are exploring the possible applications
value transfers tend to impose a high cost on                  for DLTs. Over the last four years, more than
buyers and sellers, which drastically increases                US$5 billion have been invested in these
the burdens of doing business. High transaction                technologies (CoinDesk 2018). The financial
costs are a major deterrent to economic                        services sector is one major area where the
development. In addition, cash transactions                    technology is being tested and implemented for
(in both the formal and informal economy)                      payments and trading securities. Blockchain-
lack traceability, which ultimately hinders                    based payments have considerable potential
the ability of micro-, small- and medium-sized                 not only for retail banking, but also for
enterprises (MSMEs), particularly in developing                agricultural value chains and the development
countries, to access credit and new markets                    sector in cash-based assistance schemes,
and to grow.                                                   remittances and procurement. For example,
                                                               the World Food Programme (WFP) piloted cash
Distributed    ledger    technologies     (DLTs)1              transfers programmes using a blockchain-based
introduce a new method to accounting for                       technology to record supermarket transactions
value transfers that minimises uncertainty and                 in a Syrian refugee camp. The pilot programmes
disintermediates the exchange of value with a                  were believed to provide substantial financial
decentralised and shared ledger, functioning                   savings for WFP, by eliminating financial
as a digital institution of trust. DLTs offer a                intermediaries, their associated transaction
secure system of recording transactions in                     fees and the time spent by WFP accountants
a digital database that removes third-party                    on compiling data and reports from banks
intermediaries, reduces transaction costs,                     and stores, which is no longer needed with
enables faster and even real-time transactions,                automated record-keeping from the blockchain
assures immutable data entries and provides                    (Bacchi 2017). The potential applications of DLTs
access to the database for all participants in                 to simplify workflows and improve efficiency in
the network. After being first introduced as                   the development industry are enormous. The
the electronic cash system for Bitcoin2 in 2008,               private sector is already partnering with the
blockchain and other DLTs have demonstrated                    United Nations (UN) to explore applications

1   For the purpose of this paper, the terms distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) and blockchain are interchangeable.
    It is important to note that blockchain has become a colloquial name for all types of DLTs. However, blockchain is
    actually one type of DLT. See section 2 for a further explanation.
2   Bitcoin is a digital currency that uses the DLT called blockchain to transfer funds between parties without a central

    to improve the effectiveness of its work and      trade finance and promote inclusive trade,
    strengthen efficiency in the UN system (Bacchi    increase access to agricultural financial
    2017).                                            services, generate smarter market information
                                                      and provide greater legal certainty to
    The agricultural sector is no different. There    land-tenure systems. The agri-food and
    are numerous transparency and efficiency          technology industries are already exploring
    issues in agricultural supply chains, which       such applications. In fact, a consortium
    ultimately put farmers and consumers at a         of major food companies (Dole, Driscoll,
    disadvantage. Transactions in agricultural        Golden State Foods, Kroger, McCormick and
    supply chains are inherently risky and complex,   Company, Nestlé, Tyson Foods and Walmart)
    thus relying on a number of intermediaries;       are collaborating with IBM to use distributed
    while more conscious consumers have poor          ledger solutions to make their food supply
    transparency on where their food comes            chains more transparent, more traceable and
    from and how it is produced. Ultimately,          to streamline payments. Previously, IBM and
    strengthening the linkages between farms,         Walmart used blockchain-based technologies
    markets and consumers can generate greater        to track a package of mangoes along its exact
    income growth and job creation (FAO 2017).        path from retail shelf to farm in a matter
    The potential for DLTs to increase efficiency,    of seconds (Wass 2017b). This paper aims
    transparency and trust throughout agricultural    to facilitate a better understanding of the
    supply chains and empower all market players      opportunities, benefits and applications of
    is real. The technology has the potential to      DLTs in the agriculture sector. It also identifies
    simplify and integrate agricultural supply        technical and financial constraints in adopting
    chains, enhance food safety, reduce risk in       the DLTs in food and agriculture.
Agriculture                  3


Distributed ledger technologies are an evolving                 transactions timely and costly. In addition, the
technology and transaction system that has                      centralised model limits access to data and
many applications. It was first introduced as the               control of it for buyers and sellers. DLTs do
cryptocurrency system for Bitcoin in 2008.3 DLTs                not use any centralised certifying authorities.
can be used to make all types of transactions and               Instead, when information is verified on the
store any type of data and information of value.                distributed ledger, it is instantly recorded on all
A DLT is a digital database that uses cryptography              of the participating computers on the network,
to link and secure transactions or data entries,                which ensures every user has access to up-to-date
and disintermediates data processing and data                   information; there is no single point of failure
storage with a peer-to-peer distributed network                 and no single institution or actor can control the
of computers that are used to validate and store                information. DLTs verify transactions by using
the transaction history and information. DLTs                   a consensus mechanism to reach agreement
function as a decentralised digital institution to              between the participants on the status of a data
ensure trust between buyers and sellers or users,               in the network. The consensus mechanism uses
thus providing an improved method to account                    validators (who are also participants), economic
for value transfers.                                            incentives and consensus algorithms to validate
                                                                transactions or data entries in the shared ledger.
The technology has three key features that                      All users of the DLT can participate in the
are necessary to understand (see figure 1).                     validation process for transactions. This removes
First, DLTs disintermediate the processing and                  the need for intermediaries by maintaining the
storage of data entries. Currently, institutions                element of trust, while replacing the current
ensure trust through intermediation, where they                 centralised data model which drastically changes
contract, clear, settle and record transactions                 the payment-cost structure (Cant et al. 2015).
in a centralised ledger. These intermediaries                   This method of validating data entries offers
often rely on manual inputs and are susceptible                 greater cost efficiency, with lower fees and
to error and fraud, making the execution of                     faster transactions.

Figure 1: Traditional centralised ledger and a distributed ledger


                 Centralised ledger                                                 Distributed ledger
Source: Author

3   There is a spectrum of DLTs, each with a different degree of decentralisation. It ranges from permissionless ledgers
    (like the Bitcoin blockchain) that are censorship resistant, do not have any legal accountability and where users have
    equal rights to permissioned ledgers that are censored, have legal liability and where users may not have equal rights.

    Second, DLTs use cryptography to ensure                          access, where actors in the network are
    immutability and security for data entries.                      anonymous and do not need to have any
    Each data entry is recorded with a timestamp                     previous relationship with the ledger. Public
    and a cryptographic fingerprint of that record,                  or permissionless DLTs are censor-proof and
    called a hash, that links each record to one                     fully decentralised systems. Participation in
    another, and is then stored securely across                      the network is open to anyone in the world,
    the distributed network of computers. Hashes                     which means anyone can make transactions,
    are the basis of security and immutability for                   view the ledger’s entire transaction history and
    distributed ledgers, which make it impossible                    participate in the consensus mechanism. The
    to modify an entry without noticeably affecting                  advantage of public DLTs is that no individual
    all of the entries in the ledger. This makes                     or entity is able to control the information on
    fraudulent activity in the distributed ledger                    the ledger and, therefore, the system is neutral.
    immediately visible to all of the other users.                   The two most well-known public DLTs are the
                                                                     Bitcoin blockchain and Ethereum; the latter is
    Third, the immutability of records and the                       a generalised transaction ledger that allows
    disintermediation of data storage, through                       anyone to programme decentralised software
    a shared ledger, make every transaction or                       applications using smart contracts and executes
    record in a distributed ledger traceable and                     them on its DLT. The disadvantage of public DLTs
    transparent. In theory, all participants of                      is that there may be some malicious actors in the
    the distributed ledger have access to the full                   network, since the participants are unknown.
    transaction history registered on the database.                  Therefore, there may be applications where
    Depending on the purpose and the rules of the                    some types of information are too sensitive to
    DLT, users have the ability to control which                     be shared in a fully open ledger, such as for
    types of transaction details are shared, and                     financial institutions.
    with whom. The information stored on the
    ledger is protected by encryption and managed                    A private DLT is a closed ledger with permis-
    with private and public keys.4 Together, these                   sioned access, where users are identified
    keys allow users to protect and control who can                  and transactions are validated and processed
    access their information on DLTs and when. For                   by actors that are already known by the
    example, if a farmer wants to share their credit                 ledger. By requiring the identity of actors
    history that is registered on the distributed                    to be known in the private or permissioned
    ledger with a lender such as a bank, then they                   distributed ledger, there is an additional
    could use the bank’s public key to encrypt and                   layer of security that limits malicious
    send the data to the bank; the bank would                        actors, as they can be penalised and ejected
    use its corresponding private key to decrypt                     from the network.5 Instead of anonymous
    and read the information. In addition, the bank                  participants, permissioned distributed ledgers
    could verify that the data actually belongs to                   use already authenticated legal entities to
    the farmer by using the farmer’s public key.                     validate transactions (Swanson 2015). Using
    Ultimately, access to data in the DLT can be                     authenticated validators to provide consensus
    shared or private, depending on the rules of                     in the network does not mean they can control
    the DLT (which are based on the purpose of the                   the approval of transactions. In fact, there is a
    platform) and the users’ choices.                                trade-off for permissioned distributed ledgers
                                                                     where censorship-resistance is sacrificed for
    Currently, there are two main types of DLTs:                     legal accountability, while still operating
    public and private (Jayachandran 2017). A                        without intermediaries. It is precisely the
    public DLT is an open ledger with permissionless                 legal accountability that makes permissioned

    4   In asymmetric encryption, each user has a private and public key that correspond to one another. The private key is
        confidential and similar to a password. The public key is like an email address and is available to users in the network.
    5   For more details on the benefits of permissioned distributed ledgers, see Swanson (2015).
Agriculture              5

distributed ledgers more attractive for global       contractual agreements, which are usually
capital markets, tangible assets, supply chains      in the form of physical contracts. Physical
and smart contracts (Swanson 2015).                  contracts depend on centralised authorities
                                                     to clear and settle transactions, which are
The anonymity of participants in public DLTs         costly, time consuming and plagued by error
and the identity of users in private DLTs make       and fraud. Since DLTs have a high degree of
the process for verifying the transactions           security and immutability, they provide a sound
quite different in open and closed systems.          technological platform for smart contracts.
There are many different types of consensus          Smart contracts are computer programs
algorithms that are used for public and private      that automatically execute when predefined
DLTs. Each algorithm has advantages and              conditions are met. Smart contracts are
disadvantages, which should be understood            designed to automate much of the contractual
and used according to the specific application.      process. The performance, monitoring and
For example, one of the best-known public DLTs       enforcement of contractual agreements are
is the Bitcoin blockchain, which uses a consensus    done autonomously, without any central
algorithm called proof-of-work. The proof-of-        authority or human involvement. Contract
work algorithm is costly in terms of resources and   automation could provide huge savings for
time, and therefore is not an optimal consensus      businesses in transaction fees and legal costs,
mechanism for business blockchain networks           while meeting contractual obligations in real-
(Hyperledger 2017). The Ethereum public DLT          time (Shadab 2014; Cant et al. 2016). These
is transitioning to the proof-of-stake algorithm,    efficiency gains have the potential to uproot
which is more efficient as it eliminates mining      the traditional contractual infrastructure
and the expensive computational resources            and eliminate the need for centralised
used in the proof-of-work algorithm. Private         intermediaries.
DLTs employ two main groups of consensus
algorithms: lottery-based and voting-based.          The areas for potential applications of distri-
Lottery-based algorithms are advantageous in         buted ledgers are immense. The efficiency
terms of scalability but result in a longer time     gains from executing transactions and
to finality, while voting-based algorithms are       contracts through distributed ledgers have
advantageous in terms of speed and finality but      huge implications for the financial industry, but
lack scalability (Hyperledger 2017).                 also for other sectors throughout the economy.
                                                     Seemingly every sector of the economy is
Another potential efficiency gain for the global     trying to understand how this technology is
economy is the ability of DLTs to implement          applicable and could be beneficial, and what
smart contracts. Commerce operates through           the challenges for implementing it are.


    3.1. Current Trends in the Food and                 (FAO 2014). In these regions, agriculture is
         Agriculture Industry                           marked by low labour productivity and low
                                                        capital intensity. This is in stark contrast with
    Similar to other sectors of the economy,            the predominantly large-scale farming in high-
    agriculture and transactions in agricultural        and upper-middle income countries, typically
    supply chains have never fully undergone a          characterised by high labour productivity and
    digital transformation. World agriculture is        high capital intensity.
    facing numerous challenges. The agri-food
    industry must:                                      Globally, both food production and retail
                                                        channels are changing. There is a growing
    •   meet the food demands of a growing              reliance on global supply chains and
        population;                                     large-scale distribution systems, such as
                                                        supermarkets. Food systems are becoming
    •   adjust to changing consumer preferences         more capital-intensive, vertically integrated
        in low- and middle-income countries from        and concentrated in fewer hands. In some
        cereal-based products towards higher            instances, there is the integration of primary
        consumption of animal, fruit and vegetable      production, processing and distribution; the
        products;                                       automation of large-scale processing; and
                                                        higher capital and knowledge intensities (FAO
    •   promote more environmentally sustainable        2017). For low- and middle income countries,
        agricultural practices and decrease envi-       the changing agri-food value chains increase
        ronmental footprints;                           barriers for small-scale producers and agro-
                                                        processors to participate in local, national and
    •   reduce supply chain costs;
                                                        global markets. Many small-scale operators
    •   maintain high-quality sanitary and phyto-       struggle to participate in integrated value
        sanitary (SPS) standards;                       chains, due to the lack of access to financing,
                                                        issues of market accessibility and transport,
    •   sustain profitable farming operations; and      and of complying with the range of standards
                                                        on quality, traceability and certification (FAO
    •   raise incomes of small-scale food producers.    2017). By strengthening the linkages between
                                                        farmers, markets and consumers, agricultural
    Globally, the agriculture sector is a major         value chains can generate greater income
    source of employment, which absorbs roughly         growth and job creation.
    30 percent of the global workforce (World
    Bank 2018b). For many low- and lower-middle-        Agricultural supply chains are risky and
    income countries, the sector is an important        complex, as agricultural production depends
    source of income for the rural populations and      on difficult-to-control factors (weather, pests
    a major driver of economic growth.                  and diseases), agricultural supply chains lack
                                                        traceability and the settlement of transactions
    Food systems and agricultural practices around      is slow and often labour-intensive. Transactions
    the world are diverse and range from modern,        in agricultural supply chains are overrun with
    large-scale distribution systems channels to        intermediaries and dogged by inefficiencies,
    traditional food chains. Agriculture in low- and    while the actors that are able to consistently
    lower-middle income countries is characterised      access global supply channels are often large-
    by a majority of small farms, with three quarters   scale producers and agro-processors with a
    and two thirds, respectively, of all farmland       strong reputation. Agricultural supply chains
    managed in farms of less than five hectares         need more inclusivity for disadvantaged market
Agriculture              7

players, in order to boost their economic           that records, tracks, monitors and transacts
development and contribute to the demand for        physical and digital assets. DLTs enable higher-
greater food supplies by a growing population.      quality transactions and enhanced traceability.
DLTs have the ability to reduce risk and            The technology can integrate and manage
increase efficiency in the agri-food industry by    each process and transaction throughout the
providing transparency and traceability and by      agricultural supply chain in real time. Each
eliminating intermediaries in agricultural value    transaction that is processed on the distributed
chains. In addition, by reducing uncertainty and    ledger can carry transaction details and
enabling trust among market players, DLTs and       specific attributes for the product which can
smart contracts also provide a real opportunity     be added by supply chain actors. Supply chain
for more inclusive market participation for         actors can identify and examine the product’s
smallholders and MSMEs.                             movement along every step in the supply chain
                                                    from the agricultural and livestock inputs and
3.2. Agricultural Supply Chains                     practices (fertilisers, fodder, water practices,
                                                    veterinary services, etc.) used on the farm to
3.2.1 Agricultural supply chains management
                                                    the transportation and storage conditions and
                                                    details as the product moves to the retailer and
Agricultural supply chains have substantial
                                                    consumer. The DLT stores immutable records
inefficiencies, which impact all actors in
                                                    that are transparent and, in theory, accessible
the chain from producers to consumers. It is
estimated that the cost of operating supply         to any user with the software. This technology
chains makes up two thirds of the final cost        has the potential to create vast efficiency gains
of goods (Niforos 2017b), while seven percent       for each actor in the supply chain.
of the global value of trade is absorbed by the
                                                    Ensuring immutable product–process links
costs of documents alone.6 The challenges for
supply chains include: the lack of transparency     DLTs provide a platform for traceability in
due to inconsistent or unavailable data; high       agriculture supply chains to track provenance
proportion of manual labour and paper work;
                                                    and ensure authenticity of agricultural
lack of interoperability; and limited information
                                                    products. Regulatory control will be easier
on the traceability of the product (Lierow et
                                                    with DLTs as the product can be traced along
al. 2017). Both private and public sectors want
                                                    every registered movement in the supply
to reduce the high cost of moving goods along
                                                    chain, and this allows for legal accountability
supply chains, and the World Trade Organization
                                                    for fraudulent behaviour regarding a product’s
(WTO) Trade Facilitation Agreement introduces
                                                    authenticity. However, for transactions to
measures to cut costs, avoid delays and reduce
                                                    be fully tamper-proof, an immutable link
uncertainty (OECD et al. 2014).
                                                    between the DLT (process) and the real-world
At the same time, the private sector is always      product needs to be established. The basic
looking for technological advances to make          challenge is that while the transaction data
their supply chains more cost effective and to      can be traced by the cryptographic fingerprint
increase competitiveness. Already supply chains     attached to each transaction, the movement
are being digitised with technologies such as       of the physical product along a supply chain
cloud computing, artificial intelligence and the    from farm to consumer needs to be ensured
Internet of Things (IoT). However, DLTs have the    through such an immutable product-process
greatest potential to increase efficiency and       link. Several options exist to establish these.
transparency in agricultural supply chains.         They include the well-known QR code on the
                                                    product’s packaging, the more advanced radio
The application of DLTs in agricultural supply      frequency identification (RFID) chips and,
chains would provide a digital database             more recently and most promisingly, so-called

6   See www.tradefacilitation.org.

    crypto-anchors. QR codes are already used                               For example, when looking at the supply chain
    in markets and require regulators to monitor                            for poultry (figure 2), we can see the real
    product authenticity. IBM recently developed                            potential of an integrated supply chain on a DLT.
    crypto-anchors as a means to ensure product                             With growing demand for more transparency and
    authenticity for DLTs. Crypto-anchors are                               information on the origin of products, supply
    tamper-proof digital fingerprints that are                              chain actors would use a mobile application and
    embedded into products in the form of edible                            a QR code on the product to trace its origin and
    ink using optical code or tiny computers,                               movements along each step of the supply chain.
    and linked to the DLT to prove a product’s                              The consumer would scan the QR code on the
    authenticity. Crypto-anchors are highly                                 packaging of the chicken to reveal the product
    secure, unclonable, smaller than a grain                                information. In order to have product traceability,
    of salt and cost less than US$0.10 cents to                             the chain would start with the producer, who
    manufacture (IBM 2018a). In the case where                              would keep records of all information on inputs
    a crypto-anchor cannot be embedded directly                             (such as feed and medicines), animal health,
    into a product, IBM also recently developed                             location, breed, age, sex, cost of production
    a technology using mobile sensors (or a cell                            and any other technical information needed
    phone) outfitted with a special optical device                          for domestic or export markets. Each time the
    and artificial intelligence algorithms to learn                         chicken would be moved between supply chain
    and identify the optical structure, the DNA                             actors, the transaction would be recorded and
    sequencing and other features of certain                                verified by the DLT. Other information that
    objects in minutes (IBM 2018a). For example,                            would be recorded is time (slaughter date, time
    in the near future, a retailer or customs agent                         in transit, expiration dates) as well as export-
    could use a sensor on a mobile phone to verify                          related certifications (such as health and country
    the authenticity of a tomato’s provenance.                              of origin certifications). These details and their
    The low cost and seemingly simple usability                             traceability would bring large efficiency gains
    make crypto-anchors a potential scalable and                            to supply chain management, food safety and
    useful tool to ensure authenticity.                                     product sustainability.

    Figure 2: Agricultural supply chain on distributed ledger technology

     Supplier           Producer            Processor            Distributor           Customs              Retailer           Consumer

     Agriculture and    Chicken is          Gov. inspected       Stores and trans-     In case of int’l     Runs machine       Scan QR code
     livestock inputs   tagged with         facility gets data   ports poultry pro-    trade, receives      learning-based     via app
     are sold to pro-   RFID chip,          on chicken, pre-     ducts from            digital certifica-   fore casting
     ducer and regi-    proving free        pares poultry        suppliers to retai-   tions                                  Gets full infor-
     stered on DLT      range               products and         lers, restaurants                          Adapts orders     mation on the
                                            adds QR code to      and importers         Uploads data on      and promos        poultry product
     Breeder enters     Uploads data on     packaging                                  holding times,       accordingly       such as where
     data on egg and                                             Uploads data on
                        feed, veterinary                                               testing resultis                       and where
     pullet quality                                              shipment and
                        reports, facility   Uploads data on                            and customs-         Uploads data on and how it was
     and conditions,                                             delivery details,
                        conditions,         storage and                                clearing details     delivery details, produced, pro-
     sanitation and                                              storage and
                        sanitation and      slaughter condi-                                                inventory metrics cessed and
     transportation                                              transport condi-
                        food safety         tions, food safety                         Allows entry for     and sanitation    transported
     details                                                     tions, and ware-
                        measures, other     compliance, lot                            products and         measures.
                                                                 house and vehicle
                        certifications      number,                                    custom duties
                                                                 food safety and
                        and farm            certifications                             are automatically    Provides app for
                        location            and QR codes                               dispersed by         end-consumers
                                                                                       smart contract
    Source: Author
Agriculture              9

Currently, there is an influx of start-ups in the   free status. In addition, the CCA should be
food and beverage sector that aim to transition     able to easily, quickly and confidently issue
agricultural supply chains onto DLTs. INS is an     export certifications. Virtually all of the
e-commerce platform that aims to disrupt the        required information associated with the
concentration of power in the grocery market        product will be in the DLT and certifications
by using DLTs to connect manufacturers              could even be automated. CCAs will still play
directly to consumers through the integration       an important role in monitoring and inspecting
of data. Globally, approximately 60 percent of      farms and processing facilities’ compliance
the grocery market is dominated by the top          with international SPS standards.
five retailers, which can lead to unfair trading
practices for farmers and manufacturers, and        In the case of an outbreak of an animal or plant
high prices for consumers (Michail 2017). By        disease, contaminated agri-food products or
bypassing grocery retailers, manufacturers          food fraud, DLTs will also enable businesses and
could save money on the business-to-business        regulators to trace and pinpoint contaminated
(B2B) marketing directed at retailers, which        or fraudulent products more quickly and less
will save consumers 20–30 percent for products      wastefully. Both food fraud and foodborne
bought on the INS platform (Michail 2017). INS      diseases are extremely costly in economic
is envisaged to give small food enterprises         terms, and environmentally in terms of wasted
increased market opportunities. Ambrosus is a       resources. Food fraud is estimated to cost the
Swiss tech firm that aims to use a DLT, smart       global food industry US$40 billion each year
contracts and high-tech sensors to trace food       (PWC 2016), and the estimates of foodborne
and pharmaceutical supply chains. Ripe is           diseases in the US alone are roughly US$55
another company that is using DLTs, scanners        billion annually (Scharff 2015). Currently,
and specialised sensors to provide agricultural     neither firms, governments nor consumers
supply chain actors with better data on crop        are able to capture a product’s movement
production to yield higher-quality produce          along the entire supply chain, since often
(Massa 2017). Provenance, a UK start-up,            governments only require firms to record data
successfully launched a pilot project to track      on a product’s movement one step forward
tuna fishing on DLTs. The company aims to           and one step backward. This can make it more
curb illegal fishing and fake certifications, by    difficult to track contaminated or fraudulent
registering each catch on the blockchain and        products to the exact farm or plant that might
selling the fish with a blockchain ID in order to   have caused the outbreak. DLTs can quickly
ensure traceability.                                trace contaminated products to their source,
                                                    allowing faulty items to be removed from
3.2.2 The future of food safety                     stores to minimise both illness and financial
By enabling transparency and recording every
detail of the production and processing of          The food and beverage industry is currently
agricultural goods, the ability to ensure           experimenting with deploying the DLTs into
compliance with food and sustainability             global food supply chains. A consortium of
standards will be improved. Data will be            large food suppliers, including Dole, Driscoll’s,
available on the quality (freshness, safety,        Golden State Foods, Kroger, McCormick and
geographic indications), safety (health, risk       Company, Nestlé, Tyson Foods and Walmart, is
management) and sustainability (organic, fair-      collaborating with IBM to test their DLT and
trade) of products. DLTs will help businesses       identify new areas where the technology can
and     governments’    central    competent        benefit food ecosystems (Wass 2017b). The
authorities (CCA) to track and monitor non-         collaboration is based on a successful pilot
compliance with international standards and         project that IBM carried out with Walmart on
improve their ability to control plant and          how DLTs can solve food safety problems and
animal diseases in order to maintain disease-       trace contaminated products to their source.

     The results from the pilot project showed          include multiple copies of agreements between
     that, when tracking a package of mangoes           the shipper’s banks and receiver’s banks,
     from the supermarket to the farm where they        as well as agreements on the value of the
     were grown, it took six days, 18 hours and 26      shipment and how it is loaded. Through these
     minutes with traditional methods, whereas          complex and inefficient transaction systems,
     with the DLT it took just a couple of seconds to   financial intermediaries lock up billions of
     identify the exact origin and the path the fruit   dollars as they process the transactions. For
     followed to the retail shelves (Wass 2017b).       example, the payment terms in Australia’s
                                                        grain sector range from two to five weeks, and
     Similar projects are underway in Asia              these terms pose counterparty credit risk to
     with two of China’s largest e-commerce             growers (Fintech Australia 2016). Naturally,
     companies, with the objective to combat            such long periods have negative impacts on
     food fraud. Alibaba is launching an initiative     sellers’ cash flow, working capital and ability
     with PricewaterhouseCoopers, Blackmores            to manage their business.
     and Australia Post to develop and implement
     blockchain-based technologies into their           Trade finance digital platforms using DLTs
     supply chains to eliminate food fraud.             can reduce costs, reduce risks for sellers
     Similarly, JD.com, China’s second largest          and banks and bring greater efficiency gains
     e-commerce company, is working with Kerchin,       to supply chains. DLTs use smart contracts to
     a Mongolia-based beef manufacturer, to track       auto-execute the settlement of payments in
     the production and delivery of frozen beef         real time, by first valuing the delivery, then
     (Huang 2017).                                      verifying the buyer has sufficient funds and
                                                        lastly securing the funds in the buyer’s name
     3.2.3 Greater efficiency for trade finance         pending delivery. Once the physical delivery
                                                        is made, the title for the grain is transferred
     Trade finance plays a vital role in global         to the buyer as the payment is simultaneously
     trade. Roughly US$18 trillion of annual trade      settled from the reserved funds (Fintech
     transactions involve some form of trade finance,   Australia 2016). Real-time approvals and
     while the total size of the trade finance market   payments in trade finance would eliminate
     is more than US$10 trillion annually (Auboin       the counterparty risk that sellers face and
     2015). Financial institutions bridge the gap in    free up working capital. In addition there are
     the exchange between buyers and sellers with       huge efficiency gains through the workflow
     some form of finance, such as credit, insurance    automation and digitisation of documents.
     and guarantees. There is substantial risk when     All information (related to agreements and
     two companies send high-value and large            certifications) that is traditionally stored on
     shipments domestically or internationally,         paper would be stored on a single digital ledger,
     such as a load of rice. The potential risks are    which is quickly accessible to all parties. Banks
     related to the transaction between the two         would no longer need intermediaries to assume
     parties (i.e. the time difference between          risk. Lastly, DLTs could also improve the ability
     when sellers or exporters want to be paid          of regulators and authorities to collect taxes
     and when buyers or importers will release          and customs duties. The technology brings a
     the payment), possible alteration or loss of       high level of accountability, traceability and
     goods during transportation and fluctuations in    verifiability to the transaction.
     exchange rates. Trade finance mitigates these
     risks for sellers and buyers (or exporters and     DLTs can also increase access to trade
     importers), which is a fundamental aspect of       finance. Trade finance has been unable to
     being able to trade goods.                         meet demand, particularly from MSMEs and
                                                        emerging economies, resulting in a loss in
     The current methods of trade finance are           economic growth. In 2017, the global trade
     cumbersome, time-consuming and rely heavily        finance gap is estimated to be approximately
     on paper to conduct transactions. Transactions     US$1.5 trillion (DiCaprio et al. 2017). Access to
Agriculture         11

trade finance often depends on reputation and               and French banks (ING, ABN Ambro and Société
being an established player in supply chains,               Générale), partnered with Louis Dreyfus Co.
which ultimately is a disadvantage to MSMEs.                (one of the biggest agri-food traders), to ship
Since DLTs reduce the risk for banks, they have             a cargo of soybeans from the US to China using
a greater incentive to be more inclusive and                a DLT. It is said to be one of the first fully
also extend their services to MSMEs.                        fledged agricultural commodity transactions
                                                            using the technology, which reduced the time
Currently, a number of trade finance appli-                 spent on document and data processing to a
cations using blockchain-based technologies                 fifth through digitising documents for the deal
target MSMEs and locations where trade                      (including sales contracts, letter of credit,
financing is unavailable. Seven major European              government inspections and certifications)
banks are collaborating on the development                  (Bloomberg 2018). Another initiative, including
and commercialisation of a permissioned DLT                 a group of international banks (Barclays,
trade finance platform for SMEs, hosted by                  Standard Chartered and BNP Paribas), large
IBM and powered by Hyperledger Fabric 1.0                   corporations (Unilever, Sainsbury’s and Sappi)
(Wass 2017a). 7 The platform, called Digital                and fintech start-ups, has launched a project
Trade Chain, is designed to manage open                     to use DLTs to track physical supply chains
account trade transactions for domestic                     and unlock access to financing for sustainable
and international trade for European SMEs.                  sourcing (Wass 2017c). The first pilot plans
Its goals are to provide a single platform                  to test the technology to track tea and tea
for trade deals, provide easy access to                     packaging materials from farmers in Malawi to
financing and reduce transaction costs for                  the corporations. This pilot is one of the first
businesses. In addition, a US-based company,                initiatives to combine supply chain tracking
Skuchain, has developed a DLT to reduce                     with trade financing.
friction in trade finance and global supply
chains. The venture aims to make financing                  3.2.4 Agricultural value chain financial
available to SMEs and to emerging markets                         services: payments, insurance, credit
where it was not previously accessible.                           and derivatives
Skuchain’s blockchain technology provides
a “collaborative commerce platform” that                    Other types of financial services, like payment
combines payments (letter of credit or wire                 services, insurance and credit, also play an
transfer), finance (operating loans or short-               important role in helping agricultural supply
term trade loans) and visibility (integration               chain actors to reduce risk, improve crop
with back-office systems such as “Systems                   yields, manage liquidity and maximise returns.
Applications and Products in Data Processing”               DLTs have the potential to reduce friction
or an “Enterprise Resource Planning” system)                costs and increase access to agricultural value
(Allison 2016). One potential application of                chain finance particularly for smallholders and
Skuchain’s blockchain is with WFP, as they                  MSMEs. According to Capgemini Consulting,
are currently exploring options to finance                  distributed ledger-based smart contracts are
the procurement of food in East Africa                      estimated to save consumers up to US$16 billion
(Besnainou 2017).                                           annually on banking and insurance fees (Maity
                                                            2016), and certainly savings from reduced
There are many other applications in trade                  friction costs generated by DLTs will also apply
finance and supply chain management that                    to agricultural financial services. Greater
are in the process of testing their proof of                efficiency in supply chains and agricultural
concept, with the intention to pilot and scale              financial services can lead to greater financial
thereafter. One example is a group of Dutch                 inclusion and stronger business development.

7   The banks include: Deutshce Bank, HSBC, KBC, Natixis, Rabobank, Société Générale and UniCredit.

     Payments                                                         that DLTs could reduce banks’ infrastructure
                                                                      costs for payments, securities and regulatory
     Financial transactions, such as payments                         compliance by US$15–20 billion a year by 2022
     to and from farmers, traders, processors                         (Belinky et al. 2015). In 2013, BitPesa launched
     and exporters for goods and services, or                         a DLT-enabled payment service that serves
     loan disbursements and repayments, are                           African and international businesses to make
     the most common type of agricultural value                       payments to and from Africa and facilitates
     chain services. For many agricultural value                      approximately US$20 million of transactions a
     chain actors, financial transactions are                         month (Aglionby 2018). In September 2016, a
     overwhelmingly cash-based. The process of                        group of some of the largest banks in the world
     handling, delivering and collecting cash is                      created the first interbank group to facilitate
     slow and expensive and is subject to risks                       real-time global payments using DLTs, in this
     such as theft and loss (Mattern and Ramirez                      case using the Ripple blockchain (Treacher
     2017). Digital payment services have already                     2016).9 Other financial institutions have begun
     proven to reduce costs and risks from cash-                      using the Ripple blockchain to facilitate
     based transactions, while also generating data                   instantaneous remittance payments (Ripple
     on value chain actors’ cash flows which can                      2017). Similarly Nasdaq and Citigroup recently
     be used to assess credit risk. For example,                      launched a new integrated payment solution
     the digital payment venture called M-Pesa                        to enhance liquidity in private securities and
     has already shown that mobile money can                          for global payments by using a DLT powered
     provide a simple way of transferring money,                      by Chain.com (Nasdaq 2017). These examples
     which leads to greater access and utilisation of                 from retail banking indicate the real potential
     financial services for more successful business                  of the technology, which can also be applied
     development. There are now more than 30                          in agricultural finance. DLTs have the potential
     million M-Pesa users in 10 Africa countries                      to provide even greater financial inclusion
     (Krishnakumar 2017). However, DLTs present                       for MSMEs and low-income countries, and to
     an even greater opportunity for frictionless                     enable agricultural value chain actors to save
     and real-time payment services.                                  and invest more in their businesses.

     A number of financial institutions are testing                   Agricultural insurance
     proof of concepts and already using DLTs for
     payments.8 For many firms, their interest in                     Agricultural insurance is a risk management
     DLTs stems from the opportunities to reduce                      tool to help stabilise farm income and
     friction and costs (Tapscott and Tapscott                        investment in the event of losses, due to
     2017). Digital payments are still relatively                     natural disasters or low market prices. These
     slow and expensive and use a centralised                         tools cushion the shock of income losses to
     data model. Bypassing existing intermediaries                    help farmers initiate crop production after a
     with DLTs can provide significant savings for                    bad agricultural year and spread the losses
     both consumers and financial institutions.                       over time to enable continued investments in
     A report by Santander InnoVentures claims                        agriculture. Agricultural insurance products

     8   Financial institutions have made significant investments in DLTs. Visa, Nasdaq, Citi and other industry players invested
         US$30 million in Chain.com, a blockchain developer platform (Shin 2015). Ripple, an enterprise blockchain solution for
         global payments, is backed by Santander InnoVentures and other major financial institutions (Elison 2016). Another
         major blockchain technology called Ethereum launched an initiative in 2017 (to improve standardisation and scalability
         of its blockchain technology for enterprises) with 116 members, headlined by JP Morgan Chase, Intel and Microsoft
         (Shin 2017). Distributed ledger solutions are being developed for a range of financial services such as moving value
         through payments and remittances, trading value in financial assets, and insurance. The benefits of distributed
         ledgers for financial services will certainly trickle down to financial institutions focusing on agriculture value chains.
     9   Including Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Santander, UniCredit, Standard Chartered, Westpac Banking Corporation and
         Royal Bank of Canada.
Agriculture              13

are often unavailable in developing countries       supply chain actors. By eliminating the need for
and in particular for smallholder farmers. For      human intervention to assess insurance claims,
smallholders, this is due to the high costs of      the process becomes simple, transparent and
verifying loss claims in geographically dispersed   efficient. Smart contracts would remove the
areas, the relatively small size of individual      risks of fraudulent claims and corruption from
policies and the limited understanding of           insurance providers, as the terms of insurance
insurance providers of the agricultural risks       policies would be unable to be tampered with
for smallholders (Mattern and Ramirez 2017).        once agreed upon. Even data collected at
For farmers that have access to agricultural        weather stations could be registered on a DLT
insurance, policies are paper-heavy and             to ensure its integrity. The automation from
rely on substantial manual labour to verify         smart contracts would drastically reduce the
claims, which ultimately increases the cost of      cost of insurance policies for both consumers
insurance.                                          and insurance providers. The reduced costs
                                                    and risk for insurance providers would allow
Digital technologies provide the possibility to     them to provide insurance to more farmers. For
address some of these challenges by enhancing       farmers, the disbursement of pay-outs would
actuarial estimates and reducing the cost of        be virtually instant. The data captured by the
delivering and monitoring insurance products.       DLT throughout the whole supply chain would
In the case of weather-indexed crop insurance,      allow farmers and insurance providers to better
for instance, mobile phones allow consumers         assess risk and provide more accurate insurance
to be geotagged, which (in combination with         policies to reflect the farmers’ situation.
automated weather stations and satellite
imaging) eliminates the need for insurance          A few companies are utilising DLTs to roll out
providers to conduct in-field loss assessments      agricultural insurance products. A Swiss-based
(Mattern and Ramirez 2017). In combination          blockchain start-up company called Etherisc
with smart contracts implemented by a DLT,          is building a platform that uses DLTs to bring
insurance claims and pay-outs would become          crop insurance to developing countries, in
completely digitised and automated. For             particularly in Africa (Krishnakumar 2017).
example, a smart contract could be used to          Autonomous insurance network, Aigang, and a
issue and auto-execute the settlement of a          drone imaging business called Skyglyph have
weather-indexed crop insurance policy for a         partnered to develop an autonomous crop
farmer. First, the insurance provider would         insurance product using drone hardware, GIS
develop a digital contract of the insurance         software, the blockchain and smart contracts
policy for the farmer. In the event of a weather    (Staras 2017).
shock such as flooding that destroys the
farmer’s crops, an automatic payment would          Agricultural credit products
be released to the farmer on the blockchain,
if the actual quantity of rainfall indicated        The main impediments for financial institutions
by the meteorological station surpasses the         to provide MSMEs with credit products are the
predefined measurement of rainfall and time         cost of servicing remote areas, the lack of data
period in the smart contract, bypassing the         to assess the creditworthiness of applicants or
need for administrative tasks and verification      of collateral (Mattern and Ramirez 2017). The
by insurance companies. This example would          integration of agricultural supply chains into
hold true for other weather indexes that            DLTs could provide financial institutions with
serve as a sound proxy for crop loss, where         rich data on the operations of farmers and
other parameters, like temperature, wind and        other value chain actors which is needed to
sunshine, among others, could be measured.          provide numerous financial services, such as
                                                    direct credit or warehouse receipts. By moving
Smart contract-enabled agricultural insurance       to a DLT system, a small-scale farmer or agro-
on a DLT would provide better insurance             processor will be able to build a digital identity
coverage for a greater number of farmers and        which records their physical assets, such as
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