DOWNSTREAM PETROLEUM - Australian Institute of Petroleum

Page created by Edward Terry
DOWNSTREAM PETROLEUM - Australian Institute of Petroleum

DOWNSTREAM PETROLEUM - Australian Institute of Petroleum
} AIP mission and objectives
} Message from the AIP Chairman
} Australian liquid fuel supply and demand
} International and Asian refining
} Financial performance of AIP Members
} Economic contribution of the Industry
} Australian refinery competitiveness
} National fuel quality standards
} Biofuels and alternative fuel
} Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
} Maintaining supply security and reliability
} The international crude oil and product markets
} The Australian wholesale fuels market and prices
} The Australian retail fuels market
} Environment health and safety
DOWNSTREAM PETROLEUM - Australian Institute of Petroleum


      AIP was formed in 1976 to promote effective dialogue between the oil industry,
      government and the community. It replaced a number of other organisations
      such as the Petroleum Information Bureau that had been operating in Australia
      since the early 1950s. AIP has gained national and worldwide recognition as a
      key representative body of Australia’s downstream petroleum industry.

      AIP’s mission is to promote and assist in        As well as its policy development and
      the development of a strong, internationally     advocacy role, AIP also runs the Australian
      competitive Australian downstream                Marine Oil Spill Centre (AMOSC) in Geelong
      petroleum industry, operating safely,            and Perth to support oil spill preparedness
      efficiently, economically, and in harmony with   and response by the broader petroleum
      the environment and community expecations.       industry. AIP also manages or sponsors
                                                       important industry environmental and health
      Through the active involvement of its member
                                                       programs, including CRC Care and Health
      companies, AIP provides responsible and
                                                       Watch. The Cooperative Research Centre for
      principled representation of the industry
                                                       Contamination Assessment and Remediation
      along with factual and informed discussion
                                                       of the Environment (CRC CARE) undertakes
      of downstream petroleum sector issues.
                                                       innovative, cutting edge research aimed
      This includes through AIP representation
                                                       at preventing, assessing and remediating
      on key government advisory bodies and
                                                       contamination of soil, water and air. For
      statutory committees. AIP and member
                                                       over 35 years, AIP has also sponsored the
      companies advocate government policies
                                                       independent Health Watch study which
      that are harmonised across all Australian
                                                       tracks the health of over 20 000 past
      jurisdictions, apply equally to all industry
                                                       and present employees of the Australian
      participants and are based on sound
                                                       petroleum industry.
      science supported by comprehensive
      economic analysis.
DOWNSTREAM PETROLEUM - Australian Institute of Petroleum


      •   BEACH ENERGY                      •   RIO TINTO SHIPPING PTY LTD
      •   BHP BILLITON PTY LTD              •   SANTOS LTD
      •   CONOCOPHILLIPS                    •   SGH ENERGY PTY LTD
      •   ENI AUSTRALIA                     •   TERMINALS PTY LTD
      •   EQUINOR                           •   TRIANGLE ENERGY LTD
      •   JADESTONE ENERGY LTD                  PTY LTD
      •   PAPUAN OIL SEARCH LTD             •   WOOLWORTHS LTD
DOWNSTREAM PETROLEUM - Australian Institute of Petroleum

      Downstream Petroleum outlines the key facts and issues impacting Australia’s
      downstream petroleum industry.

      Australia’s downstream petroleum industry           Challenging global economic conditions
      is a critical component of the Australian           have also weakened crude and product
      economy, safely and reliably providing high         demand. Despite closure of refineries in
      quality competitively priced liquid fuels to        mature markets in Europe and Japan (and
      support a range of other sectors including          four in Australia since 2003), there has been
      mining, agriculture and transport.                  a recent large-scale expansion of refining
                                                          capacity particularly in the Middle East and
      The industry is currently confronted with
                                                          Asia. These new mega-refineries, often built
      a sustained period of uncertainty and
                                                          with direct government financial support,
      global and domestic structural change.
                                                          have both scale and cost advantages over
      Global megatrends, geopolitical forces and
                                                          Australian refineries.
      dynamic markets require Australian refiners,
      wholesalers and retailers to be nimble and
      creative to remain competitive. While the
      Australian industry has a long, demonstrated
      track record of responding to uncertainty,
      decisions by governments can have a
      profound impact on operations and viability.
      Internationally, geopolitical factors including
      trade wars and unrest in the Middle East,
      is driving significant market volatility, which
      reverberate through to price volatility at the
      pump. As OPEC attempts to manage the
      volume of supply provided by its members,
      this is being offset by ever increasing new
      supplies of crude oil, notably from the US.
      Notwithstanding the challenges associated
      with this volatility, this has in part provided a
      benefit to Australian refiners through access
      to an increasingly diverse source of crude oil
      refinery feedstock to better manage risk.
DOWNSTREAM PETROLEUM - Australian Institute of Petroleum

      This additional refinery capacity, coupled with
      lower than anticipated demand, has resulted
      in an oversupply of petroleum products in
      the region, leading to extremely low refiner
      margins in the first half of 2019, which
      continue to remain unsustainably low.
      The Australian refining industry has in recent
      years responded to these cyclical market
      pressures through stringent cost control,
      operational efficiencies, and integration into
      the Asian fuels market. Complementing the
      critical role played by domestic refineries,
                                                        reduce the impacts from its own operations,
      Asian integration provides additional diversity
                                                        the industry is developing cleaner traditional
      and flexibility of supply arrangements that
                                                        fuels and alternative fuels such as biofuels
      underpin secure supply into Australia, as
                                                        and hydrogen, while assessing the
      confirmed over many years by numerous
                                                        implications and opportunities of vehicle
      Government and independent reviews.
                                                        electrification in the coming decades. The
                                                        petroleum industry also supports other
                                                        sectors’ efforts to reduce emissions, such
                                                        as the shipping industry’s compliance with
                                                        IMO regulations around lower sulfur bunker
                                                        fuels in 2020. Each of these activities require
                                                        substantial investment by the industry at
      H A S F U R T H E R E N H A N C E D S U P P LY
                                                        all levels of the supply chain and must be
      S E C U R I T Y.
                                                        underpinned by robust technology, market
                                                        and risk assessment.
      The industry also plays its role in responding
                                                        Structural change is also occurring at the
      to community expectations in relation to the
                                                        retail level, including through considerable
      environment and climate change. Along with
                                                        changes in retail site ownership. Although
      a program of continuous improvement to
                                                        major brands are highly prominent in the
DOWNSTREAM PETROLEUM - Australian Institute of Petroleum

      Australian market, fuel majors directly operate
      and set the price for less than fifteen percent   U L T I M A T E LY, I N D U S T R Y S U C C E S S
      of sites. Government intervention, including      IS ACHIEVED THOUGH CLEAR AND
      mandates on forecourt fuel offerings, can         STABLE LONGER-TERM POLICY
      impact site viability.                            FRAMEWORKS BASED ON SOUND
                                                        MARKET-B ASED PRINCIPLES.
      Despite these challenges, actions by
      Australia’s petroleum companies support
      consumers paying some of the lowest retail        Government and industry can achieve
      prices in the OECD.                               mutually beneficial outcomes, evidenced
                                                        by the agreement to transition to low
                                                        sulfur gasoline. The announced timeline
      THE ACCC CONTINUES TO CONFIRM                     for implementation provides the best
      THAT AROUND 85 PERCENT OF                         balance between delivering environmental
      RETAIL PRICES ARE DETERMINED                      improvements and minimising any impacts on
      BY INTERNATIONAL REFINED FUEL                     consumers, whilst also providing long term
      PRICES, THE EXCHANGE RATE AND                     policy certainty to the local refining industry
      GOVERNMENT TAXES.                                 to facilitate potential investment and business
      Australia will continue to be a high cost         The Australian petroleum industry remains
      operating environment. The key role for           fully committed to ensuring ongoing reliable
      governments therefore is to ensure a              supply of affordable and quality fuels to
      competitive open market and a level playing       the Australian market, through continued
      field for local market operators, whilst          investments and tough decisions to improve
      ensuring that the domestic industry is not        productivity and ensure economic viability.
      competitively disadvantaged to our regional
      counterparts and that innovation continues to     Andy Holmes
      be fostered.                                      Chairman, AIP
DOWNSTREAM PETROLEUM - Australian Institute of Petroleum

      Australian liquid
      fuel supply and

                     KEY MESSAGES

      •   The Australian refining industry is a price    •   Growth in imports reflects the gap
          taker in the Asian region, and there is a          between fuel demand and production
          direct relationship between Australian and         from Australia’s four oil refineries which
          Asian fuel prices.                                 must compete with imports from Asian
      •   Industry profitability is largely determined
          by supply and demand in the Asian              •   Australian refineries meet around 64% of
          refining market.                                   petrol demand in Australia and 48% of
                                                             overall fuels demand.
      •   There is currently significant surplus of
          supply of petroleum products in the Asian      •   With a diverse source of supply from
          region.                                            both domestic production and imports,
                                                             the Australian downstream petroleum
      •   Demand for petroleum products has not
                                                             industry will continue to provide reliable
          been strong enough to absorb the output
                                                             supplies to consumers at competitive
          from new refinery capacity installed in
                                                             market prices.
          Asia each year for the last decade.
      •   Asian excess supply capacity has
          provided a ready source for fuel imports
          to Australia, including growing petrol
          imports by independent fuel suppliers.
DOWNSTREAM PETROLEUM - Australian Institute of Petroleum

      In 2018–19, Australia’s domestic refineries supplied around 48 percent of
      total petroleum products required by Australia’s major industries and the fuel
      distribution network of around 7 100 service stations. The reliability of the fuel
      supply chain is robust given the unique logistic and geographic challenges in

      Australian petroleum refineries are highly      It also produces a substantial volume
      capital intensive, technically sophisticated    of chemical feedstock.
      facilities that employ a wide range of highly
                                                      In 2018–19, Australia consumed 60 710 ML
      skilled personnel and provide significant
                                                      (mega litres) of petroleum products - or
      economic and other benefits to key Australian
                                                      around 166 ML per day- a 17 percent
                                                      increase since 2010-11. Australian refineries
      The Australian oil refining industry            produced 29 100 ML of petroleum products,
      produces a range of petroleum products          of which almost 4 percent was exported
      comprising:                                     (excluding LPG).

                PETROL                        DIESEL                      JET FUEL
                (38%)                         (31%)                       (14%)

                FUEL OIL                      LPG                         OTHER PRODUCTS
                (3%)                          (3%)                        (11%)
DOWNSTREAM PETROLEUM - Australian Institute of Petroleum

      Net imports from over 20 countries accounted         While Australia has its own indigenous crude oil
      for 56 percent (or around 34 200 ML) of total        production, this has been declining and around
      consumption, as highlighted in the following         79 percent was exported in 2018–19. These
      chart. A proportion of this imported volume was      crudes are largely unsuitable for Australian
      supplied to northern and north western areas         refineries to manage their product slate, while the
      of Australia where it is more economic to supply     locations of Australian refineries also contribute
      directly from Asia due to domestic refinery          to the quantity of exports. Crude oils required
      locations and local terminal configuration.          to meet the product demand mix in Australian
      Numerous import terminals are located around         refineries were imported from over 20 countries,
      Australia providing ready access to the Australian   but mainly from the Asia-Pacific region (57
      market. The bulk of imported fuel came from          percent) including New Zealand and PNG. The
      refiners and regional suppliers in Japan             remaining imports of crude oil was sourced from
      and South Korea and imports from India are           the Middle East (23 percent), Africa (16 percent)
      increasing.                                          and others (4 percent).




         1       Geelong (Viva Australia refinery)
                                                                         1     2
         2       Altona (Mobil refinery)

         3       Lytton (Caltex refinery)

         4       Kwinana (BP refinery)



      Singapore                        South Korea                 Japan                China             Malaysia Others
      27%                              21%                         16%                  11%               8%       17%
                                Others - Chinese Taipei, Netherlands, Indonesia, UAE, India, USA, Estonia, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, UK, NZ

      IMPORTS OF CRUDE OIL 2018-19

      Malaysia                             UAE                    Brunei   Algeria Libya   Indonesia NZ    PNG Others
      31%                                  17%                    7%       6%      6%      6%       5% 5% 19%
                           Others - Gabon, Vietnam, Nigeria, USA, Congo, Russia, Azerbaijan, Thailand, Pakistan, Yemen, Singapore, India

      Source: Australian Petroleum Statistics

      AUSTRALIAN FUEL PRICES                                           Since 2000–01:

      Australian refineries operate in a global market                 • Diesel use has increased by around 125
      and compete directly with imports coming                            percent due largely to growth in mining
      into Australia. Locally produced petroleum                          industry activities in Australia and growth in
      products must therefore be priced to be                             sales of vehicles with new generation diesel
      competitive with imports (i.e. import parity                        technology engines.
      pricing) from the Asian region.                                  • Jet fuel use has increased by around 76% due
      There is no tariff protection and there are                         to growth in air travel for business and leisure.
      a range of fuel terminal facilities, including                   • Overall petrol use has declined slightly by
      in every seaboard capital, through which                            3 percent as vehicle fuel efficiency has
      Australia’s liquid fuel demand is supplied,                         continued to improve. Use of regular unleaded
      either through imported product or from the                         petrol (ULP) has declined by more than 45
      domestic refineries.                                                percent as consumers chose new vehicles
      Profitability of the Australian refining industry                   that recommend the use of higher octane fuels
      is therefore largely determined by product                          or have moved to ethanol blend petrol. The
      prices in Asia, and its viability depends on our                    demand for ethanol blend petrol increased to
      competitiveness against imports from refiners                       a peak of 18 percent of petrol use in 2010–11,
      in Asia. While there are have been recent                           largely as a consumer preference response
      and planned increases in Australian refinery                        to the ethanol fuel mandate in NSW, but has
      capacity, future growth in Asian imports is still                   subsequently declined to less than 14 percent
      expected to meet demand growth, providing                           of total petrol use.
      additional supply diversity.                                     Petroleum product use varies across the
                                                                       Australian states and territories, reflecting
                                                                       a range of factors. This includes the
      CHANGING AUSTRALIAN                                              main economic activities and resources
      DEMAND FOR PETROLEUM                                             in jurisdictions, their population base and
      PRODUCTS                                                         dispersion, the age and structure of vehicle
                                                                       fleets, and their infrastructure capacity and
      Over the past decade, Australian use of
                                                                       performance (eg. airports). For example,
      petroleum products has increased by around
                                                                       there is higher diesel use in the mining States
      2 percent per year.
                                                                       of WA, NT and QLD, higher jet fuel use in
      Petrol, diesel and jet fuel use now comprise                     major airport centres, and higher use of
      89 percent of the total petroleum product                        premium gasoline in NSW as a result of the
      demand.                                                          government’s ethanol mandate policy.
20                                                                  20


                                                       00                                                                  00
                                                            -0                                                               -0
                                                     20        1                                                         20 1
                                                       01                                                                  01
                                                            -0                                                               -0
                                                     20        2                                                         20 2
                                                       02                                                                  02
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   DOWNSTREAM PETROLEUM

                                                            -0                                                               -0
                                                     20        3                                                         20 3
                                                       03                                                                  03
                                                            -0                                                               -0
                                                                                                                                             2000–01 to 2018–19, ML

                                                     20                                                                  20 4
                                                       04                                                                  04
                                                            -0                                                               -0
                                                     20        5                                                         20 5

Source: Australian Petroleum Statistics
                                                       05                                                                  05
                                                            -0                                                               -0
                                                     20        6                                                         20 6
                                                       06                                                                  06
                                                            -0                                                               -0
                                                     20        7                                                         20 7
                                                       07                                                                  07
                                                            -0                                                               -0
                                                     20        8                                                         20 8
                                                       08                                                                  08
                                                            -0                                                               -0
                                                     20        9                                                         20 9
                                                       09                                                                  09
                                                            -1                                                               -1

                                                     20                                                                  20 0

                                          Jet Fuel
                                                       10                                                                  10
                                                            -1                                                               -1
                                                     20        1                                                         20 1
                                                       11                                                                  11
                                                            -1                                                               -1
                                                     20        2                                                         20 2
                                                       12                                                                  12
                                                            -1                                                               -1
                                                     20        3                                                         20 3
                                                       13                                                                  13
                                                            -1                                                               -1
                                                     20        4                                                         20 4
                                                       14                                                                  14
                                                            -1                                                               -1
                                                     20        5                                                         20 5
                                                       15                                                                  15
                                                            -1                                                               -1
                                                     20        6                                                         20 6
                                                       16                                                                  16
                                                            -1                                                               -1
                                                     20        7                                                         20 7
                                                       17                                                                  17
                                                            -1                                                               -1
                                                     20        8                                                         20 8
                                                       18                                                                  18
                                                                                                                                                                      AUSTRALIAN USE OF MAIN PETROLEUM PRODUCTS:

                                                            -1                                                               -1
                                                               9                                                                9

                                                         AUSTRALIAN CONSUMERS
                                                         CONTINUE TO HAVE A VERY
                                                         STRONG PREFERENCE FOR SPORTS
                                                         UTILITY VEHICLES (SUVS), WHICH
                                                         ACCOUNT FOR AROUND 40% OF
                                                         TOTAL NEW PASSENGER VEHICLE

                                                         There also continues to be steadygrowth in
                                                         sales of new diesel passenger vehicles, albeit
                                                         off a low base..
                                                         Electric Vehicles
                                                         A more recent development in passenger
                                                         transport has been the interest and growth
                                                         in Electric Vehicles (EVs), particularly Hybrid
                                                         vehicles, which have grown rapidly from a
                                                         very low base in recent years.
      CHANGING                                           Ambitious targets, government policy and
      AUSTRALIAN TRENDS                                  very significant subsidies including purchase
      IN PASSENGER                                       incentives, have lowered vehicle costs,
                                                         extended vehicle ranges, and reduced
      TRANSPORT                                          consumer barriers. Lower battery costs and
      The Passenger Transport Task                       improvements in battery density over recent
      Passenger transport in Australia is changing       years have also played a role, together with
      with population growth anddevelopments in          the renewables share in electricity generation
      public transport and city planning. Consumer       and growth in the EV portfolios of OEMs.
      preferencesand new vehicle technologies            While the sector has developed at a rapid
      are also playing arole in these trendsand will     pace, the impact on the total vehicle
      continue to do so.In Australia’smetropolitan       population is still hardly noticeable in most
      centres,total travel has increased vastly over     nations.
      time, reflecting the significant underlying
      population growth in capital cities. Australia’s     In 2018, the IEA estimated that the
      major cities continue to sprawl outwards             worldwide number of EVs on the
      leading to longer average trip times. This has       road was 5.1 million (69% of them are
      resulted ina major increase in the total annual      battery electric vehicles or BEVs and
      transport task in passenger-kilometres (pkms).       31% plug-in hybrids electric vehicles
      The servicing of this passenger transport            or PHEVs), with the total number
      task is dominated by private motor vehicles,         of passenger vehicles on the road
      which account for around 90 per cent of the          worldwide of around 1 billion.
      motorised pkm task within our capital cities.
      Over the last decade or so, however, there
                                                         Around 2.1% of global vehicle sales in 2018
      has been a rise in passenger numbers across
                                                         were EVs. However, in some markets the
      many Australian urban public transport
                                                         market share is significantly higher with China
      systems, particularly as a result of expansions
                                                         now the largest market for EVs (45% of world
      to transport infrastructure and services.
                                                         sales), with the Unites States accounting for
      In terms of passenger vehicles, consumer
                                                         22% and Europe 24%. Norway, underpinned
      preferences and utility remain the strong driver
                                                         by a range of government incentives, is the
      of private transport trends.
                                                         global leader in terms of market share.

      In Australia, of the 1 million new vehicles
      typically sold each year, EV sales have been
      modest. In 2019, some 6,718 EVs were sold
      (just under 0.7% of total vehicle sales. As
      a result, EVs represent a very small share
      of the 14 million passenger vehicle fleet in
      Australia with an average vehicle age of 10
      years. Australian motorists have also typically
      favoured hybrids over pure electric vehicles
      The extent of the future EV contribution to        AIP believes that alternative energy sources
      the passenger transit task, in Australia and       and vehicles will have a place in a diversified
      globally, is not clear. There is a wide array      Australian passenger transport market, as
      of forecasts of future EV uptake, ranging          long as they are available at a competitive
      from low scenarios of around 20 million EVs        price, reliably supplied, acceptable to
      globally in 2040 (ES EIA) to forecasts of more     consumers, and produced sustainably.
      than 500 million vehicles worldwide (BNEF).
                                                         A market-based policy framework will
      Future EV uptake is complex and critically         best facilitate the uptake of electrified
      dependant on a wide range of factors.              passenger vehicles on reliable, sustainable
                                                         and competitive market terms. It will also
      For example, including:                            encourage a lower emissions energy supply
                                                         and use that avoids market distortions,
      • Vehicles – vehicle mix, technology,
                                                         increased energy prices and lower transport
         performance, production, costs and
                                                         fuel security.
         existing fleet turnover
                                                         The development of robust, efficient and
      • Batteries - production capacity, storage/
                                                         commercial markets for all transport fuels
         density, reliability, cost and disposal
                                                         and vehicles will be best supported by:
      • Key input markets and pricing – lithium
                                                         • policy and investment stability
         and electricity market developments and
         pricing                                         • a level playing field for competing transport
                                                            fuels/vehicles and market participants
      • Distribution Network – availability of
         recharge infrastructure and network and         • the minimum level of efficient and well-
         related costs                                      targeted government regulation.

      • Consumer demand and preferences –               AIP believes that government policy in
         demand, convenience, vehicle/transport          support of a higher uptake of electric
         preferences.                                    vehicles (e.g. for purported environmental
                                                         benefits) needs to be:
      A competitive free market with a predictable       • based on a demonstrated market failure
      regulatory framework that does not pick
      winners and losers will best serve consumers,      • based on sound science
      suppliers, investors, and local communities        • cognisant of other policy settings
      in developing economic prosperity, energy
      security, and environmental protection.            • transparent, with clear and credible
      Accelerating the EV uptake, beyond current
      market and technical constraints, needs            This policy framework reflects fundamental
      to be carefully considered and managed,            industry drivers, including the long lead times
      particularly given linkages and dependences        required for industry investment and the
      to other energy sectors (electricity) and to key   significant capital employed by the fuels and
      input markets (batteries/lithium).                 passenger vehicle industries.

      International and
      Asian Refining
      The global refining industry is fundamentally changing as
      emerging and maturing trends re-shape the global supply
      and demand patterns for crude oil and petroleum products.

      Although crude oil and petroleum products           products and the associated strong refiner
      are traded globally, major regional markets         margins. This was particularly apparent in
      have developed around the main demand               Asia.
      centres of North America, Europe and
                                                          However, the GFC resulted in a substantial
      Asia, with each market having its own
                                                          reduction in global petroleum product
      characteristics. Refineries play an integral role
                                                          demand, with only modest prospect of a
      in these regional markets, with the financial
                                                          recovery of lost demand over the short to
      viability of individual refineries heavily
                                                          medium term. As a consequence, refiner
      influenced by supply and demand in the
                                                          margins dropped substantially, in some cases
                                                          falling into negative territory. The refining
      Prior to the Global Financial Crisis (GFC)          industry, particularly in Europe and OECD
      in 2008, there was a significant surge in           Asia, reacted to this financial challenge by
      investment in refinery upgrades and in new          terminating or deferring investment plans,
      refinery construction commitments, largely in       reducing the utilisation rates for refineries, and
      response to growing demand for petroleum            progressively closing less viable refineries.

        The three key regional benchmarks are highlighted in the chart below. The benchmark for
        Australian refineries is the Singapore margin.




























































                                                                           US dollars per barrel USGC Medium Sour Coking
                                                                           US dollars per barrel NWE Light Sweet Cracking
                                                                           US dollars per barrel Singapore Medium Sour Hydrocracking

        Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy

        Notwithstanding these developments, a                                                                  refinery utilisation rates at many refineries.
        number of countries, particularly China and                                                            For example, China added, on average,
        India, continued to press ahead with major                                                             almost 1 million barrels per day of refining
        refinery construction programs as part of                                                              capacity every year from 2010 to 2015. This
        national development goals.                                                                            construction and expansion program has
                                                                                                               continued in China with the addition of more
        Although petroleum product demand has
                                                                                                               than 2 million barrels per day in new capacity.
        slowly recovered from the GFC, these trends
                                                                                                               By comparison, since 2008 some 4 million
        have continued to play out across Europe,
                                                                                                               barrels per day of older refining capacity has
        North America and Asia, with older refineries
                                                                                                               been closed in North America, Europe, Japan
        closing, continuing refinery construction across
                                                                                                               and Australia.
        Asia and the Middle East, and lower than usual



      Million barrels per day





                                               North America        S & Central             Europe             C’Wealth of         Middle East          Africa          Asia Pacific
                                                                     America                                   Ind. States
                                                                    1970        1980        1990        2000        2010        2015    2018

           Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy

      This development in North America has              A surplus refining capacity is forecast for
      compounded the effects of the other global         the Asian region through to around 2025,
      trends in the refining industry, particularly in   notwithstanding the refinery rationalisation
      Europe, such that there is an ongoing global       that is occurring across Asia, particularly
      surplus refining capacity and depressed            with less viable refineries in Japan and
      refiner margins in other markets.                  Australia. Nonetheless, the extent of the
                                                         oversupply is significantly below the scale
                                                         that was observed from 2008 to 2015 when
                                                         Australian refineries experienced substantially
      N E W R E F I N I N G C A P A C I T Y, T H E
                                                         depressed profitability.
      I N C R E A S I N G LY T H E G LO B A L H U B      The change in the Asian regional supply
      FOR FUTURE PETROLEUM PRODUCT                       balance points to a slowly improving outlook
      AND REFINING TRADE                                 for Australian refineries and underpins
                                                         investments being made to drive a
      The IEA has predicted that the changing            sustainable ongoing future. However, history
      geography of oil supply and demand will            has shown that periods of improving margins
      transform global oil trade with Asia taking an     lead to over investment in the refinery sector
      increasing share of global imports, and gross      in Asia which then again suppress margins.
      oil exports from the United States overtaking      The capital investment fluctuations explain the
      those from Saudi Arabia by the mid-2020s.          cyclical nature of the refining business.

      Proportion of total Supply (%)

      Excess Supply (millions of barrels)

      Source: FACTS GLOBAL ENERGY and Caltex Australia

      of AIP

                      KEY MESSAGES

        • Refining is a highly cyclical business.         • The profitability in the wholesale and
                                                            retail sectors of the industry, have
        • There is a direct correlation between
                                                            largely been constant given the strong
          Australian refining industry profitability
                                                            competitive nature of the industry.
          and international refiner margins.
                                                          • Despite this overall poor financial
        • The depressed refiner margins since
                                                            performance within the industry, there
          the start of the GFC have meant largely
                                                            has been continued investment in
          negative refining profits over the six
                                                            refineries of over $2bn over the last 5
        • Combined with a strong Australian dollar
                                                          • Any significant investment required in
          this led to the closure of three Australian
                                                            coming years, over and above operating
          refineries, Clyde and Kurnell in Sydney
                                                            and maintenance investment, will be
          and Bulwer Island in Brisbane.
                                                            tested against the potential for a return.
        • ACCC data highlights the different net
                                                          • Australian refiners are expected to
          profitability performance of the domestic
                                                            continue to seek ways to remain
          refining sector over a decade where the
                                                            competitive through productivity
          average ranged from around 2.5 cents
                                                            improvements, technological innovation
          per litre (cpl) in the early part of the last
                                                            and a strong focus on cost containment.
          decade, with average losses through to
          2014 of around 0.5 cpl.                         • Fuel excise collection and payments
                                                            of $18 billion contributed around 5 per
        • While improved financial performance
                                                            cent of taxation revenue to the Australian
          is expected due to an upturn in the
                                                            Government in 2015-16.
          cycle, excess supply in the Asian region
          will continue to present a challenging
          environment for the Australian refining

      ACCC FINANCIAL                                         The ACCC has not published financial
      REPORTING ON THE                                       performance data for the petroleum
                                                             industry since the December 2014 ACCC
                                                             Monitoring Report.
      The Australian Competition and Consumer
                                                                 Click here to see the report
      Commission (ACCC) formally monitors and
      reports on the prices, costs and profits relating
      to the supply of fuel in the petroleum industry
      in Australia. The ACCC’s monitoring role is by
      Ministerial direction under the Competition and
      Consumer Act 2010.
      The ACCC financial reporting covers the three
      major sectors of the downstream petroleum
      industry: total supply (refining and importing),
      wholesaling and retailing across all major
      market operators. For each sector, ACCC
      reporting presents detailed cost, revenue and
                                                             This means 2013-14 is the latest industry data
      profitability data.
                                                             available, but updated financial performance
      The extensive industry data required for               data is expected to be published by the ACCC
      these ACCC Reports is supplied under                   in the second half of 2019. As soon as it is
      legal requirement each year by AIP member              available, AIP will publish the ACCC’s financial
      companies and other major fuel suppliers               performance data in Downstream Petroleum.
      operating in the Australian market.

      Refinery sector real unit net profit, all products: 2002-03 to 2013-14

         Source: ACCC Annual Price Monitoring Report, Dec 2014

      Ec onomic
      of the Industry

                     KEY MESSAGES

        • Australian refineries have been very long   • The Australian refineries also spend
          standing participants in the local market     hundreds of millions each year
          as the major transport fuel suppliers,        purchasing goods and services in
          with all current refineries being             their local area and State, contributing
          operational for over 50 years.                to significant jobs and business
        • The four Australian refineries currently
          supply around half of Australia’s total     • The refineries also make a very
          liquid fuel needs, and around 65 percent      significant contribution to government
          of petrol consumed in our market.             revenue, including over $15 billion in fuel
                                                        excise to the Federal Government from
        • Other Australian industries are
                                                        fuel sales.
          positively impacted by refineries
          which provide key inputs to their own       • Independent economic modelling
          activities. Approximately 65 percent          has found that a refinery contributes
          of the total value of Australian liquid       around $1 billion in economic activity on
          fuel consumption is in the transport,         average to the local economy each year
          mining, construction, agriculture and
                                                      • This industry also provides significant
          manufacturing industries.
                                                        additional indirect benefits, including
        • Total new capital investment in the           reliability and security of fuel supply,
          refining industry was $2 billion over the     sharing inputs with other industries, and
          last 5 years.                                 innovation, technology and knowledge
        • As a high-tech industry, the refining
          sector has highly skilled workforces with   • Australian refineries are also active
          an even mix between direct employees          investors and participants in numerous
          and contractors whose numbers can             community development activities to
          double during major turnaround work.          enhance the education, environment and
                                                        health outcomes of the local area.

      Each refinery provides significant economic benefits to the local and State
      economy where it is located, and also contributes to fuel supply security for
      Australia as a whole through supply diversity and flexibility.

      The economic impact of each refinery             • taxes that the refinery collects and pays to
      includes:                                           the Commonwealth and State Governments
                                                          as well as local council rates
      • the economic benefit of value adding (i.e.
         refining petroleum products)                  • the economic benefit of employment
                                                         - demand for qualified personnel and
      • the impact on industries that source inputs
                                                         providing apprenticeships and other forms
         from the refinery or that provide products/
                                                         of on the job training.
         services to it
      • financial impacts (new capital investment
        and profits)

                                                                          2015           2016
       Refinery Production (Value Add)
       Total Petroleum Products (million litres)                          24,194         25,722
       Total Petrol products (million litres)                             10,818         11,653
       New Capital Investment
       Refinery Investment ($million)                                     $308           $389
       Total for the Last 5 Years ($million)                              n/a            $2,050
       Direct Employment
       Refinery Employees (FTE)                                           2,048          1,966
       Australia – Total Employment (FTE)                                 10,669         10,282
       Direct Wages & Salaries
       Refinery Employees ($million)                                      $323           $303

      Financial Benefits                                The Australian refineries paid wages and
                                                        salaries to their direct refinery employees
      Due to the capital-intensive nature of            totaling $303 million in 2016, similar to the
      petroleum refining, the industry routinely        previous year. Total wages and salaries
      requires large and ongoing capital investment     paid are significantly higher when including
      in plant and equipment to continue safe and       contractor wages.
      reliable operations. Over the last 5 years,
      the total new capital investment in Australian    Contribution to government revenue
      refineries was over $2 billion. This represents
      an average annual investment of $400 million      AIP member companies recognise that the
      across the four refineries, which is consistent   taxes they pay, and collect and pay, form a
      with the total refinery investment of $389        significant part of their economic contribution to
      million in 2016. In simple terms, the average     Australia and to the States where they operate.
      annual investment per refinery is in the range
      of $50-$150million.                                 The refining companies in Australia:
      Employment Benefits                                 • pay corporate income taxes, royalties
                                                            and stamp duties,
      I N 2 0 1 6 , W O R K E R S D I R E C T LY          • collect and pay employee taxes, GST
      EMPLOYED BY THE AUSTRALIAN                            and fuel excise tax
                                                          • pay land tax and local council rates,
      2,000 PERSONS.
                                                            licenses and charges.
      This compares with total direct employment
      for AIP member companies across all their
                                                        In 2018, the Australian refining companies
      Australian operations was more than 10,000
                                                        collected and paid around $16 billion in fuel
      persons in 2016.
                                                        excise. On average, around $310 million a
      Actual labour use in the refineries is            week in fuel excise is collected and paid to
      substantially larger than this direct             the Australian Government by all the refining
      employment, because the refining sector also      companies, making them amongst the
      employs a significant number of contractors       largest corporate tax collectors in Australia.
      on a non-permanent basis and which varies
                                                        The bulk fuel terminals (refinery, import
      throughout the year, and also year-to-year
                                                        and marketing terminals) of AIP member
      depending on major maintenance cycles.
                                                        companies constitute the bonded
      During normal periods of operation, refineries    warehouses at which fuel excise is collected.
      employ almost as many contractors as              The fuel excise on petrol and diesel is 42.3
      direct permanent employees. During these          cents per litre, aviation fuel 3.6 cents per
      periods, the main tasks of contractors include    litre, LPG 13.8 cents per litre and ethanol 2.6
      maintenance, engineering, inspection, water       cents per litre.
      treatment and security. However, compared
      to normal periods of operation, the number
                                                        AROUND $5-6 MILLION PER ANNUM
      of contractors could as much as double
                                                        IS PAID IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT
      during periods when some production units
                                                        RATES AND CHARGES FOR
      are shut down to allow for major upgrade and
                                                        FOR JUST REFINERY RELATED
      maintenance programs (called “turnarounds”,
      which occur every 4-6 years).

          Many industries use petroleum products, and                 The five major industrial users of petroleum
          for some industries they make up a large share              products include the transport, construction,
          of intermediate input costs. This means that                mining, manufacturing and agriculture
          the petroleum refining industry’s products have             industries, which make up 64 percent of
          intrinsic links with the rest of the Australian             petroleum product use in Australia. Transport
          economy.                                                    is the largest industry user of petroleum
                                                                      products, making up around 23 percent of
          The chart below shows the use of petroleum
                                                                      total Australian use.
          products in industries where refinery products
          are particularly important inputs. Use in each              Some outputs from these industries are, in turn,
          industry is reported as a share of total use of             important inputs for other Australian industries.
          petroleum products in Australia. Based on the               Therefore, any shocks (such as the closure of
          latest available ABS data, industries account               a refinery) to the petroleum refining sector will
          for 66 percent of domestic petroleum product                flow though all sectors of the economy via links
          use and households account for 34 percent –                 with the agriculture, manufacturing, mining and
          making households the largest fuel user group               transport industries.
          in Australia.

          OF TOTAL AUSTRALIAN USE: 2016-17





   Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing

          Wholesale & Retail Trade

         Utilities Supply & Services

                                             0%           5%            10%          15%           20%            25%   30%

          Source: ABS, Australian National Accounts: Input-Output Tables Cat No 5209.0.55.001 (latest edition).
          NOTE: Manufacturing use excludes that used by the petroleum industry itself.

      Refining also provides for a range of indirect benefits including:

      •Reliability and security of supply: The           •Innovation and spillovers: As a high-tech
        domestic refining capacity contributes to            industry, the refining industry benefits the
        the overall health of the Australian economy         economy through innovation, technology
        through its contributions to the level of            and knowledge spillovers to other sectors
        fuel supply reliability and flexibility. This        (inc. through the mobile contractor
        is important for efficient production and            workforce). Major technological investments
        mobility of labour and other products.               made by the refining industry include
        Supply security is enhanced in Australia             improvements in safety, environmental
        through the availability of both domestically        management, new product development,
        refined and imported fuels from a wide               and production improvements and de-
        diversity of supply sources.                         bottlenecking. This stimulates innovation
                                                             and technological improvements in other
      • Input sharing: The refining industry benefits
                                                             sectors, without them having to bear the
         other sectors through increasing demand for
                                                             full costs.
         certain inputs shared with other industries
         (e.g. engineering services, chemicals,            •Community development and investment:
         electronic equipment and mechanical                 Australian refineries actively participate in
         components); this assists these sectors             numerous community development activities
         achieve economies of scale and benefit              and groups to enhance the education,
         from lower costs in their supply chains (e.g.       environment and health outcomes of the
         petrochemicals, plastics and heavy industry/        local area (including grants, donations,
         manufacturing sectors).                             volunteer work, and sponsorship). These
                                                             can be expected to have wider economic
                                                             benefits like higher GDP and consumer
                                                             living standards.


                     TOTAL TRANSPORT
                     FUEL PRODUCED                                30 BILLION
                     BY AUSTRALIA’S
                     FOUR REFINERIES        TOTAL PETROL
                                            PRODUCED BY

                                                                  TOTAL CRUDE
                                            AUSTRALIA’S FOUR
                                                                  OIL REFINED
                                                                  LAST YEAR

AT REFINERIES                     EMPLOYEES
                                  TWICE THE NUMBER OF
2,000                             CONTRACTORS DURING MAJOR
                                  REFINERY MAINTENANCE

10,000+                          DIRECT WAGES AND                 AVERAGE INDUSTRY
                                 SALARIES PAID EACH YEAR          ANNUAL PROFIT FOR
                                 TO REFINERY EMPLOYEES            ALL FUEL SOLD
                                 (EXCLUDING CONTRACTORS)
OVER THE LAST FIVE YEARS         $300+                            2 CENTS
BILLION                          AVERAGE ANNUAL
                                 CONTRIBUTION TO THE LOCAL
                                 ECONOMY BY A REFINERY
AVERAGE ANNUAL FUEL TAX                                           HUNDREDS
PAID TO GOVERNMENT               $1 BILLION                       OF COMMUNITY GROUPS,
                                                                  PROGRAMS, SCHOOLS AND
                                                                  LOCAL ENVIRONMENT INITIATIVES

$16                                                               SUPPORTED EACH YEAR BY



                      KEY MESSAGES

        • Over the past decade, the industry has        • Australian refineries continue to be
          been through a period of significant              challenged:
                                                             - excess refinery capacity in Asia
        • The Australian refining industry is part of       - increased competition from mega-
          a highly competitive global oil market.              refineries in Asia
        • Profitability and ongoing viability will          - commercial pressures for increased
          be determined largely by supply and                  business efficiencies and avoidance
          demand in the Asian refining industry.               of new costs
        • Australian refineries see a long-term             - general tightening of regulatory
          viable future as long as productivity can            requirements
          be improved, costs can be controlled and           - implementation of climate change
          new costs are not borne by industry as a             policies
          result of unnecessary regulation.                  - competing demand and high cost
        • Australian refineries are smaller than              for maintenance and construction
          regional competitors, but do have                    services, and skilled labour
          their own competitive advantages                   • Continued viability of Australian
          including market access and integration,              refineries will require a stable policy
          efficiencies reliability, and speciality              and investment environment and
          products production.                                  energy policy based on open,
                                                                efficient and competitive market

      Over the past decade, Australia’s refining        output mix to meet the demand and quality
      industry has been through a period of             standards of their target markets.
      substantial restructure. As a result, Australia
                                                        Each Australian refinery will seek to maintain
      now has four refineries, each with its own
                                                        an individual competitive advantage through
      discrete competitive advantages that has
                                                        concentrating on areas where a significant
      ensured its current viability. Although the
                                                        cost or efficiency advantage is evident. For
      refineries were generally constructed in the
                                                        example, the use of domestic advantageously
      1950s and 1960s, they have been extensively
                                                        priced feedstock, high utilisation rates,
      upgraded since then, notably during 2005
                                                        establishing niche markets and access to key
      and 2006 in order to meet tighter fuel
                                                        markets all underpin competitive advantage.
      standards. These refineries are relatively
      small by world standards, with the largest
                                                          While the cost of crude oil is the major
      having a capacity of 8 830 ml pa (megalitres
                                                          input cost for refineries (around 90 per
      per year), compared with the four largest
                                                          cent according to the ACCC), other key
      Asian refineries which produce between
                                                          expenses for refineries include:
      30 000 ml pa and 70 000 ml pa. Australian
      refineries offer none of the economies of           • crude oil shipment and storage,
      scale benefits that are available from these        • utilities and energy charges,
      larger refineries.
                                                          • additives, catalysts and chemicals,
                                                          • capital costs, financing and
      2019                                                   depreciation,
       Refinery                             Capacity
                                                          • wages and salaries,
                                            (ml pa)
       Lytton (Caltex—Brisbane)             6300          • plant maintenance,
       Altona (Mobil—Melbourne)             5220          • site security and systems,
       Geelong (Viva Energy—Geelong)        7470          • regulatory measures,
       Kwinana (BP—Kwinana)                 8830
                                                          • product shipment and storage, and
       Total                                27 820
                                                          • government taxes and charges.
                                                        Refineries seek to manage the challenges
      Economies of scale provide a key competitive      they face by improving the efficiency of their
      advantage in refining, with larger refineries     operations through enhanced refinery yields,
      having lower unit costs of production and the     reliability and cost containment. Continued
      ability to purchase inputs (e.g. crude oil) in    availability of highly trained technical staff
      larger parcels hence at lower unit costs.         and contractors can contribute to high levels
      Economies of scale arise from larger              of refinery efficiency.
      production runs, lower capital and labour         Compared to refineries across Asia,
      costs per unit of production, and lower           Australian refineries suffer from substantial
      purchasing costs for larger volumes of            disadvantages in operating and capital
      inputs, such as crude oil and energy.             costs that virtually preclude Australia from
      Newer refineries also benefit from the latest     consideration for major new refinery projects.
      technology with efficiencies realised from        The relatively small Australian refineries offer
      greater flexibility in the crude oil inputs and   no economies of scale benefits. Australian
      product slates produced.                          labour and construction costs for new and
      Refiners seek to run the optimal mix of crude     expanded refinery investments remain high
      oils through their refineries, depending on       compared to costs in most countries in Asia.
      the relative price of available crudes, the
      specific refinery equipment, and the desired

      AS AN INDUSTRIALISED NATION,                          Government policies will impact on the ability
      AUSTRALIA OFFERS NONE OF THE                          of Australian refiners and fuel importers to
      CAPITAL OR OPERATING COST                             attract further investment funds for refinery
      BENEFITS AVAILABLE IN MANY                            and import terminal upgrades, and ultimately
      DEVELOPING COUNTRIES                                  for major maintenance programs.

      The taxation and investment regimes applying            Key policy influences on the
      in Asia are also highly attractive for new facility     competitiveness of the Australian
      construction and for substantial refinery               downstream petroleum industry are:
      upgrades, through the provision of taxation             • fuel quality regulation,
      holidays, substantial investment allowances
      and investment facilitation.                            • energy policy,

      These competitive disadvantages for                     • liquid fuel supply reliability and
      Australian refineries compared to Asia can                 security policies,
      impact adversely on the decisions that must             • alternative fuels policies and mandates,
      be taken locally on investments in major
                                                              • fuel and corporate taxation,
      refinery upgrades and overhauls. The closure
      of the Clyde refinery in 2009 was a direct              • industrial relations frameworks, skilled
      result of these disadvantages that included:               labour availability and training,
        ot regionally competitive because of the             • climate change policy,
       small scale,
                                                              • environmental and OHS regulation,
        id not generate sufficient cash to justify
                                                              • competition regulation, and
       further investments, and
                                                              • fuel retailing regulation.
        lternative supplies could be sourced from
       the Asian region.
                                                            In each of these areas, AIP and member
      More complex and costly environmental
                                                            companies advocate policies that are
      and other regulatory measures also pose
                                                            harmonised across all Australian jurisdictions,
      significant constraints on new investment in
                                                            apply equally to all industry participants and
      Australia and provide ongoing challenges for
                                                            are based on sound science supported by
      existing Australian refineries. Overlapping
                                                            comprehensive economic analysis.
      federal, state and local government regulations
      also increase the complexity of operations and        Proposals for changes to current market-
      raise the costs of doing business in Australia.       based policy settings need to clearly
                                                            demonstrate that:
                                                            • a real market failure or vulnerability exists
                                                               within the industry,
      AIP considers that the key role for
                                                            • new policy measures will produce a net
      governments is to provide a clear, stable
                                                               benefit to the community and will not impact
      longer term policy framework, underpinned
                                                               adversely on the competitiveness of the
      by a strong market-based approach.
                                                               industry or liquid fuel supply security and
                                                               reliability, and
        Government policy should:
                                                            • continued reliance on domestic and
        • ensure a competitive and open market
                                                               international markets is unable to deliver
          is maintained in Australia,
                                                               a similar outcome.
        • ensure that the local refining industry is
                                                            Any proposals for governments to intervene in
          not competitively disadvantaged in the
                                                            the operation of the fuels markets should be
          Asian region, and
                                                            on the basis of a demonstrated market failure
        • maintain a strong commitment to                  which the market or consumers cannot, or
          technical skills development in the               cannot efficiently, resolve.
          Australian education system.

      fuel quality

                    KEY MESSAGES

       • The Australian Government regulates fuel    • Cleaner fuels require major refinery
         quality standard with a view to improving     investment, cost more to produce and
         urban air quality (reduced smog and           lead to higher CO2 emissions from
         particulates), reduce greenhouse gas          refineries.
         emissions, and improve vehicle fuel
                                                     • AIP and member companies support
         efficiency. Standards can also facilitate
                                                       improved fuel standards and are working
         the introduction of advanced engine
                                                       towards meeting the Government’s
                                                       implementation date of 2027.

      AIP supports appropriate national fuel quality       Over the past decade the Australian refining
      standards to facilitate the introduction of          sector has invested well over $3 billion to
      advanced engine technologies and so help             implement the Australian Government’s
      reduce scientifically established urban air          Cleaner Fuels Program.
      quality impacts.
                                                           This program was designed to help
      The Fuel Quality Standards Act 2000 provides         significantly improve urban air quality,
      the regulatory framework for fuel quality            including an 80 per cent reduction in nitrogen
      standards in Australia. AIP continues to             oxides by 2020. New vehicle technologies,
      work closely with governments and the motor          particularly high compression, direct injection
      vehicle industry to ensure that fuel quality         petrol engines and high compression,
      standards are consistent across Australia,           common rail diesel engines will enable further
      and predictable, so that participants in the         improvements in fuel economy and lower
      market have sufficient time to implement and         emissions to be achieved.
      adjust to any new standards.

      2,000                                         2010                                                2020











      Hydrocarbons   Benzene    1,3-Butadiene   Oxides of nitrogen   Particulate matter (PM10)   Carbon Monoxide

      Modelling of Victorian air quality by CSIRO confirms these reductions in motor
      vehicle emissions and projects that by 2030 emissions from motor vehicles
      will become a relatively small source of nitrogen oxide emissions compared to
      other domestic and industrial sources.

      AVERAGE DAILY NOx                        REFORMS TO
      EMISSIONS:                               AUSTRALIAN FUEL
      Tonnes per day
                                               In late 2016, the Australian Government
                                               established a Ministerial Council on
                                               Vehicle Emissions to review Australia’s fuel
                                               standards, along with reviews into both
                                               vehicle emissions standards to reduce
                                               noxious emissions, and fuel efficiency
                                               standards to reduce carbon emissions.

                                                 Following broad and extensive
                                                 consultation, the Government
                                                 announced in 2019 that the best option
                                                 to meet its objectives is to:
                                                 • Reduce sulfur in petrol to 10 parts per
                                                   millions from 1 July 2027
                                                 • Retain regular unleaded petrol
                                                 • Reduce the pool average of aromatic
                                                   content in petrol from 42 per cent to 35
                                                   per cent, effective 1 January 2022
                                                 • Review the aromatic content in petrol
                                                   limit by 2022 to set a reduced limit
                                                   by 2027 or establish an alternative
                                                 • The Department is continuing to
                                                   consult with industry on the remaining
                                                   parameters in the fuel standards
                                                   to finalise these before the current
                                                   standards sunset on 1 October 2019.

                                               This timeline for implementation provides
                                               the best balance between delivering
                                               environmental improvements and minimising
                                               any impacts on consumers, whilst also
                                               providing long term policy certainty to the
                                               local refining industry to facilitate potential
                                               investment and business decisions. It
        Source: CSIRO                          also provides certainty for the vehicle
                                               industry over the next decade to facilitate
                                               the introduction of the latest vehicle

      ALSO INCLUDES CONCRETE                         TO 10PPM GASOLINE
      GOVERNMENT ALONG THE                           Australia’s four refineries will
      IMPLEMENTATION TIMEFRAME                       collectively be required to invest
      TO DEMONSTRATE ONGOING                         around $1bn. Refineries also require
      PROGRESS.                                      long lead times to design, construct
                                                     and commission the necessary
                                                     infrastructure, whilst also ensuring
      This includes a substantial review in 2022,
                                                     continuity and security of supply of
      to determine aromatic limits in petrol from
                                                     fuel for all Australians:
      2027, when there will be greater clarity
      in the market and regulatory environment       • 2 Year pre-FEED (Front End
      internationally for both the refining and        Engineering and Design)
      car industries.                                  - $15m detailed investigations of
      AIP public submissions throughout                  feasible options including internal
      the review process have consistently               and contract resources (internal
      demonstrated that the sulfur and aromatic          resources don’t exist)
      levels in petrol available to Australian         - complex mathematical models to
      motorists are already substantially below          ascertain feasibility
      the regulated limits. Importantly, the
      Industry has committed to report to              - Board or corporate approval for
      Government annually to safeguard this              expenditure
      existing fuel quality over the transition        - 5 Year Construction
      period to the commencement of the new
                                                       - Establishment of engineering
      petrol standard.
                                                         project teams
                                                       - Detailed design works across
                                                         multiple complex refining assets
                                                       - Tendering multiple design packages
                                                         (e.g. mechanical, civil etc).
                                                       - Detailed discussion with statutory
                                                         bodies for scope of approvals
                                                       - Community and local industry
                                                       - Coordination of works with
                                                         operation of existing facilities
      This Government decision, in particular
      the timeframe provided, acknowledges             - Pre-commissioning and
      the very significant investment that would         commissioning of works
      need to be made by the Australian              • 3 year turnaround (long term
      refining industry whilst meeting the             maintenance) coordination
      challenges of continuing strong
      competitive pressures from larger                - Each refinery is on a different
      refineries in the Asia Pacific region. It          turnaround cycle
      highlights the importance the Government         - Out of program turnarounds greatly
      places on the economic contribution of             increase cost and risk
      domestic refineries, particularly in their
      local communities, and in supporting
      supply reliability and security to the local
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