Page created by Jeremy Hubbard
                              (23.4)   Rn7   (M2)

                     APRIL 2021

              INSULATION BOARD

              FOR PITCHED ROOFS

energy saving for the future
               Ballytherm Insulation

               This brochure describes the use of Ballytherm Polyisocyanurate insulation    About Ballytherm
               to create well insulated, energy efficient buildings; it contains design
                                                                                            Ballytherm is committed to the
               guidance, design details, installation instructions and advice on sitework
                                                                                            manufacture and supply of effective
               for using Ballytherm in all pitched roofing applications.
                                                                                            insulation products to the construction
               Introduction                  2-4
                                                                                            Ballytherm operates from a purpose built
                                                                                            manufacturing plant in County Cavan
               Warm Pitched Roofs            5 - 11                                         from where its products are distributed
               Ballytherm Insulation board is ideal for                                     to the Republic of Ireland, Northern
               forming warm pitched roofs in new build                                      Ireland and the United Kingdom.
               and refurbishment projects.
                                                                                            Ballytherm can supply insulation from
                                                                                            stock or can produce bespoke boards to
                                                                                            match the requirements of a specific
               Sitework/References           12 - 13
               Ballytherm Insulation may be ordered
               through builders' merchants or directly                                      Ballytherm Insulation
               from Ballytherm. Call us for details of our                                  Ballytherm Insulation is a foil-faced
               overnight delivery service.                                                  Polyisocyanurate (PIR) insulation board.
                                                                                            The PIR board is formed by a continuous
                                                                                            foaming process which gives the board
                                                                                            its tight cell structure and bonds the
                                                                                            facing to the foam. After foaming the
                                                                                            boards are cut to size and left to cure.

Ballytherm Pitched Roof Insulation

Technical description                         Table 01 Ballytherm Insulation product dimensions
Dimensions                                    Characteristics                       Units            Values
Ballytherm Insulation roof boards are         Length                                                 2400
available in 2400 by 1200mm size and in       Width                                 mm               1200
thicknesses from 25mm up to 150mm             Thicknesses                                            25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 125,
                                                                                                     130, 140, 150, 160 (non-stock) & 165 (non-stock)
thick. Ballytherm roof boards are butt
edged.                                        Edge profile                                           Butt edged

Ballytherm insulation boards have a
yellow foam core with laminated foil
facings printed with the company logo.

Structural                                     CERTIFICATE Nos. 07/4422 & 07/4427
                                                                                    Certificate No. 05/0220
Ballytherm is a strong, rigid board
suitable for self-supporting applications
in floors, walls and roofs. It can
withstand the loadings in
groundbearing floors.

Ballytherm Insulation is produced with a
zero ozone depletion blowing agent.

The Insulation boards' low thermal
conductivity mean less material is
required to achieve a given thermal
resistance than for most other insulants.
Ballytherm Insulation has a GWP
(Global Warming Potential) of
               Ballytherm Insulation

                                                             Table 02 Performance of Ballytherm Roof Insulation
               Ballytherm Insulation remains stable at
                                                             Properties                                 Standards         Units       Values
               temperatures up to 400ºC; at higher
               temperatures a protective char forms on       Thermal conductivity                        I.S. EN 12667     W/mK       0.022
               the surface, slowing the spread of flame.
                                                             Compressive strength                        EN 826            kPa        >140
               Ballytherm insulation may be used safely
               behind non-flammable materials such as         Dimensional stability                       EN 1604                      DS(TH) 6
               plasterboard; it has achieved a Class 1
                                                             Water absorption                            EN 12087          % vol      Foil 1.2
               surface spread of flame rating when
               tested to BS 476-7:1997.

               Moisture                                      Table 03 Ballytherm Roof Insulation pack sizes and thermal performance
               The PIR core of Ballytherm Insulation
                                                                                        Sheets         Sheets               m2         Thermal
               boards has a low moisture absorption          Thickness                  per lift      per pallet         per pallet   resistance
               capacity, making Ballytherm Insulation
                                                                25mm                      56            112               328.32      1.136m2K/W
               suitable for use in damp environments.
                                                                30mm                      46             92               270.72      1.364m2K/W
               The foil laminate facing gives the boards
                                                                40mm                      36             72               201.60      1.818m2K/W
               a high vapour resistance.
                                                                50mm                      28             56               161.28      2.272m2K/W

               Biological                                       60mm                      23             46               132.48      2.727m2K/W
                                                                70mm                      20             40               115.20      3.181m2K/W
               Ballytherm Insulation does not rot and
                                                                75mm                      18             36               103.68      3.409m2K/W
               does not contribute to the growth of
                                                                80mm                      17             34                97.92      3.636m2K/W
               mould, nor does it support insects or
                                                                90mm                      15             30                86.40      4.091m2K/W
               other pests.
                                                                100mm                     14             28                80.64      4.545m2K/W
               Thermal                                          110mm                     12             24                69.12      5.000m2K/W
               The PIR core of Ballytherm Insulation            120mm                     11             22                63.36      5.454m2K/W
               boards has an extremely low thermal              125mm                     11             22                63.36      5.681m2K/W
               conductivity, making the required                130mm                     10             20                57.60      5.909m2K/W
               thickness of insulation less than for most       140mm                     10             20                57.60      6.363m2K/W
               other insulants. The foil laminate facings       150mm                      9             18                51.84      6.818m2K/W
               of Ballytherm boards can also contribute         160mm (non-stock)          8             16                       -   7.272m2K/W
               to improved thermal performance: the             165mm (non-stock)          8             16                       -   7.500m2K/W
               low emissivity surface of the reflective
               foil can cut radiation heat transfer across
               an adjoining air space.

               When Ballytherm Insulation is installed

               in accordance with manufacturer's
               guidance and industry codes of practice
               it has a service life comparable to that of
               the rest of the building.
Warm Pitched Roofs
General considerations

Introduction                                  General considerations
In warm roof constructions the insulation     Structural                                    However, in refurbishment projects the
is fitted in the plane of the rafters rather   The insulation in warm roof applications      air movement through the cavities will
than at ceiling line.                         must be self-supporting. Where it is laid     eliminate much of the benefit from the
                                              across the top of the rafters it must be      low emissivity surface.
Warm roofs enable all the space within
                                              able to withstand the imposed loads
the building envelope to be utilised,                                                       Condensation
                                              from the roof covering transferred
whether that means maximising the                                                           Roofs must be designed to avoid the
                                              through the counterbattens. Ballytherm
usable floor area, creating dramatic                                                         formation of condensation which can
                                              Insulation is strong enough for that
cathedral roofs or simply providing a                                                       threaten the structural stability of the
controlled environment for running                                                          roof and promote the growth of mould
complex services. Warm roof                   Thermal performance                           and rot. Designers should carry out
construction has benefits for the roof         Ballytherm insulation installed above or      condensation risk analysis to assess the
structure, protecting it from the effects     below the rafters is not affected by          likelihood of problems and modify the
of wide variations in temperature and         thermal bridging by the roof structure,       roof design if condensation is predicted.
humidity and also increases the racking       whereas the thermal performance of an
                                                                                            To reduce condensation risk, designers
strength.                                     insulation layer set between the rafters is
                                              reduced by as much as a third.
Ballytherm insulation boards are ideal for                                                  - minimise the amount of moisture
forming warm pitched roofs: in new            Although using more insulation above            entering the roof: moisture generated
build the insulation can be fitted over        the rafters will improve the thermal            by activities such as washing and
and between the rafters, or between and       performance it can create problems: the         cooking should be extracted at source
beneath the rafters, while in                 forces upon the fixings increase, so more        and a vapour control layer - such as
refurbishment projects the insulation         fixings are required; detailing at eaves          1000 gauge polyethylene - should be
can be installed from inside the loft to      becomes more complex, and it also                specified on the warm side of the
upgrade the thermal performance of the        becomes more difficult to drive the              insulation.
roof without disturbing the existing roof     fixings accurately into the rafters.           - ensure any moisture which does enter
covering.                                     Consequently, it is important to avoid an       can escape to atmosphere: specify a
                                              excessive amount of insulation above            vapour open underlay which will
                                              the rafters by installing some insulation       allow water vapour to disperse into
                                              between the rafters.                            the batten space and ensure there is
                                              Cavities                                        sufficient air movement between the
                                                                                              batten space and atmosphere (it may
                                              Where Ballytherm insulation takes up
                                                                                              be necessary to vent the batten space
                                              only part of the rafter depth, the
                                                                                              beneath tight coverings such as sheet
                                              resulting cavities will each have a low
                                                                                              metal). In refurbishment projects
                                              emissivity surface formed by the
                                                                                              where the underlay has a high vapour
                                              reflective foil face of the board.
                                                                                              resistance there must be a 50mm
                                                                                                                                        Pitched Roofs

                                              Those surfaces will then reduce the rate        vented cavity beneath the underlay.
                                              of radiation heat transfer across the
                                              cavity and improve the thermal                Further guidance on controlling
                                              performance of the roof.                      condensation may be found in                05
                                                                                            BS 5250: 2011.
Warm Pitched Roofs
                Insulating above and between the rafters

                                                                                                                            “ well suited to new
                                                                                                                               build projects and to

                                                                                                                                Ballytherm wall insulation boards   1
                                                                                                                                Ballytherm roof insulation boards   2
                                                                                                                                                  between rafters
                                                                                                                                Ballytherm roof insulation boards   3
                                                                                                                                                    above rafters
                                                                           6                                                                          Stop batten   4
                                                                                                                                                   Counterbatten    5
                                                           4                                                                                          Eaves piece   6
                                                                                                                                              Breather membrane     7
                                                                                                                                                    Roof covering   8
                                                                                                                            Insulating above and between the rafters

                                                                                                                                                           Figure 01

                Ballytherm insulation may be used to                   minimises the thickness of insulation           battens, clips or partially driven nails.
                form warm pitched roofs by applying it                 required, whilst it is strong enough to         The insulation is protected by the
                over and between the rafters.                          support the loads imposed from the roof         internal finish fixed to the underside of
                Applying a layer of insulation over the                covering via the battens.                       the rafters. The reflective surface of the
                rafters brings the whole roof within the                                                               boards reduce radiation heat loss across
                                                                       The Ballytherm boards should be set in
                insulated envelope and maximises the                                                                   the air spaces and further improve the
                                                                       two layers, one extending in a
                available head room. This method is well                                                               thermal performance of the roof.
                                                                       continuous layer over the top of the
                suited to new build projects and to
                                                                       rafters, which is restrained by                 The thickness of Ballytherm insulation
                refurbishments where the roof covering
                                                                       counterbattens, and the second cut to fit        required to meet regulations may be
                is being stripped off and replaced.
                                                                       between the rafters and held in place by        determined from table 04.
                The properties of Ballytherm insulation
                match those required for this
                application: its low thermal conductivity

                U-values (W/m2K) calculated according to
                                                                       Table 04 Thickness (mm) of Ballytherm required for insulating above and between rafters
Pitched Roofs

                ISO 6946: 2017.
                                                                           U-value                        Above               Above and between
                These calculations are approximate and can vary
                                                                           0.14                              -                      70 + 90
                with different constructions etc.
                                                                           0.16                              -                      55 + 95
                Roof construction: tiles, battens and counterbatten
                cavity, vapour open underlay, Ballytherm board above       0.18                              -                      50 + 70
06              rafters, Ballytherm board between rafters (second          0.20                             95                      50 + 55
                column only), low emissivity cavity, plasterboard.
Design guidance                               At ridges, hips and valleys where roof
                                              planes intersect, the over-rafter
Where condensation risk analysis
                                              insulation should be cut to form a
indicates a risk of condensation a vapour
                                              continuous layer of insulation. Junctions
control layer should be installed behind
                                              may be sealed with expanding foam
the finish.
The underlay should have a vapour
resistance of less than 0.25MNs/g and         Sitework
may be laid directly over the insulation
                                              When working at a height ensure risk
or draped over the counterbattens.
                                              assessments have been carried out and
A rigid eaves carrier may be required to
                                              that all necessary protective measures
prevent ponding and avoid UV
                                              are in place. Do not walk on Ballytherm
degradation. Counterbattens should be
                                              boards nor use them as a working
a minimum of 38 x 50mm and should be                                                                                          Eaves
fixed through the Ballytherm boards to                                                                                     Figure 02
the rafters with fixings such as Helfix         Installation sequence (working from
Inscrew or Proctor PR nails: consult the      the outside)
fixing manufacturer for information on         1. Fit battens to the sides of the rafters
loadings and spacings. There should be a         to support the between rafter
stop batten fixed across the rafters at           insulation.
eaves to prevent the insulation slipping      2. Cut Ballytherm insulation to fit tightly
down the roof.                                   between the rafters. Set insulation on
There is no need to ventilate beneath            the battens.
the underlay, but there must be               3. Fix a stop batten across the ends of
sufficient air movement between the              the rafters.
batten space and outside air to allow         4. Lay the first row of Ballytherm
                                                                                                                          Figure 03
moisture to disperse. Roof coverings             insulation boards across the rafters,
such as tiles and slates will allow enough       resting firmly against the stop batten.
air flow through the laps, however, air           Tack in place with clout nails.
spaces beneath tight coverings should         5. Lay the next rows of Ballytherm
be vented.                                       insulation boards. Stagger board
To avoid thermal bridging the roof               junctions between rows.
insulation should meet that in the walls:     6. Fix counterbattens to the rafters.*
if a cavity wall is finished with a closer,    7. Lay the underlay, following
additional insulation should be fitted            manufacturer's instructions.
from the top of the closer to the upper       8. Install the roof covering                                                    Verge
face of the rafters, where it will butt the
                                                                                                                                      Pitched Roofs

                                                                                                                          Figure 04
over-rafter insulation. At verges the wall
                                              Points to watch
insulation should run to the top of the
                                              - Cut boards to fit neatly around             * where the underlay is installed under
wall and butt the underside of the over-
                                                penetrations such as SVPs.                   the counterbattens reverse the order
rafter insulation which is extended
                                                                                             of points 6 and 7.                       07
across the wall head.                         - Seal gaps and junctions with
                                                expanding foam.
Warm Pitched Roofs
                Insulating between and below the rafters

                                                                                                                      “ well suited to projects
                                                                                                                          where the roof covering
                                                                                                                              is being stripped off
                                                                         7                                                          and replaced...”


                                                                                                                                Ballytherm wall insulation boards     1
                                                                                                                                Ballytherm roof insulation boards     2
                                                                                                                                                  beneath rafters
                                                                                                                                Ballytherm roof insulation boards     3
                                                   4                                                                                              between rafters
                                                                         5                                                        Ballytherm roof insulation infill   4
                                                                                                                                                      Eaves piece     5
                                                                                                                                             Breather membrane        6
                                                                                                                                                   Roof covering      7

                                             1                                                                              Insulating between and below the rafters

                                                                                                                                                            Figure 05

                Ballytherm insulation may be used to                   The properties of Ballytherm insulation         The insulation is protected by the
                form warm pitched roofs when applied                   match those required for this                   internal finish. The reflective surface of
                between and below the rafters.                         application: its low thermal conductivity       the boards reduce radiation heat loss
                Applying a layer of insulation beneath                 minimises the thickness of insulation           across the air spaces and further improve
                the rafters avoids the use of long fixings              required, whilst it is strong enough to         the thermal performance of the roof.
                and enables all the insulation to be                   span the distances between the rafters
                                                                                                                       The thickness of Ballytherm insulation
                applied from inside the roof.                          without bowing. The Ballytherm boards
                                                                                                                       required to meet regulations may be
                This method is well suited to new build                should be set in two layers, one set
                                                                                                                       determined from table 05.
                projects and to refurbishments where                   between the rafters and the second
                the roof covering is being stripped off                extending in a continuous layer across
                and replaced.                                          the underside of the rafters and
                                                                       restrained by battens.

                U-values (W/m2K) calculated according to
                                                                       Table 05 Thickness (mm) of Ballytherm required for insulating between and below rafters
                ISO 6946: 2017.
Pitched Roofs

                These calculations are approximate and can vary              U-value                    Between and below
                with different constructions etc.
                                                                             0.14                              100 + 60
                Roof construction: tiles, batten cavity, vapour open
                                                                             0.16                              100 + 50
                underlay, Ballytherm board between rafters,
                Ballytherm board beneath rafters, low emissivity             0.18                              100 + 40
08              cavity, plasterboard.                                        0.20                              100 + 25
Design guidance                              At ridges, hips and valleys where roof
                                             planes intersect, the under-rafter
Where condensation risk analysis
                                             insulation should be cut to form a
indicates a risk of condensation a vapour
                                             continuous layer of insulation. Junctions
control layer should be installed behind
                                             may be sealed with expanding foam
the finish. The two layers of insulation
                                             insulation.                                                               a
should be in contact to minimise air
movement between them: timber
battens fixed to the sides of the rafters
may be used to restrain the insulation       When working at a height ensure risk
between the rafters.                         assessments have been carried out and
                                             that all necessary protective measures
The underlay should have a vapour
                                             are in place. Do not walk on Ballytherm
resistance of less than 0.25MNs/g and
                                             boards nor use them as a working                                                         Eaves
may be draped over the rafters or the
                                             platform.                                                                        Figure 06
counterbattens. A rigid eaves carrier may
be required to prevent ponding and           Installation sequence (working from
avoid UV degradation. There is no need       inside the roof)
to ventilate beneath the underlay, but       1. Fix timber battens to the sides of the
there must be sufficient air movement           rafters so the space below the battens
between the batten space and outside            matches the thickness of the
air to allow moisture to disperse:              Ballytherm Insulation boards.
counterbattens (min. 38 x 50mm) may          2. Cut Ballytherm insulation boards to fit
be used to form a deep air space above          tightly between the rafters. Starting
the underlay. Roof coverings such as tiles      at eaves, fit the boards between the
and slates will allow enough air flow            rafters, starting at eaves and working                                         Abutment
through the laps, however, air spaces           towards the ridge. Push the boards                                            Figure 07
beneath tight coverings should be               against the battens.
                                             3. Set Ballytherm boards across the
To avoid thermal bridging the roof              underside of the rafters in a
insulation should meet the insulation in        continuous layer. Secure with timber
the walls: where a cavity wall is finished       battens. Tape board joints with                     b
with a closer, additional insulation            Ballytherm metalised tape.
should be fitted from the top of the          4. Fix plasterboard to the battens and
closer to the upper face of the rafters,        skim.
where it will butt the Ballytherm            Points to watch
insulation between the rafters (figure                                                                                                 Verge
                                             - At verges cut and fit Ballytherm
06). At verges the wall insulation should                                                                                     Figure 08
                                               insulation between the wall and first
                                                                                                                                              Pitched Roofs

extend to the top of the wall, the gap
between the wall and the first rafter                                                     NOTES
                                             - Cut boards to fit neatly around
should be packed with insulation and                                                     a   additional insulation to avoid thermal
                                               penetrations such as SVPs.
the insulation under the rafter should be                                                    bridging

butted and sealed against the wall           - Seal gaps and junctions with              b   insulation between inner face of wall            09
                                                                                             and joist
(figure 08).                                    expanding foam.
Loft conversions
                Insulating between and below the rafters

                                                                                                                                         “ well suited to
                                                                                                                                            loft conversions
                                                                       7                                                                and refurbishment
                                                                                                       4                                projects where the
                                                                                                                                             roof covering is
                                                                                                                                          being retained...”

                                            6                                                      1                                                     Internal finish   1
                                                                                                                                     Ballytherm wall insulation boards     2
                                                                            3                                                        Ballytherm wall insulation boards     3
                                                                                                                                                between timber studs
                                                                                                                                     Ballytherm roof insulation boards     4
                                                                                                                                                       beneath rafters
                                                                                                                                     Ballytherm roof insulation boards     5
                                                                                                                                                       between rafters
                                                                                                                                                        Roof underlay      6
                                                                                                                                                        Roof covering      7

                                                                                                                                                          Loft conversions

                                                                                                                                                                 Figure 09

                Ballytherm insulation may be used to                       The Ballytherm boards should be set in           The thickness of Ballytherm insulation
                form warm pitched roofs when applied                       two layers, one layer between the rafters        required to meet regulations may be
                between and below the rafters.                             and the second extending across the              determined from table 06.
                This method is well suited to loft                         underside of the rafters and restrained
                conversions and refurbishment projects                     by battens. The insulation is protected          Design guidance
                where the roof covering is being                           by the internal finish fixed to the
                                                                                                                            Where the existing construction includes
                retained. The properties of Ballytherm                     underside of the rafters.
                                                                                                                            an underlay with a high vapour
                insulation match those required for this
                                                                           The reflective surface of the boards              resistance, such as a 1F bituminous felt,
                application: its low thermal conductivity
                                                                           reduce radiation heat loss across the air        there is a risk of condensation forming
                minimises the thickness of insulation
                                                                           spaces and further improves the thermal          on the underside of the underlay and
                required, whilst it is strong enough to
                                                                           performance of the roof.                         damaging the roof.
                span the distances between the rafters
                without bowing.

                U-values (W/m2K) calculated according to
                ISO 6946: 2017. These calculations are                     Table 06 Thickness (mm) of Ballytherm required for insulating loft conversions
                approximate and can vary with different
Pitched Roofs

                constructions etc.                                              U-value                      Between and below
                Roof construction: tiles, batten cavity, bituminous             0.14                                 100 + 65
                underlay, ventilated cavity, Ballytherm board                   0.16                                 100 + 40
                between rafters, Ballytherm board beneath rafters,
                                                                                0.18                                 100 + 25
10              *For Scotland the lower U-value limit applies if the
                                                                                0.20                                 100 + 25
                original roof has a U-value worse than 0.25W/m2K.
To minimise that risk there must be            Gable walls should be insulated with                           section through stud wall
50mm min. air space between the                Ballytherm Insulation board fitted
insulation and the underlay, vented to         behind the plasterboard lining. It is good
remove moist air to atmosphere and             practice to improve the thermal
prevent a harmful build up. To assist          performance of the ceiling beyond the
with setting the insulation at the correct     stud walls by laying insulation across the
depth and prevent it blocking the air          ceiling joists, taking care not to block
spaces, timber battens may be fixed to          any eaves vents.
the sides of the rafters as stops: with a
                                               To minimise heat loss through service
draped underlay, the air space should be
                                               penetrations the plasterboard lining may
75mm deep when measured at rafters to
                                               be set on battens to form a cavity for
give the 50mm minimum depth at the                                                                   Junction of roof slope and stud wall
                                               running services. At roof windows the
centre of the air space. Each air space                                                                                           Figure 10
                                               insulation should be butted tightly to
should be vented with a vent opening
                                               the back of the frames. Gaps at
equivalent to a 25mm continuous
                                               penetrations should be sealed with
opening at the base and 5mm at the top:
                                               expanding foam.
that requirement applies to all air spaces,
including those formed by roof windows
and other penetrations.                        Sitework
                                               Installation sequence                                     a
If the rafters are not sufficiently deep for
                                               1. Fix timber battens to the sides of the    b
the required insulation and the cavity,
                                                  rafters to keep the insulation at least
their depth may be increased by fixing
                                                  50mm below the underlay.
battens to the undersides of the rafters.
Alternatively, a second layer of insulation    2. Cut Ballytherm insulation boards to                                             Abutment
may be fitted across the underside of the          size and fit between rafters.
                                                                                                                                  Figure 11
rafters.                                       3. Fix a second layer of Ballytherm
                                                  insulation boards across the
In loft conversions it is often difficult to
                                                  underside of the rafters and secure
extend the insulation between the
                                                  with battens.
rafters as far as the wall head, also the
                                               4. Tape board joints with Ballytherm                       c
practicalities of creating usable space
                                                  metalised tape.
results in the construction of stud walls
between the joists and rafters.                5. Fit the internal finish to the battens.
Those walls should be insulated with
Ballytherm boards cut to fit between the        Points to watch
studs (figure 10). To prevent thermal           - Ensure all airspaces beneath the                                                       Verge

bridging, the insulation between the             underlay are clear and vented.                                                   Figure 12
rafters should extend as far as the rear
                                                                                                                                                Pitched Roofs

                                               - Cut Ballytherm boards to fit neatly
face of the stud wall.                           around penetrations. Seal with
                                                                                            a   timber battens used as insulation stops
Where a horizontal ceiling is formed             expanding foam.
                                                                                            b   vertical insulation extended up wall face
beneath the apex of the roof, the ceiling                                                   c   insulation between inner face of wall
insulation must be fitted tightly between                                                        and joist                                       11
the rafters.
           Ordering, supply and delivery

           Ballytherm insulation may be ordered     Technical support
           through your local builders' merchants
                                                    Ballytherm Trading Limited offers
           or distributor.
                                                    designers and installers a full technical
           Ballytherm insulation is supplied in     support service to advise them on the
           shrink wrapped packs on pallets.         best way of utilising Ballytherm
           For pack sizes see table 3.              insulation in new build and renovation
           Handling and storage                     The service includes:
           Store Ballytherm boards on a level       - Technical literature
           surface supported on battens.            - Copies of reports and certificates
           Protect boards from moisture and
                                                    - U-value calculations
           direct sunlight.
                                                    - Condensation risk analysis
           Only unpack the quantity of boards       - Design advice
           required for the day's work. Take care
                                                    - Samples
           not to knock and damage board edges
                                                    - Site visits
           and corners.

           Working                                  Disclaimer: the information contained in
           Ballytherm insulation can be worked      this brochure is based on our best
           with normal hand tools and may be cut    information at the time of issue, however
           with a fine tooth saw or craft knife.     Ballytherm Trading Limited cannot
           Where a large amount of cutting is       accept any responsibility for errors or
           expected make arrangements for dust      any liability out of the use of information
           extraction.                              provided on the material supplied.


Building regulations - England and                                                   • EN 12087: 2013. Thermal insulating
                                          Building regulations - Scotland
Wales:                                                                                 products for building applications.
                                          • Technical handbook - domestic
                                                                                       Determination of long term water
• Approved Document C Site                  buildings, sections 3 and 6.
                                                                                       absorption by immersion.
  preparation and resistance to           • Technical handbook - non-domestic
  contaminants and moisture.                                                         • EN 13165:2012+A2:2016. Thermal
                                            buildings, sections 3 and 6.
                                                                                       insulation products for buildings.
• Approved Document L1A
                                          Standards                                    Factory made rigid polyurethane
  Conservation of fuel and power in
                                                                                       foam (PUR) products. Specification.
  new dwellings.                          • BS 5250:2011+A1:2016. Code of
                                                                                     • EN ISO 6946: 2017. Building
• Approved Document L1B                     practice for control of condensation
                                                                                       components and building elements.
  Conservation of fuel and power in         in buildings.
                                                                                       Thermal resistance and thermal
  existing dwellings.                     • BS 5534:2014+A2:2018. Code of
                                                                                       transmittance. Calculation method.
• Approved Document L2A                     practice for slating and tiling
                                                                                     • EN ISO 13370: 2017. Thermal
  Conservation of fuel and power in          (including shingles).
                                                                                       performance of buildings.
  new buildings other than dwellings.     • PD 6697:2019. Recommendations for
                                                                                       Heat transfer via the ground.
• Approved Document L2B                     the design of masonry structures to
                                                                                       Calculation methods.
  Conservation of fuel and power in         BS EN 1996-1-1 and BS EN 1996-2.
                                                                                     • EN ISO 13788: 2012. Hygrothermal
  existing buildings other than           • EN 1604:2013. Thermal insulating
                                                                                       performance of building components
  dwellings.                                products for building applications.
                                                                                       and building elements - Internal
                                            Determination of dimensional
Building regulations - Republic of                                                     surface temperature to avoid critical
                                            stability under specified temperature
Ireland                                                                                surface humidity and interstitial
                                            and humidity conditions.
• Technical Guidance Document C - Site                                                 condensation - Calculation methods.
  Preparation and Resistance to           • EN 1991-1-4:2005+A1:2010. Eurocode
  Moisture.                                 1. Actions on structures. General        Other guidance
                                            actions. Wind actions.
• Technical Guidance Document L -                                                    • BRE Digest 465. U-values for light
  Conservation of Fuel and Energy -       • EN 1996-2: 2006. Eurocode 6. Design        steel-frame construction.
  Dwellings.                                of masonry structures. Design
                                                                                     • BRE 443. Conventions for U-value
                                            considerations, selection of materials
• Technical Guidance Document L -                                                      calculations. 2012 edition.
                                            and execution of masonry.
  Conservation of Fuel and Energy -                                                  • National House Building Council
  Buildings other than dwellings.         • EN 826: 2013. Thermal insulating
                                                                                       Standards. NHBC.
                                            products for building applications.
Building regulations - Northern Ireland                                              • House building manual 7th edition
                                            Determination of compression
                                                                                       (Homebond). NHBGS.
• Technical booklet C Site preparation      behaviour.
  and resistance to moisture.                                                        • BR 211. Radon: guidance on
                                          • EN 1606: 2013. Thermal insulating
                                                                                       protective measures for new
• Technical booklet F1 Conservation of      products for building applications.
                                                                                       buildings. 2015.
  fuel and power in dwellings.              Determination of compressive creep.

                                                                                     • Radon in the workplace. A guide for
• Technical Booklet F2 Conservation of    • EN 12086: 2013. Thermal insulating
                                                                                       building owners and managers.
  fuel and power in buildings other         products for building applications.
                                                                                       (FB 41) BRE. 2011.
  than dwellings.                           Determination of water vapour
                                            transmission properties.                                                           13
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