ENRICHMENT - Fayette Senior Services

Page created by Kenneth Christensen
ENRICHMENT - Fayette Senior Services
                                                                                                                  February 2021

              T H E I N S I D E R ’ S G U I D E T O FAY E T T E S E N I O R S E R V I C E S ’ L I F E E N R I C H M E N T C E N T E R
                                                                                       FAYETTEVILLE | PEACHTREE CIT Y

For the Heart of It
Put your heart first during National Heart Month as
we take control of our health during this luncheon.

A Sweet Treat
Savor in a delicious selection of sweet treats and take
home your favorite recipes to try over and over!

Chocolate Goodness
These melt-in-your-mouth Valentine’s Day treats will
have you diving in for seconds and thirds.

        Live Well. Age Well.
ENRICHMENT - Fayette Senior Services
                                          Contact Morgan Lanier at
                                     mlanier@fayss.org or 770-769-8430
                                            for more information

                    LIFE IN THE KEY OF BEAUTIFUL®

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2 | February 2021                                                                         770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG
ENRICHMENT - Fayette Senior Services
                                                                   She’s An Open Book of Love                 10
                                                       Meet the lady behind the books who gives so
                                                        much to our Fayette Senior Services family!

                                                                           I Like You A Choco-lot!            11
                                                                This double chocolate treat will have all
                                                                   your chocolate dreams coming true.

                                                                                 The Heart Of It All          15
                                                   Join us as we invite Piedmont Fayette Hospital’s
                                                     heart specialist in to share about heart health.

                                                                                You Bake Me Crazy             15
                                                     Bust out your most amazing dessert recipe and
                                                    whip it up for this fun and delicious recipe swap.

                                                                              in every issue
                   2021 HOLIDAY                                                            About FSS           4
                                                                                 Supportive Services           5
     President’s Day...................February 15, 2021
     Memorial Day................................May 31, 2021
                                                                                       Meet Our Staff          6
     Independence Day..........................July 5, 2021                Membership & Center Info           6-7
     Labor Day.............................September 6, 2021
     Thanksgiving.......................November 25, 2021                               Coming Soon            8
     Thanksgiving.......................November 26, 2021
     Christmas Eve.....................December 24, 2021
                                                                               Free Stuff - Every Day!      12-13
     Christmas............................December 27, 2021                            Special Events         15
     New Years...........................December 31, 2021
                                                                                 Classes & Programs         18-29

770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG                                                                            February 2021 | 3
ENRICHMENT - Fayette Senior Services
Members can enjoy Fayette Senior
                                                                                 Services Life Enrichment Center
                                                                                 activities in two great locations.
                                                                                 Membership includes both of our
                                                                                 locations and we encourage
                                                                                 everyone to take advantage of all
    Since 1978, Fayette Senior Services, Inc., (FSS) an independent,             we have to offer at each place!
  nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization, has been providing a wide array of life
  -enriching services to Fayette County residents age 50 and better. Fayette     Fayetteville Location:
  County, Georgia, is home to one of the fastest growing senior populations      4 Center Drive
  in metro Atlanta – and the age 50+ population segment is projected to grow     Fayetteville, GA 30214
  an astonishing 450% by 2040. This statistic alone makes our mission — to       Phone: 770-461-0813
  make a meaningful difference in the emotional, social, and physical well-      Fax: 770-461-2448
  being of older adults — all the more critical. By fostering independence,      M-F 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  improving quality of life, and enhancing the community connection, the         (Same complex as the Fayette
  programs and services we provide are an essential part of our community.       County Justice Center)

    Not-for-profit FSS enjoys a unique public/private partnership with           Peachtree City Location
  Fayette County government. Through this agreement we provide a variety         The Gathering Place:
  of supportive services such as Meals On Wheels, Transportation, In-home        203 McIntosh Trail
  Personal Care/ Homemaker Services, Care Management, Information                Peachtree City, GA 30269
  Assistance, and more. We could not do that without our government              Phone: 770-461-0813
  partners; however, we believe it is our responsibility to complement the       M-F 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  public support to ensure we can continue serving Fayette’s seniors for         W 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  generations to come. Therefore, we feel it’s important to note that less       (Same complex as the
  than half of our revenue comes from sources other than federal, state,         Frederick Brown Jr. Amphitheater)
  and local governments.
    Fayette Senior Services is recognized as a model of sustainability and
  social entrepreneurship among peer organizations and nongovernment
  funders. Although we are proud of this recognition, we could not do all
  that we do without the support from charitable donors, center members,         BOARD OF DIRECTORS
  volunteers, grantees, and the community that so generously supports our        CHAIRMAN | Dan Vano
  fundraising efforts.
                                                                                 PAST CHAIRMAN | Bob Truitt
   The aging transition can be paved with a broad spectrum of challenges.
  However, it can also prove to be rich with opportunities. The key to “aging    VICE CHAIRMAN | Jim McCullough
  well” is knowledge. When it comes to addressing those unique needs,
  Fayette Senior Services Life Enrichment Center is the one-stop shop for        TREASURER | Kim Schnoes
  empowering older adults to live well and age well.
                                                                                 SECRETARY | Martha Teal

    Our Life Enrichment Centers in Fayetteville and Peachtree City are           DIRECTOR | Emily Poole
  uniquely different from traditional senior centers. Our beautiful facilities
  are a vibrant place where adults age 50+ come to socialize with friends,       DIRECTOR | Rev. B.A. Jackson
  enjoy a great meal in our Ultimate café, re-energize their bodies, exercise
  their minds, and lift their spirits.                                           DIRECTOR | Bob Reeves

                                                                                 DIRECTOR | Carol Davis
    To make sure our programs and activities are within easy reach to more
  seniors, we are proud to have established a community partnership with         DIRECTOR | Sharon Brooks
  the city of Peachtree City. We also offer many programs and activities in
  Peachtree City at the Gathering Place (next to “The Fred” Amphitheater)        DIRECTOR | Donnie Davis

                                                                                 DIRECTOR | Paige Muh
    We are proud to be making life better in our community.
                                                                                 DIRECTOR | Stephen Childs
    The Fayette Senior Services Staff

4 | February 2021                                                                       770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG
ENRICHMENT - Fayette Senior Services
When You Need a Little Help From Some Friends...
 We offer supportive services that make a meaningful
 difference in the emotional, social, and physical well-
 being of older adults by preserving their independence,
 improving their quality of life, and connecting them to
 the community.

 Meals On Wheels
   Meals on Wheels is a needs-based program
 for homebound or semi-homebound seniors
 who are unable to provide themselves with
                                                                   In-Home Personal Care/Homemaker Services
 regular nutritious meals due to physical or
                                                                     This service enables older adults to remain
 financial challenges. The service also connects
                                                                   living independently by providing compassionate
 homebound seniors to the community through
                                                                   care from trained personnel who perform simple
 daily social contact, which also helps to ensure
                                                                   homemaker and/or personal care tasks, such as
 their well-being.
                                                                   light housekeeping or assistance with bathing.
                                                                   Delivered with the utmost personal respect
                                                                   and dignity, our services can also bring much
   To many homebound seniors, having a pet is
                                                                   needed respite to caregivers.
 a source of companionship and comfort. The
 AniMeals™ program is designed to give our
                                                                   Care Management
 Meals On Wheels clients a little help with the
                                                                      Our professional staff of social workers
 cost of pet food to make sure that maintaining
                                                                   helps older adults make informed decisions
 that important bond isn’t an added burden.
                                                                   to enhance independent living and quality of
                                                                   life. Our Care Managers offer consultations,
 STAR Program
                                                                   assessments, and follow-up to assist individuals
 (Seniors Together After Retirement)
                                                                   a n d f a milie s in p la n n in g a n d c a r e . We a l s o
   Our STAR program (Seniors Together After
                                                                   provide invaluable support to caregivers.
 Retirement) offers individuals 60 and older an
 opportunity to come together for socialization,
                                                                   Medical Equipment Lending
 recreational activities, health and wellness
                                                                     We lend gently-used medical equipment to
 classes, and a nutritious meal in our Ultimate
                                                                   individuals, families and caregivers. Equipment
 Cafe. Transportation to and from the Center may
                                                                   is loaned on a first-come first served basis.
 also be available to eligible participants.
                                                                   Home Repair Services
                                                                     We assist older adults who are either
   For older adults who no longer drive, getting
                                                                   physically and/or financially unable to perform
 to essential medical appointments, to the
                                                                   minor home safety maintenance tasks and
 pharmacy, to church or to the grocery store can
                                                                   repairs by referring to local resources.
 be a challenge putting their health and well-
 being at risk. We provide safe and affordable
 door-to-door transportation options. Wheelchair
 assistance available.

  Eligibility requirements apply for some programs. Some services may be provided free of charge or based on a
  sliding scale of income. Tax deductible donations welcome for services. Contact us at 770-461-0813 for more information.

770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG                                                                                     February 2021 | 5
ENRICHMENT - Fayette Senior Services
Meet Our Staff!
         ADMINISTRATION                                CARE MANAGEMENT
         Nancy Meaders                                 Natalie Hynson
         President & CEO                               Care Manager                                     Our nominal annual membership
                                                                                                        fee helps Fayette Senior Services
         Dan Gibbs                                     Iris Harris
         Director of Operations                        Care Manager                                     (FSS), a non-profit 501(c)(3)
                                                                                                        organization, sustain its operations,
         Becky Hendershot                                                                               programs and services in order for
         Finance Officer
                                                                                                        us to maintain our beautiful facilities
         Morgan Lanier                                 TRANSPORTATION                                   and continue to offer great programs
         Program Development                                                                            and café services at a great value to
         Coordinator                                   Jeff Wix
                                                       Transportation Manager                           our members. For more information
         Carrie Bittinger                                                                               about FSS, please contact the
         Center & Volunteer                            Michelle Williamson
         Coordinator                                   Transportation Coordinator                       center administrator.

         Marilyn Walker                                Jim Schultz                                      Membership Dues: $30 for Fayette
         Member Services PTC                           Driver
                                                                                                        County residents ($90/out-of-
         Deana Wright                                  James Hicks                                      county*).Membership applications
         Member Services PTC                           Driver                                           must be made in person and are
                                                       Roger Grandt                                     available at the reception desk
         Casey Williamson                              Driver
         Member Services PTC                                                                            in both FSS locations. We regret
                                                       John Greer                                       that we cannot accept mail-in
         Paul Hives                                    Driver                                           applications. Photo ID/Proof of
         Technology Development
                                                                                                        residency required.
                                                       Jane Rode
                                                                                                        Volunteers are eligible for a FREE
                                                       Jan Perkins                                      membership after 75 hours of
         THE ULTIMATE CAFÉ                             Driver
                                                                                                        service per 12 months. Fayette
         Bonnie Kanofsky                               Dennis Duke                                      Senior Services accepts VISA,
         Executive Chef                                Driver
                                                                                                        MASTERCARD and DISCOVER
         Pedro Cruz                                    Harold Gunnin Jr.                                cards.
         Sous Chef                                     Driver
         Candice Bailey                                Charlie Hawkins                                  *No one is excluded for inability to
         Café Assistant                                Driver                                           pay. Complimentary memberships
         Kevin Bailey                                                                                   can be arranged with a care
                                                       Cheryl Hembree
         Café Assistant                                Driver                                           manager. Please call Iris Harris
                                                                                                        Care Manager, 770-461- 0813 ext.
                                                       Terry Billingsley                                116 for information or arrange for a
                                                                                                        confidential meeting.
         MEALS ON WHEELS                               Ron Crawford
         Carrie Bittinger                                                                                As we create more opportunities to
         Meals On Wheels Coordinator                                                                    enrich the lives of older adults in the
         Arnold Powell                                                                                  community, your rewards of being
         Meals On Wheels                                                                                a Fayette Senior Services Member
         Ambassador                                                                                     grow as we do. Your membership will
                                                                                                        be honored at both our Fayetteville
                                                                                                        and Peachtree City locations.

  Advertising Information. We appreciate the support from our advertisers, which helps defray the cost of printing our newsletter. For information about FSS
  advertising and other sponsorship opportunities, please contact Morgan Lanier at 770-461-0813 or mlanier@fayss.org. *The appearance of advertising
  in Fayette Senior Services, Inc. newsletter, website, classes, programs, or other promotional materials is neither a guarantee nor an endorsement by
  Fayette Senior Services, Inc. of the product, service, or company or the claims made for the product in such advertising.

6 | February 2021                                                                                                       770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG
ENRICHMENT - Fayette Senior Services
Membership Has                                                                The Fitness Center
  Its Rewards                                                                           - Fayetteville -
                                                                            Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  Just show your FSS membership card at                                The fitness center is open to members for only $10
  these retailers and receive discounts:                               per month. Our fitness center is a great place to get
                                                                         fit, enjoy friends & maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  Mr. Handyman
  1000 Cooper Circle, Suite 103 Peachtree City, GA
  (678) 971-0151
  Receive 5% discount off services with valid FSS
  Membership Card. We specialize in ALL major and
                                                                               The Ultimate Café
  minor home repairs; including grab bars, handicap                                     - Fayetteville -
  accessible rooms, ramps, and doorways.                                   Our dining services are for members only. It’s
                                                                              one of the many benefits of membership!
  TRINITY Services of Georgia, Inc                                      Members may bring guests to the café, but we ask
  Electrical contractor/Low-Voltage Contractor                         that all guests sign in at the front desk before dining.
  Ben Miller
  (770) 402-0181                                                                           BREAKFAST
  Helping to meet your residential, industrial and                         Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.
  commercial electrical needs. 10% off all parts involved                  Enjoy a choice of continental breakfast items
  with service work with valid FSS membership card.                         (cereal, muffins, bagels, fruit, juice, milk).
                                                                                   Pricing is á la carte, plus tax.
  Tom’s Pest Control Co.                                                        Coffee and tea are complimentary.
  (770) 487-9506                                                              Special hot breakfast served every
  Receive 10% off all services from Tom’s Pest Control                               Tuesday and Thursday
  Co. with a valid membership card.
  TCBY                                                                     Monday – Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  532 Crosstown Drive in Peachtree City.                                  Choose from two chef-prepared hot entrees, side
  (770) 631-9803                                                       dishes, soup du jour, small garden-fresh salad, choice
  10% off your purchases when you show a valid FSS                        of desserts or fruit. Pricing is á la carte, plus tax.
  membership card.                                                        Beverages are included with any meal purchase
                                                                                   (iced tea, coffee, and water).
  Jolly Technologies
  (678) 653-5169
  Receive $20 discount/hour (total: $50/hour) off
  services for computer maintenance when you show a
  valid FSS membership card.

  Visiting Guests
    We welcome visitors to our center, but ask all guests check in
  at the reception desk. This allows us to give our guests a tour,
  answer questions, and track the number of visitors to our center.
  Group Reservations: We welcome groups to visit our Center for a
  tour and lunch, but to better serve you, please call 770-461-0813
  in advance to set up with our staff! Guest is not a substitute for
  membership! If a member-eligible guest has more than two visits            2021 CPR/AED TRAINING SPONSORED BY:
  to our center, we ask they become a member to continue enjoying
  the center.
    Thank you to Humana, our Transportation,
  Shredding & Privacy, and Meals On Wheels
  Cooler annual sponsor, for your support of
  these programs throughout 2021!

                                                                                             Victoria J. Farrell
                                                                                             Attorney at Law

770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG                                                                                           February 2021 | 7
ENRICHMENT - Fayette Senior Services
Coming Soon...                                         Miriam’s Fitness Corner
   We will not have any indoor after-hour special                    Listen To Your Heart
  event in February due to the ongoing pandemic.
  We plan to resume our special after hour events            Heart disease is the leading killer in America.
  in March. A decision will be made closer to time      Attacks can happen in an instant but, often, warning
  regarding inside or outside as we assess scope        signs are given, although missed. Surviving a heart
                                                        attack depends largely on what happens within the
  of the pandemic at that time. We look forward to      immediate hours following the attack. Because there
  resuming events in March as safely as possible!       is an arterial blockage and blood flow has been
                                                        interrupted, immediate medical attention is critical.
                     March 2021                         That interrupted blood flow is now preventing the heart
                                                        from receiving it’s own life giving oxygen. Therefore, it
 St. Patrick’s Day Celebration                          is imperative that we’re able to recognize the signs of a
 Thursday, March 18 | Gathering Place                   heart attack. Take note and memorize the following 10:
 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. | $15
 Share some Irish Luck at this event that will          1) Chest pain - May be sharp, heavy pressure or
 leave all who don’t attend green with envy. Event      tingling sensation. Can happen during activity or at
 sponsored by Aberdeen Fine Properties, Humana,         2) Palpitations
 and Mark Gray – State Farm.                            3) Pain or tingling in the left, right or both arms.
                                                        4) An aching, pressure or tightness in the left side of
                      April 2021                        jaw or neck
                                                        5) An unexplainable lengthy period of fatigue
 Volunteer Appreciation Dinner                          6) Unexplainably low blood pressure, faintness or
 Monday, April 19 | Fayetteville                        dizziness
 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. | FREE for FSS Volunteers             7) Trouble breathing
 This event is for current FSS volunteers only!         8) Unwarranted gastrointestinal issues
                                                        9) Profuse sweating
 Event sponsored by Kaiser Permanente and               10) Mid or lower back pain
                                                        With today’s medicine, most heart attacks are
       *All events are subject to change in date/time   treatable when detected early. Our bodies usually talk
                Stay tuned for more details!            to us about what’s going on. It’s up to us to listen.

Need Directions?
How to get from FSS Fayetteville to FSS Peachtree City.
                                                                                  1. Head west on Center
                                                                                  Drive towards GA-85/
                                                                                  Glynn Street S.

                                                                                  3. Continue Straight onto
                                                                                  Melear Way.

                                                                                  3. Turn Right onto GA-85/
                                                                                  Glynn Street S.

                                                                                  4. Turn left onto GA-54
                                                                                  S/E Lanier Ave.

                                                                                  5. Turn left onto S.
                                                                                  Peachtree Parkway

                                                                                  6. Turn right onto
                                                                                  McIntosh Trail

                                                                                  Destination will be on the left

8 | February 2021                                                                    770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG
The Way the Cookie Crumbles...
 Try these mouth-watering and festive cookie recipes!

      Quee New Year Cookies

      Submitted by Nancy Peltier                                       floured board paper thin and cut to your size
      Ingredients:                                                 •   Bake at 350 degrees for about 7-10 minutes
      • 2 sticks butter (1 cup)                                        or until lightly brown.
      • 2 cups granulated sugar
      • 4 cups flour (sifted)                                      Nancy shared that her family calls them “Quee
      • 1 teaspoon salt                                            Cakes” because their grandmother made them
      • 3/4 cup milk                                               in an iron (like a waffle maker) and when they
      • 3 tablespoons anise seed                                   were done the iron made a noise that sounded
                                                                   like “quee”.
      • Pour the milk into a pot and let the milk
         come to a boil, then set aside.
      • Mix together the butter and sugar, then
         set aside.
      • Alternately add the flour, salt, milk, and
         anise seed and mix well
      • Refrigerate the dough overnight until
         well chilled
      • Taking only small amounts of the
         chilled dough at a time, roll it out on a

                                                                       Peppy Jelly-Cornmeal Cups
     These spicy-sweet bites get their kick from jalapeño              Directions:
     jelly! For a festive look, fill half with red jelly and the       • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. In a large
     other half with green jelly.                                         bowl, beat butter with an electric mixer
                                                                          on medium to high speed for 30 seconds.
     Ingredients:                                                         Add brown sugar and baking powder and
     • 1 cup butter, softened                                             beat until combined. Beat in egg yolks and
     • 1 cup packed brown sugar                                           vanilla. Beat in cornmeal. Beat in as much
     • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder                                         flour as you can with the mixer. Using a
     • 2 egg yolks                                                        wooden spoon, stir in any remaining flour.
     • 1 teaspoon vanilla                                              • Shape dough into 3/4-inch balls. Place balls
     • 2/3 cup yellow cornmeal                                            1 inch apart on an ungreased cookie sheet.
     • 2 cups all purpose flour                                           Using your thumb, make an indention in the
     • 1/4 cup red and/or green jalapeño jelly                            center of each cookie. Fill each center with
                                                                          about 1/8 teaspoon jelly.
                                                                       • Bake in preheated oven about 10 minutes
                                                                          or until bottoms are lightly browned. Cool
                                                                          on cookie sheet for 1 minute. Transfer
                                                                          cookies to a wire rack to cool.
                                                                       • Yields about 96 bit size cookies.
                                                                       • Tip: Keep the cookies small for a better jelly
                                                                          to cookie ratio!

                                                                       Submitted by Lynn Black
    Even though we were so disappointed not to be able to celebrate the holidays during our an-
    nual Christmas Party & Cookie Contest due to Covid, we were delighted to still receive a few
    cookie recipes that are family favorites to share with you as we usually do! Enjoy!

770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG                                                                                     February 2021 | 9
Dear Volunteer, You Make a Difference!
 Open the Pages to Janelle                                                 Written By: Carrie Bittinger

                                                     degree in business at Miller Hawkins Business
                                                     College in Memphis. Out of college, Janelle
                                                     worked as a transcriber at Campbell’s Clinic in
                                                     Memphis and later at Union Planners National

                                                        In 1967, Janelle went to a party with a friend.
                                                     At this party there were people from Millington,
                                                     the local naval base. This is where Janelle first
                                                     laid eyes on her husband, John. By April of the
                                                     next year, they were married. Together, they
                                                     have two children, Michael and Heather. They
                                                     take pride in their three grandchildren: Madelyn
                                                     who is 18, Mary who is 15, and Lillian who is 14.
                                                     John was in the Navy and served in Vietnam.
                                                     When he arrived home in 1970, they moved
                                                     to Atlanta. Janelle worked for an insurance
       So many of our volunteers have led such       company in the city after moving to Georgia.
   fascinating lives before coming to Fayette        In 1982, Janelle started volunteering with
   Senior Services. The stories that they tell       Clayton County Public Schools. Volunteering
   are the things that for some people are only      turned into a job as the secretary at Point South
   found in books. This seems very fitting for our   Elementary School. She had a 27 year career
   resident librarian, Janelle Tilley. One of the    with the school system as both a volunteer and
   books that she stocks our library with could      employee combined, retiring in 2009.
   have easily been written about her.
                                                         After retirement in 2009, Janelle discovered
       Janelle grew up in Chesterfield, TN on a      FSS and began coming to exercise. Our
   150-acre farm. The entire family were farmers,    volunteer librarian at the time, Sara Lou
   including Janelle and her two older sisters,      Robinson, was someone that Janelle knew
   Sandra and Brenda, who learned the ropes          and worked with during her time in the school
   at an early age. On their farm, they planted      system. Within a few months of becoming a
   and tended to crops such as cotton, corn, and     member, Sara talked Janelle into helping her
   soy beans. The farm was also bustling with        in the library at FSS. Janelle has always loved
   animals including cattle, pigs, and chickens.     reading so to her, working with books was a
   The family sold cotton, eggs, and milk fresh      no brainer! When Sara moved away, Janelle
   from the farm and the corn they grew helped       stepped right in to being our main librarian. She
   to feed the animals. Although there wasn’t        keeps our library shelves stocked and in order,
   much spare time to allow getting off the farm,    switching books in and out to keep choices fresh
   as kids they would wander the woods for a         and new. If you ask her, her favorite thing about
   break to experience different adventures!         volunteering has been the people. Janelle said
                                                     that she has made so many dear friends from
        Janelle attended a quaint school house       the center. For new volunteers, Janelle would
   that all the students learned in, beginning       tell you to “be available, be nice, be friendly,
   from lower grades through high school. The        and be open.” Look out for Janelle stocking our
   building was split down the middle so the         shelves and giving everyone a chance to read
   younger and older kids had different spaces       stories, some not unlike her own.
   to learn in. Every morning, she went to school
   there until third grade, when she moved                                                2021
   to a public school. Janelle graduated from                                           Volunteer
   Lexington High School and went on to earn a                                           Sponsor
10 | February 2021                                                              770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG
From Our Kitchen To Yours
 Chocolate Cherry Bars
 Enjoy a delicious recipe to try at home from the kitchen of the Fayette Senior Services’ family!

                                                  •    1 package Pillsbury Plus Devil’s Food Cake Mix
                                                  •    1 (21-oz.) can cherry fruit pie filling
                                                  •    1 teaspoon almond extract
                                                  •    2 eggs, beaten
                                                  •    1 cup sugar
                                                  •    1/3 cup milk
                                                  •    5 tablespoons margarine or butter
                                                  •    1 (6 oz.) package semi-sweet chocolate chips

                                                   •   Heat oven to 350° and grease and flour a
                                                       15x10x1 inch baking pan or 13x9 inch pan
                                                   •   In a large bowl, combine all bar ingredients
                                                       and stir until well blended. Spread in the
                                                       greased and floured pan
                                                   •   Bake until a toothpick comes out clean. About
                                                       20-30 minutes
                                                   •   In a small saucepan, combine sugar, milk,
                                                       and margarine and bring to a boil. Boil for 1
                                                       minute, stirring constantly
                                                   •   Remove from heat and stir in chocolate chips
                                                       until smooth
                                                   •   Pour and spread over the warm bars and let
                                                       cool completely before cutting them into bars

     Photo via pillsbury.com                                       Enjoy
     Join us in the Ultimate Cafe in
           Monday, Wednesday & Friday
                8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.
          (a la carte pricing plus tax)

              Monday thru Friday
              11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
          (a la carte pricing plus tax)

770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG                                                              February 2021 | 11
       As a member, there are many membership benefits available to you, including a variety of FREE
     activities…every day! Not big on classes or group activities? No problem! Many members enjoy the use
     of both Fayetteville and Peachtree City locations to relax, read a book, meet friends, or just grab a cup
     of coffee. In addition, we always have a schedule of free programs on the calendar (see our monthly
     events section). It pays to be a member!

       Some fitness classes are free to center members while some have a fee. We also have a fitness center
     housing many workout machines and equipment, however, an orientation must be done prior to start-
     ing. *Please check with your doctor before starting any new fitness program. “We Card!” Please help us
     preserve your member benefits…be prepared to show your member ID card when asked. Thank you.

                                 Free in Fayetteville
     Mondays                            Tuesday Bridge Club:
                                        1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
                                                                           Bid Whist:
                                                                           1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
     Sit and Get Fit:                                                      Intermediate Bridge:
     10 a.m. to 10:40 a.m.                                                 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
     Canasta:                           Wednesdays
     8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
     Regular and Hand & Foot            Sit and Get Fit:                   Fridays
     Advanced Bridge:                   10 a.m. to 10:40 a.m.
     2nd Monday of month                Pinochle:                          Sit and Get Fit:
     10 a.m. to 3 p.m.                  8 a.m. to 12 p.m.                  10 a.m. to 10:40 a.m.
     Mexican Train                      Canasta:                           Pinochle:
     Dominoes:                          8 a.m. to 12 p.m.                  8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
     12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.               Free Blood Pressure                Canasta:
     Sit and Stitch:                    Check:                             8 a.m. to to 12 p.m.
     1 p.m. to 4 p.m.                   10 a.m. to 11 a.m.                 Scrabble:
     Monday Bridge:                     Modern Mahjong:                    12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.
     2nd and 4th Monday                 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.
     1 p.m. to 4 p.m.                   Bunco:
     Bid Whist:                         1:15 p.m. to 4 p.m.
     1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
     Tuesdays                           Canasta:
                                        8 a.m. to 12 p.m.                    Calling all
     8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
                                        Greed- Dice Game:                   pool sharks!
                                        12 p.m. to 2 p.m.
     Canasta:                                                                  Practice your skills
                                        Modern Mahjong:                      and have fun playing
     8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
                                        12 p.m. to 4 p.m.                 billiards or take some
     Modern Mahjong:
                                        Rummikub:                         free lessons on Mondays,
     12 p.m. to 4 p.m.
                                        12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.           Wednesdays and Fridays
     Scrabble:                                                            from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Men
                                        Sit and Stitch:
     12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.                                                 & women welcome!
                                        1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

12 | February 2021                                                                    770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG
Free in Peachtree City
        The Gathering Place location in Peachtree City has a room located in the building right next door
     to it. Some classes are held in that room throughout the week. Please call 770-461-0813 to check or
                       stop by the front desk and we will point you in the right direction.

  Mondays                                    Wednesdays                               Thursdays
  Morning Stretch:                           Aerobics:                                Game Play Time:
  9 a.m. to 10 a.m.                          See changes in Fitness                   10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  Blood Pressure Checks:                     section pg. 20                           Join in at any time and
  9:45 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.                    Morning Stretch:                         choose from a variety of
  Social Bridge:                             9 a.m. to 10 a.m.                        games to play together or
  10 a.m. to 2 p.m.                          Marathon Bridge:                         bring one to share.
  If you don’t have a partner,               2nd Wednesday of month
  that’s okay!                               9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  Canasta:                                   Intermediate Social Bridge               Fridays
  1 p.m. to 4 p.m.                           Free Play:
  Hand and foot variation.                   1 p.m. to 4 p.m.                         Morning Stretch:
                                             Wednesday Bridge:                        9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
                                             1 p.m. to 4 p.m.                         Social Bridge:
  Tuesdays                                   Social Duplicate Bridge:                 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
                                             1st, 3rd, and 4th Wednesday              If you don’t have a partner,
  Advanced Duplicate                         10 a.m. to 3 p.m.                        that’s okay!
  Bridge Training Class:                                                              Modern American
  10 a.m. to 12 p.m.                                                                  Mahjong:
  Mexican Train Dominoes:                          Turn the                           12 p.m. to 4 p.m.
  1 p.m. to 4 p.m.                                  Pages!                            Canasta:
  Happy 2Soms:                                Check out the collection of             1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
  3rd Tuesday of month                        books and magazines of all              Hand and foot variation.
  2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.                            genres that we have
                                              available for pick up at both
  This group meets monthly                      our Peachtree City and
  to play bingo.                              Fayetteville locations! Have
                                                some you aren’t using?
                                              We are currently accepting
                                                    book donations.

  Holiday Greenery class in Peachtree City                     Peachtree City Line Dance group celebrating the holidays!

770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG                                                                                  February 2021 | 13
Rules, Regulations & Cancellation Policies
    Register early! Many of our classes are extremely popular and fill up quickly! All classes have a class-size
    limit that varies with each class. All classes – free or fee-based – require registration unless otherwise noted.
    Any applicable fees must be paid at the time of registration, or you are not considered registered for the class.

    REGISTRATION: Please stop by the Fayetteville or Peachtree City location or call the Center receptionist to
    register for classes. All fees are payable in advance – cash, check, or credit card.

    TRIPS: Trips are for FSS members only. Payments must be made at the time of reservations. Payments of cash
    or checks are strongly encouraged. Reservations for mailed-in checks will not be made until the check has been
    received by Fayette Senior Services. For any questions, please contact Morgan Lanier at 770-461-0813. See
    trip schedules for refund policy.

    CANCELLATIONS: Fayette Senior Services reserves the right to cancel any class due to insufficient registration
    or at the instructor’s request. If cancellation is necessary, anyone already registered will be notified and receive
    a full credit to their account. Please note that some classes have specific registration deadlines.

    WAITING LIST: All classes, activities, trips, and special events are offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
    If a class or activity is full, you may be placed on a waiting list.

    REFUNDS: Refunds will be issued if registration is cancelled by the participant up to 5 working days prior
    to the start date. Any event costs incurred will be deducted from the requested refund in addition to a 10%
    administration fee. No refunds awarded after that deadline. Refunds will be issued in the form of an FSS credit
    towards future program registration or membership dues.

    CLASSROOM PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS: Participants must be mobile as well as physically,
    mentally, and medically able to participate without disruption in any class or activity. Fayette Senior Services
    reserves the right to evaluate participants to determine an individual’s participation ability. Some classes require
    a medical release and/or a fitness readiness questionnaire.

    The Southern Crescent Chorale joined us for a mini concert at FSS   Hope for the Holidays was a major success!

14 | February 2021                                                                                   770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG
Special Events

      Photo by Photos of Money via Flickr

     AARP Tax                               You Dessert It:                 Lunch & Learn:
     Aid Assistance                         Dessert Recipe                  The Heart Beats Red
  P PEACHTREE CITY                                                        F FAYETTEVILLE
     Tuesday and Thursday      P PEACHTREE CITY                             Tuesday, February 16
     February 2 thru April 15    Friday, February 12                        11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
     9 a.m. to 1 p.m.            1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.                     $10 | Includes lunch
     FREE                        FREE                                       Members and non-
     Members and non-members     Members exclusive                          members
     Pre-registration required   Pre-registration required                  Pre-registration required

     AARP is here to offer free             Treat your taste buds           Start taking action for your
     tax aid to assist us with              while sharing your favorite     own health and join us for
     personal income returns.               mouth-watering desserts         a heart healthy make-over.
     Bring last year’s tax return           with others! What better        Join Program Coordinator
     and other tax documents                way to enjoy some time          Avril James with Piedmont
     necessary for your 2020                with friends while filling      Women’s Heart Network
     filing. This is your chance            your belly full of sweets.      and Dr. Bukola Olubi with
     to meet one-on-one with                Bring your favorite dessert     Piedmont Fayette Hospital
     an AARP representative                 along with the recipe           as we celebrate American
     to get help filing taxes.              and get some new ideas.         Health Month. From basic
     Must have an appointment               Everyone will bring some        anatomy of the heart, to
     set to attend, no walk-in              food to share and get to        prevention, symptoms and
     appointments available.                enjoy other new dessert         treatment, you’ll leave with
                                            ideas. Enjoy music, good        a better understanding
                                            eats, and camaraderie.          of how you can take care
                                            We will make copies of all      of your heart through
                                            the recipes for everyone to     everyday habits, exercise,
                                            take home!                      and diet. This program is
                                                                            part of the 2021 FSS and
                                                                            Piedmont Fayette Hospital
                                                                            Wellness Series.

770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG                                                                    February 2021 | 15
            Sunday               Monday                              Tuesday                          Wedn

                                                         1       Smart House pg. 22

                                                                  Garden Club pg. 22
                                                                                               Quilting: Table T
                                                               Bring On the Mardi pg. 22

                                                             Volunteer Open House pg. 22      Touching Base w
                                                                  Reflexology pg. 27

                     7                                   8         Knees, Hips and
                                                                 Joints, Oh My pg. 28
                                                                                                 Quilting Sew D
                               Car Wash pg. 23
                                                                   Eyeglass Repair                Standing Gua
                                                                and Adjustments pg. 28
                          For the Love of Food pg. 28
                                                                                                Do It For the ‘G
                                                               Not So Brittle Bones pg. 28

                     14                           15             The Enneagram of
                                                                 Personality pg. 24   16           Quilting: Zip
                                                                                                   Coin Purse
                                                                 Lunch & Learn: The
                            CLOSED                              Heart Beats Red pg. 15
                                                                                               Resistance Fig

                                                                   Book Club pg. 24           Habits of Healthy
                              President’s Day
                                                                  1-on-1 Medicare              Computer Assist
                                                                 Consultations pg. 24

                     21                           22             The Collier Double
                                                                   Murder pg. 25
                                                                                      23               Eating
                                                                                                      Health p

                                                                                                 Quilting Sew D
                           Are You Fit to Sell? pg. 25          Looking For Love In All
                                                               the Wrong Places pg. 26
                                                                                                 The Origin of
                           Down to the Floor pg. 28
                                                             Computer Assistance pg. 27          Hearing Aid C


16 | February 2021                                                           770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG
ry 2021
nesday                       Thursday                              Friday                                    Saturday

                3                              4                                               5                                        6
                       What’s for Lunch? pg. 23
 Topper pg. 18                                             Superfoods with Super
                                                              Powers pg. 27
                      Hearing Screenings pg. 27
with Trilith pg. 23                                 An Update on the Bubble pg. 23
                       The Story of Rich’s pg. 23

           10            Movie Day pg. 21
                                             11                                           12                                       13
 Day pg. 18
                                                           You Dessert It: Dessert
                        Express Lunch pg. 26                Recipe Swap pg. 15
 ard pg. 23
                         Oh Fudge: Fudge            Orchids Upon Orchids pg. 24
 Gram pg. 23            Making Demo pg. 18

e pg. 18   17            Dementia Caregiver
                                             18                                           19                                       20
ghters pg. 24           Support Group pg. 25
                                                           Blow Your Mind pg. 28
                      ALS Support Group pg. 25
y People pg. 24
                                                     Tough Conversations pg. 25
 tance pg. 27         The Grape Escape pg. 25

g for
pg. 29     24             Movie Day pg. 21   25                                           26                                       27
 Day pg. 18             Express Lunch pg. 26                 Movie Day pg. 21

 Lent pg. 26              Book Club pg. 26
                                                            Just Brew It pg. 26
Cleaning and           Don’t Skip A Beat pg. 29
 ce pg. 29

                                                                      January 2021                               March 2021

                                                      S      M    T      W     T     F    S        S    M    T      W     T   F    S

                                                                                     1    2             1    2      3     4   5    6

                                                      3      4    5       6    7     8    9        7    8    9      10   11   12   13

                                                      10     11   12     13    14    15   16       14   15   16     17   18   19   20

                                                      17     18   19     20    21    22   23       21   22   23     24   25   26   27

                                                      24     25   26     27    28    29   30       28   29   30     31

         770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG                                                                                    February 2021 | 17
February Program Schedule
                                           Quilting: Zippered
                 Needlework                Coin Purses                                     Dance
                                          F FAYETTEVILLE
       Quilting: Table Topper              Wednesday, February 17            Peachtree City
                                           9 a.m. to 3 p.m.                  Beginner I Line Dance
   F   FAYETTEVILLE                        $25 | Materials not included
       Wednesday, February 3               Pre-registration required       P PEACHTREE CITY
       9 a.m. to 3 p.m.                    Instructor: Darlene Hubble        Tuesday
       $25 | Materials not included                                          11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
       Pre-registration required           A perfect bag for your small      $15 | Month
       Instructor: Darlene Hubble          items or change. It is not        Instructor: Stella Joshua
                                           too big nor too small. You
       Need a table topper for the         will want to make more than       For those that are new to line
       Spring? Let’s make one of           just one! Grab some fat           dance. Learn the basic dance
       floating stars to decorate          quarters and a zipper and         steps, dance terminology,
       your table. Main fabric will be     you’re ready to get started.      and some of the popular
       provided in class, just bring       Materials list and picture at     party, reunion, and reception
       your background in a solid          front desk. Must provide your     dances.
       or tone-on-tone. Materials          own sewing machine.
       list and picture at front desk.                                       Peachtree City
       Must provide your own sewing                                          Beginner II Line Dance
       machine.                                    Creative Pursuits
                                                                           P PEACHTREE CITY
       Quilting Sew Day                    Oh Fudge:                         Tuesday
                                           Fudge Making Demo                 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
   F   FAYETTEVILLE                                                          $15 | Month
       Wednesday, February 10             F FAYETTEVILLE                     Instructor: Stella Joshua
       9 a.m. to 3 p.m.                    Thursday, February 11
       $15 | Materials not included        11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.             For those who have had at
       Pre-registration required           $15 | Includes materials          least six months of Beginner
       Instructor: Darlene Hubble          Member exclusive                  I Line Dance. This class
                                           Pre-registration required         develops more complex
   F   FAYETTEVILLE                                                          dances and new steps and
       Wednesday, February 24              Treat the tastebuds with          turns.
       9 a.m. to 3 p.m.                    some homemade fudge!
       $15 | Materials not included        Julia with Julia’s Signature      Introduction to
       Pre-registration required           Candies provides a hands-         Line Dance
       Instructor: Darlene Hubble          on demo for fudge making.
                                           Make half a pound to take       F FAYETTEVILLE
       Take time to finish up projects.    home and enjoy. Julia will        Tuesday
       This class is not instruction       be bringing in mix-ins to         11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
       based, just free time to work       add some delicious tasty          $15 | Month
       on a personal project with          treats into your fudge such       Instructor: Eddie Huffman
       others.                             as marshmallows, pecans,
                                           walnuts, M&Ms and more!           Hit the dance floor and learn

18 | February 2021                                                                  770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG
basic steps and dance            Open Line Dance                     exercise that combines
      terminology as well as                                               standing, sitting, and
      beginner dances. This          F FAYETTEVILLE                        balancing postures to bring
      class is for beginners with      Friday, February 26                 strength, flexibility, and calm.
      little or no previous dance      10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
      experience.                      FREE                                Yoga: Fayetteville
                                       Members exclusive                   Zoom Live Session
      Beginner Line Dance              Pre-registration required
                                                                           Via Zoom from your home
   F FAYETTEVILLE                      Join in once a month for            Monday
      Wednesday                        an open line dance! All             8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
      12:45 p.m. to 1:45 p.m.          levels welcome to dance             $20 | Month
      $15 | Month                      the afternoon away. Enjoy           Instructor: T. Michael
      Instructor: Sandy Murphy         songs that all groups are
                                       currently working on and            This will feature Yoga class
      Keep those line dancing          mix and match your moves!           live via Zoom so you can
      moves sharp! This class          This class is not instruction       participate in the comfort and
      is designed for those who        based.                              safety of social distancing
      have at least six months                                             from your home.
      experience in dancing.
                                                 Fitness                   Walking Group:
      Improver Line Dance                                              F   Fayetteville
   F FAYETTEVILLE                                                          Meets at McCurry Park
      Wednesday                      F FAYETTEVILLE                        Monday
      2 p.m. to 3 p.m.                 Monday                              9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
      $15 | Month                      12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.             FREE
      Instructor: Sandy Murphy         $20 | Month                         No pre-registration required
                                       Instructor: Regina Roberts
      Keep advancing and                                                   Meets at McCurry Park in
      become a line dance expert       Come groove to some                 Fayetteville (164 McDonough
      in no time. For those who        of your favorite music!             Road) to take advantage of
      have had at least 6 months       This fun way to exercise            the walking trails. Improve
      of Beginner II Line Dancing.     incorporates a variety of           physical fitness with a dose
                                       musical genres for total            of cardio. Self-led group.
      Intermediate Line Dance          body toning. Enjoy the
                                       aerobic benefits while              Total Body Circuit
   F FAYETTEVILLE                      also strengthening the
      Wednesday                        cardiovascular system.          F   FAYETTEVILLE
      3:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.                                               Monday and Wednesday
      $15 | Month                      Yoga: Fayetteville                  11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
      Instructor: Sandy Murphy                                             $35 | Month
                                     F FAYETTEVILLE                        Instructor: Terry Ehart
      Higher level dance steps         Monday
      and line dances will get         8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.              Focus on all areas of
      you going in this line dance     $20 | Month                         fitness – core strengthening,
      class.                           Instructor: T. Michael              strength training, mobility,
                                                                           and cardio – to get results
                                       A form of mind-body                 you want to see.
770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG                                                                     February 2021 | 19
Tai Chi                             in the North Craft Room.      accommodate members who
                                           FSS will feature the Power    weren’t able to get in the
   F   FAYETTEVILLE                        Aerobics class live via zoom  original session. The same
       Monday and Thursday                 on the projector screen       great class on site at FSS, but
       2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.                 in an additional room to      with instruction via zoom live.
       $35 | Month                         accommodate members
       Instructor: Trish Gurney            who weren’t able to get in    Intermediate II Aerobics
                                           the original session. The
       Tai Chi provides a safe,            same great class on site at F FAYETTEVILLE
       gradual way to improve              FSS, but with instruction via Tuesday and Thursday
       flexibility, increase               zoom live.                    9:40 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
       circulation, reduce stress,                                       $20 | Month
       strengthen bones, lower             Intermediate I Aerobics       Instructor: Miriam Jones
       blood pressure, and increase
       overall fitness. Learn simple   F   FAYETTEVILLE                      This total body workout will
       movements that focus on             Tuesday and Thursday              leave you feeling stronger and
       healing energy.                     8:40 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.            more energized. Start your
                                           $20 | Month                       morning off with Miriam as
       Power Aerobics                      Instructor: Miriam Jones          she provides a great session
                                                                             intended to get you moving
   F   FAYETTEVILLE                        Whether you’re a fitness          and feeling better. Designed to
       Tuesday and Thursday                enthusiast or dread the           improve endurance, strength,
       7:40 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.              idea of exercise, this is the     flexibility, coordination,
       $20 | Month                         class for you. These total        core, and brain function.
       Instructor: Miriam Jones            body workouts are never           Modifications provided.
                                           the same and will have
       Designed to strengthen your         you feeling stronger and          Intermediate II Aerobics:
       muscles and core while              more energized. Improve           Overflow Session
       simultaneously improving            endurance, strength,
       balance, coordination, and          flexibility, coordination,      F FAYETTEVILLE
       flexibility. Prepare to be          core, and brain function.         Tuesday and Thursday
       safely challenged as no             Modifications provided.           9:40 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
       workout is ever the same.                                             $20 | Month
       Gain energy and friendships.        Intermediate I Aerobics:          Instructor: Miriam Jones
       Each Thursday workout               Overflow Session
       includes floor work so bring                                          This session will take place
       a mat that day. Modifications   F   FAYETTEVILLE                      in the North Craft Room. FSS
       always provided.                    Tuesday and Thursday              will feature the Intermediate
                                           8:40 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.            II Aerobics class live via
       Power Aerobics:                     $20 | Month                       zoom on the projector screen
       Overflow Session                    Instructor: Miriam Jones          in an additional room to
                                                                             accommodate members who
   F   FAYETTEVILLE                        This session will take            weren’t able to get in the
       Tuesday and Thursday                place in the North Craft          original session. The same
       7:40 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.              Room. FSS will feature the        great class on site at FSS, but
       $20 | Month                         Intermediate I Aerobics           with instruction via zoom live.
       Instructor: Miriam Jones            class live via zoom on
                                           the projector screen in           Intermediate I or
       This session will take place        an additional room to             II Aerobics:
20 | February 2021                                                                    770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG
Zoom Live Session                       Wednesday                            in the North Craft Room.
                                            9:45 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.              FSS will feature the Stretch
    Via Zoom from your home                 $10 | Month                          for Movement class live
    Tuesday and Thursday                    Instructor: Miriam Jones             via zoom on the projector
    8:40 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.                                                       screen in an additional room
    9:40 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.                 A series of simple and               to accommodate members
    $20 | Month per class                   easy to follow stretch               who weren’t able to get in the
    Instructor: Miriam Jones                combinations to improve              original session. The same
                                            your balance, coordination,          class on site at FSS, but with
    Choose between Miriam’s                 and range of motion.                 instruction via zoom live.
    Intermediate I or Intermediate
    II Aerobics class live via Zoom         Stretch for Movement:                Stretch for Movement:
    so you can participate in the           Overflow Session                     Zoom Live Session
    class while social distancing
    from your home.                     F   FAYETTEVILLE                         Via Zoom from your home
                                            Wednesday                            Wednesday
    Yoga: Peachtree City                    9:45 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.              9:45 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
                                            $10 | Month                          $10 | Month
  P PEACHTREE CITY                          Instructor: Miriam Jones             Instructor: Miriam Jones
    9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.                 This session will take place         This will feature the Stretch
    $20 | Month
    Instructor: T. Michael
                                             The Center Box Office
    A form of mind-body exercise
    that combines standing, sitting,         Member exclusive | Pre-registration required
    and balancing postures to
                                             PEACHTREE CITY
    bring strength and flexibility.          Thursday, February 11 | 1:30 p.m.
                                             The Outpost (2020) | R
    Aerobics & More                          Starring: Scott Eastwood, Orlando Bloom, Caleb Landry Jones.
                                             In this adaptation of Jake Tapper’s best seller, 53 U.S. soldiers
                                             attempt to fend off an attack by almost 400 Taliban fighters at a
  P PEACHTREE CITY                           remote outpost in Afghanistan during one of Operation Enduring
    Wednesday                                Freedom’s bloodiest battles.
    8 a.m. to 8:50 a.m.                      PEACHTREE CITY
    $10 | Month                              Thursday, February 25 | 1:30 p.m.
                                             The Secret Garden (2020) | PG
    Instructor: Miriam Jones
                                             Friday, February 26 | 1:30 p.m.
    These weekly sessions are                The Secret Garden (2020) | PG
    never the same and will have             Starring: Colin Firth, Julie Walters. Set in England during a new
    you feeling energized. Each              time period in 1947, the film follows a young orphan girl who, after
                                             being sent to live with her uncle, discovers a magical garden on the
    workout is designed to improve           grounds of his estate.
    endurance, strength, flexibility,        Movie Sponsored By:
    coordination, core, and brain
    function. Modifications always
    provided. Bring a mat with you.

    Stretch for Movement


770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG                                                                           February 2021 | 21
for Movement class live via         safety of social distancing        1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
      Zoom so you can participate         from your home.                    FREE
      in the same great class in the                                         Members and non-members
      comfort and safety of social        Personal Training                  Pre-registration required
      distancing from your home.
                                         F FAYETTEVILLE                      Mardi Gras is a long-standing
      Walking Group:                      Scheduled by request only          tradition celebrated every
      Peachtree City                      $50 | Session (1 hour)             February in a variety of ways
                                          Instructor: Miriam Jones           from city to city. Jim Scott
   P PEACHTREE CITY                       and T Michael                      joins in the celebration by
      Thursday                                                               sharing the history dating
      10 a.m.                             If you are searching for           back thousands of years of
      FREE                                a more structured setting          this holiday along with the
      No pre-registration required        to get the most of your            superstitions and traditions
                                          workout, this one-on-one           tied to it and Fat Tuesday.
      Meet at the Gathering Place         training is for you! Learn
      to check in and then take           methods to working out             Smart House
      advantage of the paths around       specifically for you in
      the center and add social           helping you reach your         F   FAYETTEVILLE
      interaction with a dose of          goals. Access to fitness           Tuesday, February 2
      cardio. Self-led group.             center during session. Call        1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
                                          Miriam at 404-644-6598 to          FREE
      Move It or Lose It                  set up session.                    Members and non-members
                                                                             Pre-registration required
      Friday                                     Special Interest            Join the world of technology
      11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.                                               in full force! Brian Anderson
      $15 | Month                         Garden Club                        with Media Mash talks about
      Instructor: T. Michael                                                 new technology that can
                                         F FAYETTEVILLE                      make your home a smart
      Maintain or improve your            Tuesday, February 2                house. From items to make
      strength, coordination, agility,    9:30 a.m.                          your everyday living easier
      and bone density with hand          Members and non-members            to ways to control things
      weights, resistance bands, and      No pre-registration required       around the home while gone,
      exercise balls.                                                        learn about connecting
                                          If you have a green thumb,         your phones and speakers
      Move It or Lose It                  love gardening and are             to devices throughout your
      Zoom Live Session                   interested in volunteering,        house such as thermostats,
                                          join the garden club! Learn        lights, security systems and
      Via Zoom from your home             about ongoing projects and         more.
      Friday                              ways you can get involved.
      11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.            For more information,              Volunteer Open House
      $15 | Month                         contact Carrie Bittinger at
      Instructor: T. Michael              cbittinger@fayss.org.       F      FAYETTEVILLE
                                                                             Tuesday, February 2
      This will feature the Move It or  Bring on the Mardi                   2 p.m.
      Lose It class live via Zoom so                                         Members and non-members
      you can participate in the same P PEACHTREE CITY                       Pre-registration required
      great class in the comfort and    Tuesday, February 2
22 | February 2021                                                                    770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG
If you are an FSS volunteer      time with others. Must be        Car Wash
     or are interested in becoming    registered to attend due
     one, join us for our monthly     to reservation numbers.        F FAYETTEVILLE
     meeting! Enjoy refreshments,     This month, lunch will be at     Monday, February 8
     meet with other volunteers,      Maguires in Senoia.              9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
     learn about upcoming                                              $40
     events, current volunteer        The Story of Rich’s              Member exclusive
     opportunities, and get center                                     Pre-registration required
     news and updates.              P PEACHTREE CITY
                                      Thursday, February 4             Splish splash your car was
     Touching Base with Trilith       1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.           taking a bath! Hector Antonio
                                      FREE                             with Roll N’ Shine will be on
   F FAYETTEVILLE                     Members and non-members          site for your convenience to
     Wednesday, February 3            Pre-registration required        bring your car in for a wash,
     1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.                                            inside and out, while you wait
     FREE                             Join historian Jeff Clemons      comfortably in FSS. Roll N’
     Members and non-members          as he traces the 137 year        Shine has the right to turn
     Pre-registration required        history of the famous            down cleaning service for
                                      Atlanta store, Rich’s. Hear      extremely dirty interior.
     Town of Trilith may sound        about the true stories
     like the new place around        behind Penelope Penn,            Standing Guard
     town, but it is formerly known   Fashionista, The Great
     as Pinewood Forest! This         Tree, the Pink Pig, Rich’s     P PEACHTREE CITY
     bustling community within        famous coconut cake, and         Wednesday, February 10
     Fayette County is starting       so much more. Spark the          1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
     to bloom. Join Joseph            memories you’ve treasured        FREE
     Sojourner as he shares           surrounding this southern        Members and non-members
     about the newest hotspots        institution that has brought     Pre-registration required
     around the neighborhood,         so many traditions to Atlanta
     what to expect in the            natives!                         Whether you are approaching
     future from restaurants,                                          retirement or recently retired,
     entertainment, and more          An Update on the Bubble          Brett Bexley with Edward
     as well as the design plans                                       Jones shares strategies to
     expected to come.              P PEACHTREE CITY                   help you guard your most
                                      Friday, February 5               valuable assets and protect
     What’s for Lunch?                1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.           your pre- and post-retirement
                                      FREE                             income. Hear the five-step
   P PEACHTREE CITY                   Members and non-members          process suggested for
     Thursday, February 4             Pre-registration required        guarding your assets and
     11:30 a.m.                                                        protecting your income in
     FREE                             Visit with Peachtree City        addition to controlling health
     Member exclusive                 Mayor Vanessa Fleisch as         care costs and your legacy.
     Pre-registration required        she discusses current city
                                      updates. Learn about what        Do It For the ‘Gram
     Meet us at a local restaurant    is going on in and around
     for an afternoon out with        Peachtree City in addition     F FAYETTEVILLE
     great friends! FSS will make     to ideas for the future of our   Wednesday, February 10
     reservations and everyone        hometown bubble.                 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
     will meet there to enjoy                                          FREE
770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG                                                                 February 2021 | 23
Members and non-members          Members exclusive                interconnected personality
       Pre-registration required        Pre-registration required        types. Join Jesse Dukes
                                                                         with Arise Counseling and
      Local blogger Jennifer Jordan      A representative with           Coaching as he provides
      with Local Lovely Life breaks      Georgia Cares will meet         insight on these nine
      down the ins and outs of the       one-on-one with Medicare        different Enneagram types,
      popular social media app,          beneficiaries and their         how to discover your type,
      Instagram! Discover the point      families. Georgia Cares is      and helpful tips to better
      of this app, how it differs from   a State Health Insurance        understand each type.
      Facebook and how Instagram         Assistance program that
      can fit into your life. Jennifer   provides free, non-biased      Habits of Happy People
      will also share ways you           information about Medicare.
      can make the most out of                                        F FAYETTEVILLE
      your different social media        A Novel Idea Book Club         Wednesday, February 17
      platforms to use as channels                                      1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
      for connections.                 P PEACHTREE CITY                 FREE
                                         Tuesday, February 16           Members and non-members
      Orchids Upon Orchids               1:45 p.m.                      Pre-registration required
    F FAYETTEVILLE                       Member exclusive               Happiness is a choice and a
      Friday, February 12                No pre-registration required   way of living that anyone can
      1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.                                            learn! Humana joins us as
      FREE                               February book: People          they provide tips for living a
      Members and non-members            of the Book by Geraldine       happy life. Discover how you
      Pre-registration required          Brooks. March book: The        can find more joy in every
                                         Little Old Lady Who Broke      part of your life. You’ll also
      Orchids are a breathtakingly       All the Rules by Catharina     learn tips for staying positive
      beautiful houseplant with long     Ingelman-Sundberg. For         during any of life’s challenges
      lasting blooms. Kim Toal with      more information, please       that may be thrown your way.
      the Fayette County Extension       contact Meghan Caton at
      Office will do a demonstration     megcaton@gmail.com.            Resistance Fighters
      on repotting different types
      of orchids. These often are        The Enneagram                P PEACHTREE CITY
      considered hard to grow, but       of Personality                 Wednesday, February 17
      don’t be fooled. With a few                                       1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
      simple tips you’ll learn to      P PEACHTREE CITY                 FREE
      prune dead roots, properly         Tuesday, February 16           Members and non-members
      prepare your potting media,        2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.         Pre-registration required
      ways to encourage re-bloom,        FREE
      and how to get your orchid in      Members and non-members        Throughout the Holocaust,
      tip top shape.                     Pre-registration required      there were thousands of non-
                                                                        Jewish people who made a
      1-on-1 Medicare                    You may have heard             choice not to be passive in
      Consultations                      about a popular model          the face of evil. Those who
                                         of personality called          did aid Jews were motivated
    F FAYETTEVILLE                       Enneagram. This model          by opposition of Nazi racism,
      Tuesday, February 16               of the human psyche is         compassion, or religious
      9 a.m. to 1 p.m.                   based off an understanding     and moral principles, risking
      FREE                               that there are nine            their own lives and those
24 | February 2021                                                                770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG
of their families. Each act          Pre-registration required    Monday, February 22
       of rescue is unique and the                                       1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
       Georgia Commission on              Wine connoisseur Eric          FREE
       the Holocasut joins us to          Trout, will be on hand to      Members and non-members
       share the stories of several       pass along all his expertise   Pre-registration required
       rescuers: Adolf and Maria          about wines. Join in the fun
       Althoff and their circus, the      for a monthly educational      If you’re looking to put your
       Zabinksi family and their          program related to different   house on the market, get
       zoo, and Leopold Socha             wines, regions, countries,     tips to make sure it’s ready
       and his story of the sewer.        and more. Get information      to sell. Linda Sorrows and
       The presenter will join us via     on a variety of topics         Lee McKinney, real estate
       Zoom.                              relating to the wine choice    specialist with Aberdeen
                                        P and become a wine expert       Fine Properties, will share
       ALS Support Group                  in no time. This month,        the secrets to preparing your
                                          learn about Pinot Noirs, the   home to put up for sale. From
   F   FAYETTEVILLE                       grape of love!                 minor repairs and upgrades
       Thursday, February 18                                             to decluttering and basic
       10 a.m. to 12 p.m.                   Tough Conversations          maintenance, you’ll learn the
       FREE                                                              best ways to help your house
       Members and non-members       FAYETTEVILLE
                                        F                                move on the market.
       No pre-registration required  Friday, February 19
                                     1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.       The Collier Double Murder
     For more information, contact   FREE
     Anita Flowers at 404-636-       Members and non-members F FAYETTEVILLE
     9909 or by email at             Pre-registration required    Tuesday, February 23
     anita@alsaga.org.                                            1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
                                     Having tough conversations   FREE
     Dementia Caregiver              about the future and your    Members and non-members
     Support Group                   wishes is never easy.        Pre-registration required
                                     Bridgeway Hospice shares
   P PEACHTREE CITY                  strategies for speaking      In 2004, our quiet town of
     Thursday, February 18           to loved ones about the      Fayetteville was shocked
     1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.             future. Although talking     to hear about the double
     FREE                            about financial, legal, and  murder of local residents
     Members and non-members         healthcare issues can        Carl and Sarah Collier. Due
     No pre-registration required    be uncomfortable, it’s so    to a thorough investigation
                                     important to do it while     and determination by
     For more information, contact   everyone is still able to    detectives, an arrest was
     Lynnette Dunn at 770-506-       make their wishes known.     made quickly, and just this
     1538 or by email at lynnette.   Gain insight on ways to      year the case was officially
     dunn@piedmont.org.              make these important         closed after a local trial
                                     conversations easier and as  confirmed conviction. Join
     The Grape Escape                productive as possible as    Fayette County Sherriff’s
                                     well as what topics are most Office Director of Criminal
   P PEACHTREE CITY                  important to address.        Investigation Major Ethon
     Thursday, February 18                                        Harper as he shares details
     2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.             Are You Fit to Sell          about this gruesome case
     $20                                                          and their granddaughter’s
     Member exclusive              P PEACHTREE CITY               motive behind the killings.
770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG                                                                February 2021 | 25
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