ENROLMENT PACK 2022 - Pine Rivers State High School By different ways to Excellence

ENROLMENT PACK 2022 - Pine Rivers State High School By different ways to Excellence

  Pine Rivers State High School
               By different ways to Excellence
ENROLMENT PACK 2022 - Pine Rivers State High School By different ways to Excellence
Pine Rivers State High School
Enrolment Checklist
   Dear Parent /Carer,

    The following documents are required to enrol your child at Pine Rivers State High School in 2022:

        Pine Rivers State High School Enrolment Agreement;
        Application for Student Enrolment form;
        PRSHS Consent forms
        Media consent form;
        Subject Selection form;
        Student Resource Scheme laptop program;
        Student Resource Scheme agreement form;
        Junior Secondary Profile (Year 7 only)
        Pine Rivers District School Sport form; (Year 7 only)
        Documents specific to Scholarship and/or IGNITE Enrolment (Scholarship/IGNITE applicants only)

    All documents need to be completed and returned to the High School along with:

        Student’s Birth Certificate
        Student’s latest report card and NAPLAN report (if applicable)
        Verification documentation (if your child has been verified as having a disability)
        Current Court Order (parenting/custody)
        A Visa and or current passport if students were not born in Australia
        Any medical information e.g. if your child has been diagnosed with a condition affecting their mental health or
    wellbeing you provide evidence of this e.g. documentation from GP, Psychologist, Counsellor.

    This also includes asthma, diabetes and anaphylaxis action plans.

    An Enrolment Management Plan governs Pine Rivers State High School. If you wish to enrol your student here at
    the school, you will need to provide three (3) forms of identification for proof of residency. The following
    documentation is acceptable proof.

        Current rates notice, lease agreement or contract of sale
        Notice from Service Provider (eg electricity/telephone bill)
        Government correspondence (eg letter from ATO or Centrelink)
        Parent/Carer photo identification (eg driver’s license or passport)

Please note: Student enrolment will only be accepted when the Application is completed in full. All applicants will
require an interview, where you will be required to provide the ORIGINAL and one PHOTOCOPY of each document.

                    G:\Coredata\Office\- Enrolment Officer\Enrolments\Enrolment Forms | Enrolment Checklist   1
ENROLMENT PACK 2022 - Pine Rivers State High School By different ways to Excellence
Pine Rivers State High School
Enrolment Agreement
This enrolment agreement sets out the responsibilities of the student, parents or carers and the
school staff about the education of students enrolled at Pine Rivers State High School.

Responsibility of student to:
   attend school on every school day for the educational program in which they are enrolled, on
   time, ready to learn and take part in school activities
   act at all times with respect and show tolerance towards other students and staff
   work hard and comply with requests or directions from the teacher and principal
   abide by school rules/expectations as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, including not
   bringing items to school which could be considered as weapons (e.g. dangerous items such as
   meet homework requirements and wear school’s uniform (if applicable)
   respect the school property.

Responsibility of parents/carers to:
   ensure your child attends school on every school day for the educational program in which they
   are enrolled
   advise the school as soon as possible if your child is unable to attend school and reason/s why
   (e.g. child is sick)
   attend open meetings for parents/carers
   let the school know if there are any problems that may affect your child’s ability to learn
   ensure your child completes homework regularly in keeping with the school’s homework policy
   treat all school staff with respect
   support the authority of school staff thereby supporting their efforts to educate your child and
   assist your child to achieve maturity, self-discipline and self-control
   not allow your child to bring dangerous or inappropriate items to school
   abide by school’s instructions regarding access to school grounds before, during and after school
   advise principal if your child is in out-of-home care
   keep school informed of any changes to your contact details or your child's details, such as home
   address, email address and phone number
   ensure the school is aware of any changes to your child's medical details.

Responsibility of school staff to:
   design and implement engaging and flexible learning experiences for individuals and groups of
   inform parents and carers regularly about how their children are progressing
   design and implement intellectually challenging learning experiences which develop language,
   literacy and numeracy
   create and maintain safe and supportive learning environments
   support personal development and participation in society for students
   foster positive and productive relationships with families and the community
   inform students, parents and carers about what the teachers aim to teach the students each term
   teach effectively and to set high standards in work and behaviour
   clearly articulate the school’s expectations regarding the Student Code of Conduct and the
   Student Dress Code policy
   ensure that parents and carers are aware that the school does not have personal accident
   insurance cover for students

Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education and Training Policy and Procedure Register at
https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au/pp/enrolment-in-state-primary-secondary-and-special-schools-procedure to ensure you have the
most current version of this document.                                                                        Page 1 of 3
ENROLMENT PACK 2022 - Pine Rivers State High School By different ways to Excellence
advise parents and carers of extra-curricular activities operating at the school in which their child
    may become involved (for example Program of Chaplaincy Services, sports programs)
    set, mark and monitor homework regularly in keeping with the school’s homework policy
    contact parents and carers as soon as possible if the school is concerned about the child’s
    school work, behaviour, attendance or punctuality
    notify parents/carers of an unexplained absence of their child as soon as practicable on the day
    of the student’s absence (allowing time for parents/carers to respond prior to the end of the
    school day)
    deal with complaints in an open, fair and transparent manner in accordance with departmental
    treat students and parents/carers with respect.

 APPLICATION FORMS                                                                                   ADMIN   N/A    Y/N
 I have read the Enrolment Agreement and agree to abide by this policy
 I have read the Enrolment Agreement and agree to abide by this policy
 I have completed the State School consent form and will notify the Principal in writing if I wish
 to revoke this consent.
 PRSHS CONSENT FORMS                                                                                 ADMIN   N/A    Y/N
 I have read the Internet Use Agreement and accept the conditions of the agreement. I
 understand the breaches of this policy may result in disciplinary action.
 I have completed the Medical Authorisation form (Section 1 or Section 2) and for students
 with (Diabetes, Anaphylaxis, Asthma, Epilepsy) provided a current copy of the students
 Individual Health Plan and Emergency Action Plan.
 I have requested Support Services. Verified disability. II HI PI ASD VI
 I have read Appendix 1 of the Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students and accept the
 conditions of this agreement.
 I acknowledge the BYOD program
 I have read and acknowledge the Insurance Cover Policy and accept the conditions of the
 PRSHS SCHOOL POLICIES                                                                               ADMIN   N/A    Y/N
 I have read the Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students and agree to abide by this policy.
 I have read the Assessment Policy and agree to abide by this policy
 I have read the Student Dress Code and agree to abide by this policy
 I have read the Homework and Work Completion policy and agree to abide by this policy
 I have notified the school of previous suspensions/exclusions from other educational
 Without Religious, Spiritual and/or Ethical Content
 With Religious, Spiritual and/or Ethical Content
 I acknowledge the school representation policy and abide by this policy
 I acknowledge the school mobile phone policy and abide by this policy
 Are there any child custody orders pertaining to the child?
 Please provide supporting documentation.
 ESFP – STUDENT IN CARE OF Department Of Child Safety?
 Please provide supporting
 documentation          _______________________________

Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education and Training Policy and Procedure Register at
https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au/pp/enrolment-in-state-primary-secondary-and-special-schools-procedure to ensure you have the
most current version of this document.                                                                        Page 2 of 3
OTHER                                                                                             ADMIN     N/A    Y/N
 I wish to be contacted by SMS text message for school matters and any student absences
 from school.

   Contact 1 - Name                   Relationship             Phone Number

   Contact 2 - Name                   Relationship             Phone Number

 I understand the terms and conditions of the Pine Rivers State High School Resources Hire
 Laptop Program and agree to participate. In agreeing to participate, I undertake to finalise
 contributions to the scheme by the advised deadlines.
 I understand the terms and conditions of the Pine Rivers State High School Resources Hire
 Scheme and agree to participate. In agreeing to participate, I undertake to finalise
 contributions to the scheme by the advised deadlines.
 Subject to availability
 I understand that upon transfer or departure of the student from the school, a minimum of 2
 days’ notice will be given to the school and a signed ‘Intention to Leave’ form completed.
 All school resources will be returned and outstanding financial commitments finalised to the
 school. A transfer form will then be issued. I acknowledge that information about the
 school’s current programs and services has been explained to me.

I acknowledge:

    That I have read and understood the responsibilities of the student, parents or carers and the
    school staff outlined above; and

    That information about the school’s current rules, policies, programs and services, as outlined
    above has been provided and explained to me.

 Signed: (Student):                                                                       Date: …….…/………/…..….

 Signed : (Parent/Caregiver)                                                              Date: ………/………/…..….

 Signed : (PRSHS Staff)                                                                   Date: .….…/………/…..….

Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education and Training Policy and Procedure Register at
https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au/pp/enrolment-in-state-primary-secondary-and-special-schools-procedure to ensure you have the
most current version of this document.                                                                        Page 3 of 3
Pine Rivers State High School

Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education Policy and Procedure Register at https://ppr.qld.gov.au/pp/enrolment-in-
state-primary-secondary-and-special-schools-procedure to ensure you have the most current version of this document.

Date of publication 29/04/2021                                                                                  Page 1 of 9
Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education Policy and Procedure Register at https://ppr.qld.gov.au/pp/enrolment-in-
state-primary-secondary-and-special-schools-procedure to ensure you have the most current version of this document.

Date of publication 29/04/2021                                                                                  Page 2 of 9
Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education Policy and Procedure Register at https://ppr.qld.gov.au/pp/enrolment-in-
state-primary-secondary-and-special-schools-procedure to ensure you have the most current version of this document.

Date of publication 29/04/2021                                                                                  Page 3 of 9
Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education Policy and Procedure Register at https://ppr.qld.gov.au/pp/enrolment-in-
state-primary-secondary-and-special-schools-procedure to ensure you have the most current version of this document.

Date of publication 29/04/2021                                                                                  Page 4 of 9
Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education Policy and Procedure Register at https://ppr.qld.gov.au/pp/enrolment-in-
state-primary-secondary-and-special-schools-procedure to ensure you have the most current version of this document.

Date of publication 29/04/2021                                                                                  Page 5 of 9
Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education Policy and Procedure Register at https://ppr.qld.gov.au/pp/enrolment-in-
state-primary-secondary-and-special-schools-procedure to ensure you have the most current version of this document.

Date of publication 29/04/2021                                                                                  Page 6 of 9
Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education Policy and Procedure Register at https://ppr.qld.gov.au/pp/enrolment-in-
state-primary-secondary-and-special-schools-procedure to ensure you have the most current version of this document.

Date of publication 29/04/2021                                                                                  Page 7 of 9
Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education Policy and Procedure Register at https://ppr.qld.gov.au/pp/enrolment-in-
state-primary-secondary-and-special-schools-procedure to ensure you have the most current version of this document.

Date of publication 29/04/2021                                                                                  Page 8 of 9
Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education Policy and Procedure Register at https://ppr.qld.gov.au/pp/enrolment-in-
state-primary-secondary-and-special-schools-procedure to ensure you have the most current version of this document.

Date of publication 29/04/2021                                                                                  Page 9 of 9
April 2021

Introduction to the State School Consent Form (attached) for Pine Rivers State High School
This letter is to inform you about how we will use your child’s personal information and student
materials. It outlines:
    what information we record
    how we will use student materials created during your child’s enrolment.

Examples of personal information which may be used and disclosed (subject to consent) include part
of a person’s name, image/photograph, voice/video recording or year level.
Your child’s student materials:
    are created by your child whether as an individual or part of a team
    may identify each person who contributed to the creation
    may represent Indigenous knowledge or culture.

Purpose of the consent
It is the school’s usual practice to take photographs or record images of students and occasionally to
publish limited personal information and student materials for the purpose of celebrating student
achievement and promoting the school and more broadly celebrating Queensland education.
To achieve this, the school may use newsletters, its website, traditional media, social media or other
new media as listed in the ‘Media Sources’ section below.
The State School Consent Form may, at your discretion, provide consent for personal information
and a licence for the student materials to be published online or in other public forums. It also allows
your child’s personal information and student materials to be presented in part or alongside other
students’ achievements.
The school needs to receive consent in writing before it uses or discloses your child’s personal
information or student materials in a public forum. The attached form is a record of the consent
It should be noted that in some instances the school may be required by the Education (General
Provisions) Act 2006 (Qld) or by law to record, use or disclose the student’s personal information or
materials without consent (e.g. assessment of student materials does not require further consent).

There will not be any negative repercussions for not completing the State School Consent Form or
for giving limited consent. All students will continue to receive their education regardless of whether
consent is given or not.
Consent may be limited or withdrawn
  Consent may be limited or withdrawn at any time by you.
  If you wish to limit or withdraw consent please notify the school in writing (by email or letter). The
  school will confirm the receipt of your request via email if you provide an email address.
  If in doubt, the school may treat a notice to limit consent as a comprehensive withdrawal of consent
  until the limit is clarified to the school’s satisfaction.
  Due to the nature of the internet and social media (which distributes and copies information), it may
  not be possible for all copies of information (including images of student materials) once published
  by consent, to be deleted or restricted from use.
  The school may take down content that is under its direct control, however, published information
  and materials cannot be deleted and the school is under no obligation to communicate changes to
  consent with other entities/ third parties.
  Media sources used

  Following is a list of online and social media websites and traditional media sources where the
  school may publish your child’s personal information or student materials subject to your consent.
        School website: www.pineriversshs.eq.edu.au
        Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PineRiversStateHighSchool/
        YouTube: Applicable
        Instagram: Applicable
        Twitter: Applicable
        Other: Mathletics, Compass School Manager, Microsoft Academy, Turnitin, OneNote,
        ePublisher, Clickview, Oliver Library Management System
      Local newspaper
      School newsletter
      Traditional and online media, printed materials, digital platforms’ promotional materials,
      presentations and displays.
  The State School Consent Form does not extend to P&C run social media accounts or activities, or
  external organisations.
  The consent applies for the period of enrolment or another period as stated in the State School
  Consent Form, or until you decide to limit or withdraw your consent.
  During the school year there may be circumstances where the school or Department of Education
  may seek additional consent.
  Who to contact
  To return a consent, express a limited consent or withdraw consent please contact Enrolments (07)
  3881 4700 or email office@pineriversshs.eq.edu.au.
  The Administration Office should be contacted if you have any questions regarding consent.

Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education Policy and Procedure Register at http://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au/ to ensure you
have the most current version of this document.
State School Consent Form

     Parent/carer to complete
     Mature/independent students may complete on their own behalf (if under 18 a witness is required).
(a) Full name of individual: ..........................................................................................................................
(b) Date of birth: ........................................................
(c) Name of school: …………………………………………………………………..
(d) Name to be used in association with the person’s personal information and materials* (please select):
          Full Name             First Name               No Name               Other Name ............................................................
     *Please note, if no selection is made, only the Individual’s first name will be used by the school. However, the school may choose not to
     use a student’s name at its discretion.

(a) Personal information that may identify the person in section 1:
        Name (as indicated in section 1)                   Image/photograph               School name
        Recording (voices and/or video)                   Year level
(b) Materials created by the person in section 1:
     Sound recording Artistic work Written work                                  Video or image
        Software         Music score           Dramatic work

 If consent is given in section 6 of the form:
     The personal information and materials (as detailed in section 2) may be recorded, used and/or disclosed
     (published) by the school, the Department of Education (DoE) and the Queensland Government for the
     following purposes:
     - Any activities engaged in during the ordinary course of the provision of education (including assessment),
         or other purposes associated with the operation and management of the school or DoE including to publicly
         celebrate success, advertising, public relations, marketing, promotional materials, presentations,
         competitions and displays.
     - Promoting the success of the person in section 1, including their academic, sporting or cultural
     - Any other activities identified in section 4(b) below.
     The personal information and materials (as detailed in section 2) may be disclosed (published) for the above
     purposes in the following:
     - the school’s newsletter and/or website;
     - social media accounts, other internet sites, traditional media and other sources identified in the ‘Media
        Sources’ section of the explanatory letter (attached);
     - year books/annuals;
     - promotional/advertising materials; and
     - presentations and displays.

 School representative to complete.
(a) Timeframe of consent: duration of enrolment.
(b) Further identified activities not listed in the form and letter for the above timeframe: duration of enrolment.

 The Individual and/or parent wishes to limit consent in the following way:

CONSENTER – I am (tick the applicable box):
     parent/carer of the identified person in section 1
     the identified person in section 1 (if a mature/independent student or employee including volunteers)
     recognised representative for the Indigenous knowledge or culture expressed by the materials
I have read the explanatory letter, or it has been read to me. I have had the opportunity to ask questions about it and
any questions that I have asked have been answered to my satisfaction. By signing below, I consent to the school
recording, using and/or disclosing (publishing) the personal information and materials identified in section 2 for the
purposes detailed in section 3.
By signing below, I also agree that this State School Consent form is binding. For the benefit of having the materials
(detailed in section 2) promoted as DoE may determine, I grant a licence for such materials for this purpose. I
acknowledge I remain responsible to promptly notify the school of any third party intellectual property incorporated into
the licensed materials. I accept that attribution of the identified person in section 1 as an author or performer of the
licensed materials may not occur. I accept that the materials licensed may be blended with other materials and the
licensed materials may not be reproduced in their entirety.

Print name of student ............................................................................................................................
Print name of consenter ...........................................................................................................................
Signature or mark of consenter ................................................................................................................
Date ...................................................
Signature or mark of student (if applicable) ..............................................................................................
Date ...................................................

   If the form is required to be read out (whether in English or in an alternative language or dialect) to a parent/carer or
   Individual student; or when the consenter is an independent student and under 18 the section below must be
        WITNESS – for consent from an independent student or where the explanatory letter and State
        School Consent Form were read
   I have witnessed the signature of an independent student, or the accurate reading of the explanatory letter and the State School
   Consent Form was completed in accordance with the instruction of the potential consenter. The individual has had the
   opportunity to ask questions. I confirm that the individual has given consent freely and I understand the person understood the
   Print name of witness .........................................................................................................................................
   Signature of witness ............................................................................................................................................
   Date ..........................................................
        Statement by the person taking consent – when it is read
   I have accurately read out the explanatory letter and State School Consent Form to the potential consenter, and to the best of my
   ability made sure that the person understands that the following will be done:
   1. the identified materials will be used in accordance with the State School Consent Form
   2. reference to the identified person will be in the manner consented
   3. in accordance with procedures DoE will cease using the identified materials from the date DoE receives a written withdrawal of
   I confirm that the person was given an opportunity to ask questions about the explanatory letter and State School Consent Form,
   and all the questions asked by the consenter have been answered correctly and to the best of my ability. I confirm that the
   individual has not been coerced into giving consent, and the consent has been given freely and voluntarily.
    A copy of the explanatory letter has been provided to the consenter.
   Print name and role of person taking the consent ..............................................................................................
   Signature of person taking the consent .............................................................................................................
   Date ..........................................................
Privacy Notice
The Department of Education (DoE) is collecting your personal information on this form in order to obtain consent for the use and disclosure of the
student’s personal information. The information will be used and disclosed by authorised school employees for the purposes outlined on the form.
Student personal information collected on this form may also be used or disclosed to third parties where authorised or required by law. This
information will be stored securely. If you wish to access or correct any of the personal student information on this form or discuss how it has been
dealt with, please contact your student’s school in the first instance.
Pine Rivers State High School


Student Name:                                                                           Date of Birth:

Current School:                                                                         Gender: Male / Female (please circle)

                              EXCELLENCE PROGRAMS            SCHOLARSHIPS PROGRAMS YEAR 7 ONLY
ENROLMENT CATEGORY(IES)          IGNITE Year 7                  Academic Scholarship                             Other
UNDER WHICH YOU WISH TO          IGNITE Music Year 7            Sporting Scholarship                             Local Catchment
APPLY:                           IGNITE HASS (YR8&9)            Cultural Scholarship Dance/Vocal                 Sibling
(ABLE TO APPLY FOR MULTIPLE      IGNITE STEM (YR8&9)            Cultural Scholarship Instrumental Music
                                                                Cultural Scholarship Visual Art

Please read and complete all forms in this package and return at time of your interview

                          G:\Coredata\Office\- Enrolment Officer\Enrolments\Enrolment Forms | Consent Forms Enrolments   1
Third Party Website Consent – Website Risk Review Register
Privacy Notice
The Department of Education is collecting your personal information on this form in order to obtain consent for disclosure of a student’s personal information to
facilitate registration and use of third party web based software identified on the school website. The information will be used and disclosed by authorised school
employees for the purposes outlined on the form.

Student personal information collected on this may also be used or disclosed to third parties where authorised or required by law. This information will be stored
securely. If you wish to access or correct any of the personal student information on this, form or discuss how it has been dealt with, please contact your student’s
school in the first instance.

Dear Parent/Guardian,

The use of web based educational resources has risen steadily over the last decade and are increasingly being used by teachers
across Queensland to improve student-learning outcomes.

Our school and teachers make decisions about the best technology to meet the needs of our students. Sometimes it is beneficial
for students to utilise services provided by third party web based providers.

Pine Rivers State High School wishes to utilise the third party web based service provider/s listed below to aid students learning.
For your student to use the service the teacher will need to register them as a user. Registering with these providers requires
student personal information to be disclosed to the provider of the service. In the case of the services outlined below, they are
private companies that are hosted onshore in Australia/and/or/outside of Australia. Outside of Australia means that data that is
entered to register for these sites will be stored on servers that are not based in Australia and therefore are not bound by
Queensland’s privacy laws. Registration may include disclosing the following information about your student:

       Student Name                          Age                                 Class Teacher
       Student ID                            Year Level                          Student Email

We need your permission for the registration and use of these sites by your student.

Note: It is not compulsory for you to provide this consent – If you decide not to provide consent; this will not adversely affect
academic achievement, or any relationships with teachers or the school.

Before you complete this consent form it is important that you understand the reasons that these websites collect this information,
what will be done with it, who else may have access to it and where the data is stored. This information can be found on the school
website under the Website Risk Review Register page -

Each website has hyperlinks that redirect to each website’s terms and conditions and/or privacy policy.

Please read these and ensure that you understand the implications of using this service before giving your consent. If you have any
queries around the storage of student’s information, please feel free to contact Mark Fahey – Head of Department Digital
Technologies on (07) 3881 4700

As a parent or guardian of this student, I have read the terms of use and privacy policy of each of the websites listed. I understand
that my student’s personal information will be provided to these third party software providers for the purpose of my student’s
registration and use of the software programs and that this information may be stored outside of Australia.

Student’s name:                           ............................................………………… Year: ........... ID No: .....……...…....

Student’s signature:                      .....……......…………….................................. Date: .........../............/……....

Parent’s/caregiver’s name:                .............…..............…….………….................

Parent’s/caregiver’s signature: .................……………………........................ Date: …….. /..…..…/…….…

                                     G:\Coredata\Office\- Enrolment Officer\Enrolments\Enrolment Forms | Consent Forms Enrolments                     2
Medical Authorisation
As set out in the Department of Education and Training policies, Pine Rivers State High School requires your consent
to provide medication, as prescribed by your child/children’s treating medical practitioner, for your son/daughter.

Information obtained by the school’s office will be maintained in confidence and stored securely. However, client
information held in confidence may be disclosed without your consent where authorised or required by law. This may
include disclosure to a doctor or ambulance officer.

1. Administering medication at school
If your child requires staff to administer medication to your child at school, please contact the school office in the first
instance to discuss your child’s requirements.

Please note, school staff will only administer meditation that:
      has been prescribed by a qualified health practitioner (e.g. doctor, dentist);
      is in its original container; and
      has an attached pharmacy label, stating your child’s name, the name of the medication and the dosage required;
      notify the school in writing when a change of dosage is required. This instruction must be accompanied by a
      letter from a medical practitioner
      advise the school in writing and collect the medication when it is no longer required at school

Office staff will ask you to complete and sign Section 1 of the Administration of medication at school record sheet
(routine/short-term medication). Please refer to attached link
N.B. If your child requires more than one medication, you will need to complete a form for each medication

2. Requirements for students at risk of anaphylaxis
If your child is at risk of anaphylaxis, it is important for you to provide the school with your child’s emergency medication
and their ASCIA Anaphylaxis Action Plan, completed by your doctor. This Anaphylaxis Action Plan provides the
instructions for the school to administer your child’s medication in an emergency, which is specific to respond to their
health condition.
Office staff will ask you to complete and sign Section 2 of the Administration of medication at school record sheet
(emergency medication). Please refer to attached link

3. Requirements for students at risk of asthma
If your child has asthma and requires assistance to administer their medication, it is important for you to provide the
school with your child’s emergency medication and their Asthma Action Plan, completed by your doctor. An Asthma
Action Plan provides specific instructions for the school to administer your child’s medication.
Office staff will ask you to complete and sign Section 2 of the Administration of medication at school record sheet
(emergency medication). Please refer to attached link

We recognise that some students are capable of managing their asthma without adult assistance. If you are confident
that your child can confidently, competently and safely self-administer their asthma medication, let the school
administration know. The school will record your decision and will not require your child’s Asthma Action Plan. Please
note that if your child requires assistance in an asthma emergency, staff will provide Asthma First Aid.

                            G:\Coredata\Office\- Enrolment Officer\Enrolments\Enrolment Forms | Consent Forms Enrolments   3
Medical Authorisation cont.…

4. Requirements for students at risk of diabetes
To provide specific support to a student with diabetes, it is essential for the school to have both a ‘Diabetes
Management Plan’ (Individual Health Plan) and a ‘Diabetes School Action Plan (Emergency Health Plan)
completed by your doctor. The Individual Health Plan provides the guideline for the management of a student’s diabetes
and may contain instructions concerning the routine medication regimen. The Emergency Health Plan provides
step-by-step instructions of how to safely manage a medical emergency specific to diabetes.
In addition Office staff will ask you to complete and sign Section 2 of the Administration of medication at school record
sheet (emergency medication). Please refer to attached link

5. Providing medication to the school
Before you provide the school with your child’s medication, check the expiry date to ensure it is in-date and there is
enough for the agreed time period. It is also a good idea to take a note of the expiry date so that you can replace the
medication before it expires.
Please note, school staff will not administer medication that you can buy over-the-counter at chemists and supermarkets
(e.g. paracetamol, eye drops, cough syrup) unless it has been prescribed by your child’s qualified health practitioner.
For example, the school would administer paracetamol to a student only if it has been prescribed by their dentist to be
taken for a short time after dental treatment.
School staff are bound by these regulations and we hope that all parents will acknowledge and cooperate with these
It is safer for all students if you can provide medication to the school in person (rather than send medication with the
student). If you can’t provide the medication in person, contact the school to determine the easiest and safest approach
for the school to receive the medication.

Thank you for your assisting the school in keeping our students safe and healthy.

Yours sincerely


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Support Services

Pine Rivers State High School has a Special Education Unit and a Support Teacher – Literacy and Numeracy to cater
for students with ascertained disabilities and learning difficulties. If you believe that your child may qualify for support,
please complete this form. If you are uncertain, please ask to speak to the teacher.

Primary/Previous School:


School contact person/s and position:


AVT/other Support personnel (names):


      Identified as Gifted and Talented (Subject/Area): _________________________________________________

      Speaks English as a Second Language

      Guidance File attached

      Support File attached including:

      Details of EAP or Special Consideration

      Results of any formal tests and/or Report Cards


Student’s name:                  .............…..............…….………….................

Parent’s/caregiver’s name:       .............…..............…….………….................

Parent’s/caregiver’s signature: .................……………………........................ Date: …….. /..…..…/…….…

Mobile: ………………………………… Work: …….…………….…………. Home: ………………………………..

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Acceptable Use Policy for Users of Information & Communication Technology
Pine Rivers State High School (PRSHS) provides computer resources including access to Local Area Networks (LAN)
and Internet resources only to support its primary objective, which is to enhance teaching and learning in a supportive
school environment. The use of such facilities is subject to the following provisions:

 A       Respect other’s rights to freedom from harassment and              E       Use and share computer resources courteously and
         intimidation                                                               efficiently
     1   Abusive, threatening, or clearly unwarranted behaviour are             1   Understand and accept that there are restrictions on
         offensive and will not be tolerated.                                       computing resources including storage space, printing
     2   Allow others to work uninterrupted.                                        and internet access as per the Resource Hire Scheme.
     3   Clearly and correctly identify yourself in all communications          2   Use the computer facilities in such a way that you do not
         using Information Technology.                                              disrupt the use of the facilities for other users, for
 B       Use on-line resources for purposes that are legal and                      example, annoying other users with electronic messages,
         generally acceptable for public school education                           tampering with either hardware or software settings.
     1   Advertising, selling, or purchasing any illegal items using            3   Use computer facilities without purposefully damaging,
         Information Technology is strictly prohibited                              altering or disabling them and report any
     2   Soliciting, responding to or discussing any illegal actions                problems/damage to your teacher or Head of Department
         with Information Technology is strictly prohibited.                        (Learning Technology).
     3   Creating/sending/accessing inappropriate/offensive                 F       Respect the privacy and integrity of electronic
         files/emails/websites is strictly prohibited.                              documents
     4   Retrieval, viewing or sharing of any sexually or violently             1   Do not reveal home telephone numbers or addresses
         explicit, offensive or obscene material via any means is                   through on-line communication or send anonymous or
         strictly prohibited.                                                       falsely addressed email.
     5   Understand that local systems administrators and staff at              2   Understand that electronic communication is not
         your outside service provider can find out what information                guaranteed to be private. All email should be considered
         you have accessed from the Internet and sent/received via                  a public document. System Administrators do have
         email.                                                                     access to all mail sent and received. Messages relating
     6   Subscribe only to authorised and approved discussion lists,                to or in support of inappropriate activities may be
         chat or news groups.                                                       reported to the authorities.
     7   Use only email facilities provided by PRSHS and not                    3   Understand that network managers may need to view,
         personal web based email.                                                  delete or recover the contents of files and directories to
     8   Do not download and/or install files (programs, audio/video                diagnose or correct problems, or investigate breaches of
         files, plug ins or other software) without direct authorisation.           this policy. Your class teachers also have access to read
 C       Respect and adhere to the laws concerning copyright                        files created by you.
         and other intellectual property rights
     1   Get permission before copying files from another user.             Pine Rivers SHS reserves the right to monitor any and/or all use
         Copying files or passwords belonging to another user               of school computer resources, including use of school provided
         without their express permission may constitute plagiarism         email from outside of school
         and/or theft.
     2   Understand copying of software, information, graphics, or          Pine Rivers State High School (PRSHS) provides computer
         other data files may violate copyright laws without warning        resources including access to Local Area Networks (LAN) and
         and be subject to prosecution from agencies to enforce             Internet resources only to support its primary objective, which is
         such copyrights.                                                   to enhance teaching and learning in a supportive school
 D       Follow security restrictions for all systems and                   environment. The use of such facilities is subject to the following
         information                                                        provisions:
     1   Always keep your passwords secret. It is a good idea to
         change your password frequently.                                   The concept that files residing on a system is the property of the
     2   Understand that if you share your password and someone             organisation that owns the system has been supported in recent
         else uses your account, even without your permission, you          legal cases. All electronic files are therefore presumed to be the
         will be held responsible for their actions.                        property of
     3   Respect all security provisions on the system.
     4   Reasonably protect computers and software from viruses,            Pine Rivers SHS and email users should presume they will be
         both on disk and through the internet.                             held accountable for every message issued from their accounts.
                                                                            Pine Rivers SHS provides all students with a limited capacity of
                                                                            internet access and printing as part of the Resource Hire
                                                                            Scheme. Students are responsible for the cost of these facilities
                                                                            above what is provided.

                                                                            Violations of this Acceptable Use Policy may result in immediate
                                                                            suspension of your ICT privileges and may result in further
                                                                            disciplinary actions being taken by Pine Rivers State High
                                                                            School, Education Queensland, State or Federal authorities.
                                                                            These actions may result in enrolment changes out of computer
                                                                            based classes. Any questions or allegations about this
                                                                            Acceptable Use Policy should be brought to the attention of the
                                                                            Head of Department (Learning Technology).

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Acceptable Use Policy For Users Of Information & Communication Technology
The Acceptable Use Policy is printed on the other side of this document. Alternatively it can be viewed at the school in paper
format, on the school’s intranet or on the internet at www.pineriversshs.eq.edu.au. The Acceptable Use Policy relates to
what constitutes appropriate use of both the internet and the schools’ computer facilities. Before agreeing to the Acceptable
Use Policy, read and understand the benefits and risks associated with on-line access.

Benefits of on-line access include
   Access to up to date and relevant information on a wide variety of topics
   The ability to communicate with peers and experts both domestically and internationally
   Teachers and students can use the Internet collaborative learning projects to provide an audience for creative work and
   as a platform for learning information access skills

Risks of on-line access include
    Unlike a good encyclopaedia, the information on the Internet is not well selected, nor well organised. The information
    may sometimes be illegal, dangerous or offensive materials. Issues of sexual harassment and copyright can arise from
    the use of material available on the Internet without appropriate warnings.
    Wasting time with fruitless searches.
    Privacy is not assured, email can be intercepted and read by complete strangers. Other users of your computer, your
    local system administrator and staff at our outside service provider can all find out what information you have accessed
    from the World Wide Web.
    Delivery of email cannot be guaranteed; a proportion is delayed, misdelivered or destroyed.
    A strong potential for viruses to be received exists.

Strategies to deal with these risks include:
    Up to date virus protection software installed on machines
    Internet filters provided by Education Queensland to restrict access to illegal, dangerous or offensive
    Unique usernames and passwords given to prevent students from logging on as someone else
    Education of students to understand what constitutes illegal, dangerous or offensive materials and what they should do
    when they appear on screen

  Student                                                                     Parent/Guardian
  …………………………………………………………………………                                                I am the parent/guardian of the above named student and
  Student Name (please print)                                                 understand that the benefits and risks of on-line access.

  I understand that my access to the school Local Area Networks and           I also understand that it gives access to information on computers
  the Internet is a revocable privilege, not a right.                         around the world; that the school cannot control what is on those
                                                                              computers; and that a very small part of that information can be
  I have read and understand both the benefits and risks, as well as the      illegal, dangerous or offensive.
  Acceptable Use Policy and agree to adhere to all of the provisions. I
  further understand that any violations of this contract may result in the   I accept that, while teachers will always exercise their duty of care,
  immediate suspension of my electronic communication privileges              protection against exposure to harmful information should depend
  and/or Local Area Network access during ALL CLASSES and OUT OF              finally upon responsible use by students.
  CLASS ACCESS TIMES, and that as a result of such violations,
  subject changes out of computer based classes and further                   I am satisfied that my son/daughter understands this responsibility,
  disciplinary measures may be taken. I understand that this contract         and I hereby give my permission for him/her to use both the
  remains in force for the period of my enrolment.                            Internet & computer facilities in accordance with the Acceptable
                                                                              Use Policy. I understand that students breaking these rules will be
                                                                              subject to appropriate consequences, according to school policies
  …………………………………………………………………………………                                             and possibly state and federal laws. I understand that this contract
  Signature of Student                                                        remains in force for the period of enrolment.
                       If you are a newly
                       enrolled/enrolling                                     …………………………………………………………………….
  ………/…………/…………… student please indicate                                      Signature of Parent/Guardian
  Date                 your date of birth
  OFFICE USE: Please enter this students’ EQ ID Number below:-
                                  Day      Month

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Bring your Own Device (BYOD) User Agreement
Pine Rivers State High School’s goal is to ensure the safe and responsible use of facilities, services and resources
available to students through the provision of clear guidelines.
Responsibilities of stakeholders involved in the BYOD program:
         BYOD program induction — including information on (but not responsible for) connection, care of device at
         school, workplace health and safety, appropriate digital citizenship and cyber safety
         network connection at school
         internet filtering (when connected via the school’s computer network)
         some technical support (please consult Technical support table below)
         some school-supplied software e.g. Adobe, Microsoft Office 365 …
         printing facilities
         school representative signing of BYOD Charter Agreement.

       participation in BYOD program induction
       acknowledgement that core purpose of device at school is for educational purposes
       care of device
       appropriate digital citizenship and online safety (for more details, see ACMA Cyber Smart)
         security and password protection — password must be difficult enough so as not to be guessed by other
         users and is to be kept private by the student and not divulged to other individuals (e.g. a student should not
         share their username and password with fellow students)
         some technical support (please consult Technical support table below)
         maintaining a current back-up of data
         charging of device
         abiding by intellectual property and copyright laws (including software/media piracy)
         internet filtering (when not connected to the school’s network)
         ensuring personal login account will not be shared with another student, and device will not be shared with
         another student for any reason
         understanding and signing the BYOD Charter Agreement.

Parents and caregivers
       participation in BYOD program induction
       acknowledgement that core purpose of device at school is for educational purposes
       internet filtering (when not connected to the school’s network)
       encourage and support appropriate digital citizenship and cyber safety with students (for more details, see
       ACMA Cyber Smart)
       some technical support (please consult Technical support table below)
       required software for specific subjects, including sufficient anti-virus software
       protective backpack or case for the device
       adequate warranty and insurance of the device
       understanding and signing the BYOD Charter Agreement.

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Technical support

                          Connection:                      Hardware:                        Software:
 Parents    and
                     (home-provided internet                    ✓                                ✓
 Students                       ✓                              ✓                               ✓
                                ✓                     (meets minimum                           ✓
 School              school provided internet      specifications document            (some school-based
                           connection                on PRSHS website)              software arrangements)
 Device vendor                                        (see specifics of
                                                    warranty on purchase)

The following are examples of responsible use of devices by students:
 Use mobile devices for:
   - engagement in class work and assignments set by teachers
   - developing appropriate 21st Century knowledge, skills and behaviours
   - authoring text, artwork, audio and visual material for publication on the Intranet or Internet for educational
      purposes as supervised and approved by school staff
   - conducting general research for school activities and projects
   - communicating or collaborating with other students, teachers, parents, caregivers or experts as part of
      assigned school work
   - Accessing online references such as dictionaries, encyclopaedia’s, etc.
   - researching and learning through the school’s eLearning environment
   - ensuring the device is fully charged before bringing it to school to enable continuity of learning.
 Be courteous, considerate and respectful of others when using a mobile device.
 Switch off and place out of sight the mobile device during classes, where these devices are not being used in a
 teacher directed activity to enhance learning.
 Use the personal mobile device for private use before or after school, or during recess and lunch breaks.
 Seek teacher's approval where they wish to use a mobile device under special circumstances.

The following are examples of irresponsible use of devices by students:
   - using the device in an unlawful manner
   - creating, participating in or circulating content that attempts to undermine, hack into and/or bypass the
        hardware and/or software security mechanisms that are in place
   - disabling settings for virus protection, spam and/or internet filtering that have been applied as part of the
        school standard
   - downloading (or using unauthorised software for), distributing or publishing of offensive messages or pictures
   - using obscene, inflammatory, racist, discriminatory or derogatory language
   - using language and/or threats of violence that may amount to bullying and/or harassment, or even stalking
   - insulting, harassing or attacking others or using obscene or abusive language
   - deliberately wasting printing and Internet resources
   - intentionally damaging any devices, accessories, peripherals, printers or network equipment
   - committing plagiarism or violate copyright laws
   - using unsupervised internet chat
   - sending chain letters or spam email (junk mail)
   - accessing private 3G/4G networks during lesson time
   - knowingly downloading viruses or any other programs capable of breaching the department’s network security
   - using the mobile device’s camera anywhere a normal camera would be considered inappropriate, such as in
        change rooms or toilets

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