Epiphany Sunday January 6, 2019

Page created by Grace Wells
Epiphany Sunday January 6, 2019
Epiphany Sunday
 January 6, 2019
Epiphany Sunday January 6, 2019
Preparing for worship
   There’s an old German prayer for the Feast of        recognize the “epiphany” of God in Christ can
Three Kings that goes like this:                        act in accordance with his liberating mission on
   “Caspar, Melchior, Balthasar, protect us again       earth. The three kings were sent by Herod, but
this year from the dangers of fire and water.”          their mission was radically altered when they
   It’s an apt prayer for our times, conjuring          recognized Jesus for who he is, and they went
images of California wildfires and Indonesian           home “by another road.”
tsunamis, not to mention the crisis of a                  Likewise, we come to church on one road,
warming planet with rising sea levels.                  but we stand before the living God in this space
   But how can these three kings (tradition             of worship and get sent home by another road.
assigns them the names Caspar, Melchior and             Why? Because it’s here that God’s revelation
Balthasar) protect us from the ravages of fire          provides new vision, enabling us to point to
and water?                                              those places and spaces where Christ is at work
   This morning we’ll be singing Arise, Your            in the world.
Light Is Come, which is based on the words of             The earth is engulfed in flames (literally), and
Isaiah 60. As these lyrics make clear, the light        many of us seem hard-pressed to notice. But
that dawns in the Christmas manger shines on            when we, like the three kings, receive a sight
prisoners, the poor and the broken-hearted.             adjustment, we’re able to point to the ravages
Rather than arriving in a vacuum, the Son of            of fire and water and sound the alarm. We can’t
God treads the same ground as poor Galileans            save the world, but we can become participants
who endure raging fires and surging waters.             in the mission of One who can. And for that,
   Indeed, as you enter this worship space today,       there’s a sense in which we provide “protection.”
you can be sure that Jesus — Emmanuel, God                So as you prepare for worship, open
with us — is also standing with you in your own         yourselves to the possibility of receiving new
fiery trials.                                           vision. For only those with vision can respond
   But the question still lingers: Why does             faithfully when the world cries out: “Church of
the German prayer call on the three kings for           the living God, protect us again this year from
protection?                                             the dangers of fire and water.”
   The answer, it seems to me, is that those who                                            —Matt Dodrill

                          Wilshire Baptist Church
                        4316 Abrams Road | Dallas, Texas 75214
                          (214) 452-3100 | www.wilshirebc.org
                    Partnered with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship

      Building a Community of Faith Shaped by the Spirit of Jesus Christ

ON THE COVER: Isaiah 60:1 © 2014 Timothy R. Botts | Eyekons
Epiphany Sunday January 6, 2019
January 6, 2019
                                       8:30 and 11:00 a.m.
                                        Epiphany Sunday

Chiming of the Hour

                    The people of Wilshire gather this morning to worship God.
                In order for this service of worship to be focused upon that purpose,
                     please turn off all cell phones, pagers and alarm watches.

Prelude                                 Noel of the Strangers                                Daguin

+Gospel Reading — Matthew 2:1–12		                                                  Mark Wingfield

In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East
came to Jerusalem, asking, “Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we
observed his star at its rising and have come to pay him homage.” When King Herod heard this, he
was frightened, and all Jerusalem with him; and calling together all the chief priests and scribes of
the people, he inquired of them where the Messiah was to be born. They told him, “In Bethlehem of
Judea; for so it has been written by the prophet: ‘And you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by
no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who is to shepherd my
people Israel.’” Then Herod secretly called for the wise men and learned from them the exact time
when the star had appeared. Then he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, “Go and search diligently
for the child; and when you have found him, bring me word so that I may also go and pay him
homage.” When they had heard the king, they set out; and there, ahead of them, went the star that
they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw that
the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. On entering the house, they saw the child
with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure
chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream
not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road.
                                       This is the Word of the Lord.
                                           Thanks be to God.

+Processional Hymn 151                    We Three Kings                           kings of orient

Coming of the Magi
                *Christopher Granberry, Clara Granberry, Garrett Woodbury
                        **Drew Easley, Gideon Krieger, Collin Adcox

*8:30 worship service / **11:00 worship service
+All congregants who are able are invited to stand.
Hearing devices are available in the Narthex and South Atrium.
Epiphany Sunday January 6, 2019
Greeting to Worshipers		                                                  Mia Wilson / Linda Goelzer

                 Guests are invited to take a Response Card from the pew rack,
         complete it and place it in the offering plate when it is passed later in the service.
           We would love to know you were here today. Prayer concerns will be received
               and prayed for this week when listed on an intercessory prayer card
                        from the pew rack and placed in the offering plate.

Prayers of the People		                                             Heather Mustain / Tiffany Wright

Reading — Isaiah 60:1–5a		                                               Ben Holden / Carol Tommey

Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For darkness
shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you, and his
glory will appear over you. Nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your
dawn. Lift up your eyes and look around; they all gather together, they come to you; your sons shall
come from far away, and your daughters shall be carried on their nurses’ arms. Then you shall see
and be radiant; your heart shall thrill and rejoice.
                                    This is the Word of the Lord.
                                          Thanks be to God.

Celebration of the Lord’s Supper		                                        Matt Dodrill / Jared Jaggers

                    Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
                Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
                   Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our sins,
                            As we forgive those who sin against us;
                  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,
                           For thine is the kingdom, and the power,
                                 and the glory forever. Amen.

                                            The Bread
                                    Meditation on a French Carol                            arr. Martin

                                              The Cup
                                  Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence                           arr. Travis

                                    +The Passing of the Peace
                           May the peace of the Lord be always with you.
                                       And also with you.

+Hymn 87                              Arise, Your Light Is Come                           festal song

Epiphany Sunday January 6, 2019
Giving of Tithes and Offerings

If you give regularly or periodically through direct bank withdrawal or credit/debit card
transaction, you may need to renew your authorization for the new year. Be sure to
check that your scheduled gifts continue as you intend. And if your intention is to tithe 10 percent
or more of your income to the work of the Lord, be sure to adjust your giving to reflect your 2019
compensation. For assistance in online giving, contact Lori Gooden at lgooden@wilshirebc.org.

*Solo Offertory                                Shine                                      arr. Wilson
                                            Ryan Wilson

                             As in the East a light told magi of a king
                 And led them through their night our light should seekers bring.
              Victorious dawn! Oh Holy Light! Here ends the night in glorious morn!

                          Now see the glory rise and see the darkness flee!
                  The curtain from our eyes is shred and now we see a truth divine:
                       We shine most bright reflecting light he on us shines!

                         And if our light does shine the glory’s not for us:
                   The hopeless, lost and blind must find the Light’s true source.
              Oh, see them come! With praising lips and precious gifts unto the Son!

                         Thus do his people grow in number and in faith,
                       As each reflected glow for one more shines the way.
           So day by day we spread the Light which gave us sight and bring him praise!

**Choral Offertory                        Star in the East                                  arr. Pesci
                                          Sanctuary Choir

                            Cold on his cradle the dewdrops are shining,
                            Low lies his head with the beasts of the stall;
                              Angels adore him in slumber reclining,
                               Maker and Monarch and Savior of all.

                           Brightest and best of the stars of the morning,
                           Dawn on our darkness and lend us thine aid.
                               Star in the east, the horizon adorning,
                             Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid.

                               Vainly we offer each ample oblation,
                              Vainly with gifts would his favor secure.
                               Richer by far is the heart’s adoration,
                             Dearer to God are the prayers of the poor.

Epiphany Sunday January 6, 2019
+Offertory Response 		 lasst uns erfreuen

Message                                 “The Gifts We Give”                           George Mason

+Hymn of Commitment 159                  Fairest Lord Jesus                           st. elizabeth

Sharing of Decisions


Postlude                             March of the Three Kings                            arr. Martin

All guests are invited to a coffee reception in the James Gallery immediately after the service.

Welcome to Wilshire today. If you are a guest with us today, we welcome you warmly to our
congregation. We would like to get to know you and tell you more about our church. Please take a
Response Card from the pew rack, fill it out and place it in the offering plate when it comes by.

Someone to talk with. If you are facing a life challenge and would like to have a spiritual friend
to walk alongside you for a season of healing, perhaps you would benefit from a Stephen Minister.
Learn more at wilshirebc.org or contact Tiffany Wright at (214) 452-3107.
Epiphany Sunday January 6, 2019
Meet today’s worship leaders
Linda Goelzer came to Wilshire in 1994. She          Carol Tommey has been a Wilshire member
was among the first class of Stephen Ministers       since 1982. She and her husband, Terry, are the
trained at Wilshire and currently chairs the         parents of two adult children, Blake and Claire.
Pathways to Ministry Committee. Linda is a           Carol has been active in support of Wilshire’s
member of Foundations of Faith Class and             student ministry and is a Youth Choir sponsor.
works as director of public relations for Carter     She is a member of Cord of Three Class. She is a
Blood Care.                                          retired elementary school teacher.

Ben Holden came to Wilshire in 2018 and is           Mia Wilson and her husband, Ryan, arrived
a member of Ithaka Class. He is a greeter and        at Wilshire last August as part of the pastoral
serves on the Vision 20/20 Belong Team. He is        residency program. They are the parents of
an aerospace engineer.                               Bates, who is 2. Mia is a graduate of Candler
                                                     School of Theology and is a consultant with
                                                     Rodan + Fields.

Staff contacts
      George A. Mason                      Jessica Capps                       Jared Jaggers
          Senior Pastor                Minister to Senior Adults              Pastoral Resident
         (214) 452-3132                    (214) 452-3129                      (214) 452-3153
       Mark Wingfield                     Darren DeMent                        Ryan Wilson
        Associate Pastor                 Minister to Students                 Pastoral Resident
        (214) 452-3128                    and Young Adults                     (214) 452-3158
         Doug Haney                        (214) 452-3102                      David Nabors
       Minister of Music                    Julie Girards                Director of Business Admin.
        (214) 452-3123                   Minister to Children                  (214) 452-3157
        Jeff Brummel                      (214) 452-3104                         Dale Pride
  Associate Minister of Music/            Joan Hammons                        Facilities Manager
            Organist                    Minister to Preschoolers               (214) 452-3101
        (214) 452-3122                     (214) 452-3141                    J. Preston Bright
        Tiffany Wright                   Aaron Coyle-Carr                 Associate Pastor Emeritus
  Minister for Care Ministries             Pastoral Resident
        (214) 452-3107                      (214) 452-3154
      Heather Mustain                       Matt Dodrill
Minister of Missions & Advocacy            Pastoral Resident
         (214) 452-3110                     (214) 452-3156
To email any staff member, use the first letter of the first name combined with the full last name
and add @wilshirebc.org.
Epiphany Sunday January 6, 2019
The Wilshire Tapestry
Wednesday activities resume this week                       Koinonia Café January menus:

All Wednesday programs will resume this week                Jan. 9 — Chicken Florentine, peppercorn salmon,
on Jan. 9. This includes daytime and evening                smashed red potatoes, baked beef ravioli, peas
activities, Koinonia Café, New Song, preschool,             with bacon, grilled zucchini and squash, salad bar,
children, youth and adult programs.                         dessert bar.
Vespers on Jan. 9                                           Jan. 16 — Thai flank steak, cashew chicken,
                                                            coconut rice, ginger green beans, stir-fried veggies,
“Healing Waters,” a resident-led vespers, will be           sesame noodles, salad bar, dessert bar.
offered in McIver Chapel this Wednesday, Jan. 9, at
6 p.m. All are welcome. Child care will be available.       Jan. 23 — Chicken and beef fajitas, cheese
                                                            enchiladas, Spanish rice, black beans, grilled
Affirmation of baptism                                      vegetables, green chile corn, salad bar, dessert bar.

Anyone who has joined the church or would like              Jan. 30 — Grilled pork loin, chicken fricassee,
to join the church by affirmation of a previous             mashed potatoes, snap peas, fried zucchini,
Christian baptism is invited to participate in this         sautéed mushrooms and peppers, salad bar,
simple ceremony at the vespers service in McIver            dessert bar.
Chapel on Wednesday, Jan. 9. For information,
contact Debby Burton at dburton@wilshirebc.org.             Annual Church Conference

JazzStand features Booker T. Washington                     Wilshire’s Annual Church Conference will be held
                                                            on Sunday, Jan. 20, at noon in Community Hall.
This month’s JazzStand                                      This is the once-a-year time for the church to
on Abrams features                                          gather to hear updates on our shared ministries
students from Booker T.                                     and approve the annual budget, committee
Washington High School                                      nominations and deacon nominations, along
for the Performing and                                      with any other business to come before the
Visual Arts in a program                                    church. Lunch will be served. No reservation is
titled Spontaneous                                          needed; just show up. Child care will be available
Reorganization: A Tribute                                   by reservation.
to Roy Hargrove. The
performance will begin at                                   Marriage Connections
7 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 8, in the Sanctuary. In
honor of the legendary trumpet player and Booker            The next Marriage Connections is Friday, Jan.
T. alumnus, students of the jazz studies program            11. The topic is “Parenting Communication and
will perform under the direction of Fredrick                More.” Couples are invited to attend the brief
Sanders, who himself was a student at Booker                program at 6:30 p.m., then leave children for free
T. with Hargrove. Tuesday’s concert will last               child care while going to dinner on their own.
approximately an hour and a half without a break,           Register for free child care at wilshirebc.org/
followed by a reception with the artists. JazzStand         registration by Sunday, Jan. 6. If you do not need
on Abrams is open to all, free of charge.                   child care, no advance registration is necessary.

                                Keep up with all the Wilshire news at wilshirebc.org or by using our
                                Wilshire app or via social media. Worship is live streamed every
                                Sunday at 11:00.
Epiphany Sunday January 6, 2019
Single Parents’ Night Out                                  minister of missions and Christian advocacy,
                                                           in Room 1205-L at 6 p.m. for a preview of the
Free child care for the next Single Parents’ Night         upcoming session of the Texas Legislature. She
Out will be offered on Friday, Jan. 11, beginning at       and the Christian Advocacy Committee will speak
6:30 p.m. Register at wilshirebc.org/registration          about Wilshire’s identified priorities in the session
by Sunday, Jan. 6.                                         and review the how-to’s of advocacy and ways you
                                                           can be involved.
Reclaiming Joy book signing and luncheon
                                                           Joy: A Study of Philippians
On Sunday, Jan. 13, Ella Wall Prichard will speak
at a noon luncheon in Community Hall about her             A three-week study of the book of Philippians will
new book, Reclaiming Joy: A Primer for Widows.             be led by pastoral residents beginning Wednesday,
She wrote the book she needed, but could not               Jan. 16, and concluding Jan. 30. The class will
find, after her husband died. She offers practical         meet in Room 1205-G at 6 p.m. “I can do all
advice on how to achieve joy. Each chapter focuses         things through Christ who strengthens me.” Few
on a different trait needed to move from grief to          verses in Paul’s letters are as oft-quoted as this
joy. The book is part memoir, part guide, part             one from Philippians. But what does it mean?
inspiration.                                               What’s the context? Come explore the book of
Women’s Brown Bag Book Club
                                                           Farm-to-Table class
Bring your own lunch and join the monthly
discussions in Wilshire’s Brown Bag Book Club.             Leanna Coyle-Carr will facilitate a two-week class
The group meets from noon to 1 p.m. in Room                about the farm-to-table movement on Wednesday
1205-L. No reservation is required. The first              evenings, Jan. 23 and 30, at 6 p.m. in Room
gathering of 2019 will be on Jan. 10, and the              1205-L. “Farm-to-table” is a phrase indicating
book discussed will be Eat Cake by Jeanne Ray.             that the food on the table came directly from
Future dates and books are Feb. 7, The Awakening           a specific farm or a local farm or garden. This
by Kate Chopin; March 7, Dear Mrs. Bird by                 movement focuses on eating and supporting
AJ Pearce; April 4, Unsheltered by Barbara                 food that is grown close to where you live. Does it
Kingsolver; May 2, Recipes for Love and Murder             make sense to adopt this practice? Does it make
by Sally Andrew; June 6, A Piece of the World by           a difference where we buy our food? What about
Christina Baker Kline. For more information,               what we put in our bodies? How can the table
contact Tiffany Wright t (214) 452-3107 or                 and a simple meal help us feel more community?
twright@wilshirebc.org.                                    Participants will have practical discussions about
                                                           the sacredness of an ordinary meal and thoughtful
Deacon ordination                                          discussions on this farm-to-table idea.  

Wilshire’s annual deacon ordination will be held           Adventurers to Alamo Drafthouse
on Sunday morning, Jan. 27. Deacon nominees
will be voted on at the Annual Church Conference           All senior adults are invited
the week before. Five members have been                    to a Wilshire Adventurers
nominated for ordination to deacon service:                private screening at the Lake
Allison Brown, Linda Imhoof, Richard Luttrell,             Highlands Alamo Drafthouse
Jon-Erik Schoellhorn and Alison Wingfield. Nine            (Abrams and Skillman) on
ordained deacons have been nominated to new                Monday, Jan. 14, at 11 a.m.
three-year terms of service: Pat Austin, Carol             The movie to be screened
Cabaniss, Bob Coleman, Craig Keith, Kenton                 will be Secondhand Lions,
Keller, Michael Moorhead, Shaeron Moorhead,                which includes in its cast
Hank Thompson, Everett Williams.                           Travis Willingham, son of
                                                           our own Trish Willingham.
Texas Legislature update                                   This star-studded movie
                                                           (Michael Caine, Robert
On Wednesday, Jan. 16, join Heather Mustain,               Duval, Kyra Sedgwick) is a coming-of-age story

Epiphany Sunday January 6, 2019
The Wilshire Tapestry
about a shy, young boy sent by his irresponsible          support the Pathways to Ministry Endowment or a
mother to spend the summer with his wealthy,              special missions cause or the Building Reserve Fund.
eccentric uncles in Texas. Reserve your $10 seat          For assistance, contact David Nabors at dnabors@
by contacting Kathi Lyle at klyle@wilshirebc.org          wilshirebc.org or (214) 452-3157.
or (214) 452-3130. Adventurers will be able to
order and pay for their own lunch off the Alamo           Women of Wilshire mini-retreat
Drafthouse menu before and during the movie.
                                                          “Spark Joy!” is the theme of a one-day retreat for
                                                          Women of Wilshire on Saturday,
                                                          Feb. 23, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
                                                          Cost is $25 per person and includes
                                                          lunch. There will be breakout
                                                          sessions, fellowship time and a
                                                          surprise guest speaker. Sign up at

                                                          WOW! Women’s Tuesday Night Book Club

                                                          This book club meets the second Tuesday of each
                                                          month from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Parlor. All women
Adventurers Valentine’s program                           are welcome. On Tuesday, Jan. 8, the group will
                                                          discuss A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles.
All senior adults (and wanna-be senior adults)
are invited to a special Valentine’s program              WOW! Swap Meet
on Tuesday, Feb. 12, in Community Hall. The
Dallas Recorder Society will present a musical            Women of Wilshire will sponsor a swap meet
program titled “Romancing the Recorder.”                  on Saturday, Jan. 12, from 10 a.m. to noon.
The small ensemble will perform a four-part               Participants are invited to bring good-quality
arrangement of Pachelbel’s Canon, a Corelli solo          clothing, toys, housewares, kitchen items, rugs,
sonata with delightful ornamentation and some             lamps. Then participants will shop the swap meet
love songs from both ancient and modern times.            for donated items they would like to take home.
The recorder is a woodwind instrument in the              For details and to participate, email Christie
flute family. Recorders are made in different sizes       Michie at wownewsletter@wilshirebc.org.
with names and ranges corresponding to vocal
ranges, such as soprano, alto, tenor and bass. The        MLK weekend events
program is free, and a special Valentine’s luncheon
will be served at noon for $10 per person. No             On Saturday, Jan. 19, Wilshire congregants are
reservation is needed. All are welcome.                   invited to join Friendship-West Baptist Church
                                                          for A King Teach In. George Mason and Freddy
Make a will                                               Haynes will engage in a dialogue focused on
                                                          justice. On Monday Jan. 21, 50 volunteers are
January is an ideal time to make a will or update         needed for our MLK Day of Service. We will
an existing will. As you plan for a new year and          package 10,000 meals from 10 a.m. to noon All
prepare for taxes, take time to be sure you have          ages are welcome, but advance registration is
written down your wishes for how your assets should       required at wilshirebc.org/registration.
be distributed upon your death. And as you do,
consider that you can make a lasting and recurring        Homeless count
contribution to God’s work by including Wilshire in
your will. Would you consider at least a tithe of your    On Jan. 24, Wilshire will again be a training
estate to the church’s work? You might choose to          center for the Metro Dallas Homeless Alliance

annual homeless count. Volunteers will be sent out             Spring break mission trip
all over the city. To help, register at wilshirebc.org/
registration. This is a great opportunity to engage            This year’s spring break mission trip to Shaw,
your work colleagues as well.                                  Miss., will be March 9-14. A team from Wilshire
                                                               will work with our missions partner, Delta Hands
Room in the Inn dates                                          for Hope, to lead a children’s camp, complete a
                                                               few manual-labor projects and tour important
Many volunteers are needed to make these                       Civil Rights locations. Families are encouraged
evenings of respite lodging for homeless women                 to participate on this trip together, as children of
happen at Wilshire. Upcoming dates are Jan.                    all ages are welcome. The average cost of the trip
18/19, Feb. 15/16 and March 15/16. Sign up at                  per person is $220. Contact Heather Mustain at
wilshirebc.org/registration.                                   hmustain@wilshirebc.org or (214) 452-3110.

Wilshire calendar
Sunday, January 6                     Wednesday, January 9                       Saturday, January 12
•  Morning worship – 8:30 a.m.        •  New Song – 9:30 a.m.                    •   WOW! Swap Meet – 10:00
•  Wilshire Welcome – 9:40 a.m.       •  Koinonia Café – 11:00 a.m.                  a.m.
•  Sunday School – 9:40 a.m.          •  Bible study – noon
•  Morning worship – 11:00 a.m.       •  Wilshire Adventurers                    Sunday, January 13
•  Pathways to Ministry                  Committee – 1:15 p.m.                   •  Morning worship – 8:30 a.m.
   Committee – noon                   •  Children’s handbells – 5:00             •  Sunday School – 9:40 a.m.
•  Personnel Committee – noon            p.m.                                    •  Children’s division teacher
•  Vision 20/20 Belong Team           •  Koinonia Café – 5:00 p.m.                  appreciation breakfast – 9:40
   – noon                             •  Music & Missions – 6:00 p.m.               a.m.
•  Nova – 2:30 p.m.                   •  MOPS Steering – 6:00 p.m.               •  Morning worship – 11:00
•  Carillon Ringers – 4:00 p.m.       •  Vespers worship – 6:00 p.m.                a.m.
                                      •  Cord of Three prayer group –            •  “Reclaiming Joy” luncheon
Monday, January 7                        6:15 p.m.                                  – noon
•  Senior women’s exercise class      •  Watershed – 6:30 p.m.                   •  Nova – 2:30 p.m.
   –2:00 p.m.                         •  Sanctuary Choir – 7:00 p.m.             •  Carillon Ringers – 4:00 p.m.
•  Faith in 3-D rehearsals – 7:00                                                •  Youth Choir and Paradiso –
   p.m.                               Thursday, January 10                          4:00 p.m.
•  Wilshire Winds – 7:00 p.m.         •  Women’s Ministry Brown Bag              •  Shekinah – 5:30 p.m.
                                         Book Club – noon
Tuesday, January 8                    •  Knit Unto Others – 1:30 p.m.
•  Yoga class – 12:15 p.m.            •  Senior women’s exercise
•  Stephen Ministry CE and               class– 2:00 p.m.
   supervision – 6:30 p.m.
•  Faith in 3-D rehearsals – 7:00     Friday, January 11
   p.m.                               •   Friday Friends – 10:00 a.m.
•  JazzStand on Abrams – 7:00         •   Alzheimer’s support group –
   p.m.                                   1:00 p.m.
•  WOW! Tuesday Book Club –           •   Adoption and foster care
   7:00 p.m.                              support group – 6:30 p.m.
                                      •   Marriage Connections – 6:30
                                      •   Single parents’ night out –
                                          6:30 p.m.


Healing Waters
     January 9, 2019
        6:00 p.m.
      McIver Chapel

              with The Grief and Loss Center of North Texas

              IS PROUD TO HOST

Ella Wall Prichard
  in celebration of her book

 A and
   Primer   for Widows
       the launch of

                   SUNDAY, JANUARY 13
                    Wilshire Baptist Church
               4316 Abrams Rd. Dallas, TX 75214
           Interviews during 8:30 and 11:00 worship services
          12:30 luncheon presentation: “Resolve to Claim Joy”

                           Ella Wall Prichard writes the book she needed, but could not find, after her husband
                           died. She offers practical advice on how to achieve joy. Each chapter focuses on a
                           different trait needed to move from grief to joy. The primary narrative arc is spiritual,
                           even though stories of struggle, conflict, and loss are recurrent themes. Her book is
                           part memoir, part guide, part inspiration. It captures the pain felt in the first years
                           of widowhood in the move from grief to joy. It offers encouragement and advice to
                           women who seek the strength to rebuild their lives and reclaim their joy.

   Ella Wall Prichard is is the president of Prichard Oil Company and provides resources for widows at ellaprichard.com.

Dear Wilshire:

If generosity is a vital sign of a church’s spiritual condition, your pastor-doctor is pleased to
pronounce you fit to play in the fields of the Lord.

Well done, church. Once again. Year after year, we face the threatening calendar flip to the new year
and step up in stewardship. This year we gave well beyond expenses and came within a whisker of
giving our budget.

When I emailed you in mid-December that we needed to give $716,000 to reach budget by year
end, many of you gasped. Apparently, you also grasped your checkbook, because we have given
within $18,600 of that target. Remarkable.

Here are the highlights (recognizing that the books are not yet closed on the year):

•   Unified Budget gifts of $4,181,388 (or $18,612 short of our $4.2 million goal for the year).
•   This represents a slight increase over the prior year of about $3,500.
•   We accomplished this by broader-based giving than in recent years, indicating our newer
    members are giving at a growing rate. Remember that last year we had a matching gift from a
    non-member donor of $150,000, which gave us a great boost, but such a gift was not part of
    this year’s results.
•   We do not have all expenses accounted for yet, but it appears that due to careful management
    of spending throughout the year, we will have a surplus of more than $100,000 for the Finance
    Committee to recommend for funding allocations.
•   The George A. Mason Pathways to Ministry Endowment Fund received $84,506 in
    contributions this year. Special thanks for that, as we work toward fully endowing our pastoral
    residency program. (By the way, have you considered including the Pathways Endowment in
    your will?)

The annual church conference is January 20 after the late service in Community Hall. You will
receive a final report on 2018, the proposed budget for 2019, and other recommendations about
leadership nominations for deacons and committees. Mark your calendar for lunch and conference.

With another year in the books, on behalf of your whole church staff, I want to tell you what a
privilege it is to serve with you. Wilshire truly is building a community of faith shaped by the Spirit
of Jesus Christ.

Happy New Year,

Six ways
                   to support
                Wilshire’s mission

1. In worship: Place your cash                  4. Automatic bank pay: Go
or check (payable to Wilshire Baptist           to your bank’s website, log in to your
Church) in the offering plate during any        individual bank account and follow
of our worship services.                        your bank’s instructions to set up
                                                Wilshire as a new payee. Your bank will
2. By mail: Send to Lori Gooden,                print and cut a check.
Wilshire Baptist Church, 4316 Abrams
Road, Dallas TX, 75214. Please write            5. Text: Using your smartphone,
on your check if it is intended for the         text WILSHIRE and the dollar
Unified Budget or another purpose.              amount (example: WILSHIRE 50) to
                                                73256, then follow the link that pops
3. Online: Schedule a recurring or              up. The first time you use this option,
one-time gift charged to either your            you will enter credit card and contact
debit or credit card or directly as an          information. All text gifts will be
ACH from your checking account.                 applied to the Unified Budget.
Visit wilshirebc.org/give (be sure you
have enabled cookies on your phone or           6. Wilshire app: Download the
tablet) or scan the QR Code in today’s          Wilshire app from the App Store or
order of worship.                               Google Play to make gifts easily from
                                                your phone or tablet.
What is Christian advocacy at Wilshire?
          By Heather Mustain                                                                  The Christian Advocacy Committee has once
          Minister of Missions and Advocacy                                                 again prioritized hunger, public education, payday
                                                                                            lending and foster care to be of high importance
             Over the course of the last five years, our                                    for our attention this session. We will rely on our
          congregation has been on a journey to broaden                                     partners like Pastors for Texas Children, Texas
          our understanding of missions to include both                                     Hunger Initiative, North Texas Food Bank, United
          measures of benevolence and advocacy. We’ve                                       Way of Metropolitan Dallas, Texans Care for
          been coming to believe that a lack in either would                                Children, Children at Risk, Texas Impact and others
          equate to an incomplete witness of God’s love to                                  to help us stay effectively informed and engaged.
          our community and world.                                                            If you are interested in staying involved
             Mark Wingfield has explained it this way: “This                                throughout the session, here are five
          turns the focus not just on giving assistance to                                  recommendations:
          people in need, either through money or hands-
          on service but by addressing the systemic issues                                    •      Attend Weekly Witness at Wilshire every
          that create the need for assistance. From this                                             Monday at lunch through the months of
          viewpoint, while       Christian      Advocacy
                                      it is commendable
                                                           Business Name
                                                                     to give food                    February, March         Christian
                                                                                                                               and April.   Advocacy   Business Name
                                                                                                                                               Each week, we
          to a hungry person,      Legislative Interests to engage
                                          the  better     way                                        will live-stream aLegislative
                                                                                                                                weekly briefing
                                                                                                                                              Interestsby Texas
          is to address the root causes of hunger in our                                             Impact that will feature a different issue,
Please indicate which issuesto  youadvocate     onbecome
                                     most wish to    behalf       of those
                                                             engaged    with. cannot                 how itwhich
                                                                                            Please indicate    is showing
                                                                                                                     issues you up
                                                                                                                                 mostin  the
                                                                                                                                      wish  to session      and with.
                                                                                                                                               become engaged
          feed    themselves.”
Updates and calls to action will be provided during this legislative session.
                                                                                                     ways   to   engage.
                                                                                            Updates and calls to action will be provided during this legislative session.
             Members of Wilshire’s Missions Committee and                                     • Fill out the interest card below based on
        □ Criminal
          Christian   Justice              □ Immigrants/Refugees
                          Advocacy Committee                 believe needed                         □your
                                                                                                      Criminal    Justicetear it out
                                                                                                            interest,                  □ Immigrants/Refugees
                                                                                                                                          and drop it in
        □ change
           Domesticwill      come only
                        Violence              through
                                           □ Payday         the use of both
                                                       Lending                                      □the  offering
                                                                                                       Domestic         plate. These
                                                                                                                    Violence              will beLending
                                                                                                                                       □ Payday        used to
          our hands
        □ Foster   Care and our voices.    □ PublicItEducation
                                                       will come through                             mobilize
                                                                                                    □ Foster Care  rapid    response      teams      as
                                                                                                                                       □ Public Educationneeded.
          both committed acts of charity and our persistent                                   • Consider joining Wilshire on an advocacy
        □ Human Trafficking                □ Religious Freedom                                      □ Human Trafficking                □ Religious Freedom
          pressure to change policies                that harm the most                              action day in Austin or             participating in
        □ vulnerable.
           Hunger            This is the way of Jesus, captured in                                  □a letter-writing
                                                                                                       Hunger                campaign at some point
          Jesus’ first sermon found in Luke 4:                                                       throughout the session.
Name:_________________________________________________________                                • Subscribe, or follow, the above listed

          The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has
                                                                                                     partners on social media.
          anointed me to bring good news to the poor.                                         • Download Texas Legislative App and track
          He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives                                         bills based on your own interests.
          and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed
          go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.

             One of the ways    Christian
                                      in which AdvocacyBusiness Name
                                                    we have engaged in                                                      Christian Advocacy
                                                                                                                                          Business Name

          the work of advocacy    Legislativebeen
                                          has            to pay particular
                                                 Interests                                                                     Legislative Interests
          attention to the happenings during our state
Please indicate            session.
                which issues          Onwish
                               you most     Tuesday
                                               to become  lawmakers
                                                            engaged with.will               Please indicate which issues you most wish to become engaged with.
Updates and             in will
            calls to action Austin    for the
                                be provided      86th
                                            during       Texas Legislature,
                                                   this legislative session.                Updates and calls to action will be provided during this legislative session.
          a biennial session lasting 140 days. Bills will be
        □ Criminal Justice                □ Immigrants/Refugees                                     □ Criminal Justice                 □ Immigrants/Refugees
          introduced and filed, committees will process,
        □ public
           Domestic     Violencewill be
                     hearings             □ Payday
                                             held, theLending
                                                            House and Senate                        □ Domestic Violence                □ Payday Lending
          will debate,
        □ Foster   Care readings □        and   amendments
                                            Public   Education will be                              □ Foster Care                      □ Public Education
          made, Trafficking
        □ Human      bills will be sent      back andFreedom
                                          □ Religious       forth, most will die                    □ Human Trafficking                □ Religious Freedom
          and even fewer will make it to the governor’s desk.
        □ However,
           Hunger         this is the time where issues like payday                                 □ Hunger
          lending,      criminal     justice, health care, foster care,
Name:_________________________________________________________                              Name:_________________________________________________________
          immigration and public-school finance will be hotly
          debated and budgets will be determined.
Email:_________________________________________________________                             Email:_________________________________________________________

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