XTREME READY TO GO - MG relaunches in New Zealand - Gisborne Herald

Page created by Terry Coleman
XTREME READY TO GO - MG relaunches in New Zealand - Gisborne Herald
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2019    MG relaunches
                                in New Zealand


XTREME READY TO GO - MG relaunches in New Zealand - Gisborne Herald
2                                                                                                                               THE GISBORNE HERALD


  by John Jones                                                 a tyre has hit a rock. The suspension has been upgraded
                                                                to handle the toughest conditions with 18 inch all terrain
   HOLDEN’S Colorado Xtreme is looking for trouble,             Goodyear tyres to make sure you retain traction in any
the extra features added to this limited edition based on       sticky situation.
the Colorado Z71 variant mean it is the ultimate vehicle to        Another big off -road plus is a heavy duty steel base plate
handle any off-road conditions and in the process help out      which means you can take an aggressive approach on any
some of your mates.                                             angle with confidence.
   The Xtreme brings with it some extras on the base               Also included in this rugged exterior is an extended black
Colorado that make it something of a rare beast and a tough     sports bar, a blacked out front grill, tow bar, a rear steel step
one at that.                                                    which makes checking your tray easier, while there is a roof
   One of the big additions for the Xtreme is a huge front      tray for extra storage. Add to that, black fender flares and
bulbar mounted winch which with its 27 metres of synthetic      black tubular side steps.
cable ready at a moment’s notice makes this the perfect            The Xtreme extras have all been designed by Holden for
rescue vehicle.                                                 compatibility with the Colorado safety systems.
   This winch has a load capacity of 4535 kg or 10,000 lb,         The airbags will deploy in any incident and there is front
enough to rescue your mates from a bomb crater, whatever        and rear parking, forward collision warning and lane keep
they were driving.                                              assistance. Like all Holdens the Xtreme gets three year,
   Like all Colorados it is powered by the 2.8 litre turbo      100,000kms free scheduled servicing.
diesel engine with automatic transmission. This engine             While it may be a rugged off -roader the Xtreme includes
produces a stomping 500Nm of torque.                            all the comfort features that Holden offers, such as heated
   The Xtreme is the most powerful four or five cylinder ute    front seats, Apple and Android car play systems.
on the market with that whopping 500Nm of torque giving            Even though the Xtreme is designed as a superb off-
it an outstanding 3.5 tonne towing capacity.                    roader its target audience is much broader sensors, from the
   The Xtreme has the Colorado tyre pressure monitoring         highway warrior to the hunter.
system which enables the driver to keep an eye on the tyre         It is a rare beast which Holden says is meant to bring out
pressures either when you are off -oading or travelling. This   the adventure in you. Roger that Holden, now bring on your
can be very handy in an off-road situation warning you if       worst New Zealand . . .
XTREME READY TO GO - MG relaunches in New Zealand - Gisborne Herald
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2019                                                                                                                                                                      3

Chinese motor                                                                                                 Spark reveal plans and pricing
                                                                                                              for Kiwi 2019 Formula 1 coverage
giant relaunches MG                                                                                              AFTER Sky Sports lost the                     app will also cover Formula 2, the GP3

in New Zealand                                                                                                broadcasting rights to Formula 1 in late
                                                                                                              2018, there was plenty of speculation on
                                                                                                                                                               Series, the Porsche Super Cup Series and
                                                                                                                                                               the World Rally Championship — plus
                                                                                                              where the wings-and-slicks series would          inferior sports like the NBA, football, the
                                                                                                              pop up — whether Kiwis would have to             Rugby World Cup, and more.
   A ‘SLEEPER’ brand MG is relaunching                  “We see New Zealand as the perfect                    use the company’s own streaming service,           Users will be able to watch coverage
on the New Zealand market, saying it is              fit for MG; as a global brand, MG has                    or whether another local company would           through their mobile device of choice,
expanding its range of models and setting            evolved to today stand for great value,                  pick it up.                                      or on their televisions via a Google
up an expanded nationwide dealer network.            impressive design, and high-quality                         Eventually, telco-and-more Spark were         Chromecast, Apple Airplay, or similar
   The former British sports car brand with          manufacture and we anticipate it will                    confirmed as the category’s new keepers.         wireless device. Speaking to the NZ
a 90-year heritage is now owned by one               appeal to New Zealand customers,” he said.               They’ve confirmed pricing and roll-out           Herald, Spark Sport head Jeff Latch
of China’s biggest motor companies,                     As part of its expansion, MG Motor                    for the Spark Sport app that will house          said there are plans in time for the app
SAIC Motor.                                          has appointed a motor industry veteran                   Formula 1 — while simultaneously                 to buddy up with certain smart TV
   It will recruit between eight and 10              Anthony MacLean as business manager                      confirming a traditional televised service       manufacturers to offer integrated support.
dealers throughout New Zealand, who                  for New Zealand, working alongside the                   for the Melbourne Grand Prix.                      Ironically, the announcement came on
will sell a range of three MG vehicles,              regional MG Motor team, including                           The app launches in early March, prior        the same day that Sky TV confirmed a
including two new models.                            Danny Lenartic, marketing director, and                  to the Melbourne GP on March 14–17.              19.7 percent half-year profit drop — the
   The vehicles will sell from $17,990,              Pavel Meck, product planning manager.                    You don’t need to be an existing Spark           company $66.7 million south in profits
and will come with a five year unlimited                “Anthony brings with him a wealth of                  customer either — simply download the            from where they were a year prior, with
kilometre warranty, and roadside assist.             experience, and will work to expand our                  app and go. The Australian event                 subscriber count down by 28,455.
The new MG3 hatchback and MG ZS                      dealer network. We have a strong focus                   will also be broadcast live on                                     — NZ Herald
crossover models will be on the market               on building trust, and creating jobs in                  Duke simultaneously.
later this year, along with an existing MG           the local market, engaging experienced,                     The catch is that the
GS SUV, of which only 10 were registered             enthusiastic retail partners to represent                service will cost users $19.99
last year.                                           MG in New Zealand.”                                      per month — not too bad
   But SAIC Motor executives said they                  There were now 29 MG Motor                            given the volume of people who
believe New Zealand is a perfect fit for the         dealerships in Australia, where sales had                have been chasing a reliable sport-only
MG brand.                                            increased by 401 percent last year. Sales last           streaming service in New Zealand. The
   SAIC Motor, which sold more than 7                month had been 849 percent higher than
million vehicles last year, is putting its full      in January 2018.
international weight behind the brand in                The new MG3 Auto and MG ZS would
New Zealand.                                         arrive later this year, once new dealerships
   The chief executive officer of SAIC               had been established.
Motor Australia and New Zealand, Peter                  They are offered with a highly
Cao, said the company had studied this               competitive class-matching five-year
market in depth.                                     warranty. — NZME


                                                                                                                                   Xtreme leather appointed seats
                                                                                                                 Roof Tray

       The Holden Colorado Z71 Xtreme has just landed                             Black Extended Sports Bar
       in New Zealand! The biggest and baddest ute to
       ever come out of Holden is lurking in dealerships                                                                                                           Black Front Grille
       nationwide. These beasts aren’t made for the
       streets. They’re made for the mud, the gravel,
       the snow and the sand. You’ll be taking these
       extreme machines in and out of any terrain with
       all of the gruntiest accessories imaginable. It’s
       all yours for $79,990 +ORC, including 3 years
       free scheduled servicing. Make sure you check
       out the undisputed king of the Colorado range
       before it’s covered in mud!

                                                                                                                                                              Winch Bar
                                                                                                                                                              with Integrated Winch

                                                                            Black Fender Flares
                                                                                                      Black Tubular Side Steps

                                                                                                                                 18” Black Wheels with All-Terrain Tyres

                      ENTERPRISE HOLDEN
                      323 Gladstone Road • Ph 867 8368 • a/h Steven Shields • 0274 839 666


         blis Ed 1

     AU model shown. LED lightbar not available in New Zealand. 3 years/100,000km (whichever comes first)
     free scheduled service on all new Holden vehicles. See holden.co.nz for details.
XTREME READY TO GO - MG relaunches in New Zealand - Gisborne Herald
4                                                                                                                                                                            THE GISBORNE HERALD

           REO BUS                                                                                                                                                        Illustration by
                                                                                                                                                                          Doug Curtis
           now a
                                                                                                                                                                  I am just being used to cover an ink spot!

                                                                                                                                                                   Auto    ACtIoN
                                                                                                                                                                    ArouNd towN
                                                                        RANSOM Eli Olds, the founder            the Reo was sold to Merv Scragg of
                                                                      of the famous curve dash single           Patutahi and used on a daily run
                                                                                                                                                                     Saturday 2nd March
                                                                      cylinder Oldsmobile runabout tiller       between Gisborne and Patutahi.
                                                                                                                                                                     Eastland Group Raceway
                                                                      steered car, had a major fallout with        Eventually it was sold in 1953 to a
                                                                                                                                                                     North Island sidecars &
                                                                      his colleagues when they wanted to        private person, Andy Anderson who
                                                                                                                                                                     The Oval superstars Tour.
                                                                      start making larger more substantial      turned it into a camper caravan.
   Finance                                                                                                                                                           Gates open from 6pm.
                                                                      cars.                                        At this stage the Reo had covered
   •        MTF                                                                                                                                                      Racing from 7pm.
                                                                        Because they held the major             approximately 743,000 road miles
            152 Ormond Road .................. 868 8490
                                                                      majority of the stock, he left the firm   and was on its third motor.                          East Coast Museum
   Motorcycles                                                        in 1904 and set up a new company             Andy Anderson started the Motor                   of Technology
   •        Gisborne Honda                                            he called REO after his own initials.     Caravan Association in Gisborne
            368 Gladstone Road ............... 868 9109                                                                                                              Open daily 10am-4pm:
                                                                        He started manufacturing the            in 1956.                                             Main Rd, Makaraka
   Panel Beaters                                                      same single cylinder runabouts               The Reo then resided from 1958
   •        Eastland Toyota
                                                                      but then commenced to build four          to 1963 in the Tauranga area with                    Gis. American Car Club
            62 Carnarvon Street................ 867 9444
   •        Allan Kellett Panel & Paint                               cylinder cars until 1919 and then six     other owners and finally was left in a               Various Events
            72 Disraeli Street .................... 867 8088          cylinder cars in 1920.                    paddock to rot.                                      Colin 868 1454
   •        Gisborne Motors Panel and Paint                             After running third in sales               The Tauranga Historic Village                     Rick 027 490 1373
            Mid City - Grey Street.............. 867 6759             behind Ford and Buick in 1907, REO        Trust then restored it and fitted a
   Parts Department                                                   gradually dropped in production           charabanc body to it and it was used                 Tairawhiti Aviation Museum
   •        Eastland Toyota                                           ranking with a total of 30,000 units      as transport in the village.                         Open Tuesday 9am-4pm and
            62 Carnarvon Street................ 867 9444              in 1923.                                     The trust went into liquidation and               Sunday 9am-1pm
   •        Enterprise Auto One                                         Olds had, however, also started         the old Reo was offered to the East                  Gisborne Airport
            329 Gladstone Road .............. 867 8368                building heavy commercial trucks          Coast Museum of Transport because
   •        Gisborne Motors                                           and the one that I have drawn             it had started its life in the area.                 Ulysses Motorcycle Club
            Mid City - Grey Street.............. 867 6759             arrived in New Zealand in 1928 as            The New Zealand Motor Caravan                     Monthly meeting held on the first
   Spray Painters                                                     a truck chassis and then had a bus        Association (NZMCA) purchased it                     Thursday of the month.

   •        Allan Kellett Panel & Paint                               body built on it in Auckland.             from the museum for restoration                      7.30pm at the
            72 Disraeli Street .................... 867 8088            According to the present owners it      in June 2016 and it was worked on                    Tatapouri Sports Fishing Club
   •        Gisborne Motors Panel and Paint                           was put into bus service by C.E.Gray      by 30 amateur Gisborne volunteers
            Mid City - Grey Street.............. 867 6759
   Tyre Dealers
                                                                      of Te Karaka and did years of service
                                                                      before being bought by the late Albie
                                                                                                                who completely restored it to the
                                                                                                                condition you see today.                           Want a free listing?
   •        Goodyear Tyres                                            Middleton who continued the service          It will be officially unveiled by the
            125 Grey Street ...................... 868 1938
                                                                                                                                                                    If you know of an event coming
                                                                      from Whatatutu to Gisborne daily.         NZMCA at their meeting in Gisborne                     up by an automotive club or
   Vehicle Servicing                                                    When Albie bought a Bedford bus         on March 1, 2019, approximately 91
   •        Eastland Toyota                                                                                                                                          automotive fixture let us know.
                                                                      From Ormonds Motors in 1947-8,            years after arriving in Poverty Bay.
            62 Carnarvon Street................ 867 9444                                                                                                            Phone Andy 869 0616 or E-mail:
   •        Enterprise Commercial Centre                                                                                                                           andy.searle@gisborneherald.co.nz
            310 Gladstone Road ............... 868 4581
   •        Enterprise Service Centre
            342 Palmerston Road ............. 867 8368                    Gisborne’s premier                                                                       BUY
   •        Gisborne Motors
                                                                          panel and paint division
            Mid City - Grey Street.............. 867 6759
            Goodyear Tyres                                                                                                Auto     Auto
                                                                                                                                 Service     Service
                                                                                                                                         Centre  ATVs andCentre
                                                                                                                                                         Farm Bikes
            125 Grey Street ...................... 868 1938                    QUOT                                          Specialising
                                                                                                                  Specialising   in mags,
                                                                                                                        Specialising              in mags, tyres and
                                                                                                                                            tyres and
                                                                                                                                      in mags,
   Wheel Alignments                                                                   TES                              servicing   of all vehicle
                                                                                                                        tyres and servicing   of    of all vehicle
                                                                              ITIVE RA
   •        Goodyear Tyres                                           COMPET                                       WOFsalland   Mechanical
                                                                                                                            vehicle WOFs     Repairs.
            125 Grey Street ...................... 868 1938
                                                                                       E                              AgentsWOFs        and
                                                                                                                               for Cooper      Mechanical Repairs.
   WOF                                                               TOP S                                               Mechanical Repairs.
                                                                                                           Agents for solar panels.Agents for Cooper Tyres
   •        Eastland Toyota
                                                                               ESY CA                      Reduce power costs.
            62 Carnarvon Street................ 867 9444             COURT                                       Agents
                                                                                                                Authorised   for solar
                                                                                                                             Cooper   Dealerpanels.
                                                                                       EED                 Go Solar. Go Green.
   •        Enterprise Service Centre
                                                                       O R K G UARANT                               Reduce power costs.
            342 Palmerston Road ............. 867 8368               W
   •        Gisborne Motors
                                                                               TY WO                                Go Solar. Go Green. PLUS
            Mid City, Grey Street ............... 867 6759           QUALI

   •        Goodyear Tyres                                                                                                                                            Outboards
            125 Grey Street ...................... 868 1938                                                     125 Grey St, Gisborne                                   Generators
                                                                                                         Ph 06 868 1938 • Mob 027 451 7003
            FOR MORE INFO OR BOOKINGS                                                                           Tyres
                                                                                                        Fax 06 868    Worth
                                                                                                                   1910       Owning
                                                                                                                        • gistyres@xtra.co.nz                               Lawn Mowers
                CONTACT: Andy Searle

                                                                                                                                                                   See the team at
               Phone 869 0616 • Email:                                    72 Disraeli Street • 06 867 8088       125 Grey St, Gisborne                  GISBORNE HONDA
                                                                                                                Ph 06 868 1938125
                                                                                                                               • Mob Grey       St, Gisborne
                                                                                                                                                                            Authorised Dealer:

           andy.searle@gisborneherald.co.nz                                   allankellett@vodafone.co.nz                              027 451 7003     Phone 868 9109
  Leave message, name & phone no. and I will contact you.                 www.panelbeatersgisborne.co.nz          Ph
                                                                                                                Fax     061910868
                                                                                                                    06 868            1938 • Mob 027
                                                                                                                               • gistyres@xtra.co.nz    368451     7003
                                                                                                                                                           Gladstone Road                                1001-01

                                                                                                                Fax 06 868 1910 • gistyres@xtra.co.nz
XTREME READY TO GO - MG relaunches in New Zealand - Gisborne Herald
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     5

Aston Martin tease new mid-engined                                                                                                                                                  Tesla ‘dog mode’                                                                                                   New features are typically added to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Teslas via over-the-air software updates.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ‘Dog mode’ will likely be an extension of
                                                                                                                                                                                    will stop pets overheating                                                                                       Tesla’s Cabin Overheat Protection System.
       ‘Project 003’ hypercar                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          This already prevents temperatures
                                                                                                                                                                                    in cars, Elon Musk says                                                                                          inside the car from reaching unsafe levels
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     when kids or pets are inside.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       But the screen in Tesla models is likely
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     to now flash a message to pedestrians
                                                                                                                                                                                      ELON Musk’s Tesla cars are about                                                                               informing them that the pet inside is safe.
                                                                                                                                                                                    to get a ‘dog mode’ to protect pets from                                                                           The ‘dog mode’ update will be launched
                                                                                                                                                                                    overheating.                                                                                                     at the same time as a ‘sentry mode’ —
                                                                                                                                                                                      The billionaire entrepreneur said the                                                                          designed to ward off would-be thieves.
   ASTON Martin’s profits have been a                                                   already been revealed in late 2018.                                                         technology would be rolled out to his fleet                                                                        Mid-week, Musk responded to a relative
story of peaks and troughs in recent years                                                 The Project 003 will be powered by                                                       of Model 3 electric vehicles this month.                                                                         of a Tesla owner whose car window had
— stories of $282 million losses followed                                               a mid-mounted turbocharged hybrid-                                                            It will be able to detect when a pet is                                                                        been smashed.
by stories of incredible profit-filled                                                  petrol power-train. It will be road legal                                                   locked inside the car — and keep the                                                                               The Twitter-user wrote: “Any update on
rebounds. But none of that has stopped                                                  with “outstanding levels of downforce”,                                                     temperature at a safe level.                                                                                     sentry mode? Brother in law has had his
the British marque from carrying                                                        “active suspensions providing next-level                                                      There will also likely be a display or                                                                         window broken into twice in the past two
on with some of the most ambitious                                                      precision”, and it will “possess class-                                                     some form of communication to inform                                                                             months.”
hypercar projects on the planet.                                                        leading dynamics on both road and                                                           passers-by that the dog is safe.                                                                                   Musk replied: “Sentry mode and dog
   We’ve talked plenty about the V12-                                                   track” — according to the manufacturer’s                                                      The feature was added after Musk was                                                                           mode roll out next week.”
powered Vulcan and the most powerful                                                    press release.                                                                              inundated with tweets from customers.                                                                              Sentry mode will use the dashcam
naturally aspirated car ever made; the                                                     That’s all well and good but talk is                                                       In October, one Tesla driver asked him:                                                                        to record footage in the event of an
Valkyrie. One of the former lives right                                                 obviously cheap in this game. In an                                                         “Can you put a dog mode on the Tesla                                                                             attempted break-in.
here in New Zealand, and one of the                                                     interview with Auto Express last year,                                                      Model 3.                                                                                                           And it is rumoured the car will play loud
latter is slated to arrive in due course,                                               Aston Martin CEO Andy Palmer said                                                             “Where the music plays and the                                                                                 classical music through the stereo system
too. And now Aston Martin intend to                                                     that the 003 will slot below the Valkyrie                                                   airconditioning is on, with a display on                                                                         to draw attention to the intruder and
add a third powerful hypercar into the                                                  — as a perhaps more direct rival to the                                                     screen saying ‘I’m fine my owner will be                                                                         encourage passersby to call the police.
mix.                                                                                    likes of the McLaren Senna. The car’s                                                       right back’?”                                                                                                                        — New Zealand Herald
   The brand have officially teased the                                                 engine is said to be a turbocharged                                                           Musk replied: “Yes”.
next chapter in their high-power story,                                                 V6, featuring a kinetic energy recovery
with the release of the first image of the                                              system similar to the KERS tech we see
‘Project 003’.                                                                          in Formula 1. Just 500 coupe examples
   There’s not a heck of a lot that can                                                 will be built globally (in right-hand drive
be ascertained from the image, other                                                    and left-hand drive), and it’s scheduled
than that the concept will have an                                                      to arrive in late 2021. Aston Martin also
enormous diffuser of some kind rammed                                                   hasten to add that it will feature space
underneath its rear-end. Aston Martin                                                   for luggage, and other creature comforts
have provided some details on what                                                      that will make it more usable than the
lies under the skin, but much of it had                                                 likes of the Valkyrie. — NZME

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                                                                                                                                                                                   132 Childers Road, Gisborne
      integration    New front It’s
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                                                                                                                                                                                   Phone 06 867 4749 - Brian Watts 021 222 0292

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                                                                                running lights
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         first) (non transferable). 5 year / 130,000km New Vehicle
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  • Easy-lift tailgate • SYNC®3 with Apple CarPlay & Android Auto2 • 5-Star ANCAP Safety Rating
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                                                                                                                                                               Watts Motors Ltd
                                                                                                                                          Watts Motors Ltd
      RRP FROM $51,490
available              A with
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                               any other special offers.TODAY.
                                                           +ORC1                                LOCK IN A TEST DRIVE TODAY. 132 Childers Road,
1. Available at participating Ford New Zealand dealerships. Price excludes on road costs, options and accessories and is not
                                                         2. Apple™ and Apple Carplay™ are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered
in the U.S. and other countries. Android™, Android Auto™ and Google Maps™ are registered trademarks of Google Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                          132 Childers Road, Gisborne
For phone and media player compatibility, please visit www.ford.co.nz/sync.
        1. Warranty conditions and exclusions apply. Visit www.ford.co.nz/owners/warranty for further information.                                                        Phone 867 4749 – Brian Watts 021 222 0292
                                                                                                                                                               Phone 06 867 4749 - Brian Watts 021 222 0292

         Anywhere Ford     Ford           Gisborne
                                          Anywhere Ford Motors Ltd                                                                                                        www.wattsmotors.co.nz
                                                                                                                                                               www.wattsmotors.co.nz                                                                                                                                                                                                 10 year / 160,000km Powertrain Warranty (whichever comes

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       first) (non transferable). 5 year / 130,000km New Vehicle
                   75123 Sample
                           Street IRoad | SAMPLEVILLE
                                             I P 867 6759| IPgisbornemotors.co.nz
                                                              01 234 5678 | anywhereford.co.nz                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Warranty (whichever comes first) (non transferable).
                      Grey         GISborne                                                                                                                                      Prices listed are for ASX 2WD XLS, Outlander 2.4L LS and Eclipse Cross XLS 2WD. Eclipse Cross VRX pictured. Red Diamond colour (pictured) is available for an additional
         123 Sample
         123 Sample Road
                          SAMPLEVILLE |P
                                            234 5678
                                              234    | anywhereford.co.nz
                                                  5678  | anywhereford.co.nz                                                                                                     $500. Prices exclude On Road Costs of $550 which includes WoF, registration and a full tank of fuel. Visit mmnz.co.nz for full Diamond Advantage terms and conditions.

      1. Available at participating Ford New Zealand dealerships. Price excludes on road costs, options and accessories. 2. Apple™ and Apple Carplay™ are
      trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Android™, Android Auto™ and Google Maps™ are registered trademarks of Google
      Inc. For phone and media player compatibility, please visit www.ford.co.nz/sync. 3. When fitted with a genuine Ford towbar. 4. Driver-assist features
      are supplemental and do not replace drivers judgement. 5. Warranty conditions apply. Warranty period commences on the date of delivery except
      where the vehicle is a dealership, demonstration or service loaner vehicle, in which case it commences on the date on which it was first registered by
      an Authorised Ford Dealer. Tyres, tubes and supplier branded parts and accessories are excluded. Shock absorbers and batteries are subject to shorter
      warranty periods. Visit www.ford.co.nz/owners/warranty for further information.

                                                                                                                                                                               Watts Motors Ltd
                                                                                                                                                                               132       Motors
                                                                                                                                                                                   Childers       Ltd
                                                                                                                                                                                            Road, Gisborne
XTREME READY TO GO - MG relaunches in New Zealand - Gisborne Herald
6                                                                                                                                                                                          THE GISBORNE HERALD

                                                                                                 Saturday 2nd March
                                                                                                        Novus Glass Presents
                                                                              The North Island Sidecars
                                                                                    Plus The Oval
                                                                                  Superstars Tour
                                                                                         and a full race programme
    Gates open 6pm and racing starts 7pm
                              ADULTS $15
                        CHILDREN $8 (5-15 years)
                            FAMILY PASS $40
                          (2 adults, 3 children)
                             PENSIONER $10

                                    We make it happen
                                    for speedway

              *WOF REPAIRS
             *AUTO SALVAGE

  342 Palmerston Road, Gisborne


  Toolshed Red    Hotit happen
            We make                                         We Repair and Service
            for speedway
Deals from Milwaukee.                                                  all makes of
 Featuring the new M18  Fuel
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XTREME READY TO GO - MG relaunches in New Zealand - Gisborne Herald
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                        7

  The hidden dangers of                                                                             Kiwi teenager
  jump-starting a classic car                                                                       signs deal to
                                                                                                    become Red Bull
                                                                                                    F1 Junior driver
                                                                                                       IT was not-so-quietly speculated                                             teenager.
                                                                                                     about behind the scenes at the recent                                            Lawson becomes the first Kiwi to be
                                                                                                     New Zealand Grand Prix event, and                                              part of the Red Bull Junior programme
                                                                                                     now 17-year-old Pukekohe race driver                                           since none other than Brendon
                                                                                                     Liam Lawson’s 2019 plans have been                                             Hartley. In a similar fashion, Hartley
                                                                                                     revealed; he’s been drafted into Red                                           was plucked in the mid-’00s by Red
                                                                                                     Bull F1’s Junior Team.                                                         Bull, and put on an open-wheel fast
  by Nick Comfort                             switched on the Aston.                                   This will see Lawson take on the                                             track where he quickly made a name
                                                 It didn’t start, but flames and acrid smoke         Formula European Masters series;                                               for himself across Europe in different
   STARTING your car with jumper leads shot from its boot toward the BMW as the                      an open-wheel category that utilises                                           open-wheel options.
is simple: get another car alongside, connect leads’ coating melted, scattering gobbets              2018-generation Formula 3 cars. The                                              Of course, Hartley lost his Red
up, start the engine and you’re away. But I   of flaming plastic. The fire hazard was                series has been formed out of the                                              Bull Junior slot in 2010, but it still
now know the downside.                        somewhat intensified by the paint store on             ashes of the FIA European Formula                                              put his career on a trajectory that saw
   An apparently normal jump-start started one side of the garage and a heating boiler               3 championship that fellow Kiwi                                                him become a prized test driver for
a fire that could have killed me, wrecked     and shed full of dry firewood on the other.            (and Ferrari Academy junior) Marcus                                            Mercedes’ F1 campaign, before earning
my Aston Martin DB7 and BMW 730i,             I was stuck at the back of the garage and to           Armstrong raced in last year. Lawson                                           24 Hours of Le Mans and World
and burned down my garage. As it was, a       escape I would need to squeeze past both               will race for German team Motopark.                                            Endurance Championship glory with
few thousand dollars of damage was done       vehicles.                                                While technically the 2019 will                                              Porsche and — ultimately — a Formula
to the Aston and I now appreciate the            I killed the DB7’s ignition, broke the              be the category’s inaugural season,                                            1 seat with Toro Rosso for 2018.
need for adequate jumper leads, the correct jumper-lead connection (the crocodile clips              Motopark should nonetheless expect                                               Red Bull’s junior programme has
procedure and the potential for damage to     were coming away from the wires) and ran               to be a force to be reckoned with given                                        struggled in years of late, but appears
both cars.                                    past the Aston. I then drove the BMW                   that they finished second in last year’s                                       to be in the midst of a renaissance.
   Many Astons have starting problems.        clear, smothered the fire and shakily rang             drivers championship with fellow Red                                           Lawson joins Macau GP winner
Their electrical systems drain a 12-volt      the services.                                          Bull Junior Dan Ticktum.                                                       Ticktum (Great Britain), TRS
battery if left for more than a few days, and    The patrolman looked tearful as I                     Speculation pointed to Red Bull                                              teammate Lucas Auer (Austria),

                                                                                                   4WD RUN OUT
only the newest ones have sleep mode. In      explained how close two prized cars had                being one of several Formula 1 teams                                           second-generation racer Jack Doohan
four years of DB7 ownership I have got        come to destruction; he said I was lucky to            to show an interest in Lawson during                                           (Australia), Formula 4 aces Dennis
through three batteries.                      get out alive.                                         the Toyota Racing Series season, with                                          Hauger (Norway), Jonny Edgar (Great
   I already had a trickle charger to plug       He reassured me I had connected the                 the likes of Renault and Alfa Romeo                                            Britain) and karting maestro Harry
into the cigarette lighter, which was fine    jumper leads correctly, then diagnosed the             also linked by the media to the talented                                       Thompson (Great Britain). — NZME
except that I had to feed the lead through    causes of the fire.
the window, which entailed leaving the           The leads might have looked superficially
alarm off. Aston Martin has now supplied a sturdy, but their aluminium cores could not
charger that feeds a socket in the boot and handle the amps generated by a modern
exits under the lid so the alarm can stay on. alternator. He also said the Aston’s battery
   Last winter, however, I was without this   was too flat to cope with a hefty charge-

                                                                                                          4WD RUN OUT
device and my Aston’s battery was flat just up generated by the BMW, which had

                                                                                                           4WD RUN OUT
a day after a 300km run. With the car in      detected a flat battery and was belting out
the garage, I reversed the BMW up and         the amps to charge it up. He said that I
took out my “heavy duty” jumper leads. I      should have connected everything without
connected them to both batteries, started     the cars started, then gone for a cup of tea
the BMW, went into the garage and             while the battery acclimatised.


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  DUNEDIN police say it was “absolutely        later turned up at a grandparent’s house.
amazing” no one was injured when an               The boy was speeding and had “obviously
11-year-old boy crashed and rolled a car       no skills whatsoever” when it came to
he had stolen last week, before fleeing the    driving, Dinnissen said.
scene.                                            “No injuries, which was absolutely

  Senior Sergeant Craig Dinnissen, of          amazing.’’
Dunedin, said the boy was tracked by dogs         He crashed the car into three parked
after fleeing the scene where he rolled the    vehicles, causing damage, before running
Volkswagen Golf hatchback in Kenmure           off down the hill.                              ENTERPRISE COMMERCIAL CENTRE • GLADSTONE ROAD, GISBORNE

                                                                                                  *Featured06    868
                                                                                                           discounted       4581
                                                                                                                      price is on the 4WD•  AFTER
                                                                                                                                         manual            HOURS
                                                                                                                                                model without               027
                                                                                                                                                              reversing camera only and871        0040
                                                                                                                                                                                       is available while stock lasts.
Rd, about 9.40pm last Sunday.                     The boy was referred to Youth Aid.                  Model shown with optional extras model code BJ2037Y3MDVRER5
                                                                                               *Featured discounted price is on the 4WD manual model without reversing camera only and is available while stock lasts.
  The dogs were unable to find him but he         — Otago Daily Times                                       *Featured discounted price is on the 4WD manual model without reversing camera only and is available while stock lasts.
                                                                                               Model shownModel
                                                                                                             with shown
                                                                                                                   optional    extras model code BJ2037Y3MDVRER5
                                                                                                                          with optional extras model code BJ2037Y3MDVRER5
XTREME READY TO GO - MG relaunches in New Zealand - Gisborne Herald
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XTREME READY TO GO - MG relaunches in New Zealand - Gisborne Herald XTREME READY TO GO - MG relaunches in New Zealand - Gisborne Herald
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