The Atlantic Team- Real Estate- p. C-4

Page created by Brent Marquez
The Atlantic Team- Real Estate- p. C-4
James Lane
Real Estate        James Lane Post                        C-1

              — Real Estate —
July 2021                  

                                                 p. C-4

The Atlantic Team
The Atlantic Team- Real Estate- p. C-4
B-2                                                                                                                                             James Lane Post                                                                                                                                                         July 2021

      Turn What You Love
      Into Where You Live
                                                                                                                                                                                        26 Parrish Pond Lane, Southampton
                                                                                                                                                                                        $6,750,000 | 7 BR, 8.5 BA

      Surrounded by 1.40 acres manicured lawns and greenery, this                                                                                                                       Thomas Cavallo
      idyllic and exemplary, turnkey estate represents the synergy of                                                                                                                   Lic. R.E. Salesperson
      modern style and contemporary architecture while embracing                                                                                                                        O 631.725.0200
                                                                                                                                                                                        M 631.871.1401
      a sense of tranquility and prestige.                                                                                                                                     | Web# H357539
                                                                                                                                                                                        Noelle Masini
                                                                                                                                                                                        Lic. R.E. Salesperson
                                                                                                                                                                                        O 631.725.0200
                                                                                                                                                                                        M 310.980.3199

The Atlantic Team- Real Estate- p. C-4
Real Estate                                                                                                James Lane Post                                                                                                                    C-3

       Over $20M In
       Contract or Sold
       in Sag Harbor
       Since January

       Sold | 136 Jermain Avenue, Sag Harbor                                        Sold | 21 Rogers Street, Sag Harbor                                        In Contract | 160 Ferry Road, Sag Harbor
       $4,125,000 (Last Asking)                                                     $2,995,000 (Last Asking)                                                   $2,495,000 (Last Asking)

       In Contract | 91 Harrison Street, Sag Harbor                                 Sold | 57 Franklin Avenue, Sag Harbor                                        In Contract | 20 Mill Road, Sag Harbor
       $2,495,000 (Last Asking)                                                     $2,095,000 (Last Asking)                                                      $1,950,000 (Last Asking)

       Sold | 5 Bay View Drive East, Sag Harbor                                     In Contract | 219 Ferry Road, Sag Harbor                                    Sold | 9 Manor Road, Sag Harbor
       $1,835,000 (Last Asking)                                                     $1,495,000 (Last Asking)                                                    $1,475,000 (Last Asking)

       First Year in the Market, Making Her Mark.
       Over $50M in contract or sold across the Hamptons since January.

       #11 Agent in the Hamptons 2020*

       Sara Goldfarb
       Lic. R. E. Salesperson

       O 631.329.9400 | M 781.799.5686                                                                                                                                                                       

The Atlantic Team- Real Estate- p. C-4
B-4                                                                                            James Lane Post                                                                                      July 2021

Teamwork Makes The
Dream Work:
The Atlantic Team
By Ty Wenzel

              eamwork makes the                                                                                                                                           ness comes from refer-
              dream work re-                                                                                                                                              rals? Why do you think
              ally comes to life when                                                                                                                                     that is? And what is the
              talking about The                                                                                                                                           other 1 percent from?
              Atlantic Team who
recently made the RealTrends + Tom                                                                                                                                        Hara Kang: Absolutely. Most of our
Ferry’s The Thousand List of 2021                                                                                                                                         business has come from recommen-
where they came in at number forty-                                                                                                                                       dations and introductions from past
eight among the nation’s top teams                                                                                                                                        clients. As most successful agents
by selling $171,593,625 in 2020                                                                                                                                           would agree, a sale doesn’t end at
— that’s a lot of salt-water Gunite                                                                                                                                       closing. It continues with the strong
pools and butler pantries, aka luxury                                                                                                                                     relationship you have with your
real estate.                                                                                                                                                              clients – whether in assisting with
                                                                                                                                                                          rentals, home services, market up-
Power brokerage, Douglas Elliman,                                                                                                                                         dates, and so much more. If a client
has cultivated some of the most                                                                                                                                           has a great experience, they are more
successful Hamptons real estate                                                                                                                                           likely to recommend their friends
teams and their number one collec-                                                                                                                                        and family as well. We also have a
tive is certainly The Atlantic Team.                                                                                                                                      strong bond with many Douglas
It’s a sixteen-year alliance that is                                                                                                                                      Elliman agents from coast-to-coast
comprised of agents, Justin Agnello,                                                                                                                                      and the collaboration between mar-
Hara Kang, and James Keogh. As of                                                                                                                                         kets is really fantastic.
2020, they are ranked as the number
one team in the Hamptons and the                                                                                                                                          Of all of the power
number seven team in the nation                                                                                                                                           agencies in the
company wide — out of thousands.                                                                                                                                          Hamptons, why did you
                                                                                                                                                                          choose Elliman as your
Their charming, approachable de-                                                                                                                                          base?
meanor is the opposite of what one
might think of when they imagine                                                                                                                                          Justin Agnello: Elliman’s power-
hungry real estate sharks, but their                                                                                                                                      ful network is a major reason why
vibe alone could sell ice to Eski-                                                                                                                                        we chose to call the firm home.
mos. Albeit, in the end, it is their                                                                                                                                      The company has reach and access
experience-packed backgrounds that                                                                                                                                        into the top luxury markets around
consist of vital skills that combine to                                                                                                                                   the nation, and a unique, strategic
create a unit that is a force of collab-                                                                                                                                  alliance with London-based Knight
oration, camaraderie, and resolute-                                                                                                                                       Frank Residential, bringing exposure
ness. It includes of a deep knowledge                                                                                                                                     and connectivity on a global scale.
of business, technology, finance, and      The Atlantic Team: Hara Kang, James Keogh, and Justin Agnello. Photo courtesy Douglas Elliman                                  This strength really sets Elliman
the luxury market that includes the                                                                                                                                       apart from the rest, along with its
oft-misused social media realm for         market. We can each carry our own          out to our clients to share our mar-        mass uptick in the                      excellent leadership and their com-
targeting the right prospects. It isn’t    weight and responsibilities but are        ket insights and consult with them          local population? Were                  mitment to supporting us with some
easy to get a 99 percent referral rate,    always in the loop and dialed in on        on whether to transact or hold on           there demands that you                  of the best tech tools in the industry.
the holy grail for real estate profes-     each other’s new listings and deals.       to their properties in the Hamptons         didn’t see coming?
sionals, in this hyper-competitive         It works really well to tap into the       and in the city.                                                                    What advice would you
market, but The Atlantic Team is           team knowledge like when we might                                                      Hara Kang: During the pandemic,         give sellers and buyers
doing just that.                           have a new buyer with specific search      James Keogh: On the day-to-day, as          as home really became the epicen-       right now?
                                           criteria, for example. Of course, like     work shifted to be remote, our team         ter of daily life, most clients were
We caught up with them to learn            in any relationship, communication         prioritized staying in the same level       looking for more outdoor and            Justin Agnello: Our biggest advice
about how they manage their busi-          is key in supporting one another and       of communication we were used to            backyard space and extra room for       to sellers now is to plan ahead as
ness, what they think a post-Covid         in providing seamless service and          with each other and with our clients.       indoor amenities like a private of-     market conditions are changing in
real estate market might look like,        the best opportunities to our clients.     This meant having Zoom calls set up         fice and a fully equipped gym. We       every neighborhood. If you are look-
and so much more.                          When buyers or seller work with us,        every forty minutes. It was nice to         also experienced a sharp increase in    ing to upgrade, downsize or even just
                                           they are really getting what we like       be home with our families, but you          demand for new construction. With       change neighborhoods sometime in
There aren’t that many                     to refer to as “the power of three.”       did feel like you were glued to your        the breakneck pace of the market, we    the future, you should consult with
teams on the East End                      Our collective knowledge and exper-        computer all day. We made it work           were sold out of completely finished    your agent sooner rather than later
who have been together                     tise are big benefits we offer clients,    and thankfully had the technology           homes in the second quarter of last     and discuss your best options.
and as wildly success-                     and we find it differentiates us from      we needed to support us.                    year and had multiple contracts for
ful as yours for over 16                   the competition.                                                                       pre-construction projects. Buyers are   James Keogh: With buyers, it’s no
years! What’s your se-                                                                As we finally come up                       willing to wait eight to 14 months      secret that supply is the lowest we’ve
cret?                                      How did the pandemic                       for air from the pan-                       for their new homes to be built.        seen in years, leaving some buyers
                                           affect the way you                         demic, what are your                        Right now, we have interviewed over     without a home for the summer. But
Justin Agnello: Over the years,            worked individually and                    thoughts on how the                         40 prospects for our new develop-       there is light at the end of the tun-
we’ve seen lead agents dive into           as a team? Was it diffi-                   market will go forward                      ment projects in the village and the    nel. In the fall and winter, as summer
different team models, with most           cult to pivot so quickly?                  for the rest of 2021 and                    Northwest Woods of East Hampton.        rentals free up, we’ll likely see more
opting to work with their own sub-                                                    2022?                                                                               homes come onto the sales market,
agents or assistants. Some have had        Hara Kang: Market conditions have                                                      How were your numbers                   opening lots of new opportunity.
amazing success, while others are          always been very unpredictable, so         Justin Agnello: We expect to see            for 2020 and 2021 year-
still trying to find what works. Pretty    we’re used to staying nimble. In           strong sales in the fall and spring         to-date?                                What do you do for fun
uniquely, we started out from the          our job it is important to be able         of 2022 throughout the Hamptons.                                                    when you’re not selling
very beginning as an equal partner-        to adjust quickly and look ahead,          With employers and employees                James Keogh: Despite its many           luxury real estate?
ship, and it’s worked tremendously         so that we can advise our clients          embracing the work from home                challenges, last year proved to be a
well for us. Maintaining that dy-          properly. It’s like shifting gears on      model necessitated by the pandemic,         banner year for us. We’re incredibly    Hara Kang: With a booming
namic is truly the secret sauce to the     a car, you must move from first into       the Hamptons certainly shifted to           proud to say that we were ranked        market, we haven’t had much free
success we have enjoyed thus far.          second eventually and as we watch          become more of a year-round com-            Elliman’s #1 top performing team in     time recently, but when we do we are
                                           everything that goes on around us,         munity, and it will continue to be the      the Hamptons and the #7 team in         enjoying everything the Hamptons
Teams work differently.                    we shift quietly and quickly to meet       top destination from Memorial Day           the entire company nationwide. We       have to offer. We all live locally and
Do you delegate                            what’s ahead of us.                        to Labor Day as it always has been.         were also thrilled to have recently     this is our playground. You might
responsibilities within                                                               Now, as people shift to hybrid work         been named to RealTrends + Tom          catch us at the restaurants, golf
the team, such as                          Throughout the sixteen years we’ve         models or a full-time return to the         Ferry’s The Thousand List of 2021,      courses, beaches, surfing, or paddle
between rentals, sales,                    been in real estate, we’ve experienced     office, we’re also anticipating a bigger    recognizing the top one-tenth of        boarding. We’re really excited to
open houses, etc. Or do                    several down cycles where emotions         spotlight to be thrown on New York          one percent of more than 1.4 million    check out some of the new venues,
you all share                              were high, and a buyers’ market was        City. It’s an exciting time for NYC         licensed real estate professionals      like the re-opening of East Hamp-
responsibilities for all of                in full swing. That’s exactly what we      and we are already seeing a dramatic        nationwide. We’ve set a new bench-      ton Point, and visit some of our
the clients equally?                       were walking into until the pandem-        uptick in sales from this time last year.   mark for what we want to achieve in     favorite comforts like Hello Oma’s
                                           ic hit. Then suddenly an overwhelm-                                                    2021 and we are moving full steam       coffee and baked goods.
James Keogh: Here again, our equal         ing number of calls from buyers were       What are some of the                        ahead.
partnership helps us to thrive. All of     coming in hot and we realized that         ways buyers changed                                                                 To learn more about Agnello, Keogh,
our team members can handle the            the tide was changing. As we saw           what they were look-                        Congratulations, that’s                 and Kang, visit www.theatlanticteam.
full spectrum of real estate, whether      that sharp turn into a seller’s market,    ing for in their dream                      amazing! Is it true that       or email them at
rentals or sales, and at all ends of the   we didn’t waste any time reaching          homes considering the                       99 percent of your busi-      
The Atlantic Team- Real Estate- p. C-4
Real Estate                                                        James Lane Post                           C-5

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The Atlantic Team- Real Estate- p. C-4
B-6                                                                                        James Lane Post                                                                                       July 2021

  Bayard Fenwick, Jon Vaccari,
  Alexandra Winter, and Terry
  Cohen. Photo Courtesy
  Saunders & Associates

The Ultimate Real Estate Power
Squad: The Terry Cohen Team
By Ty Wenzel

            onsider how many              Terry, you’ve been                      You’ve been selling suc-                    comes strength, and we adapted           but weren’t prior to the
            agents are selling real es-   ranked by the Wall                      cessfully in areas that                     as a team beautifully. During the        Covid-19 outbreak?
            tate in the nation — that     Street Journal in the                   are up and coming since                     pandemic people fell in love with
            staggering number will        top one percent of real                 before the pandemic.                        the East End like never before and       Terry Cohen: Definitely a trend
only build reverence for a certain        estate professionals sev-                                                           we have a stronger market because        towards larger homes with home of-
Hamptons rockstar who has been            eral times. What is your                Terry Cohen: I was fortunate to             of that.                                 fices, space for kids to work remotely,
ranked by the Wall Street Journal         methodology in selling                  gain experience in development early                                                 more separated spaces. Understand-
several times in their Top 1% of          to that degree?                         on in my life, so that has definitely       Are you personally see-                  ing the family dynamic has become
real estate sold: Terry Cohen, an                                                 helped my understanding. I keep my          ing a permanent migra-                   so important to find them the right
agent to join Saunders & Associ-          Terry Cohen: Knowledge and              mind open to all areas for my clients,      tion to the East End?                    house which would work. For exam-
ates during its conception back in        what to do with that knowledge.         and if they are not tied to a specific                                               ple, a lot of older children are living
2008. That may have been when             Our business is largely referral        area or town, I find what will satisfy      Terry Cohen: Of course, just             with their parents while adjusting to
real estate saw its most distress-        based, which tells us our clients and   their needs. During the pandemic,           look at the traffic! The pandemic        a work from home schedule. A lot
ing time, but from the rubble rose        customers are happy with our work.      I would look for opportunities for          absolutely caused a shift — for          want personal gyms and are focused
Cohen to become one of the most           A referral is the best compliment to    new developing and for value based          the most part, people who have           on home wellness areas.
sought-after for selling or buying        what I have done in my career.          properties that were a good invest-         bought homes here are not leaving.
luxury homes on the East End.                                                     ment based on current market                Some are choosing to enroll their        Jon Vaccari: We have a lot of
                                          Your background is so                   conditions. North Haven, which              children in schools here with the        requests for home offices, gyms,
Cohen’s background is intriguing.         interesting! How does                   was a sleeper for a long time, was a        new flexibility of working environ-      accessory structures, tennis, land for
She is an Ohio native who studied         a chemical engineering                  natural progression from neighbor-          ments.                                   outside activities. Lots are choos-
chemical engineering at Ohio State        major in Ohio end up                    ing Sag Harbor being such a great                                                    ing to home school or set up pods,
University and the University of          in the Hamptons selling                 area. It’s great because of its access to   Jon Vaccari: Yes, we are seeing this     so they need more flex spaces for
Arizona. She worked for a chemical        luxury real estate?                     water and proximity to popular Sag          in especially younger families who       remote learning. And a home bar…!
company where she handled their                                                   Harbor — it was undervalued but             enroll their kids in the schools here.   LOL
marketing and sales and the job           Terry Cohen: My background in           now people have found this gem.             The pandemic allowed traditionally
was based in Washington, D.C. It’s        engineering has made me a critical                                                  seasonal families to recognize that      Why did you choose
always a hop, skip, and a jump to get     thinker, which is essential in this     Now I’m seeing a strong trend in            the East End affords a high-quality      Saunders & Associates
to the Hamptons from Manhattan,           business and in life. The experience    Amagansett. People want larger              of living, year round. What was          as your agency?
so when she moved there to work           in selling and helping people in a      homes, estate like settings, and they       previously viewed as a vacation home
for her family’s business in the gar-     busy office setting prepared me for     are willing to be open to properties        is now being appreciated and used as     Terry Cohen: Andrew and Colleen
ment district, she found real estate      this fast paced career. During my       north of the highway to get what            a co-primary residence.                  Saunders set this firm apart from
which has always been a demanding         time in New York, I worked along-       they want.                                                                           others — I respect and trust them
but rewarding career move in the          side my family brokering goods with                                                 How did your sales and                   greatly. They treat their employees
city, and of course, the Hamptons.        clients who we built long lasting       Additionally, there has been an ex-         rentals for 2020 go and                  and agents in a way that breeds
With the amount of marketing and          relationships with. Our clients were    plosion of demand west of the canal,        how do you think the                     loyalty.
sales experience she already had, the     loyal, as were we, which is why we      which offers more infrastructure            remainder of 2021 will
framework was there to catapult her       rarely lost any clients to our com-     and an easier commute to and from           close out?                               Jon Vaccari: The strong market-
to where she is now.                      petitors.                               Manhattan.                                                                           ing team sets Saunders apart from
                                                                                                                              Terry Cohen: There was a lot of          other, traditional firms. We are
The kind of volume that Cohen sells       Our business was run based on trust     The pandemic was dev-                       supply in 2020, so therefore a lot       able to get things done quicker
is mind-blowing — she has sold over       and good rapport with customers         astating for so many, but                   more trades occurred due to supply       with everything offered in house.
$2 billion since she started selling —    and partners alike. Linking my time     brought opportunity to                      and demand. Now in 2021, we have         The boutique agency cuts out the
with $413 Million in 2020 to 2021         in engineering, it was vital to pair    the real estate market.                     less supply but the demand is still      bureaucracy.
year-to-date — and that requires          critical thinking with quick deci-      How did you and the                         there. We may see sales fall, but not
a strong team. Jon Vaccari, Bayard        sion making on a deadline — which       team pivot?                                 because of less demand just a lack       What do you all do for
Fenwick, and Alexandra Winter             funny enough are the qualities that                                                 of supply and product. That’s what       fun when you’re not
joined the Terry Cohen Team in re-        have brought such success in being a    Terry Cohen: We worked a lot                the market always comes down to in       hard at work?
cent years and it has proven a power-     broker. I identified upcoming trends    harder. For me, it was not a pleasant       real estate. Our team launched two
ful mix of experience and specialties.    and anticipated what was needed by      experience. We were successful and          new listings in the last week and we     Terry Cohen: We’re all avid boat-
Fenwick is data-driven and skilled at     our clients often times before they     making a lot of deals, that I hope          have had 30 calls or more in the first   ers. Jon got a boat so I got jealous
data analysis, while Vaccari has over     knew themselves.                        led to happy customers. It was not          few hours alone. There is a strong       and got my own! It’s been one of the
20 years of experience in ad sales and                                            easy transitioning to a new way of          demand still.                            highlights of my year. Pickle ball is
interior design, as well as commercial    When I came to the Hamptons from        working with clients — I always                                                      my new favorite, if you haven’t tried
and residential property develop-         Manhattan, I was looking for a sec-     prefer a live audience with clients in      Bayard Fenwick: 2020 was a dif-          it I highly recommend!
ment. Winter has been a very strong       ond home but like so many others,       my car or at showings where I can           ficult year for a lot of people. We
associate that handles all levels of      ended up staying here as our primary    connect and converse with them              worked really hard and consider
assistance from marketing to being a      home. I remember asking a friend        directly. It’s so important to meet         ourselves very fortunate.                To learn more about The Terry Cohen
liaison between clients and the team.     in the industry how to make a living    in person and I’m excited to start                                                   Team or to see their inventory of
                                          out here — and they said if I worked    to get back to that sense of normal.        What are some interior                   Hamptons properties, visit www.
We thought a deep-dive was im-            really hard at what I did I would be    For me, I would rather participate          or architectural trends         You can also email them
portant to learn how Cohen and her        successful — and that expectation       in a normal up market than the              you are seeing in homes                  at
team work and succeed together.           has been exceeded.                      pandemic market but from struggle           that are now important                   or call 631-804-6100.
The Atlantic Team- Real Estate- p. C-4
Real Estate                                                                                  James Lane Post                                                                                                 C-7

                   hat do you get                                                                                                                                        our seasonality was constricted and
                   when you combine                                                                                                                                      the difficulty of maintaining and

                                                      The Masters Of
                   a New York City                                                                                                                                       sometimes housing staff resulted
                   advertising veteran                                                                                                                                   in shorter lease terms. The normal
who owned some of the most iconic                                                                                                                                        lease term went from five to three
businesses in the Hamptons with                                                                                                                                          years and most retailers would have

                                                       Main Street:
an economics-educated local surfer                                                                                                                                       preferred seasonal agreements if
that worked in his family’s construc-                                                                                                                                    the landlords allowed them. That
tion business and has a passion for                                                                                                                                      has changed with Covid and the
conservation? You get the Compass                                                                                                                                        increased population over the last 15

                                                      Hal Zwick And
commercial real estate power-duo,                                                                                                                                        months, but it remains to be seen if
Hal Zwick and Jeff Sztorc. One can                                                                                                                                       that trend will continue in 2022 and
count on one hand the people who                                                                                                                                         beyond. Only a small percentage of
bring the local hamlets’ Main Streets                                                                                                                                    commercial sites come on the market
to life, and Hal Zwick has been                                                                                                                                          each year — a combination of retail,

                                                        Jeff Sztorc
one of those titans for decades. He                                                                                                                                      restaurant, industrial, and resorts
recently added Sztorc to create the                                                                                                                                      entities. Many owners see that the
most powerful team on the East End                                                                                                                                       market is very strong with new
that specializes exclusively on com-                                                                                                                                     investors looking to make their mark
mercial and investment properties.                                                                                                                                       on the East End. Consequently this
                                                                                                                                                                         has been the most aggressive sales
We sat down with them to learn                                                                 By Ty Wenzel                                                              year in commercial ever.
how the gears of business works out
here and how the pandemic affected                                                                                                                                       Any advice for someone
their business and methodologies.                                                                                                                                        looking to open a busi-
                                                                                                                                                                         ness in the Hamptons?
Hal, how did you and
Jeff come together to                                                                                                                                                    Jeff Sztorc: Staffing and housing is
head up the commercial                                                                                                                                                   key. Affordable housing is an issue
division for East End                                                                                                                                                    out here and it’s best to be proac-
real estate?                                                                                                                                                             tive and have some options. It’s also
                                                                                                                                                                         a good idea to have a targeted plan
Hal Zwick: We had worked to-                                                                                                                                             with who you will staff. Further-
gether at a prior brokerage. I have                                                                                                                                      more, it’s best to start the process in
been a commercial specialist since                                                                                                                                       the fall prior to the upcoming sum-
2003 and Jeff was involved in de-                                                                                                                                        mer during which you would like
velopment projects and residential                                                                                                                                       your business to be open.
activity. The commercial mar-
ketplace increased each year and                                                                                                                                         We get a lot of last minute calls in
became more detail oriented and                                                                                                                                          April and May for new businesses
complex. I needed to start to build                                                                                                                                      that would like to open up shop and,
a team to handle the future envi-                                                                                                                                        simply put, a lot of the best options
ronment. We would speak about                                                                                                                                            are taken by then. New inventory
the listings and work I was involved                                                                                                                                     always becomes available in the fall.
with and it became clear that Jeff
had the diversified background and                                                                                                                                       How do you think the
work ethic to partner with me in                                                                                                                                         rest of 2021 will play
growing the business to meet the                                                                                                                                         out for commercial real
challenges of the marketplace on                                                                                                                                         estate on the East End?
the East End. Coming from differ-
ent backgrounds has been beneficial                                                                                                                                      Hal Zwick: The economy is strong
in that we each bring a unique                                                                                                                                           now, but many from the financial
approach and we’re able to bring a                                                                                                                                       sector anticipate a downturn in
more in-depth perspective to each                                                                                                                                        2022 which remains to be seen.
client’s challenges. Sometimes we                                                                                                                                        Also, people are concerned about
disagree, but we have a mutual                                                                                                                                           the increase in the capital gains tax.
respect and always develop tailored                                                                                                                                      Consequently some property own-
strategies that bring success on                                                                                                                                         ers have contacted us to sell their
behalf of our clients and customers.                                                                                                                                     properties this year, therefore we are
                                             Jeff Sztorc and Hal Zwick of Compass                                                                                        signing new listings as we speak and
Do you handle distinct                       at Dopo LaSpiaggia in East Hampton.                                                                                         will continue to be very active.
commercial sectors                           James Lane Post / Ty Wenzel

with separate listings or                                                                                                                                                How do you spend your
do you both cover the                                                                                                                                                    downtime?
gamut?                                     Jeff Sztorc: I graduated from college      ferring relationships within Compass      additional commercial and industrial
                                           in 2014 then worked for a commer-         throughout the entire country.            sites, retail and gallery leasing and     Hal Zwick: I moved from the
Jeff Sztorc: We both cover the whole        cial real estate group in New York                                                  most important the return of the in-      city 23 years ago for a reason, the
gamut. Hal has the most experience         City for one year. After deciding         Was there a devasta-                      vestor community who have renewed         outdoor lifestyle. I visit the beach
across all asset classes in the com-       I wanted to change geography, I           tion to the commercial                    confidence in the strength of the         even if it’s only to see the ocean in
munity so throughout the course of         moved full time to East Hampton           real estate sector on the                 marketplace on the East End.              the winter. Taking my dogs on long
our deals he will bring that to the        in 2015. My family has roots in           East End because of the                                                             walks every day through the differ-
table. However, we both have certain       the area and I spent every summer         lockdown?                                 What are some of the                      ent villages and lanes. Once again
strong suits. I grew up working for        out East since the ’90s so I already                                                key differences when                      visiting all my favorite restaurants
builders and developers, so I tend         had a basic network which has             Hal Zwick: There was a temporary          purchasing a space for                    and take-out food entities — almost
to focus on commercial and indus-          expanded these past few years. In         pause. We had four deals that were        a commercial purpose                      every day. Exploring the hidden trea-
trial properties, storage facilities       2015 I began working in residential       about to go into contract, restaurant,    than for a residential                    sures from Montauk to Orient, like
along with projects that are looking       sales, sold oceanfront properties in      fitness and retail sales, that were       property?                                 the the parks and unique shops. And
at future build outs and planning          my first couple of years and it was       cancelled. Retail leasing stopped                                                   I used to and will once again start
processes. Hal takes the helm on           off to a strong start. I focused on       until the state announced in June         Jeff Sztorc: Usually a commercial          my Manhattan visits again, two to
most retail, restaurant, and resort        development and ended up invest-          that stores could reopen that month       sale takes longer than a residential      three days every six weeks or so, just
deals especially when the transaction      ing in some building projects and         at which point every available site       transaction. There are more hurdles       enough to get my fill of everything
hits a certain dollar level and/or level   had a successful few years. In 2019,      was leased to galleries and retail        to cross for specific business uses and   New York City has to offer. It’s from
of complexity. I’ve seen commercial        Hal made it clear he needed to            entities who realized that Manhattan      it must make sense from a zoning          these visits that I see how special the
deals close that have taken years          expand his commercial team and            was going to remain in a diminished       and investment basis. A home is           East End is and realize how much I
to bring to fruition. Personally, I’ve     the decision for me was easy to shift     state for an indefinite time period.      usually purchased out of a personal       love living here.
also been able to be focus on other        to commercial. It’s been an amaz-         Commercial activity started to in-        necessity and/or a desire, whereas
specialized assets such as marinas,        ing learning experience getting to        crease each month after that.             a commercial transaction is viewed        Jeff Sztorc: I moved out East full
multi-family and mixed-use sites.          work with Hal. I’m grateful to have                                                 from a profitability and viability        time for the nature of the Hamp-
We both do everything related to           a mentor and look forward to the          How did it affect your                    standpoint. There are more complex        tons. Every day I feel grateful for the
commercial on the East End.                years to come.                            business personally?                      issues that can come up and halt a        beaches and protected wilderness
                                                                                                                               transaction. We noticed during the        around us. My grandfather has been
How did you both get                       What are the advantages                   Hal Zwick: Commercial and indus-          first year of the pandemic as the         a Montauk charter captain since
into real estate on the                    for commercial real                       trial activity was the first to open up   residential market was on fire our        the 1960s so I grew up fishing and
East End?                                  estate at Compass?                        around Labor Day resulting from           business was on standby. Then in fall     working on boats. I had a variety of
                                                                                     the increase in home renovations          2021, the commercial marketplace          other summer jobs as a kid in the
Hal Zwick: I moved here in 1998            Jeff Sztorc: We have always been at-       necessitating the trade category to       exploded. Usually, there are less         Hamptons from which I still have
after an eighteen year career in           tracted to the Compass brand. It’s a      require new or larger sites. Other        comps with commercial. It’s very          connections to this day. For years I
advertising. I began to purchase both      forward-looking company which has         customers were very cautious about        granular and for certain operators,       was instructing surfing and junior
businesses and commercial proper-          been able to assemble a high-quality      entering into either sales or lease       decisions are made immediately            lifeguarding in East Hampton.
ties including BookHampton, The            group of agents conducting a great        deals until they had confidence of        based on the fact they can easily see     Downtime these days, when found,
Snowflake Cafe, and The Paradise           deal of business on the East End,         when life would start to evolve back      a certain site as their best option. On   usually consists of relaxing beach
Restaurant. After I decided that I         especially if you look at a dollar vol-   to normal. This occurred when the         the other hand, for investors looking     time, surfing year round, fishing and
did not want to be involved in the         ume per agent figure. The technology      vaccines were approved in November        for a long-term holding plan, the         boating, golf, or other outdoor activi-
day-to-day activities of running           that the company offers truly makes       when the public felt confident that       process could take years to find what     ties. Of course, we have our favorite
restaurants, I sold the businesses and     our lives easier and more organized.      we would be back to normal by the         makes sense for them.                     spots, local restaurants, and shops
focused on the real estate compo-          The support staff and internal            late Spring.                                                                        that I’m always happy to patron-
nent. I was approached by individu-        platforms are the most advanced we                                                  Are the commercial                        ize. Recently, I joined the volunteer
als to consult on their commercial         have seen.                                We therefore had an increased year        spaces usually for sale or                ocean rescue in Amagansett and am
activity and I quickly obtained my                                                   round population with the anticipa-       lease?                                    excited to get further involved in the
real estate license and the rest is        The marketing is wide reaching, and       tion of the busiest season ever. We                                                 community.
history. I always focused exclusively      we get to work with some amazing,         were off to the races! We have been       Jeff Sztorc: Over the last few years
on commercial activity — referring         creative people. Along with the fact      involved with 40 transactions year-       we have seen significant turnover of      To learn more about Zwick and Sztorc,
other projects from my customers to        that there is a commercial depart-        to-date and more to come including        retail leases. Prior to Covid, brick      or to view their active listings, visit
residential sales specialists.             ment in New York City and great re-       four resorts, multiple food entities,     and mortar retail was on the decline,
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                                                                           Jaguar Path presents

                                        Andean Shamans Summit
                                                     Ray Crist with the Q’ero Elders

                                                   JULY 12 —16, 2021 • 5:00 — 7:30PM EST

                            Be with us live on Zoom or watch the recordings on your own time!
              The Qʼeros are the Earth Keepers. After 500 years of preserving their culture in the Andes, they are now
                                    sharing with us the ways of the Medicine Men and Women.
                                          WE NEED EARTH KEEPERS NOW MORE THAN EVER.
                For the first time on Zoom, get a chance to listen to the wisdom of the Elders, whose philosophies of
                                  embracing Mother Earth have remained unchanged for centuries.

       Senior Kripalu instructor and Jaguar Path founder Ray Crist has apprenticed for more than 16 years with the Elders of the Qʼero Nations People. Em-
       braced by the tribe, he now holds one of the highest initiations and is named by the elders as a Kuraq Akulleq - visionary and teacher of the lineage.

                       REGISTER NOW:
                                                                       Space is limited
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           Hamptons Fashion
             Week is Back!
                  Join us for our Two Day LIVE Event!
               Plus Event will be Live Streaming Globally.
                             SAVE THE DATE
                             August7th   &8th
                                     7th & 8th
                          Southampton, New York
                           Southampton, NY

       Partnership Opportunities:

         For Partnership Opportunities email
                              TICKET LINK:

                   Part Of The Proceeds will benefit
                     Ellen Hermanson Foundation

       Part of the proceeds from this event will benefit the Ellen Hermanson Foundation
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