EPPING SECONDARY COLLEGE - Booklet for 2021 Senior school programs & Subject Information

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EPPING SECONDARY COLLEGE - Booklet for 2021 Senior school programs & Subject Information

     Senior school programs
     & Subject Information
     Booklet for 2021
EPPING SECONDARY COLLEGE - Booklet for 2021 Senior school programs & Subject Information
Programs offered at ESC:
  Future Directions
  Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning
  Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)
  Careers Focus Victorian Certificate of
EPPING SECONDARY COLLEGE - Booklet for 2021 Senior school programs & Subject Information
Table of Contents
How to Use this Handbook..............................................................................................................................................................................5
University / TAFE prerequisites .......................................................................................................................................................................6
What program should I choose? (Career Focus VCE, Future Direction, VCAL, VCE) ........................................................................................7-8
Sample Programs ..........................................................................................................................................................................................9-10
Non Scored and Scored VCE ............................................................................................................................................................................11
Profile of a non-scored student ........................................................................................................................................................................12

                                                         VCE Subject descriptions
VCE 20th Century History & Revolutions...............................................................................................................................................………..2
VCE Accounting .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
VCE Australian & Global Politics .......................................................................................................................................................................4
VCE Biology .....................................................................................................................................................................................................5
VCE Business Management .............................................................................................................................................................................6
VCE Chemistry................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
VCE Applied Computing ..................................................................................................................................................................................8-9

VCE English (Including EAL) ............................................................................................................................................................................10

VCE Bridging EAL ...........................................................................................................................................................................................12
VCE English - English literature .......................................................................................................................................................................13
VCE Food Studies ...........................................................................................................................................................................................14
VCE Geography ..............................................................................................................................................................................................15
VCE Health & Human Development ................................................................................................................................................................16

VCE Italian ......................................................................................................................................................................................................17
VCE Legal Studies ...........................................................................................................................................................................................18

VCE Macedonian ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 19
VCE Mathematics ...........................................................................................................................................................................................20

VCE Mathematics - General, Further & Foundation Maths............................................................................................................................... 21
VCE Mathematical Methods (CAS) ..................................................................................................................................................................22

VCE General Mathematics (ADVANCED/SPECIALIST) ....................................................................................................................................23
VCE Media ......................................................................................................................................................................................................23
VCE Music Performance..................................................................................................................................................................................24

VCE Philosophy ..............................................................................................................................................................................................25

VCE Physical Education ..................................................................................................................................................................................26

VCE Physics ....................................................................................................................................................................................................27

VCE Psychology ..............................................................................................................................................................................................28
VCE Sociology ................................................................................................................................................................................................29
VCE Studio Arts ..............................................................................................................................................................................................30
VCE Theatre Studies .........................................................................................................................................................................................31
VCE Visual Communication and Design...........................................................................................................................................................32
VCE Extended Investigation ..............................................................................................................................................................................33
EPPING SECONDARY COLLEGE - Booklet for 2021 Senior school programs & Subject Information
VET Subject descriptions

VET Information, Digital Media and Technology ............................................................................................................................................34
VET Music.......................................................................................................................................................................................................35
VCE VET Health…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…36
VET Sport and Recreation………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………37
VET Business………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………….38
VET Community services ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….39
VET Screen and Media …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….40
EPPING SECONDARY COLLEGE - Booklet for 2021 Senior school programs & Subject Information
How to use this Handbook:
This handbook provides students with information on the various subject offerings in VCE /
VCAL / Careers focus /VET at Epping Secondary College.

Students are encouraged to read through this booklet prior to making decisions about
which subjects they would like to study in 2021 and this booklet should be read in
conjunction with the Senior Years Policy and Procedures booklet.

For information about VCAL subjects and the application for VCAL, you will need to
collect the specific VCAL handbook.

Follow these steps to make the most out of this booklet:

     Read through the booklet
     Pay attention to details such as pre-requisite studies, these are the subjects
      the university requires you take before entering particular courses, or
      recommended subject pairings
     Develop a short list of preferred subjects in conjunction with parents / caregivers,
      mentors, teachers
     Record your subject selections on the application form in this booklet, online
     Use this handbook in conjunction with the Careers information to find out more
      about the subjects you are interested in AND speak with your current teachers
      about what the VCE subject is like
     Follow the Course Counselling and Subject Selection process & timeline. You must
      bring to this interview:
       o An application form for either VCAL/Future Directions or VCE/Career Focus VCE
       o My Career Match Survey result
       o Career Portfolio (Career Action Plan)
       o Mid-Year report
       o Accelerated Subject Selection form completed and signed – if applicable

Note: A Subject running is dependent on student numbers
EPPING SECONDARY COLLEGE - Booklet for 2021 Senior school programs & Subject Information
University and TAFE Prerequisites
 Universities and TAFE have prerequisites for many of their courses. These prerequisites
 identify the subjects they want students to have taken while at school and the minimum
 scores they will accept from students with these subjects.

 Through your Career Investigation, you should have identified what pre-requisites the
 courses you are aiming for have. These pre-requisites are taken into consideration
 when assigning students to classes.

 Accelerated students
Students who are already completing an accelerated subject will have the option of
continuing that accelerated subject.
Students who are thinking of studying a year 12 subject and haven’t studied a unit 1 /2 or
have completed unit 1 /2 but not the pre requisite of the subject they have chosen must
see Mr Malcolm for an application form. These are due in on the 24th July

EPPING SECONDARY COLLEGE - Booklet for 2021 Senior school programs & Subject Information
Which Program should I choose?
At Epping Secondary College, the following programs are offered for students who successfully complete Year 10:

                                                                         Year                                         VCE
                  VCAL                                                                                              Scored and
                                                                          10                                        Non Scored

                                         Future                                                         Career
                                       Directions                                                       Focus

                                                                         VCE 12                                           VCAL 12

I should choose this option because:
                                                                                               Career Focus VCE                   VCE
              VCAL                                Future Directions                                                      I am keen to follow
                                                 I am struggling                            I like the option of
  I am thinking that when I                                                                                              requires university. I
                                                 academically at the                        VCE but also want to         prefer the academic
  leave school I might want
                                                 year 10 level and are                      leave my option              focused subjects listed in
  to focus on a Traineeship
                                                 looking to develop                         open to a career path        this booklet.
  /Apprenticeship or Further
                                                 personal learning &                        that may include a
  Studies. I would prefer to
                                                 life skills at year11                      Traineeship or
  do this in a more “Hands
                                                                                            Apprenticeship or
  On” way.
                                                                                            further studies.
EPPING SECONDARY COLLEGE - Booklet for 2021 Senior school programs & Subject Information
Compulsory subjects include:
            VCAL                 Future Directions             Career Focus VCE                VCE
Personal Development             Personal                    Structured                      VCE English
VCE English/Literacy             Development                 Workplace Learning
General or Foundation Maths.     Job Pathways - Cert. 1      VET
Structured Workplace             Life Skills Math            Industry and
Work Related Skills              Literacy or                 Enterprise Unit 2
VET                              Foundation English          VCE English
Structured Work Placement

Electives include:

              VCAL                                                  Career Focus                VCE
                                                                                             Five additional
 The VET & Structured                                                   VCE
                                                                                             VCE subjects
 Workplace Learning                  VCAL Elective                Two additional
 experience should be related                                     VCE subjects
 to the student’s career focus
 (where possible).

Where this can lead:
  Apprenticeship                 Apprenticeship              Apprenticeship
  Employment                     Employment                  Employment                  Apprenticeship
  Further education at TAFE      Further education at TAFE   Further education at TAFE   Employment
                                                             Further education at        Further education at TAFE
                                                             University                  Further education at
EPPING SECONDARY COLLEGE - Booklet for 2021 Senior school programs & Subject Information
What might a Post Year 10 program look like?
    What is your focus   Subject 1         Subject 2         Subject 3        Subject 4       Subject 5     Subject 6
    Maths                Math Methods      Specialist       VCE Subject       VCE Subject     VCE Subject   English/EAL
    Science              Choose 1 of:      Choose 2 of:                       VCE Subject     VCE Subject   English/EAL
                         Math Methods      Biology, Chemistry, Physics,
                         or General        Psychology
    Maths/Science        Math Methods      Specialist          Choose 2 of:                   VCE Subject   English/EAL
                                           Maths               Biology, Chemistry, Physics,
    Science/Humanities   Choose 1 of:        Choose 2 of: History,             Any Maths      VCE Subject   English/EAL
                         Biology,            Philosophy, Legal Studies,
                         Chemistry,          Sociology, Economics, Politics,
                         Physics,            Business Management,
                         Psychology          Accounting
    Humanities           Choose 3 of: History, Philosophy, Legal Studies,      VCE Subject    VCE Subject   English/EAL
                         Sociology, Economics, Politics, Business
                         Management, Accounting
    English              Literature          Choose 2 of: History,             VCE Subject    VCE Subject   English/EAL
                                             Philosophy, Sociology, Politics,
                                             Accounting, Media
    Business             Choose 3 of: Legal Studies, Economics, Business       Any Maths      VCE Subject   English/EAL
                         Management, Accounting
    Art/Technology       Choose 3 of:                                          VCE Subject    VCE Subject   English/EAL
                         Studio Arts, Visual Communication and Design,
                         Food Studies, VET IT, Applied Computing
    Performing Arts      Theatre Studies Music                 Media           VCE Subject    VCE Subject   English/EAL
    Health/PE            Health and          PE                Choose 1 of:    Any Maths      VCE Subject   English/EAL
                         Human                                 Psychology,
                         Development                           Biology, Food
    Science/PE           Choose 1 of:        PE                Any Maths       VCE Subject    VCE Subject   English/EAL
    Languages            Choose 1 of:        VCE Subject       VCE Subject     VCE Subject    VCE Subject   English/EAL
                         Arabic, Persian,

EPPING SECONDARY COLLEGE - Booklet for 2021 Senior school programs & Subject Information
     What is your focus     Subject 1            Subject 2      Subject 3              Subject 4             Subject 5       Subject 6
     IT                     VET IT               Industry and   Structured             VCE Applied           VCE             English/EAL
                                                 Enterprise     Work                   Computing             Subject
                                                                Placement - IT
     Sport                  VET Sport and        Industry and   Structured             VCE Biology           VCE             English/EAL
                            Rec                  Enterprise     Work                                         Subject
                                                                Placement -
     Business               VET Business         Industry and   Structured             Choose 1 of: VCE      VCE             English/EAL
                                                 Enterprise     Work                   Business              Subject
                                                                Placement -            Management,
                                                                Business               VCE Accounting,
                                                                                       VCE Economics

     What is your focus     Subject 1            Subject 2           Subject 3         Subject 4          Subject 5          Subject 6
     Developing your        Personal             Life Skills         Job Pathways      Elective           WRs                Literacy/
     skills                 Development          Maths               – Certificate 1                                         Foundation
                                        A VET or Certificate Level Course available if appropriate

     What is your   Subject 1        Subject 2          Subject 3       Subject 4         Subject 5             Subject 6      Subject 7
     focus area?
     Applied        Personal    Foundation              VET linked      Work Related      VCE                   Literacy /     Elective
     Learning       Development Maths /                 to chosen       Skills            subject,              English /
     Year 11                    General                 career                            dependent on          EAL
                                Maths                   path                              timetable

     Year 12        Personal    VCAL                    VET linked      Work Related      Creative           Literacy          One Semester of
                    Development Numeracy                to chosen       Skills            Industries                           Community and
                                                        career                            (incorporating                       one semester of
                                                        path                              Skills for further                   Business

                          All VCAL students must have a Structured Work Placement – linked to chosen career path

Non Scored VCE program
 Epping SC is offering a non-scored VCE program to individualise and further support students.
 A non-scored VCE results in a student achieving the VCE but without receiving scores for their subjects. A student sitting a non -
 scored VCE will not receive an ATAR.

                                           Rationale of a non-scored VCE program:

             Meet, respect and respond to the diverse needs of all students undertaking VCE studies at Epping Secondary
             Offer career pathways that individualize student aspirations and needs.
             No longer make assumptions that all students require an ATAR score.
             Provide choices for all students
             Better prepare all students for what they aim to achieve and follow through when they leave the college
             Encourage students to investigate alternative pathways and give greater validity to these options .
             Continuously work towards enabling all students to experience success
             Better learning for ALL.

 Students can apply to complete a non-scored VCE. Applications can be made to the Year Level Coordinator, or to the Careers
 team. Moving to non-scored will only occur with parent approval.
     Scored VCE: The benefits of a student selecting to sit         Non Scored VCE - The benefits of a student to select a
     exams and create an ATAR score are to :                        non-scored VCE pathway are to:

              enable students to gain the required pre                        enable students to learn through their individual
             requisites/score to enter a particular university or           style and needs without the pressures of
             course                                                         examinations and ATAR scores.
              encourage deeper learning of content and skills                 avoid students feeling demoralised due to their
             relevant to the maximising their SAC and exam                  grades
             scores.                                                          encourage deeper learning of content and enable
              support students wanting an ATAR to maximise                  skill development through a directed learning
             their score.                                                   approach.
                                                                              encourage deeper learning of content and skills
                                                                            relevant to the specific program- Not just teach to
                                                                            the SAC and exam.
                                                                              enable all students to develop a healthy self-esteem
                                                                            by achieving success
                                                                              look at other pathways to attend universities as
                                                                             universities are moving further toward alternate
                                                                             selection processes, hence opening up entrance
                                                                              To enable students to research and investigate
                                                                             alternate career pathways through support and
                                                                             encouragement from VCE management team.
                                                                              To utilise our Senior School support systems to
                                                                             better prepare students completing a non- scored
                                                                             VCE and moving into alternate further study options
                                                                             or career pathways.

Profile of students that may be suited to a non-scored VCE

                         The following could be examples of situations where     Other possible option
                         VCE students could choose not to sit for end of year

     Student 1                   The student does not have any intention of              Career Focus VCE
                                 going to University after school – is looking
                                 at a TAFE course or private institution

     Student 2                   Is looking at an apprenticeship or internship           VCAL
                                 at the end of the year.                                 Career Focus VCE

     Student 3                   Has a job ready to start at the end of year             VCAL
                                 12.                                                     Career Focus VCE

     Student 4                   Suffers from high anxiety and would not
                                 cope with the pressures of exams. Will not
                                 generate an ATAR but is planning on
                                 attending TAFE and then will use the
                                 pathways from TAFE to move into

     Student 5                   Looking at a certain course at Victoria                 Career Focus VCE
                                 University – many do not require an ATAR.

     Student 6                   Knows the ATAR generated will not be
                                 enough to get straight into University and
                                 that this step to University would be too
                                 great. Will complete a TAFE course first to
                                 further develop knowledge and skills before
                                 moving into the University course.

     Student 7                   Moving into the defence force at the end of
                                 the year and needs a VCE completion only.

     Student 8                   Wants to complete a more hands on course                Career Focus VCE
                                 before entering University so increasing the
                                 chances of success and employment. Many
                                 design courses are suitable for this

     Student 9                   Would like to work, travel and go to                    Career Focus VCE
                                 university as a mature aged student at 21.

     Student 10                  Would like to join the police force.                    Career Focus VCE

 VCE Subject Information

VCE History
VCE 20th Century History &
                  Unit 1                                   Unit 2
 Twentieth Century History 1918-1939      Twentieth Century History 1945-2000
Outcome 1 – Ideology and Conflict:       Outcome 1 – Competing Ideologies:
Explain the consequences of the peace    Explain the ideological divisions in the
treaties which ended World War I, the    post-war period and analyse the
impact of ideologies on natures and      nature, development and impact of
the events that lead to World War II.    the Cold War on nations and people, in
Outcome 2 – Social and Cultural          relation to one or more paricular
Change:                                  conflicts in the period.
Explain patterns of social life and      Outcome 2 – Challenge and Change:
cultural change in one or more           Explain the causes and nature of
contexts, and analyse the factors        challenge and change in relation to
which influenced changes to sociaal      two selected contexts in the second
life and culture, in the inter-years     half of the twentieth century and
focusing on Italy, Germany, Japan,       analyse the consequences for nations
USSR and/d USA.                          and people.

                 Unit 3                                  Unit 4
         Causes of Revolution                 Consequences of Revolution
Outcome 1: Causes                        Outcome 1: Consequences
Analyse the causes of revolution and     Analyse the conseuqneces of the
evaluate the contribution of             revolution and evaluate the extent of
significant ideas, events, individuals   change brought to society for the
and popular movements for the            following revolutions: the American
following: American Revolution (1754-    Revolution (1776-1789), French
1776), French Revolution (1774-1789),    Revolution (1789-1795), Russian
Russian Revolution (1896-1917),          Revolution (1917-1927) and/or the
and/or the Chinese Revolution (1912-     Chinese Revolution (1949-1971).

VCE Accounting
                         Unit 1                                               Unit 2
            Role of Accounting in Business              Accounting and Decision-Making for a Trading
Outcome 1 - The Role of Accounting:                                          Business
Describe the resources required to establish and     Outcome 1 - Accounting for Inventory:
operate a business, and select and use accounting    Record and report for inventory and discuss the
reports and other information to discuss the success effect of relevant financial and non-financial factors,
or otherwise of the business.                        and ethical considerations, on the outcome of
Outcome 2 - Recording Financial Data and             business decisions.
Reporting Accounting Information for a Service       Outcome 2 - Accounting For and Managing Account
Business:                                            Receivable and Accounts Payable:
Identify and record financial data, report and explain
                                                     Record and report for accounts receivable and
accounting information for a servicce business, and  accounts payable, and analyse and discuss the
suggest and apply appropraite financial and non-     effect of relevant decisions on the performance of
financial indicators to measure business             the business including the influence of ethical
performance.                                         considerations.
                                                     Outcome 3 – Accounting For and Managing Non-
                                                     Current Assets:
                                                     Record and report for non-current assets and
                        Unit 3                                                Unit 4
     Financial Accounting for a Trading Business        Recording, Reporting, Budgeting and Decision-
Outcome 1 – Recording and Analysing Financial                                 Making
Data:                                                Outcome 1 – Extension of Recording and Reporting:
Redord dinancial data using a double entry system; Record financial data and balance day adjustments
explain the role of the General Journal, General     using a double entry system, report accounting
Ledger and inventory cards in the recording process; information using an accrual-based system and
and describe, discuss and analyse various aspects of evaluate the effort of balance day adjustments and
the accounting system, including ethical             alternative methods of depreciation on accounting
considerations.                                      reports.
Outcome 2 – Preparing and Interpre                   Outcome 2 – Budgeting and Decision-Making:
ting Accounting Reports:                             Prepare budgeted accounting reports and variance
Record transactions and prepare, interpret and       reports for a trading business using financial and
analyse accounting reports for a trading business.   other relevant information, and model, analyse and
                                                     discuss the effort of alternative strategies on the
                                                     performance of a business.

VCE Australian & Global Politics
                 Unit 1                                    Unit 2
       THE NATIONAL CITIZEN                         THE GLOBAL CITIZEN
Power, Politics and Democracy:             Global Threads:
Students look at how power is used by      Students discuss how global issues
different types of governments and         now affect multiple people from
groups such as terrorism in the world      around the world. Students look at the
today.                                     ways economics and communication
                                           have changed how politics works at a
Exercising and Challenging Power:          global level.
Students look at why different
groups/individuals seek to gain power      Global Cooperation and Conflict:
and how they use this power to             Describe and analyse the extent to
change their society.                      which the international community
They discuss the ideologies that           works together to manage conflict
influence people and leaders and how       and instability around the globe. This
that affects the world today.              includes such topics as refugees,
                                           disarmament or human rights, war,
                                           genocide, terrorism, border disputes
                                           and organised crime.
                 Unit 3                                     Unit 4
           GLOBAL ACTORS                           GLOBAL CHALLENGES
Students look at the major global          Ethical Issues and Debates:
players in international relations such    Analyse two global political issues
as the UN, WTO, IMF & ICC. They            from a range of perspectives and
consider the types of power used by        evaluate effective responses. Those
states and other groups such as            issues could be human rights, people
corporations and terrorist groups.         movement, development, inequality
                                           and poverty or arms control and
Power in the Asia-Pacific Region:          disarmament.
Analyse and evaluate types of power
used by an Asia-Pacific state in pursuit   Crises and Responses:
of national interest. Case studies may     Explain the characteristics of two
include Australia, China, Indonesia,       contemporary crises and evaluate
Japan or the Unites States of America.     effective responses. Crises could
                                           include environmental degradation,
                                           inter and intrastate conflict in
                                           Afghanistan, state and non-state
                                           terrorism and economic instability.

VCE Biology
                  Unit 1                                     Unit 2
                 ALIVE?                                 MAINTAINED?
This unit examines how organisms           This unit focuses on the cellular
function at a cellular and multicellular   reproduction cycle and the
level, and how these biological            transmission of biological information
systems respond to different               across generations. Students examine
environments. Students will                the structure and function of DNA in
investigate the various adaptations of     relation to basic genetic concepts and
plants and animals that enable them        how it plays a role in inheritance.
to maintain a stable population. The       Different methods of reproduction in
complexity of ecosystems and the           relation to the survival of a species are
relationships between organisms are        also studied.
also studied.                              Students will investigate an issue in
Assessment includes a field report,        genetics or reproductive science, and
practical reports, tests and an exam.      communicate their findings through
                                           an oral presentation.
                  Unit 3                                     Unit 4
This Unit looks at the structure and         RESPOND TO CHALLENGES OVER
function of cells. Cellular processes                        TIME?
such as enzyme activity, cellular          This unit looks at the relatedness
respiration and photosynthesis are         between species and the impact of
studied. We look at the way the body       change on a population’s gene
responds to changes using the              pool. Students look at biological
nervous and endocrine system. We           evolution by natural selection and
study the causes of disease and how        examine evidence from
the body defends itself from these         palaeontology, biogeography,
challenges.                                developmental biology and structural
Students will complete a practical         morphology. Technological
investigation related to cellular          developments are examined in various
processes and immunity.                    biological fields as evidence of change.
                                           Assessment includes practical
                                           investigations and written reports.

VCE Business Management
                   Unit 1                                     Unit 2
            Planning a Business                       Establishing a Business
Outcome 1 – The Business Idea:             Outcome 1 – Legal Requirements and
Describe how and why business ideas are    Financial Considerations:
created and developed, and explain the     Explain the importance when establishing
methods by which a culture of business     a business of complying with legal
innovation and entrepreneurship may be     requirements and financial record-
fostered in a nation.                      keeping, and establishing effective
Outcome 2: External Environment:           policies and procedures.
Describe the external environment of a     Outcome 2 – Marketing a Business:                   Daniela
business and explain how the macro and     Explain the importance of establishing a            Year 12
operating factors within it may affect     customer base and a marketing presence        I have enjoyed doing
business planning.                         to achieve the objectives of the business,   this subject as it gives
Outcome 3 – Internal Environment:          analyse effective marketing and public          a good insight into
Describe the internal business             relations strategies and apply these              how large scale
environment and analyse how factors        strategies to business-related case             organisations run.
from within it may affect business         studies.
planning.                                  Outcome 3 – Staffing a Business:
                                           Discuss the staffing needs for a business
                                           and evaluate the benefits and limitations
                                           of management strategies in this area
                                           from both an emplouer and an employee
                  Unit 3                                      Unit 4
           Managing a Business                       Transforming a Business
Outcome 1 – Business Foundations:          Outcome 1 - Reviewing Performance-
Discuss the key characteristics of         The Need for Change:
businesses and stakeholders and analyse    Explain the way business change may
the relationship between corporate         come about, use key performance
culture, management styles and             indicators to analyse the performance of a
management skills.                         business, discuss the driving and
Outcome 2 – Managing Employees:            restraining forces for change and evaluate
Explain theories of motivation and apply   management strategies to position a
them to a range of contexts and analyse    business for the future.
and evaluate strategies related to the     Outcome 2 – Implementing Change:
management of employees.                   Evaluate the effectiveness of a variety of
Outcome 3 – Operations Management:         strategies used by managers to
Analyse the relationship between           implement change and discuss the effect
business objectives and operations         of change on the stakeholders of a
management and propose and evaluate        business.
strategies to improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of business operations.

VCE Chemistry
                   Unit 1                                            Unit 2
      MATERIALSS BE EXPLAINED?                                   CHEMICAL?
The development and use of materials for         Water is the most widely used solvent on
specific purposes is an important human          Earth. In this unit students explore the
endeavour. In this unit students                 physical and chemical properties of water,
investigate the chemical properties of a         the reactions that occur in water and
range of materials from metals to salts to       various methods of water analysis.
polymers and nanomaterials. Using their          Students will examine the polar nature of
knowledge of elements and atomic                 a water molecules and the bonding forces
structure students explore and explain the       between water molecules which lead to
relationships between properties,                investigation of solubility, concentration,
structure and bonding forces within and          pH and reactions in water that include:
between particles that vary in size from         precipitations, acid-base and redox
the visible, through nanoparticles, to           reactions. Students are introduced to
molecules and atoms.                             quantitative and qualitative analysis
                                                 techniques, such as stoichiometry and
                                                 instrumental procedures, to determine
                                                 concentrations of different species in
                                                 water samples, including chemical

                   Unit 3                                            Unit 4
The global demand for energy and                          The carbon atom has unique
materials is increasing with world                 characteristics that explain the diversity
population growth. In this unit students           and number of organic compounds that
explore energy options and the chemical            not only constitute living tissues but are
production of materials with reference to          also found in the fuels, foods, medicines
efficiencies, renewability and the                   and many of the materials we use in
minimisation of their impact on the                    everyday life. In this unit students
environment. Students will compare and                investigate the structural features,
evaluate different chemical energy               bonding, typical reactions and uses of the
resources, including fossil fuels, biofuels,        major families of organic compounds
galvanic cells (batteries), electrolytic cells     including those found in food. Students
and fuel cells. Students will look at                 will process data from instrumental
factors and the extent of those that                  analyses of organic compounds to
influence reaction rates through using            confirm or deduce organic structures and
equilibrium law and Le Chatelier’s               perform volumetric analyses to determine
principle to different reaction systems,         the concentrations of organic chemicals in
including efficiency and percentage                  mixtures. Students will consider and
product yield.                                       design reaction pathways to produce
                                                 particular compounds from given starting

VCE Applied Computing
Applied Computing allows students to obtain transferrable skills to prepare them for an ever changing world, such as
collaboration, creative design and information literacy.
There are two options for Applied Computing at VCE level and this is to cater for the wide range of careers that exist
within the computing areas, such as Data Analytics, Programming, Network Development, Cyber Security amongst
many others.
Students are strongly advised to seek clarification about the various Computing pathways prior to making their
The diagram below provides a basic outline of the pathways through VCE Applied Computing. Please be aware that
focus being studied does not vary in Units 1 & 2, however you are required to select a stream before entering Units 3 &
Data Analytics looks at utilising data to create an understanding of the wider world around them. Data Analytics is
quickly becoming one of the most important industries, and is used in most businesses today. This stream is suggested
for students also taking Business Management, or looking to develop skills applicable in any industry.
Software Development focuses on programming solutions to solve a need or problem. This stream is suggested for
students looking to enter the IT field after high school.
Please Note: Applied Computing does contain a SAT in Units 3 & 4, and will require production of a solution after
developing a portfolio of design ideas.

                                                                         Data Analytics
                                                                         UNIT 3 AOS 1: Data Analytics
                    Computing                                         Unit 3 AOS 2: Analysis and Design
                                                                  Unit 4 AOS 1: Development and Evaluation
                                                                      Unit 4 AOS 2: Cyber Security: Data
                  UNIT 1 AOS 1:                                                    Security
                  Data Analysis
                  Unit 1 AOS 2:
                  Unit 2 AOS 1:
                    Innovative                                  Software Development
                                                                         UNIT 3 AOS 1: Programming
                  Unit 2 AOS 2:                                       Unit 3 AOS 2: Analysis and Design
                                                                  Unit 4 AOS 1: Development and Evaluation
                 Network Security                                  Unit 4 AOS 2: Cyber Security: Software

VCE Applied Computing
                  Unit 1                                          Unit 2
Unit 1 provides students with the skills for   Unit 2 investigates where technologies
both streams of Unit 3 and 4.                  are going in the next 10 years.

AOS 1 looks at data visualisations and         AOS 1 allows students to work
analysis, utilising various sources, and       collaboratively on developing an
presenting those findings visually. This       Innovative Solution, using a wide range of
AOS leads into Data Analytics in Unit 3 &      resources (including Arduinos, VR, etc.)
                                               AOS 2 investigates how organisations
AOS 2 provides students with the skills        utilise Networks to exchange data and
required for Software Development in           information. They also investigate ways
Unit 3 & 4. Students develop programs to       of mitigating threats, and propose
solve specific needs.                          solutions to these threats.

Data Analytics
                   Unit 3                                        Unit 4
Students access and collect data from          Students present their data from Unit 3,
large data stores to present their findings    and investigate Cybersecurity concerns
in a visual medium.                            involving Data and Information

AOS 1 allows students to utilise Data          AOS 1 is the second part of the SAT, where
Sources to develop an effective Data           students develop Infographics around the
visualisation.                                 data they collected in Unit 3.

AOS 2 is the first part of the SAT. Students   AOS 2 looks at data and information
propose a research question and collect        security and its importance to an
data to be used in Unit 4.                     organisation.

Software Development
                  Unit 3                                         Unit 4
Students examine different design tools to     Students develop their design from Unit 3,
create working software solutions.             and investigate Cybersecurity concerns
                                               involving software practices.
AOS 1 involves students developing
software modules to meet specific needs.       AOS 1 is the second part of the SAT, where
                                               students develop a functional solution
AOS 2 is the first part of the SAT. Students   around the need they identified in Unit 3.
identify a need or opportunity and begin
designing a solution to be developed in        AOS 2 looks at software security and its
Unit 4.                                        importance to an organisation.

VCE English/Including EAL
                  Unit 1                                   Unit 2
In unit 1 students will:                  In unit 2 students will:
- enhance text response skills            - compare texts based on similar
- develop oral presentation skills        themes, issues and ideas
- analyse the way current issues and      - develop text response skills
arguments are portrayed in the media.     - enhance communication and
(In addition to this EAL students will    listening skills
be required to complete a listening       -produce persuasive texts
comprehension activity).
                  Unit 3                                   Unit 4
In unit 3 students will:                  In unit 4 students will:
- enhance text response skills            - compare texts based on similar
- enhance creative writing skills         themes, issues and ideas
- develop oral presentation skills        - develop text response skills
- analyse the way current issues and      - enhance communication skills
arguments are portrayed in the media.     -analyse and present argument
(In addition to this EAL students will
be required to complete a listening
comprehension activity).

Further Information about English
It is compulsory for all students to study a Unit 1-4 sequence in at least one
English study to attain their VCE certificate.
Students who are eligible may also choose to study English as an Additional
Language (EAL) and this counts as their 1 – 4 English sequence.

VCE Bridging EAL
                 Unit 1                                       Unit 2
In Unit 1 students will:                     In Unit 2 students will:
- study English for everyday and             - explore English in the Media, study a
academic purposes                            variety of written, spoken and
-develop their language skills in            multimodal academic texts and
speaking, listening, reading, viewing        identify key information useful for
and writing Standard Australian              their learning process
English                                      - analyse and explain how a variety of
-explore and study practical English         media texts position audiences and
language useful in daily transactions        also produce texts which attempt to
through the analysis of texts such as        persuade and/or impact on audiences
timetables, brochures,practical              -undertake the study of English
reports, forms, instructional manuals,       literature and respond to literary texts
multimodal texts and other text types        - produce their own literary texts
- engage in formal and informal
listening and speaking activities,
group work, class discussions and
-explore the construction of texts to
understand key ideas, contentions and
meaning, and to identify the purpose
and audiences
-practise writing for self expression
through the production of texts such
as personal letters, journal entries,
emails, essays, editorial and poems.

Further Information about Bridging EAL
There are no prerequisites for this course. It is recommended for year 11 EAL students,
but it is also suitable for students who have had an interrupted education and those
pupils with limited exposure to an English language learning environment. It is
designed to support the building of English knowledge and skills.

VCE English - English literature
This is a course which will challenge you but will also offer some excitement and fun. You’ll be
expected to do plenty of reading, thinking, talking and writing about the texts. You’ll explore
themes and the way the writers create worlds and meaning through the use of language and
imagery as well as different styles and forms of writing.

                      Unit 1                                        Unit 2
Outcome 1: Readers & their responses               Outcome 1: The text, the reader &
We will examine how we relate to a text in         their contexts
terms of what we expect to happen; what we         We will examine how a text(s) from a
expect of texts of this genre; and, how we         past era represents the concerns,
think about, relate to and empathise with the      values & behaviour of that time; and,
characters & events because of our own             how we as modern readers respond &
experiences.                                       relate to this.
Outcome 2: Ideas & Concerns in texts               Outcome 2: Comparing texts
We will examine what concerns, problems,           We will look at how 2 texts that can be
values & ways of behaving the characters and       connected (because they deal with
events in the text represent.                      the same theme topic, story or belong
Outcome 3: Interpreting Non-print texts            to the same genre), have similar or
We will look at how a film presents a certain      different meanings.
message to its audience.
                      Unit 3                                        Unit 4
Outcome 1: Adaptations and transformations         Outcome 1: Creative Responses
The idea is to analyse how meaning changes         For this outcome, you need to
when the form of a text changes. Basically,        respond imaginatively to a text and
this will involve reading and studying a novel     comment on the connection between
or a play and identifying particular writing       the text and your response. It will be
features used. We will then look at a filmed or    assessed by two tasks.
live adaptation of the same text and note          Outcome 2: Close Analyses
some of the ways in which the transformed          Here you need to analyse critical
text is constructed. In what ways is it similar,   features of a text and relate them to
how is it different?                               an interpretation of the text as a
Outcome 2: Views, Values and contexts              whole. What is the significance of key
We will look at how views and values of the        passages to the rest of the text?
author are suggested by what the text
appears to endorse, challenge or leave
unquestioned. We look also at what sorts of
critiques are provided by the author about
aspects of human behaviour and/or the ways
in which readers at different times may
interpret the text in different ways.
Outcome 3: Considering alternative
viewpoints (Evaluation of a Review)

VCE Food Studies
                    Unit 1                                      Unit 2
              FOOD ORIGINS                                 FOOD MAKERS
    Learn about Australia’s multicultural    In Unit 2, the focus is on food production
              cuisine including                   both at home and in business.
- where food comes from                     Students prepare and compare products
- influences from overseas and indigenous   to commercially made products.
cultures                                    Gain insight into how the Australian food
- how hunter-gathering and farming          industry provides and exports safe, high
produces food                               quality foods to meet the needs of
- food trading in the past and currently    consumers.
while completing cooking tasks to           We will research, plan and cook foods
enhance, demonstrate and share their        taking into consideration specific needs
learning with others.                       including
                                                 customer requirements
                                                 nutritional and dietary
                                                 safety and hygiene
                                                 food quality
                Unit 3                                          Unit 4
Explore:                                                      FUTURES
     how the body uses food.                Making informed choices when selecting
     how eating affects physical, social              and preparing foods by
        and emotional health                     discussing and discovering
     the dietary guidelines and                     environmental, ethical and
        nutrition                                    technology issues facing the food
     food appreciation                              industry
Wonder how social environments affect            considering the challenges of
eating patterns, food values and                     food wastage, food security, food
behaviour through:                                   safety, and the best way to use
     media                                          water and land for food
     community                                      production.
     family                                     developing opinions, suggest
     culture                                        solutions and solve problems
     education                                      facing the current and future
Plan and cook foods which are                        population.
     nutritious                                 understanding food labels and
     sustainable                                    marketing.
     practical                                  investigating food fads, trends
     everyday meals                                 and diets.
                                                 select and cook ingredients using
                                                     labelling, ethics and food quality.
                                                 extend cooking skills and

VCE Geography                                                                                    Where? Why? How
                                                                                                 much? What with?
                   Unit 1                                          Unit 2
                                                                                                These are some of the
           Hazards and Disasters                                  Tourism                        questions to which
Outcome 1 – Characteristics of Hazards:       Outcome 1 – Characteristics of Tourism:           geographers want to
Analyse, describe and explain the nature of   Analyse, describe and explain the nature of         find the answers.
hazards and impacts of hazard events at a     tourism at a range of scales.                     Geography is the study
range of scales.                              Outcome 2 – Impact of Tourism:                    of places on the earth,
Outcome 2 – Response to Hazards and           Analyse and explain the impacts of tourism on      the people who live
                                                                                                     there and the
Disasters:                                    people, places and environments and evaluate
                                                                                                  environments that
Analyse and explain the nature, purpose       the effectiveness of strategies for managing           support them
and effectiveness of a range of responses     tourism.
to selected hazards and disasters.
                   Unit 3                                          Unit 4
             Changing the Land                    Human Population – Trends and Issues
Outcome 1 – Land Use Change:                  Outcome 1 – Population Dynamics:
Analyse, describe and explain land use        Analyse, describe and explain population
changes and assess its impacts.               dynamics on a global scale.
Outcome 2 – Land Cover Change:                Outcome 2 – Population Issues and Challenges:
Analyse, describe and explain processes       Analyse, describe and explain the nature of
that result in changes to land cover and      significant population issues and challenges in
discuss the impacts and responses             selected locations and evaluate responses.
resulting from these changes.

VCE Health & Human Development
                 Unit 1                                             Unit 2
    UNDERSTANDING HEALTH &                               MANAGING HEALTH AND
              WELLBEING                                         DEVELOPMENT
In unit 1 students will;                           In unit 2 studnets will;
-   Investigate the World Health                   -   Investigate transitions in health and
    Organization’s (WHO) definition and also           wellbeing, and development, from
    explore other interpretations.                     lifespan and societal perspectives.
-   Develop an understanding of wellbeing          -   Explore the changes and expectations
    and explore the complex impact                     that are part of the progression from
    wellbeing can have upon all dimensions of          youth to adulthood.
    health.                                        -   Enquire into the Australian healthcare
-   Identify personal perspectives and                 system and extend their capacity to
    priorities relating to health and wellbeing,       access and analyse health information.
    and enquire into factors that influence        -   Investigate the challenges and
    health attitudes, beliefs and practices,           opportunities presented by digital media
    including among Aboriginal and Torres              and health technologies, and consider
    Strait Islanders.                                  issues surrounding the use of health data
-   Analyse their own health as individuals,           and access to quality health care.
    and explore the overall health of
    Australian youth.
                   Unit 3                                           Unit 4
         GLOBALISED WORLD                                  IN A GLOBAL CONTEXT
In unit 3 students will;                           In unit 4 students will;
- Examine health, wellbeing and illness as         -    Examines health, wellbeing and human
     multidimensional, dynamic and subject to          development in a global context.
     different interpretations and contexts.       -   Explore factors that contribute to health
- Investigate health and wellbeing as a                inequalities between and within
     global concept.                                   countries, including the physical, social
- Consider the benefits of optimal health              and economic conditions in which people
     and wellbeing, and how health of                  live.
     Australian’s impact their role within         -   Consider the health implications of
     society.                                          increased globalisation and worldwide
- Examine Australia’s healthcare system                trends relating to climate change, digital
     and explore its role within health                technologies, world trade and the mass
     promotion.                                        movement of people.
- Explore health promotion with a focus            -   Investigate global action to improve
     upon smoking, road safety, and skin               health, wellbeing and human
     cancer.                                           development, focusing on the United
                                                       Nations’ (UN’s) Sustainable Development
                                                       Goals (SDGs) and the work of the World
                                                       Health Organization (WHO).
                                                   -   Evaluate the effectiveness of health
                                                       initiatives and programs in a global
                                                       context and reflect on their capacity to
                                                       take action.

VCE Italian
                 Unit 1                                      Unit 2
In Unit 1 students complete writing,        In Unit 2 students complete writing,
speaking, listening and reading             speaking, listening and reading
activities based on topics that may         activities based on topics that may
include:                                    include:

* Italian culture via music                 * Italian regional cuisine
*Adolescence & personal memories            * Social media & communication
*relationships                              technology

The study is designed to expose             The study is designed to expose
students to different print text types      students to various multimodal texts
as well as audio-visual materials such      and to engage them in :
as films, Youtube clips and songs.
Students will:                              * exchanging ideas
* study language as a system                * role-plays, speeches, interviews
* develop a better communication            *the study and use of a range of
skills and intercultural awareness          writing styles
*make connections between English           *the development of analytical skills
and Italian
*make comparisons between
Australia and Italy
                  Unit 3                                       Unit 4
In Unit 3 students will study topics that   In Unit 4 students will students will study
may include:                                topics that may include:

*Health & Wellbeing                         *Italian Passions-café culture & Italian
*Fascism & modern day nationalism           pastimes
Students will be required to complete 3
outcomes which include:                     Students will be required to complete 3
                                            outcomes which include:
*negotiating in a role-play
*analysing and using information from       *Participate in a 3-4 minute interview
spoken texts, visual and written texts      responding to questions about a cultural
* Express ideas in a personal,              product or practice
informative or imaginative piece of         *Produce 250-word written response for a
writing                                     specific audience and purpose,
                                            incorporating information from three or
                                            more texts.
                                            *Writing a persuasive or evaluative piece
                                            of writing (eg: a report)

VCE Legal Studies
                    Unit 1                                         Unit 2
              Guilt and Liability                     Sanctions, Remedies and Rights
Outcome 1 - Legal Foundations:                 Outcome 1 – Sanctions:
Desribe the main sources and types of          Explain key concepts in the determination
law, and assess the effectiveness of laws.     of a criminal case, and discuss the
Outcome 2 - The Presumption of                 principles of justice in relation to the
Innocence:                                     determination of criminal cases, sanctions
Explain the purposes and key concepts of       and sentencing approaches.
criminal law, and use legal reasoning to       Outcome 2 – Remedies:
argue the criminal culpability of an           Explain key concepts in the resolution of a
accused based on actual and/or                 civil dispute and discuss the principles of
hypothetical scenarios.                        justice in relation to the resolution of civil
Outcome 3 – Civil Liability:                   disputes and remedies.
Explain the purposes and key concepts of       Outcome 3 – Rights:
civil law, and apply legal reasoning to        Evaluate the ways in which rights are
argue the liability of a party in civil laws   protected in Australia, compare this
based on actual and/or hypothetical            approach with that adopted by another
scenarios.                                     country and discuss the impact of an
                                               Australian case on the rights of individuals
                                               and the legal system.
                      Unit 3                                       Unit 4
              Rights and Justice                          The People and the Law
Outcome 1 - The Victorian Criminal             Outcome 1 – The People and the
Justice System:                                Australian Constitution:
Explain the rights of the accused and of       Discuess the significance of High Court
victims in the criminal justice system,        cases involving the interpretation of the
discuss the means used to determine            Australian Constitution and evaluate the
criminal cases and evaluate the ability of     ways in which the Australian Constitution
the criminal justice system to achieve the     acts as a check on parliament in law-
principles of justice.                         making.
Outcome 2 – The Victorian Civil Justice        Outcome 2 – The People, the Parliament
System:                                        and the Courts:
Analyse the factors to consider when           Discuss the factors that affect the ability
initiating a civil claim, discuss the          of parliament and courts to make law,
institutions and methods used to resolve       evaluate the abilitiy of these law-makers
civil disputes and evaluate the ability of     to respond to the need for law reform,
the civil justice system to achieve the        and analyse how individuals, the media
principles of justice.                         and law reform bodies can influence a
                                               change in the law.

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