Essential Today. Essential Always -

Page created by Steven Howard
Essential Today. Essential Always -
              REPORT   20

Essential Today.
   Essential Always.

Essential Today. Essential Always -
Row 1 (left to right): Mae Bennett, Strengthening Families; Dave Saginor, Shuttle-On-The-Go Driver; Abbey Guggenheim, Volunteer Driver; Row 2 (left to right): Lynndsi
                                                                 Musacchio, Caring at Home; Sue Roth, Volunteer Driver; Megan, Horvitz YouthAbility Ambassador; Row 3 (left to right): Janisse Nagel, Strengthening Families; Dr. Michael
                                                                 Singerman, Volunteer Podiatrist; Rod Parks, RN, Achieving Potential; Row 4 (left to right): Caroline Carbone, Achieving Potential; Becky Rinaldi, Achieving Potential;
                                                                 Dr. Dennis Grossman, Volunteer Physician; Row 5 (left to right): Chuck Apple, Volunteer Driver; Galina Pylypiv, Caring at Home; Hanna Naaman, Caring at Home

On the cover: Monique Davis, Office Manager, JFSA Headquarters
Essential Today. Essential Always -
                             REPORT   20

  Jewish Family Service
Association of Cleveland
    helps individuals and
  families with solutions
 to face life's challenges
        with confidence.

Essential Today. Essential Always -
A Message from the Board Chair
    and President & CEO

                            As 2020 started, we were celebrating a successful
                            rollout of our federal grant to provide care and
                            support to individuals and caregivers coping with
                            the effects of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
                            Our Horvitz YouthAbility program was preparing
                            to take its annual trip, this year to the shores of
                            South Carolina, when we learned that Governors in
                            both Ohio and South Carolina were enacting travel
                            restrictions due to the threat of the virus known as
                            Covid-19. And from then on, things changed faster
                            than we could ever have imagined.
    Dan Zelman
    Board Chair
                            On-site JFSA services were quickly transitioned to
                            telehealth where possible; Café Europa, a weekly get-
                            together for Holocaust survivors held for over 25 years
                            consecutive years, could no longer convene in person.
                            Plans were hastily made to find a way to support our
                            homebound Holocaust Survivors, to remind them
                            they were not alone, and they were not forgotten.
                            Nine hundred and seventy meals a week needed to
                            be delivered, despite the fact that delivering them
                            was now more complicated, requiring PPE and hand
                            sanitizer. Fewer volunteers were willing to deliver, but
                            those that stepped forward did so in a big way.
    Susan L. Bichsel, PhD
    President and CEO

    Essential Today.
Essential Today. Essential Always -
                                                                                                REPORT   20

Each week our direct support
professionals provide over 10,000 hours
of care in 60 residential sites, and they
have found a way to do this despite
fewer staff, more illness, and greater
restrictions in the community.

While some staff were understandably             We salute our staff today as we look back
concerned for their health, many more            at this remarkable year in review. We invite
stepped forward and delivered care with          you to read their stories of commitment,
strength and determination, despite              resilience, teamwork and compassion.
underlying concerns or fears. Each week
our direct support professionals provide
over 10,000 hours of care in 60 residential
sites, and they have found a way to do this
despite fewer staff, more illness, and greater
restrictions in the community.
                                                       Dan Zelman
                                                       Board Chair
Individuals with disabilities, isolated from
family, needed to know they were not alone.
Three hundred frail elderly, homebound and
alone, relied on staff to show up, check in            Susan L. Bichsel, PhD
and care for them. And they did.                       President and CEO

Essential Always.
Essential Today. Essential Always -
a year of
    Despite the hardships and personal health
    risks, JFSA staff and volunteers have continued
    to perform their jobs throughout the COVID-19
    pandemic. These hardworking individuals care
    for those who are most vulnerable: adults
    with developmental disabilities or mental
    illness, older adults, Holocaust survivors, and
    individuals and families facing homelessness
    and domestic violence. Their resilience,
    teamwork, commitment and compassion
    distinguish JFSA in the community.

Essential Today. Essential Always -
                                                                                               REPORT   20

“We can’t just close
 shop and stay home.”

The day after the state shut down, Achieving
Potential staff convened to identify the many
steps that needed to take place in order to
ensure the safety of over 130 adults with
developmental disabilities living in over 60
supported living sites throughout Northeast
Ohio. That included purchasing enough face
masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, thermometers
and other personal protective equipment
(PPE) for over 250 health care workers to
use on a daily basis. It also meant that every
home had enough groceries and pantry
items, despite the early run on supplies at
grocery stores.

“Everyone rose to the challenge,” says
Caroline Carbone, office manager. Undeterred
by scarce inventories, the staff made their
own CDC approved cleaning solutions and          the virus themselves due to age, or had school
purchased empty plastic bottles in bulk from     aged children who suddenly were quarantined
Walmart. Instead of traditional retailers, the   at home. “We reimagined working shifts,
staff found toilet paper and other items at      instead of scheduling eight hour shifts, we did
office supply stores. “We got really creative.   four hour shifts. Plus we trained and certified
We shopped all over town at different            office staff to serve as DSPs.”
times of the day and evening to keep our
inventories sufficient.”                         “It took a lot of thinking and creative problem
                                                 solving, but nobody complained. We all had
The pandemic also impacted staffing at the       friends who had lost their jobs, so we were
group residences, since many direct support      grateful that we still had our jobs and could
professionals (DSPs) were either vulnerable to   continue to care and protect our clients.”

Essential Today. Essential Always -
Essential Today. Essential Always -
                                                                                                REPORT   20

“It was very scary in
  the beginning. It made
  me think back to the
  early days of HIV.”

 Rod Parks, a JFSA employee for 19 years,          my nursing staff becoming infected, so I did
 says the COVID outbreak was frightening           all the testing for Residential, Mental Health,
 because nothing was known about it, there         Older Adults and Caring at Home staff.”
 is no cure, and it is airborne. Many of JFSA
 residential clients who have developmental        In addition to testing staff, Rod reduces the
 disabilities are unable to communicate about      staff’s anxiety by instructing them on how
 their physical issues, which limits how to        to protect themselves and their families.
 determine if someone might be infected.           “Wear a mask, wash your hands, wear gloves
                                                   and eye protection,” he counsels them. “Do
 Early on, Rod was the first nurse to be trained   nothing in a hurry and you’ll be safe.”
 to conduct the COVID test. “I couldn’t risk

Essential Today. Essential Always -
                                                                                                 REPORT   20

“I thought this would
  end by May, but that
  didn’t happen.”

Since March, Gilda Katz has observed                would be upsetting for them. Referring
the direct impact the pandemic has had              to the program’s success, Gilda says “We
on Holocaust survivors. As a program                originally thought ‘It’s not the program, it’s
coordinator, Gilda works with a team of case        the pastry!’”. Building on that assumption,
managers that provide support to nearly             the staff started making weekly deliveries
700 aging survivors. “My first reaction to          of pastries, greeting cards donated by the
the pandemic was finding out just how               community, fresh flowers and other items to
dangerous and contagious the virus is and           35 survivors. Since then, weekly deliveries
what that meant for survivors,” she recalls.        have expanded to over 100 older adult clients,
For some, the severe isolation triggers             including non-survivors. Each visit enables
memories of being hidden during the war.            older adults to have personal connection with
Gilda also noticed the debilitating effects that    their case manager and alleviates some of
social isolation can have on an individual’s        the loneliness they are experiencing.
cognitive abilities. “I didn’t expect the decline
to happen so quickly,” she remarks. “They           Finding creative solutions during this crisis
don’t remember things as well, they don’t           keeps Gilda focused on adapting programs
have the same enthusiasm as before. I can           for survivors to keep them emotionally
really see a difference.”                           healthy and safe. “I think about the fact that
                                                    they have been through so much and have
When the popular Café Europa weekly social          a story to tell,” she says. “They used to say
program for survivors was suspended, she            ‘Never forget’, but now it’s ‘Never forget me’.”
knew the lack of a social outlet for survivors

“Everyone here works
       as a team. You don’t
       get that everywhere.”

                                    When Beachwood House residents became COVID
                                    positive, Brandi Clifford’s first reaction was, “Ok,
                                    let’s handle this.” All seven residents, adults with
                                    intellectual disabilities, were ill as well as many of
                                    the staff. Five staff members had to quarantine at
                                    home for 14 days, creating a staffing challenge for
                                    the 24/7 supported living site.

                                    “We got help from other residential sites and
                                    worked through the 14 day quarantine, despite the
                                    risk,” she says. “We were so short-staffed, I had 60
                                    and 70 year old women pulling double shifts. One
                                    worked the entire quarantine. They just let the risk
                                    to themselves roll off them.”

                                    Brandi notes that aside from wearing PPE, the
                                    residential staff jobs didn’t change. Clients still
                                    needed to be fed, assisted with bathing and
                                    dressing, and communicated with during the day.
                                    Although the clients looked puzzled at the gowns
                                    and masks, they got used to it and looked forward
                                    to daily activities, no matter how restricted. "It was
                                    a very difficult time with new and scary challenges,
                                    but pulling together, we got through it!, " says Brandi.

                                                                                             REPORT   20

“We all had a
  huge learning
  curve when the
  pandemic hit.”

 Even though JFSA’s Forward Focus financial        uncertainty and food insecurity for families
 literacy program was already well-positioned      already facing financial hardships. “When
 to address the financial challenges of            your personal finances are affected, you
 families, the onset of the pandemic created       become overwrought. Working with other
 the need to stay current on government and        community resources, we were able to
 corporate assistance programs. According          help families by giving them objective
 to Janisse Nagel, Forward Focus program           information and options to make good
 director, “People didn’t know they could          decisions,” says Janisse. As the pandemic
 still get unemployment dollars even if their      continues, the program staff is gearing up
 jobs were only partially cut. Many people         for a likely wave of new families needing
 didn’t know about special programs offered        help as a result of the end of the national
 through credit card companies, banks, and         rent moratorium on December 31, 2020.
 utilities to address their financial distress.”   “We’ll continue to stay on top of resources
                                                   and help families get the benefits for which
 Not surprisingly, the impact of the pandemic      they are entitled,” says Janisse.
 added a layer of anxiety with employment

“My wife has lung issues
     and every time I went
     out I knew it could cause
     problems. But I felt I
     was serving a good
     purpose and doing more
     for the community.”

     Dave Saginor began his three year tenure with        strict protocols to keep them safe. The
     JFSA as a home delivered meals driver and a          shuttle van, which seats nine passengers,
     driver for Holocaust survivors. He also serves       only takes two clients per trip to medical
     as a friendly visitor to many older adult            appointments. Dave wipes down the seats
     clients. “It’s very frustrating. I used to be able   with sanitizer after every trip and always
     to walk into a client’s home and have a chat         wears gloves and a mask. Still, he has
     or go walking with them; now they can’t leave        continued to connect with clients with
     their apartment or receive visitors,” he says.       monthly phone calls. “I like to speak with
                                                          them. They know society is still going on. I
     For now, Dave can only have minimal                  like to think we bring a light to them.”
     physical contact with clients and follows


“Once we realized
                                                          people weren’t
                                                          going out, we
                                                          found ways to
                                                          LORNA CHERNOMORETS
                                                          CAMPERSHIP OUTREACH
                                                          PROGRAM COORDINATOR,
                                                          EMPOWERING YOUTH

      Each summer, approximately 100 unaffiliated       connected to parents was equally important.
     Jewish children and teens receive sponsored        “We made phone calls every two weeks and
     camperships at a four or six-week Jewish           scheduled socially distant family meetings in
     overnight camp, where they connect to their        driveways to see how families were coping and
     Jewish heritage and culture. But when the          if they needed any help from JFSA,” says Lorna.
     Jewish summer campership program staff
     learned that summer camps would be closed
     due to the pandemic, they re-imagined activities
     they could offer campers. “All the kids were
     devastated—many had been attending camp
     each summer and really looked forward
     to it,” says Lorna Chernomorets, program
     coordinator. The staff identified creative
     ways to keep students connected during the
     summer, including a t-shirt design contest and
     leadership programs for older teens with the
     Jewish Education Center of Cleveland. Staying

ANNUAL           20
                                                                                                        REPORT           20

“She didn’t have
  local family—
  we became
  her family.”

When Lenora* (of blessed memory), a                Hanna. “We just had to be more careful, wear
Holocaust survivor, tested positive for COVID,     special masks, gloves and gowns.” Luba
she was not alone. A team of JFSA home care        remembers, “We were constantly cleaning and
staff cared for her 24 hours a day, seven days a   sanitizing her home.” Galina, another one of
week. Lenora was diagnosed soon after being        Lenora ’s home health aides, worked overnight
discharged from a rehab facility, but didn’t       shifts five to six days a week. “Even though
need to be hospitalized. Lynndsi Musacchio,        Lenora had COVID, I couldn’t leave her,” says
case manager, has coordinated Lenora ’s care       Galina. “She had nobody else to care for her.
over the past two years. “I was nervous when       She trusted me with everything.”
we found out she had COVID,” says Lynndsi. “It
made me sad because only the home health           Sadly, Lenora died this fall at age 98, just
aides could go into her home to care for her. I    seven weeks after recovering from COVID. She
wanted to be with her in person.”                  still had many health issues that took a toll on
                                                   her. “She was one of my favorite people,” says
Home health aides Luba and Hanna understood        Lynndsi. “She had a lot of health troubles, but
the risks, but didn’t let the virus keep them      she was always so pleasant. It was refreshing
from caring for Lenora . “I wasn’t scared,” says   to be around her because of that,” she says.

Galina Pylypiv                      Luba Bresnak                   Hanna Naamad

                                                                           *Name has been changed to protect identity.   15
                                                                                                        REPORT   20

“You develop a sense of
  camaraderie that says
  ‘we’re all in this together.’”

 Abbey and Michael Guggenheim were visiting            “It’s something I’ve always wanted to do. It’s
 Florida last March when COVID broke out.              one thing to go to a board meeting, but it’s
 Abbey admits she panicked a bit, not only             a different experience when you have direct
 because of its severity and the unknowns at           contact with the people being helped.”
 the time, but also because her college aged
 children were told to return home. She and            Volunteer drivers take special precautions
 Michael had to make their way back to Ohio as         to keep themselves and their clients safe,
 well. “In one week, we went from being empty          including wearing facial masks and gloves,
 nesters to having everyone living in the house        and maintaining physical distancing. Michael
 again,” she says, noting that news about the          explains, “In the beginning, clients asked me to
 shortage of household supplies didn’t help her        ‘drop it at the door and leave’. Overtime they get
 mental state. Still, she says the silver lining was   comfortable and begin to trust you. They look
 “we had three extra months with our kids we           forward to seeing you.” He remembers when he
 weren’t expecting.”                                   went out of town for a week. “When I returned,
                                                       everyone on my route said they missed me!
 As a JFSA board member, Michael knew the              That’s when it dawned on me the direct impact
 agency would be on the front-lines helping            we are having on their lives.” Abbey sees the
 individuals and families face multiple                same impact as well. “For some clients, we’re
 challenges. “Many volunteer drivers are older         the only human contact they have. Now it’s part
 and could not deliver meals because it was            of our weekly routine.”
 no longer safe for them to do so,” he says.

                                                                                                 REPORT   20

“I hope that my
  laughter and smile
  makes everybody
  else feel at ease.”

As an office manager, Monique Davis                entering the building, distributing personal
oversees front desk operations, greeting           protective equipment (PPE) to home care
visitors, answering phones, ordering supplies,     staff, and accepting in-kind donations from
and sorting mail. “It was a scary time in the      the community. “I was able to get to know our
beginning,” she remembers. “I didn’t think it      front-line staff better and thank them for what
was a big thing until we shut down. I became       they do. I am also able to assure the people
fearful when I thought about the underlying        entering the building all the precautions we
health issues of my family. But I couldn’t         take to keep our building safe.”
be afraid to come to work. We serve the
community and it was bigger than me.”              Monique says that working every day has
                                                   helped alleviate her initial anxiety over the
When the pandemic hit, Monique took on             pandemic. “I enjoy seeing people get the help
many more responsibilities: taking and logging     they need, including our staff. My job is to
temperatures for all visitors, staff and clients   help wherever it is needed.”

Revenue and Expenses from Operations
     Year ended June 30, 2020.

        Revenue and Funding Sources
        Government (Reimbursement for Client Services)               $ 16,243,352
        Private Pay and Other Third Party Payers                     $ 6,007,815
        Grants and Contributions                                     $ 5,208,851
        Jewish Federation of Cleveland/United Way Services           $ 2,718,900
        Other                                                        $   341,120

        TOTAL                                                        $ 30,520,038

                     8.91     %
           Jewish Federation
                of Cleveland/
         United Way Services

                               Grants &
                                   19.68        %
                                    Private Pay
                                  and Other Third
                                   Party Payers

     Audit is available for inspection at the agency.

                                                                                      REPORT   20

Expenses by Major Client Population
Adults with Disabilities and Residential Services                     $ 15,698,771
Home Care                                                             $ 5,181,565
Older Adults                                                          $ 2,313,488
College Financial Aid Program                                         $ 1,263,805
Strengthening Families                                                $    993, 883

Total Direct Services                                                 $ 25,451,512
General Administration                                                $ 4,640,142

TOTAL                                                                 $ 30,091,654



College Financial                                      52.17%
     Aid Program                                        Adults with
                                                      Disabilities and
                                                    Residential Services
    Older Adults
                                Home Care

Re[Imagine] the Future
     We are grateful to the individuals and families who have helped
       us re-imagine the future and support our capital campaign.

ANNUAL        20
                                                                                                                                              REPORT        20

Capital Campaign Donors*
$500,000+                                            $20,000 - $49,999                                          $2,500 - $4,999
Anonymous                                            Sue Frankel                                                Ethan, Gena, Susannah and Avery** Cohen
The Semi J. and Ruth W. Begun                        G. Kent and Jerrye Hayes
  Foundation ●                                       Suellen and Lawrence Kadis                                 $1,800 - $2,499
The Mandel Foundation                                The Family of Norma and Harvey Kotler                      Anonymous
David and Inez Myers Foundation ●                    Meisel Family Foundation ●                                 The Bichsel Rusnak Family
Will and Jan Sukenik                                 The Alex and Anne Miller Family                            Leah Weiss Caruso and
Dan and Ellen Zelman Family                            Charitable Fund/Sally Good/Sid Good                        Rabbi Joshua Caruso
  Foundation ●                                       The Weiss Family                                           Ginny and Gadi Galili
                                                                                                                Kevin, Sheila, Brian and Kaitlyn Margolis

$100,000 -$499,999                                   $10,000 - $19,999                                          Angela Markowitz

Fran and Jules Belkin                                Anonymous                                                  Karen Leizman Moses and Barry Moses

Lynne Marcus Cohen and Philip Cohen                  Trish and Mark Adler and Family                            Karen and Norton Newborn

Karen R. Horwitz and Jeffrey Kahn                    Marilyn and Marshall Bedol   **
                                                                                                                Elisabeth Plax

Jewish Federation of Cleveland                       Eileen and Robert Blattner                                 Sharon and Kevin Robertson

Brian H. Kravitz                                     Marc and Sherri Blaushild                                  Charles and Maxine** Rosenbaum

Shari and Michael Perlmuter                          Bonnie and Michael Cole                                    Simon Family Foundation ●

Enid B. and David M. Rosenberg, MD                   Elise and Allan Goldner                                    John and Linda Wirtshafter

Jackie and Fred C. Rothstein, MD                     The Greenberg and Rafal Families
  and Family                                         Lori and John Herman                                       Up to $1,800
Eileen Sill                                          Michael B. Klein                                           Gary and Janice Bilchik
William Wortzman                                     Beth and Ron Levine                                        David Hlavac
                                                     Medical Mutual                                             Heidi and Bernard Perla
                                                     Donald and Toni Scherzer                                   Robert and Sandy Schwartz
$50,000 - $99,999
                                                     Eric Shapiro and Jane Buder Shapiro                        Michael Shapiro
The Children and Grandchildren of
  Bob and Eileen Blattner                            Cheryl Davis and Jonathon Wise                             Irina Sobornitskaya

Cynthia and Robert Bruml and Family                  Dara and Alan Yanowitz/Donna Yanowitz
Gerilyn Gleason
                                                                                                                If you would like to participate
Wendy and Richard Halle Family                       $5,000 - $9,999
                                                                                                                and take advantage of available
Marvin and Carol Lader                               Nan Cohen and Daniel Abrams
                                                                                                                naming opportunities, contact
The Milton and Tamar Maltz Family                    Andrew and Joan Kohn                                       Karen Leizman Moses, Major
  Foundation                                         Terri C. Steindler                                         Gifts Officer, at 216.504.6407.

                         *As of November 13, 2020.   **
                                                          Of blessed memory.   ● Jewish Federation of Cleveland Supporting Foundation
Endowment Funds
     These funds maintain the principal in perpetuity and allow JFSA to use the income where it is designated. List represents funds
     as of 6/30/2020. Gifts to these funds are recognized in the general donor listings.

     Ascentia Endowment                                                  Families at Risk Endowment Fund
     Supports Ascentia programming and services for people with          Supports the Hebrew Shelter Home and Family Violence
     intellectual disabilities and/or mental illness.                    Services for individuals experiencing homelessness, domestic
                                                                         violence and/or financial hardships and supports KNOW
     Jewish Federation of Cleveland Ascentia Centennial                  Abuse™ teen outreach and prevention. Funded in part with
     Initiative Endowment*                                               matching gifts from Robert Immerman.
     Supports Ascentia programming and services for people with
     intellectual disabilities and/or mental illness. Funded in large    Richard Horvitz and Erica Hartman-Horvitz YouthAbility
     part with gifts from the Aron and Dorothy Drost Centennial          Program Endowment Fund*
     Initiative Ascentia Endowment Fund and from Marvin and Carol        Supports YouthAbility programming. Gift of Richard Horvitz
     Lader via the Marvin Lader JFSA Centennial Initiative Ascentia      and Erica Hartman-Horvitz via the Richard Horvitz Centennial
     Endowment Fund.                                                     Initiative JFSA Ascentia Endowment Fund.

     Deborah Ann Baker Memorial Fund                                     Immerman Jewish Community Housing Centennial Initiative
     Supports clients with few financial resources to enjoy quality of   Endowment Fund*
     life activities. Gift of Fannie** and Ed** Baker.                   Supports affordable supportive housing for individuals with
                                                                         disabilities and other at-risk populations. Gift of Robert
     Berns Newborn Thomas Endowment Fund to Support Older                Immerman.
     Adults in Need
     Provides subsidies for services and purchases for needy older       JFSA Permanently Restricted General Endowment Fund
     adults who strive to remain safely, securely and comfortably in     Supports long-term sustainability of the Agency. Funded in part
     their homes. Gift of Karen and Norton Newborn. Funded in part       with matching gifts from Robert Immerman.
     with a matching gift from Robert Immerman.
                                                                         JFSA Volunteer Activities and Education Endowment Fund
     Stanley and Betty Blum Endowment Fund                               Supports JFSA volunteer activities and educational enrichment
     Provides JFSA with annual support in perpetuity for any of          for JFSA staff supporting volunteer activities. Gift of
     JFSA’s highest priority needs as determined by JFSA President       Anonymous Donor. Funded in part with a matching gift from
     & CEO and/or by any member of the JFSA Executive Team. Gift         Robert Immerman.
     of Stanley Blum**.
                                                                         Kesher Fund
     Irene and Eugene Brudno Fund to Serve Persons with                  Supports programming in the Orthodox Jewish community.
     Severe Mental Illness                                               Gift of the Klein, Jaffa and Halpern families.
     Supports services for persons with severe mental illness and to
     fund Ascentia management and infrastructure costs. Gift of the      Harvey Kotler and Norma Kotler Endowment Fund
     Irene and Eugene Brudno Charitable Trust.                           Supports Families at Risk Endowment Fund. Gift of Norma
                                                                         and Harvey Kotler. Funded in part with a matching gift from
     Lynne and Philip Cohen Family Fund for Youth Programming            Robert Immerman.
     Supports programming for youth. Gift of Lynne Marcus Cohen
     and Philip Cohen. Funded in part with a matching gift from          MRDD Endowment
     Robert Immerman.                                                    Supports programming and residential services for adults with
                                                                         intellectual and developmental disabilities.
     Lois J. and Larry Davis Family Endowment Fund of the
     Jewish Federation of Cleveland*                                     PLAN Endowment
     Supports Hebrew Shelter Home capital improvements and               Supports PLAN’s quality of life programs and holistic recovery
     programming for “at-risk” families. Gift of Lois Davis.             services that help those challenged by mental illness and/or
                                                                         cognitive disabilities progress in their recovery. Funded in large
                                                                         part with a gift from the Maltz Family Foundation.

ANNUAL          20
                                                                                                                                                REPORT          20

                                                                                                                        Horvitz YouthAbility ambassadors
                                                                                                                        Brittany and Ted took pictures
                                                                                                                        of themselves with their mail-in
                                                                                                                        ballots to encourage other
                                                                                                                        ambassadors to vote.

Cary and Barbara Root Fund for Fostering
                                                                                    Planned Gifts
Ascentia Communications through Technology                                          The following individuals have invested in the future of
Supports funding for communications to Ascentia families.                           JFSA through a bequest, gift annuity or other planned gift
Gift of William Wortzman.                                                           arrangement. These planned gifts help to secure JFSA’s
                                                                                    mission and sustain its high-quality programming and
                                                                                    services well into the future.
Sarah and Josephine Rosin Fund
Supports programming for individuals with mental disabilities.                      Anonymous (3)                         Rabbi Alan and Jean Lettofsky
Gift of the Trustees of the Sarah Rosin Trust.                                      Hope Adelstein**                      Homer McDaniel**
                                                                                    Stanley Adelstein**                   Jean McDaniel**
Abraham and Pauline Segal Fund for In-Home Support
of the Elderly                                                                      Irving Bayer**                        Patricia and Charles Mintz
Supports funding for older adults who wish to remain at home.                       Marilyn Bedol                         Melvin J. Paris**
Gift of Rita Saslaw, Michael Saslaw and Maryellen S. Oberman.                       Jules Belkin                          Shari and Michael Perlmuter
                                                                                    Stanley Blum**                        Gwendyolyn Pulos**
The Wirtshafter Family Fund
                                                                                    Eugene Brudno**                       Larry Reiss**
Provides unrestricted endowment support to JFSA. Gift of John
and Linda Wirtshafter. Funded in part with a matching gift from                     Irene Brudno**                        Gertrude Rice**
Robert Immerman.                                                                    Michael Bunsey                        Sarah Rosin**
                                                                                    Michael and Bonnie Cole               Anne Rosenberg
Anne Wortzman Fund for Work, Social and Recreation                                  Edith Einstein**                      Enid and David Rosenberg
Skill Building for Persons with Mental Disabilities
Supports programming for individuals with intellectual                              Louis Einstein**                      Phyllis Saul**
disabilities and/or mental illness. Gift of William Wortzman.                       Peggy Einstein**                      Sanford Saul**
                                                                                    Gloria G. and                         Jean Sinzinger**
The Wortzman and Levine Family Endowment Fund in                                    Irving B. Fine**                      James and Myrna Spira
Honor of Susan Bichsel
                                                                                    Marvin Gardener**                     Will and Jan Sukenik
Provides unrestricted endowment support to JFSA in honor of
Susan Bichsel. Gift of the Wortzman and Levine families. Funded                     Amelia Gluck**                        Sally Wagner**
in part with a matching gift from Robert Immerman.                                  Judah L. and Esther C. Hexter         Isaak Wekselman**
                                                                                    Donald and Judy Jacobson              John Wirtshafter
Other General Endowment Funds                                                       Judith Kalman                         William Wortzman
Established by the JFSA Board of Directors.
                                                                                    Eda Kochman**                         Sandy and Tim Wuliger
• JVS Endowment Fund
• Kaufman Scholarship                                                               Howard Kline                          Renee Zinn
                                                                                    Marvin and Carol Lader
              *Operated under the auspices of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland.
                                                                                           **Of blessed memory. List represents commitments as of 10/30/2020.
                                                           **Of blessed memory.

Non-Endowment Funds
     These funds have been designated to support specific programs, projects or needs. List represents funds as of 6/30/2020.
     Gifts to these funds are recognized in the general donor listings.

     Hope and Stanley Adelstein JFSA Care at Home Fund                   Gloria and Irving Fine Family Advocacy and Support Services
     Supports JFSA Caring at Home services for needy adults              Program
     who wish to remain in their home. Gift of Hope** and                Supports Family Advocacy Services. Gift of the Irving B. Fine Trust.
     Stanley** Adelstein.
                                                                         The HBSU Fund Supporting the JFSA Communal Fellowship
     Trish and Mark Adler Fund for Group Home Residents                  Provides one and two year opportunities for upper level college
     Supports quality of life enhancements for residents of              students, graduate students and/or prospective students committed
     supportive living sites and group residences. Gift of Trish         to living and learning in a Jewish communal setting supported by
     and Mark Adler.                                                     JFSA professional staff. Gift of the HBSU.

     Alumni and Friends of JFSA College Financial Aid Program            Jean Heflich Employee Recognition and Enrichment Fund
     Scholarship Fund                                                    Supports furthering JFSA employees’ knowledge and skills,
     Supports qualified undergraduate and graduate college               enhancing their careers, augmenting the work they perform
     students with the cost of their college tuition. Gift of            and awarding their extraordinary performance in the workplace. Gift
     individual donors.                                                  of Jean Heflich.

     Marilyn and Marshall Bedol Fund for Social and Recreational         Peter Hoke Memorial Fund to Support Ascentia Mental
     Programming for the Special Needs Community                         Health Services
     Supports social and recreational outings for adults with            Supports activities, outings, events and unfunded needs of Ascentia
     mental illness and/or mental disabilities. Gift of Marilyn and      clients. Gift of contributors in memory of Peter Hoke**.
     Marshall** Bedol.
                                                                         Donald and Diane Kravitz Emergency Financial
     Fran and Jules Belkin Creative Arts Fund                            Assistance Fund
     Supports creative art, music and theatre programming for            Provides emergency financial assistance for JFSA clients.
     JFSA adult clients. Gift of Fran and Jules Belkin.                  Gift of Brian Kravitz.

     Betty and Nathan Berliner Family Fund                               Kravitz Family Fund
     Expands support to Holocaust Survivors through the delivery         Supports JFSA clients owning pets with expenses associated with
     of kosher food and flowers in recognition of a life cycle event.    caring for a pet(s) at home. Gift of Brian Kravitz.
     Gift of Irving Berliner in memory of his parents, Betty** and
     Nathan** Berliner.                                                  Carol and Marv Lader Journeys Program
                                                                         Supports "Journeys" program services. Gift of Marvin and Carol
     Susan Bichsel Discretionary Fund                                    Lader in conjunction with their gift to the Centennial Initiative for
     Supports client needs and staff recognition. Gift of the JFSA       Jewish Cleveland.
     Board of Directors in honor of President and CEO Susan Bichsel.
                                                                         Seth Loeb Lettofsky Memorial Fund for Social and Recreational
     Norman J. Danzig Memorial Fund                                      Programming
     Establishes the Danzig Award for Lay Leadership and supports        Supports social outings and recreational activities for adults with
     the professional development of lay leaders. Gift of the JFSA       mental illness. Gift of Rabbi Alan and Jean Lettofsky.
     Board of Directors in memory of Board member Norman Danzig.
                                                                         Anne and Alex Miller Fund
     Wendy and Melvyn Dinner Family Fund in Memory of                    Supports services to the elderly. Gift of Anne** and Alex** Miller.
     Hilda and Eli Green
     Supports operations at the Hebrew Shelter Home. Gift of             Dianne and Herb Newman Fund for the Future of JFS Akron
     Wendy and Melvyn Dinner.                                            Supports the continued presence of JFS in the Akron community.
                                                                         Gift of Dianne and Herb Newman.
     Irving and Gloria Fine Fund for Quality of Life Enhancements
     Supports quality of life funding for adults with intellectual and   Enid B. and David M. Rosenberg, MD Healthcare
     developmental disabilities. Gift of Irving** and Gloria Fine.       Engagement Fund
                                                                         Supports the cost of malpractice insurance for retired healthcare
                                                                         professionals who volunteer their services at JFSA. Gift of the Enid
                                                                         B. and David Rosenberg Family Foundation of the Jewish Federation
                                                                         of Cleveland.
ANNUAL         20
                                                                                                                                   REPORT         20

Grant S. Roth Memorial Fund
Supports JFSA clients underfunded and/or unfunded health
care needs. Gift of Robert and Margo Roth.

Katherine A. and Noah D. Rusnak Fund for Individual
and Family Needs
Supports funding to improve the health and functioning
of individuals and families. Gift of Susan Bichsel and
Stephen Rusnak.

Spira Ascentia Fund
Funds innovative initiatives that further the mission of Ascentia.
Gift of James and Myrna Spira.
                                                                                       Many thanks to the following Jewish Federation of
Eleanor Steigman Fund for Older Adult Services
                                                                                       Cleveland Centennial Initiative Funds which support
Supports programming for older adults. Gift of contributors
                                                                                       JFSA’s Ascentia Endowment:
in honor of Life Director Eleanor Steigman’s lifetime of
community service.                                                                     Becker/M&M Realty JFSA Ascentia Endowment Fund

Anne Wortzman Fund for Work, Social and Recreation                                     Aron and Dorothy Drost Centennial Initiative Ascentia
Skill Building for persons with Mental Disabilities                                      Endowment Fund
Supports Ascentia programming for individuals with intellectual
disabilities and mental illness. Gift of William Wortzman.                             Alvin Gray Centennial Initiative Ascentia Endowment Fund

                                                                                       Richard Horvitz Centennial Initiative JFSA Ascentia
Lois Zaas Fund for the Maturing Community
                                                                                         Endowment Fund
Supports programming for the older adult community.
Gift of Donald Zaas.                                                                   Isenstadt JFSA Ascentia Endowment Fund

Irene and Sidney Zehman Library Fund                                                   Immerman Jewish Community Housing Centennial
Supports the purchase of books and reference materials. Gift                             Initiative Endowment Fund
of Roslyn Wolf** and Judy Sherman** in memory of their parents,
Irene and Sidney Zehman.                                                               Marvin Lader JFSA Centennial Initiative Ascentia
                                                                                        Endowment Fund

                 *Operated under the auspices of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland.
                                                                                       Louis and Sylvia Rosenblum Memorial JFSA Ascentia
                                                              **Of blessed memory.       Endowment Fund

 Older Adult Services staff help promote the World Jewish Congress #WeRemember Campaign which aims to combat antisemitism and all forms
 of hatred, genocide and xenophobia.

Our community                              Volunteers

     response to the
                                                Individuals          Miriam Friedman
                                                Aaron Ackerman       Annette Friedson
                                                Yeong-ran Ahn        Tom Fuerst

     pandemic has
                                                Cynthia Aizen        Kefyalew Gobena
                                                Lynn Algeri          Erika Gold
                                                Aaron Baker          Raedan Goldblum

     been heroic.                               Sarah Barker
                                                Jill Bernon
                                                Nancy Bernstein
                                                                     Stacey Ann Grossman
                                                                     Abbey Guggenheim
                                                                     Michael Guggenheim
                                                Pam Bertaud          Armando Gutierrez
     We thank all the individuals,              Spring Biggs         Megan Ha
     families and organizations                 Judy Blum            Nia Hatchett

     that volunteered their time                Claire Bober
                                                Justin Bober
                                                                     Michelle Hirsch
                                                                     Sharon Hirsh
     and donated household                      Christine Boja       Codi Holstein

     items, food, greeting cards,               Jamie Braden
                                                Marianne Bregar
                                                                     Leslie Holz
                                                                     Alexander Hurtado
     face masks and many other                  Richard Brown        Louis Innenberg

     items to keep our clients safe.            Susan Burkhart
                                                Amy Byrne
                                                                     Judy Isaacs
                                                                     Lois Jacobson
                                                Carol Campese        Riley Jiang
                                                Kristen Carey        Jane Jasper
                                                Anneke Carlo         Alison Jin
                                                Sandra Carrel        Sade Johnson
                                                Linda Chapman        Devon Jones
                                                Bruce Chelnick       Heidi Jones
                                                Connie Cheng         Suellen Kadis
                                                Ellen Chernikoff     Ellen Kendall
                                                Chris Chuong         Fern Kendis
                                                Shannon Coates       Zevi Kershner
                                                Gail Cohen           Marjory Klein
                                                Janice Cohen         Michele Klein
                                                Bonnie Cole          Mike Klein
                                                Tarun Daniel         Dolores Kleinman
                                                Reshae Davenport     Margaret Kochevar
                                                Linda Demsey         Lisa Kornspan
                                                Kelly Deutsch        Roger Kramer
                                                Adam Diamond         Cheryl Kretch
                                                Richard Diamond      Carla Kun
                                                Nicholas Donald      Melanie Kutnick
                                                Ailis Dooner         Kristin Levintag
                                                Billie Erickson      Nancy Lipko
                                                Baylee Evans         Beverly Lloyd
                                                Rachelle Fair        Madeleine Lochan
                                                Charles Falkiewicz   Emily Ludwig
                                                Jana Fisher          Mike McGraw
                                                Sabrina Fesel        Daniel Makoroff
                                                Blanche Forman       Amiel Mercado
     At the onset of the pandemic, Jacob and
                                                Sarah Foster         Robert Merchant
     Natalie Cohen of Pepper Pike, collected
                                                William Franceschi   Jordan Meyer
     non-perishable items and donated them to
                                                Harriet Friedman     Jody Mirman
     JFSA’s Client Food Pantry.

In-Kind Donors
Patti Morgenstern-Clarren   Maureen Sokolov                 Individuals                   Helen Samuels
Jill Morris-Boardman        Bradley Solomon                 Louise Abrams                 Stephanie Schafner
Ellen Moss                  Howard Sperber                  Bart Alcorn                   Kallie Schafner
Amy Murphy                  Trudy Stearns                   Luisa Aviv                    Sarah Scholsser
Madeline Nacci              Michelle Stern                  Gayane Bates                  Beth Segal
Carol Narotsky              Susan Stern                     Marilyn Bedol                 Amanda Sillin
Nicole Neiman               Todd Stern                      Jules and Fran Belkin         Tiffany Singer
John Nguyen                 Lewis Sternberg                 Nancy Bernstein               Diane Skinner
Cindy Oakley                Louise Sternberg                The Bichsel-Rusnak Family     Todd and Jennifer Stern
Alex Ockerse                Aubrey Stickland                Robert and Eileen Blattner    Margie Strimbu
Yesol Oh                    Dana Stratz                     Sherri and Marc Blaushild     Sidney Strulouits
Rachel Osherow              Margie Strimbu                  Dan and Judy Boring           Debbie Suchan
Nicole Park                 Donna Sulzer                    Debra Jan Borstein            Toby Trevis
David Partington            Jeanne Sydenstricker            Julie Budd                    Melissa Van Duzer
Hinali Patel                Hannah Szabo                    Andrew and Lucy Chess         Timothy and Suzann Van Duzer
Wendi Pavlofsky             Tibor Szabo                     Jacob Cohen                   Rosemarie Ventura
Sharon Peerless             Kristie Szymanski               Natalie Cohen                 Laura and David Vexler
Bridget Petitti             Nardine Taleb                   Philip Cohen and              Amy Wagner
Elizabeth Pham              Michael Tam                        Lynne Marcus Cohen         Anne Warren
Deborah Picker              Caleb Thibeault                 Josie Crisman                 Karen and Ira Weiss
Nina Pukys                  Leonard Tracht                  Patti Dery                    Hyla Winston
J.J. Reaven                 Ellen Tran                      Anne Feldman                  Nancy Wolf and Aric Greenfield
Susan Reisman               Ian Tsun                        Tabitha Fleet                 Richard and Debbie Zelin
Mariana Riley               Jason Tucker                    Joseph Gilligan
Jazmine Robinson            Mason Uemura                    Shelley and Adam Gimbel       Organizations
Robert Rosen                Marieo Vassar III               Karen Gohring                 Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple
Jenny Rosenberg             Samantha Vogel                  Elana Goodman                 B’nai Jeshurun Congregation
Raquel Rosenberg            Alexsa Wanchick                 Elaine and Neil Grossman      Centers for Hearing Care
Rachel Rosinski             Adrienne Wasserman              Richard and Wendy Halle       Cleveland Joseph Project
Merle Ross                  Earl Weiss                      Janice Hirshon                Community Quilters
Benjamin Roter              Marilyn Weiss                   Leonard** and Joan Horvitz    Cuyahoga County Emergency
Kristin Roudebush           Stephanie Wieder                Kim Ivory                        Operations Center
Patty Rubin                 Ronald Wiesenthal               Sherry and Daniel Kendis      Green Road Synagogue
Nicole Russo                Chelsea Williams                Michael Klein                 Malco Products
Mark Sack                   Donald Zaas                     Judith Kossoff                Mandel Early Childhood Education
Sharon Samuels              Marilyn Zaas                    Marlene Krause                The Mask Lady
Elissa Schabes              Christopher Zhou                Bonnie Krauss                 MedWish International
Giancarlo Schillaci                                         Anna Litvinskiy               Medworks
Linda Schlein               Organizations                   Linda Mackall                 Miracle Medical
Minna Schwartz              Caring Cubs                     Tammi Minoski                    Transportation, Inc
Louis Sepulveda             Congregation Shaarey Tikvah     Chelsea Paxton                NCJW Cleveland
Dana Severin                Gross Schechter Middle School   Shari and Michael Perlmuter   The Park Synagogue
Maude Shafron               Kids2Kids                       Tamara Petrosova              Premier Produce One
Jennifer Shearer            Mandel JDS Student Council      The Putnam Family             Suburban Temple-Kol Ami
Cheryl Siegel               NCJW Cleveland                  Ilana Ratner                  Temple Emanu El
John Siff                   Park Synagogue                  Irene Ravkin                  Temple Israel Ner Tamid
Yumi Simmons                Temple Israel Ner Tamid         Susan and Barry Reis          Trader Joe’s
Vivian Singer               The Temple-Tifereth Israel      Stephanie Reznick             Wortzman & Gingerich Company
Aletta Sinoff                 Women’s Association           Nellya Roytberg               YellowCake Shop
Jessica Lynn Smith          Horvitz YouthAbility            Amy Rzepka
Norma Smith                   Ambassadors                   Debbie Saferstein                        **
                                                                                                          Of blessed memory.

Responding to                             JFSA College Financial Aid Program
     the Need for
                                               JFSA Family Scholarships
     Face Masks                                Funding for the following 2019-2020 academic year scholarships were
                                               made by individual donors. Gifts to these scholarships are recognized
                                               in the donor listings beginning on page 29.
                                               Alumni and Friends of JFSA College Financial Aid Program Scholarship
                                               Bruml Family Scholarship
                                               Cleveland Friends of Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh
                                               Faber-Rosen Scholarship
                                               Gutarts Family Scholarship
                                               Richard Horvitz and Erica Hartman-Horvitz
                                               The Horvitz YouthAbility Program College Scholarship
                                               Ruth and Charles Jacob Scholarship
                                               Raskind Family Scholarship
                                               Barney and Sarah Richman Memorial Scholarship
                                               Rosskamm Family Scholarship
                                               Amy Saltzman Scholarship
                                               Mark Saltzman Scholarship for Business
                                               Shelly Saltzman Scholarship for Education
                                               William Wortzman Family Education Fund

                                               Jewish Federation of
                                               Cleveland Scholarships
                                               Funding for the following 2019-2020 academic year scholarships were
                                               made possible through funds from the Jewish Federation of Cleveland.
                                               The Morris Abrams Award in International Relations
                                               The Ruth Weltmann Begun Memorial STEM Scholarship
                                               The Jack W. and Shirley J. Berger Memorial Scholarship
                                               The Jack W. and Shirley J. Berger Scholars Award
                                               The Sophie and Henry Billys Scholarship
                                               The Dr. Grace F. Brody Scholarship
                                               The Myrna and Edwin Froman Memorial Endowment Fund
                                               The Frank Joseph and Elaine Sara Garron Memorial Scholarship
                                               The Eleanor R. Gerson Award for Graduate Students in Social Work
                                               The Eleanor Gerson Education Fund
     Community volunteers pulled out their
                                               The Ellie Gerson Scholarship for New Americans
     sewing machines and made face masks
                                               The Solomon and Jennie Hurvitz Scholarship
     for JFSA staff and clients. TOP: Meggie
     Bond of Shaker Heights was one of         The Jaffe Family Community Service Scholarship
     the first volunteers to sew handmade      The Mrs. Bert Keller Fund
     face masks for JFSA. MIDDLE: Margie       The Meisel Family Scholarship
     Strimbu of Avon Lake; BOTTOM: Horvitz     The Irving I. Stone Support Fund
     YouthAbility Ambassador Megan of          The Howard S. Young Scholarship
     Chagrin Falls.
                                               The Helen and Morris Zupnick Scholarship

ANNUAL       20
                                                                                                                                      REPORT       20

Donors and Funders
The following list represents gifts and grants to JFSA, Hebrew Shelter Home, PLAN of Northeast Ohio, JFSA College Financial
Aid Program, and Jewish Family Service of Akron between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020. Capital Campaign contributions are
listed separately on page 23.

$500,000 plus                                    William Wortzman ■◆▼❖                             G. Kent and Jerrye Hayes ■▼
Administration for Community Living ■            The Wuliger Foundation/Sandra and                 The Richard Horvitz and Erica Hartman-
Alcohol, Drug, Addiction and Mental                Tim Wuliger*■                                     Horvitz Foundation/Richard Horvitz and
   Health Services Board of Cuyahoga             Dan and Ellen Zelman Family Foundation/             Erica Hartman-Horvitz ■
   County ■                                        Dan and Ellen Zelman ■●                         Stuart and Theresia Kline*■◆
Conference on Jewish Material Claims                                                               The Lehner Family Foundation▲
   Against Germany, Inc. ■                       $10,000 - $19,999                                 Martin and Lois Marcus*■◆
Irving B. Fine Trust ■                           Anonymous ■❖                                      Peter and Susan Meisel ■
Jewish Federation of Cleveland ■                 Jules and Fran Belkin ■◆
                                                                                                   Patricia and Charles Mintz*■
                                                 Wendy Blattner and Tom Inck ■                     Robert and Margo Roth*■
$100,000 - $499,999
                                                 Community Fund Management                         Jackie and Fred Rothstein ■
The Semi J. and Ruth W. Begun                      Foundation ■                                    The Maurice Saltzman Youth Panel ■
  Foundation ■●
                                                 The Corbin Foundation▲                            Scholnick Family Foundation ■●
Kavod Shef ■
                                                 Myrna and Edwin Froman Endowment                  Norma and Ernie Siegler Family
                                                   Fund ■●❖                                          Foundation ■●◆
$50,000 - $99,999                                The Horowitz Ratner Family Foundation/            Robert and Eileen Sill Family Foundation ●◆
Gerald and Michele Goldberg ◆                      Charles and Ilana Horowitz Ratner* ■●◆
                                                                                                   Will and Jan Sukenik Family Foundation◆
Jewish Community Housing, Inc. ■◆                Dolores Kleinman ■◆▼❖
                                                                                                   Michael and Danielle Weiner ■
Marvin and Carol Lader ■                         Karen and Norton Newborn ■
                                                                                                   Idelle Wolf*■❖
The Milton and Tamar Maltz Family                Raskind Family Fund ■❖
  Foundation ◆▼                                  Shelly and Mark Saltzman ❖
                                                                                                   $2,500 -$4,999
Dianne and Herb Newman ■▲                        The E.A. and Mollie C. Schwarzenberg
                                                                                                   Edward I. Abramson JCBA Program Fund▲
Ohio Attorney General ■                            Memorial Fund*■
                                                                                                   Robert and Eileen Blattner ■◆▼
The William J. and Dorothy K. O’Neill            The Bennett & Donna Yanowitz Family
  Foundation ■▼                                    Foundation ■●                                   Sherri and Marc Blaushild ■
Simon Family Foundation ■●                                                                         Cynthia and Robert Bruml ■◆❖
The Treu-Mart Fund ■●◆                           $5,000 - $9,999                                   Carol and Scott Burg ■◆▼
                                                 Anonymous ■                                       Kenneth L. Calhoun Charitable Trust▲
$20,000 - $49,999                                Akron Community Foundation▲                       Cleveland Joseph Project ■
Louis, Celia and Joseph L. Abrams                The Blue Card ■                                   Nan Cohen and Daniel Abrams*■
  Memorial Fund ■●                                                                                 Grant and Jennifer Dinner◆
                                                 Bruck Family Foundation, Inc. ■❖
Cuyahoga County Public Safety and                                                                  The Giant Eagle Foundation ■
                                                 Homer and Gertrude Chisholm▼
  Justice Services ■
                                                 Philip Cohen and Lynne Marcus Cohen*■             Amy and Harlan Goldman*■
Leonard** and Joan Horvitz ■
                                                 Cuyahoga Arts & Culture ■                         Marshall and Sandra Goldman*■
Robert and Susan Immerman ■
                                                 The Harry K. & Emma R. Fox Charitable             C. Mark Hayes▼
The Mandel Foundation ■●
                                                   Foundation ■                                    Christopher Huhnke ■
Meisel Family Foundation ■●
                                                 The Peggy and John Garson Family                  Donald and Judy Jacobson ■◆
Office of Criminal Justice Services ■               Foundation ■●                                  Lawrence and Suellen Kadis*■
Sheila Reingold and Marc Benson ■                Richard and Wendy Halle ■▼                        Melvin and Lola Kamins ■◆

  *Recommended by these individuals from their donor advised funds of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. **Of blessed memory. ***Matching gift.
                                    ■ JFSA Cleveland Gift ●Jewish Federation of Cleveland Supporting Foundation
                           ◆Hebrew Shelter Home Gift ▼PLAN Gift ▲JFS Akron Gift ❖College Financial Aid Program Gift
   We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of these lists. Please contact the Development Department with any corrections at 216.504.6451.
Harvey and Norma Kotler ■◆▼▲                     Bonnie and Michael Cole ■◆                        Elisabeth Plax ■
     Shari and Michael Perlmuter*■◆                   Michael and Nicol Coxon▼                          Progressive Insurance Foundation***■▼
     The Harry Ratner Human Services Fund*■           Paula and Daniel Dreyfuss ■                       Reminger Co., L.P.A ■
     Ronald and Deborah Ratner*■                      Estate of Gwendolyn J. Pulos ▲                    Susan and Mark Ringel ◆
     Charles E. & Mabel M. Ritchie Memorial           The P&W Evans Charitable Foundation ■             Fred and Lynn Rosenberg ■
       Foundation▲                                    Thomas Gerson*■                                   Larry and Georgia Rothstein ■
     David and Enid Rosenberg ■◆                      Boris and Raisa Gliner ■                          Patty Rubin*■
     Betty Rosskamm ■❖                                Allan and Elise Goldner ■◆                        Aaron Saltzman** ■
     Sam and Terry Roth ■                             Sally Good ■◆
                                                                                                        David Schultz ■❖
     Donald and Toni Scherzer*■❖                      Sidney Good*■                                     Senkfor Family Foundation ◆
     Anita Seid**■                                    Bruce and Lynn Goodman ■                          Eric Shapiro and Jane Buder Shapiro ■
     Michael and Anita Siegal Family Foundation       Steven and Edith Greenberg ■◆  *
                                                                                                        Ilene Shaw ■
       /Michael and Anita Siegal ●◆
                                                      Michael and Abbey Guggenheim ■▼                   Michael and Paula Sieger ◆
     Terri and Howard Steindler*■◆▼
                                                      John and Lori Herman ■                            Eileen Sill ■
     Eric Synenberg and Jamie Gottlieb
                                                      Michelle and Evan Hirsch ■ *
                                                                                                        Naomi G. and Edwin Z. Singer Family Fund■●
        Synenberg ■
                                                      Stephen and Amy Hoffman ■                         Lloyd L. & Louise K. Smith Foundation▲
     United Way of Greater Cleveland ■
                                                      Jewish Community Programs for                     Marvin and Judith Solganik*■◆
     Moira and Wulf Utian ■
                                                        Women & Children Fund*■                         David and Penny Strauss ■
     Welty Family Foundation▲
                                                      Jeffrey Kahn and Karen Horowitz*■                 Kevin Tucker▲
     Stanley E. and Sally Harris Wertheim
                                                      Faye Kaplan ■◆                                    The Up Side of Downs of Northeast Ohio ■
       Family Foundation ■●
                                                      Irving and Wally Kaplan ■                         Jack and Blanche Valancy ■
     Mary Saionz Wolf and Charles Wolf
       Memorial Endowment Fund*■                      Daniel Katz ■                                     John and Cynthia Valenti▼
     Donald Zaas ■                                    Richard** and Roberta Katzman ■                   Penni and Stephen Weinberg◆
                                                      Michael Klein ■                                   Gail and Ed Weintraub ■
     $1,000 - $2,499                                  Andrew and Joan Kohn ■                            Cathy and Robert Weiss ■
     Anonymous (2)■                                   Sue Ellen and Jeffrey Korach ■                    John and Linda Wirtshafter ■
     Louise Abrams and Robert Fuerst ■                Taub and Joan Kornblut ■◆                         Jonathon Wise and Cheryl Davis ■▼
     David and Hedy Adler◆                            Mitchell and Theresa Lapin ■                      Matthew and Joanna Wyner ■
     Trish and Mark Adler ■◆                          Sherelynn Lehman ■                                Dara and Alan Yanowitz*■◆
     Apple Growth Partners, LLC ❖                     Teri Levine Memorial Homelessness
     Marilyn Bedol*■◆▼                                  Assistance Fund*■
                                                                                                        $500 - $999
     Samuel Bayer ■                                   Margaret and Richard Margolis*■
                                                                                                        Ian and Gloria Abrams ■◆
     Robert Bellamy ■                                 Dan and Bonnie Marks ■
                                                                                                        Jodi and Joel Adelman ■◆
     Susan Bichsel and Steve Rusnak ■◆▼▲❖             Stanley** and Barbara** Meisel*■
                                                                                                        Tracy Backer ■
     Kathy Bigham ■                                   Joseph Mendes & Mollie Mendes Family
                                                                                                        Marilyn Bedol*■◆▼
                                                        Charitable Fund ■
     B’nai Jeshurun Sisterhood ■                                                                        Gary and Janice Bilchik ■
                                                      Claudia Metz and Tom Woodworth ▼
     Glenn R. & Alice V. Boggess Memorial                                                               B’nai Jeshurun Congregation ■
       Foundation▲                                    R.C. and Katherine M. Musson Charitable
                                                        Foundation ▲                                    Richard Brown ■
     Carl S. Lieberman JFS Fund▲
                                                      Helen and David Nagusky*■                         Michele and David Camiener▼
     Rebecca and Irad Carmi ■
                                                      Wendi and Ervin Pavlofsky ■                       Elizabeth and Keith Chelm ■
     The Castele Family Foundation ■
                                                      Allan and Nancy Pearl ■◆                          Mary Dobyns ■▼
     Ethan and Gena Cohen ■◆
                                                      Kim and Paul Pesses*■                             Robert and Darlene Duvin ◆
     Ellen E. & Victor J. Cohn Supporting
        Foundation ■●

       *Recommended by these individuals from their donor advised funds of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. **Of blessed memory. ***Matching gift.
                                         ■ JFSA Cleveland Gift ●Jewish Federation of Cleveland Supporting Foundation
                                ◆Hebrew Shelter Home Gift ▼PLAN Gift ▲JFS Akron Gift ❖College Financial Aid Program Gift
        We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of these lists. Please contact the Development Department with any corrections at 216.504.6451.
John and Kathy Eyerman ■                     Dana Rose ■
Bennett and Sharon Fagin ■                   Jacob Rudin-Luria ■                           Responding to the
                                                                                           Need for Drivers
Midori and Claudio Fiocchi ■                 Florine Rusnak ■
Brian Gingerich and Dulcey Barr ■            Sharon Shapiro▲
Jeffrey and Jodi Gottlieb ■  *
                                             Bernice Sharpe ■
Michael and Nancy Greff ■◆                   Lawrence and Margaret
Rostislav Gutarts and Inga Becker-             Singerman ■
  Gutarts ■❖                                 Maureen and Barry Sokolov ■
Sharon Guten ■                               Jeffrey and Mary Sopko▼
Robert Guzik ■                               David Sperling ■
Michael and Raquel Haas ■◆                   Trudy Stearns ■
Andrew Harrison ■❖                           Dana Stratz ■
Horvitz YouthAbility ■❖                      The Temple - Tifereth Israel ■
Paula and Daniel Herman ■◆                   Phillip and Debbie Weiss ■
Impullitti Landscaping Inc. ■                Sally and Stanley Wertheim ■
Fern and Loren Kendis ■                      Gordon and Linda Wetzel▼
Bruce Kendrick▼                              Ernestine Wiesenfeld◆
Ann and David Knight ■                       Melanie Young▼
Rik and Nancy Kohn*■                         Zilber Family Foundation ●◆
Carla Kun ■
Michael Leikin ■                             $250 - $499
Leikin Motor Co. ■                           Anonymous (5)*■
Martin and Joyce Levin▲                      Hinda and Howard Abramoff ■
Beth and Ronald Levine ■◆                    Adam Levin & Associates, Inc. ■
Maureen and Steven MacIntyre ■               Adelman & Gettleman, Ltd. ■
Howard and Sue Maier▼                        Brendan Anderson ■
Herbert and Cookie Marcus ■      *
                                             Sherri Appleton and
Elizabeth Mease ■                              Marty Resnik ■◆
Jill and Josh Miller ■                       Linda Becker ■
W. Paul Mills & Thora J. Mills               Lynne and Irv Berliner ■
  Memorial Foundation▲                       Martin and Carole Blake ■
Laura R. & Lucian Q. Moffitt                 Jean and Louis Bloomfield*■
  Foundation▲                                Robert and Beth Brandon ■
Suzann Moskowitz ■                           Barrett and Joyce Brown ■
The Park Synagogue ■◆                        John Burkhart▼
Deborah and Scott Picker ■                   Peter and Rita Carfagna▼
Lawrence and Phylis Pomerantz ■              Hillel Chiel and
Clara Rankin ■▼                                 Elizabeth Dreben ■◆
The Albert B. & Audrey G. Ratner             CNS Investors/Wolf Investors,                 Many of JFSA’s volunteer meals drivers
  Family Foundation◆                           LLC ■
                                                                                           were unable to make deliveries due to
James Ratner ■                               Gilda Cohen ■▼                                being at high risk to the COVID-19 virus.
Kevin and Sharon Robertson ■                 Deborah and Kenneth Cohen ■                   Several new volunteers stepped up to take
                                             Marti and Jeffrey Davis ■                     their place to keep the program running.
                                                                                           TOP: Rick Diamond of Orange; MIDDLE:
                                                                                           Richard Brown of Moreland Hills; BOTTOM:
*Recommended by these individuals from their donor advised funds of the                    Cheryl Siegal and Marilyn Weiss, both of
Jewish Federation of Cleveland. **Of blessed memory. ***Matching gift.
■ JFSA Cleveland Gift ●Jewish Federation of Cleveland Supporting Foundation                Beachwood.
◆Hebrew Shelter Home Gift ▼PLAN Gift ▲JFS Akron Gift ❖College Financial Aid Program Gift
We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of these lists. Please contact
the Development Department with any corrections at 216.504.6451.
Responding to                                 Elizabeth Dery and
                                                  Steven Schecter ■
                                                                                            David Partington and
                                                                                              Barbara Zaas Partington ■

 the Need for                                  Joanne Dobies ■❖
                                               Leslie and John Dunn ■   *
                                                                                            PayPal Giving Fund ■
                                                                                            Richard Pearson ■

 Connection                                    Henry Eisenberg and
                                                 Ellen Gans Eisenberg ■
                                                                                            Joel and Sharon Peerless▼
                                                                                            Michael and Barbara Peterman ■
                                               Deborah and Alan Erenrich◆                   Jody and Tod Podl ■
                                               Lawrence and Bonnie Frankel◆                 Junior Ratner Club ■◆
                                               Elisha and Anna Fredman◆                     Gary Resnik ■
                                               Jane Friedman◆                               Mariana Riley ■
                                               David and Brenda Goldberg ■                  Jamie and Jeffrey Rindsberg ■
                                               Michael and Beverly Goldie◆                  Cary and Barbara Root ■
                                               Penny and Robert Greenberger◆                Charles and Maxine**
                                               Jean Heflich ■                                 Rosenbaum ■▼
                                               J. David and Rebecca Heller ■                Alex Rozenberg ■❖
                                               Sandra and Richard Herman ■                  Susan and Steven Rubin ■◆
                                               John and Elaine Hibshman ■                   Erika Rudin-Luria and
                                               Leslie and Mark Holz ■◆                         Rabbi Hal Rudin-Luria ■◆
                                               Michael and Jane Horvitz*■                   Karen Schneiderman ■
                                               Elise Hurwitz ■                              Harvey and Diane Scholnick ■
                                               Judy Immerman Payne ■                        Michael Shapiro ■
                                               Patricia Inglis ■                            Andrew Stein ■
                                               Stephen Kadish*■                             Rebecca Storey▼
                                               Gary Kaplan and                              Margie and Vic Strimbu ■
                                                 Roberta Karsh Kaplan◆                      Bernida Thompson▼
                                               Frieda Kochman ■                             Janet Verni ■
                                               Isay Krainsky ■                              Eric and Joyce Wald ■
                                               Harvey Krieger ■                             Louise and Greg Warner ■
                                               Barbara and Ronald Lang ■                    Chuck and Randi Wien ■
                                               Luxenberg Properties, LLC ■                  Milton and Edith Wiskind
                                               Eva Mandula ■                                  Designated Fund▲
                                               Shelley Milin Marcus and                     Donna Yanowitz◆
                                                 Gregory Marcus*■◆
                                               McCarthy, Lebit, Crystal &                   $100 - $249
                                                 Liffman Co., L.P.A. ■                      Anonymous (6) ■◆▼
                                               David Miller ■                               Abby and Tom Abelson ■
                                               Renate and Marvin Miller ■                   Michael and Robin Abrams ■
                                               Mary Ann Minster▲                            Joann and Tom Adler ■
                                               Esther Moss*■                                Altitude Optics ■
                                               NCJW-Cleveland ■                             Michael and Brenda Altose◆
                                               Stephanie and                                Amazon Smile Foundation ■
                                                 Nicholas Nebehay-Ulmer▼
                                                                                            Ellen Ardman ■
                                               Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk and
 Horvitz YouthAbility Ambassadors created                                                   Robin Avery and Michael Lauer ■◆
                                                 Joanie Berger ■
 birthday greeting posters for its members
 and delivered them personally (social         *Recommended by these individuals from their donor advised funds of the
 distancing observed!) to keep spirits high.   Jewish Federation of Cleveland. **Of blessed memory. ***Matching gift.
                                               ■ JFSA Cleveland Gift ●Jewish Federation of Cleveland Supporting Foundation
                                               ◆Hebrew Shelter Home Gift ▼PLAN Gift ▲JFS Akron Gift ❖College Financial Aid Program Gift
                                               We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of these lists. Please contact
                                               the Development Department with any corrections at 216.504.6451.
Luisa Aviv◆                                      Avroy and Roslyn Fanaroff ■                       Miriam Hoffman ■
Charles and Sandra Babbush ■                     Susan and Gene Farber ■                           Florence and Joseph Hrusch ■▼
Mitchell Balk ■                                  Cindy Feuer ■◆                                    Donald and Lynda Insul ■
Oren and Sue Baratz ■                            Harvey Finkel▲                                    Jeanne Irvin ■
Susan and Dale Bass ■                            Ronald and LuAnne Fisher ■                        Sally Isenstadt ■
Martin Belsky▲                                   Rina Frankel ■                                    Israeli American Council ■
Nadine Bendycki▼                                 Joyce Franklin and Stephan Roth ■                 Michael Jacobs ■
Nathan and Sosamma Berger ■                      Rochelle Friedberg ■                              Edna and Amir Jaffa ■
Richard and Sharon Berger ■                      Harriet Friedman◆                                 Karen and Marc Jaffe◆
Susan Berger and Robert Brown ■                  Avrum and Phyllis Froimson◆                       James Marketing ■
Martin and Doris Berkowitz◆                      Derek and Amy Gale ■                              Jane and George Jasper ■
Jean Berweiler ■                                 Shana Gandal ■                                    Jewish Family Service of Metro Detroit ■
Ron and Betsy Bildstein ■                        Carolyn Garfinkle▲                                William Jones◆
Pamela Blake◆                                    Anne and Stanley Glad ■                           Arline Joseph ■
Steven and Adele Blazey▲                         Meryl and Jeffrey Goldberg ■                      Jane Joseph◆
Barnett and Carole Bookatz ■                     Shari and Michael Goldberg ■                      Ira and Amy Kaplan ■
Judith Borodkin Blum ■                           George and Eileen Goldman ■▲                      Jeffrey Kaplan ■
Thomas Bralliar ■                                James Goldsmith and                               Zac Katz ■
Ben Brauer ■❖                                      Nancy Shaw Goldsmith▼                           Larry Kaufman ■
Bill and Carol Bruml ■
                     *                           Lois Goodman ■                                    Michael Kaufman▲
Adam Buss ■                                      Tom Goodman ■                                     Linda Kelly ■
Beverly Byrd-Lloyd ■                             David Gordon ■                                    Jonathon and Bonnie Klarfeld ■
Linda and Howard Chapman ■                       Alvin Gray**◆                                     Elizabeth Klein ■
Florence Chelm ■◆                                Leona Green ■◆                                    Jonathan and Abbie Klein◆
Renee and Kerry Chelm ■                          Laura and Ted Greenberg ■                         Kohrman, Jackson & Krantz*■
Carol Sue and Percy Clark ■                      Melissa Grody ■                                   Melissa and Lee Korland ■
Elaine and Martin Cohen▲                         Gregory Groshan ■                                 Robert Kraftowitz and
Marc Collin and Rita Cydulka ■                   Elaine Gross ■                                      Janice Kraftowitz-Gordon ■
Patricia and Stephen Crane▲                      William and Stacey Ann Grossman ■                 Krantz Dental Care ■
Jean and John Cregan▼                            Charlotte Guggenheim ■                            Anne Kuenzel ■
Daughters of Israel▲                             Guggenheim Inc. ■                                 Ronnie Kugel ■
Martin and Mindy Davidson ■                      Bahman and Lora Guyuron ■                         Steve Kutnick and Jackie Derrow▲
William and Judith Day ■                         Adam and Amalia Haas◆                             Shelah Kutunow ■
Josephine and Pieter deHaseth ■▼                 Janet and Dennis Haines ■                         Robert and Elayne Kwait◆
Anthony DeMauro ■                                Stacie and Jeffrey Halpern ■◆                     Annette Lancry ■
Gary and Andrea Desberg*■                        Amy Handel ■                                      Joanna Laytin ■
Wendy and Daniel Dobres ■  *                     Lee Hart ■                                        Helen and David Lazar ■
Fran and Mark Doris*■                            Alan and Diane Herzog ■                           David Leavitt and Leah Spector◆
Joan Drnek◆                                      Esther and Larry Hexter ■▲                        Kathy and Robert Leb ■
Carl and Emily Einstein◆                         Robert Hexter ■ *
                                                                                                   Ron Lederman▲
Bruce and Sharon Epstein◆                        Richard Hirsh▲                                    Ellyn and Barry Lefko ■◆
Alfred and Harriet Fader◆                        Jodi Hoffer and Dr. Alan Hoffer ■                 Jordan and Jane Lefko◆

  *Recommended by these individuals from their donor advised funds of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. **Of blessed memory. ***Matching gift.
                                    ■ JFSA Cleveland Gift ●Jewish Federation of Cleveland Supporting Foundation
                           ◆Hebrew Shelter Home Gift ▼PLAN Gift ▲JFS Akron Gift ❖College Financial Aid Program Gift
   We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of these lists. Please contact the Development Department with any corrections at 216.504.6451.
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