Page created by Andy Lewis
APRIL 2020
                       THE INTERVIEW
                       Joaquim Nunes de Almeida. p.4-5

                TECH HIGHLIGHTS
                The EU Rolling Plan. p.10-11

                  IN THE SPOTLIGHT
                  Calling the shots. p.14-15-16

                                                                                                   The Interview
                                                                                                      Joaquim Nunes
                                                                                                         de Almeida,
                                                                                                      European Commission.

                                              ETSI: a global                                           Meet the New

                                              digital player                               Standards people
                                              in support
                                                                                                   The Interview
                                              of European                                           Holger Butscheidt,
                                                                                                        Chairman of TC ERM.

                                              regulation.                                                                 P8/9

                                                                                              Tech Highlights
                                                                                                 The EU Rolling Plan for ICT
In its European Digital Strategy released     under the leadership of Mr. Carl Bildt.                                   P10/11
in February, the European Commission          The report makes eight recommendations
outlines 4 pillars. These include
                                                                                                In the Spotlight
                                              to reinforce the standardization system in
technology that works for people, a           Europe.
fair and competitive digital economy,                                                                         Calling the shots.
an open, democratic and sustainable           In its important role as a “global digital
digital society and Europe as a global        player”, ETSI spreads its European                                        P13-16
digital player, where “ICT standards are a    experience around the world, through
cornerstone of the Digital Single Market”.    its partnership projects with worldwide
                                              standards bodies as in 3GPP, which in this
                                                                                           Europe abroad
In this edition, our “technology that works                                                             Seconded European
                                              edition tells us the story behind 5G, and
for people” comprises AI, cybersecurity,                                                             Standardization Experts.
the next generation of fixed networks         oneM2M, which leads us to a smart and
in our news roundup while we unveil           steady progress towards a standardized                                    P18/19
new specifications on edge computing,         IoT ecosystem. In Europe abroad, we
“a building block of 5G”, augmented           introduce the ETSI, CEN and CENELEC
reality and the next generation of the 112    partners for China and India. This article                      What’s on?
emergency number.                             will also give you an overview of our                          Upcoming events.
                                              International Digital Cooperation (InDiCo)
Our exclusive interviews highlight            project, meant to create and stimulate                                    P26/27
European policies from different angles,      synergies with key partner countries:
with contributions from Mr. Nunes             Brazil, the United States, China, Japan
de Almeida, DG GROW, Mr. Holger               and South Korea.
Butscheidt, German Federal Ministry
for Economic Affairs and Energy, or           And of course, discover our new              Enjoy! The ETSI Mag
Mr. Jochen Friedrich, an ETSI Board           members, new videos and much more,           Edited and published by ETSI
member addressing the EU Rolling                                                           Quarterly edition
Plan for ICT standardization. This time,      Enjoy this new issue,                        Copyright ETSI 2020
Mr. Paul Timmers, a former European                                                        Director of Publications: Nadja Rachow
Commission Director, is In the spotlight                                                   Editor-in-Chief: Claire Boyer
and drives us through the report “Calling                                                  Design: Le Principe de Stappler
the Shots”, commissioned by ETSI to an        Luis Jorge Romero,
independent group of reputed experts          ETSI Director-General                        Editorial office: ETSI,
                                                                                           650 route des Lucioles,
                                                                                           06560 Valbonne France
                                                                                           Tel.: +33 (0)4 92 94 43 35

2            ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
News roundup

Securing Artificial
Intelligence: Chair and
Vice Chairs elected
ETSI’s new Industry Specification Group on Securing Artificial
Intelligence (ISG SAI) met in January for its second meeting
and appointed Alex Leadbeater (BT) as its Chair. Dr Kate Reed
(NCSC) was appointed as First Vice Chair and Tieyan Li (Huawei)
was appointed as Second Vice Chair. The Securing AI group was
created to develop technical specifications to mitigate threats
arising from the deployment of AI across multiple ICT-related
industries. The group will work on securing AI against attack,
mitigating the impact of malicious AI and using AI to enhance
security measures. The purpose of the ETSI ISG SAI group is
to develop the technical knowledge that acts as a baseline in
ensuring that artificial intelligence is secure.

“I am delighted to be appointed as the Chairman for this exciting
new group. Ensuring the security of Artificial Intelligence is a vital   Security Week:
topic that affects many stakeholders and I look forward to seeing
what work the group produces as it begins its work programme in
                                                                         programme now available
earnest,” says Alex Leadbeater, Chair of the ISG SAI.                    In 2020, the ETSI Security Week will take place from 8 to 11 June,
                                                                         and we will continue to bring together all stakeholders to debate
                                                                         various aspects of cybersecurity. We will first tackle 5G networks
                                                                         and how to deploy them securely. Then the Cybersecurity Act day
                                                                         will review the first schemes adopted, and discuss 5G networks
                                                                         and consumer IoT security certifications. The third day will address
                                                                         two topics in parallel: on one hand, how the Smart Secure Platform
                                                                         represents a disruptive change in the Secure Elements market,
                                                                         and on the other hand, a topic will be dedicated to advanced
                                                                         cryptography. Do not miss this unique opportunity where the
                                                                         security community will come together at ETSI to network, share,
                                                                         influence and learn during this week of events!

New group on 5th Generation Fixed Network: F5G
ETSI launched a new group to specify the fifth generation of Fixed
Network. The kick-off meeting of the ISG took place on 20 and 21
February, and the members of the group elected Dr. Luca Pesando
(TIM) as Chair and approved the first work items.

The ISG F5G, the fifth generation of Fixed Network, aims to
study the fixed-network evolution required to match and further
enhance the benefits that 5G has brought to mobile networks
and communications. It will define improvements with respect
to previous solutions and the new characteristics of the fifth-
generation fixed network. This opens up new opportunities by
comprehensively applying fiber technology to various scenarios,
turning the Fiber to the Home paradigm into Fiber to Everything
Everywhere. To achieve this, ISG F5G will address aspects relating
to new ODN technologies, XG(S)-PON and Wi-Fi 6 enhancements,
control plane and user plane separation, smart energy efficiency,
end-to-end full-stack slicing, autonomous operation and
management, synergy of transport and access networks, and
adaptation of the transport network, amongst others.

                                                                                                          ENJOY THE ETSI MAG               3
The interview

                                                                                      We met Joaquim de Almeida
                                                                                       in Brussels where he shared
                                                                                               with us the importance
                                                                                           of standardization for the
                                                                                               European Commission.

                                                                                      How would you summarize the
                                                                                      main ambitions of the current
                                                                                      European Commission?
                                                                                      We are entering a new decade with a
                                                                                      new European Commission, and with big
                                                                                      challenges and opportunities ahead of us.
                                                                                      To name just a few: the UK has recently left
                                                                                      the European Union and the Commission
                                                                                      is currently negotiating the scope and
                                                                                      terms of our future partnership. We also
                                                                                      find ourselves in a particular situation when
                                                                                      it comes to the global order, with major
                                                                                      global economies engaged in a trade war.
                                                                                      President Ursula von der Leyen has made
                                                                                      it very clear that this Commission will be
                                                                                            a geopolitical one; our ambitions
                                                                                               will thus focus on strengthening
                                                                                                 European leadership globally,
                                                                                                    furthering European values
                                                                                                      and interests and promoting
                                                                                                        them around the world.

Joaquim Nunes de Almeida,
Director of “Goods in the Single Market and Enforcement”,
DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs,
European Commission

Joaquim Nunes de Almeida is currently     in the Commission dates back to 1995,       for the “Fight against terrorism and law
Director of “Goods in the Single          when he joined the public procurement       enforcement cooperation”. In 2008,
Market and Enforcement” and was           directorate of the Internal Market DG. In   Mr. Nunes de Almeida became Head of
appointed Director of Single Market       1998, he worked as the assistant to the     Unit for police cooperation and access
Policy, Regulation and Implementation     Director General of the Internal Market.    to information. He studied law at the
in December 2016 having held the          One year later, he became a member          University of Lisbon and the College of
position of Public Procurement Director   of António Vitorino’s Cabinet, where he     Europe in Bruges.
in DG MARKT for almost three years.       worked for more than four years, mostly
He worked for law firms in Brussels and   on asylum and migration policies. He
Lisbon from 1989 to 1994. His career      then held the position of Head of Unit

4           ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
investments in research and innovation,          to further enhance the functioning of the
                                                coordinating among different Member              European standardization system and to
   This Commission will                         States and involving businesses, civil           promote it worldwide, along with European
   be a geopolitical one;                       society, academia and financial institutions,    standards.
   our ambitions will thus                      we will be able to unlock the potential that
   focus on strengthening                       various European players have to offer.          How can ETSI contribute to these
   European leadership                          Can you tell us a bit more about
   globally, furthering                                                                          ETSI is recognized as one of the European
                                                the future industrial strategy and               Standardization Organizations by the
   European values and                          the role of standardization?                     European regulatory framework; it means
   interests and promoting                      The comprehensive long-term industrial           that – together with CEN and CENELEC – it
   them around the world.                       strategy, adopted by the Commission in           develops harmonized standards to support
                                                March, covers various aspects affecting          EU legislation and public policy. It is crucial,
                                                European competitiveness: we stress the          taking into account the above context, that
How would you translate this in                 importance of strategic technologies and         by fulfilling their tasks the ESOs actively
the context of Europe’s digital                 value chains as essential in achieving           contribute to the implementation of EU
transformation?                                 technological autonomy and industrial            strategic and policy objectives. With this
                                                leadership, while addressing important
The overarching ambition of this
                                                societal challenges at the same time.
Commission is to create a framework
                                                To deliver on the European Green Deal,               While fulfilling their
where Europe benefits the most from the
                                                we will implement the Circular Economy
digital transition, ensuring at the same                                                             tasks the ESOs actively
                                                Action Plan with a set of measures on low-
time that European values and interests         carbon, circular and sustainable products.           contribute to the
are respected, as new technologies              The implementation and enforcement                   implementation of EU
develop. Commissioner Thierry Breton,           of the Single Market rules will be further
with responsibility for the Internal Market
                                                                                                     strategic and policy
and supported in his work by DG GROW,                                                                objectives.
DG DEFIS and DG CNECT, is working               While the European Single Market is a
on crucial priorities, such as enhancing        key asset for Europe’s economy, it can
Europe’s         technological   sovereignty,   only deliver its benefits if it is functioning   in mind, further efforts may be needed
coordinating the European approach to           smoothly. In this context, standardization       to attract and effectively engage users,
artificial intelligence and creating a single   has an important role to play. During the        SMEs and civil society in standardization
market for cybersecurity. As recently as in     previous Commission’s mandate, standard          work. We will also insist on reinforcing
February, the Commission presented its                                                           cooperation between the three ESOs in
strategy for the digital age, accompanied                                                        key areas, such as artificial intelligence,
by the White Paper on Artificial Intelligence      President Ursula von                          smart manufacturing or smart cities.
and the European Data Strategy, all                der Leyen called for                          When it comes to strategic fields such
aimed at defining the challenges and               boosting Europe’s ability                     as cybersecurity or 5G, the Commission
opportunities for Europe in leading the                                                          will take measures aimed at increasing
                                                   to influence global                           European participation in respective
transition to a sustainable economy and a
new digital world.                                 standard-setting as a                         standardization bodies to achieve Europe’s
                                                   mean of making Europe                         security and interoperability objectives.
Efforts    towards    achieving   EU’s                                                           I trust ETSI will actively engage in these
technological sovereignty imply being              fit for the digital age.
                                                                                                 actions, notably to support Europe’s goal of
at the forefront of technological and                                                            achieving technological autonomy, so that
regulatory development. By pooling                                                               we can continue to rely on our partnership
                                                setting received considerable political          when delivering on European digital policy
                                                attention, revealed in the 2015 Single           priorities.
   Efforts towards                              Market Communication and Digital Single
   achieving EU’s                               Market Strategy, or in the Communication
                                                on harmonized standards in 2018.
   technological                                                                                     I trust ETSI will actively
                                                President Ursula von der Leyen also
   sovereignty imply                            recognized the importance of standards               engage in supporting
   being at the forefront                       and, in her political guidelines, called for         Europe’s goal of
   of technological and                         boosting Europe’s ability to influence global        achieving technological
                                                standard setting as a means of making
   regulatory development.                      Europe fit for the digital age. To achieve
                                                this, the Commission will take actions

                                                                                                          ENJOY THE ETSI MAG                  5
Meet the new standards people

Welcome to our                                          NEW

    Brightsight B.V., Netherlands
Brightsight is a security evaluation specialist providing
consultancy services, training and analysis tools. Customers
include international financial institutions, the IT and automotive
industries, and governments. The results of their evaluations are
used by EMVCo, MasterCard, PCI-PTS and Visa and by nation-
specific certification schemes. Brightsight is the only lab in the        IDnow GmbH, Germany
world accredited by five Common Criteria Schemes (Germany,            IDnow is a leading provider for identity verification in Europe.
Japan, the Netherlands, Turkey and Norway).                           Their solutions guarantee legal security throughout Europe and
                                                                      the highest level of data security. In the area of video identification
                                                                      of customers and electronic signatures, they provide the market
    Entropia, Belgium                                                 with a legally secure solution without additional hardware. Their
Entropia has been one of the leading players in the field of          customer portfolio includes Commerzbank, UBS, Sixt neuwagen,
mobile mission and business critical communication in Belgium,        Telefónica and N26.
the Netherlands and soon with IoT in the UK. Entropia also
owns a digital TETRA and MOBITEX data network, the first
wireless national packet-switched network for mobile data                 IEE, Luxembourg
communication in the Benelux. This premium network is mainly          IEE is a leading supplier of automotive sensing solutions. They
used by organizations in the Public Order and Safety, where high      are now developing a radar solution for exterior technology
demands are mandatary on availability and reliability.                that offers unique solutions for Advanced Driver Assistance
                                                                      System (ADAS) safety features. They develop and manufacture
                                                                      cutting-edged and sensing solutions for the automotive, building
    F5, USA                                                           management and security, sports and healthcare, and input
F5 Networks, Inc. is a transnational company (69 offices in 39        device markets.
countries) that specializes in application services and application
delivery networking. F5 technologies focus on the delivery,
security, performance, and availability of web applications,              JSRPC Kryptonite, Russia
including the availability of computing, storage, and network         Kryptonite was founded in March 2018. It is part of IKS Holding,
resources. F5 provides the broadest set of services and security      a multidisciplinary IT structure whose main tasks include
for enterprise-grade apps, whether on-premises or across any          investment, management and consolidation in the telecom
multi-cloud environment.                                              media and technology market. Their mission is to help Russian
                                                                      technologies develop and occupy a worthy place in the IT market.

    Genasys, Spain
Genasys is a global leader in long range acoustic devices and             Kontron Transportation France, France
public safety mass notification solutions. It is the only unified     Kontron is a global leader in embedded computing technology
critical communications platform that provides multi-modal,           (ECT). As a part of technology group S&T, Kontron offers a
geo-targeted cell phone alerts and audible messages with              combined portfolio of secure hardware, middleware and services
industry-leading vocal clarity. Their software interface and          for Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0 applications. Kontron
mobile application manage and deliver life-saving notifications       provides secure and innovative applications for a variety of
and information to people at risk, before, during, and after crisis   industries. Their goal is to offer customers a complete and
situations.                                                           integrated portfolio of hardware, software and services.

6            ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
The 9-1-1 Association improves 9-1-1 through research,
standards development, training, education, outreach, and
advocacy. It serves the public safety community as the only
professional organization solely focused on 9-1-1 policy,
technology, operations, and education issues. NENA promotes               SCC, Canada
the implementation and awareness of 9-1-1 and international           The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) is a federal Crown
three-digit emergency communications systems. NENA works              corporation with the mandate to promote voluntary standardization
to facilitate the creation of an IP-based Next Generation 9-1-1       in Canada, where standardization is not expressly provided for by
system; and to establish industry leading standards, training, and    law. The SCC leads and facilitates the development and use of
certifications.                                                       national and international standards and accreditation services
                                                                      in order to enhance Canada’s competitiveness and well-being.

    NES, Poland
The NES System is a smart grid infrastructure solution, based             St. Pölten UA, Austria
on Open Smart Grid Protocol (OSGP). Their technology is used          The St. Polten University of Applied Sciences stands for
in nearly 40 million smart meters and other smart end devices         high quality university education, practical relevance and
around the world. NES offers industry leading security built into     internationality. Their goal is to prepare their students for the
its most reliable smart metering solution. Their system offers        increasing demand for innovative, interdisciplinary solutions to a
a unique power line technology that enables grid mapping,             variety of current and future challenges for entrepreneurs, industry,
automatic topology management, and many more low voltage              authorities and institutions. They are an open and internationally
grid applications.                                                    oriented partner for companies, industries and institutions and
                                                                      their needs for applied research and development.

    PCTEST Engineering Lab, USA
PCTEST Engineering Laboratory provides regulatory and                     TEC, India
carrier testing services to the wireless, electronics and             TEC has the mission to maintain its status as a “Centre of
telecommunications industry. PCTEST has over 25 years of              Excellence” in telecom to position India as a “Lead Telecom
experience in global regulatory and wireless testing and approvals.   Knowledge and Manufacturing Hub” of Asia-Pacific Nations by
It was established on the principle of providing manufacturers        driving telecom standards, manufacturing support and network
with a much needed independent facility, fully capable of testing     building skill sets in the interests of this region and market. They
to a comprehensive set of FCC regulatory technical requirements       also have active participation in professional bodies including the
and getting the job right the first time.                             ITU, IETF or APT.

                                                                                                        ENJOY THE ETSI MAG               7
The interview

                                                                                                  In this exclusive interview,
                                                                                                      Holger shares with us his
                                                                                                        thoughts on the Radio
                                                                                                          Equipment Directive.

                                                                                               What are the main objectives of
                                                                                               the groups you are chairing?
                                                                                               While OCG RED-EMCD is a more
                                                                                               political group dealing, alongside various
                                                                                               stakeholders, administrations and the
                                                                                               European Commission, with the correct
                                                                                               implementation of current regulation and
                                                                                               new regulatory initiatives in templates
                                                                                               for Harmonised Standards, TC ERM is a
                                                                                               more technical group. Its 15 Working and
                                                                                               Task Groups deal with Electromagnetic

Holger Butscheidt
Chairman of ETSI OCG RED-EMCD and TC ERM

Holger Butscheidt works for the German Federal     RED and EMCD. Prior to that he participated as
Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and       a technical expert of projects and groups of the
has been involved in radio standardization for     European Commission, ITU-R as well as 3GPP,
18 years. In December 2013 he became the           where he was responsible for the technical
Chairman of the ETSI Operational Coordination      regulation of Emergency and Public Protection
Group for the Radio Equipment Directive (RED)      and Disaster Relief communications, 3G Mobile
and the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive    systems, systems beyond and wireless access
(EMCD) and the Chair of TC ERM (EMC and            networks (WAS). He is now the programme
radio spectrum matters), the two major groups in   committee Chair of the ETSI Summit 2020 on
ETSI dealing with Harmonised Standards under       European Standards.

8            ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
compatibility and radio equipment from      It also includes other receive-only and          by Harmonised Standard Consultants
aeronautics, maritime and TV/Radio          non-receive-only equipment with regard           (HaSC). Each assessment can take up to
Broadcast as well as all kinds of Short     to receiver characteristics and receiver         a maximum of 35 days.
Range Devices, including industry and       performance parameters.
                                                                                             In the meantime, the status of the OJEU-
consumer equipment. This variety also       In addition to these technical requirements,     listing of Harmonised Standards has
shows that all types of stakeholders        ETSI had to face formal and political            also changed and was influenced by
dealing with radio have an interest in      challenges as well.                              a subsequent case law of the Court
Harmonisation of European Standards as
                                                                                             of Justice of the European Union.
it gives them an excellent opportunity to   What are the formal and political                Whereas it was just for information
declare conformity and place equipment      challenges?                                      in the past, it is now legislation. As a
on the market.
                                            First of all, I can say that ETSI and the        consequence, new listings will be made
                                            European Commission managed to list              via a formal Commission Implementing
                                            most of the ETSI Harmonised Standards            Decision including the related European
   All kind of stakeholders                 under the RED in the Official Journal of         Commission internal process.
   dealing with radio                       the European Union (OJEU) in due time
                                                                                             All of this takes additional time. Therefore
   have an interest in                      to give industry the opportunity to self-
                                                                                             the last listing of Harmonised Standards
   harmonization of                         declare presumption of conformity for a
                                                                                             in the OJEU was more than one year ago,
                                            wide area of radio equipment.
   European Standards.                                                                       on 14 September 2018. For a sector like
                                            But I have to admit that we have not yet         the radio sector with rapid technological
                                            achieved the stage where standardization         changes, any extended delay is a risk for
                                            of Harmonised Standards runs completely          innovation. This applies especially, but is
Can you tell us a little bit about the      perfectly and smoothly. A lot of the OJEU-       not limited, to Micro, Small and Medium
Radio Equipment Directive and the           listed Harmonised Standards contain              Enterprises in Europe.
new technical requirements?
The Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/
EU (RED) came into force on 16 April 2014      We have not yet                                  5G is going to redefine
and establishes a regulatory framework
                                               achieved the stage                               the driving experience,
for placing radio equipment on the                                                              thanks to multi-gigabit
market. The RED ensures a single market        where standardization
for radio equipment by setting essential       of Harmonised                                    speed.
requirements. Therefore it aligns the          Standards runs
previous Radio and Telecommunication
Terminal Equipment Directive 1999/5/
                                               completely perfectly
                                               and smoothly.                                 What can we do to bring the
EC (R&TTED) with the new legislative
                                                                                             standardization system back on
framework for the marketing of products.
Based on the Directive, a new mandate
M/536 was issued on 04 August 2015,         footnotes stating that they do not               We are in a permanent dialogue with the
which was the basis for the revision of     address requirements relating to receiver        European Commission to improve the
the ETSI Work Programme related to          performance parameters and do not                process and to resolve open points. Hence
Harmonised Standards.                       confer a presumption of conformity as            we launched an ETSI Summit originally
                                            regards those parameters. This means             planned for 2 April, now postponed, with
                                            that for parts of these listed Harmonised        the intention of further improving the
   The RED ensures a                        Standards, industry cannot do a self-            understanding of the new dynamics and
                                            declaration, but has to go the Notified          helping to shape actions, in light of EU
   single market for radio                  Body route with additional expenses.             policy and regulatory developments, as
   equipment by setting                                                                      quickly as possible. We need to clarify how
   essential requirements.                  Are there any other impacts?                     the objectives of the regulatory changes
                                            Besides possible additional expenses,            can be achieved while preserving the
                                            time is another critical factor. While it took   benefits of the new legislative framework,
                                            some time to clarify formalities, which          as we have to ensure the competitiveness
The major new technical requirements        have to be fulfilled in the Harmonised           of European industry and the European
related to the former Directive 1999/5/EC   Standards, the new consultation process,         economy for the future. This can only be
were radio equipment operating below        which was launched in April 2018,                done in a reasonable common approach
9 kHz, radio-determination equipment,       introduced another formal working layer          including all stakeholders, who are
and sound and TV broadcast receivers.       with up to three assessments made                therefore invited to join this Summit.

                                                                                                      ENJOY THE ETSI MAG               9
Tech Highlights

The EU Rolling Plan for ICT
why ETSI is instrumental
The EU Rolling Plan for ICT Standardization is clearly something to get excited about.
For many reasons.

It provides a coherent overview of EU        The Rolling Plan is the product of             meetings    with    web    collaboration
policy objectives across many sectors,       close    collaboration    between   the        platforms. Typically twice a year this
and of how ICT standardization can           European Commission services and               is complemented with a face-to-face
support the implementation of those          the EU Multi-Stakeholder Platform on           workshop.
objectives. Asking for concrete actions      ICT Standardization (MSP). The MSP
for standardization, it lists ongoing        is an expert group of the European             For some years now all information
activities in ICT standardization that       Commission,      comprising    all  the        around the Rolling Plan process has also
contribute to the policy objectives and      EU Member States, the European                 been centralised on a Wiki. Everything is
focusses on promoting interoperability       Standardization Organizations, Societal        visible there any time for all members of
and the use of standards.                    Stakeholders and Industry Associations,        the MSP: the text proposed for the new
                                             including representatives of SMEs.             version of the Rolling Plan, the inputs
The Rolling Plan addresses all active                                                       from others, the decisions about which
standards bodies in Information and          As the name “Rolling” implies, the entire      input to include in which way, etc. This
Communication        Technology      (ICT)   process around the Rolling Plan is set up      way of collaborative working minimises
standardization. It is read everywhere       in such a way that the Plan is updated         the individual workload for everyone. At
across the globe and has an impact           on an annual basis. Updating follows           the same time a high level of transparency
                                             a clearly defined five-step process as         is created, which facilitates fast resolving
on standardization far beyond the
                                             shown on the graphic enclosed.                 of any issues and thus helps avoiding
boundaries of the EU, which is a driver of
                                                                                            misunderstandings. There is no doubt
state-of-the-art ICT standardization and
                                             This process starts with input from the        that the processes for developing the
the uptake of standards and technical
                                             European Commission (step I). This is          Rolling Plan can be seen as pioneering
                                             followed by a big consultation with all        the way of working within the public
                                             MSP members (step II). There is usually        private partnership of standardization in
In essence, this Plan is an invitation                                                      Europe.
                                             also a lot of input from ETSI during this
to all stakeholders to start activities
                                             phase, outlining available and ongoing
in standardization in support of EU          work but also commenting on or                 The chapters in the Rolling Plan dealing
policy needs. Based on the concrete          proposing new actions. Once all inputs         with the various sectors and policy
actions, new work or new developments        and comments have been consolidated            areas all follow the same sub-structure
are triggered. Working groups in             the Pre-final draft is produced (step III)     with three main parts: A – the policy
standards bodies get active and provide      and circulated with all MSP members            objectives and policy and legal situation
standardization deliverables responding      again where everyone can raise questions       outlined by the European Commission;
to the respective actions. Regular           for clarifications (step IV). The final step   B – the proposed actions; and C – the
exchanges in the MSP help to coordinate      (step V) is then the endorsement of the        information about work in progress or
the work and avoid duplication.              final version of the Rolling Plan and the      standards and specifications that are
                                             hand-over to the European Commission           already available.
The Rolling Plan encourages and              for finalisation and publication.
motivates standardization work in areas                                                     ETSI has been an active contributor from
where an explicit standardization request    These process steps have also been             the first day when work started on the
is not foreseen, but where, in particular,   digitalised. Since the very beginning of       first version of the Rolling Plan. There is
interoperability and open solutions are to   the work on the Rolling Plan almost all        close involvement of all Technical Bodies
be promoted.                                 meetings are conducted as electronic           in ETSI for collecting input to each new

10          ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
                                                  Input from
                                                the European
                                                 Commission                          with the MSP

         EU Rolling Plan                                                                                    III.
          New Version                                                                                  of all
                                                                                                   the inputs.
                                                                                                 Pre-final draft

                                    by the MSP and                                 IV.
                                      hand-over                            Final check
                                         to EC                             with all the
                                                                          MSP members

                                                                                                                                        © ETSI

version of the Rolling Plan. This also            Consequently ETSI and its members also           Links:
includes ISGs, and in addition ETSI is            benefit largely from the Rolling Plan. First
an active advocate for the work done in           and foremost the Rolling Plan provides
3GPP and in oneM2M, making sure that              clarity on the needs for standards within
their work is also listed in the Rolling Plan     the full scope of policy contexts. But more
and in this way known to policy makers            concretely support actions and grants            rolling-plan-ict-standardisation-released_en
and all other stakeholders in the context         are based on the actions proposed in the
of the respective actions and policy              Rolling Plan.
                                                  As ICT standards are instrumental
The relevance of ETSI standards                   for digitalization, the Rolling Plan is
comprises a large number of the sectors           a cornerstone of an effective and
listed. To almost every policy area there         coordinated      European   Commission
are ETSI standards which support some             strategy on ICT standardization. So,             n Jochen Friedrich, ETSI Board member,
of the policy objectives and respond to           watch out for the 2020 version of the               Chair of ESSREV and Chair of the MSP task force
needs and to the proposed actions.                Rolling Plan.                                       on the Rolling Plan.

                                                                                                             ENJOY THE ETSI MAG                 11
Just Released

   Augmented                                                               Multi-access
   Reality                                                                 Edge Computing:
                                                                           building on NFV and
   Framework: new                                                          network slicing
   specification out                                                       The ETSI Multi-access Edge Computing Industry Specification
                                                                           Group has recently announced the release of two major reports
   The ETSI Industry Specification Group on the Augmented                  as part of its Phase 2 work. The ETSI report GR MEC 027 studies
   Reality Framework (ISG ARF) aims to define a framework                  the impact of alternative virtualization technologies. The second
                                                                           report, ETSI GR MEC 024, examines network slicing on edge
   for the interoperability of Augmented Reality (AR)
                                                                           computing systems.
   applications and services.
                                                                           ETSI GR MEC 027, a report on alternative virtualization
   The group has recently published the ETSI GS ARF 003                    technologies, identifies the additional support that needs to
   document specifying a functional reference architecture for             be provided when MEC applications run on containers or other
   AR solutions, identifying key components and interfaces,                alternative virtualization technologies. The results and conclusion
   and defining functionalities required by an AR solution.                of this report highlight that most ETSI MEC specifications are
   The generic nature of the architecture was validated                    virtualization-technology agnostic. In particular, all ETSI MEC
                                                                           defined Application Service APIs are fully agnostic to virtualization
   by mapping the workflow of several use cases to the
                                                                           technology choice. Minor updates to other standards have
   components of the reference architecture. The adoption                  been identified and recommendations made. ETSI GR MEC
   of the framework will allow components from different                   024 identifies the MEC functionalities to support network slicing
   providers to interoperate via the defined interfaces. In                and the impact on future ETSI MEC specifications. It provides
   the context of the work undertaken by ISG ARF, AR is                    important use cases and examples of how network slicing may be
   the ability to mix in real-time spatially-registered digital            addressed in edge computing systems.
   content into the real world.

Two major standards for emergency
calls: Next Generation 112 and Advanced Mobile Location
ETSI’s Emergency Communication Special Committee has recently released ETSI TS 103 479 for NG112, the next generation of European
emergency services, and ETSI TS 103 625, for the specific Advanced Mobile Location function.

ETSI TS 103 479 specifies the core elements of the architecture for network-independent access to emergency services, enabling
interoperability of implementation for access to Next Generation by emergency services. Next Generation 112 (NG112) architecture enables
multimedia communications (text, video, together with location or additional data) which is not possible with the current phone-based system.

As more than 70% of emergency calls come from a mobile phone in Europe, the Advanced Mobile Location (AML) technology using ETSI TS
103 625 is essential to provide the most accurate location of the caller. With AML, the phone’s location capabilities (making use of GNSS, Wi-Fi
and mobile network information) are activated when an emergency number is dialled.

To highlight the global reach of the published standards, ETSI supports further efforts to implement conformance testing tools. The conformance
test for the NG112 architecture was released in TS 103 650-1 and TS 103 650-2. A fourth NG112 Plugtest™ event is planned for the end of
this year, this time with a view to organizing international interoperability testing in conjunction with the EENA (European Emergency Number
Association) and NENA (US National Emergency Number Association), a new member of the ETSI family.

12           ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
In the spotlight

   In the following pages, Paul Timmers, former European Commission Director for the Digital Society,
   Trust and Cybersecurity tells us more about “Calling the shots”, a report commissioned by ETSI to an
   independent group of reputed experts under the leadership of Mr. Carl Bildt. He confirms that all of
   the people working on the report whatever their background agreed that standardization is a strategic
   discipline and that ICT is embedded in and enabling all products and services. The final page of this insert
   outlines the 8 recommendations that came as a conclusion of the report to reinforce the standardization
   system in Europe.

                                                                            ENJOY THE ETSI MAG            13
In the spotlight

                                                                                            A report commissioned
                                                                                               by ETSI calls on EU
                                                                                        to retake global leadership
                                                                                        in digital standard setting.

Paul Timmers
Former European Commission Director for the Digital Society,
Trust and Cybersecurity

Paul Timmers is a Research Associate        been a member of the Cabinet of the
at the University of Oxford and a former    European Commissioner Erkki Liikanen. A
European Commission Director for the        manager in a large ICT company, he is a
Digital Society, Trust and Cybersecurity.   co-founder of an ICT start-up. He holds a
In that function he was also a member       PhD in physics from Nijmegen University
of the management board of ENISA, the       in the Netherlands, an MBA from Warwick
EU’s network and information security       University in the UK and was awarded
agency. Co-responsible for significant      an EU fellowship at UNC Chapel Hill. He
parts of the EU’s research and innovation   completed his executive cybersecurity
programmes in several fields, he has        education at Harvard.

14          ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
Paul, as one of the experts                                                                   data protection. At the same time,
involved in the preparation of                    ICT is embedded in and                      Europe must continue being a champion
the “Bildt report”, can you tell                                                              of global standards for the common good
us about the objectives and                       enabling all products                       that bring the greatest benefits for all.
achievements of this exercise?                    and services.
                                                                                              What does the report tell ETSI
In late 2018, I was contacted by ETSI,                                                        more specifically?
which was assembling a group of experts        Other findings were more specific, such
to discuss standardization for the digital                                                    ETSI can take onboard several findings.
                                               as the fact that digitalization implies
age and prepare a reflection paper             “de-siloing” standardization. ICT is           The     “de-siloing”  recommendation
primarily, but not exclusively, for the new    embedded in and is enabling all products       obviously applies to ETSI, whose DNA
Parliament and the new Commission.             and services. This needs to be taken on        is ICT. The onboarding of companies
                                               board by standards bodies, lawmakers           from other sectors should be further
We worked throughout the first half of
                                               and industry as well.                          developed.
2019 under the chairmanship of Carl Bildt.
The debate was framed from the start by        We also discussed the EU’s assets,             Moreover, ETSI may need to boost
“the digitalization of everything” and the     and how to make better use of them.            its relationship with governments.
questions it raises, for standardizers on      For example, the New Approach, the             Governments – driven by sovereignty
the one hand, and, on the other hand,          economic strengths with R&D, the               concerns – are seeking to get a tighter
how Europe can use standardization to          diversity of the SMEs and start-up scene,      grip on standardization (i.e., 5G). Whilst
support its ambitions to be one of the         or the “wider Europe”, with the EU’s links     standardization at ETSI is essentially
front-runners in digital technology.           to the CEPT, and how to make best use          industry-driven, governments play an
                                               of all this, which you will see in the final   increasingly critical role, and further
Carl put it quite dramatically by saying                                                      developing relations with them will
it is a matter of survival. Certainly, the     recommendations of the report.
                                                                                              increase ETSI’s relevance.
current geopolitical context forces us to      But this first and foremost implies that EU
take an honest look at how the EU plays                                                       It is also important that, whilst developing
                                               lawmakers must view standardization as
the standards card, how it can learn from                                                     standards that support the EU’s broad
                                               a key element of EU industrial strategy
past successes, capitalize on assets and                                                      policy and strategic objectives, ETSI
                                               and grant it attention at a high political
the role the EU grants to standardization.                                                    does not get hampered by geo-politics.
                                               level, with sufficient resources.
All of the people working on the report,                                                      Standardization needs a careful division
                                                                                              of private-public responsibilities to
whatever our background, agreed that           In your opinion, does Europe                   deliver state-of-the-art, globally usable
standardization is a strategic discipline.     stand a chance between the two                 specifications. This may need some
                                               geopolitical behemoths?                        innovative thinking about governance!
                                               You noticed that the keywords of               ETSI has a track record of leadership in
   All of the people                           the new Commission are “strategic              setting global standards and needs to
   working on the                              autonomy” and “digital sovereignty”. And       continue displaying this. ‘Display’ is an
                                               it is true that, in the age of global supply   important word: you need to tell the story.
   report whatever their                       chains, with global companies, global          Standardization in general is too often
   background agreed                           technologies and global standards, the         under the radar, when in fact it contributes
   that standardization is a                   EU needs to devise its doctrine and            greatly to the EU’s competitiveness and
   strategic discipline.                       policy in order to safeguard sovereignty,      leadership. A positive, telling example
                                               whilst also playing the global game. For       of oneM2M with ETSI support is the IoT
                                               that matter, strategic partnerships will       standard that is considered for adoption
                                               be ever more important with like-minded        as a national standard in India.
What are the key findings                      partners and/or governments willing to
                                               uphold similar values, such as personal        Even if the digital era induces a need for
of the report?
                                                                                              all organizations to adapt, I trust ETSI is
In short, standardization must be seen                                                        well placed to continue playing a central
as strategic for the EU’s future, and                                                         and strategic role in standardization in
                                                  EU needs to devise its
integrated with other policies and a                                                          support of the EU’s competitiveness and
coherent part of policy measures. If you
                                                  doctrine and policy                         values.
look at all the blocks that Europe trades         in order to safeguard
or competes with, they all have a very            sovereignty whilst
thought-through standardization policy,           playing the global
that is integrated with industrial strategy,
and all of them grant a very strategic role
to standardization.

                                                                                                       ENJOY THE ETSI MAG             15
In the spotlight

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SED EU
                                                                                                                                                                                         INGLY EXPO
                                                                                                                              1         AN INCREAS

                                                                                                                                            THE                  WORLD
                                                                                                                             1.1. THE EU IN
                                                                                                                                          E’S INFLU           ENCE WANIN
                                                                                                                             1.1.1. EUROP
                                                                                                                                                            is difficult to
                                                                                                                                                                            define in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    4          LEARNING FRO
                                                                                                                             The notion of
                                                                                                                                            “market share”
                                                                                                                                                                     many service
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            M THE PAST,
                                                                                                                             the tech sector,
                                                                                                                                                especially where
                                                                                                                                                             charge and revenu
                                                                                                                                                                                   e is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               LOOKING TO
                                                                                                                             are provided to
                                                                                                                                              users free of
                                                                                                                                             connected value
                                                                                                                                                               propositions or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          THE FUTURE
                                                                                                                              generated by             however, that
                                                                                                                                                                        once a leader
                                                                                                                                           can  argue,
                                                                                                                              parties. One                        leverage in mobile
                                                                                                                                                   thanks to its
                                                                                                                              in the tech sector           now losing    ground  to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                EU savoir-faire
                                                                                                                                             ns, the EU is                                                                                                                                                      in standardizatio
                                                                                                                               communicatio                                                                                                                                                    the 20% of Europe                     n goes well beyond
                                                                                                                               US and Asia.                                                                                                                                                                         an standards                                                         This being said,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               support of regulat                    developed in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ion, i.e. followin                direct                                                   the current
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              request from                           g a standardizatio                                 standardizatio                     EU perspective
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the European                                n                                             n as a technic                          on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              savoir-faire has                Commission.                                               secondary exercis                  al and somew
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                resulted in putting          In fact, this                                                  e, whilst compe                  hat
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             global industr                              Europe on the                                 it at the top of                      titors are putting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ial and techno                                                                              their strategic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ETS                                                                                 logical map to                                          threat and is contrad             agendas, constit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ORLD MARK                                                      that often exceed                                 a degree                                                                                   utes a
                                                                                                                                                                                          REGIONAL DIGIW                                                                            16                          s its industrial                                                                              ictory to EU ambitio
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Annual growth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        rate 2015/20                                              clout.                                              the digital econom                           ns to lead in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            When global standa
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   rds originate in
                                                                                                                                                       2016                                                                                                                                 actors, private                           Europe, Europe
                                                                                                                                   Billion euros, in                                                                                                                                                        or public, large
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             or small, have guaran
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            access to the                                         teed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             shaping of them
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           play catch up                         and do not have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           with foreign compe                       to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           standards happen                      titors. Making

                                                                        DI GI TA L ER A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 first in Europe                global
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           asset that must                           is a competitive

                                                           EN ES S IN A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             be preserved
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and developed.

                                             MP ET IT IV
                                N FO R EU CO
          STAN   DA RD IZ AT IO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            DIGITAL VID
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            BROADCAST                                                                             The DVB-S system
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ING                       (DVB)                                           DVB services
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      was agreed in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               in Europe were
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       1994, and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 by pay TV operato               launched in spring
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    r Canalplus in                    1995
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Until late 1990,                                                                     system was agreed                    France. The DVB-T
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              digital TV broadc                                                                      later, in 1997,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            was thought to                      asting to the                                    broadcasts began                     and the first DVB-T
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            be impractical                     home                                                 in Sweden and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           of improvement                                                  and costly to implem                                                                        the UK in 1998.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    L PA ST
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             despite signs                                 During 1991,                                                                         DVB-T service
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    behind                                                                broadcasters                           ent.                                         s started in parts
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Europe still lagging                                                          manufacturers                 and consumer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         equipment                              and 2003 saw                       of Germany in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            discussed how                                                                       Europe's first
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           pan-European                      to form a concer                                   Berlin.                         analogue switch
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           platform to develop                   ted                                                                                off in
                                                                                                                                                                             in USD   billion, 2016, IDATE                                                                                TV. Soon, the                          digital terrest
                                                                                                                                                            market by region                                                                                                                                                                     rial

                                                                                                                                        Source: Digiworld                                                                                                                                                 major European
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          (both public                      media interes                                      Today, service

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          and private),                   t groups                                            s using DVB standa
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          manufacturers                    consumer electro                                    every contine                       rds are availab
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         , common carriers                    nics                                           nt, with over                         le on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and regulators                                    deployed. DVB-S              1.5 billion DVB
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         included in the                                     were                                                 and DVB-S2                 receivers
                                                                                                                                                                                              for infrastructure,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    access,                                                                               group.                                                                                                are used in virtuall
                                                                                                                                                                            as technologies                                                                                                                                                                                   every country
                                                                                                                                                         defined by IDATE                                                                                                                                                                                                                    in the world. DVB-C                       y
                                                                                                                                         2/ Digiworld is
                                                                                                                                         services and content                                                                                                                            The concept                                                                          At least 149 countri                is also widely
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       7meant that comme                                                                           es have adopte                used.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         needed to apprec                      rcial competitors                              either DVB-T or                      d and/or deploy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            iate their commo                                                                  DVB-T2.                                ed

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    VERY SU
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and agendas.                             n requirements
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      A Memorandum
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        signed by all                    of Understanding
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      participants in                        was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       the group named                  September 1993,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         itself the Digital                  and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Project (DVB).                       Video Broadcasting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       already underw                work in digital
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ay in Europe, moved            television,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             into top gear.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         CONCEPTS &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              RECOMMENDATION 5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        In line with a unified political

       POLICY                                                      A report from
                                                                                   an expert panel
                                                                                                     chaired by Car
                                                                                                                   l Bildt                                                                                                                                              direction, streamline, adapt,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        clean up and manage the
     COHERENCE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          extended        standardization
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        machinery, as well as the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        processes that govern it.
     Standardization must be upheld                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           RECOMMENDATION 6
     as a crucial strategic part of                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Engage with stakeholders to
     the EU and its member states’                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      perform a health check and
     digital and industrial strategy. It                                                                                                                                                                                                                                refresh of the New Approach.
     must be asserted as a driver for
     growth, competitiveness and
                                                                                   RESOURCES                                                                                                                                                                            Do not alter the fundamentals
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        but boost the use of this
     strategic autonomy, innovation,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    regulatory technique.
     security     and     safety     of                                            RECOMMENDATION 3
     consumers, and sustainability.                                           A coordinator at very high
                                                                              political level, with clear                                                                                                                                                                     RECOMMENDATION 7
      RECOMMENDATION 2                                                        responsibilities and scope, must                                                                                                                                                          Connect research to standardi-
                                                                              be tasked with devising the EU                                                                                                                                                            zation “by design”, e.g. in
     The EU and its member                                                    strategy for standardization.                                                                                                                                                             Horizon Europe programmes.
     states need to step up efforts
     to de-silo their approach to
     standardization,       coordinate                                             RECOMMENDATION 4                                                                                                                                                                           RECOMMENDATION 8
     and connect it to their industrial                                       Allocate proper management                                                                                                                                                                Increase political and strategic
     strategy and corresponding                                               resources at administrative level                                                                                                                                                         coordination with the CEPT
     policies, especially in the areas                                        in the Commission to ensure                                                                                                                                                               beyond radio matters, to expand
     of innovation, competitiveness                                           efficient implementation of the                                                                                                                                                           the outreach of EU policy
     and digitalization.                                                      above strategy.                                                                                                                                                                           making in standardization.

16           ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
Working together

A focus on the
Annex III organizations
Standardization is not just a technical activity: it impacts our lives and how we use
technology, hence the need to involve societal stakeholders in the process.

Technology has an impact on our                Annex III of the Regulation provides for the   first globally applicable standard for
environment, our working conditions, and       selection by the European Commission of        consumer IoT security. Stephen Russell,
the competitiveness of businesses in open      four European organizations representing       their Secretary-General comments:
markets. Standardization must therefore        societal stakeholders who need to be
be an open and inclusive process by            involved in the standardization process.       “We are pleased to have contributed to a
design, where all actors in society have       Currently these organizations are:             standard which focuses on the technical
an opportunity to highlight their use                                                         and organizational controls that matter
cases, express their requirements and          • ANEC, representing consumers;
                                                                                              most in addressing significant and
be involved in the design of technical         • ECOS, representing        environmental      widespread security-shortcomings. It
solutions to meet these requirements.            interests;                                   should be a landmark specification for
ETSI’s membership is a testimony to these                                                     consumers and industry alike”.
                                               • ETUC, representing social interests (i.e.
principles being translated into reality. As
                                                 the interests of workers);
an example, over 25% of our membership                                                        Another example is the decision by the
is comprised of SMEs, some of them             • SBS, representing the interests of small     ETSI Board in January 2020 to improve
holding leading roles in our committees,         and medium-sized enterprises                 guidance to Technical Committees to help
as seen in our new SME video.                                                                 identify all new standards projects with
                                               These four full members of ETSI bring
Annex III of the most recent European          a wealth of technical expertise to             specific impact on societal stakeholders
legislation on standardization, Regulation     the standards development process.             and SMEs. This decision was helped by
(EU) 1025/2012, further reinforces the         Through their participation, standards         Small Business Standards (SBS), as an
principle of inclusiveness for European        development benefits from perspectives         elected Board member of ETSI.
Standardizations Organizations (ESOs),         that may be otherwise missing.
namely CEN, CENELEC and ETSI. The                                                             As part of the 3SI Programme, senior
                                               Furthermore, the direct participation
Regulation requires them to ensure                                                            ETSI officials (GA and Board Chairs,
                                               in ETSI of all interested stakeholders,
that societal stakeholders are able to                                                        Director-General), meet the Annex III
                                               locally and globally, allows Annex III
participate effectively. Following the                                                        organizations at a biannual Round Table.
                                               organizations to network with peers and
implementation of the Regulation, ETSI
                                               exchange best practices.                       Contact the 3SI Advocate at:
has established the 3SI Programme
as a focus for inclusiveness, and has          A successful example of ANEC         
nominated the 3SI Advocate as a figure         involvement, one of the 4 selected
who can consider the matters raised and        organizations, is their role in the
propose improvements.                          development of ETSI TS 103 645, the            n John Ketchell, 3SI Advocate

                                                                                                        ENJOY THE ETSI MAG        17
Europe abroad

Seconded European
Standardization Experts
China and India are important trade partners for Europe
and they have been identified as countries where increased
awareness of the European regulatory and standardization
frameworks and deliverables is required. Discover why.

European     stakeholders   need     to
understand how market access rules,
in addition to the related policies and
supporting standards, are evolving in
these two regions.

For these reasons, the decision was
taken a few years ago to establish a full-
time presence in China and India with a
liaison office and a team headed by an
expert capable of understanding and                                                Mr. Dinesh Chand Sharma is
promoting European standards locally,                                              the SESEI. Based in Delhi with
as well as analysing and reporting on                                              his team, he is the main driver for
changes in domestic standards.                                                     the implementation of the project,
                                                                                   with the following priorities:
It goes without saying that one of the
                                                                                   • Technical priorities: Automotive,
main expectations is to be able to act as                                             Information and Communication
an intermediary and facilitator between                                               Technology      (ICT)   including
European and local stakeholders,                                                      5G, IoT, Electrical Equipment
                                             Ms. Betty Xu is the SESEC. With
with a view to aligning approaches on                                                 including Consumer Electronics,
                                             her team in Beijing, she leads the
standardization and ideally adopting                                                  Smart Cities. There is also
                                             project’s work in China, focusing
                                                                                      a focus on environmental
common standards, which ultimately           on priorities set by the partners:
                                                                                      aspects (standards enabling
contributes to reducing Technical Barriers   • Technical priorities: 5G, IoT,        resource efficiency and the
to Trade.                                       ITS, AI, medical devices /            circular economy), as well as
                                                healthcare, energy efficiency         Machinery Safety and Research
The experts were respectively named
                                                and environment.                      and Innovation building on
SESEC and SESEI (Seconded European                                                    standards.
Standardization Expert in China/India)       • Political   priorities:    China
                                                Standards 2035, Belt and           • Political priorities: Make in
and two projects with the same names
                                                Road Initiative, standardization      India, Digital India, Smart Cities
fund and structure their work.                  reform and implications, Made         Mission, Swachh Bharat (Clean
Both projects have the same five                in China 2025, Institutional          India Mission), Indian National
                                                changes in the government of          Standardisation          Strategy,
partners: the European Commission (EC),
                                                the PRC, Certification and China      Conformity            Assessment
the European Free Trade Association             Compulsory Certificate (CCC),         Rules,     Mandatory      Testing
(EFTA), CEN, CENELEC and ETSI. CEN              China and international/global        and Certification of Telecom
is project manager for SESEC while ETSI         standards.                            Equipment.
manages SESEI.

18          ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
SESEC and SESEI are both currently                               to anticipate developments requiring an
in their fourth phase, as all partners                           action and to prepare such a response                InDiCo
unanimously saw the benefits of raising                          thanks to a solid local network that was             InDiCo is the name coined for the ICT
awareness in China and India of the                              progressively built around both projects.
                                                                                                                      standardization component of the EC-
European standardization system as                               These networks and this presence also
                                                                                                                      funded project on International Digital
well as receiving structured and focused                         help catalyse other European projects
                                                                                                                      Cooperation. InDiCo is managed and
information in Europe about Chinese and                          underway in these countries.
                                                                                                                      implemented by ETSI. It focuses on
Indian standardization and regulatory                            Learn more about the projects:                       promoting shared visions of a digital
initiatives in the chosen priority sectors.
                                                                 • SESEC Newsletters (every two months)               society and increasing collaboration
This economic and policy cooperation
                                                                   and subject-specific reports are                   and alignment regarding the supporting
continues to be high on the agenda
                                                                   available at                  policies, regulations and standards.
of all the partners, and the presence
of the SESEC and SESEI has ensured                               • SESEI Newsletters (quarterly – one                 The InDiCo project seeks to create and
consistent,       durable    relationships                         focusing on India for European                     stimulate synergies with key partner
between Europe and both China and                                  stakeholders and one focusing on                   countries and regions in the field of ICT
India. The permanent presence of a team                            Europe for Indian stakeholders) and                standards, enabling the Digital Single
on site in the two countries has clear                             subject-specific reports are available at          Market (DSM), fostering interoperability at
added value: it notably enables partners                                                a global level and contributing to building
                                                                                                                      a larger market for industry players in
                                                                                                                      the EU and selected partner countries,
                                                                                                                      namely Japan, South Korea, China, India,
                                                                                                                      Brazil and the USA in addition to their
                                                                                                                      surrounding regions where relevant.
                                                                                                                      The technical focus of the project builds
                                                                                                                      on the ICT standardization priorities
                                                                                                                      outlined by the European Commission for
                                                                                                                      the DSM, i.e. 5G, Internet of Things (IoT)
                                                                                                                      and Cybersecurity, to which the topics of
                                                                                                                      Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and
                                                                                                                      Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT)
                                                                                                                      have been added.
                                                                                                                      The project holds workshops and
                                                                                                                      targeted events with a view to building the
                                                                                                      South           necessary bridges to foster cooperation.
                 USA                                                                                  Korea
                                                                                              China           Japan   It involves European players as part of
                                                                                                                      its Stakeholders Group, which helps to
                                                                                                                      gather input, issues guidance for project
                                                                                                                      activities and serves as a platform for
                                                                                                                      the involvement of European actors in
                                                                                                                      these events, meeting with their local
                                                                                                                      counterparts in the partner countries.
                                                                                                                      InDiCo will be instrumental in enabling a
                                                                                                                      harmonized vision of a digital society and
                                                                                                                      the related data economy, supported by
                                                                                                                      global standards.
                                                                                                                      Learn more about the project and its
                                                                                                                      activities at :
                                       TECHNICAL SCOPE                                                      

     Cybersecurity       Intelligent       5G          Distributed        Cloud   Big Data            IoT
                     Transport Systems Communications    Ledger
                                                      Technologies                                                    n Xavier Piednoir,
                                                                                                                        Head of External Relations, ETSI.

                                                                                                                                ENJOY THE ETSI MAG           19
News on 3GPP

it started here
In this special European edition of the Enjoy! magazine, we can allow ourselves a
celebration of the success of ETSI’s role as a driving force in the project.

                                                                                                       North America. Doing that created a
                                                                                                       level playing field for everyone - from
                                                                                                       whichever region - in 3GPP.

                                               ETSI                                                    That spirit of cooperation on systems
                                           created &
                                                                  First GSM           2019
                                           starts work
                                                               specs ready for                         for 3G was an important soft factor, that
                                                               implementation                          encouraged confidence in ETSI and in the
                                                                                                       GSM standards process, as the partners
                                                                                      First 5G
            CEPT                                                                 Release completed     studied its long term evolution in 2008.
                            EC Green Paper
     take a decision in
        principle to
                             on the creation
                                                                              2009                     By that time, all of the legacy national and
                            of the European      GSM committee
         found ETSI                              transferred from                                      regional varieties of cellular technologies
                                                                                                       were set on a path towards adopting a
           1987            Standards Institute      CEPT to ETSI
                                                                         First LTE                     single Global mobile broadband system,
                  GSM                                               Release completed                  which became a reality from 4G onwards
             Memorandum                 1998                                                           -with LTE and LTE-Advanced networks.
            of Understanding
                                       ETSI is a              2002
                                   founding partner                                                    This history helps us to understand how
            Creation of GSMA
                                          in                   3G
                                                              UMTS ready                               important ETSI can be to 5G standards
                                                         for implementation                            going forward. As 3GPP runs under
                                                                                                       an increasingly tight schedule, where
                                                                                                       features have to be rationed with ‘Time
                                                                                                       Units’ and new work can get pushed out
                                                                                                       to the next release, and perhaps even the
Although standards go back a long way -                  a new European Telecommunications
think sun, moon, stars and the emperor’s                 Standards Institute. With that, ETSI was
                                                                                                       ETSI can help share the load, as
foot - the organization of work into                     born.
                                                                                                       the incubator for some exciting new
standards committees only started in the
                                                                                                       projects. In 2020, ETSI’s groups work
late 19th and early 20th Centuries - with                Once established, the ETSI GSM
                                                                                                       on network virtualization, multi-access
the creation of engineering standards for                standard soon enabled the new
                                                                                                       edge computing, zero-touch networks,
the first industrial revolution.                         system’s use across the Continent. This
                                                                                                       cognitive network management and
                                                         success in Europe paved the way for
                                                                                                       millimetre wave transmission have
A variety of industrial sectors have since               the expansion of GSM into geographies
                                                                                                       matured at a pace, providing features
developed standards, initially for National              further afield and eventually led (in 1998)
                                                                                                       that can also be used in 3GPP 5G studies
markets, but increasingly for International              to the creation of an international 3rd
                                                                                                       and normative work.
use. In Europe, there has been a                         Generation partnership to evolve that
coordinated approach to standards                        same GSM technology for data usage –
                                                                                                       With 5G, ETSI and Europe are back where
across the region since the early sixties,               across all regions.
                                                                                                       they began; at the heart of mobile and
for a variety of products and by 1988 a
                                                                                                       looking forward as it evolves towards the
youthful telecom sector, alongside the                   ETSI played the leading role in creating
                                                                                                       new era of communications technologies
European Commission, had embraced                        3GPP, by providing a great deal of
                                                                                                       for an increasingly connected world.
the standardization trend by starting a                  the project’s support, but crucially;
process that would allow the Conference                  by opening up the copyright of the
of Postal and Telecommunications                         GSM standards to effectively share the
Administrations (CEPT) to transfer its                   specifications with the other Standards       n Kevin Flynn,
work on technical specifications in to                   Organization Partners from Asia and              3GPP Marketing Communication Officer.

20             ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
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