EuroShop 2011 Strong Partnerships made by Wanzl

EuroShop 2011 Strong Partnerships made by Wanzl
     10 | 2011

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Strong Partnerships
made by Wanzl
EuroShop 2011 Strong Partnerships made by Wanzl
2                         WWW Wanzl Worldwide           No
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                                                                                                                                   03 Shopfitting
     2         Contents | Legal
     3         Editorial
     4         Cover story EuroShop 2011:                                                                              28          Euromadi: Spanish food retailers in Germany
    		         Strong Partnerships_made by Wanzl                                                                       32          Stylish shoes – van Dalen
     8         Lively marketplaces                                                                                     34          White with blue – Brossois
                                                                                                                       36          Fan shop for Legia Warsaw

               01 Self-service systems
                                                                                                                       39          Preview
    10	Marks & Spencer visit Wanzl                                                                                    40          Addresses
    12  30 years of Wanzl France
    16  ASDA Award for Trolleywise
    18  Eco-management
    20  Spain dances the 'Tango'
    21	Expert topic: Consumer 2020

               02 Displays
    25         Table culture – Ritzenhoff & Breker
    27         Spiegelau and Kärcher


    Www – Wanzl Worldwide                                                  Edited by
    The customer magazine from Wanzl Metallwarenfabrik GmbH                Wanzl-Marketing, PRESSE & mehr
                                                                           Design and layout
    Published by                                                           LIQUID – Agentur für Gestaltung, Augsburg
    Wanzl Metallwarenfabrik GmbH | Bubesheimer Straße 4                    Translation
    89340 Leipheim | Germany                                               Matrix Communications AG
    Phone +49 (0) 8221/ 729 - 0 | Fax +49 (0) 8221/ 729 -1000              Photos
    info @ |                                        Wanzl Metallwarenfabrik GmbH, Aéroport Nice Côte d'Azur, Aéroports de Paris, Alfred Kärcher Vertriebs-GmbH, Bundesverband
                                                                           CarSharing e. V., Dorian Rollin, EHI Retail Institute e. V., German Council of Shopping Centers e. V., Gorenje d.d., Graze Nature
                                                                           Delivered Ltd., iStockphoto LP, J.S.K Architekci Sp. z o.o, Klaus Vyhnalek / Zukunftsinstitut GmbH, Klub Piłkarski Legia Warszawa
                                                                           S.S.A, Kristallglasfabrik Spiegelau GmbH, Marks and Spencer plc, Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, NH Hoteles, Nike Inc, OBI GmbH & Co.
                                                                           Deutschland KG, Phil Withcomb, Ritzenhoff & Breker GmbH & Co. KG, Zukunftsinstitut GmbH
EuroShop 2011 Strong Partnerships made by Wanzl
Editorial       3

   Dear Reader,
               Welcome to EuroShop 2011: Wanzl will           as a strong partner, Wanzl is in this way blazing
        present itself at the leading trade show for glo-     a trail to the future for the national and interna­
        bal commerce as one of the largest exhibitors         tional retail trade, because Wanzl invests inter-
        and as a partner of the international retail trade.   nationally wherever markets are developing
        Wanzl will be represented for the first time this     quickly and consumption is expanding. A current
        year at the EuroShop in three halls with the          example is the new Wanzl electroplating in
        ­following trade-show booths: SB Systems and          China, which complies with the highest European
         Shopfitting and displays on the joint POPAI          environmental standards. Wanzl also makes a
         D-A-CH booth. And all three trade-show appear­       further promise to its customers: all products
         ances are dominated by the current Wanzl phi­        are characterised by a guaranteed consistently
         losophy with regard to EuroShop 2011: Strong         high level of quality, combined with creativity,
         Partnerships_made by Wanzl. Under this banner,       service and the highest demands with regard to
         Wanzl will present the international trade with      environmental protection – to sum up: made by
         innovative worlds of experience, including the       Wanzl. Further valuable information can be found
         first presentation of the 'SMART SHOPPING'           in the latest edition of Wanzl Worldwide: for
         concept. Wanzl has developed this innovative         ­example, the 'Supermarket of the Year', the
         project in cooperation with partners from the         'Innovation Award' from ASDA for the Wanzl
         industry: 'SMART SHOPPING' is based on state-         partner, Trolleywise, and about Wanzl’s success-
         of-the-art technology and offers a glimpse of the     ful commitment in France.
         future of shopping. Just as exciting is a visit to
         Wanzl Shopfitting: here, Wanzl will present con-     Visit Wanzl at EuroShop 2011! And then please
         cepts for the shopping worlds of tomorrow,           join us at the new Wanzl Creative Center: here,
         implementing them at the highest quality level –     Wanzl is presenting its expertise in the whole
         both in local markets and also at an international   world of commerce on three levels. The Wanzl
         level. In addition, the product area Displays will   Creative Center is also a forum for an opportu-
         present innovative PoS solutions that ensure         nity to exchange experiences and thus, a plat-
         higher sales.                                        form for inspiring encounters within the industry.
                                                              A warm welcome to Wanzl!
        At the same time, Wanzl is making a state-
        ment at EuroShop to the retail market around
        the world: innovation and investment power
        ensure the decisive competitive edge. Moreover,       Enjoy the read!

                                                              Gottfried Wanzl
EuroShop 2011 Strong Partnerships made by Wanzl
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EuroShop 2011 Strong Partnerships made by Wanzl
cover story euroshop                       5

                                                                                                 ↑  PETER BILANG, Wanzl Marketing

cover story euroshop

EuroShop 2011
Strong Partnerships
made by Wanzl
tomorrow's shopping

                    At EuroShop 2011, Wanzl will again present itself as         Please tell us more…
               one of the largest partners of trade, proving its concept         The Self-Service Systems business area will
               and design competence as an internationally active com-           be presented at EuroShop 2011 for the first
               pany for self-service systems, display and shopfitting solu-      time with industry solutions for various retail
               tions. Peter Bilang, Wanzl Marketing Director, provides           sectors, from grocery discounting, to super-
               information on the new products from Wanzl at EuroShop            markets with fruit and vegetables, through
               2011 and welcomes customers from all over the world.              to pharmacies, Cash & Carry, DIY and garden
                                                                                 centres. Customers can take a tour through
               Wanzl is one of the leading idea suppliers on the interna­        five different shop concepts, each fully equip-
               tional retail scene. What can customers expect from Wanzl         ped with the most up-to-date self-service
               at EuroShop 2011?                                                 systems and products, e.g. customer
               Peter Bilang, Wanzl Marketing Director: in 2011, Wanzl will       guidance, trolleys and sales equipment. >
               be presenting its products at two trade fair stands for the
               first time: self-service systems can be found in hall 13, and
               shopfitting solutions in hall 12. Wanzl Displays is also repre-
               sented at the POPAI joint stand in hall 05. With numerous
               new prod­ucts at EuroShop 2011, Wanzl is once again proving
               its technical innovation and solution competence in the world
               of self-service and the supermarkets of tomorrow.
EuroShop 2011 Strong Partnerships made by Wanzl
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    ↑  EuroShop 2011: nearly 2,000 participating companies
    from over 50 countries in 15 trade fair halls
    →  WANZL self-service systems
    ↓  Premiere at EuroShop 2011: the 'Smart Shop-
    ping' concept developed by METRO and Wanzl. At the
    core is Wanzl's new 'M³EA' plastic shopping trolley equip-
    ped with shopping baskets.

     › Wanzl is the innovation leader for the future of shopping.   purchasing at the check-out through the identification of
     What visions are there for EuroShop 2011?                      RFID good labels in the scan tunnel – without needing to lay
     Wanzl is presenting its new 'Smart Shopping' concept, a fur-   the goods on the conveyor belt and then put them back into
    ther development of the 'Future Shopping' project, equipped     the shopping basket. All of the data ascertained in the scan
    with the most up-to-date technology: at the core of the         tunnel is automatically transmitted to the self-checkout,
    'Smart Shopping' concept is the Future Store Initiative,        which subsequently prints out a receipt after the purchase
    ­working together with the METRO GROUP, and the 'M³EA'          has been completed. Following payment, the 'eGate' exit
     plastic shopping trolley developed by Wanzl. The trolley,      system directly linked to the pay station opens automatically
     equipped with plastic 'GT26' shopping baskets, enables the     for a default period of time, so that the customer can pass
     pre-sorting of goods, combined with flexible, time-saving      through the checkout. Finally, the shopping baskets can be
                                                                    placed directly in the boot of a vehicle.
                                                                        Integrated shelves equipped with RFID read antennae for
                                                                    registering the flow of goods are also part of 'SMART
                                                                    SHOPPING': when a customer removes an item from a shelf,
                                                                    the removal is registered and immediately forwarded to the
                                                                    merchandise planning and control system so that the inven-
                                                                    tory can be updated.

                                                                    Wanzl's service is one of the aspects that customers par­
                                                                    ticularly appreciate.
                                                                    For precisely this reason, Wanzl is providing the 'Trolley
                                                                    Management' service at its trade fair stand for self-service
                                                                    systems. Here, Wanzl is going to display its entire range of
                                                                    services for the management of shopping trolley fleets –
                                                                    from cleaning, to maintenance, through to complete leasing.
EuroShop 2011 Strong Partnerships made by Wanzl
cover story euroshop                     7

                                                                    ←  Wanzl at EuroShop 2011

                                                                          Self-service systems, hall 13, stand A90
                                                                         Shopfitting, hall 12, stand C36

                                                                         Displays, hall 05, D04, POPAI D-A-CH joint stand

↑  WANZL shopfitting

                                                                    ↑ SHOPFITTING SOLUTIONS that catch the eye

Wanzl Shopfitting:        Who's who in the
added value for customers retail sector
Shopfitting of the highest architectural           EuroShop is absolutely fascinating. Even ­­­­on
                                                                                                ­        EuroShop 2011 –
standard, answering the current questions          a purely visual level, EuroShop is one of the         The Global Retail Trade Fair
in shop design and implementation, pro­            most attractive trade fairs around. But
viding an outlook on future worlds of shop-        EuroShop represents one thing above all: the          Exhibition areas
ping – that’s Wanzl shopfitting. ­                 leading trade fair worldwide for the total            –E
                                                                                                           uroConcept: shopfitting, shop installation,
At EuroShop hall 12, Wanzl Shopfitting will        investment needs of retail and its partners.           lighting technology, architecture and store
display various shop installations ranging         Every three years, a who's who of the inter-           design, refrigeration equipment, cooling
from the visionary to the proven and thus          national retail scene is brought together in           devices
underline its competence as a distinguished        Düsseldorf.                                           –E
                                                                                                           uroSales: visual marketing, sales promo-
shopfitter. During the last 18 months,                                                                    tion, POS marketing
numerous quotes have appeared in interna­          The success and the continual growth of               –E
                                                                                                           uroCIS: IT and security engineering
tional trade journals from Wanzl Shopfitting       EuroShop can be traced back to the fact               –E
                                                                                                           uroExpo: trade fair construction, design,
customers, who state that they have had            that the trade fair constantly adjusts to the          event
increasing in sales of 40% and more, follow-       changing needs of the trade and further
ing Wanzl's interventions. Retailers who have      develops and extends its offers. ­                    Opening times
collaborated with Wanzl Shopfitting have           At EuroShop 2011, numerous special presen-            Saturday 26 February to
also re­ported a considerable increase in          tations will be waiting for visitors, such as         Wednesday 2 March 2011,
customer frequency in their new shops. Now,        the EuroShop Designer Village or the POPAI            daily from 10:00 – 18:00
that is what we call success! It is in exactly     Village. There will also be interesting forums
this ­spirit that Wanzl Shopfitting will display   with real-world expertise, for example the  
a number of new interpretations of various         EuroShop Architecture and Design Forum,
food and non-food shops. These will include        the POPAI Forum and the EuroCIS Forum.
exciting and forward-thinking solutions with
wood. As a general contractor, Wanzl Shop­
fitting implements complete shop designs
including planning and conception. Wanzl
Shopfitting offers standard as well as indi­
vidually tailored shop solutions.
EuroShop 2011 Strong Partnerships made by Wanzl
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    cover story euroshop

    Lively shopping areas for people:
    expert discussion at the EuroShop 2011 on the
    future of city centre trading

                        City centres in Germany are currently undergoing a                      c­ entres as a trade format can supplement
                   visible transformation. After the fall of large department                    the classic function of old marketplaces and
                   stores and the resulting need for action, cities are searching                could even replace them, if necessary. They
                   for their identity and increasingly realising that trade is a vital           are therefore crucial for lively and successful
                   magnet for lively city centres. On the morning of 28 February,                urban development." According to a current
                   the German Council of Shopping Centers (GCSC) will dedicate                   GMA (Gesellschaft für Markt- und Absatz­
                   an intense discussion to this topic at the EuroShop Forum for                 forschung mbH, association for market and
                   Architecture and Design. A number of top-class experts are                    sales research) study, 199 German shopping
                   set to join in to discuss the various aspects of this topic. "For             centres are about to undergo necessary re­­
                   centuries, market places were the core of urban develop-                      fur­bishment. This is a real chance to sustain­
                   ment", says Stefan Jung, Chairman of the Management                           ably improve the appeal of old-fashioned city
                   Board of GCSC, and adds "historically and economically, trade                 centres to be able to successfully compete
                   is one of the most important pillars of any city. Shopping                    for customers and ultimately inhabitants.

                   "Shopping centres are a crucial factor for lively and successful
                   urban development."
                   stephan jung, Chairman of the Management Board of GCSC

                                                                            ↑  Panel of experts – at EuroShop, discussions regarding
                                                                            energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness in retail
                                                                            ←  SHOPPING CENTRES can supplement the classic function
                                                                            of market places.
EuroShop 2011 Strong Partnerships made by Wanzl
cover story euroshop                            9

↑  Meeting point of the international retail world

The EuroShop is a worldwide indicator for            Under the title 'ECOpark', the EuroShop is
future developments in the retail sector.            dedicating a special exhibition to the
When the gates of the Düsseldorf Trade Fair          theme of sustainability for the first time.
open at the end of February for the world's          This special section will be realised in co-­
leading trade fair in the retail sector, the         operation with the EHI Retail Institute. Here,
themes of sustainability and energy effi­            exhibitors from the most diverse sectors will
ciency will play a more important role than          present their solutions on the themes of
ever before at many of the trade fair stands.        energy efficiency and sustainability. For three
The efficient handling of energy and the posi-       days, the 'ECOpark' will be flanked by a pre-
tioning of companies as being environmen-            sentation forum where all the fascinating
tally friendly and operating sustainably will        themes regarding sustainability and energy
become strategic success factors for retail in       efficiency in retail will be demonstrated. A
the future. There are starting points for            further central theme in the forum pro-
sustainable retail in almost all areas of in­­       gramme will surround controlling systems as
vest­ment, meaning that it will be a common          part of building services engineering. As the
theme in the range of solutions displayed at         current EHI study 'Energy' management in          ↑  Welcome: from 26 February to 2 March 2011, EuroShop
the EuroShop throughout all 15 halls.                retail proves, energy consumption in retail       will take place in Düsseldorf

                                                     can be reduced considerably.
EuroShop 2011 Strong Partnerships made by Wanzl
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                                                 ↓  marks & spencer in Shanghai

     01 Self-Service Systems                                   10 –23
great britain | self-service systems                                11

                                                                                      ← ↑  trendsetter Marks & Spencer
                                                                                      ↙  A SENIOR GROUP of M&S Demand, Purchasing and Supply
                                                                                      personnel recently visitied Wanzl China where they were met
                                                                                      by Wanzl UK Head of Shopfitting, Clive Jury. The group, seen
                                                                                      here at Wanzl China are (from left), Howard Lucas (Shopfitting
                                                                                      Analyst), Gary Salter (Demand and Purchasing Manager),
                                                                                      ­Michelle Barber (Category Manager, General Merchandising),
                                                                                       Beilei Yuan (Sales and Marketing Manager, Wanzl China), Clive
                                                                                       Jury, Oliver Deinlein (Plant Manager, Wanzl China) and Paul
                                                                                       ­Williams (Head of Demand, Purchasing and Supply, M&S).

self-service systems

Be our guest. Welcome!
Marks & Spencer puts Wanzl under the microscope

                      Senior representatives of the Marks and Spencer’s               Head of Demand, Purchasing and Supply
                 Demand, Purchasing and Supply team have recently visited             for Marks and Spencer, Paul Williams said
                 Wanzl manufacturing locations in Germany and in China.               that the visits to Wanzl Germany and China
                 This has been part of a far-reaching review conducted by             had been 'highly informative and enjoyable,
                 M&S to evaluate suppliers against a range or criteria with           making the visit most worthwhile'. ­
                 particular emphasis on the overall quality and eco-friendliness      "The Wanzl manufacturing sites in Leipheim
                 of manufacturing and supply in terms of their well-publicised        are impressive and clearly set a world-class
                 'Plan A' environmental objectives. Head of Shopfitting for           standard for manufacturing in the shopfitting
                 Wanzl UK, Clive Jury accompanied the group during their              and display systems category. The M&S
                 visits to key Wanzl manufacturing locations in Germany and           Demand, Purchasing and Supply team were
                 China and says that the team’s overall impressions were 'very        very pleased that this high standard is main­
                 favourable'. "We have been fortunate enough to be a major            tained at other Wanzl manufacturing sites
                 supplier to the Marks and Spencer Food stores re-brand pro-          including their operations in China. We were
                 gramme over the past five years and are hopeful of increas­          also impressed by the new Creative Centre in
                 ing the extent of our products beyond their food retail              Leipheim which is a highly effective exhibition
                 re­quirements. With this in mind we are delighted that M&S           space which showcases the full extent of the
                 have been able to send a senior team to Wanzl in Germany             Wanzl solutions set for both shopfitting and
                 and in China to see for themselves our commitment to the             self-service," said Paul.
                 highest environmental and quality standards," said Clive.
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     Self-service systems

     Wanzl France celebrates its
     30th birthday
     30 years of customer service, innovation
     and excellence

                      A production facility in the heart                               Sales office in Paris
                      of the Alsace region                                             France has the most square metres of com-
                                                                                       mercial sales floor space of any European
                           To improve performance and ensure even closer prox­         country. It counts 11,635 supermarkets and
                      imity to its clients in France, in 1981 Wanzl established a      nearly 25,800 retail outlets, totalling more
                      production facility in Sélestat, right in the heart of the       than 41 million m² of sales floor space*.
                      Alsace region. Product success has enabled Wanzl France ­to      Today, the majority of purchases from large
                      rapidly expand its production line, increase storage capacity    retail establishments are made by only a few
                      and install an electro galvanisation and powder coating unit.    central purchasing bodies. By establishing its
                      With a production facility of 17,000 m² and more than ­          sales office in Paris, the company is strength­
                      150 employees, Wanzl France is one of the most important         ening its commercial presence throughout
                      European subsidiaries. Use of the latest state-of-the-art        France. Situated in the heart of the capital,
                      machines ensures that only products of the highest precision     just next to the Bastille quarter, the Paris
                      and quality leave the French factory. Wanzl is keen to ensure    office is the beacon of our sales force.
                      that industrial activity does not compromise protection of the   Whether self-service and customer guidance
                      environment. Conserving the environment involves complex         systems, shop fittings, luggage trolleys or
                      operations and tight controls and to show it is acting respon-
                      sible in this respect, Wanzl France has made some important
FRance | self-service systems                               13

                  ↓  JACQUES DE BEAUVAL, Sales Manager from Wanzl France
                  (third from right) together with his team in the Paris sales office

                                                                                               ↑  Near to customers: the French Wanzl
                                                                                               subsidiary in Sélestat was established in 1981.

                  (from left to right) Bernard Wittner, Production Manager, Bernd
                  ­Michael Baumann, Managing Director of Wanzl France and Jean-
                   Claude Baumgartner, Administration / Finance Manager.

logistics and hotel service solutions, each
product department is represented by com-                        Large-scale retail: an international
petent staff who respond professionally to
all requests. Success is in the air and Wanzl
                                                                 business development strategy
France turnover is steadily increasing. In
spite of difficult times, market shares have                     Distributors are rapidly feeling the squeeze in France,
increased from 10 % in 1981 to 50 % today,                       opting for internationalisation to help develop their outlets
demonstrating an economically mature mar-                        and increase their market share. This strategy means repro-
ket with the emphasis on revival rather than                     ducing French successes abroad, homing in on areas with only
on new openings. French law has made                             small independent shops. Carrefour was the first to follow
every effort for many years now to protect                       this route when it opened its first hypermarket in Barcelona in                 ↑  jÉrÔme neyrinck, Wanzl Key
small companies faced with competition                           1973. French retailing is forward-thinking and needs a partner                  ­Account Manager for French customers
                                                                                                                                                  outside France
from large retailers. The Royer (1973) and                       with the ability to match its visions. Our production sites, sub-
Raffarin (1996) laws imposed a limit on the                      sidiaries and local branches mean we are in close proximity to
number of large retail establishments per                        our clients all over the world, a major asset which has been
geographical area and commercial opening                         cherished since the company was founded. The company has
of sales space larger than 300 m² was sub-                       made it clear that it aims to better serve its customers by
ject to authorisation. Since 2008, however,                      assigning Jerôme Neyrinck the task of coordinating and meet­
with the introduction of the French 'Law on                      ing the needs of French outlets outside of France. This will
the Modernisation of the Economy' (LME),                         ensure a permanent link is established between the Wanzl
only retail outlets larger than 1,000 m² have                    group, its subsidiaries and the outlets that it supplies, and
been required to request this authorisation,                     allow commercial and industry-related issues to be dealt with
a measure which should help encourage                            in a coherent and efficient manner.
more large retail establishments to open.

* Panorama Trade Dimensions 2010
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     Wanzl: unique supplier of
     Système U shopping trolleys
     since 2006

     Système U is a group of independent traders across France
     (including the French overseas departments and territories)
     operating under the trade names Hyper U, Super U, Marché
     U, U Express and Utile. Performance in the 1178 U outlets
     has excelled, yielding a steady increase in turnover and mar-
     ket shares. It is no accident that the Super U chain has been
     selected for the 10th year running as the preferred supermar-
     ket of French shoppers*. In terms of level of service, the
     fourth French food supplier is aiming for excellence. U shops
     have opted for Wanzl shopping trolleys, mostly zinc-plated
     and powder-coated, to better match the visual identity of the
     brand. For convenience, the trolleys have a swinging support
     for water bottle packs. Wanzl delivers around 20,000 trolleys                     ↑  Excellent collaboration: around 20,000 Wanzl
     a year to U shops.                                                                ­shopping trolleys annually for Système U. Philippe Chapron,
                                                                                        Sales Manager at Wanzl France, Western region

     * Sofres study – Distrivision survey TNS Sofres, 8 distributors, 20,000 outlets

     2011/ 2012 – Auchan renews its
     exclusive partnership with Wanzl
     Auchan France, CEO Arnaud Mulliez, is France's second                             Wanzl France and Wanzl Germany. The product has had the
     hypermarket chain, with 124 outlets and 285 million cus­                          intended impact, immediately impressing users. Five years on
     tomers a year. In France, the group employs 50,000 workers                        and following delivery of 100,000 trolleys, it is still as popular
     and reported a pre-tax turnover of 14.8 billion euros for the                     as ever. The new Auchan indirect procurement department
     2009 financial year. The company's business policy is closely                     (DAI) has extended its collaboration with Wanzl for a further
     linked to its human mission. Indeed, retailing is a service pro-                  two years.
     fession and Auchan's aim is to improve its customers' pur­
     chasing power and quality of life on a daily basis by employing
     responsible, professional, passionate and considerate staff.
         It was in this context that in 2003, François Guermonprez
     and Claudine Leroy of the Auchan group for supplies and
     technical products (DAT) approached Wanzl to develop a new,
     more user-friendly, easier to handle and convenient trolley –
     ideal for those customers who are used to flying from one
     section to the next. Auchan's specifications are precise.
     Wanzl France sales director Jacques de Beauval's solid invest-
     ments, and those of Dr Rainer Eckert, director of technique
     and development at Wanzl Leipheim, are generating several
     prototypes that are being tested in Auchan labs. In February
     2005, 2,500 models of this aesthetically-pleasing, noiseless,
     ergonomic and child-friendly trolley, also fitted with several
     storage compartments, were delivered to the Faches-
     Thumesnil hypermarket. The trolley, baptised EL240 Auchan,
     was born out of the close collaboration between Auchan,

                                                                                       ↑  Cooperation: Auchan developed its per-
                                                                                       fect shopping trolley together with Wanzl.
france | self-service systems      15

↑ ↓  CUSTOMERS OF WANZL – Nice Côte d'Azur Airport and the
­Paris airports Roissy and Orly

                                                             Passenger Handling Services
                                                             Several international airports use Wanzl luggage trolleys ­­­­­­
                                                             to offer their passengers impeccable service. In France, it all
                                                             began in 2003. Wanzl responded to a call for tenders from
                                                             the Aéroport de Paris and introduced the Travel 300 trolley,
                                                             designed by luggage trolley virtuosos Rudolf Wanzl and Anton
                                                             Boxler. Following a number of stringent tests, Wanzl was able
                                                             to present a trolley considerably more technically accom­plished
                                                             than any other such product proposed by its compe­titors. The
                                                             Travel 300 trolley was selected for the Roissy Charles de
                                                             Gaulle and Orly airports. Following in the footsteps of their
                                                             Parisian counterparts, the airports of Bordeaux and Nice Côte
                                                             d’Azur have chosen the Wanzl trolleys for their modern de­­
                                                             sign, and because they are so easy to manoeuvre, even when
                                                             fully loaded, as well as being extremely safe to use.

                                                             We are creating exceptional
                                                             Wanzl France is also a shopfitting company which develops,
                                                             produces and installs contemporary furnishings to meet the
                                                             demands of modern commercial operations. The team, led
                                                             by Jean-Marc Talvat, is made up of experts who use their
                                                             knowledge of materials, volumes and colours to get the very
                                                             best out of your commercial space. Food or non-food, well-
                                                             established names are putting their trust in us.

↑  The shopfitting solutions by Wanzl France
create customer experiences.
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                     ↑  innovation award from asda: Trolleywise is responsible
                     for 150 ASDA supermarkets throughout Great Britain. The company
                     returns wrongfully removed shopping trolleys or ensures that they
                     are disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner.

     self-service systems

     ASDA's Innovation Award
     Trolleywise is a winner – for the environment,
     people and cost-effectiveness

                            Trolley retrieval specialists, Trolley­                  innovative service which greatly reduced trolley losses at 150
                      wise have won an award for 'Most Inno­                         ASDA store sites across the country. "Operating from
                      vative' supplier from ASDA. The award was                      Cornwall to Scot­land, Trolleywise made a significant contribu-
                      presented to Trolleywise Manager, Stewart                      tion to cost savings across the ASDA estate while at the
                      Turner at their annual Procurement awards                      same time improving the availability of trolleys to our custo-
                      held in Harrowgate recently and recognises                     mers. The services provided by Trolleywise are also a visible
                      the unique service which Trolleywise provides                  demonstration of ASDA’s commitment to being environmen-
                      to ASDA. Presenting the award, ASDA Head                       tally responsible 'neighbours' within the communities we
                      ­of Procurement, Caroline Levitt, said that                    serve."
                       Trolley­wise provided a cost-effective and
Great britain | self-service systems                    17

                      ↓  TROLLEYWISE is getting stuck in to return missing shop-
                      ping trolleys to their respective supermarkets.
                                                                                                                                                  → Brief overview

                                                                                                                                                  – Trolleywise is a partner of the
                                                                                                                                                     British company Symonds
                                                                                                                                                  – Trolleywise's activities include
                                                                                                                                                     returning or properly disposing
                                                                                                                                                     of recycling shopping trolleys
                                                                                                                                                  – 300,000 trolleys are wrong-
                                                                                                                                                     fully removed each year in
                                                                                                                                                     Great Britain


↑  PRESENTATION of the Innovation Award from ASDA:
­Trolleywise Manager Stewart Turner (left) and Huw Edwards,
 Director of Purchasing for ASDA.

                                                                 ← ↑  TROLLEYWISE BRAND: nearly 40 vehicles now operate in Great Britain.
                                                                 They are continually linked with the company's headquarters via satellite and
                                                                 are always searching for missing shopping trolleys.

Stewart said that Trolleywise was de­­­                          ways such as canals and rivers where they could cause
lighted to receive the award from one of the                     damage to boats, injury to persons and harm to wildlife. As
largest names in UK retail and this would                        far as possible, trolleys are returned to service at the 'home'
provide further momentum to the company                          stores but in some cases damage or contamination makes
which had grown steadily since commencing                        scrapping unavoidable. Following this award, Trolleywise
operation six years ago. "Throughout the UK,                     hopes to extend their services with ASDA and with other
over 300,000 trolleys are wrongfully re­­                        na­tional retailers who are looking for an environmentally
moved from various retailer sites every year.                    effective solution to reducing trolley losses," said Stewart.
If left where abandoned, these trolleys pre-
sent an unsightly and potentially hazardous
obstruction to the public and impact nega-
tively on the environment. In some cases we
are required to retrieve trolleys from water-
18   WWW Wanzl Worldwide    No
                                 10 | 2011  


     Technical expertise to help protect
     the environment

                           For Wanzl, environmental protection is of the highest          Wanzl has now converted its electroplating
                      priority. Consequently, all operating processes are consist­        to the trivalent chrome plating process. Is
                      ently operated with a high emphasis on the environment, the         this an innovation?
                      conservation of resources and the protection of people.             Most definitely. Prior to the introduction of
                      Wanzl has now converted its electroplating to a newly devel­        the trivalent chrome plating process, we
                      oped Trivalent Chrome Plating Process. Discussion with              ­carried out many tests and held numerous
                      Arthur Mitterhuber, Environmental Affairs representative at          discussions with our suppliers. We had in­­
                      Wanzl:                                                               stall­ed a complete entrance system with tri-
                                                                                           valent chromed components in a DIY store
                      Can you provide us with a brief introduction to the world of         for testing purposes as early as 2005. This
                      electroplating?                                                      test system was regularly examined and is
                      Arthur Mitterhuber: By electroplating, we mean the surface           still in perfect condition today, five years on.
                      refinement of our products, for example shopping trolleys,           The trivalent chrome plating process guaran-
                      entrance systems or entire shopfitting systems. This consid­         tees considerably improved distribution
                      erably improves abrasiveness and corrosion resistance prop­          across and covering of the surface. The de­­
                      erties. Even after years of use, the product is visually still in    gree of gloss was improved even further. The
                      very good condition. Wanzl carries out complete surface coat­        chrome-plated components are characterised
                      ing within the company. In this way, we can ensure the consi-        by perfect surface quality.
                      stently high quality of the surface coating.
GERMANY | SELf-service SYSTEMs                                         19

                                                             Active environmental
                                                             – Wanzl has been designated an Ökoprofit                     cleans around 24,000 m³ of production
                                                                company for its commitment to reducing                     wastewater per year.
                                                                the consumption of energy, water and                    – Despite expanding production, Wanzl has
                                                                resources (Ökoprofit: ecological project for               been able to reduce its energy consump-
                                                                integrated environmental technology). At                   tion and corresponding CO² emissions by
                                                                the same time, the company is working to                   over 11,000 t per year. The basis for this is
                                                                minimise waste.                                            functional environmental management.
             ↑  ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY: the ­new           – Since the introduction of the Central                   – The recycling rate for Wanzl is 93.9 %. This
             trivalent chrome plating process introduced        Waste­water Treatment Plant (ZARA) in                      is more than 13 per cent above the aver­
             by Wanzl. An additional advantage is the
                                                                2003, around 3,000 tonnes of chemical                      age for German industrial companies.
             high quality and the long lifespan of the
             ­surface refinement.                               additives have been saved. And Wanzl

                                                             "The new Trivalent Chrome Plating Process is like an
                                                             environmentally friendly revolution in surface refinement."
                                                             ARTHUR MITTERHUBER, Environmental Affairs representative at Wanzl

                                       ↑  wanzl china: Wanzl's own electroplating system is now in                      ↑  Environmental protection: The new electroplating
                                       operation.                                                                       ­facility in China uses very little water, which can then be fed back
                                       ↖  MADE BY WANZL: Wanzl guarantees the consistently high and                      completely purified into the natural water cycle. The emission
                                       identical quality of its products at all production sites (picture                ­values are also well below the legal regulations (picture before
                                       ­before start-up).                                                                 start-up).

How environmentally friendly is the new
process?                                                     Responsibility
Chrome deposition in trivalent chrome elec-
trolyte baths takes place using additives that               Wanzl combines economy and ecology:                        ced method of water treatment guarantees
are distinguished by their low risk, for people              after a project planning phase spanning many               compliance with the extremely low waste
and the environment. This also increases em­­                years, a new electroplating facility with                  water limits in China. At the same time, only
ployee safety during surface refinement and                  downstream powder coating has been                         half the quantity of water required by con-
when executing processes. Classification ac­­                constructed at the headquarters of the                     ventional electroplating facilities is used. The
cording to the German Ordinance on Hazar­                    Chinese Wanzl subsidiary in Shanghai. The                  emissions are also well below the specified
dous Substances (Gefahrstoffver­ordnung) is                  plant is designed with capacity for around                 legal requirements.
therefore not applicable. The emissions from                 500,000 shopping trolleys and meets the
the electroplating chimneys no longer have                   highest quality requirements of Wanzl's                    Using an online monitoring system, all pro-
to be measured according to Germany's                        European production sites. The environment                 cess steps running completely automati­
Technical Instructions on Air Quality Control                protection requirements imposed by the                     cally are constantly monitored and, if ne­­­­­­c­
(TA Luft) regulation. Waste­water treatment                  Chinese authorities exceed even the                        essary, corrected immediately. This enables
has also been simplified – ­a purification stage             European level in certain aspects. This is                 Wanzl to guarantee the high quality of its
has been dropped. The application of lead                    demonstrated by the waste water system                     surface coating and ensures a long service
anodes for electrolytic conduction is also no                which meets the last technical standard by a               life of Wanzl products combined with an ex­­
longer necessary during the new procedure,                   highly efficient vacuum distillation plant, pro-           tremely high degree of corrosion protection.
which has a positive effect on waste dispo-                  cessing 1,000 litres of production waste                   The name Wanzl now stands for these high
sal. All in all, it offers a
                           ­ very positive result            water per hour. The purified water is then so              demands in terms of quality and enviro­ment­
for the environment.                                         clean that it can be fed back into rivers                  ­al protection all around the world: in Europe,
                                                             without any ecological concerns. This advan-                Asia, Australia, Africa and South America.
20   WWW Wanzl Worldwide             No
                                          10 | 2011  

     ↓  Red / green in store CI: Alcampo dances the tango together with its custom­
     ers. The 'Tango' plastic shopping trolley deals with the high salt content in Spain, as
                                                                                                                 → In brief
     well as on the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands, with ease. This is because,
                                                                                                                 – 28,000 'Tango' shopping trol-
     ­unlike with wire, salt simply does not affect plastic.
                                                                                                                    leys for 16 Alcampo hyper-
                                                                                                                 – Fittings:
                                                                                                                    Basket volume 220 litres
                                                                                                                    Travelator castors
                                                                                                                    Promobox coin deposit
                                                                                                                    system with Alcampo lettering
                                                                                                                    Child seat / goods shelf
                                                                                                                    Alcampo CI colours, red / green

                                                                                                ↑ On time: within a few weeks, Wanzl had produced and
                                                                                                deliv­ered 28,000 'Tango' shopping trolleys to the Spanish
                                                                                                ­retailer Alcampo.

     self-service systems

     Spain dances the 'Tango'
     28,000 plastic shopping trolleys for Alcampo

                                  Spain: summer, sun, sea. And a high salt content in the       Within only six weeks, the delivery took
                            air. This salt affects shopping trolleys made of wire. Above all,   place on time in several stages around the
                            this affects stores located close to the sea or in the vicinity     end of 2010. Wanzl equipped the majority of
                            of desalination plants for the production of drinking water.        the 220 litre trolleys with travelator castors
                            The consequence of this is corrosion of the wire trolleys.          for the safe transportation of goods on trav­
                            Alcampo, the Spanish subsidiary of the French retail chain          elators between the levels. "We received en­­
                            Auchan, reacted as early as 2008 with extensive tests on            tirely positive reactions from Alcampo," re­­
                            plastic shopping trolleys from different manufacturers. One         ported Jérôme Neyrinck, Wanzl's Key Account
                            year later, Wanzl won the tender to supply the first 'Tango'        Manager for French customers outside
                            delivery to the Alcampo hypermarket in Vigo, in north-west          France. This was indeed due to the quick and
                            Spain, situated directly on the Atlantic Ocean. Since then, the     on-time production as well as the high quality
                            'Tango' plastic shopping trolley has danced with Alcampo in         of the 'Tango' plastic shopping trolley, and
                            Spain. In the meantime, the 'Tango' has proven itself to            there is the prospect already to supply fur-
                            Spanish retailers in terms of product quality, production and a     ther Alcampo stores in the future.
                            consistently good look. And in 2010, there was a bulk order
                            for a further 28,000 trolleys for 16 Alcampo hypermarkets.
expert topic                    21

expert topic

Consumer 2020
How will we be shopping tomorrow?

                    Konsument 2020 (Consumer 2020), the current study                  than before. Co-author Corinna Langwieser is
               by the Zukunftsinstitut (Future Institute), describes the               convinced of this. The market in 2020 will be
               most important consumer trends over the course of time.                 less about the choice between thousands of
               Today, the Zukunftsinstitut is considered one of the most               possibilities, but rather about adapting prod­
               influential think-tanks in Europe for trend research and                ucts to the specific ideals of customers.
               futurism. The forecasts for consumer decisions between                  There will therefore be more products and
               2000 and 2010 have largely become a reality.                            services that customers can save time by
                                                                                       acquiring. An additional feature of personali-
               The current study comes to the conclusion that consumer­                sation will be helping with your selection:
               ism will become more and more personalised by 2020. ­­­­­­­             suppliers and customers will communicate
               With the changes to society and its values, consumerism will            far more intensively with each other than
               adapt to the personal needs of individual consumers far more            today. >

               "Consumers in 2020 will demand guidance; a deep understanding ­­­­­­­
               of the product. Customers demand ethically correct products.
               For example, under the slogan , 'Give a day, get a night', the Sage
               Hospitality hotel group in the USA grants a 50 % reduction on the
               booked room if eight hours of volunteer work is performed."
               ANJA KIRIG, Future Consultant and Author of the study 'Consumer 2020'

               ↑ THE CUSTOMER OF TOMORROW demands services that guarantee
               time savings and convenience in everyday life.
22   WWW Wanzl Worldwide        No
                                     10 | 2011  

     "Customers of tomorrow want products and services that are sustainable and
     ­suited to their mood. In Australia, for example, there is a 'positive mineral water'
      under the label 'A bottle of': on the labels of the bottles, there are messages such
      as 'strength' and 'love'. These messages are intended to directly address con­­
      sumers and put them in a positive mood."
     corinna langwieser, Future Consultant and Author of the study 'Consumer 2020'

     › Claims and fascinating packaging alone will no longer be
     sufficient, since a product "must provide actual and substan-
     tial innovations", forecasts Matthias Horx, Head of the
     Zukunftsinstitut. And the product design must be visually
     attractive, but also functional, conveying in the process that
     the product is practical, durable, inexpensive and attractive.

     One of the most important conclusions of the study for the­­
     consumer markets of the coming decade is the fact that
     future consumers will distance themselves from pure
     impulse buying. On the contrary, products will be purchased
     on the basis of a new and real set of needs. Matthias Horx's
     recommendation to trade and industry is thus: "simplify the
     everyday life of consumers through services that guarantee
     time savings, convenience and competence on a day-to-day
     basis. Sell products that are sustainable and worthwhile for                                       ↑ DISCRETIONISM: the UK company Graze supplies '5 a day'
     both sides. And expand the core service of your brand with                                         ­healthy snack boxes that ensure a regular intake of vitamins. A box
                                                                                                         with selected fruits, nuts, olives and dried fruits is delivered every
     additional services."
                                                                                                         day to the home or office of the customer, who only has to state
                                                                                                         his / her preferences once – during registration. The daily selection
                                                                                                         is made by Graze.

     Selection of the most important
     consumer trends in 2020
     How-to: customers want to be in the know. Manufacturers                               Discretionism: in the future, true luxury will be in the form of
     and retailers have to share their knowledge with consumers.                           products that not everyone has, in a style made conspicuous
     The future will be about knowledge societies and how to                               by its inconspicuous nature. And the products will not make
     prop­erly handle acquired knowledge. A thirst for information                         the customer work: in the future, consumer competence will
     and curiosity are the real productive forces of the 21st cen-                         no longer mean selecting and arranging everything personally,
     tury. Customers feel most comfortable as semi-professional                            but being able to rely on the pre-selection of brand manufac-
     experts: not for nothing are Internet blogs booming in the                            turers.
     DIY retail industry, making a handyman out of every partici­
     pating customer.                                                                      Neo-Urbanism: desire for the city in increasing across all
                                                                                           ages and lifestyles. For many companies, cities will become
     Consumerism based on personal values: consumers increas­                              more and more important in the coming years: here, you can
     ingly define their consumer needs through their personal                              precisely observe how consumer trends arise and how the
     benefits, but simultaneously demand a value-based compo-                              needs of customers will develop in the future. Neo-urbanism
     nent. There is a request for 'give and take', culminating in a                        is also altering lifestyles: one car per household or participa-
     new co-operation between companies, consumers and non-                                tion in a carpool are both sufficient. In the future, a type of
     profit organisations.                                                                 boarding house will be the ideal living solution for modern,
                                                                                           professionally mobile urbanites.
                                           ← INFORMATIVE: the 120-page study
                                           ­­'Konsument 2020 – Die wichtigsten Konsum-     Mood Manufacturing: moods are contagious – if one person
                                           trends im Wandel der Zeit' ['Consumer 2020
                                                                                           in a conversation laughs, the others smile. It is the same with
                                           – The most important consumer trends over
                                           the course of time'] (ISBN: 978-3-938284-       shopping, which is also guided by emotions. In 2020, shop-
                                           50-6) by Corinna Langwieser and Anja Kirig is   ping will not be short-term gratification but will provide a
                                           published by the Zukunftsinstitut. To order     sustained effect on customers. The products should engage
                                           and find more information, visit
                                                                                           the mood of customers, particularly through colour, acoustics
                                                                                           and scent. Studies in as early as the 1990s have shown that
                                                                                           the desire to buy rises by 15 % as soon as the scent in the
                                           :zukunfts | institut
                                                                                           shop is right.
expert topic                                 23

                                                                                                ← A MOOD MANUFACTURING INNO-
                                                                                                VATION has been developed by Gorenje,
                                                                                                one of the leading appliance manufac­
                                                                                                turers in Europe. In co-operation with
                                                                                                Karim Rashid, American pop star of the
                                                                                                design world, the company developed a
                                                                                                new designer multi-function oven with
                                                                                                alternating LED lights in seven variants.
                                                                                                The colour of the LED light strip changes
                                                                                                according to the temperature setting –
                                                                                                and influences the mood in the kitchen.

"Consumerism is an independent dimension of culture. People are always at
the core. We view ourselves as anthropologists of consumerism and many of
the trends forecast years ago by the Zukunftsinstitut have become reality.
For example, 'green consumerism' is now an important market factor.
Consumer culture is and remains simply very exciting – between rationality,
desire and morality."
matthias horx, Trend Researcher and Futurist

                                                                        ↑ NEO-URBANISM: desire for life in the city is growing. And
                                                                        an individual living centrally does not require a car, but can car-
                                                                        pool instead.

↑ HOW-TO: knowing which way the wind blows – customers want
to be integrated in trade. An example is the DIY industry: its online
blogs for sharing experience are very popular as they make do-it-
yourself enthusiasts into semi-professional craftspeople. This then
leads to purchases being made at DIY stores.
24      WWW Wanzl Worldwide   No
                                   10 | 2011  

                                                 ↓  GLASS ART by Spiegelau

     02 Displays                                                24 –27
germany | displays      25

           "We were won over by the excellent value and the attention-grabbing
           image of the display. Both match the Ritzenhoff & Breker brand.
           Its re-usability and associated environmental protection is also positive."
           alfons ebbers, Key Account Manager Ritzenhoff & Breker

           ↑  TABLE-TOP CONNOISSEUR: Ritzenhoff & Breker


Table culture at the PoS
Table settings are the core expertise of
Ritzenhoff & Breker.

                 Ritzenhoff & Breker look back on a history rich in
                                                                          → In brief
           t­ radition.
            Wolfgang Otto Breker: Georgius Liborius Ritzenhoff founded    – Founded: 1810
            the company in 1810 as a wholesale firm for glassware and     – 2011: one of the market lead­
            ceramics. Last year, we celebrated our 200th anniversary.        ers in table culture with a
                                                                             range of around 4,500 prod­
           How does Ritzenhoff & Breker present itself today?                ucts made from glass, porce-
           We are an internationally established company with a range        lain, ceramics, and accessories
           of around 4,500 products made from glass, porcelain, ceram­    – Head office location: Bad
           ics, and accessories. Our customers include supermarkets,         Driburg-Herste, North Rhine-
           department stores, boutiques and the furniture and interiors      Westphalia
           trade. Ritzenhoff & Breker is one of the market leaders when   – Trading partners: supermar-
           it comes to the best of table settings, home and kitchen          kets, department stores, bou-
           accessories. >                                                    tiques and the furniture and
                                                                             interiors trade.
                                                                          – Customers in 42 countries
                                                                             worldwide, predominantly in
26   WWW Wanzl Worldwide      No
                                   10 | 2011  

     ↑  The Managing Directors of Ritzenhoff & Breker:                  ↑  WERNER KÖSSLER, Brand Industry Sales Manager for
     Wolfgang Otto, Wolfgang and Stefan Breker (from left)              ­Individual Displays from Wanzl

     › As one of the market leaders in table culture, we ask:
     how innovative is the sector?                                      Displays from Wanzl
     The market and the customers continually want to see new
     items on the shelves. For this reason, we replace around a         Wanzl designs and manufactures highly
     quarter of our range every year. This means that innovations       effective sales displays – from a single object
     are part of day-to-day business. In addition to the range from     to an entire shop-in-shop theme world. Every
     Ritzenhoff & Breker, the Snap, Flirt and Via lines are also part   customised solution from Wanzl is tailored to
     of our programme. With this, we cover the whole market and         optimally suit the customer's individual re­­
     our products are in a price range that everyone can manage.        quirements, specific products and PoS situa-
                                                                        tion. Werner Kössler, Brand Industry Sales
     How does this search for innovation work?                          Manager for Individual Displays from Wanzl,
     It is an elaborate process: it takes around twelve months to       developed the current displays for Ritzenhoff
     go from the development of the product by the in-house de­­        & Breker, Spiegelau and Kärcher from the
     signer to the first presentation of a collection. Trend scouts     beginning, in close co-operation with the
     then take care of identifying the expected colour and product      three new customers. Wanzl Displays will be
     trends at the right time, which will subsequently be imple-        at EuroShop 2011 in Hall 05 / D04 at the
     mented by the designers in corresponding products. Once the        POPAI D-A-CH joint stand.
     design of a collection has been finalised, samples will be pro-
     duced. As soon as all the products in a collection have been
     perfectly co-ordinated with one another, serial production

     The brand scores
     Wanzl developed a display for high-quality second placement
     of glass and porcelain especially for Ritzenhoff & Breker.
     These displays are currently used in German retail. From a
     distance, the branding shines out with large format crowners
     and retractable advertising motifs. The red base with the
     brand name Ritzenhoff & Breker also draws more attention.
     The combination of the coated metal frame and wooden
     floor­ing ensures an elegance suitable for the presentation of
     high-quality brand-name products. The new display for
     Ritzenhoff & Breker distinguishes itself through individual
     design possibilities, durability and a good lasting image.
     Environmental friendliness and flexible use are also guaran-
     teed, as well as excellent value with unmistakable, attractive
     product presentation at the PoS.
germany | DISPLAYS                    27

                                                                                                           Exquisite glass art
                                                                                                           The Spiegelau name means lifestyle com-
                                                                                                           bined with traditional, artistic craftsmanship:
                                                                                                           wine glasses meeting the ultimate require-
                                                                                                           ments for quality, aesthetics, durability and
                                                                                                           value, as well as the experience of wine-­
                                                                                                           drinking. For promotion placements at the
                                                                                                           PoS, Spiegelau chose high quality and re-­
                                                                                                           usable metal displays from Wanzl. And for ­­­an
                                                                                                           individually developed customised solution,
                                                                                                           the new plug connection mechanism guaran-
                                                                                                           tees quick and easy assembly and disassem-
                                                                                                           bly, thanks to the variable metal floors.
                                                                                                           Advertising panels that can be fitted flexibly
                                                                                                           and exchanged as required support both the
                                                                                                           branding and individual sales promotions.

↑  CLEANLINESS in focus: Kärcher, cleaning equipment

Irrigate like the pros
The Family-owned Kärcher company, is best              ­ everal different activities. If required the
known as the worldwide leading supplier for            ­display can also be adapted and flexibly
cleaning technology, also has a range of high-          ­re­­designed for seasonal offerings. The same
quality garden irrigation systems. For the               applies to the design and the advertising
new assortment, Wanzl and STI Group have                 message on the cardboard-bound cladding.
developed the ‘garden shed‘ display together             Kärcher supplies this extremely durable 'gar-
with Kärcher. Hoses, spray lances, spray                 den shed' ­display fully fitted to the retail
guns, sprinklers, garden pumps and the full              trade. It is delivered directly to the PoS with
range of accessories can be presented                    a forklift. Upon request, additional baskets
clearly. Built on a wooden Euro pallet sized             permit the sale of loose goods. Wanzl is the
1200 x 800 mm, the display simulates a real              service supplier for the new Kärcher display.
garden shed on a miniature scale. The com-
ponents: a display support frame, a set of
blis­ter hooks for suspended goods, option­
ally adjustable wire levels and presentation
levels, and a printed cladding bound with
cardboard. The basic idea is that the support
frame can be used in the long term for
28      WWW Wanzl Worldwide   No
                                   10 | 2011  

                                                 ↓ creative center: Traders from the Spanish purchasing
                                                 co-operation Euromadi visit Wanzl

     03 Shopfitting                                                                 28 –38
SPAin | shopfitting             29


Extreme differences –
identical trends
Spanish food retailers
visit Germany

                          The trends in food retailing were the central theme on       Germany, some Spanish regions are clearly
                     a tour of Spanish retailers in Germany.This tour was organ­       more convenience-oriented whereas others
                     ised by Wanzl for member firms from the largest Spanish           are far more traditional. Of the total con­
                     purchasing co-operation, Euromadi. As well as the trends, the
                                                                                 ­­­   venience segment in the Spanish retail trade,
                     differences between both countries came to light very             over 29 % is located in Madrid and 19.6 % in
                     quickly during visits to EDEKA and Marktkauf stores. It all       Catalonia, followed by Andalusia (18.1 %) and
                     begins with the sheer range of goods on offer. It is obvious      the Valencia region (13.7 %). The remainder
                     that the proportion of fish on sale is four times higher          of the country has only a 19.4 % stake in the
                     be­tween San Sebastian and Cádiz than in Germany, which is        convenience sector.* These large regional dif-
                     understandable when looking at the cuisine typical of the         ferences continue with the amount of market
                     country. Industry experts are also quickly able to explain the    participants. Over a hundred players are
                     high proportion of own-brand products at Iberian supermar-        active in the Spanish food sector, and com-
                     kets, which stands at 25 – 30 %, through the minor impor-         panies that are no. 1 in one region may not
                     tance of discounters in the Spanish market. What Germany          be leading across the next regional border. >
                     and Spain have in common, however, is the convenience
                     trend. But this is catching on at a different rate: compared to

↓  Flying visit: Wanzl also accompanied the Spanish retailers to Marktkauf. The        * Statistics INDISA
roughly 180 supermarkets of the EDEKA sales division offer a wide range of food
and non-food products.
You can also read