Ewelme, Lower Froyle - Rightmove

Page created by Laura Morris
Ewelme, Lower Froyle - Rightmove
1 Ewelme,
Lower Froyle
Ewelme, Lower Froyle - Rightmove
Lifestyle benefit pull out
                  Charming can    go to two
                  or three lines. cottage.

2   X1   X1   X

                  First     5 miles,editorial
                        paragraph,   Alton 5 miles,   Farnham
                                              style, short,    6 miles, headline
                                                            considered  Basingstoke 12
                  benefits of living
                  miles, Bentley     here. 3
                                   Station One  or two
                                             miles       sentences
                                                    (London        thatfrom
                                                              Waterloo   convey
                                                                            60 what
                  you  wouldM3(J5)
                  minutes),   say in person.
                                     7.5 miles. All distances and times are
                  Second paragraph, additional details of note about the
                  property. Wording to add value and support image selection.
                  Tem volum is solor si aliquation rempore puditiunto qui utatis
                  adit, animporepro experit et dolupta ssuntio mos apieturere
                  ommosti squiati busdaecus cus dolorporum volutem
Ewelme, Lower Froyle - Rightmove
                                         First paragraph, editorial style, short, considered headline
                                         benefits of living here. One or two sentences that convey what
                                         you  wouldinsay
                                                              person.of the delightful Hampshire village of Lower
                                         Froyle, 1 Ewelme occupies a wonderful setting. The parish of
                                         Lower and
                                         Second        Upper Froyle
                                                   paragraph,           is much
                                                                  additional        sought
                                                                               details       after,about
                                                                                         of note    beingthesurrounded
                                         by rollingWording
                                         property.   Hampshire      countryside
                                                                to add   value andbut    benefitting
                                                                                      support   imagefrom     being only
                                                          solor  si aliquation
                                                               Bentley   Station, rempore
                                                                                    which haspuditiunto
                                                                                                 a directqui   utatisto
                                                   Waterloo. experit
                                                                Within theet dolupta
                                                                              village isssuntio  mosand
                                                                                          a church      apieturere
                                                                                                           the award
                                         ommosti     squiati Inn.
                                         winning Anchor      busdaecus       cus dolorporum
                                                                   The neighbouring       villagevolutem.
                                                                                                    of Bentley has a
                                         village shop/post office and the nearby towns of Farnham, Alton,
                                         Third paragraph, additional details of note about the property.
                                         Guildford and Basingstoke provide a broader range of facilities.
                                         Wording to add value and support image selection. Tem
Property Infomation List gas, electric   volum   is solor si aliquation
                                         Communication                     rempore
                                                              links are first  class,puditiunto
                                                                                        with the M3  quiand
                                                                                                             A31 linking
Services:   Mains water,                 adit,
                                         with animporepro
                                               the A3 close by, experit   et dolupta
                                                                    providing   access  ssuntio
                                                                                          to themos     apieturere
                                                                                                   motorway    network to
Property Infomation List heating.
and drainage. Electric                   ommosti
                                         London and  squiati busdaecus
                                                         international       cus dolorporum
                                                                          airports   at Heathrow,volutem.
                                                                                                      Gatwick and
Property Infomation List
Property Infomation List                 Southampton.
                                         Location    specific / nearby insights and helpful information.
Postcode:     GU34 4LJ
Property Infomation List                 Itatque sum repro ipsaped moditat re, illandam enimet ma
Property Infomation List                 soluptatur repudignis doles exerum et estia sequi consedita
                                         vel idusci dolorumendel ius.
                                         Beautiful Grade II listed cottage, situated in the centre of this
                                         much sought-after Hampshire village. The property retains many
                                         of its original period features, including an inglenook fireplace and
                                         exposed timber framing.

                                         Outside, there is a good size garden, secluded by mature
                                         hedgerow. Off-street parking.
Ewelme, Lower Froyle - Rightmove
Knight Frank                                                                                         I would be delighted to tell you more.
Knight Frank
Matrix House                                                                                         Name Hobbs
                                                                                                     Shaun                                                                                        Name
Basing View                                                                                          XXXXX350600
                                                                                                     01256  XXX XXX                                                                               XXXXX XXX XXX
Basingstoke RG21 4FF                                                                                 xxx.xxxxxx@knightfrank.com
                                                                                                     shaun.hobbs@knightfrank.com                                                                  xxx.xxxxxx@knightfrank.com
knightfrank.co.uk                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Connecting people & property, perfectly.

Fixtures and fittings: A list of the fitted carpets, curtains, light fittings and other items fixed to the property which are included in the sale (or may be available by separate negotiation) will be provided by the Seller's Solicitors.
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Particulars dated March 2021. Photographs and videos dated March 2021.
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Ewelme, Lower Froyle - Rightmove Ewelme, Lower Froyle - Rightmove Ewelme, Lower Froyle - Rightmove Ewelme, Lower Froyle - Rightmove Ewelme, Lower Froyle - Rightmove Ewelme, Lower Froyle - Rightmove
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