Executive member guide - Hostplus Executive PDS

Page created by Florence Hudson
Executive member guide - Hostplus Executive PDS
Executive member guide.
Product Disclosure Statement 1 July 2019
Executive member guide - Hostplus Executive PDS

    Contents                                                            1. About Hostplus Executive.
                                                                        Hostplus Executive is the premium superannuation offer within
    1. About Hostplus Executive.                                        Hostplus, the industry superannuation fund for the hospitality,
                                                                        tourism, recreation and sport industries.
    2. How super works.
                                                                        You are receiving this Member Guide Product Disclosure
    3. Benefits of investing with Hostplus Executive.                   Statement because Hostplus Executive is the chosen super
    4. Risks of super.                                                  fund of your employer or the nominated super fund in your
                                                                        employment agreement or award.
    5. How we invest your money.
                                                                        Hostplus Executive offers management level superannuation
    6. Fees and costs.                                                  – but with the advantages of our industry fund heritage – low
                                                                        administration fees, tailored insurance arrangements, we don’t
    7. How super is taxed.
                                                                        pay commissions to financial advisers and we’re run to benefit
    8. Insurance in your super.                                         our members.
    9. How to open an account.                                          Hostplus is an award-winning fund, recognised often by
                                                                        independent ratings agencies.
                                                                        Hostplus received Money magazine’s Best of the Best awards
    Here to help.                                                       in 2018 as best Balanced Super Fund (for Hostplus’ Balanced
    Call 1300 467 875, 8am – 8pm (AEST), Monday to Friday
                                                                        Option), Lowest-Cost Pension Fund (for Hostplus’ Indexed
    Fax 1800 467 875
                                                                        Balanced Option) as well as best Lowest-Cost Balanced Super
    Visit hostplus.com.au
                                                                        Fund (for the Indexed Balanced Option) for six years running,
    Email info@hostplus.com.au
                                                                        2013 to 2018.
    Mail Locked Bag 5046, Parramatta NSW 2124
                                                                        Rainmaker SelectingSuper chose Hostplus as the 2018 winner of
                                                                        Fund of the Year; Best in Show – MySuper Product; Best Long-
    This PDS is a summary only and includes links to important,
    additional information available at hostplus.com.au. The            term Performance; and, Best-MySuper Performance – Risk
    links are indicated with the symbol . You should read               Weighted.
    this information before deciding whether to join Hostplus
    Executive. This PDS was prepared in accordance with                 Hostplus won Best Industry Fund at the 2018 Super Review
    Subdivision 4.2B of Division 4 of Part 7.9 of the Corporations      Heron Partnership Awards. At the SuperRatings 2019 awards we
    Regulations 2001.                                                   were delighted to be named SuperRatings’ 2019 Career Fund
    WARNING: This guide is a summary of significant information         of the Year. Hostplus also holds premium ratings – a AAA Fund
    and contains a number of references to important information        Quality rating from Rainmaker, Chant West’s highest quality
    (each of which forms part of the guide). You should consider
                                                                        rating – 5 Apples, and a SuperRatings Platinum Rating.
    that information before making a decision about the product.
    The information in this guide is general information only and       With Hostplus Executive you can immediately access a range
    does not take into account your personal financial situation        of extras, like our Additions program – which offers low cost
    or needs. You should obtain financial advice tailored to your       banking, reduced private health insurance rates and, for eligible
    personal circumstances.
                                                                        members, savings on travel and accommodation.
    The information in this guide is correct as at the date of
    publication. In the event of a material change occurring to any     Whether you change jobs or leave the industry, you can stay with
    information contained in this guide, irrespective of whether        Hostplus Executive, enjoying the benefits of being a member,
    it is adverse or not, the trustee will notify existing members      even after you retire through Hostplus Pension.
    in writing within the time frames required by law. Updated
    information is available online at hostplus.com.au. Where a         You can find important governance information about Hostplus
    change to information in the guide is not materially adverse, for   Executive at hostplus.com.au including:
    example, changes to the net fund earning rate and individual
    investment manager options, the trustee will provide updated        Trust Deed and governing rules
    information at hostplus.com.au.
                                                                        Annual Report to members
    Issued by Host-Plus Pty Limited ABN 79 008 634 704, AFSL
    No. 244392, RSEL No. L0000093 as trustee for the Hostplus           Financial Services Guide
    Superannuation Fund ABN 68 657 495 890, RSE No. R1000054,
    MySuper No. 68657495890198.                                         Our service providers
                                                                        How directors are appointed
                                                                        Statistics on board attendance
                                                                        I nformation about our Directors and Executive team, including
                                                                         how they are paid.
                                                                        Hostplus is authorised to offer a MySuper product, which is our
                                                                        default Balanced investment option. You’ll find our MySuper
                                                                        Product Dashboard at hostplus.com.au/dashboard.
                                                                        You also have other options to choose from – see Section 5.
                                                                        How we invest your money for details. Make sure you read this
                                                                        section before you decide which option suits you.
                                                                        Further information on how to join Hostplus Executive can be
                                                                        found in Section 9. How to open an account.
Executive member guide - Hostplus Executive PDS

2. How super works.                                                  3. Benefits of investing with Hostplus Executive.
Superannuation (Super) might seem complex but it’s basically         Hostplus Executive is run to benefit our members.
money put aside for your retirement.
                                                                     These are some of the benefits you will enjoy when you join
To start with, it’s made up of compulsory contributions from your    Hostplus Executive.
employer called the Superannuation Guarantee (SG). Currently
the SG rate is 9.5%, so your employer contributes at least 9.5%
                                                                      Low                 You pay a low administration fee of
of your ordinary time earnings (primarily your salary) to a super
                                                                      administration      $1.50 per week.
fund where that money is invested for you.                            fees
Using your super to save for your retirement could deliver tax        Strong              Our Balanced investment option is ranked
benefits. That’s because your contributions and investment            performance         number one over 3, 5 and 7 years to 31
earnings are generally taxed at a lower rate than the tax on your                         December 2018 (SuperRatings SR50
salary and are re-invested over time until your retirement – and                          Balanced (60-76) Index December 2018).*
they’re generally tax-free on withdrawal after you turn 60.
                                                                      Insurance to        Protecting your assets is an important
Under Choice of Fund legislation, most workers are eligible to        protect you         part of a smart financial plan. For your
choose what fund their super contributions are paid into. Choosing    and your family     peace of mind, Hostplus Executive offers
the right fund now, can make a lifetime of difference later.                              several insurance options to cover you
                                                                                          for death and disability – as well as salary
Contributions                                                                             continuance, protecting your income if
For many people, SG contributions alone may not be enough to                              you’re unable to work due to illness or injury.
cover the cost of retirement. To encourage you to maximise your
                                                                      Online access       With your Member Online account you
retirement savings, the Federal Government provides tax savings
                                                                                          can keep track of your super 24/7. You
and other incentives to boost your super. Some easy ways to add                           can update your personal details, make an
to your super include:                                                                    investment choice, apply to increase or
Personal contributions from your after-tax salary                                         change your insurance cover, and review
                                                                                          your account balance and contributions.
(non-concessional contributions)
                                                                                          Visit hostplus.com.au/memberonline
 ontributions from your before-tax salary (concessional
C                                                                                         You can even access your details by a
contributions). These include personal contributions for which                            convenient member card that lives on your
you have claimed a tax deduction or salary sacrifice (some                                mobile phone.
employers offer this)                                                 A wide range        Because everyone has different goals, we
Government co-contributions, if you are eligible                      of investment       offer a wide range of investment options to
                                                                      options             suit your investment timeframe, long-term
Government low income super tax offset (LISTO) contribution                               goals, and risk profile – from growth asset
for low income earners                                                                    classes such as equity to defensive asset
                                                                                          classes like fixed income and cash.
Spouses can split their before-tax contributions with
each other                                                            Talk to a           Hostplus financial planners are here to help
                                                                      Hostplus            our members. Whether it’s over the phone
 pouses can make contributions for their low income earning
S                                                                     financial           or in person, our planners can help you
spouses. The contributing spouse could receive a tax offset.          planner.            make the most of your opportunities.
 ownsizer contributions from the proceeds of selling your home
D                                                                                         Talk to us on 1300 467 875 or visit
                                                                                          hostplus.com.au/financial-planning to
if you are 65 years old and older.
                                                                                          make an appointment.
Limits on contributions.                                                                  Hostplus financial planners are licensed by
There are various limits (or caps) that apply to contributions.                           Industry Fund Services Limited ABN 54 007
Further information can be found in Section 7. How super is taxed.                        016 195, AFSL 232514.
Accessing your super.                                                 *Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
Generally, you cannot withdraw your super until you reach your
preservation age (the minimum age set by law when you can
access your super). The current preservation age is between               You should read the important information about Benefits
57 and 60, depending on your date of birth.                               of investing with Hostplus Executive before making a
                                                                          decision. Go to pds. executive.hostplus.com.au/3-
                                                                          benefits-of-investing-with-hostplus. The material relating
     You should read the important information about                      to Benefits of investing with Hostplus Executive may
     How super works before making a decision. Go to pds.                 change between the time when you read this Statement
     executive.hostplus.com.au/2-how-super-works. The                     and the day when you acquire the product.
     material relating to How super works may change between
     the time when you read this Statement and the day when
     you acquire the product.

                                                                              Choose from our wide range of investment options.
    4. Risks of super.
    It’s important to know that all investments (including super)              Pre-mixed options
    involve some risk.
                                                                               Pre-mixed asset classes offer asset classes mixed to provide
    To offer members different levels of risk and potential return,            different risk/return profiles:
    Hostplus invests in a range of asset classes such as cash, fixed            Capital Stable                  Indexed Balanced
    income, infrastructure, property and equity – which can be                  Conservative Balanced           Balanced (default)
    further defined as ‘defensive’ or ‘growth’. The mix of growth and           Socially Responsible            Shares Plus
    defensive asset classes determines the likely net investment                Investment - Balanced           Hostplus Life
    return and risk of a negative return for each investment option.
                                                                               Sector investment options
    For example, investment options with potentially the highest
    returns (such as equity), may also have the highest risk of loss           Investment in a specific asset class only:
    over a shorter period of time.
                                                                                Cash                                   International Shares -
    When considering the risks to your investment in Hostplus, you              Diversified Fixed Interest             Indexed
    should understand that:                                                     Property                               International Shares
                                                                                Australian Shares                      (Hedged)- Indexed
    The value of your investments can go up and down.                           International Shares
     he returns you receive on your investments will vary – they can
    T                                                                          Individual manager options
    be positive or negative and previous returns are not indicative of
    future returns.                                                            Investment in an individual investment manager from these
                                                                               asset classes: Equity, Infrastructure, Property and Fixed income.
     eturns are not guaranteed and negative returns will result in a
    reduction in your account balance.                                           Various investment options

     he amount of your future superannuation savings, including
    T                                                                          Choiceplus investment option
    contributions and investments, may not be enough to provide                Direct investment in shares in the S&P/ASX 300 index,
    adequately for your retirement.                                            selected Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), Listed Investment
    Other significant risks to your investment are the impact of inflation,    Companies (LICs) and term deposits via the online Choiceplus
    interest rates, exchange rates, liquidity, derivatives and market          investment platform at hostplus.com.au/choiceplus
    failure. There are also legal risks such as changes to superannuation
    law and changes to insurance terms and conditions.                        You can easily change your investment choice at no cost.
                                                                              And you can combine any number of our investment options
    The level of risk appropriate for you will depend on your age, how        provided you have a minimum of 1% of your super invested in any
    long you are investing for, any other investments you may have, and       selected option.
    how comfortable you are receiving negative returns in some years.         Please note however, that there are different investment limits
                                                                              within the Choiceplus investment option. Visit hostplus.com.au/
                                                                              choiceplus to find out more.
         You should read the important information about the Risks
         of super before making a decision. Go to pds.executive.
                                                                               Balanced option, our default investment option
         hostplus.com.au/4-risks-of-super. The material relating to
         the Risks of super may change between the time when you               Return target               CPI plus 3% per annum on average
         read this Statement and the day when you acquire the product.                                     over 10 years.
                                                                                                           CPI plus 4% per annum on average
                                                                                                           over 20 years.
    5. How we invest your money.
                                                                               Level of Investment         High. Negative returns expected in
    Hostplus offers a wide range of investment options for you to              risk*                       between 4 to 6 out of every 20 years.
    choose from, each with a different level of risk and return.
                                                                               Investment style            Investments through a diversified
    If you don’t make an investment choice, your contributions will                                        investment portfolio, including some
    be automatically invested in the Balanced investment option, our                                       growth assets and some lower risk
    default option, described opposite. As the MySuper authorised                                          investments.
    option, it suits people who plan to have their super invested for
                                                                               Who is this                 This option is diversified across a
    the long-term (five years or longer).
                                                                               investment                  range of growth and defensive assets
    Hostplus may add new investment options, remove or change an               suitable for?               and aims to produce consistent
    option (for example, its strategic asset allocation or objectives). If                                 returns over time. This option may
    any of these changes are significant, we’ll write to you or update                                     suit members who have a five-year-
    you via hostplus.com.au.                                                                               plus investment time horizon.

                                                                               Minimum Suggested           5 years +
                                                                               Time Frame#
         When making your investment choice you must consider
                                                                               *The Level of investment risk is based on an industry-wide Standard
         the potential risk and return of an investment option and
                                                                               Risk Measure. It shows the number of expected negative annual returns
         whether it suits your risk profile and timeframe, ie. how             over a 20-year period. # The Minimum Suggested Time Frame is based
         much time you have until your retirement.                             on the risk and return profile of this option. The timeframe considers
                                                                               volatility and the likelihood of negative annual returns in any one year.

Balanced option asset allocation.                                        Fees and other costs.
                                                                         This section provides summary information about the main fees
                                 Range                Benchmark          and costs for the Hostplus Balanced option. This information can be
 Growth assets                                             75%           used to compare costs between different superannuation products.
 Equity                                                                  Other fees may apply and you should read all the information about
  Australian shares                  15 – 45%              23%           fees and costs because it is important to understand their impact
  International shares                                                   on your investment. The fees and other costs for each investment
 		 Developed markets                10 – 30%              22%           option offered by Hostplus, including definitions for each fee type,
                                                                         are set out at pds.executive.hostplus.com.au/6-fees-and-costs
 		 Emerging markets                 0 – 15%                8%
  Private equity                     0 – 15%                7%            Hostplus Balanced option
 Infrastructure                      0 – 15%                6%
                                                                          Type of fee                Amount           How and when paid
 Property                            0 – 15%                4%
                                                                          Investment fee1            0.71% 3          The investment fee
 Other                                                                                                                is not deducted from
 		 Credit                           0 – 10%                2%                                                        your account balance.
 		 Alternatives                     0 – 10%                3%                                                        It is deducted daily
                                                                                                                      from gross investment
 Defensive assets                                          25%                                                        earnings before net
 Infrastructure                      0 – 10%                6%                                                        investment returns are
 Property                            0 – 20%                9%                                                        applied to your account.
 Fixed income                        0 – 20%                0%            Administration fee1        $78.00 p.a.      The Administration Fee
 Cash                                0 – 10%                0%                                       ($1.50           is deducted from your
                                                                                                     per week)        account each month and
 Other                                                                                                                is paid into the Fund’s
 		 Credit                           0 – 10%                5%                                                        Administration Reserve.
 		 Alternatives                     0 – 10%                5%            Buy – sell spread          Nil              Not applicable
                                                                          Switching fee              Nil              Not applicable
    You should read the important information about How we
                                                                          Advice fee                 Nil              Not applicable
    invest your money before making a decision. Go to pds.
                                                                          Relating to all
                                                                          members investing in
    money. The material relating to How we invest your money
                                                                          the MySuper product
    may change between the time when you read this                        or investment option
    Statement and the day when you acquire the product.
                                                                          Other fees and costs2
                                                                          Indirect Cost Ratio        0.35%3           The ICR is not deducted
6. Fees and costs.                                                        (ICR)1                                      from your account
                                                                                                                      balance. It is deducted
  Consumer advisory warning.                                                                                          daily from gross
                                                                                                                      investment earnings
  Did you know?                                                                                                       before net investment
  Small differences in both investment performance and                                                                returns are applied to
  fees and costs can have a substantial impact on your                                                                your account.
  long-term returns.
                                                                          1. If your account balance for a product offered by the superannuation
  For example, total annual fees and costs of 2% of your                  entity is less than $6,000 at the end of the entity’s income year, the
  account balance rather than 1% could reduce your final                  total combined amount of administration fees, investment fees and
  return by up to 20% over a 30-year period (for example,                 indirect costs charged to you is capped at 3% of the account balance.
  reduce it from $100,000 to $80,000).                                    Any amount charged in excess of that cap must be refunded. 2. See
                                                                          “Additional explanation of fees and costs” at pds.executive.hostplus.
  You should consider whether features such as superior                   com.au/6-fees-and-costs for a description of other fees and costs
  investment performance or the provision of better                       not disclosed in this PDS, such as activity fees, advice fees for personal
  member services justify higher fees and costs.                          advice or Choiceplus fees. 3. The Investment fee and ICR – Investment
  You or your employer, as applicable, may be able to negotiate           fees and costs are estimated for the financial year ended 30 June
  to pay lower fees. Ask the fund or your financial adviser.              2018. Investment fees (but not ICR) include performance fees which
                                                                          may vary from year to year. Because the investment fees and costs
  To find out more.                                                       are estimates based on the previous financial year’s investment
  If you would like to find out more, or see the impact                   performance, fees and costs payable in respect of each future year
  of the fees based on your own circumstances, the                        may be higher or lower.
  Australian Securities and Investments Commission
  (ASIC) website (www.moneysmart.gov.au) has a                           Example of annual fees and costs for a MySuper product.
  superannuation calculator to help you check out                        This table gives an example of how the fees and costs for
  different fee options.                                                 the default Balanced investment option can affect your
                                                                         superannuation investment over a 1 year period. You should use
 Please note: This Consumer Advisory Warning is prescribed by law.       this table to compare this superannuation product with other
 However, the statement concerning the possibility of negotiating fees
 is not applicable to Hostplus.
                                                                         superannuation products.

                                                                                  Tax on contributions 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020.
     Example - Hostplus                                                           If your total income (including your before-tax contributions) is
                                            Balance of $50,000
     Balanced option                                                              over $250,000, you may pay an additional tax of 15% (ie. 30%
                                                                                  tax) on taxable contributions exceeding $250,000.
     Investment fees         0.71%          For every $50,000 you
                                            have in the superannuation
                                            product you will be charged                If you exceed the before-tax or after-tax contributions cap,
                                            $355 each year.
                                                                                       you will pay additional tax to the ATO.
     PLUS                    $78.00         And, you will be charged
     Administration          ($1.50 per     $78 in administration fees
     fees                    week)          regardless of your balance.           Tax on withdrawals 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020.
     PLUS Indirect           0.35%          And, indirect investment
     costs for the                          costs of $175 each year                Component           Tax if you are under 60
     MySuper product                        will be deducted from your
                                            investment.                            Tax-free            No tax payable.

     Equals                                 If your balance was $50,000,           Taxable             Below preservation age, taxed at 20%1.
     Cost of product                        then for that year you will be         – taxed             Preservation age - 59 years, the first
                                            charged fees of $608 for the           element1            $210,0002 is tax-free and the balance is
                                            superannuation product.                                    taxed at 15%
     Note: Additional fees may apply. And, if you leave the superannuation         1. Plus Medicare Levy. 2. The $210,000 lifetime limit is the total of all
     entity, you may be charged an exit fee of $0 and a buy/sell spread            the taxable payments you receive or are paid before you reach age 60
     which also applies whenever you make a contribution, exit, rollover           (even if you receive them in different financial years).
     or investment switch. The buy/sell spread for exiting is 0% (this will
     equal to $0 for every $50,000 you withdraw). To calculate the effect
     of fees and costs on your account balance, try the super calculator at       Tax deductions.
                                                                                  If you’re eligible, you may be able to claim your personal
                                                                                  contributions during the year as a tax deduction. This will turn
         Additional fees may be paid to a financial advisor if a financial        any after-tax contributions into before-tax contributions, which
         advisor is consulted. Refer to the Statement of Advice in                may be useful to self-employed people or employees whose
         which details of the fees are set out.                                   employer doesn’t allow salary sacrifice.
                                                                                  Tax on investment earnings
         You should read the important information about Fees and
         costs before making a decision. Go to pds.executive.hostplus.            Investment earnings are taxed at up to 15%. This tax is deducted
         com.au/6-fees-and-costs. The material relating to our Fees               from the earnings that apply to your super, before the earnings
         and costs may change between the time when you read this                 are added to your account.
         Statement and the day when you acquire the product.
                                                                                  Tax File Numbers (TFNs).

                                                                                       It is in your interest to supply your TFN when you join.
    7. How super is taxed.                                                             Generally, higher tax is payable on your contributions and
    There are various tax levels that apply at different times on                      withdrawals if you don’t supply your TFN – and Hostplus
    payments into your account (contributions), investment earnings                    Executive will not be able to accept your personal
    and on the withdrawal of super benefits. Tax is deducted from                      contributions. You will also be ineligible for the Government
    your super account and paid to the ATO. There are limits on how                    co-contribution incentive.
    much you can contribute to super.
                                                                                       You should read the important information about
    Type of contribution and limits.
                                                                                       How super is taxed before making a decision. Go to pds.
    Before-tax (concessional) such as employer, salary sacrifice
    and self-employed contributions:15% on amounts up to
                                                                                       The material relating to How super is taxed may change
    $25,000 a year cap. Amounts over the cap will be taxed at your
                                                                                       between the time when you read this Statement and the
    marginal tax rate plus an excess concessional contributions charge1.
                                                                                       day when you acquire the product.
    You can carry forward unused concessional amounts for 5 years2.
    After-tax (non-concessional) from your net salary such as
    personal and spouses contributions: 0% under $100,000. Over                   8. Insurance in your super.
    $100,000 will be subject to tax at the top marginal rate of 47%.
                                                                                  Right now, your most valuable assets are your health, family and
    If under age 65 you may bring forward your non-concessional
                                                                                  your income-earning potential. Protecting them against the
    contribution of up to three times the yearly non-concessional
                                                                                  unexpected should be an important part of your strategy. That’s
    contributions cap in a single year depending on your total super
                                                                                  why at Hostplus we offer eligible members automatic insurance
    balance. Your total superannuation balance is the total value of
                                                                                  with an option to increase their cover upon joining.
    your accumulation and retirement phase interests (including
    rollover amounts not yet included in those interests) across all of           Hostplus insurance cover is provided by MetLife Insurance
    your superannuation accounts.                                                 Limited (MetLife) ABN 75 004 274 882, AFSL 238096.
    1. The 2% Medicare levy is also payable. 2. From 1 July 2018, you can carry
    forward any unused concessional super contributions for 5 years if you
    have a total super balance of less than $500,000. After this unused carry
    forward amounts will expire.

Automatic (Default) Death and Total & Permanent Disability                   Death and TPD and Death Only insurance:
(TPD) insurance when you join.                                               Unitised cover table.
Generally, if you’ve joined through your participating employer
                                                                             There are costs associated with insurance. For Industry
(Industry members) you receive automatic, unitised Death and
                                                                             members, the table below shows the default number of units,
TPD insurance cover once your employer makes a contribution
                                                                             level of cover per unit and cost per unit you will receive at age
to your super account, subject to certain timing conditions.
                                                                             next birthday.
With our automatic insurance, the number of units you receive
depends on your age next birthday. The number of units then                       Age           Value per unit of       Default units for new
determines the level and cost of cover.                                          next           Default Death or         members joining
                                                                               birthday           TPD Cover
Premiums are deducted from your super account and insurance                                                              Death          TPD
cover continues as long as there are sufficient funds to pay
the premiums and eligibility is still met.                                      12 to 16             $28,273                1             0

Members who meet the eligibility criteria can apply for the                     17 to 19             $28,273                1             2
Management/Clerical (white collar) rates or Professional rates                  20 to 25            $28,273                 2             4
where you can receive the same level of cover at less cost.
Conditions apply.                                                               26 to 30            $28,273                 4             6

See the Death and TPD and Death Only table in the next column.                  31 to 35            $28,273                 5             6
                                                                                   36               $28,273                 6             6
     Unless you cancel your automatic insurance, the premiums                   37 to 38            $28,645
     will continue to be deducted from your Hostplus account, as
                                                                                   39               $28,831                 6             5
     long as there are sufficient funds to pay the premiums and
     eligibility is still met. If, for whatever reason, more than one              40               $29,017
     account is opened for you at Hostplus, you are only eligible
                                                                                   41               $26,962
     for one insurance benefit.
                                                                                   42               $24,229
                                                                                                                            5             5
     The information in this section is a brief summary only. Full                 43               $21,238
     information about eligibility, the cancellation of insurance
     cover, any conditions or exclusions in relation to insurance                  44               $18,734
     cover and information about the level, type, actual cost (or                  45               $15,563
     ranges of costs) of optional insurance cover or any other
     matter in relation to insurance cover is provided at pds.                     46               $13,681                 6             6
     executive.hostplus.com.au/8-insurance-in-your-super.                          47               $11,831
     Accordingly, that information should be read before
                                                                                   48               $10,097
     deciding whether the insurance is appropriate.                                                                         7             7
                                                                                   49                $8,981
                                                                                   50                $7,219
Other insurance.
Hostplus offers eligible members:                                                  51                $6,364
I nsurance cover in addition to the automatic levels of Death and                52                $5,874                 8             8
 TPD cover and Death Only cover provided.                                          53                $5,385
Terminal illness benefits as part of your death benefits.                         54                $4,406
Salary Continuance cover in case you can’t work due to injury or illness.         55                $3,916
There’s also:                                                                      56                $3,487
A special insurance offer on joining available to eligible members              57                $2,989
to upgrade their Death and TPD cover, and apply for Salary                                                                 10            10
Continuance cover by providing limited medical information.                        58                $2,491
                                                                                   59                $2,242
 pecific life events cover where changes in your life let you boost
your cover.                                                                        60                $1,993
 he option of transferring your insurance from another super
T                                                                                  61                $1,774
fund or retail insurance policy.
                                                                                   62                $1,673
When applying for Death and TPD or Death Only cover, you can
                                                                                   63                $1,521                 8             8
choose from:
                                                                                   64                $1,419
 nitised cover, where benefits decrease over time but the
premiums remain the same, or                                                       65                $1,267

 ixed cover, where benefits remain fixed but premiums alter
F                                                                               66 to 70             $1,267                 8             0
depending on your age.
                                                                             For unit cost per week, see next page.

     Unit cost per week                                                Other information.
                        Standard      Management        Professional   Super search consent.
                                                                       If you’ve had more than one job, you may have more than one
     Death Only           $0.26           $0.18             $0.13      super account and you could be paying fees on every one of
     TPD                  $0.37           $0.25             $0.17      them. Hostplus Executive can help you find your other super
                                                                       accounts at no cost. By giving us permission to search for your
     Death & TPD          $0.63           $0.43             $0.30      other super using your TFN, we can help you track down and (if
                                                                       you choose), combine your super for you.
                                                                       You can provide consent on the Tax File Number notification
    How to apply.
                                                                       form or when you provide your TFN at hostplus.com.au/
    Members with employer insurance arrangements will be
                                                                       memberonline. If we find other super accounts in your name,
    informed of their arrangements.
                                                                       we’ll contact you to ask if you want to join your accounts together
    Members can also apply for higher levels of cover online at        in Hostplus Executive. You can search anytime for additional
    hostplus.com.au/insurance. Members can opt out of automatic        super accounts using your member online account.
    (default) insurance online at hostplus.com.au/insurance or
                                                                       Enquiries and complaints.
    cancel their insurance cover at any time by writing to us.
                                                                       If you have an enquiry or complaint, just call 1300 467 875. We’ll
    New members aged under 65 can apply within prescribed time         do everything in our power to attend to your matter promptly
    limits to take up the special insurance offer on joining in the    and courteously. If you are not happy with the way your matter is
    Membership form:                                                   handled, we want to know. Please write to us at:
    for additional units of cover,                                     Hostplus
                                                                       Resolutions Officer
    to replace their unitised cover with fixed cover, and
                                                                       Locked Bag 9
    for Salary Continuance cover.                                      Carlton South VIC 3053
                                                                       or email to resolutions@hostplus.com.au
                                                                       If you are not satisfied with either the way Hostplus handles
         You should read the important information about
                                                                       your complaint or its resolution, you may contact the Australian
         Insurance in your super before making a decision.
                                                                       Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). AFCA provides free,
         Go to pds.executive.hostplus.com.au/8-insurance-in-
                                                                       fair and independent financial services complaint resolution
         your-super. The material relating to our insurance may
                                                                       to Hostplus members and their beneficiaries. You can contact
         change between the time when you read this Statement
                                                                       AFCA via:
         and the day when you acquire the product.
                                                                       Website: https://www.afca.org.au
                                                                       Email: info@afca.org.au
    9. How to open an account.                                         Telephone: 1800 931 678
    As an eligible employee you might like to complete and return      In writing to:
    the enclosed Membership form. The information you provide will     Australian Financial Complaints Authority
    assist us in setting up your account.                              GPO Box 3
    Once you are a member you can keep track of your super details     Melbourne VIC 3001
    online with Member Online at hostplus.com.au/executive

         You should read the important information about
         How to open an account before making a decision.
         Go to pds.executive.hostplus.com.au/9-how-to-open-
         an-account. The material relating to opening an account
         may change between the time when you read this
         Statement and the day when you acquire the product.

                                                                                                                            1189.7 06/19 ISS10
Executive member guide.
Member forms
1 July 2019
Which forms
do I need?
1   Membership form.
    To join Hostplus Executive, please complete and return the Membership form.

2   Request to transfer your entire account balance
    into Hostplus Executive.
    Complete this form to transfer superannuation you hold in other funds to
    Hostplus Executive.
Office use only


    Executive membership form.
    1 July 2019

             Complete this application if you are joining Hostplus Executive through your employer.
             This application is for joining Hostplus Executive if:
            · You are joining through your employer who is, or has become, a participating Hostplus Executive employer, or
            · You have requested that your employer becomes a participating employer.
            · This application needs to be completed by the person to be insured.
             Complete all fields marked with an asterisk (*). Please use BLOCK letters in black or blue pen.
             Any changes made to this application are to be initialled by the person to be insured.
             Please answer all the questions as accurately as possible and provide additional information wherever requested.
             As part of your application, you may be required to undergo additional medical tests and as part of the overall assessment
             process MetLife will contact you on your preferred phone number if further information is required.

1   Provide your personal details.

    Title                                                                        Payroll number (if applicable)
            Mr       Mrs       Ms        Dr                          Other
    Given names*


    Date of birth*                                       Gender*
                                                              Male            Female
    Current address*

    Suburb                                                                                               State        P/C

    Hostplus communications will be sent to your postal address. This includes your membership card and statements.

    Home phone                                                Mobile phone*

    Preferred method of contact* (please select one)
            Mail           Email         Phone
    Email address*


    What is your gross annual salary?*
                           ,              p.a.
1    Provide your personal details cont’d.

     Have you previously been registered as a member of Hostplus?

           Yes – please provide your Hostplus membership number.


           I wish to transfer my Hostplus account into                          I wish to retain my Hostplus account.
           Hostplus Executive.
                                                                                I understand that while retaining my Hostplus account I
           I consent to transfer my Hostplus account into Hostplus              can only have one insurance arrangement and I consent
           Executive including the transfer of my investment choice             to the cancellation of the lower value insurance of either
           and account balance. I understand that should my insurance           my Hostplus or Hostplus Executive account. I also
           cover in my Hostplus account be higher than my Hostplus              understand that I will pay member fees for both accounts.
           Executive insurance cover then this will be transferred
           across to my Hostplus Executive account.

2    Provide us with your Tax File Number (TFN).

     Under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993, Hostplus is authorised to collect, use and disclose your TFN.
     Hostplus may disclose your TFN to another super provider when your benefits are being transferred, unless you advise that your
     tax file number not be disclosed to any other super provider in writing.
     While it is not an offence to decline to quote your TFN to Hostplus, giving your TFN will allow Hostplus to accept all permitted
     types of contributions to your account. It also means that other than the tax that may ordinarily apply, you will not pay more tax
     than you need to on both contributions to your super and benefit payments when you start drawing down your super. It will also
     make it much easier to find different super accounts in your name so that you receive all your super benefits when you retire.
     My Tax File Number is:

3    Use of the ATO’s Super Match 2 Facility.

     The ATO has made this facility available to all Superannuation funds to:
    · assist members in findings lost Superannuation;
    · assist members in locating any unclaimed monies that the ATO may hold; and
    · assist and better inform members of all their Superannuation interests.
     By providing your consent to use your TFN for this purpose Hostplus will access this facility, consolidate any ATO held monies into
     your Hostplus account, and provide you with all applicable information on other superannuation accounts held by you, by either
     email or letter. Please note that your consent will be ongoing until it is revoked by you.

           By ticking this box, I:
           · agree to Hostplus using my TFN to access the ATO SuperMatch 2 system in order to seek information relating to me;
           · authorise Hostplus to arrange the transfer of all identified ATO held monies into my Hostplus account; and
           · acknowledge that this consent is ongoing until I revoke it with the fund.

           Please sign the declaration at Step 10.
4   Provide your employer’s details and your working arrangements.

    Your employer’s Hostplus account number        Your employer’s ABN*

    Your employer’s trading name*

    Your employer can provide you with their Hostplus account number and trading name.

    Your employer’s telephone number                        The date when you started with your current employer*

    On what basis are you employed?

          Full time                    Part time                  Casual

5   Employer sponsored insurance arrangement (ESA).

    Employees who join Hostplus Executive via an employer who has an ESA will be provided with this cover. If your employer does not
    have an ESA, and you are eligible for insurance in Hostplus, you will be provided with automatic default cover for Death and TPD
    cover. See step 6.

          I wish to cancel my employer sponsored arrangement.

    Hostplus Executive provides default insurance cover to eligible members who do not have an ESA or do not wish to take up
    their ESA.

          If you don’t complete Step 5 you will be provided with automatic default Death and TPD cover. Please see the Hostplus
          Executive Member Guide for more information.

6   Advise us of your insurance cover details.

    Hostplus has taken out a contract of insurance with MetLife Insurance Limited ABN 75 004 274 882 AFSL 238 096 (“MetLife” or
    “the Insurer”) to provide the insurance cover in the fund. On becoming a member, insurance cover will be provided to you on the
    terms contained in Hostplus’ insurance contract issued by the Insurer (the Policy). By completing the insurance section of the
    form, you are requesting the Insurer to change your automatic insurance cover. The answers that you provide in this form may be
    used by MetLife to determine whether you are eligible to change your cover.
    Hostplus Executive generally provides automatic insurance cover to eligible members employed by a Participating Employer. The
    premiums and insurance cover varies depending upon your age.
    If you are not At Work at the time your cover commences (Cover Commencement Date) your default cover will be Restricted Cover,
    until such time as you satisfy the insurer’s requirements for Full Cover (see Executive Member Guide for more information.) This
    means that you will not be covered for an illness or injury known to you in the two years prior to your Cover Commencement Date.
    As a special offer to new eligible members of Hostplus Executive, you have the opportunity to increase your default Death & TPD
    cover and/or obtain Salary Continuance cover provided you return this form within six months from the date you commenced
    work with your Participating Employer, or 60 days from the date you receive your Hostplus Executive welcome letter, whichever is
    the later. You can also use this form to fix your cover or upgrade to the Management/Clerical (white collar) scale. If you wish to vary
    your insurance cover as is otherwise provided for in this form, please complete the Increase your insurance cover application (if
    applicable) form available at hostplus.com.au/executive

          I wish to cancel my automatic insurance cover.
6.1 Personal statement.

           This section must be completed in all circumstances.

     1.			Have you previously elected not to be covered for any benefits provided under any Group Life policy issued by the Trustee
            of Hostplus?
                 Yes – you are not eligible for automatic default cover or cover under Sections 6.2 (Special Insurance Offer) and
                 6.4 (Special Insurance Offer - Salary Continuance) unless accepted by the insurer. Acceptance remains subject
                 to underwriting.


     2.			Have you previously received, applied for, are eligible, or in the process of applying for a Terminal Illness benefit from
            any source?

                 Yes – please provide details of super fund/insurer name and when.
                 Date                                            Fund/Insurer name

                 You are not eligible for automatic default cover or cover under 6.2 (Special Insurance Offer) and 6.4 (Special Insurance
                 Offer - Salary Continuance) unless accepted by the insurer. Acceptance remains subject to underwriting.


     3.			Have you previously received, applied for, are eligible, or in the process of applying for a Total and Permanent Disability (TPD)
           benefit from any source?

                 Yes – please provide details of super fund/insurer name and when.
                 Date                                             Fund/Insurer name


           If you have answered ‘yes’ above, your insurance cover will be limited to Death only cover, at any time. You may however
           apply for TPD and Salary Continuance Cover and be eligible for this cover, if your application is accepted by the insurer.
           If you do not answer questions 1, 2 or 3 your response will be assumed to be ‘NO’. However if you later lodge a Death or TPD
           claim and it is found that you have failed to disclose your personal circumstances or you have previously received, applied for
           or been eligible for a TPD benefit, your claim under Hostplus may not be considered.

     4.		Are you restricted, due to illness or injury from carrying out any of the identifiable duties of your current
                                                                                                                                   Yes   No
           and normal occupation on a full time basis (even if you are not currently working on a full time basis)?
           Full time basis is considered to be at least 35 hours per week.

     5.		Are you contemplating or have you ever made a claim for sickness, accident or disability benefits,                      Yes   No
           Workers’ Compensation or any other form of compensation due to illness or injury?

     6.		Have you been restricted from work or unable to perform any of your regular duties for more than
                                                                                                                                   Yes   No
           seven consecutive days over the past 12 months due to illness or injury (other than for colds or flu)?

     7.		Have you been diagnosed with an illness that in a doctor’s opinion reduces your life expectancy to                     Yes   No
            less than 3 years?

     8.	Are you currently contemplating any medical treatment or advice for any illness or injury for which you
                                                                                                                                   Yes   No
           have not previously consulted a medical practitioner or an existing illness or injury, which appears to
           be deteriorating?

     9.		Have you had an application for Life, TPD, Trauma or Salary Continuance insurance declined by                           Yes    No
          an insurer?

           If you answer yes to any of the questions 4-9 above, you will not be eligible to increase your cover under 6.2 or 6.4.
6.2 To apply for additional units – special offer for new Hostplus Executive members.

     Complete this section to apply for additional units of Death only or Death and TPD cover. You cannot use this form to increase
     your Death cover if you answered ‘yes’ to question 1 or 2 in section 6.1 or your TPD cover if you have answered ‘Yes’ to question 3
     in Section 6.1. Please note, members aged 65 or above are not eligible for the Special insurance offer upon joining.

     Please note that if your employer has an ESA arrangement electing this option may override the arrangement your employer has
     in place.

     Please indicate the total number of units that you require by placing a in the relevant box. If your application is accepted, your
     existing allocation of insurance units will be changed to reflect the number of units you have requested in this form.

     If you are under age 25, indicate whether you would like a total of 8, 12 or 16 units of Death and TPD by placing a   in the relevant box:

          8 units Death and TPD                12 units Death and TPD              16 units Death and TPD

     If you are aged between 25 and 64, indicate whether you would like a total of 12, 16 or 20 units of Death and TPD by placing a
     in the relevant box:

          12 units Death and TPD               16 units Death and TPD              20 units Death and TPD

           If you require higher levels of cover than indicated above, please complete the Increase your insurance cover application
           (if applicable) form available at hostplus.com.au/executive

6.3 To apply to replace unitised cover with fixed cover (you must also complete section 6.5).

     Complete this section if you would like to fix the number of units you have selected above or nominate a fixed level of Death and
     TPD. Please note that you cannot hold unitised and fixed cover at the same time. Members aged 65 or above, or those not eligible
     for default insurance cover will not be eligible for the Special Insurance Offer upon joining.

     If you complete this section, your total cover will become fixed cover for Death and TPD cover.

     Indicate the level of fixed Death and TPD cover you require by placing a      in the relevant box. If your application is accepted, any
     existing allocation of insurance unit will be replaced with fixed cover.

     1.		Would you like to convert the total number of units you have selected in section 6.2 to fixed cover?

                Yes – proceed to 6.5                          No – proceed to question 2 in this section

     2.		Fixed amount of Death and TPD cover

                $100,000               $200,000               $300,000               $400,000              $500,000

        If you require fixed cover of more than $500,000, apply online at hostplus.com.au. Premium rates applicable for fixed cover will
        depend of the type of work you perform in your usual occupation (White, Light Blue or Heavy Blue collar).
6.4 Apply for Salary Continuance cover (you must also complete section 6.5).

     Complete this section if you wish to obtain Salary Continuance cover.

     Salary Continuance provides you with a benefit if you are unable to work due to injury or illness for longer than the waiting period.

     By using this form, you can select a monthly benefit of up to $4,000 per month (limited to 90% of salary, 75% paid to you & 15%
     superannuation), for a benefit period of up to two years. If you require more cover, or for a benefit period to age 65, apply online at

     i)		Please indicate the number of units of Salary Continuance cover you require by placing a in the relevant box. The table
           indicates the number of units that are required to insure each salary. You have the option to select Salary Continuance cover
           that relates to a lower salary than you receive.

                       Salary                          Monthly benefit                              Units                         Place tick here
                      $6,666                                  $500                                    5
                      $13,333                                $1000                                    10
                      $20,000                                $1,500                                   15
                      $26,666                                $2000                                    20
                      $33,333                                $2500                                    25
                      $40,000                                $3000                                    30
                      $46,480                                $3500                                    35
                      $53,120                                $4000                                    40
        *Salary is your current annual income from your usual occupation, including tax and superannuation contributions, but excluding business expenses.
        +The maximum monthly benefit you are entitled to cannot be higher than 90% of your monthly salary (75% being paid to you and 15% to your
        Hostplus account).

     ii)		 Nominate a waiting period by marking the appropriate box with a :

                30 days                 60 days                  90 days
     		 * If you don’t select a waiting period you will default to 90 days.

     		The waiting period is the period during which you must be totally or partially disabled before any benefit is payable.
        You are not entitled to any benefit for this period.

     iii)	To the best of your knowledge have you taken more than a total of seven days off work over the past 12 months due to illness
           or injury (other than for colds or flu)?

               Yes – apply online at hostplus.com.au as your current application for Salary Continuance cover cannot proceed without
               more detailed information being provided.

6.5 Occupational rating.
     Your insurance cover will be matched to your occupational rating. The following will help us to determine which occupational rating
     applies to you.

      Management/Clerical (white collar) scale

     i)		 Are you employed for at least 15 hours per week on an ongoing basis?^                                                                 Yes   No

     ii)		 Do you work in an office or similar environment?^                                                                                    Yes   No

     iii)	Do you spend at least 90% of your working time in an office? For example 34.2 hours out of a                                         Yes   No
           38-hour working week.^

     iv)	Do you work in any of the following occupations?
                Management                     Clerical                 Marketing                Administration                Accounting

           ^ If you have answered ‘no’ to any of the above questions, you are not eligible for the management/clerical scale.

      Standard/Light blue collar scale

     Please select your occupation:

         		 Home Duties                                                                     Hospitality Worker*

         		 Wait Staff/Waitress/Waiter*                                                 		 Shop Assistant/Retail Assistant

         		 Hotel Owner/Manager/Publican/Bar attendant*                                 		 Casino Worker/Dealer/Croupier/Gaming Attendant

         		 Chef/ Apprentice Chef/Cook                                                  		 Sales Assistant/Attendant/Consultant

        		 Room Attendant/House Keeper/                                                 		 Bottleshop Attendant*
     				 Guest Service Agent/Attendant*
         		 Food and Beverage Attendant*

      Heavy blue collar scale

     Please select your occupation:

         		 Kitchen Hand/Crew                                                               Ski/Snowboard/Snow sports instructor

         		 Cleaner (Commercial)                                                        		 Fruit picker/Vineyard worker**

         		 Cellar Hand                                                                 		 Gardener/Landscaper

         		Security Officer/Guard (unarmed)                                            		 Farmer/Farm Labourer

         		 Store Person                                                                		 Labourer

     * These occupations have a combination of two ‘Collar’ type ratings: Death and TPD = Light Blue, Group Salary Continuance = Heavy blue collar.
     ** Please note that you are only eligible for Death and TPD cover.

     If your occupation is not listed above, please specify your occupation and you will be assessed accordingly:


           If no selection is made your fixed cover amount will automatically default to the Heavy blue scale for Death and TPD cover
           unless the insurer deems an alternate occupational class applies. If however you fail to provide full details of your occupation
           you will not be eligible for Salary Continuance cover provided under Section 6.4 (Special Insurance Offering).
7   Nominate your preferred beneficiaries.

    Please nominate who you would prefer your benefits to be paid to in the case of your death.
         Given names*


         Nature of dependency (spouse, child, etc.) *                                                                     Share %*

         Given names*


         Nature of dependency (spouse, child, etc.) *                                                                     Share %*

         Given names*


         Nature of dependency (spouse, child, etc.) *                                                                     Share %*

         Given names*


         Nature of dependency (spouse, child, etc.) *                                                                     Share %*

                                                                                                                  Total    1   0     0   %

    You can nominate more than four beneficiaries by attaching extra names to this form. You are able to nominate dependants
    (spouse, child, financial dependant, interdependent) or your legal personal representative who you would prefer to receive your
    superannuation benefits in the event of your death. Under the Hostplus Executive trust deed the trustee decides who receives
    your death benefit. However, the trustee will consider your nomination and other information on dependants obtained when any
    claim is lodged. It is your responsibility to inform your beneficiaries that you have provided Hostplus Executive with their personal
    information. You should refer them to the Hostplus privacy policy at hostplus.com.au/privacy
    Binding death nominations
    A binding death benefit nomination provides you with greater certainty about who will receive your benefit in the event of your
    death. In general, a binding nomination legally binds (instructs) the Hostplus trustee to pay your death benefit to the person(s)
    nominated as your beneficiary(ies). If you would like more information on binding death benefit nominations please refer to the
    Binding death benefit nomination brochure at hostplus.com.au/executive

8   Transferring other super accounts into Hostplus Executive.

    If you have any other superannuation accounts, you may be paying two or more sets of administration fees. By transferring your
    other super accounts into Hostplus Executive you avoid paying multiple sets of fees.
    If you wish to transfer your other superannuation into your Hostplus Executive account, and save on fees, simply complete
    the Request to transfer your entire account balance into Hostplus Executive form attached to this forms booklet. Hostplus
    Executive will not charge you to transfer your other superannuation into Hostplus Executive. You can also transfer your other
    superannuation benefits into Hostplus Executive using our online rollover tool available at hostplus.com.au/executive

          We recommend you speak with your superannuation provider(s) to obtain information on any fees and charges that may
          apply and the effect such transfer(s) may have on your insurance benefits.

          If you have insurance cover through another superannuation fund you may be able to transfer this cover up to certain limits,
          into Hostplus. Conditions and other limitations apply. Please see the Hostplus Executive Member Guide for more information.
9     Topping up your super.

      You can also top up your superannuation with personal contributions. Your savings will benefit from compound interest and add to
      your retirement benefit. You can also make personal contributions through:
     · Direct Debit - the authority form is available at hostplus.com.au/executive
     · BPAY via Hostplus online account (Your PIN is sent with your welcome letter).

     · Your employer can may contributions on your behalf

10    Your duty of disclosure.

                Hostplus has taken out a contract of insurance with         Insurer Privacy Statement
                MetLife Insurance Limited ABN 75 004 274 882 AFSL           Your privacy with MetLife Insurance Limited
                238096 (‘MetLife’ or the ‘Insurer’) to provide the         ‘MetLife’ or the ‘Insurer’)
                insurance benefits in the Fund. On becoming a member,
                                                                           If you make a claim under this policy the Insurer may conduct
                you are bound by the terms and conditions of this
                                                                           investigations to assess the value and validity of the claim.
                contract of insurance.
                                                                           This may involve the use of investigation agents, legal
       Insured’s Duty of Disclosure                                        advisors and the collection of personal data that MetLife
      Before a superannuation trustee such as Hostplus enters              believes is relevant. MetLife complies with the Privacy Act
      into an insurance contract on your behalf, you have a                1988 and the principles laid out in their privacy policy, which is
      duty to disclose to the Insurer anything that you know or            readily available on request and also available online at www.
      could reasonably be expected to know about your health               metlife.com.au/privacy .
      that could affect the Insurer’s decision to provide you with          Hostplus Privacy Collection Statement
      insurance and the terms of that insurance.
                                                                            Hostplus is seeking to collect personal information from
       Hostplus, in entering into a contract of insurance on your           you so that it may set up a superannuation account for you
       behalf, does not need to tell the Insurer anything that:             as well as administer this superannuation account on an
     · is common knowledge; or                                              ongoing basis. The personal information we are seeking to
     · the Insurer knows or should know as an insurer; or                   collect from you is your name, address, date of birth, Tax File
                                                                            Number (TFN), contact details, occupation and employer,
     · the Insurer waives your duty to tell the Insurer about.
                                                                            personal health information and your dependants. We need
       Non-Disclosure                                                       to collect the requested personal information from you for
       In exercising the following rights, the insurer may consider         the following purposes:
       whether different types of cover can constitute separate           · to establish and manage your superannuation account.
       contracts of insurance. If they do, the insurer may apply the      · to implement your investment choices.
       following rights separately to each type of cover. For example,
                                                                          · to establish and maintain your insurance protection.
       Death TPD and income protection benefits may be treated
       as separate contracts. Additionally, default cover and any         · to process contributions, transfer monies or pay
       additional cover may also be treated separately.                     superannuation benefits to you.
       If you, the person to be insured, do not tell the Insurer          · to report the investment performance of your account
       something that you know or could reasonably be expected to           to you.
       know about your health and which could affect the insurer’s        · to keep you up to date about other products and services
       decision to provide you with insurance and the type and/or           available to you as a member of Hostplus (which may include
       level of cover provided, then the insurer may treat such an          direct marketing communications).
       omission as a failure to disclose relevant information; and         The Hostplus privacy policy is available on the Hostplus
       may avoid the contract within 3 years of entering into it.          website at hostplus.com.au/privacy and includes
       If the Insurer chooses not to avoid the contract, the Insurer       information about overseas disclosure of personal
      may, at any time reduce the amount of insurance provided.            information, how you may access and seek correction of
      This would be worked out using a formula that will take into         your personal information as well as how you can make a
      account the premium that would have been payable if the              complaint about a breach of your privacy. Hostplus usually
      Insurer had told everything it should have been told by you.         discloses your personal information to our administrator
      However, if the contract has a surrender value, or provides          Australian Administration Services Pty Limited (AAS)
      cover on death, the Insurer may only exercise this right             ABN 62 003 429 114, mail houses, our insurer(s).
      within 3 years of entering into the contract.                        AAS (a company within the LINK Group of companies)
      If the Insurer chooses not to avoid the contract or reduce           may also disclose your personal information to overseas
      the amount of insurance provided, the Insurer may, at any            recipients. Please see the LINK Group’s Privacy Policy
      time vary the contract in a way that places the Insurer in the       at http://www.linkgroup.com/privacy.htmlfor further
      same position the Insurer would have been in if we had told          information.
      the Insurer everything it should have been told. However, this
      right does not apply if the contract has a surrender value or
      provides cover on death.
       If the failure to tell the Insurer something is fraudulent, the
       Insurer may refuse to pay a claim and treat the contract as if
       it never existed.
You can also read