Expanding population coverage (Beneficiary Enrollment) - Bureau of registration @ 20th August,2019

Page created by Laurie Mendez
Expanding population coverage (Beneficiary Enrollment) - Bureau of registration @ 20th August,2019
Expanding population coverage
         (Beneficiary Enrollment)
              Bureau of registration @ 20th August,2019

Col .Panomwan Bunyamanop:Deputy Chairman of fund Management
                       cluster and director bureau of registration
Expanding population coverage (Beneficiary Enrollment) - Bureau of registration @ 20th August,2019
•   Overview and Right of people to access to
    health services
•   Beneficiary enrollment using national citizen
    individuals identification system
•   Data sharing on beneficiary across scheme

Expanding population coverage (Beneficiary Enrollment) - Bureau of registration @ 20th August,2019
Core Business of UCS

         Bureau of registration  “Coverage “         3

                            “Sustainable finance”
“CSG” 3 Goals                “Good governance “
Expanding population coverage (Beneficiary Enrollment) - Bureau of registration @ 20th August,2019
UHC coverage since FY2002-2018
                            Thai UHC, all Thai citizens covered

All Thais 66.25 millions,                    All Thai citizens target 99.95% in 2019
                                                          100                                     99.94

                                                     Percent coverage
                                  5.05 (7.6%)              95
  47.8 (72.2%) 12.24 (18.5%)
   UCS               SHI         CSMBS

                                                                        2002    2007       2012   2018

       1.15 (1.7%)                                                        FY 2002 - 2018
       Others              Source: Registration database, as 30 September 2018 ,
                           by Bureau of Health Information and Outcome Evaluation, NHSO
Expanding population coverage (Beneficiary Enrollment) - Bureau of registration @ 20th August,2019
Eligibility: Right of people to access to health services

•   According to the National Health Security Act, B.E. 2545 (A.D. 2002), all
    Thai citizens are insured under government health insurance
    schemes. (By section 5th)(by section 26(3)create record s of beneficiary
•   There are currently three main government health insurance
    schemes,and other states agencies,i.e,
    •   Civil Servant Medical Benefit Scheme (CSMBS) for government officers and
        their dependents (including other small state enterprises schemes with the
        same benefit package such as local government officers ),
    •   Social Security Scheme (SSS) for formal private employees, and
    •   Universal Coverage Scheme (UCS) for the rest of Thai citizens who do not
        covered under other government schemes.
    •   Other states agencies,i.e., state enterprises employees,government
        employees that not the same benefit packages as CSMBS
    •   Stateless People scheme under MOPH administration

Expanding population coverage (Beneficiary Enrollment) - Bureau of registration @ 20th August,2019
•   Population database and health/medical benefit status of all
    Thai citizens have been required to identify qualified people for the
•   Collaboration with other related government agencies who
    manage these information is important.
•   These government agencies include:
     •   The Bureau of Registration Administration (BORA), MOI             Population
     •   Department of Provincial Administration (DOPA),MOI                 database

     •   Department of Consular Affairs, MOFA          Thai citizens living aboard
     •   The Comptroller General’s Department (CGD), MOF
     •   The Social Security Office (SSO), MOL
     •   Department of Local Administration (DLA),MOI                              Health
     •                                                                             benefit
         Others small group of states agencies e.g., Bangkok Metropolitan Administration
         (BMA),NHSO,private teacher,government bank,...ect                         status

    http://www.bora.dopa.go.th/callcenter1548                                       6
Expanding population coverage (Beneficiary Enrollment) - Bureau of registration @ 20th August,2019
The transition of the Thai Civil Registration
        System :Strength of UHC
•   In 1909,Civil Registration began in Thailand, when the
    first Royal Act proclaimed Thai citizens to register
    households,births and deaths in their family.
•   The civil registration system is managed and administered
    by BORA(Bureau of registration administration)
•   During 1984-1994,all Thais have 13digits by BORA.
•   BORA serve as citizen data bank by providing a link to
    other government agencies for other purposes such as
    passport issuances,healthcare and social security system
    as well as election voting system
•   In 1995,The first national Thai smart card was introduced
    toThai Society.

Expanding population coverage (Beneficiary Enrollment) - Bureau of registration @ 20th August,2019
The transition of the Thai Civil Registration
         System :Strength of UHC in expanding coverage
•   In 2012,Beginning providing ID card services for Thai citizen
    living abroad.
•   Nowadays every Thai citizen in Thailand and Abroad carries
    this smart card and it becomes the necessary official document
    for Thai people in everyday’s business and social life.
•   The use of civil information inside the smart card in business is
    for person verifications,data security and data accuracy
•   Using Thai national ID card in business private sector as
    financial institute telephone service,automobile dealer,and
    hospital namely a few take a great benefit of civil data stored
    in the smart card
•   To provide services rapidly and data accuracy as well as
•   To protect the right of card’s holder information accessibility
    and privacy for all Thai citizen in today business world.

Expanding population coverage (Beneficiary Enrollment) - Bureau of registration @ 20th August,2019
The transition of the Thai Civil Registration
      System :Strength of UHC in expanding coverage

                   Thailand experience
                         Government Data Sharing
  District Civil Registration           Local Civil Registration     Oversea Civil Registration
                       Office                             Office                         Office
                         878                               1,555                             95

                                                                   National health care
                                 CP• BORA CP
    Passport                              O
   Taxation                     Main Site       Second Site
                            Central Registration
Driver license              Election voting list                              welfare
Expanding population coverage (Beneficiary Enrollment) - Bureau of registration @ 20th August,2019
The transition of the Thai Civil Registration
             System :Strength of UHC
▪ Since 2002, NHSO has collaborated with Bureau of Registration
  Administration (BORA), Ministry of Interior (MOI) to use a truncated version
  of civil registration to serve as the baseline of eligible beneficiaries. BORA
  and the managers of other insurance schemes exchange the data of vital
  status and eligible members on a daily basis as the following;
▪ (a) insert the births data into national beneficiary database: every newborn
  (approx. 800,000 per year) will be mandatory enrolled by one of health
  insurance schemes providing the benefit for their dependents;
▪ (b) update deaths status (approx. 400,000 per year) in the national
  beneficiary database;
▪ (c) update current membership across the insurance schemes. For example,
  when social security scheme (SSS) members become unemployed and
  beyond 180 days of grace period, CSMBS members with age beyond 60
  years, CSMBS members’ dependents with age beyond 20 years. Their
  entitlements from previous insurance scheme will expire and systematically
  update in the national beneficiary database waiting for Enrollment into UC
  members later.
▪ This facilitates a seamless transition from one to another national health
  insurance schemes and decreases the redundant registration to UC schemes   10
  which represents as a safety net for all Thais.
The transition of the Thai Civil Registration
       System :Strength of UHC
▪ In 2008, the government has initiated the policy of using smart
  national identification card for any service with the government
  officers. Hence, all the paper health insurance cards have been
  terminated since then as the eligibility data have been updated
  and embedded in the cards’ memory chip already.
▪ When accessing health services, the beneficiaries will show
  their ID card for schemes verification. For children under 7 years
  with no ID card, can apply their unique ID number given since
  birth registration in the respective household registration
  booklet. The service providers even the sub-district level can
  validate and verify the eligibilities via smart card reader or
  verify via NHSO website by using 13 digits.
▪ This can protect not only the health insurance right for all Thais,
  but also strengthen the establishment of electronic medical
  records in hospital information system effectively

Dynamic of health insurance status
Dead                 in Thailand
       Private formal sector      Civil Servants and dependents

          Social security                   Civil Servant Medical
                 Scheme                       Benefits Scheme
                    (SSS)                      (CSMBS)

    New             Depart/     Quit or Fired      New
 employment         lay out /      before       employment
                     retired      retired

                    Universal coverage
                                (UCS)                               Dead
Dynamics of health insurance status and
             budgeting flow in Thailand
                                Thai citizens        Budgeting    Budget

Civil Service Medical
Benefits Scheme                                         Tax
(CSMBS): gov. officers
and dependents

Social security scheme                               Tripartite
(SSS):                                               contribution
private formal employees

                                 Safety Net
Universal Coverage
the rest of Thai citizens

                            Beneficiary Population         Financing   13 25
Start                    Health Insurance
                                                     status confirmation
                  Provide “Personal ID,                at service point
                      Service Date,
                      Hospital ID”                                 UCS card
             Invalid              Valid
                                              “Health Insurance
   Err message
                           done                    status”

                                                   Return result

    1                  2                  3                   4
    CSMBS                  SSS                UC            Unregistered
Gov. employees,     Formal Private        The rest qualified citizens
 dependents           employees
Reason why provider want to checking health
          insurance rights.(health insurance status)
•   1.who is health insurance scheme that pay for the
    beneficiary by NHSO checking insurance right
•   2.what e-claim program that they choose to key in
    for claim reimbursement, if non conformity that
    record be denied to pay.
    Before effective coverage to access to health services ,people must
    access health insurance scheme Rights.
    The first in real practice, by using the data from NBRC for eligibility
    verification and submit the medical services for later reimbursement.

So that National Beneficiary Registration
centre(NBRC) is a Delivery System for
Universal Health Coverage                                                     15
3 Chanels for checking what
   right scheme for people.

                                                                                                 other state

           L                                                                                         L
           o                                                                                         o
           g                                                                                         g
           i                                                                                         i
           n                                                                                         n

    By Provider
                                                                                      By other states agencies

                                                      By people         By people through
                            By people
                        http://eservices.nhso.go.th      UCME in 2019
                                                                        Press2 and press
                                                                          National ID13
•   Overview
•   Right of people to access to health services
•   Beneficiary enrollment using national citizen
    individuals identification system

•   Data sharing on beneficiary across scheme.

In the past,at the                                       UCS Enrollment
                                                         general process
beginning in 2002
                                                              UCS card
                                  Health Centers

                                                              UCS card

                                WEB               WEB

                                  Health Offices

                File transfer                 File transfer
                protocol(FTP)                 protocol(FTP)
  database                            NHSO               Online registration
Beneficiary Key Information

Primary Key      : Personal ID Number
Personal Data    : Name, date of birth, address
Scheme           : Eligibility, subclass,
                   Provincial fund,
                   Card Number, date issued,
                   date of expiry
History & Reference Data
Concurrent retrieved data from 2 remote database sites:
              BORA of the MOI and NHSO

Concurrent retrieved data from 2 remote database sites:
              BORA of the MOI and NHSO
   Information from Ministry of Interior : first name, last name,
                    birth date, home address


                                                Information of UCS Scheme
                                                  from NHSO head office :
                                                   eligibility data ,provider
from UCS card to National ID card in
     2010:response to one smart card policy.

                                 since Oct. 1, 2010

❑ Thais above15 years old
were required to carry
national ID cards.
❑ Since Jul.10, 2011,
children above 7 years old
can issue the national ID
Unique ID card:13 digits represents
     And content of Smart Card
                       smart card

                                          Explicit Data
  IC Chip

Card ID , Purchase province     Name
Main_inscl, Sub_inscl           ID number
Hmain_op, Hsub_op               Date of birth
Hmain_ip                        Hometown address
Start_date, Expired_date        Photograph

  Health insurance status                                 23
What’s 13digits represents ?

   1st digit:types code 1-8 Thai or alien or immmigrant

 2nd-3digit: province

 4th-5th digit: amphor

6th-10th digit:number of certificate booklets

11st-12nd digit:number of certificate
   13rd digit:check 12digit correct                       24
History of Registration System
        Referenced Data       NHSO         Provincial office         Hospital
                                                                   Health office
 2001 - 2002
                                     Web search for eligibility
     SSS         Population
     DB             DB
                               UCS             Offline               Offline
           Hospital            DB

▪ Since2002,The National Health Security Office (NHSO)
  has successfully harmonized the 3 main public health
  insurance schemes in Thailand by using unique
  national identification and automatically linking
  eligibility data to the civil registration .
                                     Since 2003                CSMBS DB
Improving in quality of registration data, FY2002-
        Offline                Provincial registration office
14                                                                            Duplicated
           12.360              Develop Online Registration
                                   MIS for Registration                      Data: 11.9 %
11           9.730
                8.740            Revocation( offline ) system

 7                                                                                 registration error
                                    Hospital Registration

 4                                                                                 Duplicated data:
                       1.340                                                          0.003 %
                               0.520                      0.820
                            0.340 0.180 0.180          0.450    0.290
                         0.130       0.100 0.060
                                              0.060 0.130
                                                 0.080             0.100
  Feb_02 Jun_02 oct-02 Feb_03 Aug_03 Feb_04 Feb_05
                               Decrease in errors of registration data
            Source: , Bureau of Registration NHSO
History of Registration system.
▪ Since 2002,NHSO has aggregated all the existing public
 health insurance beneficiary registration data and provided
 the eligibility verification for all Thais . This operation not
 only decreases the duplicate enrollment and redundant
 reimbursement among schemes but also effectively
 identify the uninsured persons accurately
▪ .Moreover, the NHSO also facilitates a seamless
  transition from one to another national health
  insurance schemes automatically. As a result,
  improved access and experiences on Health
  Insurance and Benefits Programs.


How to expand coverage :
                 1.Attention to target groups

•       1.Enrollment in Retire group from two main scheme (CSMBS,SSO) and other states
        agencies and Local governments organizations (LGO) using electronic Program
•       2.Vulnerable group:Homeless people ,prisoner,Monks
•       3.Thais who have no document.
•       4.Stateless people Enrollment (Thais who’s in waiting list of cabinet )
•       5.Foreigner labor group in MOU with MOL,and SSS.
•       6.Neonatal Enrollment in Birth registrations program.

    ▪ Seamless transition of the eligibility status in UHC:
      The policy of automatically and seamlessly
      enrollment for any Thai with uninsured and left
      out from the previous schemes according to the
      law and regulation has become the right protection
      for all.                                              28
Flow chart for Birth certificates
            Civil hospital   BORA.
                               Birth document

            BORA                                       databa
 Birth                        Birth certificates         se
 certificates                     program

                                                   Golden Gate
            private          NHSO
   certificates                   Birth                              Data
                               document                Databas       base
                                program                   e
Birth registration program for birth document

        Birth registration program links to birth
        certificate program

Birth certificates registration
▪ In 2011, with the collaboration of the Ministry of Interior (MOI), Ministry of
  Public Health (MOPH), UNICEF and NHSO was initiated in developing an online
  birth registration program by linking the information on each child born from
  the delivery room to BORA’s birth registration system. Hence, the birth
  certification are prefilled and parents therefore spend minimal time at the
  district office to complete the legal process. In case that parents do not
  inform the district within 15 days after birth, the officials will follow up and
  alert the family with unregistered newborn by watching through MOI’s report.
▪ In order to make birth registration accessible to the families of migrant
  workers typically from neighboring Myanmar, Cambodia, or Lao PDR. BORA
  with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) has provided a legal advice and
  translation in hospitals where the births of their children most often take
  place. This initiative allowed BORA to issue the national identification for all
  newborns in Thailand even with non-Thai nationality in order to comply with
  the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
▪ The linkage between the health sectors and BORA combined with the fact that
  99 percent of births in Thailand occur in hospitals have contributed to high
  birth registration rates for children under five (99 percent) and high birth
  registration rates (approximately 95 percent) (NSO & UNICEF 2016).

Non Birth certificates rate

         3.11 3.13 3.15 3.11 3.13 3.07

2.95                                               2.86 2.86 2.84
                                                                  2.8 2.8 2.81

2.60Jun-2017 Aug-2017 Oct-2017.                  Dec-17. Feb-17.     Apr-2018
     Jun-64 Aug-64 Oct-64                       Dec-64    Feb-65   Apr-65

        Source: , Bureau of Registration NHSO
How to expand coverage :
             2.Empowerment to another state agencies i.e KTC bank ,local
             government and people
 ▪ Encourage self-access services: The policy of facilitating every people and
 services providers and local government and people themselves to access the
 eligibility data from NBRC with the privacy security concern has brought a big
 conveniences to the patients and health workers. This policy can assure the
 correct right verification with little time consuming for the health workers
 and also facilitate the patients not to carry more cards whenever visit the
 health care providers,just only one SMC using in e-form enrollment.

▪ As a result, the achievement of NBRC has successfully
  facilitated the seamless transition of health insurance eligibility
  for all Thais which brought the coverage to 99.9% and
  strengthened the right protection and also reduced the
  redundant budgetary among health insurances schemes and
  prevent the financial hardship for the households.
  Furthermore, the extended coverage to non-Thai residents has
  been considered and finally subsidized by the government in
  order to achieve the ultimate goal of universal health care
  coverage in the long run                                         33
Enrollment process for changing primary care unit by
          using Smart Card and e-form system in 2019
  Beneficiary have chance to change 4 times                            Beneficiary
    per year regarding to the new address.
                 Attached file : in case primary care
                 unit where people want non conformity
                 with SMC/address in BORA database

                   Eg. receipt of electric or water
                 using ,certified documents of community

                                                                       printing garuntee



                   Enrollment system by using SMC
                                                    Printing request

SMC reader                                                                                 form
In 2020:Develop UCME mobile phones for
                   Focus 4 : REGISTRATION – DIGITAL ENROLLMENT

                             Consent Form               2.   Authentication
People                 1.                                                                                               UCMe Mobile
                             & Register User           1.ID card                       3.     Login               3.1
                                                       2.Name - Family name
                              (Consent Form            3.Date of Birth
                                                       4.Laser No. On ID Card               Mobile PIN
                              Register User )          5.Telephone number
                                                       6.OTP : One time password

                                              ENROLLMENT       5.                                  4.                                4.1
       E-mail/App Notify/
       sms                                 Select / Change CUP                     Searching Hospital
                                                 request                                                                        API for
             11.                  8.                                                                                        Provider Profile
Inform :                                    Showing address
Start date                  Inform :           for NHSO           6.
                     Result of receiving       Database
                        the request                                                   MASTERCUP
                                       Confor                    Non-                  DATABASE
                                              Comparing address
                                         m                      Conform
                                                    with                      7.
                                               DOPA Database                                                                CPP For

                                             Insert petition       Attach file              (daily) AMI
 NHSO region
                       10.                                                                    Update
                                                                       sent data to
                                                                                                          NCH (National            DOPA
     Approve/                                 ONLINE ENROLLMENT        address with     9.                clearing house)
    submit data                                                           DOPA                            CARDBASE
•   Over view
•   Right of people to access to health services
•   Beneficiary enrollment using national citizen individuals
    identification system
•    Data sharing on beneficiary across scheme
     by NBRC policy
    ▪ Not only expanding coverage but also Another
     aim :To serve the policy of Universal coverage for
     critical health services in case of serious accident or
     emergency illness, any schemes’ beneficiaries will
     be protected from financial hardship and receive the
     necessary health services within first 72 hours from
     any nearest hospital.
National Beneficiary Registration Center(NBRC)
          . Government policy at 3rd November, 2015

▪To make every life count and ensure that no
one is left behind , according government policy
▪The NHSO has been nominated and
appointed by the cabinet to take
responsibility as National Beneficiary
Registration centre (NBRC) for whole
population in Thailand since 3 November
▪ Nevertheless, groups of state agencies, local authorities and non-Thai
  residents still have redundant eligibilities with UC scheme as there is
  no system for update their members with NHSO beneficiary database.

National Beneficiary Registration
    . Government policy at 3rd November, 2015

 Smart Card reader for authentication

       other state                              Program for checking   Provider
       agency fund                              what right scheme


                                             ry data

                             program for                 Central All
                             other state                 Beneficiary
                               agency                     Database
▪ groups of state agencies
Data sharing beneficiary across scheme by NBRC.
  Government policy at 3rd November,2005

                                                                        shown daily
     shown at                                Shown at(1st,16th))        (STP)
                                               Social Security                             2019
     Civil                                                                  MOPH
                                                Daily sending        Sending weekly
                                                                     (every Tuesday )
                                                                               shown daily in
   shown daily                                                                 personal

Daily sending
                                               NHSO Centralized
     shown daily                                                   shown at(5th,28th) UC
                                           JMS/web services/
                                           web application
      states                                                                      NHSO

 Daily sending )                                                      Daily sending )        39
Data Integration
Year       Organization                  Methods at present
2002       BORA (ministry of Intreior)   AMI (application message
                                         Oracle golden gate
2003       Civil Servant Medical         FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
           Services Scheme (CSMBS)
2003       Social Security Office        FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
2009       Hospital                      Web services

2012       Hospitals                    :NHSO data integrator
2014       Other states agencies /Local key in LGO program
           Governments organizations
2016       Other state agencies         key in other state agencies
2019       Division of health economics Access Authorize Data From
           and health security (MoPH) Table
           FStateless People Fund
2019       Department of Corrections    Web services /GIN
2019       National Office of Buddism   Transfer by diskettes in exel
NBRC save government budget from redundancy :721million bath

                 Dynamic of health insurance status                                        @July 2018


UCS change to other state agencies                                                                 225,740

SSS change to other states agencies                                                                  40,580

No health insurance change to other state agencies                                                      4,132

LGO change to other states agencies                                                                     3,614

CSMBS change to other states agencies                                                                48,488

Other states agencies ( private teachers)change to other states agencies                                    -

Other states agencies ( BKK LGO)change to other states agencies                                         1,311

Other states agencies ()change to other states agencies                                                  416

From BORA change to other states agencies (That NHSO have no)                                           1,243

From BORA change to other states agencies (Central house 44,79)                                            7

Total                                                                                              325,531
Source: , Bureau of Registration NHSO

    Year                July 2018                    Capitation (UC)       Budget (bath)

    2018                 225,740                          3,197.32         721,000,000             41
•   1. Right of people to access to health services by Law NHS Act.A.D 2002
    (session 5).Many universal health coverage policies can’t be implemented
    successfully as the lack of concrete and complete beneficiary registration of
    whole population.So National Beneficiary Registration centre(NBRC) is a
    Delivery System for Universal Health Coverage.
•   2.Beneficiary enrollment using national citizen individuals identification system
    by BORA in MOI,in the first step and the next step processing declaration
    health insurance status by NHSO to UCS Enrollment , as a safety net for all
•   3.Data sharing on beneficiary across scheme by government policy in National
    Beneficiary Registration Center(NBRC ) in 2015, and participating strategy,and
    seamless national health insurance scheme automatically integration make
    progressive population coverage and decreases duplication .
•   4. More Expanding population coverage by attention to vulnerable groups ,Thais
    who have no document and empowerment to other states agencies and to
    people Enrollment by themselves using mobile phones or websites for people.

Challenges ahead
•   1.Daily shown in UC beneficiaries and every scheme as
    single national beneficiary registration center actually
    checking at only one place.
•   2.Expanding Enrollment stations to Local government
    and government banks for counter services in record
    request form and e-form registration through SMC.
•   3.Encourage People Enrollment by Themselves through
    mobile phones ,website.
•   4.Some problems in develop national digital ID by
    Ministry of Digital Economy and Society(MDES),for
    identify and higher authentication assurance level by
    biometric and personal data protection legislative law.
Example: website for people : for right scheme checking

Thank you for your attention
Example: website for people : checking what right scheme program

                        By national ID 13 digits and date/
                        month/year of birth
                        And alphabetical 5 digits then click ok

Shown 1st right:other state
2nd right: dependence

    Thank you for your attention
Example: website for hospital for checking what
  right scheme program

                   Authentication by SMC

     Shown 1st right: UCS

                              Shown the name of primarily care unit

Thank you for your attention                                      46
History of Registration System
  2001 - 2002
                       Beneficiary Enrollment linkages
                                         be                                           ata
                                              r(                                    d
                                                     w                             a th       g
  Social Security
                                          kl        Centralized                – de           U
                                                                                            By FTP
                                                    database              rt h ly)               Ministry of Interior
                                                                       B ont     h
                                                                   s     (m
                                                              t rie
                                     y  e a  r) NHSO      u n          En
                       r ( ev e  ry                    co                  rol
              m e m b e                              n                        lm
    CS M  B S                                     ig                  V eri       ent
                                                re                   da fied           dat
                  By CD                      fo                        t                   a     UC Enrollment
                                        in                               a
Civil Servant                                                                                    transactions
                                v in                                                             from provincial
Since 2003                    li
                           le Disk                                                               Offices
                        o ppy
                     P e     o
                                                                                                 ( batch online)

   Department of Consular Affairs
History of Registration System
               Beneficiary Enrollment linkages
                       SS                            Application
                         S                                                   ta
                   Bir memb                          Integration h da
                 (    th       er
                                                                    e at             ily
  Social Security om     – d
                                     iw       Centralized         d               (d
                     n       e          e                       –              ta
  Office               t      a
                        hly th ekly)          database     ir th )       c ed
                                                                              a          Ministry of Interior
                           )         dat                  B ily uran
                                          a                (daalth ins

                                  b er  ( ev ery 2NHSO           Enr
                  B  S   mem                      rd
            C S M                             y )a             Ver ollm
              e ek s )       t a  ( m  o nthalbo                  ifie ent d
             w eath d     a                                           dd                 UC Enrollment
                                                                         ata ata
                                                  Ve e)
              D                           ng

                                                  En ta dat
                                      liv            rif
Civil Servant                                                                            from provincial

                                ens                                                      Offices

                           it                                                            ( batch online)

                        i c                                     a(
                  Th                                               rea
                        Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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