Experience Across Latin America - Paul Hastings LLP

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Experience Across Latin America - Paul Hastings LLP
Experience Across Latin America
Experience Across Latin America - Paul Hastings LLP
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                                    Table of Contents

                                    About Paul Hastings                1

                                    Latin America                      2

                                    Experience in Mexico               4
        Our lawyers have advised    Experience in Brazil              24

        clients on some of the      Experience in Other Latin American 30
                                    Countries and the Caribbean

        largest, most complex and
        “first-ever” transactions
        throughout Latin America
        and in nearly every
        industry group.

Experience Across Latin America - Paul Hastings LLP
About Paul Hastings

n   Paul Hastings is a leading global             ever” transactions throughout             n   Our U.S. offices, located in
    law firm that provides innovative             Latin America and in nearly every             Atlanta, Chicago, Houston, Los
    legal solutions to many of the                industry group. We are in the                 Angeles, New York, Orange
    world’s Fortune Global 500                    process of opening a permanent                County, Palo Alto, San Diego, San
    companies and other top financial             office in São Paulo.                          Francisco, and Washington, D.C.,
    institutions.                                                                               work closely with our lawyers in
                                              n   We recognized early on the                    Brazil, Asia and Europe to leverage
n   With more than 1,000 lawyers in 20            potential Asia represented for                our global platform and provide a
    offices across Asia, Europe, and              global business. We were one                  high level of client service to our
    the U.S., we have the global reach            of the first U.S. law firms in Asia,          multinational clients.
    and extensive capabilities to meet            and today have one of the leading
    the increasingly complex business             practices in the region. We recently      n   Our expansion echoes the growing
    needs of our clients wherever they            opened our fifth Asian location in            globalization of our clients’
    may be.                                       this critical region in Seoul, South          business. During the last 10
                                                  Korea.                                        years, we continued the strategic
n   We have a market-focused                                                                    expansion of our global footprint
    perspective and are strategic in          n   We have a strong presence in                  and opened 12 new offices.
    our approach. We continually                  Europe, with offices in key locations
    assess the services, industries, and          such as Brussels, Frankfurt, London,      n   Today, Paul Hastings works with
    markets with the greatest potential           Milan, and Paris. Our European                financial and corporate clients in
    to strengthen our business and best           offices provide ample complement              over 80 countries, operating from       |   1
    serve our clients.                            and international presence to                 offices in the world’s key financial
                                                  support our clients in established            centers.
n   Our Latin America experience                  and emerging markets around the
    is extensive. Our lawyers have                world.
    advised clients on some of the
    largest, most complex and “first-


We provide a full range of legal services to meet our clients’ business needs. Our clients include top-tier companies across
every major industry including financial services, private equity, energy, infrastructure, life sciences, industrials, real estate,
technology, and telecommunications and media. We provide world-class litigation and transactional support in practice areas
such as banking and finance, fund formation and investment management, capital markets, bankruptcy and restructuring,
securities litigation, M&A, antitrust, intellectual property, labor and employment, private equity, project finance, real estate, and
tax, as well as extensive regulatory, anti-corruption/FCPA investigations and compliance expertise.

         Top 5                                                                 1st
         Ranked in the Top 5 most innovative law firms                          Ranked 1st on the A-List of the most
         for the past three years                                               successful law firms in the U.S.
          Financial Times’ US Innovative Lawyers Report                         The American Lawyer, 2014

         3                                                                     Dealmaker of the Year 2015
         Three partners named among Latin America’s                             The American Lawyer
         Top 50 Female Lawyers                                                              Experience Across Latin America
Experience Across Latin America - Paul Hastings LLP
Latin America

        We are a premier choice for clients to      Mergers and Acquisitions, Capital
        meet business goals throughout Latin        Markets, Project and Structured
        America, as our lawyers have one            Finance, Financial Restructurings,
        of the most successful and diverse          Private Equity, Commercial Banking
        practices in the region. Our lawyers        and Lending, Commodities and
        have advised clients on some of the         Derivatives, and Litigation and Dispute
        largest, most complex and “first-           Resolution.
        ever” transactions throughout Latin
        America and in nearly every industry        Paul Hastings lawyers have been
        group. As such, our lawyers have            some of the most active practitioners
        been regularly recognized in such           in the Latin American financial markets
        industry publications as Latin Finance,     for several decades. As a result,
        International Financial Law Review,         our lawyers are among the leaders
        Latin Counsel, Latin Lawyer, and            in capital markets, M&A and debt
        American Lawyer.                            restructuring transactions in the
                                                    region. For example, our lawyers have
        Vast Experience and Stellar                 represented more Mexican issuers of
        Presence                                    securities and handled more Mexican
2   |                                               IPOs than any other international law
        Our lawyers have established stellar        firm in recent years. In fact, during
        practices in the two largest economies      the first three years ended April 30,
        in Latin America: Mexico and Brazil.        2015, Paul Hastings lawyers have
        Our Latin America team is chaired by        participated in over 90 international
        renowned Latin America transactional        corporate financings and securities
        specialist Michael Fitzgerald. The team     offerings across Latin America.
        has leading transactional experience
        including approximately 14 partners
        and 36 associates and counsel, with
        partners Robert Kartheiser, Taisa
        Markus, Cathleen McLaughlin, Joy
        Gallup and Arturo Carrillo representing
        a core group focusing on Latin
        American matters. We capitalize on
        this stellar presence to also provide
        first-rate services to clients in Central
        America, Colombia, Peru, and the
        Southern Cone. Our practice in the
        region is broad and specializes in

Experience Across Latin America - Paul Hastings LLP
Integrated Excellence

Our Latin America Practice Group         Our extensive industry experience
works as a cohesive, integrated          has allowed our lawyers to regularly
team. Our lawyers are not only fully     be a part of the most cutting-edge
conversant in Spanish and Portuguese     transactions in Latin America, such
but also have extensive experience       as the first REIT-like equity offering by
with the business environment in         any company in Latin America, the
Latin America and are knowledgeable      first perpetual bond issued by any
about laws and regulations throughout    corporate issuer in any market, and
the region. Supporting them are          structuring the first hybrid securities
multilingual and multijurisdictional     issued by financial institutions in
lawyers located in 20 offices around     Mexico, Brazil, Peru and other Latin
the globe with a vast range of           American jurisdictions.

                                                                                                                   |   3

Industry Experience

Our lawyers have invested extensive time and energy over many years in
understanding the region and the industries within which our clients operate.
Our key industry experience includes:

n Financial Institutions                 n Infrastructure
n Transportation                         n Chemicals
n Oil & Gas                              n Real Estate

n Manufacturing                          n Leisure and Hospitality

n Consumer and Retail                    n Technology

n Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals         n Media

n Telecommunications                     n Commodities Trading

n Energy and Utilities                   n Mining

                                                                                 Experience Across Latin America
Experience Across Latin America - Paul Hastings LLP
Experience in Mexico

        Lawyers in our Latin America Practice    Paul Hastings lawyers active in            Initial Public Offering
        Group have advised clients on a wide     Latin American transactions are fully
        variety of transactions and matters      conversant not only in Spanish but also
        in Mexico and have been one of the       with the business environment across       Paul Hastings lawyers have been
        most active groups working on capital    Latin America and are knowledgeable        involved in almost all initial public
        markets transactions, restructurings,    about the laws and regulations across      offerings out of Mexico in the past
        bank financings and securitizations in   the region, including foreign investment   decade – more than any U.S. law firm,
        the country over the past decade. As     laws and regulations applicable in         building on one of the most active
        a result of this experience, we have     capital markets transactions. Our          and successful practices in Latin
        developed a detailed knowledge of        lawyers active in Latin American           America generally. Our lawyers’ initial
        the law and practice of doing business   transactions, and the deals                public offering experience in Mexico
        in Mexico, as well as close working      themselves, have been recognized in        and throughout Latin America reflects
        relationships with many of the leading   numerous industry publications.            our experience globally and includes
        Mexican business groups, law firms                                                  representing issuers, underwriters and
        and government officials.                                                           other financial intermediaries.

        In recent years, our lawyers have
        combined to represent more Mexican
4   |   issuers of securities and handled more
        Mexican IPOs than any other U.S. law
        firm. Our handling of many of Mexico’s
        and Latin America’s most complex
        transactions has earned our lawyers
        the status of being one of the premier
        U.S. corporate and banking teams in
        the region.

Experience Across Latin America - Paul Hastings LLP
Our initial public offering experience in   Danhos of its trust certificates.      and other jurisdictions pursuant to
Mexico in recent years includes:            Fibra Danhos is among a handful        Rule 144A and Regulation S. The
                                            of Mexican Real Estate Investment      global offering was in the amount
 Fideicomiso Hipotecario (FHipo):          Trusts (REITs) to be utilized in the   of approximately US$380 million
  Representation of FHipo in its            wake of a comprehensive legal          and was the first FIBRA listed on
  US$633 million IPO, which was             overhaul in Mexico that created        the Mexican securities exchange
  the first Mexican mortgage REIT           the “FIBRA,” a new Mexican             that focuses exclusively on retail
  and this first of a kind transaction      investment vehicle which bears         properties. This was also the first
  also represented the first mortgage       many similarities to the U.S. REIT.    time in the history of Mexico’s
  REIT ever sold internationally in         Fibra Danhos was formed to             capital markets that a start-up was
  Latin America. This complex deal          develop, acquire and manage some       listed
  not only resulted in the creation         of the most recognizable and iconic
  of a new asset class, but the                                                   Hoteles City Express:
                                            shopping centers and mixed use
  establishment of an international         properties in Mexico
                                                                                   Representation of Morgan Stanley,
  secondary market for Latin                                                       Citigroup and Bank of America
  American mortgages. This was the  Controladora Vuela Compañía                   Merrill Lynch as initial purchasers
  largest IPO in Mexico in 2014             de Aviación (Volaris):                 on with Hoteles City Express’
                                            Representation of Deutsche Bank,       US$200 million international
 Lala: Representation of Lala,             Morgan Stanley and UBS as the          initial public offering. Hoteles City   |   5
  Mexico’s largest dairy company and        lead underwriters in connection        Express is a leading Mexican
  one of the leading dairy companies        with the initial public offering of    hotel company, and is the largest
  in Latin America, in completing its       Mexican low-cost airline Volaris.      hotel operator in the economy
  US$1.1 billion initial public offering    The offering involved an issuance      and budget segments in Mexico.
  of common stock. The offering             of Series A shares in Mexico which     Hoteles City Express’ hotels cater
  was the largest IPO in 2013 from          were listed on the Mexican Stock       to business travelers in Mexico’s
  Latin America. The IPO was sold           Exchange and an issuance of            rapidly growing economy. The
  internationally pursuant to Rule          Ordinary Participation Certificates    oversubscribed offering involved
  144A and Regulation S and the             in the form of American Depositary     the issuance of stock publicly on
  shares were listed on the Mexican         Shares in the U.S. and other           the Mexican Stock Exchange and
  Stock Exchange. An affiliate of Lala,     countries outside of Mexico. The       internationally pursuant to Rule
  that was spun off just prior to the       ADSs were registered with the SEC      144A and Regulation S. Also,
  IPO, is the largest milk producer in      and listed on the New York Stock       representation of Morgan Stanley,
  the United States                         Exchange                               Citigroup, Bank of America Merrill
 Fibra Danhos: Representation                                                     Lynch, HSBC and Actinver in the
                                           FIBRA Shop: Representation of          US$170 million follow-on offering by
  of Goldman Sachs as global                FIBRA Shop in a global offering of
  coordinator and Evercore and                                                     Hoteles City Express
                                            real estate trust certificates via a
  BBVA as other initial purchasers in       public offering in Mexico through
  connection with the US$400 million        the Mexican Stock Exchange, and
  initial international offering by Fibra   a private placement in the U.S.

                                                                            Experience Across Latin America
Experience Across Latin America - Paul Hastings LLP
Experience in Mexico (cont’d)

         Grupo Sanborns: Representation         the Mexican Stock Exchange
          of Credit Suisse, Citi and Morgan      widely seen as adding liquidity to
          Stanley as initial purchasers on       the Mexican real estate market by
          Grupo Sanborns’ initial public         allowing for retail investment while
          offering made internationally          hedging risk for investors. Also,
          pursuant to Rule 144A and              representation of Credit Suisse
          Regulation S and listed on the         and Santander in the US$700
          Mexican Stock Exchange. Grupo          million re-IPO of Fibra Uno on the
          Sanborns is the flagship company       Mexican Stock Exchange and
          of the Carlos Slim empire and one      internationally through Rule 144A/
          of the most iconic and well-known      Regulation S. The deal marked
          brands in Mexico. The IPO raised       the second use of the FIBRA
          approximately US$950 million           ever and by the same issuer,
          and was the largest IPO in Latin       and representation of Santander,
          America at the time in 2013            Credit Suisse and Evercore in the
                                                 US$1.75 billion second follow-on
         Alpek: Representation of Alpek,        offering by Fibra Uno. In addition,
          the largest petrochemical company      representation Santander, Credit
6   |     in Mexico and the second-largest       Suisse, BBVA, BTG Pactual,
          in Latin America, in its 144A/         Evercore, Goldman, Sachs & Co.,
          Regulation S US$900 million IPO        HSBC and UBS Investment Bank
          on the Mexican Stock Exchange.         as initial purchasers in connection
          This was one of the largest            with Fibra Uno’s US$2.5 billion
          international IPOs on the Mexican      third follow-on equity offering, the
          Stock Exchange at the time             largest equity offering ever in the
         Fibra Uno: Representation of           real estate sector in Latin America.
          Santander and Evercore Group           This last oversubscribed offering
          as initial purchasers in the IPO       marks the fourth equity offering by
          of 161,204,820 Real Estate Trust       Fibra Uno, which has now issued
          Certificates by Mexican trust,         approximately US$5.5 billion in
          Fibra Uno, on the Mexican Stock        equity since its IPO in 2011
          Exchange and internationally         FibraHotel: Representation of the
          pursuant to Rule 144A/Regulation      initial purchasers in connection
          S. The deal marked the very           with the initial public offering by
          first use of the new Mexican          FibraHotel on the Mexican Stock
          investment vehicle, the FIBRA,        Exchange and internationally
          which bears many similarities to      pursuant to Rule 144A/Regulation
          the U.S. REIT. The REIT listing       S. FibraHotel was the very first
          introduced a new instrument to        lodging and very first sector

Experience Across Latin America - Paul Hastings LLP
specific Real Estate Investment          offering in Mexico. BanRegio is a       Bolsa Mexicana de
   Trust (REIT) in Latin America and        leading Mexican bank in the north        Valores: Representation of
   one of only a hand full Mexican          of Mexico                                the underwriters, led by UBS
   REITS to be utilized in the wake of                                               Securities LLC, in a US$443 million
                                          OHL Mexico: Representation of             IPO by Bolsa Mexicana de Valores
   a comprehensive legal overhaul
                                           OHL Mexico, a leading Mexican             on the Mexican Stock Exchange
   in Mexico that created the FIBRA.
                                           operator of toll roads and airports       and outside of Mexico under
   The four-times oversubscribed
                                           which is a part of the Obrascon           Rule 144A/Regulation S. The
   offering involved the issuance of
                                           Huarte Lain group, in connection          transaction was named “Equity
   approximately US$300 million
                                           with its 144A/Regulation S US$800         Deal of the Year “ by International
   in FibraHotel’s stock. Also,
                                           million IPO on the Mexican Stock          Financial Law Review
   representation of Goldman Sachs,
                                           Exchange. The offering was
   JP Morgan and BBVA in the six
                                           underwritten by UBS, Credit Suisse       Genomma Lab: Representation
   – times oversubscribed US$330
                                           and Santander, and is one of the          of Genomma Lab, a leading
   million follow-on offering by
                                           largest international IPOs in Mexico.     Mexican company specializing
                                           Also representation of UBS, BBVA,         in the development, sale and
 Fibra Inn: Representation of the         Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and              marketing of over-the-counter
  initial purchasers in connection         Soc Gen as initial purchasers in a        pharmaceutical and personal
  with the initial public offering by      US$458.5 million global follow-on         care products, and the selling          |   7
  Fibra Inn on the Mexican Stock           offering of shares of OHL Mexico          shareholders in a US$234 million
  Exchange and internationally             which consisted of a public tranche       initial public offering of common
  pursuant to Rule 144A/Regulation         in Mexico and a Rule 144A/Reg             shares on the Mexican Stock
  S. Fibra Inn was the second              S tranche outside of Mexico.              Exchange and outside of Mexico
  lodging Real Estate Investment           Representation of Goldman Sachs           under Rule 144A/Regulation S
  Trust (REIT) in Latin America            and JP Morgan as initial purchasers
                                                                                    Lamosa: Representation of the
  and was the fifth publicly traded        in a US$288 million secondary
                                                                                     underwriters in the “re-IPO” of
  Mexican REIT to be created in the        offering of shares of OHL Mexico,
                                                                                     Lamosa, a leading manufacturer
  wake of a comprehensive legal            which consisted exclusively of a
                                                                                     of ceramic products traded
  overhaul in Mexico that created the      Rule 144A/Reg S tranche outside of
                                                                                     publicly in Mexico, in its first ever
  FIBRA. The offering involved the         Mexico
                                                                                     international stock offering
  issuance of approximately US$300
                                          Chedraui: Representation of
  million and the initial purchasers                                                Banco Compartamos:
                                           Citi and Credit Suisse as initial
  involved in this transaction were                                                  Representation of Mexico’s
                                           purchasers in the US$393 million
  Credit Suisse and Santander                                                        top microfinance bank, Banco
                                           IPO by Mexican retailer and
                                                                                     Compartamos, in structuring and
 BanRegio Grupo Financiero:               supermarket operator Chedraui on
                                                                                     closing the offering of US$466
  Representation of Citi Securities        the Mexican Stock Exchange and
                                                                                     million of common shares in an
  and BBVA Bancomer as                     internationally pursuant to Rule
                                                                                     initial secondary stock offering on
  placement agents for the                 144A/Regulation S. This 2010 IPO
                                                                                     the Mexican Stock Exchange and
  international tranche in BanRegio        was the first IPO in Mexico since
                                                                                     internationally through Rule 144A/
  Grupo Financiero’s initial public        June 2008

                                                                              Experience Across Latin America
Experience Across Latin America - Paul Hastings LLP
Experience in Mexico (cont’d)

           Regulation S. The offering was 14           of Mexico. When this transaction           consortium that included Equity
           times oversubscribed and priced             closed in May 2004, it was the first       International and funds managed
           well above the high end of the              initial public offering out of Mexico      by BlackRock and Altan Capital.
           estimated price range. This is the          in five years                              The consortium made an initial
           first public offering by a microcredit                                                 investment of approximately
                                                     Famsa: Representation of the
           lender in Latin America, the                                                           US$109 million in Acosta Verde
                                                      Mexican furniture and household
           first initial public offering by any
           Mexican bank and one of the first
                                                      goods retailer in its US$230 million      Ivanhoé Cambridge:
                                                      initial public stock offering on the       Representation of Ivanhoé
           offerings out of Latin America by
                                                      Mexican Stock Exchange and                 Cambridge, the second largest
           entities that define themselves by a
                                                      outside of Mexico in a Rule 144A/          pension fund in Canada, in the
           social mission
                                                      Regulation S tranche                       creation of a new partnership
         Homex:                                                                                 with Black Creek Group (Black
                                                     SARE: Representation of
                                                                                                 Creek), a real estate private equity
           o Representation of the                    Deutsche Bank Securities
                                                                                                 firm with extensive experience
             underwriters, Citigroup and              and BBVA Securities, Inc.,
                                                                                                 sponsoring real estate companies
             Merrill Lynch, in a US$160               as placement agents for the
                                                                                                 in Mexico. Ivanhoé Cambridge,
             million initial equity offering by       international tranche in Sare’s
                                                                                                 a real estate subsidiary of
             Homex, a vertically integrated           initial public offering in Mexico.
8   |                                                                                            institutional fund manager Caisse
             home development company                 Sare Holding is a holding company
                                                                                                 de dépôt et placement du Québec,
             focusing on affordable                   involved in the Mexican residential
                                                                                                 together with Black Creek, will
             housing in Mexico. It was the            real estate development industry
                                                                                                 invest in the development of
             first NYSE-traded and SEC-
                                                     Consorcio ARA: Representation              mixed-use urban communities
             registered IPO out of Mexico in
                                                      of Consorcio ARA, a Mexican                in the main cities of Mexico
             five years
                                                      housing company, in connection             including Mexico City, Monterrey
           o Representation of the                    with its Rule 144A/Regulation S            and Guadalajara through MIRA,
             selling shareholders in an               IPO underwritten by Citigroup              Black Creek’s fully-integrated real
             SEC-registered offering of               and subsequent follow-on equity            estate and development platform
             40,491,106 shares of common              offerings                                  in Mexico. Ivanhoé Cambridge
             stock (a portion of which was                                                       intends to invest up to US$500
                                                     G. Accion: Representation of G.            million in assets, as part of its
             represented by American
                                                      Accion, a commercial real estate           strategy of developing a long-
             Depositary Shares). Homex has
                                                      developer, in connection with              term active presence in growth
             a listing on the NYSE
                                                      its Rule 144A/Regulation S IPO             markets. Ivanhoé Cambridge’s
         URBI: Representation of URBI,               underwritten by Merrill Lynch              first investment by way of MIRA
          a leading housing development                                                          of more than US$100 million in
          company in Mexico, in the US$150          Mergers and Acquisitions                     assets will be used for a residential
          million offering of shares and                                                         development project
                                                     Acosta Verde: Representation
          American Depository Receipts
                                                      of Acosta Verde, a major owner            Invercap: Representation of
          (ADRs), which was public in
                                                      and manager of shopping centers            Invercap in a restructuring of all
          Mexico and conducted pursuant
                                                      in Mexico in connection with a             of its US dollar debt and in the
          to Rule 144A/Regulation S outside
                                                      joint venture transaction with a           sale of a strategic interest to

Advent International. As part of         high participation rate from the
   the restructuring, Eton Park, an         bondholders). In the restructuring,
   anchor investor in Advent, sold          Maxcom’s existing bondholders
   down its interest consistent with        were issued new secured bonds,
   its investment strategy in Latin         and the recapitalization included a
   America, as Advent entered. In           US$45 million capital infusion from
   addition, various equity and equity      Ventura. The interplay between the
   linked interests in the forms of         Mexican and U.S. corporate and
   warrants and convertible notes           securities rules, the U.S. SEC and
   were restructured. At the same           Mexican CNBV tender offer rules,
   time, Invercap refinanced its            and the U.S. bankruptcy rules all
   syndicated loan facility with Credit     being applied by a Mexican private
   Suisse with the proceeds of a            equity firm to acquire a Mexican
   three tranche issuance of privately      corporation created an innovative
   placed notes to international and        approach to M&A that has not
   Mexican investors                        been tried before in any emerging
 Maxcom: Representation of
  a private equity firm Ventura            Genomma Lab:                                                        |   9
  in its successful takeover of
                                            o Representation of Genomma
  Maxcom, a facilities-based
                                              Lab, one of the fastest growing
  telecommunications provider.
                                              pharmaceutical and personal
  The takeover, led by Ventura on
                                              care products companies in
  behalf of a group of investors,
                                              Mexico, in its contemplated
  was accomplished through a
                                              hostile takeover of New
  simultaneous public tender offer
                                              York Stock Exchange listed
  for the shares of Maxcom in
                                              company Prestige Brands,
  Mexico and an SEC-registered
                                              including the negotiation
  tender offer in the U.S. The
                                              and execution of a US$2.2
  takeover was conditioned on
                                              billion of acquisition financing
  a complete reorganization of
  Maxcom’s capital structure which
  was accomplished by the filing            o Representation of Genomma
  of a prepackaged Chapter 11                 Lab in the signing of a
  bankruptcy plan in Delaware.                strategic alliance agreement
  The U.S. bankruptcy filing was              with Televisa, the largest
  needed to compel all of the                 media company in the
  holders of Maxcom’s internationally         Spanish-speaking world, to
  traded bonds to agree to the                sell and distribute personal
  terms of the restructuring (after a         care and over-the-counter
  previous exchange offer attempt             pharmaceuticals in the United
  had not achieved a sufficiently             States and Puerto Rico

                                                                              Experience Across Latin America
Experience in Mexico (cont’d)

               The strategic alliance will        Grupo Bal: Representation of one           Fibra Uno’s US$1 billion inaugural
               operate through Televisa            of the largest mining companies            international debt offering,
               Consumer Products USA               in Latin America, Grupo Bal in a           consisting of US$600 million of
               (TCP), a company owned              series of transactions, including:         5.250% Senior Notes due 2024
               by Televisa and Genomma                                                        and US$400 million of 6.950%
                                                    o Representation of a bidder
               Lab. The agreement will                                                        Senior Notes due 2044. Fibra Uno
                                                      in an offer to purchase BBVA
               enable Genomma Lab to                                                          becomes the first Mexican FIBRA
                                                      assets in Latin America
               expand its brands beyond                                                       to issue debt in the international
               Mexico and Latin America by          o Representation of a bidder in           capital markets in this ground-
               accessing a Hispanic market            an offer to purchase Mexican            breaking transaction which also
               of approximately 50 million            insurance company Aba                   marks the largest debt issuance by
               consumers with a purchasing            Seguros                                 a real estate entity in Latin America
               power of over US$870 billion                                                   and the first issuance of 30-year
               annually while leveraging off        o Representation of a bidder              notes by a REIT. The notes were
               of Televisa’s reach and name           in an offer to purchase the             issued pursuant to Rule 144A
               recognition in the Hispanic            Latin American pension, life            and Regulation S in a several
               market                                 insurance and investment                times oversubscribed offering.
                                                      management operations                   Paul Hastings attorneys also
10   |    Kimberly-Clark de Mexico:                  of ING Group NV                         represented the initial purchasers
           Representation of Eton Park
                                                                                              in Fibra Uno’s historic IPO in
           Capital and Mexican private equity    Other Equity and Debt                        2011, its initial follow-on offering
           interests in the US$400 million       Capital Markets Deals                        in 2012 and subsequent follow-on
           leveraged purchase of the paper
                                                                                              offerings in 2013 and 2014
           products division of Kimberly-Clark   Paul Hastings lawyers have been
           de Mexico                             involved in a wide variety of matters      Alfa: Representation of Alfa, one
                                                 in Mexico aside from initial public         of the largest conglomerates in
          Grupo México: Representation of       offerings. We understand the complex        Latin America, in its inaugural US$1
           Grupo México in connection with       linkages between legal, regulatory and      billion international bond offering.
           the US$4.2 billion merger of its      economic issues implicated in any           The offering involved the issuance
           Mexican unit, Minera Mexico, with     major Mexican transaction. Many of          of US$500 million of 5.250% Senior
           its Peruvian unit, Southern Peru      the transactions we have worked on          Notes due 2024 and US$500 million
           Copper Corporation, an NYSE-          in Mexico are first time debt offerings     of 6.875% Senior Notes due 2044.
           listed company. This was the          by Mexican companies that involve           Alfa became one of the select group
           second largest M&A transaction        substantially the same disclosure as        of Latin American companies able
           ever in Mexico                        initial public offerings.                   to access the 30-year international
          Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua:                                                      bond market. The notes were
                                                 Our additional equity and debt
           Representation of Mexican cement                                                  issued pursuant to Rule 144A and
                                                 experience in Mexico includes:
           company Grupo Cementos de                                                         Regulation S in a more than four
           Chihuahua in connection with its       Fibra Uno: Representation of              times oversubscribed offering. The
           US$271 million acquisition of Mid       Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank,             underwriters involved were Credit
           Continent Concrete Company of the       BBVA, and Santander as initial            Suisse, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan
           United States                           purchasers in connection with             and Morgan Stanley

 Inbursa:                                Cementos de Chihuahua:
                                           Representation of Citigroup, Scotia
   o Representation of Credit              Capital and BBVA in connection
     Suisse, Bank of America               with an offering of senior secured
     Merrill Lynch and Citigroup           high-yield notes for approximately
     in the offering of US$1 billion       US$250 million sharing collateral
     of 4.125% 10 year bonds by            on an equal and rateable basis
     Inbursa a leading Mexican             with the lenders of a Term Loan
     commercial bank, which is             Facility, issued by Cementos de
     controlled by Carlos Slim and         Chihuahua under Rule 144A/
     members of the Slim family.           Regulation S
     The offering was Inbursa’s first
     ever international debt offering.    Promotora y Operadora
     The bonds were issued                 de Infraestructura (Pinfra):
     pursuant to Rule 144A and             Representation of Credit Suisse,
     Regulation S                          JP Morgan, Itaú BBA and GBM
                                           as initial purchasers in connection
   o Representation of Credit              with Pinfra’s US$570 million follow-
     Suisse, UBS, Citigroup                on equity offering of Series “L”                                    |   11
     and BTG Pactual as initial            Shares. Pinfra’s follow-on offering
     purchasers in connection              of Series “L” Shares was the first
     with the offering by Spain’s          L-share offering in Mexico in over
     CaixaBank of shares                   10 years. The issued stock was
     representing approximately            offered publicly in Mexico on the
     6.4% of Inbursa. Inbursa, which       Mexican Stock Exchange and
     is listed on the Mexican Stock        internationally pursuant to Rule
     Exchange and is controlled            144A and Regulation S. Pinfra is a
     by Carlos Slim and members            leading operator of infrastructure
     of the Slim family, is one of         concessions in Mexico with 15
     the leading financial services        highway concessions and one port
     holding companies in Mexico           terminal concession
 Unifin: Representation of Unifin, a     Fresnillo PLC: Representation of
  leading Mexican specialty finance        Fresnillo PLC, the world’s largest
  company focusing on the operating        silver miner and one of the world’s
  leasing industry, in its US$400          largest precious metals miners,
  million inaugural international          in connection with its inaugural
  bond offering. The notes were            international issuance of debt
  issued pursuant to Rule 144A and         securities. The several times
  Regulation S in an offering heard to     oversubscribed offering involved
  be twelve times overscribed. The         the issuance of US$800 million of
  underwriters involved were Credit        5.500% Senior Notes due
  Suisse, Citigroup and Scotiabank

                                                                             Experience Across Latin America
Experience in Mexico (cont’d)

           2023 pursuant to Rule 144A and          in two separate offerings as
           Regulation S. The underwriters          reopenings of Axtel’s Senior
           involved were Citigroup, Deutsche       Secured Notes due 2020. The
           Bank and JP Morgan                      Senior Secured Notes due
                                                   2020 issued in connection
          Axtel:
                                                   with the exchange offer were
           o Representation of Citigroup           also issued as a reopening of
             and Credit Suisse as initial          the same series of bonds in
             purchasers in a US$150                exchange for a portion of two
             million issuance of senior            other series of Axtel’s debt
             secured bonds in connection           securities: Axtel’s outstanding
             with a financing for Mexican          7.625% Senior Notes due
             telecommunications company            2017 and 9.00% Senior Notes
             Axtel. These senior secured           due 2019, with the 2017
             bonds were offered pursuant           notes taking priority in the
             to Rule 144A/Regulation S and         exchange. This complex liability
             issued as a reopening of Axtel’s      management transaction,
             Senior Secured Notes due              which effectively represented
12   |       2020. Prior to this issuance,         three distinct issuances of
             Axtel conducted a consent             securities, was successfully
             solicitation of the existing          accomplished in order to “term
             holders of Senior Secured             out” certain of Axtel’s most
             Notes due 2020 to allow this          immediately maturing debt
             new issuance and additional
                                                o Representation of Citigroup
             secured debt to be secured by
                                                  and Credit Suisse as dealer
             the same collateral securing the
                                                  managers in connection with a
             existing Senior Secured Notes
                                                  US$350 million exchange offer
             due 2020, and we represented
                                                  by a subsidiary of Axtel. This
             Citigroup and Credit Suisse
                                                  was a successful use of the
             as solicitation agents in that
                                                  capital markets to accomplish a
             successful consent solicitation
                                                  restructuring of Axtel’s existing
           o Representation of Citigroup          high yield bonds
             and Credit Suisse as dealer
                                                o Representation of Credit
             managers in a US$115 million
                                                  Suisse and Bank of America
             exchange offer and initial
                                                  as underwriters in a US$300
             purchasers in a new US$36
                                                  million Rule 144A/Regulation S
             million issuance of senior
                                                  offering of 9.00% Senior Notes
             secured bonds in connection
                                                  due 2019, and in the US$190
             with a financing for Axtel.
                                                  million reopening, by Axtel
             The new financing of senior
             secured bonds was issued

 Metalsa: Representation of                  Senior Notes due 2022                notes pursuant to a reopening
  Metalsa, one of the world’s                 pursuant to Rule 144A and            due to high investor demand.
  largest manufacturers of structural         Regulation S. This transaction       Concurrently with the new notes
  components for the automotive               marks the first international        offering, Paul Hastings also
  industry, on its inaugural                  offering by Alpek, since its IPO     represented Credito Real in
  international issuance of debt              in early 2012, also handled by       connection with its cash tender
  securities. The several times               Paul Hastings attorneys              offer for any and all of its US$210
  oversubscribed offering involved                                                 million 10.250% Senior Notes
                                         Nemak: Representation of
  the issuance of US$300 million                                                   due 2015 (the “2015 notes”)
                                          Nemak, one of the world’s largest
  of 4.90% Senior Notes due                                                        issued in 2010, and the related
                                          manufacturers of powertrain
  2023 pursuant to Rule 144A and                                                   consent solicitation to amend the
                                          components for the automotive
  Regulation S. Based on credit                                                    provisions of the 2015 notes. The
                                          industry, in connection with its
  rating and terms, we understand                                                  dealer managers of the tender
                                          inaugural international issuance
  from the investment bankers                                                      offer were Barclays and Bank
                                          of high yield debt securities. The
  involved in the transaction that                                                 of America Merrill Lynch. Paul
                                          offering involved the issuance
  this was one of the most favorably                                               Hastings previously represented
                                          of US$500 million of 5.500%
  priced debt securities offerings in                                              Credito Real in its initial public
                                          Senior Notes due 2023 pursuant
  Latin America                                                                    offering in October 2012
                                          to Rule 144A and Regulation                                                    |   13
 Alpek:                                  S. Based on credit rating and           Financiera Independencia
                                          terms, we understand from the            (Findep):
   o Representation of Alpek,             investment bankers that this was
     the largest petrochemical            one of the most favorably priced
                                                                                   o Representation of Barclays,
     company in Mexico and one            debt securities offerings in Latin
                                                                                     HSBC and BCP Securities
     of the largest in the world, in      America
                                                                                     in the offering of US$200
     connection with an international                                                million of 7.500% 5 year
     issuance of debt securities.        Credito Real: Representation               bonds by Findep, one of the
     The offering involved the            of Credito Real, a Mexico-based            largest microfinance lenders
     issuance of US$300 million of        consumer lender, in connection             to individuals in Mexico.
     5.375% Senior Notes due 2023         with its international issuance            Approximately US$170 million
     pursuant to Rule 144A and            of high-yield debt securities.             of the net proceeds of the
     Regulation S. The underwriters       The offering was underwritten              offering is being used to
     involved were HSBC and JP            by Barclays, Bank of America               fund the cash tender offer
     Morgan                               Merrill Lynch and Credit Suisse            for Findep’s outstanding
                                          and involved the initial issuance          10.0% bonds due 2015. Paul
   o Representation of Alpek, in          of US$350 million of 7.500%                Hastings also acted as counsel
     connection with its inaugural        Senior Notes due 2019 (“new                to Barclays, HSBC and BCP
     international issuance of debt       notes”) pursuant to Rule 144A              Securities as dealer managers
     securities. The oversubscribed       and Regulation S, which was                in the tender offer
     offering involved the issuance       shortly followed by an additional
     of US$650 million of 4.500%          issuance of US$75 million of new

                                                                              Experience Across Latin America
Experience in Mexico (cont’d)

           o Representation of Morgan               o Representation of Merrill               by Televisa. Televisa is the
             Stanley and Bank of America              Lynch & Co., as sole global             largest Spanish language
             Merrill Lynch in the issuance of         coordinator for a syndicate             media company in the world
             US$200 million of senior notes           of underwriters including               and provides most of the
             by Findep                                Santander Investment and Citi,          programming for the U.S.
                                                      in the SEC-registered equity            television network Univision
          ICA:                                       offering of ICA
                                                                                           o Representation of Citigroup,
           o Representation of Barclays,            o Representation of Citigroup            Deutsche Bank, HSBC
             Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank,            Global Markets Inc. and the            and Morgan Stanley as
             Morgan Stanley and Bank of               other underwriters in the              underwriters in connection with
             America Merrill Lynch in the             issuance by ICA of US$535              an SEC registered issuance of
             offering of US$700 million of            million of new shares locally in a     debt securities of Televisa. The
             8.875% 10 year bonds by ICA,             public offering and in the United      several times oversubscribed
             one of the largest infrastructure        States in an SEC registered            offering involved the issuance
             companies in Latin America.              offering                               of Ps. 6.5 billion of 7.25%
             Approximately US$200 million                                                    Peso-denominated Senior
             of the offering will be used to        o Representation of lead                 Notes due 2043, Payable in
             fund the cash tender offer for           manager Citigroup and co-              Mexican Pesos, pursuant to a
14   |
             ICA’s outstanding bonds. Paul            manager Merrill Lynch & Co. in         registration statement filed with
             Hastings also acted as counsel           connection with a global equity        the SEC. We understand from
             to Credit Suisse and Deutsche            offering by ICA of US$230              the parties to the transaction
             Bank as dealer managers in the           million of common stock in a           that this was the lowest coupon
             tender offer                             public offering in Mexico and in       ever for a 30-year note in local
                                                      a private offering to institutions     currency by any corporate
           o Representation of Bank                   in the United States
             of America Merrill Lynch,                                                       issuer in Latin America
             Deutsche Bank, and Goldman             o Representation of the dealer         o Representation of Credit
             Sachs in the issuance of                 in a Rule 144A/Regulation S            Suisse as sole bookrunner in a
             US$350 million of senior                 commercial paper facility of           US$600 million bond issue by
             guaranteed notes by ICA in an            US$150 million issued by ICA           Televisa
             international offering under Rule
                                                  Televisa: Paul Hastings lawyers
             144A/Regulation S                                                             o Representation of the initial
                                                   have acted as designated                  purchasers in Televisa’s 4.5
           o Representation of Bank of             underwriters’ counsel for all of          billion peso note (approximately
             America Merrill Lynch, Morgan         Televisa’s debt offerings:                US$412 million) offering in
             Stanley and Santander in the                                                    global debt markets. This
                                                    o Representation of Credit
             issuance of US$400 million                                                      landmark 30-year note was
                                                      Suisse, Deutsche Bank and
             of senior notes, and in the                                                     the longest dated peso-
                                                      HSBC Securities in the SEC
             US$100 million reopening, by                                                    denominated debt security ever
                                                      registered offering of US$1
             ICA in an international offering                                                issued by a Mexican company
                                                      billion of 5% 30 year bonds
             under Rule 144A/Regulation S                                                    in the international markets

o Representation of HSBC                registered secondary offering             million 13% Senior Notes due 2014
     Securities (USA) Inc. and JP          by Aeroinvest of shares of OMA.           underwritten by Credit Suisse
     Morgan as the initial purchasers      OMA, which is listed on NASDAQ            and Merrill Lynch & Co., and in
     in the issuance by Televisa of        (OMAB) and the Mexican Stock              the US$30 million reopening
     US$500 million of securities in       Exchange (OMA), operates,                 of the 2014 senior notes. Also
     a ten-year notes offering             maintains and develops 13 airports        representation of Casas Javer in
                                           in Mexico, concentrated in the            its related exchange offer and new
   o Representation of Credit Suisse       country’s central and northern            money offering of over US$250
     First Boston and Citigroup in         regions, including Monterrey. The         million in the aggregate of new
     connection with the offering          shares and ADRs were sold by              Senior Notes due 2021 and in
     under Rule 144A/Regulation S          a subsidiary of ICA, the largest          the US$50 million reopening
     by Televisa of US$200 million of      infrastructure company in Mexico          of the 2021 Senior Notes. Also
     senior notes                                                                    representation of Casas Javer in
                                         Petrotemex: Representation                 multiple syndicated bank financings
   o Representation of Credit Suisse      of Petrotemex, a subsidiary of
     First Boston and Citigroup in                                                   in excess of US$250 million
                                          Mexico’s largest petrochemical
     connection with the offering         company, Alpek, in its cash tender       Grupo Papelero Scribe:
     under Rule 144A/Regulation S         offer for US$275 million, and             Representation of Grupo Papelero
     by Televisa of US$400 million of     consent solicitation to amend the         Scribe, the largest producer of           |   15
     senior notes                         provisions of Petrotemex’s 9.5%           notebooks and printing and writing
   o Representation, as U.S.              Senior Notes due 2014, issued in          paper in Mexico, in its offering of
     counsel, of the initial              2009                                      US$300 million aggregate principal
     purchasers in a Rule 144A/                                                     amount of 8.875% Notes, and the
                                         Banorte: Representation                   consent solicitation thereunder in
     Regulation S offering of             Banorte, a Mexican financial
     US$400 million of Medium                                                       connection with Scribe’s sale to
                                          services company and its selling          Bio Pappel
     Term Notes issued by Televisa        shareholder, Gruma, in an
   o Representation, as U.S.              international secondary offering of      Promotora Ambiental (PASA):
     counsel, of the initial              Banorte common shares by the              Representation of the international
     purchasers in connection             selling shareholder. The US$762           placement agents for the
     with the offering by Televisa        million offering was conducted as         international tranche in the offering
     of US$600 million aggregate          a public offering on the Mexican          of US$100 million of common
     principal amount of its 6.625%       Stock Exchange and a Rule 144A/           shares in an initial public offering in
     Senior Notes due 2040                Regulation S offering in the United       Mexico. PASA is a leading waste
                                          States and internationally and was        management firm
 Grupo Aeroportuario                     the largest Mexican equity offering
  del Centro Norte (OMA):                                                          Casa Cuervo: Representation of
                                          in 2011
  Representation of BofA Merill                                                     Citibank as lender in connection
  Lynch (Global Coordinator), BBVA,      Casas Javer: Representation               with the US$240 million bilateral
  Santander, Barclays and Morgan          of Casas Javer, one of the largest        facility for Casa Cuervo, a
  Stanley as Joint Bookrunners            housing development companies             Mexican company and the leading
  in connection with the SEC              in Mexico, in a Rule 144A/                manufacturer and distributor of
                                          Regulation S offering of US$180           tequila

                                                                               Experience Across Latin America
Experience in Mexico (cont’d)

          Mabe:                                    the dealer manager in the                    9.75% senior notes due 2017
                                                    tender offer, in the issuance by             pursuant to a reopening under
            o Representation of Mabe,
                                                    Durango, a major Latin American              Rule 144A/Regulation S
              a Mexican manufacturer
                                                    paper producer, of US$520
              and distributor of white line                                                 Grupo Senda Autotransporte:
                                                    million of high yield bonds in an
              products, in connection                                                        Representation of Credit Suisse,
                                                    international offering under Rule
              with its offer to exchange its                                                 the underwriter of the offering,
                                                    144A/Regulation S. Concurrent
              6.500% Senior Guaranteed                                                       in connection with the issuance
                                                    with the offering, Durango also
              Notes due 2015 for its 7.875%                                                  by Grupo Senda Autotransporte,
                                                    successfully completed a tender
              Senior Guaranteed Notes due                                                    the largest bus transportation
                                                    offer for its outstanding US$433.8
              2019 and the related consent                                                   company in Mexico, of US$150
                                                    million Series B step-up rate senior
              solicitation. The transaction                                                  million of secured high yield bonds
                                                    secured guaranteed notes due
              involved the issuance of                                                       in an international offering under
              approximately US$130 million                                                   Rule 144A/Regulation S
              in aggregate principal amount        KUO:
              of 2019 Notes in exchange for                                                 Simec: Representation of
              tendered 2015 Notes pursuant          o Representation of the initial          Citigroup Global Markets, Inc. and
              to a reopening of the series.           purchasers in connection with          Morgan Stanley Incorporated in
              Also, representation of Mabe            an international issuance of           the US$217 million SEC-registered
16   |
              in its consent solicitation             debt securities by Kuo, one            offering of common shares of
              for the amendment of the                of the largest conglomerates           Simec. The offering consisted of
              indenture governing the notes           in Mexico. The transaction             ADSs listed on the American Stock
              due 2019 in connection with             involved the issuance of               Exchange and Series B shares
              the purchase of Mabe by                 US$325 million of 6.25% Senior         listed on the Bolsa in Mexico
              AB Electrolux of GE’s Major             Notes due 2022 pursuant to
                                                                                            Gruma:
              Appliances Division                     Rule 144A and Regulation S
                                                      coupled with a cash tender              o Representation of Gruma, the
            o Representation of Mabe in               offer for the company’s existing          world’s largest tortilla and corn
              connection with its offering            senior notes                              flour producer, in its US$400
              of US$350 million aggregate                                                       million international bond
              principal amount of its 7.875%        o Representation of Citi and
                                                                                                offering and the redemption
              Senior Notes due 2019                   Credit Suisse, as joint
                                                                                                of likely the only corporate
                                                      bookrunners and joint lead
            o Representation of Mabe in                                                         perpetual bond ever issued in
                                                      managers, in the issuance by
              connection with its inaugural                                                     Mexico. The notes were issued
                                                      Kuo of US$200 million of 9.75%
              international securities offering                                                 pursuant to Rule 144A and
                                                      Senior Notes due 2017 in an
              under Rule 144A/Regulation                                                        Regulation S in a more than
                                                      international offering under Rule
              S of US$200 million of Senior                                                     seven times oversubscribed
                                                      144A/Regulation S
              Guaranteed Notes due 2015                                                         offering
                                                    o Representation of Credit Suisse
          Durango: Representation of                                                         o Representation of Gruma in its
                                                      in connection with the offering
           Merrill Lynch, the sole bookrunning                                                  US$300 million perpetual bond
                                                      by Kuo of US$50 million
           manager of the offering and                                                          offering. This transaction was
                                                      aggregate principal amount of
                                                                                                the first perpetual bond deal

ever completed by a corporate         glass manufacturer in Mexico, and
      issuer in any market. The deal        one of the largest in the world,
      was named “International              backed by more than 100 years of
      Corporate Bond of the Year” by        experience in the industry
      Latin Finance Magazine
                                          Consorcio ARA: Representation
   o Representation of Gruma               of Consorcio ARA, a Mexican
     in connection with an SEC-            housing company in its Rule 144A/
     registered offering of 21 million     Regulation S US$230 million
     shares of common stock.               secondary stock offering
     Gruma is one of the world’s
                                          URBI:
     leading tortilla and corn flour
     producers                              o Representation of URBI in
                                              connection with its offering of
 Banorte:
                                              US$500 million of its 9.75%
   o Representation of the largest            Senior Notes due 2022
     non-foreign owned bank
                                            o Representation of URBI in
     in Mexico in its Rule 144A/
                                              connection with its offering                                         |   17
     Regulation S offering of
                                              of US$300 million of its 9.5%
     US$600 million of Tier 1 and
                                              Senior Notes due 2020
     Tier 2 capital securities. This
     was the largest offering of            o Representation of URBI in its
     capital securities by a Mexican          issuance of US$280 million in
     bank                                     a global equity offering under
                                              Rule 144A/Regulation S
   o Representation of Banorte
     in its Rule 144A/Regulation            o Representation of URBI in its
     S offering of US$300 million             inaugural high yield offering of
     senior notes                             US$200 million of Notes
 Hipotecaria Su Casita:                  Controladora Comercial
  Representation of the largest            Mexicana (CCM):
  mortgage bank in Mexico in its
  inaugural placement of US$150             o Representation of lead
  million high yield bonds in a Rule          manager Merrill Lynch in
  144A/Regulation S offering                  structuring and closing the
                                              issuance by Mexican retailer
 Vitro: Representation of Vitro in           CCM, a leading Mexican
  its US$1 billion offering of high           supermarket chain, of three
  yield securities, the largest high          billion pesos (US$271 million) of
  yield securities offering ever out          securities in a “EuroPeso” 20-
  of Latin America. Headquartered             year high yield notes offering
  in Monterrey, Vitro is the leading

                                                                                 Experience Across Latin America
Experience in Mexico (cont’d)

            o Representation of Citicorp            Famsa:                                   Bank Financings
              Securities, Inc. in a US$130
                                                      o Representation of Famsa, a             Sigma Alimentos:
              million offering of senior notes
                                                        leading company in the Mexican          Representation of Sigma
              by CCM pursuant to Rule
                                                        retail and finance sectors, in          Alimentos, the largest producer
              144A/Regulation S
                                                        connection with its international       and distributor of refrigerated
          Industrias Unidas:                           issuance of high-yield debt             and frozen food in Mexico, in a
           Representation of Industrias                 securities. The offering was            US$1 billion term loan from The
           Unidas, one of the largest                   underwritten by Credit Suisse           Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ,
           diversified manufacturing                    and Citigroup and involved the          Ltd., as Administrative Agent,
           conglomerates in Mexico, in its              issuance of US$250 million of           Lead Arranger and Bookrunner.
           inaugural U.S. securities offering of        7.250% Senior Notes due 2020            The proceeds were used for an
           US$200 million high yield notes              pursuant to Rule 144A and               acquisition financing
                                                        Regulation S. This transaction
          Homex:                                       marks the first international notes    Nemak:
            o Representation of Homex, in               offering by Famsa since 2010
                                                                                                 o Representation of Nemak,
              a US$400 million Rule 144A/             o Representation of Famsa in the             a Mexico-based company
              Regulation S offering of 9.75%            issuance of US$200 million of              engaged primarily in the
18   |        Senior Guaranteed Notes due               11% senior notes due 2015 in               production of aluminum engine
              2020 by Homex                             an international offering under            blocks, cylinder heads and
                                                        Rule 144A/Regulation S                     transmission components,
            o Representation of Homex, in
                                                                                                   in a US$465 million senior
              a US$250 million Rule 144A/           GEO: Representation of Morgan                 unsecured loan from BBVA
              Regulation S offering of 9.5%          Stanley, Citi and Santander in the            Securities Inc., Citigroup Global
              Senior Guaranteed Notes due            issuance of US$250 million of high            Markets., Inc., HSBC Securities
              2019 by Homex                          yield bonds by GEO, the largest               (USA) Inc., Santander
            o Representation of Homex, in            homebuilder in Mexico in terms of             Investment Securities Inc., and
              a US$250 million Rule 144A/            revenues, in an international offering        Citibank, N.A.
              Regulation S offering of 7.5%          under Rule 144A/Regulation S
                                                                                                 o Representation of Nemak,
              Senior Guaranteed Notes due           Petrotemex: Representation                    in a US$215 million senior
              2015 by Homex                          of Credit Suisse and HSBC as                  unsecured term loan facility
          SARE Holding: Representation of           joint lead arrangers in connection
                                                     with a US$600 million loan to             Grupo Senda Autotransportes:
           Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria
                                                     Petrotemex one of Mexico’s leading         Representation of Grupo Senda
           and Santander Investment
                                                     chemical companies, to fund its            Autotransporte, a Monterrey,
           Securities Inc. in the offering of
                                                     acquisition of Eastman Chemical’s          Mexico based company and
           approximately 62 million shares of
                                                     polyethylene terephthalate (PET)           one of the largest providers of
           common stock of SARE Holding
                                                     business in the US                         transportation services in Mexico
           pursuant to Regulation S
                                                                                                in a Mexican peso 2.5 billion

senior secured dual facility/dual         Metalsa:                                  URBI: Representation of URBI, in
   currency financing. The financing                                                     multiple bank financings in excess
                                               o Representation of Metalsa,              of US$900 million
   consisted of a peso denominated
                                                 one of the world’s largest
   Mexican law governed senior
                                                 manufacturers of structural            Lamosa: Representation of
   secured syndicated facility with
                                                 components for the automotive           Lamosa, in multiple bank financings
   a group of Mexican lenders
                                                 industry in a US$120 million            in excess of US$600 million
   and a US dollar denominated
                                                 bilateral loan with the Canadian
   New York law governed senior                                                         Casas Javer: Representation
                                                 Development Bank EDC
   secured facility with a group of                                                      of Casas Javer, in multiple bank
   non-Mexican lenders. The two                o Representation of Metalsa in a          financings in excess of US$250
   facilities will share in the same             US$150 million syndicated loan          million
   collateral and an intercreditor               with Bank of America Merrill
   agreement was entered into                    Lynch                                 Structured Finance and
   effectively linking the two facilities                                              Securitization
   and defining the lenders’ rights          Mabe: Representation of Mabe,
   to the collateral. BBVA Bancomer           a Mexican manufacturer and                GMAC-REC: Representation
   acted as administrative agent on           distributor of white line products, in     of GMAC-RFC on the first true
   the US facility. Banorte and BBVA          a US$150 million senior unsecured          securitization of mortgages in
   Bancomer acted as structuring              term loan facility                         the Mexican capital market, in        |   19

   agent and administrative agent for                                                    which a trust issued a program
                                             Gruma: Representation of Gruma,            of certificados bursátiles in the
   the Mexican bank syndicate on the
                                              the world’s largest tortilla maker, in     local Mexican markets in a Reg
   Mexican facility. BBVA Bancomer
                                              obtaining an unsecured US$300              S transaction. Before the transfer
   acted as intercreditor agent
                                              million 1-year term bridge loan with       to the trust (made possible by
 BBVA Securities: Representation             Goldman Sachs Bank, USA, Banco             a change in Mexican law), the
  of BBVA Securities as the                   Santander (México), Institución de         mortgages ran in favor of the
  mandated lead arranger for a                Banca Múltiple, Grupo Financiero           two Mexican mortgage banks
  US$150 million financing facility for       Santander México, and certain              (“Sofoles”): GMAC-Hipotecaria,
  Corporación San Luis                        other financial institutions               a GMAC-RFC subsidiary, and
 Alpha Credit: Representation of            Cambridge-Lee Industries
  Alpha Credit, a Mexican non-bank            (CLI): Representation of CLI, a US        GEO: Representation of GEO in
  financial institution and payroll           subsidiary of Industrias Unidas, in        connection with the offering of
  lender, in an innovative secured            a US$135 million ABL revolving             US$160 million 9.625% Notes due
  lending structure that opened up            credit facility and term loan              2021 pursuant to a securitization
  a key source of funding to this                                                        arrangement
                                             Homex: Representation of Homex,
  institution, which does not accept
                                              in multiple bank financings in
                                              excess of US$800 million

                                                                                 Experience Across Latin America
Experience in Mexico (cont’d)

          Hipotecaria Su Casita:                    11 bankruptcy plan in Delaware.          Gruma: Representation of Gruma,
           Representation of Hipotecaria Su          The U.S. bankruptcy filing was            the largest tortilla company in
           Casita on the first cross-border          needed to compel all of the               the world, in connection with the
           Mexican residential mortgage              holders of Maxcom’s internationally       restructuring of approximately
           securitization, in which a trust is       traded bonds to agree to the              US$900 million of its foreign ex-
           issuing two classes of Notes, the         terms of the restructuring (after a       change swap counterparty obli-
           US$232.5 million Class A Insured          previous exchange offer attempt           gations as well as approximately
           Residential Mortgage-Backed               had not achieved a sufficiently           US$500 million of commercial bank
           Floating Rate Notes due 2035 and          high participation rate from the          loans and other obligations. The
           the Peso 226.5 million Class B            bondholders). In the restructuring,       Gruma restructuring was named
           UDI-Indexed Residential Mortgage-         Maxcom’s existing bondholders             the “Restructuring Deal of the Year
           Backed 6.47% Notes due 2035,              were issued new secured bonds.            2009” by Latin Lawyer
           in a Rule 144A/Regulation S               The takeover was accomplished
           transaction. This is a wrapped            through a simultaneous public            Industrias Unidas: Representa-
           deal in which the monoline, MBIA          tender offer for the shares of            tion of Industrias Unidas, one of
           Insurance Corporation, is insuring        Maxcom in Mexico and an SEC-              the largest diversified manufactur-
           the Class A Notes                         registered tender offer in the U.S.,      ing conglomerates in Mexico, in
                                                     that needed to be coordinated with        connection with the restructuring of
20   |    Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex):                                                        over US$340 million of its long-term
                                                     the Chapter 11 process in order
           Representation of Pemex, the                                                        consolidated indebtedness, includ-
                                                     to close almost simultaneously.
           national oil company of Mexico,                                                     ing U.S. bankruptcy proceedings
                                                     Through the related transactions,
           and Pemex Finance in connection                                                     involving two of its subsidiaries.
                                                     Maxcom accomplished a
           with its oil receivables-backed                                                     This was the only large successful
                                                     recapitalization and debt
           Regulation S/Rule 144A multi-                                                       restructuring of defaulted securities
                                                     restructuring that was expected
           billion U.S. dollar notes offerings.                                                in Mexico in 2011, and the first time
                                                     to significantly reduce Maxcom’s
           These notes were subsequently                                                       Section 1145 of the U.S. bank-
                                                     debt service expense and position
           registered with the SEC pursuant to                                                 ruptcy code was used to provide
                                                     Maxcom for growth with a US$45
           exchangeable notes offerings                                                        creditors in different classes from
                                                     million capital infusion from Ventura
                                                                                               around the world the benefit of get-
         Restructurings                            Axtel: Representation of                   ting freely transferable restructured
                                                    Citigroup and Credit Suisse as             securities, while exempt from SEC
          Maxcom: Representation of a
                                                    dealer managers in connection              registration
           private equity firm Ventura in its
                                                    with a US$350 million exchange
           successful takeover of Maxcom, a
                                                    offer by a subsidiary of Mexican          Vitro: Representation of Vitro in re-
           facilities-based telecommunications
                                                    telecommunication company, Axtel.          cent debt restructuring. Headquar-
           provider. The takeover, led by
                                                    This was a successful use of the           tered in Monterrey, Vitro is the lead-
           Ventura on behalf of a group
                                                    capital markets to accomplish a            ing glass manufacturer in Mexico,
           of investors, was conditioned
                                                    restructuring of Axtel’s existing high     and one of the largest in the world,
           on a complete reorganization
                                                    yield bonds                                backed by more than 100 years of
           of Maxcom’s capital structure
                                                                                               experience in the industry
           which was accomplished by the
           filing of a prepackaged Chapter

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