Faith Alive Christian Resources - CRC edition

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Faith Alive Christian Resources - CRC edition
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Faith Alive Christian Resources - CRC edition
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Faith Alive Christian Resources - CRC edition
2017 marks the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. As the publishing imprint of the Christian
   Reformed Church in North America, Faith Alive provides resources that are written from a Reformed perspective
           and are used in thousands of Reformed, Presbyterian, and other churches around the world.
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Con t en t s
  Children                                                                                                             Church Leadership
Children’s Ministry/Sunday School Curriculum                                                                         Reformed Faith������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 32
    Dwell ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2    Leadership Support����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 34
    Kid Connection�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6          Bibles�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35
    Summer and Holiday Books������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
    Christmas Dramas �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9               Worship
    Walk With Me �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
                                                                                                                     Songbooks������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 36
                                                                                                                     Planning and Leading�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 38
    WE ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 12
Preschool Curriculum
    Dwell Play���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
                                                                                                                       Disability Ministry
    God Loves Me�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14           Friendship Ministries���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 39
    Little Lambs ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16        Friendship Bible Studies���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 40
    Story Hour�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16       Amistad ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 41
Children and Worship�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17             Friendship Life Studies������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 41
Family and Program Support���������������������������������������������������������������������� 18                 Other Friendship Resources ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 42
                                                                                                                     Disability Ministry Resources �������������������������������������������������������������������� 43
Middle School�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19          CRC Resources
Reformed Faith������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 20         Booklets and Brochures ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 44
Our Faith in a Multi-Faith World������������������������������������������������������������������ 21               Certificates and Mementos������������������������������������������������������������������������ 44
Bible Studies �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22       Other Resources���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 44
Christian Living������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 23
                                                                                                                       RCA Resources
  Adult and Small Group
                                                                                                                     Certificates and Forms������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 46
Infuse�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24
                                                                                                                     Synodical Resources���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 46
Discover Your Bible������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 25
                                                                                                                     Other Resources���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 46
Discover Life���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26
                                                                                                                     Women’s Studies �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 46
In the Works���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26
                                                                                                                     Historical Series���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 49
Other Studies�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 27
Devotions�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 30
                                                                                                                     Print on Demand���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 50
                                                                                                                     Title Index�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 51

                                                                                                                      D       Download available                            S      Spiral binding available

                                                                                                                      E       eBook available                               P      Print on Demand (see page 50)

                        1-800-333-8300                                                            *CDN price at current exchange rate
Faith Alive Christian Resources - CRC edition

                              Dwell curriculum awakens kids’ imaginations to the ongoing story of God that starts in the
                              pages of Scripture and continues in our lives today. Kids, young teens, and their leaders grow
                              in faith as they explore each story and retell it together. At the middle school level, young
                              teens discover how Reformed/Presbyterian doctrine grows out of the narrative of Scripture.

                              With Dwell, kids do more than hear a story. They experience it. Take-home pieces and lesson
                              elements are designed to stick with kids throughout the week. Each level of Dwell has a name
                              that reflects the experience.           • Play (Preschool)		                      • Imagine (K-1st Grades)           • Wonder (2nd-3rd Grades)
                              • Marvel (4th-5th Grades)                 • Dive (6th–8th Grades)

                                                       Leader’s Materials
                                                       Each leader’s guide contains 6 session plans that include
                                                       • “Reflections”/short
                                                         devotionals for leaders
                                                       • teaching tips
                                                       • song lyrics
                                                       • printable pages
                                    (Order one per leader) Per unit $9.00US/$CDN*

                                     D Also available in downloadable (PDF) format.

                                                    Children’s Resources
                                                    Every level of Dwell comes with unique children’s resources. Including take-
                                                    home cards, Show and Share papers, Story Cards, and Magazines. These are
                                                    used both in group sessions and in the home.

                                                    (Order one per leader and one per child) Per unit $6.50US/$CDN*

                                    For grades K-5, we’ve provided great music, including songs written to help kids
                                    memorize key Scripture passages. Families can purchase a CD with all of the songs from
                                    Dwell to continue the learning at home.

                                    Year 1 (2 CD Set)
                                    037010 $16.00US/$CDN*

                                    Year 2 (2 CD Set)
                                    037015 $16.00US/$CDN*

                                     D 		 DwellSongs are also available by download from
                                        iTunes and, making them easy for
                                        churches and parents to access and use.

   2                  Visit for more information and to view samples.       
Faith Alive Christian Resources - CRC edition

                   Helping Kids Find a Place in God’s Story
                   Jessie Schut                                                Preschool
                   Offers practical ideas, tips, and encouragement for Dwell
                   (Order one per leader) 037020 $7.00US/$CDN*
                   10+ copies $5.00US/$CDN*

                   DWELL Planning Guide
                   Provides a detailed description of Dwell’s scope and
                   sequence—one that includes the Scripture passage and
                   focus for every session. Includes some helpful resources
                   for coordinators—like a planning checklist and a
                   commissioning litany. Available as a PDF for free
                   download at D
                                                                               Introduce four- and five-year-
Story Symbol Sets                                                              olds to God’s big story with this
Every story in Dwell has a story symbol—a simple visual                        set of resources created just for
reminder of the story for kids and their families. In fact,                    them! Based on stories from
if you laid all of the symbols out together, you’d have a                      Genesis through Acts, Play leads
wonderful picture timeline of God’s big story!                                 you and the preschoolers in your church school,
                                                                               homeschool, preschool, or daycare on a joyful discovery of
The symbols are used in different ways in Dwell. Each week the                 God’s love.
symbol is displayed in the room, and it appears on every take-
home paper or other item the children receive. Story symbols                   All you need is the Play leader’s kit, a set of story cards for
are also available for free download at D                 each child (sold separately), a few common craft supplies,
                                                                               and a space to meet!
Story Symbol Prints
                                                                               The Play leader’s kit includes
36 full-color prints (8” x 8”) printed on cardstock.
Imagine Level                          Marvel Level                            • 36 session plans with clear, easy-to-follow lesson outlines,
Year 1 037071 $14.00US/$CDN*           Year 1 037075 $14.00US/$CDN*              materials lists, and teaching tips
Year 2 037072 $14.00US/$CDN*           Year 2 037076 $14.00US/$CDN*            • one sample set of 36 take-home story cards
                                                                               • full-color leader’s resources to use in your sessions
Wonder Level                           Dive Level                              • reproducible pages with patterns, pictures, and story
Year 1 037073 $14.00US/$CDN*           Year 1 037077 $14.00US/$CDN*              figures
Year 2 037074 $14.00US/$CDN*           Year 2 037078 $14.00US/$CDN*            • a CD with 22 kid-friendly songs
                                       Year 3 037079 $14.00US/$CDN*            Leader’s Resource Kit
                                                                               030115 $130.00US/$CDN*
                          God’s Big Story Cards                                Additional Leader’s Kits
                      This one-per-household faith nurture                     $100.00US/$CDN*
                      game encourages families to have                         Take-Home Story Cards (Order one set per child!) (6” x 9”)
                      fun as they learn about God’s story                      030110 $11.00US/$CDN*
                      together. Start by reading the day’s
                                                                               Sing With Me Preschool Songs CD (Additional)
                      story in the Bible, then roll the color-                 037070 $16.00US/$CDN*
                      coded die to choose one of six ways to
                      explore the story together. Also great                    D Sing With Me Preschool Songs are also available by download from
                                                                               iTunes and, making them easy for churches and parents to
                      for home schoolers, Christian day                        access and use.
schools, and families whose churches use other curricula.
(Order one per family)
037040 $15.00US/$CDN*
10+ sets $10.00US/$CDN*

                1-800-333-8300                            *CDN price
                                                                            at current
                                                                                         rate rate
Faith Alive Christian Resources - CRC edition

                             Imagine                                                   Wonder
                             K–1st Grades                                              2nd – 3rd Grades
                             Content: Two years of thematic units. A total of 36       Content: Two years of sequential Bible stories. A total of
                             sessions per year (divided into 6 units of 6 sessions     36 sessions per year (divided into 6 units of 6 sessions
                             each).                                                    each).
                             Leader’s Materials: Each leader’s guide includes 6        Leader’s Materials: Each leader’s guide includes 6
                             session plans plus song texts and printable pages.        session plans plus song texts and printable pages.
                             Available in print and downloadable format (order one     Available in print and downloadable format (order one
                             per leader).                                              per leader).
                             Music: DwellSongs (order one CD set per group or          Music: DwellSongs (order at least one CD set per group
                             download songs from iTunes and               or download songs from iTunes and
                             Children’s Resources: Show and Share papers. These        Children’s Resources: Show and Share papers. These
                             papers help children share the story they explored in     resources are used at church and also provide challenges
                             church with family and friends (order one per child and   for kids to use at home. Includes a version of the session
                             one per leader).                                          story (order one per child and one per leader).
                             For Families: God’s Big Story Cards (order one per        For Families: God’s Big Story Cards (order one per family).
                                                                                       Year 1
                             Year 1                                                    Unit 1: Wonder About God’s Amazing Plan
                             Unit 1: Imagine Being Part of God’s Family                Unit 2: Wonder About God’s Daring Mission
                             Unit 2: Imagine Following God’s Directions                Unit 3: Wonder About Jesus’ Amazing Power
                             Unit 3: Imagine Meeting Jesus                             Unit 4: Wonder About Jesus’ Loving Care
                             Unit 4: Imagine Walking with Jesus                        Unit 5: Wonder About Jesus’ Incredible Love
                             Unit 5: Imagine God’s Incredible Rescue Plan              Unit 6: Wonder About the Holy Spirit’s Life-Changing
                             Unit 6: Imagine Seeing God’s Power                            Power
                             Year 2                                                    Year 2
                             Unit 1: Imagine Trusting God                              Unit 1: Wonder About God’s Never-Ending Love for
                             Unit 2: Imagine Working for God                               Creation
                             Unit 3: Imagine Seeing Jesus Do Great Things              Unit 2: Wonder About God’s Growing Family
                             Unit 4: Imagine Seeing Jesus’ Power                       Unit 3: Wonder About God’s Extraordinary Plan for
                             Unit 5: Imagine God Creating Everything                       Ordinary People
                             Unit 6: Imagine Jesus Caring for Us                       Unit 4: Wonder About God’s Powerful Plans
                                                                                       Unit 5: Wonder About God’s Surprising Protection
                             Leader’s Materials $9.00US/$CDN* per unit
                                                                                       Unit 6: Wonder About God’s Growing Kingdom
                              D Also available in downloadable (PDF) format
                                                                                       Leader’s Materials $9.00US/$CDN* per unit
                             Children’s Resources $6.50US/$CDN* per unit                D Also available in downloadable (PDF) format
                                                                                       Children’s Resources $6.50US/$CDN* per unit

   4                  Visit for more information and to view samples.         
Faith Alive Christian Resources - CRC edition

Marvel                                                     Dive                                                           Dive Devotions
                                                                                                                          Bryan Keeley
4th – 5th Grades                                           6th – 8th Grades
                                                                                                                          These are not your average
Content: Two years of sequential Bible stories, includ-    Content: Three years of thematic units based on biblical       devotional books!
ing many that were not included at the Wonder level. A     stories, Reformed teaching, and faith habits. A total of 36
total of 36 sessions per year (divided into 6 units of 6   sessions per year (divided into 6 units of 6 sessions each).   • Designed with middle schoolers
sessions each).                                                                                                             in mind—young teens can
                                                           Leader’s Materials: Each leader’s guide includes 6               sketch, doodle, and wonder in
Leader’s Materials: Each leader’s guide includes 6         session plans plus printable pages. Available in print and
session plans plus song texts and printable pages.                                                                          the pages of these books.
                                                           downloadable format (order one per leader).                    • For each week of Dive year 1
Available in print and
downloadable format (order one per leader).                Children’s Resources: Dive magazine. This magazine is            & 2 there are three interactive
                                                           mainly used at church, but it goes home at the end of            reflections that help young
Music: DwellSongs (order at least one CD set per group
                                                           every six-week unit. The magazine is full of colorful            teens explore their faith using
or download songs from iTunes and
                                                           illustrations and activities that help young teens dive into     Q&As from the Reformed
Children’s Resources: StoryMarks. Designed for use         God’s story and explore it in a personal way.                    tradition, the weekly Bible story,
both in church and at home, StoryMarks fit easily into                                                                      and the Memory Challenge.
kids’ Bibles to mark the story they explored that week     Year 1                                                         • Each reflection includes a Think
(order one per student and one per leader).                Unit 1: What Do I Do When Things Fall Apart?                     About It/Talk About It section
For Families: God’s Big Story Cards (order one per         Unit 2: What’s the Covenant All About?                           with a question or two that
family).                                                   Unit 3: Who Is God?                                              young teens can think about on
Year 1                                                     Unit 4: Who Is Jesus?                                            their own or talk about with a
Unit 1: Marvel at God’s Love                               Unit 5: Who Is the Holy Spirit?                                  mentor, parent, or friend.
Unit 2: Marvel at God’s Mercy                              Unit 6: Who Is the Church?                                     • Each short reflection also
Unit 3: Marvel at the Holy Spirit’s Power                                                                                   includes a challenge to help
                                                           Year 2                                                           young teens dive into God’s
Unit 4: Marvel at the Holy Spirit’s Work
                                                           Unit 1: What Is Being a Christian All About?                     story.
Unit 5: Marvel at God’s New Beginnings
                                                           Unit 2: What’s with All the Rules?
Unit 6: Marvel at God’s Protection                                                                                        Dive Devotions 1
                                                           Unit 3: Can’t We All Just Get Along?
Year 2                                                                                                                    (Order one per leader and student)
                                                           Unit 4: Who’s Number 1?
Unit 1: Marvel at God’s Faithfulness                                                                                      037030 $8.50US/$CDN*
                                                           Unit 5: Does What I Do Make a Difference?
Unit 2: Marvel at God’s Wisdom and Strength
                                                           Unit 6: What Do I Say When I Pray?                             Dive Devotions 2
Unit 3: Marvel at God’s Message
Unit 4: Marvel at God’s Staying Power                      Year 3                                                         (Order one per leader and student)
Unit 5: Marvel at God’s Persistence                        Unit 1: Worship                                                037035 $8.50US/$CDN*
Unit 6: Marvel at God’s Plan                               Unit 2: Justice
Leader’s Materials $9.00US/$CDN* per unit                  Unit 3: Prayer
 D Also available in downloadable (PDF) format             Unit 4: Stewardship
                                                           Unit 5: Bible Reading
Children’s Resources $6.50US/$CDN* per unit                Unit 6: Missional Living
                                                           Leader’s Materials $9.00US/$CDN* per unit
                                                            D Also available in downloadable (PDF) format
                                                           Children’s Resources $6.50US/$CDN* per unit

                1-800-333-8300                                *CDN
                                                                         at at
Faith Alive Christian Resources - CRC edition

                                 Kid Connection
                                 This curriculum for grades K-6 is designed to meet the unique needs of small Sunday schools
                                 and midweek programs—but it works great for churches of any size. It’s fun, easy to teach,
                                 biblical, great for outreach, and highly relevant to today’s kids. In short, it connects!
                                 Guess What! Family/Student Magazine
                                                        Provides a fun way to reinforce sessions at home and connect with families.
                                                        Three issues per quarter. Order one set per family or student.

                                                        The magazine for each four-session unit is full of fun faith-building
                                                        activities for kids and their parents. Parenting articles, doable devotions,
                                                        and a family-friendly calendar are just some of the features that connect
                                                        what happened at church with what is happening at home!

                                                        $10.00US/$CDN* per quarter

                                                        Leader’s Guide
                                                    Leader’s Guide includes:
                                                     • Twelve easy-to-use large and small group sessions for grades K-3 and
                                                        4-6. Order one per leader.
                                                     • Preparation tools such as short devotionals, ideas for personal prayer,
                                                        and teaching tips.
                                                     • Large group activities (What’s Up? and Guess What!) complete with
                                                        praise, prayer, participation, and an exciting Bible story presentation
                                                        for K–grade 6.
                                 • Small group activities (So What? and Do What?) with opportunities for kids in grades K-3
                                   and 4-6 to connect with God, with their leader, and with their peers through prayer, drama,
                                   movement, and more.
                                 • Options, extra activities, and ideas to create a session that works best for your group—or to
                                   adapt the complete lesson for an audience of one!

                                 $18.00US/$CDN* per quarter

                                                Program CD contains printable session activities in PDF format and music for use in large group
                                                sessions. The weekly session plans tell you which session pages and songs to use. This multi-format
                                                CD allows you to print activity pages from your computer and play songs from a CD player. Includes
                                                copyright permission to print and/or photocopy an unlimited number of activity pages for your church.
                                                Order extra copies for your teachers at 75% off with the purchase of one at regular price.
                                                $58.00US/$CDN* per quarter

                                 Reproducible Book also available. Call 800-333-8300.

  6                       Visit for more information and to view samples.          
Faith Alive Christian Resources - CRC edition

Year 1—Old Testament                     Year 2—New Testament                      Year 3—Old Testament                    Year 4—New Testament
Fall Quarter                             Fall Quarter                              Fall Quarter                            Fall Quarter
Unit 1: Lookin’ Good                     Unit 1: Breaking News                     Unit 1: A Garden, a Tower, and God’s    Unit 1: Ready, Set, Go!
Unit 2: God to World: I Still Love You   Unit 2: Jesus Calling                         Amazing Power                       Unit 2: Lost and Found
Unit 3: A Schemer and a Dreamer          Unit 3: Awesome Power                     Unit 2: A Baby, a Liar, and a Bush on   Unit 3: Live It!
Winter Quarter                           Winter Quarter                                Fire                                Winter Quarter
Unit 4: God’s Incredible Rescue Plan     Unit 4: Who Cares?                        Unit 3: Ten Plagues, One Law, and       Unit 4: Proof Positive!
                                                                                       Two Brave Men
Unit 5: The 40-Year Campout              Unit 5: Your Very Best Friend                                                     Unit 5: The Week that Changed the
Unit 6: Mothers and Others               Unit 6: Bad News, Good News               Winter Quarter                              World
                                                                                   Unit 4: The King Thing                  Unit 6: Pentecost Power
Spring Quarter                           Spring Quarter
                                                                                   Unit 5: Elijah’s Wild Ride—and Other    Spring Quarter
Unit 7: A King Is the Thing              Unit 7: Living Proof
Unit 8: Excuse Me, God Would Like a     Unit 8: That’s the Spirit!                                                        Unit 7: Extended Family
                                                                                   Unit 6: The Not-for-Profit Prophet
         Word with You                   Unit 9: Paul—God’s Special Agent                                                 Unit 8: O
                                                                                                                                    n the Road Again
Unit 9: Narrow Escapes                                                             Spring Quarter                          Unit 9: R
                                                                                                                                    iots, Rescues, and Romans
                                                                                   Unit 7: Judah Stands Up Tall, Israel
                                                                                       Takes a Fall
                                                                                   Unit 8: S oul Survivor
                                                                                   Unit 9: S ad Beginning, Happy Ending

Sing With Me
This worship resource for children’s ministry is a collection of nearly 250 songs. Includes
fun songs with a biblical message that help “get the wiggles out,” as well as more
peaceful songs that touch on some of the complex situations children face today. Sing
With Me contains various styles to complement the breadth of biblical stories and themes
covered in the Kid Connection curriculum:
• contemporary
• global music
• the “tried and true”
• modern hymns
• spirituals
The Leader’s Edition contains full accompaniments as well as background information on
the songs, actions, signing, and more. Simple accompaniments are included in the
children’s edition.

 S Children’s Songbook
018050 $15.00US/$CDN*
10-49 copies $12.00/$CDN*
50+ copies $10.00/$CDN*

 S Leader’s Edition
018055 $45.00US/$CDN*

Purchase, download, and print all Kid Connection lyrics for any songs not available in
Sing With Me at

                 1-800-333-8300                                    *CDN price at current exchange rate
Faith Alive Christian Resources - CRC edition

Summer and Holiday Books
Originally developed for use with Walk With Me, these summer and holiday units are fun for kids and easy for teachers to use.
Summer books are ideal for VBS and have 5 s­ essions per book. Christmas and Easter books have 2 sessions per book.

Everything is included in each summer and holiday book:
• Large group session plans			                     • Small group session plans
• A great selection of crafts and activities		     • Opportunities to get the congregation involved
• Dramas and music				                             • CD

Summer books $32.50US/$CDN*                                                                         Holiday Books $17.00US/$CDN*
                    Sharable Parables                                  Paul’s Race, God’s                               The Light of the World
                    (Book 1)                                           Grace (Book 5)                                   Is Jesus
                    Children learn about the                           In Paul’s life, amazing                          (Christmas Book 1)
                    sower and the seed, the                            grace led to an amazing                          Children learn how the
                    wise and foolish builders,                         race—the race to share                           birth of Jesus brought
                    the great banquet, the                             the good news of Jesus                           light into a dark world—
                    lost son, and the good                             Christ with others.                              and how Jesus’ light still
                    Samaritan.                                         017250                                           guides us today.
                    017210                                                                                              017010

                    Rough Waves? Jesus                                 Follow the Leader (Book 6)                       Glory to the Giver and
                    Saves!                                             The stories of Moses,                            the Gift
                    (Book 2)                                           Gideon, David, and Esther                        (Christmas Book 2)
                    Five “water stories” show                          show how God chose                               Children prepare to
                    children that God is with                          people who were flawed,                          receive the gift of Jesus,
                    us even when things get                            hesitant, and powerless to                       and to celebrate that gift
                    tough.                                             be leaders and to save his                       by giving glory to God!
                    017220                                             people, but in Jesus, God                        017020
                                                                       sent the perfect leader to
                                                                       save us once and for all.

                    Dreams and Schemes                                 Living in the Light                              Just Like Me
                    (Book 3)                                           (Book 7)                                         (Christmas Book 3)
                    God’s faithful presence                            The stories of John the                          Jesus was born in an
                    helps Joseph survive the                           Baptist, Bartimaeus,                             ordinary stable for
                    bad times, do what’s                               Zacchaeus, Mary                                  ordinary people like
                    right, use his power for                           Magdalene, and Paul                              shepherds—and like you
                    the good of others, and                            show how living in the                           and me!
                    forgive those who hurt                             Light turns our lives                            017030
                    him.                                               around and helps us be
                    017230                                             light for others too.

                    God’s Family in ACTion                             Creation Celebration                             The Promise Keeper
                    (Book 4)                                           (Book 8)                                         (Christmas Book 4)
                    Using the early church in                          This unit looks at the                           This unit looks at God’s
                    Acts as a model, children                          paradise God made, the                           promises made to us in
                    discover that being part                           people he created to take                        the past, promises
                    of God’s family means                              care of it, and the                              fulfilled, and promises
                    working together, caring                           forgiveness and salvation                        whose fulfillment is yet to
                    for each other, and                                God offered even after                           come.
                    welcoming others.                                  things went wrong.                               017040

                    017240                                             017280

                              Visit for more information and to view samples.    

                                   Christmas Dramas
                                   Looking for a Christmas program that kids and
                                   adults will love and that you can pull off with only
                                   ONE rehearsal? Sounds impossible, right? Not with
                                   our Quick & Easy Christmas Drama series!

    King Jesus                                         Child of God                       God With Us
    (Easter Book 1)                                    Laura Keeley,                      Laura Keeley,
    Help children celebrate                            Robert J. Keeley                   Robert J. Keeley
    the coming of our King                             This Christmas program             A group of students
    and his victory over death                         looks at people in the             realizes that the
    and sin.                                           lineage of Christ to help          Christmas story is
    017110                                             kids (and adults!)                 the beginning of the
                                                       understand that we’re              great restoration
                                                       part of God’s family too.          promised in Eden.
                                                       001315 $20.00US/$CDN*              001325 $20.00US/$CDN*

    Limited Quantities                                                                    The Very Best Gift of All
                                                       What Did I Miss?
    The Lamb of God                                                                       Laura Keeley,
    (Easter Book 2)                                    Laura Keeley,
                                                                                          Robert J. Keeley
                                                       Robert J. Keeley
    In this unit, children see                                                            A reminder that
    how Good Friday sorrow                             A Sunday school class
                                                                                          Christmas is about
    turns to Easter joy.                               gathers for a lesson
                                                                                          God’s amazing gift to us:
                                                       about the birth of Jesus.
    017120                                                                                Jesus our Savior.
                                                       They look at four stories
                                                       from the Bible and learn           001340 $20.00US/$CDN*
                                                       how they, too, are part of
                                                       the story of Jesus’ birth.
                                                       001390 $20.00US/$CDN*
    He’s Alive!                                        Limited Quantities
    (Easter Book 3)                                    Manger King
    In this unit, children learn
                                                       Laura Keeley,
    how the Last Supper and
                                                       Robert J. Keeley
    the Emmaus road story
    communicate the                                    Israelite children tell
    wonderful message of                               stories of King David’s
    salvation.                                         life in anticipation of
                                                       the Messiah.
                                                       001350 $20.00US/$CDN*

    Were You There?                                    More Than a Story
    (Easter Book 4)                                    Laura Keeley,
    Through eyewitness                                 Robert J. Keeley
    accounts of Jesus’ death
                                                       At a class reunion of
    and resurrection,
                                                       Bethlehem High School,
    children learn how much
                                                       people reflect on their
    Jesus loves us and how
                                                       experience of the first
    we can show that love to
                                                       001370 $20.00US/$CDN*


1-800-333-8300                              *CDN price at current exchange rate

Walk With Me
This Sunday school curriculum for preschool through grade 8 is being phased out, and materials may not be
available for purchase as inventory sells out.

The newer Dwell curriculum (pages 2-5) builds on the best features of Walk With Me and introduces some new
things that Walk With Me users told us they wanted to see in a new curriculum. Visit
to watch a special video message explaining how to easily transition from Walk With Me to Dwell.

Leader’s Guide                         Children’s                            Preschool
& Resources                            Materials                             40 sequential Bible stories
                                                                             from the Old and New Testaments
Price per quarter (3 units):           Price per quarter (3 units):
$30.00US/$CDN*                         $11.50US/$CDN*                        The preschool resource box includes everything you’ll need to lead your
                                       Price for individual units:           little ones through ­age-appropriate Bible stories (20 Old Testament, 16 New
Price for individual units:
                                       $4.50US/$CDN*                         Testament, 2 Christmas, and 2 Easter). In addition to the session guides, you
                                                                             get Bible backgrounds, posters, songs, patterns, rhymes, and a CD that gives
Grades 6-8 $23.00US/$CDN*/quarter      CD
                                                                             depth and variety to your lessons.
Grades 6-8 $9.00US/$CDN*/unit          One CD for the whole year:
                                       $16.00US/$CDN*                        Colorful take-home cards provide visual reinforcement of the sessions and a
                                                                             story for families to read to their children during the week.

                                                                             Resource Box
                                                                             010115 $130.00US/$CDN*
                                                                             Take-Home Story Cards (6” x 9”)
                                                                             010110 $11.00US/$CDN*
                                                                             CD (Additional)
                                                                             010101 $16.00US/$CDN*

                                                                             Kindergarten-Grade 1
                                                                             Content: Two years of thematic units. A total of 36 sessions per year
                       Trail Mix                                             (conveniently divided into 9 units of 4 sessions each).
                       Helpful tips and problem-solving                      Leader’s material: Each leader’s guide
                       ideas for anyone who teaches the                      includes 4 session plans, sheet music, plus all leader resources (no need to
                       Walk With Me curriculum.                              buy a separate resource kit!).
                       018015 $7.50US/$CDN*                                  Children’s material: Colorful take-home ­papers.
                                                                             CD: Includes songs and readings for Year 2. Year 1 songs are available on
                                                                             iTunes. Visit for more information.

                                                                             Year 1                                   Year 2
                                                                             Fall Quarter                             Fall Quarter
                                                                              Unit 1: I Love and Obey God              Unit 1: Thank You, God, for People
                       Walk With Me, Jesus                                    Unit 2: God Cares for People             Unit 2: Forgiveness
                       Devotions for You and Your Family                      Unit 3: God Speaks to Us                 Unit 3: God Keeps Promises
                       Karen Wilk                                            Winter Quarter                           Winter Quarter
                       For churches using Believe units                       Unit 4: God Wants Us to Obey             Unit 4: God Leads His People
                       (Year 2) this is an important link                     Unit 5: Jesus Calls Helpers              Unit 5: God Loves and Cares for
                       between home and Sunday school.                        Unit 6: Jesus Loves Children             David
                       016211 $10.00US/$CDN*                                 Spring Quarter                            Unit 6: Jesus, Our Teacher
                                                                              Unit 7: Jesus Heals                     Spring Quarter
                                                                              Unit 8: Jesus, My Lord                   Unit 7: Jesus Does Wonderful Things
                                                                              Unit 9: Thank You, God, for Your         Unit 8: Jesus Is Alive
                                                                              World                                    Unit 9: Telling Others About Jesus

10                              Visit for more information and to view samples.         

Grades 2-3                                  Grades 4-5                               Grades 6-8
Content: Two years of sequential            Content: Two years of sequential         Content: Three years, with the first year focusing on Christian living, the
Bible stories. A total of 36 sessions       Bible stories. A total of 36 sessions    second on doctrine, and the third on the church and God’s kingdom. A total
per year (conveniently divided into         per year (conveniently divided into      of 36 sessions per year (conveniently divided into 9 units of 4 sessions each).
9 units of 4 sessions each).                9 units of 4 sessions each).
                                                                                     Leader’s material: Each leader’s guide includes 4 session plans.
Leader’s material: Each leader’s            Leader’s material: Each leader’s
                                            guide includes 4 session plans,          Young teen material: Young teen resources vary by unit and may include
guide includes 4 session plans, sheet
                                            sheet music, plus all leader             ­newspapers, devotions, games, ­journals, handouts, or magazines. During Year
music, plus all leader resources (no
                                            resources (no need to buy a               2, young teens will also use the book Walk With Me, Jesus: Devotions for You
need to buy a separate r­ esource kit!).
                                            separate resource kit!).                  and Your Family.
Children’s material: Children’s
                                            Children’s material: Children’s          Year 1 (Explore)                         Spring Quarter
resources change from unit to unit          resources change from unit to unit       Fall Quarter                              Unit 7: Living My Thanks
and may include trivia cards,               and may include trivia cards,
                                                                                      Unit 1: Explore Tough Choices            Unit 8: Living Love for My Neighbor
magazines, journals, posters, take-         magazines, journals, posters, take-
                                                                                      Unit 2: Explore Your Bible                   No Leader
home papers, or comic books.                home papers, or comic books.
                                                                                      Unit 3: Explore Relationships            Unit 9: Connecting with God
Songs are available on iTunes. Visit        CD: Includes songs and readings for
                                            the sessions. Songs are also avail-      Winter Quarter                           Year 3 (Discover) for
                                                                                      Unit 4: Explore Prayer                  Fall Quarter
more information.                           able on iTunes. Visit
                                                                                      Unit 5: Explore Your Place in Culture    Unit 1: Discover Church History
Year 1                                                                               Unit 6: Explore Sharing Your Faith        Unit 2: Discover Your Church
                                            more information.
Fall Quarter                                                                         Spring Quarter                            Unit 3: Discover Your Gifts
 Unit 1: God Made Everything                Year 1                                    Unit 7: Explore God’s Gift of Sex       Winter Quarter
 Unit 2: God Keeps Promises                 Fall Quarter                              Unit 8: Explore Diversity                Unit 4: Discover Worship
 Unit 3: God Loves and Cares for Us          Unit 1: God’s Beautiful World Spoiled    Unit 9: Explore Stewardship              Unit 5: Discover Creation and Science
Winter Quarter                               Unit 2: God Makes a Covenant with                                                 Unit 6: Discover God’s Covenant
 Unit 4: God Saves Us No Leader              Us                                      Year 2 (Believe)
                                                                                     Fall Quarter                             Spring Quarter
 Unit 5: God Wants Us to Trust and           Unit 3: God Saves Us and Tells Us
                                             How to Live                              Unit 1: My Only Comfort                  Unit 7: Discover God’s Kingdom
 Obey No Leader                                                                                                                Unit 8: Discover Justice
 Unit 6: God Leads Us and Answers           Winter Quarter                            Unit 2: The Father: God for Me
                                                                                      Unit 3: Jesus: God with Me               Unit 9: Discover End Times
 Our Prayers                                 Unit 4: God’s in Charge—No Matter
Spring Quarter                               What                                    Winter Quarter
 Unit 7: God Gives Us Leaders                Unit 5: God Speaks to Us                 Unit 4: The Spirit: God in Me
 Unit 8: Serve God Only                      Unit 6: God Takes Care of Us             Unit 5: Our New Life in Christ
 Unit 9: Our Great God Cares for Us         Spring Quarter                            Unit 6: Signed and Sealed
                                             Unit 7: God Is Faithful and Just
Year 2                                       Unit 8: God Wants Us to Obey
Fall Quarter                                 Unit 9: Our God Is Faithful
 Unit 1: God’s Promises Come True
 No Student                                 Year 2
                                            Fall Quarter
 Unit 2: Jesus Calls Us to Follow Him
                                             Unit 1: Jesus Begins His Work
 Unit 3: Jesus Can Do Powerful
 Things                                      Unit 2: Jesus Teaches About God’s
Winter Quarter                               Unit 3: Jesus Teaches Us How to
 Unit 4: Jesus Can Make Us Well              Live
 Unit 5: Jesus Loves Me
                                            Winter Quarter
 Unit 6: Jesus Loved Us Enough to
                                             Unit 4: Jesus Is the Son of God
 Die for Us
                                             Unit 5: Jesus Died and Rose Again
Spring Quarter                               Unit 6: The Church Is God’s People
 Unit 7: Jesus Our Lord Is Alive!
                                            Spring Quarter
 Unit 8: The Holy Spirit Is with God’s
 People                                      Unit 7: God Wants His Church to
 Unit 9: The Holy Spirit Helps Us to Tell
 About Jesus                                 Unit 8: The Holy Spirit Helps God’s
                                             Unit 9: Spreading the Good News

                   1-800-333-8300                                      *CDN price at current exchange rate
In t erGenerat ion al

                           WE—a faith nurture adventure for the
                           entire church family
                           WE, a series of intergenerational events, is designed to wake your church up to the amazing
                           benefits of all ages learning and worshiping together. Gather your whole church to share a
                           meal, experience part of God’s story through a drama or other activities, and talk and learn
                           together around the table.

CCC                            WE boxes include
CCC                            • a quick and easy “Getting Started” guide.

                               • an all-bases-covered event guide that makes it easy to set up and run your WE events.
                                 Includes full outlines of each event, supply and prep tips, and reproducible materials.
                               • an event CD that includes story scripts and other reproducible materials, PowerPoint

CCC                              slides, audio files, and promotional items.
                               • 11 x 17 promotional posters and a sample of a printable bulletin insert.

                               • a sample of the printable take-home devotional.

CCC                                                     WE Hand Stamp

                                                        Promote WE intergenerational events with
                                                        this WE hand stamp! Please note that this
                                                        stamp is included with the purchase of the

                                                        WE: Epic Story box.

                                                        040001 $7.50US/$CDN*

 12                Visit for more information and to view samples. 
In t erGenerat ion al

WE: The Epic Story                                                               WE: The Unshakeable Promise
Laura Keeley, Bonny Mulder-Behnia                                                Laura Keeley, Bonny Mulder-Behnia
Trace God’s big story from creation to new creation! Includes                    The Bible tells us of many covenants made between God and his people.
intergenerational events centered on creation, the fall, Abraham, the exodus,    Discover what covenants are and how they shape the salvation story. Events
David, Jesus’ birth, Jesus’ ministry, Jesus’ death and resurrection, the         explore the covenants made with Noah and Abraham, God’s covenant with
spread of the gospel, and the new heaven and new earth. (10 events)              his people at Mt. Sinai, Jesus as the covenant-keeper, the covenant we
                                                                                 experience in the Lord’s Supper, and God’s covenant promise to send the
040000 $150.00US/$CDN*
                                                                                 Holy Spirit. (6 events)
                                                                                 040005 $90.00US/$CDN*

WE: Enter the Tabernacle                                                         WE: Expectations
Diane Geerlinks, Betty Panza                                                     Laura Keeley
Explore the Old Testament tabernacle and learn how its amazing design and        Through drama, readings, and a whole-church Jesse Tree project, WE:
function point to Jesus and to God’s desire to dwell with us. Build your own     Expectations will help your church prepare for the coming of Jesus, the Son
easy-to-make life-size model tabernacle, and conclude the series with an         of God and the “son of David.” While other WE series contain several events,
unforgettable tabernacle walk-through. An informative, interactive, inspiring    this single stand-alone event fits easily into your Advent/Christmas schedule.
series! (5 events)                                                               In addition, this program guide includes a bonus event: WE: People of Faith,
                                                                                 based on Hebrews 11. Use it before or after Advent (1 event) to explore and
040010 $75.00US/$CDN*                                                            celebrate what it means to be part of a large family of faith.
                                                                                 This event guide includes
                                                                                 • Planning and setup tips             • A clear and complete event outline
                                                                                 • Jesse Tree ornament patterns        • Lists of easy-to-find supplies
                                                                                 • Reproducible pages to print or copy • Printable Jesse Tree devotions
                                                                                                                         for each household
                                                                                  S 040015 $20.00US/$CDN*

                1-800-333-8300                                  *CDN
                                                                           at at

                         God Loves Me
                         A newly revised set of 52 colorful storybooks designed for children ages 2-3. A
                         meaningful way to nurture faith at home and at church!

                         God Loves Me storybooks are a well-loved and much-used resource in church preschool
                         ministry. Now newly revised, these storybooks provide families and churches with a
                         wonderful way to nurture faith while establishing devotional habits of Bible reading and

                         Each book retells a Bible story in simple language that young children can understand,
                         a prayer, and suggestions for learning-through-play activities. Children will learn
                         about God’s wonderful creation and people like Abraham, Hannah, David, Simeon,
                         Anna, Peter, Jesus, and Paul—and all the wonderful stories in between. Children will
                         be engaged by fresh, vivid illustrations and simple language as parents, grandparents,
                         child care providers, and preschool teachers delight in sharing with them the stories
                         they cherish.

                         The books also make a great gift for baby showers, baptisms, birthdays, and holidays.

                         At HOME God Loves Me nurtures the faith of young children by

                         •    giving parents (and grandparents) age-appropriate language to talk with their kids
                              about faith.
                         •    encouraging families to cultivate devotional habits from a very young age by
                              providing one storybook to focus on for each week of the year.
                         •    providing families with holiday stories that will help them express the meaning of
                              Christmas and Easter to their young children.
                         •    personalizing God’s Word so that kids know the Bible is God’s book written for them

                         At CHURCH God Loves Me nurtures the faith of young children by
                         • introducing children to a large portion of Scripture through 52 stories from the Old
                             and New Testaments that capture the essence of each story in a way that respects
                             the attention span and learning level of two- and three-year-olds.
                         • inviting children into God’s story in a theologically faithful way—keeping God at the
                             center and introducing children to the love of Jesus.
                         • helping children feel sure that God loves them and developing in them a sense of
                             belonging as one of God’s children and as part of the people of God.
                         • providing churches with an easy-to-use format (a story, wondering question, and
                             prayer, with learning-through-play activities) to use to share God’s stories with
                             children in their preschool, nursery, or daycare ministries.

14         Visit for more information and to view samples.

Storybook Set
52 books in a sturdy display case
001400 $100.00US/$CDN*

Downloadable Program Guide
Available free at

Take-Home Story Cards
Each card includes the cover illustration and the story from the related storybook.
Purchase a set of take-home cards for each child. Each set has 52 story cards.
001455 $10.00US/$CDN*

Individual Books $3.50US/$CDN*

Old Testament Stories                                                                 New Testament Stories
 1 Blue and Green and Purple Too! The Story of God’s Colorful World                   24 Jesus Is Born! The Story of Christmas
 2 It’s a Noisy Place! The Story of the First Creatures                               25 Good News! The Story of the Shepherds
 3 Adam and Eve: The Story of the First Man and Woman                                 26 An Amazing Star! The Story of the Wise Men
 4 Take Good Care of My World! The Story of Adam and Eve in the Garden                27 Waiting, Waiting, Waiting! The Story of Simeon and Anna
 5 A Very Sad Day: The Story of Adam and Eve’s Disobedience                           28 Who Is This Child? The Story of Jesus in the Temple
 6 A Rainy, Rainy Day: The Story of Noah                                              29 Follow Me! The Story of Jesus and His Twelve Helpers
 7 Count the Stars! The Story of God’s Promise to Abraham and Sarah                   30 The Greatest Gift: The Story of Jesus and the Woman at the Well
 8 A Girl Named Rebekah: The Story of God’s Answer to Abraham                         31 A Father’s Wish: The Story of Jesus and a Little Boy
 9 Two Coats for Joseph: The Story of Young Joseph                                    32 Just Believe! The Story of Jesus and a Little Girl
10 Plenty to Eat: The Story of Joseph and His Brothers                                33 Get Up and Walk! The Story of Jesus and a Man Who Couldn’t Walk
11 Safe in a Basket: The Story of Baby Moses                                          34 A Little Lunch: The Story of Jesus and a Hungry Crowd
12 I’ll Do It! The Story of Moses and the Burning Bush                                35 A Scary Storm: The Story of Jesus and a Stormy Sea
13 Safe at Last! The Story of Moses and the Red Sea                                   36 Thank You, Jesus! The Story of Jesus and One Thankful Man
14 What Is It? The Story of Manna in the Desert                                       37 A Wonderful Sight! The Story of Jesus and a Man Who Couldn’t See
15 A Tall Wall: The Story of Jericho                                                  38 A Better Thing to Do: The Story of Jesus and Mary and Martha
16 A Baby for Hannah: The Story of an Answered Prayer                                 39 A Lost Lamb: The Story of the Good Shepherd
17 Samuel, Samuel! The Story of God’s Call to Samuel                                  40 Come to Me! The Story of Jesus and the Children
18 Lions and Bears! The Story of David the Shepherd Boy                               41 Have a Great Day! The Story of Jesus and Zacchaeus
19 David and the Giant: The Story of David and Goliath                                42 I Love You, Jesus! The Story of Mary’s Gift to Jesus
20 A Little Jar of Oil: The Story of Elisha and the Widow                             43 Hosanna! The Story of Palm Sunday
21 One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven! The Story of Elisha and                   44 The Best Day Ever! The Story of Easter
   Naaman                                                                             45 Goodbye—for Now: The Story of Jesus’ Return to Heaven
22 A Big Fish Story: The Story of Jonah                                               46 A Prayer for Peter: The Story of Peter in Prison
23 Lions, Lions! The Story of Daniel                                                  47 Sad Day, Happy Day! The Story of Peter and Dorcas
                                                                                      48 A New Friend: The Story of Paul’s Conversion
                                                                                      49 Over the Wall: The Story of Paul’s Escape in a Basket
Sing With Me Preschool Songs CD
                                                                                      50 A Song in the Night: The Story of Paul and Silas in Prison
22 kid-friendly songs suggested for use with God Loves Me
                                                                                      51 A Ride in the Night: The Story of Paul’s Escape on Horseback
037070 $16.00US/$CDN*                                                                 52 The Shipwreck: The Story of Paul’s Rescue at Sea

D Also available on iTunes and

                1-800-333-8300                              *CDN price
                                                                               at current
                                                                                            rate rate

Little Lambs                                       Story Hour

                                                   Now available as a download from the Faith Alive website, this creative program
                                                   for four- to six-year-olds makes learning about God a fun adventure! A companion
                                                   program for Coffee Break Bible study or other adult small groups.
Little Lambs uses story time and                   Each one-year downloadable pdf includes
creative play-center activities to                 • ideas for organizing a program
introduce 2- and 3-year-olds to God’s              • 10 themes or mini-units
Word. This companion program for Story             • 40 detailed how-to session plans
Hour and Coffee Break is also great for            • leader resources
homeschooling, preschool, and daycare              • tips for working with preschool and kindergarten children
settings.                                          • reproducible patterns for crafts and visuals
                                                   • music suggestions
Everything you need is in one helpful
• 44 detailed how-to session plans                 Story Hour, Year 1                                 Story Hour, Year 2
• help for organizing a Little Lambs               Age-appropriate Bible stories emphasize God’s      Age-appropriate Bible stories emphasize God’s
   program                                         creation and care, Jesus as Savior, and Jesus’     promise, God’s Son, and God’s children.
• tips on working with 2- and 3-year-                                                                  D Downloadable Program Guide, Year 2
   olds                                             D Downloadable Program Guide, Year 1              001661 $80.00US/$CDN*
• written music, reproducible                      001651 $80.00US/$CDN*
                                                                                                      Limited Quantities
   patterns, and selected
                                                   Take-Home Story Cards, Year 1 (6” x 9”)            Take-Home Story Cards, Year 2 (6” x 9”)
   songs on CD
                                                   001655 $10.00US/$CDN*                              001665 $10.00US/$CDN*
Take-home story cards include options              Sing With Me Preschool Songs CD                    Sing-Along Praise Songs
for interaction with parents during the            22 kid-friendly songs suggested for use with       Jacquelyn and Jon Negus
week. Order one set of cards for each              Story Hour
                                                                                                      Suggested for use with Story Hour, Year 2
child, and encourage kids to collect               037070 $16.00US/$CDN*
the cards to form their own Bible                                                                     Sixteen delightful songs available in a songbook,
                                                    D Sing With Me Preschool Songs are also           on a CD, and on iTunes and
                                                   available by download from iTunes and
                                         , making them easy for churches
Program Guide (3-ring binder)                      and parents to access and use.                     Songbook
001510 $100.00US/$CDN*                                                                                (includes music and motions for all songs on the
Take-Home Story Cards (6" x 8.5")                                                                     Sing-Along Praise Songs CD)
001511 $10.00US/$CDN*                                                                                 001668 $12.00US/$CDN*
CD (Additional)
001512 $16.00US/$CDN*                                                                                 CD
                                                                                                      001667 $16.00US/$CDN*

                                                                                                       D Sing With Me Preschool Songs are also
                                                                                                      available by download from iTunes and
                                                                                            , making them easy for churches
                                                                                                      and parents to access and use.

16                              Visit for more information and to view samples.          

Children and Worship
This program helps your church structure a separate worship time for young
children to experience and learn about God. It uses a unique storytelling
format and multisensory materials based on the Montessori method of
teaching and learning.

Visit to learn more about training.

To order wooden figurines similar to the patterns suggested in these books,
visit the Worship Woodworks website at
or call 888-689-6757.

                  Young Children and                              Following Jesus                                     I Wonder . . .
                  Worship                                         More About Young                                    More Bible Stories for
                  Sonja M. Stewart,                               Children and Worship                                Children and Worship
                  Jerome W. Berryman                              The latest collection of                            Janet Schreuder
                  The original resource                           stories and materials for                           Bible stories from
                  book for the Children and                       the Children and Worship                            Genesis to the
                  Worship program.                                program.                                            resurrection to use with
                  001800 $25.00US/$CDN*                           001805 $30.00US/$CDN*                               the Children and Worship
                   D Spanish Download
                                                                                                                      001825 $20.00US/$CDN*
                  705006 $25.00US/$CDN*

                   Helping Children                               Lift Up Your Hands DVD                                Be Still and Know CD
                   Experience God DVD                             An Introduction to                                    These 24 kid-friendly
                   An Introduction to the                         Signing in Children and                               worship songs a great
                     Children and Worship                         Worship                                               for any Sunday school
                      Program                                                                                           program, midweek
                                                                  An 11-minute DVD on
                      A DVD intro to                                                                                    program, family
                                                                  signing for use in
                     developing a worship-                                                                              worship, or anytime!
                   centered ministry of faith                                                                           With a mix of up-
                   nurture for young                              001850 $16.00US/$CDN*       tempo and quieter songs, this CD helps kids
                   children.                                                                  connect with God in worship.

                   001860 $16.00US/$CDN*                                                      001835 $16.00US/$CDN*

                                                                                              D Be Still and Know songs are available by
                                                                                                  download from iTunes and

Children and the Lord’s Supper
                               Welcoming Children to the Lord’s Supper is an
                               online toolkit of resources for pastors, parents,
                               children’s leaders, worship planners, elders
                               and others. Access the contents at
                               FaithFormation, or order a free User’s Guide from

             1-800-333-8300                            *CDN price at current exchange rate

Family and Program Support
                          God’s Big Story                                         Shaped by God                                                 Autism and Your
                          Cards                                                   Twelve Essentials                                             Church
                          This one-per-                                           for Nurturing Faith in                                        Nurturing the Spiritual
                          household faith                                         Children, Youth, and                                          Growth of People with
                          nurture game                                            Adults                                                        Autism Spectrum
                          encourages families                                     Robert J. Keeley, editor                                      Disorder
                          to have fun as they                                                                                                   Barbara J. Newman
                                                                                   Faith formation doesn’t just
                          learn about God’s
                                                                                   happen—it’s a Spirit-led                                  This revised and
                          story together. Start
                                                                                   lifelong process of shaping                               updated resource
                          by reading the day’s
                                                                                   and reshaping. In this                                    offers practical ways
                          story in the Bible,
                                                         collection of essays, twelve experts share their         to welcome and include individuals with autism
then roll the color-coded die to choose one
                                                         perspectives on faith formation at home, in worship,     spectrum disorder into the full life of your
of six ways to explore the story together.
                                                         in education, in intergenerational contexts, in people   congregation.
Also great for home schoolers, Christian day
                                                         with developmental disabilities, and more.               116016 $30.00US/$CDN*
schools, and families whose churches use
                                                         Indispensable reading for pastors, church leaders,
other curricula.                                                                                                  Spanish
                                                         education committees, parents, and educators.
(Order one per family)                                                                                            602607 $20.00US/$CDN*
037040 $15.00US/$CDN*                                    Book
10+ sets $10.00US/$CDN*                                  151126 $16.00US/$CDN*
                                                          E eBook, ePub 151127 $10.00US/$CDN*
                                                          E eBook, Mobipocket 151128 $10.00US/$CDN*
                               The Jesus                                              Preventing Child                                          Celebrating the
                               Storybook Bible                                        Abuse                                                     Milestones of Faith
                               Every Story                                            Creating a Safe Place                                     A Guide for Churches
                               Whispers His Name                                      Beth Swagman                                              Laura Keeley,
                               Sally Lloyd-Jones                                    How can a church or                                         Robert J. Keeley
                               The Jesus Storybook                                  nonprofit organization                                    Learn how your
                               Bible invites children                               prevent child abuse                                       church can identify
                               ages 4-7 to join in                                  from occurring in its                                     and celebrate faith
                               the greatest of all                                  facilities and among                                      milestones in the lives
                               adventures, to                                       its members? A good                                       of children, youth, and
discover for themselves that Jesus is at the center of   place to begin, according to Beth Swagman, is by         adults as you all grow in faith together.
God’s great story of salvation—and at the center of      adopting a comprehensive child abuse prevention
                                                                                                                  018018 $18.00US/$CDN*
their own story too.                                     policy.
460214 $18.00US/$CDN*                                    155243 $25.00US/$CDN*
                                                                                                                                     Home Grown Handbook
                             Helping Kids Include                                     You’re Invited
                                                                                                                                     for Christian Parenting
                             Kids with Disabilities                                   A Week of Family
                             Second Edition                                           Devotions on the                               Karen DeBoer
                             Barbara J. Newman                                        Lord’s Supper                                  This practical parent handbook
                                                                                      John Bouwers,                                  answers questions all Christian
                             This book gives you
                                                                                      Karen DeBoer,                                  parents face. When using in a
                             practical tips for
                                                                                      S R Larin, Leonard                             parenting course with the
                             helping students
                                                                                      Vander Zee                  Home Grown study guide, purchase one copy for
                             welcome children who
                                                                                                                  each family. Video segments are available for free
                             have disabilities into      This one-week devotional helps parents or
                                                                                                                  download at
                             their classes at church     caretakers explain what the Lord's Supper is all
or at school. Chapters address specific conditions       about, get children ready to participate, and            151370 $15.00US/$CDN
such as autism, visual and hearing impairments,          encourage the whole family to respond in                 10-49 copies $12.00US/$CDN*
behavioral disorders, learning disabilities, physical    gratitude for this very special gift from God.           50+ copies $11.00US/$CDN*
disabilities, language disorders, ADHD, and much
                                                         150903 $6.00US/$CDN*                                     E eBook, ePub 151371 $10.00US/$CDN*
more. Also included are guidelines for churches
                                                         10+ copies $4.50US/$CDN*
and sample lesson plans.                                                                                          E eBook, Mobipocket 151372 $10.00US/$CDN*
116011 $30.00US/$CDN*                                                                                             Study Guide (7 sessions) 151375 $8.00US/$CDN*

18                                  Visit for more information and to view samples.               
you t h

Middle School
                          Discover Your Gifts                                I Believe
                          And Learn How to Use                               Getting Ready to Profess
                          Them                                               My Faith
                          Ruth Vander Zee                                    Jessie Schut
                          Introduces the concept                             A guide for young people                    For other middle school
                          of spiritual gifts and                             preparing to make public                    curriculum, see page 5.
                          helps teens identify                               profession of faith. (Note:
                          working gifts and                                  each mentor needs a
                          waiting gifts.                                     copy of the study guide
                                                                             and the mentor guide.)
                          Student Book
                          120400 $6.00US/$CDN*                               Study Guide
                          Leader Guide                                       151130 $10.00US/$CDN*
                          120405 $12.00US/$CDN*                              Mentor’s Guide
                                                                             151135 $13.00US/$CDN*

                                                                                                           Every Bit of Who I Am
                                                                                                           Devotions for Teens
                                                                                                           James C. Schaap
                                                                                                           These short meditations
                                                                                                           help teens answer the
                                                                                                           question “Who am I?”
                                                                                                           Makes a great gift for
                                                                                                           profession of faith or
                                                                                                           160490 $15.00US/$CDN*
Dive Devotions
Bryan Keeley
These aren't your ordinary devotionals! Each week includes three
interactive reflections written for young teens. Activities include
• Bible readings                                                                                           Walk With Me, Jesus
• space to sketch and doodle                                                                               Devotions for You and
• a Think About It/Talk About It section with questions for kids to                                        Your Family
    explore on their own or talk about with a mentor, parent, or friend                                    Karen Wilk
• Q&As from the Reformed tradition made accessible for young teens                                         This devotional is an
• a challenge to help teens dive into God’s story                                                          important link between
                                                                                                           home and Sunday
Dive, Year 1			                 Dive, Year 2		                                                             school.
037030 $8.50US/$CDN*		          037035 $8.50US/$CDN*                                                       016211 $10.00US/$CDN*

                 1-800-333-8300                                   *CDN price at current exchange rate
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                                                                   Reformed Faith

P DEEP                                                                                              Deep Down Faith                                       What We Believe                                         Limited Quantities
                                            DEEP DOWN FAITH

                                                                                                    Cornelius Plantinga,                                                                                          Questions Worth
eek devotional that

                                                                                                                                                          Third Edition
 ough surface-level
h more deeply. If
you can expect to

 faith is all about,
                                                                                     CORNELI US

                                                                                                    Jr.                                                                                                           Asking
hat you believe,                                                                     PLANTINGA JR
 lieve impacts your
                                                                                                                                                          Lew Vander Meer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  A Study of the
 th to help you share

our own, or with a
electronic leader’s
h Alive.                                                                                       These thought-                                               This popular high
thor of five books

                                                                                               provoking devotional                                                                                               Heidelberg
                                                                                                                                                            school course based
 aging God’s World,

 It’s Supposed to Be.
                                                PL ANT ING A J R

 municate complex

eryday language. He

                                                                                               readings help teens
n Theological Seminary
  of the chapel at Calvin

                                                                                                                                                                 on the Belgic
 eral colleges and

                                                                                               and young adults                                                                                                   Jane Vogel,
    RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Youth

      ISBN 978-1-59255-478-2

                                                                                               understand and live                                                                                                Mary Sytsma

                                                                                                                                                                      covers key
                                                                   into the basics of the Christian faith expressed in                                                aspects of                                   An experiential
                                                                   the Reformed/Presbyterian tradition. Deep Down                                                     the                                          two-year course
                                                                   Faith makes a great gift for teens to read on their                                              Reformed                                       on the Heidelberg
                                                                   own, but it’s also an excellent foundation for a                                              faith and                                         Catechism that
                                                                   small group study or a mentoring program. The             worldview in an easy-to-lead format. Each session     involves learning with “head, heart, and hands.”
                                                                   downloadable study guide contains session                 includes a twenty-minute video presentation. After    Please note that Year 1 is no longer available.
                                                                   outlines, theological backgrounds for leaders, and        watching the video, students use session guides to    (26 sessions)
                                                                   great tips for mentors. (24 sessions)                     review, discuss, and apply the teachings to their     Student Resources, Year 2
                                                                   Devotional                                                lives. Leader guides provide helpful backgrounds      130160 $24.00US/$CDN*
                                                                                                                             and offer options and tips for leading student
                                                                   120320 $18.00US/$CDN*                                                                                           Leader Guide, Year 2
                                                                                                                             activities. (24 sessions)
                                                                    D Leader Guide (download)                                                                                      130165 $28.00US/$CDN*
                                                                   120325 $20.00US/$CDN*                                     Part 1 (sessions 1-12) Part 2 (sessions 13-24)
                                                                                                                             Student Book           Student Book
                                                                                                                             135830 $6.00US/$CDN*   135840 $6.00US/$CDN*
                                                                                                                             Leader Guide              Leader Guide
                                                                                                                             135835 $15.00US/$CDN*     135845 $15.00US/$CDN*
                                                                                                                             DVD, Year 1               DVD, Year 2
                                                                                                                             135836 $30.00US/$CDN*     135846 $30.00US/$CDN*

                                                                                                     Believe It!                                       Quest of Faith                                         HC and Me
                                                                                                     16 Things You Need                                Understanding What                                     The Heidelberg
                                                                                                     to Know About Your                                You Confess                                            Catechism for
                                                                                                     Faith                                             Robert De Moor                                         Christian Living
                                                                                                     Chris Theule-                                     Help teens and young                                   Bob Rozema
                                                                                                     VanDam                                            adults answer                                           An easy-to-use, classic
                                                                                                  Based on the themes                                  questions about the                                     two-year course on the
                                                                                                  of the Belgic                                        Christian faith and our                                 Heidelberg Catechism
                                                                                                  Confession, this                                     Reformed heritage.                                      and its relevance for
                                                                                                  course aims to help                                  Explore 65 “quests” in                                  life in our times. The
                                                                                                  teens grow spiritually                               seven chapters. This                                    student book contains
                                                                                                  by understanding the                                 study is great for          the text of the entire Heidelberg plus discussion
                                                                   basics of the Reformed faith and its relevance to         helping people speak clearly and knowledgeably        questions, journaling options, interactive
                                                                   their lives. This course is easy to lead, and the         about what they believe. For use in youth groups,     activities, and more. To reinforce the lessons,
                                                                   small group format is fun for teens.                      pre-profession classes, young adult groups, and       consider purchasing a copy of the devotional
                                                                                                                             new believer classes. (7-13 sessions)                 Every Bit of Who I Am (page 19) for each student.
                                                                   A helpful leader guide and printable student
                                                                                                                             138805 $15.00US/$CDN*                                 (25-26 sessions per year)
                                                                   handouts are included in one convenient PDF.
                                                                   (16 sessions)                                                                                                   Student Book, Year 1     130200 $16.00US/$CDN*

                                                                   D Leader Guide (download)                                                                                       Leader Guide, Year 1     130205 $25.00US/$CDN*
                                                                   130325 $35.00US/$CDN*                                                                                           Student Book, Year 2     130210 $16.00US/$CDN*
                                                                                                                                                                                   Leader Guide, Year 2     130215 $25.00US/$CDN*

                                                                   20                                     Visit for more information and to view samples.         
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