Faith Courage Love - Roecliffe C of E Primary School

Page created by Douglas Osborne
Faith Courage Love - Roecliffe C of E Primary School
Faith Courage Love
                                Faith to move forward in confidence and succeed.
                               Courage to make a difference in the world every day.
                                        Love one another as God loves us.

                                            Weekly Bulletin 17.09.2021


Dear parent

As we complete our first full week of the school year, please read on for news of what we are up to!

A word from Rev Karen Gardiner
On Sunday there will be a 10am Holy Communion at St Andrew's Church, Aldborough and at 4pm there will be
Messy Church.

School layby out of use on Monday 20th
Class 4 will be travelling to Eden Camp on Monday 20th Sept and the layby will be coned off to allow the coach to
park safely outside the school site.

SEND leader
With the departure of Miss Clarke at the end of the summer term, Mrs Briggs has taken on the role of SEND leader
across the school and will be drawing on her previous experience of this role in a number of schools.

Morrison’s It’s Good To Grow
Please support our school by signing up to MyMorrisons on to register and download the
MyMorrisons app. Once you are registered you can collect Grow Tokens for any shopping you do online or in store.
On your first visit to MyMorrisons you will be asked to select the school you would like to donate your Grow Tokens
to. Our school will then use the Grow Tokens to purchase gardening equipment for our children to use in school.

Change of dessert
On Tuesday 21st Sept dessert will be iced buns not cheese and crackers.
On Friday 24th Sept dessert will be strawberry jelly not an iced bun.

Parent Governor Vacancy
It has been wonderful to invite our governors into school once again and we have enjoyed showing them what we
get up to during the school day. We currently have a vacancy for a parent governor and we would welcome
nominations from interested parents to join the Governing Body at our school. If any parents would like to speak
with our current parent governors, Rachel, James or Alex, please let us know or catch them at drop-off/pick-up times
as they would be very happy to chat about the parent governor role with anyone who wishes to know more. The
nomination deadline is Monday 27th September. Please use the forms attached to the original email or hard copies
and be requested from the school office if you wish to provide us with your nomination. Please use this link to access
information about being a parent governor.

Pupil Leadership opportunities
House Captains
Well done to the Year 6 pupils who presented their House Captain manifestos to the rest of the school in Collective
Worship this week. Many congratulations to the House Captains voted into their new roles by the children in Classes
2, 3 and 4.
North - Chris
South - Sofia
East - Finlay
West - Harry
Faith Courage Love - Roecliffe C of E Primary School
Faith Courage Love
                                 Faith to move forward in confidence and succeed.
                                Courage to make a difference in the world every day.
                                         Love one another as God loves us.

Year 6 Buddies
The Year 6 pupils met their Reception buddies this week and they had lots of fun getting to know each other! We
look forward to providing many opportunities this year when our Year 6 role models can support and help their
younger counterparts in all aspects of school life.

Faith Committee
Many thanks to Rose, Lily, Betsy and Skyler for presenting our very first pupil-led Collective Worship to us this week,
teaching us all about how Emma Raducanu has used her skills, talent and faith to achieve great things in the U.S
Open. We look forward to seeing weekly Collective Worships led by the Faith Committee throughout the school

Jeans for Genes
Many thanks to everyone who donated a contribution to the Jeans for Genes charity which supports children with
genetic disorders. It was wonderful to see so many children dressed in their denim today! If you would like to make a
donation to this worthwhile charity and have not yet done so, you can donate by text - To donate £2 Text JEANS2 to
70660 or donate online and select 'donating as an individual' and 'single

Calling all budding artists!!
Boroughbridge Care Home has invited the primary schools in the local area to compete in an art competition.
Artwork based on the theme of ‘Harvest Festival’ will be judged by the residents and staff at the care home. The
children have been told about the competition at school and have been asked to bring their Harvest Festival artwork
to school by Monday 27th September if they wish to take part. Time to get your pencils and paints out!

Open sessions at Roecliffe
We are throwing open the doors of our wonderful school to the public and providing ‘Open Sessions’ for prospective
parents to come and have a look at us! These Open Sessions have been scheduled on a variety of days and times to
provide plenty of opportunities for visitors to find out more about the wonderful things we have to offer. Please pass
on this information to any parents you know who are looking for a school place for their child.
Monday 4th Oct at 6pm
Tuesday 5th Oct at 9.30am
Wednesday 6th Oct at 11am
Saturday 9th Oct 10am - 12pm
Friday 15th Oct at 9.30am

We are publicising these Open Sessions through Facebook and on our school website and delivering leaflets around
the new-build housing developments across the Boroughbridge area. If you are able to help us distribute some
leaflets advertising our Open Sessions around your local area or you can put up some posters in your local amenities,
please let us know. Your help is very much appreciated.

Parent Information Meetings
During the summer break, the school purchased a new validated phonics program and reading books for use in
school reading sessions and Miss Smith (Class 1) and Miss Lonsdale (Class 2) have been busy implementing the
program in their classrooms. All our staff will be fully trained in the new Little Wandle phonics program by the end of
October and we look forward to sharing information about this fantastic new phonics program with our Class 1 and
Class 2 parents during the next few weeks. Please look out for email invitations to book your place on one of our
Faith Courage Love
                                 Faith to move forward in confidence and succeed.
                                Courage to make a difference in the world every day.
                                         Love one another as God loves us.

Parent Information sessions when you can find out more about how we teach phonics, reading, writing and maths at
Roecliffe on one of these dates -
Class 1 parents - Monday 4th October 3.30pm or Wednesday 13th October at 6pm
Class 2 parents - Thursday 7th October at 3.45pm or 6pm

Parent Consultation Meetings
These meetings will take place remotely during the week beginning 1st November and the week beginning 8th
November. We will be offering parents the opportunity to discuss their child’s progress with their teacher by booking
a parent consultation appointment through your Arbor app. Information on how to book your appointment will be
communicated nearer the time.

Training Days
Please note that due to the Queen’s Jubilee on Friday 3rd June, the school is closed due to training days on these
dates - Tuesday 4th January, Monday 6th June and Monday 25th July.

Please ensure that your child is wearing their school uniform for their photograph on Monday 20th, Tuesday 21st
and Wednesday 22nd Sept.

Extra-curricular activities
Extra-curricular activities are off and running for the term! If you would like your child to take part in these clubs,
please contact the club organiser directly to arrange your booking.
Tuesdays 3.30 - 4.30pm Zen Warriors - mindfulness, meditation and fun relaxation
Thursdays 3.30 - 4.30pm York City Football training
We are hopeful that more children will join the York City football extra-curricular club on Thursdays as it is not
currently viable with the number of pupils attending. Please sign up if you are interested.
We look forward to providing more extra-curricular activities as the term progresses.

Winning house
Congratulations to North this week for achieving the most house points this week! A huge pat on the back to all our
North pupils!

Head Teacher’s Award
Well done to the following pupils for achieving the Head Teacher Award this week! You are superstars!
Class 1 - Georgie Ibbetson
Class 2 - Lois Anderton
Class 3 -Sean O'Mahony
Class 4 - Will Sharp

We wish you a very enjoyable weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday!

Take care,
Mrs Briggs

Diary Dates

Monday 20th Sept - Class 4 Eden Camp trip
Monday 20th Sept - School photos ( children to come to school in uniform)
Tuesday 21st Sept - School photos (children to come to school in uniform)
Wednesday 22nd Sept - ‘mop-up’ of school photos (children to come to school in uniform)
Thursday 23rd Sept and Friday 24th Sept - road outside school closed
Faith Courage Love
                                 Faith to move forward in confidence and succeed.
                                Courage to make a difference in the world every day.
                                         Love one another as God loves us.

Monday 27th Sept - parent governor nomination deadline
Monday 27th Sept - Whole school visit to St Mary’s church (across the road) and Class 1 ‘Stay and Play’ on return
from church visit (Miss Smith to advise Class 1 parents)
Friday 1st Oct - Writing masterpieces across the school shown in Collective Worship

Monday 4th Oct - 3.30pm Class 1 parents information meeting (how we teach phonics, reading, maths and writing at
Roecliffe in Nursery and Reception) Creche available
Monday 4th Oct - 6pm Open session and tour of the school for prospective parents
Tuesday 5th Oct - 9.30am Open session and tour of the school for prospective parents
Wednesday 6th Oct - 11am Open session and tour of the school for prospective parents
Thursday 7th Oct - 3.45pm and 6pm Class 2 parent information meeting (how we teach phonics, reading, maths and
writing at Roecliffe in Year 1 and Year 2)
Saturday 9th Oct - 10am - 12pm Open session and tour of the school for prospective parents

Wednesday 13th Oct - 9.15am Harvest Festival at St Mary’s church
Wednesday 13th Oct - 6pm Class 1 parents information meeting (how we teach phonics, reading, maths and writing
at Roecliffe in Nursery and Reception)
Friday 15th Oct - 9.30am Open session and tour of the school for prospective parents

Friday 22nd Oct - 3.30pm school closes for half-term break
Monday 1st Nov - 8.45am school reopens

Thursday 11th Nov - 9.15am Remembrance Service at St Mary’s church

Thursday 16th Dec - 9.15am Christmas service at St Mary’s church

Christmas nativity - date tbc

Training days -
Monday 4th January
Monday 6th June - please note that this date is an additional training day due to the Golden Jubilee celebration on
Friday 3rd June
Monday 25th July (School closes for pupils on Friday 22nd July)
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