Ivel Valley School - Assistant Principal Job Pack - Where everyone is valued - cloudfront.net

Page created by Ralph Schroeder
Ivel Valley School - Assistant Principal Job Pack - Where everyone is valued - cloudfront.net
Ivel Valley School
Where everyone is valued

Assistant Principal
Job Pack
Ivel Valley School - Assistant Principal Job Pack - Where everyone is valued - cloudfront.net
Message from the Principal

Dear Candidate

Thank you for your interest in the     support the best outcomes.            Visits to the school and informal
post of Assistant Principal at lvel                                          meetings with the Principal are
Valley School.                         We invest in our staff team and       warmly welcomed. I look forward
                                       believe in high quality appraisal     meeting you.
Ivel Valley is a good school,          processes that focus on personal
however, we are striving towards       and professional development. As      Yours faithfully
recognition as a Centre of             Assistant Principal at Ivel Valley
Excellence. The new Assistant          School you will be supported to
Principal will play a key role in      complete additional leadership
achieving this vision.                 qualifications and also be offered
                                       effective coaching in your role.
We are looking for someone who is
passionate about learning for all      You will be a member of the Senior
pupils. We cater for children, young   Leadership Team and work closely      Joe Creswick
people and young adults who have       with the Principal and the Head of
a variety of ambitions, targets and    School. You will liaise with          Principal
goals. The successful candidate will   governors and share key information
be someone who ensures access          at meetings of the governing body.          The Principal will be hosting
and progress for all pupils.                                                      prospective applicants on the
                                       This is a challenging and rewarding
We are continually striving for        appointment, however, support will                following dates:
pedagogical development, our           be there when you need it.
                                                                              Friday 9th March      0930-1130
Assistant Principal will have a firm
idea of how they would like to have    It is an exciting time to join Ivel
                                       Valley School. We are looking          Monday 12th March 0930-1130
an impact on the education of
learners.                              forward to welcoming a new
                                       Assistant Principal to the team.       Please contact Alison Cobb to
At Ivel Valley we recognise that it                                           arrange your visit:
takes every member of the team to                                             alison.cobb@ivelvalley.beds.sch.uk
Ivel Valley School - Assistant Principal Job Pack - Where everyone is valued - cloudfront.net
Our Advertisement

An exciting opportunity to support the next                   Closing Date for Applications:
stage of the development of our highly                        10.00 am on Monday 19th March 2018
respected local special school and to deliver                 Shortlisting:
improved outcomes and life chances for our                    Tuesday 20th March 2018
Our school
                                                              Monday 26th March 2018
Ivel Valley School is a maintained area special school
                                                              Further details are available to download from
catering for children and young adults aged from 3 to 19
                                                              www.ivelvalley.beds.sch.uk, www.tes.com or from
years who have a wide range of complex learning needs
and disabilities.
                                                              We encourage and expect prospective candidates to
The job
                                                              make an informal visit to the school prior to applying for
You will be a member of the Senior Leadership Team,           this position. See details on page 2.
you will have overall responsibility for either the
                                                              We look forward to hearing from you.
Secondary or Primary areas of the school in addition to
other specific leadership responsibilities. You will report
directly to the Head of School.                               Ivel Valley School is committed to the protection and safety of
This post will commence from September 2018.                  its pupils and all posts within school are subject to an Enhanced
                                                              Disclosure Check from the Disclosure and Barring Service. We
Pay Scale                                                     are an equal opportunities employer, welcoming applications
                                                              from all sections of the community.
Leadership Spine Points 14 (£54,250) to 18 (£59,857)
Ivel Valley School - Assistant Principal Job Pack - Where everyone is valued - cloudfront.net
Job Description
Key Role and Purpose                                          Effective Deployment of Staff and Resources
   To promote the vision and values of the school               Support the Principal and Senior Leadership Team in
   To provide professional leadership of the Primary or          the recruitment, development and deployment of
                                                                  staff. Make effective use of staff skills, abilities and
    Secondary areas of the school, ensuring that pupils           training
    participate in a high quality education, receive the
                                                                 Support the Principal and Senior Leadership Team to
    best possible care and achieve high standards in all          organise pupil groupings and timetables to ensure
    areas of learning.                                            that effective teaching and learning takes place
                                                                 Work with the Principal, Senior Leadership Team and
Specific Duties and Responsibilities                              Governors to establish priorities for expenditure.
                                                                  Monitor the effectiveness of spending and the use of
Strategic Direction and Development                               resources, ensure value for money
   Contribute to strategic decision making as part of the
    school’s senior leadership team                           Safeguarding
   Support the development of the School Self-                  Ensure the welfare and safeguarding of pupils across
    Evaluation and School Improvement and                         the whole school through rigorous application of the
    Development Plan                                              school child protection, behaviour management and
   Plan and manage change in accordance with the                 pupil welfare policies.
    School Improvement and Development Plan                      Lead safeguarding across the school as Designated
                                                                  Safeguarding Lead
                                                                 Ensure that all safeguarding procedures are followed
Leadership and Management                                         including maintenance of safeguarding records,
   Lead and manage Key Stage Leaders, teachers and               sharing information where necessary, ensuring
                                                                  attendance at key meetings
    teaching assistants within the designated area of the
    school                                                       Support Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads to
                                                                  carry out their duties
   Support the Principal through staff appraisal
                                                                 Share safeguarding concerns with the Principal when
   Lead and implement initiatives/improvements as
                                                                 Contribute the safety and welfare of our pupils, staff
    defined in the School Improvement and Development             and parents and to work collaboratively with other
    Plan                                                          agencies to protect children and share information
   Promote positive standards of conduct from staff and          where appropriate.
    support staff welfare
   Liaise with parents and key professionals as part of a    Other duties
    multi-disciplinary team working to support pupil             Promote equal opportunities throughout the school
    outcomes                                                      and ensure the application of the school equal
   Review the quality of teaching and learning in school,        opportunities policy
    conduct monitoring activities in collaboration with the      Promote an ethos of inclusion and opportunity for all
    Senior Leadership Team                                       Participate in the design and delivery of training
   Deputise for the Principal or Head of School when             sessions for other schools
    necessary                                                    Chair Education, Health and Care Plan reviews for
                                                                  allocated pupils
Teaching and Learning                                         Notes
   Plan and teach the equivalent of one day per week         These duties and responsibilities should be regarded as
    (0.2 FTE teaching commitment)                             neither exhaustive nor exclusive as the post holder may
   Model high quality teaching, demonstrate the ability      be required to undertake other reasonably determined
    to enhance pupil progress by meeting and exceeding        duties and responsibilities commensurate with the
    Teachers’ Standards                                       grading of the post.
   Ensure high quality teaching and learning is taking
    place across the school                                   You will be required to attend meetings outside of school
   Monitor and review the effectiveness of the school        working hours to support school governance and other
    curriculum                                                school functions.
   Promote excellent standards of pupil conduct through
                                                              Ivel Valley School operates across dispersed sites in
    application of Team Teach principles.
                                                              Biggleswade. The post-holder will be expected to
   Ensure a broad and balanced curriculum is in place
                                                              routinely transit between sites in the course of their
    for all pupils within areas of responsibility
                                                              duties, under their own arrangements and without
Ivel Valley School - Assistant Principal Job Pack - Where everyone is valued - cloudfront.net
Person Specification

                                   Knowledge and Qualifications
               Qualified Teacher Status
               Degree or equivalent
               An extensive knowledge of the National Curriculum and how it can be differentiated for pupils
Essential       with special educational needs
               An excellent understanding of assessment and the use of assessment data
               Knowledge and experience of safeguarding processes
               Knowledge of how to support pupils who present challenging behaviour

               Evidence of further study in education
               Master’s Degree or equivalent
Desirable      Knowledge and experience of specialist programmes and approaches for children/young people
                with Special Educational Needs, e.g. TEACCH, PECS
               Training and experience as a Designated Safeguarding Lead
               Team Teach training

                                Professional Skills and Experience
               Successful experience of teaching pupils with special educational needs
               Leading and managing teams, including support and coaching others
               Experience of leading teaching and non-teaching staff
Essential      Leading role in the development and implementation of school improvement strategies
               A strong track record of working with parents/carers
               A proven ability to work with a wide range of professionals as part of a multi-disciplinary team
               A track record of delivering outstanding lessons
               The ability to maintain a work/life balance and awareness of own wellbeing
               Successful experience of teaching in a special school
               Experience of working in different key stages and phases of education
Desirable      Experience of working in a senior leadership position
               Delivery of continuing professional development courses to colleagues both in and out of school

                               Personal Skills, Qualities and Attributes

               Strong interpersonal, written and oral communication skills
               Self-motivated with high levels of personal drive, able to work with minimal supervision
               Strong analytical skills with attention to detail and high levels of accuracy
               The ability to work as part of a team
               The ability to enthuse and inspire others
               Strong organisational and time management skills
               Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines
Desirable      Approachable, able to develop and maintain positive professional relationships with others
               High expectations of self, other staff and pupils
               Commitment to the broader life of the school
               The ability to make decisions based on the available information with confidence, clarity and
               A sense of humour!
Ivel Valley School - Assistant Principal Job Pack - Where everyone is valued - cloudfront.net
Ivel Valley School
Hitchmead Road
SG18 0NL
     01767 601010
     01767 600229
     admin@ivelvalley.beds.sch.uk
     www.ivelvalley.beds.sch.uk
Ivel Valley School - Assistant Principal Job Pack - Where everyone is valued - cloudfront.net Ivel Valley School - Assistant Principal Job Pack - Where everyone is valued - cloudfront.net Ivel Valley School - Assistant Principal Job Pack - Where everyone is valued - cloudfront.net
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