FAITHFUL By Holly Culhane - Presence Point

Page created by Danny Avila
FAITHFUL By Holly Culhane - Presence Point
Summer 2021 Newsletter

By Holly Culhane                                            In a world full of ministry leadership failures, he
                                                            is radically different. Why? Many would say it was
Remaining steadfast and loyal is what God does              because of the ongoing work of grace in his life
best. Day in, day out. Season after season. Mil-            that transforms a person’s character along the
lennia after millennia. No matter what -- GOD IS            way. And, though that is true, as I look back on
FAITHFUL!                                                   his example, I believe there’s a lesson for shep-
                                                            herd leaders. The depth of the transformation in
He reveals his faithfulness in the order and bal-           all of us is connected to God’s grace, but also to
ance of nature, in the fulfillment of His promises          our faithfulness to the Father. Whether we truly,
to His people, and in His Son, the Lord Jesus, our          deeply, and daily walk with Him, abiding in His
dear Good, Great, and Chief Shepherd.                       love, will absolutely affect if we hear His whisper,
                                                            follow His direction, and lead well.
The faithfulness of God is undeniable; however,
our faithfulness to God may be questionable.                As you enter this summer season, join me in tak-
                                                            ing a moment to evaluate your faithfulness to the
Am I loyal to Him and His Word? Do I trust Him              Father – your commitment to remaining stead-
enough to be steadfast in my beliefs and consis-            fast, loyal, fully trusting His Word and your com-
tently demonstrate those beliefs in my daily life?          mitment to be a Godly, faithful shepherd leader in
                                                            the lives of those you influence and impact.
I recently asked myself that question when re-
flecting upon a friend’s tenure as President of a
national ministry. In his service, he was steadfast
and loyal. He trusted the Father every step of the
way. When the learning curve was steep, when                            Holly Culhane,
he didn’t understand, when he didn’t know the                           Founder & CEO,
details, when it was hard, when it was celebratory                      and Doug Culhane,
– he was faithful to the mission. Most importantly                      Facilitator and Logistics
he was faithful to the Father.
                                              Live Into Your Calling®
FAITHFUL By Holly Culhane - Presence Point
Presence Point • Summer 2021 Newsletter

American Heritage Girls Launches Presence Point
Shepherd Leadership Patch
                      American Heritage Girls launched the Shepherd Lead-
                      ership Patch in late April. Sponsored by Presence Point,
                      this patch will help girls of all ages better understand the
                      biblical concept of shepherding well those they influence
                      and impact.

                      The Shepherd Leadership Patch can be used by both girls and boys. If you
                      would like information about how to implement the Patch in your student
                      program, contact Holly Culhane at

The Central Indiana YFC Workshop
The Central Indiana YFC team embraced the
shepherding message. Oh, how faithful our
dear Good Shepherd was during their annual
Vision Days gathering.

Memorable quips and questions from this experience:
• “Jesus invites us to shepherd with Him.” Great reminder!
• “Service + Sacrifice = Biblical leadership” So insightful!
• “May I use this to train our ministry leaders?” YES!
• “Can I use this to teach leadership to the kids?” YES!
• Is it cheapening the message to teach little bits of this message at a time?”
  No! The message is rich in snippets and you can build on it!

                                          Live Into Your Calling®
FAITHFUL By Holly Culhane - Presence Point
Presence Point • Summer 2021 Newsletter

New Presence Point Wallpapers
Beginning this summer, Presence Point will be
releasing new downloadable images that you
can use as wallpaper backgrounds on your com-
puter, tablet, or mobile device to remind you of
the importance of being an effective shepherd
leader! Watch for these semi-monthly releases
that we pray will encourage each time you open
your device to live more deeply into your calling.

Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) - Outcomes Conference 2021
It was an honor to partner with CLA in June at their
annual Outcomes Conference in Orlando, Florida.
CLA has been equipping leaders for Kingdom impact
for over 40 years, and this annual conference pro-
vides professional development for today’s Christian
non-profit leaders at every level of a ministry organiza-
tion. Please pray that those participating will be called
to multiply the shepherd leadership message.

“I loved everything! Holly and Doug were so enlarging
and knowledgeable, it was so evident they cared about
making this seminar applicable for each person. So
transparent, personable, and caring.“
~Workshop Participant

                                                                 “Each exercise built upon the other which added
                                                                 clarity to how God wants me to shepherd.”
                                                                 ~Workshop Participant

     “So applicable! Helps us to rely on the Shepherd by
     understanding the shepherding message.“
     ~Workshop Participant

       “This workshop is a must attend to shepherd/lead well.”
       ~Workshop Participant

                                               Live Into Your Calling®
FAITHFUL By Holly Culhane - Presence Point
Presence Point • Summer 2021 Newsletter

                             “I absolutely LOVE the workshops! I still need to watch module
                             6, but I have no doubt it will be fantastic like the others. I found
                             them to be very engaging, challenging, thought provoking, em-
                             powering, and encouraging.”

                                   Erin Bishop,
                                   Founder, The Whatever Girls, in response to viewing the
                                   online, on-demand version of the Teen/Young Adult ver-
                                   sion of the “Leadership from the Shepherd’s Perspective”

                                  Our Mission
    Presence Point equips leaders to intentionally live into their calling
 as shepherds in the lives of those they lead, and partners with multipliers
             to do the same within their sphere of influence.

                                  Presence Point      2036 Nevada City Highway, #78                   PARTNER WITH US...         Grass Valley, CA 95945                      DONATE TODAY!
                                  (916) 778-6379

                              STAY CONNECTED!

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FAITHFUL By Holly Culhane - Presence Point FAITHFUL By Holly Culhane - Presence Point FAITHFUL By Holly Culhane - Presence Point FAITHFUL By Holly Culhane - Presence Point FAITHFUL By Holly Culhane - Presence Point FAITHFUL By Holly Culhane - Presence Point
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