Page created by Ronald Burton
fall 2019

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                                 Helena Office                                                             Can you imagine what Montana would sound
                                                                                                           like in the spring without the familiar songs of our
Our mission is to promote
                                 PO Box 595, Helena, MT 59624 • Phone: 406-443-3949

                                                                                                           native birds? From the Rockies in the west to the vast
appreciation, knowledge and      Fax: 406-443-7144 • info@mtaudubon.org • www.mtaudubon.org

                                 Audubon Center
                                                                                                           grasslands in the east, our diverse state is host to
conservation of Montana’s

                                                                                                           over 430 species of birds that either breed here or
native birds, other wildlife,    7026 S. Billings Blvd., Billings, MT 59101 • Phone: 406-294-5099

                                                                                                           pass through in migration. Many of us have noticed
and natural ecosystems to        www.mtaudubon.org/center

                                                                                                           a decline in their numbers and now we learn more
safeguard biological diversity

                                                                                                           about the cause – a combination of climate change,
for current and future           Staff                                Board of Directors
                                                                                                           habitat loss and pesticide use. The Three Billion
generations.                     Larry Berrin
                                 Executive Director                   Rachel Van Wingen, President

                                                                                                           Birds study in the journal Science was particularly
                                                                      Joe Batts, Vice-President
Founded in 1976, Montana                                              Bernie McHugh, Secretary
                                 Heather Bilden
                                 Community Programs Lead
Audubon has built effective                                           Ron Farmer, Treasurer
                                                                                                           eye-opening.This is the first study to undertake an       We need your participation
                                                                      At-large Board Members
                                                                                                           accounting of the net population changes across a         and support so we can
                                 Sarah Chatwood
programs in public policy,       Preschool Lead
                                                                                                           total of 529 breeding bird species in the United          all do our part to protect
                                                                      Mimi Falivene
education, and bird
                                                                                                           States and Canada. The researchers analyzed birds
                                 Emily Chilcoat
                                 Volunteer Coordinator
                                                                      Curt Larsen

                                                                                                                                                                     our feathered neighbors
conservation to serve its                                             Cary Lund

                                                                                                           on a group-by-group basis, allowing them to identify
                                                                      Bob Mackin
                                                                      Center Council Delegate
                                                                                                                                                                     in Montana.
members and Montana’s            Bo Crees
                                 Avian Technician Data Specialist
                                                                                                           declines among species that use similar habitats.
nine community-based
                                 Krista Cunningham                    Don Roberts
Audubon Chapters.

                                                                                                           The study included 48 years of data from multiple independent sources, including
                                                                      Chapter Delegates
                                                                      Bitterroot Audubon
                                                                                                           the North American Breeding Bird Survey and the Christmas Bird Count.
                                 Hannah Dunford
                                 Youth Programs Lead

                                                                                                           A comprehensive analysis of 11 years of data from 143 NEXRAD radar stations
                                                                      Mike Daniels
                                                                      Five Valleys Audubon
                                 Cathie Erickson
                                 Accounting Specialist
                                                                                                           showed a similarly steep decline in the magnitude of migration. The study clearly
                                                                      Rose Leach
                                                                      Flathead Audubon
                                                                                                           shows that the losses threaten some of our most common and beloved birds.
                                 Norane Freistadt
                                 Development Director

                                                                                                           Of the nearly three billion birds lost, 90% came from just 12 bird families, including
                                                                      Bob Lee
                                                                      Last Chance Audubon
                                                                                                           sparrows, warblers, finches, and swallows. These common, widespread species play
                                 Alina Garner
                                 School Programs Lead

                                                                                                           influential roles in ecosystems. The greater web of life, including us, is in trouble.
                                                                      Janice Miller
                                                                      Mission Mountain Audubon
                                 Janet Johnston
                                 Office Manager
                                                                      Jim Rogers
                                                                      Pintler Audubon
                                                                                                           When studies like these are published, we sometimes are left to wonder “what
                                 Nicki Kenyon
                                 Preschool Teacher-Naturalist

                                                                                                           can I do?” A popular Chinese proverb says: “The best time to plant a tree was
                                                                      Jack Kirkley
                                                                      Sacajawea Audubon
                                 Ashley Laukhuf
                                                                                                           20 years ago and the second best time is now.” So while I wish we had done
                                                                                                           more 50 years ago, I also know it is not too late. Rachel Carson taught us all that
                                                                      Loreene Reid
                                                                      Upper Missouri Breaks Audubon
                                 Gabi Morey
                                                                                                           our actions can not only cause problems for birds but we can also be the solution.

                                                                                                           In the next few months we will be launching new strategic initiatives that will get
                                 Caroline Provost
                                 BSWC Avian Technician

                                                                                                           to the heart of the problems we are facing in Montana when it comes to our
                                 Anthony Sammartano
                                 BSWC Restoration Specialist
                                                                                                           avian populations. Stay tuned as these new programs and projects will need your
                                                                                                           participation and support so we can all do our part to protect our feathered
                                 Amy Seaman
                                 Director of Policy & Science
                                 Carolyn Sevier
                                 Center Director
                                                                     Montana Audubon is a proud            neighbors in Montana.

     fall 2019
                                                                     member organization of
                                 Sterling Spilinek                   Montana Shares, a partnership
                                 Range & Wildlife Biologist

                                                                     of Montana-based nonprofits

     Cover Story:
                                                                     devoted to improving the

     What the Birds
                                 Jennifer Walker
                                 Preschool Teacher-Naturalist
                                                                     quality of life in the Big Sky

     are Telling Us

                                                                                                           Larry Berrin, Executive Director
 8   Conservation Briefs

14   News from the Center

16   Annual Achievement          Bob Martinka photo.
                                 On the cover: MacGillivray’s Warbler

                                                                                                      FALL 2019                                                                                     3
                                                                                       COVER STORY

                                                       TE LLI NG
                                                       Three billion birds disappeared from our skies
                                                       in just 50 years. What does this mean for us?
                                                       In 1962 Rachel Carson challenged all of us to try and imagine a quieter
                                                       world. To wake up one morning in May and not hear the sounds of
                                                       birdsong filling the air was a chilling image that resonated with many of
                                                       us. To this day, Silent Spring is considered one of the most important books
                                                       to document the detrimental effects of pesticides, including DDT which
                                                       was later banned.

                                                       In the early 1960s we didn’t realize the full extent that our actions
                                                       were having on birds. Once people realized that DDT was impacting
                                                       reproduction by thinning the eggshells of some of our most majestic
                                                       raptors at the very top of the avian food chain, including our national
                                                       symbol, we took action. As a result of this ban and the dedication of
                                                       funding for conservation programs, the Bald Eagle and other birds of prey
                                                       made a recovery. Rachel Carson proved to all of us that not only can we
                                                       be the cause of the problem, but once we are made aware of it, we can also
                                                       be the solution.

    Upland Sandpiper                                   Now we have the opportunity to act again.                         continued

4                      MON TANA AUD UBON   FALL 2019                                                                                  5
Birds are indicator species, serving as acutely
                                                                                       sensitive barometers of environmental health,
                                                                                       and their mass declines signal that the earth’s
                                                                                       biological systems are in trouble.

                                                                                                                                                                      Bob Martinka
    Chestnut-collared Longspur

    This fall, the Three Billion Birds study in the journal Science found              Birds are indicator species, serving as acutely sensitive barometers of
    staggering, widespread bird declines. Cumulatively, three billion fewer            environmental health, and their mass declines signal that the earth’s
    birds fill the skies of North America today than in 1970 – a loss of more          biological systems are in trouble. In a way birds are our “canary in the
    than a quarter of our birds. This was not a report on projected future loss        coalmine” when it comes to the environment, so what impacts them will
    on the basis of current trends, but rather one that tallied actual losses of       eventually impact us. You may have heard the story of caged birds whose
    familiar species. Sparrows, juncos, finches, blackbirds, warblers, swallows        sensitivity to lethal gasses served as a natural alarm call to coal miners
    and even our state bird the Western Meadowlark are among the birds in              as they learned that if the canary died, it was time to exit the cave.
    decline. Their loss affects the services birds provide us all, from dispersing     The same observation can be made about our planet but unfortunately,
    seeds to controlling insects. And it is not just birds – scientists are seeing     there is no exit.
    similar declines in wildlife across North America and around the world.
                                                                                       There was one bright spot in both studies however. They show that if
    On October 10, the National Audubon Society also released a                        we take action now we can help improve the situation. For instance,
    groundbreaking report that forecasts, in extraordinary detail, the impact          waterfowl numbers have actually increased significantly, likely thanks to
    climate change will have on North American birds through the end of                the decades-long efforts to fund restoration and protect the wetlands
    the century. The Survival by Degrees climate report shows that 389 bird            they need to feed and breed. Unfortunately most birds, including some
    species are vulnerable to extinction because of climate change. Audubon            of our most common species, do not have the kind of consistent,
    scientists studied 604 North American bird species using 140 million               dedicated funding that waterfowl have benefited from. These studies
    bird records and the same climate models used by more than 800 experts             highlight the urgency of addressing America’s avian crisis by ramping up
    in 80 countries. The science shows that the majority of North American             conservation investments and defending the laws that protect birds
    bird species – even familiar and beloved birds like the Mountain Bluebird          and their habitats.
    and American Robin – are at risk of extinction from climate change.
                                                                                       Right now, there is a bill in the House of Representatives that would
    Many of us who have been observing birds for decades were not surprised            provide this kind of sustained funding to other birds and wildlife in
    by these reports. You may have your own accounts of trends and evidence            trouble – the bipartisan Recovering America’s Wildlife Act. If it passes,
    that you have observed in your lifetime. From backyards to the vast                Montana will receive nearly $30 million dollars per year for proactive
    grasslands in the eastern part of the state – fewer birds filling our skies        wildlife conservation funding that would benefit birds and other wildlife
    has not gone unnoticed. Studies like these need data so your observations          in our state. Together, we can avoid a silent spring and pass on the gift of
    matter. This is why we launched Montana eBird a year ago. Montana                  bird song to future generations. We urge our congressional delegation in
    eBird compiles a great deal of Montana-specific bird data by citizen               Washington, D.C. to support the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act.
    scientists all across our state so we can help by adding to a database that
    can be used in the future to note trends.

6                                                              MON TANA AUD UBON     FALL 2019                                                                                       7
2019 Field Projects at a Glance
                                                                                                                                   Working closely with partner                      and colonial waterbird species, like the
                                                                                                                                   organizations, Audubon chapters, and              American White Pelican and Black Tern.

    Sage-grouse Need State
                                                                                                                                   citizen scientists, we supported research         This work kept us busy from April through

    and Federal Conservation Support
                                                                                                                                   and monitoring projects in Important Bird         August, a season that started out when
                                                                                                                                   Areas, and statewide, on species like Long-       snow was still flying, and ended just as the
                                                                                                                                   billed Curlew, Harlequin Duck, Chimney            leaves began to turn their brilliant gold.
    As the close of the year approaches, the         Management

                                                                                                   James Yule
                                                                                                                                   Swift, Black Swift, and dozens of songbirds
    fate of Greater Sage-grouse in Montana           (BLM) managed
    continues to be affected by management           lands, continue to                                                                                                                       To get involved and learn more,

                                                                                                                                                                                              please visit our citizen science website,

                                                                                                                                    OUR WORK BY THE NUMBERS
    decisions on the federal and state level.        threaten core habitat and
    Given a September 2019 report to state           several Important Bird Areas in Montana.
    lawmakers indicating a decline of                At the onset, an Endangered Species
    approximately 40% in the past three years        listing was partially avoided because of
    (surveys indicating the presence of about
    43,000 birds), those decisions will impact
                                                     collaborative efforts to strengthen BLM
                                                     resource management plans (RMPs)
                                                                                                                                     87        Curlew sightings recorded in western Montana,
                                                                                                                                               working with 30 volunteers
    the potential need to protect Greater            throughout the species’ range, alongside of
    Sage-grouse under the Endangered
    Species Act during the 2020 review of the
                                                     strengthened state management plans.
                                                     With Montana upholding its end of the                                                 2   Pairs of Harlequin Ducks tagged in Glacier National Park
                                                                                                                                               to track annual movement
    species’ listing petition. Taking steps in the   bargain, changes to BLM RMPs that are
    right direction, the Montana Sage-grouse         not supported by science may push sage-
    Oversite Team approved over $3 million
    in state funding for term easements and
                                                     grouse closer to the brink. Montana
                                                     Audubon continues to fight these changes,
                                                                                                                                           3   IBAs surveyed for waterbirds, locating the fifth nesting colony
                                                                                                                                               of American White Pelicans working with two volunteers

    permanent conservation easements                 and as part of that process have identified
    scattered throughout sage-grouse core            the core areas most at risk, and taken                                                    Locations in Canyon Ferry and Madison River IBAs
    habitat. Overall state support for the           steps to put legal pressure on the BLM to                                                 surveyed for songbirds and noxious weeds
    Sage-grouse Stewardship Act is strong,           reinstate strong protections in sage-grouse
    and the addition of term leases as a             habitat.
    conservation option have helped broaden                                                                                                8   New nesting sites discovering while hosting three eastern
                                                                                                                                               Montana Chimney Swift survey trainings
    the base of private landowners willing to        Citing extreme drought as the likely cause
    work with the program.                           for declines to sage-grouse numbers in

    Further afield, the Interior Department’s
                                                     2019, the September report cautions too
                                                     much concern over bird numbers they see
                                                                                                                                     43        Waterfalls surveyed in Black Swift habitat,
                                                                                                                                               working with 20 field technicians and volunteers
    decision to relax restrictions on oil and gas    as falling within normal population
    development on Bureau of Land                    fluctuations.                                                                    4        New Black Swift nesting colonies discovered

    The Migratory Bird Treaty Act Provisions Still in Limbo
    In December of 2017, when changes to             the absence of federal mandates, the                                          AFWA did point out many states have              of the plumage, skin, or body of the bird...
    the interpretation of the Migratory Bird         Association Fish & Wildlife Agencies                                          never prosecuted incidental take cases.          or to take or destroy [its] nest or eggs”
    Treaty Act (MBTA) weakened the                   (AFWA) combed through laws working                                            Montana prohibits the killing any birds,         (Montana Code § 87-5-201(1). Though
    International Treaty, federal managers           with state agencies to find that just 17                                      other than game birds, without special           violations can result in fines and hunting
    were left in limbo regarding how to              states have legal provisions stipulating                                      permission by our state’s wildlife agency.       restrictions, AFWA’s interpretation was
    prevent indirect threats to birds. To recall,    the regulation of incidental take. They                                                           Our state code clarifies     that Montana’s laws may fall just short
    the Solicitor General’s interpretation           also found that sources of indirect                                                                    the unlawfulness        of intending to enforce incidental take.
    of the law, whose language remains               mortality continue to be common in the                                                                    to “kill... any      As yet, our state hasn’t faced this legal
    unchanged, reversed the intent of the            environment. Among the most common                                                                          wild bird,         test, but the AFWA report suggests this
    MBTA to cover “incidental” take, or              were collisions with buildings, lead in the                                                                   other than a     uncertainty is great cause for states to
    actions, threats or activities creating          environment (from shot or ammunition),                                                                         game bird,      begin strengthening their regulatory
    indirect sources of bird mortality               and collisions with transmission lines or                                                                      or any part     authority now.
    (think wind farms, etc.).                        communications infrastructure.
                                                                                                                                                                  Common Loon is a species often affected by incidental take,
    Seeking to understand enforcement of             Fortunately, Montana was one of the 17                                                                      whether from off-shore gillnet operations in the mid-Atlantic,
                                                                                                                Bob Martinka

    incidental take by individual states in          states with some legal standing, though                                                                     or exposure to heavy metals in settling or tailings ponds.

8                                                                               M ONTAN A AUDUBON                              FALL 2019                                                                                                  9
Survival by

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Bob Martinka
                                                                                                                                   Update from
     The Promise of the Land and Water                                                                                             National
     Conservation Fund (LWCF)                                                                                                      Audubon
     Like the federal Migratory Bird Treaty                  National Park, Red Rock Lakes National
                                                                                                                                   Our climate is
     Act and our local Habitat Montana land                  Wildlife Refuge (NWR), the Charles M.
                                                                                                                                   changing, and our
     conservation program, the Land and                      Russell NWR, the Blackfoot Valley
                                                                                                                                   birds are among the
     Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) has                      (which contains Brown’s Lake), and the
     garnered bipartisan support for decades.                Madison River, in addition to helping                                 visual, measurable
     In exchange for the removal of non-                     preserve state parks like Lewis & Clark                               indicators that make
     renewable resources generated by offshore               Caverns, Lone Pine, and Giant Springs.                                this truth evident. Five
     drilling, a portion of operational royalties                                                                                  years ago, the National
     are annually dedicated to LWCF. Funds                   As the program approaches its fifty-five                              Audubon Society released
     are intended to protect parks, natural                  year landmark, Montana Audubon is                                     their first climate report,
     areas, national forests, wildlife refuges,              proud to solidly support permanent                                    which opened our eyes to the
     outdoor recreational opportunities, and                 reauthorization of this fund. Sentiment                               effects climate change may have
     to encourage sustainable forestry along                 remains strong that full funding for LWCF                             on both the summer and winter
     with a strong recreation economy. Up to                 is an important next step for our wild                                ranges of 314 bird species. This year, a                                           Mountain
     $900 million at the federal level, the                  places, wildlife, and educational and                                 follow-up report based on data from the                                            Plover
     injection of funds to states can have a                 recreational opportunities for Montanans.                             U.S., Canada and Mexico, gives us zip
     ripple effect. In Montana we have                                                                                             code-level detail about potential affects to
     received just under $620 million over                   For more information and to get involved
                                                             please visit www.lwcfcoalition.org.
                                                                                                                                   604 North American bird species.
     five decades. The support has affected                                                                                                                                        grassland birds like Baird’s Sparrow,
     Important Bird Areas like Glacier                                                                                             In Survival by Degrees: 389 Species on the      Chestnut-collared Longspur, and
                                                                                                                                   Brink, scientists assess the exposure risk,     McCown’s Longspur. The report also finds
                                                                                                                                                                                   that these species, and especially Greater
     Full funding for LWCF is an important next step for our wild places, wildlife, and educational
                                                                                                                                   adaptive capacity, and sensitivity that bird
     and recreational opportunities for Montanans. Pictured: Ninepipe Wildlife Management Area.                                    species have, given a changing climate          Sage-grouse, Brewer’s Sparrow, Lark
                                                                                                                                   under three emissions scenarios. The first      Bunting and Baird’s Sparrow are
                                                                                                                                   report’s findings relied on data from the       threatened by increased fire activity
                                                                                                                                   Christmas Bird Count and Breeding Bird          throughout the western U.S. Findings like
                                                                                                                                   Survey, but in the 2019 report, over 140        this underscore the importance of a
                                                                                                                                   million bird observations were used;            habitat-focused approach to conservation.
                                                                                                                                   observations primarily contributed by           It is important to give birds the space and
                                                                                                                                   individual citizens. Suffice it to say, birds   landscape needed to support their ability
                                                                                                                                   are already bearing the consequences of a       to adapt and respond. The report also
                                                                                                                                   changing climate. As an example, the            states a clear goal before us: If we are able
                                                                                                                                   Mountain Plover, a state species of             to come together to move forward on
                                                                                                                                   concern and species of the western Great        climate solutions, there is reason for hope.
                                                                                                                                   Plains, is predicted to lose 76% of its         “By stabilizing carbon emissions and
                                                                                                                                   habitat – facing potential extirpation from     holding warming to 1.5°C above pre-
                                                                                                                                   the Oklahoma and New Mexico portions            industrial levels, 76 percent of
                                                                                                                                   of its range.                                   vulnerable species will be
                                                                                                                                                                                   better off, and nearly
                                                                                                                                   Interestingly, the report finds that            150 species would no              The full report
                                                                                                                                                                                   longer be vulnerable            is available online,
                                                                                                                                   Montana is one of the states most likely to
                                                                                                                                                                                   to extinction from            and  you can access it
                                                                                                                                   undergo cropland expansion as the climate                                    by visiting our website
                                                                                                                                   changes, a threat we know negatively            climate change.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and searching for
                                                                                                                                   affects many of our most threatened                                             Birds & Climate.
                                                                                                           Caroline Provost

10                                                                                         M ONTAN A AUDUBON                  FA L L 2019                                                                                                11
2019–2020 Christmas Bird Counts
     You can enjoy a fantastic day outdoors this   This winter’s CBCs will occur between
     winter and learn about the resident birds     mid-December 2019 and the first week of
     in your area by joining a Christmas Bird      January, 2020. Please visit mtaudubon.org
     Count (CBC) near you!                         for more information about the CBC,
                                                   which will post in late November.
     These annual outings have been
     maintained by Audubon organizations           Christmas Bird Counts are family-friendly,
     around the nation since the year 1900         community events: all experience levels
     with the first Montana count in 1908.         are welcome!
     There were over 30 counts around the
     state last season.                            American Tree Sparrow

                                                                                                Bob Martinka
                                                                                                                                    BECOME A MEMBER OF MONTANA
                                                                                                                                    AUDUBON THROUGH OUR ANNUAL
                                                                                                                                    CONSERVATION FUND

                                                                                                                                    Your membership* helps support one of the most effective
                                                                                                                                    conservation organizations in Montana. Enjoy a year of benefits
                                                                                                                                    including timely conservation updates, invites to special events,
                                                                                                                                    our biannual print newsletter and the peace of mind knowing
                                                                                                                                    that you’re actively contributing to the protection of birds,
                                                                                                                                    other wildlife and their habitats across our vast state.

     Wildlife Grants Available                                                                                                      For more information email us
                                                                                                                                    at info@mtaudubon.org
     Montana Audubon will again make               Projects funded through this program in
     available mini-grants from the Audubon        2019 included supporting the Restoration                                         or call 406-443-3949.
     Wildlife Fund of Montana, a permanent         of Trumpeter Swans in the Blackfoot
     endowment. The application deadline           Valley, the Impacts of Conifer Removal
     for the 2020 grant cycle is December 16,      on Sagebrush-Obligate Songbirds, the                                             *Montana Audubon is registered as a
     2019. For information and a grant             construction of a Wildlife Viewing Blind                                         nonprofit organization without members.
                                                                                                                                    Participation in this program does not
                                                                                                                                    include voting responsibilities.
     application, visit:                           at Helena Valley Regulating Reservoir,
     mtaudubon.org/about/wildlifegrants            and development of Avian Profiles in the
                                                                                                               Bob Martinka

                                                   Sevenmile area of the Prickly Pear Valley.

12                                                                           M ONTAN A AUDUBON                        FA L L 2019                                                                       13

                                                                                                                                                      It’s always great to highlight
                                                                                                                                                      those who contribute to our
     Back at the Beginning: Ten Years of Conservation Education                                                                                       work. We’d like to introduce
                                                                                                                                                      and recognize the following
     “The new Norm Schoenthal Field Lab              The location along South Billings Boulevard       Pompeys Pillar. In 2002, Montana               star volunteers!

                                                                                                                                                      First is Haley Ash-Eide, who came to
     is open for business at the Audubon             had been a gravel pit during repairs on           Audubon teamed up with YRPA on the
     Conservation Education Center (ACEC)            Interstate 90 in the early 1990s. The             current site, and over the next six years
     in Billings!”                                   Yellowstone River Parks Association,              collectively raised more than $350,000         the Center this summer and quickly
                                                                                                       for the construction of a Wet Lab to           become an integral part of our volunteer
                                                     having only recently been incorporated,
                                                                                                       serve as the headquarters for restoration,     family. Haley is currently studying
     So went the announcement of the                 acquired the property from the Long Family                                                       Environmental Studies at Montana State
     dedication of the Norm Schoenthal Field         Trust in 1998. Through the leadership of          education, and research. Kathryn “Billie”
                                                                                                                                                      University, after recently transferring from
     Lab on October 17, 2009. Ten years later,       Norm Schoenthal and others, volunteers            Hicks of YVAS, in addition to other            Chief Dull Knife College, and has intentions
     the Center now provides education               began work to rehabilitate the landscape.         significant contributions, made and sold       of studying Environmental Law. In her short
     programs to more than 20,000 visitors           From the beginning, the vision for the            peanut brittle to help fund the project.       time with us, Haley helped with our
     each year.                                      space was always a combination of                 Other notable individuals from early on        restoration and summer camp programs,
                                                     native Montana plant communities and              include YRPA members John Spencer,             finding a fondness working with our
     The idea of a conservation education facility   opportunities for youth engagement.               Earl Gus, and Sam and Mary Walter, and         recurring volunteer restoration groups.
     in Billings – a place to get children and       Education was a priority from the beginning,      from Montana Audubon Paul Belanger             One of the greatest things Haley has
                                                                                                       and Robert Fitzgerald.                         learned through her volunteer experience
     families outside to learn about the animals,    not only via Norm with his own background
                                                                                                                                                      is that unexpected things always happen –
     plants, and ecosystems of the area – had        as a professor for almost 30 years at Eastern                                                    so come prepared to just go with the flow!
     been around for a long time. What is now        Montana College, but also through the             Since that time, both the programs and
                                                                                                                                                      Being outside sharing
     called the Montana Audubon Center was           involvement of teachers Jean Smith,               the landscape have matured. On the             and learning with
     the culmination of the efforts of a number of   Dean Smith, and John Miller.                      property, hundreds of volunteers planted       others and
     organizations, including Montana Audubon,                                                         cottonwoods and junipers which have            knowing she
     the Yellowstone River Parks Association         At the same time, Montana Audubon was             grown into an oasis of riparian habitat on     is making a
     (YRPA), Yellowstone Valley Audubon              in the process of identifying a location to       the urban edge of Billings and the Center’s    difference is a
     Society (YVAS), and others. The work of all     establish its first nature center. They were      education programs have become a core          big part of why
     of these partners recognized that connecting    looking at a number of local properties,          community asset as well as a model of          Haley enjoys
                                                                                                       conservation education in the region.          volunteering
     kids to the natural world had important         including the current Sundance Lodge
                                                                                                                                                      with us!
     benefits to kids and nature.                    Recreation Area, Riverfront Park, and

                                                                                                                                                      Our second Spotlight goes to a volunteer

                                                                                                                                                      YRPA acquired the property: Harold
                                                                                                                                                      who has been with the center since

     Urban Forestry Partnership                                                                                                                       Silkwood. Starting his academic career in
                                                                                                                                                      Agriculture Economics, Harold completed
                                                                                                                                                      college with a focus in Geology and studied
     We all know fall is a great time to enjoy the   College joined representatives from 12 cities     are made up of 9,400 trees in parks, golf
                                                                                                                                                      under Norm Schoenthal, creating a lifelong
     color of forests. For a team of professionals   across the country. They were the only            courses, cemeteries, and other spaces as
                                                                                                                                                      connection to the Center. Harold takes
     from Billings it’s also a great time to learn   team from Montana and one of only two             well as vegetation on 1,400 acres managed      pride in making sure the Center looks its
     about them – and no better place than in        teams from a Western state.                       for their natural characteristics.             best and participating in its ongoing
     New York City!                                                                                                                                   transformation from a gravel pit to a
                                                     Urban forests around the world are often          Over the last summer, Heather and Steve        wonderful environmental education oasis.
     As a team, representatives from the             overlooked in conversations about habitat         hosted community programs to increase          To Harold, the Center is a special place
     Montana Audubon Center, the City of             conservation, but they are unique ecological      awareness of the natural areas in Riverfront   where you get to “see the excitement in
     Billings, and Rocky Mountain College            and cultural assets. Not only do they provide     Park. In addition, Megan coordinated           the kids, the discoveries they make,
                                                     a primary interface between an increasingly       students from Rocky Mountain College to        whether it’s a snake,
     won a coveted spot in the Natural Areas
                                                                                                                                                      bug, or spider,” and
     Conservancy’s “Convening” on urban              urban human population and the natural            gather park data, combining education with
                                                                                                                                                      enjoys working
     forested natural areas, held in late October    world, thus improving community well-             citizen science efforts to determine species   with those who
     in New York City. The Center’s Community        being, but are also critical islands of habitat   distribution. This information was shared      also want to
     Programs Coordinator Heather Bilden,            for many species. Birds can especially benefit    at the conference, while also learning         make an impact
     City Forester Steve McConnell, and              from appropriately managed urban forests.         about best practices and other case studies    in continuing to
     Dr. Megan Poulette from Rocky Mountain          The public spaces in the Billings-area forests    on urban forests across the country.           help make the
                                                                                                                                                      Center the best
                                                                                                                                                      it can be!

14                                                                            M ONTAN A AUDUBON        FALL 2019                                                                                 15
Congratulations to our 2019 Award Winners
 During our 2019 bird festival in Glasgow, Montana Audubon honored the                                  Mike Schwitters                                                   birds at Freezout Lake, as his
 following outstanding individuals for their conservation achievements.                                 Outstanding                                                       interactions with hunters,
                                                                                                        Achievement Award                                                 birders, and other interested
                                                                                                                                                                          parties are always informative

 Harriet Marble
                                                                                                        Mike Schwitters was honored                                       and professional. Birders can
                                                      public lands. Later, as the Audubon Council       with the 2019 Outstanding                                         consult his “Birding at Freezout
 Lifetime Achievement Award                           became Montana Audubon, she served on             Achievement Award.                                                Lake” brochure for what birds
                                                      the board continuously until 2018, and also       Mike’s contributions to the                                       to expect and he regularly posts
 For this year’s Lifetime Achievement Award,          as a participating member of the Montana          knowledge and conservation                                        updates of bird migration on
 we recognized Harriet Marble as a Montana            Bird Records Committee. She is proud of           of wildlife are legendary in                                      “MOB” (Montana Outdoor
 Audubon long-term supporter, mentor, and             her lead role in the establishment of the         Montana and throughout the country.               Birders), a site monitored daily by many
 foundational contributor. She made headway           Audubon Wildlife Endowment Fund, started          When it comes to knowledge of both                Montana birders. Mike also served on
 for women and conservation across the state,         with the purpose of using earnings to             Snow Geese and Ross’s Geese migration             Montana’s Bird Records Committee for 10
 serving as one of the first female Interpretive      establish an annual small grants program for      and populations, in particular at Freezout        years, currently serves as an eBird reviewer
 Park Rangers in Glacier                                              worthy bird conservation and      Lake Wildlife Management Area, no one             for a number of Montana counties, and
 National Park, being active in                                       science research projects to      individual has contributed more. He is the        continues to help guide the Berkeley Pit
 the League of Women Voters,                                          individuals and local chapters    “go to” person for information about this         Advisory Council with his knowledge of
 raising a family in Chester                                          in Montana. Her commitment        magnificent area, and his competence and          “white geese.”
 Montana, and contributing to                                         to Audubon didn’t stop at         diligence at data recording, analysis, and
 avian conservation via her                                           the local and state levels, as    writing are exemplary and represent one of        Beyond birding, Mike’s reputation for being
 thousands of bird observations.                                      Harriet was selected by the       the finest long-term, consistent records of       a positive force in avian conservation is
 She provided leadership                                              Rocky Mountain Regional           bird migration for a localized geographic area.   unmistakable, and we appreciate his knowledge
 to Upper Missouri Breaks                                             National Audubon chapters to      Mike’s contributions go beyond documenting        and his affinity for sharing that knowledge.
 Audubon, as well as serving on                                       serve as the Rocky Mountain
 the Audubon Council – the                                            Regional Board member on
 predecessor to what is now Montana                   the National Board in 1987 and again in

                                                                                                                                                          Visit Cuba before the
 Audubon.                                             1989. During her tenure on the National

                                                                                                                      MERLIN                              possibility vanishes.
                                                      Board she served on the Chapter Relations,
 As a founding member of the Audubon                  Planning, Scientific, and Sanctuaries
 Council, Harriet provided literature on grizzly      subcommittees, including an Ad Hoc
 bear biology and conservation in public
 libraries and schools, worked on Bald and
                                                      Committee on the Platte River.
                                                                                                                      TOURS                               New restrictions will severely limit travel
                                                                                                                                                          to this remarkable island. Our trip gives
                                                                                                                                                          birders the possibility to see all 27 endemic
 Golden Eagle recovery efforts, advocated             Harriet is beloved by Audubon at all levels,                                                        bird species, along with over 60 sub-
 for wilderness protection and strong                 speaking highly of her commitment to                                                                endemics, and over 400 total bird species.
 conservation on National Forest lands, and           conservation. We are honored to recognize                                                           Our travel partner, Holbrook Travel, allows a
 worked to limit oil and gas development on           her many achievements.                                                                              maximum of 12 travelers on this excursion.
                                                                                                                                                          Will you be one of the lucky birders to
                                                                                                                                                          add Cuba endemics to your life list?

     Sherry Ritter                                                                                                                                        www.merlinbirding.com/cuba
                                                                                                                                                          For more information, visit
                                                                     the Big Hole River during

                                                                                                                                                          Costa Rica should be on
     Conservationist of the Year                                     Memorial Day, her patience

                                                                                                                                                          every birder’s bucket list.
                                                                     and teaching style make one
     Montana Audubon and                                             and all feel welcomed and
     Bitterroot Audubon recognized                                   excited to learn about birds
     Sherry Ritter for her                                           and the natural world.                                                               Our trip visits many Costa Rica hotspots.
     commitment to conservation                                                                                                                           Habitats vary from cloud forests to lowland
     with our 2019 Conservationist                                    Sherry’s contributions to                                                           tropical rainforests, greatly increasing the
     of the Year Award. The one                                       conservation are multi-faceted.                                                     chances of seeing more birds. We’ll also visit
     sentiment continuously                                           Her professional biology career                                                     both Caribbean and Pacific slopes to increase
     expressed regarding Sherry, is that her          spans three decades and three great Western                                                         the diversity of plant, bird and other animal
     enthusiasm and love for birds and the natural    states, Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho.                                                                life we’ll observe. The trip concludes with

                                                                                                                                                          which National Geographic calls “the most
     world is palpable, contagious, and unending.     During that time she also contributed to                                                            a visit to Corcovado National Park of
     Whether she is leading field trips of young      citizen science projects like the Breeding Bird
     4th or 7th graders in the Bitterroot, or trips   Surveys – completing 29 routes in those three                                                       biologically intense place on Earth.”
     of more mature birders to special places like    states up until the late 90s.
                                                                                                                                                          For more information, visit
                                                                                                            Cuban Tody

16                                                                              M ONTAN A AUDUBON       FA L L 2019                                                                                          17
Star Volunteers
                                                                                                 These Montana Audubon volunteers have offered time, expertise, passion, elbow grease, advice, and
     What’s Your Legacy?                                                                         a sense of humor as they’ve helped with recent events, projects, programs, and more. Thank you!

                                                                                                 Montana Audubon            Keely Huth                  Groups                     Helena Mahoney
                                                                                                 Center Volunteers          Ruth Johnson                All Nations                Robert Martin
                                                                                                 Advisory Council           Christine Jones               Middle School            Nancy Matheson
                                                                                                 Don Roberts                Carolyn Jones               Boy Scouts of America      Janice Miller
                                                                                                 Bob Mackin                 Braydee Kaercher            COR Enterprises            Jim Oates
     A significant legacy for any                                                                Darryl Wilson -            Daniel Kenyon               Girl Scouts of America     Jodi Perros
     conservationist is protecting                                                                 YRPA President           Shelby Kiekover             HELP Flight Team           Martha Powers Swanson
                                                                                                 Steve Regele -             Hannah Knick                Leadership Billings        Sherry Ritter
     outstanding habitats for                                                                      YVAS President           David Mayamek               MOM’s Club                 Torrey Ritter
                                                                                                 Megan Poulette             Alisha Merfeld              Montana State              Lynda Saul
     native wildlife in perpetuity.                                                              John Miller                Arciela Mesa                  University-Billings      Sandy Schull
                                                                                                 Shari Dayton               Susan Mikkelson             Rimrock Foundation         Shawn Service
                                                                                                 Susan Gilbertz             Nora Moran                  Riverside Builders Club    Rebecca Sharp Hamlin
                                                                                                 Marian Lyman Kirst         Dirk Moritz                 Rocky Mountain College     Wyatt Smith
                                                                                                 Lara Guercio               Mary Mullen                 Skyview High School        Hanna Specth
                                                                                                 Bernard Rose               Derek Mungia                United Way                 Molly Todd
                                                                                                                            Jessica Ostwalt               Day of Caring            Stephen Turner
                                                                                                 Center Volunteers          Sarah Parker                West High School           Anya Tyson
                                                                                                 Dan Altmire                Sarah Peper                 Yellowstone River          Jeff Van Tine
                                                                                                 Haley Ash-Eide             James Pittock                 Parks Association        Raylene Wall
                                                                                                 Penney Ash                 Anna Rogers                                            Pam Willison
                                                                                                 Cloie Banderob             Julien Rollins              Montana Audubon            Kristin Wokanick
                                                                                                 Megan Barber               Andrew Rutz                 Field Volunteers
                                                                                                 Isabel Baretta             Allie Saudoval              Kim Alexander              Bird Festival
                                                                                                 Erin Bean                  Lolly Schafer               Tammy Bennett              Volunteers
                                                                                                 Lindsey Beasley            Ashlee Scherr               Elaine Caton               Lars Anderson
                                                                                                 Heather Bilden             Danyel Schnetter            Cara Chamberlain           Woody Baxter
                                                                                                 Paul Bledsoe               Melissa Schwiegart          Tracy Cook                 Dianne Borgreen
                                                                                                 Maisee Brown               Gretchen Sellegreen         DeeDee Cress               John Carlson
                                                                                                 Michelle Butler            Rachel Shea                 Jeremy Ditto               Wes Cochran
                                                                                                 Joe Chilcoat               Jan Shorthill               Katie Eaton                Josh Colville
     Globally Significant Important              Audubon to help protect places for
     Bird Areas like Canyon Ferry                birds, other native wildlife and the            Sarah Chatwood             Bev Silkwood                Ammanda Emmel              Andrew Guttenberg
                                                                                                 Rylie Croaker              Harold Silkwood             Carol Fox                  Heather Harris
                                                                                                 Jerry Dalton               Carrie Staggie              Christian Frazza           Scott Heidebrink
     Wildlife Management Area, North             human spirit.

                                                                                                 Peggy Detienne             Ellie Stock                 Connie Geiger              George Horse Capture
     Valley Grasslands, and Mussellshell
                                                                                                 Hannah Dunford             John Sugden                 Walt Gusler                Henry Hvizdos
     Sage-steppe are all reminders of            Montana donors may be eligible to
                                                                                                 Elijah Erekson             Brianna Sullivan            Judy Halm                  Dan Kinsey
     human reverence for birds and               receive significant tax advantages
                                                                                                 Dylan Forquer              Kylie Tiller                Erin Harbaugh              Nate Kohler
                                                                                                 Heather Gaitonde           Tori Tindle                 Randy Hawkins              Dennis Longknife
     other wildlife.                             through the Montana Endowment Tax

                                                                                                 Alex Garner                Joan Trent                  Marilyn Hayes              Ron Martin
                                                 Credit. This program gives donors an
                                                                                                 Alina Garner               Renee Verbeck               Connie Herzog              Bob Martinka
     You can ensure this good work will          incentive of 40 percent of the present
                                                                                                 Kaitlyn Harper             Daniel Vukonich             Jake Hewitt                Kelsey Molloy
     continue by investing in a Montana          value of a planned gift – up to $10,000
                                                                                                 Don Havig                  Campbell Walker             Liz Hiltunen               Heather Nenninger
                                                                                                 Brian Henderson            Chuck Ward                  Cindy Holder               Mark Sullivan
     Audubon Endowment. The gift                 annually – that can be taken as a

                                                                                                 Ashley Heppner             Madisynn Weber              Sue Jackson                Jacie Vonada
     principal is preserved in perpetuity; the   direct credit (not deduction!) against

                                                                                                 Jennifer Holm              Shellie Wherley             Pat Jaquith                Stan Zander
     investment income from your gift is         your state income tax liability.
                                                                                                 Riley Hutchens             Brooke Witchell             Carolyn Jones
     used to achieve lasting protection of
     wildlife and habitats. The original gift    Contributions to Montana Audubon’s                                         Mia Yegen                   Vlad Kovalenko
     is never depleted, but continues to         endowments truly keep on giving.
     give, year after year.                      Sprague’s Pipits, Burrowing Owls and

                                                                                                 A PLATEFUL OF BIRDS
                                                 Greater Sage-grouse win, native
     Gift annuities are one of the simplest      grasslands win, you win, and Montana
     ways to convey a planned gift to            Audubon’s vital work continues.
     Montana Audubon’s endowments.                                                               You can make a meaningful impact for the birds of
     In exchange for a transfer of cash or       For more information on how you                 Montana by choosing the Bird Habitat license plate.
     marketable securities, you can establish    may become a Montana Audubon                    Sporting several favorite Montana bird species—
     an annuity that guarantees annual           endowment donor, please contact                 American Avocet, Ruddy Duck, Lewis’s
                                                                                                 Woodpecker, and a trio of Black-billed Magpies,
     payments to you, or you may choose          the Montana Audubon office in
                                                                                                 we are pleased to boast over 1,000 Bird Habitat
     to defer those payments, making             Helena at 406-443-3949 or email                 plates across Montana! The initial cost is $40, which includes a $20 donation that directly supports
     additional funds available for Montana      at info@mtaudubon.org.                          our work to ensure long-term protection for critical wildlife habitat.

                                                                                                 For more details, visit mtaudubon.org/support

18                                                                         M ONTAN A AUDUBON   FA L L 2019                                                                                              19
Non-Profit Org.

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                                                                               Helena MT
                                              Bob Martinka

JUNE 5 – 7, 2020
Wings Across the Big Sky 2020 Festival
and Bird Science Conference

Montana Audubon will host its 21st annual
bird festival at the Yogo Inn in Lewistown,
Montana on June 5 – 7, 2020.

This longstanding, community event
celebrates Montana’s native bird species
and typically draws hundreds of wildlife
enthusiasts from across the state and
beyond. New for the 2020 event is an
optional, pre-festival bird science
conference on Friday, June 5.

There are many other fun activities to
choose from at Wings Across the Big Sky
including a Saturday evening banquet,
Montana Audubon’s annual conservation
awards, “Nature Adventure Tour” silent
auction, “Cakes for Conservation”
                                                                                           Helena, MT 59624

fundraiser and more.
                                                                                           PO Box 595

Stay tuned to our website for more 2020

in the coming months: mtaudubon.org.
festival and science conference information
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