FEBRUARY 2020 Gazette - 3 Splash into Summer - Golden Plains Shire Council

Page created by Craig Campbell
FEBRUARY 2020 Gazette - 3 Splash into Summer - Golden Plains Shire Council
FEBRUARY 2020       Gazette

    Splash into Summer         Apply for              Share Your Vision
3   at the
                           8   Community Grants
                                                  9   for Golden Plains
    Bannockburn Heart          2020
FEBRUARY 2020 Gazette - 3 Splash into Summer - Golden Plains Shire Council
Council News
From the Mayor
                     It’s always nice to      a few hours and it’s barely had a rest        CHCV is an alliance of eight central
                     end the year on          since, with many more thousands of            Victorian municipal councils – Ararat,
                     a high point, and        residents enjoying the Shire’s newest         Central Goldfields, City of Ballarat,
                     the opening of           community space over the summer.              Golden Plains, Hepburn, Moorabool,
                     the Bannockburn                                                        Northern Grampians and Pyranees –
                                              Major projects like the Bannockburn
                     Heart was the                                                          that advocates for a strong economic
                                              Heart do not happen overnight - they
                     most wonderful                                                         and social future for the region. We
                                              are the result of many years of hard
                     way to complete                                                        work collaboratively on issues and
                                              work – and, on behalf of Council, I’d
                     2019.                                                                  projects of mutual importance to make
                                              like to acknowledge and thank the
                      For many months,        staff and community members who               a positive impact on the communities
                      great excitement        planned and delivered this fantastic          in the Central Highlands region.
was building as the big pile of dirt          facility for our residents.                   Over the past year, I have enjoyed and
behind the construction fence grew                                                          valued the opportunity to represent
                                              As one busy year ends, so another
into a playground, so seeing kids and                                                       the Golden Plains Shire and its
                                              one begins. As we head into the final
families swarm the new community                                                            residents at the CHCV table and I am
                                              nine months of our Council term, I am
space for the first time was a real
                                              honoured to be elected Chair of the           excited for the opportunity to serve as
treat. With the Twilight Market on
                                              Central Highlands Councils Victoria           Chair of this respected and important
that evening, the Heart welcomed
                                              (CHCV) for the 2019/20 term.                  local government alliance.
more than a thousand people in just
                                              Cr Owen Sharkey - Mayor of Golden Plains Shire Council

Planning for the Future of Bannockburn
                                            Golden Plains Shire Council has                 coming years, significantly increasing
                                            secured a significant grant from the            the population of Golden Plains Shire.
                                            Victorian Government’s Streamlining             Bannockburn is the largest town in
                                            for Growth Program to fund an                   Golden Plains Shire, and the town
                                            exciting partnership of Council and             and surrounds is the fourth fastest
                                            the Victorian Planning Authority                growing regional Statistical Area Level
                                            (VPA) that will develop the new                 2 in Victoria. This growth has seen the
                                            Bannockburn Growth Plan in 2020.                existing Bannockburn Urban Design
                                            The Minister for Planning has                   Framework (BUDF) realised, and a
                                            assumed planning authority for the              new Bannockburn Growth Plan is
                                            Bannockburn Growth Plan, which will             now underway.
                                            deliver 7,000 additional homes and              Community engagement and
                                            approximately 17,000 new residents              consultation on the plan will
                                            in the south of the town in the                 commence in March 2020.

  Have Your Say
  In March, Council and the VPA will run community engagement dedicated to the Bannockburn Growth Plan.
  A project publication will be distributed in hard copy to locations across the Shire and shared online at Council’s
  website and on social media.
  Residents are encouraged to have their say and share their thoughts on the future planning of Bannockburn:
  • In March, complete the Bannockburn Growth Plan survey at the Have Your Say page at Council’s website:
  • In March, pick up a hard copy of the Bannockburn Growth Plan survey at Council’s Customer Service Centres in
    Bannockburn, Linton and Smythesdale.
  • Chat with Council and VPA staff at a Bannockburn Growth Plan conversation post:
     9am to 1pm, Saturday 7 March                               4 to 6.30pm, Thursday 19 March
     Golden Plains Farmers’ Market, Byron Street                Bannockburn Plaza, High Street
     To stay up-to-date with the Bannockburn Growth Plan, follow Council on social media and goldenplains.vic.gov.au, and
     read the Gazette and Golden Plains Times.

2 | Golden Plains Shire Gazette | February 2020
FEBRUARY 2020 Gazette - 3 Splash into Summer - Golden Plains Shire Council
Community News
Making a Summer Splash

The sun – and the brand new play space – were shining          new shed for the Bannockburn Scouts, a new car park, the
when Stage One of the Bannockburn Heart was officially         relocation of the Bannockburn Playgroup, and the upgrade
opened by the Mayor Cr Owen Sharkey, the Hon Senator           of power and fire services at the site.
Sarah Henderson, and Parliamentary Secretary for Sport
                                                               Construction of Stage One of the Bannockburn Heart
and Regional Victoria Danielle Green MP on Thursday
                                                               began on 12 April, 2019 and the goal of completing the
19 December, 2019.
                                                               project for the Golden Plains community to enjoy in the
Stage One of the Bannockburn Heart Precinct at the             summer school holidays was achieved.
corner of Milton and Byron Streets delivered an impressive
                                                               The $3 million Stage One project was jointly funded by
new water and adventure play space, active recreation
                                                               $1.2 million from the Australian Government through the
equipment; and community facilities including public
                                                               National Stronger Regions Fund, $1,233,500 from Council;
toilets, seating, BBQs, shade, lighting and landscaped
                                                               and $566,500 in grants from the State Government with
community space.
                                                               $500,000 from Regional Development Victoria’s Rural
The Heart is home to the Shire’s first water play space with   Infrastructure Fund and $66,500 from Sport and Recreation
splash pads for toddlers and older children, which operate     Victoria’s Community Sports Infrastructure Fund - Minor
from morning to evening, seven days a week, during             Facilities Program. In addition, Barwon Water supplied
the summer months. The Heart features accessible play          the precinct with drinking water fountains, and the
elements and DDA compliant toilets, making it a regional       Bannockburn and District Lions Club helped fund the BBQ.
destination for people with disabilities and their families.
                                                               Council continues to seek government support to build
Stage One of the Heart project has also delivered an           Stage 2 of the Precinct featuring a village green and
upgraded site for the Golden Plains Farmers’ Market, a         performance stage.

                                                                                                        The Bannockburn Heart was
                                                                                                        officially opened on
                                                                                                        19 December 2019, by (left to
                                                                                                        right) Parliamentary Secretary
                                                                                                        for Sport and Regional Victoria
                                                                                                        Danielle Green MP, Golden Plains
                                                                                                        Mayor Cr Owen Sharkey, and the
                                                                                                        Hon Senator Sarah Henderson.

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FEBRUARY 2020 Gazette - 3 Splash into Summer - Golden Plains Shire Council
Works in Golden Plains
Building bridges in Golden Plains

Wall Bridge works.                                             Coopers Bridge works.

Home to a remarkable total of 138 bridges, Golden              The State Government’s Fixing Country Roads program
Plains Shire Council faces an ongoing challenge to             will contribute $300,000 to the project with Council
replace and maintain important local bridge and major          funding the remainder of the project in the 2018/19 and
culvert infrastructure across the Shire.                       2019/20 Budgets. Works on the new bridge are expected
                                                               to be completed mid-2020.
In 2020, four key bridge replacement projects in
Meredith, Inverleigh, Teesdale and Napoleons will make         Barwon Park Road Bridge, Inverleigh: With the old
driving the scenic roads of Golden Plains Shire safer and      bridge showing signs of structural distress, the deck
                                                               of the Barwon Park Road Bridge is being widened and
smoother for all residents and visitors.
                                                               replaced. Council shares responsibility for this bridge with
The following bridge projects are now underway:                Surf Coast Shire; and of Council’s $310,000 commitment,
Wall Bridge, Teesdale: Works are ongoing to replace the        $110,000 was allocated from the Federal Government’s
                                                               Roads to Recovery Program.
existing 99-year-old timber structure spanning Native Hut
Creek on Stones Road with a new single lane concrete           Franklin Bridge, Napoleons: A $3.6 million project to
structure featuring a wide footbridge for pedestrians          replace the Franklin Bridge in Napoleons will become
with a safety rail. Council secured a Federal Government       a reality in 2020. A shared asset, the new bridge is a
grant for $303,500 to partner in delivering the project.       partnership project with the Federal Government and City
The original Wall Bridge will be honoured with a special       of Ballarat; with Golden Plains Shire Council contributing
interpretative sign, erected on timber recycled from the       $575,000.
former structure.                                              In September 2019, Councillors allocated $200,000 to
                                                               review and investigate future bridge upgrade projects,
Coopers Bridge, Meredith: Construction is well underway
                                                               with preliminary work conducted in late 2019 on the
on this significant $1.6 million project, which will deliver
                                                               following local bridges: Slate Quarry Road in Meredith,
a new two-lane bridge spanning the Moorabool River, as         Russells Bridge Road in Russells Bridge; and Geggies Road
well as new approaches linking the new bridge with the         and Reserve Road bridges in Rokewood.
existing road.

  Do you have a pool or spa?
  In December, the State Government changed pool                prefer a hard copy, download the form from the website
  and spa barrier safety standards, which include new           or collect a paper copy at Council’s Bannockburn,
  registration, inspection and certification requirements       Smythesdale or Linton Customer Service Centres.
  for property owners.
                                                                Once you’ve registered your pool or spa, you will receive
  Under the changes, local residents are required to            a letter from Council confirming the next step to have it
  register their pool and spa with Golden Plains Shire          checked by a qualified practitioner.
  Council by 1 June 2020, and have their safety barrier         For more information on pool and spa barrier
  inspected once every four years. To register, complete        requirements, visit goldenplains.vic.gov.au.
  the online form at goldenplains.vic.gov.au; or if you

4 | Golden Plains Shire Gazette | February 2020
FEBRUARY 2020 Gazette - 3 Splash into Summer - Golden Plains Shire Council

    is back
    Find out what's in and what's out at:

     Put these items in the recycling bin and give them a second life.

     Clean, empty rigid plastic                       Clean paper and                       Clean steel food cans,      Clean, empty glass bottles
      bottles and containers+                            cardboard                           aluminium cans and                  and jars
                                                                                             foil (with labels still

     Keep it clean! Leave these out of your recycling bin.
     These items cause contamination of the recycling bin. This means that material that should be recycled and made into new
     products will instead go to landfill. What goes into your recycling bin matters now more than ever.

       Bagged material - put                   Coated cardboard cartons                  Soft plastic packaging such          Plastic toys
       your recycling in loose                 that are used to package                   as plastic bags, bread and
                                                 milk and other liquids                       frozen food bags*

                Nappies                         Polystyrene packaging                       Metal pots and pans          Clothing and footwear
    + Place plastic caps in the rubbish bin
    * Plastic bags can be recycled at participating Coles and Woolworths supermarkets.

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FEBRUARY 2020 Gazette - 3 Splash into Summer - Golden Plains Shire Council
Arts and Culture
 Sharing the Stories of Golden Plains
   A special exhibition celebrating the history and stories of our townships of Golden Plains will be installed in the new
   Council Chambers at the Golden Plains Community and Civic Centre, scheduled to open to the public in mid-2020.
   Residents are invited to nominate objects that                       No community is too big or too small to nominate a
   represent a special story or theme for their local                   story or object, and we hope to hear from all
   community, for inclusion in the exhibition.                          56 communities of Golden Plains Shire.
   When considering an object, think about:                             The items will be housed in a display case, so residents
   What is special about your community?                                are encouraged to consider the size of an object, with
                                                                        inclusion of one or two objects per community, to
   What special stories about your community does
                                                                        allow greater representation.
   this object tell?
   What makes it different?

   Nominate Today
   Nominations of objects for the Council Chambers exhibition must be received by Friday 28 February.
   • Complete the nomination form online at the Have Your Say page at Council’s website: goldenplains.vic.gov.au/consultations
   • Pick up a hard copy of the nomination at Council’s Customer Service Centres in Bannockburn, Linton and Smythesdale.

   Creative Wanderings
                                                                                       On 19 December, Mayor Cr Owen Sharkey
                                                                                       officially launched Creative Wanderings to
                                                                                       an excited audience of artists and creative
                                                                                       locals at the Bannockburn Cultural Centre.
                                                                                       Creative Wanderings is a publication
                                                                                       containing artwork and details of
                                                                                       20 artists or artist studios, 6 festivals and
                                                                                       7 community arts groups. It is a great new
                                                                                       arts resource within the Shire, as well as a
                                                                                       key promotion tool for our creative sector
                                                                                       throughout Victoria.
                                                                                       As part of Council’s work to celebrate and
                                                                                       support the Golden Plains Shire creative
                                                                                       industry, 500 copies will be distributed
                                                                                       to artist studios, wineries and bespoke
                                                                                       accommodation throughout the Shire, as
                                                                                       well as at key locations throughout
                                                                                       regional Victoria.
                                                                                       Local community members can also
                                                                                       request a copy; call Council’s Arts Officer
                                                                                       at 5220 7111 or email

                                     ArtsACTION Program
  In partnership with Pop Up Art, Council is providing a free upskilling and professional development program for
  Golden Plains artists and creatives.
  The ArtsACTION program runs from February to September,        2. Three half-day workshops for artists and creatives
  2020, and all artists, creatives and arts workers are invited  to connect and strengthen networks, encourage
  to participate in the two components of the program:           market-readiness and broaden reach.
                                                                 The workshops will be in Smythesdale on 7 May,
  1. A six-part email course providing inspiration and practical
                                                                 Meredith on 30 July, and Bannockburn on 27 August.
  information to get artists and creatives thinking and taking
  action to develop their creative career.                       For more information and to register, visit

6 | Golden Plains Shire Gazette | February 2020
FEBRUARY 2020 Gazette - 3 Splash into Summer - Golden Plains Shire Council
Sport and Recreation
Sport & Active Recreation Strategy 2020-30

Council is partnering with the State Government to                A community survey is now open and all residents
develop a new Sport and Active Recreation Strategy               are encouraged to share their ideas and opinions on
                                                                 sport and active recreation in Golden Plains Shire, now
to inform its policy, planning and delivery of sport             and into the future. Following the development of a
and active recreation programs, infrastructure and               findings and issues paper, Council will release a draft
services from 2020 to 2030.                                      strategy for community review and feedback.
                                                                 To stay up-to-date with the Sport and Active
This new strategy will replace the current Recreation            Recreation Strategy, follow Council on social media
Strategy 2015-19 and reflect the needs of the Shire’s            and www.goldenplains.vic.gov.au, and read the
evolving communities over the next 10 years.                     Gazette and Golden Plains Times.

    Have Your Say Today
    All residents are encouraged to share their ideas and opinions on sport and active
    recreation in Golden Plains Shire, now and into the future:
    • Complete the Sport and Active Recreation survey online at the Have Your Say page
      at Council’s website: www.goldenplains.vic.gov.au/consultations
    • Pick up a hard copy of the Sport and Active Recreation survey at Council’s Customer
      Service Centres in Bannockburn, Linton and Smythesdale. Surveys will also be sent to all
      schools in Golden Plains Shire for students and families to have their say.
    • Chat with Council staff at a Sport and Active Recreation 2020-2030 conversation post:
       9am to 1pm, Saturday 15 February                            1 to 3pm, Saturday 22 February
       Smythesdale Country Market, Brooke Street                   Back Creek Café, 27 Staughton Street, Meredith
       9am to 1pm, Sunday 16 February                              10am to 2pm, Sunday 23 February
       Inverleigh Produce and Lifestyle Market,                    Ross Creek Car Boot Sale, Recreation Reserve,
       Lawsons Park, High Street                                   Sebastopol-Smythesdale Road
       9 to 11am, Saturday 22 February                             A conversation post was also held at the
       Rokewood General Store, 57 Ferrers Street                   Golden Plains Farmers Market on Saturday 1 February.

New Floor for Haddon Stadium
Construction of the new floor at Haddon Recreation              The Haddon Recreation Centre is a popular facility
Centre is underway.                                             for localised sport, as well as recreational programs
                                                                and services for the Haddon community. Students
 The long-awaited project to replace the existing
                                                                from the neighbouring Haddon Primary School
one-court stadium floor with new timber flooring and
                                                                regularly use the Centre, and it is home to the
line-marking is fully funded by the State Government.
                                                                Haddon Badminton Club, as well as a variety of active
Golden Plains Shire Council lobbied for many years              recreation activities.
for government investment in this project, and
                                                                The new stadium floor will deliver a level and even
welcomed the commitment in the State Government
                                                                playing surface that will be safer for all users and will
election campaign in 2018.
                                                                require less repair and maintenance in the future.

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FEBRUARY 2020 Gazette - 3 Splash into Summer - Golden Plains Shire Council
Community News
Apply for Community Grants
Applications for Council’s Community Grants Program          Previous successful grant recipients include:
2020/2021 open on Wednesday 1 April 2020, offering
                                                             • Inverleigh Kindergarten Inc. Outdoor Music Garden:
grants of up to $5,000.
                                                               The group turned an unused space into a special place
The popular grants are a great way for local community         for music concerts, creativity and learning through the
groups to deliver creative and innovative programs and         installation of three music walls and two outdoor drums.
events, or to enhance their community spaces.                • Napoleons Enfield Landcare group environment project
To be eligible to apply, organisations must be:                – Increased biodiversity of the local area though planting
                                                               native vegetation, installing nesting boxes for wildlife
• Not-for-profit or equivalent                                 and provided hands-on opportunities for all residents to
• Incorporated or auspiced by an incorporated entity           be involved.
• Have no outstanding projects or evaluations from           Applications close Thursday 30 April, 2020 and must be
  community grants pre 2018/19                               submitted online at goldenplains.smartygrants.com.au
• Have discussed the project with a Council officer prior
  to submission

Community Grants Information Sessions
To learn more about how you can partner with Council to      For more information or
improve your community through a grant, we encourage         to discuss an idea for a
you to attend one of these information sessions:             project, please contact
                                                             Community Partnership
                                                             Officer, Shannon Fielder
• 6.30pm, Thursday 12 March
                                                             on 5220 7220 or email
  Bannockburn Cultural Centre, 27 High Street                communitygrants@
• 6.30pm, Thursday 19 March                                  gplains.vic.gov.au if
  The Well, 19 Heales Street, Smythesdale                    you have an idea for a

  Volunteer drivers wanted!                                      Choose Water Today

   Bob and Rob - two of Council’s great volunteer drivers.

  Do you enjoy driving and meeting new people?
  Want to make a difference in your community?                  Council supports G21 Geelong Regional Alliance’s
  Interested in joining a great volunteer team?                 promotion of water as a drink of choice to reduce the
                                                                consumption of sugary drinks.
  If you’d like to become a volunteer driver or you’re
  interested in other volunteering opportunities with           Water is the best option to keep the body hydrated,
  Council, contact Council’s Community Partnerships             it has no kilojoules and is freely available, while soft
  Officer at 5220 7220 or email                                 drinks can damage teeth and contribute to weight gain.
  shannon.fielder@gplains.vic.gov.au.                           Remember: Stay healthy, stay hydrated!

8 | Golden Plains Shire Gazette | February 2020
FEBRUARY 2020 Gazette - 3 Splash into Summer - Golden Plains Shire Council
Community Vision 2040
    Share Your Vision for Golden Plains
    The Golden Plains Shire Community Vision 2040 is
    a plan that captures the hopes and aspirations of
    the Golden Plains community and ensures we are
    planning for a bright future for all.
    The planning process identifies where we are now,
    as well as where we want to be in the decades to
    come. Facilitated by Golden Plains Shire Council, the
    Community Vision 2040 outlines how the entire Golden
    Plains community can work together towards common
    goals and meet the Shire’s needs, both now and into
    the future.
    It will be used to guide strategic planning and decision
    making for the future of Golden Plains Shire through the
    development of the Council Plan 2021-2025 and beyond.

    To stay up-to-date with the Community Vision 2040, follow Council on social media and goldenplains.vic.gov.au,
    and read the Gazette and Golden Plains Times.

    Have Your Say Today
    All residents are encouraged to complete the Community Vision 2040 survey:
    • Complete the survey below and mail to: Golden Plains Shire Council, PO Box 111, Bannockburn, Victoria 3331.
    • Complete the Community Vision 2040 survey online at the Have Your Say page at Council’s website: goldenplains.vic.gov.au/consultations
    • Chat with Council staff at a Community Vision 2040 conversation post. Dates and locations will be published on
         social media, in the Golden Plains Times, and on Council’s website: goldenplains.vic.gov.au/consultations

    What I love about Golden Plains is




    My hope for Golden Plains in 2040 is




    What I would like to see in my community in 2040 is




    To make this a reality I am willing to




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               February 2020 | Golden Plains Shire Gazette | 9
FEBRUARY 2020 Gazette - 3 Splash into Summer - Golden Plains Shire Council
Business in Golden Plains
   Connecting New Residents and Local Businesses

    Are you a Golden Plains business? Interested in a free      two free coffees or a local dentist may offer a
    advertising opportunity to promote your business or         10% discount on the first check-up appointment.
    services to new residents of the Shire?
                                                                The vouchers are a great opportunity for new residents
    Golden Plains Shire Council publishes a New Residents       to learn more about the great range of businesses and
    Guide that it distributes to people who have newly          services in their new home town and across the Shire.
    purchased or rented a home in Golden Plain Shire. The
                                                                For local businesses, it’s free and easy to participate:
    guide includes useful information on Council services
                                                                just complete the online form at
    including how to find out what day your rubbish is
    collected and how to access the local library, aged care,
    or maternal and child health services.
                                                                All forms must be submitted by Friday 14 February,
    We are updating the guide and adding a new section of
                                                                2020. The updated New Residents Guide will be
    vouchers to promote local businesses to this valuable
                                                                published in early 2020.
    group of prospective new customers and clients. Each
    voucher will include a special offer for new residents      Got questions? Call the Investment Attraction and Business
    from that business, for example, a local café may offer     Support team at 5220 7111 or email business@gplains.vic.gov.au

                     Training and Mentoring in 2020
  Golden Plains Shire Council partners with the                 Golden Plains Shire Council also facilitates the following
  Small Business Mentoring Service (SBMS) to offer, free        training and mentoring for local businesses:
  45 minute mentoring sessions to small businesses on the       Taking your business online:
  following days:                                               6pm to 8pm, Thursday 20 February. Cost: $20.
                                                                Bannockburn Cultural Centre, 27 High Street
  10am to 3pm, Thursday 13 February.
  Meredith Community Centre, 4 Russell Street.                  Starting a Small Business & Planning Your Financial
                                                                Commitments (ATO)
                                                                10am to 12.30pm, Thursday 27 February. Free.
  10am to 3pm, Thursday 12 March.
                                                                Bannockburn Cultural Centre, 27 High Street
  Hesse Rural Health, 55 Ferrars Street, Rokewood
                                                                Finance Fundamentals
  To book a mentoring session or training event, visit          6pm to 8pm, Wednesday 18 March. Cost: $20.
  goldenplains.vic.gov.au/events                                Bannockburn Cultural Centre, 27 High Street
                                                                Starting Your Business
                                                                9.30am to 1pm, Thursday 26 March. Cost: $30.
                                                                Haddon Community Centre, 396 Sago Hill Road

10 | Golden Plains Shire Gazette | February 2020
Events in Golden Plains

15 Feb & 21 Mar     Smythesdale Country Market                      16 Feb & 15 Mar        Inverleigh Produce & Lifestyle Market
                    9am to 1pm, Downtown Smythesdale.                                      9am to 1pm, Lawsons Park, Inverleigh
                    A country market in the historic precinct of                           A wonderful monthly local market. Themes:
                    Smythesdale with goods and craft stalls.                               Food & Fun Festival in Feb and Easter Egg Hunt in March.
                    More info: Woady Yaloak Historical Society
                                                                                           More info: inverleighmarket@outlook.com
                    5342 8754

22 Feb & 28 Mar     Bannockburn Food Swap                           23 Feb                 Shelford Duck Race
                    9.30 to 10am, fourth Saturday of every                                 11am to 4pm, Shelford Recreation Reserve, The Parade
                    month. Bannockburn Station Café, High St                               Fun for all ages with live entertainment, market stalls,
                    Friendly community swap of produce, herbs,                             delicious food, fun activities and of course, the 10th
                    eggs, seeds, honey, preserves, wool, poultry,                          annual Duck Race. Watch 1,000 toy ducks race down
                    magazines and more!                                                    the Leigh River with the winner taking home $1,000.
                    More info: 0425 735 581
                                                                                           More info: shelfordduckrace@gmail.com

1 March             Inverleigh Dachshund Derby
                    10am to 2.30pm, Inverleigh Sporting Complex, 10 Railway St.
                    Entry is gold coin donation and $15 per dog entrant.
                    A fun day for the family and their pets! Come along and enter your small dog (up to 30cm at the shoulder) in one of
                    the competitions or enjoy the events, including cutest puppy, egg and spoon race, sack race, fancy dress and all breeds
                    race. Ribbons and prizes for place winners. Full canteen available.
                    More info: Carol Perrett 0401 161 470 or inverleighdachshundderby@gmail.com

7 Mar               Golden Plains Farmers’ Market                   21 & 22 Mar            Golden Plains Community Arts Trail
                    8.30am to 12.30pm. 22 Byron St, Bannockburn                            10am to 5pm, Artist studios in Golden Plains
                                                                                           The 2020 Golden Plains Community Arts Trail
                    Farm fresh produce, free parking and                                   showcases 68 artists in 22 venues across the
                    entry, and kids’ activities.                                           Shire. Visit local artists in their eclectic studios
                                                                                           and explore beautiful Golden Plains.
                    More info: goldenplainsfarmersmarket.com.au
                                                                                           More info: gpartsinc.com.au

 Golden Plains celebrates                                                    This Girl Can
                                                                             Week, 23 to
 International Women’s Day                                                   29 March, is
                                                                             dedicated to
                                                                             women to
                                                                             give physical
                                                                             activity a
                                                                             shot, or
                                                                             return to
                                                                             after a break.
                                                                             Funded by Vichealth, Council will support
                                                                             community groups, clubs and organisations that
 Golden Plains Shire Council is hosting a lunch for                          run physical activity initiatives in Golden Plains’
 International Women’s Day in March at Clyde Park Vineyard                   communities during This Girl Can Week.
 & Bistro in Bannockburn. Part of Council’s Business Network
                                                                             Grants of up to $300 are available for not-for-profit
 event series, the International Women’s Day lunch features                  sporting/recreation clubs and community groups
 a guest speaker and a gourmet meal at the picturesque                       to deliver activities during This Girl Can Week.
 vineyard and function centre.
                                                                             For more information and an application form, visit
 For more information and to secure your ticket, visit                       goldenplains.vic.gov.au/residents/
 Council’s events calendar at goldenplains.vic.gov.au/events                 my-family/health-and-wellbeing.

                                                                                      February 2020 | Golden Plains Shire Gazette | 11
Community Notice Board
Customer Service                                              Connect with Us
Centres:                                                      Golden Plains Shire Council is now on Instagram!
Bannockburn                                                   Council’s Instagram page - @lovegoldenplains – celebrates Golden Plains as a
8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday                               great place to live, work, and play, providing a platform for locals and visitors
2 Pope Street, Bannockburn                                    to share what they love about the Shire. If you’re on Instagram, be sure to give
Victoria, 3331.                                               a follow and share what you love about Golden Plains.
Linton                                                        Connect with us and stay up-to-date with all things Golden Plains:
8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Thursday
68 Sussex Street, Linton                                              GoldenPlainsShire                     goldenplains.vic.gov.au
Victoria, 3360.
Smythesdale                                                           GoldenPlainsMayor                     GoldenPlainsShire
8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
19 Heales Street, Smythesdale
Victoria, 3351.                                                       @GPSCouncilNews                       Council News in the
                                                                                                            Golden Plains Times
P: 5220 7111
F: 5220 7100
                                                              Community Satisfaction Survey
Council’s Customer Service
Centres will be closed on:                                    Golden Plains Shire Council would like to inform residents that from
Labour Day: Monday 9 March                                    10 February to early March, residents may receive a call from an
                                                              independent market research agency, National Field Services, inviting them
Postal address                                                to complete the annual Community Satisfaction Survey.
Golden Plains Shire Council
                                                              The survey assesses the performance of Council across a range of measures,
PO Box 111, Bannockburn,
                                                              to identify ways to provide improvement or more effective service delivery to
Victoria 3331.
                                                              residents of Golden Plains.
Emergency contacts
                                                              Please be assured that your details and individual responses are confidential
P: 1300 363 036
                                                              and only the overall results are shared with the Council.
P: 5220 7111 (24 Hours)
                                                              We appreciate your time and participation in the survey to assist us with
To receive a copy of the Gazette                              your valuable feedback. If you have any questions, please contact Council’s
in large print, call 5220 7111.                               Customer Service team at 5220 7111.
The Golden Plains Shire Council
website has a text-to-voice
option. The audio is generated                                Rates Payment
using ReadSpeaker text-to-speech                              All Golden Plains Shire ratepayers received their
technology and will read the                                  2019/20 Rates Notices in the mail last year.
content out loud.
                                                              For residents yet to make a payment on their Rates
The deadline for the April 2020                               Notice, the full rates payment is due by Saturday
issue of the Gazette is 9am,                                  15 February, 2020.
Thursday 5 March. Email:                                      Residents who have signed up to pay their rates
news@gplains.vic.gov.au                                       by instalment have two more payments in 2020:
or post to PO Box 111,                                        Friday 28 February and Sunday 31 May.
Bannockburn 3331.                                             If you can’t make the payment or have a question,
The Golden Plains Gazette is produced on stock which is FSC
Certified; 100% recycled post consumer waste.
                                                              just call our Rates team for a confidential
                                                              conversation at 5220 7111.

connect with golden plains shire council
        GoldenPlainsShire                     GoldenPlainsMayor           @GPSCouncilNews          @lovegoldenplains   WWW goldenplains.vic.gov.au
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