Page created by Robert Dominguez
JUNE 2021

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                                                                                        JUNE 2021

       Robert Parker – Commodore
       Peter Chalmer – Vice Commodore
       Ian Burvill – Rear Commodore Sail
       Scott Monro – Rear Commodore Juniors
       Elise Manners – Rear Commodore Power

  9    THE LAST SIX MONTHS                                                Cover shot of the RFBYC training school
       Zac Littlewood                                                     by Drew Malcolm
       Sue Parker                                                     30 CHAMPIONS PRIZE NIGHT
  13 OPTIMIST NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS                                  32 JUNIOR PRIZE NIGHT
     Jasper Stay
                                                                      34 MEMBERSHIP – NEW CLUB MEMBERS
                                                                      37 ASTERN – THE DUKE AND THE DRAGON
                                                                         Sue Parker
     Tim Cooper
                                                                      40 NOW & THEN – SUICIDE BUOY
                                                                         Susan Parker
                                                                      43 VALE – JOHN WILLIAM BURLINGTON BOLTON
     John Hullet
                                                                         Basil Twine
                                                                      43 VALE – ROBERT DAY
     Will Boulden
                                                                         Basil Twine
                                                                      44 CALENDAR OF EVENTS
     Susan Ghent

   Chief Executive Officer              Paul Bayliss               FLAG OFFICERS
                                                                   Robert Parker – commodore@rfbyc.asn.au
                                                                   Peter Chalmer – vicecommodore@rfbyc.asn.au
   Communications                       Deb Hanrahan               Ian Burvill – rearcommsail@rfbyc.asn.au
   Membership/Offshore Administrator Susan Ghent                   Scott Monro – rearcommjuniors@rfbyc.asn.au
   Executive Assistant                  Pic Lee Song               Elise Manners – rearcommpower@rfbyc.asn.au
   Accountant                           Catherine Ramsey
   Accounts                             Zoe Rostron                HONORARY TREASURER
                                                                   Mark Caddy
   Yachting Operations Mgr              Debbie Blaauw              PUBLICATION
   Sailing/Power Administrator          Sharon Skinner             Registered by Australia Post
   Training Centre Principal            Chelsea Hall               Publication No 63312300018
   Dinghy/Junior Sailing Administration Jade Lane                  To contribute or advertise in the next issue send your copy by
                                                                   Friday 13 August 2021 to pr@rfbyc.asn.au
   Operations Manager                   Nic Gaunt                  CONTACT US
   Bar/Restaurant Manager               Lex Kuster                 Keane’s Point, Peppermint Grove
   Events/Weddings                      Kaidy Raag, Natalie Neal   Western Australia
   GROUNDS                                                         T +61 8 9286 8200
   Bosun                                Nathan Stronach
   Timothy Donohue, Laurie Martin, Joel Sheppard, Andre Kok

We value our members’ opinions. Feel free to send any comments, suggestions and feedback to rfbyc@rfbyc.asn.au

       www.rfbyc.asn.au                                                                                                             1
We have closed another busy summer season of on water activities and begun the winter programmes.

Themed dinners on a Wednesday evening started with a popular steak and parmy night, many members
are enjoying the dining opportunities at the Club. Our sailors are participating in winter racing events in-
cluding radio controlled yacht racing and the time trialling season is underway for the Power Section.

It’s been a busy time on site with works underway on the main wharf and the Junior / Dinghy Facility rede-
velopment making good progress.

See you at the Club.

The new website has been launched. A fresh look for our Club and some
great features. We hope all members are starting to use their member por-
In June we are rolling out the Club app. Members will log in to the app using
the same username and password as the member portal on the website.
Download the app, ‘MemberPoint’ and select our Club . More information
and instructions are available on the website in the Club Info section.

Junior / Dinghy Facility
We are pleased to report the construction of our new Junior/Dinghy Facility
is progressing well and within schedule expectations. This fantastic new
building will be the future home for all RFBYC’s off-the-beach activities in-
cluding Junior sailing, adult dinghy sailing, St Ayles rowing and an emerging
new member activity - model yacht sailing!

To date, through the amazing and generous support of members, the Club
has raised over $2.5 million in donations, with a total project cost just over
$3 million. To help close the funding gap for the new Junior/Dinghy Facility,
the Club is conducting a voluntary fundraising raffle in which all members
are able to participate.

Tickets are limited to 2,500 - 1st prize $10,000, 2nd prize $5,000 and 3rd and
4th prizes $2,500 each. At $100 per ticket, and full take-up, proceeds (after
prize money) would be $230,000 - a significant further step towards 100%
funding. The prize-winning tickets will be drawn on Saturday, 26 June 2021
at 18:00 at the Members’ Bar.

We welcome new applications for membership
It’s an exciting time at the Club, our community is alive with activity. There
are lots of things happening on Keane’s Point with upgrades in the marina
and around the grounds. Plenty of opportunities to get involved in our on
water activities or just enjoy the social side.
We invite new applications for membership. Visit the membership section of
the Club website or get in touch with our Membership Coordinator, Suzzi, for


S  INCE LAST WRITING the Club concluded a very successful summer
   sailing season. Closing day on 17 April was beautiful Autumn weath-
er with light breezes, probably a relief to many after a good season of sea
breezes. Fleet numbers were excellent. Keelboat prize night on 7 May
was great fun. Rear Commodore Ian Burvill will have further details on re-
sults for the season. Congratulations to those who took home awards.
   Due to parking and           esting sight in that it looked   information. On-Water Pass      upon us as well. Elise pro-
capital works restrictions,     like we had branched             will provide the means to       vides further details herein.
the Junior & Dinghy Closing     into aquaculture, with 4         ensure all crew are covered        The St Ayles section
Day was split out this year     ponds within the revealed        by insurance and facilitate     continues with high par-
to the Sunday (18 April). It    sub-structure. A time of         a pathway to membership.        ticipation, enthusiasm and
too was a lovely day and        writing, the entire structure    General Committee are           average age! We have had
the spectacle of all the        has gone, and piling soon        committed to ensuring           several excellent events in-
dinghy fleets in the bay was    to commence. I thank the         the highest level of safety,    cluding two trips to Collie.
uplifting. Rear Commodore       owners of the various fleets     whilst encouraging partici-     Our trip to Kalbarri was
Scott Monro has a compre-       that needed re-homing for        pation and equity.              cancelled due to cyclone
hensive report to follow.       the duration of this work.          I recently competed in       destruction. Our members
Suffice to say here that we     We were fortunate to have        the rejuvenated Commo-          are to be congratulated for
continue to be a leader in      the indigenous elder, Trevor     dores Cup race held out         agreeing to donate our paid
the State, and Nationally, in   Walley, provide us with          of Fremantle Sailing Club       deposit to the caravan park
participation.                  a ‘Throwing of the Sands’        in late March! I had the        to assist recovery.
   The Tropical themed          ceremony to ensure good          good fortune to draw David         Sadly, due to WA’s brief
Junior & Dinghy Prize           harmony with the important       Hicks and Jon Sanders AO        COVID lockdown, we were
Night held on 14 May was        cultural and physical con-       OBE as my crew on David’s       unable to hold the Anzac
fantastic fun and attended      nections with the river.         boat Seaflight. David, at the   Day Dawn event. Much
by all four Vice Patrons and       The Club’s new, and           time, was the youngest non-     thought and planning had
partners. The Junior & Din-     much improved, website           stop, solo around the world     gone into it and I thank
ghy section has full support    and member portal were           sailor. Jon, of course, needs   John and Di Walsh who
at all levels of the Club.      implemented several weeks        no introduction.                joined me at the Club to lay
   Our ongoing major capi-      back. I encourage members           The Retro Series wrapped     a single wreath to ensure
tal works projects continue     to re-visit the website and      up on 18 April after a very     no break in the tradition.
largely as scheduled on         experience the intuitive and     successful series. I had           Finally, the Offshore sec-
time and cost measures.         easy to find aspects of it.      much pleasure sailing           tion celebrated the award-
The new building, for all       The Member Portal gives          several times with Manfred      ing of prizes for the 44th
off-the-beach activities,       access to your recorded          Speicher on his beautiful       Farrawa Cup on Sunday,
received its architectural      details, transaction bal-        Bacchante. RFBYC has now        30 May. Congratulations
feature ‘Aramax’ roof in        ances/history and member         handed the organising au-       to all prize winners, in all
early May. The on-site steel    directory etc.                   thority ‘baton’ over to Royal   categories. The prestigious
rolling machine was a site         Elsewhere in this publi-      Perth Yacht Club.               Farrawa Cup was won by
to behold and produced          cation we provide com-              With only a slight break     Simon Torvaldsen in Atomic
the 20 metre plus lengths       ment on the MemberPoint          in on-water activity, the       Blonde. RFBYC’s Craig
over 2 days of production.      App and On-Water Pass            Power season Opening Day        Carter took out 3rd place in
Alignment and structural        initiatives. The app is a mo-    kicked off on 1 May. Rear       Division 1 Overall.
elements have now been          bile/tablet-based tool that      Commodore Elise Manners            Best of luck to those Time
implemented and work            complements the website          and her Club and volunteer      Trialling, Frostbiting and
continues.                      and also provides on-wa-         team did an amazing job.        dinghying over winter.
   Demolition of the west-      ter safety tools such as         The weather gods smiled
ern wharf created an inter-     Crew Sign-on and weather

    www.rfbyc.asn.au                                                                                                             3
                                    VICE COMMODORE

                                    S INCE A BRIEF SPIKE of COVID-19 cases in April caused a short lockdown,
                                      we have now relaxed to mandatory use of the SafeWA app and written
                                    contact registers, and adhering to the 75% capacity or 2sqm per person rule.
    HOUSE & SOCIAL                  attended although both our        Theme Dinners are al-         invited to attend. Bowline
        Further to my recent        ANZAC Day Service and          ways well attended and will      dinner reservations are
    Tidings article about mem-      our Vintage Vessel and Vehi-   commence in mid-June.            available for those pro-
    ber behaviour and mem-          cle Day have suffered either   Please keep an eye on Front      posers wishing to intro-
    bers’ responsibility for the    COVID-19 cancellation or       of House for these dining        duce new members to the
    behaviour of guests, I am       weather-based postpone-        opportunities and book           benefits of the Club’s dining
    extremely disappointed to       ments.                         early.                           areas.
    report a few recent inci-          Both the Keelboat Prize        A very special event             The Club’s new website
    dences of inappropriate be-     Night and the Dinghy           for the diary is the 125th       was launched in March
    haviour towards staff at the    Prize Night were fantastic     year Anniversary Celebra-        and members will have
    Club, in particular younger     evenings. Most outstanding     tion currently planned for       received instructions to
    females. ‘Suggestive’ behav-    were the Dinghy juniors        Tuesday, 14 December.            enable them to log onto the
    iour towards any member         who planned their own          It will be a celebration of      Member Portal where they
    of staff is never appropriate   evening and after receiving    our Club, it’s heritage and      can view their account,
    and the Club will take such     a few speeches and lots of     future successes.                make payments and access
    events very seriously. Whilst   trophies, spent the night                                       member-only content. This
    there is almost certainly no    dancing to the Macarena                                         is a major leap forward in
                                                                      Member numbers contin-
    ill-intention and it may be     and YMCA.                                                       terms of member accessi-
                                                                   ue to grow and we are now
    considered harmless fun at         The Members Bar and                                          bility and I congratulate our
                                                                   at our highest membership
    the time, the perspective       Bowline menus have under-                                       all staff, most notably Suzzi
                                                                   numbers for many years.
    from those receiving the        gone a few tweaks to reflect                                    and the working group, on
                                                                      For females, these figures
    comments is usually that of     the change in seasons and                                       their hard work in deliver-
                                                                   show continued steady
    shock, dismay and distress.     to present the best possible                                    ing a website that is such
                                                                   increases in all age groups.
        The Club has a respon-      choice and value for mem-                                       an improvement.
                                                                   For males, our Under 17s
    sibility to provide a safe      ber satisfaction.                                                  Along with the website,
                                                                   are performing better than
    working environment for all        There are ongoing                                            our MemberPoint app,
                                                                   the older 18–30yo and 31
    employees and behaviour         increases in restaurant and                                     designed for use on smart
                                                                   plus age groups.
    of this nature will not be      bar usage as well as events.                                    phones and tablets, will be
                                                                      In terms of total partic-
    tolerated. I would also urge    Quarterdeck Lunches and                                         launched soon to all mem-
                                                                   ipation, females are best
    any member witnessing           New Members Nights                                              bers. MemberPoint will give
                                                                   represented in the under 30
    such behaviour to report it     are very successful and                                         members access to their
                                                                   age groups and almost all
    to a duty manager or the        have been booked to our                                         account, transaction history,
                                                                   of those have shown good
    CEO immediately.                allowable capacities. More                                      fresh news blog, upcoming
                                                                   increases in the last year
        On a joyous note, our       recently, Friday and Satur-                                     events, crew finder, boat
                                                                   and are 25% up over the
    head chef, Derrick, and         day night Bowline dining                                        finder as well as enable
                                                                   last 4 years.
    his wife, Silae have just       is performing to allowable                                      members to sign-on for
                                                                      New Member Nights are
    become proud parents of a       capacity and is reflective                                      on-water activities.
                                                                   fantastic evenings meeting
    baby girl, Dami. Congratu-      of members enjoyment of                                            More on this topic can
                                                                   and celebrating our newest
    lations and our best wishes     their Club. Please don’t                                        be found on the next page.
                                                                   members. These nights are
    to you both.                    forget that members receive                                     I look forward to seeing you
                                                                   held about every 4 to 5
        All Club functions have     a 10% discount when using                                       at the Club.
                                                                   weeks and all members are
    been well received and          their membership card.

4                                                                                                  www.rfbyc.asn.au
                   REAR COMMODORE SAIL

A   GAINST EXPECTATIONS, we were able to sail for nearly all of the
    summer season. A total of 83 yachts competed in our Keel Boat Closing
Day on 17 April. On the same day, 17 yachts competed in RFBYC’s Roland
Smith Ocean Race. The light winds made for a long race on the ocean.
   Our youth sailors com-         Craig Carter’s team on In-     hard work put in by Chel-        who is on board each boat
pleted their WA Tour in        dian capped off the offshore      sea Hall, Shelley White,         and their emergency con-
April. Congratulations to      season with a stellar perfor-     Jade Lane, Debbie Blaauw         tact details. The associated
Will Boulden’s Alpha Rac-      mance in the Fremantle to         and our many instructors.        On-Water Pass system will
ing Team, which won the        Exmouth race. They were              In April 2021, John Taylor    facilitate compliance with
series. RFBYC teams took       fastest overall and first in      was awarded the Ron Tough        the Racing Rules of Sailing
out the next three places      Division 1 under IRC, ORCi        Yachting Foundation Gold         rule 46, the Club’s By-Law
with Ethan Prieto-Low’s Ca-    and PHS systems. This took        Medal for Outstanding Con-       3.25 (“A regular crew mem-
lypso Racing Team second,      them to first place under         tribution to Sailing. This was   ber shall be a member of
Marcello Torre’s Columbo       IRC in ORWA’s Blue Water          well deserved, after years of    the Club”) and will provide
Racing Team third and Lucy     Series. Daniel Cannon,            dedication as a race officer.    personal accident insurance
Alderson’s Akami Race          with Cannonball, narrowly            The Club was fortunate        via Australian Sailing. The
Team fourth.                   missed out on winning IRC         to be able to hold the Keel      introduction of this system
   In mid-April, RFBYC won     Division 2 in that series, af-    Boat Prize Night on the          is initially on a voluntary
the 2021 Inter Club Cham-      ter a three-way countback.        scheduled date of 7 May.         basis, so I’d encourage skip-
pionships. Congratulations        I’d like to welcome the        The Farrawa Cup Awards           pers to give it a try.
to the following teams (and    newest and smallest keel          Night had to be postponed,          After a successful sum-
skippers): Veterans (Michael   boat fleet to the Club. Over      due to the late April lock-      mer season, I’d like to thank
Manford), Women’s (Sandy       the past few months, sever-       down, but was well attend-       the tireless efforts of our
Anderson) and Open (Will       al members have purchased         ed on the revised date of        staff who make our sail-
Boulden and Ethan Prie-        Dragon Force 65 radio-con-        30 May. That same day, 24        ing happen. This includes
to-Low).                       trolled yachts and have           boats sailed in the first race   sailing administration and
   Over Easter, Cam Owen       been racing on an informal        of the Keel Boat Frostbite       training staff, the bosun
and Suzzi Ghent defended       basis. Many of the owners         series.                          and grounds staff, the CEO
their state championship       are high level sailors, so the       The Club has introduced       and general administration,
in the Hobie 16 class. It’s    competition is fierce.            Crew Sign-on via Mem-            Keith on the front gate, and
great to have a champion          It was wonderful to see        ber Point, a phone and           all our bar and catering
like Suzzi organise offshore   Australian Sailing recognise      tablet-based app, for the        staff. I’ll close by thanking
events for our Club and        the Club as the top Discov-       Keel Boat Frostbite series.      all the volunteers, who
for Offshore Racing WA         er Sailing Centre in Aus-         This initiative will improve     assist on and off the water.
(“ORWA”).                      tralia. This is a credit to the   safety, by the Club knowing

    www.rfbyc.asn.au                                                                                                              5
                                    REAR COMMODORE JUNIORS

                                   T   HE DINGHY PRIZE NIGHT was a huge success and a great evening
                                       of celebration for our Junior and Dinghy sailors. It was a very colour-
                                   ful occasion with everybody dressed in their favourite ‘Club Tropicana’
                                   attire. The speeches and awards were deliberately brief, which al-
                                   lowed sailors and parents to socialise and dance for most of the evening.
        Mia Lovelady was           coaching team. Congratula-     ed in the Moth Australian      tion office and adjoining
    awarded the Junior Club        tions, Mia!                    Championship in NSW.           coach room. The facility is
    Person of the Year for the        Despite the ongoing            There has been solid pro-   certainly bigger than initial
    2020/21 sailing season,        travel restrictions, some      gress on the construction      expectations and the fancy
    receiving the Huck Scott       of our Junior and Dinghy       of the new Junior Dinghy       Aramax roof is a ‘stand out’.
    Perpetual Trophy. Mia has      sailors did manage to travel   Facility over the last three      RFBYC continues to be
    been a very active and loyal   interstate and compete in      months. The Junior mem-        acknowledged by Aus-
    Junior member for 9 years,     National Competition at the    bers are very excited at the   tralia Sailing as the No. 1
    has represented the Club at    end of the summer season       prospect of having a new       Discovery Sailing Training
    State and National Compe-      of sailing. A special men-     Facility at the end of this    Centre in Australia, record-
    tition in Optimists, Lasers    tion to Jasper Stay, Thomas    year which will feature a      ing over 1000 participations
    and 29ers, and has served      Cooper and Nicholas Coop-      large Club Room, dedicated     in training courses over the
    as a past Junior Captain.      er who competed in the         training and meeting rooms,    9-month period, July 2020
    Mia continues to sail the      Optimist Australian Cham-      new toilets and showers,       to March 2021. We are all
    29er and is currently a        pionship in South Australia,   storage facilities, canteen    very proud of this ongoing
    member of the WA State         and Will Boulden, Max          and even a gym. The staff      achievement.
    Squad (WASS). She is also      Godfroy, David Tucker and      are also looking forward
    a valuable member of our       Nick Deussen who compet-       to the larger administra-



      OPTIMIST (I)     ISABELLE CHARLY                               CLUB CHAMPIONS
      OPTIMIST (O)     JASPER STAY                                   OPTIMIST (I) 2020       THOMAS COOPER
      O’PEN SKIFF (I)  HUDSON ARMSTRONG                              OPTIMIST (I) 2021       NICHOLAS GILLHAM
      O’PEN SKIFF (O)  BRENN ARMSTRONG                               OPTIMIST (O)            JASPER STAY
      ORANGE FLEET     ASHA & SIENA JOHNSTON                         O’PEN SKIFF (O/I)       BRENN ARMSTRONG
      GREEN FLEET      EDWARD YU, ADISON BATES                       MIRROR                  PETER & JANINE JUDGE
      JUNIOR SKIPPER   THOMAS COOPER                                 LASER 4.7               DOMINIC BEER
      DINGHY SKIPPER   XAVIER BATES                                  LASER RADIAL            DAVID JOYCE
                                                                     LASER STANDARD          GRANT LOVELADY
      MOST VALUABLE DINGHY CREW                                      WASZP 6.9               JAMIE BOUGHER
      GEORGE ELMS                                                    WASZP 8.2               MICK HONAN
                                                                     29ER                    ZACHARY SPRUNT &
                                                                                             VASSILIS KATSAITIS

6                                                                                                www.rfbyc.asn.au

T   HE 2021 POWER TIME Trialling Opening Day was held on Saturday 1 May
    2021 under brilliant blue skies. Even though we had some remaining COVID
restrictions, we still managed to get 18 nominations with 13 power boats, both
classic and modern, rafting up along the main wharf after the short time trial.
The band ‘Stray Dogs’,         Quality Family Fun day was          At the time of writing      ing up to the roof top bar.
played us through the          held Sunday 28 March. The        this, we have already had      Details for this event are on
afternoon and the West         weather gods shone down          one out of the eight state     the website as well as in
Winds Gin Bar was strate-      on us with brilliant blue        teams events scheduled for     your weekly Gybe Sheet.
gically placed, making the     skies and light winds, mak-      this season. This was run on   There will be Club boats
day a great success. It was    ing perfect conditions to        Saturday, 22 May hosted by     organised for the journey
fabulous to see some new       take the families for a cruise   SoPYC with our very own        up and back and places are
faces out on the water and     down river and through the       Havana, Tim Cummins and        limited so be sure to book
on the wharf afterwards. I     bridges, with some boats         Ken Stevenson, winning         early to avoid disappoint-
certainly hope to continue     sneaking around to fishing       with least points lost of      ment!
to see them, and other new     boat harbour. We had 14          6! Well done guys! The            We have a total of 37
and seasoned time triallers,   member boats taking out          second heat is due to be       nominated for this season
competing regularly.           approximately 140 people,        held on Sunday, 6 June in      and I would love to see this
RESULTS FOR THE DAY            74 of which were children        conjunction with the Lloyd     number participating reg-
   Equal first on 3 points     under the age of 19. The         Anderson hosted by CYC         ularly. If you are interested
lost were Havana Tim           families and volunteers then     and the third state event is   in joining the time trialling
Cummins and Ken Ste-           enjoyed a spit roast and         scheduled for Saturday, 19     community and need some
venson and Liberty David       paella on the upper lawn         June in conjunction with       help getting started, please
Russell-Cargill and Scott      at RFBYC. The day was a          RPYC’s Searfarers Mara-        email Sharon Skinner at
Baumgartel. Third place        great success thanks to the      thon. Good luck to all our     power@rfbyc.asn.au or call
on a count back went to        members who volunteered          team members!                  9286 8200. It is never too
Steven Lewis and Emma          their boats and their time to       Socially, on Saturday,      late to join in the fun.
Lewis on Inkognito with 5      this worthy day. Thank you       3 July we have planned a          I look forward to seeing
points lost.                   to all and I look forward        cruise up to Elizabeth Quay    you out on the water or
   As mentioned in my pre-     to next year’s event being       with a set menu lunch at       around our beautiful Club
vious Tidings article, Camp    bigger and better.               The Reveley before head-       very soon.

                        Competing for the

 CUP            Incorporating
       CPYC State Championship Heat 7

Sunday, 29 August 2021
Time Triallers and guests are invited to participate in this time
                honoured and prestigious event

Time Trial commences at            Lunch is complimentary for
0930, Course 221.                  skipper and navigator.
Followed by results back at        Additional guests may
the Club and a “Pig on the         purchase tickets for
Spit” lunch.                       $20 per person

                         Enter online at
                   by Wednesday 25 August

 Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club | Keane’s Point, Peppermint Grove
      power@rfbyc.asn.au | www.rfbyc.asn.au | Ph 9286 8200
Zac Littlewood

                                         THE LAST SIX MONTHS

L  AST YEAR, I SPENT JUST OVER 3 months training in locations such as Coffs Harbour,
   Mooloolaba and Noosa with the Australian Sailing Squad. It was the best solution to not be-
ing able to go overseas, while training with some of the best Laser sailors in the World, under
Michael Blackburn (Laser coach). Over summer, competing in the RFBYC ICR along with Laser
events out of FSC and the Youth event out of SOPYC was a surreal feeling being able to race again.
I managed to place second at the
ICR, just behind Swifto. I managed
to pip him by winning the Laser
event (replacement nationals) at FSC
and I then went on to win the U21
at the SOPYC Goolugatup regatta
in January. Later that month, while
Perth was in a five-day lockdown,
I received a phone call saying that
I was selected into the Australian
Sailing Squad as part of the Laser
Men’s Team. Since there haven’t
been any overseas competitions,
selection was based on the domes-
tic camps on the east coast last year
along domestic events over summer
and my previous European event
results, where I got a silver medal at
the Youth Worlds. Getting into the
squad was something I’ve been aim-
ing for since moving into the Laser      the world. However, I found the         images above: the squad on transit to
Standard just under two years ago.       change to managing full time train-     our accommodation in Mooloolaba (Swifto
                                                                                 behind the camera)
Within two days of the selection         ing in Sydney every week quite hard
advice, I packed my gear and left        being away from my strong support       and training of the group. At the
for Sydney.                              network at home. Eventually I man-      end of this block, we travelled up to
   The Laser team were having a few      aged to move into a solid routine       Lake Macquarie for a regatta. Over
training camps in Sydney out of the      with a good support network which       the 6 days, including the medal
National Training Centre (NTC) – at      helped with balancing all the           race, I finished 5th overall which I
Middle Harbour Yacht Club – as the       training loads, doing university and    thought was solid and showed I was
lead up before Matt Wearn left for       sailing at a high standard each day.    on the right track.
overseas to compete and then onto           In April, overseas events were          After the regatta on the lake, I
the Tokyo Olympics.                      cancelled so the rest of the squad      was planning to come home but
   In the following three months my      stayed in Sydney to train in the lead   WA went into another lockdown, so
week consisted of sailing five days      up for Matt to go to the Olympic        I went back to the NTC in Sydney
a week with the squad, gym/cy-           Games. At the same time, the            instead and did some more train-
cling, and coaching, along with full     bubble to New Zealand opened so         ing with Michael Blackburn before
time university classes online. The      current bronze medalist from Rio        heading up to Mooloolaba, QLD for
lifestyle of just focusing on sailing    Olympics, Sam Meech and previous        the next camp.
every day improved my overall            World Number 3, George Gautry              Last year, the camp in Mooloola-
sailing a lot. I was able to spend a     came over for a 5-week training         ba was so good. Warm conditions,
lot of quality hours on and off the      block. Training with international      sea breezes and big swell. This year,
water with the best Laser group in       sailors added a lot to the intensity    conditions for the first week of train-

    www.rfbyc.asn.au                                                                                                       9
continued from page 9

     ing included light winds and sunny
     days which was really good. We
     started another regatta in the second
     week, with the same format as Lake
     Macquarie. The conditions for the
     regatta were cold, wet and windy.
     I started the regatta well but was
     unable to maintain my scores in the
     last few days on water and finished
     in 4th overall. Again, the event was
     solid for my development and, in
     each training block, I’m constantly      above: Sailing out of the Heads in Sydney
     learning about the standard needed       below: Sailing off Fremantle during Summer.
     to sail well and what I need to work
     on before the end of the year.
        I’m currently on my way home
     to Perth for a week off prior to
     returning to Queensland for another
     training block out of Yeppoon. After
     the two-week block in Yeppoon,
     we drive the boats up to Cairns
     for the last camp before Matt and
     Michael fly to Tokyo for the games.
     At this stage, when the last camp
     finishes, I hope to come home in
     July and have a month of training
     before I can go away to compete.
     I’m hoping to go to the U21 Worlds
     in Weymouth and Men’s Worlds in
     Barcelona. As always, things change
     quite rapidly but all my training will
     be working towards Worlds later
     this year or early next year where I
     hope to compete.
        The ability to go interstate last
     year, and currently this year is pos-
     sible due to the big support network
     at home. A big thanks to RFBYC
     for their ongoing support with my
     sailing as I continue to learn and
     gain more experience in my laser

10                                                                            www.rfbyc.asn.au
Sue Parker
           (prepared from WAIDA and Club records)

                                 DRAGONS ON THE SWAN

A   GATHERING OF OVER 30 SAILORS attended the annual AGM of the Western Australian
    International Dragon Class Association in the Athol Hobbs Room on Wednesday, 19 May 2021.
The Club’s International Dragon Class reported a first class 20/21 Season, despite COVID-19. An
even more active forthcoming summer season is likely given the planned events and activities.
   President Rod Williams report-        year, but equally welcoming of a           Perhaps helping to make it pos-
ed that only one race had been           return to a modest annual fee for the   sible to have such a great number
missed due to COVID-19 during            forthcoming year. Of special note,      interested in the National Champi-
the season. The strength of the fleet    and indeed fostering great pride        onship is the training and opportu-
was apparent with an average of          among the many Dragon sailors           nity to sail a Dragon that has been
12 boats competing in each race          who commenced as junior sailors         provided by the Association and
and 19 overall out on the Swan. It       at RFBYC, was the donation of           Club Members this year. Several of
is hoped that 2021–22 will witness       $10,000 from the Association to the     the teams will have crew sourced
all 29 Dragons on the register out       Club’s new Off The Beach Club-          from the Women’s Helm Regatta,
racing. These numbers are by far         house Facility. There are a special     which is proposed to be held again
leading the participation rates com-     many Dragoneers who commenced           in early October. Complementing
pared with all other states. And it is   as RFBYC dinghy sailors and there       this is the Saturday morning training
clearly the premier one-design class     is a special few who didn’t but who     that some owners have hosted giv-
at RFBYC!                                acknowledge the importance of           ing novices and experienced hands
   The past season was also a            such a strong foundation for crew       more time on the water. In the com-
standout for the special events held     and camaraderie.                        ing year training will go up a notch
including the Saracen Plate for the          Speaking of camaraderie and         with provision of a training yacht,
Women’s Helm Regatta which had           friendships, the Handicapper’s          Gilt Dragon, generously restored
12 teams participating. The excel-       Acquittal Report was well received      and made available by Ian Malley
lent conditions on the day and into      by nearly all! Steve Cole provided      and Ray Chatfield.
the evening ensured that the ‘Pizza      a clear explanation of the various         Also looking toward the future of
and Shiraz Presentation’ hosted on       components of the handicapping          the fleet a word of encouragement
Willy and Mimi Packer’s terrace was      system and indicated the overall        from the Association for owners
a great gathering for owners, helms,     ‘fairness’ of the system with the       who have had trouble getting on the
crew, race officials, Dragon friends     reasonable sharing of place-getters     water, start planning now and take
and family.                              across the fleet and an effective       advantage of the training opportu-
   WA was one of few States that         reduction in the average finishing      nities. The RFBYC fleet is one of the
managed to get a State Champion-         time-spread after handicap adjust-      best it has ever been and Dragons
ship Regatta completed on time,          ment.                                   are back in demand. If lying fallow,
again in great conditions on the             Looking toward 2021–22 Season,      then consider selling well before
Swan. Hughie came out to play            it is exciting to note that six crews   the start of the next season so new
on every occasion. 15 Dragons            have indicated contesting the Prince    owners can get ready and be on the
contested the Championship under         Philip Cup 2022 in Sydney. The          water for Opening Day 2021–22.
the excellence of Race Officer Geoff     2021 Regatta was COVID-cancelled           If you are looking for a Dragon to
Brown and his band of volunteers.        so the enthusiasm has been building     buy, or for current information on
   Treasurer John Anderson reported      and it is likely WA will have the       the Australian International Drag-
a very healthy COVID-free state of       biggest contingent of entries of any    on Class, check the website www.
financial affairs with all in attend-    State including NSW. There will be      dragonclass.org.au
ance appreciative of the 100%            a ‘draggin’ of Dragons across the
discount on membership for the           Nullabor after Christmas!                            continued on page 13

    www.rfbyc.asn.au                                                                                                     11
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Jasper Stay


 MY       RECENT TRAVEL TO THE Adelaide Optimist National Championships was to a
          short, noticed regatta and I wasn’t going to be able to go until the very last min-
 ute when my friend’s family offered to take me with them. My preparation was slim, but
 I wanted to go to get an idea of what I am up against for 2022 Nationals in Fremantle.
    I was very lucky to get the oppor-     the jury pinged me for sculling. I       cost me the whole regatta. I was
 tunity to get coaching with Rob and       was on the start line and incredibly     steady 9th and 9th in the final races.
 Tom Brewer for two days leading up        eager to do well, my competitive            My overall place was 14th. I
 to the racing.                            edge took the better of me and I was     worked out I could have got 4th if I
    On the first day of competitive        pinged again by the jury! I sailed       hadn’t gotten the penalty.
 racing, I sailed in some of the           the race very deflated and frustrated.      I was definitely really grateful to
 biggest swell I’ve ever sailed. With          I got 33rd but little did I know     be given the opportunity to sail at
 15 knots gusting 20! It was great fun     that because I had been pinged           the Optimist national champion-
 and I got stuck into the race scoring     twice, I would be automatically dis-     ships in Adelaide and thank you for
 a good 6th and 9th. I was happy to        qualified from the race – incurring a    the support. I learned some very
 end the first day sitting at 5th on the   69-pt. scoring penalty! I found out      valuable lessons and feel like I’m
 leader board and very excited with        later when I returned to land that if    closer to achieving my goal of top 5
 what this Regatta might bring!            I had retired from the race, I would     at Nationals and getting the oppor-
    The second day’s racing wasn’t as      have been able to drop the penalty!      tunity to sail at worlds!
 good, with a 14th, 11th and 8th. I        This was a huge lesson that I won’t         I’ve made some friends that I
 knew I had the potential to do better     ever forget – I incurred a 69 undrop-    look forward to seeing in Fremantle
 but I was happy that I could drop         pable penalty and I could have just      2022. And look forward to repre-
 those races and get better scores the     retired and dropped it!                  senting RFBYC and WA at the 2022
 next day.                                    My final day was all about staying    Nationals!
    On the 3rd day of racing, I was        optimistic, sailing hard and not            You can find my results on the
 feeling awesome having some very          making any mistakes, I was very          AIODA Facebook page.
 good races. I achieved an 8th, 2nd        aware that I could have my card
 and a 5th, but on one of my races         marked by the jury; one slip could

 continued from page 11

   As a wrap of the year gone by,          THANK YOU TO:                              Hope you all get a chance to sail
 congratulations go to the following:      • Peter Hay for his ongoing support      a Dragon on the Swan during the
 WAIDA STATE CHAMPION                      as Patron of the Association,            Winter Series or the Thursday after-
 WILLY PACKER                              • RFBYC Fleet Captain Kevin Pala-        noon races and see you at the Drag-
 SCOUNDREL                                 siss,                                    on Bar come summer 2021–22.
 WAIDA HANDICAP WINNER                     • Retiring Association Office
 IAN MALLEY                                Bearers Jennie Fitzhardinge, John
                                           Longley and Simon Prosser
 WOMEN’S HELM CHAMPION                     • New and ongoing Association Of-
                                           fice Bearers – Rod Williams (Pres.),
                                           John Anderson (Treas.), David
 TRISH FORD                                Meager (Sec.), Jack Lynn, Gerry Mc-
 CANEWDON WITCH                            Gann, Willy Packer and Ian Malley
 RFBYC CLUB CONSISTENCY                    (Tech.).
 KEVIN PALASSIS                            • Flag Officers and Sailing Adminis-
 INDULGENCE                                tration at RFBYC.

     www.rfbyc.asn.au                                                                                                        13
Nicholas Cooper                                                     The Cooper brothers at
     achieved 1st place                                                  the Optimist Nationals.
     in his final race!

                          left and centre: beach launching
                          far right top and bottom: the swell on Day 1

14                                                           www.rfbyc.asn.au
Tim Cooper


THE         ANNUAL Australian Optimist National Championships were hosted by
            the Adelaide Sailing Club in April 2021. In total, 95 junior sailors from
every state attended the regatta with four WA sailors crossing the border including Royal
Freshwater Bay Yacht Club brothers Thomas and Nicholas Cooper, along with Jasper Stay.
The weather conditions in Gulf St.          Sailing in Open Fleet, Thomas         to pick the wind shifts and making
Vincent provided a significant test of   finished 41st overall and was very       new friends.
sailing skills with Day 1 delivering     pleased with his results. Thomas’           Travel to the regatta was sup-
20 knots and 1.5–2.0m swell thanks       highlights included a 15th place         ported by a grant from RFBYC and
to ex-TC Seroja. Both Intermedi-         in the final race of the regatta and     the Western Australian Internation-
ate and Open fleets did well just        apparently he also really enjoyed        al Optimist Dinghy Association
to make it to the start line without     sailing in the large swell!              (WAIODA).
breaking any gear in the extreme            Jasper Stay finished an impressive       The regatta was a great learning
conditions. The wind settled in the      14th overall.                            experience for the young sailors
5–10 knot range for the remainder           Nicholas finished 6th overall in      and they’re now looking forward to
of the regatta and light-weather sail-   the Intermediate fleet, which was        racing in the calmer waters of the
ors that picked the wind shifts and      a fantastic effort for an 8-year-old.    Swan River during the RFBYC 2021
sailed on the favoured side of the       Nicholas’ highlights included a 1st      Winter Sailing Series.
course had the most success.             place in the final race, learning how

    www.rfbyc.asn.au                                                                                                    15
     WARS    FE
16           www.rfbyc.asn.au
WARS                                    Rottnest ferries and
                                        the Perth ferry wars
                                           of the 1960’s

T   he Over 30 Crew Lunch was
    held on Friday, 23 April with
    100 members in attendance.
Guest speaker Gerry McGann enter-
tained us with stories about his
family’s historic connection to the
                                                  mmett McGann went to
                                                  buy his young sons a din-
                                                  ghy at a military auction
                                        in 1947 and came home with a ship
                                        that changed the way Perthites visit-
                                        ed Rottnest. The Islander was the first
                                                                                  vessels could not accomplish. Alas
                                                                                  the monopoly through the 1950’s
                                                                                  changed with competition appear-
                                                                                  ing in the early 60’s, resulting in the
                                                                                  ‘Ferry Wars’. The ‘wars’ led to some
                                                                                  exciting races to Rottnest, my dad’s
Rottnest ferry service. In particular   fast ferry to Rottnest and allowed        broken jaw, one sinking, one ar-
the Islander which his father had       day-trippers 4 hours on Rotto, some-      son attack and bodies in the river.”
purchased in 1947.                      thing the earlier slow, steam-driven      Gerry is Emmett’s youngest son.

    www.rfbyc.asn.au                                                                                                        17
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  John Hullet

                             T        he Zephyr was heading homewards
                                      from Rottnest to the Swan
                                      with Charlie’s hand upon the wheel
                                      his to love and conn

                                  The throbbing of her engine
                                  the turning of her screw
                                                                               When up stepped a rather pompous gent
                                                                               a sassenach of letters
                                  the hissing wheeze of steam and smoke        and said if she’d but face the wind
                                  were life to Charlie Strue                   by gad she’d ride the better

                                  Her funnel dipped beneath the swell          Then Charlie ceased to suck his pipe
                                  her canvas cover drumming                    and pulled his briar out
                                  her bow embraced by briny lips               and said in quiet measured tones
                                  her decks awash and running                  he’d ne’er been known to shout

                                  The women on the upper deck                  “Ships be made to pitch and roll
                                  some looking drawn and pale                  ‘tis wisely said and true
                                  the men were on the lower deck               let the buggers pitch and roll
                                  roisterous drinking ale                      thank ye but we’ll make do”

                                  The children ran between the two             The days of steam have long since gone
                                  their spirits wild and free                  and Charlie is no more
                                  possessed by her abandoned joy               yet the Zephyr’s bell still rings to tell
                                  as she embraced her sea                      of the forgotten days of yore

Following the recent talk by Gerry McGann, my interest     Ron was a former Rear Commodore Power at our Club.
was sparked by the mention of the Zephyr as the earliest   The Zephyr’s bell mentioned in the ballad now serves
Rottnest Ferry. The skipper of the Zephyr was Charlie      after yacht races at Fremantle Sailing Club. so it sur-
Strue. The incident described in my ballad was told to     vives. The rolling action of the Zephyr, described graph-
me by my father-in-law Ron Waterstrom who occasion-        ically by Gerry McGann, I also featured in my ballad.
ally served as a volunteer on the Zephyr.

    www.rfbyc.asn.au                                                                                                       19
Will Boulden

                                    MOTH NATIONALS 2021
                                   LAKE MACQUARIE, NSW

IN       STRANGE TIMES with the COVID pandemic still halting vast amounts of domestic
         and international travel, it was looking like a national championship
         for the Moth class in the 2020/2021 summer would be a tall order to fill.
   Thankfully good governance from       ways going to be very hit and miss!     his energy organising the event (of
national class president and RFBYC       These testing conditions presented      which he did a fantastic job) and
member Nick Duessen paved the            themselves at the regatta with one      finished in 24th. Dave Tucker took
way for a fantastic national champi-     day cancelled due to strong winds       some big learnings in his first na-
onship to be held at Wangi Sailing       and the others being sailed in very     tional championships and finished
Club on Lake Macquarie, NSW.             puffy and shifty conditions or glass    one place ahead of Nick in 23rd.
   The event was held outside of         outs.                                   Max Godfroy probably needs to
the ‘usual’ national champion-              The Australian moth fleet is         have a word with the weather man,
ship period of December/January          the most competitive of the wider       as the conditions we had for the
because of COVID restrictions, so        global moth fleets and possibly the     most part didn’t require his weight,
it was decided at late notice to be      most competitive fleet of all classes   size and strength, which ended up
held during the early stages of April.   globally. Having handfuls of Olym-      placing him in 12th. As for myself, a
Over 40 boats attended the event         pic medallists and America’s Cup        very inconsistent performance often
from around Australia, which again       champions, both past and present        saw me leading and placing in races
is a credit to Nick and his team.        competing regularly. The regatta was    and then throwing away positions
   Four RFBYC members took the           eventually won by class veteran and     like it was going out of fashion,
gamble to flee the WA bubble, with       America’s Cup/Sail GP expert Scott      ending up landing me in 7th.
fingers crossed that our Premier         Babbage, followed in second by             All in all the event was very
wouldn’t swing the axe and close         2016 laser Olympic gold medallist       enjoyable, especially considering
the border if somebody on the east       Tom Burton. Rounding out the po-        we hadn’t travelled or sailed outside
coast sneezed. Our WA team of four       dium in 3rd, and in 4th place, saw      of WA for over a year. Full credit to
consisted of Nick Deussen, Max           two past moth world champions           the national association and Wangi
Godfroy, Dave Tucker and myself.         from the last decade Josh McKnight      for making the event happen and
   Sailing on Lake Macquarie is very     and Joe Turner. The RFBYC squad,        hopefully we can do it all again
similar in condition to that of the      much like the wind for the regat-       next summer!
Swan River, however with the event       ta were a little hit and miss! Nick
being held in April, the wind was al-    Deussen looked like he spent all of

    www.rfbyc.asn.au                                                                                                     21

                                  Susan Ghent
2020–2021 SEASON

            Two inshore passage,
          two return ocean races.
               All races to count.

                              this image:
                          Atomic Blonde,
                             first overall.

                   PHOTOGRAPHY © DREW MALCOLM
                     DOLPHIN RACE

        T   WO INSHORE PASSAGE, two return ocean races. All races to count. The
            Rockingham Race Regatta played host to the WA IRC State Championships
         and was an excellent weekend away for the sailors and our power section too.
         How amazing the yachts look rac-             What a great initiative from our      to the 20 teams who took on the
         ing so close to the local beaches.         Club Offshore Committee that has        challenge.
            35 young sailors were part of the       been running since 2017.                   Our offshore season closed with
         event and we again awarded a full            On Friday 12 February the 73rd        the Roland Smith Ocean Race on
         set of wet weather gear to one of the      Bunbury and Return Ocean Race           Saturday 17 April 2021. A popular
         lucky youth thanks to our generous         got underway at lunch time in a         coastal race inside Rottnest Island
         sponsor Gill Marine.                       developing sea breeze well done         and the Perth coastline.

   above left: RFBYC Volunteers, thank you!				                                     above right: Team RFBYC Offshore Racing.

   facing page, above: Checkmate, second overall.
   facing page, below: Obsession, third overall.

       www.rfbyc.asn.au                                                                                                           25
26   www.rfbyc.asn.au
2020–2021 SEASON
                        44TH FARRAWA CUP SERIES

                OVERALL IRC COMBINED
                1ST              ATOMIC BLONDE            SIMON TORVALDSEN          RPYC
                2ND              CHECKMATE                GEOFF BISHOP              FSC
                3RD              OBSESSION                PAUL ARNS                 FSC
                4TH              CRUSH                    DAVID DAVENPORT           EFYC/FSC/RFBYC
                5TH              AL FRESCO                JOHN RAYNER               FSC

                DIVISION ONE IRC
                1ST IRC          CHECKMATE                GEOFF BISHOP
                2ND IRC          OBSESSION                PAUL ARNS
                3RD IRC          INDIAN                   CRAIG CARTER

                DIVISION ONE PHS
                1ST PHS          AL FRESCO                JOHN RAYNER
                2ND PHS          CHECKMATE                GEOFF BISHOP
                3RD PHS          OBSESSION                PAUL ARNS

                DIVISION TWO IRC
                1ST IRC          ATOMIC BLONDE            SIMON TORVALDSEN
                2ND IRC          CRUSH                    DAVID DAVENPORT
                3RD IRC          CIRCA                    BILL HENSON

                DIVISION TWO PHS
                1ST PHS          FOURTH DIMENSION         LYN POWELL & IAN WHITEHEAD
                2ND PHS          CIRCA                    BILL HENSON
                3RD PHS          ATOMIC BLONDE            SIMON TORVALDSEN

facing page, left to right						                                         above: Top Three overall.
top row: Atomic Blonde, first overall.
second row: Checkmate, second overall.
third row: Obsession, third overall; Indian; Al Fresco.
fourth row: Crush; Circa; Fourth Dimension.

    www.rfbyc.asn.au                                                                                 27
            WINTER CUP

           Mid Week Perpetual Trophy Race        THURSDAY
           for Combined A & B Fleets


Open to all boats nominated to race in the 2021-21 Season
Start Times: A Fleet 15:05 | B Fleet 15:10 | C Fleet 15:20

       he last few months have been challenging to say           Club events and volunteer their time on water or around the
       the least for Membership. COVID restrictions have         Club. Just ask and we will put you in contact with the section
       resulted in limited opportunities to celebrate at the     of interest. Try sailing for the first time – we have training

                SAVE THE DATES FOR 2021–2022
Club but we did get a window allowing us to conduct an           sessions and there are always boats looking for crew.
enormously successful new members cocktail party which
                                                                 Steve Leech, Chair, Membership
                   45TH FARRAWA CUP SERIES
welcomed over 150 new members and invited guests.
   We have continued to conduct regular inductions with
a healthy number of inductees on each occasion. This has
been a breeze with the help of my committed committee
Julie and Tony Walther, Sonia Johnson, Brenda Duthie, John
Spanos, Bruce Uren and John Meldrum.
   The Power Section has just held an entertaining open
                          SAT 27 & SUN 28 NOVEMBER 2021
day with a healthy number of boats doing the sail past and
time trial. It was evident that the regular players were
in attendance, but I did not see any of the new members
                                       DOLPHIN AND GORDON CRAIG OCEAN RACE
participate. It is important to keep your boat operational and
clear of growth, and what better way than to come out for
the day and play. We have plenty of members happy to show   (CAT 6+)
you the ropes!
   An important focus for new members is to participate in
                                   FRIDAY 11 FEBRUARY 2022
                                      74TH BUNBURY AND RETURN OCEAN RACE
                                                    (CAT 3+)

                                    SATURDAY 9 APRIL 2022
                                              ROLAND SMITH OCEAN RACE
                                                      (CAT 4)







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     For membership information, please visit our website rfbyc.asn.au and use the tabs ‘Participate’ then ‘Join
     the Club’. The menu on the left side of the page can be used to navigate through our membership section.
     Alternatively, membership enquiry packs can be collected from the main noticeboard or from reception.
     Questions to our Membership Coordinator, Susan Ghent, at the Club.

     Membership applications (with signature and endorsement of two Members with five+ years membership)
     must be submitted to the Membership Coordinator by post, deliver to the Club, or email to,
     • Submit completed application forms to the Club by the last Monday of the month.
     • General Committee reviews applications on the last Tuesday of the month.
     • Ordinary membership applicants will be invited to attend an interview with the Membership Committee
       on the second Monday of the following month or thereafter.
     • Membership applications are placed on the notice board for a period of 26 days (except Juniors).
     • All membership applications which progress to the final stage of the membership process will be ratified
       by General Committee on the last Tuesday of the month.

34                                                                                 www.rfbyc.asn.au
                     NEW CLUB MEMBERS

Member                Proposer               Seconder
Andrew Johnston       Robert Black           Tony Ruse
Brent Slattery        Kim Burges             Graeme Disley
Keith John            Thomas Hunter          Jim Stevenson
Toby Denniss          Michael Manford        Tom Hunter
Darren Boult          John Leggo             Jim Stevenson
Shelley White         Chelsea Hall           Susan Ghent
Lynden Vikingur       Jim Wilshire           Commodore Rob Parker
Aaren Kanther         Michael Hansen         Shann Evans
Alex Dorsch           Tim Goyder             Tony Packer
Benjamin Day          John French            David Wedderburn
Rosie Rowell          Grant Alderson         Elise Manners
Leon Chenoweth        Matt Lovelady          Tom Lovelady
Christopher Weaver    Hamish Beck            John Low
Inna Zhuchenko        Gary Cotterell         John Baron-Hay
Barry Fitzgerald      Ray Fitzgerald         Steve McAlinden
John Harris           John Prevost           Scott Bailey
David Bell            Helga Weaving          Manfred Speicher
Timothy Wright        Julian Wright          Brian Galton-Fenzi
Stuart Murphy         James Kornweibel       Timothy Harrison
Ashley Cogan          Timothy Harrison       James Kornweibel
Anne Halsted          Commodore Rob Parker   Philippa Packer

Member                Proposer               Seconder
Emma Joel             Stretton Joel          Peter Laurance
Larissa Germani       Manfred Speicher       Commodore Rob Parker
Alana John            Thomas Hunter          Jim Stevenson
Lisa Williams         Peter Mudford          Philippa Packer
Melinda Carnachan     Hamish Carnachan       Peter Mudford
Hannah Dorsch         Tim Goyder             Tony Packer
Jane Day              John French            David Wedderburn
Laura Vikingur        Jim Wilshire           Commodore Rob Parker
Deb Kirk              Matt Lovelady          Tom Lovelady

Member                Member                 Member
Emma Day              Gemma Grant            Caroline Hoffman
River Fitzhardinge    Alessandro Bourke      Timothy Clark
Hazel Shute           Monte Shute            Oleg Peyaud
Noah John             Christian John         Michael Palassis
Cameron Flaherty      Alistair Flaherty      Yifan Henderson
Ava Mews              Ted Woo                Lucas Paino
Ben Farraris          Beau Day               Orlando Ligovich
Murray Duthie

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   Alan O’Neil          Daniels Printing Craftsmen
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Sue Parker

                   THE DUKE AND THE DRAGON

P  RINCE PHILIP HAD A LONG ASSOCIATION with the International Dragon Class. Gifted
   the Dragon Bluebottle in 1947 by the Island Sailing Club, Cowes, as a wedding present,
the Duke sailed her competitively and a young Prince Charles was later pictured on board.
   Bluebottle was sailed by the Duke        The Duke’s influence on the          trophy for their competition. NSW
together with friend and famed           Dragon class extended beyond            Dragon crew Puffy Buxton was an
yachtsman Uffa Fox. A number of          owning and sailing Bluebottle,          old school mate of Commander
competitive crews put Bluebottle         benefiting Dragon class sailors         Michael Parker, then aide to HRH
through her paces and in 1956            world-wide, and particularly here       Prince Philip, and it is understood
Graham Mann skippered her to             at RFBYC, as a class that has bred      that Puffy ‘organised’ the Australian
Bronze at the Melbourne Olympics.        world champions and continues to        Trophy through this connection.
Bluebottle remained ‘The Royal           flourish.                                  The first Prince Philip Cup was
Dragon’ until 1962.                         As a result of the Duke’s keen in-   presented in February 1954 after
   Steve Craig, father of Jill Cassidy   terest in the Dragon class and Aus-     the Royal Yacht Gothic sailed into
and father-in-law to John Cassidy,       tralian’s keen interest in everything   Sydney Harbour and Prince Philip
and former RFBYC Commodore and           British post-war, together with its     actually presented the Trophy to
Vice Patron, crewed for the Duke         selection as the Olympic Keelboat       Jock Sturrock, Puffys’ skipper, sailing
on Bluebottle in the late 1950s          for the Melbourne Olympics, the         Kamulla DKA9.
whilst living in the UK with his wife    class began to grow rapidly in Aus-        It was reported that the Dragon
Barbara and four daughters. Steve        tralia. In the late 40s and early 50s   class racing in Australia received
purchased DKA3 Heather II (built         yachtsmen trying to establish the       its greatest fillip from the presence
1950) and became an early member         Tumlaren Class (refer Haze RF 4) in     of Prince Philip at the 1954 ‘Royal
of the RFBYC Dragon fleet.               Australia started to desert them for    Regatta’ (as the PPC was referred
   In 2001, after 40 years’ service      the Dragon Class                        to) which took place during the
as a sail training vessel, the Duke         In 1953 the Prince awarded the       Queen’s 1954 Australian tour.
of Edinburgh loaned Bluebottle to        ‘Duke of Edinburgh Cup’ to the             Prince Philip then opened the
the National Maritime Museum in          winner of the Canadian Champi-          1956 Melbourne Olympics where
Cornwall. Most recently she has          onship and the ‘Edinburgh Cup’ for      the Dragon competition was sailed
been restored by the Royal Yacht         the British Champion. There were        at Royal Brighton Yacht Club and
Britannia Trust and is due to com-       20 Dragons also racing in Austral-      where Bluebottle won bronze with
pete for the Edinburgh Cup in the        ia and the Australians thought it       Lt-Cdr Graham Mann at the helm
UK in August 2021.                       would be a good idea to have a          (minus HRH).
                                                                                                     continued overleaf

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