Filing a Commercial Property Claim - MERLIN

Page created by Chad Meyer
Filing a
Property Claim
  The Key to a Full Recovery

                The Policyholder’s Advocate™
When a catastrophic loss occurs,         Commercial policies and coverage issues
a business owner’s first impulse         tend to be complex. A commercial
                                         property claim entails restoring business
is to do whatever necessary to           property to pre-loss conditions while
mitigate the loss and resume             maintaining the business during the
operations as quickly as possible.       period of restoration. The insured is
                                         faced with the tasks of investigating and
Accepting an insurance company           documenting all of the losses, tangible
                                         and not, and becoming familiar with the
adjuster’s opinions or an                insurance policies at issue, including
insurance company’s offer of             the coverages available, limitations on
settlement in haste and without          those coverages, deductibles, conditions
independently investigating              precedent, and specific requirements
the damages and reviewing all            necessary to make a claim.
insurance policies for available         On top of that, time is crucial when
coverage can easily lead to a            business is interrupted. Customers are
settlement that is far less than         forced to go elsewhere, or they may
the business bargained for. Even         determine the purchase is no longer
worse, the resolution may not            necessary or desired, creating the
                                         chance that they will not return at all.
allow the business to fully recover      The key to a full recovery is maximizing
from the loss.                           the benefits as quickly as possible before
                                         disputes arise and customers are lost.
If the insured will accept less than full
benefits from the insurance company        Ensuring You Receive
to expedite a claim or avoid the work
involved, the insurer has little incentive the Proper Settlement for
to pay claims quickly and in full. In      Your Claim
negotiating a settlement, it is important
to remember that the insurance adjuster There are some things you can do to try
works for the insurance company and        to maximize the recovery you should
may not necessarily intend to do the       receive for your claim.
investigation and research necessary for
your business to receive the full benefits

                                MERLIN LAW GROUP
> Document the loss.                       Typical commercial policies provide
                                           the following coverage when a direct
Photograph or film the damage to           physical loss occurs to covered business
the structures and contents. If the        property:
loss occurred during a catastrophe
or weather event, photograph the           >>Property damage, which includes
neighborhood as well.                        the buildings, fixtures, machines,
                                             furnishings, raw materials, and
Mitigate future losses: Cover broken         inventory
windows, patch holes in the roof,
remove standing water, and take steps      >>Business income, which generally
to prevent theft or looting. Document        pays a business’ profit and continuing
the work and keep receipts and other         operating expenses, including payroll,
business operating documents, such as        for a specific period
                                           >>Extra expense, which covers expenses
Do not dispose of damaged property           incurred in mitigating business loss
until your insurer has inspected the         or increased costs in continuing the
property or declined to do so. Inform        business in the wake of a catastrophe
your insurer, in writing, before
discarding damaged property.               >>Additional coverages often added
                                             to standard commercial policies
> Read all of the business’ insurance        such as civil authority, off-premises
policies.                                    power failure, ingress/egress, law and
                                             ordinance, pair and set, and debris
Though the commercial property and           removal.
business income policies are usually the
best starting points, coverage may also    > Learn the difference between
be available under a general liability     replacement cost coverage and actual
policy, an errors & omissions policy,      cash value coverage.
a commercial auto policy, and/or an
environmental liability policy.            Understand how both terms are used
                                           in the policies. The terms will affect
Note all of the coverages purchased, the   the amount of benefits owed, your
amount of benefits or policy limits, the   obligations under the policies, and the
time deductibles for business income       timing of payments.
losses, and the monetary deductibles.
> Review your obligations under each          loss photographs, receipts, and oral
policy.                                       descriptions. Employees can be valuable
                                              in recalling the contents of a room.
Insurance policies are contracts, and         Independently estimate the cost to
most require action by the policyholder       replace the contents, including taxes,
before any payment is due. Generally,         installation, transportation, and
policyholders are required to comply          shipping costs.
with several conditions precedent, such
as completing a proof of loss and sitting     For business income: Gather current
for an examination under oath, as well        and past income tax returns, payroll,
as providing reasonable access to the         and quarterly statements. This will
property and business records so that         allow for a comparison between the year
the insurer can adjust the claim.             of the loss and past years. If business
                                              increased during the year of the loss
> Document the pre-loss property.             in comparison to past years, gather
                                              evidence such as newspaper or trade
This will give you and the insurance          articles, invoices, and statements of
company a starting point to begin the         employees and/or customers to support
adjustment.                                   and prove it.

For the structures: Document the              > Determine the scope of the loss.
number of rooms and all of the
fixtures: flooring, cabinets, counter         If the business structures are not a total
tops, windows, window treatments,             loss, you will need to determine the
baseboards and trim, lighting,                extent of repair or replacement. This
appliances, machinery, etc. Use               is a specific calculation necessary to
building plans, pre-loss photographs,         obtain an accurate estimate of the costs
receipts, and oral descriptions to            of repair and the benefits owed. It will
provide an accurate account of the pre-       include, for example, a specific amount
loss property.                                of flooring, paint, cabinetry, and other
                                              fixtures. In more complex claims, this
For the contents: Prepare a room-by-          may also include machinery, the HVAC
room inventory and list everything lost       system, and the process to repair smoke
or destroyed. Helpful checklists are          or mold damage.
available from policyholder advocates
and many insurers. Again, use pre-            Most commercial property policies

                                  MERLIN    LAW GROUP
provide for replacement of “like kind      not covered by policy benefits, certain
and quality,” not cheaper “equivalent”     policyholder advocates such as public
construction. Policyholders should         adjusters and plaintiff attorneys work
insist that “like kind and quality” is     for a contingency fee, which is a portion
the standard for the scope of loss.        of the benefits paid after settlement or
Likewise, if only part of a structure is   litigation.
to be repaired or replaced, the repaired
portion should seamlessly blend with      Other professionals who already have
the undamaged structure. Although         a knowledgeable relationship with the
the language varies with each particular  business, such as insurance brokers and
policy, “like” and “similar” quality or   risk managers, also know the intricacies
construction should mandate that the      of the insurance industry and claims
repair matches the undamaged structure    process, and the business may want
and will not diminish the value of the    to engage one of them to present the
property or the business.                 claims to the insurer in a manner that
                                          will keep the business viable while the
Get at least one estimate from a licensed restoration and repairs occur. The
and experienced contractor with no        broker or risk manager should be
connection to the insurer. Ensure that    familiar with the business’ intent in
required code upgrades, taxes, shipping, purchasing the insurance and generally
and increased costs of materials are      be in a position to work with the insurer
accounted for in the estimate.            to see that those expectations are met.

Depending on the insured’s situation,      However, should the claim not
professional help may be essential.        be satisfied to the policyholder’s
Experienced policyholder advocates         expectation, it may now become a
can investigate the damage and raise       situation that requires legal advice, and
coverage issues with the insurer early     it is in the business’ best interest to
in the process so that any disputes can    consult with an attorney, especially one
be resolved before substantial expenses    with experience in the field of insurance
are incurred and the likelihood of the     law.
business’ full recovery is diminished.
Insurance policies may cover services      Working with the Insurer
of professionals such as contractors,
architects, engineers, accountants, and
                                           to Settle Your Claims
attorneys if their services are required
                                           An insurance claim is a business
to present the loss to the insurer. If
                                           negotiation, and it must be approached
in an honest, assertive, informed, and      Do not feel “rushed” into a quick
organized manner.                           settlement. Coverage can be a complex
                                            issue; the specific cause of damage
> Request an insurance adjuster who         and exceptions to exclusions and
has experience with similar business        endorsements can provide coverage
claims and understands the nuances          where it is otherwise excluded.
of your business.
                                            If an insurer tells you that something
It will go a long way if the adjuster       is not covered, research the issue or
looking at your claim has at least a        contact an experienced policyholder
general understanding of your business      advocate for a second opinion. Likewise,
and the industry in which it operates.      structural damage is not always readily
For example, the adjuster should            apparent. If you believe the insurance
understand such things as whether or        adjuster did not thoroughly investigate
not your employees need to be on site       the damage or if you question the
in order to perform their duties, is        adjuster’s opinions on repairs or
your business “seasonal”, and even what     the period of restoration, get an
method of accounting you use.               independent opinion. If your insurer’s
                                            offer is less than what you believe the
> Document every contact with your          business is owed, determine which of
insurer.                                    the insurer’s coverage decisions or
                                            estimates are incorrect and explain your
Keep a log which details the date and       position to the insurer in writing. A
time of any telephone call, the person      little time spent at the outset of a claim
you spoke to, and the content of the        can save a lot of future time, expense,
conversation. Follow up any substantive     and litigation.
conversation in writing. Keep copies
of all photographs and written              > Set reasonable deadlines for each
communication.                              phase of the process.

If you are having problems with             Meet your deadlines and make it clear
the adjuster assigned to your case,         to your insurer that you expect it to
communicate only in writing and             meet the deadlines as well. Though your
carbon copy the adjuster’s supervisor.      deadlines will not be legally enforceable,
                                            they should encourage the insurance
> Investigate both your coverage and        adjuster to diligently work to resolve
loss.                                       your claim.

                                 MERLIN   LAW GROUP
If you are having trouble meeting           of each particular loss and insurance
deadlines set in an insurance policy,       policy. General advice cannot provide
request an extension or tolling             meaningful guidance for a particular
agreement from the insurer, and             claim. Hundreds of thousands, if not
if one is granted, get it in writing.       millions, of dollars are typically at
Additionally, an insurer may agree to       stake in commercial claims. Insurance
accept partial or incremental claims.       companies are not going to give up
Note that flood policies issued under       their profits unless they are reasonably
the National Flood Insurance Program        convinced that it is necessary and in
(NFIP) allow for extensions only in         their best interests to do so.
limited circumstances; the terms of the
policies cannot be “altered, varied, or     To be successful, a commercial claimant
waived other than by the express written    must work well with the insurer, if
consent of the Administrator.”              possible. Remember, the claims process
                                            is a business negotiation which will
> Never sign a final settlement,            probably require a substantial amount
release of liability, or waiver of rights   of work to ensure the business receives
without fully understanding the             the full benefits owed. Few business
document and the consequences of            owners would risk the value of their
signing it.                                 business without conducting substantial
                                            research and strict oversight, and an
                                            insurance claim should be treated no
    If, at anytime, you feel the
 insurer is not treating you fairly,
  contact your state’s Department
     of Insurance or consult a
   public adjuster or an attorney
    with substantial experience
    representing policyholders.

The successful resolution of a
commercial property insurance claim
depends on the facts and circumstances
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