Small Business Funding Program: Funding Guidelines - City of Ipswich -

Small Business Funding Program: Funding Guidelines - City of Ipswich -
City of Ipswich
   Small Business Funding
   Program: Funding Guidelines
Small Business Funding Program: Funding Guidelines - City of Ipswich -
Overview                                                     ELIGIBLE FUNDING RECIPIENT

    The Ipswich City Council Small Business Funding Program      An eligible funding recipient must satisfy all of the
    has been developed as part of the broader range of           following criteria:
    initiatives implemented by Ipswich City Council (council)     is a legal entity and holds a valid Australian Business
    to support Ipswich-based small businesses through and          Number (ABN) as at 1 March 2020
    post the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The program
                                                                  is a Ipswich-based for-profit enterprise
    is a competitive funding process designed as a ‘Quick
    Response’ cash payment of up to $1,000 (exclusive of          is a small business which
    GST) per eligible applicant. The funding priorities are to      a. has an annual turnover of less than $1 Million
    help get Ipswich small businesses back to doing business,
                                                                    b. employs less than 20 staff in total (across the
    whilst also stimulating the local economy.
                                                                       business itself and any associated entities)
                                                                  is open and recommenced trading at the date
    Timeframe                                                      of application
    Opening Date          14 July 2020                            is not subject to any enforceable undertakings, legal
                          14 August 2020                           actions or pending closure
    Closing Date
                          11.59 pm                                has experienced a reduction of turnover of 20% or
    Notification          28 August 2020                           more due to COVID-19

    Funds Dispersal       11 September 2020*                      applies for the funding as the owner or
                                                                   authorised representative.
    Funds Acquitted       11 October 2020
                                                                 Ipswich Small business classification
    *Subject to the return of the applicant’s signed funding
    agreement, allowing for sufficient processing time.          The applicant will be required to provide a letter
                                                                 addressed to Ipswich City Council confirming the
    Once the funding application is submitted, the applicant     following points about the business/entity the application
    will be issued with an acknowledgement within 24 hours.      is made on behalf of:
    If this is not received, please contact                                  located in Ipswich (address to be supplied)
                                                                  total number of staff
    Funding Available                                             confirmation annual turnover is less than $1 Million
                                                                   (actual figure is not required).
    The total funding available for the Ipswich City Council
    Small Business Funding Program is $1,000 (exclusive of       Turnover reduction
    GST) per enterprise or company group. A total funding
    pool of $200,000 has been allocated.                         Sufficient evidence of at least 20% (twenty percent)
                                                                 decrease in turnover is required to deem an applicant
    Funding can be for:                                          eligible for the Small Business Funding Program.
                                                                 Supporting documentation can be supplied by any of the
     future expenses (provided these expenses are
                                                                 following methods:
      incurred and acquitted by the business before 30
      September 2020) or                                          Preferred method: letter dated post 1st of March
                                                                   from your Accountant indicating prior quarter or
     reimbursement on applicable items acquired by the
                                                                   year period to current turnover levels, showing at
      business from 1 March 2020.
                                                                   least a 20% fall.

    Recipients                                                    Alternate methods: lodgement of appropriate
                                                                   financials that clearly outlines prior and current levels
    This is a competitive funding program open to for-profit       of turnover (supply of supporting letter if required);
    small Ipswich businesses. To be eligible for consideration     or presentation of other documentation from
    for the Small Business Funding Program, applications           recognised accountancy based software programs
    need to meet all compulsory assessment items. Whether          (i.e. Xero, Myob) that clearly demonstrate 20% drop
    an applicant is an eligible funding recipient will be          in income levels.
    determined by accessing the applicant against the
    following criteria:                                          Please note that without sufficient documentation your
                                                                 application may be considered ineligible for funding.

Certification                                                 Professional Services

The application form will include a certification section     Approved professional service areas include
where applicants must authorise their submission is           Accountants, Financial Planners and/or Solicitors.
made by an approved representative of the business            Please note that Ipswich City Council may request proof
and that the business is still trading and not subject to     that your Accountant, Financial Planner or Solicitor is
any enforceable undertakings, legal actions or pending        authorised to provide the professional service.
closure. Failure to complete this certification will deem
                                                              The purpose of the engagement of professional services
the application ineligible for funding.
                                                              is for post-coronavirus recovery planning for the local
INELIGIBLE FUNDING RECIPIENTS:                                small business. A specific justification detailing why the
                                                              service is required needs to be provided by the applicant,
Ineligible funding recipients include the following:
                                                              as this forms part of the assessment criteria.
 have submitted an incomplete application
                                                              Supporting documentation for this funding area must
 individuals or not-for-profit organisations                 include a quotation for proposed services (if you have
 the business is located outside the Ipswich City            not yet engaged a professional service provider), or an
  Council local government area                               invoice with proof of payment (if an engagement has
                                                              already taken place).
 government or semi-government organisations
  (i.e. Hospitals and libraries)                              Applications which propose to or demonstrate
 public education institutions                               engagement of Ipswich-based professional
  (i.e. primary, secondary and tertiary institutions)         service providers, will receive higher scoring in the
                                                              assessment process.
 parents and citizens associations
 political parties and political lobby groups                Inventory

 businesses that have an outstanding debt to council         Approved Inventory funding will be provided if all of the
  or unresolved compliance matters                            following criteria is satisfied:
 Organisations that have outstanding council                  product/s are crucial to the applicant’s
  acquittals or have not satisfactorily acquitted               business continuity
  council funds                                                the product/s complies with standards for use in the
 applications received outside of the                          applicant’s business
  application timeframes                                       the applicant holds any and all appropriate
 funds paid to a ‘Related Party’ of council as defined         licences required to purchase or use the product/s
  by the Australian Accounting Standards Board                  (supporting documentation may be required to
  Standard AASB 124 Related Party Disclosures.                  confirm licencing)
                                                               product/s are available and in stock
Funding Projects                                               product/s can be delivered to applicant within 15
Another compulsory item of the application is for the           business days
application to propose or demonstrate engagement of            the product/s purchased or proposed to be
an eligible funding project area.                               purchased by the business do not contravene
                                                                any restrictions on operations for the business as
                                                                outlined on the Queensland Government Roadmap to
The following funding areas are approved projects:              Recovery website.
 professional services                                       The application must address how the inventory will
 inventory                                                   assist the business getting back to doing business. The
                                                              justification forms part of the assessment criteria.
                                                              Inventory purchased from 1 March 2020 can form
Applications for funding outside of the abovementioned
                                                              part of the application, however this needs to be
funding areas will not be eligible for consideration.
                                                              accompanied by supporting documentation such as
Applicants can apply for one or a variety of the eligible
                                                              proof of invoice and proof of payment. If inventory has
funding areas. The breakdown needs to be clearly
                                                              not been purchased, a quotation of product/s needs to
communicated in the application. council may, in its
                                                              be provided.
discretion, elect to grant partial funding to a business if
total funding allocated is exhausted.                         Applications which propose to or have already purchased
                                                              inventory from Ipswich-based providers will receive
                                                              higher weighting in the assessment process.

Membership                                                        COMPULSORY ASSESSMENT ITEMS

    Approved membership funding and reimbursement will be             Application assessment will not proceed without all below
    available for the following memberships:                          requirements marked ‘Yes’:
     memberships the applicant requires to continue                  1.   Complete application form received	          Yes / No
      trading and
                                                                      2. Classified as a small business 		              Yes / No
     state or national recognised associations and/or bodies
      (i.e. National Retailers Association)                           3.   All statements, invoices or proof of
                                                                                                                         Yes / No
     Greater Springfield or Ipswich Chambers of Commerce                  payment supplied 		
      (Micro and small business membership costs only. No             4. Requested funding included in
      other Chambers of Commerce are eligible).                                                                          Yes / No
                                                                         ‘Eligible Funding Projects’
    Other locally based networking groups and Industry                5. Demonstrated reduction in
    bodies will also be considered, where the applicant can                                                              Yes / No
                                                                         turnover of at least 20%.
    provide justification that the membership provides crucial
    assistance and guidance to the business.                          Once applications are confirmed to have satisfied the
                                                                      Compulsory Assessment Items, applications will be
    Supporting documentation required for this funding area           supplied to panel members to review and allocate points
    includes a tax Invoice outlining costs, services provided         based on how well applications satisfy the following
    for, address and name of the association for which the            assessment criteria.
    applicant belongs. If the application is for reimbursement
    of funds already paid, proof of payment is required.              ASSESSMENT CRITERIA

    INELIGIBLE FUNDING PROJECTS                                       Panel members provide a score based on how well they
                                                                      assess the application has addressed the assessment
    Ineligible funding projects include:                              criteria. Scores are then totalled and all applicants
     projects not detailed in the eligible funding areas             ranked from highest scoring.
     requests that are considered by council to be the
      funding responsibility of other levels of government             No.    Assessment areas
     requests for operational expenses such as                        1      How well does application articulate how
      insurances and rental subsidies                                         funds will be spent?
     applications which do not include
                                                                       2      Will approved funding be spent towards
      required documentation
                                                                              Ipswich based business or organisation?
     requests that relate to products and/or services                        If yes apply maximum points
      provided by businesses operated by councillors or
                                                                       3      How well does the plan articulate how
      council employees.
                                                                              this funding will assist or build the
                                                                              business beyond Covid19
    Application Process
                                                                                                 Total score out of 30
    Applications are submitted via the Ipswich City Council
    funding webpage                               Once applications are ranked, funding will be offered to
                                                                      top ranking applicants until funding pool of $200,000 is
    Prior to application submission, applicants must                  exhausted. To be granted funding, applicants must first
    review the Funding Guidelines to ensure the business meets        return a signed Funding Agreement.
    all eligibility criteria. Applications must be submitted by
    11.59 pm on Friday 14 August 2020 with all required
    supporting documentation. Failure to submit a completed
                                                                      Successful Applications
    application by the deadline will deem the applicant ineligible.   TERMS AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO
                                                                      SUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS
    Assessment Process                                                All successful applicants will receive the approved
    All applications will be accessed by a panel of council           funding from council subject to the following terms
    officers, with final decisions and funding approvals              and conditions:
    made by council as a delegate of the CEO of Ipswich                The applicant will be required to become a signatory
    City Council.                                                       to a standard funding agreement which details
    Applications will firstly be screened to ensure all                 all funding conditions and agreed performance
    Compulsory Assessment Items are received. If any                    outcomes/measures. This must be signed before
    of these items are not provided, the application will               funds can be issued.
    be deemed ineligible and applicant funding will not
    be provided.
 The applicant acknowledges Ipswich City Council in            All repayments must reflect any associated GST
  any promotional material or publicity features.               component relating to the original payments.
 Council may make funding conditional on other                 INSURANCE AND WORKPLACE HEALTH AND SAFETY
  specific conditions being met.
                                                                 It is the applicant’s responsibility to obtain and
 If council’s funds are not spent, all remaining funds           maintain adequate insurance (including public
  must be returned to council.                                    liability) with a reputable insurer, in relation to
VARIATIONS                                                        activities carried out by the applicant for the project,
                                                                  to guard against any claims for loss or damage to
Funding must be used in accordance with the Standard              property and injury or death to persons.
Funding Agreement for an Eligible Funding Project. Any
                                                                 The applicant is also responsible for ensuring a safe
changes to the funded activities undertaken or the
                                                                  work environment in accordance with Workplace
project duration must be approved by council.
                                                                  Health & Safety (WH&S) Act 2011 and its associated
Please send an email or letter to the Community Grants            Regulation and Codes of Practice.
Team with your request outlining the changes you are
                                                                Where applicable, the applicant is to obtain and maintain
seeking to the funding agreement before the project end
                                                                workers compensation insurance in accordance with
date, for example: changes to the nature/purpose of the
                                                                applicable legislation and where relevant, ensure
project, the way in which the project is to be carried out
                                                                appropriate council approvals can be obtained to
and completed, the budget, and/or any extension to the
                                                                complete your project.
funding period.
Approval must be sought and approved in writing before
you undertake any changes. Variations cannot be sought          Applicants must advise whether they are registered for
after the Standard Funding Agreement end date.                  GST. GST can affect your funding in the following ways:

EVALUATION AND ACQUITTAL                                         total amount paid for goods and services purchased
                                                                  using the funding
To ensure appropriate accountability by funding recipients
                                                                 total funding approved
with regard to the use of the funding, all funding provided
by council will require an evaluation report and financial      Council will exercise their discretion to grant funding
acquittal, outlining the use of the funds (including proof of   to applicants which includes an allowance for any GST
expenditure) and the achieved outcomes of the activity.         payable by the applicant for the project.
This includes providing adequate receipts of items
purchased or evidence of approved expenses that at least        For advice on GST, contact your tax advisor, or the
equal the amount of the funding.                                Australian Taxation Office on 13 24 78 or

Specific evaluation requirements will be outlined in each       Ipswich City Council recommends that businesses who
individual funding agreement and will depend on the             wish to apply for funding under this program seek
nature and size of the funding.                                 advice from a tax agent or accountant on any taxation
                                                                consequences that may arise for the business as a result
Organisations that have not satisfactorily acquitted            of being granted funding under this program. Applicants
council funds within an appropriate timeframe agreed            acknowledge and agree that Ipswich City Council will not
by council, will be required to repay funding and will be       be liable for any taxation consequences.
deemed ineligible for council funding or in-kind assistance
for 12 months from the acquittal due date.
                                                                Unsuccessful Applications
Applicants will need to complete the online Acquittal
                                                                Feedback will be available at the end of the assessment
form through Smarty Grants, and can contact the
                                                                period and will be supplied to applicants who request it
Grants team for assistance.
                                                                within 10 business days of request being lodged via email
REPAYMENT OF FUNDING                                            to

You must repay to us:
  a) within 30 days of our request or as otherwise
     agreed, any part of the funding spent on purposes          For further information, please contact a council on
     not approved by the Standard Funding Agreement             (07) 3810 6666 or email

  b) any and all unexpended funding unless otherwise
     agreed, within 30 days or the earlier of
      i.   the end date
      ii. termination of the Standard Funding Agreement
  c) any difference between the actual project costs
     and the budget cost.
Ipswich City Council
PO Box 191, Ipswich QLD 4305, Australia
        Phone (07) 3810 6666

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