FINANCE 2020 Edition - Gradireland

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FINANCE 2020 Edition - Gradireland


                                       opportunities in Ireland,
                                          north and south
                                      sectors include accounting,
                                        banking, tax and funds
                                           useful contacts
                                           graduate profiles
                                         the inside track on
                                        what employers want
FINANCE 2020 Edition - Gradireland



© 2019 KPMG, an Irish partnership
FINANCE 2020 Edition - Gradireland

gradireland Finance 2020

Getting started in finance                                   Areas of work                                                  Top employers in finance
2     Where are the jobs?                                    22 Where you can work                                          35 Top employers in finance
4     Sector snapshots                                       Banking
6     What skills you will need                              23 Investment banking                                          People at work
8     What employers are looking for                         24 Corporate banking                                           36 My career in finance

9     Finance internships                                    25 Private banking
10 Apprenticeships: an alternative                           26 Fund administration and fund                                  Employers
   route                                                        management                                                    Aldi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OBC
11    Applying for a job in finance                          28 Retail banking                                                Bank of Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
12    In the hot seat                                        28 Insurance                                                     Chartered Accountants Ireland . . . .53
13    Dealing with assessment centres                        29 Regulation & compliance                                       Deloitte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42

14    Your career in finance checklist                       29 Risk management                                               EY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44

                                                             Accountancy and financial                                        Glanbia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46

Professional development                                     management                                                       Hedgeserv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
                                                             30 Audit                                                         KPMG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52, IFC
15    Training and career development
                                                             31    Management accountancy                                     Public Appointments Service . . . . .54
18 Your finance career planner
   2019–2020                                                 32 Financial accountancy                                         PwC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56, IBC

20 Employer insights-how to start                            33 Tax                                                           IBC = inside back cover, IFC = inside
                                                             34 Islamic finance                                               front cover, OBC = outside back cover
   your fintech career

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                                                                                                                                                            gradireland Finance 2020
FINANCE 2020 Edition - Gradireland

    Where are the jobs in finance?

       Each year, the area of finance normally accounts for the largest share of available jobs in our
       gradireland Graduate Salary & Graduate Recruitment Trends Survey, with accountancy and financial
       services making up the sector with the highest percentage of available vacancies. But of course,
       finance is much bigger than just accountancy. Investment and commercial banking, funds
       administration and investment, financial technology (fintech), tax, consultancy and audit are all
       areas undergoing massive growth in terms of careers. It is a time of uncertainty though, with the
       shape of Brexit still unclear, as are the resultant threats to the economy of Ireland, both north and
       south. However, the Irish economy has proven to be remarkably agile and resilient, with a highly
       skilled workforce, and on the flip-side of the threats of Brexit there are sure to be opportunities,
       with many financial institutions either already relocating, or considering relocating to Ireland as
       their European base in the wake of Britain’s exit from the EU.

     Getting into finance                                            Core skills
     For many graduates, the route into finance is quite a           Although the working environment
     structured one. A commercially relevant degree, followed        has diversified with the continuing
     by a graduate programme while also studying for the             evolution of technology and data,
     necessary professional qualifications. This is still, in many   many of the core skills sought by
     cases, the route into common areas such as accountancy,         financial employers remain
     tax or audit. But the sector is also diversifying as            consistent, such as:
     technology continues to disrupt the industry, creating new      • Numeracy and analytical skills
     areas of opportunity in areas such as digital and online        • Organisational skills
     banking. As a result, a tech or data background, coupled        • Communication
     with the necessary numerical skills and competencies, can       • Presentation and negotiation
     open routes into many financial organisations. In addition      • Languages and cultural
     to the core skills and technical skills, employers want            awareness
     graduates who have a genuine interest in business, the          Communication, both written and
     sector in general and who are commercially aware. They          verbal, formal and informal, is
     also value a sense of purpose and direction, and finance is     consistently highlighted by
     such a broad sector, so to have a good idea of where you        employers as an area of concern
     want to work is a good idea. Employers can easily identify      when it comes to graduates. Being
     generic applications and they are likely to be of least value   able to communicate clearly,
     as they are looking for graduates who can make a                personably and cohesively is at the
     transformative, and long lasting, impact on the business.       bedrock of any successful career.

    gradireland Finance 2020
FINANCE 2020 Edition - Gradireland

                                           Professional services
                                           Major firms, such as the Big 4 of
                                           Deloitte, EY, KPMG and PwC, have
                                           spearheaded the continuing
                                           growth of Ireland’s financial
                                           professional services industry. The
                                           continuing high rate of foreign
                                           direct investment into the island
                                           of Ireland has meant that there
                                           has been a steady growth in
                                           business within this sector. The
                                           services offered by these firms
                                           continue to expand too. There
Accountancy                                remains a strong demand for
Although the sector continues to           excellent tax and audit services
be transformed by technology,              and advice in addition to growing
those with the right numerical             demand for transfer pricing,
acumen and accountancy                     corporate tax and VAT expertise.      Fintech
fundamentals can expect strong                                                   Financial technology, or fintech,
career prospects as accountancy                                                  continues to revolutionise the
continues to feature toward the            Funds                                 financial sector in general. The
top of any list when it comes to           Ireland is a major player in the      amalgamation of financial services
the number of vacancies on offer.          global funds industry and there       with technology is reshaping how
In terms of salary, as many                are a range of diverse, dynamic       the sector operates in areas such
graduates are still to earn their          and exciting roles within the         as online and mobile payments
professional qualifications, the           industry in both Irish and global     and transactions. For graduates
average salary can be lower than           firms. The range of skills within     from a business, finance or legal
that in other sectors. But it is still a   the funds industry continues to       degree, the fintech space is one of
healthy starting salary at an              expand across all the major areas     great opportunity. In addition to
average of €26,468. One of the             of fund promotion, fund               numeracy and analytical skills,
strengths of this qualification is         management and fund                   knowledge of SQL, UNIX and SQL
that it is required by all sectors of      administration. For more              and similar skills are increasingly
business and industry and there            information on this sector, see our   in demand. Find out more about
are generally very well-established        feature on fund administration        your career potential in fintech in
career paths leading to highly             and fund management on pages          our feature on the area on pages
remunerated roles.                         26 and 27.                            20 and 21.

                                                                                                gradireland Finance 2020
FINANCE 2020 Edition - Gradireland

    Sector snapshots
    Most careers in finance are within three main sectors; banking and
    investment, accountancy and financial management and financial
    services. Let’s have a quick look at what each sector involves.

Banking and investment                     Accountancy and financial
The banking and investment sector          management
makes money work as hard as                Regardless of its size, every business
possible. With financial markets open      requires an expert to manage its
24 hours a day and straddling              finances and ensure that all the figures
different time zones, money is             add up. Managing cash flow and
borrowed, loaned and invested on a         monitoring profit and loss are key
constant basis. Like London, Dublin’s      areas of work, and somebody will have
financial working day bridges that of      to supply the crucial financial
the US and the Far East, making it a       information that can influence
key finance centre.                        the strategic development of an
The employers
Large global investment banks              The employers
offering a full range of services;         Large multinational organisations
specialist finance houses (smaller         providing a huge range of professional
organisations that may specialise in a     services and smaller firms specialising
particular type of work); financial        in particular areas. You could also work
services organisations; and                in commerce and industry, or for the
investment management firms.               public sector.

The clients                                The clients
These businesses generally provide         If you work for an accountancy or
high-level financial services to other     professional services firm, the clients
companies – corporate or                   will be other businesses seeking advice
institutional clients. Such services can   and expertise. Working within industry,
include advice on mergers and              you would provide an internal service
acquisitions, trading, capital raising     to your employer. And finally, in the
and asset management. Other crucial        public sector, you could work for the
functions (such as technology and          public good, ensuring that taxpayers’
operations) work within the business       money is managed properly.
to support these services.
                                           The perks
The perks                                  Work that’s at the heart of how
Fast-paced and challenging work;           businesses are run, and the
high salaries in many areas; early         chance to gain an internationally
responsibility; and a global work          recognised qualification.

    gradireland Finance 2020
FINANCE 2020 Edition - Gradireland

Financial services
Most individuals require day-to-day
financial management products, such as
bank accounts, credit cards, pensions,
loans and insurance – and some of these
are also needed by companies. Related
areas, such as reinsurance and
underwriting, also make up an important
part of this sector, while financial
regulators ensure a safe and fair service
for all.

The employers
Large financial services providers offering
services like retail banking; regulatory
bodies; insurance or reinsurance
companies; firms offering services such as
actuarial consulting or underwriting; and
companies specialising in other areas that
have diversified into financial services (eg

The clients
Large financial services providers serve
individual customers and small
businesses, providing a range of day-to-
day financial services. Some types of
organisations, such as those offering
specialist services, offer advice or financial
services to other corporate clients.

The perks
An expanding sector with a focus on
customer service, where you could gain
management responsibility early on while
maintaining a healthy work/life balance.

                                        gradireland Finance 2020
FINANCE 2020 Edition - Gradireland

    Skills you need for a career in finance
    A successful career as a finance professional requires more than just academic qualifications. This is a
    highly dynamic, detailed and people oriented working environment. So, let’s have a look at what skills
    can help you make the right start to your career in finance.

                                                           Dealing with financial transactions requires sharp
                                                           business acumen and attention to detail. After all, you are
                                                           conducting transactions using other people’s money so
                                                           integrity and having a focus on the needs of the client or
                                                           customer is vitally important. You also need to have a
                                                           strong interest and competency in data analysis and how
                                                           you can use technology to leverage data to produce
                                                           reports and metrics that deliver. Let’s take a look at what
                                                           else can help you in the workplace.

                                                             Have the right qualifications
                                                             Finance is a highly regulated industry, now more than
                                                             ever. Work experience and great interpersonal skills
                                                             can only deliver for you if they are blended with the
                                                             right qualifications and formal accreditations, such as
                                                             those from a recognised chartered accountancy or
                                                             taxation institute. If you have the right undergraduate
                                                             degree, your employer will likely support you as you
                                                             study for those all-important formal qualifications.

                                                             You can have all the formal qualifications available,
                                                             but unless you’re the sort of person that people want
                                                             to work with, you’re unlikely to have a career that you
                                                             will enjoy. Careers in finance are very often team
                                                             based, so hiding in a cubicle, poring over spreadsheets,
                                                             is really not an option. In finance, whether it’s
                                                             finalising a set of accounts, working on a transaction
                                                             or advising a client, you will need communication and
                                                             interpersonal skills that deliver. This means building
                                                             relationships, offering assistance and asking for it and
                                                             being friendly and approachable. You need to be able
                                                             to represent yourself and your employer in the best
                                                             possible manner.

    gradireland Finance 2020
FINANCE 2020 Edition - Gradireland

Work experience and great interpersonal skills
can only deliver for you inf they are blended
with the right qualifications and formal
accreditations, such as those from a recognised
chartered accountancy or taxation institute.

 Solve a problem                                             Think creatively and don’t be afraid to
 No two sets of accounts look the same, a tax audit          innovate
 varies massively from case to case. A career in finance     Finance may not be the first career you think of when
 will mean you are constantly exposed to different           you think of innovation or creative thinking. But, no
 situations, different sets of data and clients with         other sector is literally at the centre of how all other
 differing demands and requirements. Everything you          sectors operate to the extent that finance is. Clients in
 do needs to be solution led-whether that’s bringing an      different sectors will have different requirements and
 account review to closure, or advising a client on the      you will need to think on your feet to adapt to queries
 best way of reconciling a tax query, you need to make       and situations that are presented by different clients.
 sure that you can deliver an outcome that will not          Don’t assume there is only one way of doing things in
 make more work for a colleague or a client. Be friendly,    terms of productivity or processes. If you see a new
 be focused and get the problem solved.                      way that will benefit your productivity, that of your
                                                             team and the goals of the overall project, then don’t
                                                             be afraid to suggest it to your manager. Just make sure
                                                             you don’t step on someone else’s toes when doing it.
 Be a technophile                                            Make sure you have written down how and why it will
 In your financial career, technology is not only your       work and what the process would be.
 friend, it is your partner. You need to embrace it,
 because it will be at the centre of everything you do,
 using standard and bespoke packages that are
 designed to streamline processes and increase               Dynamism
 productivity. While it’s the employer’s responsibility to   Linking in with communication and interpersonal
 provide you with the right software and the right           skills, having a dynamic and enthusiastic personality
 training, it’s your responsibility to make sure that you    means that you will help others and go the extra mile
 apply that training correctly and keep your skills up to    to help the team out and get the job done. This
 date and identify any gaps that you can then resolve        doesn’t mean being taken for granted in your work,
 through further training. There are plenty of online        but at early parts of your career you do need to display
 training aids to assist with most packages so do what       that you are willing to put the work in order to prove
 you can before being exposed to new software to give        you have the right work ethic to match your
 yourself a head start.                                      qualifications.

No two sets of accounts look the same, a tax
audit varies massively from case to case. A
career in finance will mean you are constantly
exposed to different situations.
                                                                                                  gradireland Finance 2020
FINANCE 2020 Edition - Gradireland

    What employers are looking for
    Employers don’t need to know that you want a job, they know that already. What they want to
    know is why you are the right fit to work for them.

        ur own research has shown              improve how the business works. Can      Be commercially aware
        that employers find candidates         you provide examples of when you         This goes back to being prepared,
        are not well prepared when it          innovated or communicated a way to       doing your research and knowing
comes to having a good knowledge of            change something for the better,         what the company is about. It also
the work that the company does, and            perhaps in a student society or on a     comes from having a commercial
why they would be the right fit to join        sports team? Remember, in the            awareness of the basics of business.
the team. This can indicate a lack of          finance sector you need to be able to    This can also relate to your non-
interest in that specific job. But this is     communicate complex information in       academic experience; your successful
something you can easily remedy by             a straightforward and clear manner,      part time job where you did such a
following the steps we outlined on             to both colleagues and clients.          good job that the boss asked you to
pages 6–7.                                     Recruiters will be assessing how you     come back to work weekends. Or the
    Employers are looking for                  do this through your CV or application   time you successfully served as
candidates who have prepared for the           form, how you relate to others at        treasurer for your football or hockey
interview process and have put                 assessment centres and of course         team. These are all examples of you
thought into their career plans.               how you present yourself at interview.   taking responsibility and delivering.

    Be prepared
    Again, this is down to you having done
    your research on the employer to
    which you are applying. Ready-made,
    bland, generic interview answers or
    statements on paper are very apparent
    to recruiters. As a finance graduate, or
    a graduate who wants to get into the
    finance sector, you’ll be expected to
    learn quickly and adapt to changing
    environments. They won’t expect you
    to know in-depth facts about the
    company, but they will expect you to
    know what the job would actually
    involve. Again, read our areas of work
    overviews on page 22 and visit the
    finance career sector pages on for more information.

    Communicate & innovate
    Recruiters want graduate recruits
    who can think for themselves. While
    financial organisations are well
    established in their processes, they
    are constantly refining them to

    gradireland Finance 2020

How to make the most
of a finance internship
A finance internship wil provide you with your first real hands-on insight into how things really work within
a financial firm, a professional services firm, or a bank. Whatever happens at the end of it, you will have
gained key workplace experience but will also have a much better chance of landing a graduate position.

     n order to do that though, you’re    conversation with a colleague. You         the strategy of the company is,
     going to have to make the very       may not come into contact with all         where they operate and why they
     most out of the time you spend       of the terms regularly throughout          work the way they do. Then you can
 with the company and the things          the internship, so by jotting them         find your place within that, being
 you observe and do during your           down and then giving them a read           commercially aware enough to know
 internship. It’s a learning experience   through and imprinting on to your          how the work that you do, even as an
 that needs to deliver, and all the       memory for later use you’ll be             intern, contributes in some way to
 while you want to make the best          gaining a much broader learning            the objectives of the company. Find
 impression you can on your potential     experience.                                out where colleagues get their
 employers. Where do you start?                                                      information and tap into those
                                          Know your industry                         sources too, every little bit you learn
 Learn the terminology                    Working as an intern in a financial        helps expand your skills portfolio and
 The world of finance is a complex        environment means learning what it         builds your commercial awareness.
 one, ruled by regulations, terms and     means to be commercially aware in          At the end of the day, employers are
 conditions and terminology. And this     everything you do. To do this, it’s best   looking for future talent that has a
 can vary from company to company.        if you try and get an overall              real grasp on what the company
 It can take a while to get your head     understanding of the sector and the        does and is commercially aware
 around—particularly if you’re not        industry. Read business pages,             enough to carve out a nice for
 from a finance background. Don’t be      investor publications, monitor the         themselves within that. That could
 conquered! Write down every new          news that is breaking in the sector.       be you!
 thing you hear and learn, whether        Not only does it provide you with
 it’s whilst you sit in on meetings,      topics of conversation, but it will        There are no stupid questions
 something you pick up when you’re        provide you with insights that can         Everyone makes mistakes, that’s part
 working on a task, or even something     inform the direction of the company        of life and definitely part of working
 that crops up in a more general          you’re working in and the work that        life. Learning from mistakes is how
                                          you actually do. There is so much          we shape our skills and our
      Working as an                       information out there, much of it          character, developing resilience and a
                                          free, that there really is no excuse       mindset that can cope with setbacks.
   intern in a financial                  not to get informed about the              Don’t be afraid to use the knowledge
   environment means                      industry where you want to build a         around you. Of course, be polite, and
                                          career.                                    recognise when people are busy, but
     learning what it                                                                if you’re genuinely curious you will
       means to be                        Be commercially aware                      find that those around you will be
                                          Talk to colleagues about what they         only too happy to help. The more you
  commercially aware                      do and how it fits in with the overall     know, the better you can help them
 in everything you do.                    business mission of the company.           in their work and be a real asset to
                                          This will help you get a grasp of what     the company.

                                                                                                       gradireland Finance 2020

 Apprenticeships: an alternative route
     Apprenticeships are not what they used to be. With Level 8 options now available, we spoke to the
     Insurance Institute about why internships make great sense for jobseekers and employers.

            he difficulty for many              combination of online study and on-        Who should apply?
            employers is that graduates are     the-job learning through an insurance      • School leavers who want to earn a
            coming out of university lacking    employer. The degree portion of the          level 8 degree without going down
     key workplace skills necessary to hit      programme is fully funded through            the university route.
     the ground running. For graduates, it’s    the Apprenticeship Council and             • Third level students who are
     more than disheartening to come out        apprentices are also paid a salary by        questioning the relevancy of their
     of college after four years and face the   their employer.                              current college course can
     ‘at least 2 years’ experience’ criteria       As an apprentice you’ll develop           undertake an apprenticeship
     on every job spec – even for some          technical insurance knowledge along          without having to incur any extra
     entry level roles. Aside from highly       with transferable workplace skills and       cost of starting a brand new course.
     competitive graduate programmes or         competencies. Once you graduate,           • Graduates who want to further
     unpaid internships, many graduates         you’ll be business-ready and                 their education in the insurance
     are faced with few options other than      extremely employable in a range of           and financial services sector, while
     to take a job unrelated to their           sectors. Your employer will support          gaining valuable workplace
     qualification. This is where               you in your on-the-job learning, with        experience through a structured
     apprenticeships come in.                   regular one to one personal                  programme. You'll be compliant to
                                                development sessions with an                 work in any area of the general or
     What’s an apprenticeship?                  industry supervisor and mentor.              life insurance market.
     Apprenticeships are work-based
     training programmes that combine           Roles                                      When will I start?
     academic teaching with valuable on-        A huge variety of roles are available in   The academic programme begins in
     the-job experiential learning;             the insurance industry including           September each year. Employers can
                                                                                           hire throughout the year (although
     combining technical and soft skills to     claims, risk management,
                                                                                           many look to recruit around May–June),
     create the perfect employee for            underwriting, broking and loss             so we always advise those interested to
     organisations. In July 2015 the            adjusting. As an apprentice, you’ll work   sign up to to get job
     government announced the                   in one of the three core industry areas    alerts as they come on stream and
     expansion of the current national          – underwriting, claims or direct client    general careers advice.
     apprenticeship scheme to extend            advice. The nature of the programme
     beyond trades and into professional        means that you will learn about all        How do I apply?
     industries, such as insurance.             areas of the business and you’ll           Companies will recruit apprentices
         The Insurance Practitioner             complete projects and case studies to      through their own processes, however
     Apprenticeship is a three-year             reinforce learning in the workplace. You   The Insurance Institute will post details
     programme, where apprentices are           will also earn the insurance industry’s    of who’s recruiting on their website
     recruited into an insurance                benchmark professional qualification, where you'll also find
     organisation while working towards a       the Professional Diploma in Insurance,     more information on the programme.
     level 8 degree – the BA in Insurance       which means that by the end of your        More information is available via
     Practice, awarded by IT Sligo. This is     three years, you’ll be compliant to work
     the first apprenticeship in Ireland to     in any area of general insurance –         You can also contact Naomi Gaffney at the
     offer a level 8 honours degree. The        personal, commercial or private            Insurance Institute to talk about the options
                                                                                           available on 01 645 1500 or by email at
     programme is delivered through a           medical.                         

     gradireland Finance 2020

Applying for a job in finance
Finance is a diverse and process driven industry, so it’s vital you know exactly who you are applying to,
what the role is, and how to apply for it.

Finding where the jobs are                prefer to work in – a large firm with        Many large finance companies are
While the finance sector advertises       great facilities, structured                 quite high profile, so useful
many positions, they all attract a high   programmes and lots of peers; or a           information is bound to be available
number of applicants. Prior to            small firm, with possibly more scope         online.
applying for finance jobs, study the      for individuality? Also, if acquiring a        Increasingly, companies are
industry and familiarise yourself with    professional qualification while          switching to online application forms
what its key employers are looking for    working is a requirement, you need to     instead of the traditional CV and cover
in applicants. The employer hubs at       ensure the employer can support you       letter. However, if you have a good CV, is a great      in this regard.                           you can apply much of the same
source of information, as is the Inside                                             information to an online form, so it’s
Buzz feature (            Applying for the job                      still important to have a good CV to
gradireland-inside-buzz), which           Finance sector firms operate their        hand as the basis for applications, no
provides you with an insider’s view       recruitment processes in a very           matter what the application method is.
from a host of companies. Also, look      structured fashion. Large
through the employer profiles at the      accountancy firms operate what is         Finance applications: a step-by-step
back of this guide, where you’ll find     known as the ‘milk round’ in October      guide
lots of information on finance related    of each year, arranging presentations     The standard process for applying for
careers. Researching the background,      in third level institutions to brief      financial positions is as follows:
culture and recruitment process of        graduates on the firm, what                   Online application forms: These
each company is vital. Read more in       opportunities exist and what their        forms cover all the information that
our Areas of work section on page 22.     recruitment processes are. This           you should include in your CV. They
                                          provides an excellent opportunity if      can often include a personality based
Background and culture                    you’re interested in the relevant         questionnaire or a numerical
• What does the organisation do, and      companies. Talk to your careers           reasoning test.
  where is it located?                    service about the necessary                   First round interviews: These are
• Who are the company’s clients and       preparations required for these           initial screening interviews, held either
  competitors?                            opportunities, as they can be highly      at the company’s premises or in local
• Any notable or newsworthy               competitive.                              hotels or colleges.
  achievements recently?                      Ahead of preparing your                   Assessment centres: Increasingly
• What type of culture does the           application, make sure you know:          popular, these last from a few hours in
  organisation promote?                   • What degree subjects the                duration to up to two days. Some of
• Does the company have specific             employer is looking for and            the tests at assessment centres
  core values, and do they match your        whether you match their                include group exercises, case studies,
  own values?                                requirements.                          in-tray exercises and psychometric
• Does the company match your             • What’s the recruitment process?         tests. Complete the gradireland
  career ambitions, and would you be         Assessment centres? Several            Careers Report for an insight into some
  happy working there?                       interviews? Or a combination of        of the questions asked at assessment
   Is the size of the organisation an        both?                                  centres. Taking part in the gradireland
important factor? What type of            • Also, do some research on the           National Student Challenge will
corporate environment would you              experiences of other applicants.       provide you with great practice.

                                                                                                     gradireland Finance 2020

     In the hot seat
     The situations you may encounter
     in a finance sector interview and
     how to respond.

           n the day of the interview
           dress smartly and sharply;
           don’t take unnecessary risks
 when it comes to your clothing. Bring
 freshly printed copies of your CV on
 plain white paper; they will already
 have received them, but always have
 some spare copies just in case. Don’t
 be late. In fact be early, at least 10–15
 minutes. This will give you some time
 to be received for the interview and
 to sit down and compose your
 thoughts. If you’re unfamiliar with
 the interview location, don’t wait
 until the day of the interview to find      dealt with ‘real world’ situations. One    relevant to the role. Recruiters will
 it; do a ‘dry-run’ the day before and       very common question is the dreaded:       also question you on your strengths
 allow time for traffic and delays.                                                     and weaknesses and may ask how
      If you’re going for a face-to-face     Tell us about yourself?                    you would be described by other
 interview with a financial                  Although this might seem cryptic, it’s     people? They may also ask where you
 organisation, such as a retail bank,        the broad nature of this question          would see yourself in five years or ask
 actuarial consultancy or an insurance       that actually makes it an opportunity      experience based questions such as:
 company, you will likely already have       for the candidate to set the tone of       ‘Tell us about a time when you had to
 successfully navigated a first-round        the interview. The ‘tell us about          lead a team?’ For questions like this,
 telephone interview. These initial          yourself’ question is in many ways an      remember the STAR technique
 interviews aim to gauge your:               invitation for you to emphasise why        (Situation, Task, Actions, Results).
 • Interest in the financial sector          you want the job. It’s not an                  When you are asked opinion
 • Your understanding of what the            invitation for a detailed personal         based questions about the sector you
     job involves                            history, or a summary of your              will obviously need to have done
 • Your skills and abilities, both in        hobbies, likes and dislikes. Instead,      research on the company and the
     terms of analytical skills and          answer clearly, concisely and              sector, but whatever your level of
     business awareness                      enthusiastically. Tell the recruiter why   information, don’t try and pretend
 • Your knowledge of the company             you are the right person for the job.      you know more than you do, as you’ll
     and the job and whether you             But don’t rehearse your answer too         be swiftly found out. Also, don’t say
     would be a good fit?                    much. Remember, it’s important that        what you think the recruiter wants to
      Interviewers will be interested in     the employer likes you, and it won’t       hear. If they ask opinion based
 what you say about yourself and how         help if your answer comes across as        questions, be prepared to give
 you have applied your skills to your        pre-rehearsed or forced.                   opinions for answers and be prepared
 experiences. They will also be                  Other questions will likely touch      to explain how you formed your
 interested in hearing about how you         on your work experience and how it is      opinions.

     gradireland Finance 2020

Dealing with assessment centres
Now a common reality for many graduate jobseekers, particularly those in finance,
so let’s find out what’s involved.

        n assessment centre, which          Remember that your body language          in which to get to know you.
        typically lasts one or two days,    can make a huge difference to your        Personality tests give them an idea of
        brings together a group of          presentation. Smiling will ease the       who you are, so be honest, and
candidates who undertake a series of        tension in your face, and make your       remember there are no right or
exercises and assessments.                  audience more comfortable.                wrong answers. A relaxed state will
    The tests provide an opportunity            Ability tests assess both general     make the experience much more
to demonstrate that you possess the         and specific intelligence. General        enjoyable for you and give your
personal and technical skills for the       ability tests ask you to use complex      assessors a more confident
job. Every organisation will design its     information, in the form of words,        impression of you.
own specific assessment centre. If          numbers and diagrams, to solve                The other candidates are rarely in
you identified its selection criteria for   problems using logical or lateral         direct competition with you. You’re
your first interview, keep them in          thinking. Ability tests are most likely   being assessed against the
mind throughout your time at the            to be numerical or verbal reasoning       employer’s criteria, not against each
centre. Every test, exercise and            tests, specific to the role you have      other. The assessors want to see that
interview will match you against            applied for.                              you can work in a team. Alternate
these criteria.                                 Aptitude tests assess your ability    between taking charge and taking a
                                            to learn something new. Employees         back seat to show you can both take
What the tasks involve                      are increasingly expected to adapt        initiative and follow orders.
Group exercises can include                 quickly to changes in the workplace,          Be yourself. Or rather, be your best
discussion groups, role-playing a           so prove your ability to develop new      self. Remember though, if you have to
specific brief, leadership tasks and        skills quickly.                           try make major personality changes
job-related scenarios designed to test          During the recruitment process,       to fit in with an organisation, it’s
your ability to handle the type of          employers have a limited time-frame       probably not for you.
tasks specific to the area you have
applied for. While promoting your
own cause, remember that you must
help the group to complete the task.
    You may be required to give a
presentation, usually to a mixed
group of candidates and assessors.
Structure is important, as it will keep
your mind focussed and will help the
audience keep track. Use whatever
form of notes you feel comfortable
with, but avoid using a script. Don’t
hit your audience with too much
information. You may only have five
minutes, which is only enough time
to present four big ideas or messages.

                                                                                                       gradireland Finance 2020

     Your career in finance checklist
     Before you submit your job or internship application, use the following checklist to make
     sure you are giving yourself the best possible chance.

                  Prepare well
                  4     Know what the employer wants. Make sure you check the skills,
                        experience and minimum degree results required.
                  4     Check the small print. Ensure you’re within the timeframe to apply and
                        you’re giving the employer what they are asking for.
                  4     Know who it is that you want to work for. Don’t send a load of generic
                        applications; it is a complete waste of time. Make a shortlist of companies
                        you think you would like to work for and then do proper research into
                        exactly who they are and exactly what do they do before putting your
                        application together.

                  Ace the interview
                  4     Know what the format is. If it’s an interview, know if it’s a panel interview or
                        another type. If it’s an assessment centre, carefully read any information sent
                        to you.
                  4     Know your own application. Reread your application or CV and be familiar with
                        the key skills which have got you this far.
                  4     Manage the nerves. You have done well, and caught the interviewer’s
                        attention; now you need to finish the job by remaining calm and cool.
                        Employers expect some nerves, it’s natural, but don’t let nervousness undo all
                        your good work so far.
                  4     Be friendly, be polite: Smile, ask questions, ensure the interview is a
                        conversation, not an interrogation. It’s much better for the employer and you.

                  Apply properly
                  4     Don’t rush! Give yourself plenty of time to put your CV and cover letter together
                        or to fill out the online application form.
                  4     Match your application to the job spec. Ensure you’re tailoring what you write to
                        the requirements of the job.
                  4     Show what you’ve done. While enthusiasm for the job will be valued by the
                        employer, experience based examples of where you showed your skills are what
                        can set you apart. Think of any volunteering or society based work you’ve done
                        and use it.
                  4     No room for typos. If you’re filling in an online application form, type the longer
                        answers into a Word document and proofread them first. Make sure you get
                        someone else to read your cover letter or CV and cover letter. An error ridden
                        application will land you straight in the discard pile.

     gradireland Finance 2020

Training and career development
There are many ways of expanding your knowledge and developing your career in finance,
including completing professional qualifications and postgraduate study.

                                                               n undeniable advantage of a finance career is
                                                               the abundance of opportunities to develop
                                                               your knowledge. On top of the ongoing training
                                                       and progress reviews you receive when you join your
                                                       first employer, in most areas of finance you can gain a
                                                       professional qualification. Furthermore, you can
                                                       undertake postgraduate study in a finance-related
                                                       area at any point in your career – and your employer
                                                       may even fund it.

                                                       Professional qualifications
                                                       Professional qualifications award professional status,
                                                       such as chartership, which is an internationally
                                                       recognised mark of quality and professionalism.
                                                       Employers usually encourage their employees to
                                                       become qualified because it signals to clients and the
                                                       industry that their workforce is top-notch.
                                                           Professional qualifications are conferred by
                                                       professional associations. There is an association for
                                                       virtually every financial specialism you can think of.
                                                       Some sectors in which you can study for a professional
                                                       qualification are accountancy, actuarial work, banking
                                                       and insurance. In certain sectors you are encouraged to
                                                       become qualified, in others, it is expected.
                                                           In some sectors, such as accountancy, there are a
                                                       number of professional qualifications for you to
                                                       choose from and your employer will help select the
                                                       one most suitable. Qualification processes can vary but
                                                       you will need to complete examinations. You will have
                                                       to carry out your full-time job as you study.
                                                           While you shouldn’t underestimate how tough this
                                                       can be, your employer and professional association will
                                                       support you. Most employers are well aware of the
                                                       demands of juggling full-time work with study and
                                                       many give study leave – some even put you in touch
                                                       with a recently qualified mentor as well. Often
                                                       employers will cover the costs of your study. Many
                                                       professional associations provide web resources and
                                                       online communities for their graduate members.

                                                                                          gradireland Finance 2020

                                               Professional associations do a lot     awareness of the importance of
                                           more than just give you letters after      sound financial advice. Fully qualified
                                           your name, however. They represent         members of Chartered Accountants
                                           your interests at national and             Ireland earn the designation ACA
                                           international levels and keep you          (Associate Chartered Accountant).
                                           updated on sector developments and         After 10 years membership, members
                                           new legislation. Especially useful for     are invited to apply for fellowship of
                                           graduates is the access they give to       their Institute and earn the
                                           other members’ contact details – a         designation FCA (Fellow Chartered
                                           great networking tool. See overleaf        Accountant).
                                           for the contact details of the main
                                           professional associations.
                                                                                      Institute of Certified Public
                                           Professional bodies                        Accountants (CPA)
       More information from               Some of the major professional bodies      The Institute of Certified Public
       gradireland:                        which provide training, qualification      Accountants in Ireland (CPA Ireland) is
       • Visit    and representation include:                one of the main Irish accountancy
         advice/job-descriptions to find                                              bodies with 5,000 members and
         out more about what’s involved    Association of Chartered Certified         students. The CPA designation is the
         in your area of interest within   Accountants (ACCA)                         most commonly used designation
                                           The ACCA is the world’s leading body       worldwide for professional
       • Also make sure you visit so    for professional accountants, with         accountants and the Institute’s
         you can watch videos to see       over 110 years of experience, and          qualification enjoys wide
         exactly what's involved in a      innovation in the accounting               international recognition. Visit
         range of financial areas, from    profession. Visit their website  
         tax, to accountancy, insurance, to see what they have to
         fintech and audit.
                                           offer students, and why students           Irish Tax Institute
                                           choose ACCA. They even have some           The Irish Tax Institute is the leading
                                           free online courses to get you started.    representative and educational body
                                                                                      for Ireland’s AITI Chartered Tax
       Go online                           The Chartered Institute of                 Advisers (CTA) and is the only
                                           Management Accountants (CIMA)              professional body exclusively
       • Find out what different
                                           CIMA is the world’s largest and            dedicated to tax. Its members provide
         professional bodies have to say
         for themselves and search for     leading professional body of               tax expertise to thousands of
         employers offering support        management accountants. They have          businesses, multinationals and
         towards professional status on    more than 229,000 members and              individuals in Ireland and                  students in 176 countries. CIMA work       internationally. The Institute is the
                                           at the heart of business in industry,      leading provider of tax qualifications
                                           commerce and not for profit                in Ireland,
                                           organisations. Visit
                                  for more                Insurance Institute of Ireland
                                           information.                               The Insurance Institute designs and
                                                                                      delivers qualifications, training,
                                           Chartered Accountants Ireland (CAI)        executive education and Continuing
                                           The CAI is Ireland’s largest and fastest   Professional Development (CPD)
                                           growing accountancy body. Chartered        through a cost effective, fully
                                           Accountants Ireland works with             supported framework to members of
                                           governments and businesses to raise        the general insurance industry in

     gradireland Finance 2020

Ireland. The institute has over 17,500    Professional specialisms                    published annually in autumn and
members.                       There are a number of different routes      available at your Careers Service. It is
                                          that postgraduate students can              important to match courses with your
Other useful organisations                explore to augment their skill set,         career goals to ensure they will provide
• Accounting Technicians Ireland          depending on their experience and           the core competencies required for you
  (   the career path they are seeking.           to fulfil your future ambitions. If you’re
• Chartered Institute of Internal         Apart from the traditional path of          unsure whether further study will
  Auditors (               masters and PhD programmes,                 enhance your career prospects, there’s
• Pensions Management Institute           finance employees are now pursuing          no harm in seeking the opinions of HR
  (               qualifications more specialised to          professionals at the organisations you
• Irish Institute of Pensions             their sector, such as the Chartered         would like to work in.
  Management (                Financial Analyst (CFA), which is               While postgraduate study can help
• Chartered Institute of Public           geared towards graduates working in         your career prospects, you need to
  Finance & Accountancy                   capital markets, and the Association        make sure that it is worth your time
  (                      of Chartered Certified Accountants          and money.
• The Society of Actuaries in Ireland     (ACCA) for those more focused on                A final tip: don’t use postgraduate
  (                      back office finance or fund                 study as a stopgap or to give yourself
                                          administration.                             more time. Further study is an
Postgraduate study                                                                    investment in yourself that needs to
The most common types of                  MBAs                                        be planned carefully.
postgraduate degree in finance and        Many finance professionals prefer to
business are taught courses, and these    return to study once they have              Institutions and departments
range from postgraduate certificates      acquired some experience in the             that offer postgraduate courses
and diplomas (lasting a few months)       industry. Postgraduate study expands        in finance include
to masters degrees, PhDs and              your knowledge about certain aspects        • Trinity College Dublin, School of
professional qualifications (that may     of finance, which can help you gain a         Business
take a number of years).                  promotion or enable you to transfer         • UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate
                                          into another area of finance. A               Business School
Conversion courses                        qualification that often facilitates your
Students undertake postgraduate           progression in this way is the Master of    • Dublin City University Business
study in finance for a variety of         Business Administration (MBA).                School
reasons. Some graduates choose the        Designed to develop managerial skills,      • Dublin Institute of Technology,
postgraduate route before applying for    the MBA can usually be taken full-time        College of Business
finance positions in an attempt to        over 12 months or part-time over a            colleges/collegeofbusiness
gain an advantage when applying.          two-year period. Institutions that offer    • University College Cork, College of
There are specific courses designed for   MBAs include Dublin City University,          Business and Law
this purpose, many of which are           UCD Michael Smurfit School of                 buslaw
suitable for graduates from non-          Business, National University of Ireland    • National University of Ireland
finance backgrounds. The Higher           Galway – Cairnes Graduate School,             Galway – J.E. Cairnes School of
Diploma in Accounting and Corporate       University College Cork, Queen’s              Business and Economics
Finance at University College Cork and    University Management School,       
the Postgraduate Diploma in               Belfast and the Ulster Business School,     • Queen’s University Management
Accounting at Dublin Institute of         Ulster University and Kemmy Business          School, Belfast
Technology, to cite two examples, are     School at University of Limerick.           • University of Ulster, Ulster Business
both intensive, one-year conversion                                                     School, Coleraine
courses specifically designed for non-    Postgraduate study and you          
finance graduates wishing to pursue       If you’re considering postgraduate          • University of Limerick, Kemmy
careers in accounting. Courses such as    study, take a look at the postgraduate        Business School
these are often self-funded.              section of the gradireland Directory,         business

                                                                                                        gradireland Finance 2020

                                               • Penultimate-year students should apply
                                                 now for 2020 summer internships. Many
                                                 of these deadlines end before Christmas,
     Your finance                                with the rest closing in January.
                                               • Stay focussed on your academic work. A

     career planner                              2.1 is the minimum qualification that
                                                 most banking and investment employers
                                                 will accept.
     2019–2020                                 • Develop transferable skills by joining a
                                                 university club or society.
                                               • Make contact with someone employed
                                                 in the type of finance role you’re after
                                                 and see what advice they can give you.
                                2019             Your university’s alumni database should
                                                 be of help.


     Final-year students

                                 • Apply for 2020 jobs now. Most graduate
                                   investment banking and banking
                                   schemes begin receiving applications in
                                   August, with deadlines in November,
                                   though some may close earlier, so don’t
                                   get caught out. Remember that
                                   application windows may close when a
                                   certain number of applications have
                                   been received, so don’t delay with yours.
                                 • Visit the employer hubs
                                   for advice on the hiring processes of
                                   specific employers.


     gradireland Finance 2020

   Winter                                 Spring                               Summer
       • First year students, or those      • Make the most of any insight       • Whether through an
         in the second year of a four-        days or spring programmes            internship, travelling,
         year degree, should apply            you attend. Use the                  volunteering or working a
         now for short programmes             opportunity to network and           part-time job, you’re bound
         (e.g. spring insight                 ask questions to help you            to pick up some skills over
         programmes), which are               decide which firms you want          the summer, so keep a
         designed by recruiters to give       to work for.                         record of anything you can
         attendees a head-start             • If you’re without a summer           call on when filling out
         towards full graduate                internship, ask your tutors if       application forms.
         schemes later on. Most               the university offers any          • Give your best attempt at
         deadlines for such schemes           relevant paid work.                  turning your internship
         end in January.                    • Research to determine if             into a full-time job offer
       • If you’re in your penultimate        your potential employer              (see the article on page 9

         year and failed to land a            looks favourably on any              for tips). If you’re not in an
         summer internship, look into         specific modules, and apply          internship, look for
         other finance-related work           accordingly for the next year.       experience anywhere you
         experience. Don’t be afraid to       You can often find this              can find it, even if it’s just a
         ask family and friends for any       information on the                   few days spent in a
         contacts that might be able          company’s website or by              finance-related company.
         to help you out.                     contacting their graduate
                                              recruitment team.

   • At this point, interviews
     and assessment centres
     will be underway. Visit
     employer hubs and read
     the information on                                                         • If you’ve secured a job for
     pages 12 and 13 of this                                                      September, well done.
     guide for advice on how                  • If you haven’t landed             Enjoy your summer!
     best to prepare and                        a job for September             • If not, your university’s
     make it through this                       and aren’t willing to             career resources can still
     process.                                   wait another year to              be accessed after you
   • Ensure you have access                     reapply, see if any               complete your studies.
     to job-hunting                             graduate schemes                  Visit to
     resources over the                         are still accepting               see which graduate
     Christmas holiday.                         applications.                     schemes are still open.

                        Winter                                   Spring                               Summer

                                                                                                gradireland Finance 2020

     Fintech and your career

     Technology at banks, insurance companies and other financial organisations is much more than a support
     function. It’s often at the cutting edge of change and innovation, making the fintech sector an exciting area
     for technologically-minded graduates with an interest in finance to begin their careers in.

     What is fintech?                              grouping customers together             • an ad hoc vacancy with a small or
     Fintech, or ‘fin tech’, is a blend of the     based on the level of risk involved),      medium-sized employer or fintech
     words ‘financial technology’.                 so that policies can be priced more        start-up
     Essentially it refers to any technology       competitively.                          • a technology-specific graduate
     in finance that replaces traditional                                                     scheme with a finance
     ways of doing things. You’re very likely    What are fintech companies?                  organisation such as a bank or
     to have encountered fintech as a            There’s no single definition of a            investment management firm (or a
     customer – for example, if you use          fintech company. Broadly speaking,           technology company that builds
     mobile banking or contactless               the term tends to refer to either the        fintech software)
     payments. However, fintech takes a          backend of traditional financial          • a general or rotational graduate
     wide range of other forms, including:       organisations (such as retail or             scheme at a financial organisation,
     • artificial intelligence and machine       investment banks, investment                 before choosing to specialise in
        learning, such as chatbots that          management firms and insurance               technology.
        respond to customers’ queries            companies) or technology start-ups            You might also be inspired by our
        more quickly                             that seek to solve a finance-related      videos of graduate careers in fintech.
     • systems that process investment           problem. One major financial firm, for    Visit
        banking deals automatically,             example, describes itself as ‘a tech      fyi/fintech.
        instead of bankers writing them by       company that does credit cards’.
        hand on paper tickets                    Sometimes these start-ups are             The skills, experience and
     • algorithmic trading: using                referred to simply as ‘fintechs’.         qualifications you need for fintech
        algorithms to make complex                   To avoid being left behind,           jobs
        decisions much faster than a             established finance companies             Some employers require a
        human could                              compete with start-ups by adopting        technology-related degree (such as
     • cryptocurrencies, such as bitcoin         similar technologies and services, as     computer science, engineering,
     • open banking: allowing non-               well as looking for ways to be more       physics or maths), but this is not
        finance organisations to access          innovative than them. Sometimes this      always essential. Your experiences
        bank data for customer                   requires a change in thinking or          outside of your degree are also
        convenience (such as apps                structure to revolve around innovation,   valuable for showcasing your skills
        designed to help people keep track       rather than simply investing more         and motivation – for example, if
        of their spending or messaging           money in technology.                      you’ve learned programming
        apps that enable people to transfer                                                languages in your spare time.
        money to their friends)                  Routes into fintech jobs                      Don’t worry if you don’t have much
     • online-only banks, loan providers         Fintech graduate jobs vary as widely      finance knowledge, although it will
        or other financial services              as the organisations that recruit for     help demonstrate your enthusiasm for
     • insurtech: tailoring insurance to         them, but some of the main routes in      the role if you do. A willingness to learn
        individual customers (rather than        are:                                      and ability to pick up new skills quickly

     gradireland Finance 2020
You can also read