BUSINESS New degree program Business Psychology (B. Sc.) - WINTER 2020/2021 - Hochschule Augsburg

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BUSINESS New degree program Business Psychology (B. Sc.) - WINTER 2020/2021 - Hochschule Augsburg
WINTER 2020/2021

Sought-after personalities –
Augsburg University of Applied Sciences

New degree program
Business Psychology (B. Sc.)
BUSINESS New degree program Business Psychology (B. Sc.) - WINTER 2020/2021 - Hochschule Augsburg

STUDENTS                                                                TITLE PICTURE
                                                                        Peter Keefer, Partner
at the Faculty of Business (incl. IWI):                        1578     at 4C GROUP AG
                                                                        in Munich and
of which:                                                               Alumnus of the
BA Business Administration (BW)                                  536    Faculty of Business
BA International Management (IM)                                 508
BEng International Management and Engineering (IWI)              310
MA International Business and Finance (IBF)                       64
MA Human Resource Management (PMG)                                75
MA Digital Marketing Management (MMD)                             24                            Dear students, prospective
MA Tax and Accounting (MSR)                                       39                            students, alumni, friends,
                                                                                                sponsors and partners
Certificate Economist in Health and Social Sector                  7                            of our Faculty of Business,
Certificate Customs and Foreign Trade Management                   9
Certificate Logistics Process Developer                            6
(Specialization B.Eng. Management and Engineering,                                                                                                                                               Prof. Dr. Michael Feucht, Dean
 extra occupational)

Advanced modules                                                                                The economic system would not have               place. How about a little less Adam Smith,      leave a health system solely in the hands
in BA Business Administration in WS 2020/2021                                                   survived the pressure from the Covid-19          Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, and        of market powers. If the state steps in as an
•   Change Management                                                                           pandemic since March if it weren’t for           more Immanuel Kant or John Rawls instead?       investor during a crisis, it must ensure that
•   Controlling                                                                                 government support schemes and major             The principle of equal pay for equal work       there is an appropriate financial reward
•   Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology Management                                      stimulus packages. Consumer behavior is          alone does not work, as was demonstrated        for the investments and that there is an in-
•   Capital Markets, Financial Institutions and Investment Management                           not expected to return to pre-crisis levels      in an oppressive manner by the USA. Equal       centive for reprivatization in the near future.
•   Product Marketing and Sales Communication                                                   for a long time. The hospitality and tourism     opportunity is a nice idea, but probably
•   Auditing and Accounting                                                                     industries may even have to live with            demands more effective cross-government         6. Each individual is part of society
                                                                                                long-term changes. And it’s not over yet:        communication than before.                      and bears some responsibility.
                                                                                                The second wave has arrived.                                                                     Personal freedom is a valuable asset. But
Advanced modules                                                                                                                                 3. Not everything can be controlled             we don’t live in a social vacuum. We are all
in BA International Management in WS 2020/21                                                    As a Faculty of Business, it is our particular   using market mechanisms.                        members of a family, a community, a region,
•   Corporate Finance                                                                           responsibility to prepare students for           Various economic crises over the past           a nation, Europe and the global society.
•   International Marketing and Communication Management                                        management positions in the economy and          decades have proven that “the market” does      At each of these levels, individual freedom
•   European Business Studies                                                                   society. In the following, I will outline six    not correctly assess all risks. Events with a   no longer exists as soon as it limits the
•   Supply Chain Management                                                                     lessons I personally learned from both this      very low occurrence probability and high        freedom of others. This is not easy to under-
•   Human Resource Management                                                                   and previous crises, which I plan to empha-      economic costs are ignored in company           stand: For at least three decades, the hedon-
•   Management Accounting                                                                       size even more strongly in future courses        risk management. For some large risks,          istic fun society has been presented to us as
                                                                                                I hold at the University. I am aware that        the unregulated market does not offer any       an ideal. It is now more important than ever
                                                                                                some of the following theories may be con-       insurance products.                             to reassess our responsibility for others.
                                                                                                troversial and I look forward to constructive
Status: 6 October 2020                                                                          discussions on these topics.                     4. Crises are inevitable in our                 The world “after corona” will be a different
                                                                                                                                                 economic system.                                one and it is up to us to ensure that “differ-
                                                                                                1. The economy serves people.                    There are many examples of this in the          ent” also means “better”.
                                                                                                Although this realization may be quite basic,    economic history of the past centuries.
                                                                                                let us not forget that the overriding objec-     The implementation of relevant frameworks       I hope you enjoy reading our faculty
                                                                                                tive of any economy is to allow all people       should, of course, reduce the probability       magazine.
                                                                                                to live the best life possible, or at the very   of crises. However it is more important
                                                                                                minimum a dignified life. Our financial          to regulate the impact of a crisis so as to     Yours,
                                                                                                economy and monetary systems are just a          prevent, as far as possible, negative social
                                                                                                means to an end and never an end in itself.      impacts.                                        Prof. Dr. Michael Feucht, Dean
                                                                                                This means that there should never be an
                                                                                                artificial opposition of the economy versus      5. The state is an important
                                                                                                health. Economic activity must be designed       economic player, but it does not
                                                                                                in a dynamic way, allowing all people to         always see efficiency as a criterion
                                                                                                live and survive in our society. This is         for success.
                                                                                                underpinned in the principle of care of the      We rightly expect that a modern infra­
                                                                                                modern state.                                    structure for the primary care of a society
                                                                                                                                                 be accessible to every individual no matter
                                                                                                2. Justice is subjective.                        where they are. The private sector cannot
                                                                                                For many people, utilitarian ways of think-      afford this as it demands unprofitable
                                                                                                ing and acting lead to undesirable results. At   activities, or that redundant structures are
                                                                                                the very least, a democratic discourse about     developed to prepare for emergencies.
                                                                                                the society we strive to live in should take     This means that it would be a mistake to

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BUSINESS New degree program Business Psychology (B. Sc.) - WINTER 2020/2021 - Hochschule Augsburg

                                                                                                                                                       MANAGEMENT CLASSIC: 8TH EDITION
 As reported in the last gP Business, our Fac-      However, a lot was also expected of the          offers of the DiZ (Didaktikzentrum für            – completely revised and updated
 ulty of Business switched to virtual teaching      students. Although it was probably a novelty     die bayerischen Hochschulen, Education
 in record time in March. The “new normal”          at first to sit in front of their monitor in     Center for Bavarian Universities of Applied
 for the professors was to transfer what would      pajamas with the camera switched off, they       Sciences) provide very helpful tips here.
 otherwise have taken place in the lecture hall     quickly realized that synchronous online                                                           The “Führung von Mitarbeitern” (Manag-        New topics:
 to Zoom as quickly as possible. It transpired      learning requires significantly more concen-      How will things continue? Winter semester        ing employees) book has been supporting
 that this was much more difficult in many          tration and the usual 90-minute time periods      2020/21, at least, will be a mixed semester.     generations of students, HR professionals     • New work and the associated changes,
 respects than had been expected. Firstly,          were much too long for this. In coordination      Due to the distance and hygiene conditions       and managers since the 1990s.                 including: successful change management
 the necessary technical conditions had to          with the students, we then individually           that still apply, only very limited space is                                                   (Rafaela Kraus), working world 4.0 (Arnd
 be created in “television studios” at home.        adapted the length of the learning units.         available to us – with 1.5 meter distance be-    In 56 individual contributions by distin-     Albrecht), agile working and management
 Monitors were transported home from uni-           Due to a change to the University’s general       tween seats, our four largest lecture halls      guished academics and practitioners,          (Sarah Hatfield & Katrin Winkler)
 versity offices, all available laptops, cameras    examination regulations at short notice,          hold 30 people (in two cases) and 20 people      the new and revised edition of the book
 and microphones were handed out as needed          it was possible in many modules to flexibly       (in the other two cases). All other rooms        presents current HR and management            • Current societal challenges, including:
– in the first few months, it was almost im-        define the examination form as “portfolio         have the capacity to seat between 8 and 12       topics in a concise, application-oriented     Integration of refugees in the labor market
 possible to procure new communication              exam” with essays, presentations, oral exam       students. This means that we will only be        and well-founded manner.                      (Ellen Boettcher & Max Klasen) and tempo-
 electronics with reasonable delivery times.        sections etc. The remaining written tests         able to call selected small groups to the                                                      rary employment – subcontracting – agile
With great euphoria and a lot of talent             were performed during the regular examina-        campus. We will of course try to offer a         The concept is well proven and has been       project management (Wolfgang Böhm)
 for improvisation, we then launched into           tion period under strict hygiene conditions      “campus experience” to our first-semester         widely read. From the beginning, Prof.
 teaching. Much of it worked very well, but         in conference tents set up on the campus.         students in particular, starting from mid-       Dr. Erika Regnet has been involved as         • Always relevant management topics,
 it quickly became clear that it certainly          The exam candidates’ behavior was very            October with preliminary courses and tran-       co-editor.                                    including: Dilemmas in management                 ISBN: 978-3-7910-4530-6
 makes a difference whether you are in a            disciplined and, although this has not yet        sitional offers for alternating groups. We                                                     (Christian Lebrenz)                               Publisher: Lutz von Rosenstiel/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Erika Regnet/Michel E. Domsch
 room with real people interacting with them        been statistically evaluated, the examination     will equip individual rooms to allow live                                                                                                        Edition: 8th revised edition
 or simply speaking into a black camera lens        results seem to be better on average than in      streams of lectures from the lecture hall to                                                   All existing contributions were fundamentally     Scope: 1008 pages
 for hours on end, checking the chat messag-       “normal” semesters. Due to our well-planned        take place. However, unfortunately, many                                                       revised and updated. The book has been            Binding: Hardcover
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Price: € 79.95, e-book € 69.99
 es at the same time and constantly having          procedure and the laudable behavior of the        classes will need to stay online.                                                              available since September 2020.
 to verify that the sound and video are com-        students, we managed to end the semester
 ing through in good quality and that you           on the scheduled date of 31 July – probably      Nevertheless, it must be said that all of us                                                    Information: Prof. Dr. Regnet
 are sharing the correct screen window. Not         the only institution in Bavaria to manage        together – educators, students and adminis-
 to mention the young colleagues who had            this. The students were very appreciative        tration staff – have mastered the challenges
 to supervise small children, organize home         of the flexibility and speed with which we       of the pandemic in an exemplary manner.
 schooling or keep dogs and cats under              adjusted to the pandemic situation. We           We made technological advancements that
 control at the same time. When we spoke to         received a great deal of positive and encour-    probably would have taken us a decade
 one another in the evenings, it became clear:      aging feedback throughout the semester.          under “normal” conditions. We learned a
 It was tiring! We regularly felt worn out and                                                       great deal, and some things worked so well
 some of us hoped for a quick return to the        By means of a systematic evaluation, the          that they will be maintained even after the      HSA_OPS: NEW PUBLICATIONS
 lecture hall.                                     students were then asked in May and June          pandemic.
                                                   how they found their situation and what
                                                   we can improve further in digital education.      Information: Prof. Dr. Feucht                    Two publication series of HSA_ops will be      particularly with “methods for visualizing      Information: “PROCESS OPTIMIZATION –
                                                   This allowed us to use the summer to didac-                                                        continued in winter semester 2020:             and analyzing processes”. Edition 5 will now    Methods for improving and re-designing
                                                   tically adapt individual modules of the winter                                                                                                    continue with this topic and cover “Methods     processes”, self-published, 2020, available from:
                                                   semester for online teaching. The course                                                           Firstly, the second volume of studies on       for improving and redesigning processes”.
                                                                                                                                                      motivation in the warehouse (MoLa) will
                                                                                                                                                      be published. The first volume was intended
                                                                                                                                                      as a manual for team and shift leaders in
                                                                                                                                                      warehouses and contained approaches for
                                                                                                                                                      increasing motivation and safeguarding
                                                                                                                                                      health for these readers. The second volume
                                                                                                                                                      is aimed at higher-level management and
NAHSA: SUSTAINABLE AUGSBURG UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES                                                                                            focuses on the meaning of motivation and
                                                                                                                                                      health for warehouse performance and the
Sustainability is an urgent social develop-        provides the impetus for anchoring sustaina-      evaluation. These were described in a            success of a site.
ment task which third-level institutes also        bility in the strategic orientation of Augsburg   catalog of measures in terms of their objec-
need to tackle. The Augsburg University            University of Applied Sciences. Internal          tives, background and current status at the      Information: “Motivation im Lager – Studie
of Applied Sciences has been facing up to          activities at the University relating to          Augsburg University of Applied Sciences.         zu Lagerleistung und Mitarbeitermotivation”
this responsibility for a long time in various     sustainability were compiled and compared                                                          (Motivation in the warehouse – Study on
projects.                                          with various measures which have already          The results of the NAHSA project form            warehouse performance and employee
                                                   been or are being successfully implemented        the basis for a workshop in which all those      motivation), self-published, 2020, available
In March 2020, it joined the Bavarian Net-         at other institutions.                            active in the field of “sustainability” will     from:
work for Sustainability in Higher Education.                                                         develop an objective and an implementation       Motivationssteigerung.html
The members of this network are joining            The measures were evaluated according             agenda for the University.
forces to strengthen sustainability through-       to costs and benefits and assigned to the                                                          Secondly, the series of Augsburg working
out institutions in the fields of governance,      above-mentioned fields of action. For             Information: Prof. Dr. Krupp,                    documents for material business and logis-
operation, teaching, research, transfer and        the time being, twelve of the 45 measures         Dr. Franziska Sperling (HSA_transfer)            tics is being continued. Edition 3 from
student initiatives. The NAHSA project             identified were prioritized after the first                                                        2014 dealt with “process optimization”,

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BUSINESS New degree program Business Psychology (B. Sc.) - WINTER 2020/2021 - Hochschule Augsburg

NEW TEAM MEMBERS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             OBITUARY

Professors                                                               Secretary‘s Office

                                                                                                               Applied Sciences. During a se-                                            chain management. Due to her                                   Group, a partner-led company
                                                                                                               mester abroad at the University                                           interest in logistical processes,                              and product builder focusing on
                                                                                                               of Ulster in Northern Ireland,                                            she worked as a student assistant                              technology research and project
                                                                                                               she specialized in “Data Science”.                                        in the research group for opti-                                development which has already
                                                                                                               After completing her Master in                                            mized value creation, HSA_ops.                                 worked for customers including
                                                                                                               winter semester 2020/2021, she                                            She also worked in material                                    BMW, Zeiss, Metro and Abott.
                                                                                                               has been working as research                                              management at Bernd Siegmund                                   Before this, Grumbach was the
                                                                                                               assistant in the HSA_ops re-                                              GmbH during her internship se-                                 Chief Strategic Officer of a me-
                                                                                                               search group, where she leads                                             mester, and wrote her Bachelor                                 dium-sized AI software company
                                                                                                               the research network of digital                                           thesis here on the subject of                                  and founded his own startup. In
                                                                                                               supply chains (NetDiSC). She                                              distribution logistics. Since win-                             addition, he has been advising
Frank Danzinger                    Jianing Zhang                         Daniela Reif-Schülein                 can apply her wealth of experi-      Lena Kempf                           ter semester 2020/2021, she has                                and supporting new startups in       Prof. Werner Schuierer
                                                                                                               ence and her academic research                                            been supporting the HSA_ops                                    business development for many
The Augsburg University of         Dr. Jianing Zhang studied             At the beginning of May, in the       from computer science/data           During her studies, she had the      team as Master student. The                                    years and is a regular author and    The University mourns the
Applied Sciences appointed         Mathematics at the TU                 midst of the coronavirus pan-         science optimally in this group.     opportunity to gain experience       focus of her research is on digi-                              speaker on topics of innovation      death of Prof. Werner Schuierer.
Dr. Frank Danzinger as             Darmstadt, the Imperial College       demic, Daniela Reif-Schülein                                               in the fields of lean construction   talization and supply chain risk                               and entrepreneurship.                The former professor of the
Professor for Digital Business     London and the HU Berlin.             started her new job in the                                                 management, project develop-         management in relation to the                                                                       Faculty of Business passed away
in September.                      He completed his PhD on               Faculty Secretary’s Office. She                                            ment and project management          Covid-19 pandemic.                                             Elisabeth Berchtold conducts         on 21 July 2020.
                                   stochastic control theory and         worked in the communications                                               at one of the largest German                                                                        seminars and training sessions all
As a qualified bank clerk, he      its applications relating to the      sector in Germany and abroad                                               consultancy companies in the         Adjunct lecturers                                              over southern Germany, Austria       Prof. Werner Schuierer was em-
studied business education and     evaluation of financial deriva-       for many years, most recently                                              construction and property sec-                                                                      and Switzerland. She regards it      ployed at the Augsburg Univer-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Photo: Gregor Zielke, Berlin
technology management at the       tives. Subsequently, he per-          working in organization for a                                              tor. Aside from structural engi-                                                                    as her duty to “support curious      sity of Applied Sciences from
LMU and TU Munich. After           formed education and research         large Bavarian seminar provider.                                           neering, her area of expertise                                                                      thinkers, courageous doers and       1975 until the summer semester
founding a company in the field    in the Research Group for             Her tasks include supporting the                                           is in the infrastructure sector.                                                                    forward-thinking entrepreneurs       of 2006. The University extends
of human resource software, he     Mathematical Statistics at the        new study programs Business                                                Since summer semester 2020,                                                                         in a performance-oriented man-       its sympathies to his loved ones
researched the customer interac-   TU Munich.                            Psychology (B. Sc.) and Digital                                            she has been working in the re-                                                                     ner with training and coaching”.     and will honour the memory of
tion competence of industrial                                            Marketing Management (M. A.).                                              search group for optimized value                                                                    Elisabeth Berchtold‘s seminars       the former University professor.
goods companies in the context     After working in Investment           She also supports the organi-         Dennis Fitznar                       creation, HAS_ops, in the con-                                                                      and coaching sessions cover a
of his PhD at the TU Munich.       Banking at Dresdner Kleinwort,        zation of the certificate course                                           text of the Master of Applied                                                                       range of fields, from personality
                                   the Landesbank Berlin and Sal.        “Economist in Health and Social       Dennis Fitznar studied               Research program. She focuses                                                                       & leadership to rhetoric & com-
Since 2012, Frank Danzinger        Oppenheim, Jianing Zhang was          Sector”.                              Business Administration (B. A.),     on the digitalization of supply                                                                     munication. Due to this wide
has been employed at the Fraun-    most recently responsible as                                                specializing in Change Manage-       chain processes in the construc-                                                                    spectrum, she can draw on a
hofer Institute for Integrated     Senior Portfolio Manager at           Master students                       ment and Controlling at the          tion industry.                       Moritz Grumbach                                                broad background of experience
Circuits (IIS). As deputy manag-   Munich Re for securing credit,        and research assistants               Augsburg University of Applied                                                                                                           for most problems, whether they
ing director of the Working        deposit and political risks, devel-                                         Sciences. Since his studies, he      After obtaining her advanced         This winter semester, Moritz                                   are company-related, organ-
Group for Supply Chain Services    oping automated risk assessment                                             has worked as a freelance SAP        technical college certificate,       Grumbach is joining Prof.                                      izational or interpersonal. In
and as head of the Department      processes, and business develop-                                            consultant and trainer as well       Sarah Wachter decided to             Dr. Labbé‘s team in innovation                                 addition, through her studies in
for Innovation and Transforma-     ment in digital underwriting.                                               as author. In addition to his pro-   embark on an apprenticeship          management as adjunct lectur-                                  humanities, she has also acquired
tion, his thematic focus is on                                                                                 fessional activities, he remained    to become an industrial clerk at     er for business modelling and                                  sound specialist knowledge in
the development of methods for     Since winter semester 2020/2021,                                            loyal to the Augsburg University     the company Hilte in Kaufering,      company valuation. His series                                  pedagogy, psychology, consulting
opening up innovation processes    Dr. Jianing Zhang is the Profes-                                            of Applied Sciences as adjunct       Bavaria. Following this, she         of lectures will deal with how to                              and diagnostics.
and the research into and devel-   sor for Applied Data Science                                                lecturer in production manage-       studied Business Administration      transfer product ideas, business
opment of technology and data-     at the Augsburg University of                                               ment with a focus on ERP sys-        at the Augsburg University of        models and market potential
driven business models and         Applied Sciences.                                                           tems. He had his first experience    Applied Sciences. As her first       from the theoretical to the
ecosystems.                                                                                                    with ERP systems as an intern        specialization, she chose Inter-     quantitative sphere with a strin-
                                                                                                               and working student in Applica-      national Human Resources dur-        gent system in order to obtain
Previously, Frank Danzinger                                              Franziska Bartenschlage               tion Lifecycle Management at         ing a semester abroad in Szeged,     reference points for profitability
taught at the Friedrich-Alexan-                                                                                AUDI AG. His Bachelor thesis         Hungary. Her second specializa-      and finance-related company
der University Nuremberg, the                                            After completing her school           at AUDI therefore also focused       tion was purchasing and supply       valuation. The focus here will
VWA University of Applied                                                leaving examination, Franziska        on validation, optimization and                                           be on subjecting the presented
Sciences, the Salzburg Universi-                                         Bartenschlager studied Com-           automation of the ITIL event                                              techniques and tools to practi-
ty of Applied Sciences and the                                           puter Science (B. Sc.) at the         management in SAP SRM.                                                    cal tests based on exercises and
Center for Digital Technology                                            Augsburg University of Applied                                                                                  example cases and to arrive at
and Management in Munich.                                                Sciences. From the third semes-       After her school leaving certifi-                                         independent and methodically                                   Elisabeth Berchtold
                                                                         ter, she combined her academic        cate, Lena Kempf completed                                                founded company thinking.
                                                                         studies in the I.C.S. support         an apprenticeship as technical                                            As a trained economist, Moritz
                                                                         program with practical work at        drawer specializing in structural                                         Grumbach has more than 15
                                                                         Dematic GmbH, a developer of          engineering and then decided to                                           years of experience in the fields
                                                                         intralogistics solutions. After her   study Energy Efficient Planning                                           of business modeling, business
                                                                         Bachelor program, she started         and Building (B. Eng.) at the                                             field development and venture
                                                                         her Master in Computer Science        Augsburg University of Applied                                            financing. He is the founder and
                                                                         at the Augsburg University of         Sciences.                            Sarah Wachter                        managing partner of Vertum.

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BUSINESS New degree program Business Psychology (B. Sc.) - WINTER 2020/2021 - Hochschule Augsburg
CORONA DIARIES | gP BUSINESS | WINTER 2020/2021                                                                                                    TRAVEL DIARIES | gP BUSINESS | WINTER 2020/2021

DAILY LIFE OF STUDENTS                                                                                                                             REBECCA RUOFF IN MEXICO
                                                                                                                                                   First impressions                                       10 and 35 degrees here in spring, so we had
The Covid-19 crisis is posing significant                                                                                                          On my first day in Monterrey, Luis, my                  to stock up on sweaters and jackets. How­
challenges for students, educators and                                                                                                             Mexican buddy from the U-ERRE, picked                   ever, you can take advantage of the good
staff of the Augsburg University of                                                                                                                me up. He brought me to my apartment,                   days and so I went to the Bioparque Estrella
Applied Sciences and has changed daily                                                                                                             showed me the university, went with me to               near Monterrey with Michi, who also stud-
study and work routines. However, even                                                                                                             buy a SIM card, basic groceries and equip-              ies at the Augsburg University of Applied
though we cannot study, work and teach                                                                                                             ment, and introduced me to Mexican food.                Sciences, my buddy Luis and Yssa from
together on location at the University                                                                                                             I had chilaquiles and limonada natural. I had           Bolivia. In Monterrey, we also went to the
at present, the entire University family                                                                                                           already found my apartment in advance via               MARCO (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo
is sticking together during these difficult                                                                                                        the ISE student organization from Monter-               de Monterrey), a modern, interactive muse-
times.                                                                                                                                             rey. It’s relatively expensive at about 390             um that has a number of highlights to offer.
                                                                                                                                                   pesos, but I have a spacious, fully furnished           We climbed the Cerro de la Silla as well. It
In the #HSACoronaDiaries, students,                                                                                                                room with my own bathroom and air condi-                was a real challenge, but the view from the
educators and staff of the University            Lena Morawietz                                 Hannah-Luisa Ender                                 tioning, sharing the large kitchen and living           top was definitely worth it! There were a few           The typical Mexican birthday cake: Pastel de Cajeta
provide insights into their new day-to-          Coffee break for student Lena Morawietz:       Studying with a child: Hannah-Luisa Ender          room with my three housemates.                          birthdays to celebrate too. Here in Mexico,
day life: Students explain how they follow       Lena is currently working on her Bachelor      gives an insight into her daily life at the                                                                it is a tradition to push the birthday boy
digital lectures from home, employees            thesis, as well as pursuing her working        moment, juggling studying and childcare.                                                                   or girl’s face into the cake. Valentine’s Day           Conclusion
present their home office workspace and          student placement, from home. She is also      Hannah is studying International Manage-                                                                   is also celebrated here as “El día del amor             It is now the end of September and I am
educators show how they prepare digital          part of the SWOP team, which organized         ment and Engineering and has an 18-month-                                                                  y la amistad”, the day of love and friendship.          going back to Germany in three days.
lectures and seminars.                           a varied program over the past few weeks       old son. She says: “Having a child makes                                                                                                                           I finished my exchange semester at the
                                                 with many different online events for          online learning or working from home a                                                                     Second interim conclusion                               U-ERRE at the end of August. One piece
                                                 exchange students – from game nights to        special challenge.” However, even though                                                                   After four months, I am back with my sec-               of advice that I would give to anyone travel-
                                                 Zoom parties and international cooking         it is currently more difficult than usual                                                                  ond interim conclusion. Everything came                 ling outside of Europe would be to take
                                                 challenges. If you want to learn more about    for Hannah to reconcile her studies with                                                                   to a standstill here also due to Covid-19,              two credit cards and keep them separate.
                                                 the SWOP team activities, have a look on       her family life, she views the situation in a                                                              but I still had the opportunity to get to know
                                                 Instagram.                                     positive light: “I am very happy to be able                                                                a few Mexican places and attractions. Like              Having a credit card sent from Germany
                                                                                                to spend more time with my son.”                                                                           in Germany, university has moved online.                takes time and is not totally safe. It hap-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   pened to me that I lost my purse and my
                                                                                                                                                   Chilaquiles – Chicken, pureed beans, avocado and egg.   I finished the first tetramester in April and           credit card was also swallowed by a faulty
                                                                                                                                                   Delicious!                                              am now in the second tetramester until the              ATM once. Thanks to my other credit card,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           end of August. It’s a pity not to be able to            I was able to block the lost card and still had
                                                                                                                                                   My housemates are all from Mexico, so we                get to know people personally in the classes,           access to cash and a credit card for Uber or
                                                                                                                                                   speak almost exclusively Spanish with one               but the group projects and presentations are            other internet activities, for example. Anoth-
                                                                                                                                                   another. In contrast to the well-known Tec              working very well. Apart from that, I have              er tip: Try new things! I tried a wide range
                                                                                                                                                   de Monterrey, the U-ERRE is very small                  tried to do a lot of hiking and to get to know          of dishes, some of which I liked and some
                                                                                                                                                   and easy to navigate. You can attend dance              Mexico a little by car. I have been in some             I didn’t. Something that was a great help to
                                                                                                                                                   courses or go to the gym for free. In general,          small so-called pueblos mágicos, as well as             me in general was that I already spoke fluent
                                                                                                                                                   you should have good Spanish language                   larger cities like Tequila and Guanajato. One           Spanish before my time abroad. Like in other
                                                                                                                                                   skills. Some Bachelor courses are offered               thing you have to try in Mexico is ceviche.             Latin American countries, many Mexicans
                                                                                                                                                   in English, but the Master courses are only             I prefer it with cooked shrimps/fish, but you           speak little or no English. You can get by
                                                                                                                                                   in Spanish. The professors are very friendly            can also have it raw.                                   OK with English at the university and in
                                                                                                                                                   and helpful, and the same goes for the other                                                                    tourist locations, but I felt safer with Span-
                                                                                                                                                   students. I get an Uber to the university               I also had my birthday in June and was                  ish and I would not have been able to make
                                                                                                                                                   or ride with friends. The Global Crew of                surprised with typical Mexican gifts such as            many contacts or have many experiences
                                                                                                                                                   the U-ERRE has already organized some                   mariachis, a pastel de cajeta and a piñata.             without my language skills. Therefore, I can
                                                                                                                                                   welcome parties and many activities.                                                                            only recommend taking some Spanish cours-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   es before a semester abroad in Latin Ameri-
Prof. Dr. Manfred Uhl                            Alisa Kasle-Henke                              Prof. Dr. Klaus Kellner                            First interim conclusion                                                                                        ca. Overall, Mexico is a fascinating country
Manfred Uhl is a professor at the Faculty        Rainbow colors on a rainy day: Alisa Kasle-     Prof. Dr. Klaus Kellner, marketing expert         After the first midterm exams – also called                                                                     with many facets. You can find deserts, big
of Business. Since the beginning of the          Henke reports on her work as a lecturer in      at the Faculty of Business, gives an insight      parciales here – in mid-February and                                                                            cities, beaches and sea, history and culture.
semester, he has been conducting lectures        English-language communication seminars         into his daily life in these times as a profes-   mid-March, I’m writing my first interim                                                                         I am happy to have been able to spend my
and project courses in marketing and             and the “Cross Cultural Management”             sor working from home. “Contact with              conclusion. The exams have gone very well                                                                       semester abroad in such a wonderful country.
communication management from his home           lecture. E-teaching is a challenge for her,     students is working very well”, he says.          for me so far. In addition to the essays and
office. His essential tools include an iPad      too: “I have learned that online teaching      “I am pleasantly surprised by how well online      presentations, I prepared quite a bit for the
as a virtual blackboard, a high-quality micro-   only works well if I meet three criteria:       teaching is going. Nevertheless, I look           exams during the week so that I could make
phone, LED lighting, a good camera and           Feedback, dialog and the courage to be          forward to delighting the students with           use of the weekends for leisure activities.
a mobile green screen. Online teaching is        vulnerable.” Alisa Kasle-Henke is very         ‘my marketing’ in person again as soon as          In general, you have a lot to prepare here
working very well and Prof. Uhl enjoys it,       proud of the students: “They are learning a     possible!”                                        during the week for university, but I have
but he admits: “As a professor, I miss seeing    lot of new things at the moment. The ability                                                      the impression that the level is somewhat
my students and colleagues in real life.”        to communicate effectively in front of a                                                          lower than in Germany. Unfortunately, like
                                                 screen will be a useful tool for them in the                                                      a lot of other exchange students here, I
                                                 future.”                                                                                          struggled with the cool weather and got a
                                                                                                                                                   cold. The weather fluctuates between about              There is a wonderful view from the Cerro de la Silla.

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BUSINESS New degree program Business Psychology (B. Sc.) - WINTER 2020/2021 - Hochschule Augsburg

PROLOGCLOUD: DIGITALLY NETWORKED MANUFACTURING                                                                                                           DATEV LICENSE
                                                                                                                                                         For the last two years, the Augsburg Uni­       Accounting” specializations. The increasing
Transparent, self-controlled manufacturing         the total cost, also arise here. For this reason,   products, to be tracked and documented            versity of Applied Sciences has once again      digitalization will result in significant chang-
is the central vision of Industry 4.0. Batch       so-called “use cases” are being worked out          so that a virtual image of the production         been offering a preparation course for the      es in the tax consultancy profession. Routine
sizes of 1 should be enabled in this way.          in the project to investigate and assess the        environment is created. The increasing con-       DATEV license, which is now obtained            tasks, such as the preparation of simple tax
Science Fiction? Not at all! Technologies          reaction of the total system with respect to        nectivity of industrial components associated     by 1,000 students per year in Germany. The      returns and declarations and the posting of
enabling this are developing rapidly, but          feasibility, susceptibility to faults, required     with the cloud technology also poses a range      15 best graduates are honored by DATEV          receipts, will no longer be necessary and will
when will they be cost-effective? This             components and costs/benefits. The flexible         of risks. A holistic cyber security system is     on a regular basis. This year, we are very      be replaced by more creative activities. The
question is the focus of the “ProLogCloud”         interlinking of production islands and the          therefore essential. A threat analysis was        pleased to report that two students from the    ability to communicate and network within          Siegfried Eisele
project. An intelligent manufacturing con-         automated process logistics require a central       performed first to identify potential attack      Augsburg University of Applied Sciences are     teams is gaining in importance. Not only
cept that replaces linear manufacturing pro-       control platform that can be integrated in          and risk scenarios and define possible pro-       included in the 15 best graduates: Vanessa      individual tasks of tax consultants will be
cesses with flexibly linked manufacturing is-      the existing IT architecture. Priority-con-         tective measures. Security standards such as      Goncalves da Silva and Siegfried Eisele.        digitalized, but also complex processes,
lands is being developed in this research          trolled planning of jobs takes place via speci-     IEC 62443 were relied upon here. Specifi-         Because a personal handover was unfortu-        including cooperation with the company
project. To ensure the required performance        fied interfaces to the inventory management         cally, the effects of network attacks on the      nately not possible due to the coronavirus      receiving consultation. The preparation
and flexibility of the manufacturing concept,      system, the individual production systems,          control units running in real time were ana-      pandemic, they received their certificates      course shows how to get there.
all individual processes are first analyzed,       the transport system fleet manager and the          lyzed. It became apparent here that simple        and a prize from DATEV in the mail. Pre­
optimized and harmonized with one another.         ERP system. The coordination of all pro-            network attacks can have significant impacts      paration for the DATEV license represents       Information: Prof. Dr. Coenenberg
Interlinked manufacturing positions should         cesses allows all goods movements of raw            on the execution of a critical control program.   an important addition to the “Taxation and                                                         Vanessa Goncalves da Silva
be less dependent on the output of the             materials, from semi-finished to finished           Appropriate protection, e.g. isolation of
preceding stage. At the same time, standstill                                                          the program on a co-processor, is therefore
times of the machines and buffer inventories                                                           considered essential for secure operation.
should be reduced. Driverless transportation
systems as well as automated loading and                                                               Using initial results, a demonstrator will
unloading options for manufacturing cells                                                              be constructed at the TTZ (Technology             EVANGELICAL-LUTHERAN CHURCH WUERTTEMBERG: EMPLOYEE SURVEY
will be used to handle the intralogistics re-                                                          Transfer Center for Flexible Automation and
quired for this. Initial findings have shown                                                           Cooperative Robotics) to allow test sequences     For about 15 years, the Evangelical-Luther-     Church’s intranet. Then came relief: With          employer, and, together with her colleague
that compromises need to be made: If the                                                               to be performed before use in real industrial     an Church has regularly offered students        2,500 responses, significantly fewer people        Stefanie Beck, supported the students
interlinked line production is broken up,                                                              operation.                                        the opportunity to work on project topics in    took part than in the last survey, but there       with plenty of tips. Her predecessor Dirk
buffer inventories occur between the indi-                                                                                                               groups or individually for their thesis. This   were enough respondents to allow meaning-          Werhahn, who supervised the earlier
vidual manufacturing steps. It is uncertain                                                            Information: Profs. Dr. Krupp, Dr. Richard,       semester, the project was a survey of the       ful detailed analyses for both employees and       surveys, also got involved and explained the
whether inventories between the production                                                             Dr. Waibel                                        more than 20,000 employees of the Church.       managers in all roles and age groups. The          vision of PE Digital with an accompanying
steps are higher in this case than inventories                                                                                                           In addition, the results were to be compared    students were pleased. Ursula Kress, repre-        app. Due to the coronavirus situation, the
of finished products with large production                                                                                                               with previous surveys from 2008 and 2016.       sentative for equal opportunities and person-      results presentation did not take place in
batches, and this question needs to be con-                                                                                                                                                              nel development in the Evangelical-Luther-         Stuttgart. A video conference was held
sidered. To be able to outsource to systems                                                                                                              The coordination and preparatory work was       an Church Wuerttemberg, presented the              instead.
running in parallel in the event of a machine                                                                                                            carried out by Prof. Dr. Erika Regnet in        project and the expectations on it, listened
failure, these systems cannot be fully utilized.    Driverless transportation system in use.                                                             cooperation with the responsible parties in     to the interim presentations, explained the        Information: Prof. Dr. Regnet
Inefficiencies, and therefore questions about                                                                                                            the Superior Church Council, particularly       many special features of the Church as
                                                                                                                                                         the project leader Ursula Kress. The stu-
                                                                                                                                                         dents were to be tasked with evaluating
                                                                                                                                                         the results and preparing them for a pres-
                                                                                                                                                         entation, comparing them with the previous
                                                                                                                                                         surveys to identify trends and evaluate
COMMERCIAL TRAFFIC IN THE CITY CENTER                                                                                                                    measures, developing HR policy recommen-
                                                                                                                                                         dations for the Church, and representing
In the past number of years, greenhouse gas        of activity and projects. One of these areas        workshops. One focus here is on the possi-        them in a presentation to the expert com-
emissions have remained almost the same in         of activity is commercial traffic, for example      bilities of cross-service pilot projects.         mittee and managers in Stuttgart in July.
goods and passenger traffic (1990: 164 mil-        caused by courier, express and parcel services.                                                       And then, in March, the coronavirus crisis
lion to CO2 / 2018: 163 million to CO2).           Information on traffic behavior was needed          The project was conducted under the leader-       hit: The employees – e.g. teaching staff in
More efficient vehicles and highly efficient       to identify optimization potential here.            ship of Prof. Dr. Florian Waibel. Together        educational institutions, daycare workers,
logistic processes have merely managed to                                                              with Prof. Dr. Hariet Köstner and the two         medical personnel and carers in hospitals
keep emissions stable with increasing traffic      However, an analysis of traffic behavior was        research assistants Nina Klein and Tobias         and retirement homes – were to receive the
capacity. However, with respect to the abso-       not possible with the data available at the         Merktle, an important contribution to             information with their pay slip in mid-
lute number, the traffic sector is coming          time. For this reason, a project for collecting     achieving sustainable and lower-emission          March. An online questionnaire and a print
under increasing pressure. This also impacts       meaningful data was initiated together with         mobility in Augsburg was made with an             questionnaire were offered to reach as many
the emission-sensitive area of city centers,       the City of Augsburg. The results provide           interdisciplinary approach.                       people as possible. However, instead,
in particular. Together with the City of           the basis for a traffic model in relation to                                                          everything was closed and the employees
Augsburg, the HSA_ops research group               commercial traffic. Based on expert inter-          Information: Profs. Dr. Köstner, Dr. Krupp,       were sent home. The new refrain was “Stay
worked on achieving an environmentally             views, in-depth research in literature and          Dr. Richard, Dr. Waibel                           at home”. Anxious days followed: Did
sustainable traffic situation in the Augsburg      presentations from other towns and regions,                                                           enough participants and managers partici-
city center. Two years ago, the master plan        initial recommendations for action were                                                               pate to allow meaningful evaluation of the
for sustainable and emission-free mobility         derived for potential mobility concepts, with                                                         survey results? Or would the project have to
for the city of Augsburg was published. It         the aim of supporting sustainable design                                                              be stopped? A decision was quickly made to
contains focal measures for reducing the           of urban logistics. These recommendations                                                             extend the survey period by four weeks and
NOx emissions and defines concrete areas           are currently being developed further in                                                              publish corresponding information in the

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BUSINESS New degree program Business Psychology (B. Sc.) - WINTER 2020/2021 - Hochschule Augsburg

TRANSFER PROJECT:                                                                                                                                          BRAND MANAGEMENT:
BIKE-FRIENDLY TOWN OF FRIEDBERG                                                                                                                            UEFA EURO 2024

Bikes are one of the most environmentally          of Friedberg now has four years to develop              are members of the AGFK Bavaria. The            Many football fans are already looking
friendly modes of transport. However, there        a comprehensive catalog of measures for                 special situation during the COVID-19           forward to 2024, when Germany will host
is still some work to be done in terms of          improving bicycle infrastructure, among                 pandemic has a significant effect on the        the European Football Championship. The
bike friendliness, whether it comes to arriv-      other aims, and thus to achieve the status of           actual and perceived mobility behavior          European umbrella organization UEFA and
ing safely at your destination when travelling     a bike-friendly municipality. Initial measures          of citizens. Therefore, the survey was          the German Football Association (DFB) are
in traffic or being able to use a well-devel-      have already been developed and imple-                  postponed until summer 2021. Together           already preparing for the UEFA EURO
oped bike path network in your leisure time.       mented.                                                 with the town of Friedberg, HSA_ops             2024. And three students from the Augsburg
In the Bavaria 2025 bicycle traffic program,                                                               will collect data and evaluate the obtained     University of Applied Sciences are right in
the Free State of Bavaria described poten-           As the basis for further improvements,                data in two follow-up projects.                 the middle of it! They are supporting the
tials and focus points and, among other             the responsible parties from the Friedberg                                                             preparation team with brand management
things, also called on the Bavarian munici-         municipal administration need the so-called           “Bike-friendly town of Friedberg” is support-    and the sustainability of accompanying
palities to develop and implement measures         “modal split”. The modal split shows the                ed by HSA_transfer – a project of the Augs-     projects.
on location. The town of Friedberg set itself       proportion of alternative modes of transport:          burg University of Applied Sciences in the
the aim of becoming a bike-friendly munici-         cars, public transport, bikes and pedestrians.         context of the federal and state “Innovative    Jessica Matt, an “International Manage-
pality. In the context of the “Bike-friendly        This data is usually obtained by counting or           University” support initiative. The Augsburg    ment” Bachelor student, addressed the ques-
town of Friedberg” transfer project, students       surveys. First, decision-making tools were             University of Applied Sciences has therefore    tion of whether and how UEFA EURO 2024
of the Faculty of Business at the Augsburg          developed for both methods. In addition,               received the opportunity to further develop     can become a sustainably managed brand.
University of Applied Sciences, under the           the prevailing geographical and topographi-            its transfer activities and strengthen its      She analyzed the boundary conditions and
leadership of Marjan Isakovic M. Sc. and            cal features were analyzed to be able to               transfer profile in cooperation with partners   worked out recommendations for identi-
Prof. Dr. Michael Krupp, developed a con-           deliver a more qualified assessment with               from business and society.                      ty-oriented brand management. Based on
cept for measuring the so-called modal split,       respect to the requirements on the modal                                                               academic knowledge about corporate social
i.e. the use of different modes of transport.       split determination procedure in the entire            Information: Prof. Dr. Krupp,                   responsibility, Janina Hager and Marina
To increase the proportion for bicycles and         Friedberg urban area. Ultimately, a survey             Marjan Isakovic, M. Sc., Faculty of Business,   Juric from the “Marketing/Sales/Media”
to respond to local demand for improved in-         was the chosen option because it allows                Lena Jaschke, HSA_transfer                      Master program developed a system for as-
frastructure, the town council in Friedberg         general questions on mobility behavior and                                                             sessing sustainability dimensions of project
decided in November 2018 to enter the               on assessment of the infrastructure to be                    ideas relating to the European Champion-
AGFK (working committee of bike-friendly            incorporated as well. The questionnaire that           Regionales-Service-Learning/                    ship. This aided the organizers in selecting
municipalities, Arbeitsgemeinschaft                 was developed is based on the standards for            Fahrradfreundliche-Stadt-Friedberg              suitable accompanying projects.
fahrradfreundliche Kommunen).The town               modal split surveys in the municipalities that                                                                                                         constraints. The two prominent ambassa-         sonalities and experts for sustainability and
                                                                                                                                                           Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus situa-    dors of UEFA EURO 2024 were guests of           communication of the DFB EURO GmbH,
                                                                                                                                                           tion, the results presentation could not take   honor: long-time national player, Champi-       the students discussed the results of the
                                                                                                                                                           place at the DFB headquarters in Frankfurt.     ons League winner and European master           project and therefore contributed a small
                                                                                                                                                           However, the plus side of this was that all     Célia Šašic and Philipp Lahm, many-time         component for the 2024 European Champi-
NETDISC: START-UP SUPPORT                          competition in 2019. Now, the start-up                  the “digital supply chain”, they complement     responsible parties and persons involved in     German master, Champions League winner          onship in Germany.
                                                   is being supported in the scope of the                  the subprojects in NetDiSC ideally.             the project were able to participate in the     and captain of the 2014 World Cup team.
VisioTec is a start-up idea that originated        NetDiSC research project. The founders                                                                  Zoom conference due to the lack of space        Together with these two major sports per-       Information: Prof. Dr. Uhl
from the Think-a-thon at the transport             are receiving the opportunity to hone their             Information: Profs. Dr. Krupp, Dr. Richard,
logistic trade fair in 2019. The idea is to ful-   idea further and adapt it to the target                 Dr. Waibel
ly utilize the cargo space of trucks using arti-   market. Exactly in the research focus of
ficial intelligence and augmented reality.                                                                                                                 GFO: IN CONTACT                                 used for a good chat. Enjoyable documenta-      Design” Master course on the intensive
This alleviates capacity problems and reduc-                                                                                                                                                               tion possibilities through concept boards       process of triggering societal transformation
es the emissions per transported ton.                                                                                                                      The Faculty of Business has been an institu-    were available to the moderators in breakout    in the virtual space based on the U theory
                                                                                                                                                           tional member of the Gesellschaft für           sessions. Support offered everything that       according to Otto Scharmer.
The entrepreneurs in the start-up team com-                                                                                                                Organisation e. V. (gvo, society for orga­      was needed, even an emergency telephone
plement one another perfectly: Franziska                                                                                                                   nization) for one year. This community ad-      in case someone got lost or locked out of the    The gfo events are designed so that every
Bartenschlager completed both her Bache-                                                                                                                   dresses current issues of organization design   rooms. In addition to the outstanding tech-      participant can be involved in shaping, or-
lor and her Master degree at the Augsburg                                                                                                                  and provides platforms for public discourse:    nology, which provided many digital com-         ganizing or making a contribution in terms
University of Applied Sciences in the field                                                                                                                Nationwide in Germany through the well-         munication options, there was enough room        of content – depending on their interest in
of information technology, specializing in                                                                                                                 known annual conference for organization,       for reflection. In an excellent introduction     topics and desire to get involved – so that a
data science. Ramona Sandvoß and Saskia                                                                                                                    as co-publisher of the zfo magazine, and        in these eventful times, Frank Lafos and         very lively community is created. If you wish
Reuter successfully graduated from the                                                                                                                     regionally via the many regional groups in      Regine Hinkelmann spoke about building           to receive notifications on the gfo regional
Business Administration Bachelor program                                                                                                                   which research and practice are combined.       up a culture of trust in virtual teams and       meetings, please feel free to contact wps.
at the Augsburg University of Applied                                                                                                                                                                      organizations and discussed this with the with the subject
Sciences with different specializations.                                                                                                                   The Augsburg regional group is led by Prof.     participants. Matthias Uebel and Robert         “gpo connects” or subscribe to the newsletter
Ramona Sandvoß specialized in the areas of                                                                                                                 Dr. Sarah Hatfield and has experienced          Vogel outlined how it is possible to get in-     under
logistics & supply chain as well as finance &                                                                                                              three very different events since being set     volved in a virtual innovation project with
controlling. Saskia Reuter focused on the                                                                                                                  up last fall. The most recent event took        complete strangers using design thinking        Information: Prof. Dr. Hatfield
area of HR & change management as well as                                                                                                                  place in July with the slogan “Never miss a     methods and to bring creative product
marketing & sales. The relevance of the                                                                                                                    good crisis! What can we learn from the new     ideas to the first development stage – all
business idea was confirmed at the transport                                                                                                               reality?”. This event was held in the form      completely in digital form. Tamara
logistic trade fair, winning first place in the                                                                                                            of virtual fireworks on the iRooms platform:    Chmielewski, adjunct lecturer at the Augs-
Think-a-thon. VisioTec was one of the top                                                                                                                  In the check-in area, questions could be        burg University of Applied Sciences, report-
8 participants in the Swabian business plan        From left to right: Saskia Reuter (CEO), Franziska Bartenschlager (CTO) and Ramona Sandvoß (CFO)        asked about the event or the lobby could be     ed with the students of the “Transformation

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BUSINESS New degree program Business Psychology (B. Sc.) - WINTER 2020/2021 - Hochschule Augsburg
COMPETENCE | gP BUSINESS | WINTER 2020/2021                                                                                                                       CONTINUING EDUCATION | gP BUSINESS | WINTER 2020/2021

RESEARCH GROUP                                                                                                                                                                                                    Target group: Specialist and management         Target group: Specialist and manage-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  staff in health and social sector who will      ment staff from sales, marketing and
FOR OPTIMIZED VALUE                                                                                                                                                                                               require enhanced business administration         product management, project and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  know-how and management skills due to           department leaders for research and
CREATION - HSA_OPS                                                                                                                                                                                                increased responsibility within the company     development, as well as representatives
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  because they are to take on leadership          from the relevant departments.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  functions or would like to qualify for senior
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  positions.                                      Current courses:
                                                                                                                process optimization. Methods, structured                                                                                                         29/30 October 2020:
                                                                                                                concept-based procedures, the basics of IT,         Sought-after personalities keep learning      The courses will take place at Augsburg         Basic Competence in Product Manage-
                                                                                                                management qualifications and the basics of         throughout their lives. Many employers in     University of Applied Sciences.                 ment (Prof. Dr. habil. Klaus Kellner)
                                                                                                                law are at the core of this practice-oriented       the region are concerned with securing                                                        23/24 November 2020: Instruments for
                                                                                                                program. Operational department employ-             and retaining specialist staff. The Faculty   The next certificate course will begin in       Sales and Company Communication
                                                                                                                ees with a strong practical focus can acquire       of Business provides support for voca-        April 2021.                                     (Prof. Dr. Manfred Uhl)
                                                                                                                the skills they require to independently en-        tional training after graduation for spe-
                                                                                                                hance processes in line with the overarching        cialist staff, managers and up-and-com-       All courses are also offered as online          Course information (in German) and reg-
                                                                                                                goals of the company.                               ing managers in a number of ways.             seminars.                                       istration under
                                                                                                                “Customs and Foreign Trade Management               In-house seminars                             Information (in German) and registration
                                                                                                                 (CFTM)”, which was developed in coopera-           The range of in­house training courses        under weiterbildung.wirtschaft@                 Contact partner in Augsburg:
                                                                                                                 tion with Prof. Dr. Alexandra Coenenberg           comprises seminars on all business                                    Prof. Dr. Erika Regnet,
                                                                                                                 and Susanne Drews-Sollinger (ITW) and              administration and legal topics. These                                                        Coordinator for Continuing Education,
                                                                                                                 began on 15 October, has been added to             are individually planned and conducted in     Controlling                                     Faculty of Business
                                                                                                                 this certificate course in winter semester         cooperation with the customers.               This certificate course comprises a total       Daniela Reif-Schülein, Nadine Vila
                                                                                                                 2020/2021. We also plan to further expand                                                        of 14 seminar days from March to November       Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
                                                                                                                 our continuing education offerings.                Seminars                                      2021. It is also possible to only attend        An der Hochschule 1 86161 Augsburg
     From left to right: Prof. Dr. Peter Richard,                                                                                                                   Compact individual seminars on current        a selection of courses to refresh your knowl-   Tel. +49 (0)821 5586-2921/2918
     Prof. Dr. Michael Krupp, and Prof. Dr. Florian Waibel.                                                     HSA_ops is also socially active and                 issues are very suitable for obtaining new    edge in certain subject areas. The courses
                                                                                                                involved in various interdisciplinary               know-how and quick updates in the             will take place at the TCW in Nördlingen.
                                                                                                                activities. Which projects is the group             event of changes. These seminars take         Professors from Augsburg University of          Contact partner in Nördlingen:
                                                                                                                working on in this area?                            place at the TCW Donau-Ries Center for        Applied Sciences with practical experience      Manuela Jenewein
Which professors are members of the                           They regularly carry out research projects in                                                         Continuing Education in Nördlingen, an        will hold the seminars.                         Head of Business Unit Seminars, Forums
research group?                                               cooperation with partners. The group is cur-      As part of the HSA_transfer project, the re-        affiliated institute of the University.                                                       and Personnel Development Courses
                                                              rently working on the following projects:         search group carries out a number of inter-                                                       Target group: Specialist and management         Weiterbildungszentrum Donau-Ries
The research group for optimized value cre-                                                                     disciplinary activities. This includes projects     Certificate courses                           staff from all company departments who          Technologie Centrum Westbayern GmbH
ation at the Faculty of Business of Augsburg                  •   Increasing motivation among skilled and       that create added social value. In the field        Part-­time, compact certificate courses to    want to improve or refresh their know-­how in   Emil-Eigner-Straße 1
University of Applied Sciences, HSA_ops,                          unskilled warehouse workers in the field of   of sustainability, the HSA_ops is helping           reinforce knowledge of a certain subject      the area of controlling and company control     86720 Nördlingen
is made up of three full-time professors and                      logistics – MoLa (2016 – 2018)                to develop and implement new mobility               area have a modular structure and can         due to increased responsibility within the      Tel. +49 (0)9081 8055-102
seven research assistants.                                    •   Logistical processes in picture language –    concepts, for example in the “Bike-friendly         be booked flexibly. They extend over a        company.                              
                                                                  LogiPICs (2016 – 2018)                        town of Friedberg” project and by develop-          year. It is possible to obtain a university
Which issues and research projects does                       •   Transparency in production processes –        ing a goods transportation concept for              certificate in addition.                      Current courses:                                You can find further information about
HSA_ops work on?                                                  TRiP (2018 – 2019)                            Augsburg city center. This winter semester,                                                       23 March 2021: Introduction to Controlling      continuing education at the Faculty
                                                              •   Network for digital supply chains –           the “sustainable management” course and             Economist in Health and Social                19/20 April 2021: Instruments for Planning      and a brochure for download under:
Since 2010, the HSA_ops has been dealing                          NetDiSC (since 2018)                          the course on sustainability prospects in the       Sector                                        and Budgeting (Prof. Dr. Sabine Joeris)
with issues in the local and national econo-                  •   MoLa Development circle (since 2018)          region focus on more general topics. Mem-           In this course, the participants learn        Course information (in German) and regis-       Inhouse-Firmenseminare.html.
my. The professors apply knowledge gained                                                                       bers of the HSA_ops group are also using            how to think as entrepreneurs, acquire        tration under
during their many years of practical experi-                  You can find further information and the          their expertise in ERP systems to help the          profound business administration knowl-       weiterbildung/zertifikatskurse/.
ence and combine this with the latest theo-                   final reports on the HSA_ops website              Greifenberg Institute of Organology to              edge of the methods involved in cost and
retical findings.                                             (                                 document historical production processes in         price calculation and economic efficiency     There will be a personal online information
                                                                                                                a modern way.                                       calculations, and gain know-how for           event on 12 January 2021 at 17:00. Please
Their work mainly focuses on process opti-                    The research group offers a continuing                                                                designing efficient work processes and        register by sending an e-mail to Manuela.
mization, lean management, change man-                        education program for people working in           In addition to its core expertise in the field      employee management. This enables                                                         Hochschul-Zertifikatskurs
agement and the optimization of the IT                        the logistics sector even if they do not          of logistics, the group is also active in other     them to make decisions on a specialist
landscape. Last year the group also investi-                  have a university entrance qualification.         fields: Since 2019, they have been mentoring        and economic basis, and to systematical-      Product Management
gated sustainable business models and supply                  What are the advantages of this?                  the “reading island” at the Vor dem roten           ly implement these decisions.                 This certificate course comprises 16 seminar
chains.                                                                                                         Tor elementary school, thus encouraging                                                           days from October 2020 to June 2021. It is
                                                              The part-time “Logistics Process Developer”       kids to read at an early age and promoting          Key contents are:                             also possible to only attend a selection of
                                                              certificate course is aimed at skilled workers    reading as an important aspect of culture.         • Personnel management, law, marketing         courses to refresh your knowledge in certain
                                                              with a relevant vocational qualification and      Back in 2014, the HSA_ops donated 16,781           • Accounting, cost management,                 areas. The course will take place at the                                           Start: Oktober 2020

                                                              at least one year of professional experience      euro from student semester projects to the          controlling                                   TCW in Nördlingen. Professors from Augs-          Laufzeit: Oktober 2020 bis Juni 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Module auch einzeln buchbar!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Technologie Centrum Westbayern GmbH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Emil-Eigner-Straße 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      86720 Nördlingen

                                                              in the field. This continuing education pro-      Plan Deutschland e. V. aid organization.           • Management methods – in particular,          burg University of Applied Sciences and           ▪
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Grundlagenkompetenz „Produktmanagement“
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Instrumentekompetenz für Absatz- und
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Weiterbildungszentrum Donau-Ries

                                                              gram, which is one of a kind in Germany, al-                                                          project, quality and process management       experienced product managers will hold the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ▪   Technologie- und Innovationskompetenz                         Tel. 09081 8055-100,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ▪   Rechtliche Kompetenz, inhaltliche Schnittstellenkompetenz     Telefax 09081 8055-151
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ▪   Quantitative Kompetenz                              ,

                                                              lows participants to further develop logistic

                                                                                                                                                                   • Individual specialist coaching               seminar.                                          ▪
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Persönliche Kompetenz
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Konzeptionskompetenz für das Produktlebenszyklus-Management   1. Auflage 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Änderungen vorbehalten                       Seite |1

                                                              competences and to expand on specialist and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Abschlusszertifikat der Hochschule Augsburg                       Titelbild © Yuri Arcurs -

                                                              methodological knowledge in the area of

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            15
BUSINESS New degree program Business Psychology (B. Sc.) - WINTER 2020/2021 - Hochschule Augsburg BUSINESS New degree program Business Psychology (B. Sc.) - WINTER 2020/2021 - Hochschule Augsburg
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