Financial implications of mobile phone-based personal carbon trading: a case study of Safaricom

Financial implications of mobile phone-based personal carbon trading: a case study of Safaricom

Financial implications of mobile phone-based personal carbon trading: a
case study of Safaricom
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Financial implications of mobile phone-based personal carbon trading: a case study of Safaricom
Environ. Res.: Infrastruct. Sustain. 1 (2021) 015002                           


                                 Financial implications of mobile phone-based personal carbon
                                 trading: a case study of Safaricom
20 November 2020
                                 Fahd Mohamed Omar Al-Guthmy1 , ∗                   and Wanglin Yan2
19 April 2021
                                     Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University (SFC), ⫧252-0882, Endo 5322, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa, Japan
                                     Department of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University (SFC), ⫧252-0882, Endo 5322, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa, Japan
                                     Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed.
20 May 2021
1 July 2021
                                 Keywords: personal carbon trading, energy policy, emissions, road transport

Original content from
this work may be used
under the terms of the           Abstract
Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 licence.         Personal carbon trading (PCT) has garnered significant interest in the literature as an alternative
Any further distribution         policy instrument to the largely unpopular carbon tax. However, it has been hindered by the cost
of this work must                and administrative complexity concerns as a result of covering potentially millions of emitters. This
maintain attribution to
the author(s) and the            work expands on a prior study which presented a mobile phone-based PCT scheme for personal
title of the work, journal
citation and DOI.                road transport in Kenya. In that study, the system design and operation was extensively developed,
                                 and distributional impact was assessed using sample data of motorists to identify equity issues. In
                                 this extension, I justify the scheme further by assessing the cost concerns using a case study
                                 approach of the mobile service provider, Safaricom. Data from the sample survey is revisited and
                                 combined with Safaricom’s financial reports to simulate the potential cost of the scheme. Results
                                 revealed running costs of less than £80 000 annually, several times lower than estimates that relied
                                 on the chip card system. Policymakers and researchers are encouraged to build on this scheme’s
                                 viability as a globally-inclusive variant of PCT.

                                 1. Introduction

                                 Climate change as a result of anthropogenic causes has resulted in the development of several policy instru-
                                 ments in order to mitigate rapidly increasing emissions. The most common are market mechanisms such as
                                 carbon taxes (pricing instruments) and emission trading systems (quantity instruments). Personal carbon
                                 trading (PCT) is a broad type of a downstream emissions trading system, first developed in the UK, whereby
                                 either household or both household and transport-related emissions are capped and distributed as emissions
                                 allowances (Fawcett and Parag 2010). There are various types of PCT schemes that have been developed exten-
                                 sively to justify the importance of downstream participation of emissions trading (see Ayres 1997, Hillman and
                                 Fawcett 2004, Raux and Marlot 2005, Starkey and Anderson 2005, Raux 2010, Starkey 2011, Raux et al 2015).
                                     While emissions trading systems currently in operation involve the participation of a few stationary emitters
                                 in the form of industries, PCT involves potentially millions of individuals. Hence, its implementation and
                                 operation would benefit from minimizing cost and administrative complexities. Prior works have suggested
                                 that as a result of today’s technological possibilities, operationalizing PCT can be cost-efficient if a smart design
                                 leveraging existing technologies is used to manage the large number of participants (Raux 2010).
                                     However, PCT is yet to benefit from a practical, evidence-based argument to support both its adminis-
                                 trative complexities and high running costs which has made its implementation elusive. Previous proposals
                                 have perceived certain designs to be feasible such as using chip card technology, but these studies lack realistic,
                                 evidence-based cost estimations in order to be considered by policymakers for actual implementation. For the
                                 works that have loosely estimated running costs, they also suffer from the myopia of only developed country
                                 consideration, leaving behind the possibility of a globally implementable policy option. Therefore, a simple,
                                 cost-efficient system needs to be empirically justified.
                                     This work expands on a prior study by Al-Guthmy and Yan (2020) which presented a popular mobile money
                                 transfer platform called M-Pesa as a potential solution for PCT implementation in Kenya. In this extension,

                                 © 2021 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd
Financial implications of mobile phone-based personal carbon trading: a case study of Safaricom
Environ. Res.: Infrastruct. Sustain. 1 (2021) 015002                                      F M O Al-Guthmy and W Yan

the argument for that scheme is further developed by establishing the financial implications using a case study
approach of the mobile service provider, Safaricom.

2. Literature review

2.1. Conventional approach and limitations: chip card technology
Since the mid 90s when Fleming (Fleming 1997) introduced tradable domestic quotas (DTQs), there has been
a culmination of academic and political research into designs motivated by the proponents of urgent climate
change mitigation. In the literature, the enabling infrastructure of PCT has traditionally focused on using the
chip card system for whole economies (Starkey and Anderson 2005, DEFRA 2008, Burgess 2016), household
energy (Niemeier et al 2008) and road transport (Fleming 1997, Raux and Marlot 2005, Harwatt 2008, Raux
2010, Harwatt et al 2011, Rothengatter et al 2011). From the various proposals, two key works attempted to
estimate the cost of PCT implementation: DEFRA’s domestic tradable quota (DTQ)-inspired PCT (Lane et al
2008) and tradable carbon permits (TCPs) by Harwatt et al (2011).
    For DTQ, the UK government commissioned several prefeasibility studies, one of which was the technical
feasibility and potential cost (Lane et al 2008) based on the chip card system and concluded that it was not
the right time for implementation. The costs and administrative complexities were deemed too high to be
acceptable at the time (DEFRA 2008). The report used simple inhouse estimates of the setup and running
costs by the consultants and lacks financial implications for participating individuals. As a result, it strongly
recommended more research into alternative ways to implement PCT to address the issues raised. The high
costs and system complexities of a card-based system are evident from two main flaws:

2.1.1. Additional hardware
For road transport proposals, the motorist must obtain and carry a chip card to use at a fuel retail station in
order to purchase fuel and update their quota balance. This requires every retailer to either have either a card
terminal or modify existing chip card systems at the premises (if any) to accommodate the scheme. The system
would connect to a dedicated server and run specialized software to manage the quota accounts. The findings
from the DEFRA report concluded this not be feasible.

2.1.2. Unnecessary involvement of intermediaries
The trading of quotas by participants using the chip card system would need to be done through intermediaries.
Harwatt et al (2011) state that the information technology available during that period was adequately sophis-
ticated to establish and manage a national chip card system that could be used at post offices, fuel stations and
even online. Other works suggest that even though there are cheaper alternative instruments, the costs of the
chip card-based PCT scheme are justified by the benefits of equity, acceptability and overall efficiency (Starkey
and Anderson 2005). However, they add an unnecessary layer of involvement and by default, administrative
complexities and overheads. Furthermore, the private sector involvement would require significantly more
compliance and regulatory checks to ensure the system is not compromised by fraudulent activities, placing a
significant burden on the regulator.

2.2. Research approach: cost-estimation of a mobile phone-based PCT
This research uses the Safaricom-based PCT system proposed by Al-Guthmy and Yan (2020) to provide evi-
dence of cost feasibility for implementation in personal road transport. In that paper, the system design and
operation was extensively developed, and distributional impact was assessed using sample data of 500 motorists
across different regions to identify equity issues. The platform operates using the unstructured supplementary
service data feature of basic mobile phones, hence even those without smart phones are able to participate.
    Motorists would be allocated carbon credits through their mobile phones by the regulator and would be
required to surrender the appropriate number of credits to the pump attendant when refuelling. Users would be
able to access the trading platform on their phones to buy or sell carbon credits by placing bids or offers, similar
to stock trading in a centralized marketplace. All motorists are able to participate due to the interoperability
of mobile networks and those without their phones may be able to access their account securely at a retail
fuel station using their login credentials. The distributional impact assessment of the motorists revealed the
PCT system to be significantly progressive under different scenarios. The integration into an existing mobile
platform and elimination of unnecessary intermediaries would reduce the potential costs although the authors
did not provide evidence of the cost-savings.
    In this expansion, Safaricom’s annual financial reports and performance statistics are analyzed and com-
bined with sample survey data to provide potential running costs of operating PCT using the same infrastruc-
ture. The analysis is conducted using Monte Carlo simulation which approximates the number of transactions

Environ. Res.: Infrastruct. Sustain. 1 (2021) 015002                                                           F M O Al-Guthmy and W Yan

                       Figure 1. Flow chart of revenue and cost estimation method of an M-Pesa-based PCT system.

                               Table 1. Financial data extracted from Safaricom’s annual financial reports.a

Line item                                                     Description

No. of active M-Pesa                                          The reports provide 30 days active customers, so this is scaled to annual level
customers                                                     to match the rest of the data

M-Pesa revenues                                               These are provided in the annual reports

Direct cost                                                   Commissions paid to agents who exchange efloat and cash

Operating cost (including capital expenditure)                Only overall values are provided, so
                                                                                                 it was
                                                                                                       necessary to derive an estimate for
                                                              M-Pesa alone as shown: MOC = MRG    TRG
                                                                                                       × TOC (1)

                                                              MOC is the estimated M-Pesa operating cost;
                                                              MRG is the average M-Pesa revenue growth (2014–19);
                                                              TRG is the average total revenue growth (2014–19) and;
                                                              TOC is the average total operating cost (2014–19)
    Safaricom Limited (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019).

that could be made which are then combined with the estimated running costs and projected to a national

3. Method

Using publicly available financial statements from Safaricom, and sector statistics of mobile service providers
from the Communications Authority of Kenya (CAK), the per-transaction costs and revenues of operating
M-Pesa are derived.
   The sample data used by Al-Guthmy and Yan (2020) contains the list of motorists with fuel quota deficits
under 3 allocation methods: the equal per-vehicle allocation (EpVA), equal per-capita allocation (EpCA) and

Environ. Res.: Infrastruct. Sustain. 1 (2021) 015002                                                            F M O Al-Guthmy and W Yan

                                   Table 2. Frequencies of sample and population of motorists in deficit.a

                                                                      EpVA              EpCA                NbA

                         No. of motorists (sample)                     236               263                  274
                         No. of motorists (population)               474 124           528 367              550 466
                         Proportion of total                         47.20%            52.60%               54.80%
                          Adapted from Al-Guthmy and Yan (2020) whereby the sample consisted of 500 motorists
                         taken from a population of 1 004 500 motor vehicles.

                                                   Table 3. Total M-Pesa transactions.a

                               Quarter        2015/16            2016/17         2017/18          2018/19

                               4            299 711 802b       476 504 481     653 297 160       1000 253 350
                               1            295 622 200b       509 843 840     724 065 480       1005 850 634
                               2            369 630 964        578 879 284     865 125 963       1093 717 759
                               3            435 294 630        609 202 425     925 531 923       1095 723 093
                               Total        1400 259 596       2174 430 030    3168 020 526      4195 544 836
                                Aggregated from: Communications Authority of Kenya (, , , ).
                                Unavailable and estimated by extrapolating backwards the quarter’s values
                               from subsequent years.

                                              Figure 2. Active M-Pesa customers in millions.

needs-based allocation (NbA) methods. Assuming each purchase of quotas has a fixed fee, we must predict
how often each motorist purchases quotas to clear their deficit. 95% of the quota deficits under all alloca-
tion methods range between 208 and 345 L of fuel quotas. Using the Monte Carlo method, random trials are
performed using a discrete uniform distribution of 5 outcomes of quota purchases of each motorist’s deficit
until the deficit is depleted. These are 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% of quota deficits. Figure 1 contains a
flow chart which illustrates the procedures undertaken and performed using Microsoft Excel. The method was
performed in 11 steps which are divided into three outputs defined below.

3.1. Estimating the per-transaction cost and revenue of M-Pesa
(Step 1) From Safaricom’s annual financial reports, extract the line items of interest as shown in table 1 below.
         Then calculate the average growth of each line item by subtracting the previous year’s value in order
         to identify the effect.
(Step 2) Next we to divide revenues and cost by M-Pesa customers to obtain the per-customer statistics for

Environ. Res.: Infrastruct. Sustain. 1 (2021) 015002                                                    F M O Al-Guthmy and W Yan

   Figure 3. Safaricom’s financial performance adapted from Safaricom Limited (Multiple: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019).
   Currency converted from Kenya shillings (Ksh) to pound sterling at the 2019 average exchange rate of Ksh. 130.18 per pound
   sterling (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2020).

   Figure 4. Average growth of revenues and costs. M-Pesa has the highest growth rate. Note the effect of revenue growth on
   operating cost growth. Adapted from Safaricom Limited (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019).

            each period. Note that the M-Pesa cost is the sum of the direct and operating costs.

                                                                 RC =                                                           (2)
                                                                 CC =                                                           (3)
         where: RC is the M-Pesa revenue per customer; CC is the M-Pesa cost per customer; MR is the M-Pesa
         revenue; and MC is the M-Pesa cost; and NC is the number of M-Pesa customers.
(Step 3) From the CAK sector statistics reports (Communications Authority of Kenya 2015-2019a,
         2015-2019b, 2016-2019a, 2016-2019b), obtain the total number of M-Pesa transactions for each year
         by adding the number of person-to-person (P2P) and withdrawal transactions to the number of
         e-commerce transactions, given by:

                                                           TT = (P2P + W) + EC                                                  (4)

            where: TT is the total number of transactions; P2P is the number of person-to-person transactions;
            W is the number of withdrawal transactions; and EC is the number of ecommerce transactions.

Environ. Res.: Infrastruct. Sustain. 1 (2021) 015002                                                     F M O Al-Guthmy and W Yan

                         Figure 5. Financial indicators of M-Pesa on a per-customer basis (average of 2015–19).

   Figure 6. Average number of M-Pesa transactions per customer per year. Note the year-on-year increase attributed to more
   payment options using M-Pesa such as fuel purchase, shopping and paying utility bills in addition to P2P and withdrawal

(Step 4) To obtain the revenue and cost per transaction, the per-customer M-Pesa revenue and cost (obtained
         in step 2) are divided by the number of transactions per customer (obtained in step 3) for each year.
         The average of the period 2015 to 2019 is used as the estimated revenue and cost per transaction.

                                                                   RT =                                                       (5)
                                                                   CT =                                                       (6)
         where: RT is the M-Pesa revenue per transaction; and CT is the cost per transaction.
(Step 5) The above revenue includes taxes. For PCT, we expect taxes to be excluded. Hence excise tax of 12%
         payable on sales and corporate tax of 30% payable on earnings before tax are deducted from the
         revenue to give discounted price (revenue) for PCT.

                                                             Tax = Etax + Ctax                                                (7)

                                                              PRT = RT − Tax                                                  (8)

Environ. Res.: Infrastruct. Sustain. 1 (2021) 015002                                                      F M O Al-Guthmy and W Yan

                        Figure 7. Financial indicators of M-Pesa on a per-transaction basis (average of 2015–19).

            where: Tax is the total tax per transaction; Etax is the excise tax component per transaction; Ctax is
            the corporate tax component per transaction; and PRT is the revenue per transaction expected under
            a PCT scheme.

3.2. Simulating the number of transactions using Monte Carlo method
(Step 6) Extract the number of motorists with quota deficits under each allocation method from the sample
         survey data. The number of motorists in deficits and their proportions to the sample are provided in
         table 2.
(Step 7) Choose random numbers against the discrete uniform distribution to select the percentage of each
         motorist’s deficit balance reduced for each transaction until depletion of the deficit. The discrete
         choices are 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% reduced. This means motorists reduce their quota deficits
         by these percentages which results in between one to five possible transactions depending on each
         random outcome.
(Step 8) Sum up each motorists’ transactions and repeat this process for 1000 trials per allocation method.
(Step 9) The mean value of all trials results in the approximate number of transactions under each allocation
         method for a given year of running the PCT scheme.

3.3. Applying M-Pesa revenue and cost estimates to the simulated transactions
(Step 10) The number of transactions under each allocation method are multiplied by the PCT revenue per
          transaction and the M-Pesa cost per transaction. The difference between the two values provides
          the tax-free earnings for each of the 3 allocation methods.
(Step 11) The sample results are translated into population estimates by the multiplication factor of the
                                                        MF =                                          (9)

                                                                 PR = SR × MF                                                 (10)

                                                                 PC = SC × MF                                                 (11)

             where: MF is the multiplication factor; MP is the number of motorists in the population; MS is the
             number of motorists from the sample; PR is the population revenue; SR is the sample revenue; PC
             is the population cost; and SC is the sample cost.

Environ. Res.: Infrastruct. Sustain. 1 (2021) 015002                                                   F M O Al-Guthmy and W Yan

                            Table 4. Monte Carlo simulation summary statistics for each allocation method.

                         Population results                      EpVA               EpCA              NbA

                         Minimum no. of transactions            466 944            525 312           538 624
                         Transactions: 5th percentile           481 280            538 624           561 152
                         Average no. of transactions            501 034            559 134           581 729
                         Transactions: 95th percentile          520 192            579 584           603 136
                         Maximum no. of transactions            536 576            591 872           636 928

   Figure 8. Estimated annual revenues, costs and earnings for M-Pesa-based PCT scheme for personal road transport in Kenya.
   Running costs do not exceed £80 000.

4. Presentation of results

4.1. Data summary
The Communications Authority of Kenya (CAK) publishes quarterly sector statistics of the mobile carriers
which includes Safaricom. Its financial year runs from April to March each year, and its performance is reported
in the CAK’s reports in the order quarter 4, 1, 2 and 3. Table 3 shows the total M-Pesa-related transactions
which is the sum of the P2P, withdrawal and e-commerce transactions for each financial year.
    M-Pesa has seen consistent year-on-year growth in active number of customers as shown in figure 2. The
2019 financial performance shown in figure 3 depicts higher values than the 6 years average between 2014 to
2019 reflecting the consistent growth of the service.
    According to the firm’s financial statements, the direct costs associated with M-Pesa are commissions which
are paid to the agents across the country. Customers must visit them to deposit efloat (with cash) or withdraw
cash (with efloat). The other cost shown in figure 3 is the operating cost which is not only for M-Pesa, but for
all Safaricom’s services. Of all the revenue streams, voice is the largest and is followed by M-Pesa.
    Figure 4 depicts how M-Pesa has had the highest average revenue growth at 48.33% compared to other
revenue streams. Operating costs increased only by 10.98%. Even though voice revenues dominate all other
services, M-Pesa revenue growth rate is higher. At the current growth rate, M-Pesa revenues may surpass voice
revenues in less than half a decade.
    The proportion of M-Pesa’s revenue growth rate (48.33%) to the overall revenue growth rate was taken
from the operating costs growth rate (10.98%) to estimate the M-Pesa operating costs. In other words, the
operating cost of M-Pesa is taken as 48.33% of the increase in operating costs. With the estimated M-Pesa oper-
ating cost, it was possible to assess the financial indicators of M-Pesa on a per-customer and per-transaction
    For the average per-customer financials (figure 5), the total cost (direct and operating cost) accounts for
45% of the revenue while the net earnings after tax account for 30%. These are for the average transactions per-
formed by each customer annually. The number of transactions are shown in figure 6. The average transactions
(for ecommerce, P2P and withdrawals) per customer per year totaled 113 for the period 2014–19.

Environ. Res.: Infrastruct. Sustain. 1 (2021) 015002                                                            F M O Al-Guthmy and W Yan

                                      Table 5. Comparison of DEFRA and M-Pesa PCT set-up costs.a

                               Country            Participants           Set-up cost              Set-up cost
                                                                        (M-Pesa PCT)               (DEFRAb )

                               UK                 50 000 000                  —                  £941 000 000
                                Adapted from Lane et al (2008).
                                Adjusted for inflation to 2019 prices using the inflation calculator provided by
                               the Bank of England (2020).

4.2. PCT revenue per transaction
The per-transaction financial indicators in figure 7 show the average revenue of each M-Pesa transaction of
£0.30 including tax. The M-Pesa cost (which is also taken as the PCT cost) is £0.14 (approximately 18 US cents).
The M-Pesa revenue is lowered by excise and corporate tax to give a final per-transaction PCT price of £0.23.

4.3. Simulated number of transactions
The simulations for each of the three allocation methods resulted in several summary statistics shown in table 4.
The mean was chosen as the representative value across all allocation methods using the multiplication factor
of 512 0363 /500.

4.4. Financial implications of PCT in Kenya
Figure 8 presents the simulated national scenarios for each allocation method in terms of annual total rev-
enues generated, running costs incurred and net earnings. These figures represent the estimates for the 512 036
personally-owned motor vehicles in Kenya. Since NbA has the highest number of motorists in deficit, it has
the highest values. The opposite is true for EpVA while EpCA remains in between the two.
    The results of the financial implications of PCT in Kenya have been presented by combining M-Pesa’s finan-
cial indicators and simulating the number of possible transactions by motorists. These findings are discussed
in the next section.

5. Discussion and conclusion

5.1. Discussion
5.1.1. Alleviating cost concerns
The annual running costs for the population of motor vehicles would average no more than £80 000 based on
the simulation findings which would cover the cost of running the scheme. Safaricom’s return on investment
(ROI) was found to be 65% and when added to the total transaction cost, the PCT revenue (transaction fee)
amounted to a 25% reduction in the transaction price, further making the system more affordable than the
normal M-Pesa fees as a result of PCT being tax-free. Furthermore, it ensures adoption by Safaricom as it
maintains profitability for its shareholders.

5.1.2. Comparison with DEFRA prefeasibility report
One of the DEFRA reports was a prefeasibility report on the technical feasibility and potential cost of PCT
using the chip card system in the UK (Lane et al 2008). The report suggested the set-up costs incurred by
the government and intermediaries for a PCT scheme covering the whole economy of 50 million participants
would be approximately £700 million to £2 billion4 . This excludes fixed or running costs incurred by partici-
pating individuals. After adjusting for inflation at an average of 2.7% per year to 2019 prices (Bank of England
2020), this range increases to £941 million to £2.7 billion. Table 5 shows the set-up cost from the DEFRA esti-
mate for implementing the chip-card system for intermediaries which was subsequently rejected by the UK
    The M-Pesa PCT set-up costs are nil as the government would simply provide Safaricom a lucrative business
opportunity with the same ROI. In return, Safaricom would bear the setup costs in order to win the tender for
this project. There would certainly be other setup costs borne by the government in designing and overseeing
the project; this is treated as a constant for any alternative policy that would be introduced. These unaccounted
costs may be minimal and could be absorbed as part of a profit-sharing agreement between the government
(which a 35% shareholder of Safaricom) and Safaricom.

3   The estimated population of personally-owned motor vehicles in Kenya (Al-Guthmy and Yan 2020).
4   The authors give a caveat that the estimates are based purely on their experience and are merely indicative.

Environ. Res.: Infrastruct. Sustain. 1 (2021) 015002                                                         F M O Al-Guthmy and W Yan

                                                Table 6. Estimated financial costs of TCP.a

                                                                   2006 (£ million)b             2007 (£ million)b

                         Lost fuel tax revenue                           310.8                         621.7
                         Operating costs                                 235.4                         235.4
                         Scanning equipment                               54.4                           —
                         Information campaign                             11.2                           —
                         Public transport investment                     186.9                         186.9
                         Total costs                                     798.7                         1044.0
                          Adapted from Harwatt et al (2011).
                          Adjusted for inflation to 2019 prices using the inflation calculator by the Bank of England

                                Table 7. Comparison of TCP and M-Pesa PCT running cost implications.

                              Country          Participants        Operating cost         Operating cost
                                             (road transport)      (M-Pesa PCT)         (Harwatt et al TCPa )

                              UK               46 161 981            £7 212 302              £235 400 000
                              Kenya             512 036               £80 000                 £2 611 094
                                Adjusted for inflation to 2019 prices using the inflation calculator provided by
                              the Bank of England (2020).

    DEFRA’s estimate suffers from the flaws discussed in the beginning of this study. The report makes 3 key
suggestions for further investigation which have been addressed in this study, namely addressing the key cost
drivers, consultations for and better alternatives.

5.1.3. Comparison with tradable carbon permits (TCP) scheme
Harwatt et al (2011) proposed TCP for road transport in the UK and estimated the costs involved to set up
and run the scheme whereby each adult is allocated allowances. Table 6 shows the line items that were focused
on, adjusted for inflation (Bank of England 2020).
     The operating costs of £2.6 million are significantly higher than this study’s estimate of £80 000 (see table 7).
This could be explained by Harwatt et al’s use of the UK vehicle licensing agency’s operating costs as the closest
estimate to running the TCP scheme and the fact that allocation is made to all adults even though the scheme
is limited to road transport.
     The scanning equipment required by all fuel retailers is also an unnecessary cost that a mobile phone-based
PCT system would render unnecessary.

5.1.4. Limitations
This study also does not take into account indirect costs outside the scope of Safaricom such as the lost fuel
tax revenue. These would not be as much of a concern to policymakers as the running costs. This was left out
intentionally as it is assumed to be at least partially offset by the large import bills the country incurs annually
in relying on fuel imports and also a price the government must be willing to pay to meet its climate change
ambitions. Another limitation is that even though the comparison with the works of DEFRA and Harwatt
account for inflation, the costs of setting up a chip card system may have reduced considerably. Nonetheless,
the costs realized through M-Pesa are many times lower than these estimates and the mere fact that additional
hardware and intermediaries are required for the chip card system diminishes this concern.

5.2. Conclusion
This study furthers the case for a potential PCT system inspired by the M-Pesa mobile money transfer plat-
form. This is achieved by assessing the financial implications of the scheme for personal road transport. The
simulation exercise provided evidence of the low running costs and tax-free transactional fee for motorists
making it more affordable than the prevailing M-Pesa fees. Intermediaries are eliminated and no additional
hardware is required to operate the scheme. The cost and complexity barriers which previous proposals failed
to solve by using the chip card system have been addressed. The added advantage of using a developing coun-
try as a case study makes the argument for PCT even more appealing to policymakers for consideration as a
globally-inclusive and feasible policy option. This research is the first to empirically show the feasibility of PCT
in a developing country context and which leverages basic mobile phones. It is hoped that this will trigger more
interest in developing country participation and also consideration of this scheme in developed countries.

Environ. Res.: Infrastruct. Sustain. 1 (2021) 015002                                                      F M O Al-Guthmy and W Yan


The author would like to thank Mohamed Khalil Timamy for his research guidance, Akiyoshi Hatayama for
sharing his wisdom whenever it was sought and Tomoyuki Furutani for his suggestions which helped improve
this work.


This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-
profit sectors.

Data availability

The author confirms that the data supporting the findings of this study are available within the article and also
from Al-Guthmy and Yan (2020) which served as the groundwork for this expansion.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


Fahd Mohamed Omar Al-Guthmy
Wanglin Yan


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