Findlay City Schools Trojan Academy

Page created by Lloyd Kennedy
Findlay City Schools Trojan Academy
Findlay City
Trojan Academy
Findlay City Schools Trojan Academy
THE 2020-2021
Findlay City Schools Trojan Academy
Online Option: Trojan Academy
        The Findlay City Schools will offer the Trojan Academy for those families who prefer an online option for their
        children. Students participating in the Trojan Academy will experience their coursework (instruction, lessons,
         assessment, etc) delivered through an online platform (Edmentum Courseware 6-12, Calvert Learning K-5).

             Each child will be                         Students/Parents                              Findlay City Schools
                assigned a                                  will receive                             (FCS) staff members
                Findlay City              SUPPORT     support/coaching via                            will supplement the
COACH                                                                                    ALIGN
           Schools teacher or                        Google Meets. Students                             Trojan Academy
            team of teachers,                          participating in the                         courses with materials
             who will facilitate                      Trojan Academy will                           and resources to align
           the coursework and                          follow a standards-                             the content with a
            support/coach the                          aligned curriculum.                          typical FCS classroom
           student in his or her                                                                           experience.
Findlay City Schools Trojan Academy
Trojan Academy: Online Platform

                                Link to
Findlay City Schools Trojan Academy
The Trojan Academy
 experience is different from
   the traditional full return,
hybrid and full remote models
 in our schools. In the Trojan
  Academy, students will be
working in a more self-paced
 online learning environment.
Findlay City Schools teachers
     will support students'
     progression through
           each course.
Findlay City Schools Trojan Academy
TROJAN                         Families who elect the Trojan
                               Academy are making a
                               commitment to this instructional
ACADEMY      First Semester
                               approach for at least the entire
                               first semester.
             Sept. 8-Jan. 21
                               Decisions can be made to return
                               to school for face-to-face
                               instruction or to stay in the Trojan
                               Academy for the second
                               semester. Second semester
                               enrollment window will be
                               communicated at a later date.

             Second Semester
             Jan. 22-May 26    Special requests to switch from
                               Option 1 (Traditional) to Option 2
                               (Trojan Academy) prior to the end
                               of the semester, or vice versa will
                               be handled on an individual basis.
Findlay City Schools Trojan Academy
For students attending the Trojan Academy

SPECIAL      with a disability, the IEP team, in collaboration
                 with the student and family, will meet to
            develop an individualized remote learning plan.

EDUCATION      The plan will outline the specially designed
               instruction, services, and support that the
               student will receive to meet his/her needs.
&             Certified intervention specialists and related
            service staff (e.g. speech/language pathologist,

             occupational therapist, physical therapist) will
             provide the specially designed instruction and
             related services as outlined on each student’s

SERVICES       remote learning plan. For students with a
              Section 504, English Learner or Gifted plan,
             accommodations will continue, but may need
             to be adjusted in collaboration with parents to
                address the virtual learning environment.
Families may enroll their
  child at any time during                      The Trojan Academy
   August 6- August 13,                        registration form is also
 2020 by completing the                                available
         linked form.          Click here to            through
 A reminder that families                        Final Forms and the
                               Enroll Your
    who elect the Trojan                            FCS website.
  Academy are making a           Student
    commitment to this                           We will assume that
instructional approach for                     your student will remain
   at least the entire first                    traditional, unless you
 semester. Please submit                        select Option 2, Trojan
     the form for EACH                                 Academy.
 student you are enrolling
  in the Trojan Academy.
Students will work in a self-paced online learning environment.
                  Students’ learning will be assessed on an ongoing basis and they
                  will be given opportunities to demonstrate mastery.
                  Students will receive grades per the district grading scale.
STUDENT           Students will continue to have access to intervention supports
                  in regard to academic, social, and emotional needs.

TROJAN            Teachers will monitor student progress to ensure students are
                  learning and progressing successfully through the standards.
                  Teachers will provide students virtual opportunities to promote a
ACADEMY           sense of belonging and positive peer relationships.
                  Teachers will share the attendance requirements for each

LEARNING          course.
                  Attendance will be monitored through evidence of participation
                  in the course, but not necessarily tracked on a daily basis since
EXPERIENCE        this is a self-paced learning environment.
                  Parents will be expected to support their children's progress in
                  the coursework.

Kindergarten-5th Grade
  Edmentum’s Calvert
  Learning Curriculum
     and Platform
       Students will be
assigned grade-level courses in:
                                                      Click here to view
           K and 1st grade: Math, Science,                  Calvert
           Reading/Language Arts, Social Studies,         curriculum
           Health and Physical Education                  courseware

           2nd-5th grade: Math, Science,
           Reading/Language Arts, Social Studies,
           Physical Education and Art/Picture Study
6th & 7th Grade
Edmentum’s Courseware
Core Classes                   Electives
   English                (one per semester)
    Math                          Art
  Science                 Fitness Education 1
Social Studies

                8th Grade
                                                                                             Click here to see more
          Edmentum’s Courseware                                                               information related
                    Core Classes                               Elective Classes                      to the
                       English                             (choose at minimum 2)                6-12 Edmentum
                        Math*                          Spanish 1 (high school/flex credit)      Courseware info
                       Science                           Art (high school half credit)
             Social Studies-(U.S History)                            Health
                 *Honors Algebra 1                           Fitness Education 2
                 for High School credit if qualified
                                                   7-12 students choosing
EDMENTUM COURSEWARE                                the Trojan Academy will
Students will be assigned courses to , first            be permitted to
     and foremost, meet graduation                    participate in extra
      requirements, but also in line                 curricular activities.
(as much as possible) to the courses they               Additionally, 6-12
        registered for last spring.                     students will be
                                                          permitted to
    Not all FHS course offerings will be            participate and attend
available on the online platform. Click the         co-curricular activities
  link below to see the available course             (i.e. band, orchestra
       offerings though Edmentum.                   and choir, etc), and will
                                                      need to attend the
                        Click here to access the   class period held in the
                         9-12 course offerings              building.
Parents choosing the Trojan Academy option will be invited to
           introductory meetings being held in a virtual setting in the coming

HELPING    The topics included in these meetings are:
              Introduction about the online platforms.

YOU MAKE      Information about courses
              Support structure for students (family, fellow students, teacher(s),

              counselor, administrator)
              Tips for student success in an online learning environment
              Details about the mandatory K-12 Trojan Academy
CHOICE        parent/student orientation meeting

           Parents who register for the Trojan Academy will receive
                an email with the details of dates and times of
                               these meetings.
If you have additional questions related
   to the K-12 Trojan Academy, please

                Stephanie Roth
      Director of Elementary Instruction
                 Rich Steiner
      Director of Secondary Instruction

Please see the FCS web site for additional
The enrollment window for the
                                                        K-12 Trojan Academy is
                                                    August 6, 2020 - August 13, 2020
                                                 Families may enroll their child at any time during
                                                 August 6- August 12, 2020 by completing the form
                                                 linked below.
                                                 A reminder that families who elect the Trojan
                                                 Academy are making a commitment to this
                                                 instructional approach for at least the entire first
                                                 Please submit the form for EACH student you
                                                 are enrolling in the Trojan Academy.

** If you do not register for Option 2- Trojan
Academy, we will assume you are choosing
                                                       Enroll your student(s) for the
             Option 1- Traditional
                                                       2020-21 Fall semester HERE
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