Prepared by Stephen Ward, with Marion Ben-Jacob, Andy Pachtman, Donald Morales, Mary Lozina, Eileen Brennan, Ruth Diones, Jeanne Murphy, Shabad ...

Page created by Andre Mccormick
Prepared by Stephen Ward, with Marion Ben-Jacob, Andy Pachtman, Donald Morales, Mary Lozina, Eileen Brennan, Ruth Diones, Jeanne Murphy, Shabad ...
Prepared by Stephen Ward, with Marion Ben-Jacob, Andy Pachtman,
 Donald Morales, Mary Lozina, Eileen Brennan, Ruth Diones, Jeanne
Murphy, Shabad Sood, Demetra Nicolau Keane, and Julie Ann Nastasi
e-Portfolio is Attractive to Me Because:

   E-portfolio includes us in the innovative
    technology arena.
   The faculty cohort has allowed
    collaboration, sharing of ideas and
    support for individual work.

Marion Ben-Jacob
e-Portfolio is Attractive to Me Because:

   It allows for:
       sharing of ideas
       reflective growth of students
       collaboration
       Encouragement of student risk taking
       flexibility to adapt from course to course, faculty to

Andy Pachtman
e-Portfolio is Attractive to Me Because:

   It allows us to have one location for a
    student to harvest text, video, and audio
    into one project.

Donald Morales
e-Portfolio is Attractive to Me Because:

   It fosters:
       Mediation: students using the Internet to deliver
        multiple-formats of media content
       Assessment: ease of formative and summative
       Reflective Thinking: re-contextualizing learning;
        showing student growth
       Portability: from institution to institution, undergrad
        to grad, and school to career.

Stephen Ward
e-Portfolio is Attractive to Me Because:

   It compliments online learning.
   It showcases the online student's work
    and rubrics.

Mary Lozina
e-Portfolio is Attractive to Me Because:

   It provides:
       models for other projects, such as NYS
        Regents' Vision and Cool Inclusion
       opportunity for assessment of learning, and
        for learning.
       a school context for using rubrics to show
        standards alignment.

Eileen Brennan
e-Portfolio is Attractive to Me Because:

   It provides:
       A tool for accreditation requirements
       Data warehouse capability
       Reporting
       Rubric building linked to standards

Ruth Diones
e-Portfolio is Attractive to Me Because:

   As part of Capstone, it helps students reflect on
    the totality of their coursework in the program
   It reinforces the connections between
    accreditation standards and student learning
   Its portability means students can create a
    professional portfolio to use for job hunting

Jeanne Murphy
e-Portfolio is Attractive to Me Because:

   Promotes a Unified Digital Campus Architecture:
       Integration with Mercy Connect via a custom channel
       Integration with Blackboard
   Single-Sign-On—seamless virtual portal for
   Interoperability between systems—moving
       Integration with Banner via data import

Shabad Sood
e-Portfolio is Attractive to Me Because:

   It   creates a documented, environmentally friendly student portfolio
   It Allows for intensified, personalized instruction
   It Requires faculty to become techno-nerds to guide students

   It Insures student 21st century technological proficiency
   It Nurtures teacher/student communication and instruction
   It Gives a forum for student multi-media content

Demetra Nicolau Keane
e-Portfolio is Attractive to Me Because:

   It allows for:
       Students to reflect on their fieldwork
        experiences and link didactic learning with
        experiential learning
       Students, the course instructor, and the
        fieldwork coordinator to exchange information
        and feedback about the fieldwork sites…

   Julie Ann Nastasi, MA, OTR/L
e-Portfolio is Attractive to Me Because:

   It allows for:
       Increased opportunity for the students to enhance
        their comfort and competence level with computer
       Formative assessment of the students’ progress
        throughout their fieldwork experiences
       Collection and analysis of outcome data which drives
        the curriculum design

   Julie Ann Nastasi, MA, OTR/L
e-Portfolio Demonstrations

   Donald Morales is using e-Portfolio in:
       ENGL 353: African American Literature [Survey]
       ENGL 281: Modern Drama [1880-present]
   Goals: Document student's progress in writing,
    critical thinking, oral presentation [video camera
    as mirror], and online research technologies

   Dr. Donald M. Morales
    Bronx Honors Coordinator, 718-678-8925
e-Portfolio Demonstrations

   Julie Ann Nastasi: OCTR 214, Adulthood and
       Standard B.10.14. Ensure that the fieldwork experience is
        designed to promote clinical reasoning appropriate to the
        occupational therapy assistant role, to transmit the values and
        beliefs that enable ethical practice, and to develop
        professionalism and competence in career responsibilities.

       Problem Statement: Ensuring the students link
        classroom and fieldwork experience to promote
        clinical reasoning.
e-Portfolio Demonstrations

   Julie Ann Nastasi: OCTR 214, Adulthood and
      Purpose Statement: Students will complete e-
       Portfolio assignments which address linking
       classroom and fieldwork experience to
       promote clinical reasoning appropriate to the
       occupational therapy assistant role to transmit
       the values and beliefs that enable ethical
       practice, and develop professionalism and
       competence in career responsibilities.
MePort Faculty Learning Community

   Highlights of the e-Portfolio Faculty
    Learning Community:
       Collaboration
       Attending a conference together
       Sharing our learning
       Interdisciplinary make up of the FLC
       Sharing of ways to assess
MePort Faculty Learning Community

   Highlights of the e-Portfolio Faculty
    Learning Community:
       Creating our identity with a logo and blog
       Transforming rubrics into instruction
       Making it easier to design a syllabus
       Facilitating achievement of student learning
MePort Faculty Learning Community

   Highlights of the e-Portfolio Faculty
    Learning Community:
       Taking risks together
       Feeling empowered to make positive changes
       Outstanding support and mentoring offered
        by our Taskstream vendor
MePort Faculty Learning Community

   This work has helped us to sort out:
       Goals (broad targets)
       Objectives (specific learning tasks to achieve
        the goals)
       Student Learning Outcomes (what the
        student knows or can do as a result of
        meeting the objectives)
MePort Faculty Learning Community

   Challenges:
       Engaging students with a new tool
       Learning how to use the tool ourselves
       Time to devote to a new idea
       Not every student has access to Computers
        and Internet
       Integration of Blackboard & Taskstream
MePort Faculty Learning Community

Thank you!

   Please join us during the poster session to
    see our work.
   Please contact Stephen Ward to join our cohort.
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